Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, June 15, 1850, Image 4

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4 , 41 404. ASS
6.Y.1 , ,,i1A,
is recommended, and to adopt t exactly to their r lief and cure. Pa
tlentb 1,110, 11 3.511 it eat ttv GOOD MC•llO:Gie are un ire I to give it atrial, and satisfy
themselves of its superiority, a n d the Invaluable properly it possesses of ai Kiting
and curing disease. The bottle has teen enlarged to hold-ON} QVABT, and lit its
present improved feral may safely churn to be the REST and ciresrest Medicine of
the age. Its progress in the fame it has attaMed.inay be traced by a long No of facts
and cures, that stand as landmarks and Leammi for the invalid, pointing the way to
the haven of health.
'fire foltrming is from eel. S. G. ilylor, a gentleman of high standing and extensive
a:Num:dance in the Southern status, and lately appodtted Consul to New Granada:
• I
Mcsrrs. A. B. it D. SANDS New York, January 7, NIB. .
las mg te , ert, and witnessed the effects of your excellent preparation
of Sart•apatilli nit diner eat persons In various mutt; of the Southern country, viz,
Virmnla, LOU MeNteu. I feel much pleasure in stating the high
mamma cidcrtained of it. gre it medicinal value. In my own case It acted almost
him a charm, deacon tlry I..peerlily the cuert ated state of the system, and exciting, in
the most itgreeaMe an timer, a tome rml iiremorsting influence.
Your Sarsirp irilla Inglilv,c.l and exteirnvejv used by lire U. States army
in 'Mexico, amt try (mum', (;L:N. 'LAC/ A 'l'Al - 11.9k, has for the past five years
Leon in the irobit id Ivan; it, ;r o d I eVI/lIIIIICIVIN the same ; he and myself adopted lire
az trete at the same trinc, anal It is (1111% cmisidered an ;irlinost indispensable requisite
ill the army. in; C0114 . 111 , W11 I round ,ty,lliat the better it is known the more highly
It v. ill, Le priv-I. an I I :lust Orm its. MAIM-restoring votues silt make it generally
Liam i 3 tiauuLhout the length and Meath!, of our unlely-extended country.
Your, :cry re.pee:fully, s t G. TAV 1., GIL
L. • U. S. Consul to New Granada.
111 I
, 1 1 rl,
1, 7
Soo n'pn,l, Conn., Jan , otry I, ISIS.
Me< s —gentlemen—Synap attiy for the a:nutted induces me to inform tort
or If e df'e ours effected IT stout Sarsaparilla in the ease of any sire. She
e. a.. sea e t ,la tontmed a nth am. Sciobita ma different tarts of the ho ly ; the glands of
ttie :welt at, re greatly entaitted, nisi her limbs mush so °llea. After suffering over
car, act! rut :in.! i t /lw( from the remedies taswl, the thsrake attacked one'leg, and
.o.‘ lee !id e 1-11Ir/.01,1. Iler 1.105.11111 a adel,ell it rliOUlti be laid open, %%latch oas
done. but v. Mama . Ily evnela. I/i eallaitalli Ise heard of null Were
ir:ll..ed To not t • p,' sap.orill.k. filet Matte prothmed a tlecialeaf mitt favor
able effect. rt t ofmat lux mane than any presertption she had ever taken ; and before
one :Ind I,olltes, to the :atom-lament and delight of her friends;-slie found her
hr.:V.ll.lone I e•to, eti. It la now of er a year blare the cure was effected, Mel her
In alto r,llott me the brie na, thorOtighly eradicated from the system.
Our vete/dn s toe all :mooing to these maths. rind think Ssabs' Sarsaparilla a great
bie..otiu to the ay. Yours atilt respect, JULIUS PIKE.
1 11
_ .
11%trapir from a liner 'crewed from :qr. N. W. Hams, a gentleman well known In
Lomsa county. Va •—••I have cured alnegro boy of mine nillr your Sartinparilla.
tilt° tt ati altael,i . dVI hSE rofula. and Ole xerofinuus flintily. Yours ixtly
" ed./, s Mil, Va„ J a y 17, Isle." ••• IiARRIB."
The film fi lmtnig tetiainony from Rev John C Itge, late Rector of the of the
truciti sum in this rd v, commends itself to the attention of the afflicted, Aunicrout
ten he-it es of cities i,f satious deicases effected by tine medtrune are almost daily
teeette I:
member of sty firstly has taken your valuable Sarcapanlla for
a:n e.c scrofulous title-null, ke. atilt t h e most beneficial elect resulting (rein its
use. It es Inc ten 'neat la
ilesu ie to record my testimony in behalf of its intim
Ili it otheis may be induce& to make a trial Of ir.
Nay runt, .11,y Is, loli. JOHN GRIGG.
Messrs. AB. Sz. B IsANnc:— • Norwich, N. V., Oa. 6, 1847.
01. LS—reeling, of gratitude induce nie to make a publM acknowledgment
of the betient I hate denied (toot the use of yon(Sarsaparilla. I have fur several
year. been .011.e:C , 1 %sill. set ofelolis se6elloilgs tin toy head, which at times would
gather aid dizeletrge a, my thi oat, nose. and airs, and at others would break out in
dalcrent pants my LW!' Mit, heal. Tilt , e Colllll7lled unit/ my throat, face, and
head were ahnost use e,,, e rl e t e ....on. and for it long hale was so hoarse that it was
inch th e iiiino‘t dalicuity that I could speak shove u whisper. During this tune I had
ial atlael., plea. isy and other dtpeaseg I consulted different physicians, and
trfrit sat reme,lies. but lectured no henefit until I commenced using your &ma
y: ally IMU well , the :ires are all heated, and 1 attribute the result entirely
to the etteets of your i aluatito inetteme.
withi espeel and gratitude, PIIEBE CAHOON.
per , nnal.y zicquamted with the person abovo named, I believe her statement
to Le . cut .et.t. JAMES M. 1). CALM, Justice of the Peace.
( -14
, _
100 FUL1 1 ,0:1-ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM, NEW Toni.
Seld also by Druggt,ts generally throughout tho United States and Caaadas
l'rtee $1 per Bottle; lux Bottles fur IP.
or sale by J. 11. Barton, , Reed liojuw, C ie. t•
rairbaracs' aenuino Beale Ittanufactory'll
The sal•scrihershitt log plirchise..l Fairbanks. celebrate.. i n n
iae scale patents., and emplclerianetlottatt, -fir. litchi,. n 1... ha.
I-1.1 a 1.1.1 , r e , ftetiCaCC is their lltani.tat:lllllt, be; , I. at C 1 , infore
the piddle. that 011. a:e ~on i.n pared tot' irt.o.ll to Ord, r tilt :WWII
superior to ail) thing of the kin'? ever offerea in this Ina ch. I.
The kit t. 4.1 ,' Quilt 41.,) caution their (ii, lid, agati vi per
I' tLittlty WOritllC't ;Itl.fiCir4 put porting in 1... Fairhanits' le ilOtt
irr(Fpens/NL 11111 f tant yaulite itertlerb—ere maarjaciarr 11. c gcha
Int ari;tle. I'lle tolluv. ion are Our prices.
Day tlcales. of 1. Tony aralt, iE.UI
rOclt Settee, Of I It it thuil. In
t Vlatforia r:erties.l,s .011.(1 d tn. . :i
1 • it). do. du. ' t
isle t ~ liett let et •
and t.. : oil trochs, .1(1
Do. do 1 . 240 Ike. dr. li, it,'
. Do. do. li. 0.1 t r. 1 ,1,.. VI WI ItOitt I tic ley( r. a 5
I'4i - 114111.i' .Inieriedr. Scale. 1t.au11,,. :31.
Do. do. do. 11209 Ids. I. '
In. • tin. do. • 1.51.1, et. husk. - t i tit boi-ling
I‘ . t:r. (17
T)s. do. do. 5110 I he. lii
Flour Pacitii , cl - eaie.:".. O ILI. • .2.0
etnltltif r ec..l. F..! 01. t 0 ..ttti P.,. platrovia, • Ft
In, I no, to . 20411b4. I ...if.,rot C... Fc cop. lo
Chile's 01MM - 7 Seale, ht.., lc% et. 1 07. Inn :At 11. d1..1, * G
scar A'l the at Oer articles are takil. Tito., is ?:.dine to old Illi
it I.!DULI .111 , 1 fel , :de SC;111 , :it, re, itesied le gi‘e It , . a cal? at No 111
FECIICIi street, ~earl) - oppo.ite t tc fanner, lintel._
Ede. May C'O.
AxnnAxs.Tr,.39 sCALMS.
f j MIE u ell•earned reputation derail - batiks' r•-•alcs has intros c.. 1
L the tender, of imperfect an I vo ortlite,s I,4la:tees if, oiler them
a: ••F.tirlianhs' Scales." and pu cluwets 114%e 111(.1'0 , 3 . in ninny
.eares, hen tul.jcele..l to fraud v. til imprdttion. Thr ruhse ril era
I d% e no control sy,y ts ith honer tide cmilf•litors n 1,0 transact Ist
ether,. lit their otvri naine4, tut re; '
trding the gergetrator, of the
v rthoiv fraud as pUrsiling a COW:•MOT uppirl and olisloOnOrahlr,
-they (nice this measure toe:poin t % the 1 nhlw of t• cir . Puy:At:lons.
The l'a•rnire, manufacture and tk .ir on a itwivetton, and only W. E. 11..i.40 VILTO N I & BON.
r.t tin ir lactc.dy in St. Johustetr• f Vt. For sale by ' hiLISTONE BUILDING, NO. 1, FOUR DOORS DELOW
I •S. I'. Pli .VI"I` & CO, /
D. O. et , WINf; & Cll. (nUill,l°, N.Y. 1.11101.VN•l3 fIoTiEL, ERIE. PA. 1
E. & 'F. 11111211.1Nlis & Co. ,muss Ist., Nott-ru VuTiTtlllll.—Front Window, sticks out
I I ' ' St. J'.. , :al , bluT. ". if nut aPO coot: 'n• e• hannin I' amps Pam do C tor C.
