Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, February 24, 1849, Image 4

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TERMS or Tut: 1•1: It.
City stihserihers-hy the earner. at
mail, or at the in ntitacirr, 1,50
f•lr WWI., or a ill , in illfl,lll,lllllV , 11'0111 ltiCtllllC
Of ,111,,Cr11.1,1g, Mr, %% 111 IN] cti.tigv I.
aYmi coluntonicatioto , mut be pot( paid.
Cards not exceeding I lines, one year.
clue square
do. do. vir nioniln.,
do. do. t hree monde,.
Thantient natTrii•onente, .50 (TIM , ' tivr square. of lifnwn lines 01
Ices. for the lira iii•ertion; tri cent... , for each 1011.111'ellt Ingeriion.
Li ready atherin•ers orCllfingllig at pieartlrei
!ming no time are nnowed to occupy mom than two mann to, and 10
be limited la their immediate bushier,.
• • • .
Adreruw•mrml! not haring other directions. trill be in....cried WI
forbid awl charged accordingly. -
OUBIIKiIfE:3 8 ID tl B.r.E CrU OVI Y.
BAKER & LI M.- f,
Wholeinle & Reinil Dealers in Groee l'rov isions. Sall, White
fish, Wham, Liquors, Segars, Bread, Craciwts, d‘c.,
nieniwpie. rn.
W 1111 l .rdAI.F & RCTAM deafer in Groton , . Itont Stow m, hot k.
lint< and l'iomlairgli manufartart.ll artjdus; No. 2, Fleming
Mork. and alb Alrmi,r43llol Barn., Era", l'a.
{V. 11. CUTLJ:Ii,
All,rmay t i r rn , torller at Law, (011:ce m tinaulding'iExeltangtz,
buffalo, N. Y.
Conecting and connnerrlal latsincns n ill rr,ctvr aninntattlenion.
Itarrarwrp.—.l., fry.. ltr riJAN I GI:
awarding & Cotantbbton Merchant, on the l'u! In! Dock, caste(
Stan: Pirevi.
Coal, Salt, Plaster and White Finb, cont.lantly la sale.
.. 11.
flanker and Exchange Ilmker. Healer irA Mil. of Ev !lance
Warn., reriiiicaten of Deposite. Gold and psis yr coin, &c., he
thrice chrectly opposite the Eazle lintel. Erie,
• IV 11,C0 X tv:. co..
nriin. in Grecer lex of nrielib rroviLion , , its,rrin
dies. WineY. 1 4 , 1 1 J0r*.&C., opia,ite r..ale Hotel, next door to
IRMA' Facrimnge.
AII'ORNEV AT I A Ali• 1 Hand, ih Wire on Miperinr A Ilreint
in Am /nee:, Work. He fer to chi,r JoKiec Maker: candirelg
LaveScho. , l: lion. Richard rforrnor. 110: 4 tnteNt., 110 Hon; lion.
Pamucl ft. Porkier. 1111 Walnut s.t.. Philadelphia: II [chant IL
Kimball. E5n..53 Wall mJect, New , York. For te.qiniun ink, re.
for to this office.
.10.111 Si nr.i.nm.. 1 /11(CT (1% fu Ihr Erie Ilank.
WI any, 31.1). - Wu. P 11,11 /monk*, M. D
Arriwwwo , 411.1..ttP i ' N,l"- - - 01,1ice on St xth streci, ne(4
quip of the Public Square, E rie, l'4„,
Arronvi v A VI, PorNSELLOIL A I LA$l-011:Ct2 In the (Vtoty Build
ine, up stairs, Erie.
TTORNPV AT (.AO—) life up slurs in T.unniduy 11011 hwlding
north of the Proitionotaro.
ATT - ONNET ANb COP NA AN.f.Oll AT I. %n . —Office over t • . It. Wririhro.
Reno!, entrance care door ti est of i. 4 tate weer, on the Ihrunond.
W11014641.1C •NO RETAIL DI.ALF:RK 11114)11 . 4M and Dornrglic Dry
Goode, ready ntaacClotlitng, Boots awl glhot2s,&c., No. I, Flem
ing Block, State atrect, Eric. .
AKA LCIII in Dry Goods. Dry Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, /cc.,
No. 111, Chewierle, Erie.
_DlAr.gnlin HardwarHe. E
Goods, Grot CAHWELI
ertee. tfi., north gide or the
Diamond. and one door east of the Engle Hotel. Eric.
T. W. mooRE,
p.m..% in Groceries. Provisions, Wines. Liritieri, Candies, Fruit,
&c., No 1. Perry Mock, Plate street, Eric.
Dr %LIR in Groceries and Provisions of all R nuts, State street, three
doors north or the Diamond, Erie.
ATTrIIIIART MID IDOVAKELIAnt AT liAVA , flll74llOO.lOljAkIlyT of Ppethi,
(Witt. in ninon:lnv doors ti editor 1.11.
WslllannV corner, trie.
DRAt.rli in Dry GoodsZHrneerie,., Hardware, Queens Ware., Lune,
lon, tinils, &c... 1:21, I'licapride. Erie. Pa.
CA FINFT M Ft UndertiliWT, corner of Rate and
i•zectitli a trerta, Erie.
JeigTElcif K ELSEY,
frlArriiirit of Tin, rapper Stirei-iron %% are, Air Tiahilrio%
Store pipe, ire., Corner of French awl yoftli mreetx,
KELSO room is, I
G /NUL AI. Forwarding, Produce a n d entynntuv. Mouth:lmp% dealer,
in coarse and fine .nit. Co:11.11:1liter, ace. do*.
went nide of the budge, Eric
Emil' J.,
GrrirnAr. Fortt•arding and Cormni...ion Merchant. and iteater IP
Salt. Plaster. &c„ Warehout-e 141 the D o ck t k c
Fridge. Erie.
. .
VNIF.R FOIAVZIMUIG, COIIIIIII<B1411:11111 PTO met , NllTChalli..,Sre
Otld Ware-how, rant of the Publje EN".
G. 1.003118 &• Co
14 . .41.1 R. in trototor, wd Oprntta Sik(r, and
ilritanma W.,re . 1/11er, Military ar,.; rune) (:u.4411. State , Ite , t,
nearly opposite the Cagle Hotel, Ett,:.
G. Lonsiip,
cAnTER. murrn EIR.
litii dealers in )Ted n•nu a, Pal ntFe th 6 r
No. 11, Reed liou , e, Erie.
PY iiIRAM L. Ilrtowv, comer of State qtrert at , the Public spinrc.
Erw, Camera sVeStent and ROothern binge of
i)F:ALFR in Theninenl. nnii Clasmcni
SelD:d Hook+, Sintionzryo&c. No. 111. Frenri, .trees, Erie.
'Slew 'ratior.. on the pnt,l;fo, n few door,
on,t of State Kreet.
1,. IVA It It EN
s Am i. ni i i,.l.,i l d pror M.anthwifirer. and dealer in g'.:,.....nnit.
Cant COrlli OrMil and State N '
treilk. Uri°
' .'
• \•
- L it I). S. CI,AIiK,
It'uny,r.ii,p: A .ii) RI. TAIT. IN'alt•r in Gnlrl•ri , S, PrIA P.1. , 11Q, Si',
I liamlfory, 5t96 , -w,tie, G... - ., Me , No. I 4•!, Vrilir II , trvi t. 1:6‘..
0. D. SPAFFO It I).
Periler m I.av , 111 , 1tr:11, (Snake etatin:ory, ,
hik. Scr. Flaw st , four ,11)(14
rßell AST TtiLoa. South , ido of the Ptddic r gone, a 114 doors
cast of t h e Erir Bank.
DR. 0. L. El.1.101"1',
Resident Pentim. ; ftfliee and dn'tdln or ill iti, Er c i3O Ei cc k, c n the
East Fide of 111 t; Ern.. Truth io•mird ,nt Con)
Phu., from one; to an entire t , ot. Colon , n't•ill hired auh pore
Coil. and rt ,, tored to health and os,folocc,.. T.'( ri t ., ! ned
with instill:m t to and Rent Ide e loft c t i ßmi at a I,litic iii
ettnillel4. ‘tirrantol.
1 1 1(),Sf:S KOC if
ilrTt fr. Doller ;:tarl, and l'an , y Dry
Grocenes, Clin , kerv, Mnde , Cummeretal
corner of French and fifth Ftrilre.4 t..
Arn Sono& oN—oniee at tai re-cdevec on Se.einnli xiceet,
oppoxito the li*ant linn Church, Ea le.
tvwl4 , 44E VD ZTAJI. dealer in Pry Goods, GrOferit`f., !LUAU are.
01111tirtill. Giam-svare. Iron Nsils Leather, nits, &e., corner so
State street and the public spiare, opposite the Eagle Rotel, Erie
vaipmEnm, trhnlesale awl Retail Dealer: , iii Stores, litlllow
wine, &e. State street, Erie.
. _
wiremErs%L A T, ll PT.. , It deNIPIN Mee, 1/3 e Siuf
Groteram tr..e. \u. .:, Rt•ell (1011,,,C1w, •
Now Goods. -
• --
V ET Ilan' this .13) rf. ,. ..“ , ..1 11 exprtr.o.. a !tire a-rol tiiN , lll Or
II French ilertat.,'
, ,stlk, Merliair. Tiiabol cloth, I 'a,fanere and
31 tie Lame dcr., at TRIBAL; & DEW El 'S.
