Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, March 01, 1851, Image 2

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E 3
,111teltlq otheqtrutr.
Elt I.E , P A
11),4S 5101t,i1NG,(MAftC11 1.1851
From Harrisburg. ,
om If orrisharg by pr:osto dospatch. that
Cock width of gauze of railroads ran-
Erie,bas paasedtha Musa by
.jarity, Thera ought not to he a duubt of
the liens e.
We learn (
the toil! regul!
mug East uu
ileC6ive um,
.p usage in
Mr. Fillmore's Items&
.I!,nore, itent a mesan. , to the Ectiate, in
' of that ticr'''i. on the 21st, in relation
slurs riot at toatun. Ilia Preiident gaups
4 N visictiusetts legisji /
1 ,
itu:re; passed express
li- ex ietition of the laws of Congress with
, tire lra
lies.. Ile recerb prompt ends the prompt
t re Irws. and repeats rho assurance that they
r i illy eaorced. and all forcible opposition to
ed; and that to this end, he is prepared to
lower v nitcd in 'him to die , fullest extent.—
his point. he says: ••1 use the 'occasion to
+ranee, thm, sr far as ,depends on nee, Ithe
Oinlifully executed„anil 'all forcible oritisi
iiippressed: and, to this end, I am prep real
lens% er it met become necessary, the p w
ally investld in me, to the fullest eueu .
nutted that the great majorj v of the pe ple
tare warinly and strongly attached tol the
he preservation of the Colon, the support
, iiiuit, and the inainteuance of law. I am
t their earnesyrrishes and the line of m t
I' duty (linear: ad. I doubt lint, (,',lapis,
ii prudence, ,strenetened and an,tntled
I op i nion of Ot^ people. will prevent the iep
irrences disturbing the public peace; and
all Bend men." , 1, ' ,
r j' ew Jersey 11. S. Sei;tator. • '
reply to a
to t h o ftig:tive
,thq Law's of thri,
td prevent
*claim to, frig
eention t
*Wall be faith(
ity t i t) slipper I
ptereiee the
regard to t
repeatubb ase'
-haw obeli be
ibika to theta al
to excipci.o. V.
or Constipstio
go folly tier,
of this 0000tt
of the Govern
p7rsui;ded Qi
Co. liqvtutemal'
by the general
et:tion of occti ,
reprobated Ly
Tito elect .n of Cont. R. F. Stockton io the United
gates Senate; from New Jer-rile, trill give the Democ
racy an adiltior if in•vnlr.r in that body. Mr. Stockton
ii also a decidifd Uotuti titan, and a, friend of thb Com
promise triealfurea. .1141 principal opponent tgall the
Hun W. L. Vai-on, *big. roe of the j•teteni Sennt'ops,
chose term ex area on the 4tl, of :Wirth. We believe
the oh , : i ta CI n ita I ire S 'rift a i is the . first 411 -
etanee that rilentletnan belonging to the Navy hat lict.ii
sent to either louse of Congress.
The Railroad West.
We learn that the Frankton Coon ith Company. "author ;
izeolto construct a Ra.troad to Ludt° Erie." hai phr
chest d von F alit* nt to lay ,the entire track of tho Erie
and (Soto o.oet" j oos of Oft or road. The oro'n oas bought on
very.reavonah e ternse and is .f the bestiqoalitytift)-sor
arudoe 10-:11 ounde to the nod. and of the Fettle pattern
Used on the Nirw Ifirril A port.on of thd, iron k
to be deliveieo on the 13th 'of June it , at, nod Ole hilance
4111 Litt CY Wan .41
A Voice of Warning
The,iienpin of Pamccville and the ire:pining towns hate
held mei:taiga forothe purpose of a plan to eon
ticiet-Paitiess'ilz anti Plitt•buq 4 ll by a Plank Road. The
Road from Paintsville .to vi all be eunipkted
next mummer; and stroil e,rts aro mak uz to exten!
the road to Wrest Greeutille. ni this State. which is rutty
miles Crow Pittsburgh. The Painesville Te'egraph saes
that a cosnpally yid{ loon lie! formed to hold a road from
IVirct Greentlille to Pittchurgh. and thus coMpletetlie
chain: A riltid from Ashtabula will, also, conioct the
lake chore wrth this projected road to Weat Greenville
and Pittsburg t.
Now it; this not a voice of warniug to
the citizens of Erie count%l What are we doing. We
101:110bi said hotiongl—but wo have done bowel's/nig
•Tbetsottiethiog, however, heebeee etiA r peoded because
11eirnagelluee Ilieve got a crotchet in their heado that "um
no-poster" elinu,bl out be allowed to use otownshjp road.
Well,:"whoih the Gads wish to destroy, they first make
.uncd." L • -
- Geri. H tames Letter. .
According o to promise the adintrahlo letter of Gen.
Sam Houston. alluded to.last week. Will be found incur
columns The reader will agree la ith lus, we think.
in 'scribing" te it the character of a bold and ritianiydoen
tncut. whi'fb speaks the language of a fe'i;leas -
tham'and a sera and inflexible Patriot, 11 here nu
nun'-commitselirm. no mincing of words, uo nilering
to faction—hut the Hero of San Jacinto a es the D.s.
unionists, whiether at the North or Suut within uufaul
teringhand, itud with 'tones of ied• nanyeloquence that,
mark hinvas a worthy success° u the Hero of New Or
leans. titheed. since the i•. mortal Proclamation of the
gillant Nth kiln-nerved Jackson, the hl)dra monsters,
Nullification and Down:on, have not recetvei niore
With and oteisehellning blow, thatein this same missile
of the . Texan Hero. No wonder all burl% .should Wince
alibis plain spoken home-truths. and the disciples of South
('rolina and Free Sod Nullification feel sore under his
elstigation. With ever)lindy else this blast from his
travel with be greeted with •unbeended satisfaction.—
' llris sent meats of devotion to the j.. - Jiou will ineet a re
sponse in every patriot's lesson).
From present- appedralices4Eprigation will open early
this spring. 'There is nothing to impFds boats now west
of this, and it is now too he fir 'much more cold
weather. Indeed. th.s ntorttatz (Thnred 4y) is to warm
" {
-I - The Pogue Bill..
The pent4e Inn is at last out of the Senate: and Ills
telegraph reports that it has escaped from that body with
a provision allowing papers to circulate free within the
'calmly in which they are pull shed. Thi a ie ha ter than
we expected; It also provides / fur a rate o postage of
three cents oft all letters pre-psid and 5 cents on those
not pre-paid! It imposes on newspipersa tariff froinhs
to 25 cents per quirterlor weekly, accirling to distance;
, setni ; wevklyl2s cents: tri-weekly three times that amout
and on daily imipors four times the ahovd rates. This is
better still, amd we - do hope the !louse will not hesitate
to coiliammite the good work, by concurring immedi-
Supreme Judges.
That ozcoilent Densolt*ke paper, —Vsllry Spirit."
of Chauthohurg, to speaking of Supreme Judgva, • says:
••Abetit es ood * ticket" alt could be rot up on the
lleatoctstwAtide. would be:Jatnes Camithrll of Plukulei.
phis,Gvorgl i %rondo-did of L iz4tue. Elks 1•311'19. of
ILsiscapter; J oar* ' Thompson of Erie. and Waite; • 11.
Lowiia of PI 4.boreb. "
Buffalo ant.
IThe'rrodOmo Censer. tr to prospect of
the speedy compleuon ofatfis 'This work is
all under contuse*. the of lll4y all purchased. or iu
.progrestectfapprai ! ial. the grading. bridging and clestilig
of the track in a toler.ble . soda of forsrariluve; the iron
'mob other rtsiterfals No, the superstructure bought. mid
locomotives sin: hears iloutracted for. no that bete,. anoth
er tirst'of Jeituary C4111)..i. the friths of this important
. enterprise may rrasonal.ty expect to see the iron horse
an a! ts . og oireir the whole distance Buffalo to the
. borough' of grie.•'
rr 0. thought the Whigs were is favor of River and impriretnents, but, it.appear■ that their salt•river
boat. in Neer! . fiempshir i e. no fitting oni — fur its dorn•
vovari is likely to be wrecked by snags and saw.
yea Their lcandidate for governor is slimed Sawyer:
two of their candidates for coooeillore are named Saw
yeri oori la their candidates for senator is earned Saw
yer; sad their list is not completed.
