1 1 . 1 1 t - A. P. DITILLIN it CO:, Proprietors. VOLUME 211 . • I.:tits'lliklq (o.ll...qtralNr '' , r - • . P. D1T.L.17 , .C0. I'ItOPRfETORS. i 3. F. SLOZZI. Editor. • oFFICE, CORNI I R , S 11E T.,VIT. AND - PUBLIC 1. SQU.I. tlt.: . , • ...____-_ • TERIIS I IF ME PArim.. ( .i, .•., --1.04 , . 1. , ale Chtner. al #2.01 ,„ ~....( me ~.Ilice, lii ,0.11 . 41)ee. 1.50 • I. , I, ~.,11 , Adv;iiire. or, Within three inotzthi from the lttete . .. ~-,,, ~.'2 , tx, 0 tl,ttirtr. , tt dl he chafgesl. i ~, If ' , .l' e , Iffi. lallf altOtlf rgil./ ht• istml ',alit 1 . ~ T IATES OF AL)I:It.'II.IING.* t ~ ~• ~, , ever...hog 4 hue*, ottc).e tr. rt:tri • .. •• • 111.0 Is: C 1.101111 ., . . • . 6.40 ~., ',!,., three molotl4. - :Lot) . T 1..: ..,. : !3•!,•.rti-cuo4,l,:joild - ••tne I,l l r square. of fifteen lime* or t.., 11 iNA to-en AM; 1..1.wit0 1.4 c..lt to,:! , 3•llkitilt 1111i.,11 IS, S S • 4 .- i s ,I,erit-vr, ha' e Ole strt‘i*.sge u!!cttatigtog at pleiwire: c a' Nth:turd tetoccitsq loom tlOtt Ivt a -toaret. and Ia ~/ ,rt !In or reetordinie bevel..., , • . , A ~, , r , __,,,,,y, t , nut ha % ittu tttlo. t It tet I.lollt. V. ill le jl4llilled , ltil I •• .1 , 11..r...1 aceorthis •1 13 f:,) • ERON S MART. co rn, of Fet•tieh an** Fifth Itei.it!tinte ou Fotirlit .acct. Apothren•v 101; MEM It. ' , l ER It E \ full mililii, Of ~Plinli.ca.iit . Alia chi •I -t. Ni. • • ‘IINI. S. LANE., Attorney and Cognsell434.e Law. ',c, c, .r 3. ario .iiid ~,,, V. ....ii.,.., V ...tit. I.andi :11103 r , hii. I , f eAlin i ii .:iiiil :,Il i.diar 1•14-11. N. rinriitted tome 'halt r , Iva priillitil sail ti It Mal .iila di aili . en. 11 riglA * 14,..ch ,I.:.•• • ..Ie ii,r.v..l,,ourr J. 11, t'A r liirtrin ' * I . rie.l)at. ii,„ • I,Util. ...It , oLlnl•Lr •t 1 'I 12.-1 tit I..i'er. in I ), 1;,,...1 .I. , s,Cet irii.liar•hii arr. Unto - las, .1 .- !.ilic. Ft-lar , alt P. •.. tvfllt'r I. Siam +Artal. and Via , rniilic lovi.irl i .liedf the tv on Itu.4 - ••• i i a If.i.clit f AMP. 11% TAY RCST. • . _ _______ . • . GALEN II K t:ENE. .I.li.nota!i ' m Tailor, lam ran 0+ Itai . .i liiiir..and Movies Ilillali 0 i.t.id• IT 1 - 11!ii I.; di.na ~..a i.li•ii • iiiii •t• tit; a (AA VER. ':'1 ' .111 . 1.)i; f). • ,—.— crih..iiiii-r and :f t.itaila r..aiii! Shiiiiit..riui ( L : .ii IMaiili 8a1.41.2 and 11 r , t tot; lid, r•Alter 1,1 the 17,11114 :el an t Si‘itt .1 vat - .. J. 1V: 1)0t:( i1.,-ASis. '— ___ k. ,or .a- 4.. i. OW V1.V..!( . 4 , t •"I I.• %, - Vl r laaati State S . tfeeL. th:Ce , .' ,to I • fill JO I Inns Ws lint.l., 6rl.', l'a.; ____—_— 1%1 J 1 11 11 rS. • 1.1 coSielos tIAI , Or. e l / 4 ( 4 - I" lit • t;.l. Item! ilout.e. uuti cLatelrll add Peru Z.1••1 tn, Ltir. . H. CUTI,EII. t at . ) IPC , 2. Lie r'ornr r ir IT was a dark night in the to aof St Thoniss. rmnrio I a star was via {{'+ o , :as it that the heavens mit to so i i• —A. I: , 'o+ll, .1 not what theunccurred upon e afth . J. 11 NICKLIN.. • Mew N lici had grown gray -together Inlays and ft nod general Arney *aid wank lat. Va. . h ip. dwelling in, tho sante street, under the .Very, roof, oho were bound to each other by ties of blood kindred, of gratitude and duty, who were woof to joys etutgriers. organ, tupou a sadden ! f r auue with i n f.. immiratitios.. to plot each'other • termination, and fill their fouls with bloody hatred a }hope who had never strongr:d theta. It was St. Eiwtal . e' dcy. The Ft...keen* asternb the church to worship God, as they bill d.• pet no pf God were there, nor solemn organ notes; announced approarlung horror.. and thisaiutted I sounded with strains Ominous. watt • The town's people. were tranquil. ;Those a them who noticed that dliiir neighbor's wiOdows '•ght.u.l op, and who, •ace gloomy traces hurrying church, aliti them.elrer, "•To•dsy the It.kieze high fasiival;" and thought awmortrof it, but teen wive to tied.' Towards midnight the alarm Eicil so hr doors of the temple opened...and the nuctinn RI MS' RI-1-1% r Genii ale a .i.t Amery-a, thrall ..re and Cutler,' A:. , , Au: rtiol Steel No. 3 Itetd haunt IY. J. F. 1,1111;1fip& Cu. Soma., Catriatm and War St..te Street. I c ..-srl.lll 6. (IW.•ctr. I:: as. ) L. S . 1 . 11 1 )Ni;. Nl. t.O t,l I . • • /JOC r.. 1. L. i; I I: R'l'. R r. , r. a ~ A. nt_i • 'al'. ne. , P,',l:-..l..afratiottr ~;11 • • Srrn 2•Aer n1 ,, 1 Retail dealer in Groerrlf., 23 , j..r.. 3 rout. 8..r.;11kr. Corner ol Fracti and ri:th 1.,; , ,,,11.• I hrFaroerd . Erse.' JOIIN 'rm.!! 1111 , 1 R.i.til Wafer 18 1 , (88 , :tr. Iron. NALIN4..c„, No 2. Ft. IF The titglit•pt pric•painl 1,,r I • J. GOALDIN( . • • . Sf• it, 17.• a T Ala °a, ruin If :0141 Ma I.,.—Sir.rr. No Z RPc.rs fila , k fel i ~.sie as.- uont,el mcck nate : 4 1: . •!. I. Ilr a '. ___ _. _ J. W. wurm)ttE. i • 4 T T 0 R IV E 9• AT L A II - . ' ' Iti Walker.. (Mice, all Ses'etath tkr , Vl., I:ree. P 4 iIENRY CA DWELL. In , •,„I,lAr. nt.,l getnij Ukniirt in I Div ..kirv. l'ari rni.i ;hi Finis re Stott's Slate *me:. nitir tocton •• A 7.4— All% \ leer, Bei •, Axle Ariel t'9rin, ,nntl-a 6nn•cril f tu,sa of *addle...ll,i C•0113:4 . 1 nlw 111. 4 , _ - a. NIEILVIN SMI • ii,linß4FT i•A" ftlid 4 3. ,l .lre 4.11 lilll I'r; r , •. nt,,t {t 2 ,,t the Kr) 11i4;14c Mtanal I.I.• it, or 4, 0 4:- It , lay 4t.r.rs vrewt of WArreit..tUre• l'A :tl', It. KNOWLTON S; SON. ttritt in Waichev. eI,A rwlo r.)fle9l Prilalllll4 %Varr..lt,t ; A S.lnrit vf.1:,..r FA.le Article... ItA.aotte I.lasidiwr, tituT 14.1...1A Mutt u's T.a.tte eaten. k:rte. Pa. •GEORGF:II.•eI "f1.1.1t• -, r . ATI011•ET •1 I.Ait. Girard, I . !;t 4%..f.,1106 . I'3. 