Etie. Oct. 6, lelzi.
J. 11. WIT stoge. dealer inl'oreittn mid l lease I is Dills of e‘ellange,
Certificates of tleftnt.itt., tinld :Ind Sett f Coin. a itl Lin and 1,11
current and 1111ellrit.711111.111n, neeottate Intl lr end
sigLt li, 111.
make collections nil all tlw Eastern cities, and ware remittan
ces at thr CAI Banking rates.
Money received on Deposite And Eastern drafis constantly on
hand at the lowest rates of premium.
I Ilato. Indiana, Kentucky, V rmnia, and Pennsylvania Itattl:
nwee, and thow of most mild States, knight and snhl'on the mum
seasonable terms.
()Mee difectly opposite the Eagle Hotel, 2 deors from the corner,
rile, July
iv civr eft from the pithgctser s , Len & Man
ias. 0414 <1 Irlialarletifu n . a large wont:tent of Med
otos,. ;ss Wdrk ,t [twit IA 11l by i 411,1 at the pub) s
•., .
mice.; aonitl; tt lur 11 will he found:
Battles on Bet er4,
Budd on .1,1% er,
Boyle's Materia Medica and Therapeutics.
Churchill's Midwifery, Churchill on Females,
Ashwell on Females. Coo Per on Hernia,
Condie on Children. Jones on the E.) a.
Device's Midwifery, Om re on ckthirrp,
thinglesca's ocw Remedies. P l ingicsan's Practice,
Llano Or. Maser's Brewery, 1 1 11.1terp principter,
Mitter's Practice. Phillips on Scrotum.
Prout on the Stomach, Trtylor'sMed.Jurisprintence,
Wilson on the Skin. - IVilson'a Dishector,
Cyclopedia of Medicine, Willianis!respiratory organs,
VOLUM on the florae, flarer, Forrier.lks., Ake.
The ruhserilwr Is agent for lien k Blanchard, and will order any
Medical, Li tern ryoiMiseella aeons, works deslred.and flimnisti theta
Item at Publisher's prices. Physicians, 'indents and others are
requested to call and cranine his catalogue.
Erje, June. 10, i ,.
4 3r1 DOZES Paigt SO Varnish arllFilel. anti 8 doz. Whitewash
%./ Brughei, Hoy. G. E.AR'rER & BROTHER.
A -
bblt. best Pltisburgh—c r o. IV. Sin i ecer. brand--
for intg A. KING.
T ADIOS KID HIJWIRW4II. Iles, Half. and whale anisers.
rocco wapting btnyes, !dim &A', at 41.1. CIEBON'S.
NAtv, 4.
. _ .
Fal9.—Young tlycnn, Gunpowder, and Mark T nn far *ale by
(Nov. 4.i
A 1.1111:41t sttplttv uf lipenerlr' (Buffalo) 50.13 lliaeuit, f Ware
^el% rti awl tor .ttle at Nu. I. hurry Muds I y
Lt iv. May it, laid. T. W. 31008 E.
And'of thew. Complaints which are caulked by tut impaired,
weakened orunhealthy condition of. the
This beautiful and convenient application of the mysterious
powers of t:ALVANISNI WO SI AC/NE . I'ISM, has been en,.
nuanced by distinguished physiehing. both in Europe and
the United :Matey, to be the most 'a:liable mmhcittat du.
c mcry of Om s'lgs.
is used with the most perfect and certain success in all
cases of
Strengthening the weakened body, giving tone to the various
organ,. end in. igordting the entlie, ey htem. Also in
Frrs, clump, FAUN/ANN AND PALSY,
Dyspepsia or Indigestion,
MIEUMATISM. Unto, and ,Chronk., GOUT, impb.
Liver Complaint,
and on
NervcAis Diseases,
which complaints arise from one simple cause, namely
A Derangement of the Nervous System.
figs In NERVOUS COMPLAINTS, Drugs and Medicines
increase the disease, for they weaken I the vital energies of
the already prostrated system ; ss bile 'under' the stiengtheip
tug, lifegiving t v italiting influence of , Gals anism, as applied
by this beautiltil and u mule del discovery, the exhausted
patient and n eitloned suites cc is restored to former health,
strength, elasticity and sigor
The gr eat pecultality and e‘rellenc 1 )of i •
• Dr. Christie's Galvanic Curatives,
consists, in the fact that Die) arrest and cure iliseese by out
ward application, in place of the walla mode of drugging
Illn 4 I'll, Nehing the patient, till exhausted Nature sinks hope.
'lessly under the infliction
They streqtkit. lie w?ssdu system, eyualize the circulation
o f th e bl oo j, inwoo l o the nee deans, and riei Cr da the lighte d
injury under any CS , CWO viatte es. Since their introduction i n
the United Statue, nly duce years since, more than
. . 60i
000. Persons
including all ages, classes and conditions, among which store
a largo number of ladies who arc peculiarly subject to
Nervous Complaints, base lades,
than all hope of relief had helm given up, and et cry thing
ilia' been tried in vain'. .
Wo illustrate the use of the GALVANIC BELT, suppose
The case of a person afflicted with that bane of civilization,
DYSPEPSIA, or any other Chronic or Nervous Disorder. In
ordinary cases, stimulants are taken, which, by their action
on the nerves and muscles of the stomach, afford temporary
relief, but which lease the patient in a lower state, and with
injured faculties ; alter the action thus excited hat ceased.
Now compare this with the effect resulting from the applica.
tion of the GALVA:siIt; isEt.T. Take a Dyspeptic sheerer,
es en in the worse symptoms of an attack. and simply tie the
Belt around the body, using the Nitothetic Fluid as directed.
In eshort period the insensible per:piratlon will eel on the
positive element of the Belt, thereby causing a Galvanic circa.
Wien which will pass on to the negatite, and thente hark
again to the muftis c, thus keeping up a continuous Galt Mlle
circulation throughout the a) stem. Thus the most severe
Certificates and Testimonials
From the most Reepechrtste Sour.cet.
Could he gi% en, sufficient to 1111 every column in this paper
We make a few felectionli
Seven Cases Cured:::
In one Village,
W. W. Lniotir
ti k I,l' AN I C 111.1:1'
matter how so, cro or chronic. bheptlCS nIO referred to the
The fulliming triter a: from \1 r. Alonzo L. Feller, of
King tun, N. Y, a gentleman of 111411 tespectabilit) and
Igmns-rov, likter CO.;_N. V., Jim. 21, IS4B
To Dr. A. It.
Mutt the Ina of Not Maher at I called at 3 our office and
puichased one of your (hits aide Belts, and I am happy to
that it has made a nen man of me }
.P , 41 , I Iran e been
troubled With 11111.1 itSrr.v, Sely ko, ow, and a wrak.
seas of lte 'whole sysirm, 1111,011 i, n rth pain in thu
head, so set ere that I %%mild hat e to take to my bed (luta
or four times a day. My friends are ashini•hed at the per.
feet and wonderful cure wrought on me. i never mat better
in my life than non., Jail I 1.11,i11 that this if, flitiigetliCri4 hug
do your II El. ' l', nit I lia.l had the hest ph) Kielans,
and had tried'Cl.Cly thing pret. tuns in tams it, %%ghoul
• • • • •
'l', M. Ai -mg
Ctrj— In consequence ill the benefit, espei lanced I.y himself,
1,t.1' Irr al 1:111111liVr el the I .ALVA:\ IL 111:1,T13,
and has lug tfieq , o.,ed n 1 them alining his 111CIIIIS, tuns Y. rite,
Kt.t.titin, Ma!, 0, 19t9.
3lr 0, in Dodron,
YOHItt to go e, ) OJI . 311 accoant of the of :t 0111
G.IISANII , BEI. I'S in ( h i. I C•111t11111 atil that they
continue to to ',tinders . e to n eat tqClll, 111111 I do not
Anew of 0 .101001 y fil l , 0/ fin:/ , 111 111 lho if 11.0 I sold a Itch
MAL the 31agnette Fluni to a lad) lone conic weeks kince.
She had a eiostplication if nets ous dim - 1,1,14., and wan s cry
lots. Dr. Nelvoi :Mended her, tot did het in° good and the
Doctor hlew out co11.:1401,11de when Flte got the belt, and
ridiculed 1/ but the Eddy OSt !hr 11111 and 'it at cu, rd. Now
Shin Doctor 4,h1 the D 3 spepda for J prat ti lii le, and could not
cute hintselt, but g3l. thi. lad; Belt, idles it kept
secret, pith it oil hunsclf, anit it rojiatielt good, that
tsteriluy he culled tin tne and god one (31 his Is de.'
iNo .1. •
Miss *ND. MARK, of Oa, tan it, I. all ;winter ss ith the
the got to he petinett) helphrs . Eton one
who :taw her raid bilevait.d.lonit late. She ;gent Air a GAL.
V_l\lG BELT—put it on—used the Piaui lively, and an
i m vs all, tt)♦T itT 11.111`,6, •'tl Is TO Br. 11 Alt MILO
NY, t urca! The Doutor 1116 attended Miss V, hooted at
the Belt, hut um% thole i 5 relbwly n telintaialtte tUls
live power to ;our Delta. .
Mr. Jnhn Emnn, merchant of this flare, was reduce.' toy
meic skeleton; h) In speirna and general chronic disease t he
got a Belt and the fluid , and 11 nom as healthy a man at we
Aare got in Kingston. Ile has spent. /alga Ennui of Innney
In sarious Hosts unix plei ittllMll3 , but they alt !noted useless.
