Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, March 10, 1849, Image 3

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    paragraph/ for, the Illation.
1:I3 Man's reputation has been von• aptly compared
a sheet of white paper; if it be once blotted, it can
artily ever made to look sswhite as before. Apologists
f youthful immoralities should think of this.
IT A woman living with her third husband in Hart
ord, has just had a call from her first spouse, who left
her years' ago for South America, and
Whom - she supposed to be dead. During his absence
lio has boon twice manioc', her second hushaad , boing
ONIONS AND-SN'STIMNSr.—TIio following toast was giv-
rut st..a upper of tho New England Society in Chicago,
Illinoisan the 22d December: The fair onion-weeders
of Weathersfield—Angels among vegetables; they al-
Ways hare •-s smile on their lip.and a tear in their eye."
Er 'WinkingWilliams Smith Bliss, otherwise 4 Major
ills, the son-m-favt of General Taylor. was born in the
logy of Whitehall, county of Washington, etato or
ow York.
Er The Springfield Republican mentions an elope
sat from Now tlaveu. Connecticut. The gentleman
Laid to be an artist, and the lady one - of the "upper ton
uo sand," handsome, accomplished and romantic.
i i
ED — The latest case Of absence of mind reported is that
o man deeply involved in debt, who went on board of
'vessel bound for California, to take leavel of his friends,
! id forgot to come rudiore again.
aY Gen. Tn)lor seems to be de.tined to be inoro con
.ienous on Sundays than on nny other day in the Week:
F e fought tho great batik at Buena Vista on that day,
od during his tour to the writ of goverment, lie made
tree speeches on Sandi:v., arLouisville l New Albany.
tid at Memphis.
re' An English writer, teaming, at the mouth over the
as from California, says the accounts 'aro ntrocious
"put forth by the pa childten 'of the father of lies,
e choice cheats of the Universe—the Yankees!"
U r The present generation is getting far ahead of the
•.t. The following is en instance: "John my son,"
id a doting father. who was about taking his son into
:sines, "what shall be the st)Io of the new fu nil"—
Veil, governor," said the one-and twenty youth, look
1g into the heavens to find au answer, .:I don't know—
i supposo we have it John H. Sumpling & Father."
he old gentleman was struck at tho originality of tho
l ea, but couldn't adopt it.
HUM: SKATES. -A writer in the Notional Intellerren
r mentions the invention of horse skaites, by means of
• ! kirk, in the cold latitudes, an ordinary horse has been
town to travel as much as an hundred miles in the Mum
4 , 40 a AhroP hours, without an apparent fatigue. A
i ii ..ett, it° bayd, of thute marvellous skate's bedecked in
iNorwegiau etifo 114 S 4444 Deposited in the Patent
Ake. -
Earnstaiv.—The New, Yink Hun says
3t one of the most distinguiblacal jewellers in that city
.4, within a *few weeks past, set in gold three of the
est valuaele emeralds ever seen in this i conntry. They
ire left with hint by the wife of Cot- t'xt.ues•r. The
wralds were presented to illus. FnEmosr on his last
tHrli to the United States.
LT 4 young compositor lin the 01lice of the Cincin
ati Chronicle. has just received a letter from G. SAM
,.t. Ilur:rov, stating; that his father. who died in Texas
years since, left an estate worth over $50,000, and
oring him his assi>taace in recovering the possession
the properly.
Ma.—The,' ‘Vashington corresdent of the Jer
!. City Sentinel, a Taylor paper, says:—"l touch fear
o appearance of klEsur CiA if in the Senate. lie still
power, and was never known to forgive his enemies.
the question is, will he sit tamely and acquiesce in the
fpointtnent of those %‘ho have opposed hint in the late
IIVaSFI. I think not. If ho does, he will assuredly
tow a groat change of character. On the contrary, if
o adopts opposition, with the nssistance of the demo-
.rats, would not the unlock and consequent prosperity of
to whig party be iirdenger?"
EFFICACY or NIA rt.n.—A Washington correspondent
r says Gen. Taylor told Mtn that Mrs.
} ring woman, and that for several months
she uttered a prayer nightly thot Henry
l electedlin his
tho Travolc'
a) for is a pr
U succosoion
i hty might bo
it? Look ou t
ate Bank all
" l ugh and the
I o ha, the State - Bank o.
for counterfeit on the branch of dm
ThO riper 14 'courso and
till s' otter than the genuine. The genii
d five in letters, and reads on the back,
Ohio," •
REL WITH I IADY -If you aro troubled
at; if she abuse )ou, ho silblit; if olio
:, give her you - coat, if she box your ear,
return; if she tears you eyes out, feel voue
and —fly.
NI ynt QUA
'h her, rot
your cloa
ry .o hear in
ay to the doo
Earns MAR
cried at Pan
tams.—A "lady" oath• teat years old, was
ma, Juu. 1.2. Females mature in that
than in any other region. At Bor 9,
e - of sufficient growth to carry on quite •
I leridian (nevi
oung Wien
eriouis flirtatio
A lady thief bus been arrested in Halti
ng a bag of buckwheat meal. She had
'of her arrest a splendid; gold watch and a
bra, for goal.
n nt the time
[ envy gold ch
N.-Mr. NVelter Savage Lander, in the
ner Of Doe. 33d. prognosticates' that "the
( California by the Americans, will hereafter
lien of a vast and powerful empire, to
t uo distant period, In the farthest east.''
orvdon Ezan
;ecupatlon of
eV the found '
rirnal of Commerce ea a that Jfn. CLAY'.
tppointed because lie ‘ias"i: whig bit! not
land because he testified him attachment to
iroposing to cotnproinise the slavery ex-
CU" Tho - Jar
I flN he• been a
1 n
io Ui l lion by
erasion quest
1r The IV, - hington Union, in some minks respect
:tag daguorreot pes, states that a — new invention has just
boon introduced at Paris by which likenesses may ho en
larged to the 's
ze of a full portrait! and thus the value of
tho original d sign may ho greatly extended. Speci
mens of this tow improvement have hcen exhibited in
Paris. A like less of Gen. Taylor is one among thoso
trbioh havo be n enlarged
(IT A facetil
Las old lady describing the rambling Her
!Mister, said: ••1f his•text had the small
!tt would never catch it."
mon of her n
Pox, hie oe'rm.
IPuoutsc.-9t the recent session of tho
ircuit, an action for breach of promise oc
t for three days, and excited considerable
plaintiff; bust L. T 0 311'1E1,1, a young un
claimed $3OOO damages of Many JAN);
idow lady, for breach of promise of mar
to have been made during her widow- 1
docease'of her late husband, Mr. Jonx
he case was ably conducted by counsel on
Ithe jury rendered a yerdict for the tiVan-
' ilaxActi or
AVAttchostor c
I l coried-the cou
interest. 1.11,1
married man.
il.ol , lo`ifl. a
nage, nlledg
hood, after th
boll) sides, an
vg, Pn, , ,crrcz..—Atnug the mostclamorous
rom the Government, say the l'Onnsylva
t. Foreign compction," arc the very
recently prosecutedl the factory girls at
r incising that a law headed for their
mat Damestigt tyranny: should be castled
for riotection
looihnga who
Pittsburgh, f.
VioteStion ago
i. tto effect!
legislature of Arkansas recently changed
county from Van Buren to Cass. Screed
f we had dog named after the Magician,
envied to imply to the I.,c2;elature for a
the nam e of
them 601.
we should bo
Qa Willian
Ogle, coach manufacturer of Philadelphia
orilrr from Gcneral Ta)lor for a carriage
"Old Whiter" ill sac to this!
Wuder what
A Loma
*h a had Mal
Lovr.u's luwyer in England
love to a Wealthy farrner`b daughter and
recently acnt in a large bill "for two-hun
nty-tive attendAnceo Lind giving advice on
I)ten tejectrd
.red and %ea!
famtly matte
News of the Week.
By Telegraph to the, Observer and the Buffalo and
burgh papers,
%Vasitisovios, March, 3—.9 P. M.
Sesave,—Mr. Benton presented the credentials of hie
colleague s who has sworn and took his seat. •
A report from the Secretary of the Treasury was - ree'd
communicating information respecting the tonne du
ties on Spanish vessels.
The bill for the payment of Revenu e duties directly
into the United States Treasury was taken up and passr
e d. f
Mr. Bright presented the credentials of hia•colleagke,
who was sworn and took his seat. •
The bill for extending the Revenue laws, and the pow
er of collection, to the District of Columbia, was reported
from Committee.
Mr. Aehmun offered a roselution, authorizing the bast
of the late J. Q. Adams. s übacribod for by members of
the House. to be placed_idiheßotunda of the Capitol.
After a protracted end stormy Session, both Houses
adjourned this morning at 7 o'clock.
Before adjournment, however, the following bills wore
finally -passed.
The Govd Dollar
Tho Bill establishing a Homo Dapartment )
Tho Bill ostablishing a Branch Mint at..New-Yok.
And the several Appropriation Bills.
The Bill establishing a Territorial Government in
California, was not acted on by the Senate. Pending
the' debate on tho General appropriation Bill, Senator
Footo of Mississippi, nhook his fist in Senator • Came
ron's face, whereupon the Soaator from Peansylvaida
floored the Senator front MiSiiSSlppi
NEW YOKE, March 3, -
The steamer "Crescent City," from Chagress, arriv
ed hero to-day. She brought no gold; but, reports
that thorn aro at least ono thousand foreigners at Pana
ma, awaiting an oppotttnity to embark for San Francisco.
