NM A. r.•VITUI.IN& CO., Priepristors. VOLUME ql, retittPrthfil Ohaertirr. A. P. DUBLIN & CO. PROPRIETORS. H. ~ SLOAN, 313 d it ojr. OFFICE. CORNE RATE STTAM;. AND PUBLIC :SQUA -TERMS OF TilE PAPER . . ' (it, subscribers by. the Carron,. it Si" S, w ail'. or al the &bee; in navaisee, • 1.30 1 pll not pail in advanee,or n ithin theee months troy& that tine a•ullitr 'mtg. two dollars sent be charged - . ,UAII cuiturituticaurms mvatT,e port paid. • RATES OF ADVERTISING. .4 - eirds'not exceeding 1 lines., one year. $3.00 R •• i• . 411 e I.9olare • la.no . do. , do. sir month,. • ii.tto ,b. do. three odosall... .3.110 9'19,1130ent Mi N CIIIMMIPIII, 40 cents per stpanre. of fifteen lines or t e ., t' , tr. the tires Inv4roon; VS cent* for each subsequent insertion. 1 ; 4 earl!, ad% ert titers hat e the Kit Item. ot changing .t irlensure. , . ~t at CO time are allowed to oeettpl: mute than two mums. Oa tu • ' et litstled tathsie iserstiturts istintsa. Ads ertisements not has ing whet di creaions, will Le iweette4 WI fcll , ld and charged attorilingly. n S ;IN t; i; 3T.t.' ij 5 J ©i V . R. T. STERRETT. sous filly on hand • full supplr of Groceries. Liquors. Phip 4 handl ry. Pros isions. Produce. &c . &.c.; •iid setts Wholesale as cheap as the elicapet. No Ilu nips •%%•51. S. LANE._ Attorney and Counsellor at Law. A evolutionary, army avd Nat y Bounty Lando an 4 elattus for extro-onv. rind nil 'Aber bustnes entrusted to 'nekton ree,ive prompt anti tanhful attentipn. 'ewe to lel rtiot% ltlucl ui, ryt.ite arch, ewer 3. If. Fullerton% r }'.rie Opt. tt►. MI LAIRD& Itt.:ST. Munr.rekt.E.en4Retnit Dea&n, ig Dry tiond t...llnr,De are, I.nnturs; Flour. &t.. earner of :Rate 'oartet and the Public square, near the W 111.14,1 LAIRD, cr ALEN is K LEN E Fashicmal.le Tailor. bettre.lL 00. Rept! !intl.(' and Brown's Hotel, alp *nal re. • etrrrlNG dorm on short nuoce. tf4 - OLIVER. SPAFFOKI). .iii.attotter. and Matuateturrr of Birtnt Booka and Writtng luk. corner of the Diamond and So att. *t•ct t. J. W. bOUGLASS. ATTORXRY A‘n ('ut :WIT.' OR •T LAW °Mee on Site Street, three deoro math of Croix Wt. Hugel. Erie. I. COMPION 1%; HAI'EItifFICK. in Dry Good:. Hardware. Om kiiry, Grortrim an, coin and. fkiniestic Liquor., Ih-tillers, and !tam , p Stile ratu.. No, Reed lloube , and corner of Fr :-IroTts. Erie. 1.3. IY. fl. CUT • • ‘lturney & Coin.let ter at Law. ut Yam &I.lo),1 AFIrPeW: Cttlierting stud et.1.1147J; R Er LILL Sell..—A ice Na Y. Erie 111111, ecrner Fe. N. Y. 1771. , sneve. ‘,411 rireive prompt ntienion. .E91..15c, • xiNi ciTt r. Esq. • J. 11. NICKLIN, d raeral Agcpcy and l'ofntiosion buditiem, Frank- tirgesok ... . It lii'l'S it EEL% lallir. .irtß in Erigti.h. Gentility) and Aurtrirati II: rdwarreaftj rotlery. -+- AI -0. 2 , 4.11, 11. r. 11..,„ Vretv. Iron and Simi Nu. ;t Remi Moue; Erie. Pa. . ‘ . W. J. F. LWULE & Co. 111...exarrrns, Carrinae and Wagon Inniderp, ate §ttret. te m eetl kvetith k Eighth. Erse- L. STRONG. M. IX rrD r, one Door wee( ore. D. Wright's store. up •lairs - - - I)t)CT. S.L. S'ITINAILT. r4r: , c %oh Doet.,*. BEEss, Set crab 'near Sarksdfras stretd. Res , ~,denre. on rim...liras. our door north orriet end' rt. C. SIEGEL. lit and Retail dealer in Groceries. Provisoes. SC - inege Fain, te., Ice Corner of ircncli and nub V•trecos, opionte the rnruiers' Hotel, I:r McCANN, •nier in Faintly t.lnet-k., pr. kc., No. ricet.•Ene, prie.pnid for Cu.inuy Prodher. WrilltilLt and leak Gi.”snate. Iron Fr" 79` LDEsit.i. Ft J. (..;(1A „ Ilahit Maker.--Sture, No. 3 Reed'. Uh3ek. 0 1 , 1 ,...,te Ikmnell•Illcck) State etrtvt. talc. J. w. ET MORE, TTOR A LAW, In Walker's Otixte,otirrtcnW 4tret t, =3MIII I rtlitTra,J.,biscr. and Retail Mahn . tp lity Coodr. Groef'f arr. Ca rpet r re. I rc.n: Euipire 14!urea MAW tirtet..fvur &toss, baby' Itruwie• Ilwel, Ene. Pa. A ko—An% dr, Vices, ficikra.r, Azle Anne, fart% r. mud a rocral arrorttnent of Saddle and Carnage Tr,* tttttt . . • P. MF:H.VI:I 6N11T11.- A 1110 INLY AT LAw and JuAtice of the 1'e.,,1 - e. MY! .Lifent for , the key Bthoe Ylthoat Life liwiratme o . Javan)-04ce J 3oor* . i . y.ro An cet yr IVrtgtus iikoC. Erie. 'Pi. ___—__ - W. H. KNO W uroN - - ttsarsss in %Votebe. ekrks. Looking Glosses. Piano Porte• UrlUnint/1 ‘Fare. Jen en), and a t artetyolOti.•r Fancy Armies. Keystone truilibugs, four dams below ilroisles Hotel, Mate Street. Erse. Pa. ---- GEORGE 117 C E It. Arroomr Lstir, Girard. Erie County. l'a. Collections and other hi:miners attended to with promptness and distant it. BROWN'S HOTS . _ Folt 4Eoam irtur• twai.c, corner of StaLn Atreet and Cat. Public ...inane Lrie, Eastern Webtern and Southern nage office : W: 7 1'110611 11F ALF a ifl Groceries ; Prot I.ltrinrs.rata.tf•s. Fruit Bc.. X i a. Pour People's. Row. State street, Cc ,• JOSIAH KELLX)t,;G. lons arJing k. COLlilitlr , 8101! Merchaut, on the rul.lie Dryck r eart of state Awl- Coal. Salt. Plaster ;rid White eon.tantly for sale. • - J. It. WLLJ.IAMS. Ranker and Eiebnuilt looker,'' twato lb hills f Eactiatigt, Dinh', certificates°, Ilrepoultir. Gold find silver e in. at.. ht. I wi doors re. 4 heldw Browith , Hotel. Erie, Pa. - BLNJAMIN F. I)El's A rroavair at Law.-Cteveland. Ohio—l./thee on Superior street, Atwaterlithloek. Rekr to Chief Juitite Parket, Cattibridae Law School; Hon. Rickard Ft/teller, to State at., noeton ; Hon. t.atnuel H. Podium. 