No. b.
An old gentleman by the name of I+;eff, kith. dad the Dys
pepsia/or thirty years. lie tells Inc that he could not eat nny
Wing eathout its thing on his vtomneh • he was very much!
4nraciaLed awl looked miserable ,• but h e purchased a Belt
from me, and after wearing it 3 or 4 weeks, he dune up to the
door and said be ,had come to thank me for selling him Curtis.
sir's Ilot.s, tt had Made a u ell man of lulu. Ile say s that
he now eat: awl digeat. and'iltat lie Is 05 beauty as
any of his neighlana. Ito isabout 60) cars of age.
Me. {Vow), of NlatiaLetown, Was drawn up With S'rinsp Aral
tlsat he could not toot•c. Ili. Isrother gut a
Belt for Lim , and in owe skeet. Ile I,as Si) s% ell that he was
about attending to its Business. Ile sass it is Me zi sates:
thine on north..
The wife of Mr. Joseph King: of Kingston, has been corn
plainiug of sit ti de awl genci al it eakriess for fel era' years,
aml also tiottlll,l a itlt iudtgestion, Slie got the Belt ava
and Mr. King told inc this; day, that his nife nes like
another utuoun, it bud dour her co much good. I could
sit e you a great many motecases, equally successful, but
suppose these still be sufficient. I may say that I net er was
engaged in any buoness that has been so tuitunate and antis
/aetory to all collccs tied. •
Very tint) yours, , ALONZO a FELTER.
To A.ll. Caisirst n. , M. D., Net,v-Toik.
(115 , - Many hundred Carti(icates tr;otn ell parts of the noun.
tr) of equally extraordinary character could he gi‘
W. No trouble or ineonsenienee attends the use of DR.
I.3ERIS7'IR'S G.? r. MINIC .111771:LKS, and they n , . , ) be
woin by the nio , t feeble and delicate with perfect case sail
safety. , In ninny eases the sen•ation attending their rise
hichly littneMil and agr"able. They can be stet to any taut
olittile Country.
Prices :
The Galvanic Bolt, Three Dollars.
The Galvanic Necklace, ' Two Dollars.
The Galvanic Bracelets; One Dollar Each
The Magnetic Fluid, One Dollar.
Q - The articles are accompanied by full andplain direc.
Wins. Pamphlets with full particulars may be had of the
authorised Agent.
fr .)
(Q. Beworo of Counierfrils and WW I Mew Imitation*
D. C. DICKE= ,M. D.,
182 Broadw y. New York.
For sale in Erie, only by the sostkorined lig ' .
CARTER & [MOTHER,' fqo. 0, mai new.
Eric, Dee. 16, lE+l,
Notice to the rations of the itrie Observer.
TnE partnership heretoftneeristing muter the firm of Dustin &
Sloan, isthis day dissolved hy mutton G 01114014. Tb., books
andiserounts of the kw firm are in the hands (AA- P. Drdin, for
collection. and those in arrears= notified that payment mast be
made during the coming winter to save CO tr. 'Moro having" de
mandlagainri the firm w ill present them at the office, where he
ill remain for the purpose of settlement. A. P. PUJtLIN.
Erie, Nov. 11, /RS. 11. P. SLOAN.
drioOPER , S GEL ATIV E, for Jellies, Blanc Mange. &e. &c., a
- V a beautiful article, fur milt: by HUB TUN & PER INtt.
Nov. 2.. P. Ibl6. xi
' N. I
Vo 9
P 0 'WM 33 It S.
- IT HAS CURED. in the last )(ir
-15011 Caws or Mares.
all 2000 •• Chrome Con.h
100 " :tram %Void.
r.O1)0 " '• Ilan, od out of Condition, nod ~ther
This wine& is put up in I.trge packages,* o , igtolug vier one
pound, milriell•lit to admini-ler to a horse for nhoul Ili and to
cure an'orditiary Cade—dim , it trill he teen th.t. tt t- ilw cheapest
!leave itediciucthatcanL•rpitcn , ils,ozily one flolhr's orth Is requisite in moat rases Io cure. We know of mail) ,o 110 Lace
improved di • 1111.11• of a heavyhorse lifry and SOlllO one hundred
dollarti, by elle dellnre; north of the Tattersall Heave Powder's.—
Only ly) ourtj l 4 get the genuine:article, tool your money will he
amply repaid 10 yell.
More than SW certificates t erhal and written, have hPell receiv
ed, attf•,titeg to the virtui , or this inestimable remedy, Litt bar,.
only space to subjoin the following:
Read !be Artloo ing:—..l'his i, to certify, that I cured
rion.e ut"
mine of the 111`3VCS; by one package of Tattersall's Have row
dent. The hurt' bins made no sign or the Item es the Pow
der was gi't en, and I believe the cure to be perm: unlit. As a Med
ithlC for horses, I belies e it to all it is recommended for,
(I . 8 ' FIA Parincr.
Town of Scriba. Oswego county. March 21. IS. le.
liwkland, O,.c%dn County, N. Y.
111545. a., (oran & K weeny m—tdevre.—llaving ,
'I a young horse
that had, much to his itkiitrY. contracted the Heaves, I purchased
for It an article called ••Iteal meure" but wild' I:think should be
emieduileave maker," an it tale the hornea great deal n orse than
before., I W(l9 afterwards it. an .ed to tus eit ilm '"raltursaft ficaVe
\m i.
Ponders," and the effect was an nom Au. restoration ft) N)1111,1-
nes ,. I have muse been olrereOfty alarm more - tor the horse
than I o ff ered it fur before it took your uctliC inc. 'Vows,
J. 111111,1Nt:AM111.
..c,orMs...—ltnitations and worthle. s comiuMMl4 have fol
lowed um whermer %%Chin l' ilarthillCCll 11.11106'. rail or MI.
demand that several new ones ere bring tan up for circulation.—
Beware of those, and take fin reined) fail "the Tathirsall."
None genotne Wnt the i.ignature of A. & CO.-
price one dollar per Par kage, cit for the dollars. 1 Prt•nared and
and g.,314 ltol , *.ate and toad by GOUGH A. 119
Vtilion Mir.% N. y• Caller & Brother, A gestei, Erie, Pa.
Nor. 134-1.
North East. Iroolon Factori.
7000 yAitys not, Ts,ovd,, s a „„,,t,p,
Blankets, Vlannels, are now WWI , 11.)1:eeAchariired for
0 00l at the followilla rate, rur plain full cloth. one 7411 for 21
lbs. of wool; easQmiere, 1.! 11,,, to the %aril. IVe nJI al,O man
ufacture dialog the t.ert,on. Mac(•. Holm it, Stet l l-irijn.4l,logh al 2s,
cis. per yard, rtu.simeres of the ~.ante color& al 31.0 CIS. and white
flannel at V+ an.) plc. 141 card.
North June In, 10-1: 4 . f 4 TEVI:Nr; & JOWErr.
ERIE MARBLE rt_vronv.
glut: withscriber ttould itifitriti his olden -turners and the puhlie
I generally, Ow hr r unlinot , s I.) carry nu the 51a rl.h hiv.iness
at the obi bintel on Ninth ;Wert. hem von State and reach. in•arly
oiti,qt‘ite the . eadenty, where he will V.VIT 011 hand at ;11l luurr, a
large Hoch - , cointsting of thr thilerent ‘tirintit, of It Inn. MO va
riegated inarl,le, mfitaiiip far grave -stone., (bet in serket• .or a itli
out.) monuments, &c.. n'l , llltig to purchase
nal find it to their ad% antage to call and rcamiue sloe!. and pri
ce'. As lam not to be innler.ont, 1 pledge to loutish any
liming in my line, from 15 to 25 ier rout lei, than it can he had of
the traveling agents for Eastern Factoritat.
Erie; July N. I'4lB' I y 4.1 J. R. (.104111R AN.
Milt: subscribers are jtud receiving a I cr.) thll stock of SPRING,
and till GOODS el)111 , 1Siillt! of ;omm - truer} :met). of
Dry floodit, Grocerias. Ilardotare and C'rnrkrru.nfC of tt loch hate
la-en purchased at unumial low rates. and %% ill be told at , low WI at
any outer House In Erie. They Invite their old customers, Ladies
and Gentlemi , n, and the Public generally, to call and etatllnctheir
laaortnient before ehant here J.IIUGIIES&Co
1 rie,June 10. NW,
Ternperinta Tale, Mary Grot et_ur the Trway Wife, at
June 4a. Julie V.
1 ELF Control, a note!, by Mary Burton, at
Juno 19 PI'AFFORIeS,
DA RN.4O Notes on Jamers, Peter, John and Jude, at
... _:__•_ _ _
Wanted dUtri
nediatoly: r
E Balance on all note* and acconnis dile I lie raw/. and
the law firm of Englellart & Ma, cr. ' l'errnos Interemed n ill
a tiNc ,,, a h) calling and adjnt.ling the Kline I 1.1 . 0 r, tin , (vet 01 hair
ne‘l. May EL codil i M.V1111.18 31.% VER.
_ -
Steam ilngilice anti Bo:oilers.
W E rn a ' Tteil:l7ibirlAe;ll:'• o l r t to
t n i i i , e l
r k... , r: ,
lii order ,,, i r
, I I i . g. „ l: c r r i i:r t ;:l i f: j . , }: i r i i i i , l7l .
of ilw moat appro‘ed kind... on Slic 4 t entire and ipt Ilie %er3 I.llrebt
fa U . S. . I,)>•TER, SENN EVE & 111 ESTER.
