Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, March 22, 1851, Image 1

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    A. I', 011111.1/1k 00.. Prepriotoroi
--- _
frittl)lttitl4 Crete.
B. 1". SLOAN, editor.
~....,,h4vll.m, by the earner. at • VA
• ' at ,
„•.•.nt4rll•m, . It t h e otlii-e, is adtranee.
t',ll! t. at ' LOM
~,_,. 1 , „a, pa d la advancer°, within threernonthe lirocei_Lhe time
, • ~T1.,r,1111.g.-m a dollars will be charged.
. • r
to c ‘ mktuunicauons Pr the post paid.
Card: , nut eACceding 11i , 08 .6 one year.
I.lqte 'equate 6. l
.6 • ~..• it.llol
do. do. all months, Lee
,v t , do. throe moths.3, o o
I ,
I, t at , efltPleelli P. 50 erne per iiii pare. or afir,t. ii i " 0 ,
~._. ~, 6, nr..i 111,4.'1.10o: TS centalor each rubsequent inaertiVn.
, :yogi,. a tit en tiers have the privitere of ehnnging at pleasure.
.1 1 ..o 11... e nre Ittlo% cd to ueeul.y wore than. two squares, emit.
t., ',,,,..1tt , the .t . istatelltalc transees. ._
A !‘ ,tt,eter t.not having other directions, will be Inserted till
:,,. ,ti 310 (+Jilted neecedintity.
GZ., Rank !foie', Drafts, Certiflealps of De-
St ght Exchange on the wine i pat Chiles tbostahtl y
I ,r arie Offie. in Reauy'k Block, Public tiouare. Erie.
, A.n Pairsuis it—Office, corner of French and Fifth
Arret.. over Moses Kocles stone. Residence on Fourth Wes%
Jr,or east of iheold Apothecary Hall..
ii.,eS , 4l:lntiV on hand a NII supply of Groceries. Liquors. Ship
(*tint, nery, Prot isions. Produce. &c.. Ike.; and sells Pit:missals
Elr ;a it as ebeau as the cheapest. No. 11S.C'beaPsulc Eric
Attorney sad Comaellea at Law.
c•, • anuy UM Navy frenstOns. Bounty Lando lied
t,•t- for d all ether btesines entrusted to meet's!!
r. , vit r prompt and faithful attention. t
to Wright's Block on State Putt". over J. U. Fullerton's
Erie: Ott. le.
,r.niata Ina Retnil Denirs in my Gool,r 4 Grocertes,llardware,
f.,quori. ?tour. Satt Jr.e, corner of State , unmet and the
YOLK- quare. new We Court &lout. i
GALLI% „ x. K :ENE;
r ..inonable Tiilor. between the aced H and arowda Ilote I
up "ta ire. CUTTING done on short n i e.•
1.,,A-cllcr and Stnticmer. and Mannfaeturer of Blink Boo' and
rt r wa Ink. corner of the lbsinond and 811.0 street.
A;, its , V A "in COr **Cu..), ATtivr—Ofrxe on Elate Street. aline
nn oorth of Brown's Hotri.trie, Pa.
rsii in Dry Goods. Hardware. Crockery, Groceries. and For
-1 acid Vouseenae Liquors, Distillers. and Manufacturers of
No. P. Reed House. and corner of French and Penn
line; Fa •
e t andgeneral Ageney and Conunindon business, F
Rt7A:7 - g - iittn.
I`,,Ett w F.netn.h,Gertnan and,keteriean Ilardw•are and Cutigai,
y moo, Lem and ewe! No. 3 Reed Roast;
W. 11 F. LIVULE & Cu.
Carrie/mist:id Wagon Builders; State street. ; two
& Eighth, Erie.
L. STRONG. M. D. • _
,true. one Door w• of C. B. Wright'. store, up Maim
---- Doc .
.3. L. BTEWART. 1
Vl(s IN ith Duet. A. east. Seventh near Savaafras street.
ou gamer v, one door north oreeventh . at.
II dealer iu Groeeries. Prorisionp, Wine%
e„ to , Corner of French raid Flih Streets,
re Hotel. Crie.
ICn”i'l 'll2 ■nd Ret
; 1 +,4, the Fa
end Retnil .Dealer in Family Croetri a, CrOekeTY.
i:!:,•rn ate. Iron. Nada, No. I, Fleming Mock, Erit.'Pn.
• Cfr 'The hid/flit prier. paid Or Country Powlitee....ri,
Mrt,ll4.T TAlumt, and Hat.% Mater.—tkorr, Sameirs Block
tc tbe Bunnell Block) Sthle tltreer. Erie.
.4 rron !yr Y 47' LIW.
In Walkees Office. on Seventh Street. Cite, Pa
RTr 1.,.10 , ,1rr, arul Betio Dealer In Dry Good& Groeerre..
.."4rr). Carpetiug. hardware, Iron. Steel,l
4.1.. : E.u.pire 141 ores We Street, Omar c100r4,1 below
try, I:'a Hotel. I:rie. Pa:
Aur 1.14,, V sees, Bellow a, Alle Arms, Springs, ands general
ap.,ruurat of Saddle and Carriage Triuwring•.
a btu RS ISM
A - I,ISTT AT LAW and Justice of the Pence. and Area for
the Key elOile Mutual ;Ate humane° Company—Office 3 doors
ae.c of Wright, stone. Eti Pa.
11...! IRA ill lames. Ttano Fortes
lAMP.• Britannia Vt'are,Jewelry. and variety ofotber Farley
%meter, ICeywroe Buildiup, four doo below Brown's Hotel,
Fate Street. Erie. Pa-- _
Artottortir •r IL.Ate, Girard. Fite County. Pa. CACllleTtiOßlA'and
_other bintsom attended to with proteptnent aid dituaten.
r. , c R cacr TEM ELME.; COMO' Or SO te EMI and the 'Public square
Lrg , , Kamm Wawa and Southern Kapok*.
T. W. MOCati.:,
I,,,Lck u n Groreries. Provisions, Wines, Liquor', Candies, Fruit,
lc% N - . 0 e. Poor People's low, !Rate street, Erie.
