Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, August 12, 1848, Image 1

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The folloa:fig communication to the Louisville 'Jour
self The statement of which it is a co,tun,
retutation, has been published both in the Gr Octer:
•,:,,!• mat, and now we call the sheet on of i lito
Edw , of these sheets to the facts eet forth in the% lcttci
tftllthey do Gen. Cass the justice to give it a ',Lice in
respecti%e volumes I nuttier comiment is mimic
but let the pcopie rca.l,and see to what desperate
, :e ? nsthe Federal lemlet3 m e divotedto result to dekat
(An. Ca,,%.
Dm tmrr, Jul) 'l9, 1$ 18.
To the Editor of the I,o.:ieeille .10:., mil :
S IR ...,-Your p a p er o f the 20th instant has just been put
.nto my hand )vith its Mtortal article headed, " ennui-
Jai operation of Gen ( ass." ..
,I was the Agent of Me Western Land A , soeia-
Lou, 90 called, whose operation. are alhuled to,'it is an
n et of Iti,tica, not less to Gen, ('a,, than to irt.elf,-that
I should publicly expo , o the falsehood of tho article,
which I shall do be a vet) brief statement, not permit
i .14 in)self to doubt but that a regard to truth will ensure
t. admittance into your coluninq.
_ .
In I-36, an association was formed ht SVa.shingtb, 11, for
tl.e purchase nod entry of Wt•stern ',ands. Gen.! Cass
i „ a s one of the company, and upon his recoMmentlation,
:.•he a a, a western man, and had knon n ;ale from t with,
I •4-•• appointed the agent for malcim the looations, and
int e bond in a very heavy penalty for the faithltil per
iginain cof my duties. The llon. Henry llnhbadd was ..'
T ai , sur er, and to him all the assessments iverci to he
pd. t wept thoss; of Gen. Cass, the fund , for which be-
jaz at Detroit, were to Inc. paid to Inv direetly, agrevahle
lathe al iicles of the association. They were sci paid,
and credited lw ine, and were charged to me upon, the
1.,u15 , of the Treasurer, and accounted for on the st-;(tIC••:•
.' , Shall you be very latct to-nigl4l"
'amt. From time to time, as other funds were required 'vas asked • a soft . ~ •, , ~#
disk yi•re remitted to me by the Treasurer. It 1, riot
very swi et you ng creature, as se
tru;• that Gen. Cass had tine control of the whole' hipti..
, nes& lie had no tuerc to do with it than nay other] stock-
hushatid in the street,
hoillcr. 'The purchases were committed to in .hart e, '"I do not know that I shall," he refilled, some
and I ree,isLd my iustructions 110111 1.% Alarkov, jr. fisq. w h a t c o ldly, u s replacing his cig r between his lips,
the corre‘poipling secretary, and from - the Ilon.jlleirry h e turf ee-a,,,,ei,e 'fiery wni, e., ielesstiess rather
Idalihard. die 'freasurer. (err. Cass left the fasted , t ,,,
:.4tat••••. as minister to ds.rance, in Oct., 1F4:31i. and 'did not ; - " It ."" ki; " Ilie ' •••s i ' it his manner ' an d' she It ' nkenl 81-
rouru cal
. 1 ,; . . ;1 . 2, king a f ter the dl „,,, iii , ion of the ~,, s bocia_ ter him more in sorrow than repr ur ch. Taking the
Pon, and lie rower directed tire in the, execution of in hand of her little boy she slokily bent 'her steps
dines, either before or after his departure. ' , l homeward, With that dropping if the head which
'1 ea. responsible to tine officers of the a sso c iati on an d.- bespak t sadness.of the Impart. ] It. was a Saturday
upon int earliest retaimmendation, its affairs were closed nrithit she had been marketing, A - 11.her little per-
al Asbllluton,da Oct. 1x37, at which time I Was re- chases were contained in a bark t ei'llich hung upon,
T ette: to appiaise the property, which I did, and it was f her arm. Din reaching hinne, tie very uppermost
:HI into forty-two sham s ",,ilil, assigned in - i ? L ' i the lots floorlif a house to a Poor bur (11.1,cent . tie; Ohhorlitiod,
1.,1 , 1,./ . drat% 11 1/ ' ‘' the lion. It • it. Fulton, of ...triirnetris to
ech share-holder, arid I have the recoups in my posses- I.
`lee it, him a seated l
_•• , , ,
•,on, .sbowilla the delivery of thesth•cds to all thc parties
1. ' she reused the lire, seated Plillq, her little son. be
:flee it, g a ve him a piece of Dream and hurter fur his
supper, atid began to busy hers' if in putting away
swept to thr lion. lloriel \ I'i:li-ter, whose conir..yance.
t•ii, delivered t o W. It. Thomas, Esq., his attoYnev.— (ht' few necessaries she had be ight. By the lime
'l'lll, closed the business of th e tc•sociiitlan undetithe art- ,his was done, tire drooping head of little Phillip told
ales of agietfliment. The property of each person, at I tier Inc was ready for his pillow. II 0W tenderly was,
Is, p•iiiteid„,rentaiired in my hailds, for, till August, in t a k e n to his lonely - muster's lep—his pretty face
I-3s, when the whole was siirceirdert :I up, and niy re- Washed---his britele hair brustoel and he array eil iii
•pdedbility ceased.
, his snowy bed-eown. P r e,set to her nos iiii, she
Gen. (:a ''''' a '' I have stated, Was all this timi ' i n warmed this little feet, her band returnitio• to
France, and he did not receive his proceeds of the pur-
them .
*:tin •- renal the lire. lit ,
ol jo ,
every now
e a ire, t
rhetes till after his return , and then in mop( rtv. at a 10-s
nod then held her (men palm. ili it pressing the soft
of more than one hail of the amount paid. hesi his inte
rest. That the whole operation cva, tinfortima e fo r all I' fool, she kissed it playfullyand Provoked tire laugh
liiiieernetl, no One [egret, Inure than I. do ; hut it Ilall cx- ter so sweet to a mother's ear. I These were Philip's
rue 110 surprise when the history of the Imre:me sof Lad first charming lesson-; thus c, ' ere gentleness and
or the western tolltary in 18'36 and I"I:17 i, •rot olletqed, l ove aw a k ene d i n hi s i n ih n t, sp v it, •by jos c ap a bl e ,
lot:ether with the hitzh Prices eiveli and (Inc "inet' L 'e 1 but uninstructed, tins ssist ed mit her. How fell a
fall in the value of property
which ifilet ' sliate lY aft ' t i meaninct Watt his smile—bow lifull of annitnat ion!