.11ay I, ISIQ.
I3(l,‘Vl.:ji*:rio.l% Do, Lflarold, the last of the Navin Kings, at
hr Anl.v~n n 9
al Moils, and iII the 11.7% ; et) lee of Press Triniinings it/
311111 ' .1i.rti.
rtipply f far,`r al great bar:2:1111S; 41'
tiwyclars, .zce which we pledge ourscl%es
isnt to be undersold. Plvast call and sato4y tourselvn at
No, 1., Reed 11011. P.
1301 cl'A A N )1 . 1: 4 .-I . le7,lltAlt I . ‘ntmlw,ml larw•i..sock
01 “Cntlelly'll' Fine and Heavy llooi. and :bee., al , O a great
variety Sc Ladies' and Nli,e," Gaiters.l.V:tikuw :•.11,,i5, and t 4 11; , 5,
and all kinds 01 and I ;g %U-, and r h11 , 1t1).
ut cr•hoes, I, 11.1:1,1; tit It's:11.
I.}:n ATI 112 , Oli baud
I. awl 1,,r salerlivaper tam at aa:, ~t;wr pLir, Intl .0 11. l:nQ111fe
81 the Tia Shop 01 .1. 1;-'1:1'/I
Erie, .Itig. 111, and
( - IAN.kI, (.l,•:.-,fia - 1.71;414 and Lao
kJ terns, by !Uzi,. 12. e.k & 11E.01'111:11.
,v2cp —.k ‘er . Itaadr,ine let of
V./new Varretilag.iiid (hit:loth, arm lug ,11111 c. OM .lo.‘‘ Here of
Erie Sept. ...!9 fir11"111.
geaeral a'eurt
oci. 21. (1. 141:1,1)1:,4 & SN,
gr:l I N , ;11.% Fruuclf, ot• r•lran Giti.7
OA op ry ,V 1.7 JA,6
New and Popular Publicationo, from Press of '
ZiARPER & Bilowavaq. 1
T 0
UST received at the Bookstore of .D. i'liartord,l4ell,llol‘ lilt!
•./ men mid popular nork, trim the pre,i. of Harper Itrothers, i
t IL: ' Loitering:. in Europe—bs .1110. W. Cor•on, 11. D.
I 11 . .illimit the Coilap:r—by author ,if Hetet Herbert.
Alh.9 . l.l—by the author vii Ann lm 11) iiillia ii, &e.
The above de.dr.tlite reading Will by ithposed (if n 1 the Most
reasonable terms. 1%01 ,non , ,
N. It.-0. I). S. has itialce arrangement.. n'itil the II ,ites..r.s., lil
%%Melt lio n ill lie in recowt ot their lien norks tonne , lialelyarnr
pablic.ition.' • - . innell, LsIS.
_. _ I
ftl.oTllS!,lll.olll: 4 .!—Frencli, Engli-11 and .k ;aerie:in It
V./Chnli , and e •rs el et cr% color, elide and irtatity.—
VESTINCS, V ESTI NGS. Figured .iiid, stril,cd•diaere awl
heat y black ionni Vesting-. lane% silk. V , slitif.:-, black and Caney
silk and lime Tern ate. silk Shirts. Meri..o dn., and Oran ens,
Glove..l.sii...peinters.&c., CAI'S Cloth and nosh I 'aps, cheap at
the OM Jew store, roleuiletelal I:X.thait4t . . l'refieli blreet t..._
._ .
Ready Wade Clothing at the Clothing Store,
Commecial Exchange. ' ' ,
THE n doer:her has now on boad at lih• NI:11*(1.0TH
INV...STORE. a 'ter) °stein ite n,ontylo.lll of first irate
CLOTHING, made lip in the latest style nut in the !best
manner, Mach lie is 114..terJOite . .11t,ill tor CA.; 4 11
25 per cont. Lower 1 , I
than any - other est.thlisliment ill this place. His srr.rl. of
Clothing COmpriwg ever) made, iron,: superior tOr - Ortiliiiiti,
and no one Mb.) patronizes the establi.botent shah be dis
appointed in regard to quality, cut or price. Notice the
alien mg- ' -
Buperfine and trine.Prlth Blank Drrss Coats;
English Titccd and Mohair Sark Coots;
Blark,Sutatner Cloth Coati of ere; y Cul,- .
Blarkand Priory t'asiiinero Pants;
Satin,' Silk, Merino and Cdsutniere Celts;
Linin and rUillllt 410thille of i.rery hiiid:
9 — r For Sailers and Cantillera, GIL-CLOTH CLOTHING AND
AI ,qi, riff , annul , A1.11.111101i Shirt., Silk silt risand drawers, Merino
do. Cray:As. Collars, Stocks. Bosoms, stocks, inispendors &e. &e,
lip has experienced and fashionable Cotters employe:l and will
clump, trim to the best manlier and make all kinds of clothing to
order, 0 Inch will be warranted to give satisfaction.'
The public are int lied to call and inspect tbek.lothing in the new
rind cheap establishment in the Commercial Evlianee, b'ru'nch et.
opposite the Thinner Hotel. , MOSES KOCH.
May 10, 12+1..
0 00 LBS. Cantwood,loo His. l'iedirk. Mid :MO Ms, Niekwood
_t/ *..1 by
New Goodr •
ATM', FALL itlU WINTER 41;001)6.—The vilbsrribor
II now «Teit jog Ilan Fall and 'Winter Sloe), 01 Dr) *hods, Gro
ceries, iltirdware, lloots and Shoe , , Iteccin•nrin•. Iron. Nails, &c,
which %yin make Ills stock roll romplvw, nod 0 ill make his
stock vlqy ebeap. Con nod I•ee. orw,s * i n OF :Axil you, no
doubt, no I wail not b inklersOld for rea d y pity, by any one in Erie.
(tct.l,2, JACKSON.
Bonnet Goods.
RRCP by Express, n goad ,rzlec ion of n ,, ortea Velvccis.
. as.orted rtntlos, co'ors; rept. nod tomtit Runnel Silk, ax
eorlod ibboup. , till of which tv ill be eold very clica ,to 'Alit
or to the ratan trade, at I 1r111(1111"6 ULM 1:R. -
Dec 2 • 1
SOf the different I:14
ner, incidding tla9ere
1 ;;1
I 'en, (Or Nate at reduced pricer, by
Erie, Jan, 13, 1819. t. Looms& co.
600 um. FRENCII $& YELLOW Ovum.
Nov. 6. CARTIiit & 13110
600 iss. zio E v N . I 6 T . IANRe,L Engii.h. „ pit
999 LOB Ifi v IT 6 ING Hy
199 • mai
LOS FRENCH & etsc Greene.
Wov. 6.
249 .A1,1,0N0 Furniture. Coach. Chair RIO /Num liar
nigh. by Nov. O. CARTER 6r. BROTpkilt.
6400 (:,"IsTIE
flew and Fresh Obreceries,
Aim ESuhatrihn has just received a fresh supply of Wet rig i d drY
family Groceries; also, wines and Moons, gown/re, nails and
glass, which he ‘llll it whoteisato or retail, cheaper than ev r, thy
mil or country produce. Call and for. ll7niNDEßx ECnr
[nri Y• ►" ' 0 ems Brooklyn. B I
. • „n . ,• • „ • V... CARTER at 14
CHINEAL, CNA Ronr,,, Solution of Tin, Cream Tom
indigo, by Nov. 10. CARTER &SMITH
• , •
BROCIIA, Teirkicn, Cash Mere. Wo li n de Lane and /11,
Shawls, a good assortment at GEO. bI:LDEN & 20.
M.; 10.
No. 3, Porry Slock,ipatollt.,Nrio, Pa.
T. W. MOO an,
WO 111 XI respectfully invite the attention of the M t -drinking
inhabitant. of tuts city and vicinity to the Canton Tca
Cumi: y's Superi.r 'frog-4.lll , feet in all enwit to be returned if not
apnrot ed of. Animtg tt hitch may be found
Good YOUNG - II V8(),I,
Pixie do
No.l Pr:tun:int du
NO3 Vt3Y Vino • do
I'i ry Finn tin
Good II VSON 1?f ,
Very Fine - do
Extra Fine do
Fine du
No I BOUCIIONG, 80 50 per lb.
Nu 2 ;lii - 63 ..
Finest do i 'l .1 "
Fragrant poWCIIONG, , various prises,
I'i/in), • various pries,
rine OOLONG. - 50 ..
Very line do • . 75 ..
Extra Fins do . I no .l 66
IIOWCWA, or finost Black 'fez' illumined. I 00 ,
1r TAKE NOTICE I—The Citritun Tea Company are, th 4 ex
elivore vender', of thesuperior Black Tea caned ..,lIOIVQUA'S
111INTIlt E." I
1".; ery package, (in addition to its rent:lining fill! Wright hide
pendmit if the u•rlpper,) bears the stamp of neatness and Me
g:lllCP, the Teas therein are so Ihoronghly secured from ligh,
and tiir, that their quality and ismer %%ill remain unimpaired tt
any climate. For sale at NO 1. Perry Mock,
wzrans &tacitrorisi,
jusT rt:eelsed at No.I. Perry Block by
•- June 30, 1:,104.
