= . atic..—We are happy to learn from Mr. !the Michigan Central Railroad Line. was got offToint an Pelee, by the U. 8. n, en Tuesday evening and is now It sound—not having suffered and mate ver. She has taken her piece in the I • ,• ill leave Detroit for this port on Bator returning, will leave. hero on Tuesday Buffalo Courier Streastra Art /WA Agent of that the Attanti Steamer Michig D e t r oit, safe an , fiat injury what. ram agaio, and day evening an' winning neat. *station Visit. I he Rev. E. Joan. will .meet at his residence at State, en Wednesday next, the 24 , twit 7 ~ Trir. friendsof on Eighth ntreetb n April Ys, ieso. 21,1116UFAZZID., by the Rev. Dr. Flint, Mr. llamas, ek, to Mies MAIL! LUIZ MARIMALL. of Oa tho 16th. Hors, of Mille Erie. Oa the 11th i lin, l i e., Mr. A Barr, both o f hi Oa the 26th ,1 Thomas Mayor Oa the Gth I Mies Christine On tho Ilth i to Mies Marie On the 11th Esq., Mr. Willi of Millcreek. t,, by the Rev. S. M. Eaton. of Frank- Franklin 111'Creary to Miss Linda 1. ilfcreok. 11, by the Rev. C. G. Stenbgert y Mr., Ito Miss Ann Catharine Metzger. • st„ by the ammo. Mr. Peter Clemens to 'Simon. all of this city% tat., by the , same. - Mr. Ceeige Beehmer ,ane Smith. both, of Harbororeek. it., by the Rev. Dr. (eorgo Lrou, at Mud. of Greene, to Miss Emily Olds. Dlll3O. F• In Greene, Milton, eon of Lester and 0 . 21 at year of his age. ce in Bloomfield. Crawford county. on r. Andrew,Blooinfield. aged•El years. a the 18th ult., Mr. Jededinh Haven. °randy of Ludlow. Vt.. • On the 33th 1 Idary Hays; in At hie reside kt,he 13th tilt, In 31'Kean, aged 62 years. • L. STRONG. M. D. • est of C. 0, Wright's store, up stairs On Cl, one Door, . VOCAL CONCERT, I THE-MIIRFIR FAMILY. ' ,GRAN ! , NARRIET, ANDREW, EDWIN lry,Ll Tm EIeARVIN the people of l b,, aced House, Etaufld with s,on: they !tope to lace that time,' piece's, to belible Erie. April 20, FAMILY have the pleasure of announcing to : le, that that they will giye another Concert at Wednesday Evening, April 24th. . e patroaageextceded to them on a fanner oeca• ' the benefits 'resulting front continued practice the Introduction of some new and popular lifurther to interest and delight their audience. - • 3. T. MARVIN, Agent. kVA t t•r ,, r; N.) Th 3 has again the pleasure ofannouncingt les of Erie and vicinity, that she has re-. the city with a forgo aesortment - of r Goods, consisting of a great variety of Bow 11 and, Collars, Lace Capea,.Flowers, Tabs, &c., &id Hosiery of hest quality. Her selection of Ribbons Is unusally large, compromising every be sold at rshotesate or retail; Hair Combs. Em &c.. with many other Fancy Articles. lag rrchased an improved Machine for Pres -1 ~• to Jean and peers Straw Ifonnets with as lateseityles, ' , 850. , 4 1 HRS. CU '! to the La , turned fro Alf in g and Sum .; nets. Ribbons, t, he., Gloves, Mit: Straw Goods and I atith n•II intddery Pattern Irs Curtis WI she is preps patch, and in th - 1;ne„ Apnl2U. oouv 24 vrAL 0 rortio gam Street; Corner of Mohawk. Plan 0/3 A.. 1. New fgqto and Eric, liihed a swum( "hand a number • jbey invite the a or others in w • the business of a aaf New York to hesitation lay w • ease of tough a tkustern indnuf I thayoughly seas.' means, they caul Patianafre, that ty, as well as r Piano Ported a! op hand—and madetu order. Two of theiri: rooms at the Re left, and will be I A .call Isms, & Co , Plano Forteamanufneturers from ork, respectfully announce to the citizens of Ha ; d the surrounding country, that the," have estafi i tory of Piano Fortes, as above, and have now on f Instruments of their own manufacture, to which ttent.Mn ofAnzatures and vrole,9ional Alinii6ans 1 lora real good instrument. flaring conducted eof the largest Piano Manufactories in the city some years, with perfect success, they have no rranting their instruments for b eauty of finish, id volume mid richness of tone, equal to ally of ' tale; and as they use no wood but what has been ed, both by the action oftime as well as artificial safely assure yon who may favor theni with their eir instrumennithall be nag ir,mssed in duribill - other minlities of a superior Piano. j fat; six and a half and szven octaves, constantly Arm ee:lts of any peculiar shape desired, will be struments can now be seen nt Prof. Wolloskrs d House in Erie, with whom also orders may be. promptly attended to. .. tfully Benched. A. 3. KEOqll, 3. KEOGH, • J. KENAGII. VI, IESO. ' ly4o Dunk). Aprill o.aINE szeruzzu.ai!so 'RING AND SUMME.R' 000DS. I.ohaapar than Ilvair T is now receiving and opening, direct ttom the ies, one of the largest, ehoisest and best selected land Summer Goods, he has ever Lefore brought hich comprises an unusual variety of fashionable I,awls in great variety, Linen Goods, Men's and Janet., aloes and Boy's Hats. &c., &e.. loor„ Vier °nucleic aPsortment of every thing connected with Width he is bound to sbll at fhb lowest figure, be known to all those that will call at the corner Hotel. 1830. IWO. - D A Stii/ V. Eastern el stocks of elprin to this market, Drces Goody, E. Nears, D. 'with a ND and . the Coats. untie IA hich fact may opposite Drown Erie, April 20 L . e and Splendid Assortment of A 1 4 1,41:0 strmauxin GOODS, r only gelße CA SII STORE ix E.ie. Is Psi . veiving. it not the. largest. the hand 'ng Slimmer Goods that has ever been brought e in Erie,'and they will be sold at the tomtit Cash t nu person that will call and look at them will go ying. Dly stock is full and complete in every vs- II they have been selected with the greatest care. II persons , who design purchasint Goods in Erie, Inc my sleek, 3 doors below Brown's Hotel, grate BPRIN At t SR. DEMI' sourest Sp or offered for la rata. so low lii away without riety of goods, • I would invite to ealland Street. MIMI N W Dry C 10.041 F . it IN G ND' svntzaris .ocorlos. . and Clothing, ' - , ~ , - - No..l,riontingillock. VEIG J; Co. have already In store, and are . Pre rye their 'customers with and Boantifill spring Goods. , patterns,and styles, Incing Grenadines, Organ- I es, Printed Jackonets and Cambric+, beautifill i !. Silk*, and indeed everything adapted to theses . ded to their prey lotus int dense stock of every kind taple Dryt Goods, makes one of the largest, most vat 1 assortments in Eric. 16 .EMRRACES EVERFTIONO USEFUL OR ORNAMENTAL , les' or Gentlemen's wear, or flintily use, and are de , eldest all times to so far supply every want that a • Me to sh dawn and select every artieleshe desires 1 igneantEmplezily of running:Aim lOWA to make' • cut; a* every departrnent of their stock they Lew ced Goad', which will be sold as cheap a* 1 • blis in, as wallas the 1,3 1 . chorand Fluor Qualities, , ude, furlong other articles, Canton Crape. Shawls, , Long tied Square Shawls. Lace and Muslin Win ,, Linen,Ond Muslin Meetings and starlings:Table • o and Dfapers, Table, Piano and toilet covers; mid nd complete assortment of Foreign and Doineatic ides, of every variety and kind. Also a full assort ing Gooas, together with a full and perfect assort onen's . , T ROSENZ I ' 1. pared to .1 NO • of most Megan dies. Silk Tits calicaM, Ham son. which, of Fancy and tied and gene THEIR STO for either La termined to Lady shall be ,without the fa up her assorti keep Plain, a by any other e which will in, Vaahmere, 811, dow Draperi.: Clothe, Napki indeed alai, house -wife a mentor Mau went of Gent .1 DT !genii O'LOTEING• chearcsa. and of as good quality as any citber wade In Erie; also under Shirts, Drawers, Scar& hi* and Linen rocket flandkenhiefe, Gloves, ENS try, Mondelcrths, Caohneres, Vesting/. ikc., also embraces Boots and Shoes, Groceries of all every thing called for in the country or city trade, üblic ma be accommodated by.calllng and exam add pricer. • - 1 .1E40. mill Mae:cater'. Notice. UM - it. cheap as brought to or and Cravat,, pendurs, Hos Their stock kinds; instio of which the fining quality Erie, April' T ETTERSI .14 of liar.. Edward fiw will present snake {maned