Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, January 05, 1850, Image 4

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    The Eric Weekly Observer,
218111. 11A. '
City intmeribers by the Cartier, at , 81,ou
By mail, or at tbe office. in novaitee. 1.30
11:71( not paid in advance, nr within three months from the time
of subscribing, two dollars will be chow'.
IGrAll communications mut be post paid.
Cards not exceeding 1 lines, one year. 53,00 '
One square , .. .. . 10,00
do. do. six Months, , 0,00
do. do. three mouths,. 3,00
Minaieng advertisements , docents persquare, of fifteen lines or
less. for the first insertion; 23 cents fur each subsequent insertion.
Vf ready adserthocra hareem priailegeof changing at pleasure,
betel no time mellowed w occupy more than two squares. and to
be/imitate tkir isostedrods fiesincet.
Advertisements not having other directions, will be Inserted till
forbid and charged necordingty. . .
la Iratkcea Ollke, on Ecrenth Sieve. Eric, Pa
all/eaves, lotiber,and Retail Dealer In Dry Goods, Groceries,
Crockery, Glassware, Caeting, Hardware, hop pied, Nails,
ike. Empire Stor rp es State Street. Dna ,
doors, below
ittowtga Hotel. Erie. Pa.
Also—Aavils, Vice., Bellows, Azle Arias, Springs, and a general
assortment of Saddle and Carriage 'l'ritiiiiiings. •
krvoßmir AT LAW and Justice of the Peace-00 Iva ono door
west of Wriatiee store, Erie, l'a.
Diacats in Watches , . Maks, ' Looking Masses, Piano Forret , .
Lamm. Briutnnia Ware. Jetetry, and a variety Droller Fancy
Articles. Keystone Iloildlogs e
. (bur doora below Brown's MO,
State Street, Erie. l'a. .
Wnntcurrann RILTAM Dealer In Dry Goods, second door below
Drown's Hotel. t3tote Street, Erie, Ps..
Arrovirt AT LAW. Girard. Eric County. Vs. Collections and
eater business attengleil to with proniptneu and disontch.
•rroanet •r Lam—Office over .1.11. Williams' excl. Inge office
nett door to Judge Thom pson's office.
Volt= ting and other professional business attended to with prompt
nest and dispatch.
Po nnnnnnnnnn EAGGI, corner of Sinle street and the Public square
Erie. Eastern Western and Southern stage ogee.
Witokasaka and genii dealer in Groceries. Provisions, Wines
Liguori. Cigars, Nails, Detroit Ate, Duiecuit, Crackers, &c. &c
Cc' eapside. Rae. Pa.
Msttcn►nr TAILOR. and Habit Maker.—Store, South side of the
Labile Square, three doors East of the Erie Ralik.
No. 2. Ritmo liovoc. Dealer in Dry Goods, Hardware, Crockery
Groceriev, &c. ,
MAUI in Groceries, Provisions, Wines, Liquors, Candies, Frui
ke.. No 6, Poor People's Row, Rote street, Erie.
Waoattsacc & RETAIL denier in ti rocerim, mint Stores,
lons, and _Pittsburgh nannufnetured articles; No. 2, Deming
Block, and 7th street, Cannl Itaritt, Erie. I'd.
Attorney & Counsellor at Law. Wince la stpaultllng's Exchange
Buffalo. N. Y.
Collect' ngand commercial business will twelve prompt amnion.
P. Dux , " Esq., Its assmis Gamer, Esa.
Forwarding Sr. COIIIIIIIM4OII MCSChallt, on the Public Dock, east of
State street.
Coal. Salt, Plaster and White Fish * .
Banker and Exchange Broker. Dealer in MIN of Exchange
Drafts. ceriiiicany of Deno,4le. Cold and silver coin, ece., &c
OlTice,4 doors below Drown', llotel.Erie. Pa.
ATT OI ‘ II AT 1. AW• Clevetand,Ohio—Otlice oil B.iperioe street,
in Atwater'slilock. Refer to Chief Jimice Parker, Cambridge
Law School% lion. Richard Fletcher, 10$laies1.,thmion; lion.
Samnelll.Porkins,llll Walton ra..rbilailelphia; Richard 11.
Kimball, Esq., 33 Wall igloo., New York. Fur testimortials,re
ter to this office. ' 4
Ativitnists IT caw—ollice up: sin ira in Tammany !fall building
north of trte Prothonotary's office. Erie.
- -
Store, entrance one door west of State bweet. on the Diamond,
WROLVIALZ APID Rermit. DcAOrtr in Foreign and Domenic hey
Goods, ready made Clothing, Boots and tilmeA, &c., No. 1, Flem
ing Block, Stale street, Erie:
- c.
IDWAIIt In Dry Goods. Dry trocerice,lCruckery, Ilnrd mire, &e
No. 111. eiteapottle, Erie. 1
pout inbroecries and Prov is ion■ of all kinds, State street, three
door north of the Diamond.' Fzie.
D In Dry anods,Senneerlar. Hanky' re, queens Ware, Mom
Iron, NMI., Ice., 121, VbeBpsidc, Erie, I'n.
CABINZT MAXIM Upholster, and undertaker, corner of state and
Bevel:in streets, Ede.
GIVaIIAG Forwarding, Produce and Connnison Merchants:de:Orr§
in coarse and rifle malt, Coal, Plaster, Shingles, &c. Public, dock,
welt aide of the bridge. Erie
ISDWiti J. Kttan.
011.1tRA6 Forwarding, Commission and ['mined , Mcrchwl•;Bce
oud Ware-house ealit of the l'uldic Bridge, Erie.
Itlawns in ‘Vatehes,Jewelry, Silver, (lemma Silver, Plated an
Britannia IVare Cutlery, Military and Fancy Goole, State strcel
neatly opposite the ripe nom, Erie.
G. Loomis,
and Retail denlerp in Druev, Nlediel nee, Paint ,Oils
Dye.statliy Gtan, Ace., No. 6, Redd Iknmes Erie.
/Mom, In Theological, illiccollancolio, Fliinday and Classica
&hoot Books.fliatiolutry,&c."No.i, Petry Itk ek , Krie.
nentotriueut Merchant Tailor, on. the public rquatr. a rew doors
west or State 'met, Erie,
gam 'Mind and Door Manufacturer. and dealer In glass. south
east corner ofSth and State Streets, Erie.
D. S.
WHOLES/ILS AND ttTAIL Dealer in Groceries. Provision■. Ship
Chandlery. Supt.-ware, fee. ice., No, .5, Bunnell Block, I:ric.
41 0. D. SPAFFORD.
!tester In Law. Medical. acnnot Miscellaneous nooks stationery,
Ink. &e. State el., four doors below the Public square.
lesldent Dentist; Office and dwelling in the IteeNtllloek, on the
Rug side of theruhlie Fiquere. Erie. Teeth in•erted on Gold
Plate, horn ene to an entire sett. Carious teeth Mien tilth pure
Gold, and restored to health and ttpefelnefoo. Teeth cleaned
with instruments and Dentifice so as to leave them of pellucid
clearness. AU sunk warranted.
WOOLISSIN AND RETAI I. Dealer in Staple an! FanCybry Cootie
Groceries, Croe kery. Ready lifade Clothing. &e.. Cominercia
Buildings, corner of French and Fifth '51111.10. Erie.
Persons PlANDOVltatos—Oftlee at his residence on Efeventhrttect
opposite the Methodist Church, Erie.
C. 13. WRIGIrF,
Main 111) RirrAndealer In Dry Goods, Groceries, Ilontware
Crockery, Class-wore, Iron Nails Leather, Ods. Ace.. corner
elate 'met and the public square. opiwmite the Eagle I Jowl. Erie
NQOLDatiallDßrrAlLdealer in Drugs, Medicines, Dye StutTs
Groceries. ice. No. Reed Hooke. Erie.
Dania In Ham Caps and Fara of all dViCriptiOill. No. 10, Park
Row. Erie. Pa.
. -
DOORS for the subscription of the en pi int stock of"the Erie and
JLII Watettlard Plank Road Company!' will be opened un Monday
the list day ofJanunry, IGSD, nt the Reed House in the borough of
- Erie, at the douse of 'tcphen U. Lee in the town 4.4, of Greene.
and at the public house bept by -- in the borough of
Waterford, and kept wen for nt least six hours. for the consecu
tive &WI. At which time and pl ace two Of MOM Of the et:menthe
alone, will attend to receive su criptions agreenblv to low.
A meeting of the CoMnilsolemers is requested at the Reed Nouse
In the borough of Erie, on Nam ri.lay. the 10111 day of January. IMO,
at one o'clock, P. M. The commissioners named in the act nit,
John A. Tracy, Jamey "Runner, Wilson Kind. John Galbraith, C.
DI. Tibial.% Wm. Keiley, Milton Courtright. John E. Nicholson.
ltialien Evans, John M. Reed, Wm. Graham. Win. Dunn, Jolin
Brown. &Tien C. John Way. Martin Strong. Daniel Vin
cent* Wm . 44l "ii ramie' Hutchins. eimeowliunt, Graham Rcu
lih sg iul uel latalwrton, e, N. V i totem, and Andrew T, G/iVes.
It i important that Were too a general atumplanet.
Erie. lice 20,
MOORS Ibr the subeerlptioo of the Capital Flock of llThe Erie
win be opened ou Mon
.") cad Edenhoro Plank Road ()murmur ,
day the !hot day of January, IKKI. at the Reed Mouse in Eric, m
the Store of Lampoon ar. Cont at McKean Corners ' nod at ihemore
of J. U. Campbell ar. Co., in the Borough of itdetlhoro. rind Item
open for at leas* air hour rive rouseemit e Jays. At srlugh
thne and plates two or ore of the tkinouissioners u , lll attend to
Weise wutweriptionang eeably to law.
gouriy HAMILTON, H.J.113 . 11 JACKSON.
