Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, June 22, 1848, Image 3

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    A Casw-nsu Euvron.—Our cotemporary of the Ga
uge is proving himself to be an adept at craw -fishing,.
s perfect steam-engine at backing out. Two weeks ago
hoo,ded positively that this "paper, under the Control
o f its present editors, inisisted that Mr. Polk was heartily
Ride the citizens of the lake region" in regard to riv
er and harbor improvements; "that he was disposed
r e go farther than most of them, that he was so ardent
and radical that he wished the proceeds of the .eales of
the public lands to be entirely withdrawn front the §tates,
t h e w hip desired, and appropriated to . the inriorove
merit of rivers and harbors." This Statement we denied
and called for proof. The next week our veracious editbr
eeswvfahect—actuallyillacked out, but in order to - oxeuM3
himself, asserted-that we "however, attempted what Fos
scarcely less objectionable. viz: to exhibit Mr. Polk id tho
light of a decided frienil,of Ricers and, Harbors—Or, in
other words, as desiring national appropriations for tits
purpose of improring them." This he said he "asserted
without fear of contradiction," and dared us to "deny it."
Well, we did deny it, and called for proof—actually rubbed
the denial under his nose, and invited investigation.' Thus
cornered—thus branded with falsehood—thus kicked,
cuffed and driven to the wall—in this week's paper the.
fellow Makes a clean breast of it, and after quoting a
couple of Paragraphs from our paper under date of Oc
tober 5, '44, asserting that "it is false that Judge ThoMp
ton (not President Polk) is opposed to the improvement
our, and all other harbors," and aosseiting that "he is
new, and always has been, infra or of Government retain
ing the funds dented front the sale of the public lands and
apply tt to the completion and construction of harbors!"
—he says ho "erroneously placed Mr. Polk lo Judge
Thompson's position." Aye, very trite! but; what right
had .he to "erroneously place Mr. Polk in Judge 'Thomp
son's position?"—what right had he to falsify the facts.
True, it is said "when ignorance is bliss,. 'tis fly to be
wise;" but in this instance we think there is very little
bliss connected with the position this professor of crane
fishing has placed himself, Ito evidently feels un
comfortable, hence ho endeavors to argue, by "construct
ive inference," rs he calls it, that because we asserted
that .10dgo Thompson was in favor of cei lain measures,
me also Asserted Mr. Polk was! What nonsense! For
the honor - of the profession, if nothing else, we hope our
cotemporary will forbear in future from indulging in such
childish prattle. It may do well enough for a man when
he wants to seo how big a fool he Can make of himself,
but for a grave and dignified member of the corn ed
itorial, it is rather small potatoes, and few in a hill.
- I
- ”Tturr Costmoszusv," Auars.—Like any of ter c
with a tin whistle, the "Esq." of the Comoz , rrinl con-
Mres to blow his shrill notes to the same time he corn
'-nienced when he devoted himself
,from a twolpepity
tattler to. a four-penny editor; and like that iambus
Knight, Don Quixote, ho imagines he has vanquished
every foe, and exultingly tells his three hundred readers
that wk; have retired from the field. What a mistake.- 2
closed the controversy because, according to good
whig authority—the Gazette—we had maintained one po
sition so far as the testimony of the best writer on Politi
e,al Economy in the country, Processor Wtt . land, and
Gen. Jackson went, and because we hail in the discus-
sloe adduced sufficient evidence to convince every dem
ocrat that Gen. Cts! , ts was safe on the question of
improvements. We did not expect to convince the Ed
itor a the Commercial or stop him front misrepresenting
the Democracy or Gen. Cass. Neither did we desire to
do so, mid we only -now allude to the I subject for the
p toss of correcting misrepresentation. The Editor of
the Commercial vauntingly says he proved our assertion
that Gen. Jackson "vetoed all bills for internal idoprove
ments, utterly untrue, showing that he signed a 'bill
making largo appropriations to roads." Now the Editor
of that sheet ''proved" no such Ailing, "showed" no
sih thing. He merely! asserted it. No wonder, if he ,
do , s n't know any better what "proof " is than this, he
could n't make a living at pettifoging. We know what
h ,alludes to—and we know very well why he wishes to
g t of with his own tiure assertion. So opt with the
p of.