F.rwarding k CoeurnissfOn Merchant, on the Public Dock, castor
,tate "acc t. we;. tiaJt. Piaster snit khiti Fish. eonnantly for Site.
It, ker and Exchange Broker. Dealer m lilts or Elzhailir
Dpft,, eprt ibeates of Depobite, Gold and silver coin, itc., to
!ewe, 4 doors below Brown's /toter. Erie. ra.
B - E — N — fAillN F. DENNISON; .
ArroaseT Law, Cleveland, Ohio—Office on Superior sued
In .itcratera Block. Refer to Chief Justice Parker. Carnbridge
Las* . tic Awl ;. Hon. Richard Fletcher. IQ Slate et., Huston; Hon.
rAillimel H. Porkino, 141 f Walnut at.. Philadelphia; Riehard.n.
K;luiall,raq.,s3 Wail suet. New York. For Unalsnonials, re
' hi lu *See.
At,rovegt rya IT Lawr-QtYlee up stains in ,TaLnim . any Hall
roan of one PrOthonotary's Garr. ErieL
... * ic .ON.
h rtrrots .up COOSIIIILLOR AT LAW e over C. D. Weiehe•
entrance one doorwest of Scarf street, oft the Diamond,
SALZ •wDSLTaIL Deatsa• ia Foreign sod Elookeatie Dry
rea4y moo Clothimloola sod Shoes, Ice., NO. I,lleen.
as Moet,Saw stone, Erie.
,C. bl. In ALS. .
Or . LER In Dry g oo d s, Dry Gtoeetlei..Crockerj. lEftrdwair. &C..
Nu, 111. Cheapinde, Erie. •
_ _
.101114 M • ERLY. inGroemies aa4 Proviiikam of all kinds. Sallaelaaamibree
dour. uorth of the Diamond, Ezie.
Dr. .T.Elt In Dry Gcods, Groanles. Hardware. Queer Wan. Woe,
Iron, Liseapside. Erie. Pa.
I:+tlrrr XAscii Upbotster, and Vail!mtakes' , cornet of Suite and
eeventh wens, Enc.
KELSO -- & L ---- 00 - MIS.
LilblilltAt. Forwarding. Produce sod Como:use* Nlerebitutaldealets
, u coat and due salt s Goal. Pluses. dblegies. Ice. Public dock.
west *I of tbe bridge, &ie. , _ 9_,
Fantle J. iLso, , W W. Lumen
cc~iSAL. Forwarding. Commission and Produce MerehantsiSee
eu4 Ware-boor ema of Übe Public Bridle, Erie.
G. 4001141$ & Co.
Bet Less In Wateres, Jeiretfy. German Silver. Plated tad
Britannia Ware cutlery; Military and 11 0 10tery Goods, rittte street.
nr•arly opposite the Eagle Hotel, Erie.
M. Annette
Pin , itea.tta and Retail dealers in Drapjledielnes, Paints, Oils,
I , )e-idnelp, Oast, 41se, NO. Reed moo.„ Brie.
in Theological, Mareltn,
`chest Hooka, ellakkawYtike- Park
F iiniovaits Merebant Tailor. on Inc public square, a few ;loon
of Susie stmt.-Erie.
rrem.r.Ar.a a4D ILICTS IL Denkt in Grocerleb. Progiptoes, ehip,Eery • Btone-ware, No. Donnell Block. Erie*
-.1 , 1' In Law, 'Medical. senuol Miscellaneous Books satioalay
1,,k. &LC. emit tour doors bekrar Ws Public square.
Dk7. 0.. L. ELLIOTT,
Dentist; other and dwelling to the Beebe Block. on -tbe
• Lirt , n•te of the Nagle Square, )Rate. Teeth Inserted on Gold
P.ltr from one to an entire sett. Carious teeth filled with Pete
4 .;QA end roomed W health end woefulness. Teeth domed
wlth Instruments and Ilentglee so as to leave thew of& pellucid
wbrwr. All work stemmed.
- at M. reelreoecr. Illrrattb stmt.
%rung...m..l n) 111414 n dealer to Ontes, Pedleiner; Dye Pita.
Akt. Po. Ili Itird Haw. Enr.
. . •
- •
2,, •
ort ; rr ,
- wr tri f — ,,.t... LTolot. 1.4.4 , b.
narsb it the voice, and lOted the wlir,
dr stoma la that tiorei4
.When leaving Southern *ads afar.
The sun wakes up our:Northern rime. ;
The long wbffe surges of the deep
• Then break on erCry w ailingmink
'And, foamier: down eseli rocky ruler.
!rile mountain torienti rug* and Ter.
Like rapierfdriren with vengeful ittruals
breast and brow the add Wiiids beak
rusbiag ball, or trolibled dusts
Sweeps the rough road and eebothg
The groaning woods are bleak andzbare,
The violet slumbers )et
And wild fields and pastures *ear
NO welcome tint of early greern.4!,
But God, with 'll4 Father's Wrest
When Ely* thus reit of beautOlies,
Roonais, in blazing pomp abotre4
The wonders of tits radian skint.
Look thou on Nigbrs refulgent arelk,
When that rude hour tby gladuetia roan,
And thou shalt dud, in raging Mittel.,
'Fite 'month at once of stain* anl stars.
Foe log the great Orion hunts. ;;
Decimating In *le ekmdbeee Wee
AnJ reJ Jacinto* now murals ,s
Sea/alai at eve, a sacred
Fat up, in circles broad and be
The Rain and Linn more and ioe.
While Sirius lifts his orb a f light, E
And Me our hearts with though* divtoe.
Thu, even thus, when worms artioe. •
And all Is dark and Joyless here,! •
He aria befire our longing eyes
Tbeglofies of that lolly epkere; • •
When sorely tried we grieve alo
rir i ntNineath Oppression's rot,
He wkispe& from His starry throat.
