Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, January 11, 1851, Image 1

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    ?, • , i.
A. P. DI:ULM& 00., Proprietors.,
B. P. IILO/A.N, Ilditor.
. .
- ' 1
i n ts ■liiientipta by the eartiei.M ' 02. 0 .
B} o 1031 i, or at the °Ace. in navance. 1.30
'274•1( not paid in advance, or within three montlia from the time
nrouinkribing. two &Curs will be charged. ___ •
,rrAll col!ftnuilleationo mot he post paid.
• Cards pot euieding 4 Witt , one yelr.
'One square
do. do. six months,
do. - do. there womb.,
Thansient advertninnents. SO cents pc: squaw, of fifteen lines or
ter the tint laseetton: 23 emits fix eatltafilisequeat taser umt,
TJ. Yearly advert iixre hat e the privilege of chapatti: at pleat.ure.
al no time are all ;71 to occupy awe than two Scilartz,aad to
sir nisiTed to Ozer is ars brutuotss.
Advertises/teats autleaving othertirections, Mill to inserted till
fg:ti tl and e hargeA aceordiugly.
111. constantly on hand a fall supply of Grooecks. Li .::
I litndlery, Prcnilions.Prodtler;keZ. ke • and Seib
Rrtail as e a 'ache cheapris. No.
Attorney asuftlosuseellor at Law.
11rroldtionary. army and Navy Penstonry'Llodoty Lang
shout lOr extra-pay. and nil other humors entrusted to II
re e prompt and faithful attention.
otrpc in Wright's Block on tiLatEl won. °yet J. If. Fullerton's
at. • , Ertu i 9.
%Vriotnut.* sod Retail Dealers i u Dry Good4droceries.llarlin are,
Liquors. Flair, Fedi. Salt te. 4 corner or emit.' street and the
Public square,near the. Court House. . l•
~.ii_iuis L:mran. Lvri.s rlts.r. .
_ --
• G - 71 - L - E — N B. KFA:N tr, i_ '
, --'
Fashionable Tailor, between the Reel ILniNe :Aid Brown's Hotel.
up stairs. CUTTING done on shunt rexee , tr 4
Meo&melkv and fmatkak.r. and Ilannfacturtr of Blank Books and
iVrame idc.eortter of the Mutton,' and 4sxth %t•r;t.
ArTOIJET •NID ILT no--Otriecon ifAte &Met, three
door, north of Rrown'a Hoed Eric, Pa
CiiMPION "&'/I A VEltidiCk.
Mitzi' in Dry Gonda. frardtirait crockery. dew/Tit...old For
rien and Domestic Unlink,. aftillerr. and Mannfaciiirens of
... a.teratus. No. P. Reed Hodge, add e.nrinisr.if French and Penn
etretta 2 . - Erte. Pa:
5P1C1.41., and general Agency .and Curnmosev
lan. Pa.
NATI a in Engthih German and Adierman Ha
Also. Nails, )1011P, Vito, Iron and Etter'
.V.rie, Pa.
W f .. J. F. LIDULE & C 4
ltrAraftrrus..Cairinge and Wagon Builder
tvreent,cventh Ir. Eighth, Erre.
L4.4TRONG, NI. D. Door inent.tar C. lE:Wright's nore. uti
e? lea with Doer. A. SlKR.l.S.rventli near Sassafras Melt
Ah Res
.-Jte... on tzar/rafts. not door north of Seventh
C. siEGEL,
Witot.sssix and Hetaihienkr to Groceries. trolissons. %Vines.
Liquors. Finn. to:. ice Corner of Fresien nod Fittti trortii,
opposite t he Farmers' Hotel. Erie.
Wants ata r and Retail Dealer In Parody Grocerkbo; Crockery.
Class Iron. Nails. ace.. No. 9, Flerohig Nloet, Etic. Pa.
I E.Tr•The highest price paid fur Com/ Produrekel,
ei L,
rIIATtTAILIIt. and Habit Maker .—Storr.No. 3 's Block.
(opion•ite the Bonnet Steer) State Strew. Erie.
AT TOR IV T I. n .
%Walker's Office. au Seeetkill Firm, Ertc. Pa
t ' HENRY CADWELL, . --,--
!rroarro,Jobber and Retail Dealer in. Rrt floods, Grornrie.i,
crockery, tabs* •pre, Carpeting, Uardsvanr. lien, *wet, • a no,
.;skis; Ake. spire Stores stale kitim, four doors., below
Brow ri's lintel. Erie. Pa.
A'...)—An%11... Wires. Benson s Azle Arius. Springs, and a goneral
woortnient of Saddle and Carriage 'rrannnonge.
Attioassir 11,,w" and J.lgiet or the renee. and Age•lt for '
'be Key Stone Mutual Lae lusurane•! Coutitany—PiTtee 3 doors.
nest uf Wrights store. Erie. ra.
11-- • W. H, KNOWLTON & SO4.
jts.uuts in Watches. Clocks, Looking Fortes
Britnnnia %Vase, Jtwelry, nod a csnety oforter Fu t ,r 7
' Arueles, - Karystoce Bulldinp, four doors below Brown's nowt,
Blue Street. Erie,
Arroaaws ar Law, Girard, Erie County. Ya. Collections and
other Walloon, attended to with promptness and disoateh.
Toni( taLT THE EMILE, corner of State 'street and, the Public square
Erie, Eatnern %%'e■terrn and Southern stave °thee.
Dr &LEA in Groceries. Provisiono, Wines. Liquors. Candies, Fruit.
ke.. No 11, Poor People's ROW. Stele street. Erie.
Forwarding & Commission :Merchant, on the Public Pock, east of
St.lte street.
GAI. ckilt, Plaster ant{ White Fish, constantly for sale..
Ranker and EzeMore Denim. Dealer in Bills of Exchange,
Draft.. r enificntisof Depogiie:Gold acid nitre, coin, km.. ke.
ithre. 4 doors bekin, Brown's hotel. Erie. Pa._.
Arroater AT Law. Cleveland. Ohio- - Otnce on B,3 Perim' rimer,
' to Atwater'sMork. Oilefer to Clow+/whew Parker, Comb/lace
Law Schaal; lion. Rwluird Fletcher. IV State at, Becton 1101,.
