Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, August 12, 1848, Image 4

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    Zelect poetra nub illistellatte.
fly 7011 N O. 811 E.
' , llot--hot—alt piping hot."—city Cries
Heaven help us all!—in these terrific days!
The btirning sun upon the earth is pelting
With its directest, fiercest, hottest rays.
And everything is melting.
Tat man infatuate, fan the stagnant air,
In rash essay to two) their inward glowing.
While with each stroke, in dolorous despair,
They feel the fervor growing!
The lean and lathe find a fate as hard.
For, all a-dry, they burn like any tinder,
Beneath the Holartflate, 'til wither'd,
And crisped away to cinder: ,
The dogs lie loping i➢ the deepest shade,
The pigs aro all a-wallow in the gutters.
And not a household creature—cat or maid—
But querulously mutters:
E'en stoics now nre in "the melting mood,"
And vestal cheeks aro most unseemly florid,
The very zone that - girts the primeßt prude,
Is now intensely torid .
"'T is dreadful, dreadful hot," exclaim. each 0110
Unto his sweating, sweltering, roasting neighbor,
Then mops his brow, and pants, as he had done
, A qUite herculean labor;
Ahd friends who pass each other hi the street,
8,3,1,- PO 'good morrows,' when they come together
But only mutter, it' they chance to meet,
"What horrid, hoi-rid weather!"
While prudent mortals curb with strictest care
All vagrant curs—it seems the, queerest puzzle,
The llog-Star rages, rabid, through the air,
Withou,t the slightest muzzle!
But Jove is wise and equal in his sway,
Ilowo'er it seems to clash with human reason,
His fiery dogs will soon have had their day,
Avai men .tthall have a season!
This is almost as yet a terra incognita. We know
Europe pretty thoroughly. Asia has been travetsed all
its length by civilized travelers. With the geo_raphy of
America we may call ourselves familiar. — But how little
do we know of the vast continent that lies wholly within
the tropics, and of which the greater part seems shut up
as efrectually against the 'advance of civilization as if. it
were upon another planet ! Indeed the " 9luuntains of
the Moon," would be subject to more accurate observa
tion were they situated upon the satellite front which they I
derive their name. The efforts of civilized travelers
have been for centuries directed to the recess of this con
fluent, yet four-fifths of it iit blank upon our maps. Its
whole centre is one broad unexplored region, and the in
formation obtain d by recent travelers is of the most ag
gravating kind, liming Us mines of wealth which it is
impossible to work.
• Before graving the result of these diseGverits, let us
look on Africa as described, and it may be fatmlianto
most of our 'readers: , Egypt, an old, sca n-out councy,
in its antiqui ties one of the most interesting ph e:s on the
continent, occupies a - small portion of its northeast bor
der:: The river Nile has been explored to its sources by
Bruce and other travelers, who have given us some cu
rious facts. The Barbary States 'Occupy the northern
portion of it bordering on the Mediterianean. Solid? of
this, and.stretching from the Nilo to the Atlantic, is the
Great Desert of Sahara, Along the whole western mist
are small establishments or factories fur trade in staves,
gold dust, ivory, palm oil, and vegetable productions.— ,
This trade litts been nearly monopolized by the English
until lately, but now American enterprise has taken if
large portion of itout of their-hands. Ott this coast are
the settlements of Siesta Leone and Liberia, established
as colonies of our emancipated slaves, but both, we have
reason to believe, are in a wretched condition. The En
glish possessions-are at the Cape of Good Elop e . On the
eastern shore there are a nitnther of independent sove
reignties:, which carry iill a limited trade. .
Quite recently the English have mado a settlement at
Aden, near the mouth of the Rel l i Sea. Having once
obtained a foothold, they; English like, began to rush
about them, and one of their first disem eries was it Tivi
Pi where none was marked upon any chart, and ;upon
this they steamed 300 miles without finding the Itio‘pt ob
struction. Having now passed round this continent, let
114 look up in the interior, For half a century• the En
glish Government has been expending lives and treasure
In a partial exploration. They have feuud that this
whole tract of country is one of amazing fertility and
abounding,in geld, and all sorts of tropical veg 7
There arc hundreds of woods, invaluable for d)ing and
architectural purposes, not found in aci other portion of
the world. Through it for thousan d ; of miles sweeps a
river from three to six miles blood, with clear water, mi l d
of ummrpassed depth, thou ing on at the rate of two or
'three miles an himr, lvithout lock, shoal. or swig, to in
terrupt its navigation. Other rivel,''Pour into' this tribu
volume required itry waters of such s must have
dredhi of miles to be cell , : al, vet they seven scarcely to
culago it. This river pc irs its waters into the Atlantic!,
through the most magni cent delta in the world, colt-,
sistilfg, perhaps, of ii hi ndri,d months esti-nding I.rribi
bly Ifl9 miles along the - act, and mostly broad, deep and
navigable for Etenruboatc. Upon this river i ,re sciiitered
citie l S, some of which are estimated to contain it million
I ,
of inhabitants, and the whole country teems with Meuse
Far in the interior, in the very heart of the continent,
is a ' in an advanced state of civilization. The
grandeur and beauty of portions of the country through
which the Niger makes its - sweeping circuit, are Indes
kribable. In many places its bank rise boldly a thou.
sand feet, thickly covered with the ichest vegetation of
'tropical clinics. But all this wart and sublime ronntry— , -
this scene of rich fertility and romantic beauty—is ap
parently shut out from the world. It is the ne<ro's sok
•possession. He need Mot fear the incursions of the white
man there—for over this whole lovely countly metes one
dread malady and to tho white man it is the ••valley of
tho shadow of death." In expedition after expedition,
' sent out from the English ports, on the island of Ascen
sion, not one man in ten ha-n retin tied alive; rill have
fallen victims to this seemingly beautiful, but awful Coun
try. It seems impossible for an Englishman to breath
that air. So dreadful is it—so small the chancelof life,
that criminals in Imgland have been offered pardon on
condition of volunteering in this SCIV:CC., more ltirrible
than that of gathering the poison from the fabled Uptis,.
This countey, tempting Ets it is, can only be lienetrated ut
db 3 risk of life ; and it is melanchol) to think that those
who hare given its even the meagre infot:mation that we
have, do SO at the sacrifice of their lives.
What is honesty? p.., one's debt..." Ex:cily
2.0. No definition could bo nearer correctness. • J'ilwa)s
mind ug, however, that there are other ledgets than the
liaderls,•that a man's debts are not to be ealcalated in
pOnntls, shillings and 'pence. It is not honest for a man
to deteriorate his own nature, to blight his own heart, to
•ent'echle his mind, or even to neglect his ph:ssical culture.
re is not honest in a woman-to_swear to love a man when
eho only loves his house andequipage; nor any honester
for a man td purchase a woman the' same as ho would
purchase beak. For everything las hs certain value.;
and to pay that which is fairly due is the prerogative of
llionesty. It is not honest to make a poet an excise di
cer, any more than it is to qterd a legislator's robes to
throw them over the shoulders of a feel. It is not honest
to impoverish ono man in order to enrich another. For
honesty has tho-utmost - respect for the rights of all. It
knot honest to feel one thing and to say another, or to
say one thing and to do another. Alas for, our daily cus
tom! Do we not continually, bribed with the hope of
some mom!, gain, or fearful of olreare-giving. put on a
Col.mtia Magazine
pleasant smirk, and grasp with friendly zeal the hand
which wo despise? This is not honest: Do wo not lie'
daily for the sake of half-pence, and so pick men's pock
ets: and look lies for the hake of empty smiles and com
pliments? This is not honest. Do not some of us go
about with cold, sneering lips, as if we wore of custom's
frost-work, when our hearts arc burning within its;
making conventional grimaces, awl repeating formal cat
echisms, when our inmost thoughos are struggling for
utterance? But we should displease this friend, give ad
vantage to seine foe, he laughed at by some fool. be
deemed rude by the world; and so we sell our hearts. for
the rewards of worldliness, and live, not like true men
made in God's imago, but rather like automata, manufac
tured by custom's patent.
A Ns.coury PRINTER. -A young type-Aticker, of Phil
adelphia, who had eloped with another titan's wife, was
found in Wilmington, Dcl., by the husband, living as
sung as a bug in a rug, with the fair 1 2 unaway. This
teorserthalf" showed real grit, and told her husband
she should elope again with the typo on tho first oppor
(unity ; but he carried her home.
ED- Wool growing is beitZg entered into to such an OZ.-
tent by the flirmors of 'Texas, that the Houston Telegraph
thinks that ere long, this and cotton growing will be the
two great rival i terestsi,
By ilas,Plletie Telegraph.
Xlienatehos for the Trim Weekly Observer.
Beef Ao, August 7-3, P. M.
Produce market is dull. Small sales of flour at .$4 56?
a 4 GSA, for common and good brands.
For wheat there is littlo demand and little in the mar
In corn Ave hcnr of the sale of 15000 bush. nt 43e, to
Vats nominally 37a37i.
Pork is $lO 25 for No. 1, Mess, add $7, for Prime.
Ilighwines 20e.
No change in other articles.
• number of delegates for the convention on the 9th
are now arriving. The great Oberlin tout is to be eroc?t
ed,.in the Court house Park. Every traits of cars and
each steamer that arrives bringing hundieds.
NEw Yont, Aug. 7-3, P. M.
