VOLUME 19. DISIITINGS AND PARTINGS. ESZ=I )lid the gathering tears that blind me. 'Mid the hopes that gleam before— From a thousand ties that bind me, Do I glide the waters o'er. . There bath many a bitter parting On my trembling hp been pressed, There is many a bright dream starting, As I leave the lovely West. There nre friends in the land Pin leaving, And friends in the homNseek. To whoso hearts my own is cleaving 1. With ties that it ne'cr can break. And to yon dim shore retnriiing I would fain abido for Though mill for the welcome yearning, That awaits me far away. 0! 'tis thus that life must measure Her draughts, upon WO and main. For she tastes no cup of pleasure, -• nut she finds it drugged with pain. A Story of the Upper Ten, )J1 T. S. ARTHUR JereMinh Crouk considered himself one of the topper ten thousand." And so he was, as far as a brown stone palace in Fifth Avenue, and the repu tation of being worth half a million, were Concern ed. Everybody who wrote to him put Esquire after Ids name, but that did not make him a gentleman by a great deal. . . Jeremiah Crouk started in life as a soap and can dle manufacturer, in which business he continued esee after his elevation into "goof society." At cost, the dipping and moulding processes were con. ducted on a small scale, while a single cat for the collection of ashes and oleaginous matt r, proved quite sufficient to supply the demand for these indispensable articles in the prtaltihtion of either hard or soft soap. But honest industry, prudence and economy, met, in his ease, their reward. Jere miah pro-pored in his business, and continued to prosper until he became a rich nvtn. ladustry, prudence and economy are very com mendable virt lies, thoogh by no means cardinal vir tues., By this remark, do not understand us to dis parage industry, prudence and economy; they are virtues that all men should practice; hut while these are practiced, weightier things should not: be, as, alas! they are at present, utmost entirely neglected. We grow rich in this world's good-, but poor in the heart's better riches. Their holies they lift ;Move their fellows, while their minds sink, too often, below, instead of maintaining the level 'with which hey vet out in life. this is a melancholy but unde niable .fact. In the case of Jeremiah, as his coffers began to till up, he began to think himself a better man. tie had always maintained that lie was as good as ally »alob in the land, but now lie began to think him sel something better than men who Stood at the level up CI which he stood a few years before. Aar) as worry kept pouring in, his self-estimation kept tisi g . TI T wife of Jeremiah Crouk was ri plain, sensi ble woman. She loved her children well enough to find, in the care of them, sufficient to do to keep her !Multi healthily employed; she was not, therefore, much troubled with newly-ac - wired ideas of self-im portance. The growing consequence of her liiis 'hand had some trouble, at times, to carry such on appendage as a sensible t‘ife with i it. The two oldest daughters, Amanda nod Margaret, were only la little way in their "teens" when their father's ideas in regard to things of a personal nature be'gan tobo somewhat expansive. He became all at once, ciiiicerned about the best schools, and had them re moved from a seminary at which they were most carefully instructed in all the useful and ornamental brandies of a young lady's education, and sent to a "setter" institution—fhat is, one at which were con gregated tliC children of fashionable people. Neither Amanda nor Margaret liked the change; nor were they benefited by it. Amanda, espec ially, soon began to acquire notions a little differ nt from what she had beenin the habit of maintaining, and to con sider the fact of her father's being 'rich as giving ber consequence. Margaret, Who was younger, was more like her mother, and, therefore, less apt to have her head turned with what she saw and 'heard in the new world into which this change had • introduced her; but even she took an unnatural growth in this sickly atmosphere—not iso much, Weever, as to produce a very apparent moral dis tortion. Even after she had completed her educa tion, she remained a very sensible girl—vulgarly so, in some respects, according. to the judgment of hernmre fashionable acquaintances. _ About the time these young ladies were ready to •come 'put, their father had finished his splendid res idence in Fifth Avenue, and was ready to take his Place among the upper ten thousand. He had built a large manufactory away up on the island, so that the'odor of his soap works might not taint the city atmosphere or remind people that ho was but a soap and candle matter alter ail. Ile had several times thought of givinglup his extensive works and en gaging in some new business, but something of the prudence of old times remained, and kept him back front committing this folly. As soon as Mr. Crouk had. taken possession of his new home at the Court' End of the town, he issued invitations for a large party, and went to a thousand dollars expense to hare it. all upon the most grand and fashionable scale. For old acquaintance sake, as well as to let them see how large and fashiona ble he had grown, Mr. Crouk invited sundry ilj i ideals not fairly entitled to associate with the W . I. per ten. On the night of the grand affair, much to his mortification, lie found himself with hut few representatives of the "ten thousand" in his Mag nificent drawing-roams, and a. full attendance, to the man, woman and daughter, of the plebeian herd, who were invited more out of complitnent than any thing else. And what added to his chagrin, was the fact that only a small number of those who had not come, deigned even to'send their "regrets;" and also the fact that two or three of the families, after arriving and seeing the wives and daughters of vul gar. people there, withdrew without feeling called Upon to offer a word of apology. But Mr.lCrouk, who felt himself as good as the best and better than many hundreds of thousands ) around him, was not to bo killed oft' in this Way.