Q? The Baffsloirprees loamy (rem Albany, that the
Canal Board have reduced tho tolb , on wheat and floor
to three mills, sad on railroad iron to two and • half mills,
This is en important reduction and will be balled with
ihreugllvni tbs nett
The Puri le Love
The recent disg aro! affsi i
ed oat a proclaim 'on from t
all well disposed ci zeal to rah
of their inuntry, a regnant
lacy to aid and t in (Mel
du6t„ is elicting, it should,
detonation of the hole corm
paper that is not d o.iled au itt
duct of the eitirms i tf this boar
ing Butane- It is is incredtbl
the cancers 'of the in the
shnuld be ovnrpositi r red and r i
;ire*, aided and urged on by
tinement--cittzensivlits boast
'vast libraries, (lieu. winks of It
far reaching and seem benevo
presented by this proceeding!
undor a warrant authorized by
by the officers of the law, be
abOut to try has case. A ini:ibu
force open the doer of the
the officers, take the prisoner t
law, and release hint. The
officers against the Sadden TJS
uuayailin end the rescue is I
mob, as if to give the'tutted zi
stand that the powe4 oi4ettiorc
eras gone from the whites. DO t
sisal, which wal suspended MP I
the court room, and, unsheathi
to head the mob in Sid of the r
stops hits—no constable arrest
pitude and atrocity, this act
is the saute as if, durii g the tr
our readers recollect recently tc
of persons codscieutious
is:uncut, had rushed into the cr
prisoner. Tre example of fore
to cooks 08
justice is contag
lynched to rescue the prisoner,
)1111e4r1 trout the bench and ha
at least tarred and feathered;
in all our reading we have he
but it is not so; we have, and
this very city of Bustin'. A fei
"law and order loving Puritans
ground a religMus institution
ern Athens" becanse its turn
**according to the dictates of th
in matinee ancrform somewhat
bars.‘Vis refer to the burning
at Ch tales:own. Mass
Massacitutietts a ••lacV and ord
certainly they are, and here is
since a gentleman from ;Moth
the purpose of recovering a pi
Ciatist'lntiOn of the esu itry ei
cases, ••sliall he delivered up,
presence knciwn than a mob •
beset him aud •preveati
his purpose. Agaitr,.• notrJ
Thompson. is member of the n
Tower thinilits, a locality in L
to :he Fire Knits to New York
of come 0011CIr CillZellS, and at
addres• the people; but the ti
whose invitation he was tipi.ta
binned, new broke forth in aft.
ally prevem-d his heisig heard.
aro nu defender of apologist of I
Hull. or of any of his say in
another eviden a of the love Wil
' rurnans hear to the supremacy
nance of order. No section of
lenting or outellerent towards
rules and regulations of armlet,
land; yet, it vie look carefully
upon New England soil mo i l
rights and ar t a freed.irn of
leg roan to any other section.L
bavp noticed ;been commutes
tion;of the Volum soul -
shoultld never 'hear th r
; the work of the
mime of hirer
a 4 of 4
acendenta oil
and freedom;'lel
I Connecti
e Democratic ptate (oa
the 19th islet.. John Cotton
ding, with entire uniataimity
officers for re-election. Gov.
ceived, on the tufoimal ballot
250 votes cast, and was nomi
*ell's' the rest of the State t
betty Argus. is a well tuerite
fearless, sound sod able State
which reigned throughout the
promises the best results, fur t
ing canvass.
A Sintil
The Ohio papers call attentii
colored population in the Siet
iu the southern counties of the
anta iu tie northern counters.
in Geadzis. Bud 36 iu Warren c
for the (act that so few or the
the of their pro.e.Sed I
naturally suppose that the mist
footsteps to the northern sect'.
as it to the hotbed or abolittoisi
Itl - The Crawford Democrat
been engaged in a lengthy eo
wisdom. justice. Innllnanimits
popularity of iheDirec•ors of t d
Our neighbor. as a mailer of
that that body combiaes• all t
Id. hold. uptheir acts as a shi
miniesiuners of the State to
Democrat Justly detour:Bw this
:01l established, at a recent
jutit to . tbe citizens along the lit
cnn oo both aides, tint as usual
to the tesi, bat flosi efl here a
and at last descend* into pe
this. for this- Editor never uses
bat Muria to “publish a dignifi.
crag is julfly provoke&at such a
mean and trifling as it is sop:,
and that the whole cuntrovery
ifiezt4tes toadyi'sni of the Ericd
PiekWickiin sense, we think t
wa iiev'er knew the Editor •
••troady" to any body. Hower
as it is; and um lave no doubt
out of it yet if it should •.
“cutiee for one and pistols for t
one• of the invited guests —is
speak in time'"for a horse to rt.
CD" A "rilver-gray" piper
the "higher-law" promulgated)
(fumed by Theirlow Weed, the:c
tution an "atrOcious hArgian in
recently been put iu practice
in Boston.
gla" boaster Douglass, at 1111.„'
• Watch, by the young men of
towards which no individual a'
canto. Vito watch was pa
Er The Riagara Falk
Chaim Tower, located on MOOl
wind from its foundation on S&
Mee by which it Was sieyed wt
ground, crushing it in a .heop el
We se t a Oita Califsrito i
—like Boston. for instance.
stalks abroad with an nosh*
andpropertrdanterinic i■ the
LT A wog at oar elbow s
Gerzatia's defense this week.
complete into ono word. The
Loiw asit ate.
is Boom. *bleb has
Pi,esideipt,, cowman
to the ottplplot of the I
all Of f icer", civil and I
DI &1 'sob riotous
• fall Asa complete
Ws .cerceh pick
dettuncialion of the c'
ted "11W •nd,erder"
..,t is chsgraceful
err sanctuary of Jun
t ddwu by-a mot) o
nen of Education and
, f their from 'reboots, t
eraturo and art, and
.nce: Look at the ;
A pr;solier, duly arras
law.. was hold in cue
ors dm court which
soots two Ir uvid red b
ourt room, knock
out et the custody°
mistance of sums do n
of such a mob is wh llY
iinplete. One of the b! ck
itntee distinctly to
it law in bsachus tts
tell the sword of the r•
the badzei of authority in
z it. makes. i nto the street
escorts! No state officer
!um. In all its legaltr
rliasaleut defiance of w
; 'I of Dr. Wolaster. soli eh
• •k place in the earne c tt,
lopposed to capital p • a.,
tart room and rescued lie
; ble resistance to law and
!;taus. 1f the marshal, is
1 the judge may next 'bp
col at the lams.? post, or
Ve were going to say that
ler peen .a parallel to this.
hal tpo in the, surbubs of
,Is.arsi ego. Arse a.op
" irked and burnt to he
theirvicisiii!, of qua ••inud
es "chola to worshiped
sir own conscience," tad
iitr-rZut from their nel h
of the Csoloil,c Convent
I *. are not the citizen
" loving people? 5
Inether pr oof. Not l•
• r state •iaited her ioll
co of property which
• `iiiiferri.7,M.lin auk
but no sooner was
ealed by. a Clergyms
tha antlitiphaillnell
ag vitor, oan
rush parliament, from
radon which is analog
came over by inroat
stated time attempted
uh•shirit which those,
• g had so industriun
her quarter. and effec
• We beg leave to say
its representative of alt
sod only refer to it
ch the descendents of
pof -law, and the main
he country is morn
all turrzngent l aq
Lc others the
Shill finds
es upon pri
have been perpe
r ad such outrages es Ire
iw that much abused ate
, mon S Daati's hue, we
—but as it is, it has been
the Puritans, alai in he
Id is therefore all tight.
Ilt. .
ration, held at Hartford
Smith, of Sharon, pr si l t
unaled the , present. S tt.
home H. Seymour of
for Governor. 2 : 0 of ha
toted by acchlation as
ket. This. says the 11.
rote of confidence i a
etficer—and the harm ny
sitting of the C 4 onvedlibn,
democracy . in the com-
I !n to-the fact that oat or a
of 23,556. 20,£ 1 .19 reside
t• ta te; whtle 1)8;1 2,69 G re-
Il reside in Ashtabula. 7
nom Who Can account
gni ' populatiiin reside in
tends? One would iery
. f the m would direct their
i of the State. inasmuch
at! the Er,* Gazette hate 1 1
troversy in regard to the
honesty, morality and
Er Canal Company.
contends, ex officio:
virtues of the eall.mder,
sing light for the Caal
oiler,. Our friend of 4he
end attacks the Weil of
ing of the Board. as
. Much is said pro aid
I. sir neighbor wont adhirit
there and everyerhe r i.e.
