Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, December 28, 1850, Image 4

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TutArlioWtrui Cram Dr. lICSUELI. a litded fli)9 le IC • who ha•
, scald Over 90d BOlttel Vt• it:ith the 1.1.( V`il MOna.. Neat hr a.
Oil Writ t.—:llr. I wrife to ;;re y,..ii peen. ac,r,ont Of, the adnii
tab* elibets prod 1:
produced by the ,e of 'het Tr;..dt'• Meittietic tisk
teen( in my ow,ii practice is a Iby eicinn. Ihe ' d.., mg eels.
have all been under my owe Li:A*l7lo , 2n, 111.11 by piy.own pre
' Cass lit,—A Mrs. Morta. who was elven up to die by t kras eel•
. shrilled physienine. an beinj in the tam .t.rgri ef 4.:plaisoapttos. by
the use or the M.lcrwor 1:8, t•BBeut li.:• real igr ! her ! ean'i, zod in
astir tut well as ever, and bat been fu the la.t alit in, 11...
eiliC 9d.—Noun time to J ly tail,. I we'. relied to see Mr.. AI ea
* ifetagsocue la miles distant. Iteren9e bad ot Op b
ea mil u; rev
eral physicians. din: was I at atut•ked by ebarigartet .I,rcJtery,
ibldowed by set ere intlainmailoa of the boa e:s. I mist e.: about
i O'clock in the evening, and fein'd her in a very ilatnr 009 sit:l-
Minn. apparently on the tad,:, of the i.race. I e• - • , tia..: r• d apply.
loathe ointment freely to the tic:mach and be:A c . a. avended a ith
some miturile reinedirniadminkstere I bihrrnall; , t.,1 tt hio: /1 I 1,7 I
0)1311,1 Mr to nillet !Trier that I lea fir h•iiii^. a it!: it i fCCI t,,,•ttit to
Iteettirine the one of the Ointment. Sae fully recovered in a ie.c
dark lad *now ett)oing good boat in. . . .
Class 3d.—A Mr. I% 111:1•14ha.1 101 l nearly all.hle Ilt ir, had linen
• MU for
Many years:. by tb, u.e ofdt.r..e a,t:tes l i f ta. It•gacti,
• Onalatlii. Aid en. au , r uhrely restored. and now I.csoa! , c - ,:t,f .1
• head of hair u any mail conic' a , is:l. 'Bid ac: 1. , ,at odt3d)eart
(lase et.h.—A aim of Mr. Warren of One too n. It yearn of age.
MI been afflicted with the .\w•1111. from hirer/Idle. Be had the
flteoefit of the hest medical ad v lee that a loving and wea'thy father
Gould procure with..tit avail. It was one of tha niipd alwavate I
eau* i ever saw: he wage:in , i.ded nitno•k to a ete.letwi. er the
- • Pleat eta few Withal of the thntment he wasl4,rougily eared, and
kir 7 Ituttalli.l/9.9t has cajoled lc net health.
leistcsth.—Thi• wa.n an extreme cvie or. i.,94 , " : 14' 1; ,, o ef I;.
spa* of long standing:, had a Tanen: of treatiiwnt fruit no les•
-thin . ighd rd t (toren t, pliy+ici.e.o. Tv i : !mut rec,:it in''.; benefit—was
eared by the use of ouly fear hottlesOf the Mognetic Ointine , it
"TAM was antr manilla azi, an I the lady (a Mre. Ihtellattil ttotill
In good health and able to attend to het usual hnUtgenol.l dlint•S.—
, I him treated two cum; of dintaAie Soya Eyes a ith the Onitment
both of the patient+ iia nehr/g blind. an to ;teed an attendant to lead
them from place to ;Lace. Ore of them h-ntheen a fnie fed f•I yea's,
. *heather about 9 years. They had tried tbu;bo-t pli) /IC I.IGa in tile
/Me. Without benefit: 11n.1 one of them had; been under the treat.
*lent °Cabe celebrated I loct. Nfi.zry. of Ciftrimmati. fbr eithietti
Month.. and bad expended WI mired., of dollars in vain etforts 'to
_erect a cure. They are min., by .rent hne Nisenetie Ointment.
nearly or quite cured, and arc Able to rea 4, , ,,i ,:, fro I 10 or.holry,
btignetir.. I have one I the (libitum.' in a t, in.' e nt' ea:( Sni the
Elides, and in es eau Aar it fa , ted :a rime iminfl t .
ate retie mad
ii(eterstti a Aram: tit I Wt. e 45 v us, I himi,:ci..tly i a
several ea•entif EN.VelriLif. .ktiii hilt I. li not l'n.l. I hi-e a Rh•
la gibe.pinii,)ear cured fort cases of C.l:sit2f.ft by the Meet - the
Magnetic Ototatoof alone' • , .
Prom a thorough
trial of the Ointment . in nearly every rlii‘eate
lb! winch it Id reetwituen , led. I ran ras e 1. ‘111:: Tee e:ninend it to
to ape cr the mutt •t ,•e rl rent..d:e. r.•‘ er CAP red to e, e r e ii .,
1_ I Reapesieetf illy yo ors. .
fIi:ItTON 111288EL1., M. D.
.Dated Amelin.Ohio. Jan.. 27, 1.50. • -
Bold in Erie, Pa . ti k ir Cam r Jr. Brother. a. hofesale and rerill —L.
I. Jones. Girard, B. C".• Town, Nurth I:AU. and by one algid In
miry town to the fie*.
r.. K. CA 1.)( DILI, Traiel lug agent.:
Aaiun It PAW
RATII /017717 AL raiz; 10r0VITIA2f011 00.,
Otilgaresbarg, ra., • •
irscrirEtbe attenti , m t r,f the p.thlic ti 11,1 pri,.Zll li.lea upon,* ,ch
i the t,,isine„ , of the C^iii.r.tiv 1.1 ei.::. lo: le 1. 'Pin 7 , 1,11 O . .!CCt
of the Company qs t....atr.4.1. Mel, tt - ttre li. 1 t . 11.1 . 10:1 an ":1 on 'mt
ty of procuri n 4 ante in# , in ncr ..r, II her pr..r. , :it ii ii • in:, It 'ale
; -- 41 , 301. 11141alfiClly tipon, th c M.. 1•: .I ,I' , 0r,, , :... io , ~ .I. ( l;., c sette
%hie principle. ii.e c lirkor . ..linse nJ ..p: !sloe 1.:43 .11r. wife, and
k• plan equitab (if is. , i i i,: rd.hs. ar. 1 )iar: dor . ..!cd il, rn
In* two classes. The ilr..t claim in er r honer/ yl F trineri' com
pany, in which no iroperiy in de, 1, r in Owe Il the !woe.,
outhouses. and personal property Ott. in ts id tt i:, I. The
seeoad ciao i# the Merchant... Company, is ts hi • 4 :nty be .nsurel
the safe kinds of property.
The (:alai any drew it jrnlk; , e:.#ll:e to de •:: .e a:: ri,k a wt.: , h
are consraohly denominated Ellf:11111.1?4 ,,,, a: LC:.CV;II,3 enit if
IlniCbriaaa are perinitted to le nu:ogled with ihos • of tLc therch
.alsl and fartnetJthe went i Inns HIV likely to be , irth.natil
loth, ruks.—exacting front those tau are it: st.tcd t.; on the knit
hazardous property, Uinta than ft J'l4l and 0;031 con trit, , Aion to
theICIPCIIPC of ineurince. The ofeach n ill des-
I mic the class otrilk with which he is c.s.....wiated, and the Cash
Trenitumsan I beposite Note of each (la.'s. aid pie &pre...wears
for which mend ere may Ivertue liar , le, shawl ehe Id nod nip.esse I
to pay the lcaotel creurring in ;the rinipe , iive Chesil.. to which
they brlntic. and noother, and the seneral e I rens., °filo: Com
pany she'd Le apteati )10.!.1 in ere h (' atfC7r 'llli to the am
ount insured in each.
lostitaneo rimy hi- mile for fr/no one to three ' s ear... ti the Ws:
chants' 039. and rile to (k r. - .,•enr#• in it e I': rm. r-' r la..
The eery extraorli Tin y sorer*, Oct Ile l'criitiiiii) •ti arcitivilal In in
at:metal:l in Cl'l h prei:llllla4,l,l, pi - ve I the fists , r oil &lei:qv
Of th e naiitinints land any tirobahlti . 1a144,:T. The iiirtietin.;
which have lx , n id on extorter. Pole les in like reuipkr tea.
p_COTC that the actilalexpenpe ...f iriewanee is rely tr at inc. in a
Mptual Office %bleb 15 I iroit"d to the safer clamies of risk!.
Agin P. Rutherford Phito C. Sedavrick. Sit ncl T. Jones,
,Alonzo A. Carrier, A. J. rallet. Inivri,N,,, , , - .
Robert Klotz, Carbon Co.. John fl reek. r. 7i, rhitrol.erlnn I,
. 41011:1' P. Rutii ORO, Fres't..
AtilliaT J. Gitt.rPr. Etee'y.
For thriller particulirapleafq. inquire cr. ,
' . . , IVM. N. LEW kr h, CO., r.rir. c , •
t , IE. W. GER R 1 .4 .11. I , Ien!oro. 'i
I ' 4 t .ntg ' '
Murat IT, I°.7A. 't
, Om
- -
AT 111 FRE.Y Cll E
MAY he found a elwie,a•nr 7treent of rin^ AttitliellnNimi.le.
of tarOux rite,. rjaitabh• Or Ural Si,,nr.3. Turn!, Tittles.
Jae.. which will hes , )l.l at pi lee. that ca n not fail 1,4.41:t p.itchaa.
eta.Pleitaecall and examine 'via i ity, and I 4Arris L , tot . ntireh. - ,•ing
of traveling aztuis, Ey to doing ind ".11:1 sate c i e-third of soar
money. . - R. i'Ll.l 4 4.....
Erie. March ..1. lari). • 1i 43
LO OE using! rAztrts It II et W 0 62,..
(311()%iii:ItS, .11' Till: -
', Masla;lff'ool - n Vactory. l'aVor.
NiTrare,Paft fun-ll:fig .1, r ;.;I• LI; `i 111, NC'S i 4 l'i i on I. r::)4
Y Attu,,; it ii the 1..... t. a 13-1 r,.!+.llni ell Man., rz t l 11.1,
le ftlarst ruraellinery.t'c I eat ~.- - 1 . „ , --n, an I an• .1,...,re.:t t I t•)
-iltia ibe beat e1:11.31'4.1,er, en-,n. u , ,'n.,:,, I t) min if ,'. , n ,,, 1., a
il•erior at!, In er,iii,ert . .. an I cil Jth ti I .-. Cr' . .•...Ir-e, to r, tality
• ad extort 41.0.101 kiwi.. of fitrtrt f 44 ,! fir. ir,-„z44, or rrie,,i,,i
4 Ploys Pant.; alma all kind. , f Flannel. and lakiniicl4
\ Wt will matitifietareeithrr i , thy' pm '. ea .7, trr.," ora.x,-!-an - .1..
eitigi fix wool. as ow •iistninrrintat , pref.-v.. 4( oil c.ivirat.g.
In tidition,to Oar riden , li 1 new hiar'ii.,rt), %re hay,. Nina i,t'
cat !kremlin. Camiahe • ettt ire -:, - k ,f ~1 nt1,1", , y. In 1114 , 1 it all i.ex.
of moots mike. and holit • - •ii tie-39:1 . 1,1 . ,7 •ve I iwin - 11 1 %
4.l;eareal-n . ,irori !vie mar hi•,:-t • In thr •,....: - .Lit• , i-tre of 13 KO 1i)-
44(.1)T11.44:1ne.,1rterinti0.,11., T t.i..e to 1 . ,t ,Erns Of this a- , 4 the ad
laitilc.: : 4 ,11163 that at,; ,041 tat tit.piitifil cloth era be tuannfa,
• ,ir. 4 In Pettrun It awn at in t'.,,1:1 t. to .. , tit, -, , ,nn Vurori.,frim
taw 111111ne q - t - ei , ..... ~f w. , 4 L
Cardin; A'i 1 : 4 14.4: in* .10ne in thn ' ert. manner. 1'1' , .7. ro.r.ct
filly ialri.t the pULtIC 10 Cl'i g titre.
THORLITC.I ...t. 0 .
, .. ~
&We railay.fzi re teat% ' ETA Z-1. 1 , -5.1. • :31
I .
.Cheap W r?.'7varo 0t0..e.
