Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, March 29, 1851, Image 2

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    Of*"1. 1 1
Ctitikitthig Oblarnist.
its Both branches of the Legislature hare agreed to
adjMirn . on the 15th. We are sincerely glad alit. T•,,ey
are onl y disgracing themselves and, the State, and it is
time they came borne. .
• Er A now post office has been einet:ished in llii7boac l
creek/ sad J. Y. Jelearbnad, Esq nirekin - ted Postmaster.
Troia Ilurbbnrg:
Our last Ravines from Harrisburg the "sent of,. war"
—are that Walker's "snitke." sees' being referred to the
committee on corporations in the House, met with a de
, tided rebuke at the hands or that colninittoe—it having
been voted down. and .reported beck to the noose with
a negative recommendation. Whether it will stand the
ordeal of the House, we have no means of forming en
opinion. Before the committee Walker appeared os the
pettifogger for his own' bantling—a proceedini' unheard
or in legislation for a Senator to como clown from his
high-position and enact the part of a "borer"—but it
was useless. The bill was so „manifestly unjust. °rm
. gems , and beyond the pale of enlightened !egislittiois
that the committee. though opposed to our Incai iiiter
eats, could not ere it their sanalon. ‘l , :a are in herpes
It will meet with the same rebuke at the hands of the
.1 •
. - Our 'Borough Itiction. •
The whigs had it all their owri way at the Municipal
etection last Friday;—no Democratic ticket hatter been
nominated, and very faDemocrats taking the trouble
to go to the polls, coaseq lentil- if tlray did not elect al
their milieu, nozoinev it Ortairi'y was their own fault.—
Thom were two volunteer caudate:es in the field—hot's
Demrats--end. strange to say, bap r were elected.- ..D.
Zim 30, Esq.,,for the third time. distanced the lcau
cus ca 'd e
ate for Constable is the West Ward, while A.
C. Landon, performed the same feat against the candi
data for High Constable fur the Borough. By the by, it
is rumored--tie know not upon what anthority—that the
Whig Council 'lake this last result so much) at heart that
they threaten to ttici; the auperintendauce of the sweep
from the High Constable; a duty 'that o'fficce has par :
formed from t i ne out of mind. Politically, ws would
hire to see it done!
Lynch Law.
. .
I've are nY sd7ocate of Lynch Lsw—yet t!,ere seems
recasiona and circumstances which sometimes demand,
or at !Cast, excuse its exercise. Such, *tvis appreltena,
vi iii he the verdict of the public inirelatiun to theliorrible
ea:lir at Paulding. Miss., the det..its of which, in all their
heart-sickuing deformity, kill be found in an other part
ofour paper. Coll and au:T.:we:ea ntor...,ts :Illy say
ta-t the people should' have waited the idol , but sure
tileir.dt of the Law;.nud Perhaps thy are right; bat hu
tnanity is kurnyity .8%1'7 where, and thatia.'ter. dint
silvan:a, that itrussasci.scho could look uPou such a
tragedy nod maintain his stoic faith in the doom to come
of the monster perpetrator, would be either below hit
matiify, or so far abort it' that huManjust:ce wzuldscc..m
a triockeer.
i • "Baia Ingratitude." ' -
The Harrisburg, corrempetudent of the Warren L.-;:p.
the-senic; Editor, we presume,-=in a recent Mter, in .
speaking of the Presidential quatiou, says he has "ne
ver t'autrght it expediene to take up a man who has once
bean beaten;' but in the case of Gen. ClSd. 'the thing
has usurned a queer shape. and it appears to" him "it
would bean act of the beats! ingratitude far the Da.n.7-
"eraliF parr to throw him overboard." We have u hrilh
respect,fer the services of Gen. Cass as any, yet as one
of the,Democratic party- we cent never eabmit to such
~.a co IstructiolVas the aborts 'being phiced upon the rela
tions existingl between that party, and any of its candi
data.. If the party tiellogs 'to the candidate, and has
received mark services therefrom than the candidate
from the party;then it would be "base ingratitude" tor
the'party to throw the'candidate overboard at any time;
but if; as we apprehend the fact is, the candidate is the
creathre of the party, to bo used whca the party's in:cr
est demande. and "th t row overboard" at Oeittare, uljer
. jihe circticastanceartliten we can see no "base ingrati
tude'in the act condemned by the Leger's correspond
ent. th the peculiar case 'of Gen Cass, we Can see' o
hardship. if the party shall see lit to "throw hint a or
board;" and aominate .. #ms ono ego. All Met en.
C a.seis,-or has been, or 3. hkely io be, he awes t o the
Deno...cra''ic - party. 'TnetDemoCratic party made him
Governor of the North West Territory, a snouiii e r of
Gen. Jackson's Cabinet, a Minister, a Senator, nod that
they did not make him President, is no fault of the:rs.—
The obligatioh, then, is all on the *Jo of the Goners:,
and in turginihis nomination, his friends will do well to
keep that fact in view, and not attempt to arrogate to
themselves aid their candidate, a position so rcvoltiag to
the pablie mind as tlta of the Leger's.
aCi" The vote on the final raidlngoithe Free Bankinz
in the Sea.lia, shows four chimaera:a among tko
yeas,. to three Whigs in the negative. Mr. CrAbb.
Breake. and Mr...Ennigrnacher, were lho whigns 7t/ vu
tA ./gainat it. Mr. iloge. Mr..lres . . Mr. ciaterasey ! „itlicl
FraUey. were the 4earraniats who retail tar rt. Mr.
13'.:ae and Mr. McMurtrie—whit's, Mr. Cseklaw oral
Mr. litigns—Dernoerati—wen absent.'
BMl.k.'ll3,rreV , F 81`.1316/.
It has of'.eri been asiii tea by the enehents or I:tank
ing, that ne ;natter howynuch banking capital be created,
those who patroulte,such institutions wouid never be
satisfied. Here is • id'se in point. Dlaseaciusetts has
nearly Quips's:ft of the banking . Fapitsl in die . United
States, and yet like Oliver !Twist, they are cryinglor
"more." The whelo banking capital of the ,United
Stites amounted at the canemencemeut of the new year
to about 52 ,000,000, of which Massachusetts has some
thirty-seven 'nations, being seventy-svp per cent. of the
amenTA with a poollatiou less than a to;Iliou:
Q3' Our table has been graced this week with the first
number of the most perfect specimen of the typograph
ical an we ever saw. kWe ands to "Glarman'a Pictorial
Thwoihg Bran Campanian," a taw literary iruntal just. Boston by F. Gacasos. and 'Edited by .N , lO.
Baccdr. a gentleman 'of dec:ded Liter.ry talent; end
whose pen we kitcliiis acquainted with through the col
umns of the Branch." a tmig white ago.. If
beautiful typogrspby, fine paper, and a melange a( the•
Lest contributor, in the several departments of Litera
ture. accomplishments, arts; arrinsetneots. news. 6•c..ean
secure succeu. the • • •Drateing Roan CuespaeLtet," is
destined to succeed. A spec:Men number can be seen
ift this office. - •
A Subscriber as is a Sabscriber."
We have &subscriber upon oar becks who ham taken
the ••U'Sserter" ever eine* it sorted—a period of twe•ety
uan has always paid in in advance. Bloch pa
t!one ofa newspaper are few and far betwoan. esiechatili
when • poper has changed hands as often as this previone
to - its coming into oar possession. -f u Hauls is Ef4l
Dxscvisas. tag . Of Wattsbn rg. land We record his name'
as a shining liztit for more to folio*. -
Ilero is a fact, Which we clip front t!ifi BuTilo
CJiirier4 which those Who are throwing all the atuntlelint
6.cieka ini the way of our plank roads they eau, would do
4.7d1 to road and ponder: I .
Ptaxx R.nacn."— are in this State niaeteen plank
rands, of the uzgregate leagth 01'2.106 miles, which cost
48C10.298. or 11.:, average east per mile or $1.023. The
...44k a u w eed roads kiss ail been subscribed fur by
vldords. and all pay hatuNente dividend.. The Troy and
Ilaneingburi Road pays teu per Coal. "me- fly; the
LOca tad Barlington treaty per cent.; and it labeller-
Mat noes operstiima pay lass than tea per cent- sm
ug:an:. The valea of hatad me the itotit skie. improve.
manta ® has aka materially advanced-16: WM. ialgaines
(rust $5 to $lO per aim.