wa i l's took pl ice. At any rat.:, I alone mu re. 7 poniolifo t
thi:i . is ! r ; tul ashen '
kne , dino , in her inp,6l.she joined hi.e_lift'e
104 the poi chases, arid l• Karr yt t to ly?iii thatj
the first allegation I did not actin good faith. ? au . a ie t t r i
ads, IlittLl/i1k....11411 ask 111,1 11 left vei l l y -rather to
toe are “nuthoritred to make this :gatemen!. •hv a awns- • bless his earth!): ',areal, how i lss mind helically he
her of dial Association, a gentleman who pai;l 5x10,000 1 eanadit the sweetly serious 10.11;Hhe calm tel holy
into the hands of Gen. Cass co. Id, agent, and who has I tone ,if his instructress. When his little prayer
I,..}er received any 111111 g 111 t'oll.ldef WWII Of he- wore , t. " ' sells , a id be thine his arms alpmt her neck aft] cheek;
1 -11,111 lint I,lop to tt. laee the d 41011e.d Of a 11iall Wile, tu'ev murmured toe-other the hilli lull song. which con
in in thing such a ehar t ro to otter t a pol.tieal on;ret. qa . :, , :: cit,th.,d this lithe d rama: f or hi-4, e ye s sl ow ly closed,
11•• p.iid that aniunat to I .leti. t''ltS, or his .1 2 -eni. , rlivp iii•
arid the smile s••ftly nas , ed fret 1 his l'ace, and then
1.,•1 : kniiw ',ent r y tly wt II that I pas the .I c p rit of the •he • . . _ , 1,. . ~• e I to fie. '. lt ies and '_trawl' bed.
1••••• nt.on. and not of :Inv ind:‘ Mu il composing o. " B„.' , ' 4ea ', pun ~• ' ' '"; , " ',' '„
1)•••. he mean by the disjunction hero us, il, that he doer, So Gar till ens sweet • emilid t it 'mete he sail an
lion I ,I I O W to WIWI) of thorn Inc paid that large -urn, or' was calm:hut the aching )aid up to-air's heart 'Sas
h, lie no voucher either to show for its, If, carte mit e k e n- - nit calnines , , it was rather a craving fin that men
I•••• ineinuiy, or does he use Gen., Cass' !lame when lie ' a l a n d social aliment• Which ta. necessary to (eery
fet t esii - e - ines it falsely ' breast. and ea unot Inn', .1.0 healthily denied to any.
I •1,, unit know w ho your informant i-, but who. ver he•l'lle more energetic spirits Bea u !: -nett' nss elation ,
nu n be, i ddloW the stateliteitt.lo be Misc. 1111t1 I Challenge rim ,
... timid:let , it si. elm ~,,, , „ rese l l „ them; the! gentler
!sun to the pee)l of it.
- t o m e an d stlll;‘r_uften pet isli'—in silence.
I hake alrcatl c3plain•t2 1 .61%* 111 e ri.iti. Et- y. ere niade, • _
•n'i the leed s arch. A.-ei-iiiiii,ii mid tin. ;ii, ',ant , ol the Susan pie n Hint fuel seelyeen the lire, trimmed
, , ,
Tr. 1 ,111. .1 ill e mi tir m m y a c,..,. t : ae , if his m m was a Iler C candle, ll;ll s:11.1dtA111 :VII if 1,11 ,
1.1 ioimiy I.VOIIIIIII 6
tinaishuldcr - ,aild p oil In, tatiney to theTreastir, lit could e „,, i pa 1 , 1 , el , her e O , It ha -lief, .11 A i dttep sigh elide
net it ik it i t :el, use el- e. lit li id either sold out prevhnis Iron) her' bosom. Slid the l ea reless netefle was
to the thaisi•ln. •r le received les shore at the time the I idle,!. No,. and t h ee s h e pa „ 1 .,.,1_ 11 wits to %% t ie , 'I , lil,olt . a 1 ..6.1tV the trarri 1 1111 1 11.00(1 ga her oil her la-Imes.
1 Ielo•tt 10.. eliall •eze le him. Let Lim .110-. v I . ev. r ,„.„,, -
~ •, , ~ ~1 t• \ „101 an d had b eet , f ew .
reeeit• .1 a dollar of ins mom. i and did not arrotiat for it ' "'' ii'L'r i l". t "ett•L' -,` -,.. - 1 , i n
I i ol d'il.llllr all Id I.IIICII 11e, WWI Ike
tad he shall he I. paid, ci iih in, •re•-t. :::: ‘OOll it , the r.- v''''.: t heni. ' ',.
lm in n ,•,,,, h e emmi ,.,i ,i,,„ i ,... it will 1 ,,, iiiii i, m i t n _, un d o .- brief except itin . 2 1 a fop' xeekstprtik inn,- to their set
try at In, ci lei kimes fit n. C ~., hyt ee t. thyou!you! Ili-tleilit'lit In town, she hid thus been lett. night alter
I .• . .o.utt has had a just id ii, intl at ; tinst hen for wit or I n ight, in iiinc•itriess. l'itiltip ;11i l t,rris, her lio.,bancl,
12 "r'' fur the !•"!!! 0'.$ 11) : 1 "'• 0 0 “ 11- " it ev'''' "sl'imr l rO, an honest and industrimis! map, so it la a iiiindred
sun to pay it. Ile has not. mile •d, ovineed iiiiieli tihrowd- ~,,,o l goal:tie:: sober, and soli" it ilous of securing to
.••,•• in lii, story but lie is .••• rt.,inly sinew(' ceolieleto his id way all t h e c ,,„„f„ rts hit, „ wow , s te,,,,t e d t h e ,
l , e- tire sip it adi lit e. •xottli t ote ttelition; ste 11 ell bear- tir, , iitz ht. iii , „ceittly t „.„-ideer,,lWitli ii vely
_small re
-••f it-, If, a kaie re tit. ' ,
\N li iwtien, Cass' pre •i ition a, Secretary of VT7ir h•id to • , .
.. , ,
servatitin for some Ir:tiller indulgences fur himself'
et mita Its Interest l in shah a Companv I our ci itainlv at to Iris us If''. and "1
i i •st . trust ° i 1 her man
e•itli tint ii in r l.
'llc , to conjeettlre. rortamis the hoitoral I. men iVith agement and econiony, left
\vth'em to her dii.iimail.—
l i'
Meao he it. t resonated e. enld have spurned Ili; nil aof But SA 1111 C II Itl
CIS trUstlng Mid nil, he seemed to
estiez with him in a Comproie, in order to t :1::: adi.mi-I en t i,..ider that h e acquitted hiiikeir of all that Susan
tap , . of In• oilleitil influenee and position, and your in night d eman d o f urn. 11%1;11'r ffe sought improve
isna int lon reveals a trait of character th e more l 111
../1.1- meta fur Ininsell, it tie% er occored to him. that It Was
t. -lie; in m'_inchfate his partieiroin I '_inchmotives.l
- '.