InAvt.juot, receiver! tree Ivtlancts r f niv woe% a nionactlich
L' , .11 be found Iron awl Pleri of all Pitt4tinyithl fl.)ies,Wielr.a
laa Castillo'. Antal*, Vice. einittis: licifnatt. Alb! Arin4' trice{
Elnrincs, (eastern, tunes Ilit , Jo. toil. 10% tritre% tolltrt nn:ljack
eliains. *pi kr*. both wrought and cut, nails from:M. to le4 • I sr*
ret.' fence. Ilnishina and, virrtiala nail*. horn attneti. en I
wine. neap Nem. hook* and hin.les. frictior toiler', ninth rv.
iota. ere/me/4a and eileUlar itaw..Cl.o‘e,...pra , ky.. tinee.:vverncties
or various Napery... a aro.' arportiri i t of 111:1:11AN ICA TOOT".
Oroadavea. (Barton.' Pi , non**) adore. 1.1.4 , es and 1 , 1,1111 e iron*.
traee and bout. hammer*, hatch..t., 1.:..T, ; 1,-,,,r. I,l4t,,hippf s.
Itartonse) nithe..atagpte. anintr t Sit!. augur and rbire I handle*,
sell aerevra. att. knobs. band , pane*, cernpner..felloe, tenon and
p aarts.• ''bases. screw &tarry. !richt. ,spirit Itscel* • to
• 4 rules. alert sq illif ff. try striate*, draw *have*. oil 14dne* of rt
surettorortstiii. Ace. •\ R l l'l , l'S R1.V.1).
.' E vial Pr. 10. ' ' ?Co 3. Etee tifunec.
7.10T00n BALD. .1 •
('t i vr. fat 142;ina mite of the Roma 6cf P.m% xitiof co the
IV Jake Coal leadirroott. Millwreeb tot% n. eat.: the
tub nr.etthlr4 ofont-lot irkz ',hereon A ere. , ,xt rrrr frame
homy: and barn. vr MI a orchard .yetrell rctrrtr.l rteii Aix. )
fat No 3of Illock'No. 347 in the Boro•reh of Erie. Thy.l
bn twelfth irreet. 132 feet elori of linnon.l. It ix on the tiizhext
rotted In lb, Block; and a tevel pftee for a boil :err: r hcf
pubic!' lots win be sold cheep.
For Onther pourtiellari eelnite rtf (fen. Thorns If. Rrli, often.
borough of 1:r ie. or by letter. (post pat ) 1 trexto.l tat h- ict.e‘er
ber. at hteedrille. • ' JuIIN 11. MILLAR.
; Fzio. Auk. RI. el 5
* DR". P. I lk R. rAt . LKNER. rev)eetrtllly announce to the phb-
Ile that they tome T.lntd,u• :thftir If.. MVO , e and nice to the
corner or French In i .i.:lpili in., , 4•.'lltelv certlr.•o by I%'. It
' ,tolmson.Detktiat4 whet., th et """°"1
ey .11 attzad IV •" • ea Its
hoth in town stniteountry. I f
... I Me. Apirst 4, 1%4. 1
. Clocks: Asti:lung, 3Gwelry end Oliver 117cre.
C 0 IV TM! Y ree.ei vire It, p} as e, cry vAyiety
acid 'vie: 'leo nvi,irai instrument.. I,
• &c., 4e.. on panel and for sec ay by
\VM. 1.M1191. Pr
Erie. July VI. 1E40.'
Gold Poen.'
rivntiosii in waillora good (kid Pon et a reduced pr lee. are ill/Ti
t N,l/ 10 eat! and Pismire nut stork. eonvo.tine of :Vidor. as
•ortel vises. they are made by floor.; n. Clark. .Nen• York, nr.d
• warranted a No. I Pen. In all eases when the !mitts fail by fair
• , nee a new one win be (IRMO:el Triiti , iit rtare• sate there a
tint t only by • %%M. N. LEWIS & co.
"nett. July 13. 1 , :30.
dlteetfroen the Simnel Putty a large raildy of
• • 14 11rer work nst made in Ede, but in. 11 arlford, `,y a man who
ntannfaertrad `fleet work onwards of IWCTIIC rare; toy pit
•r were ie CI ',tamped on thebaek "W. N. Len 1..': am! all 'Loch
• ra war/gated &t rue as coin. EDITIIT am on Spoons &no in the
newest manner, free of charm .' M. N. trvris ar. Co.
tlnltli;tlT o iree. for sate by the bag. or less quantity. the
•elteara.4 in town at ' aINDERNEVIITII.
g . 4 . Volk.° er :shed gni Pow.lereti tger . ar. a very n tee
1 ill meek.. fdr sale by IX. F. HINDER'S E(I1T.
I 5 itAx3P-cuz Or ow ml Youngapron
Tea; Woo ck and lenterial Tea tbr pale Dv
W. F klli6F.l4r HT.
400 sAllititati 014 Mottle acetified Whiakey o - band,
arkkkwe bell at the tnarkm cable. ofthe hem Itv.Otlf
manufacture. •••I euurruN & RAVER. CK.
adz) Si, lea, So. k aced nose.
• •
.sues 1011IPLA3Irr, •
*mar. DIST4SE OF THE xranirs.
Intl all D#seeses crisis: (*non a 4/4erdered Liter or Alomal.nocA
a, Constipation, Inward l'il,r. fulne , a, or : hood 0 tl.e s , c• , t.acul
.o. (4"Mo:stomach. in. vii,' , ,:: .-:. dish'! ' for fa '''. '.o* , "" . r
n ~..! 1: in;tl.,: -.‘,11.-e't, soiir_ , ....:-....ts a., o: 141:i. ~ 'V, , I.
l'.. I sr"of t!....! cric.. , c.:.. , .11,.• • . • ...f c - :.• .u. : .:rri• ' -'rl ,:i : _ It
199 ...'t'ar,l rla•••.:ii.:: -.I 0:. :, •,r C. .i.,,e, r .r17....11,1.2 .... Oi
l' -ii I .', lins , 1 :..z•- !..i , .1... , .c -c, ":::.:,,s, d .01 rl, t'.. /,..- '
1, li.. a'rlt, I .l , r rlij , ,I.& 1,, ...: I ~ ...I I, .s, ^l.nsey of 1 co.
.s; ; r:•1 1 ,94390:„1tme5,,c I r!te -0,1 a.nt ~ e.. pion to 1: ••1.4.C. h.lth
e'.., <t ,11!,11t I, LC ..5!1!:1•11tU , ' .1.11, ill.blarl: i ng, in tne flesh. s , a - •I
'tam isar.ginina. of esti, , n ! ;:met dooression o' spirits, can t e
enicetuall> caned by :
D. 3e00rLA2211 9 11 •
. ci . ;IL 3 a.O .12, 0 ON.
47. irml t azizmAlv isi:Dici.vx sroir,.
No. 220. Ihrtih II tcct, 'Philadelphia. '
not Imerr ever Me Aose 4fasectas 111114 OZCVECt• fif corsa!loa,
by awy oiler pr vacation la th. routed Slain, at Oa cans alic#, in
ricer owe. eke *kart phrric, &la Alva fails,/. . s
Tries* Raters art worthy the Cu:niacin of Invalids: POSIPILIOln:
gnat tutees in the rectification of diseases of the Litter and les
ser iilntiiti.exerelsitigthe;numit scare fling powers in weakneas :lad
• as:croon* of the digretlrd organ& they are, withal, Sak, Catlin
and Vituicia M. f
READ AND En CON vi:icr.n.
Illas.tinion, Eaq., Easton, lid ,Ls a to-Dr, Jackson,
Jan. 9. 1 " , *sad—
"My erl'a atiJ tntself hire receive , : more hencGt from yen r tiled
-1-.1.• th - i!t Rai) other n e :has u evor 6.1,91 nir the Dpapp.• wad
1..::r. r 4 a ftsa "
•••The Tench I.eiion," p.iLtished at Wutadstock, Va., January
..10,.1f.119, allot— :
I "A GREAT 31E.111CINE." .
"We Aire ttplfr.rruft,) Witn.s ;ma fr.-tri reetaireenang to the pub
tie any o rthe Cati,nls I'4 ..2 :Genies: mg of the day, ;ciders that
pug',l e}snro.r el Of thtir A Cl.:e. Asneng these we consider
1 northy of so.t.,ce &oche Glrsotta Eater.. 14 veitte.l by Dr. ff.e.jfavit,
aad prepared 'Py Or. Jaelt..ln. in l'hiltdelthis. Attie instance in
• reirtic•nnr. is , Alislti t , ICI ar . lver,:r roicrs-Jf ills a:edit me haste
teen testt...!„ ha. I,.ten to .er n!serrati in. Daring the hit
rusrmicr„ ; st I , :m IA 7 , 1 r. .tliihron erat ill, of thi county ii as t ery
rs.rnuirty at1,t..1 nth Liivo . Cc nt;.laint, and ',fur try's tit Itn ma
vatiutiii Orzt.t.livi,l,o p•itchasr , l a ho'sla of the' Hiders, n.f after
indita lt,ln as 4,/ IWIC II ref. !est.! s f It. ,tottriwing maledy. that Le
praoire asiother bett:e,atul :a rtelLrel. Crain]) 1,, twattli..'"
, hiw it E el A ph D in F i l.:4l..V oc li , Eß ... A
i .
the " l:lln r g AL lGe r rtnan S. Journalief
rhi:adel bin. 'file e,,:itrir Napa 'Novenas., itish
"IVe ain call rtnentfon to the ratanyal of the German Medi
cine flu! e.theTrlncinie lepcit for the sale Of LW. lloolland's Get
limn Bar, !roes 276 knee to Mt, Arch street, cats door below
:lath. sites o.s the rarfeaseJ demand :or this tpe.:lc me, anal:or
the acensoinooniun offs At:miner - cm" pat teals, Pr Jae kron ninths - en
corniest(‘l to u:c apt. a large store, We wish btu inittCSs In his gen e. he in dwelt. tug of It. Thri Bitters MWi
ixtnre is -
l t
oat it .ril, the greatest inepiri.te extant r. r diwaswaref the Liver and
Dowels.' A inublicirri care of rhronie Dearrturs 'mecca:se wider
our Dottie, wherein the patent had etlisasted the Materia Me•lo
ea, ofe different se holt. of Inetlit Ine with no apparent benefit.
He was adore I W ti are itir c bitter., and i few hClllefof them hall
entirely unit hint. NOWly ...Cll C3sea 'we elinl.l refer 10. Vy"
li•ipea.atn_ieni n.!l re:TM:et tbs. ,{re3i nestorltire, ths,ul.l7
br• 50 6'llomi:ll[e as to rt4g .1 I re , itin.e. l)r. Jae kiiriti ;VOW -
Originli 4110/Nl64d 1.14'0. tit its....adand, and he pr
ine,:ictiii , with grr•it C. 4. '1110.1• pere-iiwing t.hou ,
inure. or•es that tna asii.s• is Vet:l:oU LItC:I the WV'
art.! l'fosii in Lashoute, is itn.n.. clan g-... 0..!
„In.tigc-M. M. Noah a gant`rtson with art
flry attanameras, sari Is • his , •:5 sw IV .
Jan: nary 6, 1-.5:).
'44. )10.1mA:sr:a Ga aria Itirr
whirh the loading press,. !a the
in rcedrnmen.istur, an I lie rra
preseripit in fan,.1.45.1 tnito , ,r
1:1 - .dern tints, the late I. •'
Lessor Mille I.' iti vet.: ty
Orinsikand one of t
cr pro I:4ced. Ile
therefore a sued
inas to ci,rif
[Liter Coto
i nil,'
....I ory
. the
1 rmithis
.., call at his
A ever 0ut.1.1e,,
.1 . 11.C:0 I artelltla.
•Of setrattile aoJ lite
• Weekly Messinger,"
r B.—ifere la a preparation
mon atTeir i..) I e unanaruuds
I •n It )'b tem. It ii maJe afters
ie (the twist celebratrd physic tone of
• hr t st .pbt r 1'4:III:Elm Ils.c.lanJ. Pro
.) Jen.t. ?mate Physician to the King .of
t g n 1.41 it heel writer. Germ:wily has err
-ss :It , ,- tieelly the enemy of amnia,. &DJ
I s
-.I .ne Lr h ' ieJi he cars the ins tm tar and pit loner
J. Mk' ic/i 011. He •rectrilly recommended It In
444 lA. Ds sm. sta. Debility. Vertmo,' Acidity of the
eti 'onstt ',att.'', nd all es mplamts sowing from a 1:1901.