'hues. We wends et
ersonelnies; bedevil (?)
d journal.". The Demo-
ourse. and styles, It "se
.eeted and nprovokad."
• has grown out "of the
ectors." Speaking in , a
a Dcmorrat is wrong—
Vie Vii2Cli4l to •Pley the
r, it is a pretty good fight
Ishell' have more fun
- • necessary fe call for
ra," wiehope we shall be
Look eel We therefore
tiew Yo44c - asserts the
1):4- Gov. gotirard, sod es
lan who calb the Comb
kde by our lailisrs." has
siad btatititully illustrated
loss beau presented with
!huts, worth - $.lOO. sad
• boogied way Was five
• is New liwk.
. .
lilaf the 22nd says that le
I t Eagle. was lifted by . ' •
nifty last. The wire r
e broke and it fell tothe
o fast becem . ar anier
eir papers say "alai'.
i ed !mad. resdarieg I/4
E verse."
that h . Editsl of tha
••Pernwaal;" K sot
I Hoe hiseW hog seed.
The ealilbrithe Gold News. . - .
• The gold Dews from Carainie he warding, eon if owe ,
Moth part of it is tree, the' expausion of the circulating', - Like the
Medium of the world is derailed to DO limit. The Pllll- iii fy, c i eiit co
edelphia Bellorio in referring to these reports. reruarke .i t oiooal fact ,
that this discovery favors am ideis. now daily pining atoootiiti a
ground, that the western Eldovado is destined to prove a
or both f t
greater prize than even its most sanguine friends had Ai as p c i ,
supposed. Certaiuly, op to this poiut. the yield cif gold i I Wm lam
from Califoania has steadily ii.creamil; and that in the building; wi
face of many, prophecies that. before this, the decline blast The
Would begin. --i foreover. whateier ill-success may have
as I in d ent
attended many adventurers. the results, on the whole; lavished b
hire bmu amazingly beneficial. An extenqion cif the the W iiiit ,. •
currency was absolutely seeded to develope the grist/rink i otaeat, th.
resources of this country. and as the popularwi , ll forbade hia reply, a
that extension. to any great degree. through a paper cqr- lit , o a iii, b y
rency, the discovery of Calif - mina. and the consequent lb- , eforita.ii 3
!lux of gold, may be regarded almost as ayrovideutill or-
t palm - of thei
rerreuce. The extension of a natiou's currency.ipievi
! be" is 'elightl
ded it ;e foundie on a solid basis., is a fertile minim of 7 , , .4
mid air curi
prosperity, as the contraction of It is the revel* and i quested the
that. ig consequence. the iuflux of gold from California ; •
geriiMS in h
is i benefit to all classes. which catiuot be too highly es
;in ladatile
limited: Indeed, for many years prior to the dew-every f sa - toa d, the
of the Sacramento washings, the currency of the I. hiited
! firmativeh -
Statedflair failed to keep pace with the growing prosper- I „mots, sego
ity of the
people. In proportion to the population and ; alit ; f ails to
productive wealth of the country. there was morn money ,
gletititi is pre
afloat in 1828 than in 1847. If that period of twenty i imam of ten
years the republic had advanced with rapid strides. ;The 1
and. bia holt
vidue of lands had immensely increased; thilhons of acres
proceeded I
had been brought under 'cultivation; and the cord. as following ai l
well as the Cotten crop, had risen almost incredibly. The
are about to
citeulatitig medium, however. had not increased rin a
the human 1
similar ratio. The conseqieuos was that the price of powtibk, art
money had gene up, to, the disadvantage of every Class
yeti db so, i
in society except that of the mere capitalist The dimov-
some'facts a
cry of the California gold mines fortunately occurred, at i mg.
l i t /east ]
this crisis. to relieve labor of its pressure, to stimulate in- j with it few
dustry. to redutte the value of money. To every body,
were accost
from the farmer dwelt). this change has proved beneficial; i pare th a o f I l
iud the prospect of a still further hart est of th• precious
may be disc/
metal - should till hailed wall general satisfaction.'
materially a
. ' Publication f the laws. , l iiirkeirs owl
?, le i
I: Weir AUG
The Pleading Gazette says.* lull has beeirintraduted ,
into the'llouse of, Iteprereutatives. by Mr. Mowry, pro- ' a
riding that mu lieu of tho docket fee of Mice dullais, now
allow( d to attorneys in all cases on the docket of fhe Rro-
thonotary. there shall be paid the time of entry. for [the
use of Ole county-. twb doilers on all . suits entered on aaid
~ n atty.
at second hand from some fee-Gill retailer at the bar:—
Now, as it is a maxim older than CuLe that ••rgnor.tne of
the law excuseth no man," our project which is deal n
od to diffuse a knowledge of
. the lives among the peo de
generally. should find favor at the hands of those Who
intake them. I
has beepraised Ind
i .
cry As the Editor of the Gazelle 0
bepuffed every Lecture, good, bad 1101 indifferent. here o•
fore delivered before the Institute. his notice of .Ir.
Black's. la'.t week. has Created sehe surprise. We lid
not have the pleasure of listening tothis Lecture. but
hive heard ii spoken of an one of the best of the cou l te ,
and as free from the criticism of the Gaulle as it II
could be. One curious phase of this metier is, that the
;tenor of this criticism was predicted by those who .•knOw
a thing or two" some dsys previous to its appearaoSe;
all of which asps to prove that Shakveare was eorre i rt,
when he makes Hamlet say: **There ere more thtnisiin
Heaven and Earth than are dreampt of in your philotio
phy, Horatio!" i
Q 3 The two concerts Oen in tithe city. on Tut. sd r ay
and _Wednesday evening. by Mrs . . Mary Shaw Fogg. mid
Gustave Kreitman, were the best musical entertem
meats we bare had- in Erie for come time. Tsar, ago
we heard Mrs. Fogg, (then Miss Sliaw) and though t her
one of the sweetest performers Su the country. Since
then her name has become celebrated, and she has been
endorsed by *scone of the best musical critic. of the
day. The instruineutal part of the eirertaininept.
by Mr. Kreitman, was nunjue. His skill upon the Vim
14u we w equalled.
ire This Oswego Palla.leune is nips published d sily
well as weekly. l'udcr ths Editori4l management ofotir
friend Liao( II(W•T. thou whom a better fellosk personally
we don't know of, it cannot fail to tneot a generous sui.-
Port from the basiiii-wr men of that enterprising city. Po
litically, ws shan't puff it. for although professing ntuOi
Democracy. it is too much mixsd up, with the, new (Vail
ioned isms of John Von Buren. Greeley. &c . &c., to
suit as. Perhaps, however. that is not what the Editor
aims at: -
Our State' Canals.
As previously announced by the Board of Canal, Com
missibnem, the water was let into the Malt. Line at Co-'
llonibia, oo Monday last. The Philadelphia Ledger boasts
that this resumption of trade upon the public Works is at
least two mouths in advance of the New York canals, and
says that the transporters intend to open the spring busi
ness at the lour rates of freight.: dry goods 90
cents per 100 lbs; hardware 75 cents, and grucefis 75
117 A scientific committee in BulTaki have discovered
that the Rochester knocking Airs produce the mysterious
sounds with the bones or their acct. We have often
heard it said that science was bound to investigate every .
nook and corner, animate and inanimate, but we had
no idea it would pursue its explorations into such a field.
ItT A London Milliner Was the sender of the prat ar-
Pete designed for exhibition in the World's Fair. She
sent • neat little be: with • toei and key. and on open
ing it, two nest tittle cape were seen of a new and taking
Er The Yankee Bluitc, remarks that it has been fur
ciWy said of affectedly crave people lobate faces "do
cream sod mantle bite a standing pool," as Shskepeare
says, that as rivers, which run slowly, hare always the
most mud at the bottom, so the solid stiffness int the
the course of the former's life, is the sign of a thick" bed
of mod at the bottom of their brains.
rr It is said that the Pope iateads to appoint three
Cardinale iu this country. Archbishop Hoee.. will
probably be ems of them. This would loose Hughes but
one step below the Pope. We bellows that be will yet be
Pope. aid have Do doubt that be would make a molt ex
crlleat one.