`•Loot up, llama; and treat in Cod." •
Author of "rho Madman's Story,' I
Amcor the year 1800, them lived is a little villa'
.usted-somewhere in the western part -of the ee l
known by the title ofldonville. an old man
young woman. The old man was weak, decrepit.
peevish. childish. garrulowi, miserly, rich end /el
yeurig aionaau wee beautifal.. supple,- blue j i
sylph-like. gristle. amiable, and seventeen. He
devil incarnate; she wee an earl immaculate.
grandfather; • she ram his orphan grand-idai
Ho was knaria by du name of. William Be .
heroine was always milled Kate. Seer. thop
name—as her mother was the old man's dui
Kate Sumpten,
The old man and his grand-daughter lived is 4
situated ire a place somewhat retired from ate irate
vicinity of the village. and were only e s ccesienally
rupted in their avocations by thud intrusion of,theit r
bon. They lived pobrly en / d meanly, although
mytderionaly intimated that Ate was by no menus de
in filthy lucre; that in oni of the walls of their b
cottage were stored aw‘y large sum. of geld; _en
many were the profodnd head-shakings and ;elm
itmendeas indulged/in by the goodly villagers.
wiadowuright asserted by some of the spruce bit
the villain), tha it. was a shame—so it was—that J
pretty lase sh old haVe to perform all the drudger]
of the he to
old, whey there *as money enough
purse to keep a reties of 'errant'.
Now gate bad many admirers among the sus
tillage: There was Dr. Beratiliton. who was "fa
scant o breath," and who lived over the hill, an
Poplar Who did'nt, and there was the rich Squire
I Charles Addlegatie, and last. tillrugh Kate , weal
decidedly said not least. Will Warty. Now, listl
i the immediate things said of Will. iy the (avid
'bless you! he was as indifferent as you may
about theta. There was one thing which be
t cased of. however, which he s never took the
aentradie.t..and always laughed outright when
it to his face. .1 .
It ;Wanted one dar that as Kate was hippies • g to
the spring ter a pitcher of water. Will—the Venn rued
—sprang from Wiled a holly bush, and before • coold
scream more than once or twice, kissed her • t post.
ing lips most wartuli. Many ware the enlace "ego et
hewer bestowed epee Will for that deriag set. high all
said was committed without provocation. tad ..y. pit
ied the poor thing—e• they did—but bless yens • !meet
seemed to be wanting pity. not at all; while Wll most
vehemently deslared . that there was prroceti . meet
irresietable provocation in her dewy lips for a his.
see; and to tell the truth. we believe bum. and
onion, strange to ay. kale was sever knows
But notwithetaiding the decided profilist"
ter Will Warry. her devoted admirer Dr..,
Was most painfully persevering In his add
was one of those great men, who leave, their 1
the age in which they live. with this addition.
hid also left its impress spoil him. a truth
Worthy Doctoieetusted wonderfully oblivious
Kate's youth bad no &dishy with his age of fa
site laughed sad towed bar pretty
scornfully whenever he presnanad t addrsaa
witicb be always d( of a Tom* nioraing. d
violet-colored suit. 'a rickety bob-wig that alwa
in:batter of toppling topes bis kaolibed nose,
°Mend ribhpo Oat flattered free the Wad • '
the left side of his eoat. sad corryiag la one h
pendans daus.,and is the other a gerpoas
dowers. .1
Thu time passed ea. Kate wu most kap
society of her dear Will, most merry *boa
spoke of levy, sad sae miurable beneath
wont. aid harsh treatment. of her MN se
One day whet' Kate's elreu ummeizally; sev..
den bad pesetrated through the shield of Bub
cased the heart of the Dieter. be left her with
angry frown. and proceeded dirers to. the old
a long conference eseued. What the sebje
actly. Werean't pretend to say. bit wheat th e
hie face was a peiffect constellation of amil
thumped hie big us* apes the resod. sad'
knuckles. sod twirled his fklwess. in a mans I
dedly evilerring with geed bunter that K
help mondiring as to the cartes. But sleet
know but teeseett:
. That buy afternooe bet grandfather calla.
and abruptly eammaaded her to marry the
Bombletia.• Now Kate was a /awry-begirt
eyed daughter of Eye, and eltheagh his
would often make her sweet, blue eYea drop
yet sbe always obeyed him with reverence.
him with respect; bat whoa smith as abrn
was given to her ea a coarse which she sis
golf to be the sole misuser, her bosom heave
ed with iddignsti?a. and her blue eye a •
lame asitteito. Most resolutely and final
fess to eater tato any engagement et the ki
fuel dress the obstinate lad self-willed old
potful hussy of possioa. fie rued sad
stub. madd feverish impotence eel
ing ebaledietiotas 'sport her head, and swearing with W
hit imprecation, that she should marry the Doetor de•
spite in the objections that alight be raised. But Kato
remained firm, and to the last resolutely defieS, his Cow
Thai evening just as darknesi bbd fairly settled o'er
globe. the Ihreter returned. and was aaheired by the
old man into - the building. and eatei:ing one of tho rooms,
liable& bad always been held as mitered to his privacy.
Beer bade the Doctor assist himself to a seat, The roam
es the flickeriaiglareota sickly tallow can
dle. was en ued'iiisheiLdreary. cobwebbed plata. The
walls were co:d and bare, the lloorirreguliw and rough,
while long pendant cobwebs drooped from the ceiling.—
There were a few chastia brokenklair. video antique,
spasmodic table in the room. diSatiag•titswiselves on
one of the chaste. they prepairsd to: errant the details of
their 'asterisms bargain. 'The wind eveript threw the
*revives of the walls, and flared; the candle's flame to
and fin, and is this light east toe ■ndaturtil and hideous
shadows of the two forma on the barren the, ?e
-lven:Med fistula rather thee men.—the meanly clothe'''.
sad thia..!beut form of the old ma b. in contrast with.fhe
ewelltjj pordinessof the half•trembling Doctor. The
aged'man was eager nod impatient, and bidband opened
and sbutwith a convulsive, grasping actiari.
"Two thousand dollars." muttered the Sid man,. ha •
low sinking tone. • 4 4 4 "-!"
••Te. two thousand della*, aad• she iarniinej" . replied ,
the - .tier. the worda escafing between„hie_olsatterFag
"Twit% yoirel ha! ka! Why,thet snag were *WWI_
a acoreof love-sick girls! 'Two thousand dollars! Ay.
though all earth should seek to thwart me, you should
have her. Two thousand dollars!'"Ti. a goodly Burn
--a round ium r -and all for a silly girt!"
