Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, March 29, 1851, Image 1

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    r. WWIILIM& CO., Proprietors.
fritairtitll Ohstrutr.
13. I'. SLOAN, Editor.
Citti slarcribers t the carnet, it
B in, at the otter, irtaaranee. ' Lise
z_rif not p 5 id in advance, or - within three months Ham *ethos
o , ,,,,teLerannz;two dollar will tie charted.
All eomplunienticma tag he postpaid. ,
Ca , ls no; exceeding 4 liucs. one year. ; S 1, 00
one 0,141120 e ..•• Mae
do. 40. sit months, - 4,00
. do three months. 3.ttr) ,
Thalt•ictit ad% ertieetnen ts. SO cents per square. of fifteen lines or
h.t.„ i. , rt!.e first ihrertiont cents for-each subsequent insertion,
.yccrty Adverosers have the privilege of changing at pieSSIIIT.
h. 31 110 tune are snowed to occupy more (Ma two swam, sN S. itttluar lerebtort. •
tt ern ...merits not baring otter din:clines. wilt be ineerted
, land ,harzed areortliesly.
• -. t
to M . SA'NFORO & CO.. 1.
rt e ,t f rt. in Gold. Silver. Sink Note ., firafts. Certificates, er De.l
' I , •,,i.&,c shrht Erchnne on the principal elites constantle
f i ,;be ()flier in Beau,' a Block, Public Square. Lrie..
S•nr. rivrt , icie—OtTice. corner of French and Fifth
~ r • •-, ~ ver Ni.uselKorhln Aceidence on Fourth suet%
eaikt of . the old Apothecarl flail.
•. c-t.ti:itly on hand a fuh s ipple of Groceries, Litvors. Shl p
t r,co:lcryNProvisions. Produce. Arc . &o.: and nen* Wholcsale
r anchtap astbechenpest. No. IhlP.ChouP.lde Erie.
MiAprnoy and Counsellor at-Lair.
Rerryliiiicine'ti. army end Navy Penelope. Boanty lands an d
claims for Papa-pi*. and all caner busincs ant:tuned to MC 1411'11
ri•risi erti . A and faithful attention.
Office in W' bre Block on State street. over J. Ff. Fullerton's
et., re. k:rte. Oct. IP.
I,Alkll & RUST.
Rpt,ll Dealers In Dry
Indt. rent ke., corner of State street and the
. near the Court Uouee.
Liquoro, Flg
Pubhe `qua 4
wlljo , Lwittj
\ GALEN. B. KE.t.:NF:,
TrshioitaMe Tnaor. between the ReeJ flout.° and Brown's !111
1110 stairs •IcerrisG done on snort notite tni
Einuoticr. and ainnufneturer Of Blink Books
V rine.: Ink. corner of the Diamond and Sizthon•eet.
NDICOUNFTLIOIL aT Lxw— Of6ceon SUM filtrcet, th
r. norm. of Ilro. u' N.
Prr r a. in Dry Goo4s. Darr:ware. Cron:l:cry. Croce; ie.. and ror
and Doan...tie Liquors. Distill...iv. and Manufaenuers of
Cheapsldc c aud coruerol t It and neon Rm.%
Lrie. I'a,
Er,cuc and general Agency and Commission business, Frank
hu. In.
Di, Arr. w rn;;liph. German and rarrican Hnidtrare Rnd etglerY.
q:-.p, 41114 Anv,l., Vise.. Iron and Steel ND. 3 geed ifsatae;
• J..,
1. F. Llllkil,E & co.
Inge. and Wagon 6uil4era. !elate Etreet. tre-
Y.,ghth. Er.t. !
F• , :raF. fa..
• re &
L. STRONG. - M. 1).
t,r7:-r. one. Dnor %est of C. 11 Wrieat's 'tore. up ottairs
D9C,T, J. L. isTEWART.
otr,t-r n nth Poet. A. Benno. tieventn near igonnafrasnton.i. Her
on Saennfras, one door 4o th otScienth M.
.. ,
C. SIEG i„ *
, .
, l7nn• I .A, r rind ne: . all dealer in C oc'eries. Prorierns.lil.lner,
i„ ~ ~. i riot. &c., &e. • .Corner or French and Path ti!XeCtO,
^ e, j,,.51.. 11:e Factuer,.' Hotel. elle. . .
Wry, rat r and Retul Dealer in Family Groceries. Crocke4.
6:a.5% are, !toll. Nail*, &e., Na. V. Fleming Block, Erie. l'a,
f:e? The hieln,t ;like paid !or Country Produce. jr.-1„
ant: nibs% Maker.--Store.:Co.s needs Block.
thb Bennell West) State etreer. Eric.
J. %V. wE'rmottE.
ATTORNEY 41T 1.4 IT , ,
In Waiker's °Mee. on Seventh Stneet., Erie. Pa . —'
IltihftY (-DWELL.
le-er irt.. Jobber, and Retail 'kaki' in Dry Coat... Croeerica,
t 1), r'srpet tag. !tartlet are. Iron. Steer Nair,
•j • tor:. Erarare Stores State' Oat doors: tcow I. Erie: ra.
A .o—An V rem {tenon' r. Axle Arms. Pprinp. amp a general
-.. : orn ent Cf ratielle and Cartni Trimmings.
Anlocnty It I. and .111-lice
the Kr% thmte Allitunt Life Ins:*
Urq IVrigixts totore. Fine. Pa.
Arromott At 11Aw, Girard, Elie' County, l'a. Cllections and
Other bosun," nuptded to 'kith mu:pines. widoistratett.
BROW '8 H 05TE,1:.
re; arils Tar Etoi.E.eonter of State ctreet and the rubl.e .quart
Erie. Eaidern iVe ern and Soutnerksi;.o office.
T. W. 10011.1.....
rbc Lot In Gmcerlea. Providucw. Wines, Lignor*. Candies. Fruit.
&c.. N. G. Poor PooPie. Row. SuoP *ince. Eric,
Ftr want, na &Commission Mere!mat. on the Public!'
Stan. street.
Coal, r‘alt. Warier an
'bite Fish, t onstantly for sae
, • J. 11. WILLIAAISd
111:10-r and frArbaor Stoker. Dealer In Bills of Exchange.
Dr.t(.r, certificates o Gold and adver coin, ke.. &C.
odi2e.4 doors below tinrlll,ll , ll Erie; Pa.
•- _ _
Arcot srt AT Law, veland,Ohio—Otnce sio Superior streets
in .%in ater's Black. Refer to Chief Justice Parker. Cambridge
Law r•rhoolt lion. Richard Fletcher. la State st... Doman; non.