legally audio.' testamentary on the estate of Patrick Sweeney. late creek township. deceased, having been granted to nay. \ perm's having claims against the estate. theta duty authenticated, and those Indebted will ate payment to Susannah 3. Sweeney. who Is the hied agent of the Executor to settle said estate. EDWARD SWEENEY, Executor. • *GM . Ir TO TIZENI7O3IZ.DI Apvil 93,1 Pavia's Vegetable Pain Biller, slant Cure and entire Eradication of air Pain. In d External Remedy. ' No matter where the pain is lure, this will reach it. Opinion of the most proms of Cincinnati in its favor. eiscomsat, Oct. 26th, 1849. ndersigned, Druggists and Merchants of this city, .equsinted with, and sold for a tearer two past, ' amity Medicine known as Psalm DaVls' VEGETA me, and we would assure the public that in every ar as we know, It has given the best satisfaction to ' . We can rezonunend It to the public as an article t and Virtue. "ElOll the I .1 ternal a or of what n bent Drugs; WE. the have been an article of awe P.m Kt Instance. so the purchase Of,ereat fifer inrised we edly popul extensive Ca Sirterl-r. 11. C.ol'. sth Main sta.: t fkiltins, cog. Main 11$.: - 4 Irt„ el Pearl 11. Parsin, $ Rape, ever knee/ an article ofilled leine becomes° deter r In so itht time. whieb Is proved by the fact of its and Constantly Intrectaing demands. D. Park, Corner 4th and Walnut eta.: J. 1). Dough 1.. Main sin.; Wade. Eckattne ar. Co., nor.. 4th and L M. Gordon. aor. %Vattern Row and Bth I;Xarket Bye. sts.: G. IL Bates, eor. Front and a tor. Colurnbta and Main sus,: J. &C. Reek- E. B. ilintnan, COT. L. Market and Maln ant.: S. .luntbla and Front am:. A, L. Renville, corn sth and OPINION OF THE PRESS. corn the Cincinnati Commercial, Oct. I. calm in referring the reader to the testimony of our uggists and welt known citizens to the virtue of Pa ler. We have used the article and found It valuable. .Is article in the United tea is beyond all precedent, . f the °Mee will show. tom the Cincinnati Non riel,Nov. 10th.) • DAVIS' PAIN ILLER. attention of our readers to the advertisement of this for the most instant relief of pain. No medicinal • • Idt which we are acquainted. appears t possess .1• r the extinction of pain. No preparation has ever i pular In OUT community,,or created such a sensation : mind through thesectiott of the country where it has feed and becotne known. . - n that some of our most prominent citizens, and ..strongly recommend it to the publ le, as an article of 1r can myna:, and that they never knew. an, medl- I , so deservedly popular in so abode time. ,„ I From the Cincinnati Dispatch, Oct. 014 INICILLER.—Whatever may be the prejudices ;Waal a great many patent medicines. we can our tilingloSlittlisOOT to the, .edidney of thin,rirtic . le. W a e . and n ip.' en to i n soo t h i ng torolonintllletvfeorreg j e l II in, s l a n n a d g pu " r - 1 .1t Ifo devoted. and even in cases where It may not .le. it pwie swi. the rare. virtue of doing no injury. , • GOD, and $.l tiO per bottle. "I I 0 tribe Western States. N 0.7 College Buildings. I orders rawsLbe addressed.N 11ARRIK. Ain. 'L. 11. C. ALLEN, Sum% We take p prominent d vi4C PalaAt The sale of as the beaks We call great reined preparation such power become so IR the publ n Igen Intr.. It Will be bUIMMIC me ..olltiLT it tine to . • . DAVIS' 1 qRTMI/sed , seT ses tear have seen I many eases I Poeto fwall p'Prize ranelpal ; To ;chow ICE TO DEALER R IN PAIN KILLER . . Pale Killer belongs exclusively to the Propsletot nt e. That ri abide's. recently been instal ned hy,a, Mutt ny person found selling an article by that name, and nutheture of Perry DAVIS &Son. will be pnweeuted. .n. Erie, wholesale Agent for Erie Co. Agents wan. ntry. eoWthulg The no thin Ated'el of law, and , not of the J. 11. Bur ted 01 the c News by Telegraph to Erie, By O'Rielly. Line for tho Obstrrer Afternoon Report. -In Senate yesterday Mr. Clay offered his amendment prohibiting instructions. Four hours were consumed In a warm debate during which Mr. Benton moved that the committee bill be laid on the table. The yeas and nays were ordered. and the motion lost by 24 to 28. Mr. Clay's 'amendment was opposed by Mr.: Benton. Mr. Miller and 'Mr. Webster. as unparliainentfry ! and out of'urder. It was eloquently sustained by mr. Clay. and carried by 29 to W. Mi. Hamlin proposed an amendment' somewhat similar to Mr. Baldwin's. Mr. Denton renewed his nn3eudment with fourteen points. and asked the yeas and nays.' And hereupon a furious debate ensued. Mr. Foote In the course of-his remarks became very personal towards Mr. Benton, and indulged in very severe reflections. Mr. Houton becoming rather eacited, preached Mr. Foote in a menacing manner.., Mr. Ben ton exclaimed "I am unarmed,—lot the assiussin fire." An immense excitement ensued among the member , , who interfered, and held, liir. Benton and, Mr. Foote in theij seats for some minPtes. Mr. Bunton wanted an investigation. Mr. Hale suggested that a commute should be appointed to keep the peace. Mr. Mangum moved that pte doers ot,thb Senate should be- closed. Finally a conimittee of riefetu were appointid t end the Senate were adjourned. Litman...4l. M. Young tine been electeretork oldie Homo. every Democratic member - except Durkee"voted for him. The Crawford investigation is very searching. Mr. Disri‘y is very inquisitive; us a member, into the proceed• ings of die Galpin bill by Congress. Wastosivre's„ April 18. SENATE.—Tho committee on the Benton and Foote difficulty are Messrs. Dodge, of Wisconsin, Webster, Shields, Bell, Rusk, King and Phelps. Mr. Dodge asked to be excused owing to personal re lations with Mr. Benton. Mr. Foote desired ho should remain, but ho was excused. Messrs. Shields and husk: also, as ked to be excused, but tho Senate refused. Housz.—The new elected Clerk, R. M. Young, was sworn in. The Speaker suggested that a ccnimittee ad just the accounts of the late clerk. A large contingent fund had been under his control. Mr. McClernand pro posed a committee on accounts, which was adopted.— Mr. Littlefield, offered a resolution declaring the acting door-keeper and Post Master elected, and moved they ho sworn. lie contended that those offices were secant. It was ruled out of order. Mr. Meade appealed, and the appeal was laid on the table. Mr. Brown, of Mississippi, offered a resolution post; poning the election of Door• Keeper and Post Master, which was ruled out of ordei NEW Ont.E.tEstrApril 12. The Steamer tow-boat, Hercules. was blown tqi at•th'e south-west passage on Thursday. and sad to relate, the 3d Engineer and five of the dock hands wore killed. " • .Nsw Yon's, April 18, 3 P. M. Asses:--Market firm limpets at $6116 Ofii: Pearls dull. Cotton'firm. but quiet. • Ft.outt.—The market for lower and me . dium grados of Western and other brands is better. §ales 1500 bbls. at $4 94a5; for old common and straight Stale $5 06x5 12 for new; $5,12a5 25 for favorite stato; $5 25a5 37 for Michigan; $5 62a5 75 for pure Genoieo, Gasta.—Nothing doing in wheat this =rain. Hol ders firm. -Rya is in fair demand. galas 7000 bushels at 58 etc Oats aro is good demand at 42a45 cts. for River and Canal; Idricy 38a44 cts. • Corn is scarce and in fair &mind. Sales 7500 bush northern and southern iellony.at 60 cts. Whiskey dull. Prison hold Very firm at 23 cts.; Drudge 231 cts.. A fdir local demand for mess pork at $lO 1410 18; $8 37a8 44 for prime. . Boer very dull. $5 154 . 50 far prime; $8 50s10 fur mesa. • Lard is quiet at 6 . 6 . • Butter in fair &thud's/kr previous prices. Money rather easier and abunditut. IturraLo,• \ April 19.2 P, M. FLove..—There is ne . \n ow feature to notice in. Hof 'den are firm $4 76a5 0(1 for favorite brands. but we have no sales to report at these figures. Wo notice sales 200 bhls. Mad River, a' choice brand, at $4 Pk. 109 bbls. Pontiac. Michigan, ,lit the seine. Payers evince bet little disposition to oilerate at the prices of 'bolderi. Gests.