- ' dice equal ri•• lit—would be her equal adv autage.—
But he tired riot fear any riuno -se of conscience. Geit.•
( . 3,, as Serretnry of •VVar, had no man' to do with the 1, , , ,, h :le h esought, the iiitereh , i li ege of thelight wit h
vie aid', piddled-olds than is ith the sale of land in tin other minds, he never rellecte, on the utter prik a
r.0,,,0. 0"5 did his rifileidl situation give, him the least li o n o f such comimitiiiin he iad entailed On her.—
. .
rontrol ott r the ,ibis et. There is no law, no usage, 'no Ile had taken her from the I tioine . , pi her hither, a
propnet!. which prohibit = any member of f, 'onores, in of- small lartnkr w here her inoth i tr, a pains-takieg wo
firer of tOe (;ayerninent from purelnedno: public hunk, math had hi ought tip Susan atiCd several brothers a rid
etetettia tr. those threctly controlling the sale, and from i sisters, for their aunt ion, reitarkably well. 11er
the toe m
ed,te m of the eVStelll thele has never !wen army l at h e r s heart ki, as mie eker tithving wall the milk of
1 tetettion epon the sideei t. The public la, is sold in hem .
th e re`T'' (live districts where it i, situated, •alld he who. —....a1l .k111d!let:• • , , and . tints bided by the cheerful
spirit; of their cherished children, a moral sunshine
Pal , hi , money diet e hits the right any unsold tract. l'ltt - '
only itrobib.tioil as to porelia.,,, is in resrmet to the he ll had ever lighted tip that lowly home, and given to it
grater, who keeps the books' and ['revives the entries and a thousand claims upon her 'hive and meirunty. At
he can milt make ti nt ro "M• apple-di - on in writing to till , moments Susan would' look back on the brief lime
:•z ureePtr General," and in t hat manner ke even can buy 1 that had been employed to e, atop bee from it as a
till ille land Hi his Districts.' ` - dream; the worshipped words of love—the promise,s
As to die Reeetver, tire other anker ilia'rged with the. 1 of devotion—of endeavors far her happiness—the
' , lc" he is Wider 110 prOblbltiOli, and these °Meer; have triorl - Tll city in which - she wa ll s to dwell (which now
"leeks purchased as menet. as they please. I a maze of mud and stone, ill l eechanged ler the dai-
I know nothing of nue such letter as von state Go •-.
IliMaril wrote, nor de I believe he dint w;ite such aon . sled fields, With their sweet breath and - bright at -
Ile can -peak for himself. AIL I know is, that a lett r nmsphere)—had all tended to an undefinable die.ap
in those terms could not be truly written be any one. 1 pointnient; yet, in the ignorance of her heart, she
Very re , pectfolly, Your obedient servant. '-- ' could scarcely have stated of what she had to coin
le B. IeEII.CIIEVAL. i plain. She loved her husband; she was proud of his
superior abilities: and made no mean estimate of his
high moral character. midel( l ased, in the slightest
degree, by the gru-;e vices; which, secluded Jts -was
her life, she could not but 11 , receive, marked many
'around her, subjecting their w i ves to brutality and
Privation. Compared with ;! stich offence, she per=
seeded herself that Philip's, neglect was a very light
and venial fault, and blaming herself for reeling it
so much. Btu Susan was I ,i.une of those flowers of
humanity that would have 011ie) , repaid cultivation,
and that needed the stinshilie of eynipathetic 'kind
nese, the art of the social at i pitisphere, to keep them
in health and life., Daily It lids was scarcely more
necessary tor. her physical t nature than the inter
change of thought and fiintßin i ees was to her spirit
ual nature: all this her hush ad's Iturntedaud the un
sociable plans of life in L'lgtand, and eepecielly'm
London, denied her. It is rue, except morally, sh e
was uneulti k uted, bet had mere and temperument
that world soon have repaid a little kindly care.-e-
Too timid, too ignorant to repaid
her own cause, or
urge her chums to him who? had precluded appeal to
t •
ethers, she uneurnpluiningly lived on without change,
without stimulus or excite!tent; shut up within the
four wells of her humble he tae, walking unrelieved
the dull unvaryi g round ,of her domestic duties,
with her spirit full of capabilties unexplored and un
expanded. She grew nervous and hectic, her appe
lite atid spirits failed, her fr i ame wasted, while, quilt
CATIOL!N t.-TllO Telegraph announced r
S'alinday afternoon - that this State had grille for the whit.V4-.
a reduced majority. We think the announcemeht
IN premature, as the election onlY took place on Thuri
and notwitheanding the facilities furnished he li g i t
hing. it was impossible to have received returns enough
to announce the fact po4itivelv. AVe may hear something
tArther by this afternoon' h repot4, in which case it will it
tumid tinder the proper head.
OJ - The New York and Lake Erie road is going on
completion as fast as the magnitude of the work will
potion. There are over -7000 men emple)ed on the
w , tk. Half a million-dollars of their bonds have re
,enth twi n taken on English account, and half a million
the Savings hanks and capitalists of Connecticin.
"I ' I ' ll! XN NiL . Y.,01Z, —At a recent town meet
ing, held by the "Whigs" o f Ileasant Valley township,
influtchesq county, which wax numerously attended,
fullol‘in g resolution was unanimously adopted
/4 , 0/re/. That we have no confidence in Zachary
l',o o r, and cann, as northern whigs, conscientiously
, appurt hint for the Presidency.
And in a company of thirty-one, assembled in the town
a,a- Pow in that county, upon taking a vote, it wab
WI, 11 111 tt tifq r. Wet, Im L I Are, • riyinr rnen present.
. .)
---,'. , ....
, ' , :i
, . ' - i. .:,
, . :=.',.
- ..i.; t
., ' -
v :.
- - .0
Poettp, 111isccliann, Potiti
From the Dublin iOlllll
Black sla may nc.tic below a rreq,
And crime below a crown;
As grad 'neath a fostiOn
Aq under a silken gown;
Shall I ale,. he ford of the ehietii'whosnld '
Their tquens 1J ertedi and hill,
And never a nor,' be 'Fong of heard
Of the [llea who reap and till I
I bow and in thatlks to the sturdy thr ug
Who greet the young morn n, ith tol;
And the burden I give nit, earite.d. sods
thall be this—THE KlNnS'Till, 11.1.
sing -lir n haVell( crown—
Ifut the bile •tky Own" heel— Ow heel— 1.
Never Sultan Or 1k y powe
To a ;who'd or to offer bread.
Proud ships may hold both silt er an rld,
The n ealth of a distant stra t td;
But ships n‘ruld rot and be valued n t,
Were there none to till the land.
The wittle,t heath, and the wildest b ake,
Are us rich as the riche• t fleet, •
For they gladden the wild birds whin'they wake,
And give them food to eat. -
And n ith it Ming kind, and spade +I plow,
The gladdening hour shall come, 1
When that which is called the ”wastrland" now,
Shell ring n ith the "{littlest Iloilo:"
Then sing for the kings who have ti crown
But the blue sky o'er their head—
Net er Sultan or De} . had such powy i ii as they,
To withhold or to offer bread.
