IMO," and uhe spoke he diva , from his inner t a small miniature, **look al that. view it weft—ye, t • again—did you ever too a face like unto itl Ab, .0 itart—:gaze again; look at that nioutb, those eyes, flowing locks. Aht 1 see him now as I did that Cut moment, when,bandiug beneath tho weight of the , as, our Saviour was on on his way to Mount Cat- IV! Q Icould not boar no more—my' hair stood on end—my i Ist shook—my eyes become fixed, the fearful, being °. • like the Arch- fi end bofore me; his height was tow ng. end it seemed as if it was growing and expanding' my eight. I grasped for breath and shouted, in nu • ts a homtr. • You are---" • T 44 wandering Jew/7' was his response. • • - • fell lied in &swoon; how long I remained I know 1• but when I came to myself all was darkness, the nder rolled in fearful loudness and lightening flashed. • the rain was pouring ; in torrents—The Mysterious anger and piiturs were gone! I be legend connected with this most extraordinary • racier is to the fcdlowing effect: - *A.hevers %rasa porter at the gate of Pontine Pilate. , when', our Saviour , passed out bearing (be cross, • e l reroue Kruk him with a slick, and exclaimed in er mockery, "Go falter :lams." 'ilys,"answerod our blessed Redef;mer. „ Let thou remain until I come again!!' From that• dark and Attful period, has the doomed man wandered over the h; he has been seen in every land, and in every age . i lteire and Volney bethepoak of him, end if it be tha t individual hes se been cursed, then indeed, have I n and conversed with the g Watuleifir. A Joke for the Laden he Editor of a paper in Providence lately informed readers that the ladies always pull MP tho left Moak last. This, as may be supposed, emitted some little among his fair readers, and while in positive terms denied the statement, they at the same time declsr at 130 bad no business to know it, even if such were feet, and pronounced hint no gentleman. He proved l.owever, by a short argument: when ono stocking is ed 'Off first, there is another WI on; and pulling off is taking dram Itl2 stocking last. 'hair/ 'var.—The !Hemphos, (Term.). Appeal. a that a Joint Btoek Company with a capital of 1 .000, are erecting a cotton mill on Wolfe Siam., a t distance above Bayou Gayosa. The building is feel long. and 30 feet wide, and is three stories high. 1. will start with 2,000 spindles, with all the subsidiary Wary calculate - 41 for lower numbers of yarns and 24 looms. Tho buildings will contain nearly throe the quantity of machinery above stated, and it is ded to fill It by additions from limo to time. They I t te have it in operation by Septenibor next, et fur -1 est. exp. t ho 1000 Toot Window Glass: O noXEB vor,n am ~ h , French and American Window Cl." Comprising:Al the sizes from Aby 19 to 31 by 41. This ent contains some ofthe best ibutileWt. . 1 1 liable 1 - 011.110 w ws and cases. Also, n lot of French Bby 10,-'nnegmber to what Is usually brought into this marks% but which will as low as the American. Altogether ours in this line is sn i to any other out of the Calm end wilt be 601110 n terms that it all reasonable persons. !,Jul CARTER & BROTH) y A 0.6 Reed UnSO 1 NV 11 e7/0 gaol per 10 'l% ill 15 PE 11 Linen and any tinantity of Bleached Shirting and very fli/ at the Wife Or JACKSON. - • Fnil and BOAS.—A tine anAoronent of Lynx, (103 M., rlan Squirrel and Fox 111titre, eneap, nt ►d, 1S O. WRIGIII'B Corner. IN D, B ilverand Florence Leaf; Gold, Silverand Courpo4tion Jones; Japanned tins, 116:4)fied COION 1 u• CARTIV.F. & lIROTEHR. exLvan vrAtia. received direct from the Nutmeg State, a large supply Of er, work not made in Evie.'but in Hartford. by a man who nufhetured Ptiver work upwards of tiveniy )cars; iny e Is rill stamped on the back "W. N. Levals," nod al/ such rated ns pure a v ruin. Engraving on Spoons done in the wanner, free of charge WM. N. 11.3V10. aIT" SIC has ru %er wa p•I wnr owafesti ElI .L.—Cambric and Li.le Edging and Insetting. a good no . rtment at. d. It. OEWErrI Oct. 0 E~ LE 'Ol4 Y ,rptl`i, Carpet Warp, {licking end !Janine. an te cOloreil VI adding at M. TIMM I,S. ~. ORIN ES; of 1 - 4 rlaus t.ll les, eolurs Null qualities. Just ` , fling and for Palo by A.B. HUNTER, Park Row. It Sugar 'louse Molasses. t.r te article of Stcwari'm Syrup; also.go.n bi 1 .0. Mo c n he had of T, W. 11001tE. 'Nor, 17.1619 . - Mars' Erie, I.,'"N_u Erie: • BIIAWLS.--AIICW tad vnl of Long Ettmols. or *lifreretS tlty ;tuft priccv. Pot receit ell by J. HUGH Es & 00. I lee. 8.1t4 . FANCY liNrs, jivet received and tdeelread, R. S. MINTER, Pack Raw. VIA! L IMES. oteccry ktyle and variety, pita received rind r. kale cheat, by U. 14. HUNTER, Park How. AM qua Erie st)le Solar and other kin& of latinpv, and nny ov. 'ilty :91E49. lof Wicking, Chintnies and GI 11. cv 00 , at. 1,:1111 & Co's. • Iko NOV. for Ladies and Gents. togetherith(4,ood tWeil crGlovelf and llo.4iery, Just MCCIvoI at 1619. Mitt:HT' '. WHITE PX1311.• • BBts., half and quaver BMA& White Fit-lr and Trout. Just rpceived and for rale at loweat prices—irout,eted anted. 'lt.„ 0. HULBERT. 0v.3, Pith - . in and wa Erie, NEW STORE! No.o, Reed How, Fresteh Street, Frit, Pa. . WHIPPLE, revectfully inform the public that they this day opened the largest and hest sleek of imported iquotv and Cigars ever offered in this port of the country ,• of the following articles, viz.: 0 half pipes Port Witte, i eira; 3 do. Sherry; 3do, Maloaa; 3 !ibis. Jam:ilea ;fun); 'Monongahela Whiskey; 10 half and quarter pipes titard 1 Brandy; 10 eighths d0.• 4 5 bbl s Cherry do •. 3 pipes !fol.. I pipe St. Croik Rum, 1 pipe old Irish Whiskey. and .• Welt Cigare, of different brands. "; re asaeles owe - taken from the Custom house In New Is on the 21st of 0ct.:U.01344 and are warranted as pure 1 r imported. Country' deniers are partlettlorly invited to -1.. ' mine our croak and prices before purellovilse elm% here confident we eon sell cheat er than eon I , ..l4maghtiti this cue York for Cash. Grain of 1111 kinds wanted, for highest inntket price will he paid. kve' nther 2-1, 11140. f. & T .• • hat {Ville., I do. 2111 a do. Old and Sip, land Gin 21000 S The a York by I as any ev e ail and ns we atel Nta.e or which 'h Ftle.N • IZINTSII rUINTO:11 5 YARDS Eaptit4ll and Aater ran Prints, sates as low as a eetas per yarJ, warranted fast colors, at v. 17, 1819. C. ht. 'IIIIIIAI,S. 133 Erie. N CASH: 0.41133E1 I be vaid for lOW Bushels OATS, If delivered roan, Empire Stores. IL CAL/WELL. b. W. • a CIA/311 al it Eric, 1 Uell ifuNGAREAN CAPE. a Im•autifill •for , eap by R. S. 11UNTIM; Park [tow. QILK *ale c ' BOAS, In great satiety. just received and for mete et t end Cep store of R. S. BUNTER. Pork *Row. LA DI 1 the VII ' , Lae xs TUSI FIE WA FOIE aeon rnzzirozrzzi. rrtHE su • rider %mold beg leave to i fortn'h la friends and Ow JL, puWl that he hat Just opened for the fall, the targets and bettor • ent of CLOTHS, ILIASSIMER ES AND VESTINGS. that has c r been olieredin this market and which will be told I , at the low st prices for CASH. Much has been said by some in the trade a tit slop-shop clothing, unprecedented success in cut ting cum work. Ace. . Not wishing to be considered foolish. we cut short b saying to those who with to have theirelothi lig made toorder. th t they eon have their measures taken, and Clothing made. and (net pleased with theta when tinisheil, they will not he asked to take them away. We dont nkb our friends 1 o think we arc ps sg, but would have them CALL ANL) EXAMINE goods and ri cer for themselves. We will be happy at alt times to show ou goods and compare Prices, cut nr make with the hem in thls or any other city. We will have at all times, a large and good a sorttnent Or READY MADE CLOTHING Collginilig offnessan ProckCoau.Over Coa to, Rosiness Coats. Sack Coats, Pants. Ves albino. Cravats. Suspenders. Lamb's Wool Under 13h1rts and ratvers, &c., Jsc., Which will tesohl as cheap ss the chea t. Persons wishing to purchase Clothing for CASH win do w et meal, tutd examine Goods and Prices. Itly Clothing 'scut by m 'Wendell made in Erie, and Iv warranted to I e as well made a any sheltie' the plaee ea n make. iVe do not wish to bnast.bu Intim comparrison. The subscriber is determined to sell fore /Mond CASH OEM Which must ho obvious to all men to the Only true method ofdottig a Retail business, pro teeting, as tricks, both the buyer and the seller against losses consequent pon the credit system. Custom *cilium, culling done to order on reasonable terms. Erie, JOHN M. JUSTICE. 