—We have nothing doing in rrheat. Some in quiry tot tipper L-ske, bolo believe there is hone in the market, Ohio is held n4sl., No transactions in cora that we have heard, 'iltefro is but little in the market. and none offering to arrive. • • `Oats are firm. 'and wri,notico sales of 10001maltels for Store et 34cts. Batter 121a14 for Ohi • 'end Cbaulanqur. Evening Report, Widmann. April IS. In the Senate Mr. Dentdn moved to take up the Cali fornia bill. and detnanded the yeas and nay.. which were ordered. A discussion tli t en ensued, but finally Mr. Clay moved to lay the reachstion on thatable, which was!Car tied. The Senate then' took the yeas . and nays on ill Mrl Bosutente Cousteau paints separately. and they were all rejected by decisive tnijorities.• Mr. Walker offered an imendment excepting from re-: &ranee to Ibis proposed _committee, the fugitive slave question. Mr. Male moved to refer all petitions touching the sub• jects retitled, to said committee. Messrs. Clay and Web ster sustained him. Mr. King and others opposed' the reference, and it was lost. Foote's resolution providing for the appointment of a committee to consider the questions of territorial govern ments for New MaxiceiDeseret, the admission of Orli ferule, &c. &e., was then put upon its final passage; and adopted by yeas aid nays as follows—yeas 31, nays 22 Thesoommitteo is to bo appointed.by ballot to-morrow. In theMikLes,....,.Alrown, of Miss. moved to rescind the resolution postpciniectriiii erne and Post Master, which was meted out of Order. Mr. B appealed, but finally withdrew it, and introduced a T 030.• lotion to discharge the acting Door-Keeper. This was alsO ruled out. , and Mr. B. again appetded, but tho House sustained the Chair, 85 to 90. Mr. B. then offered cer tain charges against the Door-Keeper, and asked for the appointment of a committwof investigation, which was carried. _ Mr. Richardson moved a eonmaittee of investigation into the conduct of Mr. Secretory Ewing respecting cer- tain usurpations. It was objected to, and the /loupe took up the California message. ' Philadelphia, April 18. Col. Snowden, Treasurer of:the Allot, states the a mount of .Colifornin gold received et the mints in this city and New ()fleas to be over $13,600,000. 2850. ‘0.11.13111007413 LINV. 1850. BUFFALO k CLEVELAND DAILY. EXCEPT SUNDAYS. • TIM LINE, conslstlagof the Steamers TECUM SEH. Capt. J. 0. Dun% DIAMOND. Capt. F. S. . acts'', an ASMON. Capt R. O. Evans. nail fan, Oaring the seasoniof Navigation, hawcen Buffalo and cievciand, touchin g at the intermediate pore, as thnower. Boca UT. - Boom Dowx. Leave Buffalo 10 A.. M. Leavecleverand'3 P. M. • Ede BP.M. I O Mb BA. M. Arrlveat elev. 7A. M. Atrivcatßutthlob P. M. Connecting at Dunkirk with Stages for Jamestown; nitric with R. G. Park's Packet Line for Pittsburgh, and at Cleveland with Steamers forßandusky. Toledo. Detroit and Chicago. daily. • 'the Dont, of this Line are all staunch, Dun and comfortable. having Upper Cabins and State Rooms. Butlitio. April IS—lhn GEO. B. WALBRIDGE. DIZOOLD'TION. T"E Partnership' heretofore eileting under the name of Gm Seek. & Strong, 11.211beca t6Js day dtesolved by mutual con sent. A. BEEBE - Ede. April ': L. STRONG. *GAUD. R. A. DEERE would respectfully entwine* to Ma bleeds mid D patmns that he has deelinedithe generalactice of.ntedki so end surgery in favor of' Owl: E. WEW=T— agendemen. whom can most cheeriblly recommend tithe public es a well educated mut experienr.edritystchur. wowhyeftonddeuce and pat cottage. Dr. D. will continue to practice obstetrics auend. to. consulta— tions. give advice and medicines In his office. and in eases where ft may bo desired assist Dr. Mem:din Ms practice. Erie. April vA.leao. - • Carpetbags and Olt Cloths& A LARGE assortment of different idylls of Earners. Gum 18 to A en cents per yard{ oleo; Vloor Oil Clothe and Drone% Stair Llanelli. and l'alde Spreads, just received at - Erie, April *II LBW. WR11.3 ars Coiner. WasatiffroN, April 17. NOTICE 6 MBE Stockholders of the Erie Canal 'Company are notified to meet in the Mee of said Company. in Erle.OU Friday the ad dayof May next, at 1 o'clock. P. M.. to decide whether they will meeept the provisions of an actentitled ...lin Act to limit and regu late Sequestration la case of the Erie Canal Company," approted the 9th day of April, 1830 ,, bad agree to be bound in their Individ ual capacity for all debts and liabilities of said Company hereafter contracted, as proVided In the Oth section of said act, a certified copy of aaid act is herewith published. By order of the Board of Directors of the Erie Canal Company. '%Vhf. W. SEED. eet'y Canal (Ace, Erie, April 10,1930. Eric Canal Company. AN LOT, To omit and regulate Sequestrations, in case of the Erie Canal Company. ' '.-..4? Stamm 1. Bo it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly . met, and it is hereby en - acted by the authority of the same; That hereafter. on oho return of an execution unsatisfied igainst the Erie Canal Com pany, under the provisions of the seventy-third seaiou of the act of the ICth of June,,1836, entitled "An act reg ulating executions ! " it shall nut be lawful for the Court when such return is made to grant a writ of Saguaro- Con and to appoint a Sequestrates., except upon the judit ment and decree of the same Court, on hearing. that said corporation is guilty of - mismanagement. misuliPlicalicc of its foods .or ,wilful delay - in. discharging its legal lipbilides; that Inch hearing shall only be ordered and had on the written application lif the plaintitfin such OR ecutione. verified on Oath. charging such' mismanage mem. misapplication or delay specifically. and on such reasonable notice leaved on the corporation as tba - ,Court shall direct: Provided.' That this act abaft not apply to judgments for repairs.' , Sic. 2. It shall be lawful for the Cour% decreeing So questretion as, aforesaid., to revoke end ennui the seine and tint 'appointment of the Hequestrator et' any time whenever it shall satisfactorily appear to the said Court. on hearing, that the outset of complaint are removed. application for which may be Made in writing by the cor-, poratiowor any of its creditors: Prorided. That notice o the hearing of such application shall be published for three mouths immediately previous. in at least three newspa pets printed in the county where the application is made. ifs° many be published. and such further notice given as the Court in its diecrerion may order. , Sze. 3. That in cue it shall become necessary to ap point a Sequestrator uudor this act, it shall not be law ful for the Court to appoint any person SeqUestrator who a a stockholder, or in any way directly or indirectly in terested in any debt or claim against acid corporation. .Sitc. 4. That it shell be the duty of the sold Court to require said Scquestrator to snake a statement under oath or affirmation of the amount of moneys in his hands be longing to said company or corporation, and a failure on the part of said Sequestrator to, make, said report and pay over the amount so admitted to bo in his hands monthly. according to the directions of said Court -shall boa for feiture of hie right to act as Seggestrater, andon applica -tiou to any person interested, the said Court shall appoint some o.her euilable i aeon as Sequestraiors And Provi ded further. that upon filling the plaiutiff's receipt for the payment of the judgment or judgments upon which a Seque.trator, has pr.or to the ravage of this pct boa 11). pointed or upon the payment of the same into the _ put of the proper county, it shell be lawful, if thu said COtt seal! see proper, td vacate said appointment and the office and duties of the Segnestraror shall thenceforth cease and determine, except so far ds to pay over tho, funds which may have come into hie heeds.