LI VOLUME 19, THE WEEKLY OBSERVER, V 1 112 P de SATUROAY MORNING, AUGUST 5, ISIS TILE VETO POWER.--No. 1 The subject of the qualified negative upon the action ti Congress, vested in the bands of the President by the niri framers of our Constitution, has become suddenly a ~uebtion of vital importance to the people of the whole rquetry, inasmuch as this one of the fundamental princi ,,les incorporated into the Constitution for the purpose of r rcrenting the eccUrroMe of certain evils, is in danger of being \ atonally annihilated by the blind fanaticism and insanity of designing demagogues, who have lip windy no reverence for that sacred instrument. They ire not openly avow their oppo.ition to the veto power Nualitiedly, being aware of the °atm] which such an ,oval would inevitably cast upon them, but under cover .(correcting its above ri—u uder the palpably iasincero pre vkt of bringing the administration of our government lack to the firimitivu purity that characterized that of iv a diington, they aro aiming a death blow at the Con- moon, which, if successful, would be totally destruc t of its whole framework. . They ere pursuing a Course .Aar with every priiiiciple in that' glorious instrument, 4 1t true and real tendency of which is to run counter to ws alictutes—to paralyze and Imlay its sacred injune toti, Constittition directly prescribes a mode to be i, t i,itteti for its amendment whenever, in the progress of ',real,,, i ken t ed absolutely . ..necessary; vet these MVO. so transformed into the advocates for a more liber kebey, the very antipodes of all that they ever have been, ...vat unwilling to await the ordinary progress of law, ) fat are rn- ling headlong into the gulf of constitntional I b ullitication. If the attempts of this liarty were sincere, ti mew ettuits were patriotic, there might be something lira an approximation towards au apology for the undue _precipitant!) of their movements. But all their former con duct when once or twice in an lige the smishine of pot er !shed its blessings upon tlfim fully and amply attest tile troth or the as-anon that till their holy horror at the Hone mandiower," as theNpfro'neously term it, not on affected, but a Mere .sulderfoge, a DI Ise ruble cult h phrase deceive tilt::11%)10 and persuade 01:111 into the, belief Mint they arc in 'favor of a more liberal policy than the party---:a paradox which they will find it utter !, impossible to reconcile "with their previous practices. it treunn, the peophf in the preeeut great crisis, in t low .:t. - theetperience of the past, to look with distrust upon all rof,slons of this character, emanating as they do from ;,,patty «hieh has always, wheit opportunity offered, dis iigarecu the wi l l o f the people; and :should, threa'gh th e Livitaiiii of the ballot-box, that great speaking trumpet of tau int o, rust a witi)lering, seortaing rthuke upon all .roll attempts to strike nt the knindatibn of the "gi eat times of our fiGerties.' l That in:dm:nem was the result t d the deliberations of as 1\ lee and patriotic a body of men I .i., ever assembled for any 'impose, t o ot the betintifol and reportionate synionetry of its complicated form, lie \von ei mil :Idalllittioll to answer the ends of its creation which i Ow experience of silty years has fully di nion , tlalid, at t: st alio foresight, the poldical knowledge tool sagacity of it, trainers. It is a blAt`lllll eolllllaCt ‘ ,, liaised upon an Imo- 1 rable compromise of the interests, prineiples and I At:et, of distinct and independent bock tics of freemen, I aid intended to secure and perpetuate our Union. 11 tt ACC 1 e necessity of preventing the introductiqm.of.any cause 1 alculated even in the most remote de i ere to merit:is klar lueny or destroy it.s equilibrium. It is composed b:the ; lanon of a variety of eleutents—of ciniateracutig - ant co ;orrating islwers. all depending on the other in so di a manner 111:0. to unsettle a part' is to destroy the who e.— : 1 he veto power is one of these elements thatientillto ' fitiliinnatio'n of this glorious combination. It isa bal- Low introduced to counteract and regulate opposite and' ,01,,;( uditqr Interest, the prvrogalire of '11)v pier:./tire and Ow 1) - .AN“ of the legislature. Destroy the legitimate ef -1..0 of this regolating power, and the whole federative s‘steiti is dictiMposed and dissolved, and OM fair fabric , yelled into ruins, The inevitable tendency of the reek- : I: or emirs, of the Whig party is to iroduee this so touch te•bosabliorrett re•-tilt„ and hence the moral obligation /ID -1,0 ~.- ei 1111 , 111 oil real friends of our institutions to unite their efforts to prevent the occurrence of so lamentable a ca tastrophe. Let the ill beware of the "insidious wiles" of these profes.teil friends of the dear people, boat in practice sysiplisaa: worshippers at the shine of power. Let them beware of the siren song with which they arc at ' l 'inl'lWg to 101 l the people into a support of their intangi : ti',, Gemrinesqind their available candidate, and place a role et , titnate Con the real designs of this party which are deducible from their previous history. It a no. ( ANHUI. CANi AT CLEVM.Ai.I).—The remarks of this fz, , silenion at Cleveland hove been most shamefully infs . rcfire.ent , d tr . the whig press. The report which we gilijoin fond the Cleveland Plaindealet, is correctly stated 4. , tbdireretb la rllt to a short addriss by the lion. Reuben Wood, I , responded substantially, as follows: noise and con union which prevades this vast i tint: Th. , . fi..schit:y a ill, 1 appreMin 1, prevent me from being tbs tartly heard by till prestint. 1 can do but littlo more, tr. a! Oil, Wile, than retufn my thanks for the warm and 11 oterinfi reception whiedi the citizens of Cleveland have 1:A111111s. _l take this expression of their feelings net so 'ouch at a compliment to myself, fndividuall), as an ex -1 ftooon of their attachment to the great principles - of the }Amy, 5 , 010 4 ,t standard-bearer unworthy 1 am.- 1 have been selected as the candidate of the great democratic patty for the highest Oleo in the gift of the people—the higlico, office I tivw say h the world. Should 1 be elect ''-f• to tifO' high and important station, I stall endeavor to adminiker the affairs of the government in the true spir it of her glorious institutions. You have made some allusion, sir, to principles and +atomizes Much agitate the public mind. 1 can but re fee You to my votes as recorded, and sentiments as here ' ;°`"' expressed, upon these questions. My acts for the uu forty years are before the people, and if these are not , offirient toilatisfy the public, all that 1 can now advance still be mere delusion. 