D. r. sLO,4 N, TOLUME 21. 0115truff. B. P. SLOAN, EDITOR. QFFICE, CORNER STATE ST. AND PUBLIC SQUARE, ERIE. TERMS OF T(1! PAPER. City sob:craw:is by tl': catner r at ~ . s2,Ot By mail, or at the °dice, In rlvaere, 1.50 . IT If not paid In advance, or•wititin three months hom the tilile of subscribing, two dollars ‘cjit be charged. f(TAII communications Must be pool paid: RATES OF ADVERTLSING. 1 thirds not esceedi n ng, 4 lines, one year. 83,00 One square ~ • • 46 10,00 do. do. sic mOntlis* 1 6,00 do. do. duce trio:lElls t 3,00- . Thanstent advertimtnents, 3O cents per square, or fifteen lines or leis, for the find insertion:. 2.1 cents for each subsequent insertion. ID - Yearly advertisers have the privilege of changing at pleasure, hut ai no Issue are allowed to occupy more than two squares, hid le be hotted to llere'r .ramediate buain.q. • Ad% ertisements not hay keg other directions, will be in s erted till turbid 1111(1 charged accordingly. DUSBMEOB . DAWZ.COVCORY. = WHOLESALE nil Retail Dealers in Dry Gutlß,Groderies,liardwnre, Liquors, Flour, Pith. Falt&c,. corner et .tale street runt the rublio rquare, near the Court ITOUde, WILSON LAIRD, GALEN B. KEENE, Fashionable Tailor, between the Reed House and Dnawit'a Hotel; curriNG June on short ,OLIVEIt SPAFFORD, Bookseller and Stationer, inid Manufacturer of Blank Books and iVriting Ink, corner Diataonil and Sixth seent. J. 1%. DOUGLASS. • ArrORNCY AND COUNSELLOR .T Len'—Otliet an Stale Street, three tluord north of Brow tes Hotel , £rte, l'a. , COM PI G-N & lIAVERBTIC DEUR!) in Dry Good , , DVaro, Crockery, GrocerLeP, rind nnn For eign and I,tn, d, :o• In•.tillers, and Nancifacrurers of klalerntn.. No. t, heed llouse, and cortivr of French and Penn Streets, Erie, l'a. ft% MME= Attorney & Conner.lter nO.nw, (Office No. 9., Erie II:t11, corner of Moan & Lloyd streeti, , ittnlalo, N. Y. Collecting a n d cotouterc Moines...lva] receive prompt nttenion. USYL/Chccres.—A. I'. ISt rirA)!in GRANT. EVI, J. B. INICRUN, SPLCI.II. and general Azency and Connaisgion business, Frani:- lIN l'a. It Ulll6 It EI:1), n n EtiElish,Gerwrio and Aurcncan Ilarth6re nod cutlery. NuiN, Vim., trim niid Stu! No. 3 Itrea Iluube; Lry:, . W. J. F. LI 01.)LE & Co. Bricesurnt, irnrriage anti IV,vzon Itul!den., State Street, be mean seventh & Erie. M. D. wrier. One Dcor tobt of C. U. Wright's sto r e, _ _ _ • DOCT. J. It' orricE n ills Met. A. pcenr, K,vetittt near Sn4•=nrrn' videuce. on V.lsbuir.is, {2/1Q tti,br of&•venth .k.t UWE Wirnr,vsAtr: nint Retr.ll dealer in GrOceries, Provisions, Wineg, Liquors, Print, &v., &c Corner of French and rifitt Strati, oppo,ite the Formers' Hotel, Erie. JOHN .McCANN, Mime , ALE nni Retail Dealer In Family Grotaler, Crockery. Glarsware, Iron, Nitilb, 4c., No. 11, Fleming lfiock, Erie, Pi, U- The li newel..price paid for Country Product, J. GOALDING. • DfcttcnaNrTatcou, and Habit . linker.—Store,No. 3 Revers Black, (oppos.ite the iloncelt Uluct;) r:taic Street, Enc. A 7 1. 