Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, February 15, 1851, Image 2

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    \,Clit , 113'tiiitlq-dlstrptr.
. Planks Road Meeting: 1 '
We call attention to the notice. in another column,
for a meeting to take into consideration the opposition
oetate, has nsanifeated itself itt certain quarters
againit thiletelpilotion the Erie ang Edeuboro plank•
road. t ouriadamos and to those 4 'Craistord county
its eamph.tion is all imPortant. .1t is . de l stined to be
great public benefit, second to none in this section, an
enght not tube retarded by an opposition so 'moaned for
`tri that-now manifested, Many thousand 'dollars have
been expond,d upon the road during the past stints
111011e14. but in all that time not a whis,or was heard in
opposition to its construction. On the contrary.. we are
credibly informed that many of those now foremost in
fanning this flame, offered to take stock in it. provided it
would be located as they'wished—by their doors. This
shows at once what motives actuate them now. and it is
fitting they should receive a scathing public rebuke.—
AVe desire to see, then; a demonstration on Tlihrsday
worthy of theimpruvement spirii of the age.
Rail Road matters.
We have noticod,,inl the Buffalo Cammerrial, several
cchumuniestions signi•d "S." "A Reader." ".It'stock
holdikr." "Many Citizens'," &c., all of which are evi
ty written by the same person, urging npon the
Tie Di
re, ar the Buffalo and Stet. Line /tail Road the
policy of ,g their route and terminus to Dunkirk.
The wri t t doubt a citizen of that stupendous city
• "PVC' t a few more corner lots to' dispose of.
and as the Near York and Erie road his determined, in
gpitti of his efforts to the control" to et„nd to this city
according to contract. said "cornei Ms" do not meet
with so ieatilf,a sale u he is now . p4lling another string to
',seep ap the'price, Of this, hOwever, we stare little, and
malTsiotice the fact that those teeny interested may see
the motives of sir, "S.:' with Ilia several allies. "Many
Citizeus," or whatever other signature he may next
choose. to appaar over. tries hard to make it appear that
'the Buffalo:and State 'Line road cannot reach further
west then theTenniylvania State line. This, the Fre
donia Censor justly st) lea a "Bugbear;" for a 'qa:here'
•it certainly is. if the Buffalo and State Line road cannot
af f ect at arrangement with . tho Erie and North tut
compan !hereby they can occupy in common ith the
_New York' and Erio company their right of 'ay, the
citizens of this county will see that they obtain another
right of way along side of thern, That boil, roat.r should
coma here. if they desire it; our people have long since
dsterntikd: hence the fiddling of Mr. ."3." upon that
autirelleat of tune. Ilia notes are net at par
string i
In . a Rage
That Ipink•of pohiicieoa, the Editor of tho New Yoik
Tribune. is is a perf,cl fury because the Legislature of
New YOrk fa,led to elect Hamilton Fish Senator on the
,day prescribed by law Jar electing such an officer. It
appsieslthat in the Senate, all the %vhigs but (me nomin
ated'FiTh—thie one beinglt "Silver Gray," however,
could* swallow: 'nettle "wooly headed" specimen of
The finciy tribe, and nominated Francis Granger. The
Democrat* scattered their votes," . censequently no one
was nominated. After a second elTort, with a like re
•salt. the Senate, by'the votes of the Democrats and thia
"silver fray," adjourned. 'As the law fixes the day. ao
— tirectiee can take place unless be special act fcr the pur;
.pose. Hence Greeley'si fury. Bence he indulges in all
irnaene of hard !laying. towaids the Democrats, stigma
_fizing their coorsb a "clear case of perjury," with many
choice' epithets of like import. - It ie evident from thin,
that ..laaely-headierit" ties received a severe check in the
.defeat of llatlilton Fish. add .that '•silver-ginyistn" is
knelling in its sleee - a. Well, we hopo they will'heve a
••gc•od time of at." The Democracy of New Vork con
afford tocsin' a little of Gre i eley's spleen for the pleasure
,o(aecipg the fun go on. I '
.Crawford* County.
We are gratified to see by the proceedings of a meet- -
feu:if die Democracy .of Crawford. held at ilia Cour:
!louse in Meadville. on Monday eveoipg last. that there
'is a p+pect of a re-onion of the riy in that Conuty.
Moth 'sessions were re rese nted in t organixetion of the
-11 .
• ineetinig.-and lathe cho s e of deloge Ato the Ftm. Con
xentious. We are indebted to the Dens3cret, extra, for
the following preteedings: 4 'f
, L .
Resolved. That wei , corcur With the Demperary of
dltrie county in the : appointinent of M. B. Lowry. Esq..
• i s on a M E : ne e " h t el t d i tall Delegate
a w n il t i h e . 4 D th e .o a rdu ra u t e e nex 42 7. n . veu.
Resolved. That Get,. Daniel Shrvork and Nicholas
Snyder be appointed Representative !Delegates to the
Democratic Convention to be held at Reading at the
same time and place!. - • - . '
Resolved. That Major Jesse Smith. Andrei, Ryan.
Eili.. apd Geis. W. Howard, he conferees to meet those
OfExie county,to Select a Senatorial Delegate to the Jo
aide! Conventioh to be beld,at Harrisburg on the 11th
4400 next. .
. .4114401 red, That Jamest. McFarland and S. G. Krick.
Xt.; be appointed Representative Delegates to the !e
-dit-sad Crinvention to be held at.,klair s tirmp tune and place.
•Reso/red. That this Commiticer would recommend to
their fellow-democratis assonilded this evening, to adopt
the foregoing Iresolutions'ais the Itexpinger of an era of
bettor feeling in the Democratic ranks of Crawford coun
ty, and they would earnestly recommend their llemocrat;
is brethren to:use eve,ry effort to liring about a reconcilia
tion between the I coullicting inieres,ht which have here
, tofpre distracted our ranks. 60 that, we can hocide on our
armor ,and present a solid front, to the eneirry,at the
approaching elrecon.'
On motleys. it was IZesolenr, „That the Delegates to the
- 11 dung Convention be instructed to support George
11l trimly. of this cortuty. as their first choice fur Canal
unstiontr. and C. R. Bell, of Mercer Co., as their
C 1
second choice for that poet.
On motion, it was Medved. That the Delegates to tire
.litilicial Convention, be inetructed to support the lion.
James Thompson. as one of the candidates fur 'the Su
preme Bench in this State.
On Modell, it was Reselred. That the Delegatei to the
Reading Convention be instructed. to support Col. S. W.
Black, of Pittsburg. as our first choice. and Cul. Wm.
Bigler, of Clearfield. as out second choice for Governor.
QT We have reoeivell the March number of "Getly'a
Magazine." kis a I ighly crikiitable production, both in
ite artistic and utter ry character. "The Coquette"
is a beautifully deitig 1 sti and well executed line engra
ving, while the "Flower and Bird" plain cannot fail in
raising an exclamation in its s faver from all lovers of the
beautiful. The "Infant Saviour." is a mezzotint of high
merit. Thi literary contents are u um! from the best
and moatopular pens iu the country.