A meMina of the Commiwionew is requested at Ow Reed Dome
hi the Borough of Erie. on Saturday the lath day of January, IPSO,
at I o'clock P. M. The tkunruissiotters named in the net arm
Joseph M. Eltetrett. John El Brown, P. W. Keefer, Mao W.
Camber, Thomas McCarter, Robert Cothran, William *atty.
William Truesdall. Mathew Hamilton, Smith Jackson, Thomas
Mlles, John M. Warren, Paniuel 111. Brown, Aletander Stewart.
IrMvi• Sterrett. Robert Dorm, Job Stafford, Rowell Mancini:
William Campbell, J. H Campbell, 11. R. Terry, Uriab Ilaw•
bins J. Butlinghana, IL P. Hardy rind Philip Kibler. it la impor
tant that there Pe a @MTIMIT InlenTlanr-P. .
Erie. Dee. EL ISM.
MUGIA.C4II:IiII.! and Llote Edging and InKeni n rood as
sortmant g, R. AEWEY'S
Mt. OttAL
AInITIFA and Getilfeilicit's kiaGlovos at. H. a. IJFWEVr.
&le, Oct. U.
A man by the name of CLAPP has engaged with a young man
of the name of H. P. Townsend, and uses his name to put lip a
Harsaparilla, which they.eall Dr. Townsend's darsapatillti, de
nominating it DENO:IM Original, ect. This Townsend is no
doctor, and heifer was; but was formerly a worker on railroads,
canals, and the like. Yet he assumes the title of Dr., for the pus
pose of gaining credit for what be is not.- This Is to caution the
public not to be deceived. and purchase none but the GENUINE
0R1(11.V.4L OLD Pr. Jacob Townsend's ftarsaparilla, hiring
on it the Ohl Dr's. likeness, his family coat of anus, and hIS
' nature across the coat of amts.
Principal o,filei,lo2 Navas st., Nee York Oily.
01_nee, -. logs.
teen known a. the LUTHER and DISCO . r.ERER of the GE, -
poor, lie mut compelled to limit its manufacture, by which means
it has been kept out of market, and the sales circumscribed to
those only who had proved its worth, and known its value. Itlind
reached theears of many, nevertheless, as those persons who had
ilhvn healed or sore diseases, and saved from death, proclaimed
its excellence and wonderful,
Knowing, many, years ago, that he had, by his skill, fe iertee and
experience. devised an article which would be of iticalcuble ad
vantage to mankind when the means would be (Welshed to bring
it into unniversal notice, when its enestimable virtues would be
known and appreciated. This time has conic, the means are sup
plied; this
...dal/ 4AD trilicte,ti.rts,..” ...• ......
is manufactured on the largest scale, and is called (or throughout
Melt:nal' and hredth of the land, t.pecially as It is found Incapa
ble of dororration or deterioration.
Unlike young 8. p. Townsend% it improves with ege, and nev
er changes, but for the better: because it is 'prepared on scientific
principles by a scientific man. The highest knoiviedge of Chem
istry, and the latest discoveries of the art, have 'all Inten brought
into requisition in the manufacture of the Old Dr's. Sarsaparilla.
The Sarsaparilla root, it is n ell known to medical men, contains
many medical properties. and sonic properties which are inert or
useless, and others, which if retained lu preparing it for use. pro
duce fertnentation and acid. whieli is injurious to the system.—
Some of the properties of Sarsaparilla Ore so volatile, Mot they
entirely evaporate and are lost in the preparation. if they ore not
prescri ad hya scientiffe process, known only to those experienced.
in its manufacture. Moreover, these volatile principles, which
fly MT in vapor. or as an exhalation, Willer heat, are the very es
sential medico/ properties of the root. which given:, it all its value.
Any person can boil or stew the root till they via dark colored
liquid, which is more from the cdorteg in the root Sian
from anything else; they can then strain This insipid or vapid 11-Iplill,NWl`Vien
1pli11,NWI`Vien with sour inol ogres, and then call it *.sAittmi. AR
MI. A EXTRACT or SY RV P." But such isnot the article known
as the
This is so prepared, that all the inert properties of the Sarsapa
rilla root are first reuloved. everything capable of becoming acid
or of fetinentallion, is extraCteti and rejected; then every parti
cle of medical virtue is secured in a pure and coneeigrated form;
and thus It is rendered incapable of losing any of its valunblem id
healing properties, Prepared in this way, It• Is made the most
powerful agent in the •
Cure of Innumerable D'seasee.
!fence the reason why we hear commendations of every side in
its favor liy men, women, and children. We find it doing won
ders in the cure of
COY. U P 170. Y, 111 - SPE:PS 1,1, rind LIP Ell COAL PLA INT;
CBES, and all infections arising from
tly for ante
It pc.sesses a marvelous efficacy in nll complaints arising ftom
7nifigedi.n. from Aridity of the Stuniach, from unequal circula
tion. determination of blood to the bead. palpitation of the heart,
cold feet and hands, cold chills and hot Ilatdies over the body. it
tans not ft+ equal in Colds and Caeghe; and promotes easycipec
torntion and genii.: perspiration, relaztng stricture of the lunge,
throat.ntaal every other part.
Hut lu nothing is its excellence more manifestly seen and ac
knots Wattled than in all kinds and stages of
It works wonders in cases of Flour dlbus or Whiles, Falling. of
the Womb, Obsfelerled, Surpresankf.or Painful Menses, lree,qularJ
ly of the menstrual periods, and the like; and, la as effectual in
curing all the forldst of Kidney nista es.
uy removing obstructions, and regulating the general system, it
gives tone and strength to the whole • body, thus cures all (011115 of
Nervous diseases and debility,
and thus prevents or relieves a great variety of other maladies, as
Spinal 51, Vitas' ilance, Snvoning,!Epilep
lie Fas, Convulsions, ere.
It cleanses the blood, excites the liver to healthy action, tones
the stomach, and gives good digestion, relieves the boners of tor
por and constipation, allays indentation, purifies the skin, equal
ises the circulation of the blood, producing gentle warmth equally
all over the body, and the imensible perspiration; relaxes all
I strictures and tightness, removes all obttructions. and invigo•
rates the entire nervous system, Is not this then
The medicine you prerominently need?
But can any of thc•e things be said of S. I'. 'Townsend's inferior
ankh; I This young nian's Squid is not to Iw
Iwealipc of one GRAND FACT, that the one is INCAPABLE of
• NEVER 6P01114,,
while the other DOES;souring.fcriscritinis. and brewing the bot
tles corn:titling it into fragments; the sonr, acid liquid exploding,
and damaging other goods! Must not this horrible champion' IK
tioisottous to the system put acid iota a syelem already '
direased with arid! IVhat causes Dyspepsia but acid? Do we
not all know that n hen rood sours in our stomachs, what ails.
ciders it produce.? flatulence, heartburn, wilpitation er the heart,
firer complaint, dm rativa, ilyi‘entery. colic, null corruption 011ie
Mood! What iw Scrofula but an acid humor in the hotly? What
produces till die humors whirl* brine on Eruptions of the shin,
Scald Iliad, Salt Rheum. Erysipelas. White Swell logo, Frier
sores, and all ulcerations internal and eatertial? It as
tinder heat en, bid an acid substance, %%inch sours, and thus
spoils ail the dulls of the body. more or less. What calltiCH lICU•
alallMa but a sour or acid fluid which insinuates itself between
thejoiiits Miff ClSelt here, irritating nail Inflaming die delicate tie
clew upon u Inch it acts? So of nervous diseares, or impurity of
the blood. or Ileranwil c irculations., and nearly till the ailments
n bleb afflict human nature.
Now Is it net horriblelo make and sell, and ininilely worse to
me this
S. P. 'II/WM.:END,
%V. IN. I.onmis
T. M. at•nT
and yet he would fain have it inolenduod that Old Dr. Jacob
Townrend'e GrnaineOrissinal Sarsaparilla, an IMITATION
of bix inferior preparation!! •
Heavenforbidthatwerhuuld,healiu an article which would
by:tribe nu+t distant rc•cmldnocr to N. P. Townvours article:
and ivhich should bring doe n upon the Old Dr. ElJell a mountain
load oreomplaints and erituitunions front Agents who h a ve . o ld,
and purchasers who have used 8. Townseud's FERMENTING
We wig!' It understood. liPenTl.o it Is the abaalate balk, that S.
P. Towneen.M. article nod 01.1 Ur. Jacob Townteiiirs tia ran pad!.
la are beaven-soide apart, and Wader, dia-•iniitar; that they ate
unlikeiti et ery particular, having hot one bangle thing in com
mon. ,
As S. P. Townsend is no ,lortor, and never was, is no chemiet,
no pharmaceutist—known no more of medicine or downer than
any other common, tiut‘c 'entitle, unneofessionalinan, n hat guar
.csfcc can the public have. that titcy'are receiving n genuineeeien
tlfie medicine, containing nll the virtues of the nrticles used in
preparing itontit which ate In capable of changes which might
render them the AGF,NTS of Disease istsiend of health.
Out what el,,eshintl , l he expected fromnue who knows nothing
comparatively ofmatlicine or direase!
. It requires perism of
some experience to cook and eerie lip even common decent
meal. flow much more Important is it that the persons who man
ufacture medicine, designed for
Weak Stomachs and Enfeebled Oyerterne,
should know well the nicilical properties of plants, the best won
ner ofseeuring and concentrating their healing virtues, also nu
extensive knowledge of the various diseases which atlect the ha
inan system, and how to adapt remedies to these diseases!
