Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, January 04, 1851, Image 1

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    A. P. SWIRL=
Exit (040er1er.
13. I'. 11.7.0/il'f, in 'a it or.
i 'ay 'Ow ri hers by Ow carrwr. al lit.Cl:
i* mail• or at the ufficeirvatice. 1,50
rIIV. t ; , ail in ativit e, or within three mouths from 'belittle
c r, u !,,,,, , ,1,: , ., two doilarp will bc chargeil. ' -
LTA II conatiutticauotts oast he aIJ. .
, 'Cards not exceeding 4 lines, one }ear.
tine square .1 66 66
. ' do. ' 'do.. *lx months, .
du. do. k three month s , -.-
Tlatielent adretuarmeins. aOemta parson:we. of fifteen I inenor
• ..,, kr liie nr.t Msertlol I ID eenu for each subsequent insertion.
Ir ' Vet:ov advertisers nee the prisakor of chanirloOntlifessore.
'...:1:..1 no li tire n re r.11 , 3.4TA to occupy more than Wu squares, mad Is
be /touted to t ketr insiediat • bicistess.
Al' (It r.rulirn Ls not i1.3%,,zig Willa ihreCtIORS. will be Insetted WI
I,Attid aud charged accordingly.
313•11 . Ng5-S DUIA.-.O.IrOAY.
WM. - S. LANE,
Attorney and Counsellor at Law.
revlutionary, artily and Navy Peurions, Bounty Man& and
elzaaie tor extra-pay and all i.ltiTr busines entrusted tD We /ball
n r.•itc prompt and faithful ottmnm.
t in Wrighr* Black on Stat e street. over J. It: Fullerton's
st, re. Erie °et. ID.
L 41131) oz. RUST. •
•,LE ld Retail Dealers in Dry iioo4,,Wheerots,lianttrare.
1. ~,,ors. F lour. Fish. Ptah Ote.. corner of :Rate street and the
rums, squaw., nehr the Coon !Joule,
N, et pull LAIRD,
Pa‘bionable Tailor, belween the Reed Howe and Brown's (tote!.
upstairs. CUTTING done on itturt notate. • lid
.. _
' OLIVER si f , .tiFFORD. .
Itookoeller and -Suitioner„and Mirnhfaearer pf Blank Books and
4... Writing Ink. corner of,the thittion , l and .tth otre, 1.
Ass, • • .
.arroancy •pro Corsartroit ...r LAw-..0156e0n Btate Street, three
&Jure mirth of Brown's lintel, Cele. Pa.
I),.;:xxs in Dry Goods, hardware. Crockery. Groe,eries, assd For
-I.fri and Doruestic Liquors, Dailtiers, and 21fanufacsurers of
eaieratus. No. e. Reed and conser of French and Penn
:greets'. Erse, Pa:
W. 11. CUTLF.I?..
Att , ,rne3 & Counettile; at Law, (Office Ntx 1., Erie flail, corner
I t 4111& pop! tweets. EmCalo. N- Y.
aLieouttiberetal buattlevs wilt retti%e atteaion.
Elltito.c,te.-A. P. lit RI I gf, ISP PL./AMIN GRA I.sq.
J. , TCS I t KLEV.
and general Agency and Comunadionlwaineso, Franke
Purrs in FAO ish, Giothisah and Ainerieat• Honlo - ore and Cutler".
Alarkkg, Vices. lron and farce! No. 3.R.ced Howe;
11 , 4, - r,larrns iCarrrige and Wagon Buil,lgre. State Stroet.-bt
meen rt Oath Erie.
%fig of €. B. Wrlght's store. up stairs.
DUCT. J. L. sTEwArcr.
A. [imam Scientlt near Sarsafrnx strect Res
.jrnee, Sat+oafrns, (AC door uorth ofSesetoth ht..
f C. S E( .
Irll , o FPAI and Retail denier an droceries,' Provisions. Wtues,
Liquor.. Vrtut, &e., to Corner of French and Filth Struts,
oplvitc the Fur:Dere 11010.
JOHN 111cCANN. -
w...t.r.1E and Retail' Dealer Gtoerries, Crockery.
"WWI. a,.. No. 2, Ficmitvw itloek. Enc. ell.
r l. - 11. e bsgiwot prtenintid for Country Produce...;
Si.R , tt yr T•'and frphit 31aker.—Store. N 0.3 kpecrs flo k,
the Bottle!! Bleck) State Street. Erin. .
In Walker's Offline, on Seventh Slrret, Er*, It
NroßT,R.sobber, and Retail Healer in Dry Goods, Groceries.
c are,- Cakeiing. II aril% are. Iron, Steel. Naha,
tTlikts. &C. Empire Stores' :Rate e:treet, tour doom below
tes.liotel, Erie. Pa.
Al , o—'An%ol,.. Vices, Bellow e. Atte Arta F. Springs, and tlt gen7ll
a,.runettt of eaddle and Carriage Trinunin ti.
A - rimeitur .r LOW nod Jumtee of the Peaer. and Agent for
the hey &one Mutuaflak Insuraueie Cuinvitny—(!ice'lldtra
Wrighta store. Erie, l'a. •
DLATKuin•Watehres, Cloets, Looking Glasses, Piano Forbes
nriuninta Ware. Jewelry. :Rid a t• ariety of tehrr Fancy
A rticiv,Aieystone Butldiuge, four doors below 1440tu'a
_`l to street, Erie. Ira.
Ammer-1r At Law, Girard, Erie County
other !ursine. attended to a Mt protium
FOR.' WILT has R. 01.1. COME . / 01 State stand the a .
Erie. Eastern W et.tera and tfunthernaioMee.
T.• AlOOll4
I 1 a 111 Groceries. Prow aions,lVineii. hillitore, Candies, Fruit,
Non,6r.. Poor People's sow, State 'greet. Erie.
F,irn-aril int b. Corutuisaton Merchant, on the Eublie Dock, east of
:mate ~erect.
Salt. Piaster and White Fish, eoneutntly_for sale. •
flankor and Exchange Broker. Dealer in Mills Of Exchange.
Drafts, certificates of .11e podu te, Gold nod sliver coin. pm..
Mier. doors below WOW. n's Hotel. Erie. FM
_ _ .
krnmyry As Lsw, Cleveland,Otno—Duke GO Superior street,
in Alwati•es Block. Refer to Choc( Justice Parkdr,Cambridge
1.411 School; Hon. Richard Fletcher, ltieltate st.. Poston; lion.
t•maluel Porkbis,llll Walnut at.. Philadelphia; Diehard 11.
K ball. Enl.. sq suer; Sew York. For testimonials, re
ir ssitu•onice.