1 . ...ine• i 0 ,i. a„•:1 t thrr t`ll.-11. , ...a11endr.11 0 M. 10 1.1rt.i.101W. , 311.: ./I...Nilril _ BROWN ' S 111) - 1,1.1T. f", V•P t ' V TII• r fai , I , Ortlfr r 1 St:11 , rt , 1:1!1.11111 l'airl IC •TI eat 1.11 , . I.' - a.terii.%Verfrni mid Su.tahe it -t 1 gro:r•-••• T. W. Mimlt t . • De .1e u .1, Groerry , :FKA•tseyts, Wept Le., No Poor l'e Stale street. I:rte. • . JOl-31.Nr1 KEI I 04 ;(; . Coulon+, too linfeltartt. ute• l the rub; tc Durk, east t. 4 I r. • sa:t, l'hugter and W4lte ri-11, eon4rantly for .330. J: ti. WtLLIANIS, • 2;1.1 Earb.4n4gr. 11r or. 1,11 I.llla ur in Yr%11••. r, ritl.ral., De1.41. , ..itr. nbd 'Over tom. at., Act crrb,-.... I Oro,. Itru,ll‘ • 3l 11010. Ca. IJENJAMIN F. I)ENNISON. AT I.AW, n...--1.)111te Oil s.aorrit)r Itualritilloek. ( - 01, ( J litre lan R1t!1.11 , 1 Fletetwr, 111 Stat.•l.. Itutui; I II S..Lekmel H. l'orkin4l.lll. 1V.111,1.1 ..1..1'11114 , 1 ,4 ,4 10 ; Itv't,u"/ If AtJeci, lea York: Evr bst to 61.Q1Y+e. & , , . (: A I,llV—Otrlee np 13 . rantlia: ,flll ..f the Prothonotar) office, AtUftliAY' . 111%) , 1 P( . 01 - 1c011.1.aoll AT ,LAN --(Met 01,e!! B. •"1 , rr, env, ce one door great of Omit 'greet,. un Oa- 11,..11.1.,i1.1. , •r• I. I:O6ENZWEIP tr lb. war .s.ot.r re an Fisie ga amt Dom , -4:,^ IH' 11. ady onadelrlothing, liorAs and: gioes.t.e., O. I. Moe k. State street. Erie. 3 • 111111..i1.5, E. . Dr %, ft in Dry ii:oodo„ Dry Grocerie6. Crockery, Hardware. &c 1 i Sr, DI. rile:ll.'4de. Enc. - --- I--- - . JOHN Zl:ll>;ati,l.7 P..gr■ inGewertes and Prov‘sions of 2H kinds, Sta It street. Clfee dons, d.nh of Ow Diamond, line. - . • WM11;11 JACKSON. • Dr .I.llln Dry Goals. ll:merriimi.liariin are. tatmens Warp, Lane. Irian. Nails, ht., 121. CluMmmte. Cnr,. 11.1. • _ . WII.LIAM IMILET. 1 4:411 , MT MAIM% 1714alitter, and Cila7taker. cutuCt of Stale and F.C . % nab otreets, lane. - _______ • . KELSO & L(101%118; cArR•I Forit afifing.rro.luee and 111111., dealPrs In cUarse and tine .alt. Coo', l'iamtkir t ft.e. l'ul.he duc k. west side of the bridge. Erie. 1.14 J. K I M., • WALKER 45E LOOK, Gumit.t. Forwarding. COMICIUVIIOIII aid Prutuce Mercktahtsv 4 ec cud tt, are-bpUse,;,,l of the ruble.: Erie - G.. LOO. IS, & Cu. Dr t !Wit 111 Wale., Jewelry. ealvery German Silver, Plated and r i ' Btin nia %Vat ratter ;Military ?old Fancy Goods. z•tate street. nrarty viitin.ite the Eagle floe I, Elie. 4 T. M. ArIITI II - it- CARTER & umioTHER. !Vito, nu r and Retail dealer, in Dr g., Medicines. Paints. Vat, niri :1M at 1 ') N ` w . 'ae . :No. 6, Reed louse, Erie. —..--------.-- JUL; ii5llN#N. lit tI.III in Theological, Miseellan • bianday and. Claasical Seni,ol Barka. Stationary. ke_. Patit,ll6W. Ent.. ~ JAMES LYTLE:. ir,. , -JvVitl./ M.rchant Tailor, on the public wpiare. a few doors wen of State litriettEri.. 1 , _ .__ __ — D . s. ci4fRK. •- ________ WIIIII.La Alt AND arrsa Beater in :meet's.... rrovivions. Ship Chandlery, 01011 e-V• arc. Ike. Re... 0. 5. Bunnell 111,ek, Erne. __ _. _ ___,_._ D. _ _______ ___ 0. - D. SPAF ORD. healer in Law, Medical, actintil.llll.ol l aneous Book. stationary Ink - ite. ,State et., (ow door. belqw riddle square. - DR. O. le•ith.nt Dentist; Office and dwelling iu the Iket!e , Block. on the PAM side of the Publre Square. Lem. Teeth 'averted on Gold Plats, from one to air entire sett. CATICIUS teeth /Pled with Owe tkdd.. and restored to health and usefulness. Teeth cleaned I tth instruments and Denuffee so;as to %calm ;peak of a pellueld ciearness. All,wori Warrarited.. r DICKERBO - • 4nysienz ANDSmatos—olliee at Ins residence on Seventh street, - -- , sine int hiethodhreetnuch• Erie' ' JOHN. H. BIJA T ITK — V ---- _, •tg Reran: dealer in brags. Medic/rum Dye *1,6,4 ries. hie No:11;11teed Erie 113 • , I •• . - •\ E . , ,!"1111-E d srll. ‘VautrAdle I, de }.n e: W W. I.rii,mis portni 1111 h 311ite1lini! PM A BEAlrfavi, ELEGY. She sleeps that sti!! and ;thief, !sleep For - Which the weary pain in • atns And where thiejdews of evening weep I may not weep nzeint Oh, never wore, upon her trade, , • Shall I Lehold the vt dd Power wave! Tlicy laid lier.wliere the iva au moon Look on her tomb, With loviaieye. And I hate hear} the breeze of 341ge EA% eep o'er n—like s sigh! And the wild river'• wailing song Crow dirge tile no it swept along! And I ha've dreamt to wan) decants, . Of her —VI hp rens a' rearn to we. , And Vilked to her t. wines strCp,s, in *rondo oud Till to w) soul sjietsrew enshrined, A young Egeria of tik mind' ' 'Tio 3e4fh, ore—ail Other eyes Hair auk; their beauty e'er. my yomb lf And 4 hie, hung on o her sighs. 'I . . • And sound: that i .trn like tolth. 'And lu'ved the Junket villchjhe) gave. N ' Lake that which pernditd In t4e grate. , t Ana 1 have left the cold and dead. ' 't ' To in male with the It . ttig cold-. . 1 _4 :4, There is a weight at.. - ..iiiid uiy head. • My heart ia grow •iig old! Oh. for a rtliiife.atid A hal. .. WILL firm. dear Ltlen. In i y iota!". I Age tit. u von my bremst nud brain, My 'thou frude..,befott. its tune, But the) are .111111) r %a again, Lo-tjartner of. their priuoc And thou art dearer, in th) shroud. Than all t h e (,:be cud livitg crowd! Ittsc, ut die bouni 'Witch vt-fltke td,A. that eomtlaot bckl AaJ thus th., pal , and toterat Rowers cht 't -de I trdele. 1 Oh .o.ll' Wlllgs 0131..1 . (111 , ile•lbel:tiest• To -11 y a) atpli , e at Ten''' . t, a -- ----- ,---- - _ ___-___------ GEM{ E. OF ST. THOM . A True Story of the War i Runga St litvpin) . s MiGAZINt. MI i With wad howl the excited mob bxrit (11!