An arrivnl from New Orleans brings dales from Vera
Cam to the Nth nit. Gen. Bustament had defeated the
insurgents under Paredes. Government forces under
Bnstamente marched into Jounajuate in triumph, and
the insurrection was considered as effecutaliy put down.
Jaratita was captured.
The Senao of North Carolina will probably be Dem
at:c. and• joint ballot probably whig.
-;N. Y. :kl.lltKi.T.—ln flour there is a moderate business
doing. 'Market without'filiange. Sales of 2,500 or 3,000
blik at ssasl for common and good brands.
' Corn continues in large shipping demand—sales 50,_
0011 bus. at 59a60e., for mixed, 61a65 for round yellow.—
Sales S‘iturday were 00 or 90,000 bus.
Sales 25,000 bus i lied Wheat inferior at 80c.
kyo 69.170 c.
Oats 13a 15e, and quiet. •
Poll!. dull.
Lard held firmly with sales 230 bbls. at 7iaBc
Ashes—Pots $5 3O! and firm, Pearls $6, sales mode,
news Nought bt the America, was received' too late for
our Frida . 's paper. The following, additional, we copy
from the, Buffalo lit:Till - die of Saturday evening :
INEw VouK, August 4, i P. .11.-1 n Ireland, the dub
:organization is daily increasing and becoming Concentra ,
hcl cad systematic. and there is great danger of a ire
( m Mum Twain calc.
Tne (Alining places have been proclaimed under the
Coercion Act :—county and city of Cork, comity and city
of Waterfend,,and the towmof Drogegeda. At Carrick
several ctubi.ts were arrested,- among whom was the
Rev. Dr. Byrne, when they rose-en masse-and with arms
in their hands, consisting oT rifles and pikes. They re
palfred to the authorities and demanded the release dike
persons arrested, who were nt once delivered up to them.
-' They then rung the chapel bells, when 4,000 men de
' scended from the neighboting hii4s, armed to the teeth,
who remained in Carrick all night lest an attempt should
be made to arrest }'other Byrne. The release of the
prisoners oral the withdrawal of the troops was consitic,r
``cd as a triumph. .
The clubS having been charged with being formed for
the purpose of killing and murdering, the Dublin ths
held a in'eeting., and on motion of smith O'Br' •n, do
elated that the purpose of this organization is the over
throw of the British power in Ireland.
Twenty•three catholic priests in the deanery of Timm
have protested against the club, and a, few pi Tests in other
parts have also disavowed them..
Devitt Riley continues to write and speak treason. All
absent officers belonging to the regiments in Ireland,
have been
The purcharins is proceeding briskly among
the people.
The rebels have prepared a map of the city of Dublin,
sub-divided into districts, in each of which are points, at
which the clubs aro respectively to mutter, and bard
sn l rdes to be thrown up arc indicated.
The latest accounts front Dublin state that it is now ar
-ccirrr,-ed that if upon the formation of the jury to try Dully,
or hii fellows, it shell appes.r probable that a conviction
will be had, the clubs, will prevent a trial by an anticipato
ry. and, as they hap% a successful outbreak.
The prospects of the crops throughout the kingdom of
Greet Britain are considered decidedly favorable.'
Negotiations are going on in London between the Amer
ican rnipistor and the British government in regard to
postage arraugements.
Pitris arrests for conspiracy continue to
take place. '
GERMANY..—TiIe arch Dike John, of Austria, was in
stalled Regent of Germany. on the 4th of July, with
great rejoicing.
The wnr between - 1M 'lllagrgarn and Selnvonians is car-
tied 911 with great fur)
The Hungarians have shuttled the city of Barns, but
have been deli;ated with great loss. The Hungarian
army numbered 5:7„000 men.
There has agait}. been frightful massacres at Cariosity.
LtvEttroot, 21.
MARKET`;.—Thi„ . morning holders stietceeded in estab
lishing an advance on Tuesda's prices of 2il to' nd per
bushel on Wl*, Gd per barrel,. and la pet sack on. Flour;
lhd per busttel On Oats, Gd per load on Oat - meal, is per
quarter on Beans, .Cls per quarter on Indian Corn, Is , per
barrel on Indian Meal
NEW GOODS ron Tll7l room. - an TRAM!.
UST rue' , tug the most e. richest and cheapest astsort
ment of Gentlemen's and Ladies' DICESS GOODS ever exhib-
Ile I in this mai - het—comprising a large and st ell selected assort
meat of LADIES' fine Dress Goods, suited to the fashions. ,Our
editors make such wry faces we cannot give our usual long cata
logue. Suffice it to fay. we will sell line yard wide Lawns as low
as IS cents. and other GOODS in proportion. Also a large lot of
STAPLE GOODS at cull If per cent. t chow part prices. '
Lad im and Gentlemen this will be the !nest favorable time to re
plenish Sour Cyan - rotes Obtr you n ill find in n long time to crone.
it, I s t iotild int Ito die attention ot the young Ladies—this be
ing the yea riof pronti , e—to our neh re.gortment aline Geniis, just
ight for the occasion. at 30 per cent. below former prices. In short
our motto is the nimble sixpence, and for Cull we W. ill sell Gods
a shade loner than any house west ofxuuri!C.
IViC, April M. IRtit. H. CADIVELL.
SODA szscurr.
A FREsti gulTirof spenter's (Buffalo) Soda Qieenil, jaettc•
celved and for Ole at I , lp. 1, Perry Block by
Erie, May I.
OLIVE OIL.—A eaperior article for family uee for bale very low
by (May 8.) 11. COOK.
Pine Sliingle t tlj t. f i le rt bk
4 0 0
.1 rm.' receiver] at No. t, Perry ]dock, a large quantity Of-Figs.
'Prunes, - Raman, Oranges and Lemons, which will be Kitli
Flirrrp for-rneh.
pAIiASOLS, from one shilling iiinvards, fl i s . a 7 l , n4
• [June 101
111,12.4.1hat1a10 Reeptiod Whiskey Tor bale very I owfor
- - L -cash. by . 'May 23._ H. CORK.
ENKS.L.'LIQUORS.—Tavertt keepers will always find 'the
best assortment or Gin. ilrandy, Monongahela whiskey,
, eoinntott do. Port, Madeira Sr. Airdrop Wihes, dte., in town; at
Ma . ), ID, 11. COOK'S.
LF.GIIORN and (lap Was eau Le found cheap at
WORM—This extract is put up In quart bottles; it
times cheaper, pleasanter, and warranted superior to any sod
eures diseases without vomiting, purging, nickelling or detail
the patient.
The great beauty and superiority of this Sarsaparilla tit ,
other medicine is, while it eradicates filtering, it Inv rgorati
b o dy. It is one of the very best Fall turd Winter merlicin
known; it riot only purifies the whole system, strengthens th
son, but it creates new, pure rind rich blood; a power posses
no other medicine. And in thiulles the grand secret of its,
aerial sueeetui. It has performed within the past tno yearsj
than 35,000 cures of severe casts of diseaeet at least 29,0119 0
t; ere considered incurable.
More than 3,000 cases of Chronic Rheumatism;
2,001) cares of dispepsin;
4,090 cases 'of General debility and Want of Energy;
7,000 cases of the different Female Complaints;
2,000 cases of Scrofula;
LIDO cases of disease of the Kidneys and Dropsy;
b,0911 cases of C0118111111 , Ii011;
And tlionsand of 'cases of diseases of the blood, vi,.: Ulcer
sipelas, salt Rheum, Ow Face, &c . together wr
merons cases of Sick Headache, rain in the side and Circ. ,
nal Anis:Bons, &c., &c.
Tins, n e are aware, must appear' incredible, but ‘ it e hays
from Phys,ciaris and our Agent: , from all parts ol the Unite,
informing us of extraordinary cures. IL Van Buskirk,
of the 11108 t respectable liviggitts in Nen ark, N. J., ink
that he can ruler to more t Ira II LiScases in that place aloue.
nee thousands of cases in the City of New York, n Etch
relir to r; 1111 pleasure and to men of character. It Ie the hr
ee we for the preventatine ot knon It mrdoubter .
the lives or more than
As-it tenni% ed the eau's of di-caw, and prepared them for the Sum
mer reason. It has tie; er been knots it to injure in the 1 qtet the
moot delicate child.
This Sareaparilla is used tt ith the moot perfect reeees.4 i I Rheu
ntatic,complaints, lion ever se% ere or chrome. The astyne•liing
cures it has perthrined are indeed wonderful. Other feiriedte
sometimes give temptiraq. this entirely eradicates! it trout
the system even when the limbs are dreadfully En oiler].
L - r Hear Mr. Seth 'Ferry, one of the oldest and most re:
la n yers• in Hartford, Comm.i lin extracto
received from him:
.D.t, Tow:NI...D.—I have tme loneh rtieof lii ir Sannth!
find it excelient in it, etfect,npon a chrome Rheumatic
n Inch I am subject, from :111 111)111') v VeaNttllll'll ne't
in a Public stage. Please snort me trio htitth, to the eat
Se 3 moor. 1 hat e cons Ilfied a itil two Of Oar pt iticipal ph
and they reconitnend your riarctipai ilia
Hartford, March ii, Irls.
Ceanse and Strengthen. (7utadunption can be
Canoulnytton, Lacer thanplatul. Colin, Catarrh, t'ough4
Spdttng of Blood, Shreneffn in the Che,t, ilea r
Sweats, Di f ficult ar praftg.,e'L:xpectoration, l'ain in the
Aare been and eon be cured.
