'A..l l .4outexong a 00.,.Propriotors-. VOLUME 21. Oberon. A. P. DURLIN & CO. PROPRIETORS, E. F. SLOAN. Editor. OFFICE? CORNER STATE ST. AND PUBLIC SQUARE. ERIE. TFR Ift.., oF THE PAPER. Cay sal tieribtrs by tie , . carrerr, at tii o L lii a.li',.i . ,r at tlirkititcr, in aavance, ' ' 1.50 - ; ! i t tan Old 111 aitvanco,or within thrfT griontlu from the time ~,f ;L,l'rii ,:,!. tvk 0 aollarr.p ill be cliargoil. All cuiniiiunicathimi east lie poet paid. • _ ' RATES OF ADVERTISING. ~ ..". " 'lrds not weeding .1 lines. one year. - 83.0. (Ise spare ..., •• , . /0.60 1,. , do., etc mon he, 1 8,00 do. do. three to tabs, -'• 2,00 Thant.ient all% en mewl! . .7,ocents permeate. or fifteen hoes or if.. 4. s.r the first insertion: YS cents for each •UhieflllelLl Itifeft.loll. ers 11 it' - - ' ' e‘.l ato . 3 , l'earß.-advertibert• lit , the privai..g.. of dtangtn:Lat idea. u re, r.l at Ito tune are allow ed occupy more than tt), ..• xpurrt a*d t. Go . . 4, drd to f het r , parstitia.; boen 4 e. ,, , ' V! ..rtt.eitntv. not havithlt oti.rt tit 7-I,lollf. u ill Le ihttexted Lill rx- , ..1 and charged ace orditt gly. - , 0 . - j.N ( 8 *.r. ir is) \:/ VM. S. LANE. Attorney and Counsellor 0; LOW. army and ,Navy &idol). Land.; and ri it •1-. In extra-141y. au4 nil ether bot•lsies entr tit:ed tO nor otiall ree. I‘l. prompt pup failhfal ottrnt .?.1. , . m iVrigt , es Bl‘yek.on 'St tte rtJrxl, , over J. 11. - Lrlf Oct.• 19. LAIRD & RUST, W.:0; PP 1r e in I Re.ail Dealer. iu I.)ry luur. eorner oi State street and [tie . iuTre. near the ' GLEN B. KEENE het% ern the R. e I 11 , .:,eatil Brow'nVicte+. b'al !,4; il,k.n" tfti OUV EPAFFORI).., Bookoelltr and Raw:uer. and alanuc,eturer illauk am! Writing Ink. corner of the Diau.fmt an —4- Arivavvy a