4.7? Gov. Morehead's missing letter to Gen. Taylor," informing him of his whig nomination, has titptist made its appear.nice in the dead letter office at Wastlihgtonl -1'1). the Conjecture of the Baton Rouge correspondent of the pica) uue, Is correct.. The General refused the letter 1...e.0p. e he did not recognize the handwriting of the bit` Per , crilltloll, or because the postage Was not paid! This certainly is a cavalier mode of 'treating the great whig "slaughter house" and their nomination! But what be limes of all the whig charges of corruption against the P. 0. Department? Mill these partizans withdraw them? We shall see. In 184-Itwhen Clay etiiiiCd,(ifilOh3 5 1U majori t2, the district represented by Giddings gay hint 5,2 93 majority. and tho other counties of did lie ervo conic three thousand more. Now as no man in his 6C/ISCS CX. l't'usamajority of one vote on the Reserve for Taylor, OUT wing renders will BCC tho Titter folly of expecting to carry Uhio for tho commander of the Army of Occupa tion. IT The Ilou. D. King, of Mass., has written a pro Taylor /otter to his constituents, in which he tells a hopper," purporting to have been a private ;converse ton between John Quincy Adams and himself, Ho says the latter leaned to Taylor: The public 'have only the word of King for this Self-stultification on the part of Ailany4. 'Who believes him? ila:3lr. Covey Cohen, having drank there tOd wat4, was found dead at Bridgetown, 31 retin tubed , . . . .. _ . 1 •-• . T ... .. .. ..... ~. ........, ... .... ... ..., .:._ ~...,......, ..., ..„, . .. .- ~1 .. _ , .., . ~ ] 111--ii -- - ~' . i t .t.: . ... ___ „ ~.-411111 _, I B . . . . -10 - - .. . „ 1 . i . ' -' rj . R V, ~ ... .. . i i . . . ... , . ~.. ~:., . , glasses of a., half an Speech of lion, Jas. Thompson, OF PEN NSALVANIA. In the 'louse of Representatives, Tuesday June 27, IS tS, the House tieing in Committee of the Whole, and hav ing tinder consideration the Civil nod Diplomatic Ap. propriation Bill. Mr. THOMPSON said: Mr. C11A11131AN: I should have preferred address ing the committee to'-morrow had it been °Nee ble, but am very indifferent on the subject; nod us my friends on the other side desire the debate to proceed at this late hour of the day, I am Content; but as'l may feel but little obliged. by their deter mination, 1 shall, perhaps, on stliie account, feel none the less at liberty to speak, what I may have to say, with freedom. They have opened the ball— this political hall—and must bear the consequences and responsibility of - converting the debate into one on iSarty politics. The• nttack has been Made (to tury the figure) under the lead of a distinguished captain, toy 'colleague, ' [Mr. Stewart ' ] and his ad vanciug-war-whoop has seunded load and threaten- , ing; but it has not frightened or disturbed any one that I hat e heard of—Oere are inns slain nor miss ing vet, I believe. flow that voice will sound on the retreat, I am not prepared to say; but I can imagine, that when the time comes, a- it will, its smooth tunes will be changed: its harmony will be gone, and it wit terminate in one long, agonizing bowl. Perhaps, Mr, Chairman, time spent in investiga ting the principles, qoalifications, and claims of the candidates for the ulnae of. the Chief Magistrate of this Union may not be considered as misspent. It may be the most important thing we can do; certain it is, that if begun en the one aide, the other may be allowed the same privilege. I sball, therefore, detote the brief period of time allotted me to this subject. & , fore saying anything - of the candidates for the Presidency, 1 rnitll briefly speak of what I conceive to be the priiteiplee and practices of the two great parties that have placed them before the ; people. • And here, sir, I will remark, that the ex ,istence of party in alree Government, where point hr will is the source of power, is not a thing to be regretted, or whiCh I should ever desire to seeele stro,eil: it has a salutary effect; it rsuperindoces watchfulness and fidelity in those who administer the Got eminent. tied scrutiny in those vi Ito desi,e to overthrow the powers that be. The existence, therefore, of party is -; mimes, not an sell. The as cendancy of a party is quite another affair. Never have parties existed in this country that have differed more vitally in principle than do the Democratic hod Whig pities of the present time. This ditference exists ineinly from the construction given to particular parts of the Constitution of the Union—the former chriinitor for that instrument a strict constrectimi, and the latter insisting and act ing upon what they call n conservative or liberal, hut is in tact, a latitudinons construction of it. Here, sir, is a wide difference—wide enough to leedeo theutost oppoatte•r6ults in practice. The object of a coustituttun is limitation—the limitation of muter within certain defined boundaries: so that en the one hand the people way be protected, atel on ilte other ti v ie government 111:30, within the just , exer• ei-e of , its powers. A strict construction of the Constitution is therefore obviouety necessary to preserve the Coristittiticul itself as e meatisef tattoll. Wily, sir, it'you depart frken the letter of f the Con-titutieu and the necessary incidents, Win ; two will depend upon those who construe it, nut up ; on the instrument itself; and what might be its been ; ch i lie s toeley, may be passed witheut hesitancy to morrow, and still be claimed to be within its re sts ictiona. it would Elms expand or contract ac cordieg to the will and views of 'those who, fur the time being, might be called on ti construe it—and he thus, in - fact, no litnitutioh whatever—defeating the end. the object, arid intent of a constitution al together. 