• rle, March, hi, 1,- . "5) 911114" ' • - ' ''' " ' "g • ' ' " as ''' -m
D.Rxl3 DA C4TIE.7.III.DAN GALL PPM' ' Lcholder may -re without trouble or expellee.
c't DER MAN & LEWIS are ha to ;inbound to the Ladies and 1 ix. • x tnx-d, tonosTerl Co `v, Ma) , he found a variety ofCard ca- ,
1..3 tlentlemen or lane, and theft weals of science and art in the ref, silver combs, diamond, Tnrquois, ruby, garnet and plain Gold ,
re,,toil round nbotti, that they are prepared in take Lliterte , ttes 01 a limo, Buckles and fititirs, miniature lockets, &c
superior quality at their room., o‘ cc Middleton & Murphy's store Secatna I.—Gold and Silver, Patent Levers, Anchor and Lepien
Cure floors met of Ern, ti's lintel. &title" and commottescapenteutt Warches,gol agua r i I and fobc ha MS
I . llere VC te%rrul mason aby pen.rite• run oh o'lloi 1411er pie.- sleet 010 Ponp Ladles, (Bagley Gold pens.) ,
tures - at our r00n.% than at any other in this city, or In thin part of r:rn - rn.,l.—tiiiver. German silver. table and tea Spoons , butler
the country. Otte is, knives. gold, silver, German skiver and steel spectacles.
: St wi cox .3.—Pen lini jack Knives, Ito itors anti Strops, Shears
111.3 lIIA VE '1 13P.. ST LIGiIT! _ and tzciseors, fint,er Ringe• oteel Matto and Claspn and tassels, silk
Sktlight and side light C.; 0111 IN ED--erteh e,,reer I bog Ike fishers Purieo, tooth Brushes, shaving do. flue Ivory Combo, ohell, born,
the other, and producing a natural end moft beautiful effeet.,l- Buffalo horn, hack ond side Combs; steel Pene. Needier, pocket-
TRY IT, WHOEVER IS NOT SATIRIC° WITH PIC- limit stands, smilland tobacco Boxes, Envelopes, note Paper. ',Jell
ing Cards, tuning forks, sheet Music anti Preceptors.
TURES TAKEN- ELSEWHERE t.t. • ett yrtits 6. Saul.,—Filled with silver plated Fmk Baskets,
Another renson is, we have the be,t. apparatusi The importance Candle Sticks, Stititfers and Tray, Branch Candlesticks, plated
ktf tick will be °twines to nny one. niel itrittnit i a Cast Orel. 'Flower vases, &c.
We shall not offer Mo. , it ho fa, or Us uu IT, llortr pnrrourme, the Hit TiON 7. — Geroll,loK Britian in 'Pea Setts, extra Cafe and Ten
tint, insipid, corp:e-like thine. %%Inch many who roll thrtitselves Pots. hair Brtislits:, military Pont), Wallets - rind Pocket Books,
'trusts pa-tent to the public. Ken ber shall we obi r ,hest) Work, spool Racks. Bolls. ivory handle Knives and Forks. common du.
gloomy images v. inch himein I eine.: are tometitecs told resemble gammon Boards, Domino', money Belts, Port Folios, na 1; and
them:elven; but elect RDA ilC7orrile Like:los:4u., ji,h,., 11 , 2 the re: coup Buttons. piney sans, &c. .
10001nenui`rnd blending of light n•ni slut Jr, richness /no • th-pth of St cwin3P—Cortalns Bass Viols, Violins; Guitars, Fluteo,'Clar
'tone, retnntknltle dirti,fettros or ',tattoo. tree expreortion'of the Minato, Piagelets.Fifyi Accordions, Brass Horns, and right in the
ey e. I oldness of relief. dish - Met: and tin't-t! ,l :ilf of bark grout 11, 1111 , 11iir of Die floor otrindo three of Rickert Piano Fortes in Erie.
delicacy er fla., p r 5,,,,,, m m
np ri •ni ;jiff Milftlie . if, cf. St rTION P, Sot rib SIDC.--PrOnt WilidOW,contentsrary but lit-
PenortiTo w
r llorro Is no rrOltirXitle kl l, l 11011 r in :0 Which has 1111 , ,lepton the other. except a few Feather Dusters.
then Lft of this. It I' &stetted to 1t) a ifermat,ent e,ia: ttolftnent. H.-elate! I6—Solar Lamps, Extra glasses and shades, , an hour
NOT To BE EQUALED is ottr 11.0110. W. It. SIIERMAY, and eight day 0. G. and gothic Clocks. Tea Servers. Looking
Erie. Eel,. ii, lean. , IV. N. LEWIS. , til;•;;e4, rind a great variety of Fancy Goode, all of which they of
---------- ---=--.------- --- - --- tee for ,f-do an ;,:',;•. as Cllll be purchased at any other store west of
CFO. D &13, GI A 1.117 13 I N Ti 11, I'M 1980 New York. And we Vt iei It distinctry understood Dint ,we do not
a plit..\ (.' AND S,u.m..trEst ()clops, advertise to work very 10, in ~:der to shave you on our goods, as
13till Cheaper than Mvor: ,i another has declared wits lt lo Objee 1, l'n. mean to be continent and
t reasonable /wall our prices.
CB. WRIGHT is now re , e vi ter and oryttog, direct from the ' Not clutter 21. 1840.
„ 1. - „,,,i", i cute , , cue of toe largest, chossest a n d t est selectedl .
stocks of Spring and SIIIIIIIIef :0 , 3.k, he hike ever I efore broug h t
so this market, which C6l/11,r1 , 4? , 11111.11,n.uni vnriety of Os.rojonoilde
• 4/11..k.f COOlll, Shaw Is 111 Mon colic iv, Linen Gt. odo, mew, n nd
Boy , " Wvar.:,, :Men' , L'ot's flats, &ie., & e ., pfgethee
v. ,tic a full nted cow thete :I,f. , tir.ctit of et cry thing contwetrd with
the Goods trade, 1% !itch he i , hirunl to rill at the lowest figure,
winch (bet may le I.IIOWII to all thoro that will call at the corner
Opro - 4.11C. Brow it's licArl.
Ere.. April 2}, 1-50. • 1 , 49
Nll I.V BP It XDI G A N D 111 IT Di If/ 131 V.
Dry Cowls,
• , Geoccrion.
• and dlothing.
, 1
, = : No. I,Flosninp;Dlooh. &Co have store, and arc pre
• pate,: to reti e their etytomers with
• ' • 21 - ur and Etnantiihl Eprive Goods , '
of most eieviiit rimer., and style-, inconoling Grenadines. Organ•
Me.. Bib titslies. Printed Jachottetr and I:middles beautiful
eaneces. Carnges. lt:iikr, and indeed ecru - thing adapts' to the sen-
son. %Illicit,' added to their preview ilI11111,10•C rfOck ofilt cry kind
of Pant) nth! Stapie Dry Goode, makes one ofthelargeot, most Va•
viedntsd gebrEll nl.lofllllolll , in Erie. ,
for either Ladies' or Gentlemen's a ettr, or family use, and tie de
termined to I e aide at rill times to so far supply every sen o r that a
Lady Ittal I e tiHe Ida sit alf)1 , 11:1111 select every 1 1 , 1iCiebtIC desires
Without the coigne and perplexity of running nitwit tuwn to matte
rip her zysertmenti as itt every department of their wet: they
keep Plain and 1.4.1., Priced Good., u hich will be sold as cheap as by any othere.ttablishment. no well as the .
nigher and Wino; Quillitlepl
which will include, among otner articles. Imam' (,rope Phacrle,
Cashmere, Silk, Long and Square Shawls, Lace :Ind Muslin Win
%ION Draper fell,. Linen and Muslin sheetings and shirtingo, Table
Clotho,Napk inn and Diapers, Tat t le, rhino end toilet coverlet and
,intleed a Bill and complete assortment of Foreign and Domestic
house-wife atticies, of every variety and kind. Also a full assort
mentor Mourning floods, together with a mil and perfect assbrie
;nem of 0 entl um en*s
no ernPnPlAq the glicapeci. and of as good quality as., any either
brought to or made In Erie; also under • Shirts, Drawers. Scarf"
nud Cr:lv:a...aim and' Linen Pocket liatulhexzhiefe. Gloves; Sus.
genders, Ilosiery,llum ih
delos. co,,q,peres,V &e. estlngs, dm., c.
. 1 Cir Wet rolso embraces Boots and Shoes, Groceries or nil i
inch: In short t ver!, thing called for in the cvnitry or city trade,
of %stitch lite inflate ran be nccommoduted by calling and Mum
tiling Tull Ur atoll pti“,t•
I tor, tpo Oi 'to, 1,-,;'...
ART lit
G. A. uts:cur & co
, 77,01 d %%Talk Vp soo tho riaug Vpl
'pin; public are invitra to aall at the k.rieStrato FOull fry, or at
1. our :lore, and tit• the lota Paretztot of Cooking Sen.tte,
Piprgra o.ut %%till an tilit.)lniuult Imp , Milt, 111011 eit(uu:ll o. bake a
largc9'uthct, on ii ft et. Willie e, tt 10, OSI.I 1.11. ,0 a f''' . 1 ,11, , Z .nl.llO
It. 'lke ''t i.e and conno.itot" it Ito- ma In Fay,lii tielon,'l Ike
elUtruCturttie ur 11 . . "I
Inv c it, I •Iel) - e Nu. ,
loace. or bread. talcci,l 1.111
111111... cc, • nruillult‘.l , il the CuParil , II is .'IINII fruit
tx, oguan. irl islet ril a drnngln. and di•l but thru
%%J11,11 , 0111:11014( the cc het IWO tali e
Lug, Feb. g, , & 1 lilaII:It,
.';•ire I lor. See:sett k Cheste : Cerst.—j'o your snossiry
s% herher•the —Basel 's - rok wg fitove purchrsFed front you Ila
r wv. she pre:eut uss,sith. 6a, gin cu muisfitction Or 110 t. I holVe the
1.11•ZI..11re of aurttertng that yr ul nod' bar inch our fulle , t exla•cta
ttou sus et pry particular. and could Lot he eichanged rot any oth•
cr Ightern slots sit arc of tv tsich 1 liner knowledge.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant.
,11e-sr Le-iv, Sennett & Ceat.—We are us i your
tuquo•. t ram!erti Cooking etove, called the —llring amt ni.
ter a thir trail I eau reetimmewl it as sit eller to oily riots nl 11r.e
ails sWelnoll theeountry. Among the most prominent ads an
triLs, of this slew • it the,comiticaliorlia.ei , b of the (A r lo i t b eing
attires fitly capueinua tor the largest and al-0 in a saving
of fuel. lum that otre half the fuel necessary fur .my
01010 ire have ever error will amply Rupp!) this. Take it all
111 1 think h difficult tu improve,
Truly yours.