Arrotwvve or Lvor'—kntre up striae in Tatuarany Bail building.
t...ath of me Proffpootary's o ffi ce. Erie. .
Arroanev_ tarn Cocanattoa At Lavr--04 - bee over C. e i Virden's
entrance one door west of State street, on the Dialoond.
I. tn..
‘vzio El •Li AND . RETAIL Murano in Firreign Lod Dadestie Dry
l.uod ready mdae Man ing, Decay laud Shoes. dce-. /. Flem
ing Block. Suite street. Erie.
C. M. TIBBAI,S. ."
vg. TAIL in Dry Goods, Dry Groceries, Crockery. gardware.
No. &I i. etrearrsole, Erse.
DE ALZa I nGroceries and Prortsions of alLkinda, State Meet. three
doom north of the Diamond. Erie. •
I) in pry Coin* Grannie., Hardware. Queens Wan, Lime,
I ron, Naik, /kn.. lil. l heapside, Ede % Pa.
C,BPIET MAIM . Upholster. and Undertaker * corner of State and
1-ekenth streets, Erie,
IttLi§(l&krietifl - 11§ -
A. :grata:. Forwarding. Froduce and Cornialeon Merehants; dealers
in e rree aid an. ran. Coal. Plaster . eitaingics, Public dock,
t stde of the bridge, Erie.' •
/WM J. Kama%
" .. "LAL FaUfan Ll:eimiskiao and ProduciMerebaudo;See
cmd Warrbouse emit p(J110 Public Bridle. Erie.
a:CCM - 31118 4c, Co.
• •
0 " Lrig in Wiliebes..Jewelry, Silver.. Genoa°,
_Silver, Plated and
nartna Wire etninry, Military and PaneyGooda, State direct,
nearly uppoorte the ISVF lintel. Er•te.
• a, Loomis:T. M. Atirrtic
I TV 110 LW. La and Retail dealers in ,Ntedieand, Paintii„ Oar,
1.3) 1.3)e-stun/L. Glass,dae.. No. 0. , Elle. • '
in Meek:ll/Icalo t Ithiceilancous, &Imlay and Classical
Boom, Stationary, ke. Park Row. Erie.
FASNJOIIt Sit .Ikrehaat Tallor, pm, the Pada' 1 1 13111 r. a f ew tkx "
west ot etate stmt. Erie.
k • D. S. c RK.
- ViUntsiALS . aND arrati. Dealer io Grxerles, Provisions, Ship
raaadlery. ware, te. /Lc.. Do. Women Mack. tine.
_ _
-•-• - - •
Dealer in Law, Medical, Sehouoi aihileekllo!OUl BOOki MadiallicrY
44 k. tr eSLIt 0.. four doors bekow the rutete square.
• • DR. 0. L. ELLIOTT.
ke , cident Dentist ;.01bee and dwelling in the Beebe Bloch, on VW
stile of the Public Square. Erse. Teeth inserted un Gold
Pt. le, frau one 14 as enure sett. Carious teeth filled with pare
1 '"" 44 . an d restored w health And uselidnew. Teeth cleaned
a oh lusuuwenta and Deaulka Imo as to leave thew of a pellucid
l;:aturet. All Bork manumit'.
rtlVIII( lAN AIM Etesatotte at bis ren N ds:Ace gm Melee* illUver.
W "LtiAta AIM altiA/VlAltiet us Drugs, Megasiges. Dye tlUeis !
Grocer**. am, Na •. Reed House, lige. •
.101' , D A SP toad
Fun of
413 .eriPtklai. A 4 Is. ran
r lot of llRrefe,pot reet3ved PerlteMator
A.) AUII le
- . .
. .
1 , I
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CO., Proprietors.
$ 3 .00
IC square
AV W. Lawn,
prte rti uuh 311i5retituttl.
A !POEM: •
Dedicated, with kind wishes for their Pr=r-orit7,
On yesser evenlni. at We wi :night hour,
Tolled slowly out We Old Clock from the wssert
And its itcnoten arose and died away ?
At t tl echoed up !hg ntreets and down the Day. ,
r ( 1 / 4,i
Amid the site ce of that silent time,
'Alternate tn. pcal an lin - manful chime,
1 heard distine yt nween) and and clear;
The fun e ral ant& or the J., inz yeat.
iTuk Old Clock ce*.ed. its mites rlo* saok assay.
Auit as it ces.e.l. to *tippers seemed to say:
"Another 'ear is l
Fone-lgpue is the lan
and numbered with the past."
• 'opened the ehutUers, ond•looking arbund,
no airing Yigln. Lean' no human souniti,
No hoofs of streJii were sonuilitag In the btrt;
No dear merry 'what, nor tramping Of feet; •
- Tut shops were Iltioaca. deserted and Woe; •
Silence sat on ni t like Ilifyig on hie throne.
awhile, ere weevily Caine
A bright-eyed iliqug bewiltrting wy brains
She pointed EAatvard—i 112 W• in the way
Legions or eolltees la battle array; •
Saw their bright Ilanuers, heard their loud cheers,
The flaehiug of NW ordsfthe gleaming or shears,
Tat fire of their riyes, the dust in their path.,
' As onward they 'dewed, an gloom of t i tanr wrathy
' .And nearer they Frew, 1 felt their hot breath,
As straightway tliey came, fike the arrows of des*.
They met a dark Mort of hideous fonna
tiro eyes like serpent:. ant brows like the worts:
Dreadful that me tang; They came in their rage;
. .
„,AllSbNla meets limest, the Iclautts engae.
1 • Sattinv as the I ilaningtheir fires Wife,
I . Lurid in darkner ,arid illizzlitig the skies;
' . Ltd as the thuurler lair caution speak out. •
hoarse as the Avian th e combat this about;
• Wild ak the teinPem they Fail o'er the slain:
, . • . With mountains lif dead they pile up the plaint
Each coisquerete4 • turns., and buruinc with tire,
Return to the ch. rge--again; rimy, retire. _
Low was the co - t anddotThisl) 4he.dpd't
Therlotight like Sc-pair, they fought for the swey.
But bratca at length and driven to yldJ.
The,Daalt roc segttei'd awl - gate up the held. •-,
, - "Such.” said nay Angel, ••the tumult slid strife
'', . •
Orrneti"—"slich." she sail. "Well the pt Life;
Such the great sttrate of Wrtmg a Jbr 'Aright,
Such, the graudi sue is Heaven's eliklit."
, I urn Nab front wiadow—the Angel wai gone—
, I sat down ri aused pensive and lone;
I th ought of the E., the half-cenery fled, - '
• Its great conteri ( i us, its virtuous dead.
s " . The Old World's mutant canine up to Id) sitw.