13e 1 211 0 . HAIL 00. • _N iin DELAWARE SIUTUAt. SASSTY .. VUANO.XI 0 03X(rANT,' 1 li on Irof Phitade/phtao i d° gbuslacsa on ihe Mutual Oa n,giving the Insured , lion Niro profits of the Company, witliontliabill. ' premium Dahl. , I i the Lakes and Canal !maned on Me most favorable „ . will belibcrally and prominly ortjuried. 1 • a merehaudize, hulldinpand other irropertg. au town , r entailed term verrunnualy. ME SCPOIIB.I I, James C. Sand, Elmond A. ougler„ anteing, John C. ;My's, 11. Jour. Brooke , a. John Correll. John U. l'euro.m, • I Samuel Edwards, George getrell. • nt,p David B. Starry Edward Darlington Y. - grant It. Davie, J. G. Johmon, well, William flay, John S. Newlin, rut, Dr. it, H. Susan. "John Seller, Jr. Spencer Methane, /chard& Newbordd, Seta; Wm. Martin Pres'l , . lion can m be ak to 1• to. lOW., J. XELLoco„!igent, Erie AaE • ty beyon ro t.' Rlt nem,. a Fire Nike %or Country, •, Joseph If. Theopltilue Robert Dur lints Craig Beaty La • Mules Kell Fo Ft Pr. K. Tho ,117 Appti l Etie, Feb. . . .. / •• _ . . . • ... W . 1 r.. -•• . _ _ ...0„..•••• • IN QUART BOMB c..V” -_, ..„-.....z. z ,....„ ... .„,... -k...N.1.... po, 77 1 „ ti if (, \'i {~'.: For solo by J. H. Berteh 5 Reed House, Erie, Pa DZTLUOENT ADM .DIIIIIIVPIC. DR:JUIYER'tA Barsapazilla,Wild Cherry and 2I a e onClonv , • pound. Tliia vnlanble Ne.lielnal preparation DIFFERS ENTIRELY IR from nay simple ..Extrnet of Sarmptirilln," or COIIILIIOII purl aineiletheine, It a a compound ofmany of the MOST CLEANSING Itti:WeiN ES, With cetera acting dircctly on the Kidney* or having immediate reference to the relief awl roututued healthy operation of mute internal orratts. It contains OftiCieff which enter into uo tither preparation in ex laterite, and IT IS UNRIVAI.D fu pluifyingand refreshing effect., by oily Medicine in the world II Id put up . . . _ IY LARGE 110171.E5, is very itlemiull to the taste, awl is morn concentrated, STRON(D.:R, nErrEit AND VIIEAPER Than any vther Oa Ilbirket. Persons who have taken “Sareapa 'MeV' by the gallon, without relic(, nave been radically cured, by using two or three bottirs, This 'a the only Compound In which Sarsaparilla, Wild Cherry and Donde:ion are co ',relayed, to otrer the peculiar virtues of each. in combination with pure Extracts of oilier healing . articles Ina highly concentrated state. Its Ingredients arc PURELY VEGETABLE, And are such roots avul barks na arc found—though chiefly atTec tingcertain parts—in their general }cadency to produce the most &awing rad Aertiv effeds. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE To cure many diseases, On:males, Kidney Complaints, dr.e., draw or Watery ilmnors from the Blood or corrupt and irritating FeCre• dors of diseased peplos tram the body, without the thorough ores eTios COV Tlll6 litnacvs, as caused by this le , licitie„ No OniER extract even pre:cries to Ws gitert. In fact this very operation for which it le partirslarlyearnposuted. differs front , an oilier prep arations, and t,lkt a It the best ecnspurlet is existence. IN ALL, CASF.S QP imorsx. Use this medicine. It will ratieri. It Ales cured whoa lift Medi roe desparred qr. 11 co:lining ;Inkier that will erre a anytilirg -ear, and Pikes tho asly marked to hake parrattagad awes. This Rentedy All impure urn! puss honours, not only by working directly on the blood, but by restoring each organ to healthy vigor, and espe cially increasing the aetiou of those which draw front We body, and lastingly remove 01l ' IMPURE OR DISEASED FLUIDS. All diseases orthinniing in n dehmred state of the 'vital fluids, Eruptions, Ulcirs, Sores, Collection of Watery liluntors, ISSEASU VIE MOOD. Will find thin the bast nlterritivo, anti most deansinsiDedlcinedrte infose any other in iarigarafiaz Atari. It has wortmlstancofilte created caessofDiseascs.of the Urinary Organs. DISORDERS Or THE KIDNEYS, Blaillices.De. A eptendid dirretie.• No extract is ea good for .Weaknese of Ole abhICI s. Weak back, Retention or Involuntary Row of Urine, Burning or Scalding, hivolitetary I:eniesione. or other irritability. Rearm ova, the only Medicine that hale there ports. irri tability , Scrofulowl habits, of the System, Lax and weakened suites. CONSEMPTION, comm. Wasting diseases of the Lungs, rains in the Breast, &c.. the log Pectorals and bracing Tonics heal the Lungs moll kindrge and strengthed the body. while the acrid humour. that load the sygrin ate elnsed. Threrlierrire &crier fithe gidaeys is mark -44 is Lungs #aerre. It is warranteelssperior issty perpsratiart uthleu attacks limn Exposure! an awed. STILL IN O N 7 If E , • FEMALE COMPLAINTS. For Irregular. suppressed or painful Menstruation. Floor Athos, Uterine Ob.em.c.s. or nay derangement of the reroute Prom. it never dirappoints expectation. No COMBO. **dieing trill read them derangennal. This compound contain') certain Room, fie beet owl way OMS that should be wed, It cures the most itggrava led forma. GENERAI. Dr.IIII.ITY AND DECLINE. It will refresh hnmediately.' A tew days! use. wilt convince the Incredulous. The nppet Ice increased—the nervy's° 'II/ ies--st. trios rated and neve. l'ureaud Rich Blood takes the place of vitiated and corrupt. FIIT IN VOU it FAMILIES. Yon Will never be without f 4 It Will do more good. and tare more speedily...the hundreds of laity diseases. Odds. Dowel Com plaints. Impure lUvod, &C., than anything you hate ever tried.. Look at Oirtikahm TA* Weevers''s- linear, or most delicate Fe male ears lake it rah perfed safely. REAR IT IN MIND. That this is 11M ottly medichn that hne ever cored the low. wearin." s.lte Prima. as attested hi mai of mu t curd ; of the cur A nd you trlltaekaowtcdge THERE. Id SOMETHING IX IT: • Where attraction* of the organs hare caused deposits. GRAVEL, . • Oif , lone In the ntaddre, this snedloine tins teen used with mann felling success. Per Cenlficates of Cares of this an any disease, see Pamphlet of cam.' Tut'. WORST FORM Of moniars of the STOMACII and 'WIVE'S. Costiveness. DVS , ' PPIPSIA, &c. For Dowel e'omptcluteol ea* be lied aa as a eerlain remedy. Also, when ACCUSUUfirtiOII of bile ban c l auiCa nimousniszAsks. - - /mtt &i., or whewthey nee coming mt, fah al/ and you Crg sofa, 'lt tarries GO the tortnpt bile.rap!dly, lay the .ttral chren .4lo, cud ceases itaunsgtialely. - It has 'Laced • LIVER CO.UTLA INTO - . . Teats Maul itm as cett tlientes testify. ,If akin'sfives sat.isfaf" Isms. Try it. , Urea l'hytticiana preAcrlbo ahraystliarcilea. '' Ile .fowl lb tICCIICIA-1(i1111CII0It moue is almost attecUle. ' I,ooli roa ...rairrimomy Go the Taves of Oin PAlitructre or cointanaofour ppenr. A in.' o f a p ilifluentlrti traTUCZ toll fterer been given in Komori of Unit. Medicine. We have there inditgattable teatimony or the onlaia turf of every disease ere letfgliioll. 7`Ae most tharougAievestigratios is ?trended. GET A PAhlritLET. Call on the certifier* or ask their opinion. and you too 4v in Ulgi) it. It will raker. you different front any other, and we think It wilt do you more good. Prepared by 1/r. II D. MTBRS, Buffalo. AB orders addreq ed to E. liollidire at itir variety atore.l29 Main at. Murat°, N, Y: - For sale ay Carteret Brother. Erie, l'a. —• • • ,• - Jytli T. Affff 11 6 ff. , ' AA VARIETY of Solar Lampe, nitres' miens' end tacit.* . 