:11,5Qrs. Lester. SennettA Chester; Cont.-11,1ring inFed your
improved —Bang I;n" Cooking, :titove, I wish to express my enti«.
sari: faction of its value, ns Collll,llling all the good qualifies I de
sired, and shuo tale great olearsre In testifying, to its merits, or,
in Kuoriug it to any wino way no loh to see it w operation, at no
t; r ‘ oery store, corner of 7tll and Blabo streets.
• /Oft THE
Great Was tens Locomotive!! s_;., ?
fIAI.I. at tilfiGEIM Corner and convinceyOUllSCiVell that he is
V Now receiving the largest, c licapest and hest Imo( GROCCR
-IES ever brought to Erie. Among his assortment may he found
the following:
Swans.—e it tons or Port Rico Coffee Sugar. Crushed. [maraud
rut% eared. _
Curi-le.—Ten bags 91d Government Java, ten bags of Lamm
mid ten bags of Rico. •-
iftottssts.—Two,thoteand gallons New Orleans PortoAlen and
Sugar Home. ts
ebesti Young Hyson. Imperial. Blaek and Gun-
powder. Imperial tea in els pound mulles for fatally use.
Pisii.—Five thousand pound Cod Fish, Mackerel, Shod, Hol
land Herring. timuked Herring and Sardines.
Twenty barrels Turpentine, thirty do, of Linseed, Lamp and
'fanners oil.
15U kegs Brooklyn. Buffalo and Pittsburgh White Lend.
The largest kind of n n assortment of Paints and Dyeatunk.
lOU kegs of Eastern and Pittsburgh Nails.
Lloynas.—Frenell Brandy, Holland C 'o, Rum, Port Wine,tilitt•
darn, Claret and French West Wine.
Too teem-100 dozen Schott's fine New York Smoking, sixteen
tones Cavendish. lOU dozen (lucent Rappee and • neenbuy Snuff.
Ten kegs and lon flasks Kentucky Riau Powder, fifty bag. of
Shtt, bar Lead and rerellgliioll Caps.
Thirty boxes Candy. 35 drums of Malaga Figs,oo Imo pruner
awl a great variety of articles in my line that Would take more
time than I helve to enumeratethem. •
To my old euskttnere nnd the public generally, I *mild say, esti
at SIEGEVft Corner, directly opposite the Farmer's HOW and see
for yourselves, that i nm bound to sell wholevals or retail. cheaper
than any other coutblishinent Wester Huai°. C. SIEGEL
Erie July 7. old
in. W.C. tummy. Malay ttitchnsed unit made
• t ddlttons so the Llvery Stoe Amnesty owned by
. Willis, situate on State aced. between 7th MS
fah. In the raw of James 1.1411e* Blacksmith shops, would In
form lals Mends and the public that It wpl uffixd bins pleb/lute at
all times to accomniodatethem with
ilassiea and lllefitue.
He is also prepared to Bet and in Tana, and atter4.o
and Bich Horses. In the most approved wanner. Iq, • ,
ed. Horse...lima to keep 1 1 , * . 141 nei'. mouth tirkee,on re
~Pic wing, a r C,6 44, WO, •to
• r?
F 8
90.. z.
eC .- 1
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- •L'i • E--,
A. t.C(ll'r
January 23, IPSO
, -
D R .11f•Y E !,3_,
pandellon Coma
Illlllh Is valuable ntrdicinnt preparation - int4llllB ENT.IRCILY
from an y slitipie "Darla orsaroininn." conitnem ptiti•
6 lug Medic ii.e, It Is a compounti of many of the
MOSt' cLEAssira mranersEg,
With miters a<ting dies on the Kidneys or haying immediate
sapience to the relict a ndcontinued healthy OperrstiOn of some
in ternal ',spits. It cOlitaillo nrilcies which enter into •no other
preparation in existence. and
In purifying an 1 refreshing effects, by any Medicine in the world.
It is pot up
Is eery pleatan to the taste.and is more ; congentrated„
STiir , NGEn c ßerj'Eß hiblbi CHEAPER ,
. .
Than any other in IV Irket. Persons who have Pilsen ...a'real,a
dila" by the gallon, without rellef,,have been radically cared, by
using tri`o or three bottles. ' I
Thii 'ls the only Compound In which Sarsaparilla, Wild Cherry
ana nn de ion are no t r Tared, to oilr th e peculiar virtue; of
tech, ir 'combination n itit pure I:sir:tete of other healing articles
wa .ii • ily concentrated plate Its iagretlients are
%nil ar Otleil mots and barks as are found—though chiefly erec
ting/tea:tin parts—in their general tendency to pro.ittee Ma most
41ennairi_ aad healing eitirte. • 1
IT B ntrosslittx
ro`eur , many (Weans Propsies,-Kidney Cotnplaints, he., draw
oil' Wat re Humors from the !Hood or corrupt and irritnling >ruc
tions of I iveased organs front the to ly, without the thorough nein
,itov 0 'rug Kinvsys, its caused by thi- Medicine. Igo mink
ektrael .sell preteSda to this effect. In fact this very operation
for nhi li It particularly compounded. from all oilier prep
aration, and makt sit th e best compound in existence.
Use this medicine. It will relieve. It has tweed when lifo ilee(t
It as despaired af. It containr , aril-des that wilt core if anything
con, and takes the only method to make permanent cures. 'nits
All impure and gross humours ' not only by working directly on
the blood, lint by restoring catc h organ to healthy vigor, and e.spc
daily increasing the actio n al-hose wfiich draw from the body,
and lastingly remove all ' •
All diseases a iginating in a depraved stole of the vitol fluids,
Eruptions, UI ere, Sores. Collection of Watery Humors,
_ .
Will find this he best ;literally°, and moo eleansina Medic ine.Jar
before any elk r it, iuni4roraling effect. It has worked some alibi!
grealM cures of Diseases of the Urinary Orgaint.
Bhutderpoke. splendid diuretic. lii' trtrael is so gond for
Weakness of the Kidnel a. Weak back. Reten Ron or Involuntary
flow of Urine. Bottling or clealding. ineufantary Ender/ono. or
other irritability, Rani:4oEß, the only Medicine that heats these
parts. In :minions habits of the eystym, Lan and nealtened
states. '
Wasting r i iii.eases of the Lungs. Pain' in the Bream kr.. the .rxnli
ing Pecto aboutil bracing Tonics, hell the Lungs morn
and stretil . ilted the body. while the acrid humours BLit load the
sy.teni nr cleanhed. 'The relievie g action the Kidneys
ed in Lungs disease. Il Is warratlted superior to a.ty preparation
—Sudden attacks front Exposure are certainty cured.
For Irregular. Suppres.ed or painful Nlenstrunt ion. Floor Athos.
literine•lh, or any oleratigentent of the Female Pram It
clever disappoints expectation A - 0 common medicine vitt reach
there derangements. This compound contains certain Poets. the
bed and only ones that :inlaid be used. It elites the mos, aggrava
ted forms.
It trill refresh immediately. A lew .lays' 11-C Will convince the
incredulous. 'flue appetite inerea. ea —the nerves so garret—i.l into
n 11,44111,0 new, Pure and Rieh Blood taltea the -place of %Waled
and corrupt.
You will never he without it It wid do more good. and cure
more gpeedily, the hundreds of petty diseases, Colds, Boa el Com-
Imp' re Wood, &C., than nt*thing you lime ever tried.—
Look nt ectl , fieates, The WFIKFFT INFANT or tou=t delicate re
ran tape it :edit perfect sttfely.-
That 11119 N Meanly medicine that hn# ever cured the low, wearing
ante r.c,:n, tie ritieoteil by the oallisYd some thirty of the cured,
intl)ou will anknowledge
Titenn somurinsc IN IT.
Where obstructions of the organs have caused deposits,
Or Slone in the Bladder. this medicine has been tared with astnn
'riling SUCCP..I. For Certificates of Cures if Mr or any disease,
see Pamphlet of cares.
Of Dummies of the STOMACH atul BOWELS, Cool ivencss, [mg-
Pepsin. with Debility. &c. For Bowel Complaint.. it ca■ be re
lied an as a certain remedy. Also, when accumulation of bile has
lannitice./Ire., or when they are corning on, take this and you are
cafe. It came,. °tribe corrupt bile rap dly, by the untural chat,-
t , le, and tease. ire. pala:cry. It ban cured
1.11. - 1.70)11 4 1.A1NTS
,el•rllfir7llP- tristtr , .. It nhcaus fgre. satisinc
c;ll I•i.o • ~1111-I, e ., r o, ,, alu, y s, l l.iretirs. This
~ 1 1,1, , r 11 , -iti ak,in
)')E II: 'I NI , \ V
• r•ii,iu l' Al' t it' r1 , 1'1111:t. OW ii,tprrrt A Ibt
~ n z 1). , rfr of rutty
Vr .•ti 3 .imlrd3e t• , -11”,toll5; the replant
ryq Ike most thorung.k ini•ra/i.r.othag
i ,eptc•tol C,ll oil Ow r ask
their :0111,4. tu, Win SaC it it will Airtict you di.roviit
alt iliac, niir ar Ihtuk tl will tin top 11101 V g. ad. 1
l'riiiiore , l IA lir. II It ItIVEItS, ladralo. All ordeal addroised
to I: 110111(4 , .• varieiv store. ddB Slata et. Mink). ti • V.
