pd. Norwich has only given 200 majority. The results mostly of New Havou and Hartford counties are we fol lows: Majorities for Governor: Democrat. Whig• Free soil lye° 1387 98 IL7 105 18 127 100 166 maj. 135 '• New -Hartford, Hampden, North Haven, Derby, Guilford, - Oxford, 42 maj . 156 150 Cheshire, i Wallingford, '' 212 127 Brantford, 166 104 Hartford, 41 maj Ilatnpden gives ono democratic representative, North Haven 1, Oxford 1, Wallingford 2, Brantford 1, Rocky Hill 1, Farmington 2, Bristol 1. E. Hartford 2, Manches ter 1, South Windsor 1. Durham 2, Waterbury 1 and 1 free soil. No choice in Woodbridge, Naugatuck, Chesh ire, East Haven and Guilford. - '- - - - - - /I ARRIMIURGII, April 2-10 P. M. 'the House of Representatives passed a resolut ion. 52 to 25 to amend the constitution and give the people the e lection of Judges—to be approved by the- next Legisla tors, and then submitted to the peoplo. The "Alta California." a newspaper published in San Francisco hu been received. It says a Convention of Delegates was appointed to b e held on the sth of March at San Jose for the purpose of &siting and preparing a draft of dovernment for Cali (gala to be submitted to the people. The delegates front San Jose were to be instructed to e xpose Slavery in the Territory in every shape and lout At Portland yesterday. the schooner Pearl was rut loan by n field of ice and the Captain nod four men s upposed drowned. At Bosten yostorday,'a locomotive on the Eastern Railroad exploded killing a fireman. A shock of art earth in Ike wasifelt at Newport, Rhode Wand on Friday evening. It was of sufficient violence to throw down nearly n rod of stone fence. • NEW IlLtiEs. April 3-12 o'clock. -- "CossEcricer ELEcrioN. ; —ln New Haven county, onv. bracing 4th and sth Senatorial districs„ iVhig candidates elected and in the 6th the Democratic 'candidate. The House mends 11 Whigs, 7 Democrats, 1 Free Seiler. Fire towns to hoar from. J. B. Babcock's ronjority 200 in Oradge. Oxford, South B er ry, Cheshire, Prospect, Walcott, Middlebury nod Naugatuck All the towns in Hartford county but 7 give Trumbull 4,514, Seymour 1,189, Niles 355. _ The result) et doubtful Ilenrronn, April 3-3 P: Chapman, Rockwell and Babcock are defeated. No ?rote of Governor by the People. The NVhigs will probably have the Legislature. They have the majority !um. The Tribune saya: Returns have been received,to !.how the Whigs have sustained a serious loss. Chapman, iteekwell and Babeor k, Whig candidates for Congress th e 1,4 2,d 3d aro defeated. There is probably no Oloice at Governonor by the people. The Whigs will jrohably have boil' branches of the Legislature. In the i. 4 enate they have a majority already. Nr.si"Yorter, April 3-3 P. M. Returns from Connecticut election were received up to 2 o'citoct, this morning. -0 Ni.tv YORK, Apr i ii 3-7 P. M. A despiteh from Washington says:,./Mr. George Ev cH of Maine has had an interview with the President hal ttot t et accepted the CULUllli«ionerhhip of Mexi can Claims and it is doubted whether he will. The Democratic City Convention which met at Tam many Dan. nominated Fre.nei,‘ D. Cutting as the deism. :nue edutbdate for the :siavoraht v. de•match from Cincinnati estorday sa)s: At the %mien of City Oi'leen; held to-day, Ilenry S. Spencer i t I.s re-elected Mayor and Mr. !India, whig candidate Marg l l,3ll, was al ‘o elected. The New Orle'ans papers or eie zom contain the par ',Mars of the e‘plo•don of the acw E.teamboat trance !dew New Orleans, while on Ler first trip. miith three in tow. Mr. .MeVarian ixt engineer and tlne• wads klled—others injured. NEW YORK, April. 3-7 P. NI; MO It !slow' Elec:ion—W ith the exception of Nowshoro 1 . , hwe full returns fro it a v rry to vu. 11. 13. Anthony, v il Whi z Gi .1vera0r,.,1152 aho id of Smkett, Dmita rat._G3. H King. whig, elected in the Eastern Dictriet , and It. 3 Johnson, Democrat, doubtless elected, in Western lurk probably no choice. The Whigs have one ma only in both Douses. A letter from Washington to the Evening Post, says Gra. Cass has written a letter to senator Foote, in *hie!' Ildenies that Ile ever received or charged pay or mile- Iv for any regular session of Congress—that ho reeeiv rl tithing for any services but fur those rendered. A testiest° of the truth of this statement from Ashbury Utkinl, Secretary of tho Senate is expected to uppear ft the Union of this week. Cen. Cass says that though •I political course is nearly run, he does not wish to '; , i.it the good opinion of his friends, hence his letter. Thomas A. Walker. indicted for the murder of his fe, in Lexington Avenue, in the latter end of Kebru rr, was arraigned to-day, and plead guilty. By the arrival at Now Orleans', March '27. Gen. Worth tit San Antonio, 'on the 20th, nothing particular occur g. Tho emigrants at San Antonio, for California, had ;:ne on, not deeming it necessary to wait the protection .14 Government troops. Gen Worth's expedition to ;!t. will start about the 20th April. Several parties of California bound citizens were met by Gen. Worth )1:s jo rney front San Antonio to Levier' at Pudanala • - d Lavica. There have been cases of cholera and some Iths. Capt. Rogers of the 'chatter Ocean Wave died Indianala, and Mr. Hensley; of the firm of Hensley •:Tozier, died at Fort Lavies. Il►acer.—Flour—for western the market continues . ?tessed, sales still lower figures for the province..— .Ims is some demand for eastern and city trade.— :1!., 3000 or'4ooo bhls at 4,75.1.1,91; Michigan, $4,91 a 1 ,051 for favorito brands. - • rats—Wheat moderate business doing, marketleavy z firer of buyers Gonesee is wanted at 129, but hold nk 122. Sale's white at 1121, Genesee 1221. and N 1 Ohio, to go up the rivor at 102003. Corn, moder demand, prices lower; sales 39,000 bushels,32 for old Ttn.ro mixoed, 524321 for tuizod and whito Sauthorn, tlyellow do., 51451 for New Orleans. 57 for round Sera yellow. tuket for pork is unsettled, holders ask 10,35,010,50 Men and '8,44 for prime. . - WISTAR'rI 8.11.5A111 OF WII.D (J/lERR Y." T TIte remarkable successor this Balsam is no doubt owing in a ""atrcasore 1., the p.m utiarly agreeable and powerfill nature of : n nethents. It is l a tine Bean ti. medicine -composedchiefly ill clierr) Bark and the genuine Iceland-Moss, (the latter -*;v.etr4 erpre,i,ly fur the purpose.) the rare medical virtues of Kb ar e ,1,0 combined h) a new elientical process with the of Ter,sthua rendering the whole compound the most eer• • I a \ and ettitaeval s reined) ever diqcovered. f " 0 , Ka whit to .Icreive the afflicted, or hold out any hopes exist; but when no many hundreds. protioun hr .1r " I " ph?./Chilli an !non hopeless cases have been cured. !Is !lame u. for tieing every al ord and accent of persuasion v , alce the ituth,fin4 invalid to lay aside prejudice, and partake „! , .:.0,1) seldom knma ri to fail: are of counterfeits and base luaitallons See advertisement. E. onthe Gth ult Ltsai., MARRID hv tho Roy. Joseph 11. Presley, Mr. V ST°54 . of Miliercok. to Miss ESILLASX CALDWELL. North tut. Om the 29th ult., by the Rev. Mr. Presley, Mr. ISAAC Ills, of 31 ilcreek. to .Mtss ANNIE WILCOX, of Waterford. 11 11 " 2lpt nit ,by E. &mon. Esq.. Mr. bum cox, te Miss Fume's, both of Elkcree k. On th e lit Int.L, by the same, Ina W. Suarsoo. of Ltie, to Mies ELIZA liouinr. of Elkcreek. DIE, On the 12th oh D , in North East, at the residence of k'rdatlghter, Afro, Laura Alexander, Mrs. Euosms. Brio ti~consort of Jenny Belnap. • revolutionary. soldier, imrs. at ihe residenc e of Marcus Spaulding. in this Woe,. " 4 ° lit inu.; Mr. Jussrls M. Kaava. aged ribebt 1121211017 w. MonllE has removed his stock es, and Li .tquara to the sta d lately occupied by V in . F. Rindemenht, pe:mie's tate Street. +Abe - re bowill be_ happy to , c isiotnett. and the public generally. ,kill 7, 119, vo.atonnnoerwrno. Having diiposed of my fluniture. an/ Astarte te another Artist. l l tuill Positively Close • My affairs in Erie on Saturday. the 11th of this month (April,) - MI persons intending to have their likenesses taken by me must call P rcv I owl to that date. All indebted for pictures arc requested to call and settle. and those having claims will please present them for payment. • . ABEL FLETCHER. Erie, April? 