ToWipt. I, Dear Sir. Nearly to enty ) ear; ago
violent cold which settled on ni) fin- , ted t o,
deed, finally it became a constant hacking cough, hotpot
its to reveal the front attending U) my Mishit's. Mho
feW )ears it Increased on inc gradually. At last I bee.'
breathed breatlw with difficult), and rimed tt ith toy eon
bad matter. and for the last nine months met tuns to my u
Sarsaparilla, had regular night sweats; indeed. my friend.
self supposed that 1 is °Mil die with the consumption: bu
the happiness to inform ton that to toy till rpri-e, oiler la
I (Mil a of ) our Sarsaparilla, I find my heatth re-bored.
me gradually, and I ant enjoy lug better than I lul u
years. I had almost entirely lust toy appetite,_ which it
-turned. You are at liberty to publish this r, jib my oat
papers, if you choose.
My little girl, who is three years old; had it very bail r
whole of In-t Winter. %%lute using the medicine I gate
of it; and atom, entirely tel ed her, as it ell as us silt,
now well and hearty as any child I tit er saw. ,~hr was:
blotches; it took them away and her skin is smooth
now: and I am satisfied ,he rum pred her health font, it.
I excellent medicine. CONA!
You tt ho have pate rumple?, Nor, 4 1 1 41 , 1 ,, , I , l , lCheei of
lIY/gli skin; ore "out of Spirit,," 0 bottle or !nu of
Towitseird'et Sarsaparilla: It will eleante our r
freckles and blotelteg, and UlVe you asitinatuin, Fparklin
anal tvainitul complexion—all of winch are of
value to unmarried 10 , 15 e..
To MOTH I:PS I 1:1)
This Extwi 4,t• ; ,, ar, ;manila has lol'ell Mpre,ly tacpai
i•reace to leinale complaints. No thinale 'aim has ,
suppose .lie IS , tileit critical let nal. "tht
i11e...” 1•11L/lh)// 1:1..41eCi to take it, as It is a certain ply
for any of the numerous and lion Rile diseases to n hied
are sithicet at this time of life. Thi.; ppriod may 1.0 .IClal
al year: by using this medic tar. Nor I. it le, valudidi
appaching ounialitiouil, as it is caleul.iied hi assist
quickening the blood and ins igorating th e System. I I 1
illealetne is Invaluable fur all the diseases to much w ,
It braces the whole sykelll, 10110 . 150 vernianentl) the i
rrgies—by removing 1.1"..L• inquitities of the t oily—not so
lathy, the it stein as to produce a Islibte11111:111.11.1i1U11101
the clue of niva medicine. taken for 1111111/k ‘N eaknet, al
ceriiilcate ronrlustarly prunes that this Srirsni
it.rfec t rontrol over the nio , i oli,tin•.te dii.ea,es of the
per.ons cored in one house is linpreeedenteil. ,
I T1Illt1:1: cilll.lfir EN.
Dr. 'Dornsrnd—Dear, Sir: 1 Intle,the idensute to int',,t
three of iny children lime ',ventured ,it the slcoduln bbl
your excellent Medicine. lit here alllvted %pry siq
tail sores, base taken only fir bottles; it took them
I,vlV,Ch 1 [eel nlytelt tinder civil] iihltgation.
Yours rl!,plVlhully.
1: 4 .1.1(.; W. CRAIN. 106 W I I
Now Yikk, :Nlarch 1, 1-17.
()with; to llie treat iciceess and immense gale of 1)r.'11 or. nsend's .I
-. ........,..;..u..,...:.....t........e........ 5i...:11 g,.., rolf . tl! .. ,V ...j , ~,;,',' vi?" . ;
commenced mincing r-,lapariillii, ti.litils, lintel , . act.. otl. ney
generally pin it no ill the saute etlitipetl totttlies, et.ttiont that theirs.
IA far superior and lour times ido!ticer Illtni Dr. TOmtllitr!.. &e., 1
hoping thereby to mused . - the piddle. S.iiiie or these ts ticjitleti
i s,
111, 11 ‘ fritilv4 count •rfeit ceuincates; others hnveiill A their
brothers and other interesfrq persons to allow tliC Ist , of their
names, to which they put eiinatre to give thin res;iciabiliq
O m .
ne makes a 'medicine, and putty it twil re-veritable intro's pro
cured tuv cuing Dr. Tot.% riserel s * Sarsaparilla, put lb , l l, them ;I
cured by his stiff. Ile, also publislieb the certillcare if a per ,, ni
ti, ho st . , le, hiiii t eif an AI. Ir., Rho Itientls 110 e,, 411,4 t, is Ci N. 011. i dux
tors horses by lota- ler .1 lilelthood. The:, also pub!, hod cerliii
eateb signed 10 . lielltiniirs i1:111/e1:,taiing they 11;111 . leicil tr.'l'..,n ii5....11.1%-+
....11.1%-+ Sur , aparilla. and that it injured ilwni &e. 'ft es' - , and a
1 great Satiety of other tricks are perihrrneil by there! ion, to soil
1 their e ti. 'clic pultli , , Itr,tiltl I eon Olen guard, alci ' , Joh out I , )r
coileterfelbi. r r i....
.V.Miie.—.lfter the fir•it of Jairiar,.lC I-, none it ill the gun tr pie I they ar,. VI( 1111 \ t l'jlil tiliWitil , CClll. e3i , lK•r Phl. l I:II , /, can
ttwining the It' simile ill Ur. l'on iisetiil's Haan . , thur.- -4 . I'. TUWI'. -
seed . , .
i Principal oillre.:lCli liilton sireel.: , !nr 'lending. N. -.: Betttlite:
& Co., t., t4ttite ..treiii, Ilo s ti,,a; IP, On & gioni,, 1.13 Nutt i :Ind t.l:Cr . t.
Iliadellibla: S. S. 11.illee. 11ri1i1..21 , 1, liaillll.6[l.: 1.. 111. Colton.
Charleston, Wright & Co. 111. Charlet , !erect. New Orleans. le:,
South l'earl Street. .‘ill'ittly: :111.1 by rill the principal Ilett,tliFtS and
Meteliaros generally llitengliout the United t3tatt, , , IVe.4 Indies,
and the
CAIIII,II & 411,1 Ile:: rn, &.I'rrtttt•.•.R'iud,alcand
Rellll Agents for Eric Coanty=—J.,S. llopliths fur eprinttflcht.
4 .'.lay I, lair.
, 1`111:: suhst riber as ilow rerei%ing his lull st..:k 01:4,ring t10c51....
I the first tii mrttly.t, consi-t4tla eo part,)l Dr!. Cowls, Grocer
11 - artlw4i - e. 11., 14 .1).1 Sho., l'rorker. 311,1 Nutls, &c..
M y etcrk is ~,trw ' 4,11) lure 101" t 1 lected;
to pulling in the 10 - tt of firma Gordy. inor,.
•Itan three times the amount of n hat they hate on hand, 1
leave to wrtc er and ,r(i,lll'or -dote, Ity ißcodi are lettglit
-neap and vi ill he cd.,ap a- ctiii he huoi.dit in lin, rely AT
r.i . tsT.;”+ hileli•(10 Fell her Caqi, and it 111 mahe It all Ohit.f t nr
those that pa:, down fur 11wir 410 , 1 , to I.llTcharr 11001 um. ran
and "ice tar i„ound.olt v., and I think you n ill he attic-110n ah
dty and prices. I
1.1 17, 'l' 1. 1111 I: G00I) 7.
Black and Blue Black (let hr; Indus Ithe. LCa,h't
ce , l do.; Blur. Black, facetCal.l•llllllCS; a Mire I- reach
arthle do.; NoN)ll,e'riv Jean},, Jean', 11110 ;trill, awl
nip Qfriumwer for paniah.ole, en:lh,, &e., together
other artfrie.. in° 11111nerrall• 10 ille1111•111. •
D 11 111.1.145G00D .
C:le.hrot , res. MnAin de LailleS. l'rehr 11 Gerinan and ;•*cotri!
. .
. ... ,
(,',. - agli tat...l:.trl.ton do„lloli.,ir loQtre, and liti,l 4. , ,ingitaint , ,_ rt!-
fa Ili - iottable article; pin id and plain Linen, col ifIll.1.111111!dres-eK:
Alpaca of a•t•orled colore., and mire-. wiped and pia n o dre, , rAth,
:4-m , , Media., Jaekrand. Cambria, barred and drdMal Muslias, and
a' laren lot of 1 , 11/111,11.r -hart lg. dn.. ljanali,rcli t ets. Cravats. &c..,
Larlio's.;:id clog c... black :ind %% lute and colored, of ilt.. I e.,t rionlitvi
blick. %thin', and colored rill: 210 , e, IN.• ilircad and colon do..
black :ilk hoer', black clod v. 1.114 cotton do., eennoopn4 11.,e rod
balinnse, %%bite, I toxin and ini (Al d ‘ entleitien's Mack. %%bite and
c0.,1u.e,1 fill: Gloves, liacir. %\ hit and Colored kid to., Ladies' aloe
I ,
. sal VVZIA kil/,' Flv.t>. Child] cii' 4 , ....0; Liven CandaTe and Ididn ban I
. elitef; mlli Ilandano, do.;Spillifeld do., CiPtlhavcs. and . coll. , n
0..., iiti4licr and toscellicia. Itir•klbacl. do:, .I:ri.ei-h a•.l
American Ginehains. 1.11.%%n,, and 'Aloha lc checks. nice dn , lc ITN , .
lelne. April .". 1.1-4 , 4. 1 i•MITII JACKSON.