Far ('niter Itratluir, Erie, l'ri. lv
Another ncaurection.
k whim rind IA ill Milli, that vihiCli lit, fallen
nn I I will Muhl again the ruins thercof. and l istill set
it •ip.” kr, eide reline d, any ctcry tviurt waft some lost exile
I, me. 1,•,i .03i the lime Immen w lien the last returning
r I e rrrisitnc I and gathered to the fold
after coining up through much tribulation and
In vime iir. tt irk: vied as by fire and .misted loss, Ins
coin t,, mid ha- received a stuall stock of POOKq
, :le. and .• 1 / 4 1 1 , 1, more. which %sill ll...ll*liotell of cheap frr
,-- 'I that my friends is ill not be discoutaged becria‘e
the stock r .n ,, ft.—roue:Mier lielhat In faithful tier a few things
shalt he firde rifer of ell :natty. tbesahreriber rclw ii 111.111.111 k%
10 friends tor I, it fax ;Ifni especially to thosC who have
is Ph n ,no Purina and open hanik patroulleil him in fernier years
who, in prosperity, iii adversity, in tribulation nod oppte.sion,
slerit,l by is orlis.uf their father which is in heaven tie ted on the
principle that it is no inure blessed to give than to receive. Ile
wants the patronage of hi friend:, mid 'sill be thankful for
the smalle-t favors in his ne. Ile has' nothing to PrOtin'ell en/ 11.
return at pre.,ent Ileconl , l pay them a fashionable eompt ment,
but it would he like feeding them on harks. May they brawl', eto
gladden the hearts of the ofphaus, and is ipe 11 c of affliction
and grief troll) the eye ortl mow.
if.• believes that Ile that numbers the hairs of the head and does
not allow a sparrow to fall isilhOtll. Ili. 110liCe, it ill etirllllll the
sidecriber'to show his gratitude by his works. 'Then he would
almost he willing to say in the language of good old S , ,iineon. let
thou thy servant depart in peace. Some few persons informer
41.1ys have,coinplahied of his stile of expressing himself. lie re
etet.exceeilingly that he should he 50 till fortunrite as to express
himself.° us to offend the most tem.itive. delicate and chaste
ear. Ile would not with to he understood that he is complaining
because others differ from him. They hat eas good a u iglu to dif
fer from him as he Puns to differ from them. Shortly expec.ed
providence permitting, aft assortment of Ohrislmas and New Year
(looks Constantly kepton hand Quills Caper, Black Saudi Mae,
(hack and Red ink; Blank Rooks ruled and bottud to pattartti old
Helmond on short notice; good Vinegar in exchange for Rags.—
Corner of French andlBixth streets. . .....
Erie, Deconl,c r
A VARIETY of Solar Lanip,i,lnf the newevt patents and moot
La approved styles; also, Catiiiihate.Laintis of dilferent tit les,
al h ex, chimneys, %%hicks &c., constantly on band and will fie
eu II cheep. W. N. LEWIS
BROWN and Bleached Sheeting,' and Shirtinin 1, the hale
piece or yard. at the very lowei.t figureti, nt Tltill A I.S'
SuaAlt CURE i i WHITE FISH. a delightful urtiele,Jus , t re
CPIVCA and.for sale by R. 0. HULBERT
Nov. 3, MO. '3
ni:RSONS Indebted to the subeerl x.r. late Prothonotary of Erie
C county, for taxes and fees 011 Judicial proceedings, are hereby
notified that their accounts are now tutuleuut and placed 11l the
hands of Jonas Gunnison. Esq., tbr immediate collection End
payment to blot or to thesuhccriber, is the only N% ay to ease costs.
Erie, ?darn 9, lE:ith—Oin33 I WILSON KING.
• • • - •
AN - 0 II 0 0
• (of Philadelpya.
ARE now doing business on the Itlntualptati,givinir the .nsured
a participation in the profits of the Company, withoutliabili•
ty beyond the premium paid.
Risks upon the hakes and Canal insured on the most tivorrilile
terms. Losses %vitt beitherally and promptly adjusted.
Fire risks on merchnitdize.huildingsnnd other prdperty,iu town
or country. (or a Waited term permanently.
Joseph 11. Seal, James G. llma, Edmond A. ouder,
Theophilus Paulding. John C 1 Davis, - It. Jones Brooke,
Robert Burton, John Giurelt, John IL Penrose,
Hugh Craig, Samuel Edwards, George Sorrell,
Henry Lawrence David B. Stacey Edward Darlington
Charles Kelley, ' Isaac R. DAY'S, J. G. Johnson,
William Polwell, Willlont Hay, John S. Newlin,
Dr. 8. Thomas, Dr. R. V. Huston, John Seller, Jr
Spencer Afellsllll,.,
Richard S. Newbould, Scc,y;
F zr• Application can bo wade to I
.1: KELLOGG. Agent, Erie
Erie, Feb. itl, Idli.
Ware-House and Office. East end of Public dock, Erie.
Dealers in Coal, Salt, Fish, Flour. Master Dud Water-Lime;
and General Agents for purchasing, receiving. decking nod ship
ping Lumber and Staves. .. March 14, Icem.—tfl I
colors of th s valuable yet cheap article on hand and for sale
Oath eask system! Produce wanted ezehange for vale.' Dry
Goods! Large Stork! Is endless variety. Great Bargaies
offered!' More goodsfor leo money than asp esker gi f , r ,
is Erie Comely. Also, large stock of Groceries. as
'mutual cheap for thready! Fresh Teas. melted
yrsedityfor3l.37, a 50ets.. warranted tenth
or the mosey refaxecd. tke.
THE subscriber having teased for a term of years the Store, No.
0, Donnell Block, know n as the "New York Store," win eon-,
Wine the butinessonnerchandlzlng In this city, where be will be
happy to see and wait upon his customers:lnd the public, general
ly who wish to either buy or tell tbr cash. Having but little faith
in the "friendship-in-trade" principle. 1 shall hold myself In read.
Inc.. to maks It the humidor my customers to ktryof inc. 'Amour(
wy gOods I have some that II will sell at Costt hence buyers will
haul:many suit themselves With goods which I am disposed to
"tun off." To maenad all remember this truth. .1 to not to be
undersold in Western Pennsylvania:
TO TANNER:I.—T am In the market for flutter, and cheese.
Iu any quantity, nail shall be in`teadiumis at all limes to pay cash
during them Ctilng sewn. 'Very respemMly,
Erie. March fth, lB3o 61 . B. rOWERO.
LADIEB DRESS GM . The LaMelAvlll find a good as
sortmen; Preach Marlnoet, Caahmere; De Lain.. Chaeull ion
Lustre. Mohair Lustre. Alapaha. 01 all colors.' Gingham,. Cal i
'toe. &e.Jaat opened at BELDON & DON.
Mow Goods, by Boil 'toad.
Tim "Arne
ribers am now receiving thole Stock of Bering and
Bummer Goods. which have been purchased in New York
within it — few day*. past eta decline (tom prices ttvo weeks ago,
and will sold accoidingly,
d g at we are not to be undersold, and as proof
wieonof prices and quality.
yl, 0.10. trl;Ler)N & SON
Wm ; Martin Cres'l
w. vAVGITE:i?
A man by the name l ,of CLAN' has engaged wi h is young man -
of the name or t 3. P. Townsend, and uses his name to put up a,j
Sarsaparlilat which they call Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla. de
nOntinatingatl-PENUME, ect. This Townsend Is no
doctor, rindAnwer was: bun was merly a worker on railroads.
canals. ‘Md. the like. Vet lie assum formerly
the title of Dr., for the Ulm
pObe oil gaining credit for what he is not This is to caution the
public not to be deceived, and purchase none but the GENUME
0/t/Gliv.a , OLD Or. Jacob Townsend's idarsaparilla, hiving
on it the Old Dr's. likeness, his family coat of arms, and his sig
net= ilefto , the colt of arms.
Pptiripai Office. 102 Nassau rt., Nets York City.
THE ,_
Gonuine Townsend Sarsaparilla.
Old Dr. Townsend is now ;,bout 70 yearned nge, and linslom
been known ns the JUTHER aiul DrscovEncß of the GfIN!
U/,'VE ( H1G1.Y.4 I. .. TO li' N.% END SARSAP.DDLLA." Being
poor, he WEIS compelled to limit it manufacture, by which Ill( nun
It his b ant kept ont of market, and the sales circumscribed to
those wly who had lamed its worth, and knott n Ito value. It had
reached Ilieears of many, net ertheleo,, as those persons who had
liven healed of sore liinCiltCtl,lllld tOVed from death, proclaimed
its excellenceund wonderful.
Knowing, many years fig°, !lit the had, by lii , .sk ill, sc lence and
experience. devised an article t hich wohld be of incalcuble ad
vantage to mankind tt hen the means 1101 lii lie furundied to bring
it into unniverml notice, % lien its enestilimble 1 lanes 11 unlit 10
known and appreciated. This time has come, the means are blip-.
plied; ltliN
is in inufactured on the largest scale, and IS called for throughout
thel..ich and Medan 01 the land, especially as it is found incapa
ble( r degeneration or deterioration.
Unlike young 8 IVI an Itmlid's, it improves with ege, and net -
ve charge.., but for the better. been se it is prepared tint ecientifia
principles by n ecient!fic Mi.. The highest knoll ledge of Chem
igtry, and the latest discoveries of the art, lune all been brought
into reeniA Goo in the manufacture of the Old Des. Sarsaparilla.
The Sarsaparilla row, it is tt eil known to medical men, canto its
Many 111C.i1COi prupertie.e, and tmnie properties which are inert or
itselt , a , , and others. w nib if retained in preparing it for use, pro
duce fermentation nail acid. VI,III, il is inpatients to the .s.t stem.—
Solite of the properties 01 Stay:lamina are FO volatile, that they
entirely evaporate:m.l are loot in the preparaticm. if they arc not
preservedby a scienlip proves., knoWn only to those experienced
in its m a nufacture. Moreover, these volatile principles, which
ply air in v par, or as ail exhalation, under beat. tire the very en
seldiot:merlinsl properties of die root, which give to it all its value.
A n y n ,,,, mil can b u il or clew the root till limy gel a dark colored
imam, n loch Is mote from the coloring matter in the rpot than
from anything clic: they can thell Wahl tills illtdpilf or vapid li
quitl,sweeten with sour, rind then crll it "SA lISAPA It-
MLA EXTII ACT or SY Mfr." But such is lot the articleknon it
as the
. _
This Is so prepared, that ran the inert properties of the Sarsapa
rilla root are Met removed, ever) thing capable of becoming odd
or of fermentation, is ex trac fed nod 'rejected; then etcr) pa rt i
cle of medical virtue Is secured in a pure and concentrated form;
and thus it k rendered incapable of losing any of its valualdeand
healing properties. •Prepated in this oily. 11 is made the most
- powerlul nip lit in the
Caro of Znnt6norablr Vseasce.