As the old slut spoke his eye ht up with a fiendish
glare. !yid sins thin. pinched firekktes face grew
dashiki with the thin blood'ef his etteoliated Corm. And
the Doctor Procieded to count out the sum for which
'poor Kate had be.. mold. And'awthe old man clutched
each bete that wan laid before him be slowly and breath
tesdf muttered:
••Iwo thous
"But how,'
come mina
baud.. so
will 111
. he wiped his brow, from which the meat
ing rapidly. althongtt hie frame trembled vie-
" • ow!" exclaimed Sim/. with startling quickness, "1
I tell you: It most be thins Immediately." To-morr
ow eight. at twelve o'clock, har, a carriage and horses
at the foot of the land by the blasted willow; there 1,
proniiie you to be with Kate. There is an odd aban
doned mill. some Mar 'miles ?firm this. to which you
must drive. I have a priest in a .neighboring town,
'where I can command; I will lia.6e him there. and then
despite her resistance shit shalll4 yours. fifeesekitanes
eau reach her there. depend open ass!"
"Harks what's that?"
Beth moo sprang to their feet alight rustling, and
thilgentle pattering of a light step fell open their otioi.
Thietwe men steed pale( at oath other for seine Ins
omnia with dismay. Not a sound could be beard. net a
was as still as the groove. "Pshaw!" at last
said the old miser qurrulonsly, "it won nothing—the
11 , 17.
ad a
d war
Bit tho less sollois DotZw Winkled sad shook with
the Slaw spossieruatien. Their Omit woo mow of
roolged, and thay parted. Tha 41d man tottered: toward
his couch, aver atid aim; mattdring. "Two thousand
dolloirs! two thrusand dollars!"
ad it
12 . dit ch of
But as the Son of Gann moved laniards - his home.
every shadow startled him; every now . awakened the
live*est epprebansion; and yet hi wield have been mote
startled could he have seen. in (mother direction the
terra idg.ote.heatening rapidly ailing. closely sealed in a
impatiens cloak. The noise that hailitartled the old roan •
in the fiendish work was canoed by Ken. Elbe - had wit
nessed the entrance of the Dectef to the .house. and she
lilt justified in the, resolve to learn' the particulate of ber
sale. Thus she had been a (notepad auditor of the scene.
Bat so opener possessed of their pl an than she kit de
termined to Sc. at saes to Will !Parry. Bat fearing that
shei would be enable to seektsier.; she bad penned brief
(=pout of the plot, as her.bappiitese would depend upon
his treating the fail eireametanc4 by the morrow. At-
Waled by them fooling., with her bosom in a glow of
;ndigoatieni ohs set onion her looney towards the res
idenie et Will Warry. whisk dee some _! two glades of
! Arriving there, she was diemaYpd to find the doors were
;firmly eland. sod that she'could not gain admittance.—
Mite know-that there would-be Is way of aeeitig him on
;the morrew,,ead that nukes IA; could see hits then., es
;at least convey te him her letter, she wee lest. Affizing
I itotes* to the loner. she thrall it vienatly against the
I upper window. whieb had no abutters, and to her delight
her aim was sufficiently true tersend the missive through
the glass. Who listened attentliely for sane time, bat
sot a sound maid be beard. and she the concluded that
Win was set at impose. With 4i hinny heart she retracsed
her store; conjuring asp before ;her iivJ imagination a
theneand evils, sod trembling ;est the black purpose of
ber grandfather sad Bembletoni should be oe r annated.
Arriving at the *otters, Air obtained admiimion inn
; heard. and with stoieeneseteptratolo to ber couch.
'us of
I t . sod
I d bays
• • .1011 t
it sea.
as se
.. hie is
l ased et
bleb Y
• day.;
of KIM
Dr. B.
hia age
.ids the
. Now.
All the neit day was paasoiliby our heroin* in a mate
of rem mental osesiternost. Nothing hoold be sees or
beiadf of Warty. Twenty timimi during the day did she
ramble towards*. tbsi bubbled up in a sweet ,
retired spot. and when they bid had mazy stolen inter
views. is the vain hops that e4e would meat him. ant
each time she was diseased, to disappointineet, and
her been g rew still mere weeii. her eye still more lan
guid. Night begea to draw Rapidly near. sod the sus
bathed both bill sad dal* is • ylish'glow. as it Uncerd a
niousiint above the horizon. and then hearth to its wes
tern hommasdtheeurtale of sight dropped slowly o'er the
fee* of nature. Although - Stashed remised someone
Item her betrothed. she still biped that he bad remised
tier letter. sad that he would elm bet.
and i•
• 0141%1
• in a
I straw -
-bolo or
a Ma
meet at
in the
• . harsh
The old man's masa*, ha/ ,atmtli shinvd toward her
daring the day; he was Itind.:raod even addressed it
with words of affection. But 'to Hato each words Isere
more loathing. mere baleful Was downright abeam. But
scarcely' bad darkness fairly seaatled the world in •deep
slued. ere he prepared to bred to her hie Ikeda% pur
pose. Ost tie3aine received k calmly. without a word.
a motion.
that on
as, sad
Was. U.
• loft.
and be
bbod bin
so dui
o was to
"To-night. thou, my swestiitrite." continued hs.'"yos
*hall beams the wife of the rich Dr. Boobies:ill:"
••1 am aware, sir. of the tame of your bmgais. I
know that I have bees bought sod sold. and that idioms
man's possession of my persoti has already boos paid for :
Do ha. discolors. mock me with wards 0(!1'16. "Serial.