1848. ' 47 1 ' BUGOTB ron 'BALE. , T!1 EE new Buggy. finished In the latest and best style are offered for sale on rea'.onablc (crow. Please call and ex -14 amine them. ' PETER HUME. 16 . State Street. near Liddle's Blacksmith shop Erie, lApril 7. Pale. i 3t17 New Spring Goods by Expi cos. VVE have this morning by Express from New York, the Spring st ies of Mouslin de Loins, Linen Ginghams.',Ginghnins Laub! Eearlatin Ginghams. French; English and American Prints f the latest patterns; al o. Irish Linens, Linen Cambric Hankeriehiefs, black Italian do. French Kid:Gloves. flair; Combs coloredl and black Sewing Silk, rich black Eiatin Vesting 4 all of i, which • ill be sold cheap, at our old stand, Cheapside. TIE'S ALS & DEWEY. Erie, April 7. 1840,47 To tas Honorable Court of guy.ter &MOW, of Erie Court,. TILE petition of the subscriber humbly sheweth, that your peti tioner is well provided with home room and other =comm. daticm for entertaining of strangers and travelers, he would there fore prey your honors to grant him a license to keep a public tavern at his old stand in the borough of North East, and he will pray &c DAVID ALLISON. • We the undersigned citizens of the Borough of North East do certify tins we are all well acquainted with David Allison, the above petitioner, that he is a man of good repute for honesty and tempettice. is well provided with house room and other accom modati nit for entertaining strangers and travelers, that such inn I n or tave n is necessary to entertain strangers and travelers. It. El Brawiey, ' E. 11. Davidson, William Griffith. John, ond. Lemuel Brown. 11. Hills, Nathaniel Norris, S. S. Hammond, B. C Town. John Greer, William Jones W. E Ward, Benjamin Meted, W. B. Reddington, 11, Whalion. North East, April 7. Di19.3H7 , t tit 1 , se Honorable Court of Quarter Serums of Erie County. petition of the subscriber humbly shevreth, that your pelt :ter Is well provided with house room and othlr accom; )ns for entertaining strangers and travelers, he woulb there. ty your honors to grant him a license to keeps public tavern Jel stand In the borough of North East; end he will prey. &e IL B. BRA WLEV. undersigned citizens of tbe Borough of North Enst do that we are well acquainted with R. tr. Brawley the above er, that he is a man of good repute for honesty and tempe is well provided with house room and other necotrunoda i entertaining strangers and travelers, that such inn or is necessary to entertain strangers and travelers. A Allison, Lemuel Brown, William Critfeth, . Davisrlon, John Bond. - R. Hulls. Allison - Nathaniel Norris, 8. 8. Hammond, . Town. William Jone., W. E. Ward, r min Histed. W. B. Redington, li.Wnallon. TO t/ rrilltil I Om modatio fore pra: at W*o We certify petitiot ranee. lion, to tavern halt F. 11. 11. II B. II Ben!' • EW GOODS! NEW GOODS! ust opening nt No. 1 need !louse n choke selection of / 4 ig and Summer Goods for the Ladies, consisting of be - es of Linen nod Cotton Gingham. Lawns. MDe Led .. Is. Also shawls, White Kid and Lisle Thread GI e s dgin,Tt French Lao n If ankerchiefs, Black Linen T read er goods too numerous to mention. All of which I re invite you to call an d examine, 31, lAM 1 Spri Ural skts and Pri Linen ' mill oil append Mire Carpo tinge. lIA%LI•' Jll.l re e eived a few pieces of All Wool, Cotton and Wool 1 and C=otton Carpottings ,io tt h ich the nUCIIIiOII of buyers is re bpeetfully nolieftcd Mareb, aith Pirst ar-ival of the Season. ANFIAT arid beautiful tkleel ion of Spr.ng Dress Goods. direct fro I/ Nese York [per Espress,) a Well will be offered nt toniq111):low Prices. , Call aid EI3IIIIIIC for yourselves at No. 2 Reed House. 11. D. 111VERSTICK. Illacl 31, Iflo. 3110 il On Hand for Sprinj Trado• wE nve on hand a large and general agsortnicnt of WALL PA .'Llt and Itordrring. tt Well was pnclinsing or the inanu facturerit expressly for the spring trade, and which will be told chmerithan ever. March 31. Empxnz sTortEs., I:iii t e l e' l !lo",;:d"rl L „,:r.:,ri,"o ° ;, ll ;:• l : ° ll, l t i (lY‘ n Tl‘l‘e . r B e i re e trio t3 „ t • e o S pe";:i e ti t y, a tcry• large bicck of Pry G...., Grn‘vr;rs; Hardware, Iron, Slut, which were purchatell hut fall exprepsly lot Spring trade. N. Spring ttezt of Man By the first boats ffom Ilntlsln I F h II be receiving my mon:mons, 0 Inch 0 fll equal any stock of Goods in price ew Yerk. 31, Ittl9. 46. 'LIST OP 74, SITTERS n CM: IN ING in the Post office Erie. Pa., April Ist 1510. Per, IL sons calliiig for any of the :idiots mg toilers will please say ' , they are , ailtertised. Too cents ••• the cost of advertising" is chargedlin edit mon to the regular Portage. Abel IWor M F Gough Richard Peatz Manuel Ayers James C Gan'siner Joint Porter James Arbuckle William ' Graham Wm Pollock Samuel Brown 43111.1 Ilalll.lllloll Jong Peck Charles S Brogantone.; llanse J OII.I roller & Co Messrs C Braildo k Ransom W Harry Da 'teal i l - W Brigs Charles Hall Caroline E Pierce Elias Brown lames ' Hays Thu, Peck %Admen For .. Brau• A dition•l Hamilton 311 is Mar- li Farmer lirllWllViii orSleplien garet 31 It Pomeroy Mrs Lydia Hm ai :on Ileodersou A RPotter Thomas Bradsh. w Win Georgettess Joint ' Radle George Wools I avid Hans Samuel 2 Reach Martin 2 Bra lish William Ila,ungs Mrs Arabelleltichardson ItoLert - Brown Ileorge s L, illikilll7/4r-liVidlii ary fl •..—...,... .. - uttery J Hill Mrs 3lary Ann Raymour Miss Adelia itesuie. Ileorge II II mina Stepheu M Birch iril Delia Itotstiii siam iel Ribmt %William Barney 31rs otive E Morey Daniel Rand:olS %V Bills A:lig nit 11 , irii Miss Francis Rea Johnston It ilser Vi, mII I II Riddell Robert Baluster Mr Hard , . Albert Rice Mr Bernard Henry Ilaytim• Scarier Richards Capt Edw. ' B ism. Mrs C E Ilerringtou Ruben Richardson ti tV BahrtelNicholas Hain urn klrs Sylvia Randall George A to Barn & L k i nun . Rhodes Muss F E Bily Cu, ries II iyt Mr II Roberts Even liken . 4 1r,.% 31 Hay. Arinaa la' J Robbins %Win N Itubiett LC hack man John W Russell It N ' Bagley MII Hill Nicholas It ' Rim:none George !taker Charles Ilas'ons Itenahlo Ramsey Bronsoa C [leaser Mrs Elizabetlillawes Addison Roe Henry • Bowers Isaac li tritioa Rolicri Robinson 3lrsEmilinC )lulus Wood 2 Haggerty James Rod g ers John I. Botinelfe Joseph II arvey Daniel Rockeustyre Chad I) Burgerunas Hobbs Willi eta Robinson John Boylan ames B H raison Robert Smith John Meese II Butts C • t I rnson William 2 Scott John Cr..ne A 'in A 2 Ilwiey John Smith John W Crane Orvill Ilinfinaii David Stump Miss Susan Crooks George liumner George Snyder Jacob 2 Comma II F 2 11u1in.2,4 Ebeaezer Shout Richard Clinken reenter 11 Hower Dr C Smith Jasper Crooks Da, id Hurst Mies Ellen Smith Charles Clo ugh Miss Para/ iaAJones & Constable Scott Peter J Crandall Marcus If Jackson Mrs James Scott Mrs Sarah Jane Clark . M Jackson A %V Smiley Juo Cross relit Johnsaa Theodore Shepherd J 0 Clark Thiamin ileueryJones Eptirani Shepard J B Crane A W Jones Patrick 112 Stnith Miss Julia Anti Ca Ariel George Jackson Nathan Slocum Richard eau:oll4i Edward Jackson Jams Spaulding Almon M ' Cameron 31 Jackson Wi lain 2 Shaffer Mrs Nancey, Campbell D P Johnson Ira - Ann Carter John 2 Jones David Shenk Michael Cathcart Mrs CarolineJackcon Mrs Sarah Swarm John . Cathcart Hugh Jones John Swift Mrs E IP Carpenter Kesiah Kelso Albert J Shank Henry Cans John • Kneeland Al Y Sunder Catherion L • adey, Mrs Miranda Kelly Dennis Steele Janies Caldwell Wilson Kent Muss Elisabeth Stills Thomas Coats Mr • King Robert Al Stewart Elexander L'aldivell JaMes Kilmer Ebenezer Simms Itianc. Cuivitilf Jos Kendig Miss Sus in Sanford Win .. CorristOn Henry