Hence the reason Itvity we bear Collllll.ndaliwis of everyside in
its favor by meat, women, and children r We find it doing won
ders in the cure of
and in. fili/WIL:1"/SM, ICROI UL A. PILES, COSTIVE
CUES, and all affections arising from .a.
It possetinenin marvelous efficacy in all cotnptaints arising from
Inthgestimt. from Atiltly of the Stomach, from unequal circula
tion, determination of blood to the head. palpit / t 6 ll ion of the heart,
cold feet and hands:cold chills and hot tianlien ter the body. II
line 1101 it equal in Colds and Coughs; and pyortiolen ratiyespec
forattott and gentle perspiration, relrming arfricture of the lungs,
throatond every other part..
Ilia 111 111 - 1(11ing to il• elfi'llelthe more 11{0 11freqlly seen end ac
knowledged.than in all kind. noel stagii i /of .
1'1:11% l'il.Ml'lx. !NTS. .
It omit. , wonders 11 rates of Ilia r Athusor Whites. ratting or
I , l ll' ,sth, OhArt..t, , Sarrrr••cd. I' rair!rid Illrnerx, Irrc;rulari
t I ..iow iiiiiiisirieil 1 eriik, and le WA , : and Is as el:tem:II in
eorinif all ine foroui ~f S ,1,, eg 1 .., s Cl
II) c,,,,,, 110 0 , 1 1 110101,, il d riigolaiing the genet:ll.l n'elli, it
„I 1 . t•-• 101,0 and strl•ltgil, to 11. , ,V1:01,, I edy, hilts rule; 1 1 11 itm,,, 0
ti: rven4 di. easce and debility,
and thus pre; van,. or retie es a great ear ie . ty ofother main die , . as
:viva! irrltatiun, Naito gria, 6t. 11100' EOl.lO, hamming', Epilep
tic Vas, Cost uls; Int, 5,r.
It eleati•en the 1.117 il, etches the lis er to health)aetion, tones
the ntoinaell. and g . es good die , -I,on. relict 1 . /. Ili , I,,MCIS of tor
por an I coo-tight on. :nlla. s inalmmti ton, purifies the skin, equal
ises the e imolai at of the blood. producing gentle warmth enuail)
nil oier the la d . i, and the insefislide perspiration; relates all
strictures an. tightness, 1101,101,41.1.• all uhdtiletions. and int igu
rate, the ens , to atirvons .):tint. IN 1101 this then '
T. medicine you pro-creinently need?
lint yfi any id flii•-e Univ.:- :,, sal 1 of rl'. Townsend's inferior
article This i nuns film,'" 1, NO IQ nl,l to be
C11)11 . ,\ li t',l) "WWI 'lllll a DR'S.
GIL% U l'At"l', Oa the one IM:ApAiti,t: ui
Pia tatIoRATI.u.S. :L0 1
N7:11:1Z : 4 1'(
0 bile the other Ing,ferhiciailig, and tdoteettg the bet
tic, (.oM:titling it into fraLttitetit-; tie acid liquid expliVing,
and danna~ln;! 6thrr :mod< Mmt not thil horrible compound lie
poisonom, to tic s} r u in Todd. pul acid iido n gyelem a!ready
(Veen:ell )rith ill id: What can-r 4 nyi-pepqa but acid? 1)1) vie
not all know that s‘ he 1,0 i: snore inn our ttotaael,, %what mi t ,-
chief, it produces , ' tlathience, heartburn, p. Ithiation cf the lie trt.
liver comptaint. dlatrh Ln, til,entery, colic, nthlcorritrtion of thr
Wit I, Scroll la but an acid humor in the boil} ?
pthilute , all the !annum %%hid! brith:Lat Eruptions of the Shin,
Soold (lead. Sal( Elieuat, Cryttpelas, White Swelling.. 'ever
SC,;(I , , a 1 ,41 all 11freratilMS internal and externta,3 It is nothing
under heat en. brit an itchl sill,tatice. tvliicli kolas. and that
spoils all the think of 1111' 1,0 , 1 v, inoreor 1e,;.. What !then
inati•on hut a sour or 3:Pfd shad which iii-inui tem it.ell betw een
tile joints and el-ewhere. irritating and i,itlanii tit the delicate ttii
sues upon which it act , ! Si of nervous diseases, of impurity of
the blood, or detange,l cite itlatione, and nearly rill the ailments
tt hich afflict human nature.
Now it it not horn We to make and sell, and infinitely worse to
two dd.
SOCKING, 1 7 1:71111:1NTING. ACID "q0311'01.7.7.iD "
OF S. I' 't t iIVNSUNII,
and yet be would rata hat e It understood that old Pr. Jacob
Ttlwie•etid's GenuipeOrig, hull Sarsaparilla, is an IMITATION
01111 s inferior preparation: ~
Heaven forbid that or shotild deal in' an article which would
bear the most distant re-mild:meg to S. I'. Tow nsend's article!
t C .4.
and which should bring down it the Old D r. sue li a mountain
load orcomplaints nud crania; to front Agents ‘vho have with
and purchasers who have thiCti y .
Scl oil it tintlerstood, because it is the absolute truth, that S.
I'. Town s emps article and I 11l Dr. Jacobiow nuend's Sarsaparil
la are heaven-wide aparl, and fivinitety dis-similar; that they ore
unlike itt every particular, hal lag not ono single thing it, COM
MOT. .
As S. P. Townsend is no doctor, and never was, Is no chemist,
no pharmaceutist—knows no more of medicine or disease than
any other common, ummentiticomprofessional man, what guar
mace can the public have that they are receiving n genu Mescien
title medicine. containing ail the virtues of the articles used In
preparing Donut which ate in callable of changes which might
render them tile AGENTS of Disease instead of health,
lint what else should be expected front one ta Ito knows nothing
comparatively of medic me or disease! It requires a perion of
some experience to cook and serve up even a common decent
meal. Thor much more important is it that the persbus ho man
ufacture medicine, designed for
Weak stomachs and Enfoobled glystemr,
swum know well the medical properties of plants.the best man
ner of securing and concentrating their healing virtues. also an
extensive knowledge oldie various eiseases which one< I. the hu
man system, and bow to adapt remedies to these diseases!
It is to arrest frauds upon tile unfortunate: to pont balm into
, wounded humanity. to kindle hope In the despairing bosetn, to
restore health and bloom, and vigor into the crushed and broken',
rind to banish infirliiity that OLD DR. JACOB TOWNSEND has
FOUGHT and 1:01.J?ill the oppormily and means to bring his
Grand Univers-1 ncontratod nom/Ay
within the mark, and to the k no viedgeof all tt Ito need it, that
they may learn and know, bypwlitt experience, its
Transcondont rower to Spat.
For ante by J. li, Burton, No. 5, Reed House. Erie, Pa.
Erie. 1519.1 9
11'l 3'l' and largcrt arrival of Clock.. Watcher,
clr. ,v Solar and Cantpllcilc Lamps, Fancy 3"lt_,
'Goods &c., at •
G. LOOMIS & 00's.
Ots Slide Street, nearly opposite Brown'• Hotel, Erie, ra
WllO havelust roomed from New York, and have received
a complete assortment of the above Goode. together with a
great variety of other useful and ornamernal Housekeeping arti
cles, where, upon inspectii.n, will be found Prices lore , than any
other canre'n in teen: for let it be known that this estnblishinent
pa';'s Cash down fer Goods, notwlthstunding the silly reports eir
etiCzi Loomis & Co. are only doing n ColllllllFfioll bUllinCgS
for a House '' Nti. iv York, and let it at,o he understood that. long
a• the public. (not New Yorkers,) control their atTairs, and are
disposed to be gettorouS, tur: long ttl it they receive a just 6114 TC of
the pronto.
Front large prirchnses of different Ereape.iVnits of WATCHES of
the most celehrated Maker:. in Europe, direct nun] Importing
!lotuses, they are enabled to ollbr a superior article at a Very low
price. In the 'Mechanical branch, partieulnr attention will lie
given to the repairing of Watches, JeWeiry and all anleleO per
mitting to the trrde
Having two fine workmen from Europe. together with Engine
Tools, seldom lbund In contry shops, they pledge themselves to
make good work and give sat irfaction.
Engraving of Spoons, Seals,Jeutelry, tee.. done In the best style.
N. !1. Alt Gold and Silver GotUlo bought of 0: Loomis & Co.
will be Engraved, if requested, s ithout charge. (Cash and the
highest price paid for' Old Silver Plate, &c.
Erie. Nov, 17, tole.
Two Thbusand St4VOS.
THE subscribers , desirous to try the advantages of the cask aye.
tent, ollbr to sell their entire stock of Snivero for cask only. at
the fbliow Mg prices. whh Cart lfollow-Wore, thus putting nu end
to competition from dealers or pedlers who are not manufacturers.
N 0.3 Premium Cooking Stoves, s7'oo
.. 4 - 44. 13 41 30
0 5 44 1/ 10 00
.. 3 Fultonl4 00
• a 4 a a lit 00
a 3 Sennett , a Iron Mon! Cooking Stove, 17 00
a , „ •• " 13 00
a 4 Hathaway Di 00
• 44 3 64 . • 1100
a 2 04 U 19 00
Air Tight Parlor Storm (rota • €3 50 1 0 700
Plate or Rot Stoves, horn 900 to 7 00
POlrildi Kettles at three eentaper pound. Copper and Tin Fur
niture in proportion to correismd, with Stove ll'ipent eight cents
per pound—thus inaking a Journey of 50 miles an object worthy
the effort to buy Stoves of
Erie. Dec. 1. 1140. LESTER. SCNF.NTT ir. CHESTER
PARASOLS FrD target\ block in town cm\
te had at 1 1 G. U. \WRIGHT'S.
Tho areatiffedicino of Nature! ,
MITE wonderfill Remedy of Nature. American 011, is procured
1 from a nen in Durkseille. Kentucky. made by the :tinter
(land of Deity. In Nature's Laboratory. leS feet below to endure
'tf the Kota. ita tunazing power us u Curative is truly wortdnrittl.
it has eactuall cured a great number of persons of the folloWing
Dillamatory Rheumatism. Consumption Cramp, Colic. rofu
la,br Ktun's Et il; intlamation or the KiLeye, inflamed or Yore
Eyes. Er)slix:lles. Deep Seated Coughs, L'lserated yore Throat
Whooping Cough, Fever Sores and Fresh Wounds, Bunts and
Scalds, Sprains and Strains, nity-litell Limbs, Asthma or Ptah's
ie; Piles, external and internal; Ilise.n.d Opine, Deafness, Dl*
eased tlip Joint, lattlatuation of 121.111.12111 Croup, Dropsy, Seidl"
Head. &c.
