Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, April 28, 1849, Image 3

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    News of the Week.
p, lebgraph to the Oliairror and the Buffalo and Pitts
burgh papers.
17';n April 23-21 P. M.
fientgo Ross and Chits. Nloothat, convicts in Moya
reising prison at Philadelphia, lore
out in
"ante of the cell in which they were confined, and by
..ipes made from blankets let t hemselves down into the
After'which they escaped.
The Picayune of trie 15th contains a letter dated Miler.
hatch Plat, Net, says that Col. R'obb's party expected
liar( for California in ten days. " Col. Webb had
1i,t11311.i his ankle, and was confined to his bed.
The rest of the expedition were all well.
Later intelligence front the Rio Grande says the chol
era is still raging with unabated fury.
At Catuargo 230 persona had died.
Win. R. Styles, collector taxes of Louisiana, had been
tricsted and imprisoned, charged with embezzling , $28,-
;:all of the public money,
• Conrad Vintner, the murderer of Mr.. Cooper, of
palumora'euunn•, when° trial tfonstuned the whole of last
reel, has been found guilty of manslaughter in the lot
, ag ree.
A ',table was burned in Coro st. 1:1,q night, logeth4r 5 horses.
ll"sident Ministers of foreign governments were TO
-1') the Presiden on Satin - day, in citizens" drepies.
,leil r,uu Smith, formetly
!..dge ectlic Supreme Coll 11, g•tils in the steamer Uni
cirri, which leaves to•dny for the gold regions.
Tor Sill 'l'm c.0n.4 lir —The bill to inco4ornto the
York and Boston Telegraphic Cu.. to,usenlwise's
[rand, passed the Moss. House of kpresontatires, and
it roitil the Governor's signature. The posts aro up
111:f wa) ta Provit}once. and all nic way so 'Bridgeport,Ct
New Y 0 ,111:9 April . 23-7 P. M.
11::41".5 DT TIC: P . 1tL 4 11.32: , :r.—_1.1):111a111 ,I Ullea,
l',,..tionsier. Quincy,
it„.hard Wilson, Postmaster, Chicago.
nudiaril S. \Vinson, Postmaster, Lawrence, MAISB
Samuel \\ * ikon', Postmaster, Lynn, Mass.
.litMig \l. Arklry. Postmaster. Ithica, N. Y.
M a c o n, G;oorgia, has heru visited by a: most de,trtm-
ore irr. Upward.; of 600 baks of cotton wcro destroy
ed. LOPS F::30,1109.
11341[110;e city way thrown into a great state of excite
ment ou Saturday, in consequence of the discovery o f
*mite heavy forgeries on , aosue of the mo.t eminent uner
'file names of the parties implicated are for the present
! oppressed.
Another brutal murder has occurred at Ilarrisburgh,
Pa A lotiog mon by tho liana; ofNe . .. yeas stotbbed to
ins heart by another otitig man named fill:ruble, sun of
revei table niereliaut of shut place. -
The 111111.01 strainer Unicorn sailed at 1 P. M. to-day
tr .„ ( 1 1 '200 pre.amigets to Rio Janeiro, two to Valparaiso
And fti•five to Sicn Franen,eo, and very little Ircig,ht.
Ldkin Forretd, the eminent tragedian, is once more
to it New York audience. The Broadway Then
(..4 has announced nit engagement viith him. This eve
plans Othello.
A convention of [ha friends of gradual emancipation is
to be Iteld atStank fort on the 25th inst. Meetings have
been held in about 30 counties and dele - gates appointed.
Macon has appointed 100 Aulegates, among whom are
Korn r of the mos: respectable M the state. ' When such
man as C,Ley. Marshall, I NtellolllB, Breckottbridgo and
•adernood,,take part in the convention, the people can
edge something of its character and the effect. its clehb
rations will have on tli,t fuoltlic mind.
Itortivs, en, April P. M.
'lke Gar %Vorke, iu this city, are blown up to the rec
ifing apartment, and they are now burning.
Di.-rnozr. April 21-9 P. M.
S Mr. Green, ‘‘ho came on board .th.e Oregon ut
trey found dead in his State room, on lies artivat at t11;s
port. Supposed to have died inn fit.
NEw P. M.
A Young man named 9n,sa•mtb. Ili of .1. 11,
limght, of Wotchrbter. wa+ too over by ihr cars seater-
Ally Inviting, 'mid both hiv lrgs horri i lly lacerated. H o
.10 •hardy after the accident.
Ereodlv charged with the murder of his wife in Phila
trisplita, is to have a tinsl trial to d ay.
Covington Burch has received the appointment of
Chief clerk lb the War department, In place ofa. Ander
Joseph M. ralmer and John IVetheted are dal ed of n.
ca l ndidates for l'. S. Senate. in place of never(); John
ran, regigned to take a seat in the• Cabinet.
llon John W Crisrefielll. w !lig. di ethics the tiontina
tiJn for rp-election to Congress from the 7th district of
Mat land.
ll'ester clay n benutifols‘‘rod ‘‘ as to be prk.scntr - trto Gen.
Th‘l r i,cthe state of Virginia. Not' having been ap
pro.ed that the cointnitte hereto wad on liini n ho had the
al'or po.tponed, having the businee4 of tho day oilier
nue appropriated, .
N. Yonx, April '25-7 P. M.
The r, Statps Prize Bri t ; SII.•1111, under chargo of
Lieut. Hunter of the U. S. Navy, with whom iv as,ocia
ta l ti Pi,ed :11iikinpinan Brodhead, arrived of this port
morning in 76 days from Rio Jaheira. The Susan
aaii captured on' the Harbor of Rio by the U. S. Brig
ferry on the 6th of February on empicion of being, en
-I;fe giiii in the Slave trade. She had on board at the time
et the capture ten Spanish and Portugneso p e.tttengera t
i l lto are SI m home in her.
despatch from Washinizton Fa\ 1 it IS 1•11iV(1 111 , 011
:•01 authority, that J. C. Ct.'4l7.K. of (7)aruartgo Co,,
bo'appointed Sixth .Anditor of tii• Treasury fur
the PoO.Offil'o Dipartnient in place of Pete'r G. Washt
An excitin g contest is going on in the London District,
yirginie, J. S. Pendleton, and Jeremiah Mai tin, both
1 Vhip—no Democratic cai!iiiilats running.
An appropriation was made last ueening by the Com
mon f2ouneil of $350 00 for the copy of the celebrated
!enus b:, Stewart of Washington, fur tho Goternur's
I llsoin. -1
tilt The editors of din National Inhlltg,rricer, having
eharged Mr. Pout's administration with—proscription, a
'writer in the Union thus retorts upon thorn;—••illitli how
much justice they can charge the late administration with
proscrmon, tn . ty ha inferred from tha fact that
aut MINIIOE. a Whig, son-in •I sw to Mr. SE t nay, o:ie of
the editors, was permittud to hold one of the hest clerk
,ship under the government during the whole of Mr
' l l'ot.a's term; and that a Mr. Scuritaawn, another son-iii-•
law of Mr . SCITON, woe appointed to an office in the
i cosst survey withid
p o last two years."
1.7 Wo perceive that the Administration aid its or
gans have commenced a-system of persecutiot upon the
gallant Gen. {forth—the first step being ! to super
reds hint in the command of the expeditinn from the
Rio yrande to the Gil*. , ; Gen. Taylor and Lie follow
ers can never forgro tVorth for being a Democrat—
censermently lie is supereeded for "a cause." They had
Ip•tter beware. howeror'.4r-• - tho.Gsnoral may "sniper -
cede" the President. for '•a cause."
•RtAr R/OT •ND FM; AT MoaritiAL.—We learn by
Telegraph that a great riot took place at Montreal, Low
er Canada, on Thursday last, Tito rioters had burned
the Parliament Ilem, hut any further particulars we
were unable to obtain, as the government had taken pos•
Won of the Telegritph to prevent the transmission of
further intelligence to the States. -
Dsowstu.—A litho toy, son of Win. U, liayea, of
dna city, cud about four ;earn, was drowned in one of
‘' hther's tan vats. on Thursday List. lie had been
tnitud btu a short tiriti.; but when found life was era ti net
Among the 13assengers on the Crescent City.
%Inch left New Ynrk on the 11th for Chogrea, we no-
Lee the nano of Mr. E, N. Hulbert. formerly of this
cur. He is houndfor California
C...1 4 .Q5a, Taylor has, awl we are glad of it, "frown.
uP4II Marcus Morton, Collector of the port of Boston.
Mr. Morton voted for Van Buren. Hie removal is evi
dence that the General has felt it ''hi• duty to frown in
d!zaanikru on all who thns voted.
THY WA': IT FrMo.—Dr. S. G Smith, Druggist` with ft
large supply only about forty days before the following
W. H. :loan, fisq.,—Dear S lit Please send ute by express, three
11,77e1l of your Horse Ointment. The demand is inerealing con
stantly . I have been out sosne time. Yours truly,
ne' All the Medicine , advertised by W. H. Sloan are sold on
agency by Caner dc Brother. No. Reed House. '
EAD! READ!—Dr. MiLane's Vermifuge for expelling worms!,
Astonishing Cure! •
"Feeling it to be a duty due to my fellow beings, i lay before,
them a fact which took Itlacenot lone since Last fall I called on
Messrs. 'tyrold & Co. of Williamstown, N. V. for some Worm
medicine. and they recommended Pr. M'Lfine's Af'ermifuge. or
Worm specific. 1 took a bottle home and gave a dose to n child
about six years old. and to my great astonishment it brought a way
.., - .3 worms. I sown after gave another dose to the same child,
ti Inch brought away about 50 more; making conic 130 worms in
about 12 hours. I have given to other of my children very eXect
tautly, and can elicertidly recommend It to alt. .
Am Doc, July 'rib, 1E17." - . 30
For sale by Carter & Brother, Burton & Perk iiii, Erie Pn.,
Tun JOYS OF covynt r.SCE •
7..C1 , ..-1 here are few
CU ' sensations known - to 'the hi ' lman 'heart more altt•c with ,
sweet uy and Peaceful happineFs, than the cense lonsneso
of returning health. When sickness , . for 'tooth. and yearn, haq
pressed the spirit down—n ben pain nod angui.h have filled to the
brim the cup of despair, how joyful to feel within the gladsoute•
lieis of health.