A rs (LAss.r.:3.-8 Mid,. Odin. wear llctiso and New Otddhili
11 3 /01aSset00 LT void ra i Ne‘t YarleF ti
ricep. tra.'po rcdion :A
de t. [June IO.)ALLYN & corr.
711 W
SPIMIG AND surartmxt.coonz.
CITA' T. sTruxr oNct: MORI: All l'A 1):—.11 Iit)SENZWrIII
6.7) & 70., are now'recei, ing nt the New .lew Store, No. I, Flem
ing Mork, a new and,..1,1,11 Inra,so: init.:it 01 Sl' ll IN (1 AN I) St NI
NIF.It I)rip, c(;01)s, RILLS .11ADP.. CM iT.IING. &c. &c.. F. , .
which mil be Fold a little cliraper than can he botiebt at any ,alt
Ice eFtablitannent tint, ride 01 bl/11 do'A mi. .lacing lii , 'sitck inn>. 10 ,
lilliO:VDCLO'lllS. --IPreach, Erzli4l) and American !dark, Hue
and'•lll •Il lan.• •
brown. gold an; „hn e it,:v.l rod. cot is, cheap the cm•Prl , t•
i I Also, Dress and ' , rock Coats of the same material which for du
' rability end riini-li can't he I eat.
il".'ll. , 'S'l MI;12 ES .INi) Vl'..;i 4 TlNl:.—l'ine Frenrl), Faclisit owl
American Castditiereg—baatiticul ve , t; ago, ;hid :44 cri.,r 14inta
loon4 and re , b. 01 the tame.
14UMMI1l IVA B 11.---An etrelletit te , oltment of Smtirtir..,r o„ire,
whirl:lean:int toil to please,
ALICOIll:-.l.—tioperior * Calicoes. 11 to 12 re!. per )aol. Call
and .ee them.
LANES IIIiES3GOODS.--ruder this head we lime , vcrylhutz
go :Morn the female. form divine—ime h as Silks, LaWll-, Ging -
Munk, Barages, Olosce, iewbous, nacinct, :%lioins or :al kind,.
f•thawls, &c.,
In Bort, on: stock in every depart:ll,mi wonnil ied will)
great .are. Believing that a Letter th . m a b l o w b lijiinig"
sl alt -ell minimally low; for cabli or ready p
Eri , April
N V‘ -
r; GOODS. '
-NA T E arr just meet% lug our supply of
,m , R3I.;G a n d s1731311:11.
GOODS to ohicft i i Ito 11w atniiou of the piddle gen
erally, with full confidence that iii quantity., quality. style, and
cheapnebs, our stock will lie found unsurpassed by an)
this city. With a steady det , rieitiatiOn to stand wholly upon our
0 011 merits, we le•see le:lathy ad verto..cincnin and stereo!) pea tff'
flag to our inure grt..ley refs hbcre.
itttOW N & MCCAtfI • ER
Erie. April '29.
zaparms 11ND It r iIUZICULD.
A LINN & CULT Lave received, and Ime now receiving, their
stork of Ftlefl SPRING DRY GOODS' ailing which n dI
4c found the latest, nice.t and cheapest fOOMs of the seat.on. to
lvhich the attention of the citizen: , of Eric and vicinity is itreitel
Don't forget The store—Corner ctf Sixth Street and the Pdhitc
a:Otare. ' t Apra:Lg. PIS
, .
White Pish.
„, NEW vtipply direct from 31nekirme on the corner ommite th e
.. iftmift Home by C. 11, WRIGHT.
SOFI Rer We. Pork Barrels for sale low ta
p. coot 6
FRENCH Eng and Atnertcan Prints, Syr in style' ;
.1 Linds from 4to I2}cents pct yard. the highest:price at
June 9
_OAF SUGAR on connolbdon at A. Kin 'n ware houge,
R A ISINS.—BeFt qualtty 'by the box or single lb. LICo. 5 litniia
N 1
Block, state stn..ei.
(Mny P.) H. Molt
F RESH Leauons and Oranges just received at
Alay 10.
_ _
PICKLED Optent, Gbeftins,Lomloy l'orter, ikc, just
received Sy [May 191 • - 11. COOK.
6000IIAMS Just recei%ed on cZtisignineal, and for
vale cheap, at A. KING'S Wart:
,d. It
'-- =ai
~,__ Otis.
•~ _i:'
et all
•a- the
's ever
t,tl iy
' more
151, _
It nu
1, Sr
• I tter.l
1., one
1111 LIR
'1 here
). bit ell
—..,._v_• . .. - •
--- - - :-.:-_L . _'- -- _—: - -:,. - -,_-_--,--- , --f;, - ------.7. ,:-_ _
• • - - - "_: - _-„M . .- . 1 7 .-L__ - _ - f:.;:;:-....ff.E . Y.Llet
IncfillistePs All•witealing Ointment.
Aimi."l . [I i, year Pc ti, I ryas living in the nerderri part of ty
state plipittirig the occupation of it farmer, tore day rib?
chovinng in the rr Led, I leolislily chopped my fOut nearly oil. J
stead 01 thetree. During this misfortune I eiliployed to sell' 1
perusing the rtignieni leaves of an 01111010111 e. Prone , ' 1 1 1 C 1 11,1 11 1:
Kane litllitite 1 0 1 years ego. I Among these F.CtOtered lent es fit:
of an herb %%Inch had been analyzed by suture ofs....tgitglanirs t, i
civet 2116,411)5t:4, rdenving properties and qualities 'never Ivey
owd in any plant that NN as ever discovered.
This one Ii rb, Wider the force of the Retort and Crueible r .devr
opcd more tl an ten distinct properties. This Inct struck my in i
so forcibly, twat it wire impossible liar use to get rid of it. SOI r
thing securer to tell, me that Petty idence. where special care is
tended low a il all Iris creatures, had never cuncentrateeinto
small land; ru ma:* niedic.ll quitlitif,, 1.,. minors and as Corn ,
cared, allllol Lai perfectly identical ItE the human blood, within t
rr be and good pi trpose. here was to be hot od the twirls, the al
lies, the oils/ the water. the err, ills salt., the elnta, &e.. nit c , ll
breed, Cvdicciltratell. and chemically untied info tie t-ingle r len V
of minx litill. , t.te.Ce 1e.,,n , nth( d nod iii athinity to the 11
non Monet t lan Sr a, et er before discovered in ;the norksuf matt
Lalsoring !rider these impression, for se% erikl }scary I !Terrine
, I
1 envy and de-ronteptial, and urn illiug. to coati - 11;e myself to the r
Inn'' of n farflipr. I ,
Es t ry none :vented to point lily Mind to oil di Obie Ct. V la' tire ,
i mmuoil on Illin, !tell, ittlO Meiheine. I their Idetirroined to rtt ,
Ito the sits Or New York. I did so, and lionl'etliatel!. inquired
' the herb. Ii 11 as not to be realm). I then start to Elltopi• and t I
found tt under another name.
Ifs% sin; p eparrd the article to up' satisficti j on. I game it ate) l
a lt ,i,,, },lie Id liven. illindrede., I might say lleanaliti:, Ida
into their I. Indies and used it, count for use ;thing and soon
another. all fo,iii the eel-) first in th • very bait, pronounced' '
' until .illed excellence and piss ci. .
The first ei,t, that tinily under my obserr Minn was it man
had lost We l roT (Wins ant fat some years. The tolittlielit ti's ,
the use of I is arm completely in a few &ix 4.1 This surprise,
as much as it did the patient. After him cattle a tibia n rah
eyes produCed be guitiotriler—a r pry bad °tie indeed. Out
only, siilliced to make a perfect can'. And L %%until here re .
that lillinirl.ls4 have 144.11 ruled of sore eyes Is Ito never loon.
relief era e ill this t uiritinent.
There litvil canoe a nuniall %this rear stinerling excrucLitin
front the ague oi the lace. tier •plir Herm tlhniking it the is
ache) had extracted , e% en of her teeth. Rae Qtr dillicidtv eel
eu as bad as ever. The application of the All-Ilealing bin
was attundial xx bale immediate Cessation tit pion. Iler lace in.
er begun ti I,IN ell, and tie• surfice v. as covetd eor er n ith pit
e. prickly iii al. lit one 11:O. all do r s ili,diTeared.
1 1
the came tome, a lady made aptlicatii,ll tt. WI it for ltd. hear,.
cdl.,,,,Z,laleling. and a fdlline ot the' hair. shies' 1111,, nets , id
the 011itlill i In to curt' caw, nit ben, to cm) mid forty years , !
I hi 11.oe out to tay, that it Is t. 111,01 an int:Mild,: reinvity tr.
li Al,Mit tl i. tune there nI re two raves. null of C'onQtrint , tiot
Iln• other of I . '4'A - idol:I, alnch Icedbattled thei skill iof every I
Clan «h 0 Prescribed, lt vv as riunilerlid to ir tint's Om en ecl
Oititilletit di tliect , p.0r,,11, No one Would I,fdlet I.' II ilitles. ,
had petiol ally NV ilne,sed It. Ilia it did the ti, irk proper!. '
Ir as no Ira I nay business, for they ri covert il their health in
months. 1
nlitann.),listii, ro Cr, tkililicy, : 1 1,re Throa . Cutaneutui end
De-eases I the t , piite..and NI rmoll , rntlipla tin' tt ere treated
iin i war d ii l ~i ii. m.,.. lint for I lie-I ,11,,, , ,,t, mud, to, .taste
and oppreSsion. I believe is no I liner reinedr . Al4O. the co
diseases, Inch a- Ulcer mum*. Scald Ilead, Illuntorsluf the SIC
! ectal le
I a Iti,cr
111.1, 1111 i
• it
' S, I \wit,
Itook a
rd) tn.