.Souhstirfing and suill.riu pi too; '
i Thouglitof its es, its triJiaps. and MOM
The sad reverse% aid SOIrrOWS it bore. ,
BRA'S' Hungary:lf:ohs their hearth-stones the wail
Of 'thy sad child is bowie on the gale;
It comes from SAW mauls. AieOeteit like Use 6.4
.01` a . Woo Wm qt un tijicaLtkivo.
Thy cities ire data - 04.11v temples sigeinedtd.
, * Thy homes m ruf n. thy altars cieruuue4t:
4 .: ' Thy sous Hi exile, thy daughters M grief,
No hand to proteb i or . bring them re) let * •
. Orraresturi is thdoued. an title way he reign,
`, But certain as Lle and Time shalt I'lllla M. • .
-,•, I/ is kingdom st m t cease , o'er u heimed by We might
Ofjegions clipcd in ligliiiii; fur _ii„.iß !
t. •
Thy country tdidll ti-+c unkitiunate Brave!
.., . ,
Frorn depth. of, thiaglooni of the ;tat et
Thy ehailpi of i' f on, as Go iv thy tru4t, .
Tberledant er,Tnue shall peat into dust.
NEXT our own country came up in review.
And n lib it the ,erica its young year* knew.
Horn a true ruoj ie. among foreit u dd.
Ole grew up iii i@ughness, Nature* rough o'lll4l
Espuaure to hitiitvhip, breathing freah air. -
hie reased his Pilo portion., Made him quite flirt
Progress in /twinledge, and years oh his 'head,
The nations Idt#ted 0 1 44 and woudernig aald:
cuss, that, Day nili I.e tiotneting yet!"
And so said they all in earao6t„ ay let
, Them desire to ibises, a little more clear.
They'can, I ouripose. but Imams nie dear.—
thir hist'ry I rettd again w nit delight,
L.. Its pans seemed covered all over with light;
read it all through, aid read at the last, • ;
Records of the )fear just now that is mart
, •
A Cos - rerr anoli , e; lan every hand •
Peril and rxruW seernirJ threatenin • the fauq; •
firo,her met brrithee lit fiercest deb 11,
' And hearts wery estranged with rakor and •
Then patriots 111111'w"aritb prophette Sic.
A storm was glittering and dark'n'iiig the sky:
Firmly and calSoly at anchor they stbod.
ti As messenger* lieut, poured oil on the tlood.
Usual Mast . b e tumult—our bosoms are attred— "..
A'roiee of deep lintentatiOn is heard:
',. A grad one hai balers. our Nation's Chief,
And hearts of the potpie am stricken: with gr left
He who the terivra of battle had born, ,
Lay down on bi,rs coven sod rose Op no more:
lie fell like an pak with branches oMspread. I
. („ktrered with /Winans, and years,* his head
&own' and 14y they bete him away
,'• To Ms home oilkade shut out from theflay; • _ I
1 Built him a tuqugui In the Vale of.itie %test. 1
Where waters i!isuruiurg, our beim shall rest.—
The stiTinithat aroee, portentoue of
Pasted lightly Oyer, and ocean in still;
Mee couurfy . we're.litde to fear,
lan man, gleam knightly, its anal lett laciest. •
It spite of trait4re, lik6 rill sine of old. . 4
Judas sad Aradd, God sad Country 1, 0114 - f
gennebeck's neater, the Wimp shall hold,
To Lands at intnect, the Regions of Gold.
When years now ott us bare cictcd sway. •
The/star of thie tertery's shed its last ray,
One hundred tailbone of countrymen free •
Stith fill up im wastefrom ocean to lea.
New Tilt Moan,l63li itfi tor.
Canes of Idiocy. .1
Isla recent work grin the causes of iaiocy, Dr. Eros I eminent physiCian of Blessichusetts, attrib
cuss 73 per cent. of the cases which have come under . %is
oblervation, as the examining agent of the.lassieliosetts
Commissioner'. to the ose of oplam In childhood, and the
inilarrociof other peraicieas drop. he says that at the
Cambridge poor-beim*. are three brothers. 'eged respect
fully 23, 20 and 18. J being ill the mother had, end all if
reeoveribie' idiots. ;Their mother wev a mos; bausvolent
woman. who often Went out whole days and nights to vis
it and 'mixt the siOk among her 'nigh - hers; leaving her
own children all iint to sleep by Goldman:l. Eirry day
when their' cried. aid every day she wished to go out, she
pot them asleirp. frith laudnuin. until at length theii
whole organimitioi'manlated to such a state of !MeV and
mind, and they kayo grown to the size of manhood wit h
the eee e n of their brains practically doled by drop;
so that tSey haw! merely infantile poworcof mind. and
° strength of bodies.i •
AL lionsiblat Propoaal.
A '•local preochar" who once said. '•he didn't like par
/boas. locaase they were hook t." wa s , reem oky con .
diming a 'Oriel/service. don epertiog the Bible. -
anfertanautly sterribled upon a. chapter almost 'fall of
bard. proper naaten. He began to mad ite if be leers a
perfect mean of pronunciation. Presently he came to
along. hard earns, He paassd:-. he stiackad it= he went
bank and tried it spilt; at issi, hi tumbled right aver it,
sodding eralyasidi "Lot se lasi dew limbos sad *es
ter to its exist tiltopter."
were concentrated all my lacctions, the only one Lade- !
clog eta still to drag on me weary life; what if the ccLi.
strong, taro arm of,death, should smite her down m all ,
her purity and loveliness/ True. ,she would die some ;
tune, as did her [pother, as I must. ns must all of us, but-!
should that moment be while I remained co earth? Oh.' '
bow I prsyed to God is fureSt death's dart' till I was in 1
the skins. Yes. will you believe it, the clown—murk e
me. the dots* prayed! The one, who. in fanciful attire, I ' i
leaped and-rode, joking, bud making merry in the ring ! it
—he, the one who wept beside the grave- of his dear.l
wife, prayed beside the cdt of his child—ho prayed' fur ;
her: `u
**And then again, Rest:ice and morn dreadful vision !
cause to me! to which the thougrrt of death was nothingi 1 lc
shined $ll2, growing.inoro beautiful and fascinating every 1 to
boor—still continuo the übject entire thought. and 0
Lill to sin!—oh, God: the thought was sickening; the n CI
how I bent use down and prayed—then bow 1 trembled 1 iti
for the fate of my child. I
'*London is no place fur a young. motherless andt eau- in
tirel girl: fur temptation and every allurement of sin and th
1 vice edited on each•turn; and should she fall? Wo'd ds
. .
that are that moment, I could see her a corpse before EDO.