• • -
Enidlerate and Retail by William Jokron, the Propro ,
tor's sole and may Agent fur Wepn‘lit Pen nrylvanin. Nuriberi
Ohio, and Wemerit' Virginia. F.-9 etty rtreet. and by roli-n;ieni
appointed by 1111111 in mfery County in the above do , trict,
ini b rget —Every Meat it ropplied a jilt Pamphlets cuntainin
reliable rertitientini of remnrkabte eoreq. ran mot g..t one,
ilmAnf; 01' N 0311.:RoCsi Cot3NTER PCI TS.
The American Oil. having performed by its 11.1. so ninny Tv
taarkable curet,. and being a port crud Remedial Agent fur vitro.,, Mod induced some persons to. counterfeit thin valuable
medicine. 'Phe origin:ll.lnd genuine American nil is
from ri!%i'vll lit ilurhsville. Kentucky, from the bolo and dirty pro.
lir NIT, 0. Doll, &. Co., n Ito appointed Mr. Win. Jaeltsm, sit . l'.
erty s reel. Pittsburgh, their tou.r and tiNf.v Agent fur fiopply ing
Sidi-Agents in %Astern Prune) Is aida,lVesterti.Virvinia and pat'
of ohm. 'Pile true and lenitine AWN ican tlil 1% el ri dark gr,...,,
color.. There are various counterfeits abrut.d.Ls'ime Seneca oil.
some a 'amine claely re.einbling the gen u Inc purporting to cone
from the Pittiddirgli and Alleglivny Do.pern.ary Conipanv; son"
black .and oil ‘'arious oilier colors; soma w bite, said to is made
from 1.1,e _Original Amcriran Oil. D. Plait & Co., the °mar and
sum proprietorsof the true and Original Macneill Oil, Jut) Mei'
nor NEVER 1)111 supply any persolm se ho make the article collet
Evra.tve of A titerican Oil. said to be refined, cla 'fled and COlz
centrated. lIEWARE of the worthless' comiterf•ils, and rill
ti FdtV 0 that Win. Jacimii.E9 Liberty street. Pitt.burgh , head of
. ir
1% cod strect.Lis the ono: and t.obri general Agentfor lie above meri
t' red district, anti that NONE?. 111 ossutse hut what has his name
a .il address printed in the munphlet in which each bottle is en
veloped. and likewise the proprietors' address it printed in each
pamphlet thus: ..1). Hall &• Co.. Kentucky." Another nay of
detecting thecomiterfcits is the difference in the price. The gi n
nine is sold invariably at 30 cents per bottle and 110 less, while
some of the counterfeits are sold avarious prices under.
The pure and only genuine Am scan Oil is sold wholesale and
M Win. Jackson. at the on y agency in Pall by ittsbnrgli, No e a)
t i
Liberty street, headorWoob s rect.
Sold by the following Age') s.
O. 0. Sitatford, Erie; Thor. i Willis, Millereekr John McClure,
Girard; %V. 11. Townsend, Springfield; C. & J. R. Clet eland.
Conneaut; Fenton & ilro..Conneaut. 1) . 20
3 . IL Wmporsolealerin Foreign and Do ite,tic Itilliefetchange.
Certificates of &Italie, Gold and Sili er coin, It ill fait aad ~ ell
current and uuctirrent looney, negotiate time bud sight draft,
make collections on all the I:astern cities, and fnahe remittan
ces at the lowest Banking rates.
Moneyreceived on Deposit' and Fartern dr,.`fs constantly on
hand at the loweq rates of pretnintn.
hid, Indiana, Kentucky, Virginia, and Pennsylvania Rank
tiote9, and those of first other States, bought and sold on the
1110.1 eras/unable tern... .
Mire, fbur heltn. litrowins'llotel. Erie Pa
Ern...July I. 1,4=..
I Wince; At T.,:ertors.
A CalOWF:10 of ll'ioc. , nad Ligon, -, consigi i"g r f
ta„ Pale Brandy, St [Croix Rom, itos,lid Cia.l
()lard do N! It. to itkil ‘Vill,koY,
Cotmiar do Jatnair a do Ferret, do
Nl•ideira Mon. Port Wine,C .
ommon do
51:11.1ga do do do 'inirejuire) Nledoc do. Too, a large assortment of Fresh Grocertet. for rale at No. 7
Poor People', , Row. by T. W. ;510o1,11:.
Try.. Nor., 17 FT). -0
A ARMY :iago, read ilarley. )at Meal. Taiiluea Vet
11 in icill.t, by cAnTI:n & IIRt)1IIER
THE subscriber is prepared to execute all order.. in hi,
line. Drawing and Engraving Land , -caPcs, vic% , t. Of
llotels,Stores Factories. Machinery, SOcieties' Seals, Business
Curdy, Show Bills, &c.,&c.. .
Orders:metaled to without delay, charges moderate.
Fredonia, July 07, 160 M. S. PETTIT.
trreo WEhibition i t Lovrlo" Colthie
woutti Inform my
friends and public
generally that I have re
ceived for fall and win
ter trade the largest and
beet .selected Flock of
%Valelies, and Jewelry
ever offered for tale in
Erie. The liberal pat
ronage heretofore re
had induced Inc
to enlarge 14% -n.ek ui
JooIN. 1 vi ill pledge
-self *- , :11 good gar,
itiyselfto sell good goods
ed at a entail adt•unce
frottl me Oh..ale pri
ers. Fourteen ears
oviierinii,e in t It tut• P 2
selling tninds in camel'
cities.etiables Tile tosoy
I have facilities for pur
chasing %latches and
jet% every ae less price.
than any other estab
li•tinient It) the city. I
am Meet nn_ by I:Creslt
every mouth. watches
ofdirerent e,expinenis,
.lire:t fr.,ia in mid: will
rers through the oldest
au t mart extensive nu-
POI Lug I.OllSr, 111 Nell York. Thett:Ofi, IN` 1111. CO lv d.
lion Len sells tvarche• so cheap. I hat eon hand a large sh,ck
of Gold and Niher IVatchrt , of the latest :1)1f-I arid or sops nor
qualiiy, and prices whleh cannot fail to suit inrrellaters for rash.
I will %ell Gold Pateni Lever tl'al,ht-S for to )'tank- Cal -1 de
:ached full
,nnt tiled for r ZlPGulrllmt•r•nn++,nrl.''fairltrtlec
jewelled. (..121111 , 011 PO to SOS. er Lapene
rdcle for to SP:, li - n quarters a inches for .111 j the
oho e mentioned writches will I c 'mt.d to keep 21,0.)1t.,. I Oil
r.iie year. Please call and see tor yoursclr. one door erht ufltroten's
l'lot -1 Erie, Pa.
II 1% ini Just olgained a Watch Maker from Europe, I am pre
pated to do all honk of %Vault Repairim , in the hest mat.-
r 1 r; having tools for making and repairing nil lands of watchc:, I
pie.'gr to do na 414011 ,1011, can he Atone in the city or
New York. Mt. LevlitgActo o oil give his n hole :dolmen to the
reliairitm and cleaning Chronometer, Ihr ple,c, lever iota COIIIIIIOII
‘Vnte hrs. l'hose having good watches to he drained wall do ‘‘ ell
to call and he‘ , e them atike,ted by a first rate workman. Clerks,
itte.le. Bore., Neordions, and all kinds of Je%%elry repaired in a
orkmall-likewhtitier. at Lent. Gothic Hail
Erie, Itecentt er ti-19. IV. N. I.EWLA.
jI:I"PER PAPER. of various eqcril (Smart('
Post nth edge, for steel pctiß. eery lire French small letter:
also. envelopes. MOM) wafers, silver wills, sealing wav, rarinme
id black ink and ink powder, and a superior quality of Etsuitcatt
and r , c ?tool paper, lay J. 11.1111irroN.
Tens Tons I Teas I. I
lAM Reliingaou(l Voting 11 trin 'I ca per ponnd. and
Black T.a for the Fame; also, T.:a of all kind" and
propmtionatelv clump. T. W. MOORE.
Eric. Nor. -
iIiANNEIt'S OIL few Barrel, k for sale I.y
J 11. Ill'ItTON
SfIAWLS, of every deteriplion, and very cheap, a,;
Erie cet it. S. R. ior,wl - 11,s
m risn
sa, , and PLASTER.—A heavy ck fur
the winter and bring trade fur sale IJIY, nt
• C. B WRIGIEriz.
1 000 LiurlT wi NI/OW 5.1811. filled witha goad qual
ty of Gta , e, and forFale at factory prlce.
• Erie, March 3D. ISI9. CARTER & BRUTE! LR .
T issEun boiled and raw, 'for .rdt• at a email advanec
Lahore ca,,b.r. CARTER & BRO'Fil ER.
Erie Music Storo.
One Door root of Brown's Hotel.
ATOtr can find a variety of Musical instruments and Instruc
tors. Violins for 61:50 to $25, Acordeons, from sf2e is. to 6 , 25
Fluteb.St MI to SW, Guitars. $4 to $9, lindens, Ch , rinetts,
Fifes, Violin Rows, Bridges, Stritigs.and all things pertaining,
to the department. Also a variety of Yankee Notions, Pocket
Cutlery, Wilsons & linisor Straps. Pistols. Percussion Caps,Tovs,
nts. 17011111 S, Hair and Tooth Brushes. Needles. Pins, Thimbles.
Bair runs, Looking Glasses, Fancy Boxes, Vases. and a ..ariely of
other thins. One door east of MOWII'S Hord W. N. LUWIS.
A 0001) assortment of Winter Vestings, some very vie? for
/A. cheap at the store of $. JACIOSO.N.
800 Ploughs.
OP the most approved item for elate cheap at the Eric "Steam
Foundry. Three size of the celebrated Wolrerire or Miehi.
grin Plough. N'Web haadrawn the premium at the State Fair of
Michigan and New York, and nt this county Fair. Richt and
April ti, 1t , i.50. 47
CTORINES; of various st}les. Colors nod Jus
opening and for sale by .R. HUNTR.Park Row. t
IR kill Linen and any quantity of Bleached Shirting and vet . ;
cheap "at the store of J.k Cjit,FON.