011 the part of the Whigs, it hart been contended that the Constitution ,autrforizesolits ea , tablishinent of a hank of the United States ( --a dis tribut het of the proceeds of the pfiblic la ode amongst the States—assumption of State debts by the Na tiotud Gat eritment—"protect ion for pridection,'t without regard to revenue—anti even the construe. tent of roads and canals between points within States alone tinder the jurisdiction of Stare Governments Now, sir,. all these things are strangers to the Cum stitution—tint to be found within that instrument— tent within its jit:t ennetruction; nothing, by any jiti.t, system of interpretation or implicalion, can he con strued to favor it. All this has been contended fur: and has been the sentiment, atilitnes, of the party opposed to us, if not at all thnes. Indeed, sir, I lieVe . , sometimes h t that their grwereine principle, ; on this subject, consisted in the will alone of Con ; Li:Jess. ns the only limitation tender the Constitution. I•We bare heard it said, of late days, that a brink of jtthe Tiniteti States was an tetbeolete . Should - the Whigs succeed in 'electing, a President, would 'it he so? This Was said before the elections in 18- ; .10: it proved then to be - professien, not practice, as ;the history of the creation of a fifty-million bank 'most clearly proved. But, sir, my colleugue, in,spite :of himself, haS 'exhibited n slight glimpse of the - cloven foot, even now. lie told us yeemrilay that he thought that State banks were entirely tincensti tutinnel—that the power to create them belonged exclusively, to the National Legislature. Here it is avowed. Ilrnnhl a party composed o f such poll liCiallS and statesmen in power hesitate Imie to cre ate-a hunk of the United Steles? Would General Taylor veto such a bank, when his friends—original friends, such as my colleague undoubtedly is believ ed it to he within the power of Congress to create it—and believed, too, that the power existe'nowhere else to make banks? Mr. STEWART. Will the gen t lema rial/ow me, to explain? 1 hate always oppueed the bruit, arid never voted fur one in toy, life, Whigs and Dime crats had both voted for them. Mr. TnomPSON, This ratty be so, hot did not my colleague support those who favored a national bank? Did he not given most hearty and earnest support to Mr. Clay ?to General Harrison? Was he not always a -supporter of Whig men end Whig principles? And were they not until lately, if nut still, supporters of the measere? It is but recently that the announcement thit a bankewas an "obsolete idea" began to he made; and I mitch doubt its con tinetul prevalence if that party should empire the potter to create one. They-are opposed to the sub treasury, the only Medium tinder the Constitutioo of establishing a constitutional currency. Opposition to ibis measure, sir, in my judgement, is support of what they say is the exploded and "obsolete idea" of a bank. The Whigs-have also been in.favor of the distribution of the proceeds of the public leech to the States. !sheets? not bseenrprised if this would seen be found among the ' obsblete," as also that other scheme of mooning the slate debts; and, like the bank question, obsolete - until opportunity shall exist to establish them by legislation. All• these things they have claimed to find sanctions fur in the Constitution. Net; sir, beeatise the power is found within this instrument, but because it may snit their judgement of what pithlie policy might dictate. Over nod above nll this, they oppose the exercise of the veto power. The Democratic party insist on a strict construe ;tint) of the Const it nlion; this they conceive In be the great safeguard of that instrument 111141 its limita tions. A nil in addition thereto, they a pp ro v e o f a nd sustain the exercise of the veto, power. While, sir, it may be, and frequently is, exercised contrary to Alie individual judgement and wishes of members of the party, yet they sustain it, they support its ex ercise apart additional protection to the'Constitution, securing it from infraction. either as the result of hest y, or mistakeu legislation. The Whig doctrine, in short, is—liberal construction and no veto; the Democratic doctrine, strict construction and the ex ercise of the veto power. Can any one doubt which party, therefore, is most likely to preserve; free from encroachment, the great charter of our liberties, and national prosperity? If both these safegitards were withdarwn,,letime ask, what is there left to protect SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST iagainst baleful influences during high party excite ment or the intrigues of designing men? And if either be taken away, by so much, then, is the safe ty of the instrument ent)angerad. How ni ich, there- fbre, will not the danger be increased by the aboli Lion of both? Sir,•the great, and I might say, the only diftbrenee between free and despotic govern': merits, consists in s the existence ol limitationg,, titre the means of constitutions; and whatever destroys these limitations not only undermines constitational restrictionst but atlvances towards the destruction ol liberty itself. i , .., _ Not more diverse has been the policy of the an tagonist of Democratic principles in their practices on questions of great national interest. Time will not allow me to de more titan to mention what his . tory most clearly duthenticate. The Federal party, in 1812, in Congress, (principally from a portion 01 the New England States, now Whig,) opposed, in the mot active and virulent manner, the war with Great Britmli; deno u nced it as unjust and unrighte ous, and unbecoming a Christaiti people to rejoice at the success of the American arms in such a con flict; called it "Madison's war;" and finally held a convention at Hartford, to give form and method to their opposition, n o twithstanding the war terminated , gloriously for American honor.* When President. Jackson firmly and earnestly demanded that France should tin longer be per mitted to temporize and withhold payments of the indemnities due our citizens, the almost unanimously took ground against him; and Whig orators declaimed every where against hint and his' poliCy. Again the result was' fortunate and hon orable to the country, in the success of his meas ures, and the indemnities I.veri. paid. The Maine or Northeastern boundary', had been a subjetw, of coptroversy between Great Britain and the United Shies for many years. A I.Vhig administration and Whig negotimors.settled the contest by yi6ld io.;' a large portion of w„lint the Democratic admin istinitien had refu,•ed fa 'conelede, by adhering to what geography and history indicted to be the true boundary, end 'yielded up some i eight hundred thousand acres of territury that had been claimed by the United States for half 1 a century; and this treaty was confirmed by Whir votek in the Senate a very few ,Democratic Senators noting for it.— After this concessimi,•came the Oregon contest.