- Sec. 5. That on the return of an execution unsatis fied against the said corporation. as provided for in the seventy-riird ate ion of the act of 16th of June, 1836, aforesaid, it shall and, may be lawful for the Court out of which the earn° issued, upon the application of a. major ity-in value of the bondholders and other creditors of ilia Said corporation, to sequestrate the goods, chattels and credits, rents. issues and profits, tolls and receipts of the corporation, in the manner provided by the wild act of 16th of June, 1836, and to'reroke such decree of Segues. tratiohon sufficient cause shown: And Provided further, That said Canal Company shall not purchase any of its bonds or obligations until the interest is fully paid on all its bonds and obligations in foil. < Sxc. 6. That the stockholders of the Erie Canal Com pany shall bo liable ha their individual capacity. for all the debts and liabilities of the said company hereafter con tracted, and the said company shall not plead or enjoy the benefits of any of the Provisions of this net until they have first, nt a general meeting of the stockholders thereof accepted the provisions of this act and agreed to bo bound as in this section provided., and thenceforth this section shalifiti, deemed and taken to be a part of the charter or the,. safd company. ' J. S. M'CALMONT. Speaker of the House of Representatives. • V. BEST. Speaker of the Senate. Approved. the ninth day of April. one thousand eight hundred and fifty. Wu. F. JOHNSTON. Sceicrsay's. °cries. Pennsylvania, sa. I deCertify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the original act of the General Assembly, entitled"An Act to limit and fegulato Sequestrations in case of the Erie Canal Company," as the same remains on fife in this office. - • In testimony whereof 1 havihereunto set my hand end ceased the• Seal of the Secretary's office. at Harrisburg. to be afrisid'this 9th day of April, A. p. 1850. • A. L. RUSSELL. Secretary of the Commonwealth, gen . GL. _ _ ~.en uhlbc . B dally, that having bough) o ut most of Wo siick of a. A Haler, he will continue the - Grocery Ss Provision, Business, and teasel] at Wares, as heretofore, to suit all customers. Ilee - h — rui Just re-eived from the east nn addition to his stock, wick will be sold low for Cask, and Cash only. He therefore hopes his friends will give, him a call, as he intends by Kriel attention' to business to merit the patronage oral!. It. A„. CRANE, / Elie, April (3,9830, Cheapside. Erie, Pa. :."4. • ----WNW: 1850.. TELUOUGU TO BEAT= 321 36 80111161. CLARK, PARKS 4- cu'S, DEAVER AND ERIE DAILY EXPRESS PACKET LINE TO PiTTSBUROII,, CINOINNATF, LOCISVDA,E, Is3UIS, &c., tsc. f . Wye Line Is eotntsased of, first class PACKET BOATS. !env ing - Eriotally at 8 o'clock. A. M. Connecting at Beaver with the R leer Pat Item for PITTSBURGH. CINCINNATI, LOU ISVILLE, ST. LOWS, dec., nifording altogether the cheapest. easiest and most pleasant route to all places on the Ohio River. W. C. CILELAN D. Agent. Office at Brown's Hotel, career of State Baca awl the Public Square, and the Packet Lamlimr.• 8.-Spafford's Erie and Pittsburgh Express taxon in connec tion with this line, by which all kinds of Express business will be transacted with promptness and dispatch. Erie. 18R. tfIS : NOTZOM. lIANITNG sold out my stock of Groceries and Provisions to B. A-CRAIN, Esq., I am desirous of closing up my busium In Eric. I therefore requestall those knowing themselves indeb ted tome by book account, to call and sett!e . , either by paving up or giving their notes, as I slash remain here only until about the Armor May, when all accounts then remaining unpaid will be pia l'a ced in the ha de ef a Justice of the Peace fa:collection. I have on b utl unsold a few r.,C . 111118 of Wrapping paper. a 'few Began. Regan. i ens old Pale Brandy. i cask old Mouongitela Whiskey, b l i lo years old , ad lb barrels madded Whiskey , which 1 will sell at cost, tO cloge p. 'Also. some rum cured llama and Boulders, which will sold low. Please call at the store next the one lately occupied by he subscriber.R. A. RAKER. Erie. A . pril IS, 1640. 49 _ rarar sPAING , aoo BY =rams% lIIAVB Just .reechreill by express direct from New York. a small assoriment of spring style 4 Muslin de Lain, French and Eng h Gingham' and prints. Also Ladies and Gents Silk; Lisle Thread and KidGioves. C. M. MMUS, Erie. April 6, 1830. - Cheap Side. ft. itzincovez. • 1A& C. MLLES, have removed their Boot And Shoe %., . store to N 0.7, "Poor People's R0w, ,, ., State street, opposite U. Cadwell's Store. In the room lately occupied by /Amen Culbertson. Sion Tailor Shop. where they may •be found at all. Ihnesready to wait upon their customer& Please give use Anil. Erie. Aprllo. 1830. Ot & C. MILLER. RE VA . OLIN GOALDINEL respeethilly. lntw.hi.. customers and. J friends Matte has removed hie Toiler Shop to No. ift, Reed's Block, etaWitrecti. oppositsihe Sonnet Week, wherehe will Le liiippy to watt upottall.who mayTatior his, with their potronnot EH*. Apr3lo,lElo.. 47 . 311121DICAZI VOTT.OII. TWIRL P. & R. FAULKNER, respectfully announce to the pith. tie llutt they have removol their residence and office. to the center of French and Eighth streets, (lately occupied by Johnson. Dent' bele they will attend to alt professional calls both in town and country. Elle. April 0. 1830.; . - lIPPRZTIO 0001111. D. WRIGHT has this day returned Rota the Easter:lMß% la.. and,ts now.opealag a tpleadid stock • ' . Spring iuul Sumner Goods, compriging a great variety of Fashionable Drees GOOdea- fte More particulate next week. . .. Erie, April 12. S • •TUE ZIMPIRE AGAZN. WEnreisow receiving Lilly casesofttte eliolsest sesstiotts'df Muds of • ' SUld Sununu . Dress Goads, Evcrotrered in this hterket. at stilt ',ewer Prices, contra)* to theettaklogaboutadvaneeou Coods and High Prices, also • Two Thousand 'Cards Carpets, reodeketooux present Stock. In all four Thousand Vents, at prices that cannot be Nog In any city. We are also receiving e large addition to our large Stoek of Xliarawareiirou,ateel, Nails, Spikes, etc.; Which we pledge ourselves to sell fiVo per cent lower than may house In Erie, Not having time to °floweret° Goods and races we would respectfully say to our claimers. we have every thing In the Goals line, which we will sell below any price in city or country for cash. il. CADWGIA.. }We, April 12, IPSO. . • , important to the .Communityl Ladies and Gentlemtri, medal/rho as aboa baying Gonds, please, lisle.. NoTwli'llSTANDlNcull that him been raid ofiateabout the great advance In theillices of Goods, I have the pleasure of informing you that I have Jul.; returned from New York with one of the rich:in and the very.chiaped stock of Goods ever been offer ed in this marketil To all Who wilt favor we with a call, I will Show, and sell them Gambia priers which I 'Midge mystlf shall Wisely defy eumpe4iiion from any quarter All I trek Is—call _-7call—and you shall he satisfied, if positive evidence and plain truth mid facts can dolt The Ladles, try simple looking in, can sec some oftlie richest Crape Thibet and Silk Shawls, and Paris Visits, elegant Dress Silks of the latest and toast desirable stylcrs and colors, Trtaitincs. Benines e Lawns, Linens, Ghvgliains and Prints, Ilonnew, Trimmings, reminds, Gloves, Hosiery, and an endless variety °follies Goods, which I would Invite all who would consult their own interest to call mid examine. To the Gentlemen I would say lhave et ery thing that can be needed, hoot the Cheapest to the 'ACM gentiles for men and boys wean all I flak Is. raft, and yoa too shall be satisfied. • - One word more and 1 mu done. Nally oneiti want ofa Carped To such an one I will pledge myself to sell, Minn an Elegant Three Ply ton Colton Imitation, at about the venerates. gee its Eric, that oter merchants linve paid for them In New York. Again t would say call and you shall be Wished. • .1. 11. CI.ARK, Ere, April 13 'Pio 1 Reed (louse. 14)111p7.8%i . i•ek,si aidr.