D:7 The Notimillo Boooor. whig. to °pooped to Geo
Scott. a aim ••osibtory osao." who eio so potidoiow."
or ocy. h add*. "is ought Sot to b,o. 1124
. .
kt 4ta be the wilt; catittidsto.". rind il all
• . . .
as as ormolu.. , . ~
As we ExPeoted and
When the news reaiihed here of
the Senate, by the insirumentality
of the bill compelling ‘be Franklin
the Pittsburgh Railread Compass
miles of this south enti of their
athwed to take toll on any ot •
forbidding the forme4 company f
other road East or %lost, it e. eat
astonishment and alartn. Wipe
the author was epos toe lips of es
that, no matter heir a l upencloof t •
1 how iniquitous •its ioemsption 4 or
injure those of bur citi ens engage.
the Western teltid, tsO Ga:ella woul
der' of the act, and the apologist of
knew theeasy coksdi+oe of that e i
oight-loar Bilituriallornainutnee, 1
opportunities to me4stolre accurately,
I;low the moostrositie n t cif its party ft!
tell to a hair its cap s c ty in this p
lion. strong es Holy ßrit, is now he
,seas of our predictiini This week
ifooted in defence of:l i sliter. his bat
Ws shall tact waste arils in aiftiog I
It is not necessary:l4h. article if
whola cliff:catty coriiiiitts in the fict
of the gooka hill,it,borsiate morally el
else besides Gen: Rt'esp would build
This must be 'tol led. rind as there .
i i r
this bill of Walkeeivr
It az introduced
if it puled. and stop F 1 the test of the
road could bebulk. 4n4ced. Reed hs
over again, that unt i l. it he canno
road. Actions , it isi id. steak I.
Actions then. prove lo ns that this b
E:ie, was sent to Harrisburg. was •
the Senate, for the ttroi t fold purpose •
led Carpel Company t kom tho comple
commenced work, aid'of preventing
made to the West. i The -Gre.7.3 saj
desire to. build a toed 'to tho Ohio 1
the Cleveland rend. Where is the
fact that the latter lis proeured
throngh the bogy of , which tie is 11l
farmer pub! sly declares will :parcel
tie I esfern;ro.3l. Here satin actio •
Words. An excuse was necessary fo
west—that came John 11.1 Walk
bill. But, says the Gn:ette, Walker.
n interest is to have a road to the wes
ali located here. and a western road
This would be true, but thesis men
they coo hi nor build the read the
in stork s and thus line their pock
ellinit-ra Catchy stopping the road h
, soy I.:0,4mo; connection, they w'tl
niticent city, and their real estate lie
a n Ceitfornia koll,mine. Step upon t
oftzilv. and this 'preposttous idea
cited by CVdrt' hdoger...o of theirs it
1 posterous idol thou, to talk about tAd
them from 4c,ii,: n the road to a
Reed o.vas some stockin the road
Heat iavestritent„4 as the Gazette h
r,.'...dy serum for eight per cent . whi
I are alrestly - chanered.foi.part of the
lit:l3 sum of i;G.1.090 clear. Gen.
b 3 to build a road west sometime—ts
I boats ere worn out, end no longer . it
• At any rote, this hill of Walker t s is
cuss for backing Um of the Pittsburg
for the present. or until relieved froM
t tore legislatl ' ,
":li. we UTC,I
I I words:
mail Rout
Among a'
Route IJ.II, posisel at the teat
t`io 1.3:0n iug:
From Erie, Plennsylvaitil. via
W,lla'a Correars tVenerszo. oui Sea,
vire, Penns).lva . nis.
From Colon"lnv% Warren coon'yd
Cock. Elie county, to Sparteusburtj
Penns) lv a nie.
From Fairviellfr. Erie cot:thy/via j
Fr“nkliti. to Edenboro'. in PS? .e con
From Titusville, Crawtmi county
and Sugar Late. to Meadville,
From Warroit,i iu ‘Vorr
, ca conoty.
New York.
routes gists'
Frotn Memdviltle, Crawford county'
Tanstil'a and 4,nierprfee, to Sta...,
Warren County.
From T•unistlf. Veuanga county.
MA to Tid.o e,l Warreil Cou nty.
Front- Nletrcer.l in Morcor county..
to Wt.: Greent,ni!e.
IT Wo. law ¢o: lei. It is a
at to be rrJrn b); pleschcr br politic
tne.t. Few, hoWeve, pot Ulm' with
but leave itat home with th4ir cast , o ,
boots, Sim.; f5;,. 1 , We a4ca slue
coteroporenes the - Eastorbi part o ,
deal of iadi t tneti r en - menifostbd again
system. !low th.iy dolosni and fro
with anti-bank indiglistioe! The
bank.DemocratSt But, harLt
a charti.r to a cortorate Ile
eed 1i033g111311 on 7 fromevery tat
at the gloridu3! , We !Ike cot
—4114 - ne l aati:irArt Damderat, it
beta ideal of a! true politieiun—bbt
cratic Editors ab reserve all their In
"afar off," but are never a word
whoa gusted ( t or their orn locality,
mg! •
G. %V. Cullom, who sisal
Davidson, , gsiuosborte, Tenn W
the 10th flat. unanimous!p noutina
district in COUift.33, by the ialtlr's cou
sTessoessee. Itutia. had heels alt •
wharoceans ottears our whig.cotern
over the degetiefacy of "Lloof 'ois
ar:r The toujal of Stud.vich, ;Al
"City Fathersli Dalt having. ITh
other commands le suits, they v4sd d I
one'lbarrel of hie ings, rind thathe ,
some suitable pe an to take oh
the heirings. he Sandwich °beer{
ofthia **Peeceth users," •'internee!
last year .failsdl obtain their abate
fish, much to t'i
it disAppciatinent.'
s . for l'enEcts.—.
ins into flour in
,•atopkin pivi. the" •
mtobseuj.iredat V
. The "United •
arelhe patentee .
The Fredonia C or has bean fore**
of charßing as adv • moats, al: abit•l
eafier. We long ei es eseladed theist
1 .4r - caletnnv, pay or no pay. . .
grinding, porrip •
en'eane of whit!,
of l'Crer t.iglon I
parts of the wor
at !Janet& II I
ELT' Bdasiiria
to adept the rill
nary notices hei
altogether frafn- ,
LT lion. (Teti W. Woodward hat recently publishe4l
a letteria whiudt he declines being onsidered a condi,
date for they plapremi Bench. - 1!, says: “Itly purl
one is fi xed, Wiel canhotenticipat circumstances that
would tritlicel mf to chiinge it, to as idollj ndicial edict,
and devote niyialf, for la fearyeara lout, to w profs.-
eional Hie." •
Irr - Tbe Nurii York F.' veuiug , Pr.
duet Atha Euglisb torlird -the Soo
as unnit'estiog :•ttte koldosts of
rnstrity at piratos." Tile • are sui,
should ba so srdreirr opiou'tha iioursti
Glory TboropStrou. tlto sbulitioa Is
" Aid and
As rig •-aid eassiort;; has as
dm etas who WiiitroPreitwHas this
by his constiusebti. it Will perhaps •
Is this vielaity Who Whet , * is his
that a Railroad tasstiaiLss lasi he
sod reeolulionii pa , sppreciwg •
dog thei pan.* of a! , bin erigleb.
piece. u Gat- ie **km will del*
ttie postage through
Oonlipmdcaco of *k Silt Obeerver.
BAJUOMIPIVitO, NUM 2 1.1651.