—, He was line of the "upper ten" and no mistake, and they were bound to acknowledge him—and so they ) did in 'the end. Money and style were the pass pofts, find he soon made his peers feel that his claims were rit, to be lightlyesteemed. I In this struggle of Jeremiah Crouk for a place I{l the rarOfs of the exclusive tew,iiis wife and daugh ters did not as warmly second him as he could wish, although there was no opposition. The motherls 'good ease impressed itself, as a natural Conse quence, upon the minds of Amandmand Margaret, } and he right views, uttered on all fitting occasion 6, totma n echo in their minds. They saw deepr, e ven Is i girls, than the glittering Surface, and 4_ idersto . that true happines was rather quiet and u t , ebfrus re than brilliant. and imposing in its mien. 'With he full liberty of dressing in, the most cos ly and st i •Ilsh manner, they rather suffered their taste •„tribe guided by that of their mother, and were, on most occasions, attractive rather from their Want of elabor to ornament than on account of its opposite. The c nsequence was, that even among the "upiier ten, ~ manda and Margaret. were general favorites. Their title to the place they )eld being undisputed, Iwo °IR', of 'Course, could queztion, fir any wapt of I 7 . - . ~. - , _ . : i I .1 - , . . • . . . . T II E,':' :14, 11-1 i ~,,,. , E' .' .. ; , ...- •,...... , ::.• . „,..,,..., i .... . , .. , ... ~, . ~.,,,,,... ~ t . ~,1. .. ... . . , ._. , ~ .. .. ....... --S - , , ~.,, .., ~.._ . n ~ . , ~,,,,,„ , ...:.,. . i. . ~ , .. . ..... ~... _.. . the usual insignia, the fact th excius'ives ; and, tlierefore, that m have been thought exceedingly' neously acknowledged to he chl attractive in them. But'these two strong indications of a low origin seriously diaturbed the father, wytrwas foreveicom plaining about the - want of styl in the dress of his daughters, and the wantof dignity in their manners. Whatl he could do, was alwas done. Ile ,never permitted them to go to the opera without a pri‘ate box could be obtained; and wh l cn he contd. have a word to say about the toilet artangetnents, insisted upon a proper use of ornament, especially of rich jewelry. The private box at the opera was not ob jected to very strongly by the girls; jt. was pleasant and c l mfortable to be separate d) from the crowd, to be ex mpt from really vulgar dontact and the sun dryi at noyances that all must siffer even id the most fashionable audiences. Still it was setting them apart in a manner not altogether agreeable to their feelings, and it would have beeless so if they had been aware that they were pre ty generally known by the theatre-going public an remarked upon as i i °two of the upper ten," So m ch forlthe position and pretentious of Jeremiah Crook and fatally. The two' sisters were not without their admirers among the young men of their! own circle, as well as some who stood on the outside, yet dared to cast upon them ambitious eyes. Spite of their want of ostentation in dress, and the ett ire absence of drift tocratic airs, let them appear in company when they would, they soon bade grouP of admirers about them. This tact greatly surprised voung Mines A'ho were conscious of being . fa more brilliant, and, as they imagined, more logl ly attractive. But young men have a greater fans for looking a little deeper than the outside when tl ey feel at all inclin ed to pay serious attention to y tong ladies. Amanda:had:many wooers, an litiwas not very long before her heart was won,'' an by a lover against whoui her father could bring i o manner of objec thin. ' As a man, it is ,pleasa it to be able to say that he was worthy of her Ilan I. But the heart of 1 Margaret, to all appearances, remained unimpress ed, although many, attracted bj, \her fortune, her na tive excellences, or both, sonet an 'alliance. The addre a ses of one young man, in particular, were en couraged by her father, but Margaret maintained to wards him a cold but polite reserve. He was never t able o approach her near enough to ask the!all-iin porta it question. Al, at once, and without rin . ' apparent cause for l so•doing, Margaret assumed a still more simple style. of drpss. At homeOrhbrocd, in public places or in privae assemblies, she appeared with scarcely an ornament on her person. Every article of jewelry was laid aside, and all rich or attractive co:ors avoid ed. Iller fattier remonstrated, lint in vain, he stern- . . ly ordered a compliance with'his wishes, but With no better ellixt, and he was finally - constrained to let tl e "wilful; girl" have her stivn way. To the eyes of most of her friends, Margaret appeared none the less attractive.on account of this change, her xtreine neatness and good taste mating bp for all th i liciencies. Instead of the number of her levers being diminished, they were increased—but her heart remained untouched. ; 1 The singular freak, as it was coisidered lir her family, was continued by Mifegaret fur more than l a year during which she nithdrew herself from corn- , pantf as much us it was possible for her to do, and appe,ared to take more deli g ht in domestic employ'-' merit 'than in fashionable pleasure-taking. Mr. Croak was troubled; he saw in this evidences of al vulgar . mind, indications'_ of a perverted and groyeling taste. i . . _ II PiS the time passed on, and Amanda's wedding : pproached. But Margaret repulsed all suitors tually refusing to see young men who had at time made even the sinallst; advances. r. Croup had a cleric in liiiieitablishment named 'in, whom he had taisedl from a boy, end in n he reposed the utmost- confidence. Judkiii eased good abilities, a fin person, easy man- Jogll who puss nerd and that air of 'confitletic etimes see in young tnen l ! of character, and mean tcl they possess to force then l l nst all