1 i
In regard to the resolution offered by Mr. Ball at the
r tification meeting, declaring the whig party in favor of
' internal Improvements" by the general government,
end which was arisended to read "harbor and river im
provements," oil cotemporary 'nays "that the gentlenum '
who moved the aniendment did not say that: river and
I arbor improvements wore not internal. Hu merely
-1 --- s'aid that_ te considered the expression "internal" Used
by the Baltimore Convention, as a shbterfuge, to avoid
' the river and Harbor question." This is tine as far as it
goes—but it is not all. 'He "did not say that river and
harbor improvements were not lineup'," but he sdid
that according to his opinion the constitution did not an
thorize the commencement and carrying on of a 'general
system of internal improvements—that no party con
tended now-a-days that it did—and that 're hoped the
whigs would not be be decoyed into the trtifet for them
by the Baltimore resolution: There we , l_rutithers who
coincided with him in this view, and the re s olution urns
mended! Now the very fact that the resolution was
amended under such circumstances proves beyond cavil
that, in the opinion of .that meeting, harbor improve
ments and internal improvemmits are not one and the
sante thing.
In closing this controversy it may be expected that we
shall re-ply to the personal abuse and slander's indulged
in by the Editor of the Commercial toward us. We
shall do no such thing, however. Were his eldnders new,
we might be induced, to retort, but like everything front
his pen, they do not possess even the merit of originality.
Fur five years, they have constituted the stock in trade Of
every half-starved peppy we hnvo been compelled to kick
from our path, and we expect they trill for five years, in
Tnr.FAIRS:ESS or IVIIIOERV.—The infamous charge
against General Cass, of having voted to reduce the pay
of Volunteers for clothing—when his vote was given to
, add olio dollar a month to their pay—is still repeated by
some of the-anti-war papers, and orators.' One of the
latter, we understand, repented it to a little knot that
gathered in the Court House, on Wednesday oveuitw.—
When it is remembered that the tk refutation of this cal
umny was complettcand overwhihming„ and that no one
has yet veestured to gainsay the facts which triumphantly
sustained the vote of General C.S,S, the repetition of the
original charge is very much like tho circulation of a
counterfeit note, , with the knowledge that it is a fraud.—
Morally, there certainly is no difference.
A Nate BCCKSIIUT WAIL—The Pennsylvanian says
the Constitution of this Stito provid3s that if a Gov
ernor dies or resigns, three calender months before the
second Tuesday of October, the vacancy shall be filled
by election on the said second Tuesday of October.—
The "Whigs" are now quoting a lair which they declare
to be in conflict with the Constitution on this subject, and
the sages of the North American advise Gorcrisor .10155-
sus, (God save the mark!) to call an extra session of the
Legislature to cure the defect! lye have no disposition
to interfere with the virttiotts and economical intentions
Of a party defeated and trampled under foot last year by
a majority of more than seventeen thousand votes; but as
we have an old-fashioned notion that the direct language
of the Constitution over-rides all bungling laws, we think
bur good folks in Pennsylvania dill proceed to elect a
Governor, and a Democrat at that, and stand the conse
quences; eren of another Bachsho l War/
Er The Honesdale Herald cdutaina an amuging ac
count of a recetit attempt to holdja Van Buren disunion
meeting in Wayne County:- It was attended principally
by disaffe'cted Whigs, who, with Abolitionists and a
handful of sore-heads, acting 'yea l a ago with the Democ
racy, managed the a ff air. Manyl
Democrats and Taylor
men were there toseo the fun, h i tt the latter went away
chop-fallen, as the proceedings proved that the big-head
dimwe is to carry off many more from the federal party
in that region, than from the Doi;
is rr Sol—The Troy Whig 4.y.: "The another of
Lamanine, the celebrated leader in the French revolu
tion, is said to be a Mamiachasettei girl. She married the
father of Lamartine when quite )oung, in Boston.
113%?v. Morehead of N. C., "despatched the lotterino
lifying Gen. 'Taylor of his nomination at Philadelphia by
mall, on the 9th of June. So ea -Abe 'Raleigh Regther.
By Magn i tic Telegraph,
Dispatches for the Tri Weekly Observer.