It is to arrett frauds upon the unfortunate, to pout balm into
wocinded humanity, to kindle hope to the despairing bosom, to
restore health and bloom, and vigor turn the crushed and broken,
and to banish-infirmity Shunt OLD DR. JACOB TOWNSEND has
SOUGHT and FOUND the opportunity mid means to bring his
(hand Univers-1 Concentrated Remedy
within the reacn, mid to the knowleitrorall who nevi' it, that
they may learn and know, by joyful experience, its
Transcendent J.crwer to Neal
For stile by J. 0, nucleic, ito. 3, Heed Mum, rle, ra.
Erie, July 14. 1510. 9
G 01.1) and Silver leaf and Goldthi yer gip Composition Bron
zes, by CAR' .R dr. BROTHER.
4.riara- loft Tlle •
, F..u.^ Great WosteraLocomotivoll
CA at SIEGEL'S Corner and convinces ourselves that he is
Now reeetel ng , the largest, cheapest and Lest lot of Ugounn
ini ever brought to Erie. Among his assortment way be found
the following:
,ricoAtts.—Six. tons of port Rico Conte sugar, Cruebed, Loaf and
Pub erthed.
Curren.—Ten bags Old Government Jaen, ten bags of Uglier!'
and ten bags of Rico.
lllursoses.—Tno tbuttiand gallons New Orleans rad° RIO and
Sugar Ilouee. ,
Tg.ul.—Fillecitellests Young Hymn, Im Aerial , Mack and Gun
powder. Imperial tea in Piz pound mulles for flunily use.
e tholltrUild 110111111 Coll nail.. Mackerel, Shad, Got
land Herring, Smoked Herring and Sardines.
Twenty barrels Turpentine, thirty do, of Linseed, Lamp and
Tanners oil.
130 kegs Biooklyn, Enfrato and Pittsburgh White Lead. -
The largest kind of 1411 assortment of Paints and Dyestuff's.
100 kegs of Eastern niid PittshUrgh Nails.
Lielenes.—Prencli Brandy, Gotland Gip, RUM, Port Wine,Ma•
derv, Malmo, Claret and French West Wine.
Tonseeo.-1110 down Schott's tine New York Smoking, sixteen
boxed Cavendish, No dozen One cut Rapp ee and Maceaboy Snuff.
- Ton be. ' % and 100 flasks Kentucky Utile rowder, edly bags of
Shot, barLeittl and Percuodon Caps.
Thirty boxed Candy, 33 drums of plalaga Figs,3o Jars-prunes
and a great variety of articles in my line that would take snore
Ume (hoot have to entonerote them.
Pa my old customers and the public generally, i would lay, tall
at SID.Ei. , B Corner, directly opposite the Farmer's Hotel and see
for yourselves, that I am bound to sell wholesale or retail, cheaper
thou arty oilier establishment West of Builhlo. C. SIEGEL.
_Erie July 7, ISIS. n 8
COLE, if few vatienw of very nlceCrunetoOlt Satins and
Black Oro de Maus shirts. will be found at.
Eile. Oct. 0. S. R. DEWEY'S...4MM RIMM.
M ----- E — R - 1 - N - OlES — .—Vreireb. English and German Ilterinocs, ttl grades nod colors. Call nod raw Mem. S. R. IREWErfI.
Erie, Oct. 0. ' .
PLAID Lon Shawls for say bY ! s Emma( • ic atm
BoNN.l;Tßibboun,,Gbrips. rrisiitts. Artificial Flown, for attic
by - , GEO. 13,ELOON Ic BON:
BROAD Chnbs, Casshotres, Halinen. Tweeds; Kenai,*3r Jeans
it good assonment. GEO, BELDEN & SON'
LADIES and 13111drytTehoog, a gikni rmartment.
Wl= W.MatAND CtritadUlti
RIMD & SANFORD, having by meat purchases, gado 'such
additional supplies as the market demands. now o r for sale
e general and well selected_ stock of Heavy and shelf liatdwate.
Among their stock. are all kinds of. •
•Nome Shoes. Anvils, Bellows, Vices, Mill, ltl ullay. and Cross Cut
Sawa, Sheet, Bar Lead and Pipet Shovels. Grain Scoops, Spades'
iron Bars. Strap ilingtv, Day Knives. blalablo Castings, a good as
sortment of
Afeckantes roots, Batts, Smrs. Leda.
• Latebes, bolts; Haunners. Hatchets, Files. Plains and Plane Irons,
Chi: eels, Angara Bins. Hand, Funnels. Compass, Eelloc, Tema:al,
Rib Drivers, Bevels, Try, Squares, etc. etc
Oct. 13. REED & SANFORD.
memonzrra WALL Doran AItND
TTllllpridersigned respectfully tenders his thanks to
the public for their liberal patronage, ahel begs leave
to inform his fiends that be still continues the Tailoring
Business at his old Stand, it few doors east of tile Erie
Dank. and Whelp a rontinuatireof past favors. Having
received the hell; and Winter Fashions, he is prepared to
execute all order entrusted to his care in the latest and
most approved s yle. The subscriber having no work
- doneexeept *wide his own eye, , pledges himself to give
mnuplete satistliction to his customers, and In all cases
where he falls to do so. to pay for thegoods.
Ladies desirous of ha vingteither Riding or Traveling Habits made
to order, and the latest:ln and neatest style, will do well to give him
a call. ,
N. B. CUTTING on the 'herald. notice and at the usualprice.
. 10.
Erie, rept. 22, IEIO
ie public that he
THE subscriber woMd respectftillyinformil .
cornitteneed the business of PLAIN AND NANCY DYE
lN(2,athis place.corner of Mate sticet and the Buffalo Road, a
few mods south of tim Woolen Factory, where the Dyeing and
Fin lab tig of Garments, the coloring of woollen and cotton carpet
yarn, with every other description of mob Dyeing wilt b carefully
attended to. After a practice of thirty )ears in Europe and
America, in all the colors given to • silk, woollen, linen and
-ietton, he hopes to be able to suthly nil who may patronise linu.
Erie, Aeguk 23. • • • , IS
`t •
%r4 ; 5 6 A4
THE FIELD rof I 0N , 7 HE
llL'Pubscriber would beg leave to ilift/Tlll ids friends and the
public that he has Just opened for the fall, the largest and
Lest assortment of CLOTIIst, CASS tItiCHI:B AND VESTUNGSf,
that has ever been offered In this market and which will Le sold
at t o lowest prices for CASH. Much Iris been said by some its
the t nde about slop-shop clothing, unprecedented SIICCVes lit ea
ting custom work, &e. Not wishing to be considered foulbdt, we
cut short by toying to those who wish to have their clothing made
loonier, that they con have their, measures taken, and Clothing
Made. and if not pleased with them when finished, they tt ill nut
lie asked to take them away. We dont it WI our friends to think
we are wising, but would have th e m CALL AND ENANIINE
goods and prices for themselves. We will Le happy at all tines
to show our goods and compare Prices cot or make with the
best in this or any other city. We will have nt all times, a lame
and good assortment of READY MADE CLOTHING Consisting
ofDress and Frock Coats,Ovet Coats, Ilusiness Coats. Sack coats,
Pants, Vests, fthirts, Cravats, rimpenders. Lamb's Wool' Under
Hlsitts null Drawers, to.; &c Willett will be sold as cheap as
the cheapest. Persons wishing to purchsie Clothing for CA: 4 II
will do well meal! stud statues Goods; and Prices. My clothing
ism by myself and all made in Erse, und is warranted to Le as
well ttndc as any shop iu the place can make. We do not wish
'to Loaf t. but invite comparrisou. The sanctifier is delerinitwil
to sell for CAtilLatuf CitSII,CINLY. Which mast le ohYlotin to
all men to lie the only trig- method of doing a Remit hied:less pro
tecting, as it does . both th e Layer and the seller against losses.
consequent upon the credit system.
Custom work and cutting done to order on reasonable terms.
Erie, flept. tilt, rela.
I HEAT I , ll.3.lfluoglit lo.,provetstoil by a free appliootiooof the
Ohio Fore, and it enaer piny' Paint.
21,000mq: of this celebrated and truly valuable nrticleg, (tdate
drab and chocolat colors,) Just received and fur bole by
Oct. 10. emercit do BROTIIP.II.
JIM" 5T0121 , 1 I ,II4RS ARD QUIT': )I,v_
T RosiiNzivnio A,. Co. li.ivelitst mum"' from the e:u.ierrs
.I.•cities, and are row receiving their Fall and %%liner supply of
&c., which they are enabled to oiler to their numerous customers
ai't he public generally, at prices thr below tear of oily limiter
season. These goods have all beethieleetell with the great es t care,
and will be frond to be one of the largest and wont spieidirlslocks
of Fall mid Winter Goods ever oilerml in this city. As many
of iht se Goods have been purchased of the importers per the la
test arrivals from Europe, the subscribers are co:indent that they
Can oiler to their customers the ve-y neweid soles; of Ladies
Dress Goods, comprisi lig English, French; Swiss, Irish I Scotch
Goods, together with a hill ns.orttilent of American manufacture,
and cheaper than can he found elsewhere.
AUir iork comisish, part of the following:—
SILKS.—E ich figured, chancy:Ode, brocade, small plaids and
strips, satin de Chine, twilled, rich Plots:lrd, Italian. Gross de
Rhine. Eros do Afrique. Chameleon, &c.