— Sir, This unsettled and lung-agitated question carne lip shortly after the corninencmentlef the twenty ninth Congress. I. fur the Ost dine, had taken a scat in this Hall; I had antiiplit/, that on this national' in:stifle, all wool 1 hart, embraced the American .ide of it. For live or sik months it was discussed. The DemoeraticiportiiM of the House maintained, with hut few exceptions, our title to the whole of Oregon. The llliigs' with the saute nnanimity, denied this title.i In all( that long and earliest debate, I recollect but one voice- ot, the oilier s ide of the House raised 'against the claim of Great Britain to any part of ihut territory. lixper ience and learning gave to Oo eloquence and lener gy of that great than irresi4lible poiver: lie laliored 1 I earnestly and enthusiastically for the right. Mott Vol - CM is silent now; and its ?u , sess)r (John Quincy Adams) remises in peace, leaving a name glorious for great services, purity of :purpose, and patriotic devotion. That. contest, e nded on account of a preexpression t f the Senate, which I ' renderel it nee 21 essary for the President to Submit 'limo question of ' treating for the -19th trirallel of latitude to the Sen ate, as the boundary, nutiougn against ins own sense of Its justice. NearlY the wode Whig party voted to yield our claim be*tol titil point. It was so settled, and another concession % as thus obtain ed by Great Britain. , --........, sfierwaros corr,ctro ' [Mr. Tuoatesos afterwarjds corrected himself by remarltitig, tluit his colleago (Mr) , Pot.r.ocx) had aptiketi in support of our claim to oldg 40min.; co also had Mr. DAttnAuni . Next came ttie ;Mexican war. The Whigs, it will not be denied here, or anywhelre, have in _this [louse, and in the Senate, and' al mist universally iu the country, opposed this war;denounced it by every term and epithet that cotild express oilpot•i lion to it, rind the Administration!' arid party that has supported and conducted it. 'rbey have called it "the President's war"—characterized it as "un holy," "unjust," and "hellish." And this bourse finally, arid during its continuance, voted that it was "unnectwarily and uneonstiiptiot4lly begun by the, President." When this vote win given in January 1 1 last, the prospect of peace seemed us distant as it hail been a year before; yet this vote was given, and •The following are a few of the against the war of 1812 by the party ••At the door of James Madison at lies the blood of our butchered con Gazette, daring the War. — "The evils the Federalists have li thickening upon us; and, in lour itillici relllOlll6OT it is ./0014.3 lifildiSOlt and ti brought these eglantines uplift its. " I "Mr. Madison hi,s declared war,. lei it on."—llev, Mr. Garfltier,l lit . Bouti "So unjust is this o ff ensive war, it have plunged us, in the sober consid, that they cannot conscientiously a Armies for his blessing up'on h."— 1813. "The war was foundedin falseho necessity, and its real object was ex I • , unjust commest, and' to aidi the late t his view lof aggrandizeMelit."—:-Re.4, I ehusetts Senate, during thelfr - ar. The committee of the) Legislat) who reported in favor of sending tic ford Convention, declare, 1 1l tat it is "o I trolls war," "waged for fo cign'comp ftuitless invasion of the enemy's WI "The war is purely DeMocratic; 0 democratic, and not for national par) orrats, therefore, terminate it in thri eon, Wt. 'HAVE NO PA.R.+O3II(O L "The war has hitherto been the wa 4 , f r, continue, and so be ternitnatedl. 11 continue to he the disgrace of the p nation—a consummation d evoutly te ted States Gazette, Nifty elphi6l iIM "If at the command o weak or undertake a winked or nijust war, t unteers his services in sit h a war, for its suptiOrt, or by.his onversatim .2 1 1 any other }node of influence, encour that man is an acconiplice' in .hoy conscience with the b/ackest crimes,' blood upon his soul, and,in the sigh i is a murderer."—Dr. , Osgood's sen t I 1812. "My plan is to withhold our mone orate peace with England."—Boston **Will Federalists subsCribe to thi lend money to our natiotial rulers? i have the Federalists exerted their wickedness of the war, to rouse pa it, and show the authors of it, not a public confidence, but lIIGIILY CRIMI4, tribute the sums without which thei I pelted to stopr—Boeton Gazette,'l l .. "It is very grateful to; find that the unitierstil sentiment Is, that any man who lends money to the Government at the present titne will forfeit all clain to common honesty, , and common courtesy among all trt a friends of the.coun try. God forbid that any lederali n t should over hold up his handle pay Federalis ts is th e present rulers; and Federalists i fts for mo ey k can judge„ whether Democrats will tax their constituents to pay in erest to Federalists.'-' —Boston Gazette, 1814. "All the evils which ;afflict the lonntry are imputed to the opposition. It is said to be owing to the opposition that the war has been prosecuted tith no better success. This. sir, is no new strain." * ''' * "The opposi tion is constitutional aid legal. Itl is also conscientious. It rests in settled and Ober convictions that such policy (the war) is destructive to thirintOosts of the people. iin - a - dangerous to the being of Government." ; * * "This is not the entertiininent to Which V4O were invited. We are told , that these'disappointntents are owing to the opposition which the War encounters. Thi s i s no new strain. It is the constant tune of every weak or wicked Administration!"—'S, eech of Mr.lWeltifer, in 1814, on , the subject of the disaifere on the northern frond4r. . Sentiments like, the above, witheut number Might be 1 added, showing where the Federalists of New England wore in 1812, and shoWing a great similarity with the , 1 . t Whig sentiment about the Mexice-p war' o f 'l-19;lu, tvorzw.extb.,zi the journals containing its (and what I think a most :ddifounded libel on otir,ronittry Vette tthe'fact,,and will - continue to do so, nthill`trieend f time, turiesi corrected-by the expunging process, which I hope lo see, consummated, as well for our rational honor is that the truth of history may be vindicated. -Did ,his war t begin 'by the act' of the; Prsident? Sir, 1 ili.olt no inbid, partial_or,lntpanial, tier having ex amined the subject, caiictime In atiel a conclusion. ',Want were the facial; Annexation tad been deter mined upon, and resultitieis to that e feet (drawn by .a Whig) passed on th c ,e,ltit day of M rch, 1845, and 1 , an agent despatchedtio Texas with II em on the 3d of that mouth. Mr. Polk ;was inau orated on the 4th; on the 6t4i, two days' thereaftei r the minister, Almonte, noiitidd the new Administration that be looked upon the passage of the resolutions as equivalent to a' deriartion of war against Mex • ten, demanded his passports, and terminated his diplomatic relatione'at IVashington: To this the President, through the 