NEW YOit K , March .5-7 P. M.
.• A despatch to the Hetald gives the following:
A little after 7 o'clock this morning Mr. Hanneglin,
was nominated and confired us 'Minister to Berlin. Mr.
Donaldson goes to Frankfort. M.. Ilannegron's appoint
ment was solicited at the hands of the President by sev
eral Whig Senators.
The Government hill for tho payment of losses sos•
Wined by individuals during thti rebOlion in Canada,
was passed in the House of •Assembli last week •by a
I urge majority—great excitement.
The steamship - Falcon Capt. Thompson, arrived this
morning front Chagres via iiavanna. •
The jury in the easo of Au4titi rendered a verdict of
not guilty.
It is stated that Gen. Taylor has written to Gen Scott,
inviting him to return and make Washington his head.
At a meeting of tho "Irving Literary Association" on
Saturday Evening, March 3d '49, un motion it Was
- Rcsolred, That the Secretary he instructed to return
the thanks of the Society to non. James Thompson for
several valuable documents received.
10, 1819.
toughs Asthma, Inffliema, (..I•nstipilosi, ate. IVe do not
n kit to trifle ith the to, ems, of the afflicted, and we sincerply
pledge ourselt Ps to make no assertiotet as to the virtues of this
medicine. and to hold out no hope to sintering humanity. which
FACTS will not n arrant: hut ahem so ut,uty hundreds, nho
had berll given lo their friends 24 a slue prey to consumption.
have been restored to entire health by Dr. Wistar's Ilabtam—we
cannot hold our peace n Jule so many around us are fast sinking
to the grave for the want of a salutary remedy.
Try WISTAIre Balsam, and restored health n ill de your re
ward. Fee mh eut isemem
to Perryahurgh. N. Y.. oil tho 22.1 ult.. hr . tho 11. 1 ov.
Mr. Baker; Mr. Wm. A. M. nuxi.r...4,1
SHEPARD all of that place.
On the 10th of Februarv, in Maquoketa, Jackson CO.,
lowa, after an illness of IS days, of Lung Fever, P. A.
It: Ba ICE, Esq., in the, 20th car of his age. 'Mr. B.
was formerly a resident of this.cotamy, having studAtil
law in the office of Hon. John Galbraith, it\ this city.
Soon after his admission to the e Bar, he removed to the
west, and settled in Prairie Du Chien. While there he
was elected to the convention to form a constitution for
that young state, and took a prominent part in tho deli
berations of that body. Uniting talents of a high order
with the most indomitable perseverence, ho seemed fair
at no distant day, to have attained an enviable distinc
tion in his profession. lint death has cut hint off in
tho prime of life, and ho is now uo more.
In APKean, on tho 27th ult., Mrs„ . ..Mtnosnar Du
inAitts, iu the 72d year of her age._ ;_
On the Bth. Feb,. near Litchfield, Michigan, SALLY.
consort of Samuel Swann, in the 34th year of her age,
daughter of Salomon BAWL formerly of Harborcroek.
STRAY ED from the enciusure of - theSuliscril my. on Wednes•
day night th 7inst. A shill: bright boy Horn Black Mane
and Tail. Any information about him will be thankfully re
cei% c,l and IMittliiiy rewarded. • CARTER ac
Erie. March 10th 1‘49. 3t13
TIIE - Subscribers having disposed of their entire stock of Goods
to, G. W. Goodrich, inform their customers that their accounts
must he settled immediately. Their hooks will he found at the
old stnnd WI the first of April next, la here those interested will
call and settle up.
They tnke this opportunity of returning their thanks for the lib.
crol patronage extended them while in business, and respectfully
ask a tOrilinuaned of the saute to their successor.
Erie, March 10, IPI9. 3t13
New Concern I :
GO. W. Goodrich having purehaNed the entire chock ofWil
cox & Schhiratf, conlisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Crock
ery. Hardware, Stone ware, Liquors, &c., respectfully solicits a
share 01111114 W patronage.
Ile Will Ul4O keep on hand rill kinds of Bread. Pies and Cakes,
tt loch will' hi.'ilisposed of on the most reasonable terms, Please
give roe a call and see for for tonrrrnrs. 1n UI be at the
old statin 01 Wilcox & F 1 011111t:111; opposite Brown's Hotel, State
Si reel, !Id door from the corner. GEO. W. GOODRICH.
Eric. Mach JO. FAD.
Silbscrilierving .. di . ..po.,(l of his entire . srk of cloths
_L hr 0^ s"
lttf., to Mr: IVilltain W. Henderson, would ino t respectfully
ask all those indebted to hun to call mid ,ettle, immediately. He
takes this method of returning his heartiet-t thanks to his custom
ersThr part favors, as.mriim them that their patronage has Wen
dui% appreciated. G. B. KEENE.
Eric. March Pt, IS W. 3143
A Card.
I,‘ 'M. W. Henderson pitrellased the stock and interest
V of G. H. Keene Mahe tailoring blibitlCSS, Ter peCtillny solicits
a share of public patronage. He has bee are.] the services of .Ir.
G. 11. Keene n horc skill no n cutler is too sell known to require
comment. The New York T./storms for the Spring and Smuttier
of 'l9 are received. The trade null he supplied with the fault tong
by rnilliiitng one dollar nun( twenty five cents, last paid, to the
Erie. March 10, IS- 4 16. 3[33
1849: 1842.
Spring Fashions.
SSMITII has just received the Spring and Rummer fashions
19 Ihr HATS.. to which lie invites the attention of his old ens
tolliers and the public generally.
Itrie. March 10.,
Counterpanes! CotEnterpanesll
1 5 0 ~,,,Tritte.rplez
Lineni r a e n fr
u . ot - 11 0 1 i t r
sh a e T t l
ti a g i:gl , e mi l p w, a l lei s 3 i n o d .
1, Canmwrcial Exchange. MUSES. hOQII.
Eric, Nlarch 10,1H9. 43
l'or Rent.
Tut: Franklin Building, situated on the corner of State and
Second streets, now in the occupancy of Mr. P. Kelsey as a
boarding house. lt is well fitly.' up for a Boarding House. and the
location a good one for that purpose. Possession giving the filet
of Apritnext. Enquire orM. MAYIAL
Erie, March In. Itl9. 43
• - _ ,
rim! E subscribers have left their notes and accounts with Gco.
.li. Kellogg: Esq.. for collection. All thobe who wish to save
oobts must call inunediately, as there can he no delay in these
matters.. BROWN & 21141ARTER.
Erie.'March 3, 1549. 42
ON draught and for 'ale at No. I, Perry Block, by
(March, 3, 1 , 49.] 7. W. MOORF.
FOR DA1317111111113 OTT PIT EL
`)WING to the great rush for pictures and at the request ofsev
eratlamilies, I have concluded to remain n NuORT TIMP.
longer. for the accommodation °Otiose who have pot yet procure
their Miniatures. toy stay must be advt. Rooms over
Erie Batik. ADP. FLETCHER.
ON reasonable terinc. an excellent Canal Meow, or Coal Bo:st.of
53 or 00 tons burthen, nearly new, with MI 'he thrniture anti
Inver. Inquire of . " BENJAMIN GRANT.
Erie. Feb. 10, 1819. tf 39
Now Supply of !School Books. • 1
EB' Arithmetic, Volt/urn', dot Olney's Geography and At-
Dluw llicGit&y's Readers. Sanders' do iCornstock's Philosophy,
McGuity's Spelling. Bullion's Grammar, Ktrkam's do; and the
Toting Choir, pit received at W. E. JIEWSON'B.
Feb. 10, 1841. 39
=won WALITILSIVB amtiorarron I
Or Secret art 6rfinding Mines o:f Gold, Silver, Iron,
~ ~
Lead. Copper. Coal, and other Mineral Riches.
The first discovery of Gold in CalifolJnia was made by DON
JOSE IPALVEAR. an eminent Spanish Geologist. •elleinist and
Natural Philosopher, by means of a newly invented Magnetic in -
strument, called the
00141031132TE13, or 61014101TICISIIII GUIDE
Signor IPAlvear has Just arrived at New Volt hem the Gold
regions of California. by way of nanny*, Chives. and New Or-
leans. bringing with him a very large onantity of Gold Ore. val
ued at nearly one million or Dollars, which be eolletted there
long before the existence of the Gold mines became known to the
residents of California generally.
maTCUV or Tux Dacoviikur.
Signor Alvear went out to California nearly two year* ago.
In contequenee of certain infbrination whirls he bad receitcd of
the CharaCter of that enunlry, with the firm belief
that vast mines of precious metals would be revealed there
careful investigation. lie was encouraged to the • interest ise. also.
by Isis confidence its acertain Magnetic instrument which he hail
itswetited, called the "Goldometer." by whose aid he impeded to
be directed at once to the "Gold Placers." if any such existed.—
Nor were his expectations disappointed. ills scientific calcula
tions proved to be founded in truth and profound n isdom, and his
new instrument, the"Soldomeier," fulfilled ids highest hopes. In
less tnan two months after reaching C'aliforitia, be struck upon
one of the richest Gold mines in that country, upon an obscure,
branch of the Sairanicuto river. in a -gorge of bills extretnely l
rockV and anvil' of access, and seldom visited Ay the slant e
Californians. Disguising his obJectonder the pretence of purely
scientific research, he.obtaitted the aid of some fiftetief of twei ty
Minnie and faithful Indians. and steadilypursiied his task, collect
ing often more than 83,000 worth of Gold its it single day, winch
he concealed In a deep ravine, without .exciiing Any suspicious
4vhatever, until after the discovery of gold at Capt.iSutter's Mill.
wheel the mountains were ransacked by gold seekeer, and Signor
D'Alverir's "gold placer." tbe richest its all California. was bm't
with greedy adventurers. It is now foutej that the real mines or
sources of the gold, lie in the gorges oS We mountains, mid not in
the beds or sands of the rivers. Previous to leaving California.