' ** Well, aw I'd sit and gaze and :wise on all this, sac ' Is
my thick coming feney pimeartbefere me, sometimes she M
would wake; at firm she was surprised to find ins there gt
in tears, and sought to knew the canoe; and she would . eft!
say, •Dear father, do go to rest, for you look Mao, very ql
pate; yes, do go. father, for your own little Mary asks in
Reoa;' then I'd kiss her and bid her good night, 'wishing
dler pleasant dreams, end leave her till!. thought she was et
asleep again, end then. so softly- creeping hack to witch fo
- tall tan ruing.. l`
. , ,
puchis him with - the end of the seal, he brld iu I - "Eieh, day, each moment, fodad me grpw..lng weaker al
his hand, be said—"Loek up.''' Add the miberatil4 1 and weaker. And, as she grew more arid more fkii and w
creator's turned up his haggard face to our oew, "Whyi - heattlifuls the more and more I fulled iu,ktrengtli aridly-
Au' yeas come here again," said ho sadly—"to make a 1 erything—everything bet lovo fur ltyr:4—no abatement 1111
phew of me? You tell m e,, and these that come to see could there be in that, while the lifelblood. cetrraed titre f
me, that I am mad! do you not fora we? ay, -strong man t my veins.
—do you not friar ma, we CreltlUtE;, th at /. am? yU3. 1 .ometitpes I took her to her mother's grave where
and So you chain my arms and laande and feet so that I she was always sure to bring some simple flower, and 1 (2
cauttiat lift them up, but leek ye, there is ono thing y ol i I would tell her ofune who' Ity beneath, ao good, so . ,gen- .1 fe
cannot chain—:eue thing tou c IMiut inanncle, out if )on t tle and so kind, tel(Lng her that she panel try and be like fill
could, I would bear nil the chains that mold Ile, beepedlf hoe; and then stied - ask rue many artless qurstiene—if 1 4
upon 'm e —My an 1161tY: Chain that! keep . tftet . dread she was in heaven Clem if she loved me as tenderly as
form from before me—let it mat haunt coo night and d,iy ! did.elre, and when she Ir:relied the only wool upon the
—lit'issi s l ot 'he a r th a t eom ., e , t h at H at a ( ureter in „ty „ r. 1. hendbtoie —,Nimply, `Manx'—she said, 'why, that is , my
ay .1.. V. saaur.n
Tne fenctstry nerrative..w idt tecretly in. efferent" Is tett:
The paruculaw, thrilling as they are. Were taken /ion Lb; rt,ctnh
of the unfortunate creatureduflug one of the lucid interval.
Preen his ) howls of nunltef.. %% fide ccutned In the tnaPhoure of
/ England, rud tnny be tetnensbeicd as Eelsny noticed I: the
purse% of the that; the notes here late aside. but not forgotten.
and th; tothoikuts waited an opportunity 'so place theta in this
manter tcfore the reatiers of tins . b rat.-I.l,wary .11nertraa.
- - - -
• ....9.7id,here," said me keeper. as he came to `So.
from Whence came a low mousing, ..licre we liave a
Orange prisoner, from whom you Way gather a tale WO: ,
thy of mile, surpassing lay you have taken, if you can
butfiud him quiet. as he is at tithes; a strange story is his,
and he is one of the most savage end raving' prisoners
we have,•at times."
So aerie`, he melecked the door. ,after having lo,lted
through the gate, and we entered; crouched down upon
his ken Wed istintovable stool io the corner. with his face
buried in his head., Ilia hair long, black and matted. WI.
dress Jaatastical cud streage—beteg but the attire. tern
in different places. of a ring , manic—Was a was who
moved not at our entrance: ho was,"like all we havesecu
chained by the wrists to the floor, rendering it.iinposbildc
for hint to move mare than was required in sitting or
bing upon the coarse bed ',chide hiin. Netluzig escaped
himi except a low /Moaning. whieh, at times, lie t cot
ford). lard sticking his head. Lathd it still deeper in his
hands. The keeper said-in this matiner he would pass
whble days, and then be %las mote Peaceable and lcu
•• d )ou may chain and load rue dollen, and 1 will %built
you fur it." And he dropped hie head and buried hi;
face once more in hia hatici4.
"lle.lius hot been so rational for anany 10," said
the keeper. ••for which I am truly thankful. for he is like
aliou when the fits are on
..."11$1: hat hal" shouted the mod roan. rising. and
flinging:his hands as high es his runniclessiloWed—lis!
ha: ha: I am with yoat once again. .Come. is oil read y ?
who goes firvtl why do !iodinate so wildly et me? Cointi-,
I sin merry. and Vitall make them Lite' oat to-night:—
hal hal ha:" and his pale fact , was lited np wish a wild
deauctilic.ilexpreSsiou. Scum he spoke again:
'AV hare** - Mar)? not come )es t o l titranze:--it'a
long past time, and also know well else should he hero,
selarl r - T.•••:1 - -•- •4•4. 4....1 iss.„d,„:..
has happened—tell rnes--is 2.!1e sate, is my deer child
iaaf;.? Oh, God! remember, .Mory dend—dead: -ha!
hit! ha!'7 lAud with; load shrieks. he dashetf his hands to
his forehead.
soon ho sat down'egain open his hew iron meal. de- ,
jectedly. and spoke lout; then looking up ageom-ho gazed I
around, upon the kdeper and myself, ; Who mood Ly the i
door beyond his meg°. -. 1
- I
"Come nearer to rue." said he, beckoning; "come
near; not you; no, Pof3on, 1 fi:ar ”ni, for your i yes ;
strik'e terror to my heart; soil that, and the form of my
child before me ever. are all I dread:—Come s and 1 will
'ell you of my child—my hale Mury . my own pet child,
'l.ll tell you how she died." _
Not daring to trust an)self withindlis moth, I theppi•ti
as near - to him eo possible. so that he could uoyeach uric;
1 1ie bent forward. placed.hs head upou his !lagoon! with
a sudden tremor, and wildly glaring o:. e, he began! ,
"One'e, 1 know not when. but I could count by dais,
I knew the night, could tell the bright sae and the clear
moon and stars; but now, all are the . 1131110 to me— -dnie,
I ktltOth , none, and light lingers, monad me ever: well.
long, long ago, ere 1 came to this chill. gloomy place!, I
' was out among men; drank, et ', cried, laughed like meki i ,
aye. id that tow:nerdy. for as jester iu the riog.inolde
t e r
the owd, the heartless ra le, laugh std shout, a)nd
`raise a merrynoise. k ho matter if my heart , was sieicor
1 gay, ut 1 wait glad sometimes to 6( . 0 the long tiers. the
aye. rd
close packed boxes, and the stalls. sant, one with beer the loud laugh and merry words, and ku w
I W ,
that was the cause of it all—to hear the loud hurts s.