Dots Bir:—lkaow you are vary &axiom to bearfrost
his plaio. cad I only mint Ism Doable to gior youusy
• John B. Walker.
anal Compsoy and
to band forty-firs
ds before they are
r part of them, add
ns smiting with an.
d the most profoend
•*on and contempt for
so*. W. said time
- ootrege—no matter
how mush It might
in the construction of
oars of a refroohing character. IA atroai dispos4ioa
Aria here la pravent the construction of any ,Railooad
-at of Erie. Pitlabargh sad Philadelphia have the datoat
• f this ;measure at; heart. To help them In this &reign
hey hive the prejudice of all, e,onibined with the interest
f the Central Rialroad. To resist this inffnence it re
niredithe wisdom, energy and prudeoco of the liberal
in i ded every where. But to make our sacrifice Out
lets and our if °Within iniivitable Walker slid Reed have
become tho deice
perpetrators.: .. W•
• stint so well—ia as
6 have had so matey
I Ls capacity to awn!-
cods.—that we coo
:rticular. Coufirrna
! ore 06 of the correct
▪ it has coma out flat
! en, nud his hill.=
a Gizst,t's apology.
elf shows that the
itatokfter tto pass age
• gist that some body
e Weat:rn rood.—
oiled with Crabb, who hu for a series of years beaded
o ppou ots to Erie.. In Eris county it is pruteinded
at Walker and Reed desire a railroad connection west.
tis aow admitted here by sit fiat these men ure 4rue
r. er t en .) leasiaas of Qi• Philadelphia stamp. The bill
! MO hie passeed the, Seuaiso sod 1 fete will pais; the
1 .
louse. it it becomes a law. is death to the construction
tf a road ii i 'Vest of Erie. 'nose who advocate the pas
,. ge of !bit bill do not do so upon tho grund that it i tsil
estroy the Franklin Canal company and advance ithe
; ittiburgb road. but because it will kill both. If put Sop
. n any Other grotind it could not become a law. Or.
anus/LB/a bere t , and has as many warm friends as any
rf an within my iscquaistance. but the Eris county meat
/ re have got upia prejudice against him bl repress/mpg
;ins as having cOnspireld with incorporated rroad tom
k ales East and *est, .1* ofiterslares. to eonsrtacta ioad
on Po other means,
knowing well that
ruprome Court. do
da6srad over and
build the western
der than words.—
111 was concocted in
i •ported and passed
driving - the Frank
! on of their already
Wei.. if coittpleted. will 'enable. the traveling publii to
r ach New Yor k'without passing through Pittsburgh and
• hiladelphia. They forget that this travel. greed -
I i 'covet. will peas from Detroit to Bufro lo through Can
• a as soon is :that road. now under contract; shall be
c•rnpleted. Tha only thing I admire is :Ws project: of
T'alker's to defdat a western road is ita boldness. It is
b•ld to.deaperation. for it not only.defeate the constr' e
n of any road west, but it endangers our conaeet
e ,st. Satisfy easiern men—and they soon will be saris ed
that Dia wants only Ingot them to Erie.aud them coin
p 1 travel to take:the stago or Reed's boats west. and Pty
sly road from I;,:ing
Reed and Welker
a to connect with
*roof? Is it in the
is passage al a bill
1. , ember which the
_Ppm Vai/ding
6 lepeekhiudir than
,ird for it.,they pill compratniss br stopping at-,Dart
rk. 1 Erie will then "Canaanite is her grory"--denie'd
heti ends end, waned in the middle: Etrorts .that
°wise results like these. is uotyiug short of treason;
Judge Gillis. an efficient end energetic gentlemen (rem
not balltain a road
r furnishes in his
Reed, 41. Co.'s in
-their property is
ik county, is trying to resuscitate the Erie and Sunlin•+
road. A bill for that palliest, has pa d the noose.
.t has eticouuttered opposition in the elute; and that,
I learn from Judge G. himself. Mt t , hands of the Ssn
) such restrktions 'as
ad it pims. Yf this is
may hare heretofore
position to Mr. Gul
t, and be forced to
,on by more sztbstUn
red" of Mg PresUlf
But is'nt this whple
Eric., end Cr:Alb, of
IarIICSI to defeat evCry
itl banditti much
urioy toisnd, that
elves. pay for it
hays bestrode t,te
and pi:eremitic
build up a map
Dine a 7 3411.131116 63
street at any huts
will be heard wive
town. ‘Vhst a pro
interest ilres:epting
here! It ji trap,
1634—n0t lat.
,3 it—but tliat is al-
J Jim of hi'm bast.
Stalig, for the tie"
aeks interist maj
However nntit. t k i•
rd such a rescnias:
oft excci!eat
n'tl Eris chartet
itsl t artliens be
sp . k loudn t an
k;littered. ile never indulges in the lautoagn olf a
ackguard, sot et all—except when he treks ocPerin
-liabia; and it is Bite shocking*, ii double refirw:d
derves to hear 'piers! Hence, he don not like our tUk
i if Mtn, to ink last week in language, Illain 'tis trete, bbt
j tan his slander .of. oar stein end bran. Well, we
nan't hdp it—he mast dislike it! 'Tie true he culls us
"lalsckgusrd",for so doing, but is very csreful not tilt-
Eli the Cost
Of Ciugress. aro
: , Van'• Corner?.
:tiara. to Magid-
t mpt to controvert any of tho toms we coiled his mitten.-
I on to. and 'which prove incnntestibly that lie ie a+--not
tlvaetly a gentleman. or then to truth and veracity. :It
vty be true the* we are rometimee given to •'yonizh pee
Ji Ink molt I." bat then we nlwa, s elect souse meek
C;rawford county,
at has the nesSus of defeuding itself. and not like the
'di for of the Reporter, stale at • whole nemmuoity in or
er to escape pOrsoual responsibility. That is a species
fco mard:ce wie are - never guilt• of--e•e leave its
isi to such relined gentlemen of the quill as the Editor
the Conneaut Re#3rter. ,
:tarretra 5111 Ls. and
via Chnrmanvillo
to Littlo N'*l*.ey o ' in
via Chapmanville,
Mills Pat• Office,
via liawfWa Saw
ax W. iik q ~ "Len," especially if We a cool 0:13. •
4i•orretpoadeut or the Go:cuo perpetrates Due alis,lt.iit
Mai gee cell dicii!edly po..l—as perf,et sa euula be
yoduced by theireivest kind of a patlatAer. In 'speaking
I' ilia G rant r4ilroad resolutions, he, sip they purport
ib hare been slopted "unanimously." This, he-eets
inues "is a mistake," "'flute were souse pteseLttijko
gift aet"rote.• l •- - • 7
tesveu-born pearl,
an, Ed:tor or lay-,
heir honithy suits,
asaslt 7 clothes, hat,
g our I!Jmucritie
the Stater, a great
t the Fria Making
fume eitcl sputter,
era ChtSICII3
L- , gialataro grants.
k in their vicinity,
kher's-sori of them
; QT Call at fiords' "Ailiacribra;;;;dorthe'rkelstnas
1130ildiaga." if too wish for soy or the delicaciee, eata
ble or tiritikabl#, e l f the season. It is the piuk of saloons,
and tistris isdprince or IL caterer fur the appetite..
New Yor's. aaa Erie 'Railroad. -
This improrenitiorwhich extends from the.eity of New
York foam term of Dunkirk, on Like Erie, will be com
pleted and reark for the transportation of poseugcra and
freight about the lat ofJane.—Drni..fjaion..
, .
Why=could riot this Peaasyrraitiaa pifier have exten
ded its announcement above far enough 14 have inforined
its readers they this great improvement would end at
*nits town or Dunkirk, on Lake Erie," only until the;
first of August-L I that after that Erie, a growing city in
iu Own State, would be dm terminus of blot gtoet road?
We notice sack manifest alights. becaus'e there is such
lamentable igeorarie, among the people trait of the
Mountains in regard to everything appertaining to thb
improvementOr advatmeatsnt or elks end of the State.
And what hilts* stranger!' part of it, their pairs seem
to take dolightlin keeping their ignorance impeustrahle.