• Harborcreek Woollen ractory:
proprietors of this estahlinlinient. having made ronsidur
aide tkddition to !brit noteliinery is all Den' nod of the
heat It Ind. and hat ing' exlwriented workmen in rill the ditfert•rit
lirnne In, of their Imisne , 44, are teadv to eteltange cloth for wool,
or manof.wouo for pay, by illP van), on irze•onahle tyrne', They
have on hand a harp quantity of ditlerent ki Ida of chub, Ihnineht,
blankets, shawl:, ra4siiiiere , . and tweed., no• well no- Lila suon
car of bodies tind quality', to eke hallge for wool, We
gtt e one yard of cloth fur'! I pounds of wocd, ns goodie the wool
IA ill make.
"earth,. ,d ti done an
Janling 1.1 ,loth- Preothrg done ;IN
All hind, of protal(*e tal.rn lur pay. and a libtral di:•coutd.
1' ii—We are preparimt to toahe Mori&loth.. 1
1 ' 11110IW AS, l' Ss & 4 4 0 .
Yonnelry,Therliton & Co
• Ilarliorcree)i. May In in •-l.
LOOKING 01...1. 4 5E5.Ji0t opening, a splendid lot of (lilt and
Mahogany Frames id t artous sizes and pares. all n arranted
to impro% c (lib !coke, by G. 1.0031/5 & Co.;
Erie, July 14. 'Std. State street.
ClPEe'rAct,Es of Gold, Sitter, and Cent an SilC'er Framet4 an
exteroive assortment Of concave and co Icel. Also, !tie cele
brated rer taxa' Spectacle, Ftwerior to any in tine.
July 14, trlo, State street.
G 01.1) AND, : 4 11XF:12 ARTlCl.r.S.—ArettenFive t rattly of
lirea s t-pms, B ra e r i,l.,. Runts, Lockets. Chain, Pencils &e.,
of the latest styles. A ko, 3laionioth and other Cold Pens of the
different makers, Silver rime its, ltrooches. dad !lead tirnanients.
In short., the public n ill tind more things thii the Printers tell for,
as lei. not intended to over-rate the stock i still We n ould add that
Microscopes, for magnifying small object*, i. on Is' found as usual
at 1 0. 1.110311 S & Co.'s,
July 11, Ista. ' nearlyi MONite Engle ilrOtel
A Hook foifihe Til l /ICS.
TT I SOS and Queens, nr lin• iii the Palace consist inerif Ilistor
li teal sketches of Lou:, Phillip, Nicholas, Lepol,l, 1-alelta 11,
Victoria. &e. lteic 25.. 4 Sp %vont lI'S
IN I:Isl.:1'f' of'different kind , , in
rlorLnr rk'N 31:1nm , Clock, n hitt. io“rllion. Al-o, Gold
tool Silt er lVateln.F, a tinoa"ortawnt to liPieet n good slum-ktoper
AVM. fur , alia at - G.LOti%lli & l'o
July I I, 1,-4#.
pes.:ri. and Mustard
iong”. Ladies, Forks, Mutter and 111111) - E,
on hand or numufariiired to- order. Silver na'rranied <mull to
coin. and no charge for etigra%ing. GJ 1,111 /MIS &
ts, , - '-- 1114. 1 11•1, 01, nagt,
K 1.4 4 .-13 doz. Rakes for sale at tlie manufacturer's pries,
It by
.I‘l ORS; Lic:llT.—Nev, 51.1,1 e Solar Lamps, Canultrite and Lard
Siispowliim and Side Lamp., Cirandole., Plated, Branch,
and other at C, [MOM'S & Cos,
Erie, July 11, Jet , . nearly onpo,ilo th e 1:11L:Le.
_ _ -
W= rzs n AND TROUT.
ic 0 %%len , I'vdt 1 .17.1;1;,-ir Trout, w.f. rprok rd ht
c/*-1 Pitt- Steamer sale at Ni I, I'vrtv
Lriv, Miiy 4 . ' I'. IV 11( It in K.
Trlt .. ) and Svnl Slippen.'atid Slinet, Gan/Ts and
jl 1.1. ; .p,r, at the old JOIN' Stole, French 01 ct.
April I:1, 1:71R. 1
_ :
Lumber Wanted
- T I WILL pan for:0)0,000 fiat of IffAillock Lunifer. activer ,
1 elf al Illy .106. in Erie. ‘N ill be ;:n VII for Ow find it aioi.,l
Also for any pain' its of Popolar, l a ir Wiliw'Clak,
ran% A 0112 - 2, IV3I. Tut '1:S11.111..
Now Concern.
rpm: itib=eril,or, trim liar oarelia•ol the enure , tocii' or ITerehrtn
.l due Litel) ott MA & r.••io• hty ',-
l i r its lb,• patron:we of him friends and the imblie. generally, ;tn.!
hors that 1:00,I lloork, fair lisle& and eflavni.ol, to plVal.l., hill
vivg•l with at •liare of cuistom, Lard Ilil of;the tint gn:An.. 6t thr
barrel, at a reiloci..i price. r , ItiC/ PIP, 0. HULBERT,'
Elle, July . 29, I , l°.
1"S rueui‘t.ll tilt: , ' rtputting at 340, t! American itinck.
.T9'ileneral as,ariment 01 Dr) 1:0011S S/Ilieti the to
evilwr ‘I.IIII Crorpricp. Croy her all Hardt', atu t‘ltich 1% ill I.c.bold
anima:lll) low fur ca It orrerni) pa).
Eriv. mun.'lll),
C.)sSI:4TING of French , tel Scotch ltitt,iintitn, Balzurine•t. Print
t•d and Jenny Lynde Al.n n great A two). of
W.) ,, ted :ma Linen Net and lltnhre Deter Shawls. jte.s rereived
at Nol Auer - wan Pioek State 't. Al. hI.IY ER .
rric. June lib, 1Q1:4.
A. R. (4. II I'NTEII. Pit irrie.iL Ilsv-rsat, will introduce
(iv Sprint: noloon for flats this day. and %vomit most
restiscaltll solicit his friends and customers to cull and
e‘tairrire tins very gentlemanly appendage.
Erie, March I', NN. air
T Ail. omit: a. )
r rill I'. traden•iimed take: , this method of informing the Citistelle , of
t Erie awl tie 111 that he still contitirWs the business of
.1.,t ruin! Ni: at iii‘ old Stand, it here tic v ill he happy to save
them tram the horrors of slop shop clothing, by making a fair and
handsome garownt at a x cry reasonable price. lie returns his
thanks to the priblir generally for its kind and liberal patronage
heretofore, and i nods, lry strict attention to Mildness, to merit and
receive 11w saute fur the future; as tie feels confident that from
long experience in some of the principal shops of [rondo!) and New
York, lie can execute tiny work entrusted to him in the most work
manlike, fashionable arid satisfactory manner.
I (rt. 10, 1848, JOHN GOAIDING.
N • It. CUTTING done on the shortest notice and with partic
ular care. Shop, situate smith of the Dianitlid, and a few doers
east of the Erie Hank.
- -
Ladies Dross and Cloak Goods, 1 C ONSISTING of Cashmere, Mou de Mules, black, striped:
plaid and shaded Alpapcns, French Merino, silk plaid Mado
nap. Mohair lustre, &c., &k. just opened at A
_Erie, Oct la. ISIH. CEO. FIETMEN & SON'S.
4„Z11.kW1.3—.-lay fp/amity of Cashmere, /Maid and Basket
t,J Shan Is, for sale by S. JACKSON.
1.1%1CA of every Ntyt
1 - 1&e, for sale by
n HI find h good rn.ortineni of Anvils. V mem
11 and Belton P. and all sLes of Iron had Sled, warranted to be
equal lo any, and cheap ai the cheapebt on the router twat the
Court House. C. It. wrucirr.
ocL •1.7 I Y 1
Shalt Hardware.
. . _. .
A General assortment. including 'louse trimmings and nails o
.1, nil t.islsoney he found, on terms to suit the martn-et% at,
Erie, Oct. 27, I,JF:, C. 11.. WltltillT.
New Pall and Winter Goods.
mut: a I tibe titters mellow receiving nnd opening their stock of
I Fall and Winter (sontit , , consisting cif
coon.. itAntur 112 E. CIIOVA'EV, R GROCERIES
1R0. , V,z STEEL, NAILS, _,INVIEES;eVe. ,1
All a Lich " be sold cheap for cash or re a dy pay.
October 2, 1t.1 4 . i;Et.l. : 4 111,11EN k sole.'
Pedlars Goods.
ALATIGE assorttnetit of Yankee Notions Jw.t received of the
inanafactors, and Just the articles for Pedlars. at New York
prices, ad ling transportation, at Wit WWl'd.
Oct. '2l . .
Cash for Panthers. .._.....
WANTED a quantity of good Geoise Leathers for which I
AV 8 t pay half cabh. if (lelirere444en. at
Oct. 21. C. B. WRIGHT'S.
• White Dish anal "trout.
A %WARRANTED article just received at
Oet. 21.
IS DAV received from the Manuf tings. attries. a good selection of
assorted Carpeting'', from ISt to 75 cents per yard. Ale° Floor
Oil Cloths. Hearth Hugs, Woolen Crum Clotho. Milo be had clomp
wmuirl"s Corner.
Important to Toadies.