M I Ry catur
and' unrepining, utmost unconscious of malady,
or its cause, consumption was.rapidly developed.—
She was deemed delicate; medical advice wits sought,
and medicine and cure essayed, while none guessed
the_ quick feeling that flowed beneath the ttwel•
hearing of that Subdued, decaying woman: it Wore
the channel through which it made its seeralway,
but - seemed to brighten the spirit it to ex
linguist). t
Susan, after a time,' felt that she was passing
through thelralley of the ShadOw of Death. This
conviction (Ed not depress her energies—it awaken
ed them. She had communed with her own meek
heart, lifted /to her Maker, and remembered with
consolation that it said "those also serve e, Ito only
stand and waif." She struggled on from day to day
in the performance of her duties amid many priva
tion, the worst of all privation, that of Inelltil i j „de
velapement and social cheer, yet had she a consulous
account 111 her own heart, and Her sjacere and unas
sisted endeavor had do doubt k register amid the
higher achievements of inure favonihle minds--
Milt the certainty that she as not long 'fur this
scene, she redoubled her exertions tit put her little
huu-ehold in order. She repaired and made clothes
for her child, and she tail Omni, away, embalmed
with tears. lii the stone manUer the needle toiled
fur her 'husband, and the savings which her frugal
ity e ff ected were employed to purchase him sun dry'
iittle comforts. "
"These will keep him warm when I am mild," she
thought; he will little think tlikt while lie will for
get me, for_better chnipany, 't is true my only hap
piness was to remember bin, and that I shall scarce
ly be more solitary in' the grave to which 1 ant go
ing than 1 have been in the home to which lie bro't
and Nowt.
as they,
Sometimes a little ink tenths was taken from the
mantel shelf, and a sheet of pa er from her little ta
ble drawer, and then, waft ell'Ort, a tew lines were
traced, and the paper hidden (Ai - frilly away, as if she
had conimitted a criine. One night she made more
endeavors of this kind than n-ual,, and the strug 7 .
gling, unassisted spirit of inteiligence was burning
in her bright hazel eye and glue, ing on her beauti
ful cheek, when she was startled by an unusual
anise. The paper was hurried into the drawer, the
ink bottle restored to the shelf, and taking the can
dle site wont-out to the landing-place, She beheld
her husband, aufsisied by two IMsn,sloWly ascending
the stairs. Ile had met with ton accident: had bro
ken,hisarm; it had been set—he had fainted during
the operinion—and with the gastly aspect incident
to•such circumstances, appeared betore het
This event
. prostrated Philip Morris for some
time, during which Susan our-ed him with unre
mitting care. It was long before he was' able to
return to work, but his eappleyo,s were liberal and
considerate, and did nut target in his weakness the
man who had toiled for their athantage in his days
of health and-strength. But although unable to
pursue his manual labors, Philip Morris soon made
an effort to get-abroad in seurCh of mental occupa
tion and social employment. le went to his club,
to the Mechanics' Institute, to the coffee-shops
where he could find the best se poled books and the
newspapers. All this was we I doini; he nobly de
termined to rescue himself inn t becominir the there
machine of toil and drudgery 'fi ur so much" trash as
can be grasped thus." Alas! tad he thought of her
I whom lie promised to love and cherish till death
should part them; had he' conlsidered whether she
'-had not a soul or (von tante-lath hi., 0..r0 p v,l,-..,,,,
I an intellect - as capable of repaving culture; and then
[ he %%as tit icelblessed, in the act and in its reaction.
But 'selfishly devoted to his unlit objects of purl•atit.
I hairnet:ll6d to tit.. tan looks of his quiet wife, ,he
failed to perceire that het cheek' grew paler and her
Il %oice weaker; not that he had seen insensibleu
' differi:tit to her care and anxie_y during his illitess;
' but with rento.ated health, lie •tetillated to his old
habits, and seen-tome(' to receive sacrifices witiosin
making tiny, lie sinned against grit au Lu and good
1 feeling :wiped litieot-Ciously. Gradually; tiiiii4iii
f mod livr,ell unequal to et en the daily utilk with
little Philip, tlr the effort of going no and (limn
stairs: and then there ass simi l e talk of her ietur- sv ,
. nog home for a Woe, and trying the efrects of her
1 native tor. She smiled feebly us tli.a was :Token
of, yet kit It ittentempted; she knew that she %ids
going to a farther and a belle- home, and often did
she wish to say a- much; but she was 'not Chuqueta
_of words, nor sufficiently strmlg in spirits, and alter
two or three fruitless attempts she desisted, awl
pursue I, as far shi was apie, the evens tenor of ip
Philip Morris recovered hi health, and was, re
stored to work nail till ange l ; again be talitd.l of
I the country lon Susan, and tint-red on her trying a
I new doctor; he sought to te l mpt her appetite by
such rarities as he could all4l, butt still he could
tutu re-tiurn his own peculiar I lions inel enjoymoniQ,
and inn ung the evils these etuailed were lute hours.
One night he returned home a, usual about midnight.
j When, on opening the room I door, instea.l of the
small bright the, the trimmed, candle, and t lie pale,
patient worker he um, acculowned to behold, all
%vas larkotvis and silence. Ile tiattAtd a [ll"lnent—
an indescrioah e sensation o cold crept over has
frame; and leer, like a paraly as, iinudel his ,wait;
at ['outwit he exclatnied:—"S snit: Susan, nay' dein.;
There was no reply; lie farther into the
room—he repeated her memo yet louder—all was
still. lie groped his way to the' &enlace—fin the
mental shell lit lotind a butt t f Lucifer matches—ob
tained a light, and lighted a candle. Ile now ne
held Susan, With her halal resting on tho table, seat
ed in her tisnal place. Ile approached • and tot k
her hand-0 Heat:ell' its icy col Iness! flu flung
i himself on his knees on the ,floor„ and looked up
[ into her face; there was a sWeef Placid Sniile upon
her lips—for ii forgiving, geinle spilt , hail passed
from them—but the eyes ‘ l [ere fixed, 'and—Susan
was dead—had been-dead Dine hours. The dis
man rushed (limit s airs, altrming all the
inmates of the house art lie passed. A mellicai man
was soon present, and the chamber in which that
young creature had almost iced and died ple, was
thronged by a crowd, any one of whom, inspired by
a better social system, would willingly retro sus
tained her to a longer life, or cheered the brief time
that had been allotted her. All were horror-struck,
and one heart-struck; parti:iularly when the child,
awakened by the tumult, scrambled out of his little
bed, and rushed for;prutect on to his lifeless mother.