• istscry, we repeat
e bs siacere, i• oar
from such Dome-
. Ignation for haulm
nay against them
rind Lord deliver
kilted Thomas
[ ile at cout. was. on
i-et to represent his
401 VIVI at Cr
, crat.c transectioa.
orarias would shad
Eir The Atonlitioniata are a ph.lanthropie race, there
is no doubt el that. Net a cent will they gtie to free a
negro from slairery. bat lb not hesitate to make liberal
donations to *leis States -...1113Z11 the rout gaaerbus of
this later of donation, is that of $19.000 to the
Stets .1 Merylaud. Maryland is pretty largely in debt.
and teak a dodatlon from such a source, will withcin,
doubt be fully appreciated, especially by the Slave hold
ing poptdatiota r Lest Clef* should lap some ynisappre
beasion in regard to the oksraoter of this trineection, we
will say the &Ivey, amount was forfeited recently .in the of Cha4o. the abolitionist, indicted for an assault.
dr,c... with 6rolirms, on the parties who arrested hint la
Montgonsery.:Md.t whilosibiloctingrthe slaves of Meow..
Toombs and pitsvisne from Washington last winter.
Q 7 The Gerner has appointed 'lesitta Muss, El+.
of Girard, tijoeciate Judge of this eisimly, efts Myron
Hutchinson, Esti . What commission km expired. fie
is a whig. but opposed to Walker, Reed alt Co.
•.„ is blasted *ith
other day, among
st each family bassi
Ssleetwiso employ{
1 f th. river *ad Mi.
sr highly approves!
as 'matey - familial
of Ibis daketabli
. ,
ey have taken to
Idassachnetatts, 6,1
denliat institotion , l
lisonsons and in alb
iety" of Shitkers;
ET Georgio A. Chapman. formerly editor of thei lodi
atm Stew ilwitioel, died at Indiaoapolis dm the 101
Pear Chapman. he will "crow" no morel
Wo hi ar itivatori;d that' Jos.
Editor of thr late **Menai% Transcript." Pittaborgk,ir
about to bettor, lb. edilor sod proprietor of the "Coin
wiercial cldserdier." of this city. We hope it, is so, for
Joseph is a ?game chicken." a Scott and Johnston bird,
and will adir when he pleases, or have a fight. , I
47110.. HONAS Btattsioa. one of the Judgee•of the
Supreme Ceort of this Steta. died at Germeatows On
the eye:ol4Bf the 25th last:
apesits of the eett i .
Ainerhae &W A . ;
!bully and the lehO
;Lead that the Petit
frame et hie (sigma;
letarer. •
t t been eitte . adeii
d met la the &saw
gr•iifying is somir
stallibility. to kosir \
d in Mere•r ••satyr.'
• coon• is pr•sti..
i• •special ts•sts
t •ay winders emir
Er JOUR 41i0WAILD PAYNE, who has recently received
for the mooed time. the appointment of Conant at Ton*
it the authot of Aim weeds of that most popetat of Eng!Joh
songs. "Home, Sweet Home."
Teo oars bas passed a bill ruttier Dr. %%lb-
Orin a dive*. Who's win • Mop b. pat to this diary•
putablo buslroess?—Gduatto. •
Whoa tb, awn wlitrcePatable beldam** ofkg.ltskriag
'meatus utilvar
Er A aft is Logi e resod to buy a luOla avoid
Tom Doti* , after partial bagrais M dit ao. mod pas
se a mot
ni o Ton lisalas Wasidn't obey ialweetyam,
and was etery. The rv*on was bold WU red.'
corrarpoadenas albs grOOsseresr.
Rio G*AXD crti, Eeb. 22, 1831.1
Dogs reenk:—.llow I sari y • of the north, yosr
blustering jolly snow storros, y our merry sleigh
rides, and then to think of tith e bristmss piei, etc.
and the hotlidsy parties an 4bba s , and such ehority
hid rosy °hocked girls.
"Know ye the land of the eedfir anclue,
Where the - Sowers ever bkili, the beams ever Aloe. 1
. . •
Where *heaven and Olive are Were( of fruit. 1
And the yoke of the n Igtitengatc. nercr Is mute— . i
tit: the ti : 4s of tkk earth. Ohl th ' hues of the .ley
In toter. though varied, in betty; may vie "
Oh , yes my Lord, thst'a ,very nice in song, Lo f t i
surely a little variety would!help us out amazingly'.!
It is quite pleasant, no dttlitt, l to lind your patihl
strewn with fl owers wherieverl you go, but thein
'4 7 N loves the scathing eterrtal g are of the:sun, trit-1
ing one into mummy, %ill! it s sickening r heat; r i b l•
, i
rest, no change, but like a ent isles. tyrant, from
, n, till year out,•he ri a on down tvitla. ilia
burni .g wheels pf his cease esti an, '
Hate have st • been for, tie. la t three months el. ,
pecting'such a change of less es one in,iglit, tit
a stretch of the imagine:hi, ci it 'winter.' Toil,
oeur tepee have beets blaste d' once or twice by a r - I
i v
/rola g gust from the goodlo7d north,-.—list enough l
to tat alizo 0ne.... Tkev used ti. have a story aboiiti
a•roi season down this Way, but 1 bi'lleretheti
hembog has been 'explod 'I. ur gardens we
greener the 10th of Januar • th n in mid-summet,
from which it would apnea th the season which
produces for yuu, nothing bolt re isi noses,bri cis u
onions and other gardeti ve/geta lee. But I inter+
to write an almanac nextl yea , end ezp!ain the
whole mystery. I ah,,uld lie t astonish you alth
the history of some desperate r.; elution on the othi
er side of the 'Rio Grande,'} an , no, doubt could, if
a certain yankee army 11.:1 iitit, terse over-run th
tid convineed theni of he ridiculot.sfiditr
in the . eyes of the n 4rld, Halving the pu
nt , instead of learn ng, end practisin
one or t e lessons inipoli iced economy. 1
Arista's a mini. , tratien hie n yet developed itF
self. They'll Pnhaps El a in, then sleep oti
it, then eat, s , lenp again, an fin fly dissolve them ,
selves into a trwr.t deliglithil at to of the " Tacit
i I ,
C,mutterce .has been ratliellit . y a!olig tle b.irdet
for the last trim: , tntnt lie, are 0 , 1 adteolur .3 woull
have dune quite wail, if the lcust re' bou;a guardi
had nth greatly reduced. their pr fits, by some ver i
heavy ise;rires:
One gentleman had er,
,4,5 i • silver seized.-1..
Ile co ld have got the money twit with 'a salmi
Cabe, Jt smarting under tile rank injutaleti of tbi
hct h r:fuic',l, and will no proliahlY ever ?evnet
i cent teem the ilexiean g.) Z , .ruinent. Large Crock,
i 3 hat e gone the :a l war.
;had an arrival at thi i Foir, , a few day 4 to :11c+
aura Fe, New .11.2%1,); wo ,)dicers of 04
Army, with twentyi q•i ter masters trie4
ailmalitia, li'arrss, Saitill , Monterey, Et.e.—+
{ravelled over seventien.lurOred miles; tnil
'warty three months top 'the toad. Fast
train, yhst i .
they cut
re meeting the same
Acing township road,
t 6e oLtaincd.
of go
l'ilLE i
Chan '
IT, 13.
Riparlar ie the trittst,
bigal" ere ever eu-
The tnci
Li! C :17c1
_ ninsi
no fanner had airy nrc.,ny iahe
i paiicy, !Lao they . welt: (km o 1
1 otnduf brick.7.Scveral nor ors- i
1 tOcen 4.10 A puit - t and Larre '.
alining thvnt agaiii; aa / ma le I I
to hold thew.. ,
An office - 4 of ear.t , i., Y'e ~to.
Son . , was rut to
,Sin Ara:
t i
prisoner, in par3nin'ee of t l e at
return,:: x% it'll Ee7on to .1, : lwn
1 ntilos of I.arredo, they e.pi th 1
praitre diswour4e 1. • r.,e 1; eri
chit), end 'soon coaling up i aridt
I threw tlicmge':;tes fr.;:n thtr s
ireran on aivall t aage ; scare 4 La
ted thif, unJ 0145e.1 upon' the fa
1 otlic,rastartei p from the:r-ii.1.1;
Brm:cd Into.