Swami N. Parkins. 1414 WailbUll St., Phil/Melia/tan Richard H.
;wean. Etw.,33 Wall Wert , New York. For testiutootala,re
her wails oldee. •
arrtasrss As LA —ol6ee"up stain in Taaaaany Ball building,
norther tae P office. Eric. - .
,iircoixtl. Aso CoimeiLton •T LAW—Offtee OM C. B. Wrih
- Stnre, eutraitee cue dam u est of dtate street, out the Dieing!
Face. ,
. • I:ltosC o.'
Wnots:snsx •aris RITAIL DEALCIS iri s ! ,
_cosign asidllir " : s Dry.
Goods. weedy made Clothing. lloola= 6 • Slices, e
ing Block, to sucel., Erie.
tliALgit in Dry Goods, Dry Groceries, .Cloe Hardware. &ie.,
NO. 111. ntemppide, Erie.. -
ReAuct inGroeeries and Provisions of all k i ads, Nate inert, three
doon uonh of the Dimmed. We.
Dz. Lea in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queens Ware, Lime
I ron.Naits. Ike..,'lt Cheap*de, Erie. Pa.
lAM RIBLET, • • -
C.lne7 %Inv.= V , and Un d ertaker, corner of Agate and
Seventh wee*.
OffirMAL Phinranting. Produce and COMMUICIR Merebsitta; &wen,
lineoarse and hoe salt, Coal, Plantar. Wriggles, en. Public dock,
• t side ad the brAge, Erie.
P.hwor 1. 11(acum.
lENtial. remoras& Canieissaioa mid Produce Merchaaurisec
oud Wsre4uouse east of therublic Hradec, EZIC.
G. LOOIIG - 6 - &
DrAtnal in Watein. Jewelry; Silver, Gemini) Silver. Plated amid
1 Britannia Ware Cutlery, Military and Fancy Goods,Riate whet.
i erarip opposite the Eagle Hotel, Erie.
LOO II ta. --, 1". N. Avert%
ilVaatzsaut and Retail dealers is Wisp; Medicines, taints. Out,
Dye-lonanii, Giant, Re., No. 11. lied Biwa. Este.
la Theological, Elireethueeresii. SuadaY and Claaaltar
tiebuot Book,, dual:wary, &e. nut Row. Erie.
- -
siumtAaut ilerchast
cos the public square, a few doors
w est of Elude street, Erie,
S. C
1110LIPAU •WD DETAAL Delier if Grattan, PW0 , 11•01•D• gbil•
titan Amy. Ptone-ware, at. &a., Jim S. Illoorreii. Block. Erie.
I --
locer is Law. Medical. settuol Muoceltancuus Baoks stationary
tut. are. oust *IL.. bar &ars blow the rukair. square.
L liR. 0. L. ELLIOrt,
"Ittient Giotto; Othee and dwelling in the Beebe Sloth. sn the
FAA aide or the tublie Square. Eric. Teeth inserted ,on Gold
Plow. hos onto an entire sett. Carious, teeth filled with pure
0 *“. sad restored to health , and urchin:lna Teeth elegised
with lootrasento and Detainee so u to leave them Of a pellucid
Gnaw., All work warranted.
rmtct•a •au Ptitosoza—Ofbee at his regulates on lievrittbatirealt.
°Mame tle Methodist Chureh. Erb. •
weersa4LLAss isy-aa. delft ill Dregs. /44 . 4ciais.Dyellualik
age- N.. 11. awed Howe. &le.
:tir.Lat la Hail. Cape Md Fun Of all ikeeiiptavea. Ns. ie, Perk
• gm •Erx. Pa.
. . r
... - . .
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' 1 ,
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i . .
'S ,I •
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E ,
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1 .. .
.iii ~
liT. . .
, b,UO
:ors. ship
r Erie.
MT W. lrooru
',l/to,etig allh. 311i5
Ring out, wild bens, to, the wild sk
, I ) , lag clouds. the frosty light
TI *tar is dykng is %be night;
Alnioit„ Wild hello. let,hins d
tbe Old, flag in the new,
Itinghappy bells, aerosi the • •
The gear is going. let hint got
Riitg out the false. ring in the 1 e.
Ring nit the grief that saiki the tad
For those thachere po o
Ring . o t 4 the feuds Of rte.), an • .
Ring itt redress to Mankind.
Ring wit a slowly dying cause,
And ancient form of party PT':
Ring In the Mahler modes of li
,With 'Siemer manners, Oder la••••
Ring odt We want, the carptrhe In.
The fitithless coldness of the times
Ring Mit. ring run my nMarnful rh
But ring the fuller minstr4l In.
- Ring out hale pride in pine and hi
i rof
Th e dpi. nianderautal e 'Pile;
Login . the love of truth nd right,.
Rialto the common late good.
king out old shapes of foul
Ring out the narrow Ina of gold;
Ring out the thousand whirs , of old
Ring in she thousand Sean of tigace
Riki.n the iatiant man and free,
Lirger heart, the kindlier ha
Risig out the darkness °tithe land.
\Ring in the Christ that is tb be.
Confessions of an .Att.
• !.
,Tea fiim of Flint and S h ar pe ujoyed, bather deervi
ed 4. or not, when I was connected with it as it still does
1 high reputation for keen prace and a rewd busineu
management. This kind .1: prel
far more profitable than the dry and inn'
the 'same article; or at least we !found id,
from blush of morn to - far later !than deo
natural phenomena. by the way were o
milli observed b)i me during thirty busy y
tinguiabataut of the street tempi at dew'
illumination et cluekrdid I and
pursue onr goldent avocations; de
esteemed the pleesureo of life—it
en., and lettered ease—till the to
of the day tverir past, and a calm,
clouded by core or anxiety, had
mar or, may not - leave been wise;
ty increased the connection and t
and ultimately aschered is both
tli4e per cellist inn th i s too. la,
but our having erected some gel
This'boast of mine the follmeing
distinguished' cha nt --known, qui
mimic( the readers of ibia )ours'
for practical sagatity aad profess'
us—will: I tisink, be admitted ti
Our connettioi Rasa tiferra
istocrotic one, and my surprise l'
We. whim, looking through the o l
what vehicle it W,a4 that had dri -
door. 1 observed a handsomely ~
ii,eoronet emblazoned on the
tall footman was handing alsdy
gent mourning. cind closely relit ,
to my private roam, and desired
immediately' ad4iitted. Great)
creased when thii graceful ands
drew her yell. and chsplosed the
of Seyton, aeon{ whose mild, 1 , 1
-dared by the engraving from S
picture. 1 had so !frequently gift.'
rare and i touching bearity, was
, c 1
Meuse, expression f anxiety. fear
from out the tiou led dpths of h.