0' I R Y. IY I E V ' E l" -1 "1 19 / t1 2,%11T -‘ 1 In Wzklk . ee* o;lice, on Oeve ' utli Street. Eck. ra k lIENItY CAD% 'ELL, birnitiksool , l*. and Retail Dealer in Dry COOr. Grocer Crockery, (Ii Sware,,Carpetitig. klardware, Iron Nails, t 4 loko , &c. Empire Stores State Street, four doors, below Drown's lintel, L:rIP. Also—Anvil Aalc Arms, emings, ntl a general oport.kent of Saddle anal Carrinr 'I rimmings. IVILIOTiN — bTatH, - 1 ATIIOP.NFT AT I.VIV end Justice of tife Peace, anti Agent for. the Key Stone Montal Life Inirtrance Company—Office 3 doors west of tVrtglar store. Erie, l'a. W. H: KgsWiicoN & SON: LE +r vas in MActu..... Clo , ks,, hooking dater , , Piano Fortes Lamp+, Britannia IVure,Jewelry, null n variety of other Fancy Art.cl,, Keyw..ke Puddings, four doors below Brown's Hotel, R. ue ,Street. k:rie. Pn. • GEOItGE fl . QIII , LER, ATTORI11:11 . AT LAVL, Circnl, Jim County, l'a. Collections and other t urine>x atter.de.l to with prolifinnes,. hnd WILSON LAIRD Arrevevr.v rr er C. B. Wri,;lit'e Store, with —Mu I,n V lianthi. , lll , o , ile the CC.Utt /101 Ye• . • CUlteeting LUlduer.z.ttt 11%10 to %% ithprulopt nebo nod BROW N'S 1101'LL, rnnxtat,y 11D PAnc.n, corner of Oiale ,treet and t h e Public square Erie, Eastern %Vegeta and southern stage °dice. B. A. CRAIN Witnixami.e and Retail &Merin Groceries, Provisions, Wines, Liquors. Cigars. Na sig. Deuoit A le, Euircuit, Crackers, 4c. &c. Ceeapeufe, Erie. 1!n. T. W. 111%)UitE, • 1/eel. ER in Gro.Terie,t, Provivionp, Wince, Liquor..*, Candies, Ftuit, No 6, l'our l'edyleN 'tow, State htreet, Erie. , JOSIAH KELLOGG., Forwnrding& Con4iits•ion3lerchatit, on the Public Dock, cast of Elate ,treol. • • Coat, rzan, ylamer and White Fish, cowtantly for snle. J. H. WILL.IAAIS. Banker rind Earn:lnge, Broicer.. Denier in Billx rertinenn,nf Depe.ile,Cold m u d silver coin, &IS., tinier, 4 ..10,,,r$ Ittgow Ittiran'. lintel, Erie, Pn. BENJAMIN F ATTOTIXEY ♦T LAW, CICATI36tI, on Superior bitTet, Aiwater'.4 Meek. lteltr.ito Chief .lintice Porker. Cambridge Lao. School; !inn. Richard Fletcher, 10:nate pt., llogorit tiaimiel 11. Porkitier, 1111 %Valuta st.frbilaclelpltiai Richard 11. %Vali sLieet, , Ne v. , York. For testi mon ial s, re ter to this °thee. MARSHALL & VINCENT, ATTORNVYS AT I. A 4—office up ...lairs in Tammany Hail building, north of the Proitionctary's MUItRAY VVYA L 1.0 N , ATTORNEY AND COUNYYLI.OR AT LAW-0111CC over C B. Wright's store, entrynce one door west of stole street, on the llintoontl, Erie. 1. 110SENZWElex — tkc, Co WITOLCPALE AND TLETAIL IlE , LT.rltt, in Foreign :Intl Dornefitle Dry Cowl., really inane Cluttting,lkota anti SliOes, 4e. t 2io. 1. Flew. ing 111,or k, ritats ,qrect, I;rge. r • DCALER in Dry Cools, Biy GIOCCtiCB,C:OCCry, iiattlWate. &C., Nco. 111, Cheap-itic; Erie, JOHN ZININIERLY, ORALER inCroterie and Pro,. klonir °fah kinds, State rtreet, three doors north of the Diamond, Erie. S3lll'll :IACI.SON, DEALER In Dry Goods, ll;rocerie, Hardware, Queens Ware, Lime, Iron, Natlsolr.e., 121,'Clicapside, Erie, Pa. . , IVILLIAM , CABINST MAIER liptiolbter. and Undertaker. corner of State and Seventh stream, Ertl•.. . - .„ KELSO & LOOMIS, . .. Ccimit.roniiardlng,l'rodnee nud Conottinott Merehanint denlere in coarse and line /nit, Coal, Plantes Shingle/. (lc. Public dock, weqt nide of the brillge, Uric. mull, J.