‘l4,‘pXl•ll 4: t - a. cl,l CCHEESE_VATS with Rollers ready tundiand made to order. Also. Milk Pelle of diirerent sizes, Strainers, Stu:bier Pails, Dish Kettles, large and stall, Coffee rots nhd Boilers of dillerent seizes, Tea rote, Dish Piles, Square ra nu, Canal Lamps, abut Ca nal Pumps. In short, n good assortment,of Tin - and Japan Ware kept eont.tataly on hand. Also. Copper work* of all kinds made and repaired in the heal manner and at the eboneet notice. Country Merchants wishing to snake bills of Tin Wme, can be acooturucsiated with a liberal discount, MIDDLETOiI & MURPHY. Erie, April 10,1830. trig Dissolution of Co-Partnorship. NOTICE Is hereby given, that the eonnectitai heretofbre exis• thug between the subscribers, as Hardware dealers. has !wen this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business of the late Ann will be continued by Rufus Reed, at the store heretofore oc cupied by them, and all unsettled claims, for or against then), will be settled by him. RUPUrI REED. Erie La. March 27th, 1850. EDWIN NAN rott D. Dect'or math•ear J. Joh'nso'n: . tiRADUATE of the Philadelphia College of Ilkdiehre, 11,31'1E4' kW located perninnemly in Erie, will give prompt attention to professional calls in town and country, °rack—Southwest corner of the Diamond, the brick building, formerly occupied by Dr. Faulkner. Rawmccs-011 the Diamond, first building east of Mike. Erie Familia/. Oreditors Waist Money. fiIIIEREFORE &Unctions indebted to me will coml.'. a 'non .1 essential favor by calling during the month of A pelt. MO ad- JUstlng their accounts, . R. B. ItUNTER. liErie. March 01). -. 99 TO corm! DitnitB33l7.o. HAVING a goal stock of Coffees on band, bought before the rise. enalites use to sell good Rio and Java Coffee for per lb.' Alsoagfresh assorunent of New Teas, Just opened at Erie; April IV watotirs Sixteen =arises. H i AvING conee.ed several pairs and single homes. we,wisli to dispose of them for carob, or on short time to good men nt fair prices—shall try the home market a short time before driving them away. They can be seen at the fnmace barn. April 0 LEST= BONNET & CIIE.4TER, VILOUIt. tt.l . 1611, and PLASTER.—A hoary stook for the whiter and spring trade for sale low, at Jan. IL U. U. WRIG111"8. 1 000 y I:lG o irr 11Z1 " I trl f l or V are 8 0 1 1 g i e l :o ed r a w are vi a f(11x1 quail- Eric. Mate 30. IRO! CARTER & uaart R. FIRE AND WF.ATIIER PROOF PAINTI3.—An aszortmout at Cobbof ibis valuable yet cheap article on bandand for sale by - - CARTER & DROTHIER. T /PSERD OM+ tailed und raw, tbr sale nt n mind! ndvnnee abovecosuk CARTER & fiRuTHER. 1 oo ir.o.l,tem.,"req,N.D.P.ll'..lf,'"`M•RPoli:lilut4F;47a.nd Notice. to Darn ere. • CARTER& BROTHER have a quanlity of Fla %Ikea on !land which they will lend to persons wishing to sow it, and con tract at fair pricCa for the ensuing crop. Persons wishing to ob tain the article in this way lad better call soon. , Erie. March 23. 1230. 43 h 6p ring Ilonnota. t RE.F.,.. tlita morning by Ewen, one ense or Straw Bonnets and ebildrens flats, new style.; ab.o a kw piece* or Ribbons. Hair Combs. &e. MRS. M. cuRTI3. Li . April 0. *550. 47 r NOTICE. OPVICE Of CUAUT. Co. Mtreat. Isseitiises Co. / • Fredonia, March 29, f AT a meeting of the Directors oftheChnumuque County Mutu al Insurance Company, held at the office of said Company, on the2Oth day of Alarch, 1850, It was ordered. That an assessment of ten per cent, he made on all premium notes In forgeou the 2Sth day of February. 1830: and au assess ment of two per cent, on all notes In twee •on the 14th day of March, IPSO. Payable at the office of the Company on or before the Ittith day, of ?day, ItSSO. _ Erie. April 0.1850. _ CIIAS. F. MATTESON. Seel 500 Flong,hs. • OF the most approved patter.. On sale cheap at the Eric Steam Foundry.. Three tauter the celebrated ' Irdoerisse or Altai- VIII Haugh which hasdrawn the premium at the State Fair of Michigan an d ' .New York, and at thialcounty Fair. Right and lift April hand., lElo. Liat3TER, lerznorrj & CHESTER. 0 47 0 ZeitTwm 0134 One mitE T More twine, G A rocery, enable SAUD N and Hoek. known as gie Fairvieve Limiting. This lea rateophartunity for a person of mail capitol and boldness babas. Forreeeninn given Enquiry on the premiere of W. LUTHER. Fairview. April 0.1830. • ' 3t17 lITROUGIIT and cut spikes. also fence and door Nails at the Vll—llardwaretitore of -- • REFUS REED, Erie. April 0. 0 , 30. No. 3. Reed ilouse. GARDEN TROWELN. BAKtal AND 1301:4.—A good assort meat at R. Reed's Hardware Store, No. 3, Rind House. RAILEOAD STOCK.,-IVe Med. 9500 or Erie and N. E. R4ll Bond sleek, for immediate ure, by the Subscriber. April 11. E. B. WRIGHT., -1 4 17, rove pepxs t _ frilE subscr ier cot ni for sale a lot 0 groulm.ol Imola 12 acrer, 1 containing an excellent water privilege for either mills, or or any kind of manufacturing - purposes, alllerding a sufficient and constant supply or writes, with about 23feet fall and easily- in t . alsomvabusdance of gOod timber on the lot, suitable the ta king the Improveinents. .The above property lie, in the town hip of Girard, brie Co., two miles west of the thriving village of Gi rard on the Erie'extettellan camel. and about 3 miles east of Haring field, and one halt mile north of the ridge road. The read lead• tng from the ridge road to the lake passes very near It. The great eastern and western rail-road will pass within 23 or 30 rods, as located. Terms will be made thvorable to the purchaser nod a good title given. Inquire of the subscriber Ili/neon the premises, of which the above lot lea part. . WILLIAM bIILES. Girard, Erie Co. Pa. March so. le3o. 114u33 Efancette copy and charge advertiser. •Sy J3T recelve4 a full supply of poet. Piteh 4 s remedies for &n -stouption, Female Diseases, ate. Also, Abdominal &ippon. ers.allboubler Braces nod binding Tubes, by 3 H. BURTON, Erie: March 111. Agent. , GRAY- iti F ItE 1 , 1 Chr R T IVI AY he found a choice nosortnient of Fine American Marble, LTA of various sizes. suitable for flood Roues. Tooth Ta 11 1 .14. ire whibh wilt beivtd nupt ken that cumin( all to suit purek - erg. mem eau N u t munine quality. and prices Wore purchasing of traveling agent', try so doing )ou will save one-third or our tnoney, 11. FELTON. Erie..lltarth 0.1E30.- 1y43 POW *B r NNW Tan aTOII7Or Gotha rash system , Trance wasted is crating* far goods. I)ry Grob! Large Mock is esdfers variety.' Great firretsix. '• oferat Morrgoods.farlessusetley them eery older Stow Or Eris CorottV. Also. low dab orGraerrite, se • unserckeep fur faereself Slash eteeheitt - evallipior 31,37, - 630e0.. orarrindid Malik - ar Ids smug resided. ke., . TB subscriber having lamed for a term of years the Ftere. No. .I. Al. Donnell Mock. known es the "New Fork Store," will con tinuo the business ofmerehandle.lott in this city. where he will he happy to see and wait upon his customers and the nubile Reheat lxtiv - ho wish to either buy or sell fbr cash. linvinahuolittle th in ule ofriendeb fp-hi-trade" mine tple. Tamil hold myself in read- Iness to teaks it the intent:stormy custOment to bay of me. Among my goods I have some that! wilitelts& Cost! hence buyers will fittpwatly suit themedves with goods Which I am dliposed to "runoff." To amend all rented:we dais truth; l'etwootlo be Undersold In Western' reattsylvania: TO - FARMENd.—I am ht OM market for hinter.. and Cheese. in any quantity, and shall be in mantes" at all times to pay cash doles tnecusuitig season. ' Very romeetfdly. h. B. rowaui..- TIES ABUIRIOAN 'SUL 'SANK Offies, 40 MIS Street, Jimmy oroprietarebeg to announce T Pot SWIIMPANLICK,'upOn the op large a share Of t tlie public support In whith an own unity is extended to al cording to the weans Or inclination of Tits GREAT SPDRTIND EVENTS WORLD WUEfIE HORSE EALING . Ai will beater' by the subjoined purl the sehetuo now proposed by the Amer MAT OM TIM SMALL °MAY or our Dot. 000 ! ! the security of htstuSestmen guarantee of unquestionable Truetee3. An opportunity will be Worded of fa ALL RACES OP IMPORTit t and eiFetvltere. la which a sufficient tin Entry of the horses and the day of rum tors to till the various elarsen. THESWP.EPSTARMI 1 tonelPt of Five Classes Cur TiIt:GREAT D ELI RASE To be run on the t.!' day of MAY TENDENCE Or TUC STEWARDS OP MEI:NCI, SCHEME- C~A j • § 18 1 1 11, 1; Dahl. Dols. Dols. Class A. 4000 50 lbws* 50,000 " D. 0)00 !3 100,000 60,000 - e• . 