- ”The Counteis of Seyten :" I
claimed, i i is with my very best b
ship,• chair. . -
"Yes; :and: yos are a panne
are you' not?" i 1 ,
' 1 bowed again: still more Pro utulli
went. ni s d mode-St . ly admitted th tI w 1
firm her ladyship was pleased to eau ;
"Then, Mr. lharp. 1 bays tuiconsu t
`ally upon a Matter of thd mmosti—tbe no
portanes m me' and mine." Her I dy
• some coo union Of manner. as if khe di p
; er what she was tloiog was in aticarda et
iquette or kot. Owed a Bank of Engle d
retainer. before MO. 1 put it back, explt
1 usage really was , and the CoUntess lr
purse. 1
- "We shall be (glad to render .'
ince in onr powOr," I said.; bdt I wadi
Jackson sujoye4_the confidones!ortho
"Precisely. They are, ro to Speak, th
licitors of the: faltily more than: one ip
or it; act therefore. though 1414 ma
unfit to advise she in this partionlar ma
she added with increasing vomit aid Is
with. and if posSible foil, the iddividual
Pcrirculear reqUires an agent of keen
either of these gentlemen esti: bout
resolute men,, , Arairr•—r" •lii•r•t a q'
"Perfectly. mildest: and unser me t
is probable ear hstemiew may he • soai
one; your ladyeltip's carriage. which m
lion. should be at ones dismissed. ,T
fasaiq solicitor h. yea are *walla. not f i
cord/ neve:plata to them the roman wh
ladyship to honor as With your confide
well to avoid any chance of inquiry." 4
Lady Seyten acquiesced is my nogg Alen: the air-
T i er , was ordered home, and Mr.' Flin entered just at
the time. we both listened with earnest ego and anxiety
to her cessumalcatioh. It is n,itedleas t repeat embalm
the somewhei prolix, exclainati l es narrativeOf the Coun
tess; the essential facie were as fellows. .
'The Countess of Seyton,pretions to h r Aral marriage.
was Miss Clara Bayley. Naiad daug eof the Ker.
John Bayley. tile rector of a parish in ' , awhile: She
married bhen insly niaeteen years of age. a Captain
Gafford. Her bualsand was is .years alba* herself,
sod, usbe &wavered idler marriage. w pureed with a
Morose and °Widish temper sad 'bort. unmans
to her acriceirstaums with Gelder& she b been iStimato
with. aboostibrithered to. Mr.dirther. K 'details a 3 -01 • 0 g
endemismtattected with the peerage', dat Oat time
heir-appare It tbe greet expectances nd *moat pover
ty of big rather; Sir Artier Kingston. , . The' haughty
baronet, lbel initaat be was made ac Rioted with the ,
stature of bieieu'e isitinsecy with 'the i cier's ilanghtor.'
peeked die yawn, mac to thhieehti tea lale travels.
The Reversed Jobs Bayley end his beautiful Clara
wan as mod ss ths barium. hod e
dist it Amid a thosight eithit'sf them
Maio/41w Kisgsiss into as Sops&
rims. This holing of rids . said ress
G': . 1
. .
It can be supprised that the long.before•practically Po
' lawyers:
You are a man of business.i
Widowe 'wife grieved much at the final breaking of the • Sly i i . t . a s h ilh ioeu u
a d enpu ; a d
each nib:
eltain I , 4iicli bound her to so ongenial a mate; but ex 1
Mi. Clairton sat down. and aloodil !
Lally Skins ton w entirely silent upon the subject, our ' I next to come.
't ,
supposition tan only rest upon the fie. that Arthur ;,
"You are invite." said Mr. Flint. ''
i t Kingston —Who had some lime previously: in Conan - ;dered voarself liable to transportation
f quence of the death of the, Earl f Seyton and his only ;. "What!" exclaimed Chilton, fl at
' sow; an always weakly child, , tied a few months by
. ',aleting to hie feet. "What?"
tbat of his own father, thebar succeed to the earl- t; "To transportation ," transportation ," continued
demand eslates - hastegod home, on seeing the ata - i muluer , "for seven, ton.lfeurter:a yi
nouncement' of Gosford's death in the, Dublin pope!, •
ate discretion of the judge; but consii
from the continent: where. ho had continued
v of the eriimi of late. I j ahou Id say
since his coutpelled depaeturb six years before; and soon
i »liability that you will Le , a /i/cr!' l
afterwards found his way to D.-vonshir,s, and so success- !1 "What devil's gibberials is this?"
fully pressed the renewed, rffer of his hand. that the wet"- ' L.
/lightened, but still fierce! "I can I
ding took Otte slightly within siz mouths after the de-- h ave said . Mr. Goateed. I tell yeurrH,_,..,
cease of Mr. Gosford. Life passed brilliantly and hap- II
"Well. well." internipted Mr. Flint; "put it in fit!
pily With the Earl and Ciiiintess-s-tiswhono three children
lied or_liew you please; torn, it whirdh weir you Still; ithi
(a boy and tee girls.) were born — till about five mentheit
ilea the key in Blue Brink sihieh Ildert say you hate
previous to the present time, when the Earl from being !read of; nib it out on one!eidl, it comes on the
caught, when riding out. in a drenching show r, of rain, •
afoul" ,
t !other. Say , by way °Cargo/tient. that you have:rot oh
was,attacked by fever, and after an accute ills a .
tallied, erne) , by unions:4aq threats —a enlist whi
two or three days' duration expired. The pr scut Earl . i hn la*
aids janaaninant .... ht _ hw i r
. 1 .
robbery- Y
Was at the titne just turued of five years of ag . ,
save tut
antu _ nantiat _ _
This bloW we comprehended from the Ridden , lean' , tainny _ that
raitiratny. An
ata. ; ol , - rnainna. r .
my go ad
'which filled the beaut4nl eyes of the Countess as she i
nh , , chews e wh i ch you will", . •
9Priko of the nitre disi.eate.'trao n severe r o.