-Kettro, . W 11. .tic ALKE - COOK, CIKFRAL FOrYV riling, Cannnigsioa and Produca Merehanti;Sce ond iVare-h EC vast of the Public Bridge, Erie. , G. 1.0011. S & Co. DEALVAN in % atebee, 3rwelry, Silver, German Silver. Slated and Britannia Vara Cutlery, I . lll , ary and Fancy ll;oode, Slaw street, nearly of gaite Vic Eagle 110 w l. 'Eric. C. Loomis . T. M. Aram CARITat & BROTHER, ' . . • WITOLttFALII and Retail &Mere In Drogi, MCCSIC:IIIeI. Faints; bile, I/ye-muffs, Glai.ii;•_.l“.., No. ti, Recd (louse, Erie. - JOEL JOHNSON, ppm! in Theological, 1111$telinticoue, Sunday and Chest School Books, Stationary, &a. Parx Row, Eric. - 71 - AMIS - LYTI.,E. , FA RITIORAILE Merchant Tailor:On the 'public square,'n few doors f neat of State rtreet, Lae, . - . I). S. 01...... k Wuntr..cut AND RETLIL Dealer 1 Grocer:et, Provisions, Ebip Chandlery. Stone-ware, &a. riEr..., . knounell I.lloels.l:ric. . 0. li. SPAF 7 5R1). , Lealer in Law, Medical.; school Miaccilaneoue s lfOoks . stationary, ink, doe. State 2 at, four door.' below the l'ablic square. - --- -. • L ELLIOTT. Resident Dentist; (nTleiand dwelling in the Beebe Block. on the East site of the Public Honore. . Teeth .intertat on 'Ckdd Plate, Dom one to an entire nett. and teeth tilled with pure Gold, and restored to health and awfulness. ' Teeth cleaned 7 . l th 'owl.' limn** and Dentlnee so as to leave them of e pellucid elearneaa... All work warranted. -•' S. IJICKERSON, PHYSICIAN MID SeNDEON.-.OIIICO nl hinTesldeneeea i3CIICHOI street. oPPowtte the _lfettiodiatChureh. Erie.: • - • - /MIN B. BURTON'', Wuonnuta D RrrAn. dealer In Drugs, Medicinal, Py9 OLUZA ,'' tirocenegoko. NO. 5, NOVI 0,004. Ede." ' _ _ _ ROBERT B. HUNTER..- • ' 11cmen In Hato, Cips and FOre otalldOscrititions: No, 10, Plitt Row .Edo. Pa BUTTER IVANTED.-300.fultlip sooA Dairy ButteeireAted in einem:* for Cash or Good f r e : L ARGE tot of Homoviedial received per Exp teas by June I. U YULLERTON. • 4 fi , ' . .. - . • & . -cm.,- -.t ,- ,- ,': ). , ' -- ,^, ~, .- ,'" .:- ' -.' ‘f• 'k' , •'""'. ''' - '-'.. ', ,- 'r:-''' ,'''''.,- ' .'. , .,„ , - L ,^'' ' ''''' ' .l.t.F.'" 4 `.q. 4 : : 44 illi s,- - , ,, , , , ,y ,--- r - '''': 4 ` 4 ' ' ''.t .: YP l rs , , - .'''', 4 2 0. vrt:'y • --mss'_-''' - ---• ---• --- • -'• - • ~ , •—• •z' --- --,- '••- . fi t' . Z ,4 I• ',' • ' ' ''' • I , • • I ,- If. ' - '' - 4--,,.. _., , r .. • - . t „ „: ,‘• - ,„..." ,•_ 4 • •'--. .1 . .‘ . •q .- A, a - - - 4 4 ye. -•- - se , . (-• • _ :, ,t, —v, • -..., , • . ~, I 4z. - t it . ' :,, ' '1 • 17 , • '• , r -r ; . • 1. •`' W• 1 - •1 ' S.. ,:t t. !,,,` - , ';', IT. . a '.f..,111 '. , ' .-- . i , 4 . 4 : 1 4 . , ;, : ... -_ • .. -~ . ......-.) w. 1;.. - t .-.-.: ..., 7 '' ' -'Ft _- ' '----.' t..., , •-.„ , .., -, to_ .._ , i , . - `A, ~ " • . 1 / 4 4. 0 ~ ffil - - -• • ~., -- v • 1: * 4, ...., -, 'A" ~... . ' , , ::,.. , 1 ~ , ~.›. ~ 41; 15 i ~. t rg Vt It .- $ ..ft . . ? • , . .., • ' ' ..!: -c :13.1 * • ••• 0 4 , c. ... 'i:,.` -5.4-* x -,-,. , , . ?. . a,,_ . , ‘ - ~.., , . • it, , . • . ' , ~. 