'Not even that voice, elocution as it had ever been
to her, could awaken her again! The surgeon de
clared that her death had been sudden, and frump
natural causes, but that it uas a case which de
manded an inquest.
An inquest was held. Aiming the evidence was
a singularly affecting ineir l ortal; it wm the littlet
journal which Susan had for some time kept, like:
the poor dungeon prisoner, who' daily notches a
stick that he may be able to number the amnia°•
nous days of his caPtivity l The angel of deitth had
arrested her hand just as it had feebly traced the
(following words:—' ..
"It'will not belong now—my child-,--my pour
little Philip. lie who calls away your 'nether will
care for you. Philip Morfs, my husband, my dear
husband, lis ish you wentbe-ide me now. You
have been good and kind, and genisrous, and I was
not the wife you should have had. Be & kiwi father
to our child when I net gOne. You wulf—yes, sure
ly you will one day take another wife. Philip!
that which,you never gave to me give to her—your
society, your counsel. If she has been leintaught,
teach her—at least do not leave her to continual
,oneliness. Your never knew it, and therefore w
rit tell low sad the long boors.—..”
' 'As the reading of this little paper proceeded,
Philip Morris struck his heart, us if he sought to
crush it within , his breast. That heart, had not
been fashioned for sever i rary, mach that was mild and generous mingled
y or, unkindness; on the
in its formation ; but the second, nature induced by
habit ,had encrusted his:mrigtnal feeling and- facul
ties—he bad grown up to regard women as the mere
machines of domestic life, with neither necessity
nor capability for h:gber things, and which to "spit-
This yiest ion
a very pit but
ee parted from her
lis 1113 :elliine" be tJETIneI/ LID e5.14111i1l
mach sacrifice to secure cultivation
Too Law conviction dawned upm
came accompanied byla contrition (hal
through the remaindtt of his life; t
moment he felt the prpmptiugs of eel
saiiefaction which the self-taught an
(tunable to compare himself with the,
and nacre endowed) id apt to do, he th
and felt- humbled; he thought of h
around hitn_wfth_a_desire to participa
priate, the feast that has been funds
London People's jouijnal.
- -
Ott Thursday last, there arrived at
a piOsenger from Ilatiana, in the bark
ed man nattied John livtle, a nail% e ul
who returns to his cdtintiv after an
or 14 }ear:, witlun hich period Id
been a singular and i iterestibg one.
I.ifioviing accuunt'of the ease Imni
Some Aim time ako a gentleman
while unveiling in the island of Cul
the ingenio, a sugar l estate of a wel l
mimed Don Gaspar Hernandez, about )
Matanzas. ‘Vhile examining the no'
sugar works, he was addressed in E . ,
of the apparent staves employed aln
the result of a guarded conversation t
to inform him that the slave was it
American citizen, wrongfully held in
story was this: Ile I had been ship
years before on the coast of Africa,
ter, employed in thti service of thi
Society; With - the iest of the crew
his way along the coast for about 13C
slave station at Galimas, where IM
ceiveil by the propri tor, Don Panchi
proiniseg him a puss gt. in the lirst J 1
-front Which ,Island aNvould be eds
United States. Tit eddy e cargo -
accompanied being dolyi landed iii thi
of Muntanzus, Lytleltvp cooped wii
his color in the "ba , raconos." and si
sell at a slae ou the estate"
thus found by a stra wayfarer Bum
try. ' Ile had made enure than OfIC th
tempt for his freedot ~ and had at thi
the thought of it in despair. Con !
cv was the first con ition of succes
to procure his hbera hip in that cm
soon would have disippeared irree.♦
out trace, the genillman thus prow
acquainted with his -dilation, abstai
burn any other hope hat a general
would' nut forget /1111„ The result
was, that, after farther inqinties li
the case was laid lie_me the Secreiai
tullyeniered int,arid readily r
mode ude upon It
Ito demand the t i i
i l
man—and to urg - =_t, if necessary, vv
gy of the gover 11l t i l eta and natior
trounds as though its subje, t had In
in the land, instead of a poi') and 4
Our popular and excellent otisnl al
R. B. Gimbel', of 11.1uuth Cu ohne, a
the spirit of the, imtructinns whi
frOm the Sfate DePait mem, with lil
zeal and ability. , Gr_at cannon anii
mired, the danger hio_ligthatho 0
tonna on inquiry; It :I. mig7 - Acti - m it
'Laid hove preed the 04 1 ,
9.laill.iielir"Yla6 to be sect
"hole I as been the arrit
in, at thi port, as above
sum ,if money of 14..,,t111 33, as his
the eLeceti=years.oli bra servitude, Wi
side his expenses Ii nue. ' .
11 fl
An; INutixiom; C i f.r.a.k.—We - ha%
an ilk! ,Noi iil Cll,llllrliall, 1%110 . I.'k 11$ 1 ,
trate, shelitr and '‘vreckinaster, I'M'
country stare. Like all such sti
ren i1'7.% 011 S 01 all the loafers in the
tellows used to be here every nigh
night, , laying po,cr. generally
ch i I:, and hm,ides drinking the 01
spend his- money, I irnished ti) the t
(Ihl Billy suspecte: %%hat it as goin
them suddenly imentirlit, and hehn
1 1,,, m . e lveq, got Into the room.
je.Nse, hue Wll6 forgmeji, proinisini ,
• ; "Nehemiah?' ' ' salid Btily. .:ne%
again after eight /'cloak."
Nehemiah promised obedience :
the crcmil %%ere at f wnrk as' usual,
he would go and s e how matter,
din' v he went do , %n, and knocke
, "W 110 . a I hPro r cried Nehentia l
"It's site, Mr, r . , ; open the d
. ''No, dare }our head, (a Mr
I Vild me Timer tit l i Ft run °nein lir
and I 11111 . 1 tigoing, to do it."
"nut Nehemiah, '
scot." ".No, dn., l
1111,11•••-• Vial round
down, ro travel,
you a sh.o. With tl
I illy Waited to'
the %%ind, conlidel
wan, and next da.
Diseu - ran Italy
pnh o'ttes the. toll
of n 1 al<r or itu
"For some we I
exist itig in Heave:
tempts of a wan 11
county, to past fo
Prllichelt, florae.]
Commis-1011] , r, tv
and died in the II
hurled. Old 1.
ceived by a slielti
ceive hint into h . ti
easily imposed up
in consequence.
divided as to the
"he woe; Mitchell,
but now it strt
othersdenouce It
father still hugs
honors be d
i t ri o ,T he 't a, el
C p i t c l i , r t s t e n d i g , as he 4;1
that Mitchell. at
Beaver jail for hi
caie will be trier
to our fliends ate
ty is alljight fig
will ae, an inc.
mny ( 61111 our Dee
they please; the
that our school
rebuilt; they ma!
from Pittsburgh
to rote, and Intim
cracv from thelt
this is done, we
with our full roll
predict ion .—C/
returned vultint •
w hot f-f
-enlist it-t-tonsht
the f-f-f-f»et p 1
e-e-city, 1:d lib!
wrhu, Jo the
the Recorder.