* * the or their steeping neighbors . It. was as though th souls ancient and inveterate gruilvi to 'avenge, so • .mil bitter was the fury with which they murde stiose windows showed no liillt....the taken the li.id adopted, lest by error they should assail each; ds ell mg*. Is two hour , s the Migyar papilla:lan of 04 toy' ' exterminated, with the exceßbou or is Kern y fii evespe'd in leans and cmithges. — Chase - ho I eve/ ;mr•ued: and when the uprose in the town, the so strife and'lanientahon,and the dung of bells arl're li cries cif agony and despair were still heard lashing tvrvals cemt the adj went eountrv, as vehicles, slit 'iii the treacherous swamrs, were orertaki.n, eel ess fuituvesruthlessly: butchered. At last•these ireniiing sounds also ceased. Voices of oomph'' , 1 no hanzer tindible. bat instead, in more than one • of the illuminated town, were heard music, and. cod merriment. I • It was long past 'inulnight `orlon a dart d e • the streets of St. Thomas, 'ln it sat a man .ra his clunk. marvelling gteatli at the lights in th and the sounda of festivity said joy. At hiu of 'he stopped • his horse. To his great earwigs house was lighted up, cud w th in were sounds a a hum of colas, - aud'noi;es of dancing feet: A and anxious, he stekted :licitly to a window, an It he beheld a crowd of writ known faces. Th . t. gushed with wine and excitement, sang and ; and drank out of his gLisses, and deuced' awn the room. They were all old acipitaintatlees, a i itantl of the town, Ignorant of the eren:s of the night, th 3 ma. ho was dreaming. • • Presently hisettentien was attracted by the I garb and demeanor of a woman. who circulated the guests with loud laugh and tibertitie geetur ing in and etiMulating the orgies. A( firat.he discern who this woman was. Theta he recog' iu was his own wife. "Hold:" he thundered 'ont, and strode into where these saturnalia were in progress. lie what to do or say; ,it would be hard to find express the 'lige wh.eh poiessed him. "field!" Ike . shonEed, every fibre 4u;Vetiog ..whitt do ye !level" • roast 'toed aghast aOhst apparition [sif The oldest started at the , siiht of the man lamongst them. lerlible and deadly p a l e . none dialed approach him. be went up to his w eyed black-haired, red-eheelted w niters. vibe turned to stone, lie filed hie yca upon h. deadly gaze. ••Clis your knees!" The woman stirred not.' ••On yauf knees, wretch:l vocilikated i nausea( Raitzeu a synonvinousi with Serb . ' le muter I.e.•liohl . tranpvia'bted a lif Pert. Irons the 'ancient KW I d to Huairary. lieu • Razed. Naruu, Raitat.n Etc Seri* buitaiirml the ;milliard at their Germ and Nag : )ear iieughlrors • • . • Isuistel *nears of winder. ,ivrtietrsteil tly the licrlui spinal the Mag era and G. mans; who that dottrel. (the Unseka. or country of • . . betweeni the Danube nod the Thaws.) led'ltte way to a Rents firaniutory atrwslimi. with as our age had hoped mere: to pee ted. The commencement of isotonic.' d due to the licitly. Wallachian race: old, long restrained hue, eowbind it ith'an in to Ix blood, marked the rbritigof tbc dough delavontan hour the drat argue of the bioothrA tharatteGiu u Weer:um r was both means and ends. lila - revolution of inodern ti • he great French reerfott ion not citrate,' —is bine keno I with eh horrible atocitles as this. The details may be totand to the . dan and Alarm ar Jour nalk. and one would fain have hoped t tbe de cimation both miles were esavermed. nbappii) such a hope rs illusory: nor can the historian li.ilttlge it irrabout • *trying UM truth. Deeds hare been perpetrated n !itch call to r ud the Hu rons and Makis ofthe Anti ikon atrium Like the @alba were toasters to lbelltt of Imbue and mardelt lag ;heat. they made their unhappy vicuna& undergo all the dreadfu mew Of tor meld. prolong' .g the transition from live to death a refine went of erectly: like them they vaunted the deeds horror, tad *eared their eseentrament at herder. • • Shia un heard otturrieitiee itieritahl, called drab remit& ' Mayan and Gormand became savage among privagea." • sae. ruhiltfa edition, 1.21.i1. sad struck her iu the • "fluid doe" Wlia rushed forward.- and I lie straggled against and relaxe4 not•hu c trampled under foot. death. They boom corn tr. The Raitze itat would yet 17 4 I I his mouth. ••Whet would we all hero are Rait scowling scoinfilly "And I a Malys . "Ask thy neigh.. is oar festival? Th bldgyars. You aro others Are dead. A ter of tour death."l '..go'cou We the •'IT lam chose With imitscriba fsee. '•Scogndrel!" .y shill weep teams( •'Weep! 1?—w1 slay me—yia mar There are.enough not see me, thou "Weep thou she, that it it I Wll3 se., hawed tout" lEEE= "AU thy kinsin "Better they eh the Dame air with ••Thp property "May GA don :•Truly, thou a ter—a fair and,in George looked •Jdna. I think. drawling out his ••What—what ...► comet• us —ii she not?" ..Tie devil 9e ••So an to choose.. You should belonx. monied ho;Lto C 33 Mute and cid from the groan , •4 am lorry.' sad ansis and hare as if here fur the We ••Lie God's Wretched father COM overpowered th IMM upon the grotto ••Lift him et; for the first tim said basil, "that we nim see hirri weep .in his life. IVe , -p Georgii—and p Tour pipes. t'aat mar have ai.com• • ed id orLfs :too, sot tune otces .fis. painment to lii And therenp n the drunken band:hope to dance:rodeo th shouts of laughter and scoffing ges nd kicking. him a. they paned. Now. ptno longer. lie closed his e) es sad kept g their ill - -treatin,ent withoUteigh or sound their vietem ro, inert , ,ere o the hold tares, striking however, - he silence, tender of complaint thtir nded. revel him!" cried Pocal. "Throw hint into pot scatsr over hint. To dap w't. , hart) dongliteekwadding: to-rnoarcav *e wall eral. G. 411 nighat, friend George.!' iasars ...solid op to the garret, and locked in.