1111 'Walnut St., Philadelphia; Iso.nard 11. r.q., S 3 Wall aueet. New York. Fur testimonial., re. frr to this office. - MARSHALL A. VLNCEN'r, • A ITOILViYII 1T LAW—Udiceupka MI ill Tantrum)) Hall moth of the rro . oouu4ary's udec. Erit. URRAY W liALLtlil. Arroui.l AND COUISTLLOR AT LA W--Offiee over C. P. Wright'i -- Store. en crdnee one dirt west of state meet, on the Diamond, Este. 1. ROSENZWEIG .1. Co. kirArc lleaceee in Foreigl/ atl4l Doin,Aic by Goods. ready wane ekithing.Boota and ittbot, , , aLc., Nu. 1, Flew- Mock. glair sucet. Eric. C. Al: T 1 a 114.1,14, OSALSR Di Dry Goods, Dry Groceries, Crockery. hardwire, No. ID. narapiLdle, Erie. • -----: JOHN ZIAIMEItLY. Dtst.rit inCrheeries end Provisions of all kinds, State street, three doors with ht tlitptatoond, Erie. - -,,... 131111TH JACKSON. 1 D in Grcteries. liatilwate. Illueent Ware„Lisse; Iron. t 4 nits. lice., Mil. Cheapaide. Erie. Pa. 1 : WILLIAM HASLET. ill7l'T:datum trpholayrir, land Undenakicr, corner of Elate and. &Tench wren/. Erie. _ , . KELt& LOcihits. Gamut. Forwarding, Prod c and eoruuoi.on Merchants:deniers In coarse and fine sat, Coal. MAW, eibinglea, Ilic. Palilic doe ii. laced ank of the bridle, Eric. Enw of J. K cuAo. WALKER & COOK. rding, Coadniaaion and Produce 31crehants;See ! east of the rublic 'fridge, Erie. 'nut Porw cud Were-"• - G. LOOMIS & Co. - DiALTRI. in Watches. tewetry.- Barer. German Pilaw, !'Paled and Britannia Ware Cutlery. Military and Fancy Good.. Slaw went. - nearly opposite the Eagkr !taint. Erie: G, Lxiostis. CART}II. & BROTHER, TVIVOLUALE and snail dealers in Drugs, Medic writ. nada. Ons, Ilya-stuffs, Glue, O k ßead R4lol'. Igne. JOEL JOHNSON. nIALI.I in Tbedlogisal. 11lisecil Paniday an 4 Classical es hod Books. Biassoaary, tx. Part & . Erie. JAMES LYTLE. ? ..nten sts Merchant Tailor. on the public !quo; a few door. uPPI of Ohne Wert, Erie. _ _ • D. S. CLARK. •vs arraLtesler In Grocerim Provietiow. Ship eliandiery. Stone-wow, Sot . le.. No. S, NosioNi Block. k:rie. 0. D. SPAFFORIX Dealer in Lawj, Medical. menu's( Irtureetlanocks Books stati4urry Ink. &e. Slate sr... four doors beiowthe rubric. square. DR. O. L.kW - OTT. Resident Dentist; Orßee and dwertlAilia the Beebeßbek• on 4° &mask* of the Public. &Stare, Erie. Teeth Inserted on Gold Plate, from oast° en euP re sett. Unrious teeth filled wrtb pure told • and restored to health and usefulness. Teeth cleaned wkilnasindovais and Ilenubee so as to leave then! of • pellucid dowses& AU wort warranted. 8. DICILERBO I. rinwicusugy fivitesee—Othee ells entileoce on Sem)* Meet. eppeetle the - • • ist Church. We- JOHN H. BURTON. Woousa Istm *NW in Ilge. ilotioines, Die SW*. Oz. No. I, Reed Haase. be. - ROBERT & H D•at.ta in Hats, Caps and Furs of al flow •Erie. Pc s . . . . . • . _ . .. ~ ... , . • I . • r '4 4 • f' . . , , • ' . .. . . . , ";N, ...' .. 1 • • . i I ' . • . . . . . . . . . . . ~. .4t . . .. . . , . . 1 1 s I NO 1 - 1 .• : i ..::•• 0 — " - 111 .': .1 .11 .1 ii . -.- I 1...- 1". 1 - I N ti • N • • 1 . N 4 I :• t N prretrtt tuttr 31115rellang. , .•. . , ha d .3 1.., wretched dettori from toy atrr bean, t his tot were better. s the verist slave alive; ug wife and danglater le Owlish ruin 1010Uld,C0IIIC— lie a lamb to the staugduen . ait the tighter every day.— , ible debtor's collar! .. ' wou.ll he give', vault' he say aa ith us, ON ell 110 1111111 a litillatl • Scat scented mazed, bail! tell you rare: Within t w S I met htin ; I Saeakinatt - A at itti a frightened air. i , , As-if a fie , bad beset boa; i „...-Yet he ded f a very worthy man, " Whom / with the greatest pleasone-- . 1 bum I cal by 1111111 e, and forced In abp, Though be- id he is leg MX at itasore. Ile held y last ttc'. vol held him list. • Till be my seek from the etillatt' .';'hen I stok , hts baud aft I prouftly said **Sow. I wno wan a dotlan" , a l . Ah!'now you 4mile. fur rotl reel the 1 . 014 M ' , Orate truttlii've been repeating; , r' Is I knew that a wsitight honest heart , In that gen butts* wilt boatload To-morrow. Ifrise ;alibi a giant's strength, To foUow y daily labor; But ere we alp, let us humbly pray ' For our wr ched next door neighbor: And u e'l pray fur the time whett'all abaft be fret Frun 11 weight of the debtor's euitit; When t poorest a all li ft his vuite . aftd cry. “Now l' . we uo wan a dollar." ww+winematroat•- - - - - --,..... ,- - .. - -a.llllllOOll. Born to Loo Pigs and Chickens, =I titers of and Ituu Tit! guests at the - Astor House were looking mourn tun) UOI Cr ' 6, 2 / 1 1 - * • 'rainy day of an October passed over to'history. lyo shoppith—no visttiag: The morning must be period to doors. and it fas some consolation 'to those who Were iu town fur n ftw days to ace the work). t their time was not quite Islost, for the assemblage iu i 6 large id r- A try dress} as ftill of is also a /: Bat then) most hikeente.‘raiuy weather Work' iu the city us well 'u theleoontry. There's some fuu koow, that's kept fora wet clay, as we keep euitt-shelhog cod grind., ing the tools." “Dear'met” • "Well—what now?" oothingl—but I du wish you woultrut bringibe stable with you to the /later noose." The gentleman .lightly elevated his eye-brows. mid took a leaf of music from the piano. and( commenced diligently reading lbs Mystfe Buts and Huth. We have too Intimate? to 'Pro before the entrance of *bottler per son upon' the scene. and we +rip make use of the silebce to conjure tlp fur you. in our Magic mirror, the semblance of diem,o whose familiar dialogue we hare just dotted down. Miss Margaret Fiat tax s young lady who had a largo share of what the French call la Beside du duels—yeath end freshness. (Though '''why the devil should have credit for what never belonged to him; it takes a French man perhaps, to explain.) To look at. she was comic. ly a human being in a very blzh state of perfection. tier cheeks were like two woad: apples; her elitist was at round as a stove pipe; her shOulders heirtere dimples just at