1 -to see them wave their 'hats and handkerchiefs. when.
with a shrill whoop, I jumped into the ring. Thal wa'd
cheer me sometimes when my heart bei.eJ the lau i gh
upon my ' face , tho jst to which my tongue gave in
t • I
erance. . . ,
years went on, until my w:fe, my own
od Mary, died; she, whom I,lovedeo fondly and, II uly, I
laid to sleep in the cold. damp earth; po one could have
thought that I, the jester clown, the one who thou laugh
ed. could weep! But.''ohl how many hours I have paw'. ,
ed beside that lonely grave! my Sliiy! she lovc.l me as
fa* women love; she had trod on the same rough toed. I
walked belittle use in my trouWee and sorrows. 'sharing',
whit I enjoyed, or suffering without a murmur; and
when I knew she was dead. it scented as -if my time on ,
earth was over, and the seine grave dug for her ahobld
take me iu also. But she had leftline one over whouLl
lentil watch with anxiousness dpd love, if possible, inre :
titan heretofore -- my little daughter, the ituade of leri l
Mother, my own.little pet, Mary. • I I
^I struggled with the deep, bitter curse of poverty.—
Cliold I have gained a livelihood 11 toil, iumnisant hard
ship and endurance , elsewhere, 'gladly would I hrivei
rushed to it. and blessed Heaven for its kindness. But
no; poor, btoitau-dttiwn, a miserable„ wret4ted man—no
profession. ad imiiness rave that one I Mowed. I was
tufted still to drag en in the treas. Where tray wants al
lowed but a very short..seanty respite upon my wife's
But what cored the crowd? the ;clown should no r , be
sack no. how impossible for the, ring-jester t 4 wasp, it
was a thing unheard-of, and would raise a louder laugh
, than any of my leliest 'allies. And so. with a hpart
overburthened, si ckand faint, I was forced to laugh nod
make merry.
"Oh. what a pleasure and joy 1 we was little 14ry!
how her sweet &We'll's smiles lit up , the gloom within my
breast—how her merry lough made me feet Young and 1
Imppy :for the Cline, end with artist fondues". eirrii , 7c.
aye. mad devotion,,did 1 hang upon every wire, ,
look of hers! She `raw and we* heautiful indeed.
"How many has,, when the toil of my profe.;sionlerall 1
over for the night. did I an beside per little cot. cud kale
upon her as irke lay sleeping heifers me!.. (ties, very i
tifsettiiiplaying upon her to;elifacto. telliog
that brettitimis were moot turd, pleasant. end mskina
me eves *Ube myself me I lookaa upon her, and wish
that I was Ostiog, sad inatment. as pure es atm.
"Audible' what beard. horrisiltheragt4 came crowd.
iwg Is spins wry fevosisli bnia. Ah 4 how I would
;le and fight with them, and I would welpsai+ean
"roc A! I drowerit yes. Abe' thougtit wtratit,eouta r
t 1114334 'lO4 id,tor.llccurie rulirat of ler.r—her.,
!I a- . 7— all. ell 1 1i.,74"1 .41 !La. w*earth.-44,01,11;2041.,
c 0 N
natne, too
' ••!il ) ; sal'iry Interne inadequite to my srante—l pinch
ed myself sadly to allow my dsughter en education, and It A
to enable her to dress prettily, and that she tnight . not It
suff'er fir anything.' Bel applied for more and told them a
I could not live Irith what I had. But ass! they /ins
severed that my request eoeW not hieotnplie4 with; they a u
said they would retain me, paying the what' I was reii I it C
(Tieing or that I might g o. for although I ev:as a favorits, '
I was p,rovving weak and old, and many a .3 oumver Imo A :w
was waiting for the thence and station I than had.
.I d
j i te
•..1 deninrred , but it was of no avail—l pleaded paver'. ••
ty, but that was noitel?, and was turning to leave ;when ,' I 4
04011 of the manner/ ape& to mu-- _ I wilts
"If you are On; and winling as 77211 nyi t cue none
'Name it,' eagerly cried I.
" , Your daughter—she is young, and hetdroint—.-she
...I.tiitat do you mean by these words? "bottled 1, as 1 s
stood panting before him.
•' - . Witt' nut train her for tho arena?'
••Ilorrible idea? train my little Mary for the arena!— CI
No, uo, I could not think of such a thing. I I -could na t it
find it io my heart to bring •that dear one, pure as she
was—untouched—uusullied yet by siu.--nte the mild of
the many low and vile' erzatnres hanging around such a
place. No, no: the %ought trir-ls agony.. . let
"So I h;:leil on, harder and harder than ever. -Little rat
did those-who laughed so loadly, long and heartily, think ! I t '
the heart of him who caused them so to du was sadly
- treating While , he sang the, merry song. or danced and
capered telling his curious' jokes, and larighing out's°
1 1 4 '
loudly himself—ah. nal—At length nature could sripport '
itno longer; I gieW sick and was scarcely abla`to go a "
through with my performancelnd the words of the man- aa l
art recurred to me again—them was na alternative, and :.
I woe forced to bring her to the house. ;
"And that hour when she sicpped therein I curse— ihd.
aye. curse it from my heart!" t'
Aml hero the peer maniac, after tallang ho • ratioually, t vi
and for such a length of time, covered his qce -with his .
hands. and ?...kV3.117: b o dy to 110 fro. ;tatterred load r A
climes and cries. Upon this I feared, that the remainder
cabin story nas lost, and waited long for his Niro:ism to ;'
cease. By degrees. Ids voice subsided and lie cimutnen
1 ••Shr murmured um—site said she wag glad that She,
could be 'earnihg something to assist me in my' poverty..
and she w onlii do her beet to learn and please. Pobr
child; poor Mary: , I
"Weeks, weeks—end many 100, we Praetieed —eeirY 1
day forlicars, and she would not say she Mill tired—no •
complaint, not ono—aud she learned too. rapidly. 1
6.110 w I welched her-thee:-by her all day, all eight, i
not a moment could my eyes be from her. After hours 1
end hbtirs of (raiiiing.and luil, she was prepared for the
dant. - The daNprecltdtag the night was sal enough to
me. We went - together to her mother's grave and sat
au hour Of tiVO. I told: her that w h o was soon to come 1,
I Before the world-khat she n ould be surrounded by sin,
misery and temptation—hat ever to treasure tho meat ore II
of that mother who, when-Airing.. was free. front taint.
P lod peerless as the &kap snow. She was sp young 4 1
that she did not understand me folly. but said—sweet c
child—that she Would go - to 'heaven to. meet her there, J c
and if elm would, she must Do good to do ie. .