9,00 rA ins of Indies' patent GUM Elastic. Overshoes, com
prising six different Patters, nml styles, to %%hitt I in
vite the attention of those Ladies sego I%&eh tolseep their feet dry,
totel and look nt the assortment at WRIGIIT'S
11drel and Fringes.—A good assortment at
• Baltimore Drama,
:, ofs„ ; ..r,orgnality. pot tip by Holt & Malt-
F by, in Larei• anti ounnt Cana. rot Wei Ced Artily nt4twlr Iht ,
pot, Canada Store, Rikd Hodge, and for 6alo. ldfttee Can or Pack=
np. • JAMES P. IfOLItIES, Ag't
Eric, Nov. '22. Ib , lB - V,liit
1 00 "
75 ••
1 00
75 ••
1 00 •♦
1 23 "
1.23 t•
T. W. M( OR F.
and price, Plain, Stripe. Changeable
=WU' a
.11, With
Gold and
Vett, flOChtl
; Cold pcit-'
thimtles, •
and Vc.,.t.;
~ etc. Cold
IS note, op
large any
absortinent t
Silver Ware.
Cold lockets,
cils, pens, Id
Flinn r rings.
flan*. slid
Fob, Uunrd
tilins. 1.(• s
and Silt er CI
ter - npoon ,
011nibles. pe
knives. Clia
Plaited fru
castors, tan
runners attr
lain:thin co
lets: shell. II
combs; sc i lo;
tun) poshet
wire nod ra
, 4 0 IIIIR, perful
dies, brushy
Fels, bends,
rings: Steel
purses read)
cordions, trl
' iolins, and
er artitiles I
pus to mem(
' prices.
' N. n. red
T - r All hi
ranted. Als
nt short 11011
Fur cleaning'
.. Ci
mile, fruit
no, &c.—
t ba In t ,
le sticks,
it, tix,ona
ee and Ica
fllar. fluty
r , tdiears
wises, In
i or strops,
i ierY, nee
1, steel to s_
.maps, and
bags and
node; Acs
tie boxes,
many °ill-
o fluffier
11, %%Web will be
nrs fu•pidhed o
de of {Vote lies ;
, Accordeons,
lever watches, $
iumort Verge,
.w Verge,
oble Flint,
Id Itaudg, ; 25 to
bs done it(propo
• satisfactiOn or tl
I notch
.:111 other)
ranted to ails
41 r ' Eng
Erie, Nov.
d to snit all age
A large waterline
61, to SW; hi
good time, nt
V prices, ft
nn led to kee
best win
utt• as fit, at i Bron le
ity, every one w'
'Clark'N 1113t014,
Ville do
1 ( ) --""Lj
'apers mid c igar I
Nov Iwt
• t
'CHER re self
I vicinity, that
pie 1111Ppinlled i
MR. 11.E 1
Erie au!
real !we., ia a .d
Bank, :lioutt,
tiem for liegorrrl
' rkshire Comity
rt, both in the
e to gibe pprfect
r Wit r °nage;
Call} Set is Po
,:then of
irl n:sorttneot u 1 G
etttlesneo arelte,
over the
lludi eery Pn
him, by the IS I,
ence iii the
hopes to be nh
biro With the!
and morocco
hand n splend
exprith•ly for 1
I.mbes and
;mime spec in'
Erie, Noe."
DR. P.
,fper I 3 :110 1.01.%
is n sari
1J fur which ;
fill the pour rfel
1V huoping Coe
e•lKaulant two
tion, watolerh,
IKilicary of this
;Milo or it attlt•:-. A
glt. It ttltm temu
• 101110 through
bleeding utt tilt' I.
lett Dr. P. Dal 's
/. I r L e .' c l olltettc
. r ti ' : i ' 'i l i t ' t7o ' ;
Joseph Fria Rich. R. lic('renry,
. 1). Sln dr. A intreti NI Tartpull,
Robert ( 'Or 111 I.tietti= .1. Dull;
ter .11, 'E. Ne1.,31:, \V. F. Rstiolernecht,
A lutt,on ,Slterwooti, I). I' Ensign,
L. %Varren. 111. Mayer,
Daniel 11inut, .1. IX. Dean,
H. 1). hoot,
R Ilalti.A In.
•() THE 1.1:01, C.-11 - e . O are of counterfeit. rind
Ever) Wile Int> the 0 oral., .' Dr. P. Haire 11sttglt
eigneal,"hare u.
brave found II a
1y a•unhy u 1 at.
Joint Galbraith
Chas. W. KtlsC
Mai 14. Brown.
Wsia. M. G,allag
Wibon King,
C. B. Wrlallit,
H. P.3lehairvy,l
.1. lialblauty.
base ihlitationt.
the %%rapper au
Sold sVhotesa
of Siale an.l
r. Town az. I'o
Fain ie;% ; I.
field; Japie, (1
upon the awl hi. s rdtrn ri'4llalt/It•
Ihrertl.ollS. Yo It• tillWr are glofillitlo.
to t;.'l, per Itoti t't%
e and Retnil w Erte„
vial; rIo. t,
11 !Went ,4 (' u., Wal,frofti ;
Norilt tat I Wan-lota:a John A. Trn l "s,
. Jones & Co.. CI -tad ; V. 11. Toss tt,..ett.l, eet tog-
Cantpl,ell, Etat& uu t .Ic,lits Clock & .I.tott:
Meattvllle t 1.. Par,Qt”., We,..tra Id, IC
rdontn ; A. Re) 10bis. ). 11. P. Chatitplitt. - A. J.
; Heisting & Co , 117. Maiden I.ane, N. V.;
Cnotdittit FI. Ili Ingio•lphia. and UOlll4-
lie collo - try. Pur lankier particular., reein.c !leg
to Medicate the r,e;idet will tdcabe cetl CIS Agt
.01 charge
White & Sun. F
NI a ill Bull
Jolt, 129
nll3 th rou ghout
the efficacy of tl
for Pamphlet Ire
oo!s at re
that I:Pod...arc
principle , heir);
Un Jurrely, I Mill
111i1dClitter get , If
hue a uctictal
ANoN, 1.1
TT is A. r.‘ll
Taritl, :Mel till
tariff' fOr rrOtcrl
r. 1.4 than
d... can, as
Minh% Ore,
&e, SV!, lot 4a1e.1
N... 1 to 5.7, per
1 ,-/ Stripe.
Esigll* 1),(1
)1. ile by
, Blue 1111
L _ _
Ct XVII , : FIT T •
,6, eimicl
cl nice rind k ;le by
ir 1;1:91MERE:,, 1 .. ..,ainc,, plain
_3laroon colored, forlfaile by
..,; •..
1 ~.
it ,t . ,_!...,
_amt r
1041.-44. •
• M.,
- Lwirt: .1 SED i
lit cost :it f
I. . R l 4 :l:e l4 r E s lC nnli : e iG it BL ld l i . o g . e i i i t l e r r u a ri l
from, c 'C o e u w, ,‘ l l rk,, yi l :l ,o i
r ri e regul , ,ir at
Itc , `,/ It ,,
Fir.E lii.f.AD BED
Of good.--lareer tbau evdr below I
TN , i1111111 . 11 , 1` (1 1 .61.riiiir ' .t eulla:,l
xi luch it n ould b, to to ennui
riety, form, figure ix Ic, ti indi, fa,
cry Mild for the
Of Ladies. Gentlern. Ii o r aif,
human allitir,, wl en no i Jan , or n.
daily liselillood by till` ,•Weat of Iti ,
cool—even geni clothing—whet
his or her resoute s, and obliged to
rate of sixpence i ..r day, need go 1
proprietors of thi, etdallishinent al
w is
to all ho ill ;n • them a call. .!
In great Irtriety, o et cry fashion,
lishinent, at price. to Hlit the time
Their large asK , tinent of finer
AN4. .11'131- PllO9
Will make the (TO. n titer, end the
he afforded, Will put to flight the an,
have heretofore made a boast oft
do Calf, Seal, Coat, & Kip Tiro
do Gents' Slippers. lons.
do Congress Gaiters,
BOP ' BrOAEUId, fine and coarse, and
By the cord, M Net• York prices,
Goods line at Who es.ile& Retail.
Groceries. Crocker)), Glassware
load, or retail, al prices id correspot
NV.' Don't forget the place, come
Erie, Oet.7. Didtt.
Fall of 184 S. -N El ' Fall of ISL.!.
Arriving in large quantifies al the to hlareirpf .110NES KOCH,
Commercial Exchange, on' reach Ail, Eric, Pa.
Ihavellid,pleasund of informing sy freers, s
,anti customers in
town and country. that I not non receivii e. my fall supply of
NEW AND FASI/ tONABLE GOO a fr o, II ilk I, as usual embrares
all the varieties of rich and beautiful Goo& in market. and n hidh
are to be Hold at the noverbial low prices of the Old Jew Store.
familiar to every an ill, n omen and child in this corner of the
State. Notice the Ibllowing. FOR - TILE LADIES. Heat) ,
Italian and CliallithOii Silf , , Gros to Rhine Sat in stripe. rek in,
Watered., striped atittilaid, black Indian do. satin striped andel',
bruiti.elVli bilille+e lie, Aline, plain a mll
pried Cashmeres, embroi
dered Robes, changiiable Madonns, French Menaces, mode colors,
plaid Long Shawls, Droelie, ea-Moore and Silk Shan In. embroi
dered Cashmere do. black and ccdoll silk Prioges, Ilris,,el9 Lace,
Link and thread 1,,bee51. needle W unght Collars, Jetim Lind
Collars, French Kid 'Gloves, Ilonnett ,Satimi and Ribbons, shirred
satin lionnetw, Phut es and Flowers ept.