the , back that leaked as if they - defied pinching to maks them any deeper;; her eyes leolyed as if they were just made, they were lie bright and hew; her voice was like a "C sharp"., in a new pitnotj say her teeth were like a fres% break in Ossetia -alit. eika was inexorably, nits "betedly„ desperately healthy. This fact, and the difficul• ty of uniting all the fashion the magazines in one dress were het tyrepriecipel afflictions in this world of rate . She - rtad idea. model, to which she iipired with contact lortgini-ii—a model resembling in - foram the high I born creature whistle sever varied fees is seen In all the plates of the fashions, ,el. if ,poinlible paler sad mere diadaiefol. if Mies. PA' could but bate bent her abort wrist with die cures invariably give* to the well gloved extremities aif that mayseeriess and same less toas ty; if she couW hat kayoed with her back to her friends and thrown bar bead langoishly over her shoulder with out dieloeetini,her neck; if she could bat have ;intruded from the dosoceof her dries a foot more hie a mincing has masele-chili. and len like &jolly fat clam; in brief, tf *be amid have drawn oat her Agars like the seviable pasta eta 'pulses. Whittled off mere leper', her four aeremiliss, sold. all hat apiarist and ladamitaide roses fee a pot of carols*, and compelled the paldishen ofik• magazines to refrain from the 'districting multiplicity of W W. Lon%to. T. M. At...n.4 MIEM!! I Own NO NAN A DOLLAR. Ri CILA.RZ - 1 ;.] Ob. do not nary, my oils dior wtre.• The wealth pr out neat Bootnelettb;,/, But lild lee will heinous of heart, • And cnerrAdlly Iblk,or my labor; You maw tacit- the 'nom dime (fide debts That hare been our lingering sorrow. Is paid this ni l lst! no we'll both go (win And shake hands wish We world 14-morrow! tor Is but I shame fdeed 441 ' creditor', name on nnrcolleij k kind ana r.iti are a st.igca. Nve nq min a ON. the with W en: For we ou Raw in bis 'coach to-day.. e and his flaunting daughtet, urn al , our baud. 4a cu or water, • drop stood In your c qe, tried your_ jilt to cooetal it; eouuout r cried iota: heart, id uot help but feel a , t, us now that )our scanty faro my neck (runt the collar, my laugh and belp roe shout owe no matt a dollorA, ' Our aseighbor. With hilt w Mlle at e sat TO a antra . saw the tea Though . I knew that t And you ec. But know line fr You'll That w yin. neighbor hi feet, Is I pity him. . j Abd I Ivirll : Why the estail l For his d • 1 .. Will live in So be goe. 11 • I But he That t . Ot4 What Tbat t' I 1:=1 - ,SATURDAY MORNING, JANUARY 18, 1851. their monthly fashions—with these little changes fie her allotment, Mies Platt waled have realized alt hcf maiden aspirations up to the present hour. t A glimpse will give you an ides of the Igrodemen in question. He was dot mach more than - he looked to be —e et - menet, athletic coring men of twenty-one. with ti clear,ltoneit blue eyes, broven.face where It was t sha ded i y the rim of his hat. ' curling brown hair. ad an expressioe of fearless qualities. dashed- jilt el w by a t spot rustic bashfuleess. 'His dress was a little more ezreisiee aad gayer than was necessary,Wnd he wore Ms cloths* ! ay which Wined that be world be more ••• in his in sleeves. His hand, were rottgh. and ht titude t tof a man who was necustemed to , throw him e ..wn on the' nearest bench, or 'swing hii lege front the lip rail of a fence, or the box of a wagon. We speak with caution of his rusticity. however, - for ho hael.e printed card, **Mr. Ephrim Bravely." and hews. a aobseriber to the "Spiritif the Times." We shall find time .to say a tiring or two about him as we gt t on. "EA." greedy and ••Meg" Pintt were "engaged." With the young lady awes. as the French sly, fauts de usiee.r. for her leouideal. or iu plain Eughoh. her idea! Image, was a- tall, pale young gentleman, with white gloves. in • rapid consumption. Sho and 17.ph.! were second cousins, however. and as she was en orphiu, and had lived since childhood with his father, and moreover. had inherited the 1'4)4 'farm. which adjoined that of the Brarelys, and moreover,i had been told to "'kiss her little I pusband, and love him always" and (moreover third) had 11 been, "let bo" his sweetheart by the unanimous consent of the neighborhood, why. it seemed one of thole met 'claps made in.heaveu."and 'not intended to be travestied OU earth. It was itudelistood the( they wore to be mar ried as soon' as the young man's . savings' should enable him to poll down One oh! Pall house, and build a cottage and;-with a fair 1033011, that might bo done in another year. Meantiino Eph. was a loyal keeper of his troth, though never havitit hajtilie trouble to win the young lady, he was upt fully aware of the necessity of eourtship whether or no; and was, besides, somewhat susceptible Ito the eherms . of moonlight, after a hard day's work at t haying or harvesting. The neighbors thought it proof 'enough of his loye that he never "went sparking" else where,' and as he would rather talk of his gun or fishing 1 !lA. his horse or his crop, pigp, politics. or anything.. 