19400 10 104000 60A0 D. %IMO 6 110.000 25,000 • E. 20.0110 1 MOW 6.1100 The number of Horses entered is The drawing ofililsSweepstake wi 48th day of May, 1&30. the day on wltk place and Hour tieing first duly rumours the ninues of all the horses entered w subscribers in each class, mid on the which time the result Ofthe race will dletramleth the holder of the mane of "A." remising a Price of Ono Uundrod Thous theta( the second - €50,090 dtc, h:1 lichone. 3 At this Drawing all subscribers wil their numbers. To gentlemen of the given; thus affording every security independently (Sete above. the pn BETTING L by which nnydryired t et (aceordlng be 01.13111(41 In nil the great rae lag cv moredetalled pro:twelve Om anted lt Or ANY FAVORITC AIONgt IN 111 E AD' TIM (LAIN nr A CONAUDEICADLE erM Yi ‘VINS OR NOT. Ato ission of 10. per cent to co' on pa ytuttnt of all I rites. ' Auy further Information required, Lary. Mr. Archibald Mackenzie at tlt all Nati icatkins for Agencies and otti addressed rosy PAID, and all remittal Wbe made. In return for which own warded as directed. Lists of hones entered for the abov portauce may be seen at the offices. NO WAVIEZIE rairbankte Cionuino Elc The subscribers having pit rchaset ine ecale paterns.and enitikned a tv had a long experience in their mat the public that they are now prepar superior to anything of the kinder The suliseril.ers uould aka cant chasing worthless artrieles pu rporti irresponsible itinerant yankee peilrei ine articto. The following are our Ilay genies, of 4 Tons draft, Coal Scales. of 1 ton draft. Plotforrncales, 1500 lbs. draft. Do. do. do. with hots wad set o DO. do IWO druft. Ho. AO. do. au truckv. Taxi ['banks' 4mc►ican 6►alc. I. INI Ho. do. ilo. Ho. do. do. MO. flour racking Seale,soo Its. Counter Se,alez, # oz. to 200 Etc. pi Do 1 oz. to 10011,s. pint Dale' Counter Scale. bran. lever, 1 All the nbove nrtielea are I: arran n good nod reliable Se ale are requ French Street, nearly opposite the • Erie. May 20, PAIUDANIE Tin. well-earned reputation of El the venders of Imperfect and n as.. Fairbank s, Aenlnse• and 'tura case,. been subjected to fraud and have no controversy with houorabi , lancer in their own names, but reg.] nbove fraud ns pursuing n Course they take this measure to caution tl, Tile patentees manufacture under at their factory In St. Johtirbury r. rusi-1 u. O. CtJWI 1 Erie. ?Torch, 10. 511T1M1.23, of every descrildion : Erie Pet. G. tD:Rats and Caps PRICES REDUCED ONE-TI FOR 61.30—CLCirlt cs SSMITH, llarrca, N 0.3. C2.c. 1 , . !owl his friends and the nu New York a ridendlu Rock of lint be sold at the above Rediteed Pric, greet facilities for Manufacturing. that branch of his bUltiftesP, and t TY Call and examine PRICEH. ERIE VAGUEST& SIIETMAN & LEWIS are happ Gentlemen of Erie, and the fir region round &Out. that they are • superior quality at their rooms, in three doors cast of Mon Ws Hotel There are several reasons WI Hires All our rooms banal any odic the country. One is, WE SAVA TTIZI Skylight and side light COMBINE the other, and producing a Hahn TRY Er, WHOEVER IS Nl. ' TURFS TAKEN A notherl'eason Is, we limethe of this wAll be obvious Many one.- We shall not offer those who ifi flat. Insipid, cosine-like things w artists present to the public. Ne gloomy images which human bell themselves; but clear and accur most healthful blending of light a toned remarkable distinctness o eye, boldness of relief. distance a delicacy of finish. softness, van; Iletnember there is no fOOlll of I, facilities of this. At is dintigned. NUT TO IIE EQUALED is our Eric. Feb. ERIE OIT IA CORNER or 1' s 7allE public are assured that Mill as we 1l as Merchant w tlonstantly on hand. Fleur by rata' as yet barrel. Those who! It de/leered at any point In thee Bran ulna Bho: Orders for Flour by the barrel 1, 1 attended and delivered its above Erie City Milts, Jan. 23, 160 — L1ui11ele of plea Clove I on baud EiMEM wtroLies.ir.r runes 6 - No. facatisig TE subscriber having bougt formerly owned by A. King it, Is really to sett to all those ready pay. ns I tun boom! to mat other establishment of the kind and bought exidcsay for family] Teas. Porto Ric Molasses Loaf Suga . Bid Sail, ,'Slaving Coarse do.. Pale I I Tam° Shot, Cream Nuta, FillSerts. Cinnnruon, • Lead, Mara, • Reflnc.! Ground Mum', Common Alit',lce, AFtorted .r Pepper, Freed' WI Flour, Maeherd New Orleans Sugar. Rio Cott ! Besides a great many things t: wlmbing to buy will do well tog as I 11111 determined to sell low f N. U.—Country produce v. ill] for Goods. • E le, Much 9. teso. , 7'Ror h Mi Clito.ll, , EXCEPT CARGO FOR the trarwportatiou of Fr York nod Haat°. without by or 'Piny, connecting wdlt G LIN Y. or sTEAIIIIO,III3 hct .IVIIEEI;Elt„ TRACY & CO Agent, 1 D Comities SI Ili, cOrrier AG '1 B. AIeKISSICX. AlLatiy; G. BIAII KELLOGG, Eric. Mark ratlMgcs "'F. & M. 1.. caccoed. from MIDDLE PIED A. WtisttLß,. OEO. Eric, Marc) 23, MO,. • Mr 0 TIERSONS Indebted loth° su county. for taxes and fees notined that their neeounts are hands of Joan Gunnison, Er Erie, Ma hands weir to rch% le3o birn or to . the4lnl43 suhrer . 10 ‘l.' 0100 1, article of she kind; ;die Erie, March Hi. _ _ "3012 n Anders* NDERSoyial Solaro mid r b3Ctro for Ede by WLI. AND WINDOW I cd vcry cheap ut March .23. 11,111STOL'S Superior Exirael 1," Leman, &e., also superior ' Eric, March I 6• TANNER'S 01L...-Xfmr/ I 1;" b ' • LAR,D 0114 ACID CANDLE_ ; of y. Lump and lard 011; rtddt3perui and sale LM SALAMANIMR 8, 1 1,F1-1. A suivrior linlanintider Haat 'weighing 1100puwada, lib Klalies" patent powder Pray( [us 534 by J. IL- LUJ ItTu N. ,UM DZIPOBIT Qin,. tine York t t they lave opened Chun ;. in which has obtained so gland and elsewhere by claws of obtaining (ac aeh) an inteleat. In N ALL PARTS UP THE 8 PRACTICED /stasis, the subscribers to can RACIng Deposit Dank at oats a stun of OK being strengthened hy the 11l e r orating In en IN iI3IIIRICA li aeAntervenes between the lug. to enible the proprie ow OPEN ' - PBOlll, ENGLAND. ,Wil k rtiIDNR TUE yiniutUr- kll JOCKEY CLUB. ...; ~... . ~, c- s),ltit ; g = Q 1 .gig 1 l -S hob.. Dols. Duls. • 1t3,V00 15,1*0 10,01 0 23,000 13.1/110 10.1100 25,500 13.1100 1000 1.4,400 7.5410 5,000 2 e 500- 1,500 1,1100 !rads of 200. I take place' publicly on the elf, the race will he run—the c P 1 edbyndeertirenient; when II 'be allotted atnenyrt the atith day of Jane nest. by e 4tiown, the Prices will be ' be winning horse iu Class d Dollar's !I ' econtnnec with the above illie admitted on producing 'testi flee admis.init will Lc to ltia Dubber/berm and the prletors have opened to the Mate of the odd%) may qua and tIA wilt lie Veen l.y n a all Ellbt.Cf 11 , CIP, Tn Y. 110LDKR svierrrrAmrs MAY thSCRE IJETIIER THAI 110R81: r 'expenses MIL 4c deducted , k ill be afforded by the (MM• offices as ' above —to sf twat r e leations are tai tie cc(, either liy •Bill or Note red Certificates ff ill I e fur- and nll whet: Races of lin 2nt-ti 1 , .1 II VC 33 0! lo Manufactory!! Paithatikti cclebratpdgena rkuan, 111 r. Brooke, o I:olias r untime. beg le:keel° Itifinni !Ito furniFli to order no article jr offered in this market. !on their • frielide• nelitist inn ; g to be "Talc trout RA—ree mariVactire the gen.- ' gees. ing tever truct.s. 40 30 vlth holet lug lever, 33 , Ibs. on trucka• - rith hoisting le'. et, 37 10 trollii tt MI Sr :Scoop, 10 - I .z. to 30 lbs.. draft, 6 ed. Those u'ithina to obtain ' tea le give Us a call at No 101 'OfitiCrt , Hotel.