opposition. tie day, Judkin, with a so' l e Mr. Crouk was sitting som furcl ily agat 0: whe the privilege of a few words "Certainly, Henry. Sit do not been g ettin g yourself in M r. I C'rouk. ": t ico, sir, not yet; but I do; mayi be in trouble." And the came still wore serious. "Whatl; the matter, Henry, "I am about—or, rather, wn important step," said Judkin, i it Would be better, perhaps, I doing, so." ' 9:hat's right—that's jrigh it?" judkin blushed, and looked , fusd. 4 iAli, ha! I see how it is," si "An all'air of the heart—you getting married!" . . The young man blushed atil deny the allegation. I ?Very well; now I under worthy of you, Henry, that 1 4 ,She's worthy the hand o young roan, with enthnsiasm. ',So far, then, all is right. you want me to do fur you!" ' ;"I went mainly your adv y ung roan. "The parents , n t consent to our union." "Why?" • , "Because I am nothing huts poor young clerk." "Indeed! And, pray, who are her parentar "People once no better MT than I am, who have rot a little up in - the world." _ . _ i "And therefore think you not good enough for their daughter?" "Yes, sir, that's the feeling." "What's her lathers name? Do ,I know him!" ,have some little acquaintance with. hint:- put I think it best not to mention to you his name, because, if you advi e me it the matter, it will he (host for you to be ab a to soy, if any nppetis made to you, that you had not the most remote suspicion that I was' paying at ention to the young fatly." "That is a ,good suggestion. Very well, you needn't tell me he father's name. And so you want my advice, do you?" "Yes Sir." - . .. "As to what!" •,. "In the first place, then,l .will mention that the young lady is deeply attached to me, and says, come what will, she will mare no one else. Already she has refused two or three otters from persons whose circumstances aro far better than mine." - "She's a true-hearted girl,' I should say." " Indeed 6)10 is, sir; and ,!my happiness depends 1 upon her becoming my wife."' • "And her parents will note con - sent?" • "It is hopeless to ondenvo to remove their objec tions. They set an itnagiarY value upon their consequence because they h ye a little.more of this than I world's goods an I posses .not more,' however, than I will have one of these.' days, if spared—mid would think' themselves disgraced by an alliance with me." ,1 . "What can you do?", ' i "Run away with the daughter," said the young man, boldly." "Not always ;a safe proceeding," remarked Mr. Crouk, "and the last to be adetned." • "There is no other chanc in my case." "Is the daughter willing to go off with your j "Perfectly. This being so, ought I not to take the only stop left me for obt Ming her hand?" "I hardly like to advise yo mulls course, Henry." "if I do it, will you Cons der it a cause for being offet ded with mar .. ' • "Certainly not." "Her father, I know, will beAreadfully offended," said Judkin, "and may seek s tollpunish us both by trying to excite yotir 'anker "a',gainst me, in order that I may lose my place and Means of suppOrting my wife. 1,,t they were of the which in others wol'd 'vulgar , was'.sponta .rmingly simple and "Don't_ give yourself any,l l trouble about-:that, Henry. But does the young lady understand that you have only,theincome of alelerltr • 'I Perfectly. I have concealednothing fronther. gtill, I cannot but feel ti 'anxious on the.. point I have just mentioned. Her father, I' am !satisfied, will immediately seek to prejudice you againseme, and I am aware that he has influence With 1 Y 0 t0; "He has! 'Well, let him I am foieweTnedt and, therefore, forearmed.' ,As to marryingthe .Y4g lady, that, Hurry, is your own , Irnatter. .volt not advise you to do it, nor will I hadvise 'you against it. lam perfectly well. satisfied that you know What you are about: But to make you easy err the subject of any prejudice likely te'he created on my Mind, I will give you my cheek; fara year's sa lary in advance, with all confidence Ithat you will render as faithful service.as ever." Mr. Crook turned to his desk and filled up a check. Here," he said, as he lianded it to the young man, ' , is a check for fifteen hUndred , dollars. A married man's expenses are greater than a single man's. Your salary, instead tiff being a thousand dollars, will be tifteen hundred'from to day." Judkin warmly expressed liis thanks, arid Crook as warmly wished him nh favorable issue to his contemplated runaway adventure. - • That levening, Margaret not appearing at the tea-table, her father iliquired if he were not;well. Amami& said that she had gone,ut. "To spend the evening any w sere?'' inquired Mr. Crook. - "No, I think not. If she ha intended doing so; she would have mentioned it tone," replied Amanda. "She's out late; it'tl been dark for an hour," re marked the father, The mother also exrpesse(l, concern on account of her dabghteestabsence. The tea hour went by, and Yet Margaret did not return. Mr. Crook began to, feel uneasy. The singular interview be had held 'With his clerk- sug gested the fear that some one, I opeloss of gaining his consent, might run off with Margaret, as Jud kin was about running ofiwith the daughter of some one unknown to him. This ear caused him 'to think of Margaret's inexplicable conduct in some things, and thoughts of this gnite a new life to hi 4 fears. As soon as he was along with his wife, he suggested to her what was in his mind, but shd, treated it lightly. Still Mr. Croult felt troubled, and he walked about uneasily, listening for the ring ing of the street-door bell; but to bell rung, and no" daughter returned. Ten o'cloci came, and she was yet absent. Hark! there is a ring.. The waiter goes to the door. The parents listen —th e f at h er with almost breathless interest. The door is open -ed—t hey hear the sound of a OW:: voice—it is iat mediatay closed again. The Waiter returns along the hall alone, opens the parlor door, a'(l4l bands in two letters, one fur Mr: Crook and