Saumrtli. Forkina.l4ll Walnut st.. Ph daderploot aichaid U.
Kaa!)!I. E5e...53 Wall luers. New York. For litatimordals, /e
-rr; lo Mir other. r
ArTon rTS r t....w—Otßee up stairs to Tammany Hall ba
north of the Prothonotary's &kr. pie.
ArrilACT *NI) CorxirLlAn AT 1...W--015ft over C. B. Wright'',
St. mt.. ,n van e c one doat.west of Stair street, on the Otatuonit.
Wr.ol FIAT C .Na &ET A.M DILALMS in Foreignand Doeneriie Dry
ready M2Cte Clothing, BONS and nnocs. No. 'Pan
-3.: }Cock. state surer. Erre. •
trAcrn In Dry Good,. Dry Gpeeries, Crockery. Hardware. Ike..
No.l l l. Cheal.tde. Erie. \
inGnweries and Previsions of all kinds, State strtet, thiee
4100 r. north Of the Diamond, Erie.
bt..l ,n Dry Deeds. reeeriee. Hardware. Queens Ware, LiUlt%; lit Cheapsitie. Erie. Pa.
C.uis.T cza Unachaw, and (,4uscrailer, earner Of Made and
Se. en ttt streets. Elle.
C KICT.I L Forwarding. Produce and eanunisou Merchants; dealers
ill coarse and tine salt. Coal, Piaster. Sbittglrr.4c. Pub Lie dOckr ,
west side et the bridge. Erie,
Etas J. Kt too,
Mures:. Forwarding. Commission and Produce Merehaiitsittee
oud Ware-haw east of the Public lindge, Erie.
Oct Leis in IVllnlieS. Jewelry, Silver, German Silver, Plated and
Britannia ware Cutlery, Military and Fancy Goal, Statestreet, opposite die Eattle 110tel.:Eltei
d. Loosing.
YH and Retail deaden in Drugs. Medicines. Paints. Oil%
Dir-i , utie, Glue. die.,N0.,11, Reed Renee. Erie. •
Diu r► in Theological, Iktiscellaneous,'Suoda7 and Clasalcal
shoo; Books, dtaliOinkry. ke. Park Bow.-Eric.
Merchant Tailor, on the pitblic square, a few door.
n,., of Starr Street. Enr. - •
1). IS. CLARK.
IVEMLE‘‘' E .ra actsit. Dealer is Groceries. Prosilico* Phip
Char , icr). titoorware. ik.t. ece.. No. 6. Bagmen. Bloc tr. Erie.
Dea:er e, Law: Medical, 8~1 Miscellaneous nooks statloorul
'ht. Ice. male st.. Pour doors below for Public square.
. . .
Resident Dentist; Othee and Ms - ellipsis the Deelseilkiek. On the
Fan side 6( the Public Square, Erie. Teeth Inserted on Gold
Prate, from one to an'entire sett. Car nos teeth Ailed with pore
(OW, and restored to 4ealth avid fulness. Teeth cleaned
wiLltinstrutnents sad Dentillee so as leave then of • peUnc id
Ordlllo4. I. All wort warranted.
Pir.f.r:lll.!rnSceapin--011Sce XI his - OR &VIM* WOK.
%I'P_•iu• the Meth& Ctirtreh. Erie.
trimu..i. awn Iltrrau. dealer ID B
Drop. Meet ]
ises. pre IMO*
f.e. No. 4. Heed House. MC.
T NC rubstriber ileum • GRIM' Lisa Are.l ma Land &Mat
for Lamle In dne manly, ra. lecerd hr % aro II
Ic 4 ", wanted, by rod ipurembers. I/oared Mow
I r.b 1r31.--12. tUtOrir ZING:
.•;.., . , - . .
. .
; .
. 1 .
. . 1
T ,ll _E -•• rE: •.. . , ,
. ~.
Elt I V, 111,
i A .
I'4ol IT
We Pener. anak A¢•iit for
are Company-orue a‘tbars
k, can of
'IN W. Limns
T. M. AvlT
. Plat portrq.
We have no mote the dangling hoof;
And the cage coach rattll4 byt
Forthe stela king totes the traritag world,
And tbsold piltes left to die.
The grass creeps o'er the Mato path.
Andrthe stealthy daisth meal.
Where once the ease horse, day by day;
Lifted Ids Iron heel.
No more the weary star dreads
The of the cOrniu worst
No more the bu.thog landlord nuts '
At the sound of the echoing horn;
Por the past stilt lies upon the iota:
And the bright eyed children tgoi
Where once the chiuttring hoof and Me&
tattled along the way.
No more we hear the eraelting / whio t j
Or the smog wheels rumbling 1 , 4438
Ab, att. the water drives us on.
An iron horse is found!
The coil! stands ragbag in the yard,
And tho horse bath sought the plow]
We have spanned the world with an iron rail,
' And the steam king rules us now! ;
- The old turnpike Ls a pike no more.
Wide open stands the gate; ) -
~ We have ma.ic us a road for our him to stride.
Which we ride at ayingvate.
' We have titled the valleys an.l levet:el the hilts
And tunneled the snountittusAide.
And round then:nigh eracs ditty re*. , •
' Fettle-sly on ne rade.
Ow-est—on—with a haughty front!
A putt a shriek. an . a bound;
While the tardy echoes wake too Laza i - '
To babble hack thtt sound; '
And the old pike road as left Wont.
And the iogern soullit the view.
We hare circle., the earth r,ltitan 'rat tail,
And the swan kin; rules us now!
LT MRS. H. 1111Aklupl STEPItIiN
From Mrs. Swissbelm's Saturay V
.her. 4
To the country—to the eonistry with in . dear made
My feeble pea would grow' powerless ami the costly•fol
piture that (mos, the- Italia f wealth and' mairtii6cenet
qo -e
utl lathes-with their cultured grime nu sophisticate
nAtnnertt. am quite lint of my line, and I tumid as sew
think of nketching at, fAuMatts 'envoi w th Rarity glut
CMS beauty, or it shuoderstorm amid theJetts of Virgiti
is, as 1,0/venture within the precincts lan aristocrats
eerier:et. Iko aess it—l'm ''n ,t nt Immeh in fashiot.j
biz soraty. Inc I wan it urn in tits country. t
tn.d the brig]
end. beautiful things of u more. sad us heart lease
simple though they are. have been.gleen4 from her ri
pages. So get your bonnets, girls; and—b. dear; I f
got the men—what will they say to taci t a lit .away
fair: Never Blind. they are almost sure t 6 follow us—
tilt the crusty °nee , and them , we do't wart; so co
along. girls, and such a time itg We wil l
have over I
hints and out under the will, reen archecl where twat
sleeps forever on beds of goldeP stiona,• and where t
nestling leaves a It.sper together low dad sweet lik
tottelave of fairy lovers hiding away from the suulig
_flora we are et bet! Away drtwu east fln the whiski
of a, pee, and I'd like to see the telegrriph make bet
time; with all its advantages of elettricittd! Here we
in Sydney—a darling , latle'val.tge on the binks of
Kenebee, that was never dreamed of in the Telagrdp
philosophy. no; in the philosophy of the stupid old no
who made the map of Maine. if It caritas to that;
hel l! , it in, notwithstanding; and a perfect Eden of i
Inge ir.,'.• ~•; •cts but,the serpent, and he known n tr I
worth tv.:l of ahciwitig his head its that vicinity! t
see that o:d red farm house upon 0.-. hull yonder!
course yea do; but that is not the vitiate. °h e dger. o!