— i yew 'limn, there helaF. anothinlesl i upon ugh ail se az- ation had, departed froth both awaiting the hour of death, and rejoicing c.r at hand. For a Whale the dancing and nuo,l; thala the Scaly.. departed to sleep, all. Ills eyes were unvisited hielimbor. ile, ha thought lo himself, and eternal re- "Awiv wi the garret, en celebrated hil drink . st his fu i ,He VMS dr ] VVltere they t the fluor, sect body and soul that it was n oases v had fierce SEM MEM MO *living cent auiYall was s Yet a little tv 11 W& IVhO pose will be 1 ine. : ' • t i He lay wit his geniis thus boaumlA,"thinking nei- flier of the p i nor therutore. when lse heard a elude at the garret w ndow. Through the darkness he saw a white figure. ass through the small opening, and c rop. ! a l its way towards him. Was it a dream or rcalitt ? the 'figure's step* were noiseiless. But proem:illy it ipuke I i in a sroreely audible whiiper. - • '• "Fatherl s tather!" it said. .. "Linn!" tic looked up, seeking to discern the -festar s of his ; visitor. She hurried to him, kissed him, a. ; cut the , ropes that b Hind his hands. , . I -"Me child!" murmured George,and clan ed his daugh • I ter's tottering knees. "My dear, my e y child!" I • "Lot us fly!" said the maiden. in ' Mt and . suffering 1 tones. "Tito ladder is at the windo . Quick! father— , quick!" , I George eterped his panting chi d in his arms, and &ore • her throggh the opening in 'the erret roof, and down the ladder, resting her head ripe is shoulder, end covering! her cold cheek with his kis a. Near the ladder foot he 1. 1 stumbled over ste . rnethin _ . . I "What i that? As. de. We will take it with us." i 1 . : "For a w apen," a d the father. "To dig grave!' said the daughter. On the 0 her sided the house was heard a heavy, me- t 1). ltwas*Serb on sentry. I I v. Keep ease to the tvall::ksaid Geergc to i QM MS ushete, at in- ck rag luck- =III MEM [quarter soCiag hrough ped ih houses, house 131=1:0 =II (sanded through comps hou(ed. •round d iutsab- th ought cautious eatonous al !amongst s. ,shar- ••S tar he his &might r. ils graled the spade, and crept noiselessly to the cor ner of the I tins,. The steps camp nearer and nearer.— George raised the spade. The Serb turned the corner. and—lay- the neat moment upon the ground, with his skull split. He bed not time fur names cry: George took the dead man's clothes anti wespons;toek his-daughter is his items, end IA the town. 1 ould not iced her he room EZEII word to ith fury The morning star glittered in the brightening sky.— / Towarcle• sybresk , and without having exchanged • word. lath r mud daughter reached the nearest v illage.— George ha many acquaintances there. and with one of them he thought ho could learn ilia dinghter. He tumid bat a poor reception. Nowlierp was he suffered to cross the thrersidsold. None armed hiin so much as a crditof limited. All closed their doors, and implored him to de part. lest he should bring destrurtiou eu their heads. The villagers were neither hard-hearted' nor cowardl3; but they feared tbat'if the Serbs of St. Thorns, heard of their shelteThig) , fugitive, they also would be murdered or plandered. ith singuiah in his soul, the wretched man again took his child in his arms, and resumed his • journey. wrath.— h• stood r • while re. a dark tood as ir rs with a husblod. Arteniug .number of the •name For sin days be walked en, over stubble end fallow,. through stereo and cold by eight and parching heat by day—his child, his beloved child, in his'arass. lie ask sd not what 'Mid her. and she uttered no complaint. Oa the day the maiden died, of hourly, misery, and grief. ' the fi .d hi. nee putted.. Bet the tenee. Me veal. city. 10 lb II MO otte r titer. er felt hie burden heavier; the erase that chop slackened their hold, and the pale cheek that bis shoulder was chili and cold. spires of fhogadin sow &Mated in the Tio igo harried out. and at last. exhausted by • reapb•d at noonday the largo 'aad PaPol•ft at of it.. ea the •ut plaits. a irgoit saskitad• blood; mom situ toasty thoonapd Ml* Ware • . 'totalling to tho words ifs porttaroe lk open a seatoWidag is the Midst. ' Goers' I3RDAY MORNING, MARCH 1, 1851. Ifaze, tiro that she !ell to the ground. touted oo all - sidest The Raitzdn, a man was seized by twenty hands. them, grasped the throat of ode, uteh; arta wheruhrown down and mil ha had choked his adversary i to hie hands and throat him into a o formed a circle around him. me?" tie asked, blood flowing frOm Look around you. See you Dot n?" itplied - a dark brewed Serb. nd cruelly at the master. What then?" re.. Host thou not head that today festival of the extermination orthe one—the last in the town. All. the the tut. you *ill choose the map- seentioneT. Resit?" of my- people.'t le loathing. the Magyar opal in hii led the insulted man, ^fur thisloa otvd!" o aver saw ms weep! Toe nay orture me. Or 'ear ins limb from limb. .f you to de it. • But weep you ghatl rat for impotent rage." t, and •tie I will make thee. KnoW ced your wafe.aud for whom she be• me, not Mine." n are shit.. uld lie dead in the street than breathe IMO aunahihded." .11: those who did it." t scoot fellow. But—yiiikhad i da'pgh.. °emt cti dd." lupon h tormentor, sad spud erect. 