..t1 .11d11100 Of the . mach, Me tit/nand the ittastmas. Nine
01 :elphta p ',per* erkr their coat 1- ICtiolo a its excelienee, /MI
eral t f its r tams ape s of its etfrcts (rout their ewts Units Waal
'pert/tote. Ender these eireurnstatteett. st e Seel warranted. not
only in collie' the otr/Plohn of Our reaJers lo the present tnoprie
tor.a (Dr, C .1
.M. ..eason't) preparation, bu in recommending tho
aruzle to all affhetrJ," -
moat: Ex tvr.pret , ..
The “Philade l lp`tia Oa tirilay Caret's,. the best pirrilty alowspa
-ler p • thl lobe rin,the rni • Outlet. the edator fry, of •
••It to Fte t 10111'14i we rif•orrrici
ie!ne. to the cot It nee and potrt
fore. when we recommehl Dr ,
wish to t.e distinetts If lerst - 01l
nostrimiti of theta), thattare not
then I rgi , trit after they 4 Ile .101
1 31 f a uird.cone I Jil este. !Abe,
has met the hearth appral ef t
Evidenee upon evicts.i a has t
from all teetlons of the tin mu. 't
Berl t c gtisecry IN de Jiro , . W. th•
practitem the regular port:.
nostrums rorn'tined, iii that r
1) proqrsit thaut se moil preps
approval alien rtuenteit.wen in
That the toed:eine IA 111 eq7C
no one ran dont t. atter using it
upon 114 sto•naeh and hear--it
bstr.orst rtorpraer—th. ettee.l re tot
mt.*/ to Firsts. or israirt si,.hs'
R writs.
TI is sie lie Ise tos n.tiJw i that high r!iavarto r is neecit
glty fur lilt it. lie rv,l t tt , tin sn rrl •se eorintsehDit-rs to ;left thrift
• wittettettet iirtiele at 11. e task ittervor three who are innO
cettly deeetled, I
LOOK KELL TO 717rE m frves or yffr: rirrrz,vr
They twee the It rottenl P 'gnat ure upon the
wrapper, enJ the effete hl nln the 1, - tlttit, colt ;al rttich tley see
srp•rtactr, For *Cr, a ItAreate the
Ks 1.111 karts street, on dr low Ft AiTt, (Isle cf .17 4 Beee 1i..)
Pl.iht.telph 11.9 hi tr retniee IA t . ..e desists trnerallir th tr.:shout the
country." Bold elra by C•rtcr tit Brother, Lrte, le•.; I.ainraan
GOT, Melicon corner.. !II.; J. Cunly. Waterford. Fa.._
111$1 vaav
ot tataikair OALLIIIIT.
4 - ,Litly.ktlAN & LEW! ate harpy to rinnound to the Ladles an t
0; Gentlemen of Had the friends of seteree soli art ill the
region round atxout., that they wre preparel to take likenesses of a
superior einatir; at their tonne, per 3ltds;eton ir. :tilin h}'. store
th•ee t offs earl of Break's Math ;
There 'ear reneoo• why rera-n. can ehtelat t•etter fac
ture. et Our roomvaian at boy other lit this eity,er in ihttl part Of
the ccuntr , . On.' s, t
Sky' lahtlßlld :wit light CattNIIII Y 4 CD—eaelier,rreet irg the faults of
the other. and j rodue aiAg a nati..sal and mat I eatatha effect.—
. 1 1 Trftr-4 TAXEN !
Anothrrite:,44l 4.. we hit , c the befit aprerstais. The !invert-me!
oftto. Will he obvious to woo..
We .ball not offer 'hog , . who faeor iot a itli th•ar pltronege, the
tha, pr. rp id, eorpee-I,ke things tt hieh int o t Rho call a eqrselt - ett
nreirl. rev. eat to the rut,lte. lala alter 'sha;l we off. r &a*,
p , , , ,nl)4.^aZeS a Inch !Num Ti ' et ^lle a - e • , :irti , l.C3 (Ohl ITICI7II , Ie
11. 0 1 •a: ltle , fr el
a e'r r.r I mra
~ r ei- 1.:ke:„....,.. 1 ,,,,,,
-i a e hi i
~ t ..,.
1 ,
nn , ~ .1 !Senates dr lailit anal .hide, whores ...n . rirr n: h
low. re hat/title disouttne., or restart". irhe expre..iion ef the
I-) e.t.c.hinteso a reltef. 4 •tanec and in: alhi:itt of I.:.ek grouhd,
dttier. , y, ef (Nish. shalt.. TO:target n t a n.l aril . tie clfi et.
Rev. inter there i. r o c.las r.f the film! near ha re a hich has the
is at this. It a d4euthed to Ie )1 pernoilent rot^ Ltishrrerit.
:.u':.u'l'o T) RC EttUAL.4 1) It Cita 11/Olitl. 1". 11. ~ .:I!•*.ft Nl.t!i.
File, 'r,h. ai. 1-31. . W. H. LIM hi.
..1 ' NEXIOCIPB ° BurrAn° ,
riann ro!rt• Ltanufactory, • •
AV:secra .ttreet, Cornet eJ :Itet.ottqz. • .
A. J. Kr:Cr:II
e l'o , Pianq Forte inn ninfiietnters •ftom
twil Y
„„i New Y. rk. re czflint t.. th, e I,l:en. oft flqf
-1,.i., au f Eno. and Cr. • tr,lnlvii...e ron'tort;th - d I:,e, nuts f. 64,0.
in , '"e4. 7 l;!nn7.ll • 7tet'lt.of 4 re-.. 7 Fort.'ll, n• rt ' 7 rite. r+•.7 bete t . .../re on
hv , l n , itnnd , 4 , 01 frerstt e .. t., , l'iFf i • On II 11,V ,, ,14 , 7 7 1. 7',. tn it hl"!)
ill , . In 4 n!'?
.1 7 714111 re. anr: r ., , , , ,—; .r.,.1 11,,,,, r,,,,,
Or I , ll' ell. in want r:' it •al g ~ . 1 i: •tratnenr Oa% n• e r,,od _etc,'
the ',./firrt,l. of on.!nf ntt 1.1r2..5t Plano ‘ l lll7lrls 77l . l eie• in the city
0f . ..4 . York for .n 7, , y • 7 f.. sir' reZrZet leiree.., the: tare no
4 .,
pl. 1
I eittatipti to wa , tatvid. tnvir • in.t.trc.,lo req. f - t Italia . of fluindt.
ra... of.toleft. ant vol, toe and 11 , Fr:6. of tole. el 1 it to any of
f.. =torn I inen:zet4te: . n 1 a! 1;‘ , •:. ~ .0 one it 4La a hat hit. Fe , n
thearol 1, 7 , ,e1,7i,r7,1.1.0 h F:: the acte - n Vtin , ..• loine . laip affife;nl
mean+. •,.. ri, ~roy "-tire yiu tt to e 1.1.7. faret them W 1177 Vsect
pa vent;; ..t:14! their 11 r t 11 , ..0...hAti 14 , 11117.1r;e71iet 7 4 in atantit'd
t:. as vie!l n..nhe other nal/tiro cf a super tor rimy,.
rian4 metes of el tr. st nr..l n tintf run.l eeven oetares,eorre‘nt'y
on hand—and imam:tie
. ta of any peculiar share desired, n att La
novlrti °tar. .
(toe r f the Omer illl.ftirrnente Clio ern . Pe fern nt the dwelling
of D. NleAllafter. on I; h street. A call it , poneltol.
A csi ilf.iptelf,lllyliolicilei. Al.. ICEOGII,
' J. rtot.u,
oar, ,
- 1119
. _
...aft/4:o. Apra; V, v.'s .
Neilr. Store; N Good.! and ff•vr Tricsaill
13021111" n
0 ik liAvzitiTlas,
Nt . P. REED 11(11 . . -4 1:.
Dr....11Rr. to call the ticnuott of tine rnttie to lliPit ”Orr. which
Ors have opened tol intentl ennilnettne entirely on the ply
=} stern' heing eon vi ore I, from experience. tint it I. ow no- „ii Arr.
exec. en t use t rtt.e Ole ('r all 1 , 1111 , .. (ha entrilithil of
I'ore.4.lii a 'if Anirstal Ilry (fonds, (iruferes, erne:row: Hard
ware. ..:11.SOICRIf. 40. , 1,1. , VI: t ;her with pore Flreign • Lifver.;
nrindr. Gm.. Khan. mot Wine., of a 9 iiisc.-Tipt soa. Ibitteptlc.
who!. •!. of our Olin itionficoirre. for whir!' tt.e challenge tom•
parn,en with any brought %Vont tle eista,r weft, in cverrpartic
i;:ar. Woof and price.
Alir e a./... (the 1.,. tic if tst call an•l ilvnire on! plort,s% bait,
we kisfr , ore, en , piton. hil i ring it. we ,t, tlin prices. at yle.
.an.rn I .ltt . In . 1 . 1 oct c zttaf.xtur . 1.:,...e. eV' brlnv , 4 CI , produe, ,
of all Iltinic 1 . JON': I'fIiIPTON.
Eriti. Allse.i t At Ifla. H 11. II A VS:I:STICK.
. I I
i • 'f
I 1 ' Wilt-art:cirri Wend. Q
TnE c o.r, ris prepatettlo etecute all orders in Lis
, line. Drawing tot , ', trig In e.'scntvs. Lien. of
llotcla.. 4 toritit , racktil.L.MaCilliletY, thee letiCi Peals. flu , inces
lt ariti. Show title, SA . . k e.,
Orders titu tide.: s., ttlxtut delay. charges noi:erate. I
Frepouttr. July , i r , ) 44 m. s. rr4-rte.
Vs*likio -Goan? Mutual Insuramee gempany
PO !'• TIN I 1: to Its re Itush.:;ngr, Gov.*, Warta cud Iltrctkatt
dlae, ou LivotaLin *ern , .
.t. II r C 1 ,142.
J. C.; 31.”.0.a9, I' J. A. Tracy. Wm. Re-rt l ty.
J. IL Williams. I Thos. etewatt, G. r"..nft4.
II Jeason, ' Tilos. Willis, f '. 31. Taltals„
W. li. Towntend, 1 Mo. /Men: 11. Sherman:
.1. C. Spencer.
G. SANFORD, Pireaident.
Calmar Pirtamr. 5 rctary.
. 1 J. C. Spe sr. Trecserer
E. %V. (.;;;RRISH. gent and surveyor. .
Erie. Juno la. ir34. 17
. I TX N Gnosis.
A i r LAMY:4IYr IFIr F. jtuit teetivad and Itx sale liy the
Erif. " J7n s v " •2rl t Z. mangfileturefsP"c". l ' . y ii. IttIRTOW.
• i t AMA MI 2 1 0111 vin.
r Al in ler every fern ly in town and county gratis. Those that
V are-not r;tplied nay call and get one, if they ptease. at Ni.
3. Peed Aouac. 1 J. H. 111.11Creff .
W o
A V • v rAk i lt4A 'Arendt/ assortment. new Stylea.ii
LAIRD & acwrs.
G -- )!Viciiilav & c.-4..wage— a general stock of both int w* by
.._t______ ll. JACKIIO/1.
rot. ci.synis Ab . CAA? . aXllllllef eta to ei per yard at
An GALLOIIB Western t
Lm ,warran ted to dry
SUNJ quick. For tats by ttte twirl or lai
Erie. Sept. 41. Ism. CA! it Ir. BROTREIIt.
BItbOKI.YI4 White Lead.—Thia ettleteasod whim Ira , also
tutralo and Pittabutob manuttettorld to 041. Are *Mr . sad
No. 1 Ibt rata by 1 7. la. Iltill't la
I I %%hot atr , termed Patent Meci
kingn or c , terettriers: and. there- !
111 ocf.anyit rierwinn Potent. we ;
that no ere not PP ,3 lFit , 4 of the
ci a..7,.it 1 7 4 a t rt, - .1; er," I ant
c itica ;, , ,;:t in! nee of trued:ire, '
• Liu t ',real prized. an,l uluch ,
l i F.,,c , i'fy Well'.'
!en re , civel (like(l:* faregnin) li
1.• Mat three Firuhe sad tin Welt
t- there toll:01C at, it need in the
set Philadell It m than all other
' .1 ea4try he eat/it'll:het. and rut -
nit , a will meet with their qz,iitt
'hid 5' , ,,,D.
lye, Compton.. mod byspepeie.