I andessmad you. and I sow tell you NOT sad irrevo
cably. lirhall not become hii "ifs:"
"Not hie wife! sat his wilt:" eselaimsd We Did man.
otridaleg with passion. •qiritseh, I • haviritworn it. , This
night you shall become his b ri de—this night-at the mid
night hoer. despite all your threats. all your resistance.
you shall become his wife. :Ths helot draws 'sem./
Pr•luire." - . ,
"I net go:"
!km b bim
isss Dr.
h words
:►y tear;
ad !Naiad
red Isar
, and swell
*ally raw
did dm la
.. Her m
ime a
mod with
ate. 'int •
"You Milli" bawl do obi man between his am teeth.
and „ l iaising bar arm irkoleatly. Kato. agrees* to her
womanly isatim4 would barb acrsamod most taarity, bat
a widow IWO, flaked ammi bit Ha tilt'
wriaabiai him arm from her pup, sisa ratall to
MI aa divriliell boss: • •
dollars! Two thousand dollars:"
she to be secured? How eau she be.
said Dr. 8.. as the ; lest itete fell from hiss'
7 1 ,
r .
t? 0 Xi 'W A B D -4a
NI will ott'bedtairiad
ba everted into math a •
ewe of this mat who w
heart beat with as ,ittira
The arch fit el burgh scornfully. b. 4 bra bar pre
pare to Immo. In els hog 's time. the 11,0 hat the cottage
and Proceeded to the spo whin the valiant Dr. B. w..•
to await them . . The el , man tottered on with reshla
steps. alternately itureingi the (Silence end the. darkness
that obeearedlho pith. Bat Kite heard not nie blas
phemies; she was busy itith 'bee own fete. She trem
bled with wild apprehension es they reached the spot;
now confident of eaeista4e and maces by her loved Wil
mdtud linen shadderi lest her epistle had Opt reach
ed Aim. and consequent the doom that awaited her.-- ,
She blamed herself for ri • seeking safety in flight during
the day; hitt that though when it had presented Iftelf,
she had ever pait;ftned the deferred bopo of Worry's
At last they came in si ht of the rendezrotue. A coach
i l
was standing at the spot„ and it usoftled figure paced up
and down by it. Kate mbleil convulsively, while the i
old man, u he maw the nebring coostimillation of his 1
bargain and the secure *ion of Sae gold, laughed!
lowly and demoniacally ud clutched his Gagers together f
like a rice: They at I t reached the spot. the muf- 1
tilatifikure. withett awe , approached, Kate and led her
Ms:ferriage. eV knees almeat sank beneath
ts' :kid oath camel with difficulty: Bat where wow
Dr 'ton? She cduld see but One person.. Onc,
f , 00a the fit of of the earriisge; the old maul
Oa' ilii,
, 4 '... distauce bind. endeavoring to discorai
hi • d the figtie of the Doctot: when the muf:l
ti : '• drew er close to it.! and th e Tole* 44 1
% 13 opon,hor ear:
..0 . r k
.., stet" .'I
The - Idod#oraug thr
Ste graelbectotaa arm
claimed in deep and fv. ' •
"la, in, Kate'. quick
, hnrried her into the no
and sprang upon the b
••Whets is the Doet.
tering towards the coin
only reply. sod as th hones sprang forward with the
rapidity of thought; the troth flashed' upon the mind of
the old Mad. .. I
"Hold! BMW:Stop, tell-ye!" yell i ol he with frautj
violence, and roiling or the fast retreating vehicle.
And ar the honte boo dud on with almost frantic speed,
Kate fancied she .he ' . above the rattling of the wheels.
the loud shrill Masphis is of the theieted miser. ,-
On, on they flew • the lightning; trees. fencer.
reeks Hew by. and as ey sped on- in the blackness of
the night. each object maned to issue from the dark
pall before them. and loom itself I wile in the thich
shroud bellied them ow they tionoded up some - hill
b il l
ode; now they des aloe, the phis. aid *eon thiy
assended some steep il l, rushing wild speed into the
dark chaos before th an. Oa they lest. a•' , Masialf.
ne'r hesitating, until ' last the nigh exhaustel steeds
were hold up. patina and crested with foam, before 4.
deserted sad raised 'ill Seer had spokes of. In ea tea
stain. Warty was atlus coach deer , and as he assistild
Kate to the greand, h folded her fora measent to his
heart. '" i
1 .r- t.-
,"Dear. deal Bate! her not.lsta am safe!" i
• i •
Z,'"0h.... WillittM. bbeefoge epun pm be wipoaletylP
murmured its 4•9 A.serii•s l".• 1i....•4, wr•s hr. 1""^""i
"Quick, Kato. gaiiik! The old Doetm sad thebeet
boy were seized by 4. bound, and thrown into a neigh
boring brake; they h o r e s probably hems #thstireted VI
this. and pursuit will oettain." , r ' •
"lint where shall ir e get" 1 1
"There is bat one way, Yale, to proveit their Witter
designs apes [ you. /Their priest is itithis buildiagii--
consent to be minor dbe shall unite us. dark !"a
dosed he. betiding h ear to the grimed. "By all*tb
honest. they are pa 'gig Del I hour the rinabling of
wheels. Colas. id*, Kate;"
"1 am you W ' " whispered Yates
"Come, them!" th e brief reply: robe borrioll her
to wirds the baiW . . They mimed through a Mikes door-way,
door-way, and ailing a pat of creaking and Oen-
Midg stairs. they' . hod the apperitlom • peer. Mis
erable. flickering li t bursted at die remote sad of th e
room, or rather loft , near which wise meted on a Metal
cask, a little puny MIA busily an in reading • "mall
rs l
volume. 8o noise ' had beesapproach of yin!
and Kids, this be did not hear hem. sad reimiined
wrapped in the sea nof his hoe Warty abseil 'the
somewhat brakes deer that pee and
to theepartmeat, sad supped the rusty bolt forward.eo
that it was tolerably well fastened. into seise of milker
the belt aroused the attester whe,eiable through theOa-
certain light to • • th e tioelatersanom of li i i 3 si lit new
comprmione, bests ed foeward.4wiag la•the us ab
ject manner. aid e at hi f ready t. obey i their
ores». Bet so am dabble,. fall upon the I l l i l i se r - ,
meow of Worry, • hesitated beta is die utmost
and apprehension. i i
"Look Jos ." -Worry. itnOly, -"I know he! what
f i
you are here—ho hired. aid by iwhom. . Your doMiter
heir been cheated defeated at lsis own game.
.' Yen,
however. shall pe the duty fer which rim was kited;
a change of bride greent censor affect you meek." i
t d
"I shall do isothlag of the Mad," angrily reirt44
little preectOr. .4 e rse engaged: to marry Dr. 111 411 k a
te ato Miss Kato ;- they are the Goy parties l i .itsall
remains." ! 4 ;•
"By barna. mila. IMy pm shell!. Bo pm yeti,-
selL 1 say ye. Mill nab. Was Kate net
Beer—and Will Warty!"