Leland %V • Savallier Moses CalbertSon Andrew Linden A C Board Alfred Con gill,J C Lord James . Southard Allen Cunn illi:113:11 Edward Lily 811111/C1 Sisson Judah Cooke Mrs Mary E Lanham C Sowfrige E Curtiss 3C Jr Lewis Mi.s Jane E Tailor John Cole Eritstus Liddell John Terry T M ' Davis Capt D Long Saud G Thomas Mrs Mary Dole:Mach 3lrsLevinalrover raniel Thomss Archibald Dewolf l lliram 1.i.1 len Robert • Taggart Christopher' Ileedley John Lord Henry Town C !holey 'John Long John Town Frederick Decamp George W Lothar JB ' Taylor Charles Ditfenbach Henry Love Daniel 2 Taylor John Dillon Jelmo Leach Jacob Thompson V NorV M De Roy I r l F Lytle James Tubbs William R DriglitT Miss Harriet La very Joseph Vancuren C - Degran Lir kc Lawrence Daniel Vosiburg Leander Divan Vin McCann Thoinso Vosburg Geo Havers 'John F Bich itt Dea I C • Vorce Solomon Diffenbach CF McConnell Albin , Vandyne Henry Dodds James 4 ' McFarland Mr Wrote Mrs Lucy Dow Ed' - klateich'Newton Wheelet Jededi all R Dawnerklisi Polly Maskrey MissllannaliWright FII Dunn Emmett Marshall Joseph G Whittier Asa Dußois Edward Mell in Charles 2 Wagner John W Dodds Abner :Winegar Low Wilson Rob rt AI 2 Ellison IT H 2 Miller George Wade John B Englehart C Mattis Albert Wagner Samuel ' Foley Mary Marlin A Wilkins Benjamin 2 Fassett A P Mixsell Jr . g .... oo.MesiWehrter Jolin [`toss John 5 T & P Watter Jacob Fiddler Samuel J Miller Eli Wilkins John M 2 Forster Frederick Manes John Willis William Forster Martin Marnley Nicholas Wagner John Folsom N Matthews John 'Webster klissJoan B 2 Fuller Jeseph 2 Month, Nicholas Warner Augoslus Fletcher G%V Mooney Miss klarthaWatson George - Fletcher Abel Mulford Miller 1). Wilksou Thomas FenartylJohn Morse Lyman Winchester • James Foster Alburn Myers Henry Webster Manuel 2 Fairhairn John • Mooney James Webber Kimble Furgison James Morse Henry B Wilcox Robert 'Fisk Mrs Hannah klerchael John Wilcox AlissElizabeth Ford Theodore Mohr John Warren John M Fitzgerald Michael Morris Richnrd M" Wartle James Fosket Parker Moodie Mrs JOne Williams Wash 'Frey George Noble J M • Welker Miss Esther Gillinorti Minor C Nipper Andrew Ward Win then Waller Nobles Aducy . Wether Henry . GourlayMiss ElizabtliNichols Rowland Widle John Gifford John Netxdr James Wood 11 Greanlief It Owen David WV, , Wood Bourdett , Garber John Owen Edward Woodard Miss Anted.' Guiltner Frederic Oswald George neita Grant Margaret Orton William Woruiley SP Graham[Thatnas Ann Ostrander G. W Young Cornelius Gross Nrosollon O'Sullivan Daniel Zook John R Goma &Co Postmen John GERMAN LETTERS. Christols Blosser Henri Hoffman 2 Jacob Parr 11 Christian Brckle Jacob Karcher Johann Meurer Silber B Blerbrel John Kissel Mr Sand Philip illendel Johan (1 Schwab ' Fredcriek Pieper - Illemmerlin Blaisa Heinrich Shaider Ileindsh Kong Joseph A 11 Zitutner 4 Joseph Froinnakneeht Elizabeth Lutz man 1 F A Weber - Lawrence Leach Fleury Berkman Mr Plats lacquer John flegers Jacob Baer Child Weber P rocker ' . Henry Beckman George %Vitter Bargain Killing MmHg Hamlin. Alois Wick .Jas Lutz Rnsiaa Glockuer 2 Frederick Meyer Adaut Frendal Jacob Brain - Maria Credler Frederick L Beheld AndreasVarblainan Ludwig Hartman Cilhistlan Schulz • -- Ph F Gunther; Georgalleybeck Sohn Soledor Joseph Greiner Philip Honecker John Roligen • Johann Getz Franz Kaufmann John Schneider Georg Dieisigneker ACla Kotharirta Hein- Paul Schnell George F Bruer zhe John Helder Anton Knibrsclunit2 Frielel in Khuni Margaret Segel Jakob Kirsch kflehael Hinckleman George Saner Peter Kinkier , /gnats 'Muller 2 . 0 Sparser , Georg littilob '• Sebastian Mettler' . Jacob H Mel Murton Catharine Hollister BNiculas Adair) Frendia Martin !Skint rear Poll • an? gOnERT COCHRAN . P. M. HE.Scliool Directors of the Borough of Erie, being authorized by Act to Assembly to borrow money for the purpose of finish ing the School Houses recently erected, are desirous of borrowing the sum of One Thousand Dollars, for a term of years, not less than Rye, at the option of the lenders. Not less than ter() hundred dollars will be received from an indivdual. The board is authorized to secure the same by , Bonds and Mortgagee, and also to assess a tax each year of two hundred dotter,. over and above the usual as sessment, for the sole purpose of paying the interests on said loan and creating a sinking fund,for its liquidation. The intents will be paid annually or sent annually, as desired by the lender, mid Hie balance of the two hundred extra assessment, after paying the interests, will be paid to the lenders. I ftlesired, of invested, so as to secure the prompt payment of the loan, when dne. This presents a good opportunity to those having money of their own, or as trustees. guardions, te. who are deslreous of investing it in the most secure manger. The undersigned is authorized to contract ibr saed loan. As this money Is wanted immediately, those disposed to take he loan will please offer as soon as 'possi ble. ' By order of the Board. CHARLES W. KELSO, President. Erie. March Pt. To the Honorable Coast of Quarter Session* of Erie Comity. Fr" petition of John A. Hants of the west Ward, Borough of Erie, in said county, respectfidly represents, that he is well provided with house room and conveniences for the lodging and accommodation of strangers and travelers, at the house he now occupies 'in said Borough. He ,therelore prays the Honorable Court to grant him a license for keeping an ; inn or tavern, and he, assn duty bound, will pray, &c. 1 J. A. HANTZ. We, the subscribers of the west Ward, Borough of Erie in which the above inn or tavern prayed to be licensed is propos4 to he kept, do certify that John A. Hants Be above applicant. is * df good repute for honesty and temperance, and is well provided with house room and conveniences for the lodging and -accommoda tion of strangers and travelers, and that such an inn or tavern is necessary to accommodate the public and ntertain strangers anll travelers. A. P. Durlin. 0. Miller, William Beatty, P. Warren, George A. Elliot, A. Hughes,. John Peer, Carson Graham, Isaac Rosenzweig, M. %V. Keith, J. Zimmerley, J. W. Williams, C. Colt., Geo. W . Goodrich, A. King. March 31, 1310, 3110 , . . To the Honorable Court of Quarts? Se was af Erie county. Trl HE Petition of Mayberry & M'Carter Of the east Ward °file L Borough of Erie in said county, respectfully represents, that they MC Well provided with house room and conveniences f or th e lodging and accommodalion of strancers and travelers at the Reed House, in said Borough. They therefore pray the Honora ble court to grant them a license for keeping a public inn or ta vern, and they as in duty bound ill pray,l&e. MAYBERRY & M'CARTER. We the subscribers. citizens of the east Ward of the Borough of Erie in which the above inn or tavern prayed to be licensed is proposed to be kept, do certify that Mayberry & Wearier the above applicants, arc ofgood repute for honesty and temperanie, and are well Provided with house room land convenientes for the lodging and accommodation of strange ;s1 and travelers , and that such an inn or tavern is necessary to ccornmodate the pub lic and entertain strangers and travelers, M. Joy, It. It. Dewey, Thos. G. Colt, C M. T.bbals, Wm. P. Lattiruer, W. W. Dobbins, Win. Ward, Win. L. Scott, P. Metcalf. Murray Whallon March al. Iftlik To the Honorable the Judges of the Court of quarter Session, of , the .Penre in antifor the Commit, 0.1 Erie. lIE petition of Da - niel Kilobit) respectfully showeth, that he has leased the new frame building lately erected by Smith Jackson, on the dock in the west Ward of the Borough of Eric for a term of years, which house Is well calculated fora public house of entertainment, and front its neighbouriMod and situation, is suitable as well as necessary for the accodunadution of the pub lic and the entertainment of strangers and travelers. • That he is well provided with stabling for horses and all