Such Mom are the homehold jays tint the length and
breadth of our land, w here the pale and gliamiv rowniiiimit e has
been changed to one 140°1110in pinpre of health. by the funnily use
of that excellent and long tried reline ly, Dr. Vu h.tar's Balsam of
Wild Cherry.
111 Sec adeertiz.emea.
IYi A 11 R X II D
On the 19th inst., by the Rev Joel Jolin.on, At.rx
ssimn WARItYN, of this place, to Miss MALVINA M.
ISKI.NNAP, of Spiingfieltl.
On the 19111 inst., by the Rev G. A Lyon; Mr. ALrx-
ANDER DUNCAN. to Miss ELIZEDATII Cll.l 518E113 of North
At his residence in Milicrech . tp., on Thnrscliv evening
11151, BENJAMAN 11. in the 48th year of lii• age.
In Ilartiorereek, on the Bth inst t Mrs. SARAII SLEEPER,
aged 83 years.
in Illathorereelt. on the 21st inst., of. consumption.
Ala INDA. consort of A. M. Tar tor, in the ; 46th 'year of
her age.
3. U. POW P. I. I:
THIS EVENING. r'attirtlay) trill Le prer•nted Knowle's cele
. brated play of tl'e
.. ,
Performance 'every evening nett weak. Fur particulars see
bills of the I.
A public moiettua of the society for the proueltiott of thl4
trill I , e held to the coin house nn AVelnywlaVeveninu tient,
dintely nfter the tu ...ion of the court. Several addrest-ei -may he
etpected. A general attendance h. invlt.•l. -
Ituldwous NoTicE
lie v. C. , M Toria,nr, (Unitarian) ‘vill lie-form eervire in die
Ire ersaliet Mitch tolnorrow—to eoniintliee at 11. A. M., and 2
P. M.
Tai' ovine. an'l CI °Olin Establis'amont;
Tit Egon-ci der 00ablreapertfill'y inform Ins friends and
the public. that he (.011111111C.; the Tailoring husine,s at his
• eh' •tand on the diamend. a few doors east of the Erie
Rank. %%here lie may constantly be found ready to attend
to the wants of his enatomera. Ile natters himself. (own
' bpi past endena ors. Mal he 1% 11l be able to give Universal
sathfactliat in his lae•iners, and that none will have just
some to complain.on the score of either neatness or punc
tuality. Coats. Pantalcona. Vesta. &C.. made to order
With promptitude and warranted to tit nett. lle cordial
1Y invites tho-e who niay. from time to t hoe have Clothing 10 !unite
It:uncut:My toting gentlemen who are desirous of always having
a good fit, to give him a call. assuring them that he will be most
happy to comply tl ith their 0 islieti Alen. Ready made Clothing
of every tleaeript ion mat received. such as Coats. Vega, Prim:donna
Shirt.. Collar.. &c . . In great a arietv. and at various prices. which
will ho sold cheap flue Cash, nod at One Pr;ee only.
Parclia-ern are requested to call and examine his Goods before
boring elaewbere. •
Eric, April '.2. , , V. 19. .191 IN GOULDINC..
Srrini,e and Sumner SUPpIY . 17, the !tew Jeav Stcre.
I, nosENzwinG & undiiiitiayeit high Rotnitihie
• "Ellthire Store." "Wrigtit'A rornttr." or the "ronunercial Ex
change.' hat returned from the enFtero and are odw
reeniving their p ring and stitinver oupply of
Di Y ( )OD: 4 . r.‘NCI( 1:0()DS. READY MADE , OLOTIMiII.
are`, It loch they are etiable.l to offer to their 1111111CM/A [airliners
nod the public ger.erally. ut r.rtres fir helost those of any former-
These if•xt Is h tee all been Tich wed n lib the great et care.
aml n ill lie found to be one or the argot and itiost ..plentlid mortis
ot : 4 1tring, and thittimer Geod. , et er olfered in this city. As 111:11Iy
have been inirchn.eil i f Ihr itni Oilers I l'r the la
t rim rats from riirohe. the color ribers are conthlrtit that thee
ci n (tier to th. a inerq lilt' %1`..1; 1,1%1"5.1 f.. 1% les of Ltuli6
On-o Ilm Ix. ecnitpti,ting rat 4,11.11, Frensh, SA% iss. Aids 111111SCO1r11
C 00,1., wallet. at lilt a pull ?Well( of American trinntacture,
aid cl a 1 i r than can I e (hood 1`1.011:111`.
Rich Chameleon Silks, ektrelnely Rirl lon - ended°.
g,x)d.; Rich Crvva4lit Plain and t'untol ftivrt• Stlk. r rib
11111 I' dr b. le, fa , h.nnt h• and late h.q nt 'nen'
.- .l(7llltTer , , pinitt arid i ii (W. Pr, ,(, Mohair
17'Ianu4enn, Cigar' I, (yen* rhea p;) SilkTieillts. nil colors; llntza•
T hien. inn great a ariety; Paris dotted Lawmi for e% ening dresses;
-1)1/11ier114. the 111tA 111,111 TA (NI makes: Part- printrd Intirrgesi es
trtnnell, low; printed 'Lao D., in great ‘nriety; erapesland
Crane , ., a hill i,i...ortnoitt of color. and qualities: Ingititer
mllllll larce.uppty of Pe I aim , rod Alpacac. , ottie nx tau as 11.1
cents r Card, In mull Won to ove it ill le (Mind a hrritiliftil
:Ist - in:nen! of Hack ISTII , S1•19 1.111 ,. , for trimming busses, 'Mantil
las owl et , rreueh tvlcko,l cape'. rullant ntyl en7rr. In
,111e,; Vctoria I.nwits and svottvil 14't is.
tonll.:l.lronct :not Book 1111.11ns;r110nnet Ribbon: Ribbon'.
rrat at.tScarfct .%rtitir 1:101. Cr; MM . ., annul Ilc B icrY.
s'll.lll. I.S:
Enibroid,r, l Wbiio Cm:l:wry and Crape Stun% la, Flail and
Marl, Silk Sha - wls, Black and 'olared Mona de Lain Elian lam, Sat
11/ no,,re ra.limere
I.llslaublarad I!lark and C.,lored Silk Fringe Tlii! bet Shawl a'
I'ARA: I, 4)I,S' I'A !
Tim laroetd, cllcavost rind leq 111 the ( ' its. Para , nb ,
(Win the tO ,, e`t to the mo+l+Hetri.i. rich and cools art irk , . of the
flossy-t billet , ai.d colors, can al wa)s td.iound at thia Est:ll,l44i
. . _
. .
Large stnr k of trout ilr.ent4 to IU CPIIIP per vard:Ele
rd and unbleached Muslin-, (ruin U cents , upvt ard: I;141
and elircks. a full e•lppl} of all qualdies and Nile, kW, I.inenl.;
'ruble Ikataa,k, Ru•-:n and ecotch I,llll.erw.Nriplonet Talde ftla
pore; ('rash and Dowlaq: Scotelt amt MatICIIP-ter Satt
men.; Kentucky Jean, and 11l te I/tills: all ol• ‘N Inch %% iit he sold
off at prters that cannot tail 10 pleai.e and wlthOut fear of tool'Pe
(mon. -
Lea:l t‘t• hate nOw on b.uul. ready for snie, the lar
r est 1111Iq
ELI onered in Erie; all of %%Inch have been t•lerited
under 'or ill II:1411%W 110.141111A1. 1 itiel F 11101 MI I,T ()ill PIN A
Pill cI RI Nr9.--11-1;NtIllr lvllil n o r of the"ohmeeit iclectiolls of lin
fill.' Mark, Moe, bron n, Dike and Drab French, Itel ; latt
and .nni,ll(o . that has ever liCell 111M1 , 2111. c
M•o• tlael. and rallr y Fret tared,.. Nett style Fair, Vrst -
Itht•+ and Crio, t•hlk Under Bliirts and Pratt ere: hitien eanil•ric
and silk Ilatiketetilefc,:ald a tilt' a,ortinent of ("lot e 4.
a n.l,Steln .
L. D .re
ont lort : the place Nett Jew No. I, Elehting Block
Elate I'D , et.
Erie. 2.•-•,,
[ Commercial Excltazr,oi Vrench Street.?
Lou-, April .2-. lc IQ,
W F ( . ; l ,, m o l d r ,, , , t t a l T i l i t p. o n , t . I l l i tle c l , t , ( I , , t , if . a i
i g . eti e n e l
i n v i a i r b r i , t c . c v t; 1 6 T , t a t i o c i i i i
n o f in s , c , : n l
c ii i i i g t ,
for the purgers oft( flung mi ad , Lti.ement. I hope my iiiinierOUS
01ends and elletollicts o 111 :I:Crpl this apetlotty for MA setting
birth and desei thing in a more tionlar manner in the News
papers, the erect and grand nAsortment of goods ~, hid' I hate ferened al , ) opened at my grr rit, and grand stores, N 1,... I. 1
ntid 2 Commercial etchange. I make •lia-te to la) hefore •3 on 1
some informatiOn that cannot fail of belt; interesting. I lake it i
for granted you all know ,here any soSre a-. but in regard to its i
internal arraiweinents from the roof M the cellar under the trove
order of things, Jon cannot i,e. Co n.eil informed as iny-elf. My
stork as I ii.i l d Lnforn is great: teing valued at something under 1
ezin„ttuu. I son' for a white iti aon n day bow to ‘119,00; Cl' toy
) gondn, but Caine finally 10 the conch :-101J—T11 , “1 Ufa CC:anther
; o IA" ilecullng me at Once that the in st convenient arrangement
would he to another and lialiio every room Aid department from
the cellar lip something alter this lashion: "
Department So. 1.--11.3,Hiput. (commonly rolled Coitlr,) con
twna a great and incongrumb collection—llog-heads, and barrels
of Mola-ses, titigars, Oils &e. Coal bank at the north end, - rather
damp place. Consumptives ad, i.ed not to spend much time.
here. I
. ,
Department No. R.—First floor n ill arrest the gaze of The gap
ing crowd at 'nee. Here are to he opened the tine gnOrlntilicla an
Silks, Satins, Barrages, T Is - sae., and Ritlholldo of brilliant noes
and,soher complexions. ;Muslim, Bonnets, bluings. &d. This
is eminently the Fancy Department —every thing NIL , in "Corn
me il.faut." Customers in this Department should know where
their elbows are, as glass might he saved.