"That's j-j-j;
about. In th:
c-c-cnm friun, c l
w-w-wontet f
, I've been b-b-b'
old d-if-d-droo,
, we: open
n your trend, nr
niglolly like hu
r dr.(' rol )otir
otri birinderb.
bear no mqre, b
t !,11rri. Nr•ltt‘iniu
'doql,lo4 hi rxt
.—Th C
state meu
)(witU 11
Its past Much
r lid armmd it,
or Dzohl
fly of Centre
ho was one oft I
Iu mull att!Pueb
Mitchell W'as
ton, is raid to I
For a time,
identity of Day
c hers as %Alf
ngly against
ti an infar
he delusion, an
jof 'this claim
Ky essentially
nuw that he I,
another part
as Davit?, has
s fraudulent i
a, the next lel
•—• e take plea
'home and abrou
r the Democrat
freaQe.l majuri
.niocracy by w_
tmay publi,b,
ilitses . wqre Int
V send dieir et
land Erie, to te
r to turn the o
republican pri
Iwill meet Berl
iio—sny 1300 t
fir ion. Democrq
, 41-h-here
i•er ye.terday,
or? Isn't th
ns in thia'ere
Ind pleq j-j
to know'!"
third time you
they never
Ir the s-s-samel
ought up 444
that l i he made
r hinkelf.
hitn but it
attended him
nd if ut itoy
kolated Dolt,
We publish, witii some rt it l
a picture of human nature—Ll
in It to be despised, we give 1
exposed to temptation. We
high—lle give it, however, ai
mere gifted
I mg4 of Sit•till
nut appro•
,ted fur -all.—
"Oh mother! are the
Gtith Gray, as silt
their flushing light anti
er rarely did mirror rei
tth or without adornr i
apt:'' Soddenly lahe
linter over her cheek
4ilter and said,
New York, as
,Rapid, a color-
b,ence of 12
is history ha,
\Vc copy the
he New York
! "Shan I interpret tI
are thinking of Fitz!)
%Ndl attract his notice
The color deepeoe
beautiful eyes %%era v,
i 7 he replied,
"You are right, ma
me; what a - noble air
of this city,
stopped at ;
mithy planter,
:10 miles from
cliinery of the
iglish by one
on them; and
,cat ensued was
"Stop, Emma!
,I thi
love already, v, ith.yo i
"Surely, mother,
"Find out «•teethe
ingly replied her mo
her forehead, File Fait]
of your heart, till you
of it."
troth a free
slavery. JJie
vreeked many
tie ship
he had made
0 miles to the
was well re
,lo Jta mon, who
!esz , el to Cuba
"Never fear, dear
light step 'she hounde
no guile there!"
Take a peep with t c into the ball-room, fair rend
er. Thmair is laden•with the perfume of countless
flo..vers; "soft eyes look love to eyes that speak
again," fairy forms and gliding feet keep time with
the - "voluptuotts swel l f" of music,, while nod a blaze
of light, the attraction of all eyes and hearts, stands
our lovely Edith. Her eves need not the aid of dia
!minds to-night, while her raven locks fall over a
neck that mocks her snowy robe. Fitzhugh is by
her side. '‘Vith a per wt of matchless beauty, a tall,
commanding figure, faultless features and a manner
perfected by intercou se with the best society in his
and foreign - countrie , added to a voice of singular
sweetness and power was not hen dangerous ae
quaintance fur , our b vely, warm-hearted friend?—
".Vo wile there!" 'God" help thy trusting heart,
Edith! And now he delicate waist is entircleitby
to reach the
Which he dins •
ie neighborhood
Mt _the rest of
:on found him
' where he was
his o« n coon
msuccessful at
tittle given up
twos that secre
• in any attempt
tdry, where he
!rattly and wit It
denttally made
ted from giving
•ema tit that he
of the matter
ad been made,
try of titate, who
'sponded to 'the
iberation of the
with all the (trier
+, on the same
teen the highest
tliprest.ted itegro.
it Ilattana, Gen.
4ltio entered into
ich he receit ed
!.; characteristic
it prudence were
Mcli Slave would
tt the - - object: is
Lair() Action by
tired. The op
-al of the man,
his arm, in the gidd
flushed cheek, whi
heard on all sides of
Fair reader do yo'
nlmoei concealed by
nre,l with climbing,
may well look op at
and turn away but 1. 1
Lure. is there not h'
at the rich, black 11 1
forehead, the lips of
trims eves: but see!
how it lies like a ge l
t hat fair boy whose ;
Mot her, itl
child who nestles in
u u ire I God help lie
"Look again! she
er and thicker—the
wipe them away,
pouting AiLIA to kiss
through her tears, p
head, and murmurs,
agony of tears elas •
he has no more.
young, so beautiful,
stated, with a
'wage , ., &ring
th ulterest,
storyTßg of
proprietor a a
10s, it tva; the
and often all
ohl .8111 y .,
Id coatis
ottlidential ( let k.
on, and cattle on
e they could Ilije
But look again!
stars are keeping w
—the merry birds
nothing heard but
will, as he sings hi.
God fur sleep, the
now at those fair
thrown about m
he feared to be part
Hushed and gfowir
she, wirh a tear-slit
lashes, her lips 1 shg
like a veil ult, i mt
side. But look agt i
restlessly about, an
holy dame of IMot
longer a mother,
sorrow to the gray
is at) inlioeent ctrl
laid, ‘i•ith u blestdo
Sh•ters and brother
air air uAeal with t'
and will not Fin.?
\eiu•miah got
19 tcm uo more.
r u soul iu
The next night
and Bitty thought
went , ou r aceor-
I at the door.