Signor D'Alvear sold bin instrument, the Goldometer, a very im
perfect one, for 83,00 n. The person who purchased it conddently
expected to make a handsome fortune, by simply finding "gold
placers" and selling the right of digging to the gold workers.
Manufacture of tho Goldomot r and rublica-
tion of the Guide.
Signor D'Alvear, in compliance tvith the rentic , 4 of numerous
scientific gentlemen has commenced tht: mania:mune of this inn
lagnetic itistrinnent, the (:01.11t o Melt he note offer,
for sale. in the, Puffed States. at "the remarkabli. low price of
THREE DOLL% K. 4 each, accompanied In full in•trnclluns for
me. and a variety of Philosophical hints drag ii from ancient and
modern ecoctice., or {he
A:AT or ritronTo ra.fistEis or GOLD!
Silver, Platinum. Q'ticlt.iker, Curd• Iron, Copper, Lead, and nth
er mineral iticheg, the whole hiring green In a publication call
enl the
COLD Onmxturs mum !
Tilt: new work, and the G(LDOMF:'fI•:It, are both now ready
The GOI,POMETER is so simple an linstrument, 1 1 1 31 n child
may learn to operate with it in lit e tuittlues. 11 is not alliTted by
climate, moisture, or any other known cause, (except the natural
magnet,) and Kill retain 114 power or pointing out mineral tidies
ne the earth fur any number of tears. Ity the aid of the Guide any
[WWII play use the inn tuneot at once with perlect success.
- 'Farmers and Land Owners throisehout the United States, who
have reat,on W su , ,pect 11w existatice of any kilid of Mineral riches
upon their lands, to hould avail thetii , elves of this opportunity to
test thal fact. by the t•ttrest of all known tests, before the abund
ance of diNcoverice in all part. of the country shalt hyro lessened
this source of wealth in their estate.
Penions going to California cannot iiiaktr^a holier lot estment
than by purchasing one of these iikbtrutaillits, o 6ich tt ill not mil)
be worth tills nines tin vnllie there, to sell again. but w ill be of in.
estimable worth to those w too tm in r.iNtrell of Cold. as In. urea
proved by the most abundant experiment both in California and
the United states.
Signor D'Alvear does not deem it Ilit.Te,sary to encolober this
notice with a long list of iertimonralv. ill prof of the intim of hie
(101.1/031BTEB, and GOLD $ E HEW:41;1111M. 'l'lw hr Iltant
results of his labors in California, and the dt,emery. this very
week, of fresh 121118 of gold in 'ireinia. and bells of Coal in
Rhode Island, by its use, are alone sufficient to stamp it or the
greatest discovery oh the age. Nothing lot 11. e e‘treme cheap
tiers of the instrument. and his desire to see it used fir the benefit
of mankind, induces butt to dispose of it at the low ',rice for
IA Inch lie corers it. Besides this„ his own desire iiir health iv near
ly satisfied.
The hollowing Te, timonials. in proof of the value of the Gold
°meter. selected from a great number equally satigthetury, most
suffice for the present
Abbott Itorsk, New York, Dee. '2l. IEI9
The undersigned, h tying 014 day tt lille4 , 1•11 the practical Oper
ation of Signor Jose IVA Ivear's nett ly invented magnetic
went, 11Ie GOLOWILTER, heel eiiiirelphatibhol dial it /M....YeNNVS
exiraordinary pun er of detecting 3lineral ores hidden beneath the
surfaceof the earth. nod have doubt that it will prove ant
uable aid in die disco% cry of the Mineral resources of the Ust i led
States and the ttorid.; -
J. 11r...11.1. 4 .R. JR.) Chest:sr.
L. S. TIER NIANN, MAtrdwrie MAAt R.
G. S. DANA. GEO' 0111131%
1.014 .4031.1.(”1, C t urtovatA, August. liqQ.
This may certify that the under.igned it, fully eon% Weed that
Signor ]ova Ur. AMMAR. was the first discoverer of the Gold sle•
IPtilesl of California, and that this sli.cot ery wag made by the aid
ofa Magnetic instrutnent called the Gor.nosicrEn. which I base
seen succe:sfally applied to the di.eo‘ery of who , of Gold ore, its
places st here no indications of that substance appeared Nan the
surface of the earth.
'l'.ll'. Silt:RAI-IN. laErr. &I .►RTILt.RRV, 1!. s..l,:aptv
In consequence of the difficulty of finding faithful agents. and
of preventing frauds, where articles of this nature are sent out for
telita i on i nirt i titinits il t;tiVaerdmid i firrialiVkitelilVagftBrik
when the desired publication. will be forwarded under his signa
ture:mil seal, so that all doubt as to its genuineness way be re
rr• BEWARE OF AU. IMITATIONS of thin Instrument
which may hereafter appear. as the secret of imparting the Gold
Detecting power is known to no person whale; er, except the mig•
nal int rotor.
tr The oohnomurim. and GOLD-rshEKER'S GUIDE
will both be sent by mail, closely enveloped and Pealed, and t here
flirt% not subjact to inspection by postmasters. for the sum of
lit RS. Wilt past paid to iDGNOR JOSE Du AL
YEAR, Box Fila. New York City. The Clintrlllinglf, in very light.
and the Guide i+ printed on thin paper —S4) that the enarxe by mail.
or espreeo, u ill be very small to any part of the United Statev.--
The price of the GOLD SEEKERS GUIDE alone, is ONE DOL
LAR, sent as above. Address.
MON= 301111=412:71341.11,
Box 2713, Now 'cork City:
rr OFFICE for the sale of the Gi OLD SEEKER'S GUIDE and
GOI.DOMETEU. No. 38 CENTRE. St.. New York this, where
visiters may see 'metal ca►6s of California Gold. in the rough
state, as extracted by Signor D'Aix ear from the ll:termite:au Mines
and alto Witners the operation of tiro GOLOMETER. when held
within the magnetic influence of the metal, and the unerring
manner in which it indicates the prepence of that and other etc
talk substances.
Jan. 20, ISM
rIMIE Spring Tenn of the Erie .►eademy commence' on Mon
• day, Feb. lA, under the superintendence of
Teacher of Language , and the Navin? Sciences
'readier of Ma II le I tesa nlGenuaa.
Teacher in Englivlt Literature, l'ennmanaltip& Vocal Mnric, and
MISS .1011NR0N.
Tea-her In the Finale Department and in the Frenchl.anguage.
Tuition per Quarter.
In the Languages, SI 00
In Mathematics, Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, &e., , 300
In Primary-Studies,'l OD
.' . .
The regular time fur admission in at t'ie beginning or middle of
the term. No one will be admitted fur less than half a quarter.
From the pleasant and healthful location of the Academy. the
advantages which it possesses of Philosophical and Astronomical
aparatua, and the abilityof the teachers, both to impart knunq.
edge ond to discipline t h e conduct, it is confidentially lelie‘ed
that very superior Inducements are presented to all who may bt.
desirous or pursuing a course of Fvsteitintic and thorough M
struction. TIIO3IAS It. SILL Noel,
B. A. Era.torr, St.e'y
Eric, Ire 17. 18-19.
,r, r 4L7-t
riluE New. staunch, 8011 fast-running Seam Propellor TROY.
I I). P. Thratts, Master. o ill lease Erie. for the above ports,
as soon as ice is ill permit in Me Spring.
The TROY is entirely new and Molt etpfessly for the Upper
Lake trade. Her accommodations for Freight and Pas , rnge s,
especially for Families inomag out %Vest, are tinsurpasso.
For Freight or Passage apply on board, or to
MOORr, o
if infid
Erie, Febriitiry 3, 1E49
To Printers:
TIIE subscriber offers for sale the collowinc printing materla s.
They will be sold at a bargain. llfor prompt pay, or on Wale
with sufficient security as may best a it purchasers. t'hu's want
ing will apply EOM . Viz: II
00 lbs. Long Primer, 3 ,Composing Slicks,
40 o Bret ler, Cblimin and Head (WEN, .
1 Font Pica Condensed, Cuts,
1 .. Breeier Bold Face. :,1 lbs. 1.N1410.
1 " I'icn Caps & Filers. 108 ''' Long Primer,used 10
30 ft. Brass rule, No. 1-43. weeks.
2 " w o o 9, 109 " Breeier,
2.. o o o 11. 2 Sett Chases,
2.1 ~ 64 ~ V. 5 Pai tl Cax , ce.
"40 the. Double Small l'ica, used only :1 weeks. togMlier with
numerous other articles necessary iu aPO 'ring Office. Addri'mi
1 rit3B
Girard Pa.. Jan. 27 tElfl
Look Here.'