• A. 1.11117,NET 14. CO. 1 BOALte. ittnitks• B"ales line induced rthictis tvitances to offer them sere have thereby,- In tneuy iniporition. The yubacribery competitory tv ho trnnsuel bu , rdiug the perpetrators of the 3 lite unjust and tlislumorable, public of their i intioAt ions. 1 •ir own inspection, and only w t. For sate by & CO. r a ar. co. Buffalo, lii',. Y. fini 11.. nd very eiwap.n.: d. R. DEWEY'S I r tho Peoplo..tt IiIb.—SPLENDM 11A-TS S .FOR Of CENTS. ;inside; would reimcctrufly In- Me..that he has received from , Caps, find Turs,•which wNI Ar.so. that he pan Added and will he adding daily to his stock of goods. • Oct. 0,149.-n2l. AN GAL ME M. ' to autiound to the I.a lieP nod ends of neienee 111111 art in the pared to take Ltkene. , es Of a r Middleton & Murplire store, persons can obtain lime/ plc in this city, or In thin Fart of EST LIGIECTI 11—cach correcting the Kittlig of al and movt Ivautiful effect.— ii SATISFIED WITII Ylt LSENVIIERI: ! =1!MI l .or us with their patronam. the itch Many who Call themselves ther shall we otter those dark, gs ;Ire sometimes told resemble to Likenesses. pa:stetting the int shade, richness and (tenth, f features, true expression of t e dinvlsibitity of hack grou , ern nniTarthdic effect. lo umts here which has to . Let permanent establislunt it. motto. W. 11. 811 illt:11AN W. N. ',NI Vll4. MILLS. Fa do RAILROAD PLACE -a .Juntorn' Gaudin is, dour At(do 'nth. be barrel. and pcspmrnd at' vrne petebase by the barrel eau ita% ity fret pf charge. rtio. also for Bale. ft with C. MeSparten will be ted. 11. B. F.ll', Miller. •37 andllaumby me.% for imit. by C. U. WRIGIrr. cheap as the cheape.t by • C. B. WRIGHT 1 ND RETAIL !! 01,7331.X1113. Qck. Mate Street. . . It the entire stock of Groceries lEsq., and added a little snore to fishing to buy cheap for cash or uses:op if not cheaper than any in this city. The stock iv large se.conAiating of any quantities of Sugar, Java Collet.. yap, Mould Candles, ' • .ap, Mould 11°A Dipped Cigar 4 ' takt Pry. Powder, Logwoo3, Alum, I tidy, ?inns, 1110., Mee, tore Were. Sweet oil; /11l Fish, Ship Chandlery, . numerous to mention. Those yens a call before purchasing, rt sash. JWIN• III'CINN. be at all times taken exchange J. 311.,. N. LAKE 11017 LIM. DENEEMEMT! INSUItED tht and Passengers between New mention or reshipment nt 1111n t. If. IVALIIR•11/61:3 DAILY reen Enithlo.nmi Eric. Proprietors) 1k O. PANNINft Frota•st, (upstairs ) ) New -York !NTa. D. ‘VALTIRIII4II, Du6lo; JO B. L.!' and elilp daily, CHENTIES' U. Tuacr. s.a4cetn. - 45111 ICE .., . TiTet. late Prothonotary ofFale I Judie fat proceeding". are hereby ow inadeout nod placed in the .... for immediate collection and her, Is the only way to save eo9ts. Wit 'ON KING. lAttlit'," The. best nod etivapyr 5 mid t 0 cents a stick. .1. H. BURTON. !• my Zoo John." .ilwin's Pretved Cawndlrli To J. 11. ItURTON, SI IN 11 IN Olt K.--SIIVer pOorllt, dim , . ToLIV, Seetlpg, Ml ter Knives, t‘c.. constantly ori bond on.l .Ifankfatistrcd by fits tubserifers, not in the lYsilmeg Sate, Int Yn Frit, rind warranted of the stritidnul of Dot Iran rotnp4 rriron of style in this I,rsoch par , Ocularly invited: Also, thread ed Spoons and Forks flow n New. York maquntmory. all of good sllrcr. Nor:2l. Irl ll R, LOOMIS & CO. webs on hand, for sate byA.SCOTT: aO3O. W. CAIiGIIEY. 11. IdtatTON. . bt. PLit.— A good tuborto.eld °net wntGl4 , s Corner Vanilla, Bluer . !mond, Vencb, Rose Water. for ralepy J. H. BURTON. superior quality Mow Cannes. for . 11. BURTON. Sold UP s Walk Up and sew tho Slang UpSI TIIE public are invited total at the Erie Steam Foundry, ot el our Store.and examine the last Paragon of Cooking tWoves. Just got out wide an uncommon large Oren, high encinth to bakes large Turkey on Ito feet, while alx loves of bread are bakingaround it. The "noise and confilsion" it has made Mast. has induced the eharnelerpale name of BANG UP. One who lately sass nine loaves of beautifially baked bread, taken from the oven at, one titne."WAV feinilltteti or the davit IV of a small pig whirl, drank two quarts of whey at !I draught. and did not then till the measure whi c h contained the whey into four Inches." ike certificates. Erie, Feb. 2, let3o. I. I :BTER, SENNETT & CiIEt3TERt • Dux, January 22,1E50. Incurs. Lester, Pennett Ss: Chester: Gent.—To your Inquiry whether the ••11ang 1.7 p" Cooking Stove purchased from yoy du ring the present utorith, has given satisthetion or not, 1 have the pleasure ol answering that said stove Inis wet our fullest UMW lion in every particular, and %wild Lot be eachanwd fOr any oth er pattern now in use of which 1 have knowledge. - Very respectfully, y our ohedientservaut. A. SCOTT. Meng re. Lester. Sennett & Chester; cent—We are ming your luiprovetl modem Cooking stove, called the ..Bang up:. and a r. tern fair trial I can recoultileml it as superior to any stove in use In this section of thecorintry. Among the most prominent mim ing.... of this !love, kv the cormuodlousness of the oten. it being sull.ciently capricious Mr the largest foully. nail also In a saving of fuel. lam satisfied that ono half the fuel necessary for any, stove tre have ever am: well amply supply this. Take It all in all I think it 1111110. h to improve. Truly yours., WILES W. CACGII January' 3, ititl. - 4.415. Lester. fiounett & Chester; Cent —ilaving used your iudtruved ftllnng Cook ing Stove, lavish tO exprtor s4ny entire satisfaction of its value, as ronitditting all the goal qualities I de sired, and shall take great plenrare in testifying to its merits, ate in stowing it to any who may wish to ece h iu operation, at unr Oroery rwre, corner of ith and state Ntrectio. lIORACE LIALDWIN. ENOWLTON & BON. KEYSTONE BUILDING. NO. I, FOUR_ DOORS MAW lIROWN'S HOTEL. ERIE. PA. firerrinv ISt.. Noun I. ATIVIDE.—YrOIIi Windom, sticks out ;Ilium a Ceti, containing 1,411011 g Lamps, Polar do.: Castors. Can illesticks,Cake Unskets, told a vnriety of other article., %%Web the beholder may tce.without trouble or expence. SEC rlos 91, COUNT/31 Cale, 12)3)T be found a variety of Card ca ses, silver colas, diamond, torquoia, ruby, garnet and plain Gold Bing., Buckles and E•fies, miniature lockets, &C tiVel :OM I.—Gold and Silver, Patent Levers, Anchor:lnd Leiden duplex and comitiou escapement Watches...Mu guard and rob ebal" Sti.'el do. Four badies, (Bagley Cold pens.) Sri °rt. , : I.—Ntlver„ German silver, tnble and tea spoons, butter knives, gold, silver, GUMMY silver and meet spectacles. BLGTION s.— m ntid jack Knives. Rnizins and Sirup?, Shears and tzlcis ore. fit,. l , r Ii lugs elect /leads and Clasps and tassels, stilt — l. Parses,looth firu hes, shaving do. fine Ivory tomb., shell, horn. Iltillhlo horn, back std side Combs; steel Pens, Needles, pocket Ink stands, small' nod tobacco Boxes, Cm:elopes, note Paper, visit ing Ctuds.tialling forks, sheet Music and l'reteplor., SECTIo• 6, BIDE. Cage.—Filled u ith Alver plated Fruit Batten , . Candle Hicks. Satinets and Tray, Manch Caudtartickv, plated and Brittania Castors. Pion er vases. Ike, , . .. erarrio% 7.—trerotidols.erlttaiila Tea Setts, extra Coffennd Tea Pots. hair Mathes, military Soap. Wallets and Pocket Books, spool Racks. Done, h cry handle naives and Pork,. icaunion du. tn tt ion hoards, Dominos, money Pelts. Port Policia, nary and revenue Buttons. fancy Fans. &c. - - t+t:e•rtnv B—Contains Bass Viols. Violins; attitars, flutes:Clar k/MAN. Flagelets. Fifes. Arconhons, Dross I lotus, and r Ight in the middle hi the ticso,:dands three of the hest Piano Fortes in Erie. Sec Tin r, Brae no SlM—Front Win doW, contents vary tart lit tle from eXel'pl a few Ecatber Dusters. th:CTItOIIO.