1 thdu of loins and matrimony% .his • companions took engagement with his cons* to be's subject upon which, ho felt too deeply to bap . and they neither invaded has domain by attentions t his sweetheart: nor gagger* thought 'by allusions o her. It was in the progress of dila even tenor of en, ageinent, that some .law business bad called old fa or Bracely to New Turk, and the young couple had‘anaged to accompany hint. And hi course, nothing /Would do for Miss raffia but the "Astoe! And now. pirhaps, the readerls ready to be told whoa' carriage is at the Vesey-st. cloor..and who sends up a dripping se stint to iuquiro for Miss Pifilit. - It is all tied to the destiny di every country girl to hates one fns onside female frieud iu the city—somebody to ond with, somebody to wait her the particulars of 'AL elopement, imnebodi misled her patterns of coi f:mud the risd and r.. 11 of tderaursi. and such other carrell, the go as see not. ontered into hi, the monthly intestines r Ow these apparentlymalikery acquaintances are formed is as m eternal its Ihe eterni itoth of anti tneGumucio of oonaevs. l ar oe tile m. un to pry irreverently into, these pokerish corners of the machinery of the urerld. Igo no farther than the fact. that Miss Julia flimpeon etas an acquaintance of bliss retry body knows “Iliampson ar; Co. Miss llampspn was a good dealWhal the Fntes bud I, tried to make ber g If she had not-been admirably welt dreined, It would have been by violent opposition to the I united zeal and talent of dressmakers and I These import int vicegerents of . the Iland that reserves ; to itself the dressing of the butterfly and lily. make &mine tions in the exercise of their vocation. Wo berro an . noloveablo Woman, if she be not endowed with taste su preme. She may buy cell the stuff of France, and all the colors-of the rainbow, but she will' never get from ; those keen jitdges of fitness the loving hint. time admiring' ald selective persuasion. with which they delight to in &pence the ensliellisbutentof sweetness nad They who talk of **any thing's looking well on a e retty reisonahp have net reileetod on the lessor providence of dressmakers and milliners. Woman is never mercenary but in monstrous - exceptions, and tradeswoman of the fisluons wilt sell tasto or' counsel; lad, in the superior s4le of ail charming women, you see, not tfie influence of manners imou dress. but the, affectionate tribute of those dispeniers of elegant:* to the qestitiee they admire. Let.hiut who doubts, go shopping with his drolss old aunt to-day. and to-morrow with his dear little eoosia., • Miss Hauspson, to Whom the sops lion of eleganCii Came as naturally as bread and butter, sad occrioned little speculatirwu to the whence or how, was as uncon sciously elegant, of coils**. is a well dressed lily. S. were as abstractly, • very beautiful girl, though is .a very delicate and aneoaspicuouistyle; and by dint of absolute bittess in dressing; the 'merit of her . beauty, by common ; ; observers at least, wooid be half given to her fashionable air ind unexeoptiluable toilet. The damsel and her choice array; indeed, seemed the harmonious work of the same maker. IlOw much was nature's gift and how ninth was brought in Broadway, was never duly under• stood by even her mart discrimin sting adnsircr. see and be as well as should as if there it moue): ked a 11ItIc It other.— underbred th, and ea re meetly fitful end inch- con• a the iota. ailent la- ties the mil., sitting o. There weather- hl ono of ibellished y Comma M food," out of door* he bani.--:. Bet vie have kept N . liss Hampton too long' upon tho atAirs, The two yosog ladies tad with a kiss, is which, to the surprise of those who had previously ebeerved *l as Pada, there was no smack of the latest (*shies. ' "My 'dear Julia:" I • ••Mr'desr Martens'!" (This Was ■ yonaantic ioda tion of Mies. which she had forced upon her intimate ['fiends at the point of the bayonet.) ' • £ph. twitched. remindingly; the jupen of bit' cousin. sad eh* introdweed Imo with the formula which she had fantod in ads id Miss Austin's souls. . **Oh. but there wss a mock respectfulness i• that.deep curtsy." iboegbt Eph.; (and so there was—for Miss HamPopo took as irresistible cos from the i•fl,ted cer emoniousness of the, introduciion.) ' Eph. made • bow as cold and stiff as • froten horse blanket. And it ha clued have commanded the Wood in his fare. it iwould hare Lean u dignified and resentful as the eloquence of Red Jacket—but the rusuc Wash. op to . h - hair. was like a mask dropped over his haulms. A hubris! a•ontry-bay." thomght Mil blue asamoo. m ehilooked compasaioaalety apse his red•hot ftwohradr arid forthwith diamiseil him *adroit' from her thoughts. iVith a eorseimmaeM that he had betty leave the room aad walk °tibia mortilleatioa leader • seuar n beelle. EA: took hie mat. sad sileatly lisisated to the coamrsatioa of the t meg ladle. Wes Heapseh had imam to pus the Inereillg with her friend, and she took or her *Tool. sad showered down npms her dentin seek a .profasio■ of the most adorable brows ringlets. Spite sf ha angry the yens, former felt a thrill run through his veinkas the heavy curls fell Malignity about her shoulders. lie had never before looked on a woman with emotion.— lie bated her—oh. yea! for eke lead given him a look that could sever be fergiventint. for asaudiody • she must be the angel of the World. Eph. would have g ives hie sheep and horses. caws, Grope and hay-stacks, to boys seen the rose she would keey to he her' ova.' He °said give area a gum at the Wight of tbat eastaiata aaperfority from "irbiab abs tatirvidaaily loalard &wit upon bias; but It 'weld bayi aatisfied a 'hint Which rF 0 N ar AL a I almost made him *meant,: to avearant - blank''f by a man with. whom she eenld be familiar. Srhere was his inferiority? What env it? Why had be .been Mind to it till new? Wei there no iturgeon'aLknifo, no caustic, that could earve eat or eat away, I?ns or write, the ?alginate she itiebea npomeentaitipt twisty? Hat the devil tatteoupe . reillowiness. nevertheless! i r It was* bitter morning le Eph. ?Neely. but ill it went like a dreaini. 