. i
"'shall net." grumbled •tho bide &Mink his
'booker the Geer.
. /
At ibis jimatorsidie nostottag ef but abilimatlY
beard. The sated broke joyfully • the ter itlif the
minister, and his hoe grow rot with*. Warty
heard the sound tite, end hie lips w sompnesed with
dotenninatio.: 1 i
"Do men, se ) tell pm! immediately!": i
"Mot though op he Le el hell should atteMpt. to
foiree-- ) .
His worth 'were sodde interrupted by Reify plc-
Meg a pistol to bib beak
"Do it. de it, Iso or I will blew your heed low a
theorised pieces. If have any respect for yee.
1,, Waits.
Wee." - / .
The nobbling the wheels grew harder. the Itrietter
leg ebonies' h could be heard, and the mocked' the
to 4 of
postoraa's it p II distinctly apes their ears. Iffith •
flee of ant , Worry hissed between his hob his
sonansan to th priest.
The 'ego meshed the mill sad * lewln arrour .
of mi isiss below. - i t
"P vested:" • aimed Wary Is s determinedbray
v.• t I
ith a frama gairetiag with terror. the of M.
omit womedell to omits them' is he heeds rd' male-
At lila awn
at the door, d
Lunched •t
baiklinirkhe sh
••WiY yes
%Imp. titbits
eibly Detest
A* the ohot; I sae so child a
ore. goad in. to the roe
iiold cell in. wife. sad if hie
of humanity, he shall release
lugh her veil:walk' a rapid tarred
itit almost viOetice. - ae-ah• ex
rent accents. Saveil. saved!"
quick!" exclaimed Will ae
112. Be clused the doer quieklY
1" *utilised! the old mai, tot;
A crick of the-whip wax the
of the foie* of the old man +to bound
ding adinttiaore, while anottfor's
doer • terrible blot• that eauseill dee old
* sod gains tellefonadsties. -
*risk!" obiooled Uu atasest eladitesed
tvaiml Ow wools a UM Piled * 0 kg^
We if Oak *l4 s
'was impressed ou h temple. The priers, trembled sod
!halted in his wordll, whiohltie ohatterius tooth would
iseateely allow biat to atter.
“Stop, stop The o4romosyl" pale,' the old man wiih•
;oat. 4 •
'_ Another blow' oallis crashing stipsinot the door.
' , Go au!" yelled *tarry, in a loos of frenzy. %o on
I say, or you are fa dead teas!" .contiaaed he, as he
stocked his pistol, 411 thrust 1 into the fees of tbo priest
"Stop! stop!" frantically a risked the wiser:
"Go on!" hissed ;Warty.
Another blow Initiated ttii ugh ono of the patinas of
the dour.
“Stop. itop!” 6W:risked the - 41141 taut. Atwitter blow
from tho stout etinlor the iestil9on, att/ the door Rev,
"Conclude!" biCsod Warry, actually pulling on the
trigger, blot et dila:moment, ell Beer, felloiYed by Dr.
I:ambition aid the *cotillion, raddled into the room.
"Pluck them 'guilder, plea dim asunder!" exclatiAt
ed the old man, "bushing toward~ Kate: but Worry
caught him by tho arm. aid Rung him violently ac're's
the room. II
' , Stand on, or y* mil dead men! Finish the oors•
molly instantly, or ;a coos* to breaths!"
With a busht
el , : ' utterance the priest spoke the 1 9 °1
words of the ceriumOny.
.!Look you, eail and all!" maid Worry, as soon as
Kate beernolils, tibia lady to my wife. As you yahoo
your bred, do not Mach her. Tom bare all witneeskid t!:°
ceremony. "Como' K i ,t' s !.o
He strode towarbi the door, but the old man, foaming
with rage. rtiebvd4foro him, pouring upon hid Lead and
Kaui'd the utoot fearful imprecations and horrid cursed.
• "Bat the geld, the gold" continued h 4 "I have the
gold: it's wins—Oghtfully mine! I call you all to mil
nese thattlyei/-dose any pat—that performod any
agreement, e ekoald ticb babe let ana:mor 'get hor—
it ores his fault; *ot mini. The gold is mine, mune.
••Itard-bearte4 contemptible Dialer." broke in Will
Worry. ••Yos ireiald have sail your kis and kind for
babe gold. aye. tirbuld bays bartered away your swa
grand-daughter, 4i, orphan. for money. I bore rescued
her from your foliating touch; hereafter, she is beyond
your reach. As ter you, Doctor, who would bay a wife,
force a girl who ihathed yea to your arms, and yet by
year cowardice *uld see another soma' h.i from year
baud.. t can onlyirity and Soothe. I would punieb, did
I not know that the money, you thought to buy her with.
has basis lost to Ma; sad to•cich a seal, that's the great
est punishment yes Could receive. This lady is my wife,
se stand from belbee3thr. Adieu, gentleman. allP i
Ile strode towsitide the thoor• bat the old man tittered
towards him, anti seized Kate by the arm. In an Wilmot
the whelp party noshed fhiward. to free Kb: from her
haeboad's flat Worry instantly protesting his' pie
tol, cbecksd thoritijo their primes. Untiring Kate by
the waist. he 441 her in kis arms. tad with-his pistol
presented is the ?asset of his assailanta, be backed to
wards the door. !Sloppy step he retreated until he reach
ed the deer. mut raising through. he decanded the stairs
with his fees is lis enemies. Unmolested he reached
his carriage' and griaced Kate within it.
"Ttuak baav,n, dear Wiliam, that pi ara Ws!"
said Abs in a w4iapr.
**And that yo 4 ritlie!" b. added.
In • few wmuiente they were Oldie' rapidly off. Dr.
HembMy.14 01 .1444 4 .t• battl e , OM Cowardly te
•••04:1 • rata of his money fume the old miser.