8 :::;11 Wetly chop-fallen was theists triumphant man; bet
the grief of widowhood must hare been greatly amnia
, t a
ape . adtry - eathea.; _.s , ~ .
.. c
by the love ef lier..children, and npt inconsiderably, a her
• while * we n ie l . be "re ' IfY th e br i thent position in whic h .1
t :e- - t. , I " taro Ica hot." he at length said. "Punish me yea may:
, tit the pride of this shun Countess end sham ! Earl will
she was left-.-as, in addition to Will splendidly 'joints:red ' ,
brought low'. And I tell you once for all," hi added, -
she WlLWapPointedby her kinghood's will solo guardian of
ising at the seine time and 'peeking is ringing.lwrath
the young lord, her son.' -
' 'ul tones, '.that I defy you, and wII either be handsomel-
A terrible teverseiwaited her. She was sitting with :
Iv remunerated for silence, or I ill at once inform' the
her Caber, the rector. and her still unmarried sister, Jane .• hianarahh; James
i u that to is the true r.ail of
Bayley. in the drawing-roon of the Seyton House, when • ,-.
eyton." . . ..
a notd o
Was brought to her, sighed Edward Chilton.. the 1
"And I tell you retorted Flint.' 'that if you attempt
torview, on. he alledged, the
writer of which demanded an vanic,diste and private in- ,
to leave this room. I will give yea into custod e y, it one
most important. business. i
and transpo von, whatever may the co ns equence
Lady Seytoit remembered the name and immediately
1 others. ome, come, let as hay no more non Sense In
acceded to the man's reque s t, li e announced I" w blus r. We have'strong reasons'pr believing that OW
busque, insolent trine and manner, that Mr. Gosford had
re by which you have beau extorting money. I r a fat;
not died at the time Its death was announced . to her,
, rication. if it be so, rely upon it.l we shall deteEt a ,
having then only fallen into it, state of syncope, fr n '
punish you. Your only sisfe e coura is to ma k e s a
which be had unexpectedly recovered. and had live sit
i breast of it whilst there fa yet time!. Out with it, ma
months longer. "The truth is." added Chil „ 9 "teat. ,
• ' lll once, and you shall go scot-free;lneT. bete Clow bum
chancing the oilier day; to be looking over I. :l mere lt e ' ' ! periods more—say a hundred. Berwlee in time. I
I noticed for the fiial lime the date of yo marriage marriage with
you. "
se ow 1 " . -
rains is usual r
npet variety of
ro;: and often.
ry live—which
do f inbletnati.
enr in the ex,
at d their re
I:,atlare usually
ataxia, flow-
my par
'l. and'
at, and hurry
&evening, un-
This conduct
events, it 410-
'ns of firin,
tortably in Ulf
'iny, not
ery Co.
bold t
4 iu on
io the life of ft
e‘ sure,
I, who
y rpratation to
oar character
degree, sub-
r than an ar•
the rath
re eon:lidera-
to ascertain
/idly up to the
-carriage with
I/tit of iiilvitatt a
deep asd els
nth' withdrew
i •
adr shauld be
y surprise in&
I visitor with
the Countess
•auty. u rOll
lironer'. That
vr; and an in-
I rrorj--gleamed
k ekes.
en po ra
ttired iu
I II 3 oath
1r Tho..
with ad
oded o
I r fined
I half-i
• w I bu
the late Earl of Rryton, and I have/ow to inform -ou
th . at it took place, precisely ei t days pievions,to Mr.
Cloaford's death; and it wa cons equentl y, no marriate
7 1/
at ail; and that your son ' no more Earl of Seyton titan
I am." . . -
-lebrated firm
tliis compti
• l harp of. the,
1 1
cal bilged." '
t roil impost
! hip i thee wit
: brow wheth
! wijh strict C.
I. clic by way of
ping what the
;laced it ia her
. left the house. The menta l
spay of Lady Soyton on recovering consciousness, was
terrible„.and she with great difficulty succeeded iu con
ceahug the abuse from her,,aaxious and wondering rela
tives. Another interview with Chilton appeared to con
firm the trail, of his story withont•doubt• or question.—
Ile produced a formerly drawn up document, signed 11
one Pierce Cunniugham„ . grave-digger o[ Swords. which
set forth that Charles Gobford was kuried iu the 26th cf
June, 1832, and that thelluscriptioo on his tombstone
forth that he had died June 23d of that year. Also a
written avertnient of Patrick Mullins, ofThiblin, that he
had lettered, the stone at the head of the grave of Clisees
Gosfotil in Sword,s burying-ground in 1832, and t h at it 4
date. was, as stated by Pierce Cuthaiughatn, Juno 23,
.1832. .
.."Ilave4you copiits of those docionicrits!" asked 'Mr.
hip •ny &WA
ratciod Messrs.
•our lady
e of Seyfon?"
hereditary De
tidoal member
etatile persons.
.er. Besides."
tattoo.:lo did]
.y whom 1 am
"Yes: I havo:brottght them wish me," the Countes's
replied, and headed them to Mr. Flint. "la my terror
and extremity," eowtinded her ladyship, "and unguided
by conneel—for till now I have not dared to speak upon
the itubjeetto any Plirscia-1 hive given shis Chilton. at
various_datra, Ingeliums of money: Lathe is insatiable:
and wily yesterday—l cannot repeat his andeciiins
peopcual; yeti will and it in this Dote."
"Marriage!" eselaimed Mr. flint 'with a barsti Ile
had rend the note over my shoulder : "The scoundrel "
' My ivortliy partner was rather excited. The truth was.
he had a Clara of his own at nome—..n dead sister's
child, very pretty, just about marriageable, nod a good
deal resembling. out he told-ms'afterwards, our not and
interesting Client.
"I would die a thonimid deaths rather," ,roitamed
Lady, Boylan, id a low, tremulous voice, as slut let fall
her Veil. 4-. Can there," she added in a< anti , fainter
voice, "be anything 'dotte--anything"—
"That depends entirely," interrupted Mr. Fligiti !tapes'
whillder dais ftus slory is or is not a fekrioatiest. lot up.
for the purpose of extorting money. It moms le re. '1
must 'ay. amazingly like one."'