14 , 4% he! Dune." guaticued ihsl herb, or& whit ft refinement of enieltyf items yak'?" tr , ked the trilmblinz den, by my iron'. ,Farr to look upon ; e thee!? Wh-it next?" - ' I. delicate, and yet—six buxbindi. Hard wife could not decide to which ■he I stepped in and settled the matter. I 1I six—" Ile burst into fiendish laugh- y with horror, the father raised himself codtinoed• th• Serb. •'that you were not MI justice fell upon yin!" shrieked the suflint his tears. Bet the parent's heart pride of the 111113. E ,te fell with his face and wept—tears urblood. tears." WONVrAVID.4EI 'nada his we r . iuto the throng; the kpeaker was relatirrg I the incredible atrocities of the Itaities. Several of his heerers notiMid the weary, wild lookiar e travel,staine , d men, earryiligja I his arms a pale girl with closed eye's, who stood monist them like a figitive from et mail house. I I **Whence CQMO you?" they salmi him. 1 .. , ••From St. Thomas." I • • i i "lin! Us; tip with his on the sta fol 4" cried thole _p. who heard 141. reply. "A arm id here from St. Tl.omas let him speair to the people!" The crow to the seaffol ted and gh despair. his features of t the emelt:ll through its i when temp the hearing cheek, an the spirit of acrd Grey to. "Magya "1 come fro there praye. are plunder. therel—pre dead. Of —nky unha think of hate made) As he spl and then oil that 'pante lent, as she, "Dead!' the corps. The words thouderstr, Tinetra went of tit ' , Raven end the to 1221111 OEM o every and lanes "To or house. au Moo i arm Thomas Then t succeededj sae• ••But at if'. when we march way. the nailten rise crier our children?" I .! { 1 4 passed from mouth to,irnon eh. ' ; tall die!" exclaimed tniny voices. "Let thr t i t, • ri iir brothers perished a St.. Thomas! 't e • i h terrible ferocily the : op:e turned • a net city, and like a moue to torrent. nee r- e.siet. potre4 ii4o.ts dr:. Isaleklior's *dit • Rahman to the very t man. i 1 1 ier,is dying of home-sitkness. . 1 den. au epidemic broke m ut a ngst thepis spe stationed to foreign liand ' . I ie *titans titan wandered Fro place te itl , le wine houses frequent by the human/. nd their conversation. he words he spoke, re in mouth to month.. iid wide among thb ol .e light-heanerine sudidenly left them. 1 The .Id them of thin which had happened itt their d; and , when e depar4d , he left behind him I" t • rate end p•• laniatientl. These the prptiktes ir sedean . to hare 'esti to them. Wheinthey t-read ey wept and iirbed, and learnbi by vers. ad prows; from tto first nerd to lti t e sat. ated hero from morning till alight. , .y took to theit beds: neither ate nor4riinkt i ., the doctors asked wh ailed theist, theyTillinf hearts. and said. "Heels! home!—let itti go t . up and in The WO !•Thos pariah. as must die: Awl w their ow iwg wH and elew The eel OU•■j rattan tro A tnys visiting joining it I pealed fr titers wit stranger gauze prtoted • took to tl heard di hear' bo •nd rep Thin mod wh to thel„ home ' '. .ny T ere, liliad, and' co one could saiy what had kills •] h aseducated soldiers I were pining a kaelis. like dogma traallolaoted to a torsi I I 'soil. 1 . =1 angeni An e oriment was tried. Benin of the sick' niel tarn to go name. Tim elm day. they wee rev.f ant! batmen that some oni work r . 1 8 was at c inglthe soldiers with this :airings malady easible to detect the per* o. ,1 iokliere!—not one of eke would betray hi and is Wore laid in vain. Wth the o ffi cers We ever The private soldiers ere his men.l Sidi 1 I ,r felt himselfsecure fro; treachery. And i the I scattered abroad proilue d an abuhdantltriresl.. ejection of the troops bec me daily more svrikitig. deers grew wild and ' T ractable. No !longer, ding, their horses to watt/. dad they sing imi had it wont. joyous dines in rain of wine 2 1 04 we. . wereheir songa now se and strange-stading: I words to yet MOM dilate WINS. They Sang ; country. of their dear naive land. and bf strife._ as ' '.dshed. in chrgaelike stra as: and the bid o ~ o r] •oplat w "Eifel' Misty !" . Like the t se a laying man.were i l i a tee they uttered. !sink : r pera nd deeper. and ends, g in piteous linglto cMiences. I • • • are such sounds le be heard in ilangarri forests end her Mille,. in the Silent night-time No* an ever do they sound like funeral dirg4,4 . and ng sad notesilike wailing" from the grav4. eeivnd I and hea l 1 It be-, inoenl• =1 MI ell attar middle them seed h. The Tne so when r been tl = OEM thei and bl •eery eau{• MO 13:211E Still and a more their I . • 1 • I small Gadicier' town weS quarunred a dieision of ' piendid fellows. for yahoos tiro heart elleirany h maiden beat quicker Nan itswent. TVs Meet ul wornan-lu ill the neighborhood loved Ow best I mongst the' . heureore—th Captain. 1 4 ! m IE mesa Anna —nsky. t • lovely Polish Widely. - ; en for iii menthe betrothed to the boldbesearefft— d the weddini day was Pear at hand. 4 ! single *ntervoned. On the eve of the happy day . the am went t 4 i visit his bride. fie was a !tab Oce an. with the eons of path still open hi/lines; bat - gh forehead 'was already bald;—`rfinn aimmoon fri or." as the enprian rieverb says. ri bride woe • fair and delicate lady, with ihondant locks, a pale trervons ormistenance, and bttM rryer t unusual lustre which oue finds only in Fetish blue At sight of her lever, her alabaster cltellk was read with their's,' of I e's spring fiend, 4od her 'reedlike Us rising g ill * 1 . I e bridegroom *mild fait have appeared ichterfoll , is bard to tieciiive the rem of love, whichtniads the Wd one's tremble in mach Id of the brow.l to each it glance of the eye. T etly :be appreaSbed Mit: f ee that his forehead's writs with her bud. sad 'bled • kiss is their place. Bat spilt theyiniteraed. e b: r ai w ti od t d he m a idv ditarest p. 1 i i , Uoil is this f led ea the .! ? Nothing iris me . Bet las eatteyed st as ht.; tide t—e catiality l —which I Casual peatpeee. The coo " martini hew ezttlessated a *aa tides* 11 have jest Pe Weed the men my. The Ms le to be sliot to-inert. law jail ea ear tickle' dal : f wield it we* ether / ..1 ! , wi .."" 