Erie Sept. 29 151,9. 3
.-- .
ft. WRIGH T lespectfully infortnslus mitsiertais friend. and
• eih.tortiers, Mar he, has just returned from Roston and New
York, and Is now reeet vine, an extensive and unusual variety of
Fashionable Fall and Winter GOODS, which have bectre bow e l ) .
selected mid purchased under such favorable circumstances ascii
enable him to MII:r Goods of most 6 ery variety and Asir int/e
-che:met than ever. Me stock is much larger than I hat e ever by,
fore offered in this Martel, and romprhes a much greater curia -
nll of which sunlit hci t sold. and at such Klee* that ao l'Anblish
molt can get under, rid for a pledge Of, this fact, I respectfully in
vite all those that µlilt I to 'buyof or even see, ss good and n ell-se
lected assortment Of p,co,. tadrop i l a nt the Brick Corner, opts).
site the Eagle Hotel,for partienlars.
2 -- - 1
_Sept. 29.
N , MT 1:10*D111 11:1W GOODS!
- 1 71711 ARE NOW RF I CIRIVINC, tu. Comet Ettoe . No. 1, Reed
' t' nowt, alarge ord general SF. Houma of •
to which we would reciartfully invite the attention of puircharerc.
Among them mnv be folind for the Ladies, elegant ehangen b
ored and black Nike I Plain and-Fan ay AI paw, French 3leri nos.
Poplins. Cashmere,. M. de haines, Glitglaions and Prime, Shawls
of all descriptions, ROnviet Rake. Satins and Ribbons. plain nod
figured Jackonels and Oiling Mullet, Ctlgitigti and inserting., la
marline. Aram Coronation and Gal:14'111Mo, Gloves. Hosiery Ike.
&c. Gentlemen we haven }large smock of Orozoldothp,
Plain and Fancy CnsViineres and Sat inetta. Silk Satin and Fancy and hincy errlr'attl, ik and linen handkerchiefs
&e.../c. All of 'rods were to grit at lame discount Irma
Springprices, mid we pledge oimrli 4. to tell at as low rates as
can be tiro-tent at any Market. Please call at METCA IF'S.
trept.9, ISI4.
lino was.
[old at much less than the usual
asonable term .
Cluckr cleatie.l,,rspaired and var
.' IbIC Uvae., Jewelry. Sce., repaired
00. Leone %Vat,. lie& SO 73
30. New wain springs, 75 to 1 00
00. Ditiette Glaeo, •ILI
13. CO11111101) do Al§
50. New .tc:,ordcon Reeds,2sto3u
lion trAhe aboie price., and uar
e 1110lall refunded, one door Ern.t
(,'TACLES. of'a ourior quality
and eon/110one; of th e e) es, at
It of Clocks, of different styles and
rent Time pieces. Ire., all nay
■ Gold Pens; arifo, MgleyN of the
mated. Alm), other Hohl Pea• as
is; a 1
Privros & J'T.ItKINS
ly noeounees to the eiti•zeio. of
ig prepared to eiecole I hsguer
r•ectioti of comm.), al lira
do of the votaie Thv
type:4 wa4 recent]) a tvarticd to
'1a,...) ran', and front long e‘pert-
Southerly and I:a,torn t 4 tatcls, lie
atn,laction W all tt ho may favor
ll'ood and Black IValm;i frame 4,
171, and Air° on
old Lorheis, Ring , wade
)ectfully in%lUed to rid! and r n
i. Y lb -i 9.
t , twat core for all Ile.' llll•eaf..`-
'I. 'l'he I''t.alel3 telt. tip
.ll,,ltestte In eartagtAtigh,,t'ttl,l.,
lllona of l'iltlitt•te, Itrtairlitit.,ta,l
a 'en other l'ulatuaar) c , nitplaint,
t illicalt awl I,lten painful rettira
thy the-I. 01111 1 , . highly important
i n ns., a,tattli 14101111 i. Het er I,e Beg
14. is to certify that we, the antler-
Celebrated rough 14.11101, . and
I , an (Inc:kiwis medic int., and roil-
r [ i, Jr
large Bottle. for Si.
I.) 14. 11!all, corner
Fucod Prices:
err cheap, O% Ina To the low
fora rni rune train. and mn a
-et) e.•uds for I,•safil ;Mee ;a Ore
the Nll:tre pr at r1i.,11 by 11111
lung lir lot)'
rk 1)ry 1 c; )l•. IG.ReerjeS.
1;1.0r: ;led nlj,, S“li and
and boarnifell nrlirk• for La
,SNIITIIII .1111::40N
man and American. fr ,ul 1 'rin
1.• Jenti, nail nail) Li ti-1.),c. Cr}‘
S. J.ll'liStli.
I • JACKet )N.
IE,NT.s To BO' A I'
I D FIFTH ti RI :Ens,
their former nupti , tom.
, that tla•y Late rt-t renamed
alatteht bri 4.;code,Clotiting
; P Air "ff s
,rougitc t iik, the West.
rye a weld sitrie4 of attieles
ratt•—eretyir.hape pattern. ea
iott tits:lla) or good:. of er
1, ,-. The iime Jn arrived in
ouratA ss Ito h. ;Ode to ohtain 0
'., or her brow.. itt2.•:l grill% itllolll.
tllO Boy or Ctrl thrown upon'
ekin it grotg/.lhi , tecrld at the
i wjthota &went attire : a , the
re wad) and is Ming to prose.
C. 4 PS. I
.an he obtained at thiq estati
, and their neee,sities.
n rm. Sio•pender,. Umbrella,
s I )F'C.4,OIIIIA(4. I
low pricks at which the) 4.ani
bit ions. preten,ions °rail oho
r prices. ~
S 110 f; S. ,
dies' low priced Shoes,
lo Fine Kid Slips,
"o Congress Slips & lltnkins,
to Kid ‘Velif.
Children's Shoes in great 'ea-
,nd other goods in the my
iki., by the cart-load, yard,
II tt ith the times.
of State and Fifth Streets.
The Greatest Discovery
mlllff is the litit - attempt to ` t onib 14, tp. e lEt
• - ri
i NETB; FLUID watt pauerfni t7elalJ f,,,
i i
of nn ointment —la be applied emern a li,, ~.,
„,,.., ;+1
The ahnost unlimited 61111•Cetp t, th ';
u . ;.
t,. ,
the GREATEST DISCOVERS' 1 tf' Tit E A 41.1 y, I.
eaeting cured of the ttlanwtl /I M , ' thre• IL. „
are CON VINCED—tlie ma. fmtlde Fb - tirt' , f,,, 1 ., ", 1
the power and virtue of nil. great et tiled). ,
ll is unit enmity admitted to i 0 lb, 11,
COM BI N ATION KNOWN to the Itult 1.1)
RELIEF 'of lElw:we and pain.
_ .
It never tails ss bile there remains smile eliod,
rat and healthy action to the capillary t e...1;,,f .. ,::r''
equalize the artslattole of Ike LiSod. By 0,,, , , „: , .!
power is gained seer She mod inshgnast firm,,i';,,,e.,
cannot be °Maine - 4 front ally other rens ds. 5, K ,,, ''' ':
this combination that it petetrate, i i , t ,,,, .1,,.. x t a,
frame ; every bone and muscle, sc n ' au v,i' t " ,2t itti,
ed out and made bell:114C of mirify in , isd i,,..'t , '
Hence, Reopen as readily n itti 15ier5:1e,,,,..„,.: 4 .4 ,
Nutirrroits instances are on record is here wife n ~,,, ',
ed health to patterns sui near the Bras e that th r ;,,,,,, ii ';.•
nal remedies failed to produce any err, rt, 5i.,,1,;.i.,
been the-ease in INFLAMNIATioN ~r ri% EL..,
ever need die with thus disease %shore Mc 31 3Feihr 0,
lie obtained. That dangerous epidemic knout! 2,,f,,
ERYSIPELAS, can 41.15 a, I e cured hi 111 , ,,,,,.,
most complete remedy es er prepired.
In DO cases out of lOU, it will oftsrd entire re'
solo( NERVOUS 1111..1111,1•HE 0 , ih arts , ~,,
For Nervous iliSeas the remedy it of Mil
Allerliolls of the , spiiir,Rlaniatoin-Las i j
w e ,
Throat, Bronchitis. FleorttS. (*mop, Chith.,t
in the face or bTeasll, Owns, Srasd ti,..„1, ~,
Erysipelas, Ind:lined Es f,, 1 . 1 ter :Fork', 4,, , ,, ,
telievetthy the nee c,f this semi •ts
Lit. BIN if;il.lsr. rER:t Inc
In reply to your queries is Ith Tl•g.irtl 1 , , th,• r
intents I bate made Seidl s nor - . j,,,k, ~,.l et n
meat; I can sat it ith iill . a.fir/.. (hal I 4.. it
DiT IllSetivt.RlEs of THE
Hi, now neailr 1150 sears , iece l rf,,,/, ",
practice, and I have tested it in ca , e• of Inane
and general, of die ino:t no:hew:in 6,15.!, V. illi
CS CII si here all internal IC 11102 . 0 14)4 , 1.111:
- •
I halo treated ea,r.s of InlEnooNomofthr.
of thd Lune-, lifilananntion of Oh P.0v..1,
107..dir0 %cr.!, n oh 1 r rtt rt .1
Sc;arld..( rer , r, I :rs
iike sllCCez.r.