'approved styleg; algo s Calaphena La u)pe of—different ftvlee, slobex. ehilaneye, %%bid s '. &0., couxtrunfy on band and will be 14.1.1 cheap. W.N. LEWIs . . , to its present state at perfedion ; and the experience pr ' i - n o i t in f l o ty mi t n e i e l n Jl l ea ! It ' d r fu v r a u r i inr i sfit ) rin iel s n t t f ) :c e il m israSesfor k' svM it, . is recommended, and to adapt It exactly to their relief and cure.' l'ii• 7 7 ( Cents who wish a um dor noon Iledielneare invited to give it a trial, and Satisfy i l themselves of Ms superiority, and the invaluable property it possesses .of at resting 1: and curing disease. The bottle has been enlarged to hold cetim:qUAttT7 And lit its 1 , present improved form may safely claim' to be the attar and miaow, Medicine of the age. lie progress to the fame it has attained may be traced by a long li no of (8 11 M and cures, that stand as landmarks and beacons for the invalid, poking the to it: the haven of health! . . The Cottoning is from Col. S. C. Taylor, a gentleman of high standing and extensive ili acquaintance In the Southern states, and lately appointed Consul to Now 9rariatlitt; Messrs. A. U. & D. a ati Ds : - - ' , -Ne •• Vert, Joiwory 7, 1848. • , Gmenddscm—llaving used, and witnessed the effects of your excellent preparation ::: of Sarsaparilla on different persona in various parts of, the Southern country, viz, I • Virginia. Ismistatim Trixas, imil,Mesteo, I feel much pleasure in stating the high •11 opinion entertained of its great medicinal value. In my own case it acted almost 1:, . like a charm, removing speedily the enervated Male of the system, and exerting, in the most agfeeable manlier. a lonic and in.igurating influence. ; . 'Vomit Sarsaparilla is highly neproved and extensively used by the U. Stites army ,; in Mexico, and toy cousin, (.RN. ZACIIAIW TAYLOR, has for the past five years 1: 1 been in the balk of using at, and recommends the same ; lie and myself adopted the 1;i article at the smile time, and it is now considered an almost indispensulde requisite li :i in the many. hi conclusion I would say, that the better it is known the none highly i ;; ; It will be prised, mid I trust that its health-restoring virtues will undo it generally' I. :, known thee: gamut the length and breadth of our widely-extended country. • Yours Very respectfully, S. 0. TAYLOR, • 1:' S. S. Consul to New Granada. REMARKABLE CURE OF SCROFULA. - '4' Sa.thport. Conic A. faaraiy I. IS Alessrs. tbornsz—Gentlemen—Sympalby for the afflicted induces mu to inform poi of the remarkable core effected by your Sant:tortlla in the case of my wife. She o as severely afflicted with the Scrotala on different parts u( the holly i the glands of llift !jerk mete greatly enlarged, and her limbs meet swollen. After suffering over a car, and flailing no relief front the realetlies used, the disease flinched ono leg , null be!ott, the hole atippitraied. Iler physician advise) it should be blip open, ' %bleb was done. but ii Wood tiny permanent lmefit. In this-situation we heard of, and were induced to use S. Aso, ttarsapitrilin, The firbt bottle prodbreil tt decided and favor able effect. relieving her more than ally prescription she had ever taken ; and before she hail used six bottles , to the abtonislittient nod delight of her Mends, she (Mind her health quite restored. li is now over a year since the core was effected, and her health remains good, shoWing the disease was thoroughly *intimated (rota the system, (Mr neighbors are all knowing to these facts, and think SAIDS' SA•rgal , nl l /1. , .I _Breat blessing to lite age. Yours with testwet, JULIUS PIKE. Extract from 11 letter rect./lied Isom Mr. N. W. Ilarria,.a gentleman wen known hi Ismo.a comity. Vit.:—.• I Iris cured iit•Kro boy of intim with your Sarsatiatitia, who WIN :91:11:kell atilt Nerofula, 41111 111 a scrofulous family. VIIIIrS Klly, Fle4roks 17, MIS." N. W. /IA ItItIS." • The fi,ilo4lt rig testlinnny from ftcv John Grigg, Lite fltethr of the Clitexii of the Crucifixion In this city, commends itself to attention of the aimed. Aiiiiieroto; I' Iiin:11128 vi ernes of imious diseases cheated by this Medretue ore i 1111111.41 dully !Veen .-^ SANlt`t:—A member of my family kris taken yosir valuable S3rsapat Ma for i. t .r t if tamp. atteettott, At% %Oh the most beneficial circa retaining (f. 111111.5 itsp, Illt• %cry great pleasure la record my teqiiittiny in behalf or tts vti mint ettiraey, impitur ttttt ntlicrb may be induced to utak; it trtui of it. Nror Yurh, Moy 111, IMti, JURN GRIGG. 11e,n5. A 11. ez D. Si Noriria, N. V., Oct. 11, 1817. inxi ^ Peelings of gratitude induce me to nuike.ii public iteknou fragment of the benefit f have deitied from the inc. of your Sarsaparilla. I ham for reve• al ear., been afflicted until geloinfOnS swellings 111 any head, is Illeh at times 15011111 p.. 111 . ,/ >ma discharge at nay throat, nose. nail ears, in at others would break out in ditlerein parts of nay 1.1.0 and head. The,e continued until My throat, face, and head vivre almost ono complete sore, and for a long Nine I was h 0 hoarse twt it Wag the mint (Saliently that I could speak above a Whisper, During this time I had several attacks of pleurisy iiii6ither drosses. I consulted different phybiclans;and it relliCtnes, Dot rfiekved no benefit until I commenced using your !tarsa l:mina. 1111111:0W V. 0): the sores are all healed, and I attribute the result entirely to the clients of yaur Yours, with respect and gratitude, NICHE CAHOON. perßeually acquainted with the perwn above molted, I beliete her statement _ to he cunect. J 1111 S M. D. CALM, Justtcu u( the Peace. rittir.i /MD AND uutn, wuntiNkt.t: AMU nli u., nir A. 8..& D. SANDS, Ditvamsra Axl) Cimmists, ' lOU u 4TOS-ST.. COIINga OV WILLIAM, Niitv omit. Sold also by Druggists generally throughout the Urolett States owl Canada, Yore per Vottle; six DOILICS fut $5. PURIFIES AND DRIVES OUT 1 y00w45-31 To' the flonoruble Coicrt of Quarter Soul County.' The petitiOn of Wm.. P. Smallidge of Millcreek town ship itt said county,. respectfully Mprosents, that tio is well provided with house room and conveniences for the lodg ing and accommodation of strangers end travelers, at the huuse formerly kept by J. Durkee, in Said county.. Ho therefore prays the Honorable Court to grant him a license for keeping a public inn or tavern, and he, as in duty bound bound. will pray, dm W. P. 8M A LLI DGE. . Wo the citizens of rho township of Millcreek, in which the above inn or tavern, preyed to be licensed isproposed to be kept, do Codify that_ William P. Hmallidge, the above applicant, is of good repute for honesty and tem perance, and is well provided with house room end con veniences' for the lodging and accommodation of stran gers and ravelers, and that such an inn or tavern is 00- cessary to accommodate the public and entertain strangers and trove era. Signah—F. McCrea'ry, Johnson MOW , . Jacob nave,. Samuel Pherrin, S. N. McCreary, S. L. Rattle!. J. L. 113.1rr. W . Itlackford, Ralph E. Kellogg, Andre* Nich.' Olson, Ttperia.4 Willie, Muuassah Weigel, Adam' Drab ender, Su nel M. Brown. • 3t47 . To the onoratole Court of Quarter Sessions of Erie County: ~ • The petition of Daniel Knobloch, of the vik•st ward In the Borough of Erie, in said county. respectfully repre sents, that ho is well provided with house room and eon. veniences for the lodging rind accommodatiod of etran. gore and travelers, at the house now kept by him as a Public House, In said Borough. lie therefore preys the Honor.ible Court to grant him a license for keeping a public tun or tavern. and he, as in deli , bound ) will pray; 'lc. ' DANIEL KNOJEiLOC 11. - We, the subscribers. citizen's of the west w rd of the Borough of Erie, in which the abort, inn or tavern. pray ed to be licensed is, proposed to be kept, do : certify that Daniel Knobloch the above applicant, Is of good' repute fur honesty end temperance, and is well provided with i t . house room a d conveniences' for *he lodging and ae corn:melee/on 1 * strangers and travelers, -and that such an inn or lave n Is, ecessary to accommodate the public and entertain !rangers and travelers. Signeilz--H. Knobloch. Geo. J. Morton, Smith Jack son, J. M. Williams, C. Kalb, Jacob J. Rindernecht. Edwin J. Kelso, Fred. Shoeff, J. H. Williams. Geo. A. -Elliot, Ches. 31. feed. Win, M. Gallagher. •3147 _____ To the Honorable , Court etQuarter Sessions f Erie County Tho petition of John Adam Ham; of the west ward of Erie. in said county, respectfully represents. that ho 'is well provided with house room and conveniences for the lodging and accommodation or strangers and travel ers. at the house he now occupies in agqid west ward.. He 4herefure Eraysibe Honorable Court t rant him a li cense forkeeping a public lanstr.tave n, - and be, as in duty bound.-will pray, oJcc. • JOHN ADAM lIANTZ. We. the subscribers, citizens of the west ward of Erie, in which the above inn or tavern,:prayed to be licensed is proposed to be kept. do certify that John Adam Hants the above applicant, is of good repute for honesty and temperance, end is well provided svitiihouse room and conveniences for the lodging and .necorninedation of strangers and travelers, and that such an inn or, tavern is necessary to accommodate the public and entertain strati gera and Wavelets, • • • Signed—B. F. Sloan, .A; P. Malin- A. Hughi, Wm. 