Iranhoo Notions:
HAIR. Shoe, Shat ing and Scrubbing Dru,be.. Back. Side,
tine tooth and ridding Combs. Coact nooks. %Wallets,
Purses,. Loalsing Gla , ses.'Nedles, Pins, !looks and P4es. (Wens
sion Cap,. drawing. Slate anti Cart:enters' Pencill. Clear cages,
Tobacco Lars , . Teethitigilrings. Diaper anti (lair Pins. Knet
t ng Needles, link Oils,. Kau de Cologne or Marrow Polonium.—
Ma.k4of alltlehcriptions. &c. iker can be found at the Kestone
Grocety. N 0.7. Poor Peoples' Row. T. W. MOOR!!.
Erie. Nov. lU, 1t49.
( )0 llorllels or nice Clot er
1 4 1311L—Cmi.,tantl) ou lituld at clic:W . 4ls the cia.:.l,-t be
Cl.O l'IlS and ruslinera 4 , and n gemd as.,ortuleill of Silk and
ben Vesting. ii ill l e sold cheap at
0410731 oigiam:
Tim .o,F,rii..arx will pn' CABII far any quaintly of
inetr White Wood,
I 611 . . .
11 "
91.3, 4 and S inch White Wood Plank,
6,7, P. 9 and 10 in. sq. .• . column.
, 3by 4 ice!, SIIIIIIre .. %canning.
Alr.o, Cherry, Black Walnut and Syentnore.
Jan 25, ma . GEO. tAEL,DEN & SON
eIIHE subscrbers havejust received a livgc and sell, relectied
gi-ortinent of Fn II and Winter Goods, conststing of
In the stock ni..; he found every variety of remtniable Dress
Goods for Ladles, Slum ::; Hosiery, Cloves. etc. also cloths and
Caerlineres °fall qualities and colorA. They invite their old cus
tomers and thepuld lc generally local! a tul examine the nbo% e tools
betbre tiurcharingelsewhero.l )31/P3 dr Co.
Erie, Nov. 8. 1819. ;.19
T UST received direct from the Nutmeg Suds. a large supply of
etilver work not made in Erie, but in Ilmtford, by a matt who
has manufactured Silver work upwards of meld,* years; toy sil
ver ware is all strunired on the hack "W, N. I.e n is," anal all such
rl warranted as pure as coin, Engraving on Spoons done in the
neatest inannes. free of charge WM. N. LEWIS.
RAILROAD STOCK.—Wanted. 8500 of Erie and N. E. It Lil
Bond stock, for izuutediate use, by the subscriber.
Aprill C. D. WRIGHT.
QII.F Eft %VORK.—Silver `Spoons, .I.adles, Tongs, Stoops. But
-1.--3 ter !Snivel. &c., constantly on hand and Afussfactirred by the
s r
Cro. ash he the .. NUMleg 51(114 byt fit 14 and warranted of
the standard of Dollars Comparrisoemf yle In thisbranch par
ticularly Invited . Alm, threaded Spoons nd Forks from a New
York manufactory. all of good slicer. 1 •
N0v.29,18-10. 0,1.00308 & CO.
WROIJEHT and cut spikes. alto fence and floor Nails at the
HardwareStoreof RUFUS REED.
Erie, April 6. 1853. • No. 3. Reed House. •
GI.OVIIB ANIVCOMML—iiid, B il k, Thread and Cotton Glo
veg. and Buffalo, Mtn and Imitation Back Coluhp. nt
A anl27. DEWErfI.
BitILI. and Jaronet Edging and Inserting: a 1;;, fine ae•rort
nit lit of Lr.le l'lirrad, fir rate IT DLSI'LV'S.
;.: •
6 ki#4w44.;
1 • .0111 If:
It •
re z !,r4
12' '§ / Q
~ .~~
,~~1 ~~'.
EDIV-\• I iiilliTioN
in all Chrlatiantrad anal civllizNl tountries, by Cl,lf ea a larger rt,, p ,,,.'
Bon of dent Lei than uuy other malady tit u lies the human finuny; md
nun! within • tow year., there Lan hot be* 11 any "Warn remedy t o ~,,,
the devastation of that destroyer. But put .—.,
P-UlllolllillY BALSAM
turn tow many or the Meld tfronnly marked and dere/op/draw or F t ,
tury CoNsuMpTlON— real, undoubted case. Of ulenated and doonai
LUNGS—such fincui.ras coara an were oeeer he.fore cured by m y
mt dtzine. So utterly hepctere were some or the afthct , ”l u ,
hove heel promoine.,l by phy.reurna awl &tend. to be AcTeau,y,rlTlNG
Moine, Who hall their htlrukl-flothee made, have !wen cured, and yet Ore,
other...oho it was .id would not live am/tiler day, are now a. w e u
hearty as they ever were
It pr...ales all the cteunninx and perifyiUg virtues nearly la pin,-etry:
nod active AS the preparation w bleb see call
V,r, Balsam 4,&•re from ti„• Extract, 1.,,,t,u5e It p, 4 , 4 ",„,
fifms torten are peculiarly adapted to, and are csiennally nnassars a 4,
cure of
and all fliceasca'uf a f,nlsonary nature—each di eases as usually prop
so fatal under ordinary treatznent, a hen they attack the
Ilreast Throat, Ltings, and Ileart.
This BALSAM nr11.9 AVIS CUR ES LTl.crns In the LUNGS. and e'Ao-v4w v•
nulty. entainly end re,4l at the PURIFYING ExiltaCT corn nut
Ant, tdrevi execrually Thin Bo 'ant cute,. viht aka or Coup% and C.
eurnptiort out of Tr e, idler all, other remedies have failed to do good.
Thousands of Consumptions
and fAconic Coughs abundandy prove Its 'entailing efficacy to ancb d i .
eases, and Its undoubted curative power, and soottung, beehng pre,
tire, In lite fotowiug complam:r and diarasev, viz,: Spotting of
Bleeding at the I.ungs.,Pain to the Ilreast and Aide. Night-Surat. „Nene.
romp:twat, Palpautitas the Heart. Cholera Aeantuen, Py'en'en,
Surenver CoraPaintr itt CA/id/MEEK" AdSlits, and all FEMALE WEAXALAg,
We state this core, to prove the POWER TO PAPE MIR-when iht. ESL
SAM is uk.ed, even lifter the person is ronsidcrrd by rhys,a•nu end pride
to be in the fast stain of disease—actually OTIKG—nnI,
Yet cor:::, that the IHROVO and RVICIAL-CLOTHES vere b.vy,u r u , r i e
port:curare of this ca.-o, and the rerpertoGle and undo:A.l.d proof of is y
circumstances and (tots, sic retbr to our P.041'111.1'15.
. . .
, -
Thin curo ss on effected on Mrs. ZIRA DYKE:MAN, of Rene,. s p „
Saratoga Comite. A. F. We can prove, beyond a doubt. /710 , 17 cttns
rildonst equaily horde:34l,lla innurnerul!e cases of CeerAt cad ('en.
tient CUI?1:11, which were pronounced incurable by sttibtet. THSVCIAM.
DR J. W. FRENCH, of ltilldale, Iraluidle (aunty, 3101;an. sisx.t the
lot of January, 1017, wrote as follows:"1 have been in the prac
ctice of medicine In till, place rot nine yenta. but was obit,ed
practice of my profession In consequence of ill health. I
altheted with a Chronic Intone of the Longs,. to cor.v men
C0 . ,1,1P1 toN, part doubt. I coughed almost 1.1( 4. . , .1
day. toot had severe yams and soreness in nayches.L.s. Lev,. I
Wed the recommenJed by the meet skilful of CA. ; re:sac,
all to no elect, e crept the nausea and tit bo ..r. I wt.:
prejudiced against patent metlic.bes, and have nu faith nose
cm:ly. Hoc I v.,' induced--es an experiment', more than L
to try a bottle of BRANT'S INVI.hN PULMONARY BALsAjjj: co-:
do here acialowledge, fur the_betient of the aCi , oteth ur .t rn.e.
sent, that the trPCt of as use on Inn we., the must prompt sod sautst,
of any medicines er wane:sea the effect of in all trt . lust", M,
couo trot iniinedunely rriieted. and to shunt eight or ten days I ++ as ties
cough, soreness of the chest, and pain, and now cuu.s.aler
uor,re odf A WELT. 51 Vi."
Dr. French is now a rtoipectabie druggist at fibladale
Wear.. J. K. LIPPINCOTT i SON. mspectab:e merelants at Si.
9,orr, .Sulu, an runty, Pennsltettnint, %vs ote tO on, May 12, 1F.41.
allou): other rt sit ti s as bud been derived from the use of BRANT',
PULMONARY B.t I.SAM, that one ut their cuatunaers bud Joat talorsej
them Amt ber chill, s, Loch had been subject to WITS ,t i sertrat
was surtM by the use of littsrvi's BALSAM.
• '
Would soon be in a Grave
Mr. WILLIAM il. JESIZINGS,.a merchant ai Pirrpwit
buia county. Ohio, wrote to ns, 2 nu, and .1 A
avAirrlon which the 11.3 of Brunt's INthAV pUf
.iff , %.ii. I it It + . l
Lad effected in Mr. WILLIAM (ROCKET, of •,•- et 11
110 Mr. Crocker lint bought relief from the hr.! ti nter”,
fnejiCITICO, lair (01;1M non , , for the tidal hand oftli.o tom .rnt /MM.,
einisuarrfiandiad liken feat hold on his vitals, and Naa.,
and debdinittaz Ira body that he was a 111.• re
tip by his physician., nail Lode,
friends, tom= tr,e who would
gram Bit e, CH to this last seta mite, .trance and raarre.'w,, . rr.•-
seetn. vet it true, Tbat the use of onrySrel , ttlft of ARIA NT,
i•CL . 3IONARY It A I.:•IAM hai , uncle ocned the Land of the di -toter.ed
re,tomd Mr. (rocket to health, nod 4e is now a k‘..lay, heat 4, ru.,... 5 4
S. D. DANN, E.g., mardiant and p..lrtmastrr-ell Jr.ircrran,,an
town, w rote to to. übout the s due lane, and stated (Ad I,i• tin=
ad with Mr. Cr.ordrET, and tatolled whir roar, and all tie ala a sued
Could not Live a Day longer!