Will and Keep Werry lived happily—as *very body
knows they Inuit hare dons. They miter saw the old
man *pia; be! a few months after they Were called
upon to attend hie funeral, aid afterwards, when the 4141
mansion warn teta d wa, quits • fair sum of shining geld
wan found, whiph o ammo reverted to Kate. And dues
happily ended torn Mumma: Ideatueos:
Thueba4ll dad the College Protegees.
home years rige. while Burohard, the notorioess revive!
masher, was Ideating in rations parts of New Esglsud,
he salaamed at oevenlyeeks in Burlington. Vt.. where
he managed as usual to get up a pod deal of excitement,
by the extraordinary arts of which kayos muter. Hare.
hiwever, as eliewhere, the•ehnrch to which he brought
hie services woes 'divided ! is opinion as to the propril'ity of
his m of, reaching, and the prottoble usefulness of
hie thekiisi etorgetio, but very eccentric. and Often
irreverent conduit. Beath of the cli arch miethbors seem
ed to regard him us a prodigy of piety, ability and nee.
fatness. Oditve. bat sot se many as the later party.
considered hi ed I proud. vain-gletiesta, imprudent pre
wader, in sho4i a humbug, and were mach thalliumd to
treat bhn is +mimics with that spisioa. Of the tatter
division was Ir. 8.. a worthy man, a wit, and a prefes
ire in the Virtuosi University, risrieg the exeresisee
one day, Ba4nrel went to his peat, and taking_ hits ler
some *hinged " villager , began to inquire about his
MPS condi ' , . iu his usual sitt phrthe:—"Aro you a
r e...,# ..liesaid Harehaid. almost ferortionely. , s , *Yies,
sic" wilted ii,. , with great peemputhes end deei+it—
"yes, sir. realist of noatairosettics sad civil engi secr
zr s
The OS dialpped biro "like • hot potatoo." andj pas
sed ato did next pow. 1 :,
An blinds !Marriage Outlast&
A eortespoident of the Philadelphia Spirit of the limes,
writing from 4 •coppyres precinct ." Illinois. gin. the
followisg eterkicimi of marriage, which he accidentally
cisme across to looking over some old papaya: •
fasthisisg a laud title the other day which ineeetred
a qaeltiou of iegitoscaere, I stninbled open.the follnwiag
marriage cokillcoto. which is decidedly too good Ito be
lost, nod is Woolly doss
_Ads. ! The marriage. of which
this is the wily logstovidencoi took place in Copperas
Precinct. In this county, is the latency of the eonutry:
or rather ia,nrimative OWN, tad the magistrate ithsght
to be ineameariolized, whether be aver gets his itontriethedos
as ant: The ttettificate is in these words:
• s
State of Ithaca, Peoria Coact 1114
To all thatwerld greeting. ;Know ye that JohnPl: midi
and Peggy 54sre is hereby eirtified to go togethif - and
4s as std folks does,anywh ere inside of copperas ptheinet,
and whets my esueoreoion eoniet I am to merry ern good.
and to diets cm back Lo nicer actednits.
Los] ' Julies' Plum
I pet the iaiUala. only of the magistrate. for the moon
that this legal luminary is still living. and probably , too
modest to ogyrst the fame to Which he teas justly euviiiid.
Don't he &minty pensien.and the unanimous Minks of
those interslusd in the rapid• peopli of ttte Slats. Jr
thou who Imes wait far ooMmissiout
' The "Yankee Blade tails" of • queer incident: which
same of a church in Hissing a elergymaa was pro
asarread • irraidiloquont *skim open !foment. The
philaothroiist. temporise hint with all the wailed ben°.
from sines Nosh's day, and deolaneg that h• could
Aid so plena honeiablo *noses for him in Moll roll of
these who had been blosinnei N Moir rage. whlls over
sad soot this paragraphs wars wand off with the *seta
matios."Whons shall we place this great philanthropist?"
last as lie:imad reiterated the interrogatory for thidavreeth
time. a . ehap with • "brick in his hat." who bad "stag
prod I. rims bp. and steadying himself by elateling the,
pew.ralfing wlth a vies like grasp. Oriel eat "84-sinni
yon are en h-b-hlatiably painted. !dicer. he-hi-ho es*
have a-s4ss-ssarlisrs th4l4-teir poi). Thsres *sty
gf soomri , It would require a Crnikshank's Pencil to
depict the scene that ensued ; Barton to say intr
lonsKrtatt tras iseontineritly Amin that eivreirairvorn
neither lithe pew
.tior is 'vivo hew for Mu. •
Si 50 A VriAR, iii Advise.
garitiii, 'Om mitt Gaq.
Put Ow Ea ter (Ammer.
loda a litsle fus4 pi hat
Pr:A.t-1. 11111ile. saq,
•AW 44:Ptle ga - uk hag
by re iattletusadi
I thi).‘ll4.waiel&tUe 41t4iet
ilrJa l.ttle. a MA'.
!! ter,: *great while atter,
1 ease great big rare,
.e.tereg down a great .
Analog tne great unggineri
thonebt. 11.4 d ber,rreally, •
and r are•rerpt of greater Wage,
i 0.160 wart any great MA
• I ....Al true greatial arias&
ruled a Irtr:ri terrevent " rwas.thers I gal a great slap-.
(41tfe irfaec,lL t% as a, grating thing—
A n.l gleam of 11411. zephyrs I t enmeshing lOW* great clap
net tcwlJ war I lat.. rate; (Jr grew Omura thundering!
.1,121 wrliOnt little It 4trui
• 41, t6.11./U.
-El} , 't , nt - tny teeth ft-idirtg
c.)o4's Istile CI ik7 Voted 'Mica owl)
r. :gar.' Litt SIAM.
alittle .rtit Bat liken great bki; Ignair.•
•ff the but few liner a this et:tuition are not eibietty poetry,. Oa
tram, al I.ts •...IGII SVC are ntlltus la give the author
t. b'
Theis AppeaFaace, Government and Cangnictet.