Ikmartment No. 71.—Same Floor=Callieces. Gingham!, Flan
nels. litilVPS and Forks, Irish ',hwy. ( Cotton Yarns, Lathes tiliit.
per's, Carpeting-, Oil Clollts•
Department No. 4.—Second Story. 'flits number in entirely
devoted to Bales of 510.1itis, liarlis, Battings, Candle Wick,
&e. for the wholesale Trade.
Department No. 3.—Saitie floor, ',Pool, Corn, ultra( Clover
Seeds and Dry A pplei.,
DePorlolcot No. A.—Third and list floor. The clief a traction
of this floor in a hilly Goat. The l'a,s word will intro Lice you
to the Department without delay.
• I hope the Move particulars will -e entirely 'mist - act ry to my
friends. who I trust wilt not got boo. ildered . in passing
through the different Departments 11 porsult; of Goods, or to gra
tify a tandlide curiosity in inspecting' them. I would not for the
world have you believe that toy goddis are till here, or that I shall
be ratistled when they do Colneopille the contrary, if business
Justifyes it, I shall have good; Eypicsred through ftOiliNeW York
(laity, and if friend Colwell rlo'lif look out he and his , •Eittpire"
will be totally eclipsed.
Erie, April RA. tall), IIMSES KOCH.
j () ,> ___________
N‘'• 2, Commercial Erehangc, 'French Street, Erie, Pa.
TO our friends who pritroninti as so liberally when recently
maned in the Clothing buninebs nt the Store which we now
(wenn)", we return our sincere lb ankl4 and take this method of infor
ming them that, we are nt our old occupation, having recently re
turned from the ctty with a very! huge stock of Clothing and
Gentlemeithr Furnishing Goods, which rte hive selected with
great .'are and consider them admirably tutted for the tnarket. We
have permanently located oiltbelvelo in Erie, and nun determined
to spare no effort to give entire satiifaction to those woo favor, Urn
with their custom. few articled enutnorated. no follows; •
French and English fine and etunerfine Frock rind Drew Coals,
spring style, fatiey Cassimete and T ench doeskin printeedrab do.,
Cassiutere silk and Tweed frock d dress cont.; Sack Conte of
various styles and matetialst blac Satin, 811 k Velvet, Casslmere
and Valentin Vests, and a great variety of Linen Clothing, &c.
Cloths. Cassimeree, and Tweeds, of every variety color arid mix
ture, and a great variety of Gentlemen's finnishing goods, such
as fine Shirts. Bosoms and Collars, black and fancy Cravats.
Suspenders, kid, silk and linen Cloves:' linen and cotton-half
Mose, &c. Also; clothing. Tarpaulins and flon-weoters; We
shall keep constantly on hand a great variety of Tailor's Trim
mings. and make up clothing to order, in the best style. and th e
wotkirtansittp warranted. In regard to price, but one word.
The above goods wereobtained, at the very lowest market rates
and they shall be sold a little lower than the very lowest prices of
any other establishment In this town, for goods of equal_qualltr.
The public's humble serener, & J. KOCK
Vele, ApPai %). Mit SO
Witrii.rsArt. and Retail dealer in Groceries.; PrOviiiioni, Winer,
Liquors. lUieara, Nails, Detroit Ale, Buircuit, Crackers, arc. &c,
("tranship, Erie, Pa.
Pent, 111., April W. 1849."
11/1 osES! thee must retire after 4 o'clock. 7:110t1 shouldst re
-1 member that some of the feathered tribe' without the aid of
revelation. bath been taught by nature that it is the brightnes Of
the day that obscures their vision and makes thd light appear like
darkness, smoke and dim. Is not this thy did - wanly? When thy
vision clear thou wilt perceive it Is not the t'lnpire Stores the
community are rushing to see. but the large qua tlty of rich MO..
Goods, which they are purchasing below the. market. Friend
Koch, continue thy notice of the Empire Stores without any fear
of .ptoiecution front us If we practiced deception as some do.
we should expect the public would recollect us without a weekly
o,(l!ce',. cA:DwELL.
issolution of Co-Partneiship. ' -
inership heretofore existing under thfirm of %VH-
F:Mott. ha the Tannery. Boot. Shoe tlflti Leather bust
nt lay dissolved by mutual consent. All those who know
the, __Added to the firm either by Judgeneat. note or book
accomit arc requested to call up to the Captain's tare and make
paytn4nt 11M101.1: farther notice.
Wolfsburg. April 20, IE4O
------ ---
/Bonnets; Bonnets!!
MANCE, Pearl, Malawi thaw. Chip and Straw Bonnets
ill be lb.intl very cheap at _ TIIIIIALS & DEWEY'S.
, `2-,,1940, I 50
_ ..
ames Thompson and Benjamin Grant,
Fiz-lait , tited thrnt.rl.cs to.letherfor the praitice of Law.
- Mire on St•tte Street. too doors North of Bro‘l no lintel up
in Jaturs - WiLiams' new brick building. One. or both of
will. during all business hours, he (band nt their °Mee.—
yrincing, drawing of contracts, Sze. will I e attended to on
st notice They will also attend to procuring, Land War-
Ttp or Pensioax, for .tich persons 9,4 are entitled - and may
a. , tt.tanee. They hat sect) arrangement.; an will cattler
to have sod claims attended to with despatch. ! 5)
E tn t' jtiit received by Expre , ss a large and gold a.sortinent
Hof La lies Oreos (;nods. con.i.tlng of plait; add tigared lic
• Clianthrlys, plain a ei Oriole I Lawn 4. ne.lids, Linen lain
NI. de Laing, &c , &c., eat! and F"
e, ApriLf.'g,
tTS.—Legliorti, L'earl and Chip nab, tur bale
e. April 1719.
Gi...gltalt awl Cotton rata,,nis. ver) low, at
1111BALS I
ie., April IF.10:' I 50
SHAWLS: summilf
E greste.4 variety ever oirereil ta thid marked inelthlim.. the
`auto , ' and Ereheli Crape. , . as,ratri I tillers. OAR and 1;111-
ered sopyr French (;',,, , iiiitiereid. Creech. liiiie:il and deep bor.
i Cashmeres, fur sunitner, a: ,,, tteil and changeable 4ilk mill Shall Is, together %% ith many calier4ww tauter. that 'are very
tifiti, jest opened al 11' ItlGlEr'il Carrier.
Erie, April 29, 1ie49.5.1
B as
brul ,
y AMES will find. the E•tutisertherle, So. 5. Cheap Sbir, good
asForttnent of Ilartiges, Silk Tiistwo, I,nuns'i Mon6line De
I.ane4. Lintwn Gingtrutts. Cotton GitiOnitn. rrenelt, &-
Amor:can Prints, &. which We have psi. reettit r.,1 awl are to
Erie, Apri , 2. 4 .1.249.
(ll.Qt'l and (lento. Kid Glo‘es. :1 14:11 nici• and
good nnea , , at TIIIIIALS DEWEV'S.
Erie' April 2a. IRI9. " I - 50
"DONN I TS. Ril Das, Artiticia , s. Rushes, ItiN ISOamliTilic
Thread Gloves, Ladles Ciavats, &c . a good asSortment Jusl
April V. ISID
P4R2.ASULS, Silk, Gingham nod Cotton Par:6 , 4s. a trod rail
°slit:tilt kr bait, cheap. (.10. PI I I'l 1 , ( & FON.
~w_ 1 8 4 9 -
ivil Rs. PR kY takes measure in informing her friends mid. the
.TJ Public that tale ?u just received tier spring supply of Mili•
'wry. and Fancy Condo. comprising every sanely in her line.—
lifer Bonnet:, and Cape are of the most approved styles. Constant
on hand mery, variety of colored and tt bite \ straws. ronnets
cleaned and km:tired on the shortest WWI/can,' in the Lest manner.
.111 orders for work promptly attended to, and a echninnnnce of the
patronage of her friends and the public generally is respectfully so.
licsted. 1 I her eland on State Street near illy cornier of fifth.
• Erie. l'pril 11, 14R 1119
New and Cheap Goods! 1 • '
klirß. WRIGHT very" respectfully informs hill ciirtomers and
the public generally, that lie hash's( returned front the east
ern cities and is how Opening di.ect from New York and Boston, a
%cry general a , soctilietit of ./.ring and .Sormraar Goods. embracing
no unusual variety of styles and patterns, and bring selected rind
purclutred under v ery favorable circumstance+, he feels assured
that he can
very good inducements to pideliata,rs toil
of goo at Ns corner, near the court Iloule.
April, 81.. 41).
fashionable Dr as Goode,
ASPLENDlDmoortotent, ewbruciog nil the, NeW York ntitl
Casten: styles, to be found at C. B. WRIGHT:;.
Erie. April. •
: 49.
•Ladies Bats for 1E49.1
5n DIETER ENT patients of Ladies Bonnetsiost received, in
‘../ cludikt the Palo Alto. (something new,) itwod an T o n y .
French Lace, o line and cohned Chirp, Iloienre Braid. Jenne
Lindy. Moors Fiats, &c., all of which are 511 per rem. Cl rnl er
than last reason, at IVRIG11'1"8 Corner.
GARPETINGS,AND CLOTIIS.—A few el ~jr+e fonftfrff;
pm received I.y C.