conve niencies necessary fur the entertainment of strangers and travel ers; be therefore respectfully prays the Court to grant hint a li cense to keep au inn, or public house of entertainment there, and your petitioner will pray, &c. - DANIEL KNOBLO. We ttp.undersigned citizens of the West Ward of the Borough of Erie aforesaid, beag personally acquainted with Dainel Eno blo, the above named petitoner. and also having a knowledge of the house for which 'Wulse is prayed, do fairly certify that such house is necessary toaccommOdate the public, and entertain straw. gersor travelers. That he is a persan of good repute for honesty • ' " " ' ' .1, 11: CLARK J. D. CLARK. and temperance, and that he is well ,roe and convenienciCb for the lodging and ace gtrs and travelers. We therefore beg leave a license agreeably to his petition. A. Reek, George A. Elliot, D. Zimmerman, John Pef James Dunlap, Emith Jackson, A. King, John A. Tracy, W. M. Gallagher, John WeHong. March 31, IWO, CEO. SELDEN & SON To the Honorable the Judger qf the Cuart the Peace fur the County a T"gpetiti.,„ of John Cole respectfully e in. - otter occupes a commodious house i of Lockport. and known as the “Lockport calculated** a public house uf entertatattnt; bourbood 101 situation is suitable as well accommodation of the public and the eater and trat clefs. That he is well provided with stabling fOr horses and nll eon veniences neees , mry for the entertainment hf stranvrs and tra veler 4; he therefore reope-tfully prays the court to grunt Willa li eenFe to keep an inn. or public home of entertaintoent there, and your petitioner will pray. Lockport, February 15,1519. We the undersigned eIIiZCIIF of Lockport sanally acquainted with John Cole the ab. and aiso having a knowledge of the house f prayed, do hereby certify that such house i modate the public and entertain strangers is a p rson of good repute for honesty and be is wellynovided with house room and lodging and accommodation of rtranger: therefore recounuenolhim lima license afire Levi Slater, L. J. Baldwin, Henry Miller, William Tyler, Pelle? Hinds, M. Miller, Henry, Miller. 3. Davis, . .........„ Tune Honorable tie Judres Of il*C 011111 i the Peace in andfur the aunt 1 HE petition of Andrew M. 'rubel! re p 1 • }our petitioner occupies the luge nil situate on Eight ritreet. near Me Canal Western lintel, in tue west Ward in the Ito, is calculated fur a public home of enterta nelchborhood and Mutation is suitable as, the accommodation of the public, and the ers and travelers. That he k well provi ores and all convealencies necessary for s rangers and travelers% he therefore respec to grant hiiii a license to keep tin inn or pl I.li:intent there, and your petitioner will pry We the undersigned citizens of the west of Erie aforesaid. being, personally ncquail Tarbell, the above named petitioner, and ledge of Mc house for which a license is pr that such house is necessary to accommod tertain strangers and travelers, thafllle is a for honesty and temperance. and that he t liaise room and conseniencies for the tough of strangsrs and travelers. We,(therefurs, licence agreeable to his petition. A. Pollock, Geo. W. Gcodricii, Alexander Hughes, Carson Graham, 3. If Williams, Zitnincrly, 1111.2timinerman, 0. Miller, Ceo. A. allot March 31, 1810. TD the Honorable awl of Quarter Seak 1111111 petition of Benjamin F. Norris of mid county, respectfully represents, the with house room and conveniences for the I dation ofstrangers and travelers at the hou he now owns in said township. Ile therefo Court to grant him a license for keeping a and he, as in duty bound, will pray, &c. We, the subscribers, citizens of the the above Inn or Tavern prayed to he I icei kept, do certify that Bea). F. Norris, the good repute for honesty and temperance. ner house room and eon%enienees for the lodgie of strangers and travelers. and that such ai canary to accommodate the public and ep travelers. _ To the IloNorableCourl of Quarto. Sun T"E petition of Wareham Taggart. of _Erie, respectfully represents, that he home room and conveniences for the loilgi) of strangers and travelers, at the hone therefore prays the honorable court to grant lug public Inn or Tavern, and he, a. in il &c. WA We, the un 4 ersigned, citizens of Hari which the above Inn or Tavern, prayed Lei certify. that %Verohain Taireart, the above p pure for honesty and temperance, that he Nitre room and conveniences for the sterol, nil travelers, and that said Inn or Tavern' inodate the public, and entertain strangers Christizn Hull, D. E. Flower, George W. Tupper, J. Bennett, Almond Fuller. C. Teasthle • TIT} petition of die subscriber 'nimbi showeth that your pe titioner is well provived with house room and other accom modations for entertaining strangers and tr veleta, he would there fore pray your honors to grant him license o keep* public Tavern at his old stand, two miles west of the bor ugh of North East. and he still pray, &c. THOMAS BARNII 'IIIT rrnE newly invented Plough, which took the premium at the last County Agricultural Fair. furnished with gauge wheels, is now ready for sale by the subscribers. The opinion of the far- mers who have used this Plough is that it creel!s all others ever introduced here for turning sward. We have also a good supply of the Pittsburgh, %Viard end Ducher Ploughs on hand, all wood ed in superior style and for sale cheap. LESTER, SENNETT & CHESTER. Erie, March 21,1R49. mosey Warded. • WE earnestly request ALL persons Indebted to us, either by note or hook account, to call mid pay their respective amounts. %Ve have given eredid Po longi and indiscriminately that our resources are becoming exhausteds and we tlnd that if we continue in business at all, it must be by collecting our dues. We hope, therefore, that Tnrs statement °retro irs will be suffici ent, and prevent the necessity of resorting to other and more un pleasant means. CARTER & BROTHER. Erie, March. 21,1849. . 43. WH gREAS my wife Polly has le ft my bed and board without just enure or provocation. this ia therefore to foam an per. u r l3l 7u L ill " DUB: ill pay , sons from harboring or trusting her on , my no debt. of her contracting after th is date. E .L. . March 31, 1810. 3thr HISTORY OF TEN. YEARS. 1834-4840. or Stance anger Louis Phlllippe. By Louis plane. The Prose Writers of Germany. By Frederik% Hedge. lUus•, rated with PortsMits., For sale by W. E. lIEWBON k CO. 24 BoxEs oigudy. a littte above cost for Fate by. • - (Dee 2 .] 141441)ERNECIIT. Its =WM Chauncey Shattuck, Amos Church, Archibald Alexander, I. L. Way, John Barney, James Jolitisio James inekpon, L. M Root, March, 124, 18111. M. F. Worden, 11. V. Fessions, March !I, 1N49. To the Guam of Quarter See We, tile ithdersigned.cillaens of the township of North East, do certify that we are well acquainted with:TlM - maw Barnhart, the above petitioner, that lie is a man of good - repute for honesty and temperance, is well provided with house and other accommoda tions for entertaining strangers and tral,clers, that such Inn or Tavern is necessary to entertain strangers and travelers. Booth Caldwell, ,Dewitt' C. Colson, M. Greer, Wm. Menlo, Thos. Mellin, David Bunion, • W. P. Baird. John T. Davidson, • Mini. Custard. John Baird, Robert Johnston. W. M. Custard, Ebeneger F. Gifford, It T. D av i s. • blare!) 2.1, 1&19. tvti Woolveriaia Ploughs. NOTZOE. • ' Veiling off at Cost. ►pnE undersigned offer their entire Stock of Dookar , Stationaty. 4 and Paper Hangings at Cost. W. 4. lIEWSON & Co. Erie, March 31,151 D. • 40. Notice: T HAVE sold my stock of Goods S. D. Clark. with whom my I bor.' .... Gooks will rettiain ei short time for collection. 