'Secretary of State, caused the assurance to he Medd that 110 unfriendly feeling existed on the part of the Government of the United. States. towards Mexico: that it was lits most ear eest desire to preserve pcnice between the two cour: fries; that Texas bait been indee«tdeet for nine years—her independence acknowledzed by the prin cipal European Powers, tis also by 02 U nited ; States; and that, under suebciremnstanees, it, was conceiv ed that Texas had as! fully the right ttPanncx her self as to maintain her)bidependence: that the most liberal spirit would be exercised in regard to all questions of boundary.; But till ails was deemed insufficient. Mr. Alin( ale procured bis passports, and left the country. The Atherilati plenipotenti ary at Mexico was fernished with his passports, and friendly relations Were at once ended: Sir, the most marked desire Was eviticet. by the Presi dent to preserve peace. ) After this termination- of friendly relations, Mifxieri began to collect an army: the public press, the' manifestoes of generals, and every act of the Mexican GoVerinem, indicated plainly the intention to ;invade Teas. Indeed, it was said by Paredes, I believe, that he would.plan't ' the Mexican standard op the Calk( I at Washing : . ton. The pretext ftir all this was tie act of annex ation of Texas, and it had been virt tally annexed on the 3d of March, 1845 Thus 'you see that th e act leadin; - sisted on as cense Of war, and wl ink plme before Mr. Polk came i this he was informed fn.(' days of Aion, \Veil, sir, on tlie 4th of Jill t ion was consemined by the act of io f ;ae t, although notentirely in fort the State, of the Union, - Under ti Mexico, and wittr the knowledge tl Wile Ilt+Selllillilig omthei northern - fit the ainhorities of Texas called on ] protection. The Peint had arrived' bound to act—the ikva- , ion of a Stt General Taylor was ordered to tak oil• el r' -ti This!he 'did in Aueol s , i us . . 1 the Nueeis. . To prevent the the the Administration made an effort t feelings by negotiation. An imp] direction of the President, anima ] consul at Mexico,]whether a min 1 ditlicultiea would he ;received by t) After tonne delays,' au affirmatite ] en. A condition was annexed, th !or near Vera Cron Should be wi o ..... • O/4.•1•,,.' . 1 " •., ~••1 , ..,,,,,, receive him. He ;arrived in Not considerable delay and a resort to t lie was ~or efused: i The, adininist teas overthrown, becanse, a he li, tinder his own hand, he was favor: with the United Slimes; thus shows intended by MiNicol before any army to the Rio Grande. Paretic.. -An application was made to the n by our minister to be recognized refused. %Viten the news of in s received at Wu-hint el, General 1 ted to take positien J oie the Th e recommended this himself in Oco his despatch fully, SlinWs. He w , ed, in making this; Movement, to , violence on any mexican he mig or otherwise. Whenever he met the wishes of the century for pea, ' arrived at the Rio, entitle, he fon fortify biome): with it reach of the rim., After arrivi l q, there, a part which the of fi cer oti the part of t (General ‘Vorthl ) iTiwed again t serving oeace'aud referring the c• eegotiation • This), too, was disc 18th of April, Gendral Paredes is ditect orders to Arista to attac atm hie despatch 'if the 23ti of the presses the hope bat, before the 1 tilities had comm meed—that his victorious, (both tOund among A at Resaca de In Patina.) About t ] was murdered by, the Mexicans. the dame month, ;Captain Thorn I and-himself and ibout 60 soldier• led liy Mexicans onthe Texas sidt Li t tenant Porter ] had also been he ore• and on the ) 7th of May, L . l ' a Party of p arty were attacked ',.-ed, on the same wide of the rive , ; May. the enemy'Slforees having Grande into Texas, the battle ) Ibtight; and on thefhlt of May tl de la Palma was ; achieved; audit escaped from the' conflict recross and lied into the 'interior of Mex m e xie,,t, troops crossed the Rio dory fixed by Texas in her decla deuce, in her na ional constit nth ] constitution,) and, before a blow I metiled hostiliqs, by killipg, an and men of our sSrmy. The Presideritllind wisely pre can invasion; he anticipated it, the emergency. l l . Was this begin I stitutiunaily by hint,' to defend Ivasion? He din this, and did nci 1 the enemy to heret and resisted set. foot tin the sell of the State, be governed on,',the subject of look to no other! boundary then none other hod ever been hinted led on • The llr Gratek humid bee las the bounder ) (for almost a I I Government. an 4 it had been cl ;Us such by,Taxa's. If the Presi this boundary, ithere would hat: t. I N twee , a little, ilver of not over was no boundatY, and had nevi, such; out the Rio Grande had, fended it, as he i vvas bound to de. But two way exist for determining controversies between natiotisby eeffiniatitinland by war. Now, !sir, negotiation Iliad utterly failed, after every effort ) for its aid had (ti invoked byrour Government.— !Had our minis er' been at liberty to offer the Nneces as the bounder , of Texas, it would not have been received byll ilico. And why? Simply because - ) she wodil nottear any proposition whatever from him. War w tis therefore the only remaining alter native to sett 4 existing difficulties. ' Mexico refus ed to treat, sett forward her army, and ours on the spot receivediind overthrew it. Sir, no national mind that williexamioe the matter fairly - , can come to /my cormri:lon, in' my o pinion, other than that the President id his - fluty, fantifolly and truly, and deserves, as I s will receive, the gratitude of the country for all his nets in regard to this trying crisis. But, sir, on th 13th of May, Coil ress passed a for-] sal dechiratio of war, and declared that the "war existed by S (Woof the Republic of .Ifelicoe' the. members oft noun present.,all but -14, voting for it, and all the 'Senators present but two. Notwith standing this, ir, we have heard nothing but denim elation sgains the President by the entire Whlg party—l amen be politicians; and finally, as a crown in set of o position, a vote_Of this. House on the many expressions opposiog, it then: id his accomplices ntrymen."—Salest png predicted, .arc. tion, let us always party that haFc frorecster ( Spy, IN 14. Madison curry (Sermon.) ito which our rulers oration of millions, proach the God of oston Sentinel, of i d. declared without eat of territory by Taut of Europe iu -/o/rc of the Ma zl yo of Connecticut, gates to the Hatt on odious and disas - "devoted to a iritory. it was undertaken for FOSCS. Let the dein best manner they THElt&ITErt. t" 4 of a party; let it so le disgrace will thou rty, and not of the O be wish , d."