That haudfal of booms down by the river thai look ai
they were hiding tliemselvea wader the great green lea
of the forest, that's the •illage—one of the villages
read of, but don't often see. I don't know what our
red farm house had done to is excluded from the villa
bat( do know that t'te villagers enuild'ut begin to get al
such a bed of ("were* and boast quelc.• of singing-hi s
and such Oceans of sunahinr.ns , we could boast of in in
own particular kight- You slikid only see our garde i
the 'owner time! Sach a wilderness of bright lip
treasures! , Thera were whole hods of pinks and r'
and there were balm flowers by the wholesale, lett' n
in the sunlight like great Ivrea goblets ready to t brim e
-with purple foam. Then there were lilies and tulips in
numerable, and ladies-delights. ranging next to the bit I
elor-battone, of coarse, and at pact corner 11 the
, h
were two of the most ainoitiotte hop sines you ever
The moment %beam kissed away the frost. oirthet
start like . mad. 011 uppoiit,oo tr.sine, up the win.!.
blinds and oter.the eaves of thW house, and aeineti,!‘
when Abe esntentont W3l pirtiuslarly hitt. they
dash bcreis the row lend tumbleidavra the *r ater • •
inlay recklessnessof purpose !. ' I'm no: quite sure
the &viers 10 the garden were ngt allgadatera op a t go
scale, aed that heavy bets were genitally made eiron t sir
to hop-vine—at ail' aventt, there was an evi .en
ant 'flossy:non:it theist to grow all von; 1 to Piep. ve
the onset otter the mining vin es. riot perceptible in n
other bodrell3wers! Then, ag tin, it neigh' hat, . e
toast a glimiie.of a sweet. std 1 . 1.:e that usually gig
ed from <Mt the * oho:Woor windoW which fronted the ar
den. ft Wu a auto:;
„thoughtful face. ll3i looked • OF
like % @vitae placod fur an era tm fat upon the d
sill. than a breathing. living creature: id no wi n d r
Pramual sod thanks:fal. fur it lee.tef out upon two gr vs
Kedged round by tilhite mud the only mp
this brought was 1* of loneliness and desolation.
, Bel Warren woe an orphan. and dependant niacin ti
charity of the villagers! Ugh! what a chilling sound hi
/that grind orphan! What leziorir4 of El4lkls and Sq e
/ and Oliver Twists come stealing out of iinaginitt: rs'
atere-hoose at the very name! Not ;that Bel W e
was fief,elyle of an orphan! Very tar from it: for Is& in
no one in particular tolake charge of iter. from the fiti
of her very dependence. she Weems ;he pet and_ id I
the 'Obeli neighborhood! An orphan alwasl from hi
cradle. and not understanding why she should
lov - ed. she determined to doubt herpoiissi of wipain
fectioa. her capability of ritaii t aialt it if woo: So oho
wed oo from girlhood to roorti,itolloolf* 'a dreamy.
thoughtful creature, with the 031 idee ever in her
—when her time would esinw to be buyied by the si
bar bet Parent!! She uto the shade* of ear ►t
our "excess*, glory" almost *timbered by tide oaf •
ate peculiarity of hsrosidure. Rot if Bel Warren
the sliidow.. we Wad a brilliant bit of einshine fru i • •
in die person of Rose If i,:lrre Ayer
bright., joy-born. merry piece of solos Led quiets&
earth. it wee this same darling Ranh of ours.. J•
eeakl only hive heard her wild. freeiringb riagin
epos the air. shuttering in the Artautoisi OM NI
beck pie in deteebed edema. Ton
,00ld wonder •
any ore could have letaineet that unrity with' • '
their preesoce. Bel Warm mil !Lose Ifinieril
.growtt up fruiii childhood together 4 sod wah that, ouv.-
eeintable synipathy, which oftenmes, unitos opposite
nit res. wen* inseperable compaerjons and confidants.—
Bel *sew to * shade just how many beaux Rose could
eon * epoo, and whoth Ross *thought handsets*. and
whi h Rose liked best. and whomj Rose would net mar
rp,sei. not if every hair of his held win a diamond'—aed
that was Augustus Meier. the Gulf son of a rich femur.
whose extended acres bounded chiles of Joe Hillo*rd'so—...
Use's Joe was Rose's father. of ;coarse. and if to had
lived his whole life time ou uoripd persimmon*. his could
not bees been more erase and •dabbed than he really
*an. That : Augustus vr . es ths'iman for - Uncle Joe's
money.'nobotly, ever donbted. and of course,*with each a .
snapdragon 4r a father, Rose Was never expeeted to
have any oitinion at all upon Iltio sethject: That she
should overirefuse bun was tptitt6oiit of tiort quentioullne
indsponeteat etc. his acres. ha bed just ablest the Rama
ertago-eoloreal inetuetacho that.sior human being culti- .
waged. But' i one fine miwoing ;when the neighboring
gossips had qui+ talked themselves out aims the 'abject
of cowing eienits. which they 4inagined cast shadoWs
before, the DOI'S flew around like wildfute that Rose li d
actually ref; Augustus Muter , acres, moustache a d
OH That thluldg. as I sot Ram the doorstep niaking
patchwork fkur my fall ouilting.',who should I see bUt
Boos coming e :rust the lawn wait tear , ' in her eyes, land
—her sunbonnet in her handy. ;1 knew at mice some
thing wail opt af joint at Uncle: Hilliard's. so' I threw\
down my weirk, preparatory to luting astonished.
• “He says lovie is all moonshine," said Rose. seating
lisrseir v pan: ft step, and bursting afresh into tears.
"That's ill I ks knows ahJia I it." was my reply.—
tilWelll" !. • .
*tile says I oust marry t nittstus :Vltiler: Mart but
I wont! I'll die 6rst! Now 'whit shag ldol" . .