1 I 10 I bases a Pul. beau bladi 'Co hid lEEE eight bride der his toget Th black of .th 13Z73 I= bat i bolo aloe qesrge was hortifd i -ration, his emaeih• i by angering. midi ded and ashy pit r. becatite Hering murmur Iraq Itin'Lake gives &O usts its chorea. Aillight and sound jet i• opened a passer, and When, from .this el ly countenance. furro ding limbs, and the • is child upon his ghoul. •d multitude. a deep ahn eases; like that the Pla throng. a .hectic flush Blushed upoti Georgil nwonted fire burped i 4 his besent: he -fel , revenge descend u pan bit head like a forlleel • ur. / ;. g"' . Ihe exclaimed in lod . d and manly toni t es 4 m St. Thomas, the moln survivor of,e11•0 to God in the Mugyat tongue. My gol d chmy kinsmen slain. Gave any of you frieitd tare your mourning, foi of a .surety they nrili I I possessed I have si4ed but ono treanut py child. Appioachl 13-e that ars 1'404% r r virgid daughters, and behold what thi' DI 11'1E10" , i We,. tie lifted his chit from his shoulder ly did he perceive thathe was dead. ' Uht 1 the had thought she ar only faiut•an4 ri had e .natuaily been, for mix days peat. tl , shrieked the despeirieg Men, abeclsep d • his heart. ..She is dyad!" he repeated. .ied away open his lip 4 'and he fell, likOl e ck e headlong to the g;lntod. • t ; , ical incident raised to ,a climax•itte eaiit • multitude. i 1 el . —a bloody revenge ," thundered a velCe: ult that now arose was 'lke the howling of file •1 1 1 • men!" eias shalt ed through the stye s! to arms! ail who a , and the people thron the city !rimed from iiou4s l houoand fOrious r eady to sell oat Nl' a! to arms:" was re in an hour'a time tau d and equipped; and • A + l+prehensilB. spefid . 1 , I •use one chasmic! re got abroad a sullen by a fierce resolve'. "The mu is &Kai **According to thee , banehinz soldiers fro '• sort sod return bomel penalty of his erime.m, ••AUd you have of • Magyar? Love yo: "1 •m • soldier laws." 4 .•Striprisible I Yo void of that most ono' "I' eats love. but 1 principles of terolati this mach I know , r I blood.. honor. e Up with him, "Hay not eternal that a time moat co tering* and sacrifice The fair entlimi ,ed herself •t the pia the well-known sonl her ayes flashing through tears. Iler lever approached, removed her hand, which trembled with emotion, from the keys •f tho instrument. sod kissed it. "Anna:" he 'Aid; "thyfirst hueband fell in battlo on the morrow of thy nicdding day. Wuuldat thou lose thy second hrideirount 100 its eve?" "I? %Vitheoutrition i 1 avow my culpable . weakness: I love you more than my country, more thairhberty. 7 - . Until to-day, no man ever heard these words from a Pol ish woman. I wish yea to sacrifice }ouraelf! Did you seek to do so,I eltotild surely hold 3ou back--whiCh no Polish wife ever yiti did eh her burband. All I cr.ive you is to have that man his life, whoie,patriptisin eirpager.than your lowa., On our bridal ale, I aaY fir a nun's life as a wedding-VV." "Anti a soldier** honor!" ••P'unish him ott '.'There ie but on Ind .- mutiny and, de death. I must ers ,And tl turn. In a case II accomplice of the sword of juitice, it Choose! which slu The eiy was ■ the piiaoner was out other sound th! the square of hu wee the chap's' . is a white a culprit; Cr St. Thomas. they reached the appointed place.— riles of tberhossare end the gray locks of the coa ted mint flutt e red in the morning breeze. They took I ' The sj The pj de or , from tho cart viz hussars dismounted and onalung rieir carbines, the remainder formed nr . The adjutant unfolded a papetand read, in astern and merciless tutee, .the soutane* of deiath passed upon George of St. Thom. N. According to customary form, a soldier stepped op to the adjutant.presouted him with a wartd.and thrice im plored Mercy fur a condemned man. The third time the officer broke the wand in two, threw it at the crmluat's feet, and said in solemn tonee,-"God ', merciful!" At thews wordithe doomed man raised his head; his attitude grew more *reel, his features glowed. He gazed around him in the - faces of the assembled soldiers. then opwiards at the potpie clouds. and spoke in eadiu 'issue tones. ••Tliaak thee. 0 God!" he cried; "end thanki also to you. coturadsler my death. Life has long been a bur theu to me. death is welcome.. 