Y •
011 can find the following articles a N indernecht's Grecrry-
Share: Ginger, nutmegs, spice, p ri p er , elm ~,,„ ci linjw im,
Mustard, Pepperen tree, olive oil, castor pi , cocoa. tliecolate, Ito -
tier and Shot, Percussion caps and pills{ citron, currants. snuff,
cigars, tobacco, candle wick, twine, shoe, while wash, horse,
scrubbing, dusting. cloth, Indr and tooth brushes; coffee mills, bed
cords, clothes lines. rope, patent pails, c edasp a u s. was h, tubs, p, n4l
hoards, mop sticks. brimstone, sulphur, chalk rosin, Tar; curry •
combs. mut a variety of other nrt l ic v le , s i. ,.
F t .
R n i t N itn n e t ro m ; i t ,.. o c b t i l e T ti . tion.
all of which will be sold cheaper than el ewhere by
Dec. 2.
Keep out the Rein!
TE'subst ribers harm_ „„ne purchased the right for this county in
eGaPTORMI P \ TENT WICATIMR tin" are now prepared to
furnish, all who may see tit to give th ew call wills the abort
named article. It consists of a snip so attaehed to the botton of
the-door, as to shut out all wind and rah, ther e by p rev enting the
rotting of doorsill's, carpets &e.. which A commonly the case in
south or west doom. it is warranted to ay for Itself in saving re
pairs three limes a year. if It does not BMW) , all who procure it
we will take it off again and pay all druniages. An orders left at
A. lillelicock's store for the above articles,will be promptly at
tended to. PINCNEy & CHAIN.
Erie, Jan. 20,1840. If :,11
SVGARS.—Loat; Lamp, Poteethed. Morro Rico. if a eanter And
New Orleans Sugars, for sale as elle p as the cheapest. 31 No.
1, Perry Block. by T. W. AIOORE.
Erte,FelOy 24, 1819. 41
Groat Bargains lildrorodu
IT TIE subscribers, desirous or eloNitvg I usiriess In Eric within a
few weeks, offer for sale their stook of DRY GOODS and
GROCERIES, at wholes le or retail, a way suit the inclination
of purchasers. The stock is good. hating beta. purchased, in
great Part, last fall. To any one destroui of engaging kt business.
the opportunity is an inviting one. as the aitablistunent is well
known, and its patronage liberal. Application moat be wade on
or before the 13th of March. If ante should non be 'Sleeted at
that period, the whole will be disposed of at auction.
Erie March 3 1E49.-43 It. A ',DM'S 4c SON.
A rateable Seirraific Work, upon the sublet! of Gestation and Mild
Birth. by R. G. Gausses. M.D., tare of Paris.jusr published is
New lurk by this Author.
Price Twenty-five Cents.
riims WORK contains recently discovered information upon a
subject of - the Malicia importance to Married Periods, Of
those contemplating Marriage.
It will he found of special value to those whose means, health
or other circumstances, do not - permit them to increase the
her of•their family. gneat inecuweoience, sneering. ot perhaps risk
of life. A method of avoiding these troubles and dangers. at will.
(recently discovered brit celebrated French Physicion.) is ihilY
communicated in this work, so that any pctsou may avail himself
of it at oiled, without cost. The weans of prevention here Set
forth are itletefore within 'the reach of all. The process is new,
safe infallible. convenient. ithuple, and cannot injure the heahtkof
the tuost delicate.
- .R T CeitiTlON.
Some speculator has clandestinely (under another name) pub
lished au imitation. (bearing the same title.) which berldes omit
ting TIPS MUST IMPORTANT PORTIONS of it, dupes the credulous
out of
When the price is
One Dollar.
Twentv•tive Cents
For the Genuine, Ad!, and complete Work.
Copies of this work will be sent In Below envelope, single letter
postage to any part of the United Slates, for twenty -live Celli* sent,
Mopt -pa id, to lie. R. G. Beissner, Box 2130. °rhea 127 1-2 LibertyMtreeL.
N. 11.—No llookseiler allowed to sell this w ork .
Erie, nee. D. Ida ' lO
TN TIME FOR WINTER sures.v.—Alfred King leurkist open
ed, Mid will keep constantly - for sale, by Wholesale ant
n well selected stuck of Wet and - Dry tlrocerles, consisting of eve
ry possible variety which he will be glad to dispose of to his friends
and fellow-citizenson very reasonable terms.
Erie December 23. 1248. y 32
11 , 11 EAS.--30 chests superior Hyman, Black, Ileuclicing and cheap
A Hong Tees. at KIND'S.
IrV IIFFE FISH, Mackerel, Coil Fish, Derr mg and Sa rd 'nes. :.1
ioNI'ECFIoNARIES.,—;O Roses asi.orted Candies
ceived and for sale low at A. KING'S.
N Allb6-113 Kegs, all sites, for sale %ery 114 w, by
tiVVINI3O%V I:LAS. 4 .— NU half ho v e r , eight by
n% dye. just received at A. MM.'S.
- w LEAD -3U kegs pure andchrap, at
Tot:AMU-43 nowt, extra Brand at
'PR UlTKSpices and NUL., and a run and complete ne , sort - in-
L of el erything iu dle grocer) line, for ~ale %cry low, by
, rilE salmcriher tO pay CAstl fur good clean Barley,
deli% ere(' at It} Wure•llouse, lilt Street Canal Rabin;
Erie. Dec. A. KINC.
0 1 I ~—Winter trainbd Sperm, and Linseed Ott, at K
C 3 Dr:AM.—New Orleans, Ion(' Immo. palverizeammllVest India
ISugars. by die IM'd. Ltd. or pound:for bale %cry lcm.
December .2.3. KING'S.
11/1 OLASSEL 4 .—Suporior Sugar-hom.e and New Orlenng Morns
T I SVP to any quantity at
ONt n inq ['RED 11,,,,j00,, or oats, W lloThein of a►ccltpot pink
eye Potatoes, and other articles too Iltill,Clo.ll. to nwntion. at
Erie. Dm. 30, IFIS.,
CANIN.F.S.—Sverni, Stearine, Mould and Dipped Candle& at
IC INiPkt.
v'ir lIIIAT, Barley, Oat 4, Cam Grams and Clovi4 See(ll, Dried
V Aipies, read ei and Whit , " for to Melt the highebt
market ilf 'CV... , Mil he paid, by CEO. SELDON & SON.
Erie, Jan. 13, 181111.
1..% It CU /AK ING—a beautiful article forll7r
Ride at 1111, elicaliside, by JACKS(A.
Muffs and. Boas.
/1 co Al a•.-ortitivitt of Nluffm and Hong luny lan found
cheap, at 1% RIGHT'S eulttiElt.
flee 1.
Groat Bargains
lAM NniV receirlug and Winter:hock of Dry Goods,
Groceries. Hardware, Iron, kneel, Nail., compri•
sing a stock of over twenty-live thousand Dollars, vt lir was pur
chased infect from the Mannfaetories, 13 - 411 . Europo nil Anna i
en. at prices unheard of befine ; all of n hichl w ill be Sold for Cash
at prices far below any Goods before sold itt this market. Return
ing my sincere thanks to my old Customers for their very liberal
patronage. 1 purpose to compensate them this fall and winter it id'
the greatest bargaitei of past times. Now is the tints !—nett year
'predict higher prices. 11. CADWELI..
Erie, Oct. t'l; 18-M
COFFEE.-41Rao Rio. St Domingo. Cuba. Lagiiira U
(Wee, lot .1 aI e cheapct than elbembere, by thr bng or k
bee. 2. .
cheat. cold and Yuung ifyton Tea: :Otto. a
article of Black Tea. at RINDERNECII,
Dec. 2.
Lit'llAttri.—lgew Orleans; Dortuß 170. Ilavrttin. Loaf. Pi
10 and Crushed augurs, for sale. wholermlto or reinil. by.
9 00(1 11AVANNA and Priticipieigani.ciniiCe . brro
a Simon rum importation, Jim reccureil
- To Blacksmiths.
T ilt: subse ri hers will pay in hors suitable for LlnekFmitl
Poses. at the lowest cash price, Ni any quantitY or I.c
deli% mei! at our AVarehousc, at the opening of navinntiot
Erie, Fele). 1. 1849.
- - - - - rallumirk
TW: reautictireigar Girl, and its f(lllll.l,___UCTllintl
lor the tut leery unveiled, Ityi Ingraham. Gatildford.
by Ins Peers. by J. A. Fruetei. The Great Itoggarry
by W. M. Tlinckernys Groate.a. PlApne mot' .Litl.: or
tures of a Cady in search of a Good Servant; Whom t
and How to Get Married, Jane 1 . 4 re. For sale at
Veh.. ID, 1149. ' W. E. lIEW
Niii - ifit - ditim.
INTBOLESA &. RETAIL dealers in Urocerie au
inns, Cheap side. Erie,
Always on Sand.
Pork. Butter, Flaw, Claw, Mval.
,erackers. AIN); tine and Conn! 8;111, IVitiev,
tregars„ Mails, Glaes. Detroit Ale: White Lead, Oil, nit
Paint 4, ira.ll, at all tunes paid for produce.
Erie. Fel, 111, NI%
131bulneYx improved by l'erlfoe.ll. Parabolie and oilier
bi Gold. Silver, German sil%er, Stool la,
Frames: nn offensive asiortnicut to select from at
/an. 13. G. Loomis'
i- good as,ottment of ,Itfl'e
..ufactare. may be found at U. It. Walt
Paints. Dye-*tuffs. Etc. '
1 00A LBS. Rochelle and Velloiv Ochre, 1
t_l 2300 Ills. Whiting. .