And evory to
To phitiFi trek.. n.
ditrut, an co I
'Fey, nud tEyi
rows t!ew ja
scat's, but 1172-
fkrtunetely dre
Coft's pateat r
er.d the , heye .
anti in a short
;Line on the g
the lieutenant,
'as the lawyers
of January,
atoxt deadly
Camaneltee, a
ness, colra i ie
is the sort
Ei rl n - fig h
tett liimse'lla
Lieut. A.
quad,. abqut tl
dii hi
a 61.itl'e of m
nr two, where •
stumbhNl , upon
and such othe
to camp for a
he leapt watch
for three dayc,
along cams' IS,
tortes and mul l
from his retrea t
them cample:t
short time, by
drove them IA
deJ, sti:l the
"sums dirt."
stare: he a.., not bo - apOre4r ia te t i i n the senate'
Twit, or the saloons of the kite, ry or fashionable,
though a young man of geetle anly bearing—but
bee :nits most saloons
ray 4 a ttg tim b fAr-westk
ere. lie tells quite jocosel o f a three years siege
he bad in the did field schwil ho se, in the raiw-at
teinpt-toMpster the mysteries f reading ani.wri
ling. At last, when' he wis a the point of "ctti
ving," he happened to see his f avorite uncle sub
scribing to a dem,. "Bur+ " mull "Rudy" —for
it struck him that the cross vr i lli h his uncle substa- ,
toted for his signature, wasi tit handsomest thing '
1 he bad ever seen in his l ife, ;anil regreting the nee
less expenditure of time aoti I bor at schooi, in ea
much as the 'erase answered t double purpose Of
reading and writing, beset* bey g very ornamental,
ibe quit:school and took to the rabies. He 'Areal.
l 'em all" with the live-shooiler, possestes quick, pi-.
1 tare/ Intelligence, is cool 1 iti • the boor of danger , lo
1 which ty a thousand vicissit he is innoreal, is
1 recklesrly. broom - and wa bei um o the mask (6444'.
that Andy "tape." . .
Weget a millers, shoat o ee is four weeke,
' from,New OrMaiiii; it is ° mi here, that C
lfortlia has - been admitted as'i a ate iota. the ugyi .
'• „ 1 .No more from yomt, visa catmint- 1
. :
• i thasee .
• •i
e. from rarti
t once 1.!/;.. warlike hi
tpt.ti an 3 vr
ixe am] hrotA;
of 'broom' profs:Lt.
• rt iott anat.! forietrir.
w eight while
t. Tho, lat!e't fee
...l:-. if by ma;
T/lu‘i rpm;
gon 1
withitiiza•ctr ftxt
aeri e aad
n from the 4,rse
aninrme3 hi
iat turuoi th4llll
time there; sere
dux!. Onc
!rid fo,ir of hla me
say, happene4 on,
incouatir I tare
I refiscts ire fat c,
lad activity .41 - 1 - tt;
f ono of the cildebt
ors in Tex2s, l and,
cry worthy , ichipl
. Walker,' also al
saws tirnei wit
cautitry on her
•, was out i 4 Sett
44 to replenish h
- nate' horses and
Indian sigas t as
of Y."
W 1,1%, °spy
haul list at stia-te;
4.. NOW vvait it;a
, his party daihed i
.htsurprisei. It
thi rimers bpi 0
chaff fig Of the
eatellant thissks
'tlfe entire Wird
hiker it onista(
Id • Isti.
Burning of California News by the Crescent
City.-41,000,000 in Gold Dust.
The steamship Crescent City, from Cl agree,
Kingston, Jamaica, reached ,New York la - at-night.
She brings over half a million in gold duet.
Snocaitvo ,Mnanzas or rue lasstante,r-A letter
`from Chagres dated March in the Berea, gives
an lICCOU,UL of some awful murdera comenitted on
this Chatires River un the 2t2itls ult. •
Mr. Runnels of Panama found the deed body of
a man fldating in the river.. Further on, the - boclieil
of four tn en and_ woolen, and iivo new med 4
graves, fivin which, the buzzards had exhumed the
bodies.rt alsotound the graves of two wfimen whb
had b; en mordeie.l. Several trunks, a valise and a
money belt, all rittod, which peobably. bi•longed to
some of the victims, were round. Tne only names
found were that of Joseph artioks, of 14ey street,
NUsv Yoilt,.with a memorandum that he; left home
in the Erlipire City on the- 13th of Febioary,aild
that of 41. Rucluschintler. Two Carthig.,ot% ne
goies have been arrested ors suspicion of 41Jo mur
ders. ',they have been sent to Panama, for trial:—
Mr. Curtieir.e, the American* Consul at Panama, was
uaino cv d ry means t r ascertain and arrest the trite
authors cif the cringes; 63.500 bad been failed and
ai a eek%artl fur them., .
The s ine letter-mentions the murder of 1.1 - man
G. Mardien, of 11ad103,. by a getnbler named .I.l*Clure
et Paula on the,,Sit ult.,
Toe a it, from San Francisco 'by tali( trr,rat is
tU ' re6rlliry 15'.11. two weeks later than pre% ions ad
vice:B. We sulj,in such news as poskes,scs any
interest .
. 1
Tim. c or.a Iltver.—The Che.sapeake; I:stoned
'from Oolti Bluff on Sniurday, and from the number
of' paslet(ger3 nheis'returned in her. the public will
get the id.pression that the "fortune far all," which
seas sippio.ed to be iii that partic,ilari hica:ity I,Jr
the nvre p:cking tip, fe not of as gofdiaillaMaturo as
was anti ipated.
From ne of the passengers Dr the Chesapeake,
ste learn hat the bank in the vicinity of
,tlr rs.otT,
and f.,r s•s oral miles north and south of• i', c nt
tams •larje tptsotities of Mack sand, in all of e.11,...:11
indy be fdini.l.what is termed usicale gold, - ' butte
p-ortiees 'au fine as to prevent its being separated
(mm the Lan] by the 'ortlitnry'process of wai-;iing;
ai.d that mining can only be' made profitable by the
labor of ,Pelf organized companies. aided by such
raachiner4 to r apparatus as weir enable, them t4l as
say, Or r cipitate by acids.',
Our iri4hrtparit also extend-ad his exattinatioo to
the lilit i fil but his impressions were avyl.:rig 1)4
satislactoiry. He exmasses the opinion, lints ever.
that the tame oh-taco to success poesents it s elf
there. ash.) the ea.e. of the sari loon I upon th-
Iseact, ai I Olt the whole or/eriekltiir will ere
!wiz by t - a !J.:y.l, becanso of, the expea,e tiol',ia
-1 hoz'. al•endir": tlo_ separation of thee gold from the
fiction s, :' , •s• svithwt.:eli it i.: foand to be so
. th.n.....gli'v : . .i.::..7d.—llsret:iie Xerts. •
ti , J“ LV,L;I
V!ei Can pi,
I,illi VI !ail
rtra i t!c tt;ti
rivr, :ft
A (1 r
.'.;..rty 4 ,
th;"o7 wed]
Pei, hit% g;
st•id, elt it!
'hit futJii
rtit. , :..
c. 1
this l.f.Ni
itiz, 6b:1i41
to WR:i
bei :g - ma/
soti:ces i;
ill thst
,i.r; yriatiLtarrs.—We had a -converse-
Ia gem :ernan yesterday; upon "chose a% ori
e:! the utmost reliance,. wh'n Worrne4 us
inense asenvery of goi!I Lai late.iy 11 0:1
1 a hill iu. Oa r:cii,lty of the hlo's'eliiirme
ih had rterer pratMasty been wr melt.—
I Int struck up a; tie.a ery s , u.irm.i , , -iorne
It; since, mai, by digging. a! awn 11,C•re:.
11ms in!, t•:-..trae:ed o. ',:•• .: Otig. The
ii - etzh in :e l l mvar. , er.