—Uni ing the'lear. tyieked (rulers, they each man who yid or loans his money his writings, or by rages its prosecution, wickednes, loads his brings the guilt t of God and the law. non, Medford, Mass., y, and make a sep- Advocate, 1814. io loan? Will they iTp—What purposes selves to .show the : tie sentintmt against ) ly to be unworthy of {m., if thy now con rtulers must bo com 'Bl4. MIMM=MEIE=MI 5;1848, lIE :to the ‘var—in ich led to tvui-- lito office, and of er hi, inarigora -1845, antiexa rexa, and she. 11, became one of e treatenings of at a great force I inier of 11Iexico, the PreBideut fur at which he Was te. Ile did act. . position nt Cor st 1846, west of .atening conflict, reconcile angry ry w•as made by the American ster to settle all tat Government. answer was giv- the hquadrou at lirawo. It was 1,313 pi 104 leather, and after arty.aubterfttgea, utititi of Herrero since declared l ble to negotiation ittg that war was approach of oor socceeded him. w attinitfo4rat ion but was again nal refusal was itylor was: dircc 'rande: Ile had I)er previous, as is strictly enjoin otntnit no act of tt meet, resident such, he declared e; and when. he lid it necessary to • city of Mntamo- Hy tt - tok - p ace, in 'itt United States ie desire for pro :uses of dispute to garded. •the Limit pot.itive and the Americans; same month ex eeeipt of it, hos •troops had been .isttt's papers taken 08 tinie Co' . Cross On the `24th of on was attacked, captured or kill ! of the Rio Gralitle. -filled a - day or so rptain Walker anti and six men kill- On' the Bth of it crossed the Rio if Palo Alto kas e victory of Resaca use Alexiertns,v‘ho d the Rio Grande 'co. Thus had the ;ramie, (the holm ation of indepen n, was s n st i r n h i, ck e ,r Statecone ` capturing officers tared for this Alexi , nil was ready for ring a war ttuncon a State naninst more. He caused c 1 themoMent they So far as he was to boundary, he could the Rio Grande— , t, much less insist s Droned and known elf century by our limed and defended ent'did not defend -a found one? The 00 miles in length, r been der.cribed ns He therefore de- 3d ofJannary last was given, that • the war was, "unnecessarily and unconstitutionally begun by the' President." This was carried by a strict. party vote,-83:Whigs fur it, and 8:1 Democrats against it. Sir, this vote is of serious conseqUenie• to the Country; it casts upon It the imputation of aggres sion, inexcusable aggression, upon the rights of ,1,1 sister Republic, by and through a violation of the Constitution, upon which we all should look with sacred reverence. Never was there a more serious charge; never a charge 'so groundless, nay, so thoroughly disproved by every, act in the history of the war. And, sir, I shall re-uirer, while I remains member of this House, whenever-I can under its rules, resolutions to expunge thci" unjust sentence, until it shall he obliterated or stirrounded by dark I and ominous lines, warning the reader that within theircircumfereuce is contained an aversion on , the national honor and the fidelity of, our national 1 Adennistration, and to be ever heeded, ruarkail. and known as such. But I have not time tti pursue this war question. It was justly' begun and: has been 'gloriously terminated, adding (minding glory to our arms as well 'as commemorating our magnanimity and humanity in conducting it. My olifect was to show that the Whig party had opposed it arid taken sides against the country on this as on the other • great issues betweep our country and other Powers that 1 have briefly noticed. It is enough here - to say. that far different have been the principles and 1 practices orthe Democratic party. On all these i questions, varied as4they have been, that party has followed no lead but that of the country- , --no star but her welfare. , Mr. Chairman, republican governments depend upon public opinion: monarchies and despotisms upon the will and interests of the 'few, and the arm of power. IVith us it is public opinion that gives vitality, and force to out inatitutim s, and en ergy to Government. Upon it alone can they exists It. is obvious, that if popular approval or disappro val have nothing to do with the principles nr the measures of Government to adopt by those who are to administer,t hem, al! will depend on the Me t es of those Who govern; and being unknown, MIS( be taken on trust by their supporters and fol lowers. The "difference hettseen the Democratic and Whig parties is very great in this respect.— The former put forth their candidates, avow princi- Ries, and ask their such principles; all can know them; nothing, is taken on trust. The Whigs avow no principles, 'erect no platforms. - They have nominated their candidate, and certainly they have taken him on trust. Gen. Taylor has never embraced miy political principles, ;if we believe his own admisilqii: Ile has never voted, although eli gible for thirtY or forty years, and avows no princi ples now. me ask, for what has he been select ed? Certainly for no distinction gained as a states man; for no bolitieal sagacity—because he-confesses himself unacquainted with political quesiiiiim— , What, then, commended him to the choice of the [ Whigs? Slimily and alone his military success in Mexico. But. sir, I would like to know why, if this was the only object of the Whigs, thiy did not norn• incite General Scott? Why was he overinoked?—: The General, that the party have been in the hohiL l of denominating the hero of Chippewa,• Lundy Lane, Vera Com, Cerro Gordo, and the the battle- i fields near Mexico; why is he dropped or overlook- i edl His millitary successes are rather more //11- nwrons than that of General Taylor; besides. he had yoteu—tiatt some political principles. Will the , friends of (:en. Scott feel much fluttered_by the ne glect? If Military glory (516 the great desideratum, I cannot conceive the justice in passing by General [ Scott. If not so, and principles had anything to do with the selection, let me ash why the party have in his latter days abandened their 'liar ry of the - West r' For years„[ sir, they - h• ve loved to denominate him the neinhodiment" of Whig, principles. Hate they, [ übandonetll their principles? They used to speak of the principles of the great Whig party, as eter-, nul and vital. Where are they Jam? When Mr. Clay was !the candidate, their principles were not concealed--were open and declared; and although they were condemned by a majority of the people, ! there was something to respect in an open contest [ for principles, akhoilgh erroneous as I think they were—vi hen compared with that stealthy, snake-like I policy tbet makes nmarks, leaves nu tracks, and 1 is tube t'stken entirely on trust without any evidence l lof what it is, or is to be. The Whig, party arc a gain abontitu.resort o the plan of the campaign of 1840. Pree 4 ons to hey election, that had.annonn- I cod some principles, some policy,' but had been de r rented. In that me arable campaign, they made no avntval:f f*,.r the pi blle eye; and they elected Gen. ' Harrison.' In 1814 they made Mr. Clay. and his principles theircreed and standard-bearer: they fail -ed. ln 1848 they r sort to the, plan of 1840, and take a caddidate wit, avows no principles, to d they avow none, in tly- h [ipe that, unsuccessful with an avowal of principles as they have ever been, their only prospect consisyi in success without any. Will the.plan succeed? k ir, Ido not believe it will. , My colleague [IN r. Ste Wart) says the Allison letter of Gen. Taylo, exhibits his principles. Well, sir, we shall-see. For non-commitialism, that let ter out-Ileruds Herod, in my judgement. It is the twenty-second or twenty-third of the series that General Taylor hst The tir ? q paragra coatings, whilst will regullitc nty polit liar with all the mine give solemn pledges President: to carry o f*ieen us. Let us see. us follows. ave great cardinul principles which cal lite, I am not snfilciently Lanti e details of political legislation to L . exert my influence, if I were. M this or defeat that measure. I have I Id no opinion which I would not u4scrabled countryman: brit crude ter.; of policy, which may he right uorrow, aio, perhnpl, not the best e. Ono who cannot ha tr. t .ted I. t be confided in merely on account no concealment. I readily proelaitn to in!, impressions upon 11101 to-day and wrong to-1 test of fitness for oflic without pledges", Cann of therm' lii tin,, he soya he but not sufficiently give pledges to e.arr principle's that cattiO mils them to he "cr policy, Which may 1 ruw." Now, Sir, 11 that he Possesses, gency of "being HI row?" 0 so, they wrong 11w next, OS lint further it ill. ..I will proceed ho' , • ”First. I reiterate Whig, bnt not an alt thdmere president of independent of party administer tho G schemes." "A Whig, but of en ultra Whig," This the General is sure a "right to-day," but it niay be "wrong to-niorrow " The same remark is true ex- awl} , of the mann, r he would administer the Gov ernment. He trot Id administer it according to this plan end upon thi prinCiple, if he" should not con Wrong to- norrim.' ' 1 - - . 4 “Sscond. The we o power. The power given by the Constitution to the zecutive to interpose his veto is is high conservative p. wart but in my opinion. should nev er be exercised exec t in cases of clear Violation of dte. Constitution. or ma rifest haste and want of eonsitlire.= don by Congress. Andeed, I have thought, that for malty years past, the knoW i n opinions and wishes of the &teen five have exercis d undue and injurious influence upon the legislativ department of the Government; and for this cause I have thought our system Was In dan ger of undergoing a great change front its true theory.— The personal o pin i o _ s-of the individual who may happen to occupy the Exec live chair ought sot to control othe action of Congress pon questions of domestic policy; nor ought his objeo ons to be interposed *here questions of constitutional po ver have been settled by the various departMents of Goiternment, and acquiesitod in by the people," .1 _ _ _ 1 his great cardinal principles, acquainted with legislation to t4m out. What are these tbe described? At best he ad ind.,.limpressinns upon matters of i !e right to-day and wrong to-Dior ite:4e great "cardinal' principles" fare t ivy subject to this cumin ght to-depend wrong to-mor rn only to be right one day and circtitnstances may indicate. letter. 'vevor to respond to your inquiries. what 1 have, often said. 1 am a ,a whig. 1t elected, 1 would not be 1 a party. 1 would endeavor to act domination. I should feel bound to vernment untramoled by party irtnan, said something already in o power es viewed by our oppo ere ibt General Taylor's view of it; re a greater error made in regard protest agaittat ouch a principle I have, Mr, Ch regard to the. ve Denis, But, air, and never wad th , to tits exercise. i as is here avowed. The power, nevar to be exercised except in eii:=4 lion of the Constitution," Lc. h doctrine? Simply this: it must 'citl the legislation is unconstitutional; power is exercised: The very rc doctrine. Legislation ought tube 'ions!, or it ought not to exist. il, doctrine, a thing might be a little ! but not beilig clearly so, doubts bet. fact whether it is so or not, !Bereft er ought not to be exercised. Thi I conceive, of the true doririue. be limited by the Constitution, and ly within its limits as - principle and dent, ought not to be, sanctioned,. ' says, what is not elearly—that is,, yowl its limits oughtdgbe stoictioC sidered alibi° it. This avowal, a his salVo. It is . wrong to-day, an er, it seems to me a great error. 1 “Third. Upon the ~object of theta the improvement of our great bight+ and harbOrs, the will of tire people, no their represenintives in Congrei.:, nits and carried out by the I:‘ecutive." Sir it, would seem that Gen, Ti a hatever on the subjects just enn fern it'all to Congress. If they ti tariff, so is he; if favorable to harp is he: if against both, so is he. I pies in regard to these subjects.' gross may say, he is fur that. l's these measures, hels favorable; w he is against them. Now, sir, th f l league calls General Taylor's plat I said in this platform abobt a ba', treasury, about distribution of th public lands. ,If this is the platft, now, what has become of that onei wery right -then, why not insist 14 sir, the selection of their eandidt/ a view to availity.