Cr The preparations for the Spring Races ever the
Sufale Idayerality coarse me no* complete. The Dem.
iterate beim entered Junes Wadsworth. Esq.. of We
miser...burner" breed. and both mikes are fretting their
•'pile" ea hie ceasing out at lima a length ahead. The
Whip bare brought out S. S. Jewett. Fag.. bat wbetber
big coyer is a "silver-groy" er a "black dapple," we have
set learned. He •evidsntl'. however. Is defkieat it
"battom." sad will be *stewed the Mut beet.
17 The New Germs paper. called •• Oar
aetiee4 aesatise mane; will be Weed te•day fees We
$1 . 0D3) I.*EAN. i . i
iFor the Fate otercrew...
at of whir. teem dyspepsia or oaaair
4a . are are apt tai climatal . . I hare an oricar•
na fancy. Sumettrriee its "terribly tragic•l l
r y business I.lte4snli ant 'infrequently bnN
sal elrougly tin , ttireit with the ritficulousi.
en Of thr twit c:a ' ill give the following:.
d numerous:Oran flacessa, and in • isiri
i g t, proved tut lie a t tatuple of justice to fuit
oetrt had been eAtipied for a day or tie".
.(4 with a Case of inoach of proMise. The
. •ii ► 84 • aCtittlV g‘ithered flotn
• ; t .e Defvntieuts doensel Ii4LI made 1. - 14;ari.
Plaintiff had; finished the principal pitri of
~ is 1 entered. was dtreating his fire at the
way of "points" p'be . adverted to ill tho
d r
ing from t heir
. ramber and the uoirert.
c sracier.' tie prier discussio n must 11,4
i• d se - desire. 'I hie of them I remember `
wait will transcribe ' First. the plaintifrre'r
Co *1 to charge , th t man is esseutielygrO.
m e natitutibel, and that alt social habits ere
co 'pliant° ,Iwiat 'the law of his uStore.--;•
re ruled law is esl.l cit mad perempt:iry air
t e subject of INOrimony. Third. as a
a . i
tc of thet ' fi rst ao hilt' second points. that he
these exiireas Mid adthoritative rules of
aria culpible, mind dessrsestint the ma-
With! these r ltho case was submitted.
Ithose ecientriehi appeared Guliounded.
dischirge oil his jdicial duty iu the
restyle.. I"Geleinew of the Jury; you
.ider a g l are matter; questions affecting
human' pockepii and the human helt.
it , .• I • 11,.', I
nit 1.) Lae 11,
• 1111. 14,111 , • r .4.0
0 /..51.11 . 11 .. 111 1111
the l'ii. , .e. 1 1..
••1:1/54. an I,li 1 ,...,1, i , .
ILT The harbor 13:11 , which has passed die nettle, sp.
, and th at ue tie.,
Its, WI
oliT1•11111e 11,111111*, ,• ili
in (.0„g"..... sail 4..., .., ,we proprtates $411.000 for our limber. Sad $116,000 - r a , a
Dredge neat nu this Lake. At the last accounts, it kw
not b ee n ere i in the Senate, and as there are but e s .
iiiii'i l i r s! eli rifi ti re . L . ll : l '.. g i a iri l • i'r l i.'.. r ...f
his timer lie• cal to tlii ti , i II•.
..II tti't 41. , iiii% dint vat it) nI. •I. 'r
inue-,101.. wanton a I the -I i% i'a ' .o, { more working dates in this session Its friends will k m , ta
road: 1115 1111145, I , •...
5 Or 511 an:. it i' .., ,
~,e . tht ,,,,,,,,,,,
~,i , ,,,, ~ of . ti ,,„ , „...,„ ~ . ,...•,••harry up the dish , if they expect it tepees. s '
oil 04 di I: , ; • 4 it • II Val .1. el It I'• .1 111.. s / - _
-... iny., :or o•,r . ; ',,rule ,u-Cant 1,--1., ,t l'i 1 DX A lawyer in the Ohio Legislature antrodateed al,
n the came Triton `ull 1 "°•-e w"° "s'' " I'''2'a in favor 01 instructinz convicts in the State Pr son in ihi
Flea if letis i i . , on t . ell' II 41.k- 0 01 , 1v 1 rt in 1 4 ,re.
..1%. l' I.) In •• in ih , CUP' 0.3., i., of its e ~,,, -. J, ~, sr, art of prat/hag. Whereupon the- Printers of Columb a ,
. •,, her, the .111.t.11e111101.1 1.4 somata I • as-tom in if I. it ••et
presented a petition that the said ceinviets night be I
'rite fir.upoint to he noticed is the allegedfnet that the strum,. el in law. That was a retort n kind.
~ a.
demegogitne and abolition fanatics of the North are.pres. - _
. The Steam' r Arrow. f rom above eame'ia 're
i i. sing on thelcoutir•t with fearful velocity—diet Vermont -
ith heavy promines too, topreve the
has nultifiel the Fugitive Slave law, and that NI 1-vecliu• Thursday' bout!! down. she reports no obstruction fro m
di pitiable pred c 'mem". setts hiss defacto anuulled it—that the eases fades le has ice west.. TI,. Hendrick l luda,ou left here on the NMI
keble allege is dto have been olitaiiied
arisen: . null he appeals to Virginia to move 11JIAtar4.1.— eveni n g far ( 6.l . eiond.
-% ow it meat b e very obviou" that the Pottlei 4 of ( s .p.
is marriegeablei 'ids were sold at per lic- -
1 proceeds thus Pe 11Zet1 were phdantlirop
Ilamilten'a ifitelhgenee are not very trustwrettlii; Ore IdARtIIED
DOOllll l5 is Meurer to those who are on the slier. end cirii (-)n. tic l e 1 ,. 1 , , ,,.. la wnt rford, by Itar . Chu F ,D,
rev, Mr ,34 tie • 'Nee. of NI Keno. and Nies, Sarah Cr,. :
Ltd as marriage pions for those whose jailer fur tleiticel% es. than drat the anti-slaver} az.l . on
I millet,. tit to att 4. Whether the recent in the tree, t " lalea 15 111 is great mea-ure syl :fettle: t h at d r aci ,,,, Lpf F. lit 1 ,. 4 ,,. 1.... q .
ri lii . aterr...rd
•is stair/glom/ de primarily drawn fr m
'i ticipatisig in it are deer I: f e its I I ,
t d i:::::• :Z° f l n ii .l7at in i l t 'e l:. r l e ai l d 'a felling Hite The eseltrit e hal; I .”
.. "'W "
crl l'v 1(111) ""I '• bl M 51! ". En 3 l,
Nichol.. ii”rz,,rde...q. of Randolph. Crawford courentid
' • " Jetleed an J4rU ' e in q uir y' Ba t e P- of the o, e.4',1 bare %%hitt , ' fee ettce, like G iritemi a„d Ger . -
iII selients was ktifoundly ingenious and ret Smith, and those, oft the negros it ho hi long to %lie ,
Moro eine-mall j tot ill its wisdom be ob
Fred Dan l . , ' ... order of turiawa . % p a*riots The utio, at- M 11.415814141 Ilutraidn, of Felon.'
! , DIE D . _ -
ran2' / KM that prevailed has la •en .ro d u. , i%e "r , ~
ss glauce et its,pt, liable operation ou that " ve I, ""-- i ';', l,, , . , ' , 1 k ' ' r•l'.'• ,•s l'ic : 7 . 4 ; ;+ bust .of ennsumpt on. M u
mt es %Altar% te.uit...iio is. 10 mom, li.. true - ~, a. , „... .