In Ole Eptneznir )(init.)) p.. the
kls: 1 1! 1 „); i u N ; ( 11 , 1 . 1 1 : j 1 .:, 1 o a r.: : : 1 1 v I,
Lt of Burr. sprain.,
like a rliaryi.
Xu I"l9•Wialt Or family it ill 1 e a ,riglc ,I:2‘
',chill, atter Leriaiiiiig arslll:,trlted a 1:1; tP r.
l'ijra, N. V., Jan. sit, 1-16 -
V For further particular,
V.11141,111111,0(.1.1. Si. Vri ,, .y.”l 37!,
.11:1:NT: 4 .—Carter k itv.trier, 1tf40..,a , ,•att
& J I. IVel,ler.r011111,1,:i. I )1, p. /Net 1 , 41
It TUIA t ml. 5pr111,.. 7 4 11.1. 1 ,
A. Trar ,
Erie. Alluti-1 1-,17 1510
Spilio-Abdexpinal BL
Far Ntiritat..otv
It 4 , lfier,:•liitglar
u • • rasi.• ;Or %, (Heil lilt') art
Tltts 11111 be 10114
null: clop and compare-on
'I lie) are. neat, ligAt
rapt , af,,l,tt/e or Atai.e,
lilt nee ht per,oll , ill all)
iryd,.o own! mold. I.t, •
J.• ti.rllln. 151 iim•l 41 , 1 int, 11
1•! 1 . 1,1 I, general It eaktter,,
T., clerk,. and
and all louug itersttre. It In
(torn )1314t lI4CIIIII. to s it
II ill fte Mimd of the 14reatesl ..ervlc.r, •
the the per,w'ol
r.nt a tr:1111 or y . l 11, ic, ill 111 , 11 f. ,,
rktre%Ciat... all- VSINCCI,IIS im itntl ut f 111li
I are the sole agent . .. l (.o 1
111 tvi; 141.1 ;I large and 111 II vh
I:l , Ceries, to ~ Inch l out ire the
and 11 /VII 1, II! 1Q• aN Clll,l, 3, sill, 111 11
SUICk 11411 he 101/11 , ) V0tt.,,,f.T.1.5. Chet-oral!
it great, 1 aricty; Kei
II Warr, rte..
1 has e %%al con-ntntly I:rv•p on hand.
P 1 0rk,1 , 1411. &,c. 615 c I
Amerle as,lll,
Erie, )one 10,
trio %tiro°len Facto
1 9 00'0 ,‘,..,Al.,!l,!),SciorgfnlZll rand
their tisnal rates of llange/` ha; ea ;
lane; stripe"; of the latest extern patterns, fo
ariety of .01110011
" r./r• $VB' 11 also telailitricrare, the pre , eci
lot; no: prier , in cash. ti Black. Iron n
et; per ard:ra.-11 o re - oi ratio• rOlors
!'la Ili,) at cents 1,,
Erie, May 11, lfalG.
11 ,1 f : 4 1
I HS V 1 I,nt rt-reis vd, , and xl ill contittat•
titt„ Criteral t.l
eniit K. Kli, UuUte art Name e, and an d.
erRI, I I , ti ilk' 11 I it ill "ell atithe in t rrq
Biff4, at tin. face. Dollar, 1'1,"
1.11.1 of wont.) oil hand, v% ill do %% ill to edd
and 'price& which I think rattind fail h• al , .•
Also, all kOdths of Produce taken in edchdit!,: ,
170, - ; nut forest wean al No. 2, Re f.. 3
Wit tOS. ' I LI
Vale, N1:i1
Tr: 4 T rtrei,(:,l from Vit• , 41 - 411,1,er,, 'l'. & J
I driphin. the In; I.a er 1.',u1..
Publv.heibl'r I reS:
i tigarliarms Ft idence. itti—eit • i t
Rost es Criminal Evidence. - .1111110.:M I
1M1114'., I.n as 01 l'entelvaniri. Cmizlist. c. II
SIIIIII . 'i• I.C:411112 CA, 1,, A ildl•frl rm
Barr` Peittea. Report., vol. 5. Hilliard tin
Lasci Brit, pea e d., a i . f'.. Amery - an I
WiP . . tot,,. Cletileitt, 01 Mr.-riatiimat law . Sze
'l'hl. t.uh. rtt her is silent ti,r T . ok J. IV. John
lens. rural-11r re and importers. 11111.1.1elpli la. at
Law lordts on short :inure, and at Me Peal
exam nr emalcietie. • (0.
Cal. Jane 10, lett?. • .
— 1 .......,
EAGLE wooraztv r.acTaxair,
W.: Avolild inforathe wee.) answltltrand el
lie that v.: Us ...I entered intu ....ova rllier
11 n 11,11et — reirs . , Thornton Sc 1 . 0: 11'r
nets machinery. at , gaud i aan las proms
'are nays prepared us retannfaesal v. ar ere n i
tt, Tv red.,. Shan).` Ilia a Rep , and` Flannel
Ifit.t emertrner.l neat:n.4l es all hraueln,
confidently expert a /tiff .. , Trare of pul.l l
of i)le l'ithlit.. We flatter onn.els es ri, a.'
1.0 all SI 110 ntay fat or Till 11 ith tfirir rant')
.inti t'artli itg, Spouting, and lire : :ing, 4011
I e kit
sett of
and m
fin% r I
nod %%
i ;qui Factory t•npplic>, writ seasoned 1% i
tde fur good:, mid i%ork. , ...
--- -
WINDOW Gt.. 40
5000 PEET of Meetilh's best windo,v
from ta by 11l to 21 hp 30. juts 'Terri
the box or I Wit, cheaper than can he hi:icht el.ed
at the Pa.?' Atop 0(1.. IVARREN, youth-ea , ' co
Eighth streets, Erie. April
RECEIVED this day ly express from - llarper
follomilig new work. viz: it•tory
and political, comprking memoirs of the Om/
States, by Henry C. Whmler,
June 'l4.
TIN FOIL for Dentibto. by
'Nor. 10,
Ett.vkw. brautilvil
Ni7rt,:1111011/: a Web are 10 by 11, 19 b% 1 5-1
10, I.y Nov. 10, C.IIITI'.F.
CROCKER Y.-3 ('rattyand In
cry. China and Glassware, for sale art Ina
Priv. Oct. 0, IS-lt. AI
otal, Sill. Cr 111111Vorper
N..-T Nov. 10, . CARTER
(iCi LIIS. Locwood rilips, and in 4, /
Nor. 10.° CARTER
00 I oz. Pawn. of Itroit.te, Gold, , r r. t
0a Nov. ID. CARTER
Public Schools.
THE Roaril of Feheol liiroctorb of rrionorow
txxo Prioripol 'rear licre. rot:woo - lit to to h.
IV( ,, t Ward : 4 1-Ilools, atol lour '
,•ame. Appikations u ili I , e received until tlic 1?1
cOntJer next
Nov. IS, 1t410.,
prier paid for old Gold and
1 and Jewelry in i`a•h or goods. at I,RW4S' 1;
The Ladies
tATILT. find (11 No. I ite , ".l hemitit
V V lor 1`11111,.. imMisting plain at,
tons, plain and embroidered Itertmer, ew.hroidere ,
Wile, and other styles to make the outig and be.
witching awl irre,dstahle, Ifitriug the pre.ent
which they are rerpectlitily 11,11VIled to call and null
Q ALT 131.1!... Fula awl
1 ,- Ne) nridut tht lutercl wattiet price, IOU! pacl p
VVTIIITE nen. itsitilturr.—Jit&t receit e, I
the Loni-intia from Machinate, a fresh sop'
Trout in the whole and half barrels, n arranted
Dec. ' , %Vi4tGl
MvFFA A a;sortiaei
ISoaH may be foualti. 'Teal' at '
Dec. tri
rP c
BON ti ( ol)B.—Wetnl(l Etiiroe. a efO.l net "
npsorted uncut a4ortetl It 4 atow, at+ .1Olor::
uncoil Bonnet 811kr. itssorted Rit,tpre.drejattil ,
*old very etteop to j Millers or to tiw ret,ol!rad,'•
C)ft ‘4 .4) of ull WI Stlle PLR
va: a
110 to t
f•• I "
1 4ra It..
Ct .
I i t
hJ CC•
hi .1
I mat', F.
VI • t•
Purti', a
u..i1l • ,
t •plt
I 1, ,
0 tt vk
oil e 1 t
I N 1
dor rat
I r 1, I ri•
II '•r
et st! -
antll ."1 , 7
',IR, II
1111 r,fir 1
t. 1,
• r I
•rt. arr fl
,1 • ,
r 1) trl j
j , at
R 1
.ia LI
13 GOOD.'
R 1
ti Mt;
• r
'la a
Ii • •lit
.1 , • I.r
_ .1 1
1 nu
I.nrt 10'1
4 1' Prl
Jun 1
hip here 21
hal o h 111 e
.I An Moro
for UPDI
of the lee. 1 lire
e Ltril (21 q
u(11. Hi
hi 1:71 J r Jrgal+
r w don
n cr o I I`lao•3
15 1-1-
and •Rn , ltirr
t .... 4 the I Hill'!
C.A •1•II It
nr rrurr
irlt. t , .l'
and up o=6ll
.r. 1-um• Cr-,
ES & C! } t_. I
1 , 1 loot
I -I, le
d I
Inlttli II
1 0
r In
1 ) if
<I. 11l
IT (