**Do? Wity marry Qaedieti Wiloon. as you made up
your mind tr do ail months agog' You should have
seen her intl.
di K hy. wit told you? " said she in astonishment.
•'fly eyes ti enures: I'm surest was plain enough for
anybody to se !•' and so it had lien, indeed; and if her
' father had'itt en blind. and stniild into the bargain. he
never would his,* projbasad bluier forber husband! Oho
-1 dish Wilsoli (i wish for roinanco'a sake his parents had
afforded blot a better 'solute) wai! the
e greatest bore in the world fur ond to hunt up a eiouilie
4 , when I want osa—but tae neare.t. I Can come to a.iy
tinge approachingthis doscr.ptio.o i.•A„ to sac t'sat-he was
• Lite," crest Prince Bay Oyster—as herd a looking cue
tom*, outside as one would meet with in a day's walk:
but with a heat under the rough *hell full or noble ion-
pulses and generate resolves. Hs wore a monztaChe. too.
! sondisus. but it was onl• a temporary one mid quite
1 "
' . susceptible Ito the influence of stomp and s►atsi+ He eras
I . , oar village blacksmith. inn how Rose Hilliard came to
1 • love him instead of a gentleinsn born. to a question for
'a r,...1r heads than tame to noire; atthough In thi. oae io.
nuen 1 quite approved lior lied.- Delon, Roam had time
to answer my pro;toinl, 04editih had saan her at the
dour. and came lainberingaieross th, st.aet. !Joking as if
- lie intended to do anythinz in tab world-hut coins e ver to
14' as. Om he did come , and jio•d• Ciao I remain' red ti
mod pressing engszeineM which I hod newer made. so
h I started off au • umedio.i or *clergy to Untie Jon Hillier,re
fully iisteginined oat I. leave• bins until I had weaved.
' wheedled, or **toned Bios out of his t to the union
of Rose nod Oliediah. But I reckoned without my :test.
e reroute la ins life, jnot that such is an, unuvuei thins
with toe) fur after exprodiug all in. roetnric upon him.
t he told ins ut p 1 .in nords that 14:het...sera debt time nod
e New Yew. illy. is mattor of thr..o inoat!is. she did not
• marry according to hie desire. he would (hada n her for
- t ever aft . ..r! Rose saw me returnm ;. rind knew her fate
g was hopelres. so erithont a word of parting. she left
er Obadiah. and in • few moments lucre. Was entering the
re door of her owollwelling. Brloro passing from sight. 1
is I , saw her turn and rest her eyee,'"opon her lover, with en
•a express% otter =seq. saii was tho memory of that
le, pale. sweet Nee, which came ,into my mind just now
ut: when think' cz of some subject; fora sketch. which mink
me wander "away down easti„" from whence home-
words and home-thoughts sometimes come se thick and
fast that I am obliged to keep; them down by writing
if 'Ahem dawn. and do not al says 'succeed at that. And all
i! I this while. where was Bel lA'itrren? Not idle I assure
if I. you. Her 'time came at last, for love, is too good a marks
i.l man to allow any person. whatever may be their sphere,
a 1 to pais frOm the cradle - to the grave without making a
Id i trial elfin', skill! The beauty of Oil" surrounding scenery
), I had attracted to our village one
ip Of uoble plea nod tmestan-traed eye.
1 4 and from the moment of his isairoduction to Bel..beth felt
It that there was a secret sylopailly exiatieg in their na
n tures which bad linked a chain of love 'therein to fetter.
d 'heart; whose pulse 'should beet never marebut in unison.
I, The vet subdaed. manner of William Allen found
'g -warm appreciation in the poett-heart of Bel Warren.—
&t He was her standard of eye, ...'nceL—the /eau idea/ of her
I - dreams, the object upon which 11;e pent op love of bee
1 " thoughtlifol years had been lay.anrd. Titers Ness evi:
e dently is , mo secret sorrow bitsodag upou his mind, and
''• this, more than all. excited het,sisinpathy. and, woman
-4 like, made her d• sire to share 'Wilt she might not Slifltl•
IF 'ate. With saah impassionef l atorts, they were not
II `long in exchanging! yowl of ctln tancy and love: and
0 i soon became a Axed fact that village wits to be enli
it i vetted with a wedding. Wee pegged. and Allen. who
it : had been celled away 'by urger g busmen., was. anxiously
expected back by more than tier of the paity. I saw
Be) Wing altor so quietly dolt t y day.ihet 1 beget" to
t fear that +he would never live to convOnitnalielhe elision
r spout which her heart was set.; Nut even the cont. / cram-
I lion of o New York bail., who l eFriyed on a •mit to a rel-
6 stive itt the vicinity, could stlntlo her fijans-ber dreary
r Bogner which was hourly usdiiiing her senses. Oue
ovoning;—it was late in Anenst—ss we ail satin the
autnnter ! housa fronting tho street, the aid coach caina
's rattlinz 'op to the dour. and. W i litutni Aglon sprang out
it with hia•faca radiant and joyfiil. Elefcre.ii word couW
11 biispoken. the bn4liant strange. had marled up in oar
prise, and the neat moment he whin; mins were around.
William Allen's neck, while Iny at one dead among ,
6 I the vises she hat borne al urn %v her Gli! PJer Bell
as Warren? Site had loved with a teomlit's heart. end
- i met with a w satin's reward—LS-eit! long
'al witched over .4e senseless girl. and when morniag came
and the vines at her window beigon to shake off the dew
' i in the rich light. her eyes eissred with a vacasq stare
wtsieh lord too truly that the san of totaled had gloms
oc down sato a eizht of fearful
That day • letter from the . etranger ittferrned me that
Allen was her brother; wltols els had not seen l'br some
r.• years—that he :had ti3co:Ws involve.' into a msrriace
• with a reckless and noptistelled woman. bin far his
1 •'s sake hat streide.i the pustieity ofet divorce.—
d I Amd so we parted! Thoy io out isno the goy !read.