300 lbs. Veniiiati Red, , 30011)s. Red lead & I LW
23 Ws I)}e-Stutis. , 150 Ihs.Saticard's extract
111 Ills. awn Shellac, ' .300 gals. l'urpentine.
120 gale. Li il.ced Oil - 50 .` Varnishes,
125 4 . Alcohol. For sale by
Nov. IS, INS. IWRI'ON & PC',
• Colds, Coughs !and Consumption.
AN'NF.'3 EXPECTOTIAN' (large bottles)
J Wistar's Balsam of Wild : hero ,
Away ite's do ,do it
Ayres' Cherry Peeioral
Bri*tol's Italenm Iloarhouttil, and oilier medicine*
abote diseases. for sale by BURTON &
N0v.19. ME.
Stop that Clough!
V !WM - 3 Mrs. Jervis' Cold Cumly. to t,e bad nt
PTIEKIN COMPANY'S Green and flinch Tens. A fresh supply
nil these popular Tens Just reetiPed by the Agents
_ _
179 Wr1,c. 4 : 1 4.'Varb.5,„,.. - 1
1(10 lbw. Cat•tite and box soaps: I
MO lbs. Itrinwtone4
7.1 tb. Spts Nitre and Aqua Ammonia. ju.t received
and for sate by BURTON & I'EItNINS.
Nor. 2.1. INF, 2s [
Ex cutors Notice.
LETTERS Testamentary, on the estate of Geo. Irligliberger,
Tate of Millereek, dec'd. f/31'111g been granted to the Pillq•Cri
ben., notice is herd.% gt%en to all persons indebted to said estate
to make immediate pa%inent, and those having claims against it
to present them, legally authenticated for I.oth - intuit. 1
joliN iiiminutain, t r .t. ,
Mitered:. Felt. 3. IFI6. i atlst
TBE Brick Bowe situate at the southwest Corner of the nai
lie Squire, with barn and appurtenances, now occupied by
Dr. Faulkner.
Also—Two ilwelltngs, near the corner of Sassafras and Third
Streets, and a house nod lot on Fourth street. Ent of French ht.,
are offered for rent on reasonable terms. Fos.ession to be given
on the Ist of April next. Enquire of E. BABBITT, Agent.
Eric. Feb. Yl. ISI9. gtlL
Executor's Notice.
LErr FIPS TESTA m ENTA R V on the estate of Robert Sin ith
late Of Union township, deed., haring been granted to the
sithseribers, notice is hereliy o given to all persons indebted to said
estme to make immediate payment. and those having elaigis
agrilmt it. to present them forthwith, legally autheinteatol for
settlement. JOII?i R. smill
JAS. '
Union. P.'h'y. 10, PAO
nutralo Nettifyed Whigkel. Cin. Pork, Flour, Halt, %Ifni
17 ttiterra and Tallow Candles, for sale by
_ I RAKER & 14 — W11.
No. 1.23 Cheard.b7.
Uric, Jin. 13. IN,
avas.' ciiiiii...
7 -", 1(, irr DAY rind 39 mut Clocks, various kinds, twa t k !wipe
_VA Box or single one, vetY_cilezil , try ' 6 . 1 . 1) , 03118 ac IN ),
Jan. 13, ISIS. .",,• : —'— 1 Stritst.
GNM & PISTOLS:-11ouple nod Single Darrel Guns and rTI4 -
toh.,'l'owder Flasks, Sins Pouches, Game Bap, l'ercust-ion
Cops. Wonnn and Cutters, at • G. LOOMIS • CO's.
Brie, Jai . 13. 1119._
. _
kvHITE l'lSH.6l7dflph
Ahl. or WWI quaniity,
Dec. 2.
I_) holm thl ha cis.. and ••M qua ter
11. Malaga Raisens, cheaper than etseu here, by the ho
LW. 2
OF the Conlon Tea Cooninneo tsnperior Teas: pat
and for sate by the agent; . . M
Eric, Feb'y 21. lAlll. No. 1. Perry
IIE Fiore Koo g nl ° F ir o e . 2 111 : 1 f1°11441111111/CfrocifillteEXCaht:llge, n. l. pied a Clothing store for rent. Possciution given
'tidy. Enquire of MOSES K
Erie. Feb. 11. -- CollllllCreiall Ex
)' Notice.
Ik. " Persons rum's% trnscteed accounts veldt I l n. will p i
and nettle without de aF. as I intend moving W .. ,
tts Navigation opensin the bring. Those failing ID .
that Owe may expect to pay cost. _ JOSEPH KE ,
2'lo=l 'lour 1 rlonrlll
50 BULB. Superfine Flour, just received, and for sal
chtnper than at any other establisluueni In the ei
), Perry Bloch. T. W. Id
irtOPPEE —OM Government Java. Lego imettba, St. ming°.
1 .- 1 and MO Cairae• Alec. a gaaeltat assortment of W and Itiry
Groceries, which lvtll be 'old at a veto small advance otts cost,
to make room rbr a new supply. at No. I, Perry Block.
Erie, Paley. tll, tbla. T. W. MfORE.
id Java
dr, and
and for
or tried
Ath en-
Nu% it.
kind• of
it oilier
nt twin
for the
hv the
Trout od Mackerel, for
es hash
11 orpound
I Block.
w OcCu
I 111,
ease tali
t OS soon
II before
Y. Jr.
SP cents
y. at No_
Th e U eat Remedy for Cuesitruylion 4 the Len's, direigimw 1
the frier., Asalesia.:lhwaehitis. .I'4i:user freaksieosef the Precut.
at 1 leks; Chronic Cintek. Pleurisy. IlemerrAago .d . the Thugs
and U ulher dieeases rf She Prinioaarg Organs.
Zusport Caution.
flew. re of a louse - cousterfeii %Vieillt . 6,thilietin of Wild Chet
ty, sigi ed by one Win. M. tipea . whit, fit order to Pala. his vile
Indian in upon 'he public. ha s 0 Mined a fa,. siinite of our bottle.
nod Co led our label of ifirretio s rerbuties. substituting his own
natio: t r.that of Henry Wistar, I. U. which is 'found on the gen
Remember, the outside label or wrapper of the genuine linfirnm
is a finely executed steel plate ligtavfog. beating the signature of
Henry Wistar, Al i li, alit( Said/aid lk nark—cone other can he
. .
genuine. i .
llntcing Matetnettt of farts from Mr Eli Battey. a
merchant Of Vienna, Juhmuu co,
I—A desire to benefit the :Akira throughout the
Mimed me to make the rotfuti, tug otateinclit of facts
the MOM a3lolli,llllllg cures ever recorded. My
(Read the Int
Itig10) re::peetal
the.: FL" xsr :
land lire alone
:expecting one
Wen )tarsof age, lids !wen, afflicted during h t
i n congatit edugh. !wilt in the if ide and clie.d. :lc
lought sii eats 11111 'Write fever: %%filch produced
anittletolity t and nt intervali , dun lig the night.
iot Aida ht COUlt! to great no to crifintieer Ins la ,
ion. 'luring the how, he woo attended li) litany
Fale higitem repute. is iliNae ;aerie:ll)lton* int% e but
—in fact. so .ilaroliiiii; were the symptom.' nod ..o
is iiiteage. that I i%ll. compelled to belies e lout ie
;lledical aid! ,
blow omits tends who . litiO, regarded hire at.
'idly aiiiiireaeliing nit early mid Wein:Mire ;ras e
iinestiatisted the Aill of the hest pliswi.itet .ii i ill
flier. I it no tires:aid lipOti IA lure ail% ice of a friclot
Westar's Bahrain if il thi etrrry.
. -...- .. . ._.. .
Moll, tutivriet etu
1•11011. Itle, A illi
etunpanietl A ill
great etaaeiat to
Ids expeetorati4l
from strantilati
physic inns or t 1
I ,
temporary rel le
illWelPfllle Wail i
yoml the reorhrl
All of our itelo,
our A lei {V:1111'111
Allen haring iltu
out °lmitating r 4
41 make toe of /
d :11)0111l the gUili of ',remoter, IEII, the
ileh gate aiitonishing relief. nod 1 l'egatt :train to
- 1 hope, that he inifOlt Set be restored to, health.
otitioued the use ot until three Lottleli had been
se ww, entireli oveteonie, and his all:Meted eon
inied form re:toreil tn • sound nod I. rionawitt
Ile comment.
find holtlrof tt
indulge in the
Alter hat lug
taken, the d ke•
t+titiltiun and ei
health. IA hich
I !wile% elite
nu oldie west
I 410. that the al
continues to goy!: op to the ptcf.rittjitne.
'entwine Dr. %%rpm, Ital , :ott of IVO,' Cherry to i•
tatedtkint, met' (hero% creti=kraon tiv e ,
Cote ttaN etnett,t mAely 1.3 It. uNe
. -
am, pesitleinen. serf resepectfully,
Your,tenut uleedeeta , errant.
' .