due for his wife.. We will only give theeontents of the former. It was as follows: "Dk‘a Dm—Although you !lid not advise-me so many words to run away will! the young lady of whom' f spoke to you - CO-ILly,' your approval,' and in doing what I have since done_ I have acted with a consciousness that I illad your entire sanction, without which should have hardly, felt at liberty to take so important a seep. The sweet'girl I have loved so lonm is mine. am the happiest of men. I may now'ltell you the lady's name—it is Margaret Crook. In a week l' will be at my post again. In the meantime, let me beg of you not to let the father of thelyoung, lady prejudice your mind against one who loves her so truiy, and who is ready to make every saerifice' in his power to secure her happiness. %Veld° not expect, soon, if ever, -- tti he forgiven by Itim;' but evett that great cost we have calculated. Margaret has long accus tomed herself to do without the costly luxuries of ornament and dress, in view 'of this change in her circumstances. She kilows my ability, and becomes my wife, *pared to let all her wants and wishes conform thereto. She has written to her mother her own thoughts and ( feelings on the occasion.— She will forgive ber, I am and I can but hope that, through her loving influence, the father's heart May be softened towards his 4,iaild. . " Dutifully, Iso scribe myself ' ." HE:my JtJohik." 0 about him which we who feel their own make use of the way in the world er face; came up to t his desk, and asked vith him vo. I hope you have o any trouble?" said 't know bow soon young man's (nee be- Never was a man more completely knocked down than was Mr. Jeremiah Crook by the receipt of this cool but not insulting letter. That he stormed and . even swore for a time, no one will be surprised to 1 hear: but there was no help )liim. Margaret was the wife of his clerk—yes, o iis clerk—:of the cleik , of Jeremiah Crank, Esq., one of the tipper ten thou sand. Was there no atonetinint (,r this disgraiti— no means of wining it out? rliere seemed none! Henry Judkin, the unknown; Henry Judkin, his Clerk was now his son-in-law} Poor man! lie .paced the flOor half of the night, and then went to bed and wentlto sld'ep. What else could he do? On the third day after the loPement, Judkin and his young brido weresitting in their private parlor at one of the hOtels in PhiladOphia. The husband was looking over a New Yorkl paper which he had just obtained. i "Hurrah!" he suddenly ex i claimed, jumpirk.,_} , p and fairly dancing about the room. . "Only - just listen to this," and he read:. "CoeitirrivnasinP NoTicn, ciated with ins as a partner, what's the matter?" s about taking a very reply, "but thought o .consult'vou before Eenry. What is interesting and con- id the old gentleman. are thinking about 1 deeper, and did not gland. I hope ihe'a a!I I have to say." f a prince," said the And new, what do !Nuked Crouk. ee, sir," returned the ' , I the young lady will SATUR Hereafter the business will b name of Crouk B,r, Judkin. The young !Tr:Tithed threAl undid' the delight and Fur caught his young bride, who tears of joy, in his arms, and in a most unromantic way. At the end of the week t iey returned to New York. On the wharf they fond the father's car riage waiting for 'them, and were driven by the strong, fleet horses, in aver} short space of time, to the elegant man. -kill in Pi ill Avenue, where hid kin's senior partner was - waiting to receive him.— From a poor clerk le sudden y found himself one of the "upper ten thousand." He bears his honors bravely. she' •All must admire thelingetliotis manner in which Mr. Crouk staved of the disgrace that was about to visit his family. The happYsugie s ti on clime w hile he paced the floor of his par)or even until past the hour of midnight, and be acted upon it with the least possible delay. Th announcement of the marriage and co-partnershiwere almost simulta neous, and there were few ‘lho were aware of the fact that Judkins Was only I is 'clerk, and had mot tled his daughter without his consent. , Strange things happen ametimes Mong the "upper ten, thousand. —La y'i ook. i i Poeur.ATroN o • CA I AtIA. 7 -IVe understand that the result of the 'census, just completed, of Upper Canada, till give that sectiln of the province . a pop ulation of from 689,000 to 400,000 souls: while, 4 the census of 1842-4, it was only 401,081, kiving an increase, in five l 6. ars, 1 nearly 200,000. The last census for Lowe Can dii was taken in 1814, when the population vas 9,800 souls, the increase il l upon which, -during he la t four years, is calcula ted, by deference to receding terms at which con suces have been taken, to be about 70,000, giVing this section Of the provincea present population I' about 770,000. , The population of Upper Canada would thus appear to increase at the rate, of abb . t 40,000 per annum, and Mower Canada et that 'of about 17,500 per annutn: upposing-tbesetelative rates of increase to be maintained the year 1852 will see Upper Canada with; a population of-859,000r and -Lower Canada iof o ly 840,000, 1862• will give the former a population of ),.259,000, and the latter only 1,015,800 Bo wl 1 • I WO 11T INT*; D„,,Ej LIM A Y MORN During the last summer, bUsiness summoned us to imeof the wharves of_ this city just as a:shi g from Liverpool arrived, bringing some two hundred and fifty emigrants, men, women, and children chiefly Irish, Much.as we had heard and read of, the con dition of many of these poor passengers, we never realized their distre.fses until we personally ,witness: etf them. . ' 'The emigrant ship whose arrival we , witnessed, had been seventy odd days from port to port. liter passengers were of the poorest (doss. Their means Wad been nearly exliausted in going from Dublin to - Liverpool, and in e6deavors to obtain work in the latter city. They came on board worn out, wan— the very life of many of them dependent upon a speedy passage acr oss the Atlantic. In this they I were disappointed. The ship had encountered a succession of terrific gates—it had leaked badly, and they had been confined a great part of the voy age to their narrowlquarters between decks, herded together in a 'noisorne and pestilental atmosphere, littered with damp atraty, flint full of filth. 