.rile onili,) Billy
cr 'eight o'clock,
the' doer a rno ,
ne of your gain
n, o : it wasn't
ad if I don't gi e
you liumbog!"
ut Armed off hkk
I: %%a.= a. reft.rwed
She rives n ihtly
holy stets whose q
mhzery, shrottdi he
fulling on he! knee
' , God pity me! I,
The eye that "n
down upon - th e e. F
the cry of a hrealtit
that is always out.
extended to p thee.
thee: Gdand sin
shu rgh Dispatch:
1;1"a s;ngulue , ca -P
relative to the at- -
o - merly of Fayette
!MI, son of (jet).
couniy,) ex-Canal
c Duquesne Gr.vs.
a. where lie fiat;
so completely iile 7
hiv son, ac to re
damfhter not, so
,at e left the house
With n prayer f
babe Itliith lay e,a
an Eye above that
A yenr passed
dents, were saon
"By the way," I
ject for di.seetiOn
has-been betrayed
Site died at the ht
friend to claim
come"in and see It
Edith's face wt
of agony Fitzhng
"Vengence is a,
\Vin Tits i Cit
says: "Captain
ed us yostrday,"
giment ha ye repo
Cass and Butler;
only one was for
Ile went to Alexi
repudiated the pa.
of the Mexican a
war and in favor
were scattered p i
co, to prevent a ri
bile opinion ',was
lit, some, in•is:ling
Imently den) it
`m; Col. Back nod
ous impoMer, the
d should not be
lot of dead mews
ly imbed—keen and
us been so fully ex-
if the Disputelrsays
been imprisoned itt
tnposition. and the
m of the Court.
sure in announcing
that Clarion min n.
c candidates. She
y. • Ihe federalists
mtever hard names
as they have done,
a in '9B and neVer
I •
ussaries, as in %Id,
ch the people how
d and young Demo
nciples, and Aen all
s and Westmoreland
Injority. Note this
Ansv.Ncy. oY M
dow n easi,who fin
ing ono of ihe h
in its place, he
up. Atter coni
faction, he was
caske, and with
cept through th
m a g-g gin," said n
o the liecorder, "nnd
ba n-a-n.nohnvs'or
cp:Place? Isn't there
_in this' ere
A IlnAtrristlr.frienotNT.—As the volunteers were
passing up the B)werv, on Thursday, says the N. V.
Suer, a little blue eyed, rosy-cheeked. golden-haired
girl, ran from ore of the houses, and singling out
one of the brave spirits of the gallant Ist, handed
him a Levin of flowers with "that's for you, God
bless you all." The tear started in the eyesof the
youne hero, but he caught her with one arm before
she could get away, end expressed .his gratitude
with a hearth.' Of thanks and a kiss. Those sweet
flowers will wither and decay, but the recollection
of the gift of Ott, girl will foreverlive on the bright
est .page of the Olunteer . mernoty.
have been here," said
I was a t-t-t-talking
w-w-where I
t-t-t-try a man but
ufrence; but h-h•here
•hee times:for tho same
etance, the following, it gives so had
t as the picture has too tuttelt of truth
04 a caution to ail who may he altke
siAt the coloring sari not quite so
. it is. •
"She NI as II!.
;ctry, tlitit nmv nr,t
A dream of
exceedingly teautiful."
Written or tol
se diamonds reatly for meE'
eflew to the ‘nirror to adniire
her-dark ringlets, (end Her
!ilea a lovelier fuce and figure
ent. How kind this was of
stopped, while tv bright blush
T her mother looked atuiliugly
at blush for you, Edith? You
grill and wondering if you
t the ball to-night."
I on Edith's cheek and her
I lied by their king lashes, as
confess he fascinate
to has; what speaking eyes
tk you are more than half in
r acquaintance Of a week."
i t needs nut months or years
a man / is handsome," laugh
her, Then rising, and kissing
"beware, Edith: have a care
know whether he is worthy
other," said-Elith, as with a
from the room, "there can be
valiz, his breath is upon her
murmurs of admiration. ,
ww lot'ely! how surpassingly!
bat low-ioofed collage
us elms—its sides cov
ed honeysuckles? You
II window, as you pees,
gain ut that lovely pic
thut female head? look
obes a
hat sin
) look a
air, waving over the polished
and the- large lus
a tear Is sparkling there! and
in ainhi l
.rins en
nu mu
her bog
the elth,tcring_euris of
IWe her neck: Yet—
e traces nt age than the
in.' A mother, but nt,t
Inot=har tears fall fast
% his tiny hand tries to
and then puts up his
he mother gazes at him
tai r front his broad fore
his father!" then in any
her breast, and weeps
sited. Poor Edith! so
ing, so wretched, so ru-
lices us
nd now,
her. 1,
trts the '
s hint(
tears tt
so trust
night has come on. The holy
•ateh alike over saint and sinner
have hushed their songs, and
the cry of the ‘vhippoor
` melancholy song . . Blessed be
friend of toe wretched! Look
dreamers! The boy's arm is
n.het's neck, ns if, even in sleep,
from her; his little cheek is
as it rests upon her breast;
glittering on those long, dark
lily parted, her rich bairtloating
ier face 'and figure, lies by his
tit! she throws those white arms
thoe parted lips murmur the
ter"' Alas, Edith thou halt nu
ter "trey hairs have gone with
litit still in her dream, Edith
. A father's caressing hand is
kg, oh those clustering
throug about her,-and make itie
merry.shouts. Poor-Edith,
ein tot the?
iron) her pillory, gaOCA at those
det beanty seem but to mock her
• face from their pure light, and
by her child, subs •convnlsive:y,
'oil lie mercil•ul to me a sinner!"
ver slumbers nor sleeps" IrMlts
•Ifc that is never deaf to
g heart. heareth thee. The hand
tretched, to save the penitent, is
'.Dingliter, thy sin is forgiven
no more."
• i T 4 41
hr her betrayer and a I;i4s for, her
'llly down to deep but there_ giro.
sittnthere I not. -
Two young men, mmlical,stn
ering along one of our pincipal
aid one, "we hare a s plendid sub- -
,to-day—a beautiful creature who
and deserted by sonic scoundrel.
E pita' of a broken heart, and not
her. By Jose! she is beautiful,
s uncovered, and, with one groan
t fell lifeless to the earth. '
!inc.. I wilt repay saith the Lord,"
rasp,—The Louisville Democrat
IcDougal, of Indianapolis, inform
hat nine Whig captains of his re
diated whiggery, and are going for
and out ot-tii.eikty•six lieutenants,
'Taylor, at4,he Was wavering.—
ico hiinself; a - whlg, and has utterly
ty: says he has found, on the slain
tiny, documents against,' the
the Mexican cause; that they
ofusely through the city or Mexi
itification'of the treaty of peace."
tin.—My friend tells of of a cooper
consideroAe difficulty in keep
ads .of a casket he was finishing,
Ina his soh inside to hold the head
Ileting the work much to his satis
rstenished to find his hoy inside the
art a possibility of getting out ex
rnit Recoort—AmsnicAN A:STU/VIM—We were
yesterday shown some curiosities teken from the
Minestota Mines un Lake'Superier,. better knowtt
as locution No. 98 oti the Ontonagon. Last winter
while the snow was on the ground, Mr. Knapp, the •
agent of the company, travelled the sinking of the
giontid for a great many miles. After the snow
had cisappeared, by digg itg into these sinks, they
found them to have been made by the hand of man,
It appears that the ancient mintes went on a dit
ferent principle from what they do at the present
time. The greatest dee h yet found in these holes
is thirty feet—after gets ng down to dcertain depth,
they drilled along the rein, making an open cut.—
These cuts have beets filed nearly to a level by the
actute lila tion of soil, and trees of Pei largest growth
standing in this gutter; l and also tkeef a very
large growth have grown up and died, and decayed
many years since; in the same places there are now -
standing trees of uter fuer hundred years growth.