-4401,11f Lamps, Ettra glasses and shades, 30 hour eight day U. 41. rind gothic Clocks. Tea Servers. Looking Glasses. and a great variety of Caney Goods, all of which they of ,f •r for sale as low as can le purchased nt any other SUM west of flew York. And we 1% felt it d hal tic try understood that ob do not advertik to work very low in order to shale you on our goods. as another has detlared wan his object, but wean to be convince% and reasonable in all our ri t e.. Not ember 24, Lei% _T29 I'AMICOUNT =MO ABE NOT OLOOZO). WE WANT witr.A.r. Clasbl Cash! Oasbl: Cashll Oastin Oashll2 \Art; will pay Cashtbr Whitewood, Cherry, Nyeatuore, Curled Maple and Black Walnut Lumber. PLOT/R. We have a good stock of superfine FLoUlt on hand. for sale by the load, half barrel. or by the lowed. Also, a few barrels of Towner's bept. The subscribers take this opportunity of return tiwir thanks fur theliberal patronage they have been favored with heretofore. WALKER & TOWNER. Erie, Jan. 25am..17 • NIS , CONON - UN. LIVERY AND ExcIIANGE: sT,ABLE. - - - . . - _ • • - W. C. SRA LEV. having puretratied nntl made additions to the 'AVM' Shxk formerly owned by -.E. %Vint. situate on State street.betweenith and Sib, in the rear of James Liddle's tilneksmith shops, would in form hi* friend* nnd the public that it will afford him pleasure at all tiuteis to acreoultuodate them with - liorses. Buggies and Sleighs. Ile 13 :111 , 0 prepared to Set and Trim Tails, and attend Lame and Sick Homer. In the most approved manner. Work warrant ed. Itoriva taken to keep by the week, month oryear, on ren.on able terms, Erie. Jan 21. 1850.—tim37 - 01.13102 THE TIIAOB eon TILE r .Z.: 3ki,7' Great Wasters& Locomotive 11 ... -TAKEN()Tiv, ALL THOSE WIII ARE INTERESTED: IAI.I. at SIEGEL'S Corner and convince 3 ourgels et. ,iitat he is ki Now receiving the largest, chearestatid best lot of GROCER IES ever brought to Eric. Awoug bid assortment way be found the following: t Sen ‘rts.,—n ix tons of l'ort Rico entree Sugar. Crushed, Loaf and Pulverized. Correml—Ten bftes Ohl Government Java, ten hags of Mauer , ' and ten bags of Rico., ItlocAsess.—Twet thousand gallons New Orleans Porto Rico and Sugar Houk.. • TRAlL—Fifteen chests Young ilyson, imperial. Black and Gun. powder. ImperMl tea in el' pontrd cadies for family use. Fl3ll.—Five thintsand pound 'Coll Fish, Alackeret, Shad, Ifot land II erring, Sinoked Herring and Sardines. Ttcenty barrels . Turpentine, thirty do. of Lin Seed. LAMP and *Partnere oil. MO keg's Brooklyn, Iluttilo tont Pittsburgh White Lead. Tke largestk Bid elan assort tt tent of Paints and Dyestuffs. 100 kElg, of Eat.tern and Pittsburgh Nails. Liounas,—Vrench Brandy, liolland e!... Rum, Port Witte, Ma darn. Malega, Claret and French West Wine. Tostroo.-100 , dozen Scholi's fine New York Smoking. sizteen boAes Gat midi:44lloo doyen fine cut Rappee and Ntriceaboy Snuff. Ten kegs and 100 flasks 'Kentucky Rillu Ponder, fitly hags of Stitt, bar Lead and Percusiion Caps. - Thigty hones Candy, 33 drums of Malaga Figs, 30 Jars prunes and a `great variety of articles in my line that would take more time rhan I hat eto enumerate them. Ter my old ribrtonters , and if. raddle geherally. I would say, tall at SI FIG WS Corner, d week onitosite the Farmer's Hotel and *co tbr yourrelvea.tlint I nun hound to tell wholesale or retail. ellen per than any ether radahlialunent West of Ittnahlo. C. OIEGEIs. Erie July 7, 1.40. 11 12.000 Yards of Cloth& Cohabiter° at tho trio Nirollea Factory. READY to be exchanged for 1 1 :001. by the subscribers at their usual rates ofetchange. They have d iiiriety of Plaid apt Emmy Stripes of the Intent Eastern patterns for (Zonis. Fasts -tad Soy's clothes.; also, a good varietyof all-wool tuned., for sum mer wear. ttie will also manufacture. the present season, at the following Prices in cash, Itiz: For black, brown, grey and steel mixed cloth. 311 cents per yard; cassiniere of same colors, MI centsot hite riati*Ns c Ma, aVI pressed Flannel 28 eta. pee yard. SIEUAFFEY & DltglKli3TF3l. Erie, lune 0.1.!D. ) (10ED mid Hit er leaf a d Gold Haver and lAnnposition Brow. ‘ , ....31 - zes, by , CARTER 4r. BROTHER. k r.... BAUZBEIT. . .1800111 I ELS of four and two rowed .choice this HE D HAREM, , for Salo. The qualitytof this Barley is unsurpassed , v\nalkel‘ selected from prime lots raised in Erie and Chautauqua c u Mee expressly for seed. The subscriber Will loan the above seed to any responsibte I far mer desirous or sowing. and will contract for one hundred thou sand liu-liels of Llarfey'nfette coming crop ou as favorable terms as any house in Erie county. , . _ Etta. March ad, Iess. ALFRED KING. riARPETING VINO Olt. t;LoT118.—:X1 pttessof Flom Oil Cloths and Carpetings of good styles and votterus Okr the spring trade. (very cheap) at waltutra. LAND AGEINOT IN RIRIE. The subscriber offers for rale. at Ids residence s ia ...••; , e•iv.t • in' Er le. Pa.— Grazifig farms 016 to $lO per acre, in lots of 100 to 300 nerert - . Orain Farms at I t to $4O per neve, in lots 01 .2 0 to leid acres. Wild land at 2 to $4 per nets, in lots 15(25 to WO acids. Out lots of Erie, at 75 to $3OO per acre, and In lots of Erie. at 200 to 64,000 dollars. each. Erie Out lot N. N0.3i0, situate, between French dr. Holland Streets, subdivided Into convenient lots, for Residence or lusincts, now Or sale at ".-100 to $4OO cash. A rare elm nee. Also a fine ll'ater Lot property HO% iy wharfed, for Saleor Rent, Erie, Match 2. I'3o. WILSON KING. aUr General Land Arent Lund Broker. - D . OIIOITUII ORDEMS.-o,*o liotOuglil orders fur ...,atelt a die . 4.." count fur Cash. . C. U. WRIGHT. 131122R15 1 P 9 0 SIAMarl. BY virtueof sandry writs of Venditiohl Esponar. leveed cut of the Court of,Connoon Plel/s of Erie county, and to me direct.. ed. will lie reld 'at the Court Mitre In the borough of Erie, on Monday the oth day of May neat. at 1 o.cloek: I'. M., all the right title rind interest of defendant Michael Sharrer, of in and to those opicces or parce:s of laud, icing parts of out lots No. 371. as nunibered in the general plan of the in and out tots of the ton n of Erie. beginning 160 feet west of west line of Sassarass Street, on the north line of Ritner Street, Vtilled) thence uutcyndlY hlong north line of Ritner Street eu t, thence nottliwridwardly (dl to north line of out lot N 9. 3741.4 nee caittt artily along raid north line SO feet. thence rowthwertn nrilly by line parallel with Sarrafrars Street, 133 feet to plane of beilaniug. Also oneother piece as follow.: Beginning NO feet east of the cost line of Myr tleSto.rt, on the south line of 'littler Street, thence enstwardly , along rain routh Hue of Rimer - Street, 40 feet. thence routhwardly by line parallel with Myrtle Street. 133 feet. thence we twardly along mall line of said out lot. No. 374. forty feet (49 thence northwardly by line parallel to itlyrtlo street. 133 feet, to plate of beginning. Taken in execution tit the su it ofJohreDealley. Y. EaltiRTON, Sheriff: 3140 Erie. April 13. k3O Eric 3rlusic Store. • Owe Door ea.V. of Brown's llolsi. YOU can Bud a aricts of-Musical Watson - lents and Inotrue— tors, S l coi :; t U a r t s 6 4 , 6' l S °r 9, F dc°ulßa'gßout '3llel i s t4inct to S ft! ‘ Flute .81 50'iottultsialfoo: c Fifes, Violin Rows. Bridges, Strings. and all things ncrtnirsina. to the deporilucid. . 114 0 varjcty of Yankee Notions, locket Cutlery. Ralsoro & roam Straps, Ili:tots. Percussion Cape. Tos, a, Cards. Cotutot, !lair and Tooth Brushes. Needles. Fin!, Thimbles. II ni r ring. Lmking'Classes, raniy Loxes, Vasco. and a oaricty of other thing. One door tact of Brown's Iforel. W. N. LEWIS. - QPECiTACl.ES.—lnintinessi iltiffrtrred liy Perribenr , rnrabolin kJ and other kinds of Mat , In Gold and Gentian Bii er and oilier ironies. An erteutdve as.vranent to select frontal November tr. IND. 1 t)t)MIS & Co'e., L_UMBER. WANTEIK—The h trtheFr market pri&e , Iv paid ILA for limy quahtlty of White Sl%,erl, Cherry nigAraiiiiit Lunt her the viore, of C. 11. IVRIGICr. na OTT Et 0.1.171" sToRAcu, rou‘vARDIND AND L. lIISJSIOII MER— CI.I4HTS: Ware-11011re and OfritP. EmstgiutorPtil,Nc dotle, Erie. Th-rdens In Coil. Haft ' nett. Flour. rtn , ter and Waler-Lnne:- :1111114410TM AIZ I `IIIA lur purchasing, nicels ing, docking and slitp , wog llallll7..!fand Sla\tll. i Match 10. 1t‘50.-0411. 11