'llleatty, C. Kolb, James Dunlap. J. H. Williams, Chas. M. Reed, P. 11. Oliver. W. Kendall; 0. Miller, H. Slides. J. Zimmerly, W. need,. D. Zimmerman, Geo. A. Elliot. • • . 30i7 Antler StoStitocticol., ,• • A rl'Efidlits II will return and will build that which is thllea 11 down, and I will build again the ruins thereof, and I will ret it up." An esite•returned. may every wind waft souse kin exile home, and finally may the time hasten when the last returning wanderer shall bevecla iIIIC I and gathered to the fold. ' 'i'he subscriber; atter coining up through ninth tribulation and having his works tried as by fire and• suffered loss, has come to himself, And has received a small stock (ff. 13001 q for pale. and expect* more, which will be disposed Of cheap ibr Cash, It Is hoped thot my friends will not be disconraged beeautie the neck+. small -remember Ire:that lis ibithful over a few thi ' shall he made ruler deer many. The subscriber tritium his thank witid friends b)r pint favors and espoelally' to those Who hay I h MINI hearta and open hands patronised him in former years snowed in prosperity, in adversity, in tribulation and oppression, showed by w o rk of Their father which Is in beavemaeted on the principle that It is no more blessed to give than to receive. lie still wants the pationageor his Iriends, and will ho thankful (or the fiumllest Elvers la ills hue. „Ile bas,nothing to promise them In return at present.;-flacould pay the a thshimmtde ccuuntintent, :hut it would Wilke feeding them on husks, -May - they long live to gladden the bents of tbe orphans, and wip tle lecir Of illnieliOn .and grief from the eye of,the,oppressed widow. • ' lie believes ths-lic that numbers the hairs of the head and dims, not allow a sparrow to MR without his'notice, will enable the subscriber to show his gratitude by lilt works. Then -he wow almost be willituf to soy in the language of good old 'Sitneeni I t 'thou thy servant deport in pearl!: Some lbw persons inform days have complained of hie ilyle ‘otexpteffliing himself,: Re grets elecedingly Vint he should beso unfOrtunnte as to •exp himself so . its to offbad the most ositive. delicate and Chaste ear. lie Would not wish lb ha touter toad that be If. complaining s i r 'becauseinherit differ Seth Mtn. ' Th y have aa italml a HitlittO dir• fed from tam its he has to differ front them. ettertly expected' providence permitting, an assonment of Christina, Und New Year Books.- and kept op hand Ott ills Taper; [Hoek Sand, Woe, Slack and Red ink; Manic Books tuted and bound to pattern: old Reboil') 400 abort notice; go:6d Vinegar 'in eaebange• lb, Bagi,... er Com of Wrench and Sixth streets. ... . . . OLIVER. SPAPFORD. Erie, December =lea ' . v„.O Pit t ; Nf - , 413 &OJT Z 111 . o,3C i r, at Ai • A Man by the untie of CLllTtias angatd veldt a 'pens iamb of the moue of B. P. Towneent4 and uses 'gnome to put up is Satiaparilla, which they call Dr. Townsend's, Elansaparilltit de. nominating it OR/SUIRE, Original, est.' This Townsend tang' doetor,,,and never was; but' wan formerly a worker on fa thwide„ cantle. and the like.' Yet ho assuines the title Of Dr.. for the put voile of gaining credit for. what he is not. This is to eauiltm the nubile not to be deceived, and purchase none but the ODNUMA oRgiOVAL OLD Dr-Jacob 'townicniPs Banaparilla having on it the Old Dec likeness, his family coatof arm*. and hill kir nature across the coat of arms. Principal Office. 102 Naives irE, My York City., IF P =l cs• . ~s ^~~ V or liViro 1 ~.._.- 441-47;- a 5. 1 ). gia; . p50..1.9 1 411 . 4 5 - avi as), „4.1. r4P:g l Zl`g r, JR id a _ n' ! C gii: 6=l 70 s.4p lr ki !i s 'isTmET -2 144 X 15 . 4/ Bng M- W 4 . 41% . N gl-g A . ll l -3 t 5 EVpesr, tviirs• : l4 0 ocggrelS Pe°wiy ••• rigitlg4 1 8 g5 5, 72 PO4}lg; f T ■.. "FO2 a 2 "Ea S :3 ar Fg4P VZO" '4 r, p, g • P. ::.- et 2 cs ...... n. a.., 64 •cr 4 ii) ' n N a :Ag „go I] FMM j - P. '6411 Cps" k4 R 0, 36 g 9 1. :,..:=1; •1% r. .7: 1 o"oc , " a tigar;, OSP° ...Val ?'".4 ,. :a't, gi tc.9, !Ip., - 'ons for Erie L'~r~.l• 4fC•r•}: .lOj - l ii=f v: Oh, been known as Me AUT . IIER and DISCOVER 2R of the amt. ME ORIGINAL . 6 TOIVNSEND .SARSAPARILLAI." Being poor, he was compelled to Um it ha manufacture, by which means It has been kept out of market, and the sales circumscribed to those only who had proved ha worth, and known Its value. It had :reached the ears or many, tieverthelmm, as those` percoos who had tree healed of sore diseases, and raved from death, proclaimed its escellence and wonderful. POWER. • . Knowing, many years aga, that he had, by WHAM, science mid experience. devised au article which would be of inculcubte ad coinage to [mink I itel when the means would be furnished to bring it into untilversal notice, when its enertimable virtues would be ithown and appreciated. This time has came, the menus Cl/C sup. this DRAM) AND UNEQUALLED PREPARATION Is manufactured On the largest scale, and is called for throughout the length and hredth Or the landaespecially an it is fouud Wawa ble of degeneration or deterioration. Unlike yonng S. I'. Tow foetid's, IL improves with ege, and nev er changes, but for the Letter: because it is prepared on scientific principles hy nscientifie titan. 'rite highest knowledge of CbClll - and the latest discoveries Of (he art, hat ti alt been brought into requisition in the manufacture of the Ulti Dr's. Sarsaparilla. The Sarsaparilla ran, It is well known to medical Men, contains many medical properties, and sonic properties which arc inert or useless, and othere, Which ir retained inpreparing it for use t pro duce protest& ion and acid. his his Injurious to the system.— Soule of the propertirla of Sarsaparilla are so eotatik, that they entlrelyeraporateandarelast In the preparation, if they are not preserved by a scieattre process; know n onty to those experienced in its manufacture. Moreover, these esiutile prise/pies, which fly our in vapor. or as nu exhalation, under heat, are the very es icntialmedical properties of the Toot, which give to it-all its value. Any person can boil or stew the root till they get a dark colored liquid, which is more from the coloring matter in the toot than front anything else; they can then strain this insipid (Jr vapid It q aid, sweeten with soar utolassts , , and then call it -eAttimPAR -11.1,A Ewa ACT or SYRUP." Out such id not the article known as the _ _ GENUINE OLD DR. JACOB 'TOWNSEND'S SARSAPA . BIWA. . , • This is so prepared, that al tthe inert Properties or the TOOt arc first tetuoved, everything capable of becoming acid or of fermentation. isertracted nod rejected; then every parti cle of medical virtue [e secured in a One and ConCealratiA form; and thus ft is rendered incapable of losing any of its valitableatid healing properties. 11:repared in this way, it is made the molt powerful agent i n the Onro of Innumerable D'soasoll e !fence the reason why we hear commendations of es cry- side in its favor by melt. WOMCII, and children. IVe find it dying won ders in the cure of CSINSPIPTION, DYSPEPSIA and LIVER COMPLAINT; and in RHEUMATISM: SC/202 , UL . PZLES, COSTIVE NESS. all CUTANEOUS ERUPTIONS, PIMPLES. BLOT CHES. and all affections :wising from Iblll/111TY or"riw.ntoon. It possesses a MarVelous efficacy in all complaints arlsints frorn Isdigcstion.frotn eteidity of the Stamm* front ,unequal circula tion, determination of blood to the head. palpitation of the heart, cold feet and hands, cold chills and hot flushes over the body. It has not In. equal In Coeds and Coughtf and promotes early expec toration and gelato perspiration, rat:wing stricture of the lungs, throat, and every other part. 