4 ' -, - • I " , • , . - . - .. = DENNISON, W W. LOOkttll Pilttrq tuth "ALL TRY WORKS PRAISE TREE." By MARY HOVITT. Tho moonbeams on MD billowy deep, A. 'rho, blue wavo4 rippling cm - the strait!. Tho °corm in its poacerol sloop, The shell that nturmum on the Tho cloud that dims tho bendingd The bov that ou its bosom glaw_ Vito sun Mit lights the vault on hr Tho stars at midnight's calas*; These praise the potvv.r that arched And robed the earth in boantv'e d Tho melody of Nature's choir, Tho deep toned unthaws of tho Tho wind that turns a viewlessfyr, Tho zephyr be its pinions free, Tho thunder AVlth its thrilling not Thelmal opon . theinountain air Tho lay that through the foliage fl. - Or sinks hrtlying cad Once that, Those all to Thoe their voices rah' A fervent voice of gushing prefect. The day-star`, 'herald of thodaku, As the dark "shadows flit away, The tint upon The cheek of morn, • The dew-drop gleaming. on the spi 1 From wild-birch; in their wanderin From strOainlets le'aping to the From all earth's fair and lovely thi Dna' living praise ascend to•Th4 TICS 3 'Wi th their silent tdngues KO . to varied wonders of Thy name Father.'Tlif hand bath formed the , . • And flung lion the verdant 10'141 Thou bad'at it drip at gurrirder's how Its hues of ,Beauty speidt• of Theti • ' Thy works all praise thee; ahnll not Alike attune the grateful hymn? • • Shall ho not join the lofty strain, .- 1 :' Behold from heart to seraphim? 1 We true icTiteo our humble: lays. Thy mercy, gonithesselove; we pr THE PURSU • . . Tint reader need scarcely be told. hat albeit po; licetofficers, like other' - men, chiefly delight CO re count pick successfuOxploka; they d , nevertheless, experience numerous and vexatious fh ures and dis appointments; Ono especially I remelt ker, of which. the ;irritating " recollectiondid not ,p is away for Many weeks. _I had been* for some tii' of a rather eminent rascal, thongh one young in years, and by 'marriage respectably. co+cted, Who, by ail infarifous abuse of the trust reposed in him by the' highly-respect - Ale Grin who employed.him; had contrived to possess himself a large sum.of mon ey, with which j ,or st least with the portion of it falling oAls slie--4oc,,we' discovered that he bad been for some time connected with ‘ a first rategang of swindlers—he , hoped, to escape to America. The chase was but after him; and spite of all hiS don.b litigs and turnings, and the rule -scents adroitly thrown out by his confederates, with the view` to fa- Vour his escape, .1 at last-fairly ran him to earth at 2Plyrrou;l3, though in what precise spot of it he bur 'rowed I could not fur the moment - ase.ertsin. Nei ;her was I - well acquainted With his features; but-in the description of his person furnished me, there were certain indelible marks enumerated,• upon strict examination. could not fail to determine his identity. lie purposed, tascertained, to attempt leading England in a bark. bound for New York, which Was to sail frorri Plymouth on the day after'l arrived there. Of this I was fully satisfied; and I determined to capture him On board. , -Accordingly, about half an hour