I 0,0,
the la I
tie IA do
•ilig% our
an ,1 tny
t have
lig three
relict VII
t• her '26
. Mho re—;
Ile in the
n 1, , h the
he r e•orne
Ind ill. 1.4
1.0 !lin of
and lair
in )our
:: I'.'
Li! I' try,
he 11( -tor
I ,'uwte the
I 11,1111E11,e
11111 of
t •r
-fur rII Uf e
'mu e Loy
idyl. LI tilk
l'iles. sore e!, es, ts'prititis, Itriti•el, and horns. If
tint atallioll, would collie into the store
tut to know if I nas really the 1 4 etenth Pion. or o
via that 1 gave tin of no, indeed, All-llcxlwc in
llama! oil
111% 1.41
the 011111 l
said they, not fawningly: application has failed tdoniplaint, not
ularly, ff at. treated SA nil knout aul
cod Snel l gOOl . l remilln in till canon, that it has hoot
„ and I Wl}, Orllrefi 1A111,01 . 1110110 for if rerellif. ii
'ate tine inertly. I.:vory man nitolut \volt of ft, as
nth good.
int.ind in:: :111,1! hat e loon 'ca reful' not to reromta
canon i know,ti it oold do good. ',I ll :IF ante tt I
If to any thing at ithout tenting its merit:, 'nod
to do ott rift oecti-ton, arid ki iljll I 11e(1,..i en. mite
MIIII , 111 the LOINV Of I. O. of U. P. I then tt,ted
in the lito.terito - al Cl/111III1011S, Milt Ilad abundant
pros 11.1.2 11 . - Wl , rill.
cona.,i-ti. I me nail roniatk that I have placed th
ins the inn,ple of if .• I'. State , 111lr i 11:. litre la-t tint Ii
neral thin I,eo n tit , natinfletioniatul no great 311
that more than /1.1ifill111111 , 1f101,tho •- • hall pen
he! i 1.% I. ,bore nogor ft Ili a methane It litt•li gain
end. tutu or-al art:l 1111111111111/I14:Ill-f ICI' , II I,
, 1111111.•111. rtI.III ;.II 11.111,1/: the 1 , 411 , 1 ClPte kat , C
taru. To t
1,1% (
NIT 11l
It prodil
ed abroad
It for pri
Nutt% It
CM - Clot ill
roi Inv./ ou
Brr ,
loom I I
And la
;malt 1u:
and .(J
drat Viand
do r.lllv
‘ll lo
Ili llok:
'Mural en-
Lir 141111u
\Sind, lin
il (11.4-abe
Hralla has
.11. 'nave
Ihl 01
ih Oh
.r% a), tor
and f r.:11 , n) a
t.,rwur loath dr. 'pi .• I till` V% nrd iu truth 1,411 lor
our of
lair .
the good
rite iso• - 11 , 1... their
P..- 1,,111.1f't% their
.1../y r.•co,. (UM,
CWII4I I III a ‘,. l l,line.
n'hol e m^d is the hew le had at
Pilit IC I Sr:. Ent!
Store of,
BETTZ9t. X. 4 rrn TEAT
urr tv.,l and soli., ki% Ol e•,ine al
wral n. , OrinWra of Dr!. 1:411111.
GrOferie, (reel me :141,1 I lard
y low fur en ,11 or ready pa). I
T 1 •1
r gf tiler Ll'
!In" 7111.
hand for the l'utirtit, at '
'ON, Currant'., slacc, (1'
W IN )OW GX.,1(1,135.
( - I 0 (") r MIT ri:
WIW• 11 . 1Mon' rlahm,
• k-tr Ivan be 1(1 to of ity 30, jitt.t V•r01i ,, ,1 awl It
B a • box or iiffili,olattijatr firm ran Im Luitghi 1 . 1.1 . %‘ lieic
at the •.t-h ttlittit itr 1,. 1V A lIREN, sottlltottlt ci roor of
I:taltth rorrett•. Erlr. Opril 15, I -I-,
lIC:EIVED that tlay by elitrest: B o at ßl iriter ;l a d Br
tulltos inn tit a. work, 111 , 07 r, tir A'ornere , ". 1110
an d iy)ljliCal, Toomoir- .;f thtilAyrtgr. ;,..4 of II
Stater. Ivy lle ;Ir (I. IVlatclt r, at SPAITI
:lane 1",
'oot And Shoe Store.
Tni: s,ll, , erit•er ‘‘ouhi tviivvelful4 Inform h
1 z i , t ' . l ol; l" i ' l ill':;briti.Citi'::l"iehr:•"-it.i.litilliailh-;ealtitst•ll";;Ti‘ht.:''iti d i
side (Attie niatil,,ll , l, second ,!,,,rTf.,Tn Ow corn,
, ItPt•l, whieb he inli'ad , tahmg pose-shilt of on tilt . Ist
(WM avid hi. ti Ili to lidp;o, to -00 .111.1 ac6ol,to o date till 61
rov;, nod the' ;nail' , at large. it • tlat.i.rt liorr , ).
uill he ,ifle to nialsr lint ITS, : 4 11111:S athi ill article . ", to
1111-inest, to order, with to dttio-. dull i -ty and ili4pith
um hoot. rate , . Ile hop,. to ree . elt t., as l ii , is ill ell(kil
:VIA 0. .1 itl , eral tiatrom,,,,
. .
lIP t% ill cot/statute los•11 on band an 1 s•ortment of )g ,
Bruns and Stine!, winch lie wiitell no rajah, if not clic.
can be had el- cwhere. I
Felt. 1..=, - 11-F. .t
\ i i- I; , "mild Illiorin the weol croft log tfiXkl clotq . n ra
l f
Ile that 11 e Ilas, ent,,,t 1 11 1 0 a eni'101.1:1`f:4111, 11l
he knots nas McCreary, Thor:win its Co. We has e
telt of 11ClN 111.1C1Iiiler3, ,-.. 140041 as ran he 'tenured in Its
and we are now prepartsi to nianulac (tire ,1 exchanee 1
..nnerex, , T u cols, Shawls Blankets and Itannels lot' n
has I' lon e. experienced 51 °Omen' ill all lir itches of the
and 55 14 confidently expect a fill , hart` ofA
pithltc ninth
couonl of Ihr Public. We flatter ourtlx .. PI else pet
m a yra,lion to poi tt 110 us la sth tl et cinaotn.
Utnaoin Carding. spinning. and Dretssin t, dune 'n ell,
Grain and rnetory upplie;, %NPR scoot ed with Casl,
acceptable for goeds and i.‘ telt. ' 1
1M VII) IfeC ; .s f:A R I - , •
scffiN Tnoit "ros, •
Titom.ts Ti ORNTON.
Fair l vlew, May I, 1E1?
neady IV/ado Clothing at the Clothing
• 1
11 THE .4)l ,, (sriber ha. now on hand at his SM
[ IN; S'l 011 E, a xery extetibite a,orinieut 0
• ci•urilis 4 ;, made lip in the latekt Et} le and 1
Y manner, which he is determined to sell for C.tip..
25 per cent. Lower 1 I
than any other estai li-liitient in the, place. Ms stock of
t ,,
Clothing conipri-es evert, grade do . fri stipertor 0 •-
ten In•
and no one taho ',wow, e , the establishments tali t C di%fifi
APFOIIIII2II in iegard to quality, cm or price. -ot.ce th
S.4).•;:finr and liar Prenrh Wind: fires:: di
. I:vli:de Tteezd and illnliair Sarli coitts
i Mich S.iiiinter Clad. Coals (If crery Cat,
Black and l'i.nry.Cassiinere l'antsf
Satin, Silk. Merin', and eimitimere Vcsd.:
Linin alai Call , in Clinilintr of trery land:
11 - 11ror Sailers and Canallers, 01 1:-C11.,0111 CLOTI
'l'.lltl'.' 1 lAN&
A ' k , , Pine and common Shirt-. Silk shirts and draw tis. Merino
do. Cravats, Collars, Stock,, 110-inns, Micky, suspenders, &c. &c.
Ile l has experienced and fa-hionable Cutters emplo) •il and tt ill
cat and trim in the hest manner and make all hind.: ut clothing to
order, %Odell will I elwdrranted to Fit it i,iii4artion.
The public ale 1111 lied to call and inspect the clothitii
and cheap enalilitdiintint in the Commercial I:Acliangel
oppr•ste the !tanner Hotel. MO51:
May 19, I t IS.
„„„4/: 4 14111Ank1:6721..AT0n5 ,
T th"rEns• Of , Itritnitti;tration on the estate of Pelt r Ilartionn,
Jl-4 late Of Nlttler7eekkiown:ltip, having been granted the
t•tibt•i• rib notice is livrelty gtt ell to all; persons hole oed to 6n id
estate temake immediate paytiwitt, and . those hat ing l claims
torescat them propt.rly autlien , ic, tea for ,et
tletnent. HENRY GlNtiltlll I, Atrinr.
Julie 1.0,'15-19.