CON;rI , MPTIME ii , ATI pkrr s
wiii please read flit' !following f rdatenertit from the flare :km! Ca
zette:—"fhe keg reclatoust are milted lei wall the lotion nee nose
from Res Mr I seldron; is hose c !.under fed troth and seracies
.41:111(14 :11,1)%e all iiir 1011.111141 Ittll V their doubts(lignite,' as to the
sequereorily of / 'INT.IICS Il.11.S.1;11-01.' ll'11.1)Clit'IMI user
all other remedies unit before the polioe of the smile ter
il , (Senvhees, Ind, Jan. ti , e, ISIQ.
It is no less a oty than a ple.Wiere. to r tato for die benefit of the
afflicted, that I cushier Wister'o 11,i'sam of 1171,1 Cherry a great
lie-'hug to the I loom ruce. Having tried it en case of ',sew ar.
Ilietionssf the king-, I unherdlatimdy recommend it to those !MIL , .
Indy afflicted as,the hest remedy I have 'ter tried and one which
eared nip %% hen sir inn. $a i 1 I tong lie, and ts hen I thought
ea) e•elf, that Illyillintf lit depart is as tin at In net:
li'lf,l, AM' C01,1111(N, '
7'here is a di)rrenre I,etween %VISTA 11'S I .1 I ,t 4.1 M 01' WI 1.1)
CH ER It V. and f all other prepared eUIII4 u' %Vat! Cherry. The true
and romine hakini, ns told Ily us, rot thin... besides the lett/act
of 11 ild Chem Lark, other medical age its of gloat character and
efficacy in the'tc'mree of coughs, cold-. al el general diseases of the
chest need 111th all die important difference I.etween the
ittedicities and tell others , of, the kind kis, that Wiest:We, Bateau
enter+, n hilt oilier ft:4llolkb git e only t topotary - relief to the sill
fore,. I .
April% 1816
gold by J. D. I.tirk. (tmecetoor tor:at
Il'a ()Ida. Ge
Ohio: S. S.
Pa.: S. %VII
i' kj :-.:''..., " % •1 0 0 re I a
' Clocks, ' - .tea. Jewelry
A o.1:11int beik rchibited at tlwplit
./.1. Street. neat t opmsiti• the Faigle lb
Front ter}4 .c.) it and large purel..l-e•
choicest soles Good , the public n il l
01. v left ing the hsato- 1. e :lad nKs I' ats(l l
brought to Erie.t
In the tnechaincal branch of business
elm's, parliculahhttention nt,il be paid I
er, 1 Cylinder. utiles. Iltrationieter .
Watches:. Thei r tuost ditlicult ‘Vatch e
finished and n,orkittantike manner.
thattlatilite-s thqetiensive patrottatte th t
and although sole or Their itritthhers' sl
lie cheaper, the 'tithe may understand I
be done better th an they can do it. or it
thlr prices and nrict attention to (audit •
pert a continue. and increased patron:
Erie. Dec. I, ktzilla. _ ___
1181ilYe. ATTIIEI
111 U 11TO N &
. ,
A RE now re .ivina their 11'inter ,a,
I Palau , . 011114 e-ctiniTs. Brushes. V.
and miscellany, is articles, o to hick tit
Physicians. Pai tiers. Elothierc,:ranne
y "For d'art t taro :cc ottall Eats "
1 Tp Carpentrre An,
w. C.I o f LElV l S , i , t i ?... h .k a CO. hat e died r.
Groot ingilow of ililerent kinds
Gauge do - do
Splitting :auge do do ,
1 Panel lo do do i
Rana Rail Planes do do 1
Ratting .du do do
Match, do do do
Plank 51:11cli Planes do do
Pilaster ' . do do ila,
Ildnirk Ogee, I
whlia, .. .11 I. to:alalory c heal, for Irma]
Oct. 01. ' W. E. 111:WritiN :
(oJ' Mande/Oh l
tlk RE now doing li:eine:is on the 11th
.il a participation in tine loofas of the
I) beyond the pren i i ttt ii paid. '
Rinks upon the ladies and I 'road inrit
terms. Lt.:.-,•s n ill be liberally awl pr.
Fire T1M,.... on inerchandwe, building- :
or country, for a limited term pernintain
Joseph ii. Seal. Jame , C Mind.
Theophilus Paulding, John c. Ila, is,
Robert Burton, John Gauen,
Hugh Craitt, Samuel Eduard.
!hairy Lan fence hat it li. Stacey
Charles Kelley. Isaac It. Il is is.
%%"illiain ' , When. _ William Ilay.
Pr. S. Thula is. hr. R. I. Ilialoi,
Sp .11C1.1. Melly:li'
ri And ic ß a li r o h n u : 1 11 S 1 . I
Le Nets
' Su
1 Eri , Feb. ID, 1919.
Plaster Pla:
O NI liiindred tuns' LI,: Platter for nal
---- ----
Tll E Complete Pro.luce Reckoner.
or hiedii of all , the ditlileitt Find,:
pre-ent at 011 glance. the Value of the
and poundB.„l the salute rate. the Klee
eenni ; atm, tteielv Reckoner for all k
One relit to 0 le dollar ; a Table lin• coot
calculating the price of Ilay,iiie j il ,
the cootrobi of I Isierie:, Ace., Ace., ju
w holes:Ile and retail at % I
Nov. 6,
T:oing's "Ocionco of
Pr.ri R.t Ps nu knowledge inn govvr
importance, than Ora it
litntirnlic pgebenu:d Bt 044 Book. f
impart flunk general ktuncicdge of tit
Connt•y, a hick .11./11bi be ofeemed
editetitiOtt of inert . LOVer of illdepetltte
la printed on good Paper—well
Page. tor i.uto, l'y.
Erie, Jan. Id,
frll E Largesl. Hest and Flivapt44
Language. is confes-eilly Wel ctrl
bridged in 1 vol. efOWII quarto. 145'2
author, revi.ed by Prof. Goodrich of
For Sale ni the dew Rool, tore. I.y
Erie, Jan. 11, '
331 F-3 Per Cent l
Tum way to vase .931 per cent. ia
nt the Fortinee, in to call on me n
75 cp., per dollar. A good supply on h,
Erie, inn.•?l, IFIO.
rtErs.rurdy's Confectignar
. 1 1 R h 9 ri. t r a l ea li n r e l° •e l it i kt r ia e = l , l ; l 4 Y l
cently occupied by M. W. Keith. whet
keeding constantly on Mind, a large vi
of her own manufacture. and 45014 Me.
ferent kinds of REFRI4IIIIII-IblTS,itu
111/11(7 Poached Egos, Cold Fowls, II
1101 Coffee. Soda Water. Ice Cretin'. &
fert e.l up in The hese and nest patent I
reit ed a iillllllBsolllllClll. 01 TOYS, to 1
c l.
Mrs. P. has fitted op 'room, tip nal
modation of Ladies wit may %% lilt to e
.„z„..11 oot to Le surpns 141 hs,aay ail
1.11 to. and will cutlet vor to anon! t
indulges the hope that he same Met.
tinder! to her predeeettor wilt be coati
Erie. Nov. 25, Isle.
SRAWLS ! SllMVl.B!!—Droclut,
Wool, Plaid; &c., will lc found c
Oct. 6.
I --,'• friends and the Public in gen
\ 1 age emended to him. and st
b ) them that he has just opened
• a large and good arsortli
of the money market in the
I chased from thelinpot ter, at
Mlles him to offer the best b
of in this market. Among his stock it
English. and American Cloths and G
made up to order And warranted. Mr
Frock coats, Overcoats, and Sack Coat
and Drawers, Dant. and Suspenders, •
as the cheapest. Persons wishing to p
will do welt to call and examine good
are cut by 111)self, and made hi Erie by
had, without regard to price, and nr
made as any titian in Eric makes. re
hare their measure taken and elothto
with them when done, they will not 1
Custom work and Cutting done on I i
and warranted.
tvp No ehargefor showing goods
selves of No. 6,
ralr W
HAviwa niede arrangements fora
and Allegheny Scrip. *1 will lie g
short time, in eSehango Cur Goods et re
Feb. 10,1948. 1
WWI LBS. Red LeairtLud Litharge
triJ •
Nov. I. I
Dural', sad PI
WHITE 100 ktvo wound f
Nov. V.l
nnl & Park,) Fourth and
oral Age'it fur the :4utith
, 4'. .Case Girard; Farrar
J. S. iVel:etvr rotetwatit
IJ. 31e Farland Meath tile
C 0 • S
d Fancy Goods.
;1141.111A Maud on Stall•
in New Yorh City. 4,f the
now nigninint%
nnunt in thaw line liner
eondiretel by the propri-
J the repairing o f fine Lev.
oil common Ei , ratietnetit
, ork executer! itt the 1.4.'4
They acknowlhge with
tor tar bi this ilepartinont,
at. they w ill do work a hi
this. that ; their work shall
charge fir the job. With
-sir, it in teawitable to er,
OLD StrAND, No. 5,
l,k of Driicg. 3iedic hies,
1 rai ishr,, i; roccriKs. Fp oc
;.y invite the :Lttetitiole oi
s, and col
IMITIWIT griwral
Nov. 11, Is-IS.
CPI - % rge men
crertati , •
Itoinant Jo
R:11,141 Wanes.
rOodi do
rooe du
• CO.„ No. e„ Itcod
al plan, fit int! the %loured
Compatty. %% about habil,
I on the ine‘t Ent ort3l , le
ti II ,nljtit t't
1011.1 .%. Etoitcler,
H. Jon( Itulke.
3..1an It. Pettit, 0.