'What marvel that disease and death invaded their ranks.. Ono after another died nod 'was launched in toAie sea. ''he ship entered Faye( to relit, and these that clime of endless summer proved to the emigrants more fatal than the blaßt of the L'ipas-' poisoned valley of Java. The delicious oranges and the mild Pico wine, used liberally by the pas sengers, sowed the seedS of death vet more freely among their ranks. O 1 the passage froni Friyal i the mortality was dread IP; but at length, decimated and di-cased, they arri v ed at Boston. It was a summer's day, but no cheering light fell upon the spires of the city. ' It was dump and gloomy: the bay spreadout before the eye like n tinge sheet. of lead, an d the clouds swept low and heavily over the hills and housetops. After the vessel was moored, al the passengers who 'were capable of moving, or of being moved, camel up or were brought. up, on(dock. We scanned their wan and haggard features with curiosity end with :pity. ~. Here was the wreck of an athletic man; hiseye., eep sunken in thdir oits, were nearly as glassy I as those of a corpse,' aid his poor attire hung Mose- I ly on his square aliHders. llis matted beard roil- I dered his sickly, greenish countenance still more I wan and livid. 119 crawled about the deck &One— I his wife and live children, they for wh om hb h a d Hied and struggled =-1 - ,,1 n. ‘vlsose sakes he was mak-1 ing a last desperate exertion,—had all been taken 1 from him on the voiage, We addressed him sonic : questions concerning his family. "They, are all gone." said be,—"k he vife end t h e childer. - The last one, the baby iliedl ,l this mortiin'; , it lies below. They're beet off were they are." In number place sat a shivering,,•ragged man,— , the picture of desp r ir.l A few oi his countrymen, who had gathered round him, offered him some fool Lie might have Inked it ea::, , eily sonic , day s before; Now Now he gazed on vacancy wit hot t noticing their, endeavors of indufentent. Still ti ey parsevered, and one held tt c ooling glass of I monade to his parched lips. I Seated on the alte r hatchway was a little boy, who had that moridiqi lust both his ,parent.s. Ite l _abodlott tear. lax iiliarity: with tulaaary lida.l4,Loprive4 I ,him of that se consolation. We passed on to - a geoup_of Irishmkn i gathered round art old grey-hair ed man, lying at length -Nam the forward, deck.=— ' Ono:Of - them was kneeling beside hint '' ' '""-- "Fa•lizr: father:l' said he earnestly, "rouse up, for the lilt e , I I caves. See here! I've brought ye some porridge, te! , .! tip (.)% it—it will give ye heat and life." -, "Sorrow a Lit o' life's left in the old man any how," said enothet of the group. "Lave him alone, .Jamie."' "hilt him 'ashore," said the mate, "he Wants air."! The dying man was carefully lifted oftithe walk, and laid down upon a plank. His features changed rapidly during the transit. HiS head fell back—the_ pallid hue of death invaded his lips—his l ower j. 4 „- relaxed—the staring eye-balls bad no speculation in tliem—and a shght shudder convulsed his frame. The son kneeled beside hint, tin closed his eyes. It was all over. *And there, in 1 the open air, with, no covering .to shield his reverend locks from the falling rain, pass+d away the soul of the old mita from its earthly tabernacle. The hospital cat, arrited. Bossy agents lifted into it, with professional coolness, crippled age and' tottering childhood. But all the spectators of this 1 harrowing scene, destined by thei r expressions, sym pathy and sorrow .1 The lowbrowed ruflin alone ex cepted. "Servesl'ent right—d—u 'ern!" said he savagely. "Wh} l , dont they stay at home itil their' country, and not dome here to take the bread out of honest people's m6tlis." Honest quotit? If ever "flat burglary" and "trea son dire" were written a man's face ' it stood out In star,ing capitals upon that Canelikebrow . . 1 I Imre this any asso- Mr. Henry Jutittin.— cdnitueted under the IJERE:it/AU CILOIni." t he Paper on ilia floor, prise of the moment Was already weeping hugged and kissed her ACCUg,T -2671848. :' Trim EiziGnANT Emir. A SKETCH mom LIFE But there were lights, as well as shadows to the picture. Out of h at grim den of death---that float ing Lazar house,—there came a few blooming maid ens and stalwart ykuths, like fair flowers springing from the ranks ofla charnel house. Their sorrows were , but for the mhzflirtunes of others; and even these were' for atileforgotten in the joy of meet-, ing near and steak relatives, and old friends, upon the shore of the Promised land. They went their way rejoicing, and N.fth them raised the solitary ray of sunshine that streamed athwart the dark hor rors of the emion 2 ant ship. like thel wandering pen cil of light that (+cash - m:111y makes to the condemn; oil cell of a prisop.—Yeakee Blade. A CuArritit ra t om REAL Luis.—Rachel Craft, an insane woman ni,lto lied been varnlering about our streets for several days was taken.from the city hall I yesterday and conveyed to her place Of residence. I We recollect Rachel, tpany years ago, as a good l looking, tidy, intelligent country girl, residing. in Hopewell township, in this country. Shortly -our acqunintande with her she went to yurope in the double capacity of child's nurse and Ompanion, with a gentleniiipand his fathily from Pifipdelphia. She returned frOM Europe aster on absence of two • years, deepl4 imbuded with 'religions melancholy. A shed time aftor her return she commeliced preach. ing about the country, and cnntined SOkle months, laboring with a Teal that her friends found it impos sible to restrain s , in the mountaneons region that [seperates Mere & and Hunterdom - 1 11 She suddenly and without notice left this neigh• belittled, and wet had entirely lod sight of her until she was arrested a few evenings since fur screaming murder in the street nt a late hour i,f the night.