_IT r • oar in cc:{ to
lid in tile )sictiiity ot Neati•ls. bloel: anti
'l'...a xettilemeo w l ,-, .have' boen workluz
•e* ! • .,I liViZh irti:o4.l:ty in Ling. .I).i,
lief to convey their'dirt a grant .:i,tance
'I The continued disenaeriel n Ilich 'are i . A•NOTIII3 SCIENTIFICSW:aII:it
1I upon yid hill tors lire orotiLlig t:',-.:tv: re-; PEE:-IN: nu ..i i::::.,.1 I.hro•rtive Fluid, r (3 - . •... -: . •
r, t!le mineral v. - e0:,4 of c.....f0rn.0. The • : 1 : "re: •• ••la rarer, pre, area) froa Retract. nett , ! ,•• -
'I I! zo :a o r Calic,,rifi, 11:1,9 be , ...!:, C::';3•1„k:1, : 0.4. Us, .:her derect.,44 r..i . ,).stun Lietis the r, , :. i ,
,:is la t':,zi extrea , .—.l l ,a t'.:!:1-,rniiie. • I 4.l ''''''''t l .l l - 0 - HO' , ,:ucn• .S , !, D, to 11'2, -• • , 4 .
0 ~.„..., J m ,„ a ‘l. ,
~,,L )
. 1:,.,,,,.. 8 . 1.1 ....T:, , ,
.C 4 lif orn i. "IL' :C!t , :+i•i. l'a. This , is a adyuonderni , n .., , • ; .
Q,' lclC-Plici' Milithr are :.ii I ii, li ~ vie;i:,:itzr rich pial i y,''. l ,.' ' 4 :;'," . . r j ,"" H " :ic '' ' 1 "" 114* ‘" .1! ' ''!` (' a.... ' '
er , rre',. own iiirthtvi.t ) ini -• • L -,
its Thi VI seer Time- , sa e s t hai. I;:f•rnives are now i •-,"',.."- e• .' - ','"' 7 "
, , ..e..-r.e .011,1 e. See Otlcertiretl , r l I 11.:., 117 :: 1 , ,:- 1. ,
v, kcr: t t- - ..n-itv:v. the pro•lum , cot ser-' : A r.m.%).!. C , ;!::. 4 I:;SME \ T OA „,. ‘ „,,,. 1 . x . ..
e.i-i inil., i ols of iloitars the present Pe1 , ' . 114• and i nt{ .11 . :-T xi:ci.; yin). .01i F•'• oR 4 - 11.1.: 1.1 l• 1 , 1 .
title yie:il f.uni the are is almost past belief. Eight ir, x it t . ` i e l v i lL,Ti l l u i; ', ll :Z l , l4) !-I'lusi:- - • .:-=•)• 1. :i Di • i l '- - -
1i c per crit. 61 pare mercury is not DO I.:re...ninon I .. , r
i'.4li. , . :. --,—....„..A,Eti i iir i c A N 11 11 1 :11: —keg.G. V NI - i-r • -• .
1 -- 1 - / D , -'• . ( La l • -••- •, " ""'
A 1,1.1•1!•. :re ca .a •n a: c , rtuarg- . .e-il, I ~..": r,••••':1.I7, 1- • - r 7 , , ,N7 ,l/ :1 , .' i ' r--- 11 ' 1:1;L a e ‘ .4 T L. ," 4: a t:: "Jr"'
C a N 1r . .
:‘! '' •
'is :1 - ,1 .a 1 i 11 ta 2 bPrro di-c ~.elul a•u I'll. Cron,
eh lit :la 4 ,11..-tr j -qt....ea:from Gass: 1....•,.- - -. i
futCe-,--eraLite% se •Ii• cud fin , .latear; zits i sail t o nave
beer u l . s el,a yr,- ion G , s-o (Ake. ac.:lie:l I:CS In a %al:
1 liay e.b..lit 1. s h-i.cp,id the• Sierra Nei. ada.
-I. 4 1 .tacrii . 4% 01 15. IS. e.,i; V CFO/1.—ri1....1ik! braurhes of
I ttc Lrz;i:lcurel,4l: lina:iy ngreo-1 to Meet in 'irint
' Ckit% e..ii m e.l Mo .::::: tli.: , 11.11 of rel...ruary, • for
f i ti r p,:rp... - , t , : I e:e..:.:,:g of C. S. Sena: er, in place of
J. ~ . Fr :nrint, tr!.o , ,t. c.. , rin., of I•i7,::et.,:•:::ires i•:1 the
41 of Mire'a rest. Tile cha.-ri \ s were to fi+-
asit tlo:citlel Fremont. The oth-r eat:dilates tvere'
T• 1 BO :!irt • lil .g- and Mr. 1.1c3 de.: :,::.d:.
1 .I,:sti - iii;.a ImitAs tiaTran..--..l.nother baffle has
valimn f t : :e belt av (-a the Lamas an .1 the a; hates of
Mar:pls.a. Co.l, "al (,- , ey i',e, f',.!:,ra ing• fetinr o f
Ifudge :-.T.1r% in 't Cr).: Milt: of theS'ai:d' Senaie,•
i frdnr the :an .!:••-: .1 , •;:ms: I
I ~4 •,
• There is recent Len' f ain your Di's-
tai tof adother hattfa having' been f...4.-ht, the per-
I ,
tic • :ars of a% Lich I give you below. i'i Ler the fight,. ,
wi It the .7,;.312P, 112 .1 LiCII Xl,rjr:r Currey and Sac- 1
ar k 4 werelel4.o.lsj, y avid rcc , ll . rt Coat smile of
' the party returned to Mu rapo3o L.,rprovi,inns mi.! re
infloreminatits. Sente'lbai men w= re raised, and di
vided int , te. a parties, &rage tr.kiwg, one partrand
the l'if;,jo:i the aither. Sayan neat hear the e:b'ava
or aurae df the Seti .Ltarerin, where be met the ra
dians; al with -iihom he hat a rimnieg, Oght thst
iled ne rev all day. Soule 4g indians• were killed
a u about Lb hor s e s and /*ohm captured. -.None of
tie, eilt:dlng I,arty were, koled b:at se‘eral were
Wininile.l4 TLe indiatis were completely route.] and
&lien of Maj Jr Burner's party Lot Leen heard
i l '
:::$3:,9 aon..-.1 twi
A.elyit' Toxi= t cn!
t r
1ir.13 ;•thb'v; 154 . 1
:11;',5 'great of
14, l'' , ,iitt. a Olaf
-er,e cnrunitted Ire i t ~
ok'a I:ar,;ere g 4 1 ,
c 'vary LOJ 141
ally, Lt.:it. [Tor.l,v,
with an buliarl,i
~reaai J treaty', 1111
ab mt 1.4
e: luliac~ on'tlit
,nt ininstitly maqi
them, Oa ritligor
aus w 1 en eteve;
pl. c,-4,
a to 6oloecil fai
ng eecare of their
eir•surieriority of
%een re4t. ThO
savedkhe Texan,.
1:1c ,, 3o1 hal most,
1 at :NI Anton
party •i.h them
authe Lidianse
thro sound red
r was L;l4eJ, and
wounii•A. Thia,
or ahoit, the 14th
all in it is the
Liniirtatv tx imn GOLD Dian:lbs.—A corres
pondent cif thc New York Jsurani of Commerce,
writrog from Nevada City, Coillortna, January 24,
has ihr Priming:
Sumo cif my precious letters have given you a
peep into( our election aceues, and our Ale:tide's
method u( proceeding iu civil cases. Hers arcs one
or two it/tat:ices of a very common modu_of ladmin
istering jostler to criminals in out ililLigt•
ears of with the
-.lit upon tfte cool{
rangers. r Lieu!'
ant tnost success
I think, has pro
of the old bl o ck,”
'Cap'.. F's coin
. another party of
ice.' 'Andy' with
ch of a fatted calf
is larder, when he
tiles hobbled out,
A drunken Eog!khruan, named Divine, murdered
his, wife itud,-r circusustexces of tinware cruelty.—
poring tllcir whole residence is Georgeto %lb she
had'soppdrted hint and. their children by ht. own
indu,try.( He asked her one morning for some mo
ney to gable with hot she told-him to watt - ' l he,
was sobe. lie rushed across; the room for a lista!,
but she anticipated him and threw it into buoket
of water. ' He then leaped into the street, a snatch
ed a ritlatrom the shoulder of a passer-by, returned
and shot kw. through the heart. .