"Do you really thint so?" said my painter.
marteity than
sharper, more
' hat 1 mean?"
ograst that it
what prolonged
°tries of the
eff; end es "we
•h induces your
• it wiU a.
sooty tailigoout
Wood to teapot
iM oat
twat Sides/ th
sneer's of Mr. Gomford's suit. and Clara iayley, hien.
outlay other ra'sh, high-uotioned young la.' es; doomed
hosed to misery. in order to show tho whirl. and Mt.
Arthur Kingston and his proud fattier espee:iallv i . that shit
. . -
hid * spirit. The union was a most nuhappy one. One
child oaly, which died is its lufancy, was bOra to themi
and after tieing nailed somewhat more tha• two years, ft ,
separatist, vehemently insisted on by the:wife's Whet, '
took place, and the unhappily wedded dauliter returned.
to her parent's roof. - Mr. Gosford —he h o d
spne time
beforeiold out of the army—traveled aboudsa country I
is search of antaseinent„ and latterly of4alth (for hill
nobap_py cankerous tamper at last affected and brokif
dower his never very robust physip4l constitution.) ric.%
companied fur the twelvernnth preceding his 'death by' 1
a young min belonging to i e / diedical profession, of the i
if i
name of Chilton. Mr. and, Strirposford had been sep
arated a few days less Owl throe years, whoa the husband
died, at the - village o . !,'Bwords in Ireland, and not far die , 1
tent frOm Dublin. me intelligence was first conveyel
la the widow' by a paragraph in the "Freeman's Jour ,
nal," . • Dublin stewspaper; and by the following post ri
leter arrivfil from 'Mr. Chillon,' enclosing a ring which
the deceased had requested shdald be sent -to his wife
and's' note, dictated just previous to hie death-hour, in
Which ha expressed regret for the put r and admitted that
he alone had been to blame fur the utih - appy separation.
A cosy of his will, made nearly a twelvemonth provions.i
in was also 'forwarded, by which hp beireethisl hill
property, amounting to about three hundred pounds peri
annum, to i distant relative then. residing in New 11011..
land. By a memursudutu of a subsequent date, Mr.
Chilton was to have all the money and other paninuals
be might die in actual possession of, after &flaying the
necessary funeral expenses. This will, Mr. Chilton sta-I
ted, the deceased gentleman had expressed a wish in his :
list momenta to Wet, but death had been too sudden for
him t be able to give effect to that good, but too long
delayed rtotentioo. •
Antianeamerit, as our might expeet.
me the Comatose. She fainted:" but
rd and comprehended Cbilion'i hti
lecrecy end silence. lie rang the bell
1 hesitated to give an opinion. as F did dot share in the
hope 'entertained by Flint_ Dotertioa. was so rental'',
that 1 doubted if se ceasing a person as, Chilies sp.-
peered to be amnia have ventured os *bead v . * severa
l! putadtabla• "EratiP?sa." ; paid L *VOA at eirettewer.
"ex thib now appaieti an interview .at thine o'cleek to
day Vitt &yam flowie; Is meet Kist there iastOect of
year ladyship? A little talk with the fallow udibt be
Lady Bayou aseady;igroatd to this messiah and it
ben anesopii tbst aat abiaid be at Solos thaw WA( a's
boat talks the appointed' tint% baeigasy-ioack !wow
wit% relieved thought. by having confided MT
site secret as, and with a nacient hope eighth
ing her le. dejected countenance.;
Thy rm of Flint and Sharp had theta a lateen
nyfirm es r ....._.._
legiaer, dorieg which the lady's eiatetneat
Chilton'adotnmehts wt4e.the reader may be eel
minutelyeesnedover. analyzed. and commented
Finuallyi 'ewes resolved that if the' appreaehinp
flew. the meaner of-14kb we agreed upon,
prove satisfactory, Mr. Flint shonkl Immediately I
to Ireland. and minimally ascertain the tropt o
hood of the facts alleged by Chilton.'
"Mr. Chilton is unatounced." sea Lady Hey hok-,
ridley entering the library in Grosvenor SquenZ, where
Mr. Flint and myself wets seated. "I need poi h i s
sent, I think you said?" eh4added in great ?retc h.]
"Certainly not, madam," I replied, "We 'shall do
better aloue." -
She retired instantly. Flint we and stationed
Alf - close bribe deer. Presently • emending. ecuifideet
step was heard *long the passere, the library doer "weer
back on its noiseless hinges and in ittalked a min of ee
parrently abiint thirty five years of age. tall, genteel and
soldier-lookng. He started back on seeing me, recog
nizing, I perteited, ciiii4cation at a glance.. !
"Hew is thisM, he exclaimed. "I expecindu---
"The Contetos of &port. Trite but her ladyship
has deputed me to confer with.,:itta on the boshitias men•
tioned in yoor note." • '
— "I shall have nothing to say to yon," he replied ah
ropily, and turned to leave the room. Mr Fliistliad shit
and was standing with his back to th door.
"Yon can't go," he said in hu coolist meaner: "The
police are within' call." -
"The police! Whet the devil. dal
Chilton angrily: ; but spite of his assist
bhnlr beneath Flint's' searching, half.;
"Nothing very
"or unusual- in our
_ [QUI
I 1
Chilton hesitated; Lis white lip! univered. Their lei
something to reveal.
"I cannot." he muttered, after a aaaaidaratgaV6 ll 4
"Then is nothing to disclose." '
"You wilt boll Theo your fate be on }oar owh hew
I have done with yea."
It was now my turn. **Come. come." r said:
useless usgiug this man further. How much do yon
peot? The insolent Proposal contained in your a*.
you well know , out of the question. How mach p nies y
do you expect for keeping this wretched affair seerettl—
State year terms at once."
thousand per .annum.' W." the reply ; "fl/11/
first iyesi down."
"Oludeat. upon my word: But 1 suppoos we ',must
comiily." I wrote out an agreement. "Witt yint solgn
this'," ' • • • .•
He ran It °var. itYes; Lady Seyton: as she ealie b -
self, will take eareit never sees the light." .