1 have last everything —wife and child, house and home: my -country alone reinnined to me. ,and her 1 could not free. 1 rejoice to die You • mature& bless God, that yonder. bojend the mountains you have a slather. a beloved bride. a faithful wife, au infant child. waiting] yinir return. Yonder be yond tho mountains you have your homes • your cottages anQ.onr families. Pray to Gad that at your lastliour you may welcome death as joj fully as I, who have oath inz left open earth." lie paused. and sank upon his knits. as if passer bad departed from his limbs. The **khans stood motionless u statues. The adjo : taut ward the paper an hfs hand; Gloomily the \ix beware railed Meat carbiees. Once more the adjutant mind the folded paper, when behold: • rating non•eomtntssioned officer dashedent of the ranks. snatched the fatal ,doeument front his hand, tore it. cud thre* the , fragrnetite ■t the feet of the firing party. Ire well Twe hundred fibres flashed Nu! their scabbards. and aa;4dst a cloud di' dust. tire hundred chargers scoured across the slain. . - The wedging guests were w aiting. The - bride grown was there fir lull snitorm, glittering with gold, and the beentiette bride in her grseeful robe cif .white lee.. Yet a moment, and rilie would Le his wedded wife. The. moment Was irery long. The beiilegroom nor•itel hie adjutant's return from the execution. Caul then. he .worid not approach the altar; What if, at the very inshint the solemn •tiros" passed his lips, there reavheP his e'ers the rattle of the life-des troying volley, which he, the thrice happy lever had co►nmanJed? What if. whilst God sekant implored theavea's liles win=s es their anise. the angry spirit of the criminal, in voking vengeance en his judge's head. appeared at the footstool of the Almighty?. Still no adjutant ennui. The btidogroism grew uneasy blide "Perhaps" she whispered, "it were better tipostpone the ceremony." ~ "Or." he replied. "ti hasten it." / A roreboding of evil apOemed therfrothi. Aud atilt the adjutant came not? Teo—these h oo t s elapsed beyond the ■ppsiated ti rte. Noon approached; each millets seemed an eternity. At last hoofs clattered is 'the toad, flash; stops and jingling spurs were heard upon the stairs. A”. ayes wen dead dpon the door. 'lt opened. The adjutant appear• ed. pale, dusty. ethedsted, the sweat streaming over hut face. ••itemaio without:" cried the bridegroom; a message of death—eater not here!" MeWILCO of death do I bring. , " replied the nt&cer„ hoarsely, "but a hundred tintei worse. The eoodenaned matt hoe 'Aso the humane array wilts him—all—toirerda the flue froauer. A couple of leagues off they fekosed me make my report:" "My hrinerit" sheeted the bridegroom, harrying madly to the door.. Bet he paused at sight of his-bride, paler than over. *ad with terror in her glance. "Wait bogs stsstasi, dearest lore!" be said, mad he clasped her is his breast, kissed her, and threw himself es his horse. • The animal reared beneath his and would not leave tire cant The rider stlvelt the spurs sharply into hie daab. Ones more he limbed back. There she stood. the keimisid one. in her bridal dress. upon dm balcony. end waved bar handitseistrist • • 4 .You Nis 'be bulk." sites said. else never ease higkipia. Tel titilrased the human ore, their meld esersers. • ', 1!=131111 militate law. Ile has been de- their duty—exciting them to de to fight the Serbs. Death 'is the li ned the seeteeee? Are Tea not 'ta eel year native land?•" before everything. I respect the wlrloTe so wall, cannot ha de lini kind •r love—patnatisin." ennot dream. Of the maxims and nre.,l understand not e word; but / • lotions neirer end well. Much ,erna) remorpe." reamerse. !put eternzl hope—Hope e, Wlilch rill compeasate all sof- quitted her bridegroom's side, seat .and played with feverish eserg) EMI( Poicn nicht verloren'!' , • • • . r J/ d err" isle." • alternative. .Th• tn, ettio.r. ,the law bas mid santenc , e/ once. I w:11 koo • , has J %pc d t im to r ITl:vt4h 111111.40 I iltould looter re tie puni•hes. or va an e thin the criminal. the other II I rainy obe hand ,4 •have the e bauneecl rnburreation, reddened by the 'davrti. 'rift to execution. Silentiy, with that of their horse's hoofs, marched 14 the centre, on •n 'open Cert. 'annuli/6z in his hand; and !reside him, ,re-headed and with feturrod hands, the is orf a rpse 0 Yet Uneasier grew thi fa 50 A /a Adqrsai•• ftelrard towards the blue nroootaioa—ever forward IThrough forests, wildernesses, over pathless belittle, tip hit and down--eeer forward to the otistaat mountains. Right and loft steepled cities appeared Red vaeisbek the vesper bells greeted them as they pained; leedly ! neighing, their horses swept Ong, swift nod ever 1 stealer. ! Amongst them rode the gray beaded man. (siding them by antrodden paths, eve: swamp and moor. Om' efient groves of pine—sfwerard toward the TellUtllol. 1U the evening twilight they reached the basks et • Sireteo. Heist and there on the distant hill a &niftier this shepherd.'s fires; beyond those hills lies the Magyar's home. and in their valleys this stream takes its rialto+ biers. for the-first time, they itissnontst to irate, thew horri in the waves whose souree Is is tlieirlsative land. Whilst the horses sup the• ceol i atreirn, their riders tke np that say• and genial pop*. whose every MA* rings memories of hoite: ' •Het , aseh c der stern don: , 1 A • r Who ever rode so mere *' But-the-vedettes mak comes. iIo the distance ( liffiftness with th - itteent tiehind• ' Fed son-ray "The C ptain!" is murmured around. The sears mount, draw their sabres. form tins. aid 1 when eir captain appears ih front. they offer binethe . i cue mart' salute. , 1 .r,eathlesa with fury'sed speed. at Moths cannot peak —inqtionless in front of the lme.bis asks quivering in hie hand/ he its at a loss fur words toe:preps his indignation. 