'tut hi !fettling is Its excellence more manifestly seen null ac knowledged than in nil kinds and stages of I'EIIALE CoMPLADITS. It works wanders In Cases of Flour Aibrisor Whi es, Falling of the Womb, Obstructed. Surpressrd, or „Minis! Nene s, frregulart ly of the meted/oaf periods, and the likth.and is a effectual in curing all the forms of Ridneyfflista es. By removing obstructions, ifnd regulating the general systems, it gives tone and strength to the whole body, thus cures all forms of - Nervous diseases and debility, arid thus prevents or relieves a great variety of other nuffa dies, as Spinal irritotion,Neeralgia, Vitus' Dance, brooniter,Asitep as Pit.. Convulsion*, 4-c. It cleanses, the blood, excites' the liver to healthy net fen, tones the stomach, and gives good digestion. relieves the bon els of tor por and COliblip:111011, allays intim/ration, putthes the skin, equal ises the circulation atti e blood, producing gentle warmth equally all over the body, and the insensible perspiration; relaxes on strictures and tightness, removes all obstructions. anti invigo .rates the entire nervous - system. Is not this then ' Who medic o you proftomincattly need? Mit can any °Me. things be 6.11.1 of FL I'. Tow tinted Inferior notelet This your metes livid is not to to COitIrAR ' ) WITH THE 01,1) DR`fi, beetune ofone GRA 0 FACT, that the one Is INCAPAbLE of DETERIORATION. nod - NEVER sroms, . ... while the other DOES; soatringr,ferraestisny. and blaming the ba t lee Fonta Ming it into fragments; Mesons, acid liquid exploding, and Wittman's other pet Must not this horrible compound be iso ponous to the system? Whom ps4 acid into a system already diseased .eith era' Wit t causes HyPpCp£lll but acid! Do we tint alt know that when (bad sours in our stomachs, what rah.- chiefs it produce 4 flatulence, heartburn, palpitation of the heart, liver complaint, Martha% dysentery, colic, and corruption of the blood? What is Scrofula but an acid humor in the hotly? • Wins traduces all the humors which bringon Eruptions of the Shin, Scald Head. Salt Rheum, Erysipelas,White' Swellinp, Fever Soma, and all ulcerations internal and external? It is nothing miller heaven, but an aeld substance, which sours, and thus spoils all the fluids orate body, more or less. What causes Rhea !nation, butt a sourer acid Raid which Insinuates Itself between the joints and elsewhere, irritating and inflaming the delicate tis sues upon which It acts? SO of nervous diseaties, of Impurity of the blood. or deranged elrculationkaud nearly alt the ailments which afflict human nature: Now is it not horn We to make and sell, and infiately worn to me this BOWLING, FERN ENTIND. ACID '''COMPOUND ". OF S. P. TOWNSENU,, and yet he would fain have it understood that Old Dr. dna Townsend's [Donau Original Sarsaparilla, is an IbIITATION of his Inferior preparation!! : ' I Heaven forbid that wpshould deal an article which would bear the most distant resemblance toB. P. Townsemrs article! and which should Win: down upon the Old Dr. such a moilintaln load of complaints and Dminationsoin Agents who have sold. and purehn lien who hae used B. P. ToWnsendin FERMENTING Ctlhi POD 1 , 1 iLi. We wish it understoo, because it lathe absolute truth, that S. P. Townsend ', article ar dOM Dr. Jacob Townsend', Ba reaparil la are heaves-seideapart, au t isigairely dlesitsilart that they arc unlike in every portico'. r, having not one single thing in com mon. I As O. P. Townsend Is o doctor, and never was, Is no chemist, no pharmaceutist—knot no more of medicine or disease than any other common. onset ii tide, unprofessional man, what Roar sates can the public have that they arc receiving a genuladsc len title medicine, containin all the virtues of the. articles used In preparing it.aud %Wilds a e in capable of:changes which might ~ render them the AGENT of Disease in s tead of health. But what else should be xpected 'hurt one who knows nothing comparatively oftnedieln or disease! .it requires a.,person of some experience to cook ml serve up even a common decent meal. How much more iniportant la It that thepersons who man ufacture medicine, designed for ' W'eaketornacha surd ruifeeirlod laystgatthr, should tcnow wtql cne lIIMICIII properties of plants. the vest man ner of seeming and concentrating their healing virtues, also an extensive knowledge of the various coinages which atlect the hu man system, and how to adapt remedies to these diseases! It Is to arrest frauds upon the unfintuunte, to pour balm into Wounded humanity, tokindle hope In the despairing bosom, to restorelicalth and bloom. and vigor into the crushed nod broken, amigo banigh ilifilllNlty that OLD DR. JACOB TOWNSEND has H SOUGT and POUND the opportunity and means to bring his • arena Universal Conciputrar Itemorly within use rrnen, , an to the knowleuge of al N lso need st, that theymay learn and know, by joii experience, its ' • Trartspoodont tlyrpr to Xrukt. For sale by.). 11. MUttOU, O. D' JlCed House,rate, Pa. • Erie, July 11, ISM. 0 .VITZATTiIit eititANGERUIDIT.- ( '4t9 .Si '5O. hLATEST:Ind largest arrival of Crocks, %Vetches, es leweiry„ t3oltir and Camphene Lamps, Fancy Goods &e., at -47 - t G. 2.OOVIZU &.00 7 s. . On State Street, snarly opposite Ammo's Meet, Eris, l'a.• WIIO have 3ust returned from New Writ; end have received a complete assortment of the above Goods, together with a great variety °realer useful and ornement al Housekeeping arti cles, where, upon Inspectien, will befouriti Prireslosee• than any other coney - nix tower for let it be known that this establishment pays Cosh downier floods, notwithstanding the slily reports cir culated that bowels & Co. are only doing a Commission business for a House in New Yothennd let it also be understood that FO long • the public, (not New Yorkers.) control their affairs, and are Rimmed to be generous, so long will they, receive a 'just share 'of I. he profits. „vs- . .l • - : , , . . • . _ grout large purchaeci o f ESepements of WATCH ES of he most celebrated Makers in *mime, direct from Importing Houses, they arc enabled **offer a superior at Cele at a very Imo price, - In the-Mechanical branch, particular attention tvill he given to the repairing of Watches, Jewelry and on articles per taining to thetrnie Having tics flue reerkerea. flops , Europe, together with Engine Tools, seldom found in 'emery Shops; they pledge OICLIMCiViII to make good work and give a:Weibel/en,..... '. ' I ' Engravine Of Sperms. Srsits;Jexelry; Sc.: done in the '.hest tole. 'N. 11.—All Gold and Silver Goods bought of G. Loomis& Co. will be Engraved,' if requested, without charge;, Cash and the highest price paid for Ohl Silver Plateate. . Erie, Nov; 17, IN% - • • . • ; Two Thousand gto • B. THE itubsenben, desirous to uy the advatanros of a sat, orer to NU their entire mock of Steverfor the tbllowingorkes with Cut Itotiow.Were, theepui to esinprouon nomilenlers Of pullers who are not Mal 2.10.3 Premium t:ook log Stove!), . , le etutb ryes attA only. nt itting attend lufaerureig. 137 8 VII 50 - 1000 • 14 130 11 , 00 Cook istal3toir. - . 17 00 - 1300 46 10 00 " : • ' ' -..-. 14 CO 2 _ 2 I.'• - :, ", ,: ~" • ---' , ... 12 00 i s wa - ' . .. % ' 43:30 to 700. . 2 to 7 00, me pir pined. • Copper and In Fur. nopcnkl,wlthetave rigida et teems Maxey of 60,roileo on object worthy, LESTER. OENENTT Ir...CIIELSTER • ' -I[lllo/1 Cain/littera!, Satincit. Tweeds. Kentucky Jeaus JO a 1 negaimenp CEO 81:14)Eri & soN The 01401111editisseif 2fratarel —" ANKEIRICAN ()Mt . ; mTHE . wonderAilMa Rctly or Nature, American Clitis procured from a well In Berksville. Kentucky, made by the Blaster Hand of Deity, in Natures Laboratory v /23 Jut .bastv ras rulers of Earti, amasirtgpower as n carallve is truly wonderful. It has effectuall cured a great , number of persons of the following tomniamiss Inilatriatory Rheumati l en, Enerilltildloll. Crater. emit. ge: 1001 * to, or King's Evil; Indentation of the.Kldneys, named or Sure Eymr. Eryelpelies Deep Seated Cough., Ulseraped Sore Throat. Win:loping Otugh ' ,' Fever Sores and Fresh Wounds, Burns and tie-alds, Sprains and flint Ins,.Parylized Limbs. Asthma or Plaids let Plies, erternal and Internals Diseased Spine, Deafness. cased Hip Joint, Indatuatioe of Bowels,. Croup, Dropsy. scald Head. 4e. PRICK ISO CENTS PER BOTTLE. Sold Who/male and Retail by Witham :Lamar, the Proprle tor's sots nod only Agent fot Western Pennsylvania ' Northern Ohio, and Western V kat Ont, tth Libeny sweet, stud bysub.agents appointed by him in every county in the ohm ohotc districts. - - Onsenva—Every Agent Is supplied with Pamphlets containing reliable cert Ideates of remarkable tures. Call and Scione, lIEWARF. OF. NUMEROUS COUNTERFEITS. The American Oit,f having performed by its use so many re. marital& cures. and ',tinge powerful Remedial Ages' t for various diseases, has induced some persons tb counterfeit this valuable - medicine. The original and genuine An OR is obtained from a well in Burksville, Kentucky, from the sole and only pro- Pr - Icons, & Co., whoappointed Mr. Wm. Jackson.