- They make 1 they have kicked from under them) mid are now . in the condition of prits.who are sometimes obliged 1 thing, as a penalty fur their otreni In all the letters of General '1 Convention that nominated him, 1 Ito ascertain what were his or. the learn, if possible, what they wort ;aeration meeting. *1 beard severt , member a distinguished gentlemn; ,spoke eloquently, and, as the' tie -great length." ln speaking of t served that it had been said that ti "Well, Or his part, he thought t Lion: it was in his favor. lie and that was what he wanted. man who lid voted. If .he had 5 clone some fighting; Others objt not give any opinion in regard to 0 01 ,4. Well, he couldn't—he cl didiet know• what had: been don United States. lie didn't know and lie hadn't time to lean it. , II for the people. But it was said I !couldn't writ. lie didn't care if 1 his 117 met he was holiest; he n, I people. What do yen think, fetll liitn,so popular? I'll tell you: it yes, fellow-citizens, his principl: were his principles, the people' %%i dark as et er. It was about as d his principles, and as satisfactory I heard of a countryman, who. coil ecary's shop, inquired, "Do - y -medicines .here?' :Apothecary • much ore they?" Apothecary; erable I reckor." "Very well, each " There was a lime, sir, in the when people were nut allowed the opiniops of rulers; they wet tied to know. But_it is,too late Men, under the impulse of freed err where and demanding to kni signs of those who are ruling th A party here seems In be the onl almost universal feeling. Whit feature might I not draw from th country! This Republic, new wonder of the world, started but universal gloom, with a &chii mankind of the principles to la great platform was erected: it r confoonded foes; and these prim of our national existence contai main, to be admired and venerate, lit itself exists. Sit, wilt the p of seventy-two years' oat iona I the early practice of open avow selves blindly to a man—a mere olio avows no principles, and political experience? No, sir, t I remember a poetic fiction lure of disupoint ment incident The Veiled Prophet KhOillS:1111 to believe that beneath the silo his lace, glowed a countettanc Tv, and worthy to command 11 1 ,141111 y he led them, relying up led his purposes and.wickedne.s At lust, raising the, veil, he C 3 self deformed, exclaiming -There, ye wise ',slats, behold 'your light, }our !-iari Ye Wlould he dupes and 1 ir tuns, and ye are." Sir, this was fiction; hat "trut i is stranger than fie, ' lion," and blind faith in mortal man may-be doomed I to disappontents its geat: et tne comend th ! picture to i the m c.mliding r follolers of Ge m neral Tay lot. . , - These are my views of the e.ndidatc of the Whig; party. Sir, 1 would not plug • a laurel from his brow—depri%e him Of a singe ray of glory that ,h ot dd jil,:ity stir -round him. Ile has been Selected for' his ad/lit:try achievements, as I have already said. How many, may not I ask, are the're to whom much of the glory claimed for General Taylor, does not justly belong? Many a bravePilicer, now overlook ed and forgotten by hb adtnircis and supporters,-per formed services as faithfully,land as important to success, as did the general. Flow many brave men are there that made tip the ranks of that glorious ar my, herded all fdr their coentry, fought saddled for it. whose laurels are now bound etouni the brow of the, commander? Is it just? Sir, the labors, perils) and courage of others are the Materials that consti tute the glory of a mere chieftain; and never was it more truly so than in the instance of Cows' Tay kur. Now, does this, the only clement of his popti larity, qualify him for President of the U; States? Sir, no Man can say it does, and where is any thing else to commend him 7 , -the least evidence of civil qualification in his whole life? . It exists nowhere— jB nut to be found or pointed out. Lhave made these remarksoir, in no spirit of un -1 kindness. To the Whigs "personally, I h ave no objection;" to them politically, I hate no other feel tug in the world but to see them defeated in this their second attempt to slide into power by an sliced in favor of men not principles. This cruising without flag, or banner, or papers, always will induce scru tinti"-stlsPieinnt and certainly it is in , fault of those-• who suspect—who doubt the entire fairness of the "transaction." It is the fo;lly of those who give grounds to suspect. Sir, I like to see the canner I iam to follow—see its motto, [beholds its starts, and feel that it is known and recograed by my fellow man. Such, happily, are the principles attic Dem ocratic part y. that it moves mit without these em blems—the insigne that shrill enable every behold er to distinguish its banner from all other banners; itp principles are broadly spread out upon its ample folds. Be victory or defeat the fortune of the day, still the banner is ever the same; On it remains the same great truths. In the contest that is to come, sir, I have no fears. Our opponents are made up of discordant material's, having no sympathies in com mon, and no principles in common; they cannot, 'Under such circumstances, hope to succeed. On Vora MEP 05 tuourn rAui..] -- -_--~= NUMB e says:, "ought /s of clear violet )'ire what is this , arly 'appear that 1. before the veto rerse is the true clearly eonstitn tceoreing to this ng, cast upon the the veto pow s is an inversion, :,^gislation is to what Is not clear necessary inel- General Taylor notorioosly—.bo and to be arl 1 e best, is eleMf2 will be so foreykr rill, the currency, flys, rivers, lakes, exprensed through; tit to be respected ayior has no vietvs noraied, Ile re re favorable to a ors and rivers, so I le has no princi i Whatever Con hen favorable to •lien against them, S is what my cot rm. Nothing is k,_abont the sub• proceeds of the rui of the Whigs •of 1844? ItAliey pun ii now? But,. e was made with o platforms, and that one of 1844, ertitin great cul l° dance upon no- aylor, and in the had been unable r principles. To 1 attended a rat- I NPeCelieg• I re i of l:ongress whet vsipipers say, "al to General he ob e had never toted: his. was no objed vas a good Whig, le did not want a ever voted, he had cted that he could certain great rpies ouldn't because he l , e since he left the that had been done I 0 was the % ery man 1e was illiterate and he couldn't write as the man of the loar-citizens, makes is his principles,— s"' • its to what re as much in the etinite in regard to i as the story which. uing into an apoth u keep drugs and . • "Yes." "Hoof . 'l'liey are \ consid- I will take one of istory of the worhi o be curious about e not thought entP in the day' now.—t m.are rising tip evz w the views and de , nn us to the future. y exception to this a contrast to this history of our own and, glorious,. the ly forth, amidst the :ation dedicated td contended for; the jai.ed op - friends anti Iliples t the title-page fling them. will re -41 while the Repub.. 2ople, after a',petiod existence, abandon al, and devote them military chieftain— as not a particle of hey will not, lhat furnishes a pie o blind devotion.— nduced his followers r veil that ever hid radiant with beam.' all 'heir homage,— ml faith, until It suit to undeceive them. ,hibited deformity it-