Erie April, 21. 44.
n3C 3i170 1 this day at tho Esapiro Store.-
0 a C.IPCI of Sprite; and SUIIIIIICr GOMIS of the Iciest L 1 Id,na
just l , "l.rtel. and l far the riehett ctvle of Mods ever of
to the mark((, o Welt o 11l I e sold for CdPII as low as at Lof.
fah). or at :3[! , 1, 1 1 1 1, T;raCC. l'a:licOlars hereafter.
Erso, Iprtl kto. 11. CAT)IVE
7 - I .
Open for the Spring trade.
TAM "limy reed% lug from recent purchases my Ai suck cf
1 Swing Cuddy. ery day Ltiag, tomellitog hew.;
Tt) TII E LA I) I S .
I ‘volfitl FtiV. I have many of ;he nowt decidedly I.eatiiitiil 1 / 1 1ES';
GoODS to ho I , Pmd or i•kinvliere4n stoct of :311-iok
passed in beauty of style, Bonnets, lionnut Wittman:44, Cloier,
linntliterceic(9. &e.
For the geutlr•ttyru I have n stork of CLOTHS that no one can
eat, n ith a great variety of material. for Huniner wear; Cloves,
ern% Ms. Hosiery. &c. And 10 tic ththlie generally t 001.1 d
on ra'u fwd in in) block a chotre ...dea th.. of all the varichc- the
inarket_ requtrea, in the line of Dry Gc....d6. Alto a good nt:t.ottnnbot
(:orals hat( I evil I oet:ht I.t \hr• It vett rin , h 4 ;m-( , mu rt,d
Cnrre•'esion aFc riacz, :11 , 1 t‘ ilhout fear of eraltrallicifon 1 I ehlly
a.sert that I wan a..a for ca , h by any bola, in Erie,
luiporti•rs..lhl col or Retail( rir
Erie April 21.
rilllE4ul. , 9ll)er , r p s y cct r, i n,,, i n r„ rm rho pul lir that •Iral ing
bought out. Mr. J s Jr. and removed : 4 11,11 to
the stand formerly o,:eupied ire 11. Crain ell, Reed !tome 12,1 w,
the . t• trill heel, constantly on halal a general a , ,.orttnettt 0( 1
TliC.COl'l'l,lt and : 4 (ll:r.'l' IRON %V.% It C. A L.*. inutiolinr at
tention arta prouiptile,e, n ill he bitch tu J011411:1 in their line.
A: M' l'/ RREN.
Erie. April 21,1E40. ,
Proscription! Proscription!!
riling above ;It racy by far the most volloraltry
1 our /awl. :, , caree any our r.,cave: tH o..sum. Et• u
Ta1.1.,r. that ,rent oust rust soul, IS 15t.que04 nectil•ed Ile,
hots 0 , .0r, skitie., the r linrge 84 it 14 mask, stud 14,1d1y BF
es rI. that tie...removes for Catf.,o t
'Phe I. 4 ohreriherb have (1011., rec'ently got cot fl NEW :A I OVE on
the (11 var.-a even hich they call the It tiVS't 4, . I .
CI)I3Ic.ING Iv E. sat ! .10 Ii 1.0 d.'cidett an 1. I.,%einet.'irm
till and 0% err IterCW:Ote 1:1(1111: (hat tog , 0 111 , 111 y good q.ialt
lt, othe•t. are %Uhl 01) that thaw engaged Li the wanut.lettire t f a
much infortor arilcle have taken the alarm. anti at OM, rait-.' the
cry or pro-c till soh. and PA pea hy this to CPC:I; , e a general reale.
Such en), however is a ti , t‘toi. Wagie of Ill' 14w material. Tiee
pullet has l•eem i.wood—cointottoity cl.ifitt the right to solcct the
he&t:41010 oat'. . Hence the liev,totte Stove attv4sopercede and re
move all othor4, including Stoinett'S Patent. The %erdict, ev
er, %vitt i.e. lll7ernovell furl ease Dilly:** V, I' .tan! fa a tw•lLlott
s.,itittlar to Crucial Taylor, and as hr is jail Wed so than WC le. ,
A good arlortment oil or COOKING STOVErt, itioludtag the
celebrated Carpenter Slot C. HS t1(11 as the Cene:ce Fanned and
Clinton tr-tight COolt Slot e•t. A ir-tight Parlor and Ito% 1 4 t0%
Cauldron and Stutar kettle. 01 itifferent stns eetudatal) on
hand. In fad. Ito better as,•urttyttl or e.ttITINC:i can he fund
The attention or 0:0 119 tilso called to:11'11111011.s Improved
PLOW—rt new article, tt tilt ca,t.trooa 1 cam, InAntidneantea by us
awl wan:toted. VI FCCNT, It 011tuD la CO. •
Erie. April 21, IEI9. 1149
r u II r, Subscriber having le.teed the Erie Piaui mg Mille. t eget
JL known perhaps as Ree-Ps Mill, wwild inl am the piddle ilea
be hill do all krinla of griiith.ig at the eleirte‘t notice. Thanking
the public and his friends for their pa4t favors, lie woitld re.pect
fully ask a conLinuance of their'patronage, as lie feels eonialent
from his experience in the milling bn•lne,.., in be able to glue
good ratiAliction. All kind•• at' bro•ad-dmir+ con tautly' on-baud.
and for sale cheap. Flour by tis barrel or pound to oust
pi/ rellawro.
(: . m.hrald for all kinds of grain delivered at the mill on Parade
Street. (1.11%,R4in
Eric, April 21, 1842. 1:49_
IVII,LI j i , e n u trl re :4 .
ri e n y y Tf f tlz.. n n t good 13,11boritz:11:3tVI:Tieseisii.v..p.o
NEWLY Imported Canto!' Crab t•liatt ,at priced varying
from 8610 8:19, received lids day at No, I Commercial Ex:
change, French street
Erie, April 21, If dO.
1 Sll ALL. in the cours.e or a sew dive, receive a very large
1 quanOty of Cloths, Cassisiteres and Summer Coa sings, C.urnet
lugs+, Oil Clothe, &c.. &c.. 1.51()S1: 4 Kochi.,
Erie, April 11, reit). conunerc Jill 1.:v.101w..
Valeab'e farm for Bale.
11 1 11 E sul,seriber oilers for sate the illIpTOVPii mon winch ha
I now resides,.in Greene township. in the setneitictit ktiown'as
"Yankee town." - Thc farm contains about lOU acres. 7U of n hie!'
arc under cultivation. The improvements
con -Pt of a In n-rtor
farm duelling, two frame barns, and sheds, together witli all other
kut buildings itecer•saty. There It also about:MO appletrecc„thcst
ly grafted. pears and pearlies in abundance. The land is well
watered rini tinitesed, and situated in an exce:leut neighborhood.
and convenient to market, it being only rive Holes from Erie. For
further particulars enquire ofthe suirerititt on theprrlllit cg•
Greene, April 14, 1949. 49
New Goods! Now Goods , ' •
TAM Just opening at No. 1 Reed 11buse a choice selection of
Spring and Summer Goods for the Ladies, consisting of beau•
tiful styles of Lin •a and Cotton Gingltimi, Lawns. 31 De Lnines
and Prints. Alt ei Shawls, White Kid and Lisle Thread Gloves,
Linen, Edgings, French, Lawn, lirtrullte•chiefs, Slack Linen
Thread and other goods too numerous to mention, All 'of which
1 respectfully invite you to call and examine. J. D. CLARK.
Erie, March 31, i_e4D
New Spring Goods by Zap cgs. J
UTE have this morning by' Express from New York, the Spring
V V styles of hlouslin de Lains, Linen Gingham% Gingham's
Lawns, Eearlstln Gingharns, French, English and American
Prints of the latest patterns; rd 0. Irish Linens. Linen Cambric
mankerehiefs„ black Italian do. French Kid GiOVC2I. Hair combs
colored and black Sewing Silk, rich black satin YeGtings, all or
which will be Gold cheap, at our old stand, Cheapslde.
Erle, April 7. MP.
On Eland for Spring Trade-
E have on band a large and mend nuonmejk of WALL W PAPER and Soldering, which wee pachaslna of the mann
facturenreapressly Ibr the Opting trade, and wbtcb will be efkb
cbeaper than ever.
Match St. - GLO. STAMENk 061 C.
;VV.', &Olen . . Mock Statetsteet, one. door North of Brown's
notch Brit, Pa.
Oa the Cash Principle.
_.,, THE subscriber has Just opened for the Spring trade.
•c ' with facilities unsurpassed by any establishment in this
).; city, a large assortment of fine French English arid
l' American r . ,
A Cassimeres, Cloths 'and Vesting*
whi •
ch he has purchased at 'reduced prices, and which
• i enables him to offer as good bargain as was ever before
offered in this makes,. Pomona wishing CLOTHING
•' **can have their measures taken, garments made and if
not suited with them when done they vt ill not be naked to take
them away. Among his stock may be fdund it great assortment of
Ready made Clothing,
Consisting of.Oress said Frock Coats, Pack Coats. 'Hummer ;
Coat.. Pants. and Vesta. Shirts and Drawers, Ilandkeichienr and
Suspeaders, which will be sold as cheap as the cheapest. Per -
sons a 'shine to purchase Clothing for CASH will do well to rail
•aiiil examine goods nud prices, as my Clothing are cm. by myself
and made in Erie , and are warranted to be r e well mile as any
Mop in Erie makes. The subscriber in (Hemline', tO Fell for
Cash. nide!' must be obvious to all Men to be the only true meth
od of doing a retail buschiess, prOteeling PoM Feller and buyer
aga i oat losses consequent upon the credhilPtelll:
.0 C 11,40111 Work and Cutting done on the most rearOnable
term.. No charge fur showing Gooch'. -'Call and examine for
yciihel% ed. ' • JOHN al. JUSTICE.
Erie, April 11, tarn.