€9 Latn erty street, Pittsburgh, their sons And only Agent for supplying Sub-Agent. in Western lernnsylvania, Western Virginia and part of Ohio. The true and genuine American. Oil is of a dark green 'color. There are various counterfeits abroad--ene Seneca Oil, some a mixture closely resernblingthe genuine purporting to come front the Pittsburgh and Allegheny DisnellutY Company; some black ,and of various other colors; SOMA white, said to he made from the Ortriaal stiasritas Oil. H.llall II Co., the mum and sons print/cloned the tree and Original American Oil, DO NOT nor NEVER DID supply any persons who make the article called kirmarter of American DM said to be refined; clarified and con. eentratel. , Of the worthless Counterfeits, and OB SERVE that Win. JaCksoM PS Liberty Street. Pittsburgh, bead of Wood street, is the astir a nilsot.:.gellefel Agent tileeefe men' Soiled district, and that stars Is 1111:"CHIC but what has his name and address printed In the pamphlet In width each bottle Is en• veloped, and likewise the proprietors' addros is printed in each parnphietthus: Hall ifs Co.. Kentueliy.r Another,wity of detecting the eounterfeitio is the difference in th e ;nice. Thegs n. nine is sold invariably, at 30 cents per bottle and nolessot some of the counterfeits are bola At various prices under. The pure and only genuine American Olt insole wholesale and retail by Wtn. Jackson, at the only agency in Pittsburgh, No. Liberty street, head onVood street. Sold by the following Agents. 0. D. Sparfurd, Erim Thos. Willis, Millereck; John McClure, Girard; W. Townsend, Springfield; C. & J. B. Cleveland , Conneaut; Fenton & 1 1 3r0..COnnenAL • 021 Orrxem. if. Vlintamt,dfiliffWgn ana Domestic Billroftmebange, Certificates of deposite, Gold and Silver coin, wIN boy and milt cdrrerit and uncurrent money, neaotiate time end sight drafts, make collect ions on all the Eastern cities ‘ and wake retnittaii• cos at the lowest Banking rates. Moneyreceivecl on DePosite and Eastern ilmne constantly on hand at the lowest rates of premium. filo, Indiana, Kentucky, Virginia, and Pennsylvania Plank notes, and those of most other States, bought and told on the moo reasonable terms. office, four doom below Brown's Hotel, Eric Pa. Krie, July I. IPIS. Wines ilk Liquors. ACHOICE lot of Wines and laduot.. , couxixtieg of Pate Brandy, St. Croix Rum, liolland Gill, ( - loud do N. E. do Irish %Mbkey, Cognise do .I r atnaiert do Sewell do Madeira Wine, 'l'oll Wine,Commando Malaga do • do du (wire juice' Medoe do. Afro, a large nseorunent of Free/ Groeerier, fur pale at No., 7, Poor People'es Row, by - T. %V. MOOBB. Elie. Nov.. 17, 1819,27 . • A ROPFROOT, Sago r Pearl Harley, Oat Meal, Tat.imr.Ver mieillar by ;CARTER dr, BROTHER Dr. P. Vali% 71obratod Cough nomedy Zi; n item of the addle is again called to the notice of this I. Invaluable medielt e. which remains unequalled as a speedy cure Pa theeavee orate throat and lunge. The great importance of during Pulmonary diseases In their early stages is generally admitted. but too often neglected in practice, and hence the rea son why be many untimely deaths occur from consumption and other pulmonary alfecilone. COM3IIREMEAW IS ICCOIII - as n.tutf", speedy and effectual medicine for curing coughs, colds, lioarseneso. Croup or Rattler. Asthma or l'infin‘ic, Rroncilitte, Weeding in the Lungs, Weakness of Voice. Whoop ing Cough. twi well ae many unpleasant eytmitoins depending upon irritation in the throat and lungs. Read the following de cisive o:tier:oily from alien of true witne:"Fes she have been cured hy ueina this medicine, and are now advising the sick to follow example— This is to certify that we, the undersigned citizens of Erie, have used Dr. I'. Ilall-8 Cough Remedy for.the cure of pulmona ry diseases, and in every instance have been speedily and effectu ally eared by its use. We regard it as a very safe, pleasant and thororlt ittedicine,winil recommend It to the public es folly wont y of general con fi dence .1 ha Galbraith, C 111 Wright, A M Tarbell„ Wilson King, Drthirk, 'John S Oren - 14 Jahn litighe4, J. A null, D G Landon, • Thos. McKee, -R S McCreary, T 3Taft, , John W Hays. I) 1' Ensign. J Kelsey, jr Footer Reit, John Peffer, Rotten Cochran, A Sherwood. E A Bennett, I' Blturton, .1 Salsbury, It lialdw in. pen} Grant. W r Riniternectit„ 3 M Warren, W M Gallagher, 1. Warren, Thos Hughes, II P MeliafiCy, 31 , Tracy, • T Moorhead, Jr 81' Nelson, .1 11 Dunlap, , I It Cochran. .1 Mettler. Jr Zit Grxxititin, Charles Cole, 11 0 Root, C W Echo, M Mayer. I lb Dumars. The following certificate is fiont a celebrated perfumer 'orbital &Jidda— , 11r. P. Hall—Dear Sir: It is With great pleasure that I inform you that your Cough Remedy has proved itself to be exactly as re. presented-1101 only a very efficacious but pleasant remedy for ,Colds. Coughs, &c. I have recommended it to tunny of my frieno who have used' its and found immediate rellefby Its use.and in ho ease has it failed to effect a cute. The elfects are truly magical. and! Would recommend all persons suffering, with Asthma, Colds or any disease of the throat or Consumption, to eit e it a trial. Yours, very re:Teen - tally, JULES lIA EEL. Public'Oaatioa. /I F. /V AR E OF COUNTERFEITS. To prevent counterfeits the following words are blown upon each large bottle—..llr. P. Halt's Cough Remedy, Erie, Pa," The swan lio(fies are marked to the saute manner, except the last two words. None are genuine without the above and the inventor's name—Ars, Alan—wtillen upon the wrapper and directions. For rale, wholesale and retail, in Erie, only by P. Sall, NO.I, Melts' Stock, State St. AG 1:11"S8.-8 C Town & CO. North East and Watt-thing; Tlios Vincent:lnd Smith & Ilenilryat, Waterford; los.lGenshemer, Fair view; J. it. Campbell. Edenborm L. S. Jones and Asa Rattles & Co. irard; Wm. 11. Townsend, Springfield; I'. Clark, Albion; N. Callender, MehtivilleS O. Sc A. Butler, Spring Comers; Wm. 11. hobbit, on, PoWerstoiga, Cutler & Pierce. Clarksville, and by Agents generally throughout the country. • For farther particulars regarding the superior efficacy of this medicine. call on Agent for pamphlet free of charge. Gut 2.3 ANG it t o.v2N a ON WOOD -13:0 Til suoserwer Is propated to execute nil orders In Ids line. Waiving and Engraving Landscapes views of Motels, tores. Eactories.Mochinery, .ciettelil Beals, Business Cords, Show BM., tec„ 6Le., Orders attended to without delay, charges moderate. Fredonia, July 2.7.1R1C1 M. id. P TTIT. , Erco Exhibition at Lewis' Gothic would harm my friends and Public( generally that I have re ceived for fall and win• ter trade the largest and best selected stock of Watches, and Jewelry ever offered for sale in Erie. The Metal pat ronage heretoßge te ceived. has Judaea(' me to enlarge my stock of goods. I will pledge myself to sell good goods and at a small advance (roams winalesale Pri ces. Fourteen experience in buying de selling goods in easte% cities. enables me to say :1 have facilities ter put., chasing watches and JeWelery at less price, than any other estab lishment in the city. I am receiting by Express every menth, watches of difibrent escapments, direct from manuthetn refs through the oldest and most extensive ha. pot Una hoosea,th New York. , Thercrbre the mystery is solved. how Lewis sells watches so cheap. I have on band a large stock of Cold and Silver Watches of the latest styles and of superior quality, and prices which cannot fail to suit parchment for Cash. I will sell Gold Patent Lever Watches for 838 to 8100. Gold 'de. Inched Ml Jewelled for 6 , 513 to $6O Gold hspean watches foes holes jewelled, .eighteen carat cases, tbr 814 to 823, Silver Impene , watches, for 89 to 812, One quarter watches for WI. All the above mentioned watches will he warranted to keep good time for one year. Please call and see for yourself, one door east of Drown's Hotel, Erie, Pa. - Ilavinglast obtainedaliratell Maker from Europe, I nth pre pared to de all kinds of Watch Repairing in the best man ner; having tools for making and repairing all kinds of watches, pledge myself to - do as good work no can be done in the city oQ New York. Mr.'Levineston will give his whole attention to the repairing and Cleaning Chronometer. Duplex. Lever and common Watches. Those having good Watches to be cleaned tri Ido well to call and here them talfusted by a first tate 'workman. Clocks, Mule Hones. Aconlions, and nit kinds of Jewelry repaired In a workman-likemanner. at Lewis. Gothic Call Erie December e, than (1 - 10{,131C.K --- ,—A few patterns of eery nice Cataeleonßatittaan Melt Gro de Rhine Silk., will be found at. /We. Get, 0. 