befiire the ship was to sail, and after all the passengers hadeMbarked, two of the lo cal officers and I goi into a boat which -I 'had Some time previously engaged to be -in readiness; a'nd put ono the vessel. The wind was decidedly fair for the emigrant-ship; and so stiffly did it blow from the north-east, that four hands,lwas informed, ware te .quired,- not indeed toconveyus,swiftly out, but to pull the boat hack against . tke,wind, and the oroai tide which would be running outside,the breakwa ter. The sea dashed smartly at times over the boat, and the men pulled their, son,'-wester eapti.well over their eyes, to shield themselves from the; blinding spray, We were speedily on' board: and, the eap ttiin, although touch atinoYed,,at the. delay, paraded his motley pesiengers as well- as , irew, before us; but 'to my extreme' surprise,,,our bird was' , .not amongst them! Every possiblean& impossibly ding pine° was thoroughly but vainly.,searchadi and we were, at length ,coMpelled - to reluctant admis sion that the gentleman We were In quest of had not yet honored the captain of the 'oo(umbia, with his patronage.. .. ;• . ,c - `,. , - ~ , ~., , .., ~ We sullenly returned into ,tho boat; and the in stant we did so, tho anchor, already a -trip, was I:rof.t home; the ship'Sbows felt rapidly off; her crowded canvas . dilated`and Swelled in the spanking biceps, antl i fho sprang'swiftly nfruPon her coUrse. , It was a pretty and somewhat exciting spedtaclof and Land my cotimanions dentinued . to-watch 'thit,inintrtly: , handled vessel with naticli interest, iill'a polnief land hid her from' our view:We.Ahen' inroad our'. faces' toward Plymouth, 'from ' Witicl4,l Wita itirpriami tit find, we wero apparrenly as distsilt 'it; over. 'is'ilin tide, let alone the widd, icdoad againSt tfifi_grovvi-, ea - the master of the boat, *ho Wee:note polling the near onr, in it 010'e:remark froiri ono Of: the Pl 7, mouth officers. This manhad ateered - on going. ou t. A quick suspicionimaftshed.aereseinct., "Where, Is theniherbdatuttia iv it came eel. wlthi?er. i } tinkrp-. Iy . ..demanded.. .'i'he old ? catnap, An a l en - ti (4rePi9 !to turned himself half round toward the weatbor-tieF, oar, cx,Ottirnieg,.!!Easy,, Billyetisy; Ifitklter nose lio a little i h tal closer to tiiewin4l i i '', readily 'saw, was diine'tO conc eal F momentary cOufasii4l; arising kiitn, the suddenness of my" question-a' Very, sligh t , oPe, by.the:lii; Tor 'Vie fellow ''was'an'old*rairi l 'oe-#aPti man, with a face hardenell and bronzed liy:seirilee; iststithefi:gii4, - aid itittiCert.:oolM. o' l'repeiteil`Vhe ivieitlixtv in a more " Flretripioit i'ent'o . :rfsiOiefeitin, first delib e rately 1461144 a, ii l6 l l oiNFOr totiltaii:ldlier Over the eide,:iti'd theiti - - iOlktieit'oicjirOOkior!ictf,, , et .B o l , s :,,philiolphief l -ttloAmpoialbleiy -monk to itouvey, i distinct Meta 647 to: tototeOundea" !tie, i tot a I iboliPil ; 'qui oh Pi mll4 ilie almplitityi- snit impudent Otionicgiieplied,currtutt wora,paimeoger.to Yankee Laud—a -.golo! :there, l'ot gartiv-isteplatentildritm . benefit of hie„healib," . 4-fonkettla