AZRO E 1 L107"1'. •
003 M M.T.011.111401%
Irench.Street, Erie, Pa.,`Aiiril 17, le4o.
roilE Impresaimi is abroad that I have.or ant about 10 abandon
.I- the Fancy GOO% a and .'ilk Trade. It is 'n fact that the Ire
inelllous inroad t tat was tunde upon the afore mentioned Manch
of thy lataineas tort animater. by the totihery. wino.% hat diacoura
aged me, and I arts for a while in a straight a hither or no to
torch into that trade. After pondering on the cubit ct a good
%%hie—formate, floppy common' y-1 came to the Ileterniiiiation
to online it Co , snter for a moment )o.ll' S411:1(1611 would
have been had 1 der6rinitied otherwhe. One or two stores could
have stion4policed the boainess. To accomplish which) mit Em
pire Block, - Keystone Block. or collie other high sounding name.
art , 111 have been tiourialica abort yolit ears to draw attention, and
any 311110%m.y means resorted to °Main notoriety, This weal of
Course hate !Leen all perfectly right All the the thunder, snake
auddmt that can he evoked a ill itnotitit to nothing., as this emu
smithy are 100 deCeiVed by 'OW) 101) , PW—they
car , nothing about natioal and Mc:alone. hat Iffort 10 the Mares
whrte rich :old fashionable goods are Keptall- d
cold at 111114/IrlbiC
pares, Whatever may tint e been the consequences. in pursuance
of vie al,ove determination, in my late viait to the cities of New
Vial: and Philadelphia, I purchared n Ivry Imre qiinntity of the
ac Leat and moat fashionable Unit Goods in mai ket.linclnd ing a
great variety of the newest styles of Dru-s Silks. It Is my Mien
timi hereafter to keep on hand the largeat earl( ty of Fancy Goods
in tOti it, rind my patit transactions 1 trust are a guar. my that
lanes tr ill meet atilt the favor of niy Wilson, who nrel mance t
fully invited to call tit the eminnercral Fschatt e. where I tun now
rcceis lug my new Spring and Smuttier Goods
T n meeting of the Durg;ess and Town Council of the borough
it. of Erie. held in their Council Room April oth, Itllo, thel fbl•
los his resolution wan I , lM.f:
/tesidred, That ate peli.eit or persons owning land in the slid
I (rough who have or shall I - 1411i. protect and cultic alt: i t front of
Ilea hinds along the 'public streets or bagliwaSs. Ornamental
Shitle Two. planted or to Le planted In the )car le4o, under the
Paper% it‘ion of the Town Council of the said borieigh. or approt •
isl ti) them an to suitable kinds and place, tied distance in plant
in., and shall cultivate. tirotect and promote their growth and
stony for three Aearn frrini and after the date of of this resolution,
Mall I.e entitled to a deduction from their I.crough tax on the lot
or lots In rear Of such trees, for either or the years t 9.52 or
as desired by Seal person Or persons planting and protecting smelt
Shade Trees aforesaid. or tweet}-five, cents for every such Dena
imnted Shade Tree so planted end cultivated! Provided. hoteet er,
thtt I efore x itch deduction of tax r s aforesaid the person planting,
fret ti l t nforcanid Amu pro Cure a certificate from said Borg. As and
Ceuncil that such persons lad complied ts ith the true intent anti
twalleie of 'l'4 resolution. and that the same be published In the
Erie papers. A metope from the record. ,
Taos. mooRiiEAD. Jr. Town Clerk.
Firie.April 0 0 1 VMS, 0110,
•r liCSchool Birectors of the llorough"crf Erie. heing nuthorired
by Act to Assembly to borrow money for the plirpose of finish
ing the School Mouses recently erected, are dc-irous of borrowing
the sum of One 'Phousand Dollars. for n t rin of years. not less
than live. at the option of the lenders, Not less than two hundred
tit liars will be received from an u livdua'. The board is authorized
to secure the same by Bonds and Mortgages. mid also to eves/ a
tax each year of two hundred dohnrs over and a he% e the ti.lini as.
Fessitient. for the role purpose of payitig the interests our said haunt
and creating n sinking funtlior its liquidation. Ibe imerbts will
he paid annually or sent annually. as desired by the lender. and
the balance of the two hundred extra nstersinent. after pay ing the
autere:49, will be paid to the lenders. ifilesired.ot invested, So as to
Senure the prompt payment of thelonti. when rine.
This presents n gooddpportunity to those leleinn InOnee of their
own. or as trustees, griardionsAe. who lire desireous of itiee.titys„
it in line most secure manner. The undersigned 14 authorized to
conlrnet for naed lont). As this money 14 Wanted immediately,
tho.e dispeied to take lie loan will please offer as aeon as possi
y - or ran find the follow leg articles at Ft inderneelit's Groeeri-
Store: Ginger. nutmeg.. spice. pepper. cloves, I.:ln:Limon,
511/titan!. Peppersalice. olive oil, evtor oil, COCI a, eIIOCCIntC.4-Ow
ilt,r and Shot. Perentoion raps and pills: Citron. MUT:into. mmtr,
tplinecn. candle Wick. to inc. t*ltcr . , white it nth, 'WNW.
rublitntr. tingling, cloth, hair anti tooth lauAle.i; collie nnlU.l Cut
ror6, cloth, line.. rope. patent VON, cedar rails. ‘‘r.ibiot s, a a,41
I,c,r,t d , mielio, 14101,4011 e, suli.ltUf. Chalk rosin, Tar: , c i urry
iota ye Het)* of oilier arti , le4. ton n.onerotts to tueatiOn.
all of o Melt will be sold cl:ftper thatt el, , rn here be
(I.GAItS.—LuII. Lump. I:ulcer-el. Porto Rico:IIa:1 . r.ria.nerl
CI New Orleans Sugars, fir sale as cheap at. Ow chi are, I. ii Nu.
1. Pi rry Mock, hyT. W. 3100 RP..
Erie, Eel,'y `24, 1.q9..•" ,ti
corrgr. I.ol.titgriti
:11111 lila Cotkre. a general ii,oriinrm (If %Vet and Dry ,
Grocerier., which n ill I e wld ea a very 'mall a hatt-e rrt.n r i
of make room for a new at ',Sc. I, Vert , : rk. by •
Er c. 21. 16 , 19. 'V. %V. me)onr,.
431. u /Si 04 VV• • 8
FY , ,,•:•enC a 7
' Cloaks, Watches, Joviclry and fancy Goods,
A Ur. now being, exhilgted authe old etdahlplued t tend on State
Fireet. neatly oper,ito the fade fluid.
from very recent and Even i u - clia , e , in New York (Thy. of l! e
eiwic 0,4 t t: le, 61 googs the puddle will !tow Inve na oportunity
ien the LARGHIT and ui a,:tortinetit iu lhtir line ever
brought in l'r ie.
In thlslinecletnical brawl; of levid.,s eonduele I by the propri
eter. particular attention n ill he paiullto die repairing of Fee Lev
er, CAnder. Dui lrx. eltredionaler and commit Ku.criheinenu
IVatchulg. The mom dill cult eveh 'ACM VCrVtlll`,l in the Lein
finklieg and workuivitilike manner. Thy ael.vien ledge nnh
thanhfuilites , the exteuedte patronage thus mar i i iluk department.
and altliough .oine of their armed Ors say then trill do n orb a lit
tle elleper. the public luny underst:ttel thin, that their IA ark .ball
Le done heater then they ran do it,nrunchange for the job. With
fair ',tires and -trict attention to Int.itieue-, it in retirunable to ex
pect naen ied and Mere:it-ell patronage.
I:riel Dec. 1, 29 '
E P X sTortms.
c.‘ I.lllx ra.r. ban TCIIIO% ra to him new Ftoren.Statu Street,
C 7 • three doors north of Ilron ii!s Iletel n here he In now eperiteg,
A cry{{ large =leek of cry Gon.'s, Grurrr re.. lierewore. erne, Marl.
,Veda. c., witch were purehrned hail tall expit,o) Sp:Mg
N. 11.—Ity the first Coal,lToin rriflalO I - shall he merit In) ,
Sprit umporiatiOlin, %%Wel, n ill equal any u.v.‘elt of Goods in prise
ne,d of New Verb.
Marcia L€l3. 'VI.
• 1
1 !NAST NOTIOr. i 1
All. thoc knowing thetie , cl% 04 indebted to t h e slifi.criLer.
, either by Note or finfik Account, tvhoFe confincts ta‘eovin
rt,t, :ire requested I, CFllVilllti Pt . 111.`1111.. !mine on or ',Hui eithe 1 Ili
or Afirit. 1919. Thoe t%ho neglect till, 101101' will find their
:lc te.. and account , ' iii the hands I It. 0. 11n11.0:1. 1:wq..1 for cpl
it'et on. 11. CAI/ WELL,.
rrie April 11. 1 , -'l9. 11'
- --L------
, Money Wanted. -
\ v 11 earne , tly reque:4 Al.l.lser:ons indebted to us. either by
nose or hook uc, ount. to call and pay their , re,vectiye
amount.... ‘Ve leis e given ere lid so lotez awl tad i+c , ri . itsately
that out re,ource, ate I,ceossonst exhast•tedt. and ,ste tind that if
we continue its Int , stse..s nt all, it tuna he by roile Ling our dtte , •.
We hope. therefute. that 'fursstatensent ofatiltsc is ill I e Mine l
ent, and provept thin orcebsit) of tebortoot to oth •r nod note on
pleactot means. - CAILT UM & 1111.01.11E1t.
lAM just opening at No. I Revd 1100,e a rho ice selection o
Opring and Mummer Goods for the Ladies, consh.ting of I eau.
tifill I:1)1es of Linen and Onnon Ctinglunn. Lat. M lie Lame.,
and Print+. Al,o .hat+, Is. Winne Kid and Thread (lows
Edgings French Lawn iintlierchiefo, Black Linen Thread
rind (alter cood4 too immeroes no mention. All of tn. hiclt I re.
..i.ecfully int ite )on to call and examine.
March :11, CLARK..
1009. 1989.
'..f , 4
, Spring >,—.. fashions. '
, 1 -
Ssmrrit has just received the Spring niid Slimmer frisidotip
o fur HATS. to which he invites the.nttention of his old CUM
touters nod the public generally.
Itrie, March to. isp. 1 . .
- . 1ad: . 3
By order of the Donut
CII ARLts KELSO, PreNident
Erie. March 31
Look fore.