'All persons In terested" who prefer arranging their-accounts with Mr. Clark, to hoon.aving them placed in a Magistrate's hands will please call on him Y. METCALF. ... Erie, March 17; 10 1 40'. • • •--- I). CLARK, liaVing purChased from P. Metcalf his stock of J . • (locals, respectfully solicits patronage from his former cus tomers and, friends, and the public generally, olt the assurance that the most liberal inducements will be offered both inlets stock and and prices at No. 1, Reed house. Erie, March 17, le-49. epring Goods. RECEIVED by Express and opened this day, a few choice springstyles of French, English and American (anemias. (oil colon) also a choice lot of Cashmere and De Lane Shells, all colors; Ladies Scarfs, Cravats, Laces, Linen and Bleached Goods Whale Bones, together with many other kinds of Goods not usually found at this season of the year, may be had at C. U. WRIGHT'S .. . Erie, March, 21, 1810. DOMESTIC GOODS;:A good stock of Battings, Yarns, Sheet in.P•qhirtingd and 'risking', at WRIUIRT'S Erie,%larch 4 , 4 130 43 White Fish and' Trout. ikFEW;whole and half Barrels, in fine order, warranted A ' No. I,!cheap for Cash at the store of C. B. WRIGHT. Erie, March 24, MEI.. ~ 100.000 B"INGLES. wa nn i ErVl l .ZUt il at. by Erie, Mqel. 24, MIX 45 Administrator's Notico. J4ETTERS testainentary on the estate of Catharine Want. late of Girard township, Deceased, having been granted the sub scribers, notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to said es tate; to make immediate payment, and those having clainfs against said estate; to present them properly authenticated for settlement. F.D%VIN 11A LI. MELVIN M. 6.11.80, Adin'rs. Girard March 17, Gilt New Books by Express. • TVTACAULEIPB lllstory of England, Boston VAIIICM, Macau 's Essayi and Reviews. Fremont's Oregon and Califor nia to which is added a description of the Physical Geography of California, with recent notices of the Gold Region. Just published and for ■ale by W. E. fI % %'SON & CO. Erie. March El.'lBlo. No. 8, Reed House. itriiioV Me. To my CapoionferS and the rabile generally. ' THAVE removed my stock of GROOERIES to the comer ofFifth lid State streets, three doors north of my old stand. where! will be happy to wait upon all and sell them any thing I have in my !Meer business no cheap as elsnwhere. ohm Tettlill my thanks for thy liberal patronage received. and hope that by strict ntteen sinbt to my business to me it a continance of patronage. blare!' 3f. IVM F. RINIIERNACHT. trim subscriber has removed hi establishment one door,FASt of ►P. H. Knowlton', Watch and Jewelry Rho'''. where he will be pleased Ito supply his customers with Rms. Cape. Muffs and Robes, &c., as cheap as the dirtiest. Pleam call and examine for yourselves! R. UUNTER. Erie Fekt. 3,1810. M=Ol H. E D. 11. M'Eride, ►►'. Truesdall, 1849. ' 1849. 1 , !Spring A. Fashions. SSMITH has just received the Spring Mid Summer' 11011101 M 111 for HATS. to which he invites the attention of his old cus tomers and the public generally, . Rrie, March 10. 1810. 2(I (11 GAI.I.()NS Lin.re..l Oil and Spirits of Turpentine, by *1 i/ Nov. 0. CARTER & lIROT II PITTSBURGH 'rong,' N 0.2, FLEMING BLOCK. ERIE. IN TIME FOR WINTER SUPPLY.—.llfred King has Just open ed. and will keep constantly fin sate, by Wholesale and Retail, a well selected stock of Wet and Dry Groceries. consistingof eve ry po s sible t aridly which he w 111 bea! to d ispose of to his friends and fellow-citizens on very reasonable terms. Erie December Y 3, if I . y 32 16\E:1.9,-30 chests spperiorllyson, flack, lloucliong and cheap A Ilona Tees, at KING'S. ded whh house room .intaiodation of man -41 recommend him for WHITE: FISH, Mackerel, Cod Fish, Herring and Fizg i n, nt Win. A. Arbuckle H. W. Keefer, J. U. Williams, Carson Graham, CONFECTIONARIEB.-70 Cores assorted Candies just re ceived and fur sate low at A. KING'S. N AILS-113 Rep+, all sizeri, for vale %cry low, by A. KING 3t16, WINDOW GLAM.—fly half boxes, eight by ten nut ten by twelve. Just received at I A. KING'S. quarter Sesiioßs (I,f Era. WHITE LEAD-30 kego pure nailclient), at A. KING'S towed': that yotir pc 'situates in the village 'louse," %%Melt is well 'tit, and from its neigh ns necessary for the tainmeal of strangers T OBACCO -8 Bocci palm Brand at , VILUITS,SpIeeg and Note, and n Odl and (mumble nermrtmen- IL of ever} thing in the grocery Her, for Fnle very low. by A. KING. r: - . • , •rup. taillseriber eontinnea io pny CA it for good clean Barley, A delivered nt his Ware-flame, Vila :greet Canal Ilat.in, , Erie. Dee. tn. is's. A. KING. 1 MEWED aforesaid. being per ve named petitioner, Qr which a license is is necessary to accotn and travelers, that he eniperance, and that conveniences for the ;• and - travelers. We ably to his petition. Marshall Lyon, 8. C. (lunit, N. S. Ronse, .1. It, Reynolds. , Nit CHASSES.—Superior Sugar-house and New Orleans Motile- IT I set; in any quantity at "NE MINI/RED 11;;11219 of 0:04. 09 Ilit•Meli, of excellent pink lJ eye Potato and other nrticlrs tocr numeroun to mention. nt Erie, Dee. 30, In-18. k IN a`P. Stearine, Mould nut 17i1 prvl Cr U ldiel,ot Wanted. wItIAT. 11nrley. flow, Corn. Grn.s and Clover Seeds, Dried. Apples. l'eachiteand White Beans. for which due highest market price. o 111 be pail, by GEO. SELDON & SON, Erie, Jan. 13, let). f quarter aegotoTni of qf Erie. tthlly rhoweth. that .1 comma Hula lawn° and kaown as, the cash of Elle, %%Inch !talent, and from ilk+ well as necessary for tertainasent, of stran - led with .tabling for the cotenant:tient of, Tully prays the Court thlie house of eater y. &c. n1..111) CLOAKING—n lwatitiful article for Lady'eteloalot. for sale at 111, Cbropside, by S. JACKSON. Nov. •1. 600 A Principi. I.n Nornm. 6itnt. awl Common cigars 1.1 cheap as the cheapest; by the Fox or lm:O ot. - Dec , RINDRNECIIT'S. CI I !GA Its . .—New Orleans. Porto Riao firevani, Loaf. Pulverised and Crushed sugars, for sale. V. holesale or retail. by ' Ike. 2. 11'%I. F. RINDEILNECIFF. EMI= 9000 HAVANNA and Principi Cimre, choice brands, and Simon Pure Importation. just received a n d for sate by BURTON & PEARKINS. 'Van! of the Borough ted with Andrew Al. aleo baring a know yed, do truly certify te the public and en mon of good repute well pros bled n ith ig rind accoininodation ecoitimend hint for a THE subscribers Will pay io ion MUllabiCtOr blackinnithing pur• • poses. at the lowest cash price. rot any quantity of 'crap iron. delivered at our Warehouse, at the opening of naviantion. 11A V ERSTIEK. & CO. Erie. Feb'y 1.1619. • -1 Itint3rl P. U. Oliver. 1 W in. :M. Kallag'.er, Alfred King, A. P. Du. his, THE Iteautifel Cigar Girl. and Its *Noel, Herman de Ruiner. Or the tuyswry unveiled. by Naralmm. Guildford. or tried by his Peers. by J. A. Pruett's. Tim Great Ho {tarty Diamond, by W. M. Time keray. The Greatest Plague of Life, or Adven tures of a Lady in search of n Good Fervantt Whom to Marry and How to rret Married, Jane Eyre. For sale at - • Feb. 10, 1819. W. E. lIEWSON% MILL nod CUT FIAWS.a good ac:oritnent of different man ufacture. may Le found at C. B. WRIGHT'S. ---- ons of Erie Cainty: Greene township, lb at he is Al ell provided lodging and neerniiino e on Norris hill, where e prays the Ilbnorable public Inn or Tavern, F. NORRIS. . 1 Paints, Dye-Stuffs, It& 1 000M154121 . Rochelle mid Yellow Ochre,' 2 Ilm. Whiling. . 300 !ha. Venitiatt Red, 3no Dm Red lead & Llthrage, NO !Mid Dye•Stulie. 130 lbs.thiriford's extract logwocali 150 1103. Gum Shellac, 300 gals. Turpentine. 100 gala. Unwed Oil - SO tt VartilAcs, - • 123 " Alcohol. For sale by Nov. IS. Ib4B. BURTON & PERIONS. .11 township. in which nscd is proposed to be labov e applicant, is of d is well provided with .g and accommodation Inn or Tavern is no terrain strangers and Colds, Coughs and Consumption, TAVNEM EXPECTORANT. (large bottles) J Wlstor's Balsam of Wild Cherry Swaytte's do do do Ayres' Cherry Pectoral Briatot's Balsam Ifoarhound, and other medicines for the above Mamma. for sale by BURTON & PERKINS. Nov. Roheit ACTule, John Cahoon, ',Jr. John Johnston. Wm. Graham. 