R 7 The Democrats at Indiagapelts,,from all . parts of
Indiana. members of the I,,egis* 'attire. members of the
Censtitistional Convention and othere."held a nrting on
the 1.1.01 inst and recommended ben. Joseph tens, for
the next Presidene?: 'This is a pretty fast nog. but he
can't be enteml for this heat-the gronnd is (recopied:
The Postage Law.
The Committee oat Poet Offices in the Senate of the
United States, have reported tisciethe bill which had pis
sed the Henrie t ta Representatives fur the reduction of the
rates Cf postage. with at neral asitendrnenui—ons of which
strikes out the prevision fur the (roe circulation of news
papers nithin 30 miles of the place where published—
ametioar mikes letter postage 5 cents when not pre-paid.
It is, therefore. new uncertain what shape the. bill will
pass, or whether it will meat all or not at this session.
'QT That "Slides .pd Geatiorneo,of good penniel
appearance" in Fredonia, who wants a wife. we see is
still Inenorket. We do hope somebody will (aka pity
the poor feiloni'ween. i* getting towards spring, and
he in cull onprwridcalfor.
117 Ewitern calls the non-eleatraw of the-free
• ' for, Sencer. in 1 1 1nenachustits. an “1•11,r-
• f I.rAffirh or promise." The election of Mr.
to the . Senate by the whip of 'Rhode island . will
nu dolbf be gorlin in the tame paper I u a eau of ••oat
sayed seduction."
Giving the
Us Lan
a that the
Olio dom
Then is no tiou
quantity-of tho "p
'cultivate the .or
is posits
is a project whit
and ia a Recess.
rotes to give. poh
bestride it. Thom
destined loon to
mean import. Al'
would never be t
hie hopes or reach
met in w
"Free 11.
become a
catty we fi
ught of f
ng the gook
e Pre ,, ide
'Walker. 0
vailable f
t. The
Mr. Andre
man', ambition. t
We allude to bir.
can never make i!
Oink peaty
in Cougreaq upon
to show that fire
ready to be wawa
tire cools
r becaus •
rd. both
measure. la a w
NJ against
cement or
ling to be eorontitt
within itself an cl
that Class of our p. l
polities. is thc'''l
which every yeol
power of the coin
fully shows, will n
tendency wilibe to
crease. Whether
in the end. prove
lion. Yor our pa,
dined to think It
the eld states end. ;
changed. If we I
west with the rein'.
Europe, the laz)
would advocate t
the landless." it
1151M213 Bo
ars stead
V. as the
at .bjeet to
largely •
uch apt •
upon fi
ould Dot
he new or;
ished to
o of oar ei
and indol
■ humbu
stay thee.
es of this
. "The
and respond to, s
one of the adTze
Julian. of India
originally tollto
paney belonged •
with It neeessaril
land was one of t
on the soil was.nal
liberty 'nitre, midi
pie in•disroAhig o
nentll reisiarts th I
rrason in er **
to the means of li
need for breiktn.
ople, and
iginagy to •
, the right
age menus
, / je
°Alienable. as the right to
coirgrear el could recognize this princi
r the publi lands." And . this, perti 7
Buffalo l Foal of Conti/term is called
1 rightsf lif carries nicissarity the right
ling.." ‘y at better plea does the thief
into the co -bin or the apple orchard?
as these w Id have passed eurrent'st
)n tie rlay lien the Jooobines of Paris
fur the set a lishment of the Revolution
would hard' en,suceessful in organic
its to storm royal pataeb, but should
is *tre believe in the right
industry. in the acres For
m.' What kind of farmers
e forward a ril
friend to
occupy la the
nd h
will be some worthy men
the la* to build up noble
i useholds'Opon them , we
re; but by far the greater
Ewell.. tempted from the
end to laziness add beg
Ida of "Hig er Law" Teachings.
.7'clegraph r es nit account of the ar
ried Watki a • 41 Bard for robbing
Pb. between' at p see and painleville.
ommittad on the d of Decembir last.
i belonged t Mn.a Stewart. • widow
'lre trunk co wined property to the
of witmens` clothitig—
, or large silver table
; e ntreats likeness of die
*lra. Stewart. '.,Ac. Watkins was
natural. as
Such arguments
the HA an 111.,
carried the projw
arc tribunal. , It
in; a FrenCh roti
have no weight Tl l
of property aqui
chased - by the sir
will they chieflx
granto, - which Al(
seeking Woo:dart
who will avail thli
ith Amerie
d by hones
at of the by
be who co
That ther
l amselves
psrt.iling h
much pleas ,
worthless c
farms, and raise
will concede sr itf
number win bo
citieis 11 the
premium o
The Aslitabuln
rest Ottwo boys p
the stage of a tut,
The robbery was I
Thie trunk stole
lady of Erie. ti
amount' of abOut I
a gold breast pin
ispikins,la copy of ,
late huSband of.
arrested for;lial
buoying it ro be
itand as a ;Chiles
T ember isst, he a
Fugitive Late Mi
then convineed ti
a law was right o
obey thO Law or
at the meetiiii
"to maks a iTaise;
trunks from thsi
at the riork—an
*-45. consiati
worth Ili—a
the MI6, a
(oleo. Weal
againat Iteir
• ticoung Iler
eting io Gen
at they were t,
att. and. the
of 'tether an ,
ii before it W
ae they tern
seeing athge4
ken!) each
mode. Acco
gress else!' opal
ter the robbery. 1
the straps and t
mils East 9! his I
waodis, Ile to{
wards, and he '
spods,llard hi
Watkins his Pe
Watkin's storyl
tird I nfAr nte
en • trunk fr
IIP!) fAther'e
, what he =
!ad Watk LISS .1
lug his shars'i
rt in the
of Ohio is as
The populati4
and net 2,500,01
iu Cist's Advert
has uctt quite rat
population. but
in the last detain
in hand' and,sh(
behind Piniisyi
the following es
I s u
Ilia sem
aer. The Ste:
&fled the exiec
cry unfairly a ,
e is greater ti,
The Norik
Ws it is is err
ani not,' Thai
nap •nws.
1.721.033 ,
I -
is still the We.
ore rapidly in
antages, apd t
years keep her
nce t
es inerassing
tier natural ad'
must for mind
sister. .
Election of
• to notice; last
of Michigan, O
said. and 'nos
the defeat o
the opposition
n the surface o
We neglecte , .
the Legislature
Much has ben
or the Union
it, appeani that 11
in ,
mate a ripple
elected as estinf
npou the final
sound st 7 to of tjt
section orthe .,
tribute to all
elevated and tri
crisis. contril
as Iha two bra,
ballot. This '
• popular r•nti
!. nfedermic, and
i able and- acco •
ly nationalise.
sectional disc
is which his ado
most deuteron
Cass to the p:a
hailed with
a legitimate ha
Er Thole
soovil of all fro
Stile: These
sot t o secnivol
• negross who
rtlready there erl
inc additional for
• apt of' invent•
d to promote Ili
QT le these
2 ti
• plan be eviis
gentlecne 's a.;
And i um
tb• piaci who 1
STA indict'
the Albtlay Ja 1
the Mei. Mr. i
fali brinkras 1 I
mile% end .