— 'hen about being conveyed'away she shrieked ter ribly with fright at the idea of being 'murdered by these men. 'AI few years have made sad) havoc with the form and hpitures of the once fair qt.eman; and we turned away i with feelings of sadness from the brutal jests indulged in by the thoughtless creWa at the expense of ble l who knew, not many year; ago, %slim it was to be [admired for beauty at l id itinelli gence.—Tretiti State Gatritc. Ilynnertronis.—The following is said to he 'a pre ventive_ of hydrophobia, discovered by a P,rencil physician, M. o)ssort—Tnhe two tablespoonful ofl fresh chloride (f lime, in yowder—mix it with half a pint of I water, and with this wash keep the vound constantly bat led, and frequently renewed. The chloride gas ossesses, the power Of decomposing, this tremendous poisonj and renders mild and .barni- , less that venom against - whose resistless attack the artillery of medical science has been so ed in vain. 1 is necessary to add, that this wash long:direct -1/3 should be appl ed as soon as possible after the inflic ttttion of the bit . The following are the results of reatment:-- rom 1810 to 1824, the number of per sons admitte linto *shut hospital, 1'74; of whom only two died. , Frog: 1 1781)o 1834, into the hospital et Zurich, 22 persons bi ten by different animals, (182 by dogs) of whom 'o ily four died.?. 1 I-- :‘,- • , Trim xNrinnzATD. He stood leaning upon a broken gate in front of ' his miserable dwelling. His tatered hat was in his hand, and the cool breeze lifted his matted locks which covered his once noble brow. His counte ' ounce was bloated and disfigured, but in his eye there was an unwonted look—a mingled expression of sadnessend regret,'. • Perhaps he was listening to the low, melancholy voice of his patient wife, as she soothed the sick babe on her bosom; or perchance he was gazing upon the sweet face of his eldest daughter, as at the-;open window she _plied her needle to obtain for her mother and the poor" chil dren a scanty sustenance. Poor Mary! for her self she cared not: young as she Was, her spirit was already crushed by poVerty, unkindness and neglect. As the inebriate thus stood, his eyes - wandered over the miserable habitation before him. The windows were broken- and the doors hingeless: scarce a ves tige of comfort remained; yet memory borehim back to the days of his youth, when it was the abede of peabe and happiness. In fancy he saw again the old arm chair where Sat his father, with the Bible. upon his knee: and he seemed to hear again the sweet notes of his Mother as she laid her hand upon the head of her darling boy, and prayed that God would bless-him and preserve him froni evil. Long years had passed away, yet tears came into the eyes of the. drunkard at the recollectien of his mother's love. • "Poor mother," he muttered, " it is well that thou art sleeping in the grave; it would break thy heart toknow that thy son is a wretched and de graded being—a miserable outcast from society." He turned slowly a l way. Thep within an adjoin ing forest was ardell where the beams of the sun • scarce ever pdpetrated. Tall trees grew on either side, whose ht , atichesl, meeting above, formed a can opy of leaves. where the birds built their nests, and poured forth happy songs. Thither the drunk ard bent his steps. it had been his favorite haunt in the days of his child-hood, and as he threw him- Self upon the soft green sward the recollections of past scenes came crowding over his mind. -He covered his face witli his hands,, -and the prayer of tile prodigal burst fn his lips—" ' 0, God, receive a returning wander er'!" Suddenly a soft arm was thrown around his neck, and a sweet voice Mur mured—"He wilt fii•give you, father." Starting to his feet, the inebriate saw standing. before him his yOungest daughter, a chilli of six years. "Why are pie heiv Annie?" he said, ashamed that the innocent child should have witnessed his grief. "I came to gather the dillies which g , th to gather I to- .. grow upon the banks," she replied, "see, I have got my basket full and now I am goinglto sell them." "And what do you do with the meripyr. asked the father, as he turned hiseyes In the basket, where among the broad wen leaves the sweet lillies of the valtef were peeping 'forth. ' The child hesitOtedi she thouirlit slp mach: perhaps her Ipther woolertiernal '7d spend it in the way vinel all w tit ' I I ' 1"11 i•Ytin are afraid to tell to , nne," s ; kindly, "Well Ido not blame you: I to my children's confidence." The gentleness of his tone touched the heart of the-affectionate; Child. She threw her arms around hie neck, exclaiming—" Yes, father, I will tell you. Mother buys Medicine for poor little Willie. We have no other Way to get it. -Mother and Mary work all the tinie they can get to buy bread." , A-pang shotAhrongh the inebriatets"heart. have robbed them of the comforts of life," he es claimed; "from this moment the liquid fire passes my lips no more." [ Anne stood gazing at him in astonishment. She could scarcely comprehend her father's words: but l obes -ow that sonic change had taken place. She Margeback her, golden ringlets, and raised her large blue eyes ? with an earnest look, to his face Will you never drink any more ruin?" she wins ' pored timidly. • e- CIYI hor father replied,. solemnly. Joy danced in her eyes. "Then We will all be so happy," she cried, 'a'nd mother won't': weep any ,more; oh, father, what n happy home ours will bar IlYears passed away.l -The words of little Anne, the drunkard's daughter), ba'd proved true. "The home '"of the reformed man, her father, was indeed a happy l one. Plenty crowned his board; and-health and joy' s beimed from the face of his wife and .ehildren— wriere once squalid misery alone could be traced. The pledge had raised dam from his degradation, "and restored him one More to peace and happiness. Nos Sh.tveltir.