There was a groat fii
IFhlt of June, which de:
The etc / timer Wash'
men and Southampton
cie''aml three vessels t.
Mr. Johnson, of Sou
his house at Limestone
No report this evenin
There is not much
her in 'ilouK or wheat, e
market being of ratht4
the extent of 800 bbls.,l
Mills, Michigan, have
quotation, there. aro me
We have no sales 1.4,
4ontinally 73c for Chid
Corn is in good requi
1000 hit. Ohio. afloat,
quotation the marketis l
Oats 32a34.
Highwines inactive.
SalesMiseede -oil at
$1 06.
Packages extra pork
Lard in good dente:
ing purchased to urriv
Butter 10.half2i and
Sheep pelts 18.1a30,
—Dr) hides MuSi for
NEW YOIIiC July 19, 3 P. 31.
IkSenate l yesterday, Jefferson Davis, from the Com
mittee of Conference on the Military bill, reported in
favor of repealing the law of 1846, reducing the number
of generals in the Arniy. The Senate agreed to the
I I OUSe amendment to the Bill, gr.iiit ug half-pay to tho
widows and orphans l of officers and soldiers killed in
. - -
Aj ternoon Extra Session.—Mr. Clayton from the select
commitee, reported a bill to establish a Territorial Goy
ernment in Oregon - , New Mexico and California. Read
twido and made order (3f the day fur Friday next.
The hill leaves out
Mr. Clayton said the
great unanimity. only )
Rhode 14and, and Ui
In tho !louse, the
favor of repealing the
ber of Generale, end
extra pay to the office
The Speaker preset
Commissioner of Pal l
charges preferred agr i
Isis communication un
on Patents, before wh l i
hearing, &c., which
The Ilouse then resolved itself into committee of the
whole, and-took up the civil and diplomatic appropria
tion bill, Mr Root of !Ohio, in the chair. After,an hour's
consideration, the coininittee rose and announced the
bill as amended, as re i rtly for the action of tho House.—
But without taking a tion the House adjorned,
NARKLT. lour i.
2500 bills. at $4 87 a
Pure Gencse $5 25 a
d immoderate request. Sales 5000
1 15, 2000 do red at 90 els.
einand. Sales 15,000 bushels ai
0 55 for round.
Oats firm at -13 a 4-le.
Wheat is heavy, a!
bushels Genesee at
Corn firm, and in
.19a52 cts for mixed a
It yo li4r, alit' dull
I'urk is $9 a 9 1:?.i
I.ard held firmly.
Whislev '2'2. a t 125
BurTALo ntraiLT
hut at reduced rates.
Indiana at $4 59.
Wheat dull. OW:
Corn in good rep'
atlolt at at 37 ctg.
Nothing doing in
Provisions firm,
MEssns. Entrons
this commonwealth
suitable person to MI
liniment of the Ste
that gooa and highly
Permit me to buggy>
dred, of Harrisburg'?
Convention, P.9U11 to
ting a Governor.
Judge Eldred is to
portion of the Comn
than the suggestion
high and respomilai
enthusialie supporti
Erie, July 21, 18
Inasmuch a 4 thol
the people, to select
chair of this great
proper to submit for
riod as possible, the
neat Democrats.
the Don. Morris Lo.
un efficient Manic,
Fioners, ns a gentler'
of trust the partialit
wealth may see fit t
the Executive
Erie, iNlity ~11,
for of the Cluchmat
sylvania and Maryq
through that city, of
"We understand;
mingled with the P; ,
their return, that a t
Cass and Butler. k
and do respect Gen
patriot; but they co
leaders have denim:
have been ougagetl
who prosecuted it a
Gen. Taylor permit
by such party leadd
selves, destroys all
es of our bravo ;
The Louisville
fila' Tim regime
boring upwards of,
cept about twenty.
1:la Hon. C. D
heavy a load in tho
ken his stand on tl i
"free laborers!"