I withdrew, end in two or thine Minutes reforti t iwi h
a cheque. "Iter ladyship has no present cash t the
banker's." I sold. "and is obliged to post-date ilsis,c sq ti
twelve days." •
The reseal gra - mbled a good deal; hot as the e ik
help for it. he task the security, signed the area e t
and walked off. ',' .
"A sweet nut ,!!hat the devil to eneh," phi ' re ' L
Mr. Flint looking savagely after him. "I am iti opes
WO shall trounce him yet. bravely as he carries it. 1 Tke
cheque of course is not payable to order or briefer?"
"Certainly not; and before twelve days 'repel yu
will have rationed from Irelaed. The agroonitmt m a y
he. 1 thought. of use with Clantaghasit or Mullins. f
,they have been ear:spier/ together. they will seate r,
admire the light in which you can place - the irraogent t.r
as affording proof that he mesas to ke'p the lilies shajnl,
of the rowhistuiCtf." ' • 4 i
"Exactly. „lit aH events we shell get at dii trot .
whatever it ." •
The same - evening Mr. Flint started for *Mitt '
Holyhead. • • •
treceived in'dee eolith a letter front hick' dared I e'
they after hiestriivel there. It was anyesinglit e s aul s J
factory one. - The aids OD the gravestone bad-bseq ‘inili
represented,' and Mulline c whe erected it. was a highly. ,
speetable men. Flint had aide SOU i t gesee.di r.'
ii, ef
.but could snake nothing out of him. ns was no r e
ale register of deaths kept in Swords e t that twiong
iag to Cunningham;,- and lbs minister who Wald Bois
ford. vi e d who hoed at that tiencia Doblia. had bum tiefid
setae was. This was disheartening aid sishmahely
easeght. cod, as if to give our unfiretweas dint, the
coup-degree. Mi. lacks" janier. marched into die +f•
Resjust after I had read'it.. to say tltat,,having trait mi.
tarred by Lady Soren to us foresphrnations with respect
m a statement made by a Mr. Edward Chilton to die
Honorable James Lepton, ter whom they, the Masers.
Jeekasitewers new acting. my which it appeared that the
mid 'fbreetwet. di Jams. Ktageteu was, -in (set. the true
Esti of Beytee. he, Mr. Jasiesee. yeah*. would be happy
to hear *hat Ibid to say upon the sibjecH it needed
but this. Chats' bad, as I fusid be weak/el/ter Bled,it
roe mean?" erieW
i!eace, :re
pneeriog 171
that resOelnaf.
lit down• ! wail
remarkable," repli
woreasion. Comp
we k00 T . 7 1 diqe
awaited what wti;
'that you kutvo'reti
-11.. 1 1
lkii7g etica fon isi
ars, or fsk :life.
I . there Isla afro
adman:lo4 Chill*
novo crek)hiuk
we' had beerier, : lied, sold his secret, doubtless advan
tageously, tithe heir -at-lair.' There wilt slit/. hearer' r.
a chance that stmething fairerable might turn tip. and as
I had no uotioleofthrowingthat chance away, I careless.:
!ly replied that kre bad respon to beltear Cbdton'e story
was a maliciousl fabrication and that we,sltould of course
throw on them thetmus of judicial proof that Gbeford was
still alit* whoa the late Ealtristriaroage was solemnized.
Finally, however, to, please ltlr. Jackson, who professed;
L e be very sorties.. for the ledy's sake. to
&vett! unneces
. sary eclat, and to arrange the eff.ih as mike tly as possible,
I agreed to meet him at Lady Se) ton's in 'four days from
that time, and harthe evidence upon which he relied.—
and it wasmac while agread that the emitter should be
it all events render ourposition worse:
kept, as far as posaible, profoundly secret. '
Three Lys seed' withrint any !urth'ef tidings from
Mr. Flint, and I veliementiy reefed that, his journey hid
preyed a fruitless one, wheti p , on the evening previous to
the day appointed for the copfereuce at lirl too House. tt 11
hackney coach drone rapidly .up to the offize dodr. and
out popped Mr. Flint. followed by two stringent, whrfen
he-very vistchfußr 'escorted i into the house. "Mr. Pat
rick Merlins aA lid ! . Pierce[Counlngharn„" said Flint is
he shook hands Witlierte in wayWhich, in conjunction
with thd merryldpirke e. is eyes, sad the boisterous
lone of his ioice, ae stared in all was right. "Mr Pierce,
Cunningham will sleep he to-night;" 'he added; "ad
Collins bad bettt engage a pi ed out."
Cunnngham n ill-lookieg tout of a fellow, muttered
that he chose trio steep at a tavern." . •
"Not if 1 kdOw Roil final fellow," rejoined Mr. Flint. 1
"You mean welt, I dare say; lint I repent lose - eight cif
you fur q
iall that l You viler sleep hers or at; a station
hiteree."i • I- . ,
The neau started with sunrise and alarm; but know
ing reload or.reistance to bp hopeless, 'illicitly aueated
to the arrangome t.„,and witldiew to the room ippioiuted
for hi vigilant guarded. , For Mr. Mullins we engag
ed a bed at a nelaboring k i l: e rn.
d *
• Mr. F hat's art had en skilfully and successfully
o i
accent?' abed. J was co4vinced , front! t 4
fusion manner manifested by Cunningham, that some
e sullen eon
agency hid been lit work, end lie agaio waited
on hluilt the itose-cutteri "Who gape you the order
for the g ire-stn?" he silittd. Mr. Motile. referred
to his bo , and newered diet he received it by letter.— 1
"pad it got 'di t letter ? .' 1"V ry likely," he replied, 1
i l
"ae he Idonild stioyed biotite' papers pi' a ykiud."— '
"A sea to was' initituted. land ' wally tleis tier." sdid
Mr. Fria - "war :in earl'ajcwroatt, torn and dirty as it
is, turn' op." This iniallahle document, which bore
the Lo ' on post date cf Junto 23, 1832, rho as follows:
. Asattlllt 4; HOTEL, .1141irMADDLT, i
1 1 1 1 LOODON , June 43 lu3-1.
"Sit [' ' lease' to' eeeet a plain tomb -elone at the head
of Cheri Geoid, Esquire's •-grave, rj ho thud a few 1
months glace et words, aged thirty-iwo Iyears. This is,
all that Need be, nocrllted open it. You 'are referred to
Mr. Guiewess of Seckaille steeet, Dublin,. for payment .