' ' Paints. Dye-S`
1000 1.10. Rochelle andiVellow Ochre.
'2.000 II,,;. 1% hilitirA
:10,111,... Venitiai, Red, 3001h+, Re.l teal 4. I.hian t t..,
21 lohle 1/ye-Stuo.„ , 1101h,..liatitord'ft extr.:ei logs% cods
130 11)9. Gun] Shellu - c, 311 e gals. 'I orl vet lie.
140 gal,. Linseed Oil 3,) ... Veroldies,
12.1 " Alcohol. For 'wile he
N 0 ,.;. IS, 1819.'
1 Notice.
T HAVE sold my stoik of Goods to .1. P. Clark, with whom my I
A. hooks wi l l remain short time for caection. Ali PerSol l3 in
terested v Ito prefer arranging their accounts with Mr. Clark.- 111/1
hat log them placed in a Magistrate's hands o ill 'please cull on hilll
soon.P. METCALF.
Eric, March 17,1.510 1 T
T D. CLARK, Itavirg from P. Metcalf WA stock of
0 . Cowls, respect!) ly,solicits patronage from his thriller Cille-
WHlers and friends, and the public getter:ll.l3.On the assurance that
the most liberal inducernctits will Le °tiered built in his stock and
and prices at No. I. Itged house.
. Erie, March 17, 1 . ..q9. .
N 0.2, FLEMING nusK. ERE. -
FOR INTER sir flTLY.—Alfred ging hasJ,lst °pen
t ed. and TIME
R. - eep constantly 'far stile, -IstlVEotesale and Retail.
a Well seleeied stock of Wet and I try Gredetisl, consisting of eve
ry of to his friends
and fellow-e v a t i l s e e t r Y ie w oo hi very h ry e re l ' ‘ a .
. 0
Frie December 17, !RS. y 32
AdiainiStratoes Notice.
ETT CRS testamentary on the estate of Catharine Ward, late
,of Girard township. Deceased. haying been granted the sub
scribers. notice is hereby given to all persons Indebted to said es
tate, to make immediate payment, and those having ctaimsagainst
said estate, to present theirs properly authenticated for settlement.
MELVIN M. KELSO., Adu "' •
, Girard, March 17, IPIB
RENO Ater .
Tomb Customers tag Fable 4700411 y.
IH AVE removed my stock of GROOSEI Ed to the corner of Filth
and State steeete. throe doors north of my old stand. where I will
be happy to wait upon all and sell them any thing I have In my
line of business as cheap as elsewhere. I also return my thanks
tbr the liberal patronage received. and hope that by strict atteen
slant le my bmdaeas to nat it a eqatinanee of patrimavA .
. March 31. 4,, .- WA! F. RTNDERNAEHT.
II HAW. just received a fe w pieces of Aft Wail, Cotten) and Wool
1 and Conon Can:tuft:goon which thaatteption of buyers is re
speetinfty aollelied.
Merck. putt I t D. 01.,AR.K.
N 21 W Fall of ISIS.
Arcking fa large prestitits at Melee) &ere of, MO ES LOCH,
Cessetsreiet Exchange, on JortalA St.. trit, Pa.
Ihave the pleasure of informing my -friends and customers in
mein and country. that I am now receiving my full supply of
NEW AND FASHIONABLE GOODS, which. as usual embnices
all the Varieties of rich - awl beautiful Goodu in inarket.and which
are to he sold at the proverbial low prices of the Old Jew Store,
ramilihr to every man, woman and child In" this corner of the
State.: Notide the following. FOR. THE LADIES. Heavy
Hallari and Chamel ion Silks, Gros de Rhine Satin stripe. Fekiii,
n'etered, striped and plaid. black Italian do. satin striped and em
bkidered Mouse de La Me. plain and printed Cashmeres. embroi
dered Robes. chan , Table Madona s, French Meritmes, mode colors,
plaid Long Shawls. Rroche, Cashmere and Silk Shawls. embroi
dered Cashmere db. Mack and colored silk Fringes, lirtirrels Lice,
Lisle and thread Laces. needle wrought Collars, Jenny Lind
Collars, French Kid Gloves. Ronnett Satins end Ribbons, shirreil
satin Bonnets. Plumes and Flowers dtc.
Erie Sept. 'Ai
Olirs.rardy's Confectionary, No . 9 , mood Eollso
111 U. FURRY would respeetßilly Harm the public that she
has taken the well know stand iu the Reed House Row, re
cently occupied by M. W. Keith. where she hes now and purposes
keeding constantly ott bend, a large variety of
of her own mauucbcnin. nod Bold wholc.ale and remit, with dlr.
ferent kinds of REFRESIIMENTS, such as Cakes, pies, Bread mut
Butter Poached 1:04 , .., Fold Fowls. Boiled ham. Pork' and Berins,
llot Coffee, Soda Water. lee Cream, &c.. dec., all of which wit he
served up Ili the Lew and moat palutahle style. She has just re
ceived n flu assortnent of TOYS. to which she invites attention.
Mrs. P. tins Illicit up a room. up stairs, exprei.slv for the ncrout
modalion of Ladlen Ito may n 101 l meat OVSTV.R,S. She is deter
mined not to I e s rpassed by one Eitstilar et.tal listiment neat ot
Buffalo. and wills ndeavor to afford universal satisfaction. She
imbilges the hope hat the same liberal patronage n filch was en
ti tided to lidr pre eressur n 11l he coininued to tier.
Erie. Nov. 'Xi,-.1,.4.
T NOW readying my Fall cud IVinter Stock of Dry Goods,
.1 Groceries, II aOtra - re, Iron. Steel. Nails. Chains &c., compri
sing a +dock of ot,er twenty -fire thousand Dollars. n hich was pm
cliu.ed direct frodrithe Nlnnufactories, Loth in Europe and Amei I
ca. tit prices unheard of before ; all of which will lo• sob] for
nt prices far below any Goods before sold in thin warllet. Return
ing my sincere thanks to my old Custoniers for their t cry I
patronage. I purpme 10compensnte them this fall and winter With
the greatest balimitei of past times. Now is the time year
Ire lict prices. ' 11. CAMEL!,
steep out the Bain:
THE suiscribeis haveitig purchased the right for this county in
t; moans*. PA,TI-.VT WPATIIER .rues." ore now prepared to
furni-h, all who inlay see ft to give them n call, n ith tie ohms
named article. It-fMnsists of n strip PO tlttl , lll4l trO.tile notion of
the door,las to shut out all wind and rain. thereby preventing the
rotting of domshis,.carpets dr.c., which is commonly the en-e to
south or weid doors. It is warranted to pay-for itself in say re
pairs three tinies'a year. If Ft doe-. tint satisfy all who procure it
we is ill take'it off again and pay alt damages. • All orders b ft at
A. Ilitelic:ocles shire for the above article:, will e promptiv at
tended to. YINCIOTEY I, CRAIN.
Erie..lan. 23.1 4 10.
--- i
I '
, : i < '''.‘ .l .,.. ,k . s :- '-' ":k.l "'". .;z• -,, ^
IA) A 10) 1.4111,VER SPECTACLES, of a superior quality
---( n•arraidell to stilt all ages and conditions of the t. , .e; , , at
OIiOCKS —A large assortment of Cfoe /Is. pf dilllienet.t le i lnttrl
triees, from 413. to RIO; Matent Time t,leeew, Ise , all vai
anted to keep good Hine, o;: LEWIS' GOTillt 11A 1,,
G,ILD it i 'ENS - - Levi likowlt's Gold Peas; also. Bagley's of the
beetuality, every age warranted. Alt 0, other Gold Kens :4
ow a el, at LIM'S' GOTHIC HAL.L.
rnzias. pier:
AND cu er:
A RE now receiving their Winter stock of Drily. Medicines,
['llium( its, Dye-NutTs. Brushes,Va inhales, Groceries. Fancy
and miscella leotik articles, to which they invite the attention of
Physicians. 'Muter?, Clothiers, 'Fanners, and consumers general
y '•Fortrticriturs ate Mali Bills." Nov. IP .11- 48.
,C 1 ITAlt" r l BIIAWI,BH Cloche. Cashmere* M. detains
11l Wool, Plaid, &c., will le found cheap nt
LAMPS.. Val lons patterns Solar and s'amphene Lamps, lamp
chimneys, shades and wicks. A few splendid sets of Glran•
doles. very low. nt G. LOOMIS- &
Plaser Plasterl
ONE hundred tons of 'luster for sale ut the lenves't prices, by
rifirrcr,,—.2,l Baas Rjn, Doinhirm. Cuba. Imgoira and Java
Cufee, for sale cheaper than elsewhere, by the Lagar M. , aim
tire. by WM. P.' RIN DERNP.CIIT.
2., 29
/.: %S.-10 chests Id and Young Filson Teat also. a superior
article of Black 'ea. at
Dee. 2. 20
1n4111,111e9S improved l y Perifucal. Parabolic and other MIMI of
Glass, In Gold. :Myer, German Either, Steel and other
Frames. ati ettenstve kissortment to seleet from. at
Jan. Pl. G. LOOMIS & Co's.
ITotico tq those whom it may Corcorn.
P HOP. that knot{thettiselves indebted to we Note it nook
.ronnt, are reonestell to can end pay on or tefore I I le lust
day or January next, or Cost Wlll be nta;le.
Erie, N0v.25, , IVNi. F.
1 . - ca:nphar.
1 7 .c 7 I
l ' r ,. Su - ll,ci. Sup. Carl,.
WO DN. en,the and box t-Oar4:
'4OO lbs. Brimstone.,
75 lbs Sins Nitre and Agnit' AminOnia. ju.t received
nml for sale by - ' ' LICRTON & PERKINS.
Nov. 25, lE4n. '2.ii
_ Brass Clocks-.
Ti IGIIT att,Clo flour Clock., vat ious Gab , . fir .ale by the
Ito Or %inyle one. very cheap by G. LoOMIS &CO ,
Jan. 13, tEle. State street.