A/USLtie liE LAfAßS.—ettiberti Prat , designs, very rich and
high colored, on crimson, green, and blue grounds, the styles of
which. it is belayed, are superior to any lietetothre otlered.
CAh'llAff: /IF'S'.—Nu Pius Ultra sows; with the richest coloring
and imgreat senior , . 'These goods, or the designs, are obtained
from the French ..Exrcsis tos:' in hurls, and Dom oriental de
signs. •
AfE/UNOES,—Freneh, German nod English manufacture--a
larcio proportion, orilared expressly by us, for the best trade, con
sisting of es cry variety of color. Offered nt redirect prices.
exiCllPilve variety of Me newest android richest
styles.'embrachic one of the most desirable BREOittllVlttfl ti er of
fered in Ibis market.
A 111 , LO 1:S. —Beat manufacture, ordered ecpresbly for us
A Large tuck of ralieo,from 6centktolUeentsperynrthElearli
edntut unklenehedltlusline,- from 6 cents upward; ilea Tic k i light
and rbeeks, n ,'apply of all tputlities and prices; Irish Linens;
Table Damask, and Sc. J tell InnpereiT%apkins; Table Din
pers;ernsli awl Dowlas; Scotch and Manche:4er Ginglnunv; Suit-
Inettn; Kentucky Jenu.lnud Bine nll of which w dl lie bold
mint prices thutcannot fat? to please and wi nom fear or compe
tinder thin bend we have now on band, ready for Fair, Ilao Tor-
Reol,mn,t fashionable and varied anyorinwnt of RILIDV-31A14:
eidYCIIING (war oili red in Erie; nil of slide!, have been I.elerted
wider our immediate itiTeetioui etaetn 1 1 " T vs'r otreAlN A
porrtliont4.—together a itio one of theeliolcet i , cleelions of Im
ported fur Black. Blue, Brown, Olive and Drab French, Delgian
nnd English CLOTHS, that tno ever been hroughtdo this oily..
lAlsvi,lllrtek and Fancy PrencliTassiiiirreet New Sty le ravel,' Vest-
Inge and Cray:nal Silk Under Shirts and Matt ere: Linen Cambric
and AIR Itatikerch iefe, am! la tine meortment Of Gluvee, Hosiery.
nod rimipenilere.
rr Dont forget the place New Jew Storc,•No. 11, Fleming Block
State Street.
Erie. Oct. 13, ISI9. 2;2
Fresh Family Groceries. Wholesale and Re tar.
AKING restwcifully Legs leave to Town his rincere thunks
• to hig numerous Cash customers Tor their liberal patronage,
rind to birth., Sint he has j,st rerCiVril 00111 New. York and P itt,
burgh a large quantity and variety of Fresh Groceries, selected
with care, consisting of
Teas Candies ritelt 4 Forks
(*call, 'Tobacco 'Tar , ' Scillies
Fruits Oils Rosin Smiths ,
aP Ler Rice Onkum ,
Mackerel , Rakes Rope
Molasses Codfish Spades . Bagging
Seams . Mats , ' Shovels floes, he.,
And a laige, Pull and convicte assortment of es cry thing in tit
Grocery line, to which he invites the attention of those %vb.), jog t
purchase. as these Groceries acre tionglit low awl will he, rot
very low for Cash or ready pay, let positively no trust'.--Ttenicin
bet King's. No. I. Fleming Block.
Erie. Julie *2, IP-19. ,
trxlints and Caps for thopooplo..lll.
89111•11, !brms, No. 3, Eheapside; would respectfully in
• form ins friends and the public. that be has recelYed from
New York a splendia stock of !late, Cape, rind Furs, will
be sold at the above Redueed Prices. Au°, that he has added
great facilities for illnnutheturlng, and will be adding daily to
that branch of his busi ness, rind to Inch stock of goody. •
(Crean anti examine PRICES.- , Oct. 0, 1E49.-1121.
Attractions and Arrivals of floods
Cbeg. leaxe to inform his nutiterollo friends and the
• country af ;ergo, that he is now receiving from the eastern
cities and manufacturers, the largest and most enelliiVCassmortmerit
of FALL mid WINTER GOODS he hes ever. before offered in
this market. and would briefly nay (with as little putting ds pos
sible.) that he has spared no time nor pains in the selection oil&
sleek. which has been bought mostly for cash, and at such bargains
'ati to defy compctitiotn, (bogus importers not excepted.) With
this assurance) pledge myself to those that wish to buy Goods at
vvholesalo or retail, that 1 am .not to be undersold by any house ini
this city. For further particulars please drop in at the Corner,
opposite Brown's Hotel, and CV:Milne style and pace".
Oct. 13.
Inow receiving ever day my Fall and Vi'inter *leek ()IMF
GI NUBS. which t invite the attention of the citizens of Erie and
vicinity, to call and examine Roods and prices before purchasing
elsewhere, us my terms ore Cash and no humbug, and my whole
attention paid to Dry Goods esclusit ely, I feel and hold usy belt'
bound not to he nudes, old this side of the ',Atlantic ."
Eric, Ocl. 0. P. R. DEWEY.
of every deeeription i and verrelietip.a.r
Erie Oct. 0: ' ' S. RA)EWEY'S
No. 7, Poor People's Row.
T RAVEjuid arrived (rout the East with n large assortment of
2. Groceries, Wines, Liquors, Sugars, &.c., &c., which 1 will xcu
a little cheaper than any other Establi&lnnent, in, the Ulu. Give
me a call ifyou have any doubts as to dm truth of this statement,
and satisfy yotuvelves. - • -T.-W. MOORE.
Erie, Nov. 17, ISI9.
DiUOKS for the subscription of the capital stock, f "The Erie
I/ and Woushurgh I'lank Road Company," will he opened on
M on d a y We gist day ofJan nary, IPSO, at the. Reed Rouse in the
bbrough of Erie, at the bouse of N. M. Manly, in the township of
GlVelle. and In We house of Lyman Robinson. in the Borough of
Wattsburgh, and kept open for at least siA hours ford consecutive
days. At which times and places two or more 'of "the' commie
s:tonere will attend to receive subscritions agreeably to law.
WALTER CIIESTCR, - Commissioners.
A meeting of the Commissioners is requested at the Recd flourc
in the borough of Erie, on Saturday the It/th day of January„ it 50,
at 1 o'clock I'.lll. The Commissioners named In the act are: A.
W. Brewster, Joseph H. Williaum. Jelin E. Ilebee, Giles Sanford.
James M. Sterrett, M. %V. Keith, Elihu Marvin, Walter Chester,
N. W Russell, N. M. Manly, 11. L. l'iuney, 'W..11. Weed; /Benja
min Gunnison, William Allison, Jason 11.1, Hatch, Timothy Reed,
Eli Buncombe, Lyman Robinson, Itinfon Moore, 11.'Pown,Jos k -pli
W. Haskins, Wareham. Warncr t Samuel Taylor, %Vlitiata San.
bow, William K, Black, B. Capron and Allen .Eusworth. It Is
Important that there be a general Allendatito,
Erie. Doe. ta. 111411.
"John Anderson my Joe John." '
NOERSON'S tlolnce and thxrdwits'e PteiveireavendiA Tp-
Meet)) tot gate b J.' If, etttovs.
CULAVINU Tobacco of the very beet kind, for rlik.3-(•
_ _
, ' 10....!„ , ~,• 4 ! . i, , ,,.. 4 4. - -t.,-,„
11: ..4....,-Wt'', l. • -h 'l.T4..dff7.
'lllil' I l r ''• . ' I?:4`'-'l' .„
.i , r. .....-.... , .. .., 1„.,
ilk' -..
1, t r,: , 4 4 - , ,A,
, ,4 4 , _ ',,..-- „ rl..
1,:i1,^ l'
A'he t4,ll,4cribrr renlos rig %Veit in the filming, lie
&Dshic .ttscli of
Grocarios Provisions [ &c.
alma. ty re•luee.l tofiCl:l3, ill order to Lr ame to close up his bush
11i2Y9 by the first ot Al,rll, from time he is def.irotts of rent
log the in. ee store Mick Sttore out the Public equare. now tXolt
vied by him: and where he will be happy to tee all those who tt 1.1
to save thou. diottsr. U. A. BAKER.
'Erie, sow. so. n'•10. CheapsiOe.
VI II 131 IT. AND rArrar GOODS.
the latest styles. conristing of bonnets, Cates, Ribbons, Flowets,
Tabs.•&c., n :treat variety of Preach worked Collars. Cllll4, Cahet
intrms and Cloak 'Vainunite's. Zeidt3r ‘Vorbled. 701. 11 3 r ran'
brostlery ratios, 'Zephyr fermi's, Kid Wove+, OC.t
with ninny other article.: all of whi , h have Item relected
with great cote by liermdf, any a 111 br cold at reduced prices.
rr lionshell as usual. tltraw hornets cleaned to order.
Erie Oct. eo. antic. •
WITXTE rxsu.
00 hOr quartf.r Male F1=1) and Trout,
Jnt.t received and P.m vale at,t prices—invected
and warranted. 11111,131:11.T.
Erie, Nov. 3, IEI9. 115
GlNGll.l3lS.—: , eotch, French awl Arneie,:ai Gi4liaws. for bale
very cheap by. . S. It. DEW ItY.
LITIV7 GediMl 21V.1.V GOODS!! !
JUST receil I'd at. the New York Store it lir4e and splendid lo
. 01 IVititer Dress !,nods of et ore style and pattrmi
Also, loots. Ribbe's. Priners, tal Dress Tritataings of all des
criptioie+, which trill Le told at n %cry saint) advaliee from cost,
and quite tit low as can he I , onglit west of New York city. Col
and see, and ll }on menet satitl!ed
S. B. I'OIVER: 4 , State Street.
rrir. Oct. 13, 'IRV% No, 0, llonnell
12 00011"4r ds of Cloth &dassirn er o at the Erii)
Wolien Factory.