In. i.,e 0 %'• to II (ta r i.. in the 51 la tear of heart
mortals technically , termed "old R.tclit si *' I t e 1 rot oti of tiic colit r. quiet. patriotic lii t 1.1 -
resume genllcat•ll. was erected about on free Stalt sto the rhararter slid Sarver of the.e al idiutin j .I\o lli ER SCI EN f 1 VIC WONDEfII
i shoulders of the purchasers, 010, w pi
,L ii i isennoitione. Tne iiin , ;ikeett , t a lar t it . b. irresti i! plait
%notice, Evers. , in a,I •-, t iit,•(.o%, Fl ai l, ii, c a s t , 1, ~- i . ~,,
I from a too-el l t* P remlit Y" A d4u " ta t tl ' i l e t p7o " C.:s 'e s " t t li t i:lo v ii ' lz . o„, ilie 1,11.oi;„ r ioei:„n; is lie7t e - I : "'' • '
4. ' '''' "*" ' '"' t "1" Rennet , " the f"" l "',' " - t' LI
r• a, le the aid o 4 ge rgeous g ar b s and del- inn iip , iiiciei% trutti M. to it, 5111• 111 , 1 01 ledtlle., 11,11 ell. (.' .."'".
r ,
"'rt." of i t '194 tech; the peril r: "•• • • rest
, dealt to the f int li weir, and, as is in edition 1 , ,,, it , ,•,n -.... can, -li,fi 2 berme m. aiiig:,.% p r. as i• '" •° " a ' ' '-'• '''''' U•, '''' 44 "". 11 D •N° It '(*".",''. I ' 4 " t i ",."
, 111 1 •111:11 trap! HOlll5,
chair I- drik en hi (are the vi Ili IA Ind. Toe at Inn. vt V. r- I '. • i : . • ; J im ... Pa. 1 . .01 01; truly rioniferfil reinc, tf . F i.....
,:or., ll:iipeliwi. J... t 414., Liter 1 01/s14:11111. r 1, 11.1.,....1.4,11 JIA
m oo t took ii , ,1, 1 (I.llTjlia I'ls. t• Slll.llll . V 1.010111.1. Ot t h is t am e st elielialitia 1:111CLItie s pin," I 1.11 , t, eltille• - 111.1 , 1` 1 /1 . ' . 5 C ‘
, river in her le t p•ldeve loathes: and arra.. s. i; o 1 5 . 11e
' - '" ti " Ilk ". h ) "tt , W l '' ,l l In.
red spirit of COM rlitioa moil ii•icesi tility
the act lia...ei! le, afr dlident trick. and caner it ex•iii•ere 1 "- t " ' t u t 1 "" e '', " ,
•' •• "i• rotort in -ii.:Let r 0 . , .1-•
ced. Mau being ii,:lity sd ilipstlietie.the- 7 0 f ee ., e w e, l e l th e b r east• of the peo . ph, the ni o ..(d. i,.... .%., • "11 4 1 1 1 - 1 . .;;•V i ' , ..% ‘ ' ‘ ' , 1 :. r. ,, r4F TIS: Ap ,, Nr. k Irtlrt 1
ill venture I assert, analyse than ten' mined Les, 'II% It iii•ltellf•Vrd Ibit b V • wiii iiii-toil to rm.. nil • tittml .' •I • % b i• 11. lb Ili)/ zl ' i ' . l' . AL!.1 , ; " 1.1 41 E I f' R IIA A I N it
1 opening of th S ale, rich scenes of rilval
it, end U wile out the disgrace. it has etit iil'ed 'oil II :e :'. .."1. 111 oil- ' 11. 14 Is ..'
achelurs, t (futile' and widuwers,--for the State. So far as NI isaselimiette is cone,- ned, out t a
sure le ca.-a 4%4 orrerr. d to re to w Willa Gen. H ,111 I
i Jives " Lct ntol tittle hereafter , in T i es to l es ; e (II ,rk. ~rd es. well informed ett.17.11 of hr rs 1,. -
a pulle d of suchiikte hmte.utteue, refuel to lirves it II be von- soon fo • lowed by [motto r of a I . • •
mature. ' here are thr.e other mums m these vim arts
1 i I . I , I , di-ear:n:7 of eoniedertition. Geo. lioneliim [hells. 1 " i: •
• co oilit'tliqr tillfli i idr , igs CcfemanV with v1110,11 . .1 Iced riff In ~ace in far or of ts Southern Cunt
Li di•ll t‘. distill, iilstiiiigsonlett hot. tulle vent,on tali. held ' at Itir'imenel , thst a re:meet.; oa ift
II the atria, betrin maidens and uidolivis. all the Si les 'would he the fru tof t', is ' movement; mid
F • I Con... Woven a %maid be amended, e o as
was celled 111/ . CAI, "fi e. festival luta: I that the -. l dt " ' l . ' . •
I. ` • '. to actor° new gu iraidees for the rlghai of the :met'', end
f . i•n, %cm will nintantly discover to h %e a fresh understanding of the barge u.
lite ) lejudiciou -Sppellatton. ceatraidlnz N 1311 7, toiall and siiilttlar of (twee thiii,:s. 1 object. lie
11l no doubt did
I w i d i au b,,, q , e m t io n lfl i t cause thiiv are wholly., minecessnr% . Tile South, ri.
andlue al the ibortive Nosh% ,I,e. ( on- • --------
0 . % redeeming re dire seems to have en ‘ c .:`. l . ` ti e . .l l , t ,, "l: l '' c t o h u e ld b Salto Notice.
secure no good i od...but to prote i n 1 •
t 1 1
ik 111......"-‘,l, I • . .•‘ it 1 lii l' .. 6.lll , Nerl'ef err 1, 1 14 , ...,1 a , r 4
a item wits the fens' at the ex iv..
t oo 011- • • agllalloll 11111 d turiii•li a sort of .11.2-I . l.v.ilse lue Mr osi r
. A. h., i ~,,, ~,, „,,,,,, ts , beioni th e do , of Ap , , ,,,
• conversation was enlivened 1:n &trilled I. i:nriota of X•mill Carolina and Inis•t•-iiiiii to let I 91., I'. ii ;Li. f• A._ :Ail ' , : 4 HICK INS. iN
11, • . ,
1 1 01l their e4 ,ra 1... This can just as n. II be done in
nag." in ilio I lei of which an ann.l. tics C_ ~„
of , .1 x, ft IT 7:1 - 41 - G EN C ir . .
1,..., inert ogs. legislative asseininies, 1 warm o J Ira: - ~,,,..1 , „ 1 .„,,_,,,.,,,, I
rime a sly flifigiat prospective Collllllsllll
oratlinet. ;Aid oil „Vier rue-dile ems: ;one, tor t'iese pi re. 1 ii 1 1..1. • i LI I: 0 ~ ,,,,:i1,4 '2 ,..:!, `' ,.; ' , .Yr a ” a La " 87)."
t 017115, i.,l:;ilv.SO
ne tic d...iil se It a Southern Coeveution s'iould be In Id ,'' T ' ' ' " " '
. i . I - 'I. i. 1.1 -L re, it micrid et a ..„,
L .I . t,. ..., trat.- 'it 11.:40N 1. ll'%ll
ow bra fee heck ',nice cat Greek nerldit s, at Memo:, el, or e 4,1% litre, it would he hkelt 0 ton•niti —
• I tar e .or on of Me violent and aet•e• ultrai-ts of t e • 2i.san'd and Lots for Bales
At• 10- io Illouneleid township, Macre" et. are , ..n•
et things duet acre' done. the bride car ad a 1 ,I . ' ..''
i Spotlit rii . tate., tar they ' would b. % ig,lant and indtrir . - i 300
her seine bail, y, the precise intention of 'I
Int - r• in tice.4.ri
until% nu I would st ek a place amen !! its members for ' L''''''• l °l.rc ~,,,I -.rice filUoU.
1.11'4,11i..!1,111f1. • •
Ilgearial/51 have nut 31dt concluded upon: but the con velLe t i t upper's mtt it would taunt them'to create , leio, , ~iti ..• tu.te ~,..i of Coo. in F„,,,, iris t,,,,,0„,,,, II
g lease liuhibla to engzeet r would becoutto of diqUrbancies, to pledge the people 'in advance to corm , a cre - I:1 , m th ar b : d r ii,. s and urchard-price E 1.,. tier an ea
lavarttag the extreille r i via•ures. and to orgenize a hod% of co•CoVert- 1; ~,,,.. ~, ‘,. ,',, r 2, ( , , ,; . , 1 , 4 : 1 ' , ' 1 , 4 , . cm .
cle . m...i. b . 0 ,. / .. 0r
„ ..tur
°seance in after life ' by simply
'I •
tors, who t ght con trol leg.slatice &save:hi:cc a 1 . ,. tl. , ir -- mh ird-price - I !be.' .
f the word. At Adieus a miince was some , respeetsve ,cenunue ties, and vetch perdu for the lino.. 110 ace. l ' il lib • OirillT tots teals's , on the east hank of Perri) '
u; die reaskin for iirit'efiiiiug this puckering mint %%hen the) could give the Union its deal." bees ' t. " .. " ( . 1, . , -- ',, ', a tt ittrb4nl-63 acre. cleared. tiouci.. tat:.