3t4. dons) of Erie Coufrty. Vesleyville. County of is %vell provided with i ig anti accommodation he now occupies. lle t him a license for keep duty hound, will pray, ,8111AMTAGGART. horcreek township, in Is liceined is kepi, do petit otter. is of good re- Wt ll provided with nimodation of strangers Os necessary to accom- Ond ten velem Stop that N USING Mrs. /ems' Colden e nry n . fo h b l e bad at ' B (Nov. 28.) BURTON & PERKINS pEK IN CO'S PANIPS (trees and Black Tens. A fresh supply of these popular Teas just received by the Agents Nov. IS. - BURTON & PERKINS... , 179 LI:S. Camphor, Ida lbs. Sup. Cub, Soda. • • 100 lbs. Castile and box soaps: 300 lbs. Brimstone. 73 Ibs Spts IS itte and Aqua Ammonia. just received and for sale by BURTON & PERKINS. Nov. 2.3, IEI9. 28 Win. Holtman, W. H. Middaugh, F. L. Fitch. John J Human. 3t43 • Drass Clockp. v IGIIT DAY and 30 flour Clocks; various kinds, for sale by the L Box or single one, very cheap by G. LOOMIS & CO inn. 13, INS. State street. ons of Erie County &PISTOLS.—DoupIe and Single Barrel Gums and Pis to;s. Powder Flasks. Shot Pouches, Game Bags, Percussion caps, Worms and Cutters, at U. LOOMIS & CO's. F.rle, Jan. 13, Is4o. 01811. Codfish, Trout and Mackerel, for ante by the' , YY bbl. or less quantity, at RINDERNECIIT'S. Ike. 2. 20 RAISANI3.II hqxes. 20 halves. and 2.1 quarter boxes fresh Malaga flats:ins, cheaper than elsewhere. by the box or pound by R I NDERNECIIT. Doc. 1. 29 A MU S S SUPPLY IF the Canton TealCompany'o Soperiar Teas. Just received I and for sale by the agent, T. W. MOORE. Erie, Feh'y :It, 1849. • N0.,1. Ferry Block. rllllll Store Room, Fo. d, Connnereinl Exchange, now men -1 pied :If n Clothing store, for rent. rowession given immedi ately. Enquire of MOST A KOCH, Erie, Feb. 21. 1810. Commercial Exchange. A"persons Wising unsettled neeounts with me. will please call and settle without delns. ns I Intend moving West as soon as Navigation opens in the Opting. Those tailing to tall before that time may expect to pay cost. JOSEPH H.ELSY, Jr. Mow I Maur 1 Plonr 11 " - 5 -enr . aper B tgnilaicanF;ooutrl;eire"ecleisliedCridantge sl 4, 23 aMati I. Perry Dlock. . T. W. MOORE. Notice to those whom it may Conger:3h THOSE that know themselves Indebted to me by Note or Book account. are requested to call and pay on or belbre the Ilret day of January next, or Cost will be made. ' Erie. Nov. 23. IStB. 6w28 . WM. F. ItiNDERNECHT. 150 POUNDS American Vern:olkm and Chrome Yellow by • Now. 11. CARTER & BROTHER. • Mae. A Cool) torrortment oft arare, Areordrone, Flotinns, A Flutes, Fingeolets. Ciarionete apd Fifes. together with the beet Guitar and Violin String* -hi town. Alpo, Violin Bowe, Bridges, Pegs. Ace., tbr sale eheap,by - G. LOOMIS dr, C 0.,. Erie, Jan. 13, 4NO, 3 5 , BAGS Dairy watt; ale, ao Able. salt. pad 25 toms coop° wilt, on hind awl tor salt! at RINDERRECUrii Dec. R 211 • - GLUR , a r raSned Paper.. by . • CARTER e IMOTHER7 Paper• Zs -ging& 1 000 MOW psperarid Sardesixt 40 0, ifindoir _ act. paperotirsate . cheaper thaeL7 tysizzsik BON. BL ACH'D WHALE OIL. and arnphine. obaap for Dash. by Nov. ID, • CARTER &saoTHEN. ?T:Trri d :Spurn'. and I.lllNPedl - HT7l — at KING a. ane, loaf Ininpoult erked and ifeat. ladra .I,bl. or pound, for rale very low, at To Blacksmithr. Cheap Publications. Moro Room for non% Notice. NEW 0.65, Y W. moorun, WOULD Testa. Gully invite the attention of the Tea-drinking inhabitants f this city and vicinity to the Canton Tea Cowpoxes Superior Teas—subject in all cares to be returned if not approved of. Alb) g which 'may be found; GREENS: (.o:1 YOUNG 1 SOpt, Fine No. 2 Fragrant! No 3 vely Fine Good HYSON. Very Fine do Good HYSON SKI Good IMPERIAL, Very Fine do l Extra Fine do, Good GUN POWDI Fine do No I SOUCIIONG Not do Finest do Fragrant POWCII CONGO, Fine OOLONG, Very Fine do Extra Fine do NINGYONG, 110WQUA. or fr./TAKE NO Ft eluxtie venders of MIXTURE." Every package. (I I pendent 31' the wr ganee,stil the Tea and air, that their q any climate. For N 1 1 111:113114 wawroN fr.. PER A RE now reeeivii la. Paints, Hits, Dyi and miscellaneous al Physicians, Pit Jowl y. .For Para. - ago To WHEWSOI • of Tools. win grooving Plot WM Splitting Gau Panel do Hand Rail Pli ilalvong d Match d Plank Match Pilniaer mirk Ogec. Which will bc told fict. 27. MIMI IN 811 ARF. ty beyond the prenii Risks upon the 1. tering. Losses will Fire risks on :net . or country, for a lint Joseph !I. Seal. Tlieoplit Ins l'auldin Rolprt Burton, Hugh rtig. Henry ,an renee Clutrle Kelley, Williain Falwell, Dr. kJ. Fliontan, KING'S. 89 Uicharl rrr Application c 1 Erie, Feb, 10. in FPI tt:SontiMr prepent atout. glati • and pounds at the s cents ; also a Read) one cent to one don calculating the pyi the contents of (list! wholesale and retail! Nov. U, Tonne A BOOK F DERHAPS nokn practical impar mat Ica Ily presented impart that genera Cooney. which &la education orevery is printed on food 1\ 370 Pages. lor sal 4 Eric, Jatt. 13, Ma Largebt, Be t Language. is et bridged 14 1 vol. cr. wi author, revised by Ora; For Sale at the net' II Erie. Jan. El, 194'. wny to save 1 at the Furnace 73 em. per Erie, Jan. 21, 164 Wirs.lPurdy's Confectionary, No. 9, Reed Rouse 1 ( Row. na RS. PURDY would respectfully Inform th e public that she 1111 has taken the W i el know stand. n the Reed House Row, re cently occupied by hl. W. Keitit,'wherelhe has now and purposes keetling constantly onand. n large variety of d:il C NPECTIONA RIES, 1 sold other own mencier and so wholesale and retail, with dif ferent kind!' of REFRF ' II MEN TS, au ch ns Cakes, Pies, Bread and Butter Poached Sea, old Fowl, , Boiled ham. Pork'and Beans, Hot Coffee, Soda Vii'ater lee Cream, &e.... &c., all of %Mich will be served up In the bese id most ()alembic style. She has just re ceived a fine assorupen of TOYS, to which she invites attention. Mts. P. has fitted Op moda 'ion of Ladies w•h mined not to be surpa HuOhio, nod will rode indulges the hope that chided to her predeees. Erie, Nov. 23. NEW JOHN M.. 1: friends and • \ ^ i age extended ) them that ile NO. 0, AI a large and • psi • . mettrsa9d Aof the money eluded front t him to of in this market. An English. and America I made up to order and Frock Coats, Overcoat and Dravrtrs. ildkfs, a as the cheapest. Per . will do well to mill an are cut by myself, nod had, without regard t made as any shop in l have their measure ra .trith them when dmie, ' Custom work and Cu and warranted. i r.t7 No charge for s selves at No. O. Yale, Sept. 27. 1819. 0 HAS! PIIIAVVI 1.7 Wool, Plaid. &c., Oct. G. LAMPS. Vaileus p, chimneys, shades dolcs,very tow, at cou.t. 15n couniem.,,,,, berths. Ai'. I, Commercial radian: Erie, March 10,1E10 O NE hundred tons o , rent Bargains. i T Aal NOW receivil my pall and Winter Stock of Dry Goods, 1 Groceries, flardator , Iron, Steel, Nails, Chains Ike., 0011,14'- 1 . sing n stock of over tw my-flee thousand Dollars , which was pur chased direct from the lanufactories, both in Europel and !Inherit. ca. at prices unheart o before ; allot' which will be sold for Cash at prices far below any 'Mods before sold in this market. Return. ing my sincere thanks my old Customers for their very liberal patronage, 1 purpasep ompensate them this fall and winter with the greatest bargains o past sinus. Now is the time !—nestyear Iprediet higher prices. H. CADWEI.L. . , Erie. 00LS:it lig& , , • . ... , :ep out . e zrl , TILE subscribers bar ing pirchased the right for this county in ..Girreftall PATC WICATIIEN STRIPS." are pow prepared- to turnish 6 all who mayfit to give them a rail, with the.abOve named nrticle. It co n i ds ore strip so attaelled to the hewn of the door, as to shut out" II wind and rain, thereby preventing the, rotting of doom ing, car is &c .. which in commonly the cane In ii . south or west doors. It is warranted to pay, fps itself in saving te, pairs three times n year If ii does not satiny all who procure it we willtake it off e a r nnd pay nil damages. All orders left mt A. Iliteheoelee stove to the 'above articles. will he promptly' 'at eEed, J o n ' . 