UMW tot.: excliailued for IV tiol. t , iii!,criliers their
usual rates ofexeletove • They btu en variety of Plaid and
Fancy Tripes of the latest Eastern patterns for i:ents. rants and
Iloys Clothes; also, a good tarictyof eeds, fur slim
mer wear. We withalso inantifaetare, the pre,vnt hezmon, at the
following prices in cash, v For, lirou n, grey and steel
red cloth, 31 cents per yard; ca, !mete Of same colors. 33
Cf 1113; AN bile Flannel 23 cents, awl pressed Flannel .2.3 per
y%ard. AI Ell A FEIN & RR KII i 7TFat.
tiguitis3.—Jtig rZCei‘e.l and for ..ate die:lp tit the
.113'iraFt's, 1 0',.„ of R. fij•NTI:H.
Nov. 3 *l3. - Park Bow
10 000 i'oC.TtiTailow Glass.
20(VON ES Ellsle.h, rreneh and Amerienti Whii!ow Class'
k. , compri:sieg all 119,1/, fMITI 9by RI to 31. by 41. This
a,sOrltorhl contain: , so:in:of - the beat doubt,: /hid:, so italic
lott d rise. Al,o, a lot or French 9by 111. altogether su
retior to hat is usually brousllit Into this market, hot hick wilt
bit AOlilti ow iis the Anierlrdie. Altogether ours in this Inie is sil
penlor isi of
anN oilier out the cities, ati e d A ‘‘
R ll l l . l l.. o sc hl u o il li c t r i i .r . i i i i l l s :R tl . iat
will sui t all
all reasonable tierhuus. I
Erie, ily 1.1. i'l9. No. el Ree,l Ihais:s
___ .._
Live Geese Feathers Wnntod.
Toblhe-t indrket rate %% ill be paid tur Itt c ;el,:
the more of. It. A. ISA 1(1:11,
eept I. • rhenip..ole. Erie. suovra.o.
A r
'' , No.o can be I - yowl:a the H ie:i
REED 64 , 44 ANFORD.
No. OE , Sed
Now rat( Sc Wintor Goods.
Ali,ll I I.
11 111: subicribo.r. :Ire now receit iug that stock of and wi
to Good., eoteri•tin of
In:1' GOODS, <71:41, - ERr,
/ G1:0(11•:I111:S,
Inni, Steel. Nails. Ani. chain', &r. &e. We do not
11;)a'd that we Ira e the larv•iit iinelc, or lb sell cheaper that' cat' be
puretineed in New York, but pledge co 10 tell as cheap as
the ellen pest in the town et Erie."
t)e. 1. 1:1. C r.O IEI MEN & SON.
AOrA m 4 of ~0.1,..ized Wuo Seckft ,
1/ Eli.. n0t."13. C. M. TIIMALS
Pure Cod Liver Oil.
rpm:4 valuable article, recently brought 1111l0sUell extensive rite
by as atdottn.ltang elli•ctu in Pulmonary and Other dr•ea•,e. t
can I,e had parr and unadulterated, prepared l v tu•hlou, Clark
& Co., rhettutd., Npw York, front the Cod Lit or;;, or the
salocriber, who ha. tirade an arrangement with the above firm and
s ifl'lK• in the eOle.1:131I to eipt Or the (ht./rah from the oiroitillic
tory. Too [noel, cote rollout Le tnf.wt tore!the errieb• fre s h. for
when it l'ecines old amino:cid it looses its nurlirinal properties,
nod in fart, tom deliterioti. J. 11. M.:ELTON.
Oct. TT \n • ,^, Ityed I lou-e.
Till: 1/1:1,A
(q/' Phitetriflphitt,)
A rti: now tic,:ne Iturtnet, on the Astual plan, ei
11 n patine inatffin in t h e 1 rola:- 61 Ow Company,
ty heyntnt the Kew hun land. -
Rittlto npon the Cake, and 0111:11 inn-nred on the
terlllr. Lee-e- tt .111 Leh( er.ln • and proni,ll:, ady
Fire riAts tnerchnntlize,lonithn;: , and other
or culitary, fars limited tern; permanently.
Joseph 11. Peal, JiIIIIVN U. Hand.
'cheat.!lila, rattltlittg, .11 , 1111 t'. I)as 1 , ,
Itacti Burton, Julat Cart tt; Joint
Hugh Craig. • Samuel Ceur:
Henry Lall trace Davi , ln. Stacey
Charles Kell4.y. Isaac It. IlaNly, .1. 11.
Hay, .lutitt;
Dr. l'ltutaat?, Dr. 11. M. John
Sp.:neer Mc Ile any,
Richard S. NeI%h(PIIM, Eee.,s - ; 11Cnr.1
CU Application can to wade to
Erie, Pelt. to, 1019,
1 - 4 171"rl'.11 OfVa Won) ee,criptioni-Lil
Post gilt edge, for eeecl pea-. • ery, floe
also. envelopes. mono o I , lli el' .rnig. Wails
nod block ink nod ink powder, n tpl a superior go;
null Scher,l paper, by .1.
SILK forl.,Tnin ,, ;7lnil Cent+. tozether a g(Tott
zusorttnettt of Glos cs and Hosiery, Just received at
Nov. 3, ISM. ! Wit frarl"B.
- 13 EL
DEtts (“)i ( ut4.—,t large a,hortment tool an extensive va
riety Including spool and Unita Thread, thinduo awl eoliths of
MOu kinds; also. •ut.penders together IA Ith Nifillltlt• VP) WIWI . -
0 510 m MeritiOn, at a moall advance from manufacturers prices.
Nov. a. .
ilthgllflOtO not any titianlily of Bleached Lan irting and very
cheap at the store of JACKSON.
COVIIIN ' YARN, l'arpet Warp, Wicknig 'and Matting, told
white and colored Wadding at C. M. TIIIIIAI.S.
Crockery and Glass Ware.
N splendid a s sortment of New Patterns at
(let. 27, MD. C. 11, Wit 1.611 T
rrtimetito•triber Ix now reeeit in his Fall supply of Drugs,
11 Paints, Sce ,to which he asks the attention of pureltasers.
- Particulars tiereafter. - J. 11. 11111:TON,
Oct el, 1819. No 5 Reed House
Waukee Notions%
HAIR. Shoe. Shaving and Vertibbing lira.hex. lbek. Side.
flue tooth and ridding Combs. rocket Books, Wallets,
Looking Glasses, Nedles, Pins, Hooks and tyre, Porous •
sion Calm. drawing. Slate and Carpenters' Pencils. Cigar eases.
l'obarco Boxes. Teething Rrings, Diaper and !lair Pins. Knot
ling Needles, Flair OifEr, Emigre l'ofogne or Marrow Poinatuni.—
Masksof nil descriptions, &c. &c. can he found nt the Keystone
Groiery, N 0.7, Poor Peoples' Row. T. W. moußr..
Erie. Nov. 10, 1 10.
••••:0 ' •
-prtom the first of April next, the three story Brick
JI: Store on Chenpside, Itrie. now Ge(jilpied by the on
- • tlen , i9tuid as a Crccety and rfOVISIOn Store. Per tennis
apply at the store to E. A, BAKER- ,
Erie, Nov. In. I SID.'
- 28
_ . LOOKING GSSF.B.—A large n!sortinent of Gilland Ma
hoglinv limner, together with , plates of ililliireol *44N; for to
senior; old finutev. ' 0.14/OMI6 & Co.
Noveniher :11, II I% L I .
Hots, Ladi©s Furs.
S• MINTER haniubt returned from New York with a large
XL* and well ,elected a%sot talent of Hats. Capn & Ladies Fors.
%chic!, be in prepared to sell as cheap an can be had at any other
citablibliment'in this city. Penman Mailing to pure s hare any of
the a bove goods will do well to give him tt call befoul pureharing
chat . Erie Nov. 3 into.
Geese roathers Wanted.
150 Pounds otlive Geese feathers wanted, ior which I will
pay hal( cash at my store on the corner appositenrown's
Oct. 27.
SUGAR CURED WHITE FISH, a delightful article. Just re
re and fur sale by R. 0. HULBERT.
Nov. 3, IMO.
grIigiINCIt'ECIGAILS.—A few more of tboim tine
ceived thin day by Greene dr. co'io Expreet
Nov. a. W4ft. J. R. BURTON,
1000 A CALL Ohio presso4 and titrinni Rom Ware. can
slating or Churns, Jars, Butter Jare, Milk Crocks &c
&c. for sale cheap at the Keystone Urotery i No. 7. Poor Peoples
Rom T. W. MOORE.
Eric, Noy. ID. ISM. ,
MP. Ato the runt unite subscriber. inltarbarereek township,
on tlie teat inst. two red yearling Heifers—one has a wlllilli
star in the fate, rind hod* ale market by a crop nittlirt lett ear and
a slit. 'The owner is requested to prove propertv.ay charges and
take them away. - IS AO DILLS.
Dec. 21, le 10.
CA MS to the farm of tbe subscriber in APKenn 'township, on or
awn; the 10th inst. a Black Cow, about u years old—hos
white star in the face and a white tail, and gives milk. The
owner is requested to mot property, tiny eharßek mid take it a
way. KCIPLCIR Arr.
m•Kean, Pee 21, WM. ' ' 3tM3.
13 Alt & rtG Lead fur sale, at UM Hardware Plora or
Itta.:ll & SANFORD.