GI:NS & P15T014 . 4 —Doupte and Shtgte Bartel Goes and Pis
tc44. Powder FlaghN, Shat Ponchei, Game Rage, Pere ussior
trie. Jan. 13. I-a •
1111.1 I'ISII, - (7o.lflAt, Trout r.nd Itackert.l. for ..ale by the
hhl or les. quantity, at
AISANS.-12 *Nes+. 20 halves. and 23 platter hoxes fresh
11.. 31alattaitai , ‘anA cheaper ttsrts. elsela Isere. he the hp, or pound
I ince. 2.22
I .—___
' A VE.ES}I Stii'PLW allr
i Ar the Canton 'tea Company's Snltnor Ten.. Just reeeiVei
% •
and for mate i.e the agent, . T. W. Moult F.
Erie. Fet.`y 2.5., 1 , 19. No. 1. Perry Clock-.
Notice. '
n persona lICCOOIII4 With InP, tclll pienFe e3ll
.11 1111.1 SI•1111., NN 1111001 tinteittl
I `:l l .igat ion ci en. In the f•iprinq. Thom , rfiiirn lo
that time 1110 V 1 , .! eel 10 !INV CONI. KE
• 7,nour I •Illour I Flour P.
t - I s!ipero gi
w• rur. -t received, unit for sal sll elwarr Coinat ail) other establishinen• in the e!
1 l'erre 111 leek. T. W. NI
1 50 PUCNlMAinerieon Verutilion and Cli-onie 1
Noe. 8. CAR'rER & BRO'
Code, C0u717.s and Consumption..
JANN E•e, IT.If.PEC:TOR ' ANT. (laree hottleb)
W 'oar's 11:thain of Wild Cherry
ayne's do dot do
tyres' Cherry Pectoral
Balsam Ihriihound, and other inedi.thu
above di.ea,e , :, for nalety BURTON & l'E
Nay. 19. 1919.
) , [ stop that G?U`Sh i
Da" 4 SING Mrs. Jervis''Coid ramiy, to le Lad at
1J [Nov. T 9 i I BURTON!. PERKINS .
DEKI 4: coo 1 , A Nrs oreon •thl Bile': Toa.. A fre:th 61111(ay
I of th , Neropular Teat jail received by the Airetit;
Isiov. L .- Br P..TON & PERKINS.
(InfiritiAVANNA andPrlnt ifq CIVT, choice . I rlipl .. and
•/ lit. , kJ a Simon Pure importation: nii I re:el ve , l and for
-- - -- •
raIT•!AS.--30 ellefla superior Ilysout Dina, liouchong rind r heap
Jit !long Tett., :It
T;T.FAITE FISII, Al4ckerel,!.:od
CIONPECTIONARIES.7-77ti Boxes aNhurted C'audu•s just re
ceived rind for ' , ale low at A. K I NG'S.
IN AILS-115 Doer, oil ekes, lor Fait. %or 3 1,,w, by
DOW CL,—E..O half boxes, Z:1„hl by t 7 zt i t ep t 4 hY
rushe s Just received nt
w urrz udiu-50 kegs pure and cheap, at
TOISACCO Boxes extra Ifrantl at
virtu rrs, nod Nutg, nth] n fultnntl c;couplete imortmco
_L or every thing in the grocery nue, for salt i cry low. by
A. KIM:.
• oriligeriEer continues lo pay CASH for good clean Barley,
1 delivered at hi N Ware-lIOUSe. till street Canal Bardn.
Erie, Dec. zt. 141 S. A. KING.
O tLi—Winter iittaiapt Sperta,anct Lingrot t)il, at
OW:AIM—New Orlenup. loaf lump, pulverized and Kcal India
0 Sugar& I y the Lbl. or pound, fur rule t erylOw nt
December in, IbPi. • AI NG
M0i,.4 3F9 — Superior Sugar-Itow4e and New Orleans Nola-
ves in any quantity at • KING'S.
(ISE HUNDRED Bushels of Oats, 61 Ituiltels of excellent pink
‘..." eye Potatoes, and other articles too numerous to mention. at
Erie, Dec. 36,•tP4N.
CAN Dl.U 4 .—Sperm, Stearilw, Mould and lopped Caudies, nt
COPER'S GELATIVE. for Jolliet , . It nnc Nlntice. &c. &e..
a henutifuninicle, for tale by BU ToN & PERKIN: 2 .
Nov. *.T. ‘3
White Tisk :4 , d Trout.
A £m' whole and half Barrel , in fine order, warranted A
No. I, cheap for Cash at the -tore of C. 11. WRIGHT.
Erie, Ilfarch"ll, ft 49.
2!I(IGALLONS Linked Oi and Spirits or Turpentine, by
e/ J Nor. 8, CA 'ma & unoTH R.
Spring Goods.
RECEIVED by Express and opened thin day, a 11. W choice
spring styles of French, English and American Ginshains.
(oil colori) also a choice lot of Cashmere and De Lnne Mllis, all
colors; Ladles Scarfs. Cravats, Limes. Linen and Blenched Goods
Whale Bones, together with many other kinds of Goods not
usually found at this seaimn of the year, may be had at
r - G. B. WRIGHT'S
Erie, March, 24, HOD.
anntovAz.. -
,TiW -..3100R0 has removed Ms stock of Groceries. end Li.
squors to the st:ind lately occupied lby Win. F ltindernecht.
NO 6. Poor peoples Row. State Street. where ,he will be happy to
see his old customers, and the pabtie generally.
Ede. April 7. NO. 47
• ' 13VGINVO FOR ruiza
rwimpE new Buggy. dnished In the latest and best style. are
offered for sate on rea.onable terms. Please call and 'ex
amine them. PETER HUME.
State Street. near Ladle's Blacksmith shop
Erie. April?. IMP,
• Tint .ar fiat of the Season.' - --
ANEAT and beautiful Selection of Sprtnii Their Goody. direct
trona New York (per Express,] wbich will be clikted at as-
Wish!, taw Prices.
cap and Examine for Madre. at No. 2 Reed rou AVERSTI re,_O4c.
if. U. H
t4aeh 3t. T? 4
roat Bargains
Sloares Column.
trr Att the atedlences ddsertf.ed by. W. B. Swap are sold by
Merchants, l rtu fists, &e.. In nearly every ton e In all the We..-
tern states. and by CARTER Sr: ITROTIIER.
No. 0, Reed Rouse, Erle.
. .
I '
13LO.'N'ti OIN I AI a.NT AND (JON DITION FoWDr.rt Irma:
r r Fur:ty, ,74 , ...,1iier5, Suf.ty Certainty and TAorwushne,e,
I S L O.IX S OISTII.I.\P - 12xcels: '
A N ) i-i i . npi , liv ~ I , ; .er-witag all other Otnt:nents ntid Lit,inienti
-1 - 1. iiuic iur VIC elltt• ilt the Nlinwing r , e;u.e , , ,
rii ill 11 c ttt ev, 1,,a11y i f nll hittilt., tiornion, BTUI , C3. (:racked
111't . : 4 . Kin 'nine, %V', Whine, Wm 1 , .; till, Poll-Evil, Utilluti.t•ioa%-
iie , . Sweenek, 1 . 1 , 1.11, i•Sit 4,1, :itruitsq.l,noienein, Sind Crack.
Foitn.lere,l t.'iu•et. Se ratehen Qt Gren.c Mtge, or Mtn Listeutp,:r.
vowl )1 ; 11 ‘‘ in re!!!°"! , I!! ill!ta 11:1110:1 :mil fever, purity
the 1,100(1, lonsvn toe skin, clene,, , iii wtter,lan4 strengthen every
' fart of the I, Iy;' , OTI !inn motel a .. , ,•,,relgii remedy for the fot•
. 4 4.
,11.,-thei. 1 tstrutter, Hide In t ,,,, i t, t i ns3 of appetit e . l a .
' war,i strain, Ye1',..,%v `Water, Ind uiwtion, of Vie e}t n,, Fatigue'
i fame h ail exercise: al. .. Ell.rlorilir lA, ( . ..tuintrionly called ntil)
' eonitinint.l whichpruv sO to natty valunt,le horsen In thin
country. tis ril n a Nnfe - ti . 1 -niutnin I....tir:ily fJr coughi nndeol..l4
‘vltielt generate in ninny f. , 111 , 1i , e15 , 5. W. It SLOAN.
Crated Deg , -t, hi Litt,: St., t.:nlotago !Mini..
Ez:rorls from' ti.e "Ci* .'forth ff• eutt,a / I
1)Y the El , an's Ointiffina and Condition Pan der, 1 its e ,
enti.ely ct rut l Fl-tutu at my ii and othern ise Improve
his condnion more than SJO lii r cep , . cn the cost of the medicine.
And a cow t% liicit Wit ao fea:de as to I e eonbideted asortlaces by
myreff and nehthhors; was re,tored 13 good health and strength.
by the te.e of IcNs than half a pickle': of the pots er. and is holy
dOillp, better than ;Inv uther cot.. 1 b..% c. WM. VINCENT.
limn Pot, May Pi, 1119..
I111:n1:13Y certtfy that oneof my chreren. When rta &ed. lid! into
.t large are of lit e coss, 'mil was blrne.l severely from bend ,
to feet. The hem of medical eat I and attention was given to the
child for four or five days us nhont any rehef--each day's sufferinl
hi, could. Le heard at a great thstance, of
twit' triiicat lu:rmi one of Inv neighbors recominentled and pre
seated to me a boa of OINTMENT, and in less 'lima
tineen mittitteb alter tic app !cation of the.Ontunent to the oggra.
voted noter, of the slali'llag.Cl.ll4l, pan; reaeq 'entirely. ftlij
w•ted Is Legato:to recover. My tev.idestee to -Its Halt 'Pow itsl l ~
Vermillion - county-, and Futte ul Itidnno.
Doted at Chicago, Ang:irt '2l, I°l9.
A Vrtl L. 13th, 1818 Four miles north of Chicago (on the road
to ,Nlilwankie.jechk Coutily. Illinois.