0. R. DEW}VB.—State Street. p..Ain Long Stlawl, for Fah: by GEO. SEI.DON & SON Unto, Gaps ft 'Ladies Ma* RS• HUNTER has just returned from New York : wi th a l a r g e ' and well selected assottment of lime, Caps & Indies Fury, which he is prepared to sell ns cheap sateen be had at any other establishment in this city. Persons wishing to purchase any of the phone goods will do well to give him a call before purchasing elswhow. Erie Nov. 3 le4U. 7 ETTER PAPER. of variouu itercrlptione—Qungress, Quarto rout gilt edge, for steel pens, very lino French mall letter; Rivet, envelOnett, motto %staters, laver seals, sealing wax, carmine caul Mock Ink and Irak powder, and a superiorquality of Foohtell andTchoot paper, by .1.11. BURTON. Mocha. Thibet, Cashmere, and Allk Plaid, Long a variety of cheap Plaid Shawls f o r ato KSON at the S.AC. SIIAWLS, Shawls . RIM. Vnote Shore $l2OO wenurn of 3len r. onion's nn untlthen's Pow, mot .Shoes, whit a good stock of Nolo and tipper heather. for sate at the lowest figure lbr good pny. Nor. 3.1Pd0.- • O. B. WRIONT.' Crockery end Glass :Ware. wow op en i ng a so ciu di4 ;magnum/4 01 . 41e1V eIMICISISIS at , oci. 01. tem: , C. 11,WRIVII.iri erogaz Tons;: Tonsil! - - lAliffeningaloll Young li) son rea tor 50ets. Kr pound, and Hoick Tea tor the iamci, Also ! T,enof ail kinds rind qw.:ities, proportienstelY Cheap., • " ' T. W. MOURN Erie. Nov : 17:1819. .‘ 7 ‘. • , ( 1 a O.IICCO , C VCrY In y , L . tintitirroarti Thrits:Paik KC IWT tends and patrona that she hsajust returned from New York with a MI newel anent or MILIJNERYAnd 'FANCY GOODS, together with a largo nd elegant amontnent of I,adies' HATS and eAII3 for the fall and minter. She 4 1 141x0 Alt kiotiotpatern* for Qicakcs Drec,,Wm and :Gaps for Drew trinkets. . • , - ' htts. :P. mill bo prepritred to exhibit her goads and execute all orders in her line flout Thursday next. 11th Inst. Her wannest ,thanks are tendered to her blends for their liberal patronage during :the past season, and solicits a continuance of thrlr favors. Erie Get. 13. let). ' 22 VI \ \: !It. !IT ! !ON" In ittl Chrhaisniteed andrehillsist etinttrits. has mead a tars , 7 1 Ono of doodle taps aoy other too)ady that afflicts the M Art alan vi , until ertihtst a Km rear*, there has not been any 'tai r • ; mi. the &mutation of that tlestroysr. - But ROW.- . . "MI, BRANT'S INDIAN PULMQNARY I ma ray man of the most stsestets _market tied &scrap e / ans L, 146701111/ COSIAIMP7IOII.-4/4 examsDreS Cues of ifikerakd auf ~g,...1, LtlNOS—aleti nonage, eases as WPM aster before anal by sn, teadtelne. 130 sated, hoyden IV* of the afflicted have ,wireoeed by petsMesese rod friends to he eentaw s had their burial-timbal made, hare ham ctuedow cabers, who Is Was mild Would net Ilse mother day, sue now hearty ss they ewer were. It immures att the elatemeht, and Purthing 561 :1/ q pi a and settee u the preparaske Welsh We call BRANT'S INDIAN PURIFYING EXTRACT. The Release Wirers Mem the Extract. bream* ft Faa!_ejees Arat4e,,k,, tie,e amid, are pantUases atboreel mid arT mrtanorra etneasu . s air* Of COUGHS AND CONSUMPTIONS :a i grai all diseases of • polo/limy Gael** ae so tam? ander ordinery treatment, whim they attack the PIP* Brrast, Throat, hoar, sad heart. This Dikuum 'mom emu Vmsas is, e•LITNCi, elotiri," tottsrestiy, as sseesest* stet tosiA sit WPotursos EXTILACT 0. , 41 thy Stets steers ainsoilits Tbis Sulam cares inlet Ewa or Ceagi q,d Cw ~Om oat of Tex, stler aa otter testriiss bars Ada to iv, p o t Thousaniii i of Consumptions sod aver* Con& abandastlx prove ItoinFaiscearaev to leth ar t ewe, see its ussiestAltd senetes POlref stsd Ootptogbeqini, r. ties, to tbe folk:ming s ot stell uPWeis et i‘c liteedees ele Psis As Dowse 64 NipitsSoossor o ,; Comptabes, _So EINCIC MIMI mites, Dpnd,,,„ Simmer t o 040, a and Allults, awl du Irtaux.r. INK.Avetstsa. • . .. CONSUMMON. 1 A DYING WOMAN CURED I we state this :art, to prate the trttrorti pro save LWe wben it'll, BAL. RAM is usoci Oven artT DT Pella° b evagridend bi •••itint , frafri n d, to be to the bus stay.: ,t, a..^ . 1 ! 01111W-41M, fn this case, .1-o /Al GONE, that the SHROUD ciZdel70:1 1 " .. "1" W ".'" "2 4 ' ' r ,,, (114 particulars of this case, and the ray..:. 4fs n. 7 ""''' P'.l e 1 an , DM, We refer circumstancesto our PAAti;::_ , Vrt. . 4 1. ex Thla cure WU treated on lan. ZIBA DYKEALIiv, .^., Banat ? F r .; Saroesal Cower N. Y. We can prove, beyond a doubt, mune sew; almost equally . nottinnistaterotitt case, of Condi., sod ettsis t sp. floss CURED, W . 0.. were prosinsseed iseurable by SIII.PVL raysitmvs. A DOCTOR CURED! DR. J. W. FRENCII, of Mad; Hillstilk candy, .1r;da,,,,,, ahmt t h e la oryanuare, 1149, wrote as follows : .1 have been In the reculirpme. mice of raediiine in this place for nine years bet was obliged to duo ast practice of my pmfewilon In consequence of Ul boalfa. Ima an savenly :Aided with n Chronic Discus qf Os Loop,ao to coacloce me that I usa Tun Consuaterton, past doubt. I coughed almost incessantly, Mita set day. sod had s erum piano and soreness in my Chest, side, sail bre.i. .1 tried the /murales recommended by the most akillid of the prole...mos s MI to no mica, excepting the nausea and debility caused by atom. i Val.s pre diced against maent medicines, and have no thith now in them Ceti. tray, But f was induced—as an experiment, more than through:Lath... to try a bottle of BRANT'S INDIAN PULMONARY BALSAM; and I do bete 'acknowledge, for the benefit of the adtionid, or whom a may serve, that the effect of its use on me was the most Prompt and ii‘int., 'of soy rard;ctres I ever witnessedUm effect of In all my practie¢ Ifs cowl. gr. isicoaliotclit rdierod, and In about eight or ten day. I was fn. from couch, soreness of the chest, and pam, and now consider and prs- • .smart mysr c if A IVELL btail.” 9 Ur. Plea -is now a respectable druggist al Bill/dale • FITS, FITS, FITS. !denim 3. X. LIPPINCOTT k SON, feepeCtalite toeiehante 1181.. grove, Sid!iron touraso, PennsvMask:, wide Puns, Alny 12, MTh t gglg 4 , atnons.rtulter attsunerrs which hail been derived, Ow:Libel use of BRA:42'4 YU L'hIONAItY BALSAM. that une of their customers fuel Just intntrge4 itgu her child. which bad been =Woe to /ITS far wawa: Niers Wu.. sure/ by tlee use of BiutrYs BALE N. Would soon be in a Gravo Mr. VI I ULTAM D. JEIsIANGS, a merchant at Pierpont Cratre, bode entmly, f wrote to us, October 2, 1818, and stated a fors or; Ilse ~•. which the Il ;if Lrarrs 1N111.1.1 PITMONA it Y had effected in Mr. WILLIA3I CROC'KED. of on ad4 o ;lling' toWw, said Mr. Crocket butt sousiitt relief front the Lent physiCialla and man,. mei:eines, but found tone, for the fatal band of that nureleutine. Covsumpliov, Lad taken fast liuhl uu lila vitals, mid Was no destriym; and debilatutinit his •body, that ho wan a mere skeleton lie vs.', to, up by his physicians und all friends, us ono who would atm te2,,lL,t. onrre. But even in this last extremity omnge slut man Olson a, d Rl3 V seem, vet it is true, that the use of onlifire bottles of DRAl`iTiti PULMONARY ISALSAM has unelenchatt the hand or the destroy - t?. sot restored Mr. Crocket to koalas, and hat. In now a kentths , , herviy, ri t , 7 4 Lax! - S. D. DANN, Zaq...vereltsnr and, postmaster at Jeffry); an adjoining town wrote to ni II out the name time, anti stated that he was r.cqtiaint.. art With Mr. Caocit testifitid raids - Lynx, and all the aturisnianut facts. Could not Live a Day longer ! Messrs. E. B. CALDWELL & CO., of East Oswego," Oswego Co ,N V. reoliectoble druggists, wrote to us: We Lave just beard, throurli Whitenum, a respectable citizen of this place, of an um/orient cure of Conoluardien, which n ILA N T bfora POLDWISAISY BA LsAss Los roodurod ou the to ire of an acquaintance pf his, who resides In the morn of I'dr, mo, in this county, She had been lung confined to Ler bed, and o. ea oo dangerously diseised, Riot bar friends believed It impowilde for her to lire more don ONE DAY LONGER. Bat, when all other hone molly fulled, kW commenced taking BRANT'S PULMONARY BALSAM. end its medical efficacy has ruled her form A DYING RED, SO tbut La now pang about and attending to her dooicorie house/tad a,fairs and do.. ties. She acknowledgys. and it is very evident, that elm Is indebted to BRANT'S BALSAM for ber recovery fann a lone, severe, stool durirer ous sickness; and her friends and neighbors cm:odder that medichit: in valuable RAISED PROM THE GRAVE. Mown. PRATT & FOSTER, merchants, of tn.: comma, Coast, said BRANT'S BALSAM had effected eurea of such hopeiets eases of Cos. an.ormoN in their Num, that nowno other could be pobt there; that it had ro hal some no Tom Me GRAVE.