40, IR • O'. —. ,, ,• ~ ' PINCKNEY it CRA if N3OI • rIMPFER.;—", Rees R Cofree, for sale chez thy, by Dee. S. : TNAS,IO ettesus 0 tinkle of Nadi Dee. 2 - hubtesi II Wass, In Gold, Prams. nu nttcasiv Jan. 13. BLACKS. 60 SO per lb 63 " 75 Various privet, variouv prieee, 50 73 •• 1 00 ." variousa prices. I Black Ten Imported, 1 00 ICE !—The Canton Tea Company are the ev -116 superior Black Tea called "110WQUA'S 1 addition to it containing full weight lode. i , prier.) bears tit, stamp of neatness and etc therein mean thoroughly secured from light Wily and rawer will remain unimpaired in ale at No.,e. Poi?r reople's Row. rry sit Arm CII,EAP: REINS. AT riiEtß OLD STAND, No. S. REED 110CSE. lug their %Vint/ stock of Dr iv.v. Medicines. ...Stuffs, Brudte , Varnisher, Groceries, Plumy (Metes. to 'AN Well . they in% ite the n11(.111'011 01 i, Clothier's, ra tiers, and consmiters eeneral to see matt Bill „" Nov,IF., MN . . arpentx.rs and Joiners. & CO. Piave jug! reeeit ed a large assortment ch as ' r of different kinds. Quirk Ogee, do , do G reein u do .o do. do Quirk Ovolo, do do It 011171 r , do ties do do Grecian do do do Ra ' , Let rianes, do do . Sagli do 'lanes do , do , Ward Rules, do do do , Cane do 7 1 Flat, - cry cheat) for Caelt. Call and gee. W. E. lIEWSON & CO.. No. W, Reed 110111Pe. .N.AWARE MUTEA I, SAFETY I ANCE 00DIPANS, 1( of Philadelphia.) , miness on the Mutual plan, Hein: the •nsured l l In the prolits of the Company, tvithout Dahill- - Inn paid. kes ;mar:mat insured on the most favorable be liberally . and promptly adJinded. • Ai:maize, buildings and Other properly, is town tiled term permanently. DIRFA;TDPS. James C. Hand, Edmond A. Soudcr, •,,. John C. Pa‘ i-, 11. Jones Ilrooke, John Garrett, John B. Pento,e, Samuel Edi:arils, George S,errell, David It. Stacey Edo aril Darlington, Isaac It. Do. m..g, J. G. Johmen, William Day. .10111 S. Newlin, Dr. IL M. Huston, John Seller, Jr. - Spencer Alen% a Ile, .—...._ I S. Newhould, Fee•r; Wm—Martin ImM. in be made to , . J. KELLOGG, Agent. Erie. 1 Books. , ',Wee Reckoner, showing the value by pound ;tr,lifiti;giagAraB o ITANZULTV,gI I .! " X. 11110 rate. the price computed Ly dollars and Reckoner. for all kinds of :11erchninlibe, from r t p Table for complaint! I ittereME : Tables for ,e Of_flay. the mea4ure of Wool and Stone; , &c. &c., tibli.lted and for sale. at W. E. II EWSON & CO'S. No. S, Pad House. Ocienco of Government." EVERY AMERICAN emEN. edge inn government like l onts Is ofmore se C. than tint which Li Fully and syste !this Book. It it ailiiiirali4 enletilated to tendril:gin' the Political Atraira of our be divined an th•wailial requieiti•nt in the II rof Independent Government. the Hook i e Paper—v. ell Bunn 1--and contalint Maui W. E. fIEWSON, & CO, nil Cheapest Dictionary in the Enitlisll :ssedly Webster' s. The entire work trim ' quarto. I /.52 rage? with a portrait of the Goodrich or Yale Convey. Price 50.1/ti— ll okstore, Ly W. C. lIEWSON. }, Per Coat Savoy per cent. in buying Stoves, Iron ware. &e. o call Wine and buy Furnace. Duebill9 at supply on hand and fur sale as Ma:we. • MOSES KOCH. room, lip Attire, expresbly for the accom piny w Alt to eht 0 Vril'EßS. She is deter ed by any Molitor ertabliAlinent west of vor to afford universal sathilbetion. She lie a one liberal pettoonge which wee ex . r will be continued to her. OTZING swonzi. TICE returnsdne sincere thanks to his Public in general. for the liberal patron o him. and would beg 'leave to inform ,as Just opened d SNELL IILOC4 STATE ST., , 001 i assorunen of CLOTHS, CASSI ESTINGS. which, owing to the tightues , ( market in the eastern cities. he has pur e Importers at a great sacrifice. which en frbr the best bargalfis ever before beard ttg his stock may be found flue French, Cloths and Gassltnexes. hr ' ay:mm(l. Also. ready made Dress and tindSack Coats. Pants and Vests, Shirts d Suspenders, whirl. will be sold as cheap is wishing to purchase clothing for Cash, examine goods and prices. as my goods nade in Erie by the best hands that eau be price, and are warranted to be as well .ic makes. Persons wishing clothing, can n and clothing made, and if not suited 'hey will not be asked to take them. ling done on the stoat reasonable terms L . wing goods—coif and CthininC for vout , BONN ELL BIM*, • . Slate 8. 1 4!!—Brucha, Cashmere, M. de Loins Fill Le found cheap at TIBBALS dr. DEWEY'R, wens mitt and rampliene Lumps. lamp nd ivicks. A few splendid Foe of Giran -1.09M1S &CO'u. anoslbounterpanosl! sisltrable for double and single beds and Linen ahil Cotton :peelings cheap al No. MOSES KOCH. astor Plaster! Plaster for sale at the lowest pries". by U. DWEL,L. 0, St Domingo. Cuba; Larfira J Jat•a! r than elsewhere, byibe bag or hal QUASI; WMAK-EINDERNECHT - .29 d and Young Hylton Tea; also. a superb, . at, RLYDEBNECHTT: Spectacles. Sailboat. Parabolic aud other kinds of / yes German Silver, - Steel and other ~ r tinant to select from. at" G. LOOMIS & Co's. 1V 34 1F-N•it•X':/. , :ieV"'4tV'lA') , CT. Pa. "Y• • • ••• IMB INCREWED MIWOEMERTS TO DUY AT TUE NEW 373 w 41711Evir ITOIIII. 2 CORNER OF STATE ,IND FIFTH STREETS. • Erie, Pa. - 7 ROSENZWEIG & CO. inform pleb thriller numerouseusto 1. mem and the public generally:Vial they have just returned from New York, it ith a regular avalanche of Dry Goods,Clotking &c., consisting of more than I PIPE HUNDRED PACKAGES Of goods—larger than ever before brought into the West. This immense assortment embraces a great variety of articles which it would be tedious toenunierate—every shape pattern, va riety. form, figure style, finish, fashion Wild quality of goods of ev ery kind for the GENTEEL OR COMMON WEAR. Of Ladies. Gentlemen. Boys or Girls. The time has arrived in human affairs, when HO man or woman who is able to obtain a daily livelihood by the ',yield of his or her brow. need go without good--even genteel clothing—when no Boy or Girl thrown upon his or her resources, and-obligedo rkiliG Ihroupli :de rt-rIJ at the rate of sixpence per day, need g 4 H Mout decent attire ;as the proprietors of this establishment are ready and n Sling to, putve. to all who will rive them a call. 1 HATS AND CAPS, In great variety. of every fashion. can be obtained at this estab lishment. at pikes to suit the time.., and their necessities ; '!;heir large assortment of Undershirts, Smipenders, I.7sribriljlas AND WATER-PROOIt CLOTHING. Will make the eyes water. and the low prices nt hied' they ton be afforded. will put to tlight the ambitious pretentious of all who have heretofore made a toast of their prices. • I !MOTs .1.V!) SHOES. Men's Boots, Fine and Kip. Ladies' law prlonil Shoes; do Calf, Seal, Goat & Kip tiro- do Fine Kid Slips, t do Gents' Slippers, trans, do Congress Slips & Buskins, do Congress Gaiters. do Kid Welts. Boys' Brogans, tine and coarse, and Children's Shoes in goat va riety. Also. T.INWEI: NOTIONS 80 SO per lb 113 73 1 00 " 75 1 00 " 50 •' 73 " 1 00 1 2 25 " 75 " " 123 " By the cord. at New York.prices, and o th er goody in the Dry Goode line at Wholeimle At Retail. Grocericp Crockery, Glassware, &e., by the cart - load, yard. load, or retail. at price" to correspond with the . -Tfr Don't forget the plate, corner of State and Fifth Streets. Erie. Oct. 7. T it - . ' FIRST CHANCE! FOR OZICWAGO AND 9'lllE New, staunch. nod fastisunnltia frumni Propellor TROY. P. P. Dovnixs. Master, will leave Erie, for 'the above ports.. as soon na ire will permit in thd Spring. The TROY Is emlrely new nod built expressly for the Upper !Jake trade. lire accommodations for Freleit and Passengers. especially for Famines 11101 log out West. are unsurpassed. Eo' Freight or Passage apply no board, o JOIN MoCiRE, or JOHN HEARN. tf nap 1414... tee ru,n 9. 