'he bete/ parlor, was no I arra stupid place . Hes Ci(esin Meg had 'gained &onise quence in his eyes,for she woo the ebjeet ofcarees this superior erratere--she Irattbe link which 11, within his observation. Hewes too full of other just now to do mote thin seknoirledge the lope this girl to his eentin p •Hofrtiitin his after thong Ids dallier• then...for the IStst time. seemed tree/ in■degoste to his wishes. ( We hereby draw upon your imagination for six courteous reader. Piens allow the teller. to oho lute the mid& of the follawien duly'.) auntie tt.. Brinell- farm. ten o'clock ofs gleriptis summer, Piffi.t extended ut4n a sofas creepairi let.usgolback a tilde. A week before,: • letter had been Received from [lampoon, why, to the delight, sod surprise of her Margerine, had taken the wilts to pass a • roootl her. She 'Was at RockswayJ and was aiek and Ci waltzing maths) BOR. llad Cromer Bra l coly a spar I • Der for'a poor gill? ifut Miss rifilit'a "sober oicoat thouglst" „ , ; • consternation. flow to lodte• fitly tho_.-tilegan &lampoon? No Preach bed iin :the house, no ==i= by. Whet Tniver wretches they would seem to What ihsupportoblo horror oho would f'Oelat the d , inelegance of the firm. Meg was NOti with lc"' dismay u she {relit into the details of antieipietitin Something must be duneilowever. 'A aleaPlea of reflection slid contrivance;en (Ikea to give soim to the capabilities of the ease. and by day light thjo, , neat morning the whole house was in commotion. ftqg\ had fortunately i large hump of constructivenees, very mu'ch' enlarged by her habitual. ditilmmis of to:let.- A Isciutiolr , most be constructed. Permar dradrly !slept in thei -dried apple room ou the lower dog'', and he wes no.soWnereitt of his bed than his bag and bagage were tumbled Op stairs. his gun and Sunday whip taken down frciiiit their nails, and the floor scoured. and the ceiling whitevilselted. • Eph. was by this time returned from the village With all the chintz that could be bought. and a paper 04 tacks. and some new straw carpothiog; and by ten erclisOr that night the four walla of the aPartment were covetatt with the gaily dowered material. the carpet. was nailel t, duwn, and old farmer 'Bracely thought it a.mighty itiC . coal lookingplace. Ept. was a bit of a carpenter,•nd We soon knocked together eine bezel, which, when covered with chintz, and atm* with 01. looked very like ottomans; and with a hatil eme el 4th on the reind.tablei germ. alums lathe will ow. andd a chintz miriade to subtle, the light. it was nos' far from a very charming boudoir. and I Meg bees In breath. utere,freely. , 1 But Epb. had heard thisnewt frith tbo bloat titt In his r i za that proud woman coming to look again ticity. which bellir i ftWs would be a'thousand times morn flagrant and viaible't And yet. with the entreaty an* hie lip that hid cousin would refuse to receive her: hie heart had checked the ulterance—for irresistible desire sprung sitddenty within him to Nigher. even at a bitter coat of tettfold his former mortification. Yes, as the preparatiOns for receiving Miss mpson went on other thoughts took paseessien of his mitt Eph. was not-a man indeed, to come Or second beet !. in the long pull of wrestling with a weskit/nu Ills p ride be gan to show its colours. lie remembered his ttdepen deuce u a fernier, dependent on no man. at 4 a little compevison 'between ills pprseits and life, autitt as be ktieit it to be, in a city, soon put him, in his 'Men eon• couselOstiess at least; ono par with Miss flimpson's connections. This point once attained, Eph. lamed his brow, lied went whistling shout the farm as ir usi—re ceiring witlicnit reply, however. a soggeation ofi,hits Coo _sin 'Met**, that he had better born his old etrati bat, for, in a Gt of stimenee, lie mighty possibly put it :Ou while Miss Howson was there. Well, it was ten o'clock. on the morning after Miss Ilampson's arrival at Bracely fstm, and, as well said be (Lire. M:ss Pidl.t was in despair. Tramming! that tier friend would he fatigued with her journey, she liad deter mined not to awake her, hot to order breakf4st in the boudoir at eleven. - Farmer Ilracely and Eph. hale their breakfast at seven; however, and -what', was the ; dismay of Meg, who was pouring out theii!coree as 'usual, to see theltlegent Julia rush into the FM* bitch etirtg very *weedy to the old ,mar, pull 4 a chair to the f6bleolpologiae for being late. and end 'ibia extra ' ordeal' scene by prodiettig two newly batched chickens prom her bottom! She had been up•eince entarieu, and out at the barn, and down by the river, and safihr the hay. mow..and was perfectly enchanted with eiferything, es pecially the dear little pigs and dilates! "A very sweet young lady!" thought 'bbl 'farmer . , Bruerly.' . ..Ve ty is tl;—Lot lterg your coodteens:osh" thouzlit Eph.. distrustfully. 1 ”Mercy en me!.—to like pile anclobiekeeal" mentally ej +related the disturbed and bewildered bliss PAUL But with her two chFcke pressed to hirr : breaist with one hand, Miulfainpeon waraged her coffins and bread and !Wu with the other. and chatted away likU a child let out of school. The air wu so delicious, and tiro hay smelt so sweat, and the trees in the ,meadow were su beautiful, and there were ao etilirside.walka alnd no brick houses. and no iron railing.,and so rainy drier speckled • bone, sad roomy. little chickens. Bed kind ooking old cows, ,sed_rhy, end salvos, and ducks, anit tarkejs—it was dttitions—it was etachaatoog--it was Worth a thou. 'and Saratoga', and Rockawuys. Ilew any body could prefer the city to the country, , Mini Hampton mat tor of ineredalou wonder. a:Will )ou eotue iota he boudoir?" asked Slits FAA. with a Inagurehius air* as het friend Jal4 rose from broakfergi • I .