Mr. Sloan—lica; One cif my horses had a large bony turner
en his breast hone/ immediately under the collar, which lamed
Lin and renilered ins cores-roof very little value. I faithfully' ap
plied sm. erid bottles of Ur. Taylor's Nerve and Bone Liniment._
t. SillOUt .ho least 1 meth. I then procured Wittier's Celebrated
Horse Ointment, and aced that until I became fully satisfied that
it would never relieve the animal. Finally 1 obtained a box'of
your truly valuable OWIII7OII. and in less than 03 days - from the
first apptication the tumor eittireixdi4aplicaml, and the horse was
well. Yours, " EDl't .tRMSTRUNG, •
I F popular opinion in any criterion of the .worth of an article,
we invite the ineredulous to read at least a few of the many
voluntary certificates fitment:ear in 'our columns respecting the--
great variety of remarkable cures effected by the sec of "Sloan's
Celebrated Ojai teem and Condition Powders."'
These remedies no longer remain aniongrhoseof doubtful utili
ty, they have plumed from the tide of expeement, and now stand
higher la reputation anitarebecinning cure extensively used than"
all otter articles of thekl , »d.~Mirh. Netts,
Foal Rivet . ; June 12.164 .
Fl'nn—sir• Rlea , e spad by the hearer a Ow supply ofyour
1.1 Home Medicines. hey sic tbt. I est articles of the kind that
I have ever u-ed, never itat int; I Cl . ll disappointed in their effect, as
I list e ecil in the Use of odic r, es en the moil , celebrated °int.
meats, Liniments, Ste., of the (lay. 1 like very much this feature
in them viz,: that they do all that is promised. and upon a thorough
trial one is constrained in add, that "half has not been told. I
• Respectfully, M. DUDLEY'.
THE ordinary ointments and linanent.' it it sell knon n. are
tevere .ind partial iii theirnperatgn. Sloan's I , intnistit s.l
mild set th orough—lt reacher mid rein %es the cam' tt t hence it
. ,
gives real and }•erinatient cell. f. 1
For parity, iiiildness.. , ,afel%..sertainty: and thorouctinc.g,Sloans
Ointment eicels, mid it rapidly sdpereeding all other Ointments
and Liniments now in u e.• 1 .
Wo Can't Get along 4Pitheut it.
s, c0..111.. Oct 311?1S.•
R/ir.Swan—sir:lh:tve tegiell the virtu'e of our Ointment . i the
cure of rattle:make t ites, sore throat. burns. and many other
injuries, nail in I'l,etv case it ha, surpassed our expectations, AR
a family Ointment. I have heer seen its equal, and for beasts we
can't gel along WitllGUl it
AN c. Sloan—Dear bir: For a considerble length of time -I was
111 keriodsly afflicted with the Rheumatic complaint, nod ap
plied freely the ,carious liniments,' pain-killers. &c., without ot,
...... ...r, .• ...... .1,11 pal.l "gem RI 1310. e Influen
ced the to , try your Ointment, and within two neck', from the
time I coininencea.u,ing il. the pair, ce.aqed. and I tins effectually
Cured, and Alaif rreLl/1111,1e1111 all, .ho are siniilaily afflicted e. alit
tlistie.biag co/opt:lint, to pn.,ctire yam excellent nitnnient ct 101
oat 'lay. Resn'y yours. OSCAR F. MUTT.
Prince% tile, l'e,rld CO Ala!, 1, IF. a
Si From the 11 V. Crooks. Agent of the Illinuiaand
Canal Packet Boat Conn,any.
Chit-age, hoe 4.1.1e4q.
1) 11 • V. Sloao—Penr sa , For the , lag wy ear : , I have bad
aceat l on ‘o , c many and have tse er folnd anything
equal to your Ointimmt for t ojuries on honge,.. Within the laet
totau mantin, 1 hate a pphed your ()aliment to .vonse EO hormis, far
van .51355/10, and ifl every in- ance it inn; proved a S/VeTei,rl
A IFingor Mitten Entirely c fr. _
Tw • nwe.,•outh of Chicajo. Sept. II *l3.
nR.,sl3-,,,,_sip• On the nth imtant my son had a finger I , inert
1.1 entirely oil be ii li.irse. We immediately applied your ( - etc.-
Lrated'Onititient, which relieved hum of pain in a few minutes.
an 1 prevented the tingzr ClOlll swellteg the least particle, and the
wound is he thine rapidly. .
Respectfully Yours. - I S. BROCKWAY.
1 - 111.tit.laN•—lhrir Sir: about three t earineo 1 was-severely 1.1•
I .. 1 Jun d 111 ante 01 my 1,. j... h . ,- the falling of a toile of v, oul
. n hoot) o.:.: 1 141 Tilt 1 1.11•4 • flil/ 1 / 1 :14 alcors. Ni...trly every doctor it
Catena trt , Nl to eta.. them: Mit tried in vain, until from sympathy
and improper treatment toy other leg became as bad as the cab
ors , :i:i),lly t“..iiinle.l. I de...pairedf Leine_ well agala—but
in order that I iiia;ht neglect no 'leans 11"1111111 nay reach, I pur
etta‘ed of your agent to Galena . usne of your Ointment, and )(Ai
4 ,
' C
311 is/ice of toy surprite and grt,tinide Letter than I can express
ill, to tad any-elf e itirel, Vlt . :l lief,re I Itai tinioed wing the ,e-
COnd lio n.
/ ! ,
'1 tir-e fact: I make Imown that other: afflicted may It:lime ant
act delly nstrg to %I:6.11e an tinitr..ent as aura haP peon ed to Le.
itedineetthr lv. your grateful friend. INAN DAVIS.
Gale..a 111., Dee. Iti. It li,
Tit!: pnblie are eantionc..l against purclianng any article fun:
N. T. Co LA', of tattle runt. 111., purporiiint to, lia‘e been pre
pared by tne. as, he, eafter.rl v.n not Nupply Cony with au
thtn:urut,l:ond,uvu P, t. der or Tannin baste. iu consequence o
in,. hay ing oot up arttrie mita/ion of mine, anti advertiin;
thieni name of clerk. Bo ,y,t 0,„ and rk.proi.enting
as wh.;;lel.ale and retail agent for the tame. %V. It. SLOAN.
Chicago, reb. WI, 1019.
13rmfbrp the follow big order, Nlmarmr.. & Co., purrqma,ed
large supply of Sloan'., prepiratlons.
.1 :m+l+++ , n, Mimmhigan,'relL, 241 h, ISt/.
S. K. ilibimrti-Alcar out: I am out of ,! , Inan's Condition Pointer
and ore Oinlutrol. The sale tar 4:0 ceth+ my eNpeetatioa.
OU eau manage um send na , I .1.7 , 01 of the Powder+, uthi 2 dozen
Ointment, I wttl pay for them the tirmq tone you are here, and pre
sume I shall Le able trivetl a large quantity in the eourme of n )ear.
It +vill Le atm object to ' j ou, 114 %%ell an to mi self. to keep Inc eon
mAmmtly suppliers. Very liencetfully Your,
' S. S. v:trem 2: Sc Cu.
rirsoxosxerx nvirnre,
, St. Lou, nk Missouri, February 2•11,1 E-19.
1 - 111. W. D. Slo•in.--,da• Abe•it two years ago, While , ralling on
11-1 the 311s-is,ippi river, in paasing or et the rapids. I t‘ a: plung
ed in the tinter. and tie thei raft dashed against a reek. erushing
my leg and othertvbe'seriondy injuring me, so much that I lost all
4 ,en9t,lfity. When come lommesh returned 1 found .myself In ISt.
Lonig, surrounded by hay weeping Lindy. flood mining and
medical aid, etuibleil me in shout two Months tfi hobble around
with the ingdidanCe of a crate .. The wounds only partially heal
ed. leaving largeriumingsores rat the knee, which for many months
discharged blood and ;natter of the ino,t Offensive character. My
pains were inetpressable, at times my suffering was so great That
death would have received a hearty welcome- Fortunately ;VIT.
‘Vllsom (one of 'my neighbors) advised tae to try your Ointment.
I obtained a box find applied it according to direction—the sores
soon began to assume a healthy appearance, and in three months I
was entirely cured, nn d able to endure hard labor.
Your OWL Servan , - !IMAM it:. THOMAS.
We the undersigne , neighl.ors of II; \V. Thomas. were ac
filial vied with the case allot c stated and t irnowing the e ireum
'dances, niest cheerfully confirm said Thomas' statement. •
Du Buque, lowa, Itlarch, 15th, MIX
TOTIL W. B. Sloan—Dr ar SIR. Last February Igth, near Mount
DI. Morrie: Illinois, I bad a horse wounded in the !title joint,
so deep that the Joint water issued (ieely, many good Judges of
ho'rees gave it as their opinion that the horse would nes er recover.
I applied your Ointment freely and often, land notwnhetanding,
the animal could scarcely bear any weight on' the diseased teg.
yet in consequence of pressing business. I ventured to start With
the horse on my return to Da Buque, a distance of some 100 miles,
just at the breaking up of streams. through Which I was obliged hr
ford and expose the leg and wound of (he horse to frequent drench
ings of water, snow and deep mud. still -the horse continuer) ro
improve. One 50 cent boa of your extraordinary ointment enure-
IF cured 01 bone jo lea; than 20 days. Yours, truy.
- ,
To Whores it may Concern.
IN Consequence of havinlz made It few small presents, a report
has gone out that at my Depot. I retail my preparations for less
than toe Price °n
i the labels. therefote. I am induced to notify the
public mat herNtfler it is my settled determination not to
and preseots of the preparations. to either new or old customers.
and ever all heretofore. coxed and wholesale to all alike, nod not
permit toy traveling awnts to vary from ibis rule.
r Dated at Chicago, Ili.. :kis rth 19th, 184 f/.
Erie A{4ll, 21. 1849. - I Itily
Soiling off at Cost.
rpm undersigned offer tts ir entire Stock of Dcoko. Stationary,
and Paper (fangfoetal Cost. W. f:..IICSVSCsS a Co.
Erie, klarefit 31, IfY3. - 4s.
''.",- Er; En COI%
Excallont Ointment.