. I - it
"The night arrived—porteutons night;-and with a n
' i adly besting heart, I pmt on my euttornary habiliments. k
I Mary was to appear' in two performance-- , -In tho first ri ,
alone, the second in conjunction with the hest performer is
in the arena—hew sweetly did she look when all htefeted' k i;
for her first .appearance. Never had tilts looked tiel ••,4
.i o
Ilteautifoh with, h e little spangled frock tad tights. } b o l t
like a sylph, sit p
.. so innocent. Avant and again l' nu I
Wised her, and ha her fear not. :
_, . poet
”Th house. lo g before the advertised tithe forlhe i n t i
raising' f the cur a il was densely pac.4 for the an •
uou nee ent of 1.1 first appearance iu public of the daugh
ter of --- had t been long udderli s ned, and been 1 ii.. ,
heralded forth in Towing words for sevefal days. Yrs. . caul
men ciliate to look Omit time ono whoth poivrty had coo. .,
'pelted to appear; who'll, went hod driVenflout her peace- Brii
fol hems, and to laugh at the jests of :14r eadheatted C
father.', ark
, 1 I
•• r ind they would not look in voirtfar nt tabentralthe
manager. *truck With her beauty au4 (+ring courago„
t i.
with hzr aka on b0rea1...x.44, anaLte. Iwe twat-offal. for
hes aprvice., which porpt„ty„of r.airao. IP lie Sip swept
it is pot often ihatMauagers applorttheif hirolim,,,a,
"Tier above tiff they east —anJ• whro with ilk shriek
and merry 1 11 ere am!' I :pimped into i h ilfrint. deafen g il l '
ing plaudits made all eclid ova. ' -
know not how I acted. or wiist i sai&—bat fire
time to NI. I heard themeabliot: lIIy atiitighit Were tipl "
oa tat ebllds aad whoa down* culata far bee to ap-.1
peame-tkio bet brbarliiiitiarnd tormaka bar bow. •feed•
Ingo ((Oda initigled.vrisk loAadaisse. tt.W Mary, ibe
asy okild. key .4•lo.L4eylivolimi• tote it 1014. they nos aF
tw.vriPs, •Terr 0 5*!" - tam" 4 " It 7• j ' • I A
t!Esii, oh! who; a mOinant for 11glittieevi 84
of :Li ehe vasilied the ay.rddlp• c;itck Iro t,tha p
• i
. ter's whipr, and round went the oniole its:till; - 4 !tilt
,z—runad the areas an annitly, homed to to it weto
half ao long. ;Then- taaw they epplandoll Iftly eye
Rived her es she went, my been knocked a,la nal my
•:n at wet bast, and when the stepped for rat I weld
1 ,
ape..k.. -It. was well tor, tne diet. they saw it t4.—they
- e waving liandkerchie(e. and aund.r: dowefri, Croat
rt.- portlo.l of die idaei.l
.- '
'lt If .A. 9 a niumph. l'wee wild. frantic. wit:l l i tl..retir
nuak ueiti: S4ettly, and with glace. she wailed and
~ ed her tiny urine and " I liza ea, as the fonniiiig steed
ked alettly around to la 11u brnalho and 'glee her
0 to ila T t .
• Oa' performing' tac4e dc.:lzult,foat3 I
with the a-tme ease an i green. Uno col
1 t o !lay° looked, on, that..he had nut 4c
i g mouth* and menthe heron); so easy,
• , y. no etnhavosament. , it , Rae a 11411,711
trt.uo—rho must 6aaiii before them. so
*sin. I oast' out 'tell you' low they sh
did; you'll sa . y merain-teas turned vr,t4
sou watiki pot 'Wilk 1 141 J Ms
ud now, oae tnoie performance. and
I .. It, 01 she calif) Lome I,y the best port.
1 a, the 'favorite in fhe place. IVith wh
•e Ise held her up go high in
: }flow herit
way up theic-01 Ituael s and bp.mglea,
y in the gaa:llghtal moths like Hercule •
ig tho steed ouwerd t..) its utter A powez
nit tut:o4 r*4exe arts carried the
lb them he wastaiirstlicirlalance—encl he
iftticsa in riding; 14 seemed as if hie
orris came from toy lips, tloatigfi I wry
a tittle. I uMa pot thinking whete,l w •
- . a:leg—all I thought of Wee my child.
ligh up In the aieh• threw har.Catchin
'tome play—ancliblio clapping her ha d .
ad elle. How Ihty Oppleiltit.::-,—lrtr
, ..
'• • tiFli inomeut larointit tho peilurtnanoo
.3C and how l tt“.llCd rut. n
.rit b r tita hip: at p
. rt le: w.** tiputi b:4•ttack; kept on it* ig:t:
id. •!t„ iu uce ;tnlutly {cat Le
r l I—tlie hor t o titua down
pcu u.y Mary.
uip..t tell you whet fulloteed. 1 szet
v y side. • There,. were crias, but. I kecra
wlts,d;owned t i tru—l raw blupd, ied
de few, I had eyrultg to ler el
dly Leered. anti seised tier from 4enc
acted with. the piece ru.liedito my ei
`B. she. the beautiful—sae WV lAA lire
eat before ea f4auticv, I heti cle.pod
orp c:
bill) Was her in)
J, Ike everyilawg W iii 4 Coat b!loulJ be
;1, .d I lived:
OW! na uare 7 no tn:Jrc:" sail Ow
iped Lila dry eyes, ai /f :meta hal :tee
• wad: "1 cou:4 have Wept once Iki .C. -
are Ito litaar4loiiied. * Map to!
. • a itet an , llt!et's griAre, au& tbal, far
Bet tlizy hr./sight 44 hare to thied*
ill . l thehr,ght light, and will not 1.4 rue
ug c 1.44rde,-or 5t0. , 11 "ho 44granco of the
a. , rue duly% aye! load as with double
se When they hate bat 41
C/0 doors, ell,
- se them to my Mary. •; ECB her uesc.l
od crowning dareu her 40
away: away'"
A .with a tear of real
cati.n of the two gravel,
ass re doors wore ,akraiu
A an having pitrchas
Ihi money in his reale.
aka i t prodoca.e crop.
ark, e signally failed.