5 - 0 MIXES Figlircti and pulped all Wool and hat( Wool Car
peting: Flnor CIiI Clothc , & l c., for hale cheap al, be Ol d
. Jew
Sync., Ott French Weer. April t 3, Ittk. I ,
)01:EAR'S Patent 3fetalie Rubber Fabrics, of the following
11 detcriptions, pp colp,rgipppiiii CA ersimeil, Hoop Covets'
Carr dge Cluiii, Air Beds. Air l'iliou :, Air Cushions, 4Vater Pails,
'J'ob,re° Poaches, Fishing Roots, ladles ` Aprons, C4'ati , . rap..
(I ' ) ".'. TarYaUlind, Plastics, Stitt' ‘V. , ters, Men's eloping. Trot -
- nags. Mun ewes, etc., qc.,,ht the Igency,..felegrafili It
ie,li Firm. ,
dil 13, 18 , 10. ' I 1
Fr u
• Vor Sale.
A iv ALITABLE FARM, nbout 1141 acres of Land.
.r 1 mostly cleared, and has n valuable orchard and other linprov
tricots, situate:ll about 14 miles from Girard village. baring part of
me' Farm of the late Thomas Miles. said Farm Will be sold very
rote; and a liberal ereiliegi yen. Enquire of
Omni. reb l IS-Pa.-011
T E, GIRORN and Faint Leaf lints at G. HELDER' & SON'S.
.1-11 Pane 11.11 No. 84 Cheatiside.
4600 I I TUNDS I I: i tt irt ttp i : , i NIA, !lamp on hand and lir
, !...M i l t on•
PUTTY, Roiled and raw Lintevd Oil, by the barrel or gallon, nt
I t vest rati. , , by May CARTER & nßotima.
I.h9'CR, S'tsw
;Ue Drug ntid
tt .Inwrican
itetl to 111 ) . , ,e1
.are tthicL w'
y, ltai ~~r•
H. t.:l
11. fi
rgiegleititTg i t.
?svicx?)? x6vcir
Western Now Tork College of Health.
'la, MAIN 6TitErl' Burr,ti.Q, N. V.
L./ NIA XTUlll.l.—'l'his celebrated remedy is conStantly inereasing
in fame by the manycurra ii in making
lit has now . become the Only medicine fur Mindy use and in partic
ularly recommended for
till stages of this complaint itinneili. 1) tel no niaMir of bow
long Sec lamtpltletfcr test/away. r
ail all dit-wa.,e•to 'the t rinary , orgalts , for the 'c d
phi ii
rtai/s /one; to 0111-r ca relieve yo it . and (111 dun v {oleo
evl to will col , ince the must itepticalt I lIGO ver
'cofilaints, balm is dl,.`aasti,
To the great IVest especially, arid where% er these cOmplatut,
prevail this medicine Is tittered.
' 'NO 311N.EltAL AGENT,
no deleterious tompoiend is a part of this mixture, it run...there dis
eases with certainty mid celerity, and does not 1e..1(.! the system
torpid. See pamphlet.
I'ILES, a cant:lnuit of.a mr...4 painful character is
and a cure follows by a few tot thii article: it t, far
any other preparation for this difCll,sf, or for any miler di e,,e orig
inating (rent impure blood. Feu pamphlet.
D1.1111.111'1" rsTint. -
weak hack, weakiies's o the kiditQl., &c., or intlamation of It,
IA immethately rcl lrrrd by Am dayr rue of thus mcd , cilic, and
a cure in al, ayes a result of tin no,. It as -
for ouch complaints, and also Mr. des thistiiiitio, 'f the female frame
I, painful Iliellt 011111011 S. No article has ever_l liar °Wetted except
I plus tvotild touch this kind of deramement, It may 1., 0.-
, lied upon an a sure and effective remedy, and did we foul permit•
tilNl to do so Could go.' a
/ Tip Ws AVI)
I re , proof of cure , in this cluaresritig chii..4 of tOneaaints. Stc pain.
Vplilet. All broken do, n, lei 1111341.1.1
of mercur), is the Macon; putter of phi-artede lu :71 110,110-
ditllVlY, and l.l I
0 1/1.1 , 010 , / , 11.111 , 011 00111 lime •10111.
v. ill find the alt.:midis e propertii.,ut do- article.
TII 1: 111.0(11i,
,and such - Ili-yaws Rum the stem. See pamphlet f ,, r te-ti
itiony of cares ill 011 111 , 11 I lrlot• 'A.".a , 1tert.1 1 .....m 1
111 not permit to be named hurt . git e 111010 210 ay: they
P0103111:12 ulcertillcate, ullii,;11 character, .m.l a :tronger
of the v ,Irtues of a medicine, never appeared. It is one of the, pe
culiar features r,f id - ttele that it never la to 1 miebt in any
C and if belie and intn.cles are 1. It 101.1111.1 upon let theleintacia
led and lingering int .11111 111/11: ON, and keep taking the medi
cine ,14101 0 , , as there in an twin - 0% ettient. The proprietor tv roll
I* .k UT ON 'I II E zntaing a mind er of articles a Inch
come put under the head of •
as cures for ltmpny, &c. 7"beri are 4.0,1 for no/41,4', and 00I2CGC
ted to mill the tinti. ,try. T 1 it'( - 11 '('li CH 5(01'. heir int entor...
trill thouttlit of curl :e sech disemmt. till th.: article had done It.
A .dude of the pamphlet i. eirne.dly kiilleite.l. .Ig , M-
I and all ,lio sell the arhcle are I 'III CIRCULATE gratuit
. thirty.
Put up in 300/. bullies, at 0',2. 12 1)7. al 1 1 each—the 1;0.'0'61
me d OO. 11101011100 MO nut dm/ n ot
pored upon. 1 . .1.ery ha. "‘"att4lin'n
NlvEtute,!' blown upon the lime irrd(on signature I . '6
' ‘'atighti, Ilidralis, finagled Iwo, the n rk. l.,tic other ne.—
" Pupated by Va 112111., and 1.0141 1.1 o :. l'f00:0411,1.01 , 0,:207
1 Main street. Ituabilo2mt. v hole , de and retail. NO allelllloo 011 - 10
to 101100. 111111,, 00-1 i4ll.l—uriier, 10.1111 0 ',tidally ;its
e1f...1.11..1; post paid 1. iters, or s. rb,,l coniniunicatiuns.solutit a.l,-
ire, procii II) ahem:v.l.lm , 0.10 ,
+ Ulu ro•det abed event-I,r li i, the :sale!? ibis 122
.•ireet, Nett \i'i,rlt city" "295 st . lleul, ILI- .and 1,, 1 1 ,
priiiropal tts• t 1.6011 t , ,,t ;10•1 and Caliatida,'
Agents. For sa'eliy
Carter & Priatier• and Verbal Erie, I'. IV, 11,
- Mead, u. rather. SI art,: I'. T.., it fc I , Nottii Lr t:
L. I, Joni, U. S.
01011 , Mercer. & 11,10 NI I.
)I,l\ 11•. , 1r, Gtr ,
, itli Bevil & Vincent. Waterford; D. m. J. 11, Summer
i'aitt too, IVarren: t & MrlPotinell, '1 Ito, tilt 'load', l
int-ion lett, R. Terre.rdenk , ro.ri. Pall. Jr. ('rane-% illy; Lome , -
a, In- lett) & IVlteeler, Johol.k. 'Tracy, Lairs 1, ve.
nether! I'.l Jr, 'S 1.1 IN', C.11.1.1 - .1) 1 lUNT'si
is tin- LIN l:31 ENT, has roots ed tin` al title iron then:ands who
I cure. ' have been beilmitiea by iv. use It, up. :mem I • .areiderbil. Nu%-
nut- ,er one immediate relief, an•l I ,nmruo• u ny C411102111(• " 411- -
, blr illoel/ 11 reconsuiehile•l. For ti, 1.1,1 . 1 ear 1 have, pla-
Trot re,l l l More undimuti) ul undout, charactrr front IMitiv
'sake ' 0,011 kllOO 1 1110.1 0. 0, : 1110 ` 0 11 1.0 -V ll, r, here
lit had tlidotrcat reputation of this medicine via, lir.t ••••tit' Inn i,to,
the past )car I h,ne reitei,i .1 In u, ,ill a•t- 01 the r , .00) a
to tot Wettee hi the grist ,1010 01 11.1^ ri %tied, •iitlieleat
11110 10 10 1111 VOlOlllO O , 01 %%111( . 11 I 11,i0 -.el , Curd a C thie ate , . For
enter- the foll.ohing dt.emes iattem I,t i , ait rt.. mei rptc
as the d) run:.
:r opoo toll, Veakto•-- ai,l lair. 16 the hack
oppoc- and els- t, of do• - , •11• 'll,O , •ii.
* fret-, Iglo. - 11l 110• 1a0.1 , 1, and tire, '1 0001 lehe,
01111:- 10111..., ;Sao Eheisio, top, I,ste 1 Pet t, Penomis, rorns,
nit.'s. and all rit the Nil' ('•. A , a ..timeftbrier t h e New(, , ,
rant tit Spotetin it I-treed...sill the plaider- and ice limn' , in 11 n. ..‘ mid. It
only rieci,,,,ar) b, tr) it 1u Lc CI,!)V ulrcd that it o ill Iv all that
oh such tLr pr,,plietor.„ pr01e.... 11. I, 11 , 11,04,1 0..11.1,t1111% Were l•
he An_ and to ever) inotanrr st here t ii•ii le.ed l i et,t
!mit, rip ti ileettstar) N1'4116611. Rea 1 eiht 1 , 11 et• ft. oal road,
I. their
arc and
II Mit
%%1•N -
111 !CA
kb mit
Ile he
In, -I-
I lucre•
a few
r I• \ 1:
0.1 I , 1.17.
Coo. r•, i,l tt i.p WU, 1.• t 1,1
I 4.11:11f iii al Li /Jilt!