31esoli. E. B. CALD WELL L: CO , of East Owego, Orr))
dr11621966. 161 - 00 10 UP,: We base
lVniternan, a rCepectable citizen of lisle place, of an importar, cure of
Consnn.j.tion, e luau /6 RANI'S INDIAV N.I.SIONARY BALs6 , ll,,nrooyel
on t h e wife of an acquaintance of his, 'nib* reside. in the town of
inn, in thin county, She had been long confined to her Ped, 4,1.4 69
datozerously diaea-ell, her friends believed it irripo.,o.le for Imr
Jurtwo e than ONE DAY LONGER. But, when nJf I °per.,
faded, rho commenced mimic ,BRANrs prtmoN.lßl• 11.11 S
and Its medical efficacy has ni.Oed her from A Dynca ara, on that . 5 e
1.4 now wing about and attending to her darn it, bons:had °fool wad LI.
Vet She ackimm led cc., and it in s cry evident, mat oh" to rdrr,rrd!a
BRANT'S. BALSAM for her reco‘etTfroul a hurl, sinew.. laa,e,
ona sickness i and her frituda and not,ll,bors con.ider
111e1:ars. Pll.o' S lOSTYR. merchants. of (rat Cornssole% ral
/1.1/..5../.11 had curer of nice Lorelt-§, of io , E.
Si MPTI4IN in their town, that now no other ecatah-tnedtcane rid be n 3
there; that rf lerdaatsed somr-res ef from the Gri , L—Ft.ttle that 1.1,61c...11
sod all the friends stud MUST OM! One gentleman, re 1 art cnir . .sts
so fur 'gone. Oita Ins rhyeectan told hum it was useless to fake one xot
medley., Ile thin, Ara no hers von left, began to take BRANT'S BA!,
S.A.AI-4...0r At ELL—and is now RS well a/ sere- he MIS
Many Consumptions Cured.
Mr. S. IL CLARK, raerchUnthe/yde. ll'auur musty. N. K. n-nae
form us' thut BRANT'S PULMONARY BAISAIR stgd revill Cate.
and =std: . 4 If the statements of sonic of onr Most re,eetni-De p
11.11 d per. audi o Vibtillo knowledge, can he relied On, Its med.rai ten.
Moe cured many e,..nsumplite persons. Feveral of wt.,. I sm tugns nrl
Willi, us Lo 55 ere t.t, Itoprie.hie ales oat to So cotNuten 4, by ptirs.c.eA
WO till friend., past a nosstlwiny of cure; told yes, (I, facts are, foal
BALSAM has reetured them to PtstYLC,T sea L7ul'
Mr. 7.. S. 'f 11 IIY. merchant. Byron, Genesee musty, , vrwe. Auryg
24, If IS: '.IIItANI"S MED ICI_NE s. (hong non ter , here. It
n 1:1,111 of Cs 1781,71ptiv3 that all lira ph, alcitois thud ban] sand a's NYbra
he commented hiking Resists Methintle, Le etufal net rinse li,, haul 's
6.5 Lead; l'e Idea at the lung', ails! es cry s . Suiptoril rA t entett to ost am ILL'
he mu.' da• ; hot. to all. Len TION, otple to Ist., eL t ,.! ni-. ,
our ❑ e county. Ile u-ed only fire bottles. 11 Inn oho cares a
lade of - sption tu Orleans county, winch Inc futLer bat. oaiscut
amid curt.."
Mr. lIILLER, it merchant of the same place. has certhsc4
of the abut e statement.
Was believed past.Ciue!
71Ir CORNELIUS IL S)1114T. merchant. ("•,7:. Fri.. Cn.N P.
.lanuary 18.1:3 Pl. s.aal • .• Yoar BRANT'S INDIAN I'f'LMON.tRP BAL.
SAM and BRANT'S PURIFYING EXTRACT are near.% .11 sokt, and I
tt ant unniedkately [knottier suppb. for La se l l more nipally. and ern
better .nitfaajon, than all :he tuner metticuiee see Lase far sale. The Ps4
aionary Jiulsrm bas !lased a lady byre tiom a bed rf dangerma and
!eve.; •.;elinesa, which nil the doc:ors hat r:1 , 1`.1 UV as ISC't EARLE.
They said she art. so DI r tr•ifit a Cvnetirlpli,ri , f APr^d. lad
pronounced the icase HOPELESS, she nil L e x a t,fimg KILL\ T'S
/1.-I.l.S.l.ll—and bow- sbe a srel:"
ant St.,unEr, COSII . I.AINTS, an chadrai or g/ GMT r[773111, corel
any fuUurc aChaara .r. '
No mother need ever mourn the death of her chniki, that ei
Ltq complaint, aviiiin teething in warm weather-0,i,, fastum,
ISA ',SANE" do administered to the child. It slauld, heaveler.m pith
over, be 12.0_41 In tales as fortis potions as the dine:him on each bias
prescribe, until the complaint Is checked. -
For sale by Carter. Br. J. 11. button. Erie; J rester. Gaud
S. J. 110, Ains, Siisititifielii; 11. R. 'Perry.. Eden!, 40; A • TOU" . "'
Colon 31111 s: 11. C. Ton n. Sprite East; Potter & Nen, West *Spun!.
field; John 11 - . Robinson, Cranes% Hie; and W. & C. Judaea b.
Waterford. 11:14
TIIIS Was rAriranns:
6000 Acres of Lard for Sale
Tm: Sidi, ril er having purchased the well kno w n 31001 .
''IAN OR.tNTS, containing sonic 001:0 acre• at land, till,
rite ill Erie comity, l'elllisllailia.lll.lll Oglen the same tOr r ale, II
parcels of Yarion , sizes, mid on terms tomtit rich or 1,17,4 "Int ,
Lands are of a quality interior to none in this tCCIIHII HICOHHII,.
and afford a tare opportunity. to Farmeri.., with small H em t.H:
acquiring an excellent Farm, as the prices are low and the pr.! .
Rictus in.tY le extended. if desired. fur a number of scare.
AI oat ti acres are ritual •in the 'loran est corner of the tour,
ty, en the 1. , he shore and 01 io line. in a country unsuria—ed to
predue nig Wheat and Fruit. This tract" has Iron 6114 Iry
hundred acre , ois, each of ix WI: has from 40 to 70 arrea clewed
and under c Only allolltogetlie ti ith n House ard l' arti, and in not
ease. , all Orchard of fruit. '1 he ton it of Conneaut and Ilarhci ,
n ith a thrit trig late trade; is located to a 0111. s weal of tic Cwt.
furnishing a ready inarbet fur grain and i. thee country produce
Springfield is fuir miles, and the fluurblung borough of Guar:,
i on the Pittsburgh and Erie Canal, is ten mules east of the lands—.
Marketing, and especially grain,
at these places. is chain dcmss l
at lair ingot. The Ridge Roa d, running along the Lake fri.,:v
litailtdo to Clevcland.• passes through the middle of the tract, a.. 1
the Railroad connecting Nov York cite with the grt at nr.l. 0
now I cilia located across the same. Conneaut eteek. n Oa'
abundance of water the year round, has sufficient fall on the land
for a mind er of Mill tents.
The other 11 1 00 acres are situated on French creek, set , . nl e ' l
mile , south ofthe Late and city of Erie. three miles southia.tern
from the tarring!) of Waterford. and three miles nest et I ntza
Mills; all Cu filch placesafford n good market for the prod-re::
the country. 7(0 acres are clear and, under cultivation, s .1,1 i
number of large lout le Barns and dwelling Houses. Oa this or.r l
are a number of the test gracing farms in Erie county.. A. le::
portion of the land is covered ix lilt timber, Illifleielllly ItaluaMer.
induce persons to la:fell:1SC for that alone. A brisk trade Las ker.
kept tip in Hits region, fur some y elm. by Watts at water (cm ey•
tutees. with Mradvillt, Pittsburgh, the cities on the Ohio ricer,
mid ex en New Orleans. The road from Waterford to Jame-moss
In New York. and Warren, in Pennsylvania. pasts ilac ugh tint
tract. and near the road are sex era! Quarries of Stone, sorer ef
which have been extensively worked. French creek will al?).
Sunni-li a Mintier 0(31111 seats Olt the land, with an unfailiag Eui ,
ply of water:-- .
It is the opinion .or persons capable of judging. that heel Owe
Grants w 111 inn few years le north from .50 to 60 per cent. more
than the prices at which they
ceptinnable are now held. The title is non-
Persons at a distance will meet with prompt attention, by ti
dressing the bast fiber, post paid at Erie, Pa,
Erie, December 15.1940
Ü bass Clock 5.
F a s u pe rior kind iu 'ward to mush. arability, Patent Lin:f
and whin Clocks, Office aud•klartne time pieces at
E.;c, Dee. 8, 1t49. LEWIS , Gothic Iltl
Galvanic building and Diiftrintr. td
rrIIIOSE having tvatche., that they want made to aprear
i•olifi gold, can have it done to their strillAtelion ht cnihrt
Erie. flee. 1 4 ,1: 4 19 LEWIS' Gothic 110
rr sta-rrow N. wild reveethilly inform the fluidic'
connueiiecil the business of PLAIN AND FANCY PIE'
INC, at hi. place.eotnerof State street and the Buffalo Road.
few roods south of the Woolen Factory. st here the Dyeioll. , "
Finishing Of Garments, Lice coloring of Is when and cotton coed
yarn. n MI every other ileitcript ion ofJob Dyeing will tiecureilid!
attended to. After a practice of thirty years in Eurere
America. in all the colors given to silk. wCtillen, linen In ,
C2llOll, he hopes to be alil to lutist). all %heftily, pa t woo , av•
ItlellAttD GAGB II '•
ge .0 ectiet2s
, WALL perEn. -
JUST received. and for .ale. a supeg or apeorunent of IVall Fr
per, of all prices and paternp. 'noire wishing to purelo`e•
%, ill do well to look nt my assortment before making their mitt'
tams elsmt here. 0. 1). BrAFFOR•
Erie. April '27, l.itl, SO
fIOtIGIAS PUMl'S.—Attuthet lot cheaper aria ere!. 4 1 1- . 1
1, doubt It In the t, all at the Hardware Slf , re•
111.1. e. EtTre.
, :lk