-+A correspondent of the New 'York Journal 'of Commerce makes the following interesting . remarks in reg r ard to Mexico? Peon Slavery 'e-itnctly speaking, there is no such thing as Penn Slavery, in Mexico, as the law by which In dians are held in bondage is equally applicable to, every class of society; yet it is rare that the law is enforced ogninSt a White man, as public opinion isl opposed to it. ll.hut I have known two white men sent into the interior under this law. Both were British subject . They ivlve accountants, and had become very d.sipated, and consequently were over whelmed in debt. They Were. sent to haciendas to perform ;servicbs at the pleasure of their principal creditor,, who'paid 'all the small debts which had .ifceroed before theills. Thus they. effectually be came slaves; but they were- always treated with more deference than peones or laborers; still, they could riot leave without the consent of the creditor or owner of thb Hacienda. The manlier of suing for debt is very simple and very just, when one is suspected of fraud; but the Alcaldes exlercise a g reat deal of discretionary power in exae,utieg the law. Yon have only" to *sent your. account to the Al calde, who immediately sends for the debtor, and if the account proves tm be correct, there is no listen ing. to the plea--=-"l;cannot pay" or "I am not able to pay." The Alcalde orders him to my it at once, or to come to some mutual arrangemenCwith the credi tor befordhe leaves the office; and if it be a small sum, he is held in Custody In nil it is paid, or detain ed ut the plea Sure Of the latter. ; If it be a large sum, the process is ! the same, only, if he have Utiles or effects, they can be seized at once, and iii -three dais sold at publicl auction to Ottisly the - debt.— MeNicans of any standing in society, however, ex-, ercise a great deal of lenity towards each other, un der this law,. hesides, the Alcalde will not decide against his friends, or acquaintances, however 'just may be the.dibt, but will hurl some way to evade the responsibility. ' It is a very common remark; "I.canuot collect the debt until annther . Alcalde is chosen." Tlie law - is - made to ; bear-- -- mure particu larly upon foreigners, degraded whites and Indians, yet there is no verbal distinctiOn. In the interior, tar frofi the ceast, the Alcaldes regulate the' wages of ihe Indians, who happen to) be free and out Of deld, and every foreigner is warned to pay no more than snah a price for such service, least they should become discontented with the' small pittance they receive, I hod occasion once to travel some dis tance into the interior, and it being necessary ; to proceed about thirtrmiles on horseback, the Meal de sent hir an Lubin to carry my bogage on foot, which consisted °fa small trunk, mattress, halo muck, blanket, tic., and I was instructed to pay him no more than foui; Hills—a half dollar' _ Lu the towns which the Americans held diving the war, justice was administered with a great deal of impartiality; the American Governors informed all magistrates that they did not. wish to make any ne v regulations, as their laws were good enough, if hey were only impartially administered. Under this who!esome arrangement, I knew an Alcalde himself brought before the first Judge, and compell ed to pay a debt i under his own laws, which he never .was, known to do before. The people looked on with astonishinent at this even-handed justice, but the Judg'o did nut dare to decide contrary to law. He knew that if he did, there would be an and to his judgeship in twenty-four hours.' I ! A Hinto's ELoguitsce.—The Ohio Sta Seaman is I filled with the detatls of the late reception of th i p gal lant Cul. MORGAN, of Ohio. In his reply in the speech of the orator, on the part of the citizens, he says: - • - Allow me to refer to one portion of yourleloguent remarks. You spoke well and faithfully in .vindi cation of war. and I rejoice to hearit. -A false pub lic opinion exists in regard to this subject, and tho effects resulting (ruin it. "It is a common thing to hear of its debasing and degenerating influence.— Thisiis all wrong: Will any -one pretend tO say that the noble soldiers of Washington , were dintsed by fighting for freedom? • Is it to be supposed that man's nature will be come corrupted by his rushing to the national t.an:l - heart. full of high and noble sentiments, and his eye beaming with enthusiastic love fur hie country and his home. - The influence of war is high and ennohlitg; it inspires lofty aspiration, and a deep love of coUntry; ' it ehcourages generosity and manliness of soul, and sets the stamp of infamy on all that it mead and sordid. We are indebted to the sword for the Free institutions we now possess; for the freedom of re ligion: for the progress of education: and for ell the great political and religions blessings which the American people enjoy. The sword is the right. hand friend of liberty—its keen edge has in, a t ight. hand measure hewn ow the manacles which forageihave bowed down the serfs of Europe, and has advanced their condition at least outs century. The next blow that is struck will hew away the rotion pillars upon which lie thrones of tyrants stand; andl high above the crush of their fall will gleam the blood red blade of liberty. War is not to he desired for the sake of wa y , if its - influences are exalted and exalting, so at horrors often terrible, and its perils and its ships always great. Bat when the freedo . . rights of men or government are at stake, th becomes sacred, just and honorable. Even ani sive war has no terrors, so long as conquests with it liberty. • SANTA ANNA'S HACIENDA.