'rho - Great MOlcbm
XI It . 4 A •
nig wondmill licsnedroi ravine, American Oil, proellred
frum a well lu Barkavllle. Kentucky. made by the Mater
hand of Deity, 111 Nature* Laboratory, Ih3 feet hetow the surfate
of the Earth. Its attain: porker an a curative IC truly wonderful.
It has etryr mall cured a great uuMber of perrmas of tlie following
Inll.nnatoryßlteutnnliam, Consumption, Cramp. Colic. Fe roilu-
In, or hi Keel lain Intlaniallosi of the Kidney:l, Lille toed or :-tore
Eryeipell,x, Deep Seated Coughu. Ulcerated Sure Thrum.
V.'booplog l'onyh, Fever borer orol Freblt %Volt:Hie, awl
Scalds. Sprains and Simian, Paryli,ed Limbs,
le; arid Internal; 01,:ern...41 Spine, Drune.F4, 1 ii
e:L,c,l4llp Joint, billaulatioll of Dowels, Camp, DrOpiy, Scald
Iliad. acc
FON Whak 9 a lll 1 .1 // 11 Retail by William Jack-on, the Proprie
tor', sidc awl only &eta fur Western Pennsylvania, Northern
Ohio, and Wester' Virginia, HI Liberty street, and by soh-agents
apismiteil by him in every county in the tame ilirtrirls.
lissrßyr —fh Cry Mont is supplied tyltli Pamphlets containing
reliable certificates of remarkable curets. Call midi:Anne,
The Ana:titan Oil. having' performed by its usc many re
markable cures, and tieing a powernit Remedial Agent fur t or to il '
di'eageu, has induced some persons to counterfeit this venial/le
medicine. The original arid genuine American Oil is obtained
from a well in Burks% Me, Kentucky, from the sole and only pro
prietors. O. Ilan, it. Co. who ptiointed Mr. Wm. Jackson- tt Litb
erty taro% riit4hurgh, ihrir sohr. nail 01.1.9 Agent tor supplying
Sub- Ageilts lit IVeifern Prunsylvan in. %Veitern Virginia runt part
of Oliio. The true and - zeitu Inc Ann:Licata Oil 1401 a dark green
color. There arc various counterfeits abroad—i 'me Femora Oil.
90111110 !nature closely 'ref embling the genuine - purporting, to come
Inuit the Pittsburgh and Allegheny Dbpensary Coin pan); some
Mack ,and Of carious other colors; !Mae %% lute. said to te made
from the Original .liscrican Oil. 1. 1 , Ilall & Co., the ONI.V and
901. a proprietors of the true and Original American Oil, 1)0 NOT
nor NEVER DID supply any persons who make the article called
11vtit SOT of Ann. - Timm Oil, said to be relined, clarified and con
centrated. Ill:WA 1211 of the worthless counterfeits, mid (111..-
t3r.B.VF that Wm. Jackson. ktt.Liberty street, t'itt , liurgh, head of
Maid kneel, is the nNot and Imo: general Agent for ilieuhuve men
tioned district, and that NoNr. 19 Oral'lNE but Wlllll has 111911/11/10
argil 111111W99 primed in the pamphlet in %%inch each bottle i, en
veloped, and likciviog the proprietors ' a11 1 4C29 is printed itt each
pamphlet thus: . 4). Doll & Co., re Aucky." Another %%a) of
detecting the counterfeit; is the dirrefel)Ce in Qte Price. 'l'lie g' n
'uige is 59)14 javatlahly at Ni cents per bottle and 1101e9s, M.i11113
tome of the counterfeitsare bold at various prices under. '
The pureand only genuine American Oil is sold wholesale and
retail by Win. Jackson. at the only 'agency in Pittsburgh, Nu' FU
Liberty street, Ite.itl of Wool street.
hull by the fullm% bit; Agent 4:
0. D. Spall'ord, Eric; Thos. Willis. 11T1Ilereek; John 3Trelort.;
Girard; W. 11. 'fowip.eild. Springfield; C. & J. 11.
Count:nut; Fenton & lito..Conneaut. .1r2.9
J. 11. Wtr.r.t.ors . , dealer in Foreign and Dorne-tic
' Corrillcarea of deix:Hitc, GUld and Silver coin, will buy null sell
current and uncurrent (Honey, 111 , 20ti:11,C WWI snd sight drafts,
malie collectioro on till the Ila.,terti cities, and hia! , e remittan
ces at the ionc,t ilanl.iug ram,
Money received on I)epo4ite rind rastern dr,..10 constantly on
haul at the. 10Weq rates Of premium.
hlinalrl. lienlocky, Virginia, and renivr2.ltmnia Dank
note., and those of tieret other . Sutter, bought and sold ()attic
movt rea.onnble terror,.
. .
Office, four flours belowPrown's Hold, Erie l'a
Erie, July I,
Elva. aria` .W. Adams
AWING lur.ded then..elve+ w Ow Borough of Erie, IA ill at.
wild , to all calf in their nroleg.ioll.
011icc and reEidenee cal the South AVINt corner of the Dimond,
in Ile formerly or.cumedl.y Dr. Faulkner.
N. II Calk from the cumktry attended to promptly.
I:ric. A rril'l,„
Winos es 7.4quors.
AIll,(11C11 lot of \V%tio; and Lionont, eon. i,,ti, , Lg or
Pale Brandy. : , :t. Cruiv Ituto, Ilona to! ilip.
(hard du N. E. do Iri,ll %I'lli-key,
0)211i:1C do Jalliai , R do• 1 4, 0t01i do
Madeira %Vine, Port 1V111.., COlttlltOtt till
Mai . :g4 110 it , / 110 liloreptieg] l%baloo do.
At. o, a large a..-ortineot of neut. Grocorler., for ~.ale at No. 7,
Poor l'eoldt , t, How, by 'r. W. Muutt r..
Lro.. Nov., 17, 1,19. 27
AAT I t : t.ts, wurrt. , :i .54 wATI:Its mciN, at the 111111, , , ore
V :tare of ILEED & ti.l ;inn( D.
___ -
•• • •= 4 „.
- Tr ,
Proscription: rroscriptiong
Tllll above is at this day by far the tint general cry throughout
our hind. Scarce ally One escapes its odium. FA en Gen-
Tay bor e that great and good man, is ft ismently ;teemed 01 lb Ile,
liov%ever,lns Often denies the charge an it is made, anti boldly as
iscrts that he "removes for raw.t. ortO.”
The Subscribers have tulle recently got nut a :um sTovir on
the elevated overt principle, %Odell they call the rel ONE
Ci MICING STOV K. Said Stove is so der bled air hupro% einem on
all and every Stove heretotbre made (having no many good quali
ties others mire toil of) that those encored in the itiattufactiare of a
much inferior article hate taken the alarm, and at once raise the
cry of proscription: and expect by this to escape a general route.
Such cry, hors everis a uncles'r wante Of the .raw material. The
edict has been I—Ned—community claim the right to -eh robe
bent Sto% e out: Hence the Key-tone Stove must snyereede and re-
MOVe other. including Settitett', Patent. 'filet erdiet. howev
er, Will be, ..11(.1110% I'd for cause only;' su ne stand in a position ,
similar to General 'l'.q Inv, and no he is just ifieibpo -hall or e be.
A good tru.t,irttnettt of other COOKING STOVES the
celebrated Carpcnicr Stove. as sell as the bletio:t,/, Fanner and
C l ll%lO ll A irgight SLOW., Air-tight Parlor and Slut es—
alsu Cauldron and Sugar betties of different sin's
hand. In fact no better assortment of CASTINGS fan be found
The attoition of the piddle is:lbn called to Improved
Pl.oW—a new article, with cast:iron beam, manufactured by us
and la :wanted.
' int! the'nsined
1 in or t favorable
o erly,iu
I ntl A. otider,
lie, Brooke.
B. Betiro-c,
rd I).trlTiagton
itt't% till,
eller, Jr.
'Martin fret'*
Icogrt,ty, Quarto
t rit small teller;
to stax, Caroline
11. lirliTON.
V. TY rival', Ifr.ncine. , , 111111 ('n ring. Cardin!! , .S'pin,riin
JemticF, made to urder on the z.lmrtest notice mpt on 11
inostill.2 , onal.le terms. VINCLINT, & CO.
Erie. April '2.1, 401
runners, Linseed, Sperm, Sweet an•l Lard Oil. nt
A RROW RIJUT, Sagodrearl Liarh.y. Oat Meal. Tapioca Ver
.!). mirilla, l y I;AIZTI:jt S 111t01111:R.
11.1 W Itavh.t. 'flohet. and tistic Long;
13 611mIs do., a vadety of cheap Plaid :Arno I, tor sale at the
.More. L. JACKFON,
ryti;AS,.Vuung fly zoo, Gunpowder, and illag li7l;ey '',i,lsle,l'Ne'
_L quality fur rale by
Dr. P. Icall's celebrated Cough Itcmedy.
rrlit n attention, of the iniblic is asin C. 111 1 ,1 Inn , be notice of thit ,
aluable %%loch remain. lintNnalled av a speedy
core for di-ea-os of iill• threat and 'lire' great importance ,
or curing Pulmonary ilisem•e4 in their early taage- t• genera ii
admitted, tall too Wien ne4lected in Pf.lelli", wet brace the tea%
'on why cu many sostooely dcdth. o g enr 001,11111 , 6,a, and
other pulmonary allectirlipr. Hall's COUGH RI:NiI:DV to recom
mended na n speedy and effectual medicine fur coring
Coughs. Colds, Iloar-eog,o, l'rouptir Rattl,N, As•tlinia 'or Plithisis,
Ilronchitholleeding to the thkiigs, Winkilei , s 01 Voice, Whoop
ling rough. as at ell as many unpleavant Nymptolinc depending
upon iftllniil/11 m the and lire (I.4lolNiu.g
ci.ive to from a host of trim witnesm, vv 110 have bean
cared by using this medicine, unit are now advising the sick to
follow their example—,
'Phis is to certify that we, the ander,igned citi7ens of Erie,
hnv e intent Or. I'. Hall's Conult Remedy forthe care of pulinotin
ry theeases, and in et cry instance have been ,perday and eirtr•tu
ally cured by its We regard it an it very rale, pleisKint nod
thorough medlrinr, and recommend it the public as fully
worthy Of general confidence
John Galbraith, (' It Wright, A M
E mg, Drthirk, ; John S Brown,
='John Ilugheg, I. A Hull, 11G Landon;
Thos R McCreary, Ti Tan.