• enterted. It arta dwell:ea/Iv
ig preferit;:e to eal - mot in .01
eNltner. 7 try ceo tre arlmihis
.SrLy a'..l retie. le te:lcst,,at any
cor.vTFttf E: TS
D R . .U . Y.E R'S
Illarsapailli,WitS D'ay sal Flan dello:Moon
• petal&
re, yallinbte ileiliinal prepot*lirm, nirTrizs ENTrRELY
6 0:., : - . ny riinik! ...Exitnet of: 1 1/1101a." ot eon/magi pitri
:, u:g :.:cilesne, 11 Ae a e xoyoutt , l ~ ! tf ur hyotthe
:111.0;31: CL.C.::•61:10 M.U.11ei.156 1 „ . .
• - .- . .
Wllh others V.tillie diree:li cilia ArnisSys or hiving imniectlate
referenre to the relief and contkinied litkiihy obernuon or Inolue
Prnernul ors - woo. It routnins articles 111* wi c A enter into no lollies
prepar4tiou 111 Ci/Steflee, and"
In purtfy lag and rerreohlng - elects, by y IdediChte in the world.
It is put tip...
Is easy plwast to the taste. and Is in coneentrated i
fcrßoziGEß, TIER Alt CHEAPER
flan any etker in Ahrkst. si.sons w o hive taken ...Inneipe
rilln" by Pe relon. withou ' . c been radically cared, by
using 'no or three bottles. . __
This ls the Only Compound in whil
end llamas lon are so prepared, to od
each. In contl•inn non vi an pure F:strae
n a highly courentrarel state. ; Its 10,
-- --
• PURELY rrr
And are such rents nod hark. as nre f
talgcertstu parts—la their wucral let
ciagasaag atail Ae..tiap efecto,
Torah tunny dlten+t•, Ilrop Ails. Kid
oCr Water✓ I h•tior (rout the itlood, or
Mona of dila , ,seal organs (mot the hotly
ATIO3 1.1 TI; Vo: 11.. f • VZ. es Garbed by
Vlii-3Ct ewe, rr.te ad, ro 11. s ;ger,.
for tab •'t it to Farhat:arty et:avowal!,
arstAtme , autlrazio o it the irtt compost'
IN ALI. c.tlrsi or
Cr, this TII(` hcine. It will rariere. I
rim icsp, rat j. It-cout•iai articles
ram, a•ri takt•s the /say coatau.t W ui
MI Imyve and cf,f•slnann•iro, not on
the Woo I. hit restoring earls omit
lallp Inc reistog the netaort of ttn
lutingi) remo%eall
'MET* It OR srA4
An inseams otisinating in - depravif
Erupt:n(4,U!cert. Sore X III:let:10:1
WIII Arid this the D .trilterativo, and•
beets tory on sr torigoratleg clef,
greaffse cures . Dioev , ea cf the Una
Tiforl•le • .&r. A Pploolii.3 afercretie.
Won ewe of the I:iiinei Vcrok 1.40
An of ['rine. irnind or Scaltiou l
r trotahility, Regcm atm, t4e 03/
pert*. In e'eroftstous habits of the
Wag n,! di.C3.11.C.1 of tte
4ut Pr.toralt , Lrac ine
and ArewriSed the hods. while the n I
s: o:ern are eleauw.4l. 7 tie Teller
ad in Larne , ' atatast. It I. warrant
—.llu.Llert attacks 1:‘ pa, :re are
ri:Ntio.v. cowl ,
For Irrer,fsr, t7lippresse,l nr p^;•41:1
Uterive Vi.enarsn orr.y .leranset?wn
411•Vel do- ppointe espy tatic.n .1a •
nilitelereiventnee. Lis e..iripolti./ 1
kit and sqy uses Mat stiatt:d bt said.
ted forms.
It will relreett untuedtntely. tew
inereihitoua. The aprci,te I nereaeed
'raised and new, Pure and !itch
and cc erupt.
Yon ell revor 14, withila it. It trill
storelopre , hs,ilis of p. it%
Itnt , te Mov I. he.. thin nu)11
Look at Cart vtaates. 'I he H'una I
male eau. beim .! sntA pittfra Way
That this I■ the nsis +legume dint has ever oured the low. wearing
Prue Far tit. as aueln4 bl• Me adla usa.,we I.l.rtg of this cured,
THERIe. IP somkrilrfr: TN rr. •
Where olatructior sof ate r"ri Rave ciueel def..wits,
. .
Os Pleas in the Pin,liii , r, tt.iqmedfrit&has been used aide nylon
-I,.,hinis tei,e.... F',..rb' 4 Calif /I of SAis or am" &mast.
sat F4sompAlet f caret
1111: IVOROT FltitNiti
or nu ~,itt,.. ,T,l*4 •O'll ar.J BO I" 1.1. res. ;rearms. DIN
PEITILI. wan,„ Sic. Ft,r 71 - lu:r I : , ,uipi.lint , .o cosh es•
Intl os as a tertden remedy Also. whe a: • =All atICII cr the has
HI Lit 111 , 1111: 4 EAt- 4 .
Jaundice, &:.. ern hen the!. are emir; On. tali this and you art
oafs. It carries ;IT the ~,rru; t !'.:e ra p . ly, by tie natural chan
/sag, and reader 4,,5u s.2...zte!y. It has cu ed
year* stand, ne. as,. NiTCem. testify; ...h evert gmes idaisfer
hey. Try it. th•lt rt, r.e tari. I re.e4e ofiret•sdriretiem Tt ,s
ectopoind is etneile.nt —Pan !elicit aloo f iv altiost srectfte.
1.t./li Ff IR TESTI toNY
Ni th• ears Molly PA • rime to rr rola a Otenr papers. A lint
of . s ten4entiai nnnant hie -erre been tern in support of asy
Medieine. 1% , 1,.'. rh•ic iad.sristsl , * liewinsony of the retrain
' , i ce a f err," Absee", sr a 0ne,1,e.. rig .11 - I , llADlFollijii iftrealievritalL
sr nittrstmi. rit.T.A. I . .ra rig I.1:1*. can on the eartificvs or ask
their (Ohre, an-I yon too a ill u•e it. t will whet you dierrent
frnin any rlber. and we think it a ill do .
ii More good. '
rrfTared h) T'r.ll B. AViERS. was AU orders addressed
to L. Illor Mee at hit. Vatic!) 't0re.t....8 , Maittat. Baratta; Ili. Y.
Tar sale I y Carter ! Brother, Erie. Pa: Iyl2
—_____ ... , -
.. W.U. X N0171..T0111 lc sail.
RETSTC:ttr. 11111.1)ING, NO. I, k LA" DOORS sixoyc.
BytrilVll'S 110 FE!, r. IE, ri.
.., . .
Pantos Ist,, Nomnt T.velTrat.-1 . Ont Window, !Cali (.1(
Mout a fr.% t. conta VI f lit hanging Lama .. Solar tlo.. Cistors, ('ran
&mate ks,Ca lie Ii,:slo ts.Thrd a yawl)ether z.ftteiee, %Neil the
Utfioider n-. 4 y PIT 111V-011r tro , or em mice.
ttec - rtol 21. C , ;...1: a (ttr. Itl•I'. be .und a % anety of Card ca
ses, %Herr corn! ..., diamond. torquete, ray, garner and plai n Gal
It inv. LUC ktr P 11.! :.. / dor., filflllll , lrC i ekete, ke
St el:01. 3 —G.A.! an 1 Silver; Patent .mers. Aor !tor and L enten
duplex and C.:711111r,11r.: nt
npe,tet Wn.rt: e,gn:dgtl.l[4l and folichulLs
steel do. Soup latllcs, At lair) f;‘ I r e r r ,,.)
tr,Tro• t —t , ,:‘r r. ( 4 nett edict, t Ile and tea SNOW , . Patter
knivto.geb!, silvrr, (.reran diver an stecl spectacles.
Siu ttos .I.—Fen , n 1 jack fin IVes, 417.0 CS and Strops. Shearl
and N.-tailor... fin4cr R hats rmet 8c.a.10 ed trlmus And ta,sclit. silk
Pagses.tooth finishes, shaving do. flit Ivory Coma.. blietl„ horn:
B•11‘ lo horn. bark mot rule Combs; steel per., Needle,.. rok,
Ink rand.. Muir and Mister° Dotes, lin velopes, note raper. %not
ing Ca/,!...tuning forks, idic.t.llu.sic all Precrpturs.
frecvm%ll.l4rne V •.s.—F,le , l with Silver plated- Fruit Baskets.
Candle Erick,. Snuffer% and Tray, Branch Candiestleks, plated
and Brittaitia I's...dors. Flower vases. *c. '
tier rtw. , 7 —Geren fir,!..., flriurtni a tts. e stra Core and Tea
Pot.. hair Brushes, military Soap, Villiers and Pocket gook..
spoolßack s, Dolls. Ivory handlet Kni fes nod Forkw commbo do.
rm mm , .1 Board.. Iminos. money Belts. Port Folio.. na - y and
reverme Rpttens. f.• ic) Fans. & c. .
Sacerns , ..--Ceom - 1
ns T1. ,, 0i Viols. Vi lihst Guitars. FP:Les:Il
M se
nr M., I ingelcts.Tifea Ace ordions, raorns. mut right ih the
i t
sii H
mid I;' crt , ..., floor pviods three of the est Piano Fortes in Erie.
susc f ins ss,ffriuTft 142111 , .—Fromt Withdcw, contents v. 217 NH in"
lk from the Wier, creept a few Fend r r I/loiters . . •
:ler ;le- to Pair Lawns, lityn gr. rt flll,l Oildec r,°‘
and etsjd d,ry tk. G. and wdhie k • Tea tkervers. I.ocallng
Glasses, and a great vaie:y of Fancy gcs:sl..", all of nhich they of
fer for rule ar low ns tan t e purchased at any other .litre west Of
flew York. And ne n ish st dotinetey •inderstood that n. do not
adterhxPr%utkverylon in order to .hate you on our viols. as
aruu,her has declared bir.mean to be onssisttest and
reanor.atAr to all °ill ps ,ces.
pim s.l, ICya.. nj
Tailoring Donn in Noir York, etyle.
ri 'MI lei tsralgrie4 tespeetlitly ret.irni" Pi. sincere
I , triana, to It,• rrien.hi an I ItH7 teillie generally for
th, it lit etal t.ltro , m2e far th last three year:. and 'so
licits a e. , , I::iittice ,r the *Mile. nay ing receired thr
Fat and IA JI.r.IT 1 . 1,b10:1. Or 1.5: , , hr fills confident
~. that he is al.lO to eNcci.te el erdcra Intrusted to his care
... in the F . c-t•tyll`. as I 0 cmploirs none but the work
turn. :titAtt.tth.t.:it - tit.; the rl of otc,;...hup (ahn+ %Mint
,..ter-boime) "tut al i t matte," e pledges himself that all
As`"..-f'enrments rut and maul. , by{ bini that do not ' pay
fir the cloth. Gentlemen who am de,irous Gib:tying their clothes
matte s'well" skill do will to call on th: sulef Libel% A. cowl
st,rhat:les sill not tietk withciit their 1.1, 5 in cash, he linnet
conamenceon 11w' principle of PaYiult and being paid in cash.—
The 1..110w,i c.f.*, hi , ',races:
Fite lire's cr Freak Coil. I . 6 • 4 0
'' Hack •• i 0 00 .
•• fiver . • •• ,
II to 10 CO
Pare: '
' - 130 •
Frets. ;1 30 1 '
N. I'.-4:titiing done at the usual cash prier..
Erie, Oct S. - jOIIN MAI.DINIii.
goctor IliathewJohn•oxt.
GR AM' AT I: of the rhiladylt i litt CiStec:, of !ITedic Me, haying
located permanently in F. e. will give prompt attention to
prefeysiorinl e-ths in town and country ,
t :rev r—::, , OUIPSWIYI corner - of tIM Bw.mood, the brick bnildinp
f'rmellY twcobtril by Br. Faulkner.
Rrstectsr t —rut the Diamond, first toulding oast of °Mee.
Erte Earth 3J. 4ftlf
• "
t h ßi t i n t rra r l i a •fo d tTi a o n f .1 1' 1 1- 1;7 n .
Sizio.l. and Poled. ea..l me rye :toil T crib'. which they are pre
tram tr, eV' ha pr . for 'Wool. on a I tit* kW. Inas than hereto-
Cwt. Ilaylity ail4e4 considerable 11;,, twit hwery, IA employe. ,
expellent , . rl East& rn nurkruan.-ue arc now prepared to d amply
proace to all wtoo'may fasiir tet with a call. We hare made ar
rftnerments to man Wile lure liar! Itaalrlo, for woman and chil
dren. wear. We eorwittite tont)! the OA dress Domestic Cloth,
Nfantifat titre tro.d, ni oar tl , tiafßOl
VV.:* ill pty Cu% La Itioolat ttm ht best prier: the Market will
nmify MI:11/1,FFEY & BREWSTER.