I *shelties; "o
the *wool ought
Haat asserts the
ird. member o
at' her !lather
ed the nate
the Salem •migi
trical propose
ot's patty. ' W
itch.," bare sai
CT Ciro. Ft
noel. to hole
titan. - No ma
ion than 90n4
ottaaiitoni than
to be orator
in New York ct.
irth day. The
haa rooderad
oote; uoue cop
to Actual Settlers.
. position to gist! iilliiiighed
II to *My owe wisaistto
proselytes otevrosy: k
thei avaip!Ofir ititosande.
as th Nosands have
ut obby do not fail to
. r a free people." is
element in politre of no
d a penrlu, who otherwise 1
r that &tattoo. predicating
of every Amorican States.
1 y, upon this "one idea."
IViscousiu. But that he ,
r that poipose, is now, we
dieatione, which the vales
Johnson's biLl'exhibit, go
and wiser heads than Ma'l
,!I of their advocacy of this 1
the old parties are not wit
tneaisur• which contains
• much popularity among
eft in .the vernacular•or
The western ststee,
ly absorbing the •political
crease of the last lee years
hie measure. as its evident
berate their already rapid in
'utation of population we'd,
us or net, is another
t blush, *a would be in
hat the relative position of
o this (ideation ought to be
dills our neighbors . of the
the rottea planters of
[ at of the older meter, we
philanthropy of ••land for
that are carried, away with,
ate ea the following, from
reasure in the lionise, Mr.
• arth," he said ••'belonged
free and untaught wea
l. The right of life carried
• f the means Of living, and
The right to a hem! op-
session' stolen property.
n. tesufieJ, on taking thio
' l . that unit time• in No
were sates`d . tog se Asti-
I va! and were- there and
eir own jukes whether
it thoirprovilege to
tit. They .at together
s ever cositrived a plan
ed it. They would take
not to be seen together
!her informed of the pro
dinfly a few days af-
Watkins that Ito had cot
• m the stageist Y bout I of a
ousc. close by a piece of
• ae with the trunk, after
went and divided the
hie father's . house, as
Hare loft. This is
all share in the trans-
/ . d Ohio.
,er ta laid to be 1.983,141.
Itime since .estimated, in
Jonrnaleays thil "Ohio
aliens of the people as to
8 that the pin in Ohio
n that o f New York or
, ericati take the .1 I
and that she is farther
I she was in 1840, as by
1850. Iperesse.
2.3'21.217 '590.234
1.983.140 413,670
d State to the Union. and
..pulation than Ohio.—
e long start she has had.
ahead', of her ambitious
eels. the ye-election. by
Gen. Casa to the Senate.
hoped. by tho opponeots
this truly great mu; but
him did not in reality
the Legislature, he being
es were ergaalsed. and
ratifying pm( of the
ern in the nortli:wesrarn
the some time, a fitting
fished itaissman. whose
. throagheatOwascent
the happy Settlement of •
lty. The return of Gee.
as and digbifies, will be
ty the LleMocraey of /he
' law
passed a few rev the re
ay hereafter settle le dud
allowed to remain. but
— anal diarnvert-, could not
growth of hair on youug
ithe bop of the head in
1 . progreeref Obi. mostry,
Mite Bird, -dsughttr of
the Assembly freer Bid
, rode I. Albany. 370
pleasantly at Mrs.
t would these wile hong
i le the feiriady's Olec-
of the great Oaks" heti
osstbe sssi►ereery of
hem. is worthy of tiro
Ater Borstal to Oro
groator Weep the
of the sayiar sad doing of Da
pie" at Harrisburg. baelittlo of in
i Sloe* our loot
/4rioo.foom of the
Wiest has been - wasted. Private bins and privet
Fiaints—lrgi stiestifiat i eeold much better be trans
acted by a 'ea toe tribunal—rand the thousand and on
frivolities by whiell the time and money of the pee p)
iee f r ittod aViay,lie •• been the order of the day. Petitions
for Books upon th. old phins, and rot a General System
of Banking after t , e fashion , of New York. have not yet
ceini,..l to flood th. desks of the members. , Bills for an
et of the former kind have Iron intro
to any, In most cases by very goad
Their anti-bank ptiuciples sppcni
innoalernble noon
isucl sating.
anu-batik mambo
to be all reserved u fight such corporations when asked
for other. Th • y aro very cobsiderute• gentleman—
they firmly belie o such curporationl- have a corrupt
ben . dtiney upou eve body's eunstituenCy bat Iheir own
To accommodate- those gentlemen %And relieve 'them
hereafter from awl* a coutradiehiry position. the •free
banking" min hav - matured their bill, and itis now be-
fare the Legislatur . Our advises represent it as likely
to pass. Ncitspa. •r correspondents and priyigo corres
pondent/ all mien in this.
Mr. Sanderson , as introddeld a new ilorneatead bill. r,
It provides for the xemption of • lot and building!' there-;
en occupied as th e residenee and owned by die debtor to i
the value of one liousaud dollars. The exemption to
continue after Cheiticath of the householder, the widow,
and until the '‘onefiest child becomes tetenty-one years;
of age. No reloale or waiver tailed unless in writing, •
assented to by thelwife, acknowledged and recorded.—
if the premises cahoot be divided, notice of the valui
tion to be given to the debtor to pay the surplue ever ono
thousand dollars Within certain time limited; if not thee
paid, the preinisesiare to lie sold. and if they bring over
onenhousand dollaiezthat amount to be paid u the debtor,
which is bxempt fo r one year. and the li4il rice to apply
ea the debt; if they cancel be so'd fur ,over one thou-.:
sand, the writ is i l o be returned. -
There are some queer mamas presentedons we no
tice, by a very gannet member, praying khat a law may
be passed to seemed widows from paymerkof taxes until
the elective franchise may be conferred upon them.—
W• would add a . pieriaien, that before they shell have
the benefit of such it. liciiv ol they _ must prove before three
&sailor free-holders that their single-blessedness is not
voluntary. Another one. in which the Legislature is
asked for au act of incorporation to enable certain persons
to dig a will as a corporation. with a capital stock. of two
kindred dollars is shares of sight dollars each. The
petitioners set forth That therare low is ftinds—low is
I ?sputa/Jon, and laboring under divers disidvantages of
various kinds, and that some special priviliges nil et cer
tainly be granted them, as a matter of relief. Moly she
assure the honorable bodies of the Legislature Oliva
small towns will be paid into the Treasury• for'dwse priv
ileges: Pr/tided, that the individual liability clause can
be left out of the oftener. A very good hurler/4n, lotion
charter-boring monopotfate.