1 Before he can add thorn, four hussars quit the reeks; the ) ow:gest—the saute %lan tore up the sentesei7s al ses his hand to Ithe schako, and addresses his chief. **Welcome, )Captain! Yea come at the right two mentAo accompany us to liongary. Short time is there for deliheraliont Decide qu'ckly. We will seize your horssi bridle., and tllce you'utth us by force. Well de we know that you come willingly; but so will you avoid thegmleie, should defeat be our lot. Tod most with Ise-- I by-fiiiicet. If we 6 uccred. yours: the glory; if we fall. the I guilt is ours since we compel )ou. Play your mini i 1 De real • yourself! Cut one-pr two of us from Our middies: - the first who lays hand on your reins—see. I grasp iti-.: IStrike COotain, and with a; All." lit did as he said. and seized this horse's bridle; ilia* on the other side an old serrant laid hand on its Filmie r The horse stirred nut. The Captain weed ti'd ist them. each in tern; bet he raised not his sabre to Ellin,. Behind him his forsaken before him the mountain frontier of his native land. j.on.the one hand. a heaven of. love arid happinew OA the other. !lory end his conritry's cause. Two' thigh!) , passions:a:nein: arsin..! ;acts other with a giant's force. The fierce conflict went riirh to overpower him; his head sluk upon himrb/east. Suddenly blared ,the trumpets is rear of the squadron; lat' the martial nomid his earn wcrhorse bounded bens SI: him. With awakening es "thimasnt the rider raised' his head and waved his sabre. ••Furwerd, then," he need, ',•in God's tiame!" A'%d forward he sprang'fiato the river, the two hossati by his side; the clays° 'Wntere plashieg in pearls around their heads. > Torward—corwird todhe blue mountains: In lengthoing column; the hussars followed across tha stream—the Manses bravely breasting the flood. the bo ld riders singing their wild Magyar dittr i Bat dark lad g lpomy eras ilie;r leader's trove. for each stop led bim farther from happiness sty his bride. . In :he thrdst of the tionfs rode-George or at. 'home, in his hand the haulier of puligary. His cheek glowed; his eye Bashed: each step irought him nearer to revenge. I The troubled strearu is one. more stilled: the fir-wood I.erives the fuliciSes, their horses tramp diCs away its t he darkness. Here and there. from the distant mous , tains, the herdsmau!ii horp resounds; so their flanks the sheplitrills fire gleams lilt+ a blood-red star: Forwa4—forwaid! T-- "Dick to thy fair , blrdthirs;y mdneter—back sad a eor~." Let the forest-gram grew over the eneanguined plain. I low lunch is eestro}stiBtow, much have passed away.. Ilityr climax good men. shot were here. are here n o longer: sad how many ri.b,o remain would grieve "bat little if they too *era numbeied with the -dead! , The herd of battles is 4 robber and • l fugitive.' 'The iron hand of the liiw driers hero from I:m(1'e end total:4'e cud. • • In tie mud--house inept* a captain ef hamar,. and iv• er repeats-•-,.'%VAIT RUT ..riiostwir!P None there eau R ues* the,eemng of hie 'fiords. Only a rn a, , ege of St. 'I .:-.1111111 is harfli• I. sio•P• fa a erelt.ome grave, dreanthitcef sweet renoved and deep, revenge. •••lII.i t..K, wasyo•.'trn ra. Where bright 4 leaps the star." Begtilianking. ; • • Ta,lking of banks. reminds me of the-Migro bank' I once heard of in Virginla. Cato. an pid negro who was, noted for hie cuuninges. had succeeded in ;making his felluw servants in the Peighborhood believe that bank ing was a eery business. • tilo they concluded that 'hey "Wtrilid throw ill their change together and start a bank. old Cato tafang care to tusvo hileMU 016. 'Ousted the bask, to tilhoM all the sisposces of all the dm ' kiss lathe oeighiWsrlioeFl was duly paid ever. Aid sow. acid Cato. "wheitekah t igah bo rrowsisponas sot on dis bank to buy backsh. hel,got to come back int fee* weeks and pay in two sispeuceis, and in die way you see. ebers sixperico bring wuddati sixpence. till after a while all dews nintehe he air rich'''. old onus* And -upon this principle the lisak went into operation, old Cato always taking cart that every darkey should fork stet -according to bank runs. Bat in the comma of time. some of the stockholdess thought they "ems ft a rat" sad called on Cato to withdraw , their capital from the bank. when the following convents lion took place betties, Cato and Jack: Jack—Well. Cato. we want to draw our mosey frog the beak. end quit die batikio' business. Cato—Did yuu heah• de tielvi? • . Juelk—No. a h t dat t CM..? Crito , -Whv de bent broke last sight. Jack—W4 care what de book de. 1 telly's, I wait my shah- ab vi mooed ' ' , ! Cato—%Y I t, but 1 teal you dot* bank took*. Jack- 1 o f talken Ibout dat. '1 inti istudide mourryi Cato-:Why you coiled fool, don't you know dal when de bank *OA de money all gone sartin. .1, Jack—tell. but whtili de debbil 'do mosey gone tol l Cato--: at'a inore.tbari ci.s nirdi know. All he korai bout it is. dat when ufhite rattle - bank beak. do 'money alvrays lost, an pielk bank no be*, dan white fonts,: Jack—Well. whenovah din shah gap in bookie gin, be hope de debtal git hint fiss.• Cato—Berry sorry de bank break. Jack. betty *owl'— , Hers our ioformant left —Ohio Ntateihruses. ••you bring • Crooke . t for Ladies. Take a entail thread at tact. Spirt it 41111 as leag as you tan, and wind tt }about as rapids, as possible, ever the re.: of fancy; tangle it op with the 44 of a variely tossitesA put it about the ears of a* many of year hook" frieediaii will sued fra bay. the operation perfersed.iial the result will be a "pleaded piece at asichstiretit.which will be of ties utmost "entice aa a pettem— Pl be alliTtlt• oath avoided. • . NUMBER 42. ty to death? • a atiddili sir that sow ass orsenallts is seen; his stassd vies is wind. his fang pimae and lead Wig" the gold ucio:n this genial) glitters in thi 1= 1 1 i I