This is their only hope—this is their real de•ien And . i "..;;;' • . . t , id , i i i t i , i ' i l i ' r r ii e .tlT ii.T .. n l t r ",:" 2 :: .ir a v ir.:uurni l'i rm " l I ' ll ° 2
tits reinotelday musltlite extremely uncertain•
hit calculated to pro i cere that witiiiii„g priii„- should a Itte.sette° of
i a t " , the t Stjt• i s i •fietward ' i ° '"'"''i le '' '-
reale-on. modernly A cquired by pronouncing
rl , i ar t ma 1.01.9`,1 tact GI Efle.,oll Lake Res.'. g ,-, 1 'minl.-
a o b t l i e at cone It aLcuitipip-o, ,t cou. erect Wall no % iot- 1 , z- all :‘ , chur , ,l. and .1 ail aLiC,IKM Cr tbr a milt—pry,- 6'4/ l er
purl in % iew but t o amend the federal t mistdu• i ' [. “:..„` , :1,, t , , „. , ,,' ,, p-. , „ 1. , A ca ,. i ., „ 1 .,„ 4 ur ,,, i
rsimmenu. Ther Llicedirmuniaus we re a ry ' lion. ' ..lild now let nie candidly and airiously ask stn}
en,ita . i. • L . rt . ee 'rnie' m il e
ere "
I sou t h o f 1• • La the
[their nuptial proceeliinge, cart% tug them ti, man in lii4 settees, II he believes a general cont•Ln 11 oti , 3 , t , •teri • ..1 tt %; , l 1.41,4 Tat ' s. of I.rac ' t i l.4..i a ltft4, in Wa‘r . writ:
I 1 entild tne u4settibled in thek.e times of turmoi l and eiL ,, e . -.hi d -, tire a; -et, .
udestinely as sheep-stealing. A subject Ori
metal. cat Fictional jealousy and ammo...inv. from „11.C'1 t t k .l ',,''''','l„`"l'l laud in Le Thaeoffin-prier 6 3 Per a‘' , "
of lit Lots and Out Lois of the lona of
of the --tkinder +limo" must have b els - au% re,d g el could be expected? If. in tile dm. of out Lt io ' .." a ...r ''''' n ' tte- " .
unman!) —n gross pagan delusAm. gentlemen. hollers. * fen our territory oas comperiltrelv situp; our : Feb •In, t it. I 1 ' Lmit t i rent. Erie. f'.l
conilitien -trotted and anatichial, our cantederehon .. . DI, .\a'l CR.-1:L lq: ti ofilt;7 - eni t ind plastrvor•-ne t,i
I recital of the inintotite of•thei Itoman iiihri.•
loose and Iran league, bliserted or mulned. as interest i Feb*. . . I mot) & Rte.
risco 'wont outf,sene to weari•,' and therefor one or t p iii is -
or prejudi dictated. there w a s so much difficulty lit I ( ILD t•tlF.r.-t. -1.,,i5i0 its nice old Cher... i i., 1,1 ' , oral ,
, , ,
of Mean m t suf fi ce. The lirt e's hair was orn summed forming is onetilatiou by a convention presided ores b
' 61 1 ; r % ' 1.1 1 11 1'. . h i s iLl Tit ' aiutti s t"' Is
with • wet di of flowers; the t atria ' s tunic was pat oi; Washinzt n , and coierresed of many of the most illunii- seed tut: sale by
ous stmesinen and patriots of the revolution. what could ! _ l. ' 4 ' '-' ' s LAMP & Rt*c•Tt i
her. and h r waist encircled lei 1% A wolhen zone—inconi
( We hope fdr now. wheu evert- cause of repul-on and an-
trovertiblt he prototype of the
.l'resent flannel — eseisq, gement has been augmented a thousand fold! But in
me gentlemen—Mu - rt. In adc bon, a red voil coveied addition totted this. the South weeds neithermew *.glary '
her face add s2i rubolised bashrishiess, the genuine qua. I tees'• Dor 't recognitions 01 the bargain." The canquii..
guaranteii far net rights already, and stands
sty', i; is fair to 'pier, bein sulkily scares• in their coin 11441-14ni P
(nun/ties. Mel' first step s Ilea new home was !pk
1; p
11 1 %r: s eed id Steadier new readings or new ennetifieatien:
greetipellarhum of the free - Jinn and the ri., , riits . of
on a t .frerre (lettehlem of doinesod industry :) the succe ed. , every State and of ettery citizen ill the Union, cannot
tag steps 4:, "to shop" for ins - noes. probably eonsum .. l be (retel away by .peels} pleading. nor overthrown b . %
open force:, Both means have been tried and no:11 have
mated theeciag operation Among the ancient er- H
i isr,tauinitt.4s/t tailed: le, eternal and im mutable prima
dire VI were rare, "and there," says a misan- !,plea rise ti Vb . Ilk renewed vigor otter every assault; and
thropic co 4 in
eutator, "the way of the transgressor mist the more t ry are contemned and denounced by fanatics
have - been laineutably hard." Xie ; and demo ogees. the (figurer do they become to ever% '
The poovir Mohammedans have generally but one S t sari. 1% het einem& can U. me be eted on
, lutd
P4l " ° . '5
h ' .
the OUtIIIV..I States , without equally wounding the coo
l% ife; the richer, two; the very rich more: by which ad- , stitation , None—absolutely near. - And VI tile necessity
irritable sr xi - gement, yon discover. Gentlemen:. is pin- ' can there,lte for amending its provisionst Ili seeking to
moted the;
rsification of certain
inselves r [id flee awa.%." scripture—" ti ke lke '
do this the South abandons her strong grornisdof cetera/tu
witiga to the tional safeguard, and wipltedh at least concedes diet the
1 cutistitution does not already pretext her rights. Is any
In Chino. the wife is as regularly bargained' for and , wise stattismen of the South ready to. admit -that the I
z -atrs of he•
Loughs, as n milder climes are warming-pans or other' federal constitution is not the very rifts cal Ina gee mead
ff. rOlllll/1 1
I I rights and lonvileges. as melt as those of the free State:,
articles of persoaal property. 'This may, at first blush. I should regard suc h a man as little lees t • hatt deem med. ;
Crim n ....—.-_
strike as as unanswerable evidence of deep moral and I Why. Own: broach tub idea of amending that chalet's i ---
latelisetuall debasement, but when ° we reflect that our , instrument. which is as near perfection now as lumen
1 I wisdom Call flanks. at ' II it be abused or violated, amend-
own countrymen. through their judicial Insetioneries,
}.lsztint will not preview that; fur it ts as easy to abuse br
hove pronotinced matrimony to be only a "civil contract." i violate the amendment as the unveil itiatrunient itself,
patriotic prilde rebels at the inferense." This ter- It is impossible to close our eyes to the cutetpicuous '
6giare%S. Cartaliii• is endeavoring to cut in this emergen-
initiated thiii first branch of the charge; the remainder.
li s , ifx. c and prodpiced that
in winch are dmposed of "the points" above quoted, ,
c u Y ii ' luerv e tl n d e e t e r withod
t tlie di l 'Si " ?eventual. She
wilt be conntined in another number; also as excuse for : courted - Georgia! a l ird . btrereel ag tlie lead in the great enter• i
his honor's lungallant peculiarity. ,D. 'iirise to her. but that noble State contemptuous!) rejected
II it. Site is nowlcoexiug the Old 13onliniuu to jots her mad t
, I 'scheme, and offering as au tuducerneut. to place in her
1, went hands die original • flame of disunion. Will Va.. 1
',... gams refute or accept the proffered •ensign of treason?