—An army corn dent of the New York Courier and Enquirer the following description of Santa- Anna's residence: “Encerro was Santa Anna's faVorite hacienda, and in fact, be is the possessor of neatly all the land between Jalapa and Vera (ruz. I His house t i s sit uated on the wester n slope of aJimestone hill,' com manding an extensive view of several hundred acres of rollink prairie land. I visited it, and futirid the dwelling a very ctitfortable one, two stories high, and built ala Mexican. At the time of ,the battle it was sumptuous furnished , but not a, , reellge of anything but the walla remain. The reouts were beautifully papered, but some evil disposed persons have even pulled all of it off that was tangible. I t has the appearance of 4. new place, and little or no labor hats aS 'et' boost! bestowed open the grounds. The eye' coo, , d trace !plans, which if carried out, must makeit a lovely country- seat: it is suscepti ble of being Male one of the most beautiful stock farms I, have ever seen. There is a magnificent stream of water running through it, and the fields are fenced off by well built stone walls. On 'the left and in line with the house is an unfinishet chap el. About one hundred yards below the house is an old stone mill, now out at repair, but which Ilea ruin adds much to the beauty of the place. The water is carried to the mill by a massive stone creduct, from the end of whichithere is a beautiful water-fall. The advance of out gallant army encamped here the night of tho'battle of Cerro Gordo, and, of bourse, t will always hecinteresting tows.” .: . had i said too thi9. motley his 'aroings I :I id itivr have no rignt Tux.tnr Moulton- Surimmunr - r.--;The M settlement in Texas is now at a town they dine, on the Pierdenales, and four miles from ericksburgh, now the county seat of Gallispn which was organized about four weeks sire officer's of the county being composed partly mans and partly of Mormons, who live towel the utmost harmony. The Mormons numbet two hundred, and though they have been t place but about twelve months, have alreanlyi saw and grist mill, have several turning latl other kinds of machienery by water power. have all kinds of useful mechanics, who ma ry thing they want. They hani,e enclosed abt acres, a good part of which is Oltivated in producing all kinds of vegetables VI abund They raise the Egyptian and English wheat yields from twenty to twenty-five bushels p and sonic of them, who have followed far Ohio, have assured--us l that the lands of the 'isles are bettdr suited to wheat than those The mill streams there are of the finest ki never fail.• They have thirty or forty, framed, lionises. They pay great attention ing• butter and cheese, which will compare best northern. They are now about const, a church and a public school house. Thef amounts to about fifteen or eighteen thoust 'ars annually. 'fine town of Zodiac about sixty miles to the north of Saul Ant Corn is now worth there iin51.50 per bushel* EA per 10D pounds. Oak lumber is worth 1100 at the mill.—Galreston ;Vitra., . Tun PRA/ran Cin.—General Semple ( Springfield, 111., Reg.) has been engaged ii cinity of this place, for some two weeks pas king experiments with the prairie car. . our citizens have witnessed the operation: ear, and haVe expressed -their conviction of pleto success of the undertaking. We understand that the car now used Semple was never intended for bids poses, but was bunt merely to test the' pri, the cylender wheels On the prairie. The engine is not on sprilgs, and consj cannot be expected to make very great yet it has been run regularly at four to fi nri hour, carrying fifty yassengers, and fo miles has run ten mile an hour. There is that a 'ear properly constructed can be mad at leastiten . miles an hour with perfect aafeti -Going however,, at live miles, an hour would make a irip•to Alton in 1i:45 time stage coaches. Fifty ,passengers would I than five times as • many as the coach, while the expenses-of making the trips ul exceed that of the coaches. WHIG PIIINCIPLFS.—The following hie dent in ustratire of Taylorism, was told us, a ew days since, by one of the partiei—a gentleman f charac ter and always a prominent whig.. A ew days after Taylor's nomination, he was met b another prominent whig, who accosted him as .fl ows: - 6. Well, friend how do you like Taylo 's nomi nation—we've got 'tint now, eh?" He replied that he did not like it at all: that for himself, he had al ways been a whig—a Clay whig—and had-contrib tited freely of his means and time to advance , whig measures and urinciples—that ho had been honest in his ,views, and had supposed the leaders of the party to be so likewise, until now! His nferroga tor, he says, fixed 'upon him etnostlinered lons look, in which pity and surprise at his political verdancy were beautifully combined, and then sin ping him on the shoulder, and peering into his co ntenance. slowly ejaculated, "le it possible you hay been fir,— WIRES!" it is hardly necessary to add that is colloquy was cut short by Inautual surpr se. RIZSVLTS OF 01113 of the beneficial results of Odd Fellowship ard District Advocate states that Mr. M bolt, who died at Ellicott's Mills last. we member of Gratitude Lodge, No 5, Balti! decent'y interriad at that place, and had e' tion bestowed. upon him during his protra GratitUde Lodge has since, in a true spi ty, came forwar'd andigiven tohis berea the handsome sum or 400, to enable Iter and d'ipport her chidren. NUMBR 1 for ,e its 'bard awl Witt' lEEE OEM spun- Igiveg ,ormer ormon 11 Zo- Fred te ice a the o Gor ,tber in r about at that built a beg and They e eve but 500 rdensi - - nce.— which 1r acre: ing in I ierde .f Ohio. ind, and mostly o k ith the rooting r trado • nd dol. •ituated onio.— nd meal 30 per ays the the vi- , in ma :lany of of the be com- ly Gen. ess pur i , , Cipie of i quently elocity, o miles several no doubt to run this rnr han the be wore 's carry: ould not instance , the How-. ttbew Tat lc, being a 'ore, was 'cry atten ted ilness, it of ghari ed 9 oduotto