Vow obedient grievant. 1 ' Eotvuese-Ctio.ces." I
"You Ste," cokitinued Flitet.' "the knew had insdver•
tently let out the date of Goe.for,l's death, merely stating !
it occurr d a fedt . months aad Mullins con-
'eluded that, is ntering the order io hie day-book; lie
Must have somehow or othel confounded the date of the
letter*itb that of Closford's deceaso. firmed with this
preciuss'diiictivery; I again 'Ought Cunuingliam, and by
dint of pilomiseend.threats, , tt last got thierroth erred the
reseal. It was t ist Chilto { Who rewired to this coon- .
try from !the Cal , where bellied resided for three yowl'
previously...about' two thenthesio, havintrunre business
to nettle in Dalai , ` vent eve{ there. end' ene day visited 1
Swords, readlh,e inscription PG Charles Gosfates gratre 7 I
stone.addinupe 'ately seufla out the,grava-digger. midi
/ .1
asked bon if he had any rect'd of that gentleman's bu- i
rich. Conninghinteaid he had, and produced his boo, ,
- by which it eppeared that it took place December 24.'4
1831. • "That:cannot be," remarked Chiftoni and halo- I
ferred to the headtitnne. Ceaningliatn eaidlia had no- i
ticed the mistake a feet , days after it was erected; bat
thiukincit of DO .43tiseque11211; and never heaving, that he. l i
knew of, seen M. lifultins iince, he had said , and in- !
deed thought, addling about! it: To conclude the story
—Chilton ultituateli, by pi4ment of ten pounds down,
and liberal promkes for thel future, prevailed npon'the
grave-digger toend binessil to the infarioons device the
sight of the geavil,
-stone ltr
bad r u gg ested td his fertile, u
scrupulous brain l "I.
• ! -
f This was hod ed a glorious success, and th e firm of
Flint and Sharp rank the d'ountess of Seyton's health
that.evening wit' greet ent*siasm, sad gleelully "ttio't
l i
of the.'morrow." i i
I, f Oce
d Mr.
I lc r Y
I ioirr
id not
I •
• We founiltheraring roc+ of Sc} ton House occupied
by the , James 0 Jae 3 Kin v iton, his solicitbrs: the I
1 11
Messrs. Jackson, Lady Seyttim and her rather end sister
to whom, she ha ri at length disclosed the sonrce of her
disquismde. The children were leering the apartment
as we entered 4.1 and the griOt-dimmed eyes of the Cou
lees rested sadly; upon the biright-eyed hey Ribs slowly,
withdrew with liia sitters. 'What look cl4ngrd 10 one of
wild surprise al it encuuntorid Mr. nine's shinitig.gOod
humored countebance, I Ow more composed and! re
served than an 'partuer.'lliciligh 'feeling las vividly as he
did the satisfaction of being itlde not only to dispel Lady
Seyton's anguish. button tediiiignith the exultation. and ,
trample on the *peg, of the lioriersble James Kingston.
i stiff, grave, mitddle-aged pqrce of hy,leEritical propriety.
who was survey ing frEin ETV the corner, of his affectedly
Unobservant eyrie the furniture and decorations of ,the
splendid apatimiitit, and hugging himself Willi the the%
that . all 'was hie!, Business its i in me dieteily proceeded
with. Chilton , was. called fit. lie repeated his former
!nosy 'verbatim, bed with inelch fluency and confidence.
Ile thenTlaCed in the hands bf Jackson senior the Teach
ers signed by COnssiaghain slid Mullins. , The transient
light faded from Indy Seytor4O countruirsee as he turned
spairierly.alnaciet accusingly, towards ea. ' - .
••What anew' have have you to make to this ;whimsies
statemelt.thue rrolxrratedlti demanded-Jackson settler.
"Quite a remarkable onell' replied Me. Flint. as-lid
rang thi bell. ' , Desire the4kentieman in the library to
step apr" he added to the 'Outman who answered the
aniumoes. isi *boat three risiiiutes in marched Cati•
ningliam and Mullins, follr4d by two police officers.—
An irrepressible exelamationiof terror escaped Chilton. '
*hie',as immediately edified by Mr. Flibl'a direction
td the elite; a$ he poinied Ito Wards the trembling maid%
f t
!•That yourllllao...eCure tril.'' •
A ato/ra of exdlamations,Mentions and remonstrances.
inetaull r broke berth.'iiisd it was several miuutes helot*,
atteutiou could be obtained thr this statements of our two!
Irish Wheelies .and the telidieg of the happily found,',
letter. The effect of the evidence adduced was decieige•
electrical. Lady Se) tots. an its full sigellikance flashed'
upon her. ecietimed with cervolsive joy.. and 4 .thought
moat have faigtsd with excede of emotion.
Thp See..lobri Hayley retained audible thanks to God
in a voice quivering with riars. and Miss Ileyley tea 1
sat of the eitertiollit. and ptie
otty returned with the
children. wise were iniineddately half smothered_ with
their mother's - ecstatic kisser. All was fora few sin. ,
raise hewildminehst. joy, raptire! Flint persistent' to hiii
dyingdeVhif.Piiiy Seytou threw bet. arms armed bti
neck. and kissed hie bald forehead. This, however. I
cannot personally wench for.: as my attention wee slip.
ged at the moutent by the Wiens claimant. the Honor:
able Saimaa Khdrama. *he othiblted one of the most it.
reeisty sonic. wit:begessi, lackadsisini upsets it is
pawl to'e•aasive. lie made, honied' astssest tut.
iligaiirsid esit r owd was Immedisimly fray/red by the dim
.1.. i
11150 A TRAXI, Ad.
comfitted “family" solicitors. Chilton as' couireital
t o a atatin i u house, and the uest.daf was I Hy commlitad
for trial. Ile was 'convicted at the, nest lons, 'and
sereueed to seven years'
.transport4iiia;tad the "Ool
`efirsted" firm Flint ilk. liii srp derived =mei noble laittes,
and mote , profit, from vile successful strdke of profea
A Respectable Marriage.