1 hate 1„r ~arP t,;nr lirlii•ii Di 1
an)! 11..0 sati ,, letl, ail
that it met it. all tliat can a
611112 Ul rtltrArei rrwrilre r I base.
1 . it', 14 Tiling,. S It /ZIP W.I. el:111.1%,
tie. Civ• q, r,uc ;it 11111. I, Ow otticlo t , I
it Is rtluu the re Pelt nil' al/. It -I, \ Tit, ❑e(
t II I, 1,.‘ It Lit, \I. 1).
un•• 11
)11, to.
I esol I
141 1 / 1 /11,i ,i - th e ' l . , 14,1:0 leUra l
gi-t• throughout (I,e,couum , at,:( 1 the i o.tuu'uLr Stag
N. V. g ;I: I:. FON.
Fer hi' It. Itiirtun, Trn
Jong , . Guard•
( 111,1)
j r -- iIIt."NTR.Y 11E1.21.1.‘ ;Ind It•,
V their el/r111...! ,1111111 t, 4)1 •
&e., t , 01 , 1 , an , •.g.• iu rzi..• i ; c, ;1;
4.);1r arras,.,! , e via, ale - cit ezi;l
Ini Sti .rte - t // , 41..1 • . :,• F .11./ r;11;1 tre
at Pitt , ' ;NI;! I; a;: 1:1 at .1. Is uar;
I.apaiwz. S. A:ft ,
:11a) •
•. nt
I' Loll I V
vim moilinc nrAnTr.„ - o ron qoormi
.vi• N 0...!.. ll Et.II llor:-1. 4 ,
IHAVE j‘or. recei‘ed, and Is ill co:tonne to lia)l.. on hand at all
intr., a idr,..l . :1114 w.,t , ;..1 ~.-• 0..t1, let of DEC00,,,_11,µ,,_
Itt A RP. 1 . .10C 1.:, RV, ‘1,,0i, • %II SIIO' t. :1 , 1'1:111 kllt , .1 - :711 --. r - k
MII N (;itt,
CI all 5, %1:111'il I "ill -.11 at .11. /.....r.i . yrrii. - ince.; 1,4. free Hued i
Gills, %Nile tacit, Ilona r for lie --- 'llv -c• cc) li („,,.\ h., i • 11, , t i
kind eir it•••ti••)- on :Lend, will •Ice ',t ell t• • e•ell -lid e:..en•tide inn .1044
anti rrie(.4. i lVilieli I tlutth cartiot Lail )cc cm. ~ .:, 1 , P r.11,- i li-I.lrii"it.
A li••• •. • II k teal, ed Ilte•ele,e..w t:ekteie it. ewliteN.A. tar ;:out: , Itt Lilt' he-t
Markt lieut., . t -
- .
Di, :I.A. Lee:get te. , call at Se , ),, rte.0.c11T51 7 4. ' , and te)retnieve i ; r ;- • •• •r . 1
• 11. 11.11.A.V FIZS'I II 'I.; .
Cree. May 11. 71 4 .
13onnt•, is: Ronne:El
MID at—rtinciit of Lap Le; _JO, C.111:1 I', 411, lacer, Ural
G ,:„„„, itu :i,,
~,, kc. TIItIiALS S. DEIVEY.
;Ma) 19.
• H rsU.ll;:ill , 1L A- G. are M.ete•daci••••ity. tend ItaN e cedv•tatett)
• On hand i 1
. 4 , 0:11.11 I‘e,orilitPuticr I'lgar,:, Tcharn, ;Ole) :If ril..
Of WI hind , and fir n'e ..Whi'll the' NN Ili •, II at t\ leak -.tile or ileopl
a liti:c chroper thitil ie eheareq, at Nen 3, Reed 1k use. '
• Mal 5 . IttAlet. .... 2 -
ivi ( iV) wee'', ilia ;1 , or) I,trize sloe' I), and. tiling at prwe• tar, trey
.1 11 far telt." an) tl fug et) er e•flereel in Ilre•• I •I')•re. Further 1,., , --
f I, 'lllio' troTelitn , re In tit 2 - Ital:'tittitne, idt•tt-e call at 01.• corner
:dom. lire el 11•,'•,,e, • ---„_ I'. MIIT4'.II.y,
_fine, April :i.9, FP. ' .01.
•.- -
• tirr•
triplwie .1
r• 11,t4 1
)1' V.,.
the t•tt •
the f . :1 , 1
r ‘th
of March
1.1 trienil4
u,IllI t
117tto tat
or to do-
v 3 w
in pub
re.titer Ut
UC !true
• c nintrN.
on, ea -
)1. We
ewe and
,ral salt -
Erie Woolen ractorS.
1 9 000 AIY ths of 1'1.014 mid Cartamere.. -- Ta - n• nay; ready
tobccvbange.l for %V.oI by the tab:el iter., at
their usual rates of eV2hallge. '1 hey ha'. e a atlett el I laid and
fancy taril, of the late , a .•a , aarn pattern , . o . a . C. Dr, paal , and
hoc's Clothe', al., a peat lat trls of all TisevtiA for s`mitner
wear. IVe NN tll (lIF.CI nianalactan., the pie-eat 'Lawn. at the
lafre 4 in ca-11. ‘l, rut litack. (ton n.ana
31.1 Cl,. ref )ar.l: ',. - aae ‘,1.1:‘ , Manuel
cts. and Ares , .-erl Flannel at tr. cerasj Cr arrl.
I I 311.1.4 1 . 1141 - SC(
Eric, 11, I'l..
heal! and
, i I I ,
sprenva ..torn - eurarrErr. GOODS,
A 11111v1N t; 1\ LARGE U12.0 , 11'1'115 at tic Old iew
1 - 1 in the Telegraph on Fri neli •trect. nose, lin. jni-t
1T1111711,1 nom the Kite and =nand. and m peal goof humor.
(0 - enur , eo alter patella-nig aa rq 1.,t0 aa m pant litui err
cheap 10t Of1:0( g, lids n e .k e . deterlained to Lan on
We prior li,al nt —:3)1.‘1.1.1 . 1:01 , 11 - r , QUICK It ETU ItN: , ,"
mil to get them out of the %%zi a , 1 ,, ,,41.1e, if not sooner
theri , tore any limn. lt,I11:111 or child n islnnr.• in hay GOMIS cheap,
hunt w.lien• to go. Onr - a:soitnwni DR% G00115:1;11()-
crltiEs & e..mplete. Ple.e.e notice the follow
ing Silk and Fanel. Goads:
lllae4 Gro,h• flit no.
norecee, ni.•orio.l
Throe & ea.litnere Slam 1,.
- el.ol ll
tir.t rate
❑ lin be ?t
I rap, arid o , llar, '11)1ilad,:01,1 l'Agn)[_:•••,
Mao,. Frew'lllark 4'1u111.-- and 1 . 11,1.11er 4 , rani") . and Slimmer
Ja•••••lille r••, 11.11 air and anion of e‘ery
, riptl ,3 ll; Sat . rali , v Silk annul ra•limare Vestill;r... Silk and San
:ll Scarf-. •'l"k , sok anal Kul (I.lllwlas
.o .11 , 111 11,
rars.rurdy*p Confectionary, No. 9, Heed House
rt I us. Pr .
Dy ‘‘0• 4 1.! public than Ow
.111 ha, taken t h e in , 1.1:1 lin the 11. ell Hin 11,iw, re
relill3. etrnpu,l by 11. IV. K 1•1111, lwra-slur has uoa atid plicla),es
kcycl/14; coutt;lntl3 our 11411,1, a lar,za ‘a:1,1 , . of •
in the n,
Or het Ott n manufacture. and ...oldr.liole-ale and. retail. v. ith dif
ferent it on: , 01 It Er RESII Bread and
Butter Poached Ere., Fold Feu,l , , Boded haul. Fork and Bean-.
Hot Pater, Ice t 'reant, he.. all of v. Inch Will Ito
or, .1 lip in the :OP] too-. 1 alOl‘.ll , sit!.. Sit , " m u j , l.t re
„ ~, o rtincitt or TIA: 4 , to it Inch invitev attention.
31rs. P. has fitted up a Worn, up I..pre,l•lp for the accom
incsbitiffil of Ladirs aln'lu.te 0, 11 to ell Ice erelin. Siv• is deter
mined not tO 14s chub laced by any t.intitar et.tattlediment tseSt of
Buffalo, and vt tit entleat, Or to atloht Ono. erral NtliNthetion. She
hop , that the sore ill oral 1181.11111:1 , 44. %%hick it as tn.-
tended to her predece....r.r NI dl I , e continued to big..
Erie, 31;1'5 If ) . le N.
Q 1 rs-s( )I P !—Farrners arc in to exnntme n tte‘s t n-
L.l l vented Plow n hien obvt.tten tate tit of “efo.s plcm ing,' ,
411 t mnde and offered fur ttale at tite Erie Fit...nil) l'utindr.l4 .