W Hays, 1' P , J
Kebey ,
Foster Bell, ' John Pear. Robert Ccchran,
A Sherwood, E A Bennett, I' I: Burton,
J Salsbury, It Rabin in, Dent Grant.
IV F Rinderneclit, J W3l Callaglior,
I. 11 - arren, 'rho Hughes. If P
IF Tracy. 'l' Moorlwnd, Jr it I' Nelson,
.1 11 flunlap, J Theochran, J Deemer. jr
111 Coud w at. .ClusleA Cole, II It Rutsl,
C%V Kelso. • M Mayer. , .1 11 Duman..
The Adroit lag certificate is front a celebrated perfumer in Phila..
Or. P. 1131 I—Dear Sir: It is with grerd pleasure that I inform
you that your Cough Remedy has proved Itself lo i.e exactly as re
premmted—not only a very efficacious but pleasanl 11.11101 Y for
Colds. Coughs, Are. I have recommended it to litany of my friends
who have med it, nod found immediate retiefby its use, tool lit no
ease has it failed to effect a cure. 'The effects are truly magical,
and I would recommend all persons suffering with Asthma, Colds
or any disease oldie throat or Consumption, to give it n trial.
Yours, very respectfully, JULES HAVEL.
- Public OTa:;;tion.
• nror,t n OF rs.
To prevent counterfeits the following north , are Mown upon
each large bottle—" Ur. P. hall's Gough Remedy, Er, e , pa," Th e
small bottles are marked ill the saute inatiner, except the last two
words. None me genuine n idiom the abose rind the int tutor's
name—Peter /MU—written upon the n rapper and directions.
~For vale, holesale and retail, in Erie, only by.P. Hall, No. 1.
Iluglite Block, State St.
AGENI'S.-11 Tow & ('o. North East and I,Vatt. , burg; Thos
Vincent and Smith & Hendry x, Waterford: Joss. Gese4setiser, Fair
view; J. H. Campbell, Ede:Moroi, 1.. 0..11)111.6 and .t,aa Bottles &
Co. Guard; Win. Hi. TOwnsend. Springfield; P. Clark, Albion;
N. Callender, Meath file; 11. & t; Under, liprhut ll'ornerF; Wm.
11. Robinson, Pon ?Mown, Cutler & Pierce, Clarks% illy, unit by
'Agents generally throughout the country. -
For farther particulars regarding the superior efficacy of this
medicine, callpn Agent for paitipplet free of charge. A 6n02.1 ,
Fairbanks' Genuine Scale manufactory::
The subscribers having tairelta+l Fairbanks celebrated genu
ine scale patents, and employed a work ilia n. Mr. Brooke. who has
had a long. eNtwrience in their intintifactiire, beg lease to'infOrni
the public dal they are now prepared to furnish to orthan article
superior to anything of tlw kind ever °tiered in this nitThket.
Tlw subscribers would also caution their friends against pun
elms ini %%ortliless artrictes purporting to be Faith:into! scale front
irresponsible itinerant yankee in:tilers—kw ontutejacrairra Ike genie
ine article. The lotion log arc our prices.
flay scales, of 4 Tons Bra n, ! SPO
coal Scales, of 1 ton draft, ; 40
rlatforni Scales, 1500 lbs. draft.: 33
Du . do. do. with hoisting lever
and set on trucks, 10
Po. do • 1000 lbs. draft, litl
Do. do. do. on trucks. with hoisting lever, 33
Fairbanks' American Scale. 1500 lbs. 311
Ho. do. do. 1900 the. ';`..3
Do. do. do. /300, on.tteicks with hoisting
- hr. cr, 37
Do. . do. do,
Flour Packing Senle,sl2l
Counter Scales, 4 oi.. to :104 lbs., platform,
Do or,. to Wu Ma. platform & From , . 10
Dale'aeounter Scale. lams+ lever. a. oz. 1050 ILA. drat, q
All the above articles are warranted. Thus o Wit lig to (Anat.
a rood and reliable Seale are requeHetlie give us a call at No lo
French street, itearly oppoAfe the Fanners Hotel. •
A. isErixerr & CO.
F.rie. May '2ll, IMO.
1311 si:ifif IN a1:1* - 7a7. - iiifi) . •
0:irIlk, au mersbcr Is veered to execute all orden. in his
line. Or:ming aria taigra%ing Land , cape , .. liens of
I.lotehi t Slort4 Partnries,lhicliiiitay, Sucictice hcalr, litErinems
Cardo, Nhow Hills, &c..&c..
0,415 ;mewled I. ithoul lilac,
Frotwini, July • 31. S. rv•rar.
rAritzzilr oxNTrarizvr ;
Qta:AN , B OINTMENT is now unit, ct.aily nekte"lc.%:., l ,
kJ an trifalliblf: remedy, In every ease where it lets be. r a , ' l 'e
ly applied on the human ay 111(31). for promoting imer,,,Ll e pr " -
ruttost ,Iraq im; out the tutianduation from a It ound, r , 1 : 41 *
pitta ri? eve Riad, and in it" healing qualitice the an t bt„.,,,.. , v iti
ee Its. ual, and the public ronounce it the 1
be , t Family Ointment that has ever t been med. An
• 01,,,tinuteEICCI", OIJ SUMS; Chlibln in., Fore Tarr,ar . p e *
Curl. Onatternnt Eruption., Sore Nippier, Sore
of the Lin, Ago° In tilt' free, aide, back, and Member pa r i,,
system, Ifotls, Ulcer". r.cald Head. Idrithea, Fresh
• (Ty kind of yore containing the lean particle of tottag,,„,
are permanently cured by this great remedy. - I 4",
NV. R. iii,r)A N.
Grand MIKA, 10 . Lake st.,Chicako,lll,
Sloan's Column.)
YT AU the sfedleitics adverthted by W. B. Sloan are gad .
No. 6. Reed lloun, E tje
.......-^ •
I riPrlll2 iiiP, ri, rillinli 11.11
reIXOS/Vair Tx risvrzki 1
. .. .q. ......,,.11,4-onri, alduary 42.4, lily, _
DR. W. 11. Flo:in—Cß: Akint. two yearn agn,._wiriin,,n,,,.
1.1 the filicshoppl river, in patiAng ot ek the I:4;de, Ixi ,', 1,4
ed in the m ater, and by the raft da.hed airiirr-1 a rin-j,.i, ' ,.,'., r t•
my left le:: and otherm i - ,.e. cerlonely
lob( all sem, it,ility. When COtraCi'Jiiniiin , rtitrileed I a,,,,i,,,,'
in St. Lodi!, r.urrnuntied by iny ier . i.iin.; f .re di. Ci..,,i , 17 4
trod medical ' aid, enatdea me in abort tr. a birri'.. i i,, l
around math the ascodarace of a Crutch. The moued, LI . t
tinily healed, leavitw large rainuiu7. care/ at :1,, kl, e, v h , ;: h ' 4 ,. -
many nnirilrin ili•cliartnol liiiial amt matter of the mon firi.r, 4 ,;:
- character. My paitoi were inespremotile, at lime:. iny o t ,,
won co great that death would 'rive rereited a how,. eic,...:
Fortunately Mr. Wilson, (one of my in i;Ilhoro adi,4.d ~,,;
try lour th otoolcr. I obtained a lii[ and wiled a acc .i rdag t„,
direction-the ' , qr. , : coon began ut, acminie a lier.lllQ, spun,,"
nail ill three month , . 1 was entirely cuo . i. I, an.. ad. .1 I i
e in n;cljtlqvi
labor. Your our 1 . Very:int, HIRAM w. Till ill*
We the underid,ried. neighbors of 11. IV. Thowa., titre ...
quatitwil with the enie al-CA e staled and knOunia ii,,i,y rc ,7' .
btauces, moat cheerfully ccufirch taut 11:onue 0.
..t 3 .,,,.,4 . `...
REV. J. loJ11:1.4 , 4
/AMU 1V11.,50 ' -
NIR. IV. 11. true'—Dear rjilf--601i1C ANZIO years 8.1
my feet IA al injured. In con , equenCe
swelling very large and bring remarkably painful, Irv,
time I could only hobble about with the assirtance of a
not being able to endure a AilGe on the Not, I core 614 i
bin. Ihyritm the fiat fourteen years antrum': I follonA
the fatly ice"of many celebrated phya lola ns—laat yea r use
bottle 4 of Dr. •Frn,,k's :tragneetic Olnunent,nll, bone,'
to allied permanent relief. last Noyetliter I conchl.'
the foot Idkla of, to which my friend* objected' finally.'