It was 'Sunday, and as usual the places of resort
were filled by miners; who invariably ape d that
holiday irktown. The report or a ride in the street,
was nothhig Willow'', but the tale of horror ew as
only ranter can fly, and in flew minutes tb house
was filledi In etch a country as ours,. sai under
such circlunstances as these, men act rather than I
speak. A . neighboring "Itound' Tent," [our gain- 1
tiling houltes are' often turned into court rooms on !
aecouat of their eiz.:..) was relented es the scene of I
trial. The prieoner was led in, and then, before a 1
wute wasnpoken, another party brought in the body
ofhis wife, just as she fell, with the dark. blood
oozi):g info/ .ber breast. She.-was gently laid on a ;
large table bear her husband. The sight stung the 1
peolpeintu frenzy. Nu one thought of wasting
words in !a trial. The prisoner was seized; and
hhrried tdward a little eminence overtookitig the v if-
liege, froM where the noose ea lariat swung sig n ,-'
Imam& tin a tree.
Judi at this moment., a man of great Witte/ice
with the , people of that vicinity attempted to per- i
suede thebt to postpone their .design unnl a Coro-,
neeviniptest should ba held upon the body, and a,
siiminarvi trial, but !till a trial, tied, after their ver
dict., ‘‘lith much dit6Culty he succeeded, on con-
dition thit the and trial should both be held
I orrihat day; and, as the Coroner was. at COlums,
fear o'clesck wa• given as the last moment. An
empress was sent to Colgate, 1111114 . to save time, a
jury em Dueled, to act instantly upon his arrival.
They sat / together in the tent with the prisoner and
body. The mob waited
.outside, but were not Uu
, employed • A deep pit . was dug at the fOot of the
tree: anti all' the solemn furniture,pt the grave pre- ',
•psred. 1 •
'As font o'clock approached, the silence of the ,
mob wa s broken by deep whispers tied hoarse rear.;
mom [dart, , piatols sad bowie - knives were freely 1
display . Tois did not escape the notice of the jury,
upd Ibefibegito, cot unnaturally, to fear fur their 1
. own safq . y.. 1 - lit leafs When the sun Wallow lo thel
'nduced himto send
his reinforcement,
e hobbied snimali
or the' third day
h a fine drove of
time, and bursting
li'upon them, taking
waehut work fur e .
em on the hip, end
lingers were wouu
e did the Indianji
it ioto the halide chf
f the 'Kit Carsoti .
'ttl ; -
west, the Mob could wait no longer, but toy
aides of the tent and rushed in, just in time to
the last juryman escaping by a bick.way.,l Tr.,
went at their task without a word. At tb,.. ies.l
.4 long procession, the murderer marched to ihs
lows, and the body of his wife was borne ease!,
land him. The childre.)--thank Heave n
nut there; but even in that stern scene,
not f orgo tt en . A small box, marked .F,, r the
pliant, ...was nailed to the tree, and many ,
was poured iota it from the - purses of z :
followed the father to his deeth.,
The body of the murdered woman was
into a wide pit, and even while the wretcht.: r. 4 4.
gazed uponand upon that empty bit
cant box by his aide, the chord stidd lffly
around his neck, and he swayed in T
mob ,:at on the hillside and sternly watch:d tw r „
At the end of half an hour, be was cut down a
laid in the grave ity the side of his %tiro.-
minutes, Georgetown was as still as that las e :,
grave upon the hilt. Not a man wet f^Pn
the streets; 'nu one knew anything oft
I n the evening the Coroner arrived, sad tio, dl
bearing the story. summoned 'bid juiy fur the t.,..
!awing moratingi• They r cnet at 81ar;f2
bill. and stand araind the/ uniiiZed crave, v. itti
end of a cut c:lrd'ilangled abase their heads.
exchanged a few words, and after laying a
paper on inch one of the bmdies, ;proceeded t
Up the grave.' Upon one of these slfrps was wriutr,
'Murdered by --,-- Divine, her h aband,' and n?
the other, Died according; to th i
'the ju s t ice :men .
t It is reported Ott arrang,ellaelitl hare been made,
tween Gen. Reed and the No;w_York and Er,e
Company, by which the Sultana, Ke:,S:4:l; Sts:e, 37:1
Luisiautt ttro to ran between t ainkirk
ring the ensuing seaman, Tweeting y
Erio railroad. hid not stated Whether arrauzonn ate bate
been ralle with Dunkirk harbor to ted:n b6a:s
ot r.:l Utiles and in all treathers.—Buji:. • -
112' TbekOhio paporsAre Tow onzaged to .d
of the important question. " i la 8(.64(4 WAI'Y a WI,
Of comae he is a ••Whig,'" add, nottlinz
cad ho a •.tVh;g." icd
- pio!eas Any sort of pq,:r
no prinetp:es, al!. Pray don!t make it a; , ;,:..; t;:e: NI:
VII Ana is nay tirint but a ••Whig."
1 17 The New York Expresslearal that ;‘e
i the Selo, York and Etie railroad • betwyn r,,
about ales mkles east at Little Valley, tattlrazusrp : ,
(y, tvitl be completed l the itsth of rip . r,f
a tra'n will pass over the sec ion t
. cut Ir2t 43137..
In Wntorrorth on the 14. h by` the R • 1- - T-
I 1. ) rer. Mr. WILL.CLIS:BUTIJ aad Mrs. Nassau • •
On ths 2 ith inst., in this citt4rs Ch nut IN.. 1.-C-
of J. IL - Cu A. agc;i
At, hie re , ;denr!e in Eikcrei! - . 1 :•3w1,,11,,,, is 7'll
- iu the.G.ith year of hia age.
lyl Galune filttttoo, Pinama C
February ta,t. s
L . of clay place. aged 721 1
0!I Ltporto. county. fnd..
Mr Ass Wuß, in tho 63d,year of his a;
1 on the eve,ling or 643 s:h in.L, at h:; r •-
Mf. Oi - 15 FM :A? egnd
.. . ___.....
NE 1 . AliN E It 'l' I Si,' _ll 1: :, I"- . *
- G..1 N b il E .
A c-ni on,. A.t4ro rl:r.i. - ^c 4 ,'..- - 0... , t of F -r. : • •., ---" ;• ;.• - .
~,,,,,, m„.„.,,,,,,,k ti .... m:, , ,c,h`o nnd rel W., !. :. I'. .= . - :..
a. ( - 4,...141t ..gftel. 1'1.C.a.i14i , !.fx..
• i'i'A 1 ;7 GO 01)3 AT Cl.all:'-','. I
Jll fi 6rq e,!ltion of ray: 4 , , izt , :°.,, , r!, 131,- r,•t :, , 1
limacj ,t 1 - ( , : e:,.-i elk , ).n...., - - z:.n fcr ~ ~ ~ ,1 , , ' 1 ,n. .r,-
C ',lrne2. cf t...a•P ...m •• - le - .) 11 - 1,..s.
I.:po. .11::.,-1,...14). 1.-.1. . .. •
13.&V IsOan. .....
CI:" ti'ri - rr ,f 0.-.1 - .tl-.: , , :::". 1...v 1.. , •= 4 v. - :t' .t . 0,.,:i ''tt' , . '
-4 - 3. t...•Atriiwr It - Lii.;.J n::%. tla..s, cl. I4e c."... - I.r. ~:,..I
14 ilvntal". V.:l . di ar - g iya.: 13 . 4. jn,,, , -wq, ;1 f,i , ;!- .4 -
Erie. March e.Z. I-11. Ci 1... -, I: I.,'R
----- -
Take rirotical:
A 1. 1 .p-r. ,-, knowii:ge.eia.seltt, r hid!. Ile.: 1... Jo 11-: - ,
-it 1:c...; Sa.: .e:ll3ye.. tz /will , : In r /11 an I .' ,1, ••
on i r !crore I ~.! 15•'t of I.lra, a. nth— that liar s ?. thv C. UP, ,
it:A with em , roi•orrlicer fQr C ,4 100110111.
\F \l. A. BR( isys. ?
. .
, • iv. 11, ~ lAY ES.