W. notice that Mr. Blaine of this county. has intro
duced a bill to exempt Erie county from the opirations
utlfthe forty-scseuth aud. forty-eighth section• of the ict
to regulate banka, 'pawed Idio. Mr. Van Him o
Crawford, hay introduced a bill to incirporate the Edin
boro' and Broken Straw plank read company.
A good deal ofdiscussiou has been had in both bran
ches on the Tsiiff. Those several reports from one
committee were 'received in the Meuse and debated.—
One, from the plan of Mr. Bronham. of Cumberland,
signed by himself end Brindle, of Lycontiug. iu which
the bill of '46, without alteration or amendment, was de
clared the belt for the country. AnntLer from Mr. Pen
niman, of the county of Philadelphia, in favor of a slight
modification of that act. Another from the whit portion
of the same committee taking the ultra protective ground.
As wri have said before, these have all been discussed,
sifted ansl examined, and the usual amount of “buneom"
reputation for "home 1 1118111." maa•faatered out
admin. llow much the State has paid for it, ere cer
tainly are not prepared to say—but enough, we doubt
not, to wipe but a small slice of the annual interest on the
State • debt. When wall the Pennsylvania legislature
learn to blind its own business, and let' that of the na
tional' legislature alone l t Never, we fear. - Year after
year. they Aare hammered away upon this subject--
spending thousands of dollars df the peopWs money, end
rendering tlseinselves ridiculous iu the eyes of the rest of
the state, if not "the rest of mankind,"—and all they
have effected for or against protection, has not made a
ripple on the political sea.
The Fate of the Atlantic.
• A 'clarroyant,' at Cleveland, thus relateathe fate of the
Steamer Atlantic: "Four days out from Liverpool she
encountered a storm which drore g her away to the north;
on thq fifth day she lost her foremist, the gale at the
~aide time shivering all her upper rigging, causing great
.consternation and confusion on. board; on the, night of
'the fifth day she struck upon rocks lad sprung a leak;
ills hands were soon stuffing the holes with
tarred rope, and making other repairs. She lay upon the
rock. 12 days, surrounded by ice. By this time many on
board had perished with cold and relive, and some were
carried overboard by,the sea. The land was faintly visi
ble from the ship by the aid of a telescope. In the mean
itime an effort was made to launch two of the small boat
loth of which immediately swamped and were lost.—
Finally. on the 12t11,finding the boat about ready to break ,
and-go down, 'last effort was made to launch two more
small bos,te, which were successful, and all who remained
alive got into them; .the mate and eight other persons en ,
the Gist. and the captain being the last one to x lbeve the
but. Shortly after this she broke ■nd went down, all
but her be*, which is still visible.. The captain and all •
telt', boat containing the 12 perions, perished, their'
limbs freezingdast ist.the ice—water having got into the
boat.' All in the other boat perished but two, the mite
and one other man ;. ' They reached the land safe; except
one being badly Oaten- The mate escaped tolerably'
safe, but the other is not likely to survive. Then are a
few small huts near Where they landed. They', are in
habited by Spaniards, and there is a small Spaniels town
a fyw miles distant. which has a few small sailing crafts
in its harbor." We have very little faith in el aaaa y a nce,
.spiritual tappings, Sic., but there are many well inform
ed persons who have; hence we give this for what it is
wont. .
IV Col. Thorn, the American millionaire. has disin
herited a son. because the latter married an opera singer.
How silly!—Ex. Paper.
Tray. "how silly!" The girl was beeiztifel but poor
—virtuous, bat had independence of character enough to ti
employ her talents in procuring a living—hence this
"Aeneriean millionaire" disinherited his son for marrying
heri How silly! And net, ton chinees to one, the ancestors
of tbia silly old worshiper of dollars, were honest indeurf
onsUarlero—men and women whose hands were bard, ti
and faces sun betel. in laying the foundation oftbe for- a
loud he is spending! "Hew Silly!" - V
An Excellent Provision.
The Convention of Indiana has adopted a Provision
thatiotvery bill pulled by the 'Legislature. stall embrace,
but it single object. which shall be clearly embraced is
its Oda, and anyth lag enacted and tattoo expressed shall
be ioid. The Constitution of California. curtains &sim
ilar provision, sad it is much to be regretted that the Con
stitehions of alt the States do act contain a like protisiee.
tt,,witild put an end, or measurably so, loan "lege . rolliagl:
godliest:lEoog is legislative bedew. If lb* rule could
be ehteaded to Conveys, no bum would fellow:
L In the Senate of North Carolina; on the 18ti
a bitt to extead the right of sattiage. or-give the 'power of
voting for member of the Besets to every fres whit.
maorin the Suite, was-rejected by a vets oft) ayes to SO
says—one aye lees than the two thirds vote required by
law. Sweaty-six Dcusecrats cad three Whigs voted for
bit mad tastily whip aggisst it. Tbieahows at a
glausWe which party it is that is opposod to popular West&
t* Several natural feuntainavf Feat beauty saint at
Ton de Lae. in Wisconsin, ens of which dieehargee 45
elloiseof the purest water per ntionte: It ilewid that
by Wirier in the earth aimed any eaters IWO the plies.
water wit flow out.
,rash WadWgiton.
Oarverpoaduseeetibe Pentrylvislan.
W• 11111111111111. Feb. 3. 1851
Just as 1 begin to in the hang tif this grocery. rock is
commencing -ia earnest. How the public bills are to
be passed is a puzzle that Aatraltiger Haps coald riot
answer satisfactorily. 1 am thinking the califurnia
Land Claim bill can never get throagh the Hume. if 04-
third the disposition to debate it ih shown in the Howse
them has been in the Heoate. The deficiency bill mad
half a dozen other bills, equally important, are yet in the
back ground. and then last and gleatest of all, the Gane4-
1.1 Appropriation - Bill, the monstei omnibus that yemly
gee* thrtiugh Congress with a - Mehl as heteregenous mid
irrreoneil•able, as the ark which floated on Mount Ara
rat in old Noah's time. Thers'ars a huodred'maiterstiu
waiting, and which will be propo4ed as sections hi' th
bill. which will cause lung delays in action, Mid elicit long
speeches and sharp discussions. 1 There as the'Ebohy
steamer line. that is . to carry off the surplus free nigger
population, as well as manunaittedlslisves, and land them
i 4 fader lend, where I pray however, they may forester
may. As regards commerce, wel, have very little ,new
with Africa; but by the opening frf a quiet and speedy
communication with Niggerdetni . a large trade would
soon be established in. every breu h. from aushorsoY to
homminy. i s' I
The HarbOr and River measure will of curse pat its
foot into the treasury, and if ther4 is Only tar enough oe'
the heel, • nice pile of double eagles will be'drawn;oot
and scattered upon the Southwestern waters - ,,,, The Sec
retary of the Navy hu called the attention of Clingers
,to the condition - of the hull of the' U. S. War Stouter
Missouri, which lies sunk in the harbor of Gibrolter, jest
' far enough below water to prove a!dangerous obstruction.
Our government barn remsgaizedlita liabilities for dama
ges *calming through this intake's bell; and as the sand
is fast forming s bar around it, Uncle Sani will do well
to have it cleared out of the wiy berme he iaealled open
to move an island. John Bull is as close fisted as Jona
than, and drives a hard bargain when the chances are in
,his favor; so I'aid vise Uncle Sam !to get out of this scrape
as boob as possible. • i ,
1 ‘Vhitney'e great railroad ache • will be very apt to
i t
I sleep ever AM next session: lie very persevering, ba t
the project is one of such immens extent that most two
pleura afraid to touch it. The Onus looks well en paper
—I do'at think I shall ever see row it will look en the
grant prairies. Another bill of very considerable impor
tance ie the French Spoliation bill; as unfortunate lame
duck that has been limping ibeitt. Congress since the
rein 1801: . It always received tha sanction of commit
tees, but as °Res gets killed in the fall Congress. This
time it has passed the Senate, aid is hanging between
the chandelier end the dirty carpet of the lionise of Rep.
reseotativise. What will be its fate I shall not attempt to
guess. - ' ' i
- These are but a few of the subjbcts that are to crigross l !
the attention of Congress within the short month lefilor r
dehber‘tion. or 'rather action.' (4 the time kir delthera- 1
'lion is Pretty well used op; -and work, close; hard work,
is to be the special and only *der. So hurrah for long!
sesisiono and less ••buckram.". ;
' And; speaking of nuisances, them Woos it seems as s
though' We shall never hate ab end of, until the,,Capitol
is enlarged. The galleries prima fit for ladies, partieu
arly in the Senate, where females are squeezed and ia
oiled by-any ruffian who chOosies to take advantage of ,
ceideut to 'tdo a dirty action. I have been told that to-1
ay, during the discussion on the California Land Bill, '
be daughter of a member of the I.doesti was grossly in !
pulsed, while endeavoring to r4aket her way through the
'r roved of idlers and loaders ilia seemed I. hams gone
here merely to run against empeteedy that they couldn't'
let near in any ik ether phice. Bar lb •s sake. Messrs.
Benatort,let us have the Cap4ol 'enlarged. or Mr. Tar- . 1
efii resolution. y Wife shall notsmila upon you from
his dingy old gallery until yomided one or the other. '
W. 3. ilitoron, Feb. 5, 1851.
The New YorliandCaliforn,da Miut Bill was this moral I
og knoCked'inte t cocked hat.lbyl an actual majority of
'Been out of a handfed aud i t nib ety-n ins votes. The I
uestion first recurred upon :fr. j Dayiey's amendment, i
sported to the House yeaterdl L j- , from the Committee of
'he Whole on the state o f
the 'Moo. The amendment
ell, year 93. nays I 18.1 Mr. ~Strong then moved to lay
he bill on the table, which was agreed to, by yeas and
aye; tho rote being obis hundred and seven for. and
iuety-two- agshist it. i Mr. Strong then moved the
•clincher"—to reconsider the vote just taken, and to lay
tat motion on the table.; Thite wits carried by a rote of 1
09 to 81; Co the :New York Bfan { cli Mint Dill is laid out 1
cold as a frozen herring.
Aud now that the Neer Yon • li Dint is dead and hurried,
- i is to be hoped thartbi stn II hangs of the county ,
hick . hos been thought in ant 4 sd up by the brokers
nil stock jobber: of Well weird., will find its way into
irculation egaiii. Small miler 4oins are now at a pre
y inks, and those who have eel thistrionsly hoarded it up
acs the adjournment o r the 1-M et session Or Congrese , to
take an impression in favor of atiother Mint. will mike
good thing oat of it. ! Six innthe since we had small
anis enough: There was Inoi scarcity bf silver mho;
or of gold $24 pieces.' j Now it if difficult to get a dollar
rekerr, and a $24 piecsj is tar y Oita. Just so. to Now
ork. it is with jthe gold dollar. . I
Having spent the last year di a half in New York. I
me hem impressed with the ftelief that a branch Mint
as Necessary at that place, and l i th e strangest argument
ttmy conviction was that the] gold , dust imported from
tlalifornialiad to be Geckle Phi)adelphia and coin:it, tad
en transported back to.,the olie r ir in New York. But-.
r. Chandler's propesis on cork. 4 this objection to Hos •
ladelphia Mint, and as, jobbat. Lilted the Beer 'Zink
ranch Mist project flit thei.pireee nt; though it mail be
tat the snake-is only scotched, sot killed. Thera bre
ore ways than' one to !choke s
N Cu.' and our New Yar
i rs are adepts at all branch* . 1 ifelhisiam.
Philadelphia owes mush to
i llerChandler. Mr. Strong,
J dge Thompson; Mr. j l Dint ick. Mr. Roes. Mr. Mc.
. nahan.Mr. Levitt. Me i Rohlopult , Mr. Mann, Mr. Dan
nr, in' act. to nearly the, w hold Bennsylvania delegation,
f the .firmnes, and efiebt with slhicb they have defebd
I s h ac o ri m n p;6in o , r ,
e l i pil
i p h hi s e cd r r o t em i i c i a p u f t io r i l
rt a i r a e r is.: int e rest s
e n :
ei d l
r d: i f :l bet e t4
.ry il 4 1 6 ti i
wheat g o m t p h h l j i 11 v lri
il k : ea r i l
a l l t . li e yt it h j e l l I linondrfig coming
leave 0
his a
si k Fed to the House, yeiterlii and to-day , to support
room. I know one Whit me r from thit interior who
was very hard to find when sets Orr: but the Judge COMO
when advised by his philliciam, Mod personal friends not
tosave his house . That is Mid Mort of repreeeatative co
deienil upon in en emergeocy ...: !
%ether any thing will be keno to-'relieve th e Cali
formats. I cannot say, bat it isipeitbable that a bill some
thong like Mr. Bayley e ejtaay bis ! yet passed. Certainly
the people of that, region leliel
4 Donee
attention, and to ,
shrine them off , from year to +T. is et system of tem
po Wog which is ealculatid to trange their feelings and •
in e them indifferent to the f of the Old States Or of
th Cate. They have I rig i to equal consideration
wit the other States. Let they ili; not receivelt here.
(ter the Mint bill was disposed of. the Territoria l bill
wa taken eii
t . when w• bad (.feeds
Nang or two•from Mr.
Si a
l e
y. the delegate (rota thad, ng territory oft pine
tie • r and wild cam. Mr. Bliley is one of u young
i/de ' , and, as delegate from a lterritory. ham but little
eh ace to make a show in the I mum, but to-day he gave
us specimen of thi stmil that 4 har , and-the sample
w fourth praet.—L He it as
In Coatroom Ns is •
o r fight ," sad may ha Presepient one ofthese days—
admit -': . . .
be Serrate bait worried out }Mather day open the Cal
ifor la land bill. The anbjecllltais became so 'tweed
.ing47 mulaterestieg that ; pay am Mort of Veiniest to it. .
, . .
LT Mr. I. N. Fowler.; of the city of New York. sod
who ranks among the fnaradebeates of tie aeiinpo of
defining a man's character and jeapacity by the of
the head. is lecturing in Neffakii Me should like to Ass
hinii here.. ! ;
S ' ATS Loa Roit.aoat-Wsi: learn Slat the work en
this i
road is progressing repidly.f. arid that the &teasers
a en fi dent that it• will ho Wimpleted by the hat of
Sep wirer nut. and that en Omit day the care will rue
(fool Buffalo to Erta.—Bwialo Vourier. _
ph. 4y O'Rliers,
of the Atlantic.
petVy. 14. 3 o'clock; P. M
wit arrived at Nerd York; we have
By a Packet Ship
the fallowing from th
'antic and report' all
posed from this that
the coast of Ireland
by the Africa, whic •
Atlantic. The it sick e th At
on toard safe and well. It is sup
` he gorshortpf coal, and is now on
erne where. It is anticipated that
1 .
-ts shortly due; we shall have full
just invented a suspen4er that so
roach to water, that, the 'moment
. it hfus you over and drops you on
z. Paper. .
the some erect upon titeir elintrrie
.alities, .it would be a mast useful
treats, at the present time.
QT A 'Yankee hal
eentraqs on your a. ,
you - eome to a puddll
theopposite side.— •
If mud would hey.
tine and lifting op q
help in crossing ont•
John Leonard was broug l
f Jultil.giszenheim for hr.
I I ' a nd as he couldn't lin
, went, he compromised by in
Tho "Plaindeolsr" sb)is
d of picra."
- MT At Cleveland
court upon the salt
promise. damages $
..aod disliked impriso
the woman on the ■ • •
bridal smile "smack
BITSTRIUOUS P sactmetv:—The alarm of ;re on
'Sunday evening la t was caused by 'the burni;;g of
a quintity of beJ4cl thing in the dwelling ho se of
Mr. Levi Bennett, n,Perrner street. This i the
fourth time within he last three months that our
citizen's have been lamed by the cries of "fire"
from Mr. Bennett's, residence, leaving no doubt at
all that upon every lace...len it has blen theWsirle of
an incendiary. M'. Bennett and. his family are the
Victims of a deeply aid system of persecution, by
some demon in hu ari fufm, Who seems bent on
destroying, not mil their. domestic happiness and
poverty, but if peas ble, their lives. All eirorts to
ferret out the Oren er have thus far proved fruit;eer.
`The four attempts o burn down. his house bare all
been made in open day-light, about the same time
nf day, when thefilmily were tmeiiy employe& it
tHir usual detneiti6 duties. They think it impos
. able that any pera n could enter the house from
idiom , for such purpose, wisheut being seen,
end they have not he Nest reason to •auspece any
member of the fam ly. On Sunday afternoon, whiqi
tie last. alarm li asmade, the whole 'family ;were
quietly seated in bli e
of the lower rooms, and nu
I one could hare entered thb house, gone up stairs
aid fired the building and retreate,d, without being
' cetected.
But a few days previous to this, an attempt was
mado to poison his fdsmily! The servant girl 11/11/
fingsged pouring some coffee front a limall coffee- , pot,
into I cup, to be given to a sick child., Mr. Ben
net, setting by, noticed a small lump uf harti hite.
tuff falling from the coffers•pot, but -naturally tho't
i vitas undissolved sugar. Ile tasted it, however,
hid fuund it to have a peculiar taste. The Physi
den coming in at that moment be hanJed it v.ll:flip,
Who also tasted it and pronounced it, sugar. Altn.;.:
Menet reflection however, profit:lie,' hun to vie it
a closer examination. The caree was taken from
the large coffee-Kg, nut of which this small onelwas
tilled, sod upon analysing it, it Wfii foitu.l to contain
oxalic acid. (a deadly poison,) enough to pais9n the
whole family.- .
. .
1., Mr. Bennett his always bel . n a good citizen, an
haid.working mechanic, is nut aware of
his hating any personal enemies, and cannot ac
count for these repeated attempt. to r injore 'himself
and family . .—Xostoo argnc
A FIBLO or Coast..—ln the inthodate vicinity
of Bermuda, says the New Orleans Picatine, is •
field of corals, some twenty miles-by tell in extent,
sesin thro'ugh water eeveral feet deep and per
fectly tierisparent. Presents an ihject of great beau
ty 64 riehnevs. The prisoners it that English
establishinent are frequently employed to procure.
by diving, specimens of coral from that exhaustless
Geld of bet uty and richness, which are sent to nu-
Merous Cities and individuals en both continents,
for ornaments upon Mantle pieces. In nanny places
coral rock Is used as the only building materitil.- 7
Pon forts! it is probably preferable to any other ma
terial. It is more difficult to shatter by cannon balls
than any other rock. Though not hard: it is tough.
Moral is he carbonate of lithe. The Potomac mar
ble, used i for pillars in the assembly chambers in the
American Capitol,.is calcareous pudding *toile. It
compoSed of pebbles of the carbonate of lime, of
various sizes, from that of , a man's•head to grain.
smaller than a pea.
, ,
I (Le Tile American Courier has not been rdceia,
ed for seine weeks. It is one of three newoaners
whose priospectuses have been .in..erted in this pa
.pier, and are expect sat exchange.—j j : R i a r, t. .y o iri n d.
And it Iwould serve you about - right if you whou , d
never get either of their. A country editor who is
so excessively verdant afi till publish the prospectus
or a citY Weekly for the sake of anrexchaupe, de
serves to be diddled. So we think, at least; and we
npineTthai if all country editors . were of the same
way of t inking, the' enormous lists which some of
the sickly, sentimental 'city papers now hive in nor
country towns, to he injury of tti a country press.
would "grow small by degrees and I;sautifully leas"
a consumation oat vevoittly to be wisiiNl by e'v
airy body except love sick maidens and•brainleas
fops.--liallidaysberg Standard. ,
Toe DOATII PIRN•LTT.—The Detroit Advertiser
declares U.s belief that the sentiment of a inaj.wity
of the petle of Michigan is in favor ,of the reincor
poration f the death penalty for the. crime of mur
der in the laws of the State. The crime, it eayr,
bite been id more frequent occurrence than formerly,
and it is believed to be on account of the leniency of
the punishinent. Two murders of t revolting char
acter hay', recently been committed, one in Detroit
and anoffer in •Monroe county; which have left a
'feeling of horror upon the minds of the people.=.
The constitutional- convention last year refused to
reinstate the penalty, afters worm discussion of the
PoLvokmr.—A German lady from East Boston
has,caught her.htishatui playing at the' game of po-
I.ygatny. I The parties had been married about two
years. List July the husband left hi! wife and nev
er returned: A day or two since hearing that he
Was in Lawretice she 'proceeded hence, and lo.and
behold! she found him residing" with a sweet flower
of IS, to Whom be had been phbli y married about
two months. Her .presence in L' being known to
the guilt; man, he took his yours wife to Ldwell.
Thither t e legal wife followed. d 'him arrested,
and he is mow irk prison, charged with the grave
fence of lyganty. The "victim',' of his viltiany
Was alm st paralyzed with grief,,and has returned
to her h me a wretched and ruined woman. The atl East Cambridge. .
. .
i Istrorrl :IT PROJRCrs.--The Legislature of !dim
sou(i hav under consideration two gigantic piojects,
both of w ich have been referred, to appropriate
i s
cOmmitteSs, and reported upon favorably. The one
is the pacific railroad company, with i a capital of
faiur and a half Million of dollars, one third to be
subscribed and paid by individuals, and two-thirds
t 4: be VDUS on the credit of the State, for which bonds
see to be livened accordingly. The other is called
the flamfibal and St. Joseph Reamed company.
of, equal capital, and to enjoy the same governmental
11VRDR/I AT COLUMBIA, PA .•-•CnlUrbill has been
the scene; of Another tragedy, the particulars of
which are simply these:
A man by the name of Casper Shsnrb, bas been'
iri the habit of visiting the house of a Mn. Einsich,l
(who is alwidow woman,) for base And eilicit pur
wises. - 1 n Thursday night last, (having absented
hianself stiveral months previous.) he again visited
the house4in a state of intoxication, and attempted
violence upon her person. Two of her lone, who
are pretty!, well grown, ejected the marter frckm the
premiseir.l He returned in a short time, armed with
a butchertriife which be plot/gad into the' aide of
the younger boy,: from the effects of which he must
die. This will be the/earth murder in Columbia
within a fear years, tbe victims being Pearl, Wittain.
Stout,and Einsiek.
I -
. 'GM. I CR Amp Tun Enocaaas.--One of the
spiritual nockers down east, it seems, has been is
etnameni 'tion - With the spirit of Gen. Jackson.—
The guerist wished to know what the 'old General
-hid first sit heart. The reply was, ‘The 'Union—
bi the steaal.-.4lon't split ii. ' ,
;PANIC A r Ba•.—A southern paper tells the fol
lowing Indieroua story of an Alabama-bump kin. drhieh made us laugh clear down to our kamo-faus:
A grain lad from Alabama, who was a paaeongar
on ; boat ~ on,
of ;Maxi as
leg, bef re
eye, op ni -0
replied is
'neither; "IS
"Yea, 1 trA
had cie l ed,
tinraon iopi v
the mist a P
of the eteembciate navigatin g th e
iddenly bolted iirste the cabisnone-c,
he 'peseengerel had fairly ruhti,-.1
taclaiating, "Vlie„ . are loot!"
ataveit.neigh*r: "Loot?" exclaite,f
faitr! ereamed♦ out the whole tw5:4....
Mold the lad, Ittonialied at the Cart
n' "l ih k e no h w ous w e, e, il ° U r d anothertna ti
kin to see tePtfir we ar."
i 4 regon Spegta or says tlikt a coal rn: r4
ourred to Ad iralty Inlet, of super c .
i sit:entity elf] dent to priAp e i ill thi
glow that the Pacific for centuries is
inlekbelonga q) 10. It till been 4 4 ,,
coal in that region ext.P . pl at Venc ; , j ,
belonging to the British.;
C 7.
has bee
, e
there w
ver's Is
glellllDil4-Ilite.Fluid, or Garay I .ke' a Ph:
prepa rel E.otn Rennet, or th.t,,,nh Er-mantic'
ecttous of Caron Lidos. the prat 1.1.5.,"4.1,,,
Honwit.ton, M. D.. No.' LI Form Eughth i t h.,,, t,
. "rho in a truly II oudelful o . tnerly Yr lot r ,
Jaurniser . Liver Complann, fon.,: q 4 14 , ,
!Oki natures own nitinod, by nature.r,oniiip,.,
! Nir
. See advertheownt inanosher okonn.
_AROVF. main t
" 0. AND FOR SALE BV L'. 1 R1 . 1.4' 4 .
o. 4, REEF) imusE. 41..., by DR. r. HA L L:
a1..04:K. ' . •
t into
Oz. t
Chemist A
P111lad( !pi I
ilOtl. Llry
Get! fifty,
tie Gastri
Nu. 11. II
I ow a'
•ch of
d bail.
'a. di
J. 8
m ing
1 1 96
du clay Hist.
1, , . .
by the Rev. Joe. If. Prul, r o
w. ammo, of Mil!croak toroosb:p ; sod m;„
z ct len, of this city. '
. 1
pendenee, Mteeepri, on 4he 16th of hee l ,
Jer P. Pointer; Mr. Jenks L. GMAT, ferflller l
ea, end Mtge H. R. TuonAs. of Indepeed on ,, ~
'fith toot . by Rev. S. Greet, :Mr - Writ. 4,
d Mita C•11741:1111 CIROWLIIT, both of Lno.
On W
Mr Litva
In Ind•'
be E
of this pl
On the'
fivons I
tabu h. od usaday, the 9th inst. Fri
T. E , P. M. of that p!itee, aged
In Wa
wifo of J.
S t un,isy morning lut, Mrs, Grim,
or a intiriag tibiae, in the - 57th year of he
In this
In this its, :on Wednesilay loot. slConsuruption, A.
C. I I turf) aglid 54 mars.
On y .th inst. in Kenai:lgo. at the yesid•nee or hal
brother-i. law; Arthur Titus. Mr. Jury: L. rifILLIN,
lionnalle anti. 111.. is tho::lsth Iroar of his age.
"- • -
Public meeting.
rp lineal:ens generaliy both iron town and eountry, ars re..
tel tort ect at tne Court !louse in Erie. on Th'i's, ti vs t. t •
at t p'elock le M., to take , into erni..iderat ion th.•
him/ in cert. in ildartemw proeit:c legl•lation :Kleine( Ito
inc "(the Ele :lasi, road This mall 'f
lefht le mil tarty and it 1. to be h , pe,l that the citizens n.
w ili utteliti lie itreotn2.l.. , that a taihnt-exPrea•l9o
01 :I , i I n as tuay I.c decuted necessary in the rrensi.n.
Erie. FeO. 13. 11.51.
.1 MA •
L. BA 11111,1'
rt‘lT I
• J.
E. F
. -
MI. .1(
'L 11061M573
)N giNi; ..•
rri - 2.1 st pickled I lister'. a superior article, yrst re ,
cline sand - for sale by
derAgited. do respectfully soltett the 4
• r t;reen township. to attend a eittv.u. at the
;whorl Nrehole. on Saturday. March I. tasi.a t
. fur the purpc.e of putting to
outing Spring elect kllll..
J It. 1it:1.1.,
()WIC .1"40. BUYS.
11-3 I
11 , 1 r
k..P. 'I I
date., kff tbe
r N. Wifill
I. Et /•:.% - R
Gre,•n; Fen
16 at two doltaikeaeh so be Irt,! at the
(TO.. iii. 1-41.1 RI WI 'all b't
erel,y given that tlw firm of :arid:Petra te.
deed on the sth trim
t ill le paid by Nathaniel
.11 the lira, wall be found at the yid Ftz.E1.1...h,,
ilsedlselves indebted. wilr7raii and lb,
RtiaLity %Mit)! ,
i N5l: • :al A
, .1.
d.1.1+ or the fit!
and areouna
Er fa Ft. b
io;:thod of iofuTru.oCho , in nsrrh'i
r and Snarl Iron busineen. will to. '; , .tl'.f.; Tt
kind of Nitaptiry, n a.: it.
hew ill be happy to wait r
one." as may fairer Aim N 1
1.31. ' NATIMNILI. 11f 121111.1
The sassfit'l
the Tin. eni.l I
hint at tare old s
talAtlti. Vir hi'
a^.!.. as many n
Er Fen. I
N O - T 0 E.
01/.11 to rill i , (PO/.21 interr,te
It. en 11.411 t• to the COtlrt CI Colllloo{, '
Irporitt.ot of — the frit' ItaMret Chnrrl itt 11 L . .
• .fof rtttleattool C lrtteh t. for 1, , • •
nod protnooon of the gospel 311A0D4 17, 11 - .
enuLt din•eted the Art W appi sciti nle ,, •
Prottn.roor4ry of .ant counts. and n•qtr•• •
ar Curd mg to RN 01 1 6 ,11embi, in a
. far ak Irat I ihre• weeks. and that the •
great tiled for !mat order nn the hr,t
JAME:4 rik INN ER, Pr,
rt , r,
er , P•uity pc,"
ligtwts ts-r; hut.
that c • iv!
thr orti,i• th
rante to e gt , et,
pi,ratv,r wall tc
\lattr 1.
Erie, reb. 13.
rtuietit of Boggy and Door Mall .at
A I..tRGE a
r lo elk,*
,t NI ,:a
Fiti."6ll sully jupireeeired at
IV 1N ES LI.QTOR6. both l7 V" r ;'t IolaVaV,i,iE
rpEA$ TE.AS:!—A net arrival of Ulnae orplendbh cheap Teat
4 both:Green anvil Black at
S i ,
CGRS--Loar. ruslat.d. IlulveTlsed• r orf" ''
'''' l ' l P'''' ' ' Rico. Rie o. N. U. an Hat stlia ttitgars. 'whet • ilh tvery artle•
usually. fuuhd in • 'rov•ty Sture found at
11100R,E.8 GRoVERV FT4I ii r.
AS my pile . Julia hal len my bed ant baud. with
out any juot (stump Or provocation.. do hereby caution and
forbid - May person iruyting;tier on my account, no f nili t i”
any debts of her eu niaitg aft er dam.
Meßmib Feb 6.1.51. I
• Auditor's Notice.
THE nmierfigne.l,l being np p h' the It/Thant!! o'lrrel
Erie roun.y. an Auditor to diAtrihote the as,a•te wt hr land.
ofAlie Antinin.tratoni of John Woodworth. late er
Creek, would gne no ter all penton.'having ay.. , " 1 " .
relate. thee th‘l may 4.repent. them to hum at the ntrre Getrge
11. Cutler. Erg. in Girard, On Satprday. March 1-:,1 •
I • 114 . 1Larrotx elif,Lre•
Girard. Feb. 1411. 11.0
As t am determineil to 441 off my P toe k of Frnei Ply 60,^11 :
thr.e. ;..lung bargains niust her on hand at ~i, . 1111 ..
triereial &whatnot% It re the Larrest lima CAe.p u g .w e g 0 / :,,, -
r y Coolie ever offered gor Filet to Erie. may be seen. and n4O le
*old far each at Cost. 111111 , Hat Sag purchased my stock entireib '
reel , . lam enar.led roairll Reprices very lo . A lamp assornat I
or carpet. mod oil Cliiillts pit - hand. wliithl %ill Della( east."
Erie. Yeti. i.-, I'3l. , NOSE& KO( 'II ,
Now is the titite to clothe yourselves Cheap:
H AVING a Large;Oek oc ifmter Maitre still on hat:
taint dro
estuS t husk! room for the Spring Stork. I s 111 rt
any article from my stock ma small advance from Coster rats ,
Walk up and satisfy 'ourselves If this is gas. A kw dour. ;
of go6l woolen soeks:on hand. J.%CO tit tCH
Enc.. Feb.?, PN$l. 361
- . • •re Notice.
- •
N . 7. - T. i. hereby given that letters te.tumentary nn t , r,ct'r
. .1
°Clint - ad Church. dee'd; late- of IN reek anwathip. ',,,,
been granted to the ihserlhers; there . darer harnr , !. . ,
al:ain't said ettate . w . I present h tltem duly lithetitteal"l:. r..,r-
Juent, and those toile tett will make ham 1211 C Pa) kprti I
El 1.11/EN CHURCH.
s. Erie, Feb. f1,41351:184X/ N. W. RI't 4 St.:I.I., EL ",
Par 117p•Takio Notice.
DICE NOTICE that the Books. Notes and A.Cet:nt , R
Hunter hat e , 144 -, lii left with ine for collection. Tho... kn..'" •
tug themselves indebted will wake iotioe.liaie
coop , . , t d. MLR%
Erie. Feh. 7, li4l. I • I .0/
i Dissolution.
tiff n copartnership-heretofore- everting under the WM , ' 3^l
firneof W. W. Kaentrlnist and elotthas this dat le-en ,e,:r
rd by mutual eonsenti The business Will hereafter he carne' I
by W. H. Knowlton. Whole duly authorized to settle all 3ceo)n:s
of said lino. 1
, N. K. All persons tuiving unsettled aeconnts .with the late firm
are requested So settleOp kirthwittaand save cows.
I ' W. U. liNtlirl.TOlf.
Erie Jan It. - len. i N. KNOII"I,Tt , N 4
8A I wish to di st* of my Winter stoek of flostuna. I In 7 - r
•the following a city for task, not exactly for cost but it a ,
small advance. , .
against said dilate tvili prevent Wm; duty aistrent witted rot
meat. gad {home iiideurd make tumertiste phyment . .
reh 7, 1E31.-440 ' .4 dmittotralotli.
NKW molted Walsall& bale !y ID : E. wig K
Jam 713
n cAnwl:r.r.
THOM.C. 1I Q(1.1.
WM. t 1 I.
J. 11. FUME'. iITrA
1. C. !WEN!' FA
Sri It NTT
JItU 11. ItrNTER
. P. Alini rip
A. P. 1411i1.1%
JUL Sliinah
Ir) q CI IRK
7.. L. WE RS,TEP.
P. F. I. BM AVY,
- Nl9ußr.3 GROCER) . STI;F
Lintdoa Porter. •
hat ac one an! noir
I'll of 114nriznr0
..'s Syrup
knnee rup; al•n, f. i