E Ir. Ma) DI
LAT AIt2IrVILL or astoomnsni.
NV3I, I'. N DER N I:t 'IIT has just retched ilircet from New
Ifotk. a lar,:n s.oc•lt of act an i dr,* Grocer,ips, ftlsnlyknos
and Lion ny. Nado. atilt IVoodenware..
wi“cto he sill roa 1,111011.4141 e or retail, as low as any °Lite: mat,-
I , mrtlt in dn• city. ('all and Kc fur )ourseltees Curter ante
and Fs Street..—llt ie. Nov. 9,1 r 30. n3l
400 A laseelot of rnii t runr idud 6.4111., for family nee, from
t-3 an Yssten%Ma u +taeo r, for sale at eastern pricer lq the pox.
A supply s pl :It all 1.11,.. t r lorr t on hand, and dealers and farm-
Imo w tll On well to tali and letarone quallirieA and priers: for
rate on eons igmertit by It, 0. 111.1.RERT.
Mny 4. -au, 31
vurARR ANT cr) to burn wr !I —Ore I tow Com hoot Lazo,
V I W w kr' au.] Glutoi for role dum p Ly
• •
irrrrit Adt).lll:E34E TRYEIB u Hardware !~faitß •l4c- 3, Reed Ifolare. j RUFUS REED.
M _
ILI. Fll.r.d.—d eunerier attic le warranted ;to I .eihe beL
tna aufar,nretl 7 , for proof cart et N 3 Reed Home. '
Die, Hes. Id. B. Brea.
T Arms WARE—A fun aosortmelt ezporody for subbing. a
.1 No. 3. Rees Houle. - R. Rztp.
N A MEE KNttd ciritilbrem eiNtfl, 11l Na I teed Hour.
E t4pt..24.
HfOCSE.keepers can be suppled with name. htittannin. huh
and Japan candle cocks and inapt. brass snuffers and 11=
brinannia, German silver and itmeptadat. tin m
ting annu
wilts. cutlery, be., • t the 'widens* NOR of R. IF.W.
Pept. .
MARIA: tad rocket rotklY.-1 1 4 aliOninent COrniPletil
soil I do two beats,/ so say • law sad bettor sock
than was ever aeons °Mired In LAW ausrket. Z. Rauh
SLAT/ii a good assuatutpat at l laardwata !Plate.
SUOMI 1111111 D
Sarsaparilla, Wild Merry
r the peculiar virtues of
of other healiug articles
edicata are
nJ—tho•tgh chiefly erre
eucy to produce am seat
preemplr,lnto. tt . draw
orrupt rtti I lc(' alle.erre
w dhow. thorcug
N. , Tr iris
'rut t1,1:4 %Pry overly.),
, dfferd bozo nil utter
din er;risnas.
has erred
hat will emi
. _
Ilaif Hose. Clog., Priviers. I'lider Shirts, Hai
A large assoitinent of Oldie 2iild et Con. Is. 1141
Tisee.O.Caphiutir ttp. Sennett*. Also..soitwee
twig. Oil Cloths. !earth Rues. ke.. de.
The :hove (ma ierati.-ti embraces hut a emall•
of eau le—toillet st to ii! . l ,, 1 hat erooe of &tie nit
mesas ewer l.e.ore offered di this Market, and pit
cheaper than anY other estahlishment in this
try; the Ileteuleanpulls :111.1 Advert: - mops of
wary. Come. and look through, my ~lock, am
yat will.:104 go away diwati.fied. My system ,
the rush plan, and I am bevel enabled to it
nest of Bull'ala.l`.o as well might the Et.tyiriptari
or the Leopard to *p.m.. as any Alrene,Lani, in
compile will. me in psigest, whO ei'lls goods on
—.it caul be dont. Thererote I ray nzain to th
4:a rt.'., that if they Wsll cull oh me at Cdnune
bill artorii.,ll there by eton in: )rods At, low
lime qualities hair ever been oliered in this ins
and Gentiles musk stand aside, hir the Jew hart
Erie,ElepL 7. l ~.SO.
i__ _ _.i._.
rrinel 1132tilbiti6/11 at Latria 9 . iStal
T would Infor my
1 friends andtil lie
generally that I h ve re
.f, ,
ectv ed for fall an I win
ter trade the lire .1 and
te•it *elected *tack of
%Vetches. and Jew elry
en er co.l , red ler pale in.
Erie, 'l'he linen! pat 4
/ , 141 , 4 heren•Nie re'
(414 ed, Irt- tule....d mei
t. er tarp lay en - .elt ot
gt,od*. I Miail .144. :gel
rap.,;(to sell rrebl42 , ods!
and at a 431411 iv:sauce"
fmrn try whr;lessle pri
ces. I..,arieca years
espertence in buying k
sell 1n.% goods In stern
edit :Lena! tes In loony'
I tav e t.eillties ~r tilt
chasing write ...,anil
Jen, h.ry at les. owe,
than any other estat
I isohniret in the ay. I
nut fere, , tn.yspre-1
every ii.onth, v 'itches
of dilferenteseat :tient*,
dire , t hour ~ . .rt, ,
re/4 thti.,34 . 1 ihi oldit*t
and nio-i t . (•t in,ive at,
pot Ling houses if New
how Lew i s telly vs atehi
of Gold lad dits,et plat
quahtv, and prole. n hi
I will .elf Gold Latent
Inehed full jrn Lite' L't e t .. ~... ...IA 1,,,,
Jewelled, eigttien earat'ea, p. for 411 to
ai , aic hro, for Os pi 411. lirp lit:lite/3 navel
shown iriernicnetl vi arc he* v, ill tr , 4 arnoteil I
one year. Iqea.peeall andisee ttr you:sett:one
!fowl, Lrle, Fa.
flaring jest or:A:tined n i :Vtir.ieli "rII - er frra
pared to de all kinds of Watch , Repairli
nee, has int tools for maingatiL repairing a
pledge myself tq to am g •1 stork iii tan it.
New York. Mil. Let ine. ton v. ill give hi.; 11
repairing an I eleuninz i`nronometee. (hider
ll'at:bee. Those haviiiivz...o , l ti'atr:l, a tole
to eit'lar.d het e Item ally-trd t v a fir 4 rate
Mow 8014.11, Ar 0 r oktOtt•. 4 WI ad kind. of i
serrkman•liks .taiiner. ate Lest ta' Gothic Ph.
14 II e. PerelUbit .. 1:49. • • *1
. ___,_
OiLl'll4l4 Tun T*
I rot ins
...,,, ,
- - W. Grant w eat3ra Lee o all
hp itsef
If aaoh,qr
d aurae. 'nib
• origins directly on
thy % Igor, aid eoty
draw from the body.
I mote of the vital thalami
Watery Humors,
k Iv orkthl 6olup af - the
y Orp•ln..
. •
No priroet is so good for
,Re(. 'ohm or Involuntary
inc , l Ilan/ Eltaftdx.f. Or
+re that ken/a Ogee
skln, r.nx and weakened
in the Brett.t. &0..„ the.tootti
.l the L'irtfq moot
rut htiamuri' that toad tile
tton Jt.4t Sitiooote taorF-
Ypertur to sc.,/ prepitaiwil
' ertovtly rued.
.114 Tit,
len,truation. Firm. Alum,
of the Ftuntle l'ram?. It
awes ratd.c,aa ctit raaa
Iconianit refLan Boots. tee
It etyma tLe LlOlll aggrat it-
tin DEel.llflr.
I ye' we 4dt ronvitote the
the nertre3 qutet---iipiti:a
Itakes the place or,Tititited
Av a.,.r k . 4e^ 1. and cure
WJtsi I
rarr ar moat delaalite Fn-
TAN 1 , .: NoTorT.ALL Tuns', tvno .1R
( 1 .U.1. at : 4 't r ' t 1..,a Cr* ro
or, awl nvineel
1../ Now Te .o i t
We the Ilrge-i,plwrii-p.t ,?3,1
ins f q pr brou tto grill. c•Among hia ;too
tho fon...rpm '
141 a • Itc--$4l ton, ar Port Rico ('-ulile 3rig
Correa.—Ten Lags Old Governa , entJart
and ten taco cr a leP.
MCII.I.PeI 11.-- , Two tbousatd gal:ons Ilfess'o
Sugar lieuee.
•pg,,,,—Fifteen ehrsts Toung II in, liar
Crowder. Iliiiiirrlal tea in re,t pc,16.1 eadies,f
Figs.—rise thousand pound Cod Fish.
land Herring. thanakeil Herring Anil grudian
Teens} t arrel; Turpentine, thirty do. o
Tanners cil. .
150 kegs Iltoo Oen. Iltiffald and Pittsherg
The largest k ad ut an assDrtinent of Pain
100 kegs of I.'" stern and Pittsburgh Nails.
Luaions.—Frenal Prao.;)• 11 ' 113 nd C.
dent. Matelt. (3,lret and French %Vet Win
Togsreo.-11.0 ducen . .?etiolC , tine New,
boles IVA% ent/1141. Pt/ 110/Xll flue eu t R...itit
Ten kr:. anffll I.l.o.flasks Kentucky Ili
Katt. bar Lead pnd Feted runn Cans.. •
Thitv . , hole, l'and,y . ;I.l.lrnni. a %lac
and a areat variety of articles in n* line I
time i h in I lIMN I , it: I nUmeNte them.
To nit uldt ustoLiers all !the puldiC vim
at Stni:Cl,'S I %gilt T. airevtly oppopiee thelf
(of) )(oUrICIA to. I Lai 1 TM I 9Ulld Id t•e:1 n, t, i
.than angditherreiahlishhient liVe.t of Sutra
Erie Jull 7. 1..42. '
rairbaiks' Genuine Evaln It
The subeertheri having purchased Fairbi
ioe scale patting. and ernploied a tat rlianin.
hid a lone esperienee in thear inaniitar
the pill lie that they are non prep ire•ltof it
gut erior to ar:thing of the kind ea er olfcrt
The guhserihers would also caution Oita!
cha.itignorttire•eirtliCle% p.irr,11 , 014 to be
lrre itinerinuankee pedlnr.--sre f
ire article. 'Tbs toil mine are OW prices.
Ha) Sealee. of I Toniidfaft.
roal kc ilre.,of I ton 41rnit.
rlatfortn Seate::, I••TOlbe. draft.
Do: do. do.; 'it ith hoiri Lug lever
and•et oialrueko.
Do.. do I`2oo , It- . &att. •
Do. do. do.ton trueli. with bolrtinglevc .
rafrlattiks' „Nate? zran thg. •
Do. • do. do. Itlhtl,lbe. 1 •
Do. du. da. mark/ with hoPrithlr
•Ir tr.
• • T^.l - 1 1.. .T
arzaz irazirstr •
.30,000 1,011171 Or AEI" GO
Do. do. do: 5e9 11/11. ' 517 6 I
['twit' rnek inePeat...s I hi. , , 20 :
Cc,unter licalr/, e oz. to !la 1b... platform. 8
Ito e oz. In 290 ih/ ; platfona & tcoorb 1 10
f ta:, , ta'n.inter Peale. I rrt/Ir% vr. ! 07 . to 5 1' Ibtk, draft. ! '' d
A'l the atom article/ ate erarraxtuf. Tho/te tt i/tunit to obtl s
;nod and reliab:e :It nleAre teat:eked to pVIt U.+ a call at No 1
French street. nearly ompnite the Fume** Tlotrt. ' !
G. A.,IIENNET /a.. CO. :
En:. May 78. 1919.. L • ,
sizonfixam corium ~
j. FL WII MIA moviralerin Foreitln and Dottie/die ftitirofw.cebnn.o.
Certificate/ of derio/ite4Gold and tiilver coin, will Lill v and/ell
et:Trent and imenrernt Tanner% netotiate time andsigia drdtla.
make c oiler Ilona o n allele ):a/tern c i lirs. an d atahe.rewittan
cc/ at the ton etol Dank iti;/ rate/. , •
Mon. yrt.ccircd on Depopite and Eartern constantly on
ban I at the I owe• t rate/ of pram iltnt. i
hi,.. Inds:oil, 'Kentucky, V iraima. and, rennsylett ia Bank
note+, and iltn/e of most other Statesi bought and Id Otl tbe
most tea/linable o , rms. ' ..
ottlr,, four door/ below Drowu'd Ilutel, int. Oa.
Erie, July 1. I‘l 4 . .
. Dooftratile—ln Lots for Salo in erle Pa. ;
1111.1 SubwirAper offer. fur oar. 13 in
3 4if the town of Erie.