**Bwidirirt" exclaimed the city damsel. W the iiifiaito ( lath' of SW Bireg'lY. "uai. dear! Cd rather go out to the barn! . Are las going gas where with; the oxen to day. air," she whitut. meta; up to the gray healed farda*r. carrioiwgiy. "1 *mid se bite • ridd iu thalgreat cart:" Eph. was still suspicious e(ell this eaexpectid agrees bleettlits.lsm he was *atonally tee courteette rot to give way to a we. whims. Lie put or his old straw hat. sod tied has imatikerchief ever his Shedder. (eat 4 imitate the kiwi riles* et &royal order. bet to wipe the sweat et beadily while mowing.) end offering Mies ilempson a' rake which stood erudite t h e door. he begged bar to he reedy wine be came by with the team. ,He and his., father were betted is die far meadow. where they were cede, haY. and would blue hor 'asiistaiice rains. It was. ••spectimon" inertias. as the resgssinss sty. for the air wee temperate. and the whole country was le. dee with the smell of the sew hay. which somehow or ether. as every body knows never header or overpoweni the perfumes of the /oven. Oh. that winding green lase hetwee• the bombes wee Ulm an amines to Parodies. The old cart jolted aloes throogla the tuts. Riad Miss Hampson. etnading:ap holding on to old farmer Ilni-ely„ 1 ' '-' l, Father Itathewi • • watehedthe greet olen croirding their aides together. and I: Wri f icif f one PCOl3:Oi3. Florida, gives a odor ant teeked Or ever the fiChts. and exelsimed es she saw IZIlmr• I Mated e.centint of his labors for the last viz months. His sets of the river between theirees. end seemed yerilithly 1 mi es io l bits been must, abundantly successful. After land woolreetedly oe; ; Shannoil: The old farmer, at least. hee l learih i.'ilvii Orleans early lit Maw where daring the INo doubt of ,halt siricrritr. and watched Intr. and listened i s ix w kit presto.; tut had received fannies deossand , to her,..with l a broad.; honest mil of admiration 03 hie 1 a dl: le.olo. ht proceeded PPA Wi C M i lliPPi*and - hltving -weather-hrowned.eonntenan ~. I, . isi Mel t Donaldsoarille reached Natchez. Next he visited The ore/1 1 '11%4ra tuned np o the fener,'w!tqi the dew ', Fiekstnirg. where Mayor Rock told him that he had dried ira:thel,hay, and Eph. and his father tared in Mowing' recentl• Ms:hated a most rigid scrtitiny. the -Minite l leaving Mils* Illanapsea to ramble about over the meadow of - w:s ch was, tint out of-1000 deciples, only Are. and-gather flowers sty the rivirr -,ide. , fri:the eonria of en I lase i l tilated the pt.- d u e. Similar cheering steuissanta hoer they began to rake nn„.and she ea:ne to offer .hcr } wi!ro f giently receivt..l he hint (rout the Judges and promised ensieurone; and stint'? followed Flph. ep and puldic antlie , itt..a of the d.Tercnt 'States which be has down several of Old 133% swaths , tilrher'free glowed I visited.l They limy crime is disimpeitiogy anti,that molt -1 anderhei san-treurnritt as it never had glowed With waltz- ; resinetl airJ moral progress ever _where follow is the kg. fleeted sod Mid at last.; ihe fnadJ herself a sent J train Oilt.niperance. Ftthdr Mathew spent the Midarn with her back to the,t-ee. and Watched the Limns of her 1 mer maothe at the Hot Springs of Arkansas, whereat be competitions,. !returned fii . improved health and ;spirits. and then a . klPh• was a rt'll-huill end match r :Jae. ismi all he did wect':'ar Little Rock, Arsenal*, mod then proceeded up in the way of his vocation, ho did with a fine dispLy of ! the Mississippi. to dlenrphis. where a most Cordial re.. muscular. and (n 'sculpture would have thou:lit) no link r, eeption awaited hint. The Mayor, the'pablic authorities. race. Julia watched hinp err - he otepprd, along after hie l and the : citizens atl united to render his stayrigrissabb.— late on the ellistineward , and who thought , for the lirstll.3 pr•iceed`eit to St. Louie. which he reached at the tirtis.lrhatvery handsome man was yoong Bracey. I close ollti.tirember. chere,during five weeks he' admia and how m eh more finely a man looked when raking ' sacred the pledge to over Tea thousand persons. Among jt has, titan a dandy when waltzing. And for eti hour she ! these mere a lai•ge pitaportion of Toung men engaged in itching his motione, admiring the strength with l Cointivrcill and M.,reentilo pursuit's. Ifs says be in ha pitched up the hay. and thoarnei; end evil: l i-sodert - precet d.ag fiats , It Louis to Cincinnati. bat die Ida roneements and po.to-e;; and: * affrr o white , . st-4,1t'..,-r :ht.m °ing buil.le ly colt ho • felt affected by the gnu 4 ter drowsy with f-Jigur, end ru'n't t-r np the change,' and fe.ding 4 rcr.-7.rrecino of that severs attack; to to a fragrant pillow, site . I..ylduwu and fdl fart which rentrining to i long at the North last winter/spas - ' • •L.,1 hi,p; h.. co the imaniinotte recommeaditioa 'ollie ' ' frond., ia tii i i the earnest advice of his physicians. portpen. 'ed bli vii-it t o the fitter eity.ontit Spring, and proceeded I f rom cireet ; Si:Le:lit t 3 Now Orlcaris,,,, 'en rotate to.flott-) ' thein : Flor,tda,"Where, he proposes tit pass the winter tne.itht.„ nod re't ma the campaign eirrly in March. when ' he will tint NV/ trire, li . uunivilk, Cincinnati, Pittshorg, /Buffalo and A lbfity, to' reach New Wilt in August, and having tesiiiimited his labors where they commenced. will - return lu irehiatr next fall. • s from Pt by Galina ' ritr of ',and . and • • oaths pea EMI friend with fit Iv; of aft site ted .of ear- hay iu i niter, utter Julia udoir, 1) dress her eadrul or and ran n ss the mildle of the toile:Ina:1, Co'! th.: old i. wit .of late years. had - fall. 1u into the habit al a sh lv tinii befere dinner.