rad to fowl. Is its oteilemeni. that snob perms. as
sersolvos bed ever existed —1 sorsa ep the brskso
3 " flower GO rudely trampled upon. ;mud is 14 poor devotion
'al make sows eased, for the loss . er that love which had
first taught it to live. Wrii, thO fail had posed with its
mares drapery. sad water amid busing her jewels epos
• t ,l9 tress. cad ever lb. bills. 'rout OD SOO . OIIOOID ad,* boa
• sea. sad Unclip Joe grew. if caossible. mews craw and
i stribbo Wks sew! 'Rase had giv.a op hope. sad was
1t ealelY lisr, raw The;, New Tsar's day
rived all toe nos. and ahe daly book ray lost visit
+m _
aid Vie aud's. wool say bow mob osrieldef
• bed to do with that visit. 1151 iter &array I gloom! ep
tothe attic window. thinking possibly thers'illight‘be
body 'upended therefrtim by a sbset. or •tope. or unto
other implement of mischief , but nobody sip's/ltd. : la I
mustered 'Gimp end Trent is. •
I don't exactly renniriber what were the Uature of t o t:it
New-Year's 'wishes bestowed open Uncle Joe that M
sing, bat at this remote!-period I hate • Atha soupkie•
that they wets neither Very nattering to hies ardente% is
me, Rau tiame in gloomy enough. end dodo loa said
something about a flew' Tear's present for Rose. letiltioir
so malicious!** the while that I won't talcs my stath I
didn't wins"i her to disobedienee: I bad :rational"' mT
present in My anzietyi so I reversed for It. sad oit rnT
way back I was no little serprieed to Meet Obediah
NM. with hilfue all a-ilow and his month otreiched!frota
ear to ear—Ted it wasu't a smallnamikehhar.let is
you. einiinly theesiii his sorrow had deprived hlm
mum, and began to hook around for some open ld
whereby to Make any escape. but he **on put use \jot
salmons" 17 Informiag line that Uncle Ise hid been io
him. cod had told him that he was wily trying Roe •n
that he moot her to mirry him (that's Obedieb) tit
time. and that he had given him the deed of the hlittne
steed, and t 4 ld him to take Rose and be—eamtiliste . t t
wasn't prank, end that he was now on his way to .44 h
for the first time for thrite ni
Rose metjas at the door, all 'maw; bet yen liev.r
could imagine. unless feu had men it, the rush! wi
which I throw myself into Uncle Joe% arm.. or thei t ce , i •
pliments I bestowed dpon him, anitieg which wu i 0
very original and flattering ego , that he was-like 4eln •
ed eat, the.. nor the way in which the rockiegfeh r
first lost a kicker , end then to mike answers Worse' to •
tiled over with. us both' in it; nor hew Trip. anniiiid o
each groandl end lofty tumbling. harked as if h• v.
bigger than 6 pint of cider—which he wasn't: nor! ho
we finished hp the evening by 'is grand party, at Iwh4 h
we made thicle Joe dance; who. never danced lie ;
nor—in faet!nothin: enald have be!es more delightful
than the sodden .-,aniution from alinrnt•despair. tai gulch
intense hapPinets as we all experieSeed on Chet sterner.
able Pleir.traes day and night at Uncle lee IIIIII•rd's!
foot Bel! I was near forettinghii! Her senshe je
turned by degrees. and after a few , sl eeks ' illness,;it as
thought advisable to send her for • time , to an puole.
who resided some miles distant in Veintont riVi!th
m 'ny assurances of love and promises of Irequebtlettiin„
We saw her safely bestowed within therniige coach. Me i d
ilk all lit tl• excitemente , the gossip ,abut her ;Mims
an its causle. soon burnt itself out. and k W
w 'ake
11113T ed again it. usuel• placidity ' The tniirriage of R 0.
wheel' lieppnued some time in Jaeuary:erealetiine
little swamies*. and although a letter wa• despatt h et to
Bel solieitisit her possum. se aurivern earns. nor could
we learn what .was doges, or in feet Whether else was
alive. Twb yelaad pawed .way. .64 min iris were'
1 - uncertain whiti regard to her feta. It *Se - very re ins.
te ell the ;Met of it. on tho parka( M.l.i ;and ee l isiy I w e
thought ifshe we. very ill or dead. ter Meet" might liaee
written us. I At ioat, out of an pat once. has fine i mira
ges in August I determined to visicherrn her neat Mime.
and learn the attraction which made her so negirgesit of
i early friernht. After • weary journey aver interibiiiitile
I hdle, we antived in eight of the htwropotoOd o f B a notl w el e .
Awe lows ewe beam. my fearii bums is irnererne.
eitgaseistmL I confess, by the sight-of it new•mad• ui er.
whica pules air of leaeline.. to r ,lie farm. 1 had ''.al•
ways been a arsenous advue 4 ts • the prisciple4effrt
fem. sad ii iwy roverielihisk I was see made tierral to
have a proof of my arguments le the death of Bel! Ot
one thing I was convinced, Viet she, with her! fragile
i temprrarnent , could never survive the lose of ate* later.
lor at least could never love again. net was 4 inier•l
iitiMossibility. As I went dreaming my w.:r up Piro:nigh
the tali field to the house, I obserCed a .tent Country
, I
j loeki ig girl, who was busily employed
' berries froth a baskm. and putting one in a bowl Iby her
Iside and to two in a mouth that was pretty enbegh In
i call any reissonable thing to be eaten by it. FM' a mO.
i meet there was a stare—thei a recognition: and wiray
Iwent the blackberries head over. heels thiv... the Lill. it'd
1 the prettiest pair of arms imaginable were flung! aro•nd
my seek with a force thin very nearly caused m• to lot.
low the bowies' example. 1 '
.twhy don't you know me, *tries?" said able, when
she , could get breath to speak. -
Know kot, iniseiff . The provoking gipsywistas bdoad
as oho was l ong. I had a groat !wind not to know iher
anyhow, fon grooving so confoowdeolly wit of Nish
of roatanci, and to snake matters worse, her laigh bad
woke tho baby which had been sleeping io a siadlol by
ths doer.'and it opened * pair of post blue eyes, won.
derfolly MU &I's. I began to look frightened and wain
ble, for arm creed. and Bel begin to club and Isiok as if
she ineditti escape. . •
**Now. 01, you don't pretend to say tb kaioy's
yoursr' 'mid I its wonder.
Isom it arn't ambits' shorter." piths vide*
from the ground. which seemed to me like that iif a yery
undignified ghost. end a head popped est fron a pritato
pit. follow;ed by the longest. leanest. lankest body that
aver came within the range of my eyeti before.i
"And this is your husband?" I questioned. I
'•Wal. rapther," was tbe brief reply. '
You 'should have seen the stalking hone of my' ro
mance cut stick through 'the cornfield. and over the
hills andler sway," and from that day in this he ' l►M nev
er i eatchehle mood when the sub j ect ofjfail vs
has been the theme of my imagination. 1
Now. girls. I did mean co make somebody diet As
amusetami4-1 inch-ed. and if any" one of ! you
inirrnant as J was at the perverseness of 11.14 wh
anted upon living. when. as a reasonable wornon,
ought lobate. eoneinitted suicide. or at least pined he
to death, lust lay Abel biome all ou her
They are road onno2h to boar both 'your
sod mine.; and the next time we meet I • il oeleet 149
heroine one who hoe ■ 6 rem tense auto obligatiot
owes to this world it general sod you is panic/der.