In a country what° there is us goverameat. and.where •
they knaw nothing of laws. religions, or refinements. the
weed mankind, of cumin., takes its Dater,' bent and de
velopments, Greenland .is. such a place. and a work
lately pabliehed gives an account of it which is exceed-,
iagly curious. From an ab , ,e digest of it is the Tribune
we extract a passage or two. First. the phivslgan:
"The Graenlendats WO of • stoat build, i{efow . the me
dium height. have broad, Bat feces, inexpressive oyes,
small noses, thick under-lips, and cosine . black hair, _
winch hangs over their brown faces, Their skin is, nkv- .
ortheicsa, rather fair than dark, but appears brown it
consequence of its filthiness, aid gives out a repulsive,
fatty which is abstain insupportable to European = s`
In the southern reit, we sea more slender figures, nor,
agreeable rages. and mere expressive eyes. The Green/-
lender is lay; and indifferent to *hit takes place around
him, but in general cheerful and well disposed. He sel
dom involves himself Is a quarrel, or oven comes to but
wards. He is ebangeable, troubles hintsilf only about
his nearest Interests or his absolete necessities, sad When
he has a chance; delights. in sleeping nightsand diy.—
TN; vanity ,11 theseqieople is very striking. Airording
to' their opinion, ail other people . are to them, and
vihen they Wish to praise n stranger, they say, *He is as
well instructed as tae.' or. •He begins to be an Leask.%
Crimes sr acts of violence eeldont,occur; whoever lojpro
another, is publicly scoffed at and seemed, for the Green- :
tinders have a strong inclination to . * blase
wings.. The Norwegian Misialonary Zeds. who settled
erelong them in the year 1721. had to boar a great deal
Id the commencement of hi. labors. They conspsiMel Tie
large now with the Stag-Here peak, and when he rela
them the life and &offerings of Christ they renierk
ad: lf He had coup amoag as, we would have lamed'
Him and bee* 'obedient to liim. What madmen Wiley
Him whe Gould give them life!' 'They kr!, their nett
relativen, bat aro unfeeling gin relation to their
wanes, and exhibit op regret at the total ruin of othets. 6
The anther Mae describes their habitatioae:
••They neither form t state. nor possess toy govern-.
meat sr kind d'authority whatever. This is misdeed
by the simple circumstance that they seed nothing ef ;he
kiad...ln summer they live in teats: in wintm. in how.
ses—or wither Wa—which arc Wan Ave to mix feet highs
twelve brood, and a hundred hat lelag, rasa contaieing
several (amain under th& moos rest The walls-are
towered en the inside with skins. to keep sal the damp.
sew sad cold air. • broad heath rune stoat the Oast
• kettle et stone or into. hangs ever a train oil larps
which suppling this pleas era stew or hearth. The win:
dew_e are formed si the entrails of the whak and lea M.
stood of giro. The entrees* is through a Msg, narrow
passage. through whials.the hat air escapes. cad elthough
there is ass deer. such • heat he kept up leads that even
in wiater the Greenlanders go almost witiseut , clethee
A Earapeast cannot ours In mach likk antstriach." ,
The . be;ge admire people are emir oaly ezealleacs of
. ,
••Elincer the nativeashlwist principally dpen thesupplies !
which the ass eller& them. they, tieete4 rest pains on
the constructionist their tine*, whicitthey guidio and psi,- -
pel with.great dexterity- The kayak, er men's beat. in
. .
from twelve to taerteen feet long, only eighteen lichee
bread, end twelve inches deep, having a skeleton of weed
lied fish-bone, covered on all sides with!eltios snide pie
-Ibctly water tight, and weighiag at most endy 30 potindis.
In the middle Is a well oecared opening; tato which the
Esquimau./ creeps. Aib then fastens hie neat of veal
skin tight around the entrance. *ad eit t o perfectly dry In
ihe middle of thi *ea. In his light omit twines as et a sea-grail over the 'Waves, hod in time lif inq-
version [cold is kept warm by his *ern .Even whets
the kayak. is evertarnod. the *trek* of ear ie suffickuit
to restore Us equilibrium. bet wheover,/oses hie we is
hopekeely lost'' 1
But Mist wilt be said of the state of t/ii week* mow
the Greenlander/o.i.- ,
"The socials, .are women's baste, Curie* se long ad
three or fosr times as broad as 'the /midis, very elastic.
but with flat bottoms. and therefore adverted to the see.
They are propelled by four or live women. few aramig the
Esquimau* the eel:mew labors are Impelled epos the fi
nials sex. They maim clothes sod boote.'imieks and ,
kayeks, tan leather, build houses, pitch tests, took, sad
take curs of child:ea. while the man ciiwiders it on 7
worthy of him to work; his proper employment is in
catching seals and shooting birder. Since there are' no
ria - Greenlenders. the bride bcinge her hashOnd is othi
ar dirlety thaw ette!g arms. It is, however, castemety
and proper, that after the betretlial—a Matter in which
the parents never interfere--she should 'het herself up
for several days, and weep, or tun_ loose errieng the
tomintaias. whence ate is brought back by the bride
groom. Poljgamy is allowed. but is wily practised When
the first wife remains beetroot in which *sae she re4uesee
her kost,s4 to chimes a second. If the men wishes.**
fermis from his wife, he puts on a diseentemieed face for
a time, and leaves the house without saying where be is
vim/. The 11/001114 understands this hint, packs windi
er her property, take. her children, and returns to her
The household and kitchen matters are squilli curi- t
-The country would be uninhabitable. evia . for
Esquimau; were it not for the seals, which lite as indis
pensable to them as the reindeer to ;tbs Leptind4e.—
Their flesh is eaten, their skies weed far clothier and to
cover ',caw sod houses. while the fat furnishes light sod
fuel. Tbo sisimel is takelt with a harpoon, to the entl of
which a bladder is fastened. Sea-birdi also iet:ve as feed,
and eiscastiams the boldest gatemen make those alter a
whale. bat asly,is orimpany with the Danes. They then
wash themselves. end psi en ***beet elothiapbecanae
they th i nk the whale would not suffer them to approach
if they lynx' unclean. The labor of cleaning the cooking
utensils devolves on the wives, who, in turn. call is the
aid of the dog, and everything is speediirlicked smooth
end clean, The bill of fare of a Greenland feast me as
follows: Dried herrings; dried, boiled and half mister'
"flesh; boded eisis-geiis; a piece of belt-putrified whale's
tell (the principal divh); dr.ea salmon. dried reindeer;
mid bilberries cooked with deer's tripe and train oil."
Ti. & L oa , by way of reminding no what we ltttvp to
*.ek God for, iv not unpnefltable venditle