11013 r, DUNCAN
from the Cincinn
ply to certain in
him. The substa
candidate for Con
—and that he is '
into any territory
not now exist."
anti-T. tier higs are canvassing Massachu
setts with great spirit. Stephen C. Phillips, of Salem,
has joined the corps of their missionaries now stumping
the State. At their recent meeting in Lowell. the Chair
man and Secretary were Ithamar A. Bahl and Dr. L.ll,
Morse, the persotis officiating in the same capacity at the
last regular 'Whig caucus.
lU'No i Sunday mail, it is stated, is now carried in any
part of New England, and a very large number of such
have within a few years boon discontinued in other
States, embracing lines amounting in all to upwards of
eighty thousand miles.
view YORK, July 20, 7, P. M.
ire et Bantingo. in Chili, on the
;stroyocl property to Or ‘yrimenso
gton, which left to-day - for Bre
carried out 55,000 dote. in ape
ok' 60,000 dole. more.
th Carolina, fell from the piazza of
Springs, breaking his leg in two
ii down, Eatit of Buffalo
flutrAt.o, July 21, 4 P. M.
lisposition evinced to operate el
le appearance of the New York
n discouraging nature: Bales to
Marine Mills, Ohio, and Marshall
een made at $4 25, and . at this
ore sellers than buyers.'
note in whe4.i The Market is
ago, and 85890 for Ohio.
st, and holden 4 are firm., Some
hanged hands at 313 c. and at this
• t
Market nominally 5.10a0.01;.
60 cts. and 200 bldg. of llaxeeed ut
steady at previous rates. -
d, several Eastern operators hav
at Gia7
Intrimed end trimed
ho blavery question altogc,ther.—
committee adopted the bill with
two members dissenting, Clark, of
derwood, of Kentucky.
.onference . committee reported in
law for the retitle ion of the num-
It favor of allowing three months
uted to the !louse a paper from the
e l nts, in which ho pronounced the
i l inst him to be false, and asked that
fight be referred to tho Committee
l icit he might be allowed to have a
l eas agreed to. I
wavy and in fair demand. Sales
12, for ...coalman and weatorn.—
and $ll- 126. Saks small
Stiles 300. bbls
July 19,—Better demand for flour,
Sales 1290 Ohio, Michigan and
offered at 91, but nobuyers.
est, with sales, 6000 bushels mixed
Ot.tq. 1
w Erie Obrerver
Gentlemen. The Democracy of
re unexpectedly called on:to select a
I the vacancy in the Fxeentive De
occasioned by the resignation of
esteemed patriot. Francis R. Shook.
t the Mune of the Hon. IN. B. El
, for the considerinion of the State
convene for the purpose of nonkina-
o well known to the i!eoplo of throo
onwealtiiiifO require nnything more
of hiq name in connection with that
office; to secure their cordial and
.1. the 'Eno Obsener
time is short for the deliberation of
o proper man to fill the Executive
ommonwealth, it may nor bo
their consideration at us early a pe
names of some of our most promi
would thert•fore,saiggebt the name of
igstroth of Montgomery county, now
of the Board of Cana! Commis
tan highly qualified to fill any station
of the Democracy of the Common
[o call him, and 'particularly that of
tii Enquirer thus ['Hades to the Penn-
Volunteers, who have just pissed
In their way to their homes:
from several of our friends who have
leunsivania and Baltimore troops on
Very large majority of them aro for
Plow can it be otherwise? 'They may
Thor as a brave man and a
tunot co-operate with a part} whose
laced the war in which our volunteers
unjust and wicked, and the men
is •land pirates' and'Mlurderers.' at
av himself to , be used as aAudida re,
dre, merely to acquire power for them
inerit he would otherwise have in the
B,lntocrat of the sth inst., contains Ale
t under Col. Black, Pittsburgh. num
.loo, aro all or Cass and - Butler. ex-
We have this from the best author-
chino, who has heretofore borne so
, ) Whig traces, in Ohio, has openly ta
te stump against Gcn. Taylor and his
Success to "trade and business."