A Hssd Shell's Hymn Bock.
A traveler called at nighthill at a farmer's hous
ovr R•T being from home, the mother sind daeghte . 1
a e. refaaeit -to lodge the traveler. flow farVD.
he. to a house where a preacher n get lodgm
it you area preacher. said the old lade. tote ea
ht e.. He deposited the saddle-bags in the hens,.
led his holm to the stable. Meanwhile the mdthe
daughter were debatinz the point as to what kind
preacher he was. NM cannot be a Presbyteiiser
the one. for 'ie.!, nu: dressed well enongh. t he In
Methodist. said the other. for his cost is not the' rig
for a Methodist. If I could find his Hyatt' sob.
the daughter. I coal?. tell what sort of a preac er
and with that thrush Ler hand into the saddle. •
polled on{ a flask of liquor. she exclaimed—" Lit!
er. be's a Hard Shelled flaritist!"
"Saltri don't! like you?" '•• 1
"1.a....1i0i. 1 reckon so." -
"Not don't yes know it. Sally? Don't yea ban
tear the *pea oat of auy tom-rat that dare to lodb •
for a second?" ."
"I s'imict you would."
"Wall. the fact of it • asilY: 1—"
""Oh. sow dos's Jim; yessrs too seddes." •
e•And. Rely. I want tn....,, 1 .
"Don't say sunshine mon sow: I will—" 1 ,
"Bet is moss ho don* isonsodissoly I waist F ed -
"Oh, hash., hsoh: floe% iloo't say any 11,0.11"
"I want nos to-night to get—"
**What: so soon? Oh. no—hapossible—
Mother would he angry at ate:"
_I i
"Wow? be mad for doing AM leech • fame. as lts
"Tee. dear me' Ob. what- a feeling' ., ) '
•ist•Osuss is soon mistake; for nll . l wont to
j'f• do Is, owed me toWisbant." ?
fisil cmp leasidbase se awe. Us threw qlior
.., iirrstialk. sod (*Mod sway so ditsfd
. ,
...' i
Patting the question.
. •
' um Mr the Ede Observer.
• , DT DT.LaiCt. ,
• I sate let Ibr thy playtal smite.
Tee eetimmeatb there *rite a wile. •
Wile b ameateth solortbleg wrens. -'
• 1 veseatif ones a esail•—hut once—
.l ! beads at ;att. I vrasiiSSupee! 1'
Anil changed. Cr o rind, my song.
t.. ~
I eare s te Ibe thy planer.. wirea. ' . .
They ad, tome, litaceklachtrds,
WOE, mishit to dee Peel '
.. I ereatial onee a Word-/tnat care- •
I Ibead et Wet. I was al-duper!
I @slaw more ••believe.. • ,
I u.s n at for thy' kin ly iocke.
Tie* .0 , 1 lite. Oka ehreo , tocaft.
Mime 'lnes will l ad oho b a l ks . .
- I trailed wee ato k•-, ut ooet , -.
I Waal, too late. I w ,} a-duesee!
. •
Aod WWI the tl..ekerard tome!
I care d# ibypollawitat kips.
It to I me, pita iludulme,
1 , 1 truatddosee akl/4 t anee- •
I toss+ too tate. A
Aa wa4a-duneet
ay, meat au, ler nay:
I ear, 6 Ihr thy elsaindas self-; •
It iret4e.ka too much elf screed pelt.
- 4 4 114 Pelneir .LoSulil mar!
• ' I oa4e Just Dacha self-titi! erre-
Ilo,dcali bother nie-lfm on a"-a:azier!
'Vila social , ' a stair!
ItOcicadale. Marla ISM. i
Al fAtlt of Cruf.j.
, 1
Who that her sat,down ih 'si r tea:tireless content. end
enjeting the pleasures whit bra!! graufieation supphed.has i
not at times fell rising in the inssnd the poinfall.inqutry.
"How long will this last? %%lhat will occur to that.trli
the happiness +hich is now souchsafed?"
,1 never And
an animal to 4.ieth .1 was paitiettlerly attarThf.v—a-t 1 1
never had one/reins a cat to 4 horse to 1 wa. Intl:
strongly attaclihd—that 1 cintil.74 occasionally psisie to
•mc au nr carets/lila:it. and sk. "Whet will occur to
deprive me of it-.atltident,cape, or death?"
In the rnidol of is,*ial enjoiment. when ,the dutji of
sustaining the pimnsemant or ith o'seon ve matien tte!detal.
Tod open soire. how o ft en will the inquiry arksw."How
long will this 1 ?" Pie girt' of rupture is presentedpresented no
token of dissolution 4 obserVable: but there must be a
rupture, therei will a cliiattilution• How' w.l a eine._
and when? ...2? . '-; ''' ' -
I confess the! such entle:p4t pns are not 'Own:ye the icy
;den*e of a wehl balanced niattl—tors often they came
trete a morlNit state of feeling that frrirtently {'reduce
Cs* eery evils they suggest. The ant Ruston of evl is
not sn moshtl4 malt of atttiatipy eiperitnCi,ks the elect
«queues of a want of sett.suisiounitig mitres
Years ago it` - was my ehanee to be near a young woman
at this moment when she wela taking leave ore Jover
She stood a moment and w4ched his departure. until by
turning • corn4rlwi.wss concealed from her sight. •
"Can it last?" said she tri herself. "And why not?—
If he levee ins (Paw. ti hen My station and consemirh:ly
my manners ails less desirsiile than his. surely he Must
fore me more +hen 1 have Iliad the sdvaatage of his mem
matiort., and have eatistabtlE‘ improved by that idter
cciume." Sheipassed onvirUdi I heard no other words,
but her steps indieated a heart at ewe. nr if disturbed, it
was the commetion.of inespiewsible please're• 4
"Con it teed and it not,, mi , :len 'will it fa.l?" ••Llow n.. 11
its diminution manifest itself?" These nr.ryi..rres wl-,ch
erns, in my mind often as t thought of tins apirorn.'ung
nuptials. Ai4assce,la few nays after the marriage. I saw
her leaning ag+insti the trunk ofa tree which was then in
fall blossom: ~ tilhe was evidently:sonnet:l ng her own
new estate with tie lovei ihopefilnets of the brr.:ichre
above her, arki , as she raised her eyes again, it was evi
dent that shelras thinking tif the future. sett eh was radi.
'eat iritlt hers! For sue momenta Cloud !teemed to peel
over her face; !It *as rathei doubt than pain, .