I'M of December, I was Induced to apply your trukd.'
men!, and in than Otitis day a after the that utplicat'
aside my Mnlf,, PM on toy Mates a about any illtorni Cul
ttow get about like other men. GEORGE Tl:
Feb. 10, klll. Welt.
r s IEr.T.OW e ei.of Chicago. Vie deep and di•lT4!.til
1 latele teba VIA iu I , eiti - g..Terrildy arafdotf'ty th
of a dimill4y boiler, Nee healed in the short .pare u
day t by tbo - free application of .56,an's cerebrated (),nOrr.
toy citil, that had been sourly n Illic ted for net cud air.;
Marnontio ! on %% horn I had expended a Lira , bum of
medical ;Mt ice iandMed I e _
N va+ ret wrcd to health ti
three *Seel., by the use or Sloan's Ointment.
For inintie.t ott liOrttli l aril confident Sloan's Oldtfl
(ml prior to any other taint:ling now sped.
ophipm, Erery Family shorn n rannancy
thin rilual.le Ointment. MICHAEL DO
Only Ono Twenty-five Coot Ho
o•R‘r,:VlCllefiry c0...111.. March 1
-1 - ) U. IV. 11. tflr: 1'11,11440] by are
and . jmtice to )60,laait a desire to bellow the
Iran-mil )on the follmt tacls: ,
..evn years old, wan attacked with a M ,
We applied tinny popitlur remedies. which
ed to •ailoril relief. but app' arca to rAcreme the urn
I ecatim to 11i1.01 contracted that the limb it a
at the hi, e, and could not he aura Witched. Tile rim
'a dark purple color. and the ott elfing.increabed until
the rkul tt oil bur.;. Ili. :II 1.0/I , pas ROM and
difrefaly 'lra eculol ail rip lit a minutes Is Whom fad
fort all hove of bin recovery IA itlrotit lie tort of itir. I.
little eSpi.cititit ii of a.llii g bir life. I tom. advircil
()mimeo, 'lO our :Wone.ititteut,ht twrhe ketwe tie sl
ri het et! tlizt I.e could-ill up in the bed scum tune.
116111'4 he ctraightened leg .11
lie could so Ail htuc help Palkacro4s the room.
the Noelling all eared: The Ire rebanniti its u•
travil,it not a trace of any kind of du.a.,C.,l
rum, ss rill cfcd b) the use of only one '25 cent Lux u
one l iiiitnient.
To -mac, the firegoing statement may agleam
et Milos% it in ,trictit true. and can 1 e pro% ed I') man
t. 3 eis ititert-ts. S'Ours,w hit tr-rett, M. W. Vat
1.0.1 N
For a
SLO.I.V.' OM l',ll/: NT Erni,:
A NI) to rapidly superceding all utl er Ointinent,am
10111/ . 10 I.IW fur 11.40 Cl/re of the kilioo ine do.ea.e
}'re. Li Wound., 0;111, , of all kind., Sprain., lain.
111/elS,Fl.lll . 4l4otte, Win/113011e, LViilikalth Poll El )I,l'
111 A, it 01 1 10), I'Dtula, 1./Mag. Slfiji., La tnenevo, s
I . olilidered l'ect.SCratClici, of Creare 31:111::e. or Dorn
'1111: POWDER is ill remove all inthithutiall and I
theldood, 100.011 die Ain, ell an , o ll,e n an r, and ,net
part of thel, , ully; and has proved a suet retail reined
lowing di , ea. e.. Ile , a . inper, Ilide LOllll4l, 1.0., of
ward strain. Yellow IYaier, Intlatildliun, of the C.
'roil hard eAerel-1.; a 1,,,. It :lemma oon, (h•iwelii
coniplamt.) whirl) pro% eo t...) fatal to 111.111 y k a Wald. 1
country. ,II l - al - ca sale and certain round) l- r emic
as Inca generate many (idol iliwa)ro. . W.' if,
Grand Depot, Id Lake `..,',, Chicago Dlimaig. ,
Nir here is t% (nub
1.3 ue arc err dibly info.rme.;
c.f•r I eer, I, the j ltLhe to d.rerrtur et
per i.tlty or ;ill tt hu keep Lcr:.-..11 - itti C,
der." a horse it alit ay. kepi iu I.y tl
ththi neit, 11-111..,. CM., are (mud et a
dust Wee, and the life of Jenny a ‘4luul.le hirer
11111111j0,/t4 certitieetes in 111, adverte..t uu s
ktem a iti,h,AdUillb.fall the you( Cr the K, ea
ru %n and pnry,ca ,•(‘/11. d, atul %%elm% etw doubt the].
ill 1111' , section. It they tack, b•
the tVest.—Eultla ..51dc, sre 11,
Another Extraordinary Cure I
i ‘ f ru. eloati—Sir• In Jarittary last I had
L threngit the tint of the by a (1./W. flEdli tt
the 111 e 111W:4111C, ‘Nure lticftlfl Ned for 11111
and about •Illr lllfhex (UM:Thief the ,Nu t t n t a E.m.ellicel
and continued to enlarge lolf SIX. da)a, t% hen I °t e m ,
al t o discharged a large tinamll) of blood and inn tilt•
tip all bore of saving the colt, but cue of thy lit id
M. ('lark, itilliirtmeot toe lu apply sour 01111111CIll
and lt cured•the colt hell as et er.
It you th,lre tamtl of the Etatetneet herein conla
of toy Ilcieitt.fg are ready to fealty to ti t _ ;that c f;u-t,
Ohiu Grote, LeKalb co., 111., March 19,1,- W.
zArtaz Tinton.
WARW. - /OV, folla,
nR. w. B. FLO V—th'ar had a horse which
-LA tk) for al OM LIN 0 tears, ou account of a very
Produred by the coke. It tt a+ rc, bere nud paintul t
not allots a c , inttion martingal around his neck. I
liniments in the couutr) which I thought might Le of
lot thy all apl cared to aggravate the thsorder.
hope Of Ids feCLAering...and turned bins out to die. SI
nenflil.ors telt ibid me to try your Ointment .anti Cf.
dors. hut I tehl them I thought it of no use, as I had I
Outtnients and Liniments Wlthotit bench , : tnorrot er
putted to le otherwise declining in health. Mott et
recutittitendatton I applied the Ointment and gave the
.directed. .11e began to improve %cry soon„nnil'in t
four elks was an 00 any horse in the neiglilvrt
to urkeil 111211 since, rind there is up to this time no apt
return or the tumor. 1 con therefore confidently it'l!,
Irtnileine in pretl•rence to nny other inexistence. f 4 e,
of here, lam bate }oil fall find bale for a large gnat:
Yours sincerely, 1%. IT. 31
GRAM lit c, Milwaukee rn Wis., itri
AIR. Sloan—float .Str: Recently* my horse ran a'
log chain attached, tt Melt cut and otherwise i
so much se that I considered uty tom ram
he* , '. f‘urtufmtelY a friend recommended nit the
thlilnivnt• I n eta to ) 1 41wankte unitpurel,J>rd a d
removed the intlamotion and in a few - dri,. the nauul
lite great tenon derived from the me of sour Mutt
hum's, induced me to acquaint 'au nth the fact.
I' ll,ll O l Y tt cull hen( tit you and the piddle.
Respectfully yours, _ GEORGE CC
1 - 1 R. B. Sums—Dear Sir— i About One )(li e ngt
1111,1,ard prowilted us with half a dozen bows 0
meat, and halt' a dozen packages of the remiltion
the time lie gave them to us, tie itnngined them a Y.
(!anon, but after giving them a trial n e altered our
melt, ne have been engaged in the Livery and litag
a number of y hais, and we eon yafely.,state to the pu
hat e never made Ise of any Ointment i siiperior toy on
galls of tfunot*, also, We have used it Ad eye db•ease
success. n 0 latind it Mr our interest to furnish chit
with boz of the Ointment. und out of IS head 0
have not one galled. W had a very_ tine horse with
In big hoof, from the hair to the bottom of the loot.
gripectlien applied your thidnient nod crew the er
out. MIA a now hoof t erfeetty sound. The Coartni
the have found fully as eooll an recommended, and
safely recemmend la horse deniers and Farriers, y
Rooks, as alt Fetelleut Guide, the remedies are trod a
jute. Yours, must fte•vt., 11IBBARD14
- -- -
CONE! OX El NTIO tr 5 is
Q LOAN'S OISTMENT.—We ditlikc to "pu ff "
k., eines. on lug to the vak smaislity now in existence
no doubt, half at least, are eporions—not tit for the I
the pimple; but IN beta such cone Miller our 'notice
roonigniicvaty recommend it e do it n till pleasure.
We have not spoken a favorable nerd of this t)ii
the proprietor commenced nthertUing with us, for tea
tonic humbug( in let Ore aey.but now, being coot nice.
I MMUS bitneltlellls ,or cur friends /clothe to its ;es
1 do most carne: 1y recoloinelid it to the piddle te• the ,‘
'eine for heal sin; inn and beast, ever used. All de
find/, obstinate niters, old sores, bunts, COLS. Ste.. it
Judi, to relief by the application of this Ointment.
new dvertilenient its WWII/VI column.—.lll, &real
ti , l9;
Eri , Nor. 3,1E49. -
r i
-.--- ---
-ON hula street, nearly opposite the Math my. of i
riaeated 'Marble. al wayson land; alto. Tomb Ta
-loath', bLe., fornislica loonier tri 1 er tent lets !Imo Ike
of the Peddlers that no al out the V. 1.1111 cc.
Most kind. of Produce and Lund er when an p:ws e i r
give me a tall. J. ft CC '
. _ _
Erie, .1111 Y 11--11.
... • _ . _
E:'l INC. !Ito:fled ;tad Wets ;loci) . ch, aiy! ,
r! It ICY
I. I ate
ki DTI
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