1).1;tv CI, 19'R. LESTER. Sr.NNI-Yrif & •
GEORGE SELDEN & So.' ha, e Tea., 4 stow to tle‘ti sto to No. ,
Cheale.4We, one door so,th ot — l'thhah , &I it r!.'s store. 'lobe
have a general tes.rtineot ~1'1;(.,,,h., and , di he week ing a new
stock in a fok days, Erir, Slay L. 1 , ...1; (_
xtrrowrr - .owl T 3112 i!•XTLINGI, TRAD
11 WRlGirr has returned fro 111 the I:a,tern elfin., mot i. now
• rirek inn. tin ! Nati WO unkibutil tho.ortinctit and yark.ty of
(:0011$, sailed t 9 the Sin Ing trat'e, k high lias keen purchased at
the pre.ent low prices, and ta•ttikely to toe Fold aeconlii.gly, at the
brick corner Oppl.its• the Eagle nowt
Erie. April 29, JEIS. 5(1
Elio-Book Notes
Nv ILL Fe ruck ea al par in er.s.banoe for Geo.l..if deliver!
• soon. May 17. , , tt. &R. P. 111 , I.IIERT.
100 SlllNGLE:74ifitrs,..:glf 13,:::.1;":1,y;41112
pr V"IR
Is Published W
-The Tri-NVeck pt
"day Evenarigx, at Tli
of six x.
Single copies In WT'
The weeltly es pulAll
City sub4eribers by th'
II) euail.oraltheolfi
lirlf not paid In a ,
or +at•eeribmg, two d
orders for the 'l'
ranii ,1 by the each to
tea r..+.
ra'rds not exec
One Ittplare
do, do. Pi
(10. do. th
'I hhmiont ad cur.
le—r, for the tirqt ins
1 I'Vearly atheiti
lett at Ito hull are all'
be limited to 0,4 tin
Afit I ta-,•rilent
forl,i,l awl clinrg,l,3l
J \
11:thkr4 aed F.xrha
Dratb, rertiilcate
Utl'rr ih wetly opi
• U. pszr..o,
ll.,tann. :mil Ildror,l
al& l'hy.icinn. °thee on
tah ,1.51711, .trier. Iledie.4l hunk, on the Re
rom.tanly on ham and fur M 1 ii:V.
1 3 '
1 3 114% froni tl Ile WI
re , toro.,
- «1111 lil,‘ll/II 1 . 111,
t learnt-Q. All All
••,• ! •• • ~ r• Hr
PIIV:lel N AM; : . 41 R.
olopol.ite the Merl
NVital.rg‘T.r eau Rt
Cruckei). Ghat,-
Itt: , tri t:Mil II
C. Ton 11, N,..4 1)1 ; 5. L
ta" a l tul Barred '
Fantanelewd B o nka:,
Rep Stlk-, ni.orted
].tarn and Warn Gin:
Canna% crape Shan
:okly cula Tri-We©
4a o County, Pa.
Edl.hed erery Monday, %%W I
PPera. J cent,.
11Pd on Faturday, and I.
Carrier, at
ic, ni advance,
or v. ithin three mond ,
! ,tiara will be charged.
i-Weekly out a. the count,
I eeettre attention. 1N..,
on. MU4
Li .111 conitnuiticil
•ding 1111104, one sear.
!•Tnents SO cents r,or square,
1100; 15 CPUt fur each Kilo ,
en hat e the privilege of char
ol to ,re. 111) more 01.111 M
tethate frusine4s.
ine. (Aber dirrettons,
-524 s_f) i l nrE; 6
go' Broker. Dealer in Iti
Deposate, Gold mid sine
mile the Fazio Hotel. Erie,
o ' Os La 51Y4LX°
and dwell ing in the
Square, Erie. Teeth
tin rutin. e.ett. P.lrinua uel
1 1 to health and thefillne.4v.
lientilire.,o as W kale
itc Vt arranted.
TM. Dealer in Staple and
y, Ready Made Clothing,
ofTrrneh and Filth meet',
vox—Office at 104 rettldence
.O,IM Church, Erie.
TAIL dealer in Dry Cattle, Grt
:kw. Iron Nails Le.rther, t)
o I ,uhlic square, oppo , ite the
peh 4 , irt e 1 .,,r-11illett third e
It, Hear 7 th, Erie.
nti , l Itcru
:••t It, • tn.
R~lSi:tiZt4'l 2G SZA
and Dotne:dir, Dry Goode,
So, 1. nettling Block. S
SENNETT and Retail Dealers
t:a•t. Cne.
Ili-Aunt , in Forcig
Bout, :kw' Slwe,
Ico. riot NI,/ It.,
IA are, Zr.c.lState
dealer, in DriivN. 31c.
'n..5. Revd Howe, Kne.
Willa., {Ski \
Grore, IPA, &c.
Cie% t
,ek. heel' to Chi, I
Reliant Fletcher, to Stat
in , , Pt l f 11 alnnt rt., t'lula It
‘Vall ..3e4 t. lea• Truk.
la .Itv.ut , ';', I;lur
~ e noul: H..
1- , , , n1 01 11. 11,rkii
fet tu
i‘qt,.. AT' LlNl — Otlicc
A - Store Ei
.kITIf;cINS ssn C
L w—Otliet •
re Sqqare, Ern... Va.
_ _
ATTell C
- ( 1 the Nth!
• L .LT LAl\-01IICV It
.11"1 - AND C
lip ,t.tirs.
k)IES C. MAR: 4 ll_lli
—olfice up m.:irs w 'ram
lit,l,tar‘'. office.
ITira'sry xT r t‘
north,: the Pto.
AT I. kU —Utile I.
n:l2 dt.N.
A r r.or:l `.
:,1,11, ell llatiCe
if •, Dr
p. It) c'
Drtit It, ill Dr!. (
Nu. 111. eitrai
pf g .n Ilan.
Nu I, Prrr
r:h of
rss t.r SNP
Cl NO.
I;,. lilt
..t N't.:•1,141.1t t i Lea and rt.
land EICOIIII Flury, Sl i
t I o*ZNI T AND (1
lilre• 111 Taint
NN' I,oa eon
P. S. R. BR AC E.l
IIUASF AT, 1.1.1 V. Prairie
[.C,111.101 , .. Of CraNi ford, (Ira
count}', Irma.
trtir , .. pi ti t,' lit (.1:
and Doaier. to Imparu•d
nun', Nu. 3, Reed
1 I - P.
11. e,'1,..•1114.,
t F. pi Dr
No 1, I':l.•,Ip:
nrie, r.
ratOll"N & .11'CAil
tn. dealers in Div
ridiolstvr, and Undertal,
Cl 1 ,1•4 4 .1 " MAE} 11,
Of Tin, Copper r h eet•uon
Nailer ut French and Ft
Mt fritt tt,
Stot t'
KU'S() S. i.0(011
Produce and Comuil
Abe Coal, ri.t.t.v.r, aht
In bridge, Erie. -
U'r.N. It u. Porn
In r ar.v au,
-t of
irding and l'onlini,-ta
&c.; Warchot,c on the P
It SI l'ory‘
Itritlttc. l'rtt.
arding, Cown,,,ion an d P
,use cart of the Pnbitc Brilx
(:r.srrcv. Fore
Ih; kt ; W:
ells . Siker. Gcr
ire rlitler, •;I Cal
le the Ea& 110
WHot 1-= tit . at
I Ettoil iloalors
&e., \o. 6,
now , , corner ntree.
WeActu and Salm . staL,
By Tr: vm 1..
J'rie•. Ea..-Ivri
DI-kt NI. in
I , elloot
It Ln
, ) I•Lt of St
ea ..t corner
i i
.th and Strop , tri , Ai.
s, Fr,
D. S. ( LARK
pn ILFTAIT. Dealer in Groc
. tone-Ware. &e. & • No. Il'
STOrt tor. Fort arding and Prod ice . Con,
Dealer< in Adel; and Erie (cal, i , ,,it
Farticidar at Natoli paid to the sate ,it t
Merril:lnd izt ; N 0.3 and I Cot, irn :Rpm
In. N. Y.
11. N. flut.ura ,- i
WIIO7 Fc 1 F
O, D.
Medic RI, Fchool
aft. ..L. four door.
Dealer in TAM%
!irk. &e. S
J. ca)A,
tr nrt. South sll¢
tle 'Sauk.
En-t of the I
Rust ai•
Cr 9t on,. Grocer
Erie Pa.
int. for A. KING.
at Or
iiiruMeo lei weir.
11 dispatch.
1)VAI.) tin B,) I,andi
It. h K arr. a;:,
Comm, , ,wn
prompttm.s at
1.. RUST.
;,(•‘ New Orleans
13 Bbls 10. ,
8 nip ,), pri
5 111 , 1, 1024 Nett
Rep Nails,
I Doren Canal
3 Ithis superior
eousiinitnem atl
Jwt received
Erie ',lTay I
d Cablintere,iTis
(311ky I
.reivpd by
w indebted to the
corm cls mr
their account•
tie Money taken Cy
LI. rerxo
that atePt
to come and a , :
I.‘repit,l.) Li
Jule 1:
One Con
front tlw subberibt
I , to the Illackstnalo
19 or 20, All per
ppreottee under p
llc abox c rest aid,
one 10, 1:714.
13.1 N awn,:
11 apprenth
t•r. nzed ;thou
Omit reerive
L vriatinv G
%Mina Mr caslantia
I all I.lladeg. Also
plain 1131 d Cllliir
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