-401110 I pityatclarua and lire friends Pahl MUST DI • ! One gentleman, In pante/lan ;was re lltr gout.. that bin phystvinn told Lim it was wimp to Sake any mare hae.tocioe. lie then, taco no hope teas left, began to take 1111..AitiT'S BAL. EA.51...-.GOT WELL—and o two, as WO as Rer At eon: Many Consumptions Cured. • # Mr. 121:11. CLARK. merchant, C7yda ;raw rotary. N. T.. wrote to titan us that BRANT'S PULMONARY BALSAM told readily at Clyd,., and said: "ff tbk, statement* of borne of our mom res , pectahle and persona), visible )nlowledge, can be relied on, It. medical value. have cure.l many consimptire persons, seceral of whom 1 um acqoamted with, who were so hopelessly sick as to he considered, by phrocited and all (deride, past a possibility of cure; and, yet, the facts are, 81trAva BALSAM has fostered them to Pearce? aehLT7l." f t./ k (e4=2 : "ipti t ki:i' Slb 0s 41 Mr. Z. S. TERRY, users/Irma Bum, Graeae county, itl: Y., wrote, Aura t st 24, 1848: "BRANT'S MEDICINE Is doing wonders here. It has car,d k a. tnan of Consteeptiors that all she physicians thud said ar t du% IVITTI he commenced taking Brant's Medicine, he could not n leis haul to Ws head Ihe bled at ttte lave, and every symptom welshed. indicate that Ito must die ; but, astonishing to an, he is note able to labor, ri rale.; all over lien county. He used only fire bottles. It has also cared a yring lady of Coasuarption hi Orleans county, Which leer father says so doe't-r .maid cum. , I 1 , IIIr.I4IILLER, a merchant of the same ease, has co:U.I to the truth ,of the abase statement. . Was believed past Cure ! ,1 Mr. CORNELIUS H. SMITH, merchant Coalas Centre, Frie Ca.. :V January 10, 1849, said : ' , lran' BRANT'S INDIAN PULMONARY BAL SAM and BIL4NT'S PURIFYINAZTRACT are nearly all soil and I want immedistely another Jump for they sell more rapidly, and Fos, defter *catenation, 11=1111 the snber tables we bare for sale. The Put. esenary Behan ham raised a bay here from a bed of dangerous aid severe sickness, which all the doctors had given np as INCM4III4 They said she area? um with a Commutation of As Im.g.. After dl bad pronounced the case HOPELESS, she Commenced taking iuusrs Aal.S.Lif—and now she is well:. I CHRONIC DYSENTERY, and Bu:ewe Comm Arne, to Aildrts er grown pulono, cured wither any lailure whatercr. Also— ' CHOLERA IN tANTU M. .No mother need ever mourn the death of her child by that ebild-nemvo;r hag complaint, 'Mum teething In mum weather—Oak's; Infanirms, or vvs is called Boman Connate—lf "BRANT'S PiIL.MONAILY BALSAM" be administered to the child. It should, boss-ever, in rein taws, be need In Mint as Wpm patio* as th e direction' on sod! bora* prescribe, tratil the omadaint la checked. For sale by Carter & Br..T. IL Burton. Erie; I. S. Porter. Girard; 5.3. Hook hap; Springfield; H.R. Terry. Edenboro; A. Tourtlene. Union Atilist D. C. Town, North Fart; Potter & Ben. Well V.Plinr Add; John B. Robinson, Crnaoarate; and W. & P. hbon k Co. Waterford. 1)32 THE Subscriber having purchased the well known MORA; VIAN GRANTS, containing some 0000 acres of land; Filll.- ote in Erie county, Pennsylvania, now Wert the same for rale, in 'farce ], of W ham Sizes, and on terms to suit rich or poor, These Lands are of a quality inferior to none in this /section of COnntrit and afford a ram opportunity to FlattrietV, with small means, of acquiring nu excelkut Fawn, as the prices are low and the psyl menu may be extended, If desired. for a number of years. About 2000 acres are situate in the northwest corner of the count tY, on the Lake shore and Ohio line. In a country unsurpassed for prealucing Wheat and Fruit. This 'tract bas teen divided Int Manche(' acre lots, each of which has from 40 to 70 acres drama and under cultivation together w ith a House and liars, and in mos cases an Orchard of fruit. The town of Conneaut WWI Hnrhor with a thriving Lake trade, Is located two mites/Kw of the Grant furnishing a ready market for grain and other country produce.— Sprineneld is four miles, and the flourishing borough of Girard, on the Pittsburgh and Eric Canal, Is ten miles east of the lands Marketing, and especially grain, at theseplaces, is also In demand at fair paces. The Ridge Road, running along .the Lake frol Buffalo to Cleveland. passes through the middle of the tract, a s ,the Railroad connecting New York city with the great west, now being located across Rio *amt. Conneaut creek, with art abundance of water the year round, has sufficient fall on the law tbr a number of Mill teats. The other 4000 acres arc situated on French crook, seventeen miles soma oftbe Lake and city efErie, three miles s oommiteny Iran the borough ef 'Waterford, and three miles west of Unlock, Mills; all which placesafforal a good market for the produce the country. 700 acres are clear and under cultivation, with a number of large double Barns and dwelling HOURS. On this trot; 'are a number of the best grazing hams In Erse county. 4 ttvg 4 o portion of the /and is covered with timber, sueletendy antualds. to, Induce persons to purchase for that alone. A. brisk trade ham limn kept up in this region, for some years. by means aflutter convey anees, with Meadville, Pittsburgh, the cities on the Oldo river. ,and even Hof:Orleans. The road trOrra Watetilbtd to Jamestown. In New York, end Warren, in Pennsylvania. posses through the tt l et. and mai the road are several Quarries of Stone, tome, of w itch have been extensively worked. French creek will also furnish a n u tuber of Mill seats Ott the land, wi th al] unfailing sup . ply of water. - I It is the opinion of persons sayable of judging. that both there Cr4nts will ion few years be worth Worn 50 to SO per cent. more limn the prices tat which they are pow The title is sns.- cerilionalo . Ilersons at a distaneewill meet with priampt attention, by ad dreising the subscriber, post paid at Erie, rt. N. BLICKENSDERPER. ESN BeceMber 15,1840. I • ' 3t W. N. LVIVIS Oloqk ns v uperioukiod in regardßrass, to Men, t arability, Patent Levet N.." and amide CrOCki, Oalee and Marine time pieces at Erie. Dee. EA. 1.849. -LEWIS` Gothic MD, Rahranic t GlMinima Sill 11 1 1101311, tying wat her at tuey wain nut a * VAlisear lib I. solid gold, can have it done 10 their ratiaraetion be calling Erle. Dees P.lBlO LEWIS' Cedar MIL .• • p Dvvfvfn. • TlM,sutrecriber 3. Tr o ott respecith y mom the public that no commenced the bushman of FLAIN AND 'FANCY DYE ING, ruble placceornerofBtatestreetand the Buffalo Road, few roods south of the Woolen Factory. ,where the Dyeing and Fitt tatting of Garments, the coloring of WOODell end cotton carpet yarn,.wttitevery other description ofJob Dyeing will be carefully attended to. After a practice of thirty, yeara In Europe cod America, in all the color: given so. silk, woollen, linen and Calton, he topes to he able to suably all who may . patronise taw. RICHARD GAGGIN. 13 @ZEE One pollar poi and. A PIXR nanoronent wooly,F4 - eneli tuarluoet. warted color, prlee Wooed to one dollar per yard, tortilla'. Also. a good nraortmont elk and wool Matinee", embnutiere4 eafthmere‘ and Delanee. a going ebony, at C. D. WRIGIIT'S. nee..2l. VIVr. Ilundied Gallons Minced 011, two hundred do. ,902.. Tur pcutine, one hundred cud Afty do. Tonal Vaml4ll, roach and urnitttre. by I 0RT13.41 & tl$OTIII:tt. VMS IMPAIf VAIUMMISII 6000 *ore* of Loud for Bata MEI