.1011.1 NV. Ilitl:ES, 5 , 4'1112
:Tnrth C1.1;51
f,r 3. JO bushels Cory
T Pas' ealth
11. Erie. Matc
el L 4 .aby fur sale by
MArrli.zr. C. 3! Tlvil
To the lion- Judged of ass■ Court of liiiicretcr :Seeelost of
Erie Coutrety.
The petit Eln cf 11'S. Brawley of North Eart r:,,,,, , . ~ ~,,:
county. rest:et...troll rcp . rcsents , titzt h. Is 1*e:I p- L 1,• L i • it ~a
llou.e mom and to tencher% far the Ichtthb and ao , , ~.: •• ica
pi - :rangers mad t t elorrr at the house treuvie Ir. ?Ls.
Itraudey in said rough. Us thercfole prai, a i',e I:, , ,r 1 ,..•
Corr: to grant bull, ikOnFe rid: keeiiiiii4 a •,,u , ' t - it n , : t.,.::•,
and be as In duly 141 r nd, Will el'or pray. te.
i • - it s, nr: 1 - 11 - . - 7.
We the sUbse: ihti , citizens of North Ftea h . - • bo, ,et. t r - ..
in a Litli the ;dove metdioned ion or tavern ii 1, •i,-" . •
kept. td, ecru() tlia Ft. S. B raw Icy. tbe at o• cay;.'tott:. ' .• t t o .1
reptile for horettty' and temperance. and is ‘\ L.: 1,-, , •. ; ii :,
house room and co wet:toner% for the deco:tune i it..,, t : , ::.v.-
gar, amd trare'.ll.. tnd that such inn or tarerh tr u-.--,.:< to
their aceconteada It - rt.
Signed—S. M. Seiner. F. If. Mmes. Ales Pat t' , -.. I II
haw a% Tho. Vaa:P•otor. Ilen I. ..tinned. J. SI. .1'.1.'. , -t. 1)... t.l l: ,
coo. S. A. RO.s. %rtn. E. Ward, U. H. 11. hind.,. .Nt.: att,
limns, F. A. Good IA la. •
To the lisotorOile Court of tileartersession 1, rd.' 1;:.• Co
The pcntion of I . S.. Wright. of the ,:i I
1r • :. ..
said •et.autty. respgtetfally repreacnot. On; be s ,„-1 , 1,1
dea with house rolut nal, convettiences r..-., it., :...,....,..- .... 4at
co!:::n9Elation of
1/1 ng•cri ar.d trave'i , :., a• [Ile!, ~ ni \.v
en In 11 , 41‘.1 JO. . Ile Illetelqle 1.1.1\ if I,le II ~• I r' ' •
1:0:111 to grant b a liccripe for keeping a , tr n' ":' :.• ' 7
and be. as in duty bound, Will pray. de. L S t 1 rs'
We. the litli.PCTilikolll„,[itieClS• Ot the tko-c.,, e eer I. , •nr '. •
a Inch the abot e ina or tatern, prayed to bet ken0...4 : i, :• J. ,
to he kept, do eer'fy that t.. O. Weight, the a' c.e r ••,'
is of guod repute for honesty :lila tempera! , r..ind r x, , . ; -
with taxt..if (.oto a d Cottle' wore, for I be,ltelzfrg• a. :,,-.2a1....
dation of wringer. :la tray eter.„ awl that s t ch a n i nn . r ..- .et
if necessary to at OLIIIIKKI.I/4 OM paltf e and eutetta.k. -i- .' .:';
F Itrekruati..l4/aTi Ne^r. I .‘:
[t.Sellusitit reaoc, .1. Mania, ILra,u l•r
sVlilie, Alm Dames, nave} II I i 6. —•
Sigatei. Incr. Cle
(lure. JALues Ca: Is
1.. S. Jolt . Ja's
011 -*DIN'S BAWL
t; virtue of a n . rder of the Orphates Court of En.- ,-,:,: '• B 1.1. told at rot 3 c V.113f3w. on the premise's. on if , • .., ' • '/
3th le3l,eammene pa at it crolock. A. M_ all ille !If 33 • 3 ' • '
teirst and claim of fatitila J . cure-. - e s I: ~ Win. L. Wort"
smells r. iel Johnso . minor cliiidren and heirs of Robert 3 ',
dee'd. late of liar erre% township. in the folios Inv aeon'
ittrsruage and tree ot ?and tom': tied and described ti• follows
iteonnitili on the ft Cep road, throe/ ttlotoz the eat toad r
$1 ~, 4'n•os Eu..l fill •ii,petehes to a poet. t , 'nee Ly land of J..,
Ivy-•, thence by tint of r
t• brad 'coal 'ill perches to a
:: rhead iwut I, 33 ;degrees west to perches to a poet. thi rr.
taw ofjamea Mc% 'iatauta and the road nortbSepercbr, t, i
place of lieff inning, othalog at c acre% let* 3 , lths bf a n aro. .
l e
the railhead whit I was sold to llamuel Murray at... 1 EloUt 3. -t.
43 lis'ePh Curtis, lied tbe canoe, motet or Ica*.
Tonna =de knoku on day of pate. -
JAMCS !4.l443llltlft'AP.
4oac'.l-ra of izi nor ch./Wien of,flobt. Jo/tattoo,. - '
Match 2111„lial. t
To thAlfouorablit Court of Quarter b . anions 0T1,., ,r
Vie petition or Wareham - Taman of the torru,Np ",..f Mir.
creek. ro said eoupty„ respectfully represents, that Le , 4 '
provided with house rnout and conveniences fir the 1 , , , ',1• : /
accoalmodatroir of strangers antl oat eterr. at the h 0, , ,. ~
cupted bit %aid ,Taggart in Amid township. Ile there ‘••4•/ , ."
l a
the hoot rahlee t rf to grant - ham a Iteaotre for keeping' i :
lUD Of intitt , l. 4 ip.,, 4 , in duty banlrld IV In rVer i , r,, /1.
t IVARF.iIA.II l'A/0/: t ET
iVe, mi.' auh'rir I ~ 1.. r iti nets ::f Ilart , oteteek tun .1,..,4; . ..e... , - ,
n a hien. ILIC above laentwiti 1 inn or fates is V.:,,. .., 1 : '
....wait .1 iiii. iasern is
kepli, do certify rint Ir.irehans fargort4 the ut 0).
is rl, 1 ~ .1
of g60:1 repute t, hatiesty and temperance. rind /is
u uh , hou,c room and eonvenlepces lot the **cow:, •: '.
strangers awl lir tVeieff, and that such lua or/ta%rtu 1 , ii• , •
for clic, accommodntkm.
lilfgue4-4.?. Hull. S. 1...,. HenryCt)Zulelcl,
G 0 0 ,40,115. Tho's iliniors. D. E. Floarst, Wm. .
DJIle an, J. Win. H.
To the !lost. Court ir Quarter &swiss. ofirie
The petition of Mrs. Sall/ BartilMrt Muntity tf s
petitioner is well provided with Witte mom, and ,thrr
dation. tut entertaining and lodolnir strangers nrd tz , Y , .".
the old standfornierly kept by her deceased busbtn. Tty , Nt
hart) twq hales west of tbelkdrongli of ?irth 1:3-1 tie "
humbly pray your honors to,p,rant her a Yocum: to c,ll.
Leel , ttW sane. SA 1.1.1' - VAR Nil
ATe Ihounderstgried euit -ns of Noah East Town-`m ,
Wry that we are adjutant , ' with Sirs. Bally nal iitart. I; e • ,1 `
petitioner, that shale a' wows* of gorg) repo tai iou
temperance. that she 1* well provided with house wog mu:
secoionvedationa for entertaini of strangers lad It IA cir•r.r.r. , t
said house is necemary for the erronica.dation of t trai.;rrt
traveler+. Ike. ,
Allen. Thu. Calmat, David Etnith. T
Mena. Bomb Ciolderell. Win. P. Baird. Gtu. A. Prattle) • J .
saird. It m. tatsrd. /mom Welch. Joerpn eeourei. th i s
' :IT; u.. 4