I formerly Representative in Congress
,ti District, has published a letter in re
luiries which" have been addressed to
ice of his -reply is that ho will bo a
_ toss —that lie is in favor of Gen. Cass
opposed to the introduction of slavery
on this continent, where 'slavery doesi
TT We -notice that many paps which have hereto
fore indulged in harsh remarks eon erning Gen. Pillow. '
are now recalling their chargesin 'consequence of the
complete acquittal of the General beforo tlje Court of In
quiry. I .
cr,i4r. G. C. Yanglins Vegetable Lithentriptic Mixture. the
Great American Remedy is attracting, the notice of the
principal papers - ail over the country. Not a journal of any re
spectability, hut what has commented upon the great hone of this
medicine. It has been introduced all cottlie vv odd, 111.1 has earn
edj fur itself a reputation never know I equalled by an article in
the line, hi this or a y other country. he stories told of Eili
guise power over demu(' of every nat re, serve to strengdwu the
belief that magic ha an ageney in the matter, and the facts as they
stand forth in the bl. Uit
M . uXnulay, stripped of all embellishments,
are truly,startling. ii No other medicine is ever thought of in many
our 1110 St populo vllhiges and towns, and the voices %ye might
!most say of millions, cured of - all kinds of complaints are beard
in its
_praise. Seeloin columns, call on Agents of thin Great Amer
ican Remedy thisiLithontriptlc Mixture, and get a pamphlet. -
1 r - - ----
Co - Ono, Z r amdfeis„-:-The most pleasant and effectual S, '
Araplttra.lons and Spring medicine is Dr. G. Benjamin
Smith's/Inger Col I tel l ! Indian Pills. Title ma chless remedy Is re- r
commended by the Matron of the Naval Itott ital, N. Y. and thou- J
rands of Families. Iltferpills have given so gramerat . m ,,,,,thettoll. of
fs" --- Ile sure and get the Genuine with my'tiatne written Iv nth a i t ,
pen on the bottom of the hot, G. lIENJ. SMITH. el
Carter & Brother i gatd Burton & Perkins arc Ag°ents,
lin:lents, and sold in a'
every town In thee untry. ' e.../ II
Tolthe Sick and Afflicted. , C
CIIERRI..-We can con:As:emit- state that Dr. Swayne's r ,
Compound Syrup or Wild Cherry hai been CMCINit Ply used in the e, United limes for timbre than ten years; that its bene fi cial effects „:
havebeeu tested bylthousands; that it invariably reinores.a recentl,
raugh, and that hundreds of individuals, gradually sinking under t ,
that insidious attack of death's fell enituissary, Pidnumary C.'aim- m ft
samption, ham been re-tored to health, happiness and friends, by e
its use, and are now living witnesses of the curative ironer of tits II
A4Ol'llEll INVALIp HES fORED To IlEALTIL—Ilersd the most remark' e ,
able cure ever recorded.—Dear Sir:—l feel called by a sense oftluity ~
I owe to suffering humanity, to acknowledge lily grateful thanks
for the wonderful (!tli..ets of your Co/Mound Syrup of Wild Cher
-1 ry on ins, after 'Mitering HlOlllll after mouth with die utmost aillicting
of all diseases, Cofi l suiription. The first symptoms trete of a very
heavy cola, which kettled on my lungs, an I graduallf-grew WI)TW.
, with profuse night sweats, a hacking mull/Ili, and stinting blood,
with great debility.l hly constitution c.i.niied broken down, and
nervous system ankh impaired. I went to Philadelphia, was
treated there by Phsicians or the higliest'standing,hut received no
t i ,
benefit whatever fr mai them, but gradually- grew worse, until my
physicians at %%ell es myself, gave up all hopes Cl recovery, - and I
felt like one who it about to pass through Me valley of the Shad- I I
ow of Death. At t rig "awful juncture" I heard of your Compouinul
Syrup of Wild Chic my, of which I purchased sit-bottles, which. I
:unhappy to say, et tirely cured tae, raid I ain now enjoying better
health than I ever have before in my life. Physicians , w Imo vi it
nessed my case are highly recommending it in similar cases: and I
wish you to make this pub*, vt.) data all may know where to pro
cure a remedy at once Which will teach their disease before tam
pering with the many "quack nostrums" with which the country
is flooded. My residence is 45, Ann street, wiMem I should be hap
py to have the above substantiated by a Personal interview.
Er Be not tleceieed by the many tiplirtaus and worthless prepar
ations of Wild Clierv, ushered into notice by ignorant pretend
ers,but see that thesiguatute of Dr. Sway Ile is on each bottle,
which is the only guarantee against imposition.
Prepared only byl Dr. Swayne, N. W. corