Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, February 08, 1851, Image 1

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p. - r. D UBLIN et 00.:. Proprietors. '
fricaltrittl Olisentr.
B.•r. SLOAN. rdito r.
. .
i Trams of THE rAfr.a. '
( -,.,.,,, , ..erik.r, h, 104:i rrwr,at . 't2.fa'
fy. tr..l-', c T iit VT - Offii , e, in riilvfaite i ['JO
I flf m i paid in MiVagee.or within three months from lifetime
, i ~:,, tu odui is r.-a ill he charmed.
,LI Ali count unirfaimiT newt he poet paid.
t 3re.5. not eicei.viling 1 Inlet.. one %en, e3„(4)
a 01,esquare 1111 loom
, six months, , 6,00
1 .;
) rum tl;4, 3,t0
14, tlt ad vcriliwrrientsr. : l6 cents per square, of f.ftren lines or
ra I 1 ad% rrt I.(tt sl.ave the pf e nf m
ate altowed to syc•enpy mote than L-Nru square.. and to
Dr a rd to tkeir innne,diate bairssoir.
A,rvertt.ewcrup not bat ingather directions, Isla I* inserter] till
;J.1%11 c uargeil accordingly.
DonEc.) C
7'. 11 ERON , Sflrit RT
F,R;t,.• PRINIM3-01fice, corner or French and Firth
,tritl-oner Mo#. KOch's store. Retnlcnce on Fourth street.
eaxt of the old APotherar) Ii oil. •
R. 'l'. sititß Err.
11 , t e , ,,nstatilly unhand a,full supply of Cltoceties.l44::ors,, ship
tL(i,ckry.lio% isiuti•,rroiNce. aLc . bud sell.
Lill as cheap as the scaprrt. No. I 110,(71.papt,nle
Attornera and•Connsollor at Low.
artu, %nd Nl%)* Pcu•,unb BUI3Illy 11.1nds and
for ettra-pay. and All titer Lui,i'veal•ntrutted to like .lull
v•vV,Se pylon.% and faiilifuPattention.
4,..:fre tViiabes Block oltl State >trcut, over J. H. Fu4lortnn's
Hire; - / let. :9..
LAIRD& filiS*l'. -
, ,
ll ilia saats , n4 Retail flea'Pre in Ilt Good...Graceritsilar.inare.
I oa.,N, }'lair, Ftsh, rtaltft: , .. runlet of State biivet an!!! the
l'i I,lle droare.near the Coati linuse
no NON L.,•}11.1),
! • GAI,EN 11. KEENE.
raothionnide I . : 010T. between the Rey , I lintn.e and ft rumt's lintel,
sta at% CU TT dotteyn short n..,11c?
SPA FF0111).
r,„,ribetter'and Stationer. nod Manufaciumr a Blank lk)oks a d
11 wing Ink. coruef GI the Iriam,,nd an r‘tith st tot.
ArrpaNcv • VII eftp - NsicLLOR 11.4%\r't 'dice on State c
dt - ors north of Bruwn's note], Ere. ra.
I'. urea in Dry (oodo, Ilmdware, eruet,,r). Grarrneg., and
and Iliorurtw Liquors. Unntdh t-.ltod Man..fneutre4 of
No. e,, Reed iluu.e. and curlier tt, French and
Erie, ..ra.
A:111 , 6* L. Crainsetter at Lau. (Office No .2, Erie corner
I.:ald boccie, tioilnici. N. Y. • .'
I. 4 • g commercial busillelol Wilt-receive prompt riticnion.
hi ilk) 1i r.lii xi iuJA•tl' toi 4 vr.
F-rjzt. and'F••netal Agency. and Cet.uppkiunbusine.i.. Crank
jit t;t R Enlish, Germ:1111'11d AlllerleatlitlnlWartnnd CtlLlery,
.N 1 AtIVOR, V Ituß aid N. :.:1:•7‘..A llotiPe;
L .
Cr 4 - e•arrsia. Irarriate anti Wagon. 6ushicr4. dtate Street, to
,ieen • - eteniti Eighth, Erie.
ne ronr %Int Of C. IR tVroll', sitar.
['OCT, .1. L. tcri: WA RT.
WE ‘E A. BEEBE. ni -ir is.arrn. Wet. t
..F9s.afraA, one door curt: .t.
F:.twr..uu-ndßmntld.ter w yruccnep, XVaue,
LI r, FHA, 4 0 ,,, AL. Comet ut Fretich
the FatuterW
o r and Retail Dealer in Grinerieg,
are, Iron, Nails. &e,.; No. 2. Flenstr,g Lts.2, l'a
In i theet price pan' fur CuuntiA 'Tx
,trr( I:1 vrT .11 rut s and iitt'btt !ttaker -- > , ture,No.s Reed's lltor
• .44 tr.., tne Itonnell Iticek) Stnte Street. I:tte..
ArToR.NEY AT 1,4
In Walker's °faze. on l‘eventh FLinn , t. Erin. Pn
11.1:ti e RYCACr11'1 . : L
Mr..rtrrit .10,!er, and It eta,'' Dealer 1 1 n Dr 2. Grnterii`.,
i'n cal are. Crain - ring. 11ardware, Iran, :‹t•.l,
I krs. ase. lzturt. l late four
Jiro.% Erie. Ta.
I;elitm.. Axle Arun.. PpringF, and a general
lax in ca . =addle and Carrlna .. Tr innn
s. aitvlS
A TI , OI".•Ci kT l.iw an4 1 .1 - ..tiet ut the Yerwe, nn I Aleut t-r
We K Fthue Mutual tile 3 wn
ir,•l o V VlOfC. I.:rir.
W. 11. ictib LVON & SON.
ihrats,tr in Watches, Clocks, luokinC•(:lae,.e. r1:1130
Lamp*, nijipilllia Ware, Jewelry, and a varlet) 11101.11 Pf I ~trey
Articles. Keystone Buildings, four iloors below 1414%L.:b
Sfate Street. Eric.
Arro w tirr AT LAW, Girard . - Erie Cowl!, and
ot , attended to with proinpinewi and imiltr.h.
r,4,14t v•tzte Eaot.r,leorner o' State strect•aad the Put he square
rne. r. a.terr Westeru and - • uttiern stoke came.
• T. W. M0011.F..
I'.•.t.rß Groeerie.-... Proeisi•
(c.. No O. l'udr People's Ro
rOtira;uing p c tOnizuiraiiol2. erctont. WI the rubliC UPC.k. e3slor
Stalft street.
Coat, *III. Planer W
anti hi Fob, tongtantl) fur sale.
J. 11. 1 1, 11.1.1A315,
Ililker and Etehange Rinker. Dealer in Hirt of. I:yetsam.e,
eurtoientesof Depome. Gold and sll%erewn, le..
otliee,4 (foots below lirown'a Hotel. Ere. Pa.
Est F. 1./EiNISON„
Al' lAN NFT AT LAW, CleVeafl, eo—Ottice on Stp ,, rtor .treet.
.ttst nicer Block. Refer to Chwf Justice Parker, ramhrithn.
Lan riehool; Hon. Richard Fletcher. Iflstate't., llo..tqn; Hon.
vnuel H. Pock in. , . 141 i Walnut It.. R tetrad H.
EM ..33 Wall racer. New York. Fur u:,ttanontal..r: -
ter to this (Ace. -
Ari OR% rYst .1r WA—Office up ptasre in Tannnln) Hall bull :Ito:
• ,rtli of tne rrothonotary• office. &1..
ArortET f xn eoCNSICIA.oR AT Law—litlice °Vet . C. D. v. : lW*
Mrffe, entrauce use deur west of etatc atrelq. on ate Dm ad.
irIIOLF/lAL It AIM Rirr.tu. Ihrvirtuu iu Foreign and Dome:die Dry
4 .0 0, 1.., ready made Ckqh lug, 90041.20 d &Wel, AC., NO. 1. new -
t,e Block. *tete street. Erie.
I lc, LE". in Dry Goads, DI Groceries, Crockery. Hardware. &e.,
No, lll.Cbeapokide.
D trait inCrpeerier and Provisions 01 alt klnds, Staid street. three
drum north or the Diamond. Erie.
Dc, cut in Dry Goods, Groceries. Dards we. Queens iriirc, Lime,
Iron. N 1ie..,111. Cheapinle. Erie. Pa.
Imerat Uand Va.lettaktr, earner of State and
eeventh *Wefts. 'irzi
KELSO & LOOMS. - --- -
G [KILL t. Forarisuit, Produce and conamizirerrhants....l,-alPrs
in coarse and due salt. Coal, Plisater.'elo .11e. Public duck,
west side of the bridge, Erie.
Erwin J. K ciao;
Gworaa a Forwarding. COIIIIIII
end Ware-house rant of the
DRALET.i in Watches. Jewelry. Silver. German Silver. Fisted and
Br 'manta %Vac Cutlery. Military &Janine)" U 00412., Slate street,
twarly UppLWlre the Fade /Intel, Eno.
C, Loon.-
• CARTER & BROTHER,• LP fiud Retail dealers DC Drugs, Medicines. Paints. Of
Dye -stuffs, Glam. Reed Riouse, Rrie.
ity.Atrit In Thedogieal„ Illiseetlaneous, thakday and Illasmeal
&lion Books. Stationary. kt. Park Row. ase.
FA.llloVlims Merchant Tailor, on the public equate ! , a few doors
urn offitite street, Erte.
15 - :W. -- CLAitK,
. .
trntri •NID RICTALL Dellk`f in Grogerki. r‘cref‘folls, Ship
Ctumllery. Stone-ware, .Ikc. 4ke., No. 5. Donnell Block., Erie.
U.D. 1313 AFFORD
Dealer in Law, Medical. seriticd Miscellaneous Books stationary
ace. !State U. four doors below the Put!' le ululate.
DA. 0. L. - ELLIOTT.
Resident Deu . rist;. Office and dwelling in the Beebe Block. on the
Last site of the Public Square, Eric. Teeth inserted on Gold
Plate, trotoorte to au enure sett. Carious teeth Ailed with pure
Uoltl, and restored to health and usefulness. Teeth cleaned
ithiountomenta and Goatlike.° na to leave them of a pellucid
clearness. All work warranted.
Panama Ana Pruaelow-.-. Office at kb ireakleace€o effellish 1 ". 13,
OPrathe the Mithodlet Church. Erie.
3O H. • .
.vp 'TAIL destet in Univ. Medlcifter. rip: Stun.
• ac • No. e. Pceit Route. the.
• 11
Wines, Lill C3!1,11C!!, Fruit
?rate rtreet, Err:.
W W. Lemon
and Produce Merclauts;Sec
IC Bridge. Erie.
1r T 1•
I ' '(
I,)tittrq anh 3},thittll
ST rftaNcEs zrzowri.
Like pillars tall and brown.
Tile (kJ trees stochl, add tie leaves of lune
i; Were dark above, sla we Catr. at nook,
On their itruey data Spat d-ma
Where woutilarko sang. gad 'our talk alai f!
As t.tis its the hoe.t a bean should be.
Though Of ti.j.:MUL ILiC•44; auJ >errs Were •
Pert !rine. ohd meumrie. etthe
TtrroJgh the •Iletil the 6r ..
That gioriona then on the ere...liar:dr. Is
For all our I/wag:as and then!e
Were friend.; "rat each in that :tarot dell j
!lad 4 tale of his own lichit's vow to tell,
i Audis: mac wen: there %huhu:tin:wed wed.,
One saii—•'liti kart Yrields,
For my home is ridso kindred now, •
And they call toe blithe or heart and brow •
While favoring fortune Punts
. 4/er sunny smiles to yo ith'sglad cheer,
Aod 1 knaav that iiuch to melt arc dear,
„ Fo? their loecatilt flows o here us course Is c
"1 have hid friends," said ore,
"But titiz tr;ed wale, sad niztime more,
And they that sta:ll when the storm magma
Fell olf her:se the sail;
Yet some on niv faith had 3,lltreer h;11. 7
Toe yoJna, but now they site far end uiti— •
Brave heas'o, but their glare is Icor ,and cold
Then movingly or essO, •
..1 hula irten.l—'m as a stranze mistake
In a wort.: like w snake—
: And how upr friendship sped,
in:niers not, but my days are sped,
And weary Ow v.atntngycirshate grown,
'Since the Panne of that trust was it,own."
Aud tve avice lova Ler tear;
'.l 111, z fry.t, 1, tho , 4!A tlp:rt. I Jii; had% tee
il,ll:ll.eausiQr LekwEel;
1(...1 I is 1,1 .tro.e •
r,r thc ~..c, : ss3ra' toi:, b 1:c ri nu: rd a!,eavca,
///' And th , * love tit .t sera 3ci .bot bclaevrs ,
Huh Ire gr4re return a. roe ata re atal leaves
So freely spra.e cash heart.
1411.11allVe I >0.4 /t.. thp
non tress behjai
bci4ereirt Lue.:l,l
I And e•enre,t th , .!uny
1)r the b 37.
If the) r'er t;:i:areri. !ay.
IT was late un the eight Of in early day in spr
, Baps shout two hours pist in; r ilitigtit—And yet 1.1
ti tan to of a Burial lon ••ty divelhag on tire etl4,e I
, piece or oommou group d l , {1\4 17 a'a,ot teat 1
F.rno g .don Hwi
oe. Isere I awake and up , .
811X10414 Clec - gisiuz fruanil e small, bur With
, the hi art.:: d tiltnessdi it but •1, over ths wadi.
t i
1 candle sly
tood 3.1 . 71 plain o ken stall in [lie IT
room, by lho light of wlitcli wa" 11;ti scrrint
I uituluu.s. a *iii.ll, find: ttrint fcirolo - fig:
' still preserved all the times of exquisite beauty'
certdan degree ''of shine" correspoudaug well
, deep errTnltl.o. oft !I a. I tileett, and ...ids v.,. s.a.i.•.
w''l4 braided from the jfurrheaal, spokd the
i •
' man) 'y eirs wirda r the ,ietr!ifsing power of tune
i ,
j farm hid la •ea in'its priaue.. and that beauty.
; lingered, tied Itia, sva ils errsts e•tpansion. \Le
her .hotik b r W..IS. a se earl figura so like *Oa
with elery grace w:iich time had hipped ia
j•i:t Lbw ti; oath the chalk uti withered and kii
seared—thiit at seemed a living picture of wh
hid been spin. , twenty years hefure.•••••3 port
tatnily,;eetare gi”-r‘, %sherd hada in 1 Ivehnn,
mud ttisrsi V. 3 011 giaces that the ettra
gathered as ike Clew.
At ilia ieeoud wiahlow was a samawli it
servant', contrasting strorigly in her !latter!
with the plant nu itliCsll which decked the tr
urea, whose garb I shall not pane to describe
flee that it wai;,,f . White, and lea in the
\time; A. D. 161—, though either poverty. 's
taste, or deference to the mania
had deprived it of every extriaticous ornauierl
The night upon wh eh the whole part) lcul
dark and sad; for the moons lied; gone do
clouds overheld, thiiugh not particular heatl
sufficiently so to I),'deevery star, ned cost ,
shadow over the wide extent of undolatio
wind', in tins clay time. stretched aw~p for
within pew. few faint streeketf pale I
sky separated the' liwkness of the Iteavens4
nerd the earth, and 'narked who're the pr.
an hither Ward were turned the eyes of
with s; earning and a l its.Scius gaz., a particula
dint horizon, where, every now and then, br
cs, sudden and sharp, but circumsdribtd an
broke upon the night, followed by a dies.
quick and traneitory.
No one ',peke white thi;se filches coati')
silence itself seemed to shoW the - intense
was felt, by the tenants of that cStimber,
events of which they obtain' so dim and uti
view. At the and of five minutes, I'bwev
bursts of light entirety ,ceased; the repoos
ger heard; and the elder of the two ladies,
from the esind . osti, said ',in a low voico, , it i
will is wrought by this
Tho youngrir said!ncithitig; but. d aping
together, r4ieed her' eyes toward the dirk
her full sweet ripe pioved sitently, (Zell
to that never closed car which hears thp a
heart's thoirghte as plainly as the loddoctd
In a MODINA after. the clattering sound
was htard cetitipg quickly down the road.
very faint and distant -the dull; heavy t
fleet steeds galloping Over indict grunitd; b
nearer and nearer—loft the turf of the coin
over the firm and sionny road—c.iiinis clo
-passed it-I.mnd died awn in the &static
"They are flying!" said the younger
mother, they are Oing: Surely sonte4o
era of the air i must !assist those
They areilying; di :you not hear the
"Nay, nay, Aarcret,"l replied the otli
the roundheads wh liy. Though Gorin
liens marched by l, re, we cannot tell,
struggle may have turned, or on what i
the rebels. So it mey well be the traitor
' selves. Bat look eat, bock out; your 1 1
1 thmine, and testi dimmed with teary
may catch • passi•g glimpse that wil
Tbsi younger lady premed he eyes clog
and though. by this time. the rust party,
passed the house. jet the distant monad
nigh met her ear; and she coatinesd t.
faint Ilse of the road to the spot when di
the gravel. which distlegained It from
it, was lost in iherrnetal daftness of
higth three dark Arise earn. ferns*
*Peed; at fast. se nser together. and
night. that she could hardly &stilt:MA Orrin from each
other; but greasily tbq forme became more sod more
clear. and, as they darted put the
,lionse, she exclaimed
iu a glad toilet •' They are the rebels. theymre the rob.
ets' fly og for life! see their great boots, end their too
none *Wive' crest or plume!"
••Bitt they mai:he pursuing those who went befdrie.r
said her mother. Frith a less elated tone. ..they may be
the followers. and not the Byers. Margaret."
••.*o. no, they are flying in good *oath!" replied the
young lady, "for rer and anon they torn their heads to
look behiud, and still urge their Mantel faster attach look.
Boa they are gone! And new pray God that victors may
I of coat us dearli4Arlsh that my b: other were come
sod Henry Lible.",
Margaret. said her mother, "give God un
d:rided thaulte; for if my lon and your lover be both left
upon the field of battle. vie ought still to feel that their
lives werearell bestowed to win a victory for their royal
m aster."
Mtigaret covered heneves with her hand., bat made
na answer, and in a moment aster. fresh coming sounds
c.illed her again to the window. It lass a single horse
man who now approached; and though he rode at•full
speed, with his head eornewhat bent over the middle. yet
he catunued his course steadily, and neither turued his
look to the right or left. As he approached the house, his
h . orse started suddenly from 110100 onject loft by the road
side plunged, and fell; and the rider, cast ,with frightful
violence from his seat, was thmern on his head upon the
ground. A deep groat was, at first, the only sound; bet
the moment after, ilia horse, whicli tall - borne him, start
ing up, approached'close to ale body of its master, and.
putting his head to where he lay,. bra long, wild nei g h,
seemed at once to express its sorrow and to claim assist
- "If it be Essex or Manchester, Fairfax or Cromwell,
we must rouder him aid. •Margeret," said the mother:
“never must it be raid that friend or enemy needed help
from my door and did not meet it. Call ty the hind's
boy 4ridgett; open the doer and 'hriuz in yen fallen
Hur summands were speedily f0151led; fur. though
r qgitt low in her estate, the lady Herrick was net one
toyliTer herself to be disobeyed. The strtriger was lifted,
froilVtlie ground, placed in a chair, and carried into the
Iniuse. His eyes were clued; and tt wa. trvidoidto the
elder lady. as she held the candle to , his Lace, that if not
killed he was compleielystunuad by his fill. Fle wu a
hard-featured man, with short griufed hair. and a heavy
determined brow, on which the line of 'p:rpetual thol,
remained, even in the state of atupar iota which he had
fallen flu was broadly made and mulcular, though not
corpulent. and was above the middie size without being
tall. Ills dries consisted olio dark grai; coat, which clove
to bun with the familiar base of au old tersest: and a
browta cloak: . which. in truth, loot rtuoch — of its fresh
ness in his service. Above" hit coat' had been placed a
coin:dee cuirall, the adjo..meis of which had betrayed
groat .1 . -inptont4 of iteste; acid side he wore one of
iiio.e lon . g. hairy b10.,: i 3e of plail toe lid often
brew the jest of the coval.ort.
Mt head was uncovered eitnar by het er merino, and
the expense of his forehead. the oily redeeming point in
I'l4 countenance, was there - folly displayed. The rest of
lasi face wee not only. coarse in itself, but bed in 'lts tax•
inassion: and when. after eons *cold water had been
thrown over it. he revived in a degree vid looked rdund.
the large. shrewd, unsatisfactory eyes, which he turned
Upon those arena him. had nothing to loom to propos
scm 0.. ow Se• .
The me cut that coosciousnees had 'fully returned
he made n effort to start upon his feet. but instantly
sunk back into his chair. exchuinini. •%The Lord his''' .
* Inc. :yet itiut•t I gird up in lotus and go, lest I
n: --per-
i abi-
r et I ir,v3
lits from
aoJ, wikia
ows Upon
A siuzle
dst of :tie
up of the
re. which
thou;a a
all some
si gee that
vhich still
4isitig over
the other.
fall into ciiiitittif.."
••3' ear nor, fear not!" replied Lsdy Herrick, whose
humanity-was somewhat are m gaiety ,
watifor a while till con are b• ttera'ale to mount,
and then get ou :ono' in God's name, for I seek -not to,
resit* roundhead.; wore he. Yet stay until Snit
can ride," she added, eeciag his hind again grasp the
chair as if to rise, "wonvin should know no enemies an
the hurt and wounded."
"Nat. hut, worthy lady," replied the Parliamentarian,
should the crew of Airs ,Slaabitish Grmeral G 'ring follow
me even here to smite Me hip and thigh, as they hers
vowed to do all who be sr arias fur go lhes's• sake or to
brow un-
!test iu the
9 may sPe
resper 11311
u tidy maid
ly thettrray.
o other fig-
let it •uf
mode of tile
bear ins sway captive—" • •
“Fear not, fear not!" answered the lady; "nous sho'd
dare by my hesith's sr to lay hands on otte• that com
mon mercy bade me t ke in and ehelter—fear not, I say.
That is right M trgaret." shl; ad !ed, seeing liar dadghte r
pour some wine into a gitialtur the uie of the stranger,
•'take that.: it till reliOve you and gisevyou strength to
myheity o
of the day.
ked cut was
n, and the
were quite
a deep grit)
speed on."
"fleet thou caught the stranger's horse. Dieltion?"
she demanded turning to the boy who had aided in bring
ing in ;the Commonwealth maul and who now reen
tered ;he room der a snomentary abeence"!
"lie is caught and made feet below." replied the lad; '
"and here are my young master and Master Henry Lisle
-coining up' from the court. They have beaten the
roundheads, kalsd Colonel Cromwell, and taken his
whole army prisoners!" • ,
Scarcely had he time to pour forth this rapid tide of
news when the door was thrown open.und the two young
cavaliers. in broad huts and plusnes, followed one another
Tepidly in,- each taking with the lips of the two ladies
that dear liberty consecrated to intimacy and direction.
"Welcome. welcome, my gdllaut son!" cried the
Mother as she held the first to her bosom.
own dear Margaret," whispered the young Bari" I
tleman whir had followed, as he took the unrest. kiss
whiCh welcomed him back from danger and`airifet her
Turther gratulations of all kinds were suddenly ItoPP O4 II II I
as the eyes of the two cavaliers fell upon the stranger.
wad had now recovered strength to rise from his seat.
and was anxiously looking toward theduor beyond them.
"Whii in the devil . * name havewe here?" cried Sir
Get rge Herrick; "what crop-eared villain is this?" •
Is vain his mother esplained, and-strove to pacify him.
Thu sight of one of. thi rebels raised in his bows all the
agitating fury of the fight in which he had beer just en
gaged; and neither the prayers of his mother or his sits
ter.. the promises they had made to the stranger, or their,
remouitrinfeetto himself , had any eirsct.
esclairned. "bid yOur father bring a
rope. - By the f..orti of Heaven, I will hang this round
heideer to the elk before the door! Brinallerepe.,l
saio,*.and unshiathing his sword, he advanced upon the
Perhilnentarianllcalling upon bus companion to prevent
hie ',nape by the door.
The stranger 'lid not a word; but bit his nether hp.-
and calmly drawing his tusk, retreated into One cornet
oflthe roohh . keepinra'keen eye fixed open the young
ee i valier, who strode on toward him. Islargaret seeing
' jiarsi el/ Rersaasion was rain with her brother, turned her
to instantly Lid his
Insley a rude
ht upon the
vet the dark.
pect ended;
point on-Ott
•Itt red fl ash
moment iry,
ut report al
od; bit the
xiety which
.reg, ird,to the
atianiqory a
r, the sudden
were 90.
I units away
over; God's
her fair hands
cactus. while
tip a petition
II voice of the
ugued appeal.
of horses' fest
At first it was
mp of several
1 woe it came
1 on--elanged
e to the house
tidy. "Oh wy
the dnrk row
tY fanatics.—
. ries -ga.!lopiig
"it um be
: hat his cave
ida be a ‘.
diet fly to
es ors young .!
parebacea ;you
give w red
it-tky the
to the %natio*:
f fugitives had
others coming
gess spou the
mellow glare of
e mond allt
sostatots. M
ith tremandotto
blades hy the
: 127' ONWARD -AEI
.tocoing sheep open
ad ilia whir cavalier.
large Herrick. "but
Dor. I trod." repiled
ilinsick:. ToIF
they t• stayaod
tyi-bbei eta. Rid
*V uglier, Nand
kiln !ter*. Will yo" "lity a maiOiy your own hearth,
lrho pm confidence it your mother's word! Fie. Lel
14,b1m go! We hark slain enough this night to let ona
rebeheacape, were haithe devil hqnselfl 4
Sir George ilerticiE glared a ad. far it moment in
`goody 'Hance. and Visa put op h 'swords '. . 1
."Well." said he at length. "if, he stayed bat on her
promise, let him hike' biaaseli awi
,my. Be will grace thiii
1 1,
gibhetsorne other clap Bat do n lets see him moyis
scram." he added , with a llook of tagast. "01 4 shall r 4
my blade through him 'Bather I ilt or not." I
"Come fellow. getlthee gonell said Henry Lisle; .4
wilt see thee depart;'' and whilelia companion fixed h
stern with ete inlet - laity upon th fireplace.l as if not
witness the weeps olthe renadhektd.'he laid bum eat
the chamber to the outer door.
.The 'treater moved . forward
keeplog his naked sword still In
no comment on the sloe in whici
cipal a perforiper. As be pa*
!Swayer. he kpt a v
very glance .
rick, bat the mama t he quitted
ease; and paused quietly at the d
forward hie charge During 01
unfriendly" look upon Henry, Li
"boat to speak more than once,
low voice--
"Something I would rain lag
ire blind creatures. I it'd• see not
thanks concerning ilia eternal
doubted Whether— '
••No thanks ars needed,"
cutting across what .romissid to
angics habitual wit 4he ran t-
are needed for safe, diet is ern
thee plainly, that b • it not been
would willingly hav • aided id ha
hands: - end when 4e two meet
past till the of one or
•••Ct may`bs ao • if
Itamen twists; ••a
ph be God
lierap the
! found slack
that I may
been es , ye
weed Lien
gh none e/i
tee in despite
rue" said th
prise; 'ghee
ill trnet. nett
• day of wet
••Thou but nor
of the etrifoae," ■
kuow thee. the
fared harder with
"Thou tuowest
f)ittg any great au
in 1661; and I
malignancy, that
Taus aa)ing. h
ing aoinewhat he 1
put hi, feet
aly the ho
aerosol the
for him, rode owe;
Time Ifew—ye ra past—the einfiorary success obt in
al by General Go ing over the forces of Oliver Crom ell
was swept sway ed forguttenlin Si tide of brillian tri
umphsin won bp ill Parliamentaty general, who trod upon
steps of victory to he governor i nt of an empire. ' Ile had
conquered his op orients by the sword; he hail conqu ,6 .red
his partisans by •pocrisyt be ad ettbdued all to his iviil ,
and under then sof Lord ent,ral. ruled with more
power than akl . lit.the men while, Sir George /ler
rick and fiery isle had foug t ta , the last in the cause
of their ancient onarcha; a their zeal, like thall
bleat of humane . miss. hope had grown bat the st
pc under the pressure of misfo sue and distress. At
the varione•chancers of the pivia war. fir* limos
oge,‘ h....n u anointed for the u t rion•of Henry Lialei
Margaret Ilerric , mna sv. m
4 C
os bad eonieunfod
mishap interven il to delay
.wirt all so much dedird
'Each day.that w nt by . Lady derrick. with MOIVii i
exhausted and Itopee depreedid, longed more imp i
to see her .child Luited toe man of talent, and
murce; a d each battle that pissed firtni
end re by. Sir G l i
liorrizli, struck Tilii a presentiment of approachin
thanked God th t he lied 1:v41 to place his aistee'sl
itt-that of hie fai ad., i 1
"Cho last tim
fetal call to-W
(dl; and Ileur
ion'. lut requ
or delay—with
'would give he
Their weddin ,
the roarriago
reinter field.
Lisle only
t to Margate
at vain care ,
' I
-If at once t;
wu.* pad o 1
aced the tan
ing train. n.nn
aeir bridal
ere tho dar wf
otying tow&
•leved some
t ided.' No e
of loyalty to
a prisone•. jou
lice (nit was
it Was mien de.
fun corivictioni
ax Wll the d
days lay, Logics!
w la permitted
band's bosom.
om pronounc'
n hiin and
to sae
Lady Herr;
, u, gazed so
ut faded cou
Immo than a
',upon his ine
and , long i
~prisootneot. was It
hopeless despair of hor 1).4w/el
ant bosiety
ciouJel by
suddenly. wit out a word. d e,...
m mother turned
left the prise , , - •
lt was io I at great unejaalled.hall, whose ltagniG
cient vault 11 overhung sla many strange en „mighty,
scenes in -En lick history..ind whom record o brief and
gorgeous peg ants reads aimed a homily on hn ' tnin little
ness as even lie dark mistaeriele of the tomb. it was in
Westminster Hall, do the 116th day of - Deceits. that
Westminster Hall,
the c i otos* o f trumpets and 'ell the p - and
splendor bo of milataryi and civil state. !splendid
procession era ' (*m aid to a chair or t . sme ras
ed on sous ornamental! steps it the fart* I • ezirem
ity or the uilding. • Judges in those Minutia robes
intended to ire dignity to!the judgements they trona l ,
co; and arm re dressed small that glit t ering panoply des
tined to den and bide tha ragged ratio of wait moved
the echoing- vement bettvien the Mrs ranks pflsoldiem,
who kept th space clear from the gazing and,' admiring
Multitude. t the prioCipel figure of the Whole pre
cession, on itickill eyek weritarned. weal lhat of •
ri t
stoat. bran built man, with • dingy Well itir beaten
countenenc . shaggy eyeirows. &OA large ci nose,—
His musts ace was as Unprepossessing as as bra con
ceived; nor as his drank which , consisted off t sin black
velvet. at , equal to thDM! who surrounded i h at. But
there was malting in -leis carriage and bis I once not
to be ati en. It wee: the confidence of, 0 wer—Mt
' the extras us power of niecuatmencis end site hon. but
1 of that con insisted interMLl strength- which guides and
rules the things around 11,., Each step es he planted it 1
upon the pavement. see Mei destined to be risited there
forever; sad his eye, as It encountered the gleams of th ose
around. fel upon them With a cairn power IWhich best
them to 0 e duet before la gaze. Passing; Coward he
ascended the steps whiilli reseed the chair at state; and
I .
turning 'Mind sto od unco vered before the piociple. Tit.' i
I two keepers of the great Mat Melodies on ' right and
left read • !long paper called the lastuata of remotest.
by which, likeness other things, the Lord Oliver
Cromwell was named Lend Protector of the Common
wealth of agland. The paper wee then ti &an oath
odoslaistatod. and potting on his hit. the re which
-had advauued lo•the chair est down. ainidei, • seclant
ewes el the people walla all ,the rest ooatitt+6i to stand
areoll isevar.od.
V " ether serene+ , wore portoramiti ma d , dos
thereat carper. siaiatiayat Want. 'lad Oak the pre.
email 114 wart the Iteete of the hat: eni#- ir katl he
frapotdll line •half aril, eati i
gt. 'whoa a /g+tioax. tebe
. .
Ith a firm.ealm ate 1
his 11544 and Makin
he had been so pri
d through*, roo
pon Si, George 11 1 4
it bo seemed Mat,
r labile the boy tins
t pause be tamed
e; and seemed es
t bingthats mid je
:th oiigh .Grod knows
whit is boat for us
&Cody which it 'may
terrupted Henry Lis!
• one of the long ha
of that day, ••no than
ging!). •warded. I t
or the lady's promise'
tog three with - my o •
[ Ace to lave, we shell
*et mark oar meeti:
Il." replied the P
o gar* me siren
l • the work apple
l ough it bo the' w
ile; and then 'add
,ore does, or it ,
I promises."
• eget., without to
driest the better d
/ ido l tandieg thy' pre
mey iet come to 1
u the stirrup, and moo
which wee breuitt
r emmon
n the
via* ITs?tarldrd wu
here Sir George di
aped to hoer his
that without furthhrj
ooiew or uselou tear
• hew promised proie•
o—uo glad peat, üb.
on of the two loA•
I '°=h.
• Was
I spent, Hoary Lie
• the - tower of Lou on.—
me; but whoa it tclo' place
deuce was Want',Ag Ito hie
is king; end the 414 k ind
. 1' been h -
-d upon him. A bilie
death; and •~i ultra
Inaz in szony tidh
k, to whom be b
e time pith .400
seance, eri.tiet welr.
by tad
1 more
i ry and
„„, 411
had been while log to;es• of the soldiOnt
way. pushed ea only past sad cut herself
"Aa act of gI
s. Lord Protester!" she
"An act of grac4 to briag a much aeedds
power you brie iissunlidl"
"What moulds( thow.Women?" demanded Cromwell;
"somewhere I bre 'see thy fate before; what wouldst,
oboe? If thy petition bit i toneteieed In godliness; and sash
as may be granted wit safety to those poor disturbed
realms, it be refused ie each a day as this."
i "Whoa Call CroWswell failed in his attack on the
Fiuriogtoilioase." said Lady Herrick--fortt we. she
who liner before him—i"and whin Gen. Goring earpri
sed end cut to pisses hi Weeps at night near Wareham
Common"—Cromwell brow darkened, but still the
i i
went-on—"be fled fro a disaster he could not present:
and was cast trolls his horse, stuamid, a l itlirdoor of the
widow woman, Who gees him shelter. He was !boso
my of her and hers, aid flying from a battle is which
her own sun had toug h; andyet she gave hint rest, and
comfort. and op oiled tat very son, who would have
shed his blood by her hearth. Thera, ton, Henry "Lisle
interposed to so? his 'lfs, and was successful; other
wise, Lord Proto4tor, 4811 thee, than wooldat never bays'
sat ha that seat iticb dint* but taksa this . day. Con
demned by- year *sidiesi for aetiog according to his con
science, k sowais k the Ufa of !teary Lisle. in return for
the life ho raved . Gr ut it-- , oh. grain it , as you ere a
man and a • Christian Ir' • •
Crianwell's tulow wee dark, and after gazing writer for
a monseut' in silinc,e, is only rtyly eras. "Take her
away; the Seeman is ad—take her away and put her
forth; but-grilitlyl—gin ly—bruise not the brnieed—so—
nox let us paw it, for iiti`tratb, we have been delayed
too loog."
I'ut out of the hall b the solckers; her teat hopergene;
her heart nearlyibroke fiir her chi and her child's bus-
bind. Lady Ile rick wandered slowly on toufard that saik
place where shei had left all that was to' her. The
Ray and mighty!cavalaade , which eine. it the usurper
hack iir his psi e, paised her by like Gas oi lk wisii, pain
ful dreams whi h meek us with sights of spl der in the
midst of some eery
. inoa; tad !Wore she had tbreaded
more of the solitary el l reets, robbed of their popula • .n by
the attractive n4441'1097/ of the day. 'angle trooper • I.
loped up, gazed on her a moment, and rode on. At th
tower ou tormollities were appalled to her immediate en
trance of the piisonerbi cliambpr—sou was led to it at
puce; the door itself wsis open: and nualtaied iiiiper lay up
on the table; Ii my htild Margaret in hioarrus; and tears,
which had user befire seen in his. eyes, now rolled.
plentifully dose his rheelw, and mingled with those of
hie bride. but. trangi tesay. smiles were shining though
those tears, an 4 happiness. like the rain-bed4uu. beam- -
ed through %tali drops i of sorrow: ,
"Joy. mother. joy!"' wore the first and Gni); iirordS;
"joy, utother.iiyt—fleory isipardoned:"
I Recreition.
Men need id will hais soine kind of recreat:on. The
i body Was not Made for cons:dot toil--..the, mind wait pot
formed for cohstiot isturly. pud has not ordained that
j life should be bpent ilo one contiuurd eerie! of effarts to
1 emirs the thiligs of !this world. He has fitted min for
enjoyment, ail well ail labor and mide hinveusceptibler of
pleasant embt oat ; p e did not design him for a slave ,
to dig the ear h awldle and ike—toil on until the hour of
dents comet o conduct a sheltered system back to dust
and ashes. 1 a the other !land, He has given him a
physical system wlnich, like he harp it may be touched
He to any tune. e has made th e eye , the ear. the month,
1 , 41 inlets of lasso4e. He lhas canitittned us that we
:may be woo d op to the highest pitch of pleasure. and
'receive thro flood of
happiness. esidethis hikes arranged the
t i
1 . in such a roli nor site give Mau the highest enjoyment.
Had God dentigried.tnait for aeasless lobar, he would not
have given I im such a body as he possesses: he would
jhake darken d the 'eye, deaidaned the ear, and blunted
iall the nicer ensibilittes , and made the hand as hard as
iron, and th foot es insentibler as • Wass. But, formed
1 for enjoymeitt„ we find him ireelting after it. After the
r labor of the day its over. and the toil of life done, they
turn to ever goofier to find some source of yecreelten,
of bfe which is Gagrant with towers, led
with sweet 'Music. Now, this desire for
istend of being quenched, should be control.,
cted: instead 0 being totally discouraged, it
rued into pure nd holy chinuele, and made
'good of man a d the glory of God. ,
some liven*
which 0ch , . 1
reeroation. l
led and di
should be
to result its
Droll Defati
As the
aloes are creatOng no little excitenteatiu the
political and inditary world. we..tibps oar
s genuine i Inakza may run be consider
to is a creature oianitnation, checked by mod
idedJu ilaterntidatiou, and supported by tida
ed • miss
A Yin)
oration. g
. -
He has +veneration corre l cted by toleration, with a love
orvelt'sP7 l lL' 336 ( l 7 aid einilltioe; and when_reduced to
the, ign asinine the most profound
dissimala on for the par on of retaliation. always coin
baled, if 1
NW - kw:4h speculation.
A real ve Yenhee,,ju4 c'tptured. will be fmand no
deficient i,' the !undoing Oalities: •
lii is a eelf-dsusying, asilll'-relyinz. always trying and
into ever)llthing prOng. T -
He is s i !loper,of, piety. ) propriety, notoriety, end the
', a isoeietY. ,
'Heine 'ragging. gagging. bragging.istriving, thriving.
swoppiniljostliag, bustling, wrestling, mosical.quizsicat,
aistrononii-al. philosophical. poetical. aid comical Port of
a' chariqor, whose manifilit destiny is to spread civiliss
tion to the remotest corn 4 of the earth. with, en eye al
ways on the loop-oat for the mein 'ehatice.—Rogaresille
( Tom. ) ,Tiases. ... ~i,, , ,
, . Da a
• ••Tbis l asitnal.'" said is itioerant showman. "is the/
royal Af lean hyena. measuring tonneau fest from the
tip of Wei nolo to the end of his tail. and the same dis
tance • . ags.iti. making in all twenty-eight feet. He
• woods in the fligiti season' lA* a barna* be-
Itrees, and the-10814mm alt those who ems, to
ace; lead instance Of the depravity of human
Ors in
int in di
his err'
nature .'
°sight at It.
Tin ife of a elergyrrin living not a tkonsand Miles
from Po;tiae, sits cane to the:dem:6y a Isoisehe pre •
mar l ed bier with : two Erne ,
irrkeis.'sayitg that be Was sent
1.4; lidy..L-.—...; Ahl silt, the lady; we are very mach
orbliged;!:lllmMme Mr. --....... give, them to my hos.
dve?l 'Oh no. nia'ain" said - the boy. ." year Aasilorad
ani 0 .
'" mem at Lie iitiit!' The boy had get the wrong
o .Mot wags aff. .
ILT 'gigs long siOce.'. writes an old friend sad osirres-
iroadetol.•.sis l was re:dining Irons 'Bistralu. I was amiss:
ed. wh i le the Mire Ovid. a ninisieutary stop..tit demon
istration made bs a crazy nun. on bis way to the State
Lispatie lieyinta. at 1./tian. Us was standing on the
each. is beat albs +iron horse.' .4 Yon think yos are
oncost,' I
Ito saia, taakia: 'wildly at itsa loasasatlve.
boalnit attitude; •but look Where: I.esu
oo! I'vo flogpd the fury bulbs of &sham. and
tkiir bores eat !Bay! doe't ettedtkore.' whistling
obeli. lib • likiekreerd in abet-nes - a; jest jump
reed to bake 0408%06h out of yes, yet 1 1--- 4 * l O
-gm wrissisPi
ead • •
ho hued the
ag ea the
on of a Yankee.
.1 50 A TIDAU, is Advass•.
IT la* T. 'US .
, ••••••••
%Flu larea not iimikar this!
ra 'oiling of a rair oat lima.
1.1 lib maw dark and engin* hiaar-R.
41.11 unfair se a nun.
!beard her sing rna summa► ttwat
Thu fairy voice can sewer lave
Mr beset till lik U doom
Obi bird near blither sung in May,
Joe mask nude I)ke Rm..
McQueen of gra/us
Who lava rot Quaker glrla? •
Tbenrs o timetblag la tbiiiikalat alr,;
mAnd fout...the slesaill woo..
The ebSe abJ mild blue am...
Tat pietzlk raslle. 'hearties toaa..
Lad all aasuelaw walla that sraillr
The *Lapis laaneCa tle.— •
That maks mot slei la spirit. Woe
I6id adieu, oh: WWllau Punt
Tay Ctrs pporliaa
Who loves aelQuaket girls,
I may no casino mousy agall,
With my' umbrella through the mg*.
Cp Arch or Chisuiut meat
It Meer spin may be my lot,
, /21 April showers. oo either sPot,:
' That dazzling Oxus to meet—.
Sat sharked with white shill be the di! ?
A sheltered bows youhi Bellew Bey,
Tie Queen of Quaker side
Eannation and Crime: •
Tha pliiiosophers of gouts Europese coustriss have
seriously divcussed the question, whether intallipece te
favorable to morality—in Other words. Whether tin diffu
sion 'of knowledge •sias not sutindlad. as a sonseq
by die increase of crime, •
Wore this so, ihe*isest mail in the world . Would bo'
the greatest scoundrel, and all oust) rascals in Proportion
to their knowledge. Now the rule is noiselessly the re
verse, whateversooming •;ceptions there may bo. end is
Ibis rule hi the safsfy of society; fOr If men's disposition
commit crime increased with their .caplrity.
s tbero
would be no safety. • .
The fact Is, men are • fuOli M proportion M 'they afio
knaves. . Rascals aro generally bunglers. 'Suppose all
our smart lawyers should turn their,sinergiu 'and sena
ness to schemes of fraud; soripiise otir capable merchaists
should turn systematic swindlers; suppose our MOBS
kink"l machinests should take op the 'trade of boreal%
a *sty could not hold together a aloes year.
T general rule is, that the Tore'cipadis a eau lit
otes's Ming cause @actuarially. the load disposition be
has 't. A 'Skilful t!hensist could poison right and
left, and ma e Wholesale slaughter with little risk of de
lectioa, whils4.he po:soner is almost sure to bit dlitechid
and puniihed. A'clever blacksmith could open ball the
stores in town. 41 a burglar is almost ohm to b'e caught
and sent to Sing' : Sing. One of the heaviSot dealer, in
ceisaterfeit money in this Crab, slow in Auburn State
Prison, c4nnot road' nor writ). Nearly all criminals Me
irliterati. •
The beet security society can have. is to ere to every
member a good education. It is the best's well se ;dm
cheapest ialivritaece a ;Olin can leave his ehildrea.—..
Doctor's iub. ' •
It is Cut only for the sick tuna. Lint the sick nan'a
friends that the doctor comes, Elie presence is often as
good fur them as for the patient, and they long for him
yet more eagerly. Hew we have ail watched after him!
What On emotion, the thrill ef his earrings wheels in the
Street, and at length at the door, 'bas made us feel! how
we hang tycin his words, add whnt• comfort we rigor
a 4nile,or two,if we Can.vpuchsafe that sunshine to light
en or darken! Who hien% seen the mother prying in hie
face, td know 'if there is fur the sick infant that Can
net`epeak, end that Fes yonder, its iittlie frame battling
with fever? Ah, how - she !oohs into his eyesf—what
thanks 4 there is light there; what grief and pain ,/ If he
casts them down, and dares not 'nay "hope!" Or it is
the horise.father • that is' stricken. ' The terrified wife
looks On; while the physician feels his patient's Wrist,
soothing her agonies, as the children have been called '
upon to stay their 'plays and their tali! Over the patien;
in the i fever, the few expectaut t _the 'children uncenscioni.
the deCtor !tend' as if be werecate„the dispenser of lifei
and death; he must let„ the patient Off thin time; the wo
•man priiys so for his respiiel ' One can fancy • how aw
ro the' responsibility mar l be to a consciention; man: how
creel the feeling that he has given the wrong remedy.
or tb.t it might have been possible to do better: how bar. -
rassink the sympathy with survivors, if the Gaol is Oa
fortunate—bow great the delight of victory.
Boston .
.: • • . Reform.
Bost Kind of
The noon Tracr tells of an itecorreitoe which Nita
tains the best of lofiali. 11!1.1 is warthy of the lartest itzli.
"Some months ago., on of our city cointablea traced
alargs quantity of stolen goad, to a young clerk in one of ..I
our large w'doye ;ale store in Milk street. where business
to the amount. psrlierat of a million or more, is carried on
daring theyear. Tae eXater is the first place informed /
1 the young man of his discovery. and he acknowledged
his mita& lip then oreat to a member oflthe firm. and
1 infer:wed hurl dro ofwaat had taken place. .The mar,
chant seerns,d trouh' i ed. said that the boy had for oomo
time, been with him. and. to all appearamoe. was a faith
ful clerk: that he had
, irole control of a room looestainiag worth of gaods, with I lade' ttador
&c. l and further stated that he paid him for his 'corvine,
$3 33 per week. Ti, oTat ar asked if the yoUng luau did
not pay nearly that amount for board.- washing. &e. The
Lrnerchant acknowledged that he probably did. go then
Called the bey down, and asked him to confess the Vaele
truth, which lie did with tears is his eyes. and promises
.01 reformation. Thnuaeachant then told, the *Saar that
he wished to consider as to his course. When thiaotricer
Qo.. aga,is...syouriz min still coatinsed at .his 'ld em
ployment. with this kiferonce..that hp had inerivaied his
pay to 66 par week. Toe bailor asked how tie boy goat
aloagt To which his caritsr replied. "Admirably. ad
mirably; I huge not •ibetter servant in the store." Thal
euiled the matter. and the vein; mlO st:II continues, at
his 'aid stand; with - a firm intention to tfillserwa. by hie ,
future good conduct.; the coofklenco, whioN perhaps. he
so little deserved by his previous coarse,"
• A Chancery Victim.
It must not be st4pased that Gunnery user felaases
its victims. We mut be just to the lams of . "Equity."
Them is amtvally $ 0113 now in Landon whom they have
let oat of prison! Tney Itewsver. pro
longed his agonies ring aeventess yaars. Ha wu cam=
milted for contempt in not paying certaitscests. u heliad
been ordered. He appaoled from the order; but. until
his appeal Man heard. he had to reniafra in distance vile.
The Court! of Chancery. like all dignified bathes. is nev
er in • hstiry: and, thereras; from having 'no groat in
fhieuce, and • very sm all stock of moiler; to forward his
interest, the mar man could only get :His ei1690 finally
heard and decided on' in Hreeinher. 110-..-seventeen
'''years from the d ate or hio impr:soomant. AO. after all.
the Court that the oriitinarorder we amour's*
hat be been committed for seveiteon years**, nits-
A *aim merchant; meeting one of.bis min frateraity
the ether day. whose pony might be keamidered as a,
beastilal ;specimen of 'pains Auteuil. rameammiad w i t h
the owner, and asked him lit h. ever fed him. **Ever
led him!' Came. aim,that'a 4 good 'INN" mu the mph;
.••tio's got a blobs& and a halfw.• Oats at lap sis ,sew. way
.ha akst my time to eat 'mai" • •.
4 °