I:rurgi• r!err..ll,
rth‘nr.l Darlington,
.1. 0. Johnsen
Jolizi Ni.)%tini.
Setkr, Jr.
y; Wm. Pre«t
ULM:G.l:ent. Erie.
al the lot% el prieeN Lc
, H. C.VH‘II:I.I..
tou lugtlie value Is) pound
Of:41.1111; Ml:irrtilige.l as. Su
u hole of lin-isuli.
computed in sisal:if, ntssi
' nut , us Akre's:mane. from
Ilitiiing isinni,C; Tal.le. 10'
-llr4;' git Woo,l and r 4 tuns• i
I sitilslio;ln4l nut lint .:ale.
'. E. 111 . 31'tisiN & CO'S.
No. s - s, Reef 'flow,.
abut like 0111 , is orind e
is sii !idly
admiral ly elletilateiljto
AlLtio , of °Or
wmiißl requi , ition in 110.
Gen l rrtijnent. 'Elie !Loh
rotitaiti , aN ut
". E. I . IEII'SON, &
the P.tigll , l)
's. 'l'lle entire work end
ages with a vntrail of the
ale Collet/I% Pr ire it COO*.
eiu¢:4lo%Cs.lron ware. it:e.
S ul Lug Forance Mebillm at
ad :gad for safe am ative.
I , N. 9, Reed Rouse
inform the palate that mhr
't the Revd Ilotne Row, re
-stir tkas nun - land parlance.
Vies;ilG and retail. With lir-I
It as t:akes. Pa's, 'tread and '
'ad ham, Pork and Denim.
&G.. all of villirli v ill be
,to 01)1r. Site-has , jupt re
'Welt tate invites attention.
exprepply tor ;Ile arrotn
it UV: 4 T I'. lira. : 4 1te is deter
' otar t.t.tat.liplnent wept of
IIIVerz:11 pati , k,rilott. Shel
I National ' iilticfr Was ox
i toed to lic .
. .
'abliturre, M. de. L/Tilllf
rap nt
is his M lUCcre 110'10 to 111
•ral. for Ihr 1.:m.311-
°llld hug !cote to 'Motto
K ErrATI: ST..
ich.. owing In the tightness
' entetu cities. he ha. .ur•
great sacrifice. whir li en
. rgriiruf ever berOre heard
ay he found tine French.
• minteres, %%Melt will be
0. ready made Dress and
• Pniiti mid Vests, Shirts
I mo
vliieli will be sold ns cheap
, irchase clothing fur Cash,
and pricer, nil my goods
, the Lest hands that can Iv
warranted to be as well
its wishing clothing. ear,
wade. find if not suited
ngked to wile 'hem.
e most reasonable terms
all and examinn for your-
. ; . .1.11
mail a milunt of Pittsburgh
ken at pa f, at my, Store,
aced p . tie.ea.
on, fi)r safe hy
zle " Nr."'P '7 3 \le '
? , &t . ,`"^
Erie, Pia;
, ROSENZWEIG & CO. wham their runner numerous eusto
mers and the public generally. that they have just returned
ftoi New Yolk. tt ith a regular mat:Melte of thy Goods, Clothing
&CConsiming inote than
FIVE 111',111D P.-ICK.4(1:8
Of 1(.0,6-Ann:yr than ever befhre brought into the WeNt. , ,
.1111. , 1111111eilrt1 a...a/I'IIIICM embraces a great % arlety of articles
which It %timid be 10.11.11./s ellUtliPratt.— Ci.ery Vilape pattern. %
nett, hum. ran NI) le, liiiish, fashion and quality of pima:tot e% -
cry kind lon tile
Of [Adler. Gentlemen. Ito). or Cals. The te n has arrived in
human nirairs. when Ito Mali or woman oho Is able to obtain a
dnnly ht 1.101, oil by fit/. ,tt vat of td: or NT brow, need go tt Ithout
t!“‘i, , "*"'" cacti elothow --When no Ito) or Girl thrown upon -
hitt, or her rei.onrces. nod Obteged In $h:11 it ()Snug,. the ¢,41,1 at the
rati‘ of .itpence per day. heed co it ithout decent attires as the, of Leon e"-tablwioneht are ready and oiling to P" 0 .
to all who v. nil ..•i% e th. m h
In treat, variete. Of at. eau hi obtaoted at this egtab
11.dmwirt. at ware. to tilt the woe-, and thrur
Their large hot town? of Cudeo,hirt.. Stols.tolprs, L inttrell,aa
AA!) WATER Ci.o,-)F'ctoTmAG.
AVill (nuke the (lea t%(11.2r. ana the loyr prices at they cup
IK uil'nle•li ‘. dl pnl 10,•Iii!!ht the an.l'iti.. 2 'l"teft''k" of all t‘ho
hale heret443re ((Lido (.1.1 of trwa
. .
. .
SOOT:, .1.\!) at/Of:S.
,)Tin's ilor'o. Fire and l' IP. Ladies low wired Shoes,
do Calf, itd, float & Nip Ili,- •d o Fine lii if Slips, ,
. itii (ki l t*. i••:tii per'. !wino. .do Congress Slips & Buskins,
I,Conures, Colo r., , f'o kid Welt..
Ito i,' itro,.iiiir, raw .iiiii eteirse, aut.! children's Shoes to great va
tic y. .11Si., .
1 1".1r/c/./: NOTIONS .
113 the cool, at Nett York pore,, and other goods in - the Dry
tto r litidat %Vhole..ale S. Vetail.
.rueeiter. Ire two, ilatistt are. ke., by the cart-loadOturds
lu. d, or rebut, at pro., . loi.iirti.<l,l.nii with Ali(' tows.
t?'"'lbiii'l 10N..1 il,e place, Corner of State and Fitili Streets.
:rm., Oct 7, BA,. . --
ra lof 1519. 71 E W • Fall of 1:34P.
.1 icing fib art.t.ts al the .Irro Store of MOSES KOCA
CliLlftle; L. 4.1,44 0, al Pt that at., Erie, Pa. _ •
I tare thell
pl, of 'lot - twi.. mynn fritpds and cull Caner. in
Ittn li itit t i ottultit\ , dial I :tot ti,Ai it i'eq lag iny fall supply tit'
N Ie.W.AN I/ F.ISII It IN APIA: Glii Ms, U Rich, aft UPUIId embrace,.
allitlitt Varkittai of rich and I vanillin clouds in market, and which
an I' be ',ld .it the proverbial low prices of the Old Jew Store.
fro illiar to et eli twin. I, °wan and child in this corner of the
t•it tr. Noteee time tollott mg. IFOH THE LADIES. Ilea - % y
11. 'wit and Cantagdittit silt:;
- Cdtt,t de Rhine Satin stripe, Pekin,
o: teied..dril ed and 1 I ild, black Italian do. Walla striped and ern
-I,roidered Moots de Lai:m.l4am and printed Cashmeres, etabrol -
dew') kikeg. rliaiwe.ilde Nladotias, French Merinues, mode colors,
pl: id Loin! :dein I, Itruelie, Ca,littiele and Silk Shalt Is, embroi
ilmod Ca•limere d:i. black and eiliored rilk riilagra, BP/Saida Lace„
' l.l-le and thread Lare,i, needle %%relight Collars, Jenny Liml
t.N.4iar.:, rrei,c it Kid t: bit es, holitivit,Satms and Ribbons, al' • I
..t:ititi tlonnets, Plittait and non ,:rs &c.
' Prie Sept. .29 It• Pf. , . _
Ti. 11' RIGHT w.pprifillly informi his numerous friends and
• customers, that he has Met returtied from Boston and New
rk, and is 11. M n'cl'l% in,r ;ill t•Xtellk•lVC and unusual variety of
1•Itional.10 Fall and %Vanier GOODS. which bate been choicely
'ectetf and pun:Lased under such fa livable. circumstanCell arch
it le Ii to offer Goods of mint every A ariety and style woe
utper than es er. Mt t•i. ck is touch larger thau I have ever by.
it offered iii this market. and comprises a much greater eerie! -
!of a loch noel be sold, and at such prices that no Estallisli
ni can eel limier, and for a 1 , of the. tart, I respectfully in
le all (tlo,l` I hat a ish to buy of or even Fee, a trnod and well-se
ted asvortinent of (.14.d., to drop in at the Brick Corner, °Ka).-
• the Eagle flood, fur lentil' Wars.. Sept. !W.
TEAR I.: NOW It 1:11:1 V I NA:. at the Corrud Store, No. I, Reed
I 100-e, a large-11nd reher.d n,surtment of
to t Welt we would reipccifally invite the attention of purchasers.
Ai tong them mav be fainid tar the Ladies. elegant changeahla.eul
or d and Hack Silks ; Plain and Fancy Alpacas, French Merinos,
Poplins, Cashmeres. M. de Lit ines. Climb:rns and Prints. Shawls
of all descriptions, Bonnet Silks. Satins and Ribbons, plain and
fi.,,dred Jackotiet and 51\ i.:3 ANUS, I:4Ltillgel and Inserting., La
marline. Arno. ( 4 1 - n011;1(1011 and Gala Plaids'. Gloves, Iforlery &c.
&to. Fut the Gentlemen no have a large tars-k of Broadcloths,
Plain and Fancy Ca,..interes and Satinetts, Silk Satin and ['anat.