Ilea were :scarcely wor
1, a d .pith it diacoara
his neighbor, in the I
0 I do!" His neiglitil
iwe goestiou 1 ?) .
hin4 on ever kfl
.Iwa . s." "(low •c:m
laha in a ito .son
e hit t a pleuttfel top'
• rer a j
st do at it" !'yo.
for }cg stine
Ent d l Inman]
inns ' sow on si the
th • drainstro ot . ' the
.td, f ed It: Led it ft.o
nes lot, and feed il l
fleet he. kindness of
ore t lots fifty fold.
d is tiro." N 0141.6
nigh tat at his oleo,
A ceble starved to
ed ' Itheannot hear
e tan •he Win, but it .4 riot. ibutt
rind grovel" for us ea ail their da
kius nut where he nil ted it. The nes
our rots of ears, after he hall coate
he f- rinsing material! ho co Id Bath
twi • ter. lb e told m that .. e Aiatt s
" encipher told n true • y. Ts
bra relit of corn Mat !Ii him atigh.
din , without grumbling, and his eh
ore Thus. friend Wilkins went fro
fed i as he milt. In its torn it fed ft
au Ilia barun (dem herniae prod
Coll a -beenmaj chalked with herbage
is t as rich.\ Pet.ce dwel
• , \
pl • ty, tilled liis graunees. and fort
Are you an admit: ate home
r. tan aUdstintcd crops? not: at M
he 1 gunge of the Itible....t= thou an
Litiral - S•
?. 1 113wrin, tuttl what Shall
too!T jrre li t e it ß w o;:i g to .
Eli se n iu P o cu r
o t u te t lls of a th n e a p nee ulo dte w e b ,f a :arima ss
jav br iod ili.... ;
ti, a howder party. When he go{ there.,-the smoking
eian scented to l exeite the eampany,,kiko looked allulia
Wan at the: parkas as they leareA be would make as/
km is prayer. de, ethivepied iipa slorr.houd toes. cad -
-that irritated them. %Viten 1.1.6 time cainelar work. kr
.- 1 - NI. took hie place.yery slowly. and said in i decorous bat '
,ni in the Grealtd lritilid them t hasty vra): • ' 1 -
1/Sawiti I nto this erviraili4"' / .
--- 7' ( ' ------ - . 'l. • -9. Lank blest the repast set before w. (or ClariscPa .
v $4 in ntlwsic
r ked 1 (1.1',F MI to 4.1e1il 540 ShOtiid br.- ask*. auteincon Dole. handpick that sipoottl 4
o t o ,lUration of her child; and she: hold him it was 1 ,
eii four i•eirs i'idcf. "ilidate." his rely wag, **you Farm I.*
o lest likely - ears alreisely. From the leery first mile 1 —Tho New V.)!.1
44111 . 1 ialimee hoe. 1 - ,aor opportunity begins:a ", I l i a lintal from \VII
~ —____-_ . • : Caroi! at Matti.
•Te e tlisert down stt.iis ar.d turn
dget "
At riii!,tottr;C;zet.clilitd the'latly anti
I,lte Cor the kitchen.
harob.uti thitte witty those
I , e sins' : '
CL tern C 4.
• allblC—Vk by
res •ou'had this
'Fa' h, iflarm,
itch n, wi 5:
' Oolong% , ' • rot facility with
mitering Vermonter win aslted tlialt;ay to Water- mUtei from ni"
With great politritieurile strove .to l say it Was
i li e hr i latter deFo. • A
hot l in Talc. The more bit Wed. inr couldn't.— I d rn , r n l b en v , r t r h e e li, t 4 '
1 s
t, rea'in the - fit-e, end fitrinuayith 2 ,ltwitaNalt ..- ox- ~t eh i . .d 1 ) ,-- ruil L
6;.6i,litat.icirth v:-1:11--C lig. ; act, golon„i' iiii7.ll: t .40441.t0 4i, It.,
i'eli ig. g,:' i. e' t C.:c r ' ...41 - 0 icau te,i pi:" , . 1 r,tit h l'. i.);' li•i.
I hasliefore.
iU act have
c the ssao
'co entity; so
1 bII
rat e
I d I Iliad bur
meu. what
Iluire for my
re lost dist
I rmeria Asp
(mew and
cbe Wok
latent': so
beside her.
v. ,Ite-t,, tO
la.s, fa tuou%
eed fl.r4
t:to areua
! or what /
her as easy
wippli wee
tarn to itst
a•rr svheu
I tlg, COllOll,
La 4cavy
I .
t.lll. l pierc-;
1:0csil, Ira
is Ills home
all J
to Ur; &Nut
livr :Mary—
or mmaiae,
•w c d yds
iue thatelte
k puce, and
Eisen to! the
manic:la us
they caefwit
with the rid
!e f,ca—don't
t we see it
• •
:ty, amt after
turned from
lueed matl bar,
Jt al uing the
'l'm, and the
11 uNd the
t .'s Hiat.
a wqrit pUt . fn
ie., tried
fter'a Lberie
clop, °f l eece
cf eicrip
re'ilv iu true
kaaz snottier
a kir, d felon
g.-a• the zr
'lll l , in rilted
This L.tior to
Is u cp er 's
, oats, litlek-
V,;tor 'dame
y.' Ho "2"1:-
Atnre, ' ••V. but
trait kee stylo,
% oar P'
4trl. ani 0 a *it
.f food, for a
begia 4,3
it full and
:he first
tlll btotnach.
'my ear;% - ,, and
nly; in 411:«
it with pout.
ev) it fFd
•k frotki the
r 4; cart saudi
I•eq ' - nu eau
h. 11 . h• n
' 3 l ;seep it 1 . 3 d
he entree. i.tyl
!waer, and
• plo , ir,h
ratite, ttUd
3mitot work t
'h."' Cumin,
Then co, to
Such fields
r pay him for
.f.r and 11le re
d his efes in
id, "1 see! 1
uuh. A poor
n sense might
tide hko
w.. Neighbor
year he plant
the field with
r daring onq
- roped ill enc
. huntlitlit and
lie wife :nada
drea ate with
field to field.
his family.
Ore; h'is na
no becomet
A hie house-
120 U/ iled apt
, cursed With
R. Wilkins. and
d dp like% iso."
do stitli the bits of
m in the kitchen,
\ •
Si 30 A TitAR. is Advise*.
Virhit.h is the' Weaker SeL
nin,h.. ate coned the - Aresker sag, but why? ff they
are not stioutr. who is? When men most wrap MOM-, •
• euives tliackgarittents sod encase the whole let sheet
, ,
°spree:: m s h ut /Mt, t h e cold. women. in thin silk drams..