No.'s 2371, 2374, 31 le, 3'211, Mo. ,T. 3. 0314 :15,49, 3310,
3111,•.11L1). and 2313, knots n as The hue lect,ots. 1
TM -17 lob. compose sacral desirable Wallows for limpness. for
mittlifar•ory, nod (Or teeltlences; and lloie leen lone rut of Llie
market but are now oirored for 1 , 31 e nt 10. , pnees, ansi on rea
sonable terms; and they will Le subdivided to such purcltnaers.!
1 , WILLIfiN:KiIkiG, '
tric,4l l .kt 23th, Li 43. ! • .1 1 LanstAeent.
,Gazette copy. 1 • ' niletelit[
rAvs. Awto wneript !num= L 1*
ri En. se, I.I)EN tr. £4iTir are now receiving their s k of reel
LTnc and Whiter Goods. ‘ornprieirez a general' niisprtinc t of Inig
' Oes, Gre:eriel. /(ardor re, Cruct•ery,llrott Nall..Stecl. An, iii. ,
V IMP. &C. &C.. all of wh elt have lieen puniharcil in the Eastelin
market for ['nob, nod oil be rood at - a,sinalf n.l%;wee',. 1 4 e I,to
not .belaq alb(' 1ar,.7r , 0q . ::ck'or to selLchearier than edit :be pur
chased in !few York eit . , t tit es.,:/.1 ark a:contikarbol of qql.l
- and prier's, aflame ii it.:el ems. no onein ill go away di. •
r ,
w:M.—P.rle Sept.:", 1-13 '
One Awr sees ef Pro L-iii ',lute?. 1•, ,
Trnt. , can find n varlets. of Ilta , i , al lefflteuter•nianettietrli
.1 rum V lona. roe .. L .t:Sd w Bi-. Aecrdrohs. fi ma Saein. to 83.5
ri'ltra,.sl so to klin, Gtiieftr., 2I to f 9, Illacoletts. (Ih , ritit on.
Nires. V imm Rout. Lirefges, Ftrit4; kll things pertainin,
to the department. Ad , o t variety of Yankee Notion . . Pocket,
iduttery, Rak.,re & RaisorStrap.s. Pistote, Perell.Firdi I% ps.',
Cards. Combs, Liao and Tooth I:rn..hes. ;Verifies, Pins. 'rhimidtic,
hair rine. Looking Glasses. Fahey howls. races. and a rartvly pr
Utter titlns. ' One ikor cacti of Brown's floret
. Erie. Itt e. V. 1.19: . !W.' , N. I.EWIrli. & col
awl ' 14
1 13 .0 A R A
as i r: 4 %
, n , hit i e n t.a v ta r ly o i ce e n in e r x: ra a
Ti /a t v v O t t t a i r ei. for i, !7 r.,o 7 , l , nif, i ;-
Fte. eept.'ll. IESO. cARTER 41.. BRoriikit ;
__,_..._, _
- it 0M1213213 St A Xi 'l' 111 .. I
VAT.FAATtiaII eotuotanlty on Itatid. which we manutdettire and
t.,7 pelt for each at the ion est market mire.. A pure ankle.
out adulteration. • 7 compoTs&. Hv
mayss. iriSU. So. E. itetalf4louce:
Ddat , •l Notice.
RRUSSELL D. D. H., °Mee in 'lnglis Duitding oTosite the
. Erie Casette office. All operations perforaievl u a neat,
careful and durable manner. and WAIT 2 toed.
Om& for Zeatbors.
L IVE Geese Feattorni wanted, lot wield' we Iv, ill pep one-hilf
Oet 10. LAIR!) & 1(1I:111,
VARI KIM of Molar Lamps. of the venom paWrasand most
spprtivefl styles; also, Cal:whew Lamps of different otyllx, constantly_ on hand end wilt le
sold shoo. W : X. UMW & Clor
O area Od
a giulor kind iii eta s
rd to aim, autablfity, 'Went ) ].ever
mad Go hie Malta, Mee sod Ilatiad timepiste' at
lb* Dm 0, MS, 14110Nift Serb Sok
X ?)!
th , Ca
y stock
If to sell
lie court
the- coo
rti for it.
slis on
- ni firm
his skirt
tempt to
t system
hangs, I
'than the
le !tar*.
r la) en!
S. N t h
•it , tlQr
4tie in
0:e tate
Lever at
'cleat,' 1
el ry re;
• CZ I
4, S t I toe for
f [Trots n't
nr.i pccr
c cu. Li
WM to the
C )1 111,11
• 111 .10 ttel
S. k. Co.
)our.ell that hr if
best lot of ;Rt HIM.
rrucat tuJ tc (Juni
r,Crustist i l. Loaf4n4
!, tea bags Icf" Ligneri
team Patio Rico tr.
irill. 111:1 , ' a:li Ganl
i•r farm P.
!Ackert!. bad, Hol.l.
.1 •
Lan,ml,4Anip and
• um, rust It'ine,llal
or,k thookinc.•ixteci
and Vnecatv)
Po% der, fifty bags Di
M darn
lty. I n r• all
therm HMO and e , e+
.alc or r 4,1. 00.14,0'
o. (7. I SECGLI:
• •ufac, oryll I
' l ii.): , . r. c. l 7! , (l.,tn ., te,i , cr io l h t
,leg leas . . t . o; ' inforta
'rah word r 341 Ant*.
I ca I hi. , 1424 M.
frieuil 1 aktsupt irir!-
Fitirl,lll l / 4 % Neale frdco
, , atifurla t lkt,reau3-
40 I
3.1 1
Price Reduced !
Large Bottles OulrOne Dollar.
The poloriotor or time Greet Aromas,' Remedy " VATAIMI . II
Vsorraaga LITEIoWrItIPTIc Magri. as." induced by the
MIKA sobtllaLums or ble Ageriti, throughout the (lasted
States sad Canada. has tow
• Itches& ths Price
hie i ulu and well mown artutle ; and tram thlii dale.
, ho pot up hot one aim only.—hes quart
burn: - .** retail prim will he
The pnblic wef net soured that the character of toe Me&
phis, Iss wrosoh, sod eorilivi properties' syn.,. limas
Our , and the slur care will he losetewed m pee.
ruin; it is heretofore. -
As pia radars. wise its melees! pries, will ha Itatehased
imp • who hsr• ant hitherto wade tbentrelreelcoadieted
with Is %lose% Oro ”fts,flatlit werol hes to intimate that hts
erupt is hot to be 0w...1 vri,h. , l.• •:4 memento( "'Retwediei
aft der ;•' lit elalasc'rix Itself a /real T sreliog ;wiper, a
timg irmy Ohm porrparaiivi il mum btfer lA.
IN* • and lea 111.4.111111r1 melt lor dart Irwin try ita
I .srin•k. ;tn.% nntri onstualulool double
le seta with emit twal
ref se I etrtninty. upon the
;, Blood, Lira, kidneys. Langs.
:. loth', toasts. upon the pno L set action of whh.h life and
. . tteven.l.
mto.:lcirmi 1131 a justly high reptile as a narlsal for .
Dropsy aid Gravel. ,
,1,.., nr that ...tore. It mar In nand upon when
~,., Iligint titty•itivi hlnithois.lorwtll;• pall/mt.—awl tbr
i t istrowing sliseaten. wove eettett"tllY Diorsir• Om vroPri
.i- wad eammtly 11.1.1 berwet'• ivrommentl ft. At tts
.f t prow it a ea4ly obtomed bruit. and Ow trial will prove
," f ' tle to be the
i's- Chespezt 7.le.:ic:lt ll Ils 7,7c1:d:
them Attar
s.htthlon to hat,
n 1 re7.rer) :or h,, ,, 10r0' L toe and awl«
• mlny thi.Nr• prr /rat r. rrad.Kt 6
h.trninrr rake thr Look 0.7 rmst
Ile trutft rl•aractrrns Ilavervf.rl in.hats for
it..aniq, the 1011710:1Y ut favor of reach. t. , I . to yrm of
_froth WI parts of the country. AMY he irrin..l
" Yeuzhn's VegetsLle
Aternean Remedy. now for sale P. quart at Si
.small bottler at 1,0 els eaph. Na small bugle we.), he
after the preeentstock a &now.] of.
:pal Office, Battik,, N. Y.. Mr; "lain
41. Y.11•G.21N.
it—An leiter. (exeeptilt from ai,:r•nt. , awl .. . . . .....
ran eta haloes.) mo,t be i• 4. : rm.!. or 1.4.1...:r.u.;,,
en to them. • „ . .
J. ii. Burton. Curter & Broth Pr. Friel Smith Jordon
• teaurd: Joho Stewart. Fairvnwt 1.. ft. C Hard;
41,1 - 1,11,i; B. C. Town & W ttAdir,l; B. C. TWA n•
et; Terry & Cam; Ertl, Erit OWN; Hull, Jr., Crane.•
. Mc Ic;t ret‘ cling agent. ni
L. el 1
Nortl ,l
111 E Kul-erifer few leave to return his stneere thanks
to his friend:. and the po!dtc fur tbe veil literal trit
ttlnV, 11 , runtime extended to bun, and would tattertul
;troll: r.t It: Itc.cji-t received his
int , m; it loch limy Iv fot.t.til 13 (alit , (if n!I grr' . e• and
ico.t., tt 'ltch be ti ill make lip ! i order. and 04.4 , hen -
i If that t I e:, if tali rot Le 1..11; , :1- - 1,1 in ei:e..Ttif l•-•, rut Ur, by an. 0.1,C it•ftritto.t, h..: eater-to:A I. tit% hum eon
.., Vt• r tt.t old Itt..t.kto duct 1 oar, or . the I r;.l ran be
%V.:. r.: i c , e.• . 1:0.1 o r bat e not ittado a. ilk
,••• . I c':r ro! b. 7a. I.N! I suer, ill itelo"bLors, but
V 3.110 W, iiiai 11P ean prceloce the r
Vest Cut ::Ind. Best 'Glade Stock
of Clotbint: that ran tre foon I in Ow Nati', for proof of which WI
wottid invite -Orin , vett.? am :antsw to tittll and ev:tmi w. far Intuit
ed% cr. nod tu tltn..e ilk! are IPA we rty t ring-out , . no in judge
fur yu'i, at we do not .hr, .1‘ from ant lltimpthot kfa ftetWeen.
rti:u an d rein Ofrt..t,•ek e - tit.ftik of CIAITIIINI: r.f id gradze +
tate A..; make, Which It .-! ts•to eta .ip in Etie r fore:, , nod with
)treat _are. WC it e;! I i 1::.^ in ,. In welt of any ilittia to n tr,
lute I , i nile iiS :I 1 . .. : ii; Sal I if 1 1 0 , 0 are tilt Winced with our r0,..10
at..i Ns , :.••- %I. 0 v. i I Ti I eh ,r": 11,1,1 i.'lol tiling lor .11 4, 1 N iii 7 Merin
Our 1-t,..1( of ef , ITtkt,e• It: :1111 , R11 4 . awl VE.STINC;S, we
have t:ele: t. I It t!!.._trite` re r vprec‘lv for the en-non trade, and
we w 6.e.! tut ite tllcke it Itprefer hat !ft; their Clutbiag 'undo to
order to enll and vanntinno
0000.3. F . UT AND India;
II r tt •
kw tbem. - rtyr.. Prr,,n, ti it ix^, then' tura4ure fur any garment
if nct 11e.... , I wan it r.l , eli done, rritl r-,t I,e atleil to irks it
an' y. lVe ~Lel I C, , Tninne 0 keep O n ii ,n,l t.hiriA oral kind., and
from thr 1,..-t twinufacture s. AlenSturt.l7Alare of Cie t,ri , t In:At.
very ettra: , : Slrgemiets o alt grades. eraimts. the Lebt in 10,1r11.
of :ride,' and 1.9 re . -. and In (net n e keep atmot.t et el)
thlng in or:t Ii le. n huh tee n 0.114 be happy to tic; 10 our friettS.-
g. chest 3. the IP:raft-M. 1 . .1011:tit :11. JUSTICE.
Fri., Septetubet I S. lea.