-ca e ,ro the big riot nit iii. crei.teont and go ho,. i f As lir'appioaehe' tree, hi; stepped, and breonr 4 t' his son. s ea l itl fr : l ape nre t tl r v o t r oo r h d it a n t . n l i ir ,t o . lt h di o e n te e n d ee iit lo; e lsiu h g ai l ri ,, her Orrick; awl a smile of an t eras content and tn t Mt' her iinely rat lips, J ha lintr.peon slept yin the shade. One small :pot e.coped front her and one shoulder of faith Owlish and IA hite:nras t r Life them DOW= Calirmnies are ns old as our race...9sta'; lingo them ha hetlerieb her hetellth4oodbee 'leeee.. I I.'r olight 'Po 'bet. lle rs the faller °flies end ban. There arc tilt 1 11 ihe'owell of the hly. thromior her d' hcate d.are rvnt . WA S, in which those whG are millunniated 11-nionlded burst into, high relief: alril, a ll over h er' soc k i i, pot 'd ew , the false and i n j ur i ous report ,. end is large elesters on the tumbled bay. lay thine I Some prosecute the defamers. They go into a civil hrowiarinirlets: admirely beatitifiil and luxuriant. court, to establish their innoceuet. Perhaps it is mum as Etph. looked en IN dingrOlrlin'etore of lore- ririt4l3CFCs93r; Some are at grvet•pains to estruntdict all the j passion. already lying perdu In his bosans, i i t false raniere ' The inure notica you tabs of slanderers. r'to the throne of heart sad reason. ! .- i the more industrionily will they defame you. They are it Met, not ream to do , more then a hint at the con- ; „!„, or porsoas who have ter): little character, and are tees 'of tfits visit of Mies Ifampson to the tountry. right of an orporturhy to attract some notice, by ettscitiog Id requite the third entente of a novel to des:trib e , ht use ,whose namcs are saiociated with respect. • emotions of that month at Briicels* farm. and bring ! Is there stet MN! better way than any of , these; "Not tder.ipont,b± point, 'gingerly and softly', to th e I rendering 'evil for evil. tier railing for railing; but eon t ra fiL .We must fetich here and there a point only., giv, : wise blessing." Let your life contradict their fekboodos , a reader's imagination sOnie glesqing to do after 1 encryan will have no used to defend yr/niche:Wen - re ban! otter the ground.) ' 'There There isChrist like, when they who . .. something `. Brseely'kt awakened pride served hint the geed' are resi!el 'revile nut again; a d when 'Amy bleu . ma fig him appear iimply ia his natural choreic -1 those who persecute • them, lad say all manner of ,top his whole of A d is n " l P tee. '" i ' it • By t he ' evil arroinst their falsely. There it a homely peer .-iies ildvieti , however, het deroted•hiuiself to the ! • 6t. w h o _ ._ ...,__,_ amestione4 of the- Odle, after the baying was oi,er; and' erb, ths M L o ti spittetn against th e wi s e spume w i lmAittli a lo ng .,.„ A idi twiies s iwwisr .l o o m n l xi a .lie_hil o_vrn_friee." It is4o with him who spits an , • mornilig nil nigh( Miss rifliiy comedown unwillingly lees. All the aesaulte of his malice recoil en his to pisM Meg, in her attenchiace r tin her friend in her rustic ! own bead. It may cost sortie triiii on your pa- aerupiitions..and Miss Hanipson saw as little as possibleJ tience, btal,t ha t will be a profitable exercise. Your I of tholinside of the'boadoir.: The barn, and the tel"f" of 1 nettle moy;for a brief season be under a cloud, bat ehiekiiits, and all ithe out•door belongings of the farm. iit will sh:atly ap p ear brighter.than before. Possess interacted her doily, sod with no diminution ;of her real. ) I your sent in patience. • slore quititly and Steadily She seemed, indeed to heti found her natural sphere in 'Onward in an upright may, and fear not the evil that the simple tiedititectionate life whith her friend Mar. i is aimed at ;on, if it be followers of that which is geriae held in snchinperfine contempt; and 11:0i., who , ~... ... ~ ... i ,', wee .Fie natural mite le Botha a. spirit, and himself. in hie i ic°°°' I -- . 1 • 1 • 1._.• 4 " 4 ". 1 m.ti05• • ownhihnie, most uneoti4cteasty worthy of lye sod adnii- 1 ' 'The !Wing Passion. ration rivet Wins:drop irrsetstatily to his new forestall. , , The force of habit was well illustratedliy- n an- An - this new plias - ion becenle, apparent. et Ire.!. to the ; eetlote told us of a former professor at the M 'cal • credulous eyes of ILI couriU. And diet it was timidly bu t School in Llantbridge. We have it from due- of the ioniii;t rettireetrhy her elegant and highbred irtend, was i .ii stild , git , , 4 0 was peasant 40 the occasion. also eliry imprint to NI iss Pdiitt. And after a few jest- • t After the deliterY •of a lecture, the profemoi mid: oesstraiggles, nods night tir two of weeping, she gave tip , w , _ nu _men; to - morrow I shall beset's* pleasure of -. dranquilk —4r, eiseit? ale and a city husband, truth ' kjg ! a Llthly before you. I had- oped to halo T IO , had long heon her keeret tinging and hove , and dinneCt •• ewer had flirt; looked in, the' face i burial iu the', that ootisibction , this afternoon, but unfortunately. w ry with the .pigs and chickens." , l' the strbject was not, exactly. ready; sot, being quits t,, , i[ P is not maniedwei, Meg I'4lN—hut the 'brit nice• trea'tt • li e is, -however, wit hout . a doubt, by` Mr. liomeon, wrerked c; nopleteiy still, the des - 1 this trine tltid to morrow you may felt' upoS at ram , • s t a im re ee ;yi tzt i f i o i t s iod de a or k i t i n te d r ly 4 s ; r3 d . ril l 'r ri n c la .. l.)l A nt ri n d fo a r, l i r e l tl ' it . ; nest tray the students