Vestings.hlack and fanet Cravats. i.ilk and linen handkerchiefs
S. &. All of theme goad+ n ere !taught an large discount frum
Shrine price - s. and we pledge aunell es to sell at as low rates as
-can be fought at an) market. Plea.e call at METCALF'S.
'eta 11. lAA..
- - .
. ,
' k IN !,<,•.: -
9 .
oin AP.II),SI ILV ER SrECTAII.E.9, of a euperior quality.
' t6rranted to sust all ages and conditions of the eyes, at
( ... 1 ,0 C 1, :s —A I tree a—i , ttii.i.tit of CI( clis, of diffeWnt styles and
i„. pt ic,.n. front i'f:l. to s Ill; Nlareni Time pieces, kc., all war
anted to Lipp Cililli tune, at - MAVIS' C(iTHIC HALL.
fll I II,) PENS —Let i 'lron h's Cold ve.
et ; al,o. Baele)'s of the
k I hest girth(),. V% crt one warranted Al , -,. other Cold fens as
. .
in' as i I. :it 1.1:WIS.• HOTHIC HALL.
1 0 till is:- vim k . , iivtietiv.;
Vt ~lev% lill . 110
Wax Tapers and cj . lar iwlrros
-Al whim Kv :Al: IN:- % nen, ana beaniaul article . dor .
•.I a-
IT , ,••••, 'MI Pit , -, 6n .Ult . l , ) F;AI ITII J.lClo_ 4 :\ 0
fli Id ri'llS=l'renrb. l'nell h. f; idndn and American. from i , I 50
IL/ to 1477. per yard. for Arde by -3 :S. JAr:KSON,,'SINIERFS---Plk, One Elk, flan. and Panel' FIRMS and
.• stripe. for -ale by S. 3 A CKSON
"A II NETTS, 1. , , , ,,f4. ',mane'," lcdri. l audl'luul 1."12 , 11 F. ITrY
nice and good. 1,.,r %I'D , I,} :J. JACKSON.
iASIIIOI:Rni, De I.;,ini;, ' , lain ,id tied, Dicruinb. rfr7ww. --- rd
Maroonr. , lore,l, f. r ..,ilt 11- e JACKSON.
xatw- riomEnr *7.m:rya - I) ran. GOODS!
A r No. y , REI'D
HAAT lint !Ter tt rd, rod n ill t'Oliti,llle to have un band at all
times, a I tree and rein rat ad-ortinent ct lIIr Coors, 11.e1 ,-
ltr, (ntorKi Ha. POO I , SI101: and all Linda of Cunt V Gro
at e, tt hick 1 t, ill -ell od 11 , e Cazhipeices cur Frit' Bank
al the lace. 1 , 611ar 1,4 It, nor. Wino may hate that
id li t mourt ott hold, a 01 0,, 5,,,•11 in call and ecanitne tot neck
til prices. lN (Itch l think ~. ht to Ctt p general ,itisfactit n.
ell kin,l.,•ll'lcohleet:il:en m exel,ange for goods at the bent
liiu h.rget to call at N llolve. and examine for wed r
telt. It. I.IAVIIO4ICK.
1:14 . 11.el`h,a fri - in the pal ...I.erq, 'l'."& J. W. Johns , n, rhila
de phia, the flh,n on; f,,, , ih...d,s,"ts Inch will tie sold at the
bli l iwis l's ICl's:
.1 • SL
is IT), 0,10 Es idcnce. Ito -Fell ell Crime!. o.
=en .•'. Crinoal Es nlenee, :` • Moil lean Leading CaFe..
010 ••••, 1.8 , A ,of l'eusi4lsaisia; Elligliell COIIIIIIOO Lan, Reports.
null 4 Leading I':1• es. Adils rit oil ronirarls,
rr's l'enn'a. Reports, vol. 1. II 'llia rut on Rear Prorerty,
It's It en.. newel., 0 %.)1'... ;PA MIT iCall 111 ilitaiy Law,
licatinis Elefoceti. of internal vital Law. k.r. .
110. Sdli, i. aifent llir 'l'. & J. W. Johnson.
s. Puhli.horsnlift inos,rl.l , , l'hiladi Iphia. nod will furnish any
in 1100 AS CM •11011 00:tel., and at the I%d Is-herk pricer. l'all and
amine r:italopw. 0. I). I3P.AEFORD.
tilt.. JIM, 10, it 4.,. 4
)0001137f of 'llcrolW, tt glose, of all sire,
' from - 10 toll ht 10. jit‘t revolved rind tonal.' by
tli L .l , t,c or than ito hoooht eloet% here lo this coy.
a tlie'ralt shop of 1.. IliAllll :N, sootlt-vniq earlier of State nod
1: olith ,treetr, I no. • April is,
T I - N FOll. for lientsslN, I.y
Not. la.
r) - 1("l'ult I: 1 , 11,.“111 1:1.,1,4, 4 .—.% 1 vatitillil article of dilreren
t.i.ti.,,ainong %%Ilkli are 10 ii,y 11, 10 1.) IN-- 10 . and up 1 .... 2 0 by
1 . by No.. 10, i'Mrll:l2 & BR( rriu.l4
1 ol.l), sit% or and (1) 1.(0 Leaf, Ily
Nov. 10, 1 CARTER & BROTHER,
•I 0(I 0 USN. 1.4. p. ood chip , . and in fl u. log.
•flirlij No.. 10,' • CARTER & BROTHER.
1) 9 I C".
Mu " . uuld'
1111 Peard of School DirirMrs of Uric Borough wish to employ
ttto Principal Teachers. comi etent to take charge of the new
a•t and Wi t Ward Sc h. - aid four Female Teachers fur the
me. Applications nii he n.c ivtil until the let Monday in De
!mho' neat
Nov. 15, It 4 . JAMF:',S C. RF.II), ee'y.
HE thiglltreFprire paid 11. r uld Gold Mid Bilrer, 014 Wate_ber
and Jewelry in rash or goods. rs LEVI'S GOTHICHALL.
11.1. find at No: 1 Reed iloit,o. some N.:infield Etyles of Cord.
i for. Et ening , , roiddsting of 'Plain and figured Tart.
ttnia, plain and embroidered Iterager, embroidered hewn., Stt j ,, el
. filth, and other b•tyle. , to malse (hooting and beautiful more be
% ite inn IMPI irreri•taVir, during the 'present gay Pearpn, all of
'Bich they are respeeLflilly nit iced to call and examine. _
Pie. 23. I .
Ct ALT & Pl. wri.H.—ltim Bldg. Fall and Plaster. (in good or. ,
7 1der) and at the lon e.t Mal het price, to heti:l.l.)f
Dee: '2.1
. r --- C. R. WRIGHT'S.
TIIITI: List! ANI)" ,- PrwiinT.—JilAt reeei%ed per taut trip of
the 1.01111 , i3113 hem 11Inclitnaw. a fresh supply of Fiat and .
'f'ront in the %thole and half barrels, %•atranted ond, at
11cc. 3 WRICIVI"S Corner.
lIVItiITS AND litl,Va.-.% complete aseorttnent of 111111T3 and
h.c. Ilopta may be fOund, , licup at,
(JNN ET GOOllB —l2ereive,l Ettleri.. a pod se le t ion of
allo.brtml uncut N elects. afrottril f 4 ;11.1I13, colors; Trpt awl
motponaet EOFe, apt orocii H11,1,01w. he.„ all of %%lock 'At ill
od r /try rherip to MillillerSor to the IVI9II trade.
't 70 of all knob, for salt. at RINI/CR NECIIT'S.
Pee - . 71'. - tai
- - - - - - - - -
r RENZI saitocrapro.
liAvE just receh 01 a largo atid_weli :elected assortment 0
Fgtopy limerick to which I invite the attention of the Public,
nil which will to sold a's 01(111, as any In Market. Among my
lack may be found Collie, Teas, Chocolate, Sugars, 11lolat•ses,
'picea of ati k link, Fruits, a great t ariely; Nuts, l'ickles, Tobacco,
ki miff, PI - owlet' Ware, etc., etc.
1 i have' aml will constantly keep 011 hand. Flour. Meal, Hams,
fork, Fish, Freda flutter, Ens, &c. GiNe me a coil at No. 3,
Interican Hick'. • JOHN rEFrEit.
Erie, June lu, 1544. 4
_. __ _ _.--
%Or r
fi GALL-. le are, 0 ba
I twee . s.) - • W. F. RINDERNF.CUT.
Glass: illassf
KW YORK, New Jersey. teal Freneh IVindow' Mass. Sill.
the and double thick nes. The largest assortment ever bro'l
nto this market, by the boil or single Debt. by
1. Nov. 10, CA /ITEft &BROTHER.
CpQ LDS. Sulphuric, Nitric and lath.. Acids, by
AN.NERITOIL, by the Barielorßoo. by '
In. Mum. and OW lbs. Blue Vitriol,
by Nov. 10, CARTER & BROTHER.,
. C I t 3 sese eteel en' s o asps. :arse P. es.
Ring* mull itaektes, new awl ►tests. Al►n. 4 variety of ittect
ara and Purges. ready made, at LEACIB• HALL.
• ILVEM SIKIONI4--You eon Awl a huge asCortment of Vrok
• or variOzm Paiteraa and tio - rivler; of n.anufAelure. war.
4 r wet 44. putt c0:11, 1.1:1VI6' GOTHIC, VALI..
rublic Schools.
'rho Ladies