She looked Stale it the tree at..: its mcn.f.eenee of
bloom: the clohd I pastmed aWay from her face. sod she
cams away in Strident delight. '
That wu a Sprit* of.distippo:ntlernt s ral 1r rememlut;;
a frost destroyeit thearly vegetation, red entirely in: ut' d
the blossoms oh thet ee at Which she had been lookn
No fruit wits bkrne.:
It was, I apPrehend, my awn infirm:tylhat I - d mein
think more of btangos whilt might come across Ills path .
of the newly-ntarlie4 person, thzq any thing in her con
dition; for althpuTh I subseqiiow.., sew wit. re the dan
ger lurked, yet then it ale tvit:i ins only the foreshadow
ing Oa aoasedrhat niorir.d Sensibility, contrived to anti
cipate eioogh;to mike the 'present. gloosny with appre
hensions of the future. Se r i watched. Blessed bi, Cie
race of creek .' . whosestomachs are consuintly conjur
ing op a clou to deity n their minds, and who are too
selfish to)rt any one paws without the benefit of their over
shadowing folehorlinga. I !watched this case. for the fizet
exclamation which I have recorded of this yens,/ woma'n'
had touched a ctuird of melancholy in in) own cb,,,lontion
sad se MIMI anxious ii see "how lung it would last:" how
long the:pewee. joy and duirest•c fetio.t‘ would continue.
It dui not monk to me that the disturbance could ortginste
with her: i ! •
trj my
, .
The — hisbeiid was' fond of amusement. ant: he kept 4:4d
used s good gin, an some well. trained dcgs. But thougit
Item drew him occ s:onallY from his home. yet the fine
disposition of itis wi s found in the dumb but sagacious
companions or her husband. objects of regard. She leer -
I ned totke them, en 4 so beeame their gentle nature, they
f towed her. joked M i l her caresses, ind seeMs id to bare it
''sober resolve Ito watch Deer her safety. nid to secure 14
even at the lois diet'. lives. ' I confess I was dfsappitiuted
a; t 1 W. having antresipated that the litter of dogs wo d
havodisturboll the equanimity antis wife, and thus , ro
yoked reprisals frotn i ps huish.and. ,
It• was not Icing hrifore some event—l think ' was the
ordinary rssni,t o f "si.c a rity." the miserable p • de of try tag
make boo's self canitidsratile. in jeuita..: ' g the Reese
and comfort Of afa ily by going ••seeo. 1" for a man in
whom otherspeoaldsot bane had con .iao. or thb) we'd
tiqt have'asked 'entity—that ewe. front the husband it
considerable portiol4 of thslpre. ty which had in de li:a
eooditiou better thais the wife' before marriage. P
I-A ad hisei." said I. "it' ill cease at last." I bore
that my feelings we're of , sh , right kind; I think now tea;
they were only those !rent:mit: Sonic people seem to
desire an evil that they have foretold. I think I only de
sired to kris* how dm loss of property was to affect lite
wife. • ' l r
. 1 .
Her ho4asyd wand*, &St to tell bier 9f the misfortnnc.
••I aos sorry `say dear." said the quiet wife; "sorry in
deed. It mill esospel yo 4 tido much of dm work you
have hithstrui hired others to perform. Do not Ist the
bassof year pommy moray you, use suffer yourself to
devil on the:, orris. if i; was an error. of the act by which
the). *emitted."
*oast yes. my dear WitOt."
u rl Will allit•'• odd silo. temestlany effect Wet it Will
Sig 1144 to My Jebel, es mt sexist?. I must look sfter
i f
$1 50 A,VMAXI, ill ♦drsaa•
the household affairs whether we bare else farm or twe.”
The wife shed nu leers. Sive wise sorry' that the ham.
band should lose the social dt►tinetien eensegneut apes
some property more thai ethers poneasee: teat it was II
parduuable feeling in her. that the lose orproperty placed
her more upon his level, end removed eothethin of Mek,
appearance of dlffere Dee bete ee a them.
This. !thou was not moch of•a
••It fated ref.',',
The sodden death of - the firet-born etsild. almost/fel
boy, was the next distarbing cause. Ivrea not laths
house during the than illness of the child; bat I aUesded
the funeral, and followed the.bodv from the antique Masi
of mourning 'to the churchyard. Whoa the
.elode fell
spa' tne cotnn. I thought the heart of the mother would
have burst. She leaned over to look down into the res
ting pkee of her child. and the arm of • (fiend seemed to
prevent her from ants him."
And ll geld, e•st feel). no loacer."
The frend and \wesghbor led lier back to her hatband.
The gentle look o affecheette sympathy which he pee
her as he placed lief arm witli!s . o hig; and drew her 'tow.
' rd. him that ehte mizht leen on his manly strength;
showed me my m atele. •
The soother hae-sofF-red but the aftecticor. nay. this
I:001meg of tho wife, wag now Complete. L
Could I mother be happe'returning !rein the yet Ink
sodded grave of. her only child? .. . .
Death had softened her begirt, and fitted it for.the mit•
istrations of new RM.:to:on. Tho father had safiered ill
-the death of,the boy Is well and as Much as she, mid yet
at the moment of de,peAt unzmah he had hushed 4 h s
own grief that he migi . t sustain her inhstr sorrow. T e ,
tucther mourned bat'ihe AA ifa rejmcea." How beaeti I
.end beentsfyinz Tor -a moment had sorrow become. t
scemed_tu nit.. ma •: Ar..csits had never before pose d
m il
such therm:: it site:lCJ. slin i cticsn to make it 'pp- riot.
sqr.*•zlit ponricZ tlmougls elvecea solo a darkened els - -
Ler l..etot.tes visible only byl the Boating perticles that •
fleet the inzobli;ng re)s, . 1 ; , • , .
The l sffays of the i•otsple were tot so prosperous as is
en-nrs. t'lp inenslr ) . Cm economy. and the i womanly . .
e , !llenee of the wife s-emesi to epserre. yet she tie
re pi,d. 1 co-A lo • ins:slices of excess on tho part
the huithunt ereor iitcyl% upon the forbenroupe of
wife. hot es even !fir excess Tess accompanied with
presiti.ins of .4r,•ct......—:tu.y. though maudlin, seemed to
rotnponsate.. r•e'oa t i:, then, was rather alight—
ssrrcw and doep mo-..01.-iition might have been fel
Rut retr - i:1.18111CC!. jUlneff •Vilh 110171.1 unacconntailde
deci.y cr . :neat:a. dAI not dnitorli the happinras of the,atifts
tiap;iititsa which teemed to me as a perpelualjwy.
'Wes tie woman apatheucT no eeasitire:
net.? Wan she made to go through life with q geWthe
lamp. and drop into the crane with a eitt4el Hir en
gu.ahat the de . Nth or her son proved the. contrary.