were in the hall early or loyeliertfarnser's' wife than Jelin, or a happier to see the scalpel used. There liras no ccorpiM oat 9m r than r-phl. can scarcely be found in the :alley tkc, dissecting table, and every time the door opened, yiellaiink. • I every eye was turned to witness the advent, of, what . _ . would 60/Zyg to Bed Bober. ' • ' Mantalina mildi stylos e ua derh'd body." -By-end o last numher of the Knickerbocker has a 'gout: sm. I by, the professor so'cinnly strode dowwtho aisle to e of a niania lin rarely failkt to go ; to Led Intuaita• 1 his desk w#h his hands behind him, and wearing a nil disturbiitg. his wife the it bole night. Upou its I melancholy look. Taking his stand his addressed charged by,a friend that he never went to in : d sober, the studept tittle: I dignantly clewed the titspcnclinient, and gave the A.G?ne,enien; l es poutl id sester d ay , as I inamme ,_ eats; of sue tartrular night in proof: . led, to ha% e the pleasure of dissecting a subject hem city l° 9 " left" I tile. lute "' bed , in Y *wire "`td• I this afternoon. But Tent sorry, to state, gentlemen. y, busband what is; the matter ,with, sun? You bet that as muck to al. , a.,a.t ppointment, as it willbe to gel.:'_ •There's nodirtig the matter with me.'. said ......uns the cacao.,unfortunatelytake!! a favorable act natura l at all. Shan't. I get op and hang at all.' •l' in sure there is.' said she. 70424 r' get some' 1 turn, and the piticrinvie now in a fair woy a( to ' ' itfor y a p?. i A n d up she got. lighted a candle, and: e°verY • I _ • • s to the hetlside to leek at me. shading the light with aud, ri ziss.w them was something "strange about she said, lolly, rue sot. L•oarlit!' sew this isja fact, and my wife will swear to it: so 't yea slander me may more by saving that I har'ut to bed.seber in taix hunts—'cause I hare." Lame takin. to pie ed th . Eit the le shape antler want' drew!. shoOt waist and • neck, glossy An EC= spec n (W segue , It Leo all the l ,thee', chew. ing th wle ha, I= ler du old Iffil tb se she e•un Chao astro his brae farm the 1 . , r I.' Weutati More p,:klis thaa •NI le , '" No- i —iiot r. a hit; 1 b i l All this woorivaie about, irei fickle if yromau. of which 1 we ;daily hear 0.3 LIIIIC.:I.ris---nousease. No ratio with al, thl We full oil brritie rilakas over touch talk nod adul a ut Gale wtintrut jealous anti l; - rameal hos:rends. who ipilud aFareoly l aw eirr4og of their lives ;at Lome With I th r wirer-, tire the obrt who raise the hoe aaJ ery t ina : lie , e ale ttfouiawis of luo i rritirip ed feliows. :w:ho haven! n &carded by eirtUoua fesn.iles, an account of their • r werthiessuear tctto aro. ewer ready to %twine* upon r ft first dispersal's: re ark breathed 'aiaiestilir sex. and Mate the lame Isb ' allots far and near. These are cuotomnei curs wl n sro everlastingly prating about Dateslickleuess, and althavizil the) waivers/illy tlespi tie thew inetrible stleanulas and enuteuiptibiltiy. their l•esacueted Les tuu:ftequeutly gaiu credeuee w kih.peo• puoesa eenststo' sense. An - Ageoting AppeaL A learned 'counsel Of, in the i l middle of ao!,saffeet • g appeal in court 0 a slatider Suit, let falba fol wine flight of senioa:—"Slauder ) geutletiten,like ! boa coustrielor ofigigantic size and immeasurable roportions, wraps! coil after coil of its unwieldy .y about its aufietonate victims, and beadles* of shrieks of agooY that comes from tbi—fankost ptbs of its victim's soul, loud %la rererbratiag as tlte. mighty thunder that MU in th. Mame, it Ipownally besiks its unlucky nee& upon the iron wheel oldo opinion, fOrcing bite first to desperation, ato outdoes% add koallivocrushing Was is the s jaws of oboist death. Will the wooed for defendant Adige se with histabaceo boar' WoUtal. 51'50 A YE NUMBER No Tus Cesar flsme Ronattar.—The robbery of the Otsego County Bank, at Port Plain, IQ. y., (before ' mentioned by telegraph;) took place between Sat urday afternoon, tlier2Btti olt.,aed Monday morning. the 30th The Ai/113400 Somata dollars stolen is ' nearly a4,llillows: $5,000 bills at Cenyral Bank * Cherry Valley ; , $19,000 bills of various. (Maks, moll- ly in New "F‘iik State; west of Schenectady; $9OO bills of t);:iegt, Co. lilsok; $4,500 in gold, $9.900 in silver. $5,500 is offered for such information an will loathe the cuiivic:ioo ~f the burglar mid tbe recovery of the money, or 93,0 00 fur lbe forger oily and 113,000. for the letter. • An Irishman's Choice. , An Irishman called at a printing owes tits odor day, dsy, with an advertisement, an4.ll.ke a video man. ingoired saw would be the coat. Be wss'inforesed Obit for one iesertism, the price would be fifty cents, and two subseqneet insertions would be t wentyLtiso cants each. "And faith," said be. "1. will only have ihe two subseqnent. insertioos." (17 1 .14 triehisoirass who h►d kept a MI6 grocery 'As brought to her death bad, Sad t o sisthepoist of arsatlt lug her bun when she called her haeband N boss bedside. abs faintly said. •Viers'a Minium Maks? --she owes sae sit shillings." , T,lch:7 exclaimed - bet husband, "Biddy &that. ,ye're iiesible to the Watt"- . ••Ifis. 41~ 7 -an libon.•• Idiom fili•Cmw. Iwe her • dollar:" t , ••Och! j.born. ss4 yo•i• jest so foolish se ever:" rr Jodie Zeroed being applied is byes old Warier his Wyk* ia • law wit. board hie 01011 twilit/eat poute r" 684 there Oohed bin if be bad ever pt is a itatery.-- ••kio '44" said the farmer. begs 1 have, toe iamb Fa de/ye to raa mob riebo.u, "Thu take my advice. •y goodifirield. aad sear say ‘llOOll l / 1 11161111111 than me to lot .. tba chalices are Bees .is tiel pa lbw* *as Ls say lottery." • A, in II