Heaven help the. man who, haring i wearied 1
soul with . dalay, and doubts, or 'shimmed the fr,e
neap and exuberance of his youth, list undred a
d; dallying. of love ) rconsigna himittif 1. lengtto
the issue of what people,call a nice mat h- 7 whe -
~ .
er of money Or of family! . • -
Heaver" help you when you begitt to fegar:iler
tinge as only a respectable , inititrition,l.and • det
the advice,' of staid old friends, litid •in to look
around yOu for some very; resptable ife . Yoe
may 'admire her figure and he family, end bear
pleasantly in mind the•very carol :ratetition whieh
has been made by e3 - me of four -penetrating friends,
that she has * large expectations.* You` think that
she would arks a very capital appeardnce at _the
head of your table; nor, in the evetet of your coming,
to any public honor, would slitintakejtia blush for
her breeding.. She talks well; ezcee4iitglywell;
and her face has its charms, esp_epiallytieder a lit
tle excitement. Her dress is elegant "ad tasteful,
- ..,a she is constantly 'remarked upon, by all your
friends as a "nice Parson," Sontigoodiald lady, in
wh * Ose pe she occasiirtilly sits on a Sunday, thinks
she would make a finerwifefor—sombedy.
She certainly lis an oligant figure; and tho mar
riaget of some hal dozen of your old- napnes Warns
you that time is s ipping arid your ebonies failing. •
Andy in the pleas nt warmth' of SOON ifter-dinner
moodei you nescdre—v4tb her image, iin her pi•etti•
eat pelisse, drifting throngh your brain4;-that yoti t
will marry. Now comes the' pleasant . 6xcitemeot
- of the chase; and whatever family digid y, may sur;
round her nialy adds to the PleasurAle loir of ,the
snore pursuit. You give en boor toy ur toilette,
anda hundred or two more , year tti yo r tailor.—
All is orderly, dignified and gracious., harlotte le
A sensible , woman, every body says, and ou believe
it yourself. You agree in your tali ut hooka
and churches and flower". Of course abe has good
taste, for obi accepti you. The tecepteinCe is dig
nified, elegant and even cow:eons.. I
The Priatin Prem. H .
1 There it is, like t huge y'olcano, bel4hing forth
fire, smoke. ashes and lava ;'little comfiared to the
mighty whole which issues therefrom,nbe con
verted to the good of man. But eve n s t is, let
us not despise this mighty engine, for iit
for noble, 'and glorious ends—it is designed ,for' no
lease purpose than bringing about the Arcneration
of the human species. Althougis, as y 1 , tie pro
has been, for the most part, the anwilli g isla - tejet
error. and the instrument of kings, psi , ariiito
crate, and ingietiles, in cirrying out the - irrational,
ambitious, unciviliting. designs—but if it not ye
lower, of truth, for it will ere long t file these'
minions, the imbeciles; under its now trammeled
feet! 'Even now it 'shows a disposition t retro:P.=
Evel)110i17 Truck ix to be seen smiling. 0, the die-.
iiliCe 00 its operaticins; while monarch stand
froitn--prlests scowl—aristocrats tremb e, and a=
becilei are sent to tie totbb of all the cap lets!'
itl.monarchs frown, priests' scowl, and art rats t --
ble=for it no longer excluaivell obeys,their infernal
mandates! Reader,' did you ever see is printing
press? That small machine, insignificaXt in itse
but mighty is its results, ie. dest!ned to b 4 the gra , '
of ignonnice—the tomb ormonarchy—thesepulcb
of priests--the vault of aristocracy 7 thetkiausoleu
of error! The press is designed to matarie the mi
of nian—that mind. which is et present i mily in i
infini.y.; it -is designed to eradicate error and to
estlibliati truth; it is dosignet to dethrone vice and
folly; and to establish in their stead, vim!e and wis• .
dom. ~. ,'
; "Batter Laugh than Cry."
So say 'e. There's no use in rulkingnne's eyes,
a ndfitubbenng over all ills that flesh is heir to. The'
best way is to stand by to the rack, awl tale thie ,
good thingsand the evil as they core altar; with
out complaining, al says cheering yours 1f with-that
philosophical exclamation, "better luck aiest dose
Is dame fortune as shy as 'weasel? ITell'her to
go to Jerico, and,lsugh in her face. 'pie happiest
fellow we eier saw, worked bard and Alm, upon a
"plank, ana hadn't a shilling in hil;pocknt, nor even
a cost upph his back,
Do you find dipaviointment lurking in many la'
prize? Then throw it away, and laugh It your fol- .
ly.for so long pursuing it. i •
Is your heart broiEri 631'snme maiden fpirl Thee
thank your stars that you escaped with lybor peek.
and make the welkin ring with a 'hearty ; laugh. It
esserts,the weight of uue's heart amisiogly.
Take our advide under all eireomstanes—"lattgh
dullcare Don't be in a burry t get out ef
the worl&—it's a very good world, cooltideriog the
creatures that inhabit it, and is about nu fell of fun
as it t en be - . • , i t •
You never saw a man cat his throat, liitli a grits
on his face; it:s a grand preventive cif 'Melds.—
There '.a pitiioisophy and good sense, t 44, is laugh. ,
lag—it shows a clear conscience, attd a iineerei
•gratitude for she
_things of life, andielevates ail
,above the brute creation. , So here goer for humor,
and we put in for oar sliare while the bah is tolling.
0:7.• The Detroit Free Press atateS that Capt.
Phillips, of the America, is htillding it utanitcent
new steamer at that pole She is 1300 fees in
length, and ikto be fitted a in,the style Of the North
River boats. BIM is be - provided `(with a IoW
pressure beam engin"; 72 inch Cylinder, II reit
stroke.' The engitie is new building 14 the AllaiVe
Wbrks in New Tirk. The boilers arei building it
Buffalo SteanyEngise Works. The building*
puttintap tile engine to under superintendence of
E. H. Smith, Esq.,' engineer of the Ireasen and
Collin's tines of ocean steamers. , i .
Q - After all the flourish of uogbpstd. the Abol.
itiouista have failed to raise the $20,000 necessary
to bail out the negro stealet Chaplin,
late of Albany, now of klarYland, Where he is likely
Jo reside for some Owe to Come, *sigh nisch against
his will. We MK his ease will be 4 earaiig
other operators did* "wader-mond4lreed." He
has, however, get the silver piteher; mph good
lasi it do hiss.
ace. I