N. 11./-421ittin4 dune Id 1:42 toot f.. , hiOnal , :e. l4 )le .tn , .10 1 10
nt heti tk,:ll,,:ed. ,
ULiT*XNG rola 2.470 mILLZO
The Ohoap tlyeteao Trlmoophazitl:
air NO. 1,, rinzazno ELocia:
WHILE the puhlie afre excite/1 "till& the controver,y
an between the Jemo ana ()eta !es lit regard to
WI" and ••f,nenegs" of tht varion; ware,/ catered by (Alial a'er,
In ttilfe.ty. they should lot :orgi t i.) leek in at ,
1,, ate to u.uch gas expended in valinc,
NO. 1.
where, if
there eau aina's to rod!
rp, Cloth an Pine, riti — a - s
Woe: ae eaporiot.
ts.coo suurt,c and - Sutoct.. Tie in:b
'Matta:LT wo GD
. Good, an
as nt any estiNi-htnent
In' xhvttlJ tccel. CI that
i.t , iy dile of Ow vrr:.• tx..t Ontrr.. ;Ind
I,c,t‘coriaren. IN •-• ran farnisliqur , tn.-
i wan tear liast czt ion in Oly mark t in
czathit, a oar e
employ ito:w t , ut tl.e %en),
ioners tt ith
Ibe world Oar ,toek c
ation and rate. %acre may be tbund
,le, anil texture. SUILDLIC Ur
• WintorWomr.
..!. a d , ilar keep in mind the rime-worn
.:101," and call and examine the inu
ring and Dry Goods at
Isk.ll4lNtir BLOCK,
re. our neck does net consist of cloth
ry general assortment of
.• 4:q) uzzocEniks, •
Ind iNIIICh null be sow xi cheap at the
• r R,EADV M
ra now otter: for Cl3llil
Cluihmg of eittery grade,
rail an
Let all ‘vha WI:At to: .1 ,
o.lagc 01"econonty rd w
mea,c a -omen! of Clo
Ni). 1. 1
twforc purchaa.acel,edih
mg Wo.,tie. We 1:1% ca e ;
D12t1 7 .
-uitato. , fer fatnitr u
ctucpc,t. .A.!‘c.
to:1 , 01er u ith many ottle I
ulikh u di :c chevetull
am* C.,.•, examine aml co y
titte. r:ct.i 9.... 1-an. I
• AND 2180213,
tc.o ninucriunn to . mention. but
..hun el, and ananv.O.
pate. I. R , )751.N ZSV LIG Sr. CO.
CA 13 c ECTill &?YU
0 TS ON.
Nv r e . v. s e re ry
y e
d f a l y Irpr o f
of 1;
n l t h o e u e b ff r i o ra4K ' l e a f t f h n i e st i rt i i n e po le
our store. an I with tar• nt h ie luso to try, &bottle
of it on hi. CO!, . :11,1111. g him that it a Gold c ure him up riostr.l
and vi ell a+ mer he was: ttus he knew beran..e be hail used it with
,Mere, en 0/I.f. of 11 4 on nipsr-e: , •th,o S Yes b•ldly 111,111,,1
Mr. Ftwhen C. Loe rit, culled inert.. mortunr and Maud he had
onti typed alout three to Mlc if a bottle, 'and his brae *hitch he
valiied at talthl. was aln t well. Ile Ind no doubt but• what he
had len mould coutp!t i the cure. We are °trey day licatilla
reports of I.IIIP kind abrl t our Lotion. awl n ith such facts star amg
hint ib the lace, no man n ttl hesitate to NI). Stt eta fur an article
that will cure sound and well an nolnril rch?tb ore hundred
times a:, much? Depurit and ask for ratters Wag Baas and ...porta
Lafian—and take no oft For sale at our btu: More in' in,Erre.
411,111 our a ,, ' ent throng at the county.
Erie, ttept....l3. I - 57
._—_ _____
---- it. ara zo Alan* as IN Mltill.
!FirThe subscriber °trent for sale, at his sesidcuee Fr .
in Erie. Fa 4--
Grazing farms at li to 810'per acre, iti lots uf
, WO to Witt *res.
:,.„,i rarlii: , at 11 1.0:11341 VT were, In lot.; °fag t4lsoacrcs. 4 .
' IV 4.1 land at 2to .i, t . wor acre, In lot+ ofts to ..xiCi aer, a. ,
Out loth of Erie, all to 63100 per acre, and
In lots of Erie. at •241,t0 Stlatilollaro.e.ich.
Eric Out lot N 0.319, jituate bet% cen Fret eli & Holland: 4 (mq..
ttakilivii:eil illto ~. 011% rti ailt lots. for Residence or Nisi:less, note
tor sale at 1 1 90 to .9.1 1 '0 Cash. Ar. .re chance.
Al•o a foie %Van r Lortproilcrty
Erie, March '2. 1t.:33.; n ty 1, barred. for Sale . rr Retil.
tVII.:_ioN Ili INt...
' Ott ' Co net llae I L t.'etit & Laud Broker
• ' -_----
• Zuyatorte Paper Mills.
• ERIE. P 4.
.111 R. V. 1.11111 MARVIN having dt"l 'dot ha 4 intereat In the
1 n a„,ve e,tai-laqtanaraa. and if tap , W1.1111'401 of dart in & Per
ktn-, t‘a ennatrel Nrtden, tte btaAanr,4 o til hereafter be conduct' a t,v
the ,•19peralrers,under the name 01 Pertain & Selakn, who.% ill Fe 11.6!
all arenanli. .f the late tam. (let 19.
tat ra ir rraatc+. • IWICEL N.
• .iliministator's Notice, . I
TO °TIC!: I hereby given that lettery of Adastuh.tention trove'
1. 1 11 been era melt the rub.erlber.ou the rotate of I:lia..Neo. l'll,
I eof Nurtli EaFt townsltiv„ Erie roomy. deeense.l. .%11 per
t.. t.,tllo.ref)-e. :die:de Ito s'atd llaute, am requesurgt to ma ) ',
p ywent n ithoot delay: and all pep4vas having elaturs agvitt.t
5..*0l estate, arc requevted to prevent them duly anttumheatclTor
seftlemeu.t. r 11.11'N ("Ey l'.l,VreEs.i...
{=north Earl, Nov. 31). le-r. t . 1.99 Adminimaton.
On Sand Again. 1
T HAVE now on hang any quantity of firt , t quality WHEAT
.11: FLOUR, whirl, I will deliver to any part of the City, free of
ehar,...e. Itqckn !teat l'imir, Corn, Meal, Oran itn.ll ('hop Fmk
alvvn - i on hind. cheap for the cash. ' JOHN ELLIoT.,
Ott. : I:6a. tat 41411ereek *Ms.'
riatice in General.
Ivor brivi , time and tbie publistfets not baying space enough
J. l ll in their pat to eamaerste all my articles in trade. I will.'
alertly .rate that ate tit cry thing gets tall) kept in a Grocery
store; and a great ni iy articles not kept by manic. all of whir
will he sold cheap tar 'ash or Trainee. Give me a call aitd/
sati•fy )ourself. W. F. RISDEILNErIII' t
Eric.Nov.9.lPSO. ,
. criChiX
06Iva:ft elkdl •i. , g and Ililivring. =-L'
rrifosEttaiing watch e. that lb /want ma to appear 1;14
Xl. solid gold, can have it done to t. tr satiefa tionby cailing
Erie Dec. 1149
2. El P LEtS iir GOihr 1101.
Yanls of Engliab and Ametiea P eta . prices begin
/ o n ning at i cents and eliding non . tiling per yard , co_
ors wa ed het as a rock. E. M. Tiassui.
SlSVC'ollars, standing Collar*. Lace Cuero, IF , toidered Um
der eves, Preach WdraedLateCollar* at
fakt. It. IC. M. Rama.
. ..
Cigars! 100.000 .ri 21
T A Union. Flied Elietn , La Norma. Jieottaeal and Prinel
A. 4
direct front the iMporter and warranted fenniae, thew
by the bor. (Oct. 1:1, 100.1 LM&D & BVST.
CM (11AM—flag 4-1 tee- etas •
sari. •.
Digesti T 1111 v• P 111 11 7 ;d4 Vt, or
4 0.111-EIT Ltd SPZPSI.4 CL' A ti 44 .
ermired Mans the 11.P.N4 ET, or Ow fourth Ronne/HA the ~_
ter direettonsof Banos Latina, the great Plirsioloa kl a t,„:" -
isa, by J. H. Morairroth M. U., Nu. If, hurth Lo t h i''''a-
Pbrlndelptlia, Ps. ' trtia.
Thitils a truly wonderful remedy for failigne taa . l a ._.
Jeaadira. Isar OrtspleinS. Giwfipetisn. sari p a
/4475 W
after Nature's oven method, by Natures own ar t a. it e 'a - 5 ` 4 . 4 a
Juice. .u 4
.1.5111 f teaspoonful! of dtis allia. red in water, 'tw o. :
gest or onm/re rum Potwar of Rosa 11.1 is ming lee *oa t, ' .
of the staunch. frai
TIME.' T lON is ehierlype la r E for S a p ie4 l° ; Y n . be a tt ,, a5 .. : , by Ile
LI a lb id which freely eludes from the inner ere.t cr that t ,„ l'
when in a mimeo( health. tatted the Gastrte lute:-
,T!,,,4„ . .. • •
the Greif Solvsat •1 the Food. the Pwr•fp.s., p5..,,,,Z.
m t . 55 / a k t , Agent of the twounteh Lind tutinuin., te,j57 , 7 41
there will be no digestion-rno coneerskm of rcod iroo t:,,ag 5 1:
no nutrition of the body: , hut rash a too. t , ,, ; , I. ~,,o , 5 4
destructit ecotolit son of the whole 0 :colt.. alias ~ v 5 ,,,, L4
half deaf), or insinoi stomach PlrMiti e. 4 no ace , o r. ~..i : i ,i,_
hence dr diocese, distress and ilehillity v. iiteh ea., ••• ' , ....1
PEPSI.' A. 1.0 ,RFAi.%l:7'. • - '
Pc14 , the chief eleuncnt,, or Oast sherrfier r.,„;:, N, _
Gagne luxe. It it tom in great :Ulundi - bee in tse. , „,..' O ,
of the hv nail 1 , ..0111aeil 3 dentn. 3.0c1 K... 4 ~,....%,,,,,_ . - . 1 1/ ..
irich to *est itself. or ea Writ up. it i. n;- , ~,.„„...i ~ ,„7 ....
itch 01 an tinalq, 1111 ihe Co ' , .lit . . &r• It l' ,Itt' E.1 . 71.1...e..! , v :
incr. In limiting cheese. e. lir I Reni,t, the erre" ''''. antra by
_tau been thespe - sal to, o ider yf the tistir.i. Th t ,- ~,t6,4
is the ring protein cf dige-tiosi. Pertunt k.......... ~, L
f , goner. ', The r•tonilch of a enlf rt ill enrele ur,,,1, ~,,, ~....:1
I.,: fliK juipuni weight of', whit. Earop 1.4eL7 ~.,1.-,r t...,„
part pp r p.ii, dji...ol,cii ill kitty theu.and po:* tt tsn ,L e , l 4 ,
ge.t inert and other food." lio.c.i.ed /16 1 11 ,, h• pr. t , et %fox
tilainle Juice, Kennet or rep.l6.. To show that thi. watt tas , bi
perfeetly aupplied, we quote the followmit
sclF.Yrillc Eripl.lrr.
EiAina "Aram. in his eclet,rated work on Anim-,1 o w , mrp,
'says: "An Artificial lii:eative Fluid 111:1 he ren.bly prepared:est
it. "
niscoats wieurit,tan, of the nortuth of the (*nit, in Si.
ton rIrtICICO of fan.l. al meat and e.z.t.,. will he rlftrael, eta itzo. .
sad .hgested, fiat in the trate sweat r 4.1 Mr y coed ie mite It awmar.h." ' .
De. Pt a tra.t. in his famous. treatise pa "Fos: aa!
lista d In Wilscut 8. CO., Ns* York. ples:ls. th en ,
tact, and describes the method of pnwrati,n. 'flare are irw
htziiir authorities than Dr. i'e Venn , .
1)r. Comt - ,e. in his valuable writings on the "Pli•ic;:n c•• D..
ttaation." Ohaerves "that a rhistinutu m
dt of the due trily of Ai
Gastric Juice is a WOW Illetit cud all pm an ca se of Dn.
per s ila ;" and he States that "a dictinguonsd
in Lonilon. who was severely afflicted/ watt tin.. r..inrkatttost
tag evcry thing el‘e s to fail, had fed(olll4 4 the isa:11•••
ottaine.l front the sfoitirsch Of fit nig . r ,uia!:, vi i
i lmety
uqr,ha fin, antha of the famous iv. ork , . "v t:.
sa) it is a remark:tide fact in ptit Ci-st • I
stun , inacernledo in tinter. ittn.cirt I-, Or•
dissolving varlet) , articles of tots', ant ra of
artificial dlge•tion of thew - in Ito wile d, a r v , t ' , t 14 . a the n:..tsitt
IrrOC,S. "
b r. C
sii„ :o ,p s great work, the "flltenn.tcv of Mai." Les &
Blanchard, Phila. telt). pp. 2214) rays: "the ci•cnscry •if PEP.