Fite IcFs trf - rro;leils. to one oho bed been poor befbee.
see west to p , C.Celer no gref; and let the rerdor. retlerriber.
nr ahe ha. eat known the feet let Stet kern it..h . at the
lo s s of preperty is more tnticri:, felt hy those who hive
front pot tr . ::: rs,en to pos.teseions, than it iss by tips*
who from ttifett4.y to the than* tr r, had always been tie&
Tine 1434 s of property produced nu grief.
- the death of her chs'd led t 0 s. new ,affeetiou fett. and
sr: engorged joy in her hntlesud.
1-iis,upfi-ectrtitt, but Fu U otteione deriortureof, from
briety``, kng Asstiettded with rod.? nets or neglect dui eel
offend the prAto of his wife. j
•411 wilt I r 6014 I
"l t .itimit maim as a m i otrier." thought she; most
shatC l a p - atiun , o ' : ray social state. and I may once. in •
lorz Cr:ie. be in . orktiod by some lowindolgence in my
!itistand, but ixeL:,, deep. permanent grief. as a arire v i t
is rub•:..:c lam t:, be 7pared, as a comparison of my,own
CODCOLI on nith Cis: of fiiy liwarsod, shows thatlia the
c, , ors,. of Lattice , ' club be eped the misery of mourn
aricrhe sated from the solitary woes of
' Th. cr prope-ty rendered necessstr . mere !slimes
the pert 0r the husband. and that hrui;u ( kept him mote
front ius home than formerty, but the gentle welcome of
tbe'aire cheer, d i;us worn htutband. and her delicate
carrells chnnged the gloOtii settiOg ou his brow ielo l the
am.les of estisfaction. Ibere was perhaps more pleasure
it, tb,,eCi-t: which she - Was making. to produce the evi•
deuce er Erittewetion i. i her hiveliend. Limo there wan in
I:.e 4 1 FL:lange eini,es'uf we:coine end thiinks..
The ero'e grew proud Of her ..influence to bring' him
eye felt a new consequence when
abe,fouod thnt she could not calp reciprocate smite' but
thep•l frowns: not only shere in taro pfeesures of home.
bole dismiss the tiling. - .Boer heqj is the office of a good
wire..r.ud t o fi ro run'st be her Ann:in:en:a. to derive
thsl4g'icat,grahLOsuoil by proclue4ng 'the haPpistees of
It u-%= :n sar-rder anernoon, and by appointment
t cc imOandrmght to have retcrued tWo or three boon
be:-re, The noise and revelry had far a long time dia.
curbed the ooter edge of the in which the d • el.
hog ma-as aituitted—eome ruizir frolic, hitherto ke in a
pert of the ccronty. hrd !Ken adjurncd to that
teiglitiorho,‘ , : r -cut ;he: . way of tho hmdiand did of he in
that derect.on. Tlio 'wad had -gone out f coevalj to
r: etch far 11:e .;Truaet. IA to mret th it smile of
`wideorne—that smile whrch 'cokes It the delightfol,
wh•cit o: - act. nod reta:mi. Sae lor'i anzmuals to the
left. eod stletered her ilea chug t' e road to hope that
ono taken cf Ida appriach'uo cl be presented. But
-d 4
..o ke • '
.wicrucd to did , r
.ad sone out f c
,ryi to meet Itiin 1,! . wh:ch makes b. tr ,
. nod reicle. Sae hyJ't '
, stieteied her ilea ateng t' e
.io token cr his spin-Stich . % a 4 _
Were IA sit none. • . - •
Even the dogs brat had foi -wed her cot failed to e v.
notice. of his approAch. 'he leaned over the railiug
with distrustful hope—h 1 a ould cows. min and repay
her for all her anxiety •y extraurtlinJry evidences of of
feet;on. She slam • ones' up fur her consolation the
thcinsand kindness slif her husband. his constant change
i lem !eve. his re z 'stance to; those .errora that ;marred the
domestic ha pines' of so Many familtes: and like a true
wife 'l4'4 s ered the lostrd of her men riurtiY. excellence
and hffee ,on. to guild thejelvadter sad conduct of her
husbt r tpl. ..- I f
Sti was startled from her rererv i ot' delight gad char
ity by an ormual outhri•st of noiak debauchery from the
wretched 4rinki-,c.: !mese . 1 a:ow: Sce leaned' fotwatd.
and Mood fixed 112 herror,..tit the itil:tt• '
I ler r.ushetzd teas in the irlnst of Ols riotous hest* in
si . elteui.z.e..Fgea.ung farniyartty unit au abandoned one
of her own SCX. . 1
.-tie atop' lad b..46i UM./ tin Ingle of her own house Con
cealed friiin her the 1,1.140 scene. A thou..shria previ
ous pioneer that had setresity excited a thought. bream*
then;of 'Me ortnoce„ in mei explanation which was (Isis
in what si.o had seen. She steed her apron to her eyes
but there sere no trite; 4i r hand, dropped oo the fence
be n r4lie , ; a feel' .g eir.p over her •heart such as she
h„; 'ow bt.rerC exoerieneeil.
s:.- felt as /4 woman. rtgret for the lows of property—
t:.> et,zher had It . ol.llnr the death 61 her 'child—the
Kiwi t% that had been felt Fame slight errors to her
:instinct); but property vutd, be rectrned briabor. or
. . . .
rel.n;qutshed withnittefroi--overy dream of the mother
No one% to her heart tir beloved chid and refre•thed
willt;ii tpittual intereonot ; and every waking , thonirht
towardo 44 one. we instil the :Ma with the 6,11. e of his
hes sty interconnie, an town:Ater to the ' promote of a
intuit uniun-..the ertora of a hush,nd. th'it tin not imply ,
dishlmot, nor exitthit themselves as evidence* of
watilng al:Eel-hon. 'may be l'imened or eodnred: hot when
the iseart is suddenly oyerr.helined with the evident" of
shaifle, insult. dishonor: when 141 the merit) of woman's
01.'1 /tits is entrtgril tent the proofs of guilt. 'lntl all the
rata other charity and mtorine love are disbantred*
the itnerrinp. Rolfes• of i tr4tilude end intim!. and this:
confiding. cousiihngi the ruthful wife beeeerre the gra
newt of the disirneileti Of her domestic peace. drama,
sweeps ever the heart like the 'tilaiflimp sf. the silent
moan: and then all the tinmentionithle ebbs( A.
Iranian. al: the cherished sorrows of the dau
Futon' anguish of thai. withal*. aro Natio
wh sing rsrnsat or . -Ths Wires ?me Gri e r....
. .
NUMBER 46. /I.‘