' with neck so.i shour•re hare, or nearly se, say they ties ,
pornfortai to' When man weal WSW preati_
boots (nor woolen ham and waease 1/111 1141010 /111 laiba
• rubber to keep them from frersiei, wontei weer tbla
and Cloth shoos; and !wetted . not to feel .the
woo curer their heeds with furs, sod t(iiiit dole
plain of this severity of the weather. woo's' hell lever
their birds with htraw bonnet., bud ride tweaty wiles
an upen.s'ss•gb [Acing lho north=wester, and'peetead
tolcfr,:r at . a ff il l f
They can sit. too. by men who stink of ram led hdalli• I
co mucks enough to poison a whole hoose. and NA op-.
pear wore et/toyed tLaa though they were $ beadlike(
Year of,er year they they CAM War abeam dell Mb
front druukeu huattauds, as though 'their 'troug' was
'lnd: of i:oo
AtiJ:thoti is qot arommt's mentarstroneh greater thaia
inan'..l ' Can site not endure Buttering that -hrotald bares`
the etoutek man Mental? Can not womMlLthil weaker
vend; for- had elm not been stronger than man, the
race would long since hate been extinct Here' b t
State of endurance a man cannot bear.
li in . lob.)r .3 ten or ?metre -hours per•day, tnd.then hb
wort; is done; both bode.• and mind can rest, but tiomni's
uork is never dune—she is never idle. Frani early dawn
her hands are not idler' at ii itoon she Si not idle, and at
night her tank is not ocCo dished. 'When fill else Iris
been accomplished, ecu'inz i orkrifttiiiz fills up het spare
moments tall the Lour or rittireinent arrives, and even
then trben tier lord and mastC r isanooring it , as inseam
s4i-ms as a ad2e6ing c.din, she iltaSt , take care of t h e
viiird sod perhaps ho aroused from Ctful slumbers tea
If r.lll,An was not the stronger vessel sate could nit
:Ivo three Vicars after marriage. , --neasurc Boat.
On Smoking.
et el& Itreo rrtliks of using..tobaerst,,ssioLin: is that
vrt.ii:!: scents to hied insinuated itself, moat exMissiestr
3111;1/ 4: the youth pf our conamunity: Tobacco, employed
itt, thls'way. being drawn 112 'with the 'vita/ breath. con
sey, its ite,souons influences into ovary planer the Moos.
There We ottaloas ileidis =tangled is the teitentseiten.
gy air cells, and has time to exert its pernicitine
co on the bleed: not in vivifying, but in vitiating*. The -
blood imbibes the stimulant narcotic principle.
culmcs tt throughout the whole rystern. - It, Redeem its
coast-gooney a, febrile action in those of st delicate kale.. there istany .tendency to phthisie led tuber.
co;ar defrtatt iu the... Mugs, debility of these organ*. eon...
st.tpletat uu the use of Mhacco in way. ton4favor thre.
&pus:: of tubnculinut matter. end thus sow nets el
coa.timpti.n. Title practice impairs the natural taeteassii
re:L.4 for food,' kaSeal; tho appetite, and wankest/sae
172Vterti Of - al: stomach. As to the pleasure produced*"
it, it is, i believe. a well known fact. that a periwig SIINNe
k:ng in the AA.rk is often unable to determine Wildman
his cirtris lightotior not.—Dr. J. C. Firma. ,_414
'fled, Love, and Poetry."
God, Lave and_Postry is the inscription whicb / Ltiths
artiva WielleS lie friends to put on tomb, if be shell •
ever merit a tomp. ••God, Love and Poetry - TM - are Srdrthy
the'cont.rn;•; ;'on of every christian. If we would es ,
pand and etretigtfien our intellectual faculties, weabould
think often, thin!: much of the Infinite. Omnipetent,Ons. ,.
.lipre.reut Jeltora , ), the crer.tiir and pvsaenrer of the
boundless . and the harmimy previarling all
things. If we we'll.' be useful, we should love god—
t h e elturkliflove our fellow-men; and attend to all
geutl4 dat:eirwhicii love dictates.. We should' study
the true poetry 4 of watt:re, as presented in the delicate
tlowers of the garden, end in the viriszated tirthe t iu the
rttiubotv, in the et-yet/al dew drop, and in ths asajestio
eel:lraq, in theclund-cap mountains„ aid laihs
brilliant e•ettakitetions of hea ven .
l We should learn that
happiness con,.iste doing good, in ministering relief to
the distres.ed, in visiting the atilieted, in raising ori
bowed 'listen. The 11,iwor 'pressed to the. earth by ads,
vt rgo;.% inds. in fragrance the baud that lira it up,
and a ill in in br.!un4;ratefull..—r.'arnden I.)entactat. •
:( 7 2.tmedy for Short Sight.
Dr. Mar diJcovered a remedy fur short sight.
ho has cu!ed to the mtdicel publicist/gm.
rnrli &Cur thus describes the process:—o•lti the
rirt i:rtr,nce I upplied the extract of ginger. which wait
ruhhad forAlve or ten minutes over the whole forehisia: .
ith the view of acting iron the branches' of the fifth of uerres. Afternarrdel.striaitituted a concentrated
tincture of ginger. of tile strength of one part. of ginger
to:two parts of ti;orit of wnje. deeolourised by animal
el l s; coal. Tin ..uet_ess of this operation was reinarkable.
many 1,112 , 68 tilled the .efietts of doubling the length
Of vision. )u :mule personal fiimid the iris was not much
dilated. bat very torpid. In these case., I applied the
couceutrMed tincture of pepper made of the same strength
and in the same rummer ai the tincture otsinger. This
I used until I obsetwod that the iris had obtained a mil,
Poster of contracti i iiii and dilation. tidier which !had spit
recounio to this thioture of singer. Thle plan of treat=
mein has been at tended with the most eignalanceesin and
persons who were eAreemely shorveighted bare envy
taint been enabled to perntationtly lay aside their cea•
cave glares." ' • -
Hoosier Arpuitent.
••Gentiemen of Ike jury." Mild a Iloosier lawyer. "I
sr sail/lied of your integrity and lease of justice. and so
ar toy client; and I rettpect your honesty so mach **JCL
war as rich ns Jeiin Jacob Asturie. L would not ollor f Olll
a bribe ou no consideration. I *corns to tali:taped yea in
bay manner: but I beg to observe in the most i veopeettol
manner. without any intention/demo/Win' your feeliegee
which ar no doubt as tender as a bilked skis. that if yeti
give rear verdict in favor of my eiiseTit. it at m y w il e d
intention to take you to the doitgery fora drink--twins
ronud. (the ;oda,: and eonstslelet included.) bat it yew
'tar deaf to tlic voice of It‘v and honor, just an soon as ttne
court bare adjourned, we mean to lick you like thunylit."
Journal of Commerce - states that
;inm.Winthroch Ern..l.laihni &Ann
ftriti3ites an instance of wonder.
vilich communication can int tnusa of the world to another in that'll
insager from Now York designs&
nt iftEgypt; was received in Lon^
tic steams s,:end eartihrhia ties.
rA t ill to ..Trtnete, sod thence/ lir
' .a ; iitf er :ire 4i . itice* from Ile*
I n trttc.reeil in i.iitincti t o daps-
4S a }
A .i...,..?......
y,- `..54