In diggitig down on tips river, they have lately
discovered a mass of pure copper estimated at seven
tons weight, milled out a nd laying in the vein some
18 leet - below the eurlace, resting on skids six feet
Item the lowest depth of the original excavation.—
In the bottom of this ex ettation ;there Was several
cart loads of ashes aid charcoal, showing that
whoever worked it befor , bad attempted to eeperate
the mass of copper by M i sting and probably dealing
on cold water._ There h ere a large number of ham
mers found made of rstot le," weighing from one to
twenty pounds with a roove encircling them to
secure a withe to use th mi with greater advantage,
mid also copper chisels winch -had probably been
used, in detaching the reek from the native copper.
1 ' This piece of copper ik as pure and as clean as I
new cent, the upper surface has been pounded clear
and smbuth. It appears that this mass -of copper
was taken from the bottom of a shaft, at the depth
of abbot thirty feet. In sinking this' shaft from
whefo the mass now lies they followd the course of
the vein, Which pitches 'oneiderably; this enabled
them to raise it as fur a the-hole tame up with a
slant. The excavation are on an era of some three
Square Miles and widen I the modern improvements -
at the.present day fur 1 ining could not be made for
ili c
srvcnty jive thosand doll f tra. .The old Indians say
that the work was neter i done by their race. To
eunitemplate the great ength of time that must
lnecesearily elapse ham . vegetation could start in
these excavations, and t ees of hundreds of years
grottill come up, blow down' and decay is a theme
full of interest, land leads the immagination thousands
of years,back• without a response to show what race
of beings were the miners or when the mines were
worked. The hammers l and tools found are of the
stele workmanehip of those found in the mounds
t iroughout the western J country, and it requires no
great stretch of the tmagi.nation to suppose that
the same race that left' pose monuments to com
memorate their existeiice,_ worked the Noes on
Lake Superior.
Mr. Knapp has shown us some rich spe imens of
copper and silver taken from the vien and also the
tools, wedges, and pieces of the skids usediby these
ancient miners. This Is but-the commeitternent of
1 discoveries that may lead to matters of great inter
est and importance.—Detroit Free Press.
The New Orleans corr spondent of the Concordia
Intelligencer thus sketc tea - mutters and things in •
the Crescent City:
k happy liberality of sentiment in all things, has
long characterized this;eoihmtinity. Conscience is
essentially more free here than elsewhere in the
United States.' People! worship as they please, or ,
omit all external forms if they prefer it, without
comment. Men live poorly or luxuriously;-• in a
three-story house, or in a hired room, without being
subjected, at every turn, to an inquisitorial eye, and
ill-natured tongso. In New Fe gland, in the true
spirit of the blue-laws, th6y fine a man for driving
his own wagon through the streets on sunday. lu
BaltiMore I have knowti a Jew fined twenty defiers
fur venturing to patch a traveller's unmentionables
on the Sabbath. - In ih'e city of Brooklyn, and only
the other day, three thousand persons spontaneously
assembled to sympathize with unhappy Ireland, and
were dispersed by the Mayor, because it happened
Ito be, by n conventiourd chronology, the seventh
Iday If the week. Heiv, things are quite the re
terse. Devout people have churches, and minis
ters are paid to preach to them to the tune of 810,-
000 a year. Gay people have their amusements
lalso. The theatres and bail-room are open. The
rich drive id stately erPiipages oh the shell road, to
breathe the breezes of the lake. The poor with
j hearts full of gratitude for health'end abundance, go
to the numerous gaelens to drink their beer, smoke
their pipes, and romp With their children, or waltz
with their sweethearts;
Our militany -eontetiMes turn out on the Sabbath,
and if a brace soldier Who has fought and suffered
for his country chat - ices to arrive, it is considered
no offence to burn a little gunpowder, or to •sound
hie welcome on the spirit-stirring drum. People at ,
n distnece. will, doubtless, turn no the whites of
their eyes at all this. and_perhaps be kind enough
to, pray that the fate of Gemorrelemay not be ours.
I ;;ice them thanks. !mt, if it will afibrd Jcomfort, I
venture to say. that there
,ist as- much of genuine
piety here, ofbhnrity rind good will, the very essence
of religion, IA there in any other city, and in no
part of ottKUtintry. so large n community, is
there so little crime. It is rare, indeed, that the
infractions of the criminal law are charged Open
our permanent citizens, and scarcely an instance
where capital offences have beers-brought to their
doors.' -Ninety-nine init of every hundred misde
meanors, are committed -by strangers, and even
am mg them, such islthe conservative atmosphere
that seems to float around us,' crimes 'of the first
magnitude occur onl l nt long intervals. We have
a fixed population of at least a hundred thousand,
troops and upwards, have been, at different periods,
quartered among us, ;with more or lees licenser yet
we have not, for twelve mouths, heard Of a Ma
der. Assassination Is unknown, duels are becom
ing rare. Offences against chastity and public de
corum seldom occur. The seductions, violations,
crint. cons,, Onderdonk-ings, and other domestic
crimes that disgrace the Eastern cities, and exclude
many of their priests and bishops froM every place
but the pulpit, are nevdr heard of in New Orleans.
Here it is not considered an unpardonable sin to
kiss a pretty woman, ifsshe be willing. In Boston
and Philadelphia they will fine you five dollars every
smack! Here, where people dance on Sunday, that
inestimable jewel, female virtue, Is safe and unsus
pected. There, to protect it, men bar theiedoors'
at night, against the very minister that' has preach
ed to them in the morning. go ninth for the social
restraints and savage sectarianism that prevade cer
tain portions of our country. We derive the eleva
ted and liberal tone and the pure morality that exist:
Isere, chiefly from - the mixed and peculiar charter of
the ancient, indigenous population of New Orleans.
They have long understood the nature of social and
political freedom. ' i Mr. Gayarre's very interesting
notes on the history of Louisiana, will show you,
,-that they were the first people on thil continent to
' draw the sword for a free and repub'ican form of
government, and the blood they poured out on that
early altar of liberty still cries from our streets, and
will sways nerve the arms of Louisanians in the bat
tles of freedom.
The New-York Globe thinks that the great tidy
of the, Northern whigs will support Mr. Van Boren.
Very likely. The enemy of the regular candidate
of tho tienwerattp party ought to look 'to whigs for
s upport—%t here r eke should he look? No true dem
ocrat 'could oast his vote for a branded traitor,
rIXThe Boston Post says the only authentic information
wo have copeernin! "Old liihitey, is, that when asked
if he would consent to run for Vice President if selected
by the Philadelphia Oonvention,his answer was "Neigh,"
A sensible old bore that. •
!" +~ {