1549 YOU can find the following articles at Rinderneches Grocery- Store: Ginger, nutmegs. spice. pepper. cloves, Cinnamon, Mu:Start!, Peppersauce, of oil, castor oil. cocoa, Chocolate, Pow der rind Shot, Percussion caps and pills: ciuon, currants, .hurr. cigars, tobacco. candle nick, twine, FIIOC, white wash, horse, scrubbing, dusting, cloth, hair and tooth brushes; coffee mills. led corals; clothes I hies. rope, patent pails, cedar pails, washtubs, wash I.oards, mop !alas. briiii3lollr, Rill 1)11tir, chalk rosin, Tar; curry combs, and a variety r articles, too numerous to mention. all of which will be so d clie;ipar than elsewhere by Dee. d, IVM. F. ItINDFIRNECIIT. Co UGARS.—Loaf. Lutop. Puivericeii. Porto Rico. Ilavana. an 4 kJ New Orieanu Sugari, for Laic as cheap as the elnapest. it No. 1, Perry Block. by T. W. MOORE. Erie, Feb'y 24, IE-19. 41 N0T1033.• rraiin subscribers have left their notes and accounts with fieo.• Kellogg. Ell.. for collection. All those who wish to save c 0,4 ,, nu/steal! Immediately", as there can be no delay in thebe DROWN & 31. CARTER. DETROIT .41.441 . ON draught and for Pale at :40. I, Perry Block. l.' (March, a, P.M) 'f. W. MOOR} ___-__. x , oxt DAGU ERR Z EL t'kwlsa to the great rush for pictures and at the request oftev eral families, I have concluded to temnin 11 . 8110ftT TINe longer. for the accommodation ()ribose who gate not yet tome . thcir Miniatures. 11* Call ininiediatet, as my stay must Ur short. Roo • over Crie Bank. ABEL, FLETC ikat. FOBl3 A la 3 2 O N re:lmitable ternev, :tit excellent Ca , tt i a i l h tle ti r I • ;e o f r u C n o li n t l u ta n t, n o d fixtures. Inquire or f I tlo W 11 lor IN I.lllllqn, ucarly new, ' BENJAMIN CIIIAN. Erie, Fet, 10, 1E49. if 30 New Supply of School nookik. . DAVIES' A ri i !inlet le i t'olCuro's do; OtorY's,GeograPhy and At" las: IlleGutle.i's }leaders, Sanders' do ;Comstock's Philosophy. Niel:a try's Spelling, 110114111'S Grammar, .K irkam's do; and the Young ( . 1101f. ill:( 11.C4',1% ell at - •N'. E. lIEWSON'S. Feb. 10,%154.4. I 39 - • • /1 - tilTl:l;:inflFMTriiini:nt Java, Luguira,Cutai,El. Domingo, ll and Rio Coffee. r :11-o, a general msoriment of Wet and Dry Grocer !CF. n rold at a very *mall advance from cad. to make room fora ne'sv impidy, at No. 1, Perry flock. My IE4O. T. W. 5100 RE. • Fall of I.t.N. . NEU' • Fall of 1t4t... razz. APth %rum= Gomm, .oririn, in large guantiEesal She Jew Store of MOSES KOCH, 'Commerratl Erchange. on Freseb .St., Erie. Pa. have the pleasure of informing my friends and customers in I •sw...tt country. that I am now receiving my fall supply of NEW Aft D FASHIONABLE GOODS. which, as usual embraces all the varieties of rich mid beautiful Good. in tnnrket. and which arc to he sold at the proverbial low prices of the 014 Jew Store. familiar to every man, woman and child in this corner of the State. Notice the lotion iue. FOR THE LADIES. Heavy Italmn and Chantelion Silks, Gros de Shine Satin stripe. rekiii, watered. :tripe.] and plaid, black Italian do. satin striped and em bibidered 51ouse de La Me. plain Awl printed Cashmeres, embroi dered Robes, changeable Madonna, French Merinoes, Mode colors. plaid Lone Shawl, Montle. Cashmere and Silk Shawis.embroi dered Cashmere do. black and colored silk Fringes, Brussels Lace, Lisle and thread Lace.. needle wrought Collars. Jenny Lind Collars. French Kid Gloves. Bunnett'Sntini and Ribbons, shirred satin Bonnets. Plumes and lion era &c. Erie Sept. Y 0 Ic4+. a. LOOMS & C o.'s Clocks, Watches, Jewelry and Fancy Goods, A RE now being pxhibited at the old established stand on state rl Street, nearly opposite the Eagle Hindi. From very recent and large purchases in New York City, of the choicest styles of Goods the public w ill now have an oportuuity of view Mg the tattatsr and ni.sor assortment in their Hue ever, brought to Erie. In the mechanical branch of business eouflucted by the propri etors, particular attention will be paid to the repairing °trine Lev. Cr. Cylinder, Duplex; Chronometer and common Escapement Watches. The most difficult Watch work executed in tha best finished and workmanlike manner. They acknowledge with thankfulness the extends e patronage thus far in this department. and although some of their neighbors say they will do work lit tle cheater, the public may understand this, that their work shall be done better thou they can do it, or no charge for the job. With fair prices and strict attention to business, it is reasonable to ex pect n continued and increased patronage. Erie: Iles. 2,1379. AJIAr-'2101,D AND SHINER kiTECTACLES. of a supctior quality, u atranted to suit all ages and conditions of the eyes, at LEWIS' GOTHIC HALL. CI.OOIIS,—A large assortment of Clocii4, of different style, and prices. ftotia 61, to . ,810; Marcia Time pieces. Ste. 4 all star anted to. keep good time, ;a LEWIS' GOTHIC HALL. • _ GOLDPENS—Levi, • 4 NS—Leri,Bronies Gold Pens: also. Eagley's of the best quality. every One warranted. Also, other Gold Pens otv as SLatLEWIS' GOTHIC HALL. ; WINDOW GLASS. 500(IFEFIT of 3lc beet window glass. of all sizes 1 .1 from Bby 10 to 21 by 30, just received and for sale hy the bon or light. cheaper than can be bought elsewhere In this city. nt thr Vllrlk shop of 1.. WARRIII , I. south•vast corner of State and Eighth streets, Eric. April IS. 1918.-18. rriN yoli. for Dentisbi, by :Nov 10. PICTITRE FRAME GLASS.—A beautiful article of Waren rims. arnon4 whlrlo are 1.0 by 14,10 b'. 15-16. and up to 20 by 40, b Nov. 10, CARTER & BROTHER. GOl.ll, Nil% er ntid Copper leaf, Nov. JO, CARTER & BRoTitER q999 . N0v.10, in leg, Chips, al CARTER & 13noTitrit , 9 J oz. 1; 4 2,e , rl u o . f Bronze, Cold, El ilahvi.l4:O st pv I eA,JI HER., 'I HE highest price paid kW old and Silver, olds Watchei and Jeoelry in Cash or goody. htLEWIS' GOTHICHAI.L. lAN.). find at No. !Reed Ilousd. some beautiful Pirles of Goods V V for EA ening Dretrm comdsting of plain and figured Tart. tong. plain and embroidered lleragO. embroidered Lawns. Swiss and other blYieS to make tho young and beautiful more be tr itcliing , and irrer 'stable. tl tiring Mit. wren! gay . xermon. , stf st bleb they are respectful!) incitedtu call and examine. Dee. x 3. A Ler & PLAfiTEII.--1000 Üble4 Balt and Flatter. (Io good Of Oder) and at the lon eat null Let price, to be bad of Itce..Zl 1 .C. U. WRIGHT'S. WHITE FISH AND TROITT. , Just received per last trip of V V the Louisiana from Maehinaw. a fresh supply of Fish and Trout in the w hole and half !Quell, warranted good. M Dee. 23 WRI MDS Corner. - 1%/j UFFS AND BOAS—A comy,lete assortment of tillial4l93d IA Dons may be (bond. cilenl , at Dee. 23 iIIooNNET GOOES,lteceived by Express. a good selection of I.llabborted uncut Vel,vets. assorted Satins, all colon; rept and uncut Bonnet Rilks, ngsoried Ribbon, &c., all of bold very cheap to Milliners or to the retail trade. rIIOIIACCO of all kinds, Ibeoale 1 Dec. 2. Ur 1. Gftoi3Sciark's matches {Nealeyville do Wax Tapers nut/ cigar light - Nov ie. ON WR.REY STRIVE—A new and beauttild article (01 Ls IVI dies! Dresses. fur sate by . SMITH JACKS'S.° CLlMO—French, Englien, Getman and Awe:lean. Main II! a to 61, per yard, for sale by H. JACKSOh. CASSIMERES—JiIk, Sins Ilik;Plain and Fancy Plaids and Stripe. for sate br S. JACKSON. ATIN Errs, Tsi ecdr, Kentucky Jean, and Pla id !nee ' ff. JA . ClfroN velY . Kll nice and good, for sale by • aria and Ord. 111 k. Dab. anntrn an 4 C A hlit ird t i e E dUr. n s I ty 8 • JACiC COL 479 CALLS. Stone Ware, lbe sale by (Pee.. 2.) W. F. ItiNIPtItiECHT. 888 LBS. Sulphuric, Nitric mud Mu Nike MOIL h 7 ; Nov. 10. CARTE* & BROTHER. • MANNER'S OIL. by the Darrel or thilton. by • Nov. 10. • c I ukVER, i 111011111 L 7717 LBS. CoPPetus. 11./kEto, Alum muldoo Ito. Blur TOM,. by , Novak, - CARTER tk. BROTHEL , SUAIVES—Any quantity of Cashmere, rid oacaukilo, Sbatvls, foe sale by S. JACKSON. • - Muffs and Beals. ' ' • AA . COMPLEMPlaamentior Mu& and Bain away: lie *and, ch'eap. ' W111(1111 N 4 UuRNICIL Dec 2., • 1849. Look Zero. TEIE OTC morn: CHANCE GARTER dr. BROTHER the Ladies t RINDEUNECIIT'S. se nt . BURTON & PERKINS ~r !ATE PORTS! WRI ours comer;