I believe Olio will spurn it with disdetti. Tee Union and I
I the Federal Constitution are too dear to Virginia to be '
Ii cast • idly away. They are her own children. They
, were dandled on her knees in their tufaucv. told now that
they have sarived aidhe maturity of lierefilean irsiauho,d.
they will stretch forth their powerry arms with her own
'to uphol her honoe and viudieSte her rights. N —VIT.
• •
glom wil d l
be the last to desert them. Th ues of
Washington and Jefferson and Madison woo riot repose
l i grimily in their honored graves. if she we to mar and
blast their great lanois of patriotic devou a to their coon
i try and mankind. How doe, it happen that South Caro
-1 lino is the only beacon•light in the Union? Who coo
-1 stituted her the polestar in oar glorious constellation?,—
Barely Virginia will not courts.' that her star is in'the
Walla, and that the Palmetto State in the ascendput
Virginia Is, as she has,,eeer been, her own mistress.. and
tan say to South Carolina, or to any dther grumbling
Buste.“ll4,stim We want no &easily jars; wo will netther
topsail* roar quarrels, nor follow your trintisou• exam
ple " I feel proud to refer to the course of my 'own
pliant Slaw Texas bad too Much trouble to moor the
Liaise. to be willing to go out. She halms full well the
evils of war and of faction fersetretad by foreign interests
sad domestic traitor*. She bed anough of separate in
dependency to be able to appreciate the benefits of male'
two or min.
ramie. and 0,
that the agar
not vet beet,
have heou
incuulcs of
racing bet%
elm co "be
of the sag
...tat , at
The Ile
much pom
The ineddl
winch. Ren d beenan ex
so etron;l)
cute." T
the fact, tts '
of the Iro
sons' and
mind nigh
sluch s
Amu z of
about wit
which an
which, I
Infinite int
first letter
precese. at ,
It Was tiro
Deli Of ex
the'vcord p
peculiar in ,
in loto, el
to the ewe
A ,caref.
C:f The l'Spirit of the Times.” Philedelphia„ which:
was once one of the heat political penny papers in thol
country. hini ceased to exist. It fell into the embrace of!
Free Soilialt. and has been smothered; a warning to L all
similarly inclined. Its advertisements and: good Milli
(if it had aiiy?) has bees transferred to a new paper. cal
led the .• enosylvania Statesman," the character ell
till better by and b tesee t
y. p it pro
fosses too Much,
_ _
of the New York pipers eomplain or thi
isilrer: while, per, contra. ethers inert that
e ' , her-grey to Many in the State. We
implaints ere rather ifisk-y!
_ I
Q 3 Soot
scarcity of
there is o
thick both
'none cherish a very inadequate satin:stela]
of an Editor'. peeitioo."—Gezettr.
Id be sztretooly witty to leant that the ba44-
I f the . •
Gaulle was to it isticatapositiost—orach
. we shoo
*ler Editor
lose ahead
tote place
ra requestild to say t the regular tuentlilyi
tits sabseilbets "at taps Roadie/ Rossi Intl
Toilets. seeming Sett •
Genesi Ba*. Hotiston's Letter.
' .TV Atlit.GT,.. 4.. il. t. 155 1 .
. .
MT DEIIII Re.Layser:-1 thank you for your favor re- '
cently reriiiveid, •nd iii reply 1 taint ).iu that 1 '
reakteiall Om solicitude that you enul I expect nie to do in
relation to Ille present attitude of our tuitional as well as
our sectional stfsirs.
In renilliCtitili Viotti these, I have recently revs .1. the
nubile ripen' a fetter Isom Gen Joinesfloinil on. of
South Carolina. d..ted 11.-trieve. ITetts.) Dee. I.
lesl. at:di addressed to Laugden Chests.. containing
sonic stegglestioas and so:mune:its in Is hielt 1 cson , 4 coin
cutlet,- i liti,e are times ol la ide-riplead axtiatoia, and of
deep and earnest feeling on the Net of inanr of ion- 1,1-
tow tit.zei4. and :melt ideas as Clore t s p r y -red in the
I " sine 4.t tract hoot the letter Lit Gen. 114isiMini +tie
li'ellaY to by Pr. , iluotive of evil tow:•ec i nehres., hota t•N cr
well meant hi luto. Ilii name has bong bra it 1...th0t
to the pubic as one of the nil,t ard,mt a id act.% ._,,,;;,,
ehniiirionslof Smith Carolina in the timer of nu,
ami-his latt conciliatory admonitions have env ed his
opinions IW th purrenied influence ait4tig the• inn 1.-r.,:0
amt riinniat 1r1. , 1145 of the coitaary. Thu-e .ytlZZ ,, ti, is.
therefore. if erroneous or liaid;„ should nut lot allowed to
pase.hy un otreed. The object I have in view is siert('
etignee in la nentsparer contest with the General. but
cret ) to intimate to can arid rogue, other friends nt
air hinondi that, as lie places Virettua in the vanguard.
in liis cotetlinaplated inovenieut, it appears prop-r that
steps 6110'00 be Liken there to manifest her dissent front
the high (loner proposed These ars the ett,racts to
v. hich`l ilfsire especially to iiivite tour attention. lit
mane othef portions yf the lett r, opinions are thrown
out "flitch I also deem justly oh osious to criticism. but
as there are the molt vigil:tile!, il will confine tr.y Miser-.
volume to yteto alone:
•• to tq-lett..r tv:iich I n•ldre.l
ni. I liken i.t., ~.*cite I loraU
Soltlti to i.aeor the moral rj
CIA the flin4ic..,ll'ol.til,
I t to th , " 1.- I( de ,or IA) ri'l 1' 11011-
,Ithat it it..• unoret..uot) tor Ow
17u....11,111ty. of 4........,1t tog the I; tiloot
Ws al.i prang:tie de01..7.77:U..s -0 1:11'
V{ 0 , i1.1 I.:111.11101i the tro ILI7. it.,, 7.71,14
,7-. coo 17.11 t0wa7.1.. tho. culll; •I...;iolo --
,folphel'' • Thr) have loortiet.7.ll7 Ica ay. ho•
. SitiCe tut letter Vkas v.1111.1‘. 1.,,,,1 twi
er I..illtp. rept - alt. I 111.7 Fo7itli 7 Si', ...77.0
1,110 , ...,1, deAttfountioltril' ‘07 , 1. 11.0 the
~I 01777 to hart , aeu.ett 1 Wall not Vergitti,
n't rat! a rut ehtiota 01.11/ the Souther( r. , .
'oai ' 1\ ill hot e:ildi and all of (hem 7.1 . ..
Ills 7'....10 atod Wilt" tied rommutzia •
•-• 7 I 1...1,.....,..a.. I hcleet e 1.. lU t..
..747-.. •11.. 77 111 7017 ~.. 'out .1
117,7711 : a 0 et...7.1114.01u( all th wilite2 of 11.1' ki , ...T.ti
1 1 ...... ha 1 7 7.7 i.v.4, t,. ~ ..(
1,,111e .71.1, 7.77, .11,7.11,,..,
..Ito the con-Itt•t7,lo.
1 .41..1 ~ 1 111111 .A.ll‘
1,41,1..a11d iiie,e if
114 - tii , r it 1.1.11. t.
1.1;.111.!11.1. 0141
1111 ., .1 al RI ,
.. IF) 111 . 11
r 141.1.'
6. 11.1"
lu 11,): Ptal ,
o err iru‘eli !lute'
11.11 114141, tl
h i. lid. 11
and fraternity. Let who may tee off after the fal se
of Soul' Carutines Texas wdl sand by the flog ef; 4
Union, and defend al( the eters that gem 14 wlth
same braverV and devunun which she clung
se mum hunta of gluon' and perdu the batter to wh o
glitteri4.l her o wn.