SIN Wrists a iww eralin the chemical Fr
recent experiments its know that food i• ,ht.,.11., I a, r L p t ai r
an nrtificial rheestive fluid, prepared from Pepsin, a, it ~ ~,;
natural Gastric Juice shelf." 44
Pr•ifesiiar Desotfisi•s,nf Ph in bit •••;.int
man Physiology, devotes more than 1191 ilv.•• • t. t ti
of this subett. Ilia expettutents wilth Ur ite.t..ionmciittnts...-
tric Juice, obtained frnin the illtialpinian •t. .41 a: •
'mats air • tell knOwn. "In all ca,ihs," he •,•• 2:;• - •
red as perfectly an the artijiia at as in the itaierral
Dr. itricctrros.s i grparaill.4l of Tr est , * 111. ;.7011...el itt
ino,t rrirrel,,us effect,. Clirlig ca-e' of Esaibty., E m 4. at oi. y,,,, i l
r.+II/ Dealer. and I loprOir (Amin. rims, biltt;,,il' . 4 tAll 4r. the
very s err of the rr are. , It 14 intr. He to ;tire thr'sef••
s, in the limn. of On* 'adverti.elilr I—biat antllutt.catt. I'll 4 .
catel bite Oren , even or.ivuw Win
1100 ft;: VI ARA' 4111.1 r: CURES:
In I'lnla.telplon. New York and guidon alone. These wenii,,,
1),411 de-le...rate care, arid the c ir.....14 ...:r net only rai - iii a: .ii k
derful, hut twrinntreni.
It e; a are..t Nert,dus .Ititi.letr. an trintrieularls 11;efol I s ..r:r.
&,c", t, billt , i,.. ili,or.lrr. pt t r c , .o..,:aint. fever a1. , 1 . r .. ~.
badly tee ete.! lot er an , / at., Z 2 .C. ;thit the evil erects cr': ..• .f.,
Nlercury. nn.l qtlier druc.qlK n the dicept!ve. wpm , . a! f i ~ c 4
- t... 804 I/IC 1 0 0 tn..
11 alui , ;-; te,onciles4llealth with tht , 21 , ,,
LLi t•tir 1M %Clll
Byre is no fury." of old rgomnels.Compktints n. :•t) es n::
went to rcac4 anti roma, e at cret , . matter 1,,
It .I!HT artak, VI A Ire le drag smarts t• tt for.;
:Topton's. and it only noi.lh to h., rev...ate,' fLr a t •
ti k e. t e et tots tw.tipont. P1.:.,1; 'r OF 111 y,.a ~,14 V.. ,t
3: Once., It 1 •
9 , Vt.ttntttly,!,, t••• occo, CI tlx pit i.f O.^ rt. s.
el— after e.ttritr% rord j% 3, 1-%:^11
of-;,ant-. !„4;., v:34 ,• 1.01 ,, .• u• •
ut • /.1 • Itol.l.‘Rl - Pr
tt t:; Oltrit I.crt. 3 la- nog Cure
• P11P137.24 XN POWDERS.. -
S 1: NT Gl' 1r F E tGE
Gt". , !ntlinz to all Ott+ 0( thq r• •
nt M•TTLIZ.or tile PrriAr(l4, up in VW
it'a directions to he.di:isolve.l in diluted :dr.)! r
Ity the patient. These no...tiler; Jutt t!.e e
the I..atte, te.t ?vim the Tretut . t r f..r the NM( i r , , .• '
tent ht unit free e!, Poet. r tee. Pr .)ne ‘'.o.lar tent .I". 1 t ¶.
J. 1., Hui:GirruS. No. II N.)rtli Wirt. I. r i.:La.
tsix ;tick tr,r6. 'Of five , 1 - 9
thr w• %mu viol:we of J. S.• 110 tiTi xt D.. S•.'le rr)pt,e
tQr •
anted in a rry town to the • V•'!
I.' erll ei.^,ll[lN nn to the trade.. Dt‘trgi
jtr• 4 I Uort, are 4'. , *( r , rl to art as aretlis.
Carte , ' A. Vacther, No. s. Med Douse, and Dr
1,12-!:.. are vatuts (Jr Erb.. .
A •snst 17. I-
FTER prorvot.l co,..Arations. efil`r4iS4.! r , . ,
hone. I 111‘e made up my until tliai /0 , Cul t 4:
of the 1 , 14.1 e of this tawu. , •,,
are 1:141.1,..r,, , t material- re t w r• •
tie% er t 4.• - ••• re wn. a 'town eurftell with .ue , / r tie r
calk land ~ 1 ,1 hock/an/lg. Take a coat of k
rt>.tmi;ofthesit lm °Nit i• ta%i “r. . ett
.'o OOrtT 11011Irre—,e0t1 feu n rd ent etc,- • , 1
a Nation bole tti:Sl. 41., as ibeine. t. d , I stir
hyuz, tin,:.!r Usti e , i the Moth—tau re a• •
vO.l 01 - ,;1 a tick Mute ihrenef it—Cerr. t
, e'la• ha arm tln,e fC051,1 41'1 rt •
a:.,1 r :JP,: 0,11 1 ,41 ti'l. '1,!!"4
more ellevrinz Intril rt. I er,Tl 'NU. 7. Root I
t.. ,t.iy.opened a iriagnif,e i• Car SI. ek Qt/
GOISCOMCII . .1 8.2114Dirr, Goc4t.t,
t-t ot-i•tv•re.arid Ve.nit wcf GertnniK Freneti, turllpli rn i a.:,••
lean nr,,duction: .tit.att.sti Fait st,t.p..i. isirchased Ly uit sifft.t tt.l
r--tal.ll+lnin tiro to rnokna. ?iffy York and
ate! Trallltaltl43l in great taner•
oilto, , I (Kt il'. era rat... ilk fillet) Gin% es and Ilan ‘rt
clurfs. fine iihirte.e. Isar .i.rependerr. Puff 4.7aseiatere Ve•ti
Men, I ill Chnita,anti a er-ativar , ev. of ••noti:Jrie " 7'he.etot 4
01.3,1 keep no.: ninkesto order 01:14 I, atsineeptional,le
ity and era. as may t-e he inspecting my goo— r..
No. 7 house. where I h remosed.and tx ICI a. me
of conducting biAinessitpon lay ono respunsibilly.
- JACtin Ent It .
Erie. S4p.t. 7. ISSO. I
Ir~BQ,RANPCa 00BEV' A Ti ,
(of Phittitlpkia.,l
AI; R now dolnz business on he Mutual plan. gi% in xth • r•,-..rt:
.Ll. a paktictpation the t•ru ti of the n
ty 0n.4 C.( pr(mioni potd.
.Risks upon the takes and Canal iniured on the tr,t
terms. Losses will Le and promptly .I.ljust,
Fire turrclianditc,bifilditirrs au t0thuv..,,..0 ,. . ..) tzwu
or country, fora liniiteil nun permanently.
Joseph IC, Seal. • 'Amos C 1 Hand. ..1 .1. r
Theo{ how. raultlistg, John C. ,Dav Ir. •
Robert Burton. Garrett. ' John It. ern ,,, c.
Hugh Cram. .Samuel I:lllSarda. rroF..
Henry latiNfellee • 'Davy! 11. Stacey Par:a:gar*
Charles • Isaac R.llasis. J. G. •
William FOIWCII, - . fCilllatii Ray. John S. %onion.
Fir. S. Thomas,• Dr. R. M. Rutqcn. Joint \ , 11C7,
Spencer , tale Ila nue,
Richard-S. Newbould. Sce.r. Ma.t , n rreol
rr A rpl ication'a n be"madeto
J. KELLI)Cr., 3qm. "
. Erie, Feb. 10, ISO.
ril l* * iiiittnitaii STORE.
, Pl. Y . III.E111,i1.; 111) Ikli.: ' '
Nes Goodisna(ovig Dargeias: Cara byitert .44 . ..;!ta."
T CST reeetvetatul ever) d.ty feCeil iug. at the f',n-:..% ,tt;•re.
v/ an e and prlt ap.urtineht of fr,- , tichea;. 1:10 ' , ,t 3 11 - , .
.ottzlit at New Vogt, Pittehureh and thdrato stnre,..i ,r r•, -
ere. n
hien. to addittnn to Its Cornier *toe: nnt-t AA 1 %, . ' I, ik 'I
I, at WIIOLV.I.II AN1142 rr.%t I. as low a• the 1,,, ,, .1, Cr'
lor any nth r Omer weal of Chafralo..ror any kind of prvilu , e P WI ,
, eras find arata.for. and ootnettnnr , fur Coak, lino( f i + , . , 'AjC l. '
Iwe In 10a.) r¢2 (unlashes.
Co intr),Nfereti-tutt amt Fanners are invited tp can al en te". ,
, want:l: [otter Ler, as I hate adopted the Cub *3,44.14131A , 4.: ,f. ,,
, Urn the fail it oflll - 41tairir untney.„
.N. It. I his e o.,oneltiliAt to like Gold and Siier ai ear ~ r 1 ( e•
ureic! , lonerr.hotveithaantimg the atoruitne orvr•trcn‘ t aKf.,t
flit'. , J. /WC !tter 1.•••
rEn a. June. , I ' No.'S Fleflliptt ~ C' , k
DV RI: t 111% r ytt kr sale Fy
nt • 111114.1.iii4:1:11 Ili 1..--11011 Karts .. ibr rate. at the lowest : 1*
Jr krt prig. ni No. I. IluirberC)ftu 1.1 ,- nr., State street. Eri -. I.
August 34 It 1. r. It ALI
- -
mkt.. tiff , rtiv.tritirl ijhite Leakircomi to 00. -Is ,
3 000 ~...... also. a tars* supply rute Dry WI , : • i .t'
t4r ?lir In man or fai r %tumid* Oa die mom rearkinn , , •• - c
No t Ilhuthee Iluildturs, V o f f. I; ‘i I.
August 31. ' F:5
6000 ' pl — nrli fs = "a" . amiceriedel.
Aug at
T r Vandike r itrown. , Drcvo 1,
!Alsip pliack. wallow qualities:Spatil.h Br %(
nano Tied of ruper l Or qualaties. seUltig al reduce,! prate..
A IFJo. ti fir
300.6.A.Lit.eng. urpeti ne
August St. •
"t 1 Oil by the galkm or barto, be eh ea;' o•
le Eric eotinty , take by ' P. !IV!
W4iid,,Covi.etrit.lNeapt TVtAr. Indipp;rCcitlnt
ctn. Thrt. Tin. Auttatt. endbear...litun,, Mitt.
and Mora inf Arid., 311 of which are °Hilted lay, t.,
drugust 31, 10311,, .1' II 11' .•
10e1.:R113 1 .f i ta — IT ' eilie7i.( • riTAA.PL , ' , g' ' '
Neu—lit:tans tlugsirs superior Sugar 11.. w.• A:, , ,, , -- , '.7,.
Iltieff SUinlf 110Ure Pyrite. ' Riee , entree. track a•. 1 ~ r.' •: t t ".
Pepper. [spice. einniusion. l Gineer,lint Hee., Mae.. 4 I , , f•-•':1
rents,. Lesidesp bustotother allele* in the b .., 7
tueutiuti. Nor sale ty • , 1.. it V ...
I rl6
August 31.
BAI Fit—Paint. NArnl44 W httr Wash. Str-": -
Scrubbing. 1110111110. Hat.l 4 he intr. CI,AII. ttpu.
Teeth. Crumb. (AMINO/ and ['inner.' Bruebes of drib°
all ern hien ate gabled enougb.. by . r. II ‘ l . l -
rd ,
August 81.
'llS.—(ramplhotw.T“rky /Oval. liforphmc,a ,,
Pyre African Cjenue. Gums Arable,
(„tuiek.ilter, heti. every other article nt ertatr , .
msedictnc.uuatryWUivjatoraa. rutliale
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Aucupt 31.
kpf 4 1V suistr 'Aar:anted chi.
Pclic crape, at
OTA RD anti Initini brandy OfThaperTor7ern3lrrc. tit
-------e l:1E'11.81011 blATiaßFA—Wartasetrif goal in sal 1 " 2-
the eery best in wee, itsr &blip by ibe rho or cse
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rl naiderefirefieb. En
0.14 ed• alein ne.404 .1
este Ns' 1 R,
Ttit - Eger —a tar,* eu
\ tputa la4l an 4 beet Anterbeen. I
an 4 new Rao maelanete.
As a Dyspepsia Cuter,
the oil , .
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