It nest he asked whether a contingency rii;glit a ,
iliac when the duty evcr y i . man owes to the fireaute., ss: •
homes ot his ismily, and friends would require low ;
Flitittlett the II - limn, Undoubtedly such a sad sp etz ,
might 1 in.....,;,1 to. Kr-ranted. Gross iniu..i l e e , Toss lit ,
Hesston, and pelmet ering ty - ranny; hvght produ.te it, ),,,
1 yiinft. that de wilt never come. rit has never yin ew e ,
out I belii vii It never will. When rt dues, if ere% .
will he a law 0511/ IL4lf. It will !Wive to hr rise:, r rol b, ~,
et wore -I' accession, pr nullificatron, or St•••
b,,.i ,: 1 f..itl istmlia, but in the bold end manly spina t..t
a , riiritorl o,lr I ill/. to Ali the• revOntron—that noble Pp •
Wilitil prO, la; nit that the presertqatiou of liberty will's.
i . any 'a...ashen - 11t-erssn!y to that great end. In ; at
11..114 ;Vie in its Olt, within our appropriate epelm r
emilidarie op t utiousf Overtions to subdue fanatic:sin a. :
vinti•nrc. to res.-I sertinnal encroachments, to rest,.
knit and harIaiSIIIVLIS rtrilDg, and to cherish Mose w r it:
sive sentiment* of patr,otisin, in which the Consutm ei
and the. Cason originated, and which rendered our fatie
era a band of brothers .We - am admonished by Ir a
highest wi , lorn...thet sufficient auto the day is the et ,
thereof. .1,..-t us gins up to the croakers sad prophet', it
In - the task of trampling un lb. Constitution, ruistiet t h t
country and blvUing its prosperity. This-etnploymea: s
,onimital to the i r fechnt, and affords them tho s a l,
chance' they bait: to attr set public attentron. f 1 :,,,
strength ofour "t stein of government be destine r k Pas t hrough another fiery ordeal for its purifieation I sao
' pri% fur no Ripley blessing to - be conferred on mar e ar .,
tit tlian that our thief M.siustiale should - possew ~
ih e
~ 5
i d
Will, the Sp man a irtrio, the patriotic order of tt' s .,o„,, g .
tun, all of which qrklities characterized An - drew Jeck m,
th ••pilot who weathered the first storm s ,''
I have hastily akelcbcd these etude augzest.ons, e n d
now Itohnsit them to you, in the ;hope -Vial they mat
stinurlaro a nu and others to adopt some effechre moment
to re"cue Vat:IMAM front the last shade of sestneion that
she liss hi,n 'licked to lead. The levitation that by
been tendered to sou re oires en answer; let tt be ascii
a s
i i s o z - , 0 . r u t i the, t . h 4t
, p .a r i o t r i e d ,
i, f l e ti t i
. e 7,0 1- 0 1, :s ir o g s t e n d ia i
friend, • . SAM. HOLSTON.
obedient ...r unt sod
lion. Jolty Lit:roma , Ricfsmonci, V.s.
..V1 i V It.t T FSE 'I EN TS
\ E \V
2c arcs to 2cnt.
Ir• 1.11 1.1 taic htv rn zIL •
1:1:1 lar I.l.firrrits 4 , 11 j tl..uKu. a k rod. ,•
•:7;• I. , :. , gt• Brick licir•c.',:r
t , 7 p'' t it. trw.liai rya.. tra Tr4r.,ar 11 7 / 1 19
1111 re t , ,L. CABIN 11
c' , I. I-a
Coal Boat I xtensioo for Sale.
m: nt--1.( ie. with
1 2 '• I , again othl un r
;1, 1 ,r it., lIC ohcv 01
I r 'RD& CO
• ()fire nl tlelP n*d Fri Railroad C. , r.p.xy•k
Ere Fee ...12.1,11 1
1:( trrt: 4 ll.ti n tti Le rreetved at the °thee ur , rot.' drah
and Erie 11 !runstinn. in Cite, to dui t.Wdr of Mari
!"'"•1 1 1' 1,1 ' ,1 e. !or l'Zit Audi:Put and bridzatiritralliii6d the •ur ,
tot tinl of tern! Road. !row the
id Ertel to a tKlll't lees the t illage or ; 4 1,rinvficid lEI +a*
dl.ll and lireliziog. re.ofy for the .uper-ttuctitre. ul a Ittanril or
Latvia' Ro3,lffrAll 01.! not tout') the Ohio I Ile. a al.tatier el-e l O. l
roZht atitt %iStiveiticationii Witt tr reniti, for t e.iec.
teat en Ail niter the 1.1111 of March next. Payne's) in e
tat ptue . k of sari eoutitahly. „
. .
4 . NR LES M REFa. Ifres , Ynt
rtit,!l.rgli and Erie knill'Oad.4 ompans
W. 11. SIIERMAN. • •
Park Boer. Three 11,ors east or Broactur ffstp/. Er., r.
..Lei ~. .111 m, copy that n bleb Nature made,"
Diaguerreott,r l I.lltene•we• of all start,. starts and prters,O , •
twelve v.httlUtt•• to tnirse .1/I:.r. ta t thruity e z " tne d a ,,,, • t r
rarte.i our, tin; sl'
, ___ ____ ' •
N. sANFi)RD & CO.,
Dealer* in Gold. S llvitt., Batik Now., Traits, Certi - ,.1
1,-it.a,r- t',,hl Ilve halter no the principal ci es
for -ale (Ithee in licatty's Block, l'ultltc Kim c
CIDrILEL •' ot• t : v . ,
17114.1 ISE VrTY Jc M. Ilt ANFO have this clay for•ard
• V.\\l 'a copartnerulitp as Banker. and Ir.lleCtion and E‘rhincr
Ilrolverv, under the nr. of . M. St. ()RD*. 11."). ottry ~
"Ilea iy's Klock, — hctw.on Mile . Peach mreetv. V. ' ' t
Square. , / M. q iNFORD. tr. 01
Ertl,. Jan. Sin I, I:?.1t. . • all
I -
re ‘ ' I : „
1 ;,. 1 -, wine' 1., the I
ter, on our rea .. i.oti. I
1.0.. t 1.51.
.101.11itte.4 C0A1..-
1,7 Fotindar.. or del .e
Fn e. Feb... 11. ' r,
FUN sAI.E • flee auk e of oar.. Nava and chain. , C.i
of M. tip, Wlll4. at J 46043111 84 )Tr. of at his tri.ience on
Sixth street %1.-4 of canal. MERRITT Sit' ht I.DING.
Erie, I ..thl. ly3l. , 1111
1 . Disso'utto*.
TICE tafierefy ei t en that the firm of MicWleton k Murihru :
/ yt,"
t. 1,. tivo.otve,i on the 5111 inst., by mutual confetti. *. ,
r ; Phu. of the tirm fa nil Ix gad.' by Nathaniel Murphe y . The nooks
~, and account. if the dim *ill he found of the old Pl3lO. w , ."r•
those knowing theinstui es indebted.% ill call and renie Inc ...line
° , 4. • . •RiIiBERT 5111)1,1.1:1U , N
- .
The sup nether takes this method Of ink:Junin, Iti.. friend' ,13
the 'I in. I N.ener mid tanvel Iron bitsllle... Nal_ he run. t tnit,! pr
him at the old at Ind of Middleton & Murphey. in all i t..41, , ,it
brauehea, where 1w wilt tie happy to wait Upon ht. 01 c.iftutierra
nod , o. 1 1 . 1.) new oore a. mat favor him faith their mounting ,
Erie. Fel.. 13, 1"31. F NATIIANIEL ‘II KI'll 11 :_,_
. _
. fey, toug z finit quality for sale l the Lne
•erect as de si r e d.
Erie. Feb 13, 1',31
Iv °Tier: 14 Liezetik glrer, SO all persons interrihed. Ott arrh'
11 entn,t, Intl, en made to the Coon of 11111 l knew ot Lot
county for itirorporition or "the first %rum eltudiol, in Waite
Ninth..' tbr object of n Welt sand church in for hr Ntrote et re.
11 11 1111111 wendl , ll. anal the pminotion of **gospel nnrong men kr
and that leottrt directed the raddippltentlon to be Wed in
the office of the Prothonotary of taxi toasty. and 'inner of AM
rawe to be en aecordilpg toilet of assembly. in a thine! publo , h
e•t nu Erie county. fur at least three weeks, anittliat the 1 ;'
Lineation watt be, twellented flit dual voter on the find' 'LI,./nda) ~
May nett . JAMES SKINNE, no.
Ltie. IS. 1831.
Grass 'Slats.
A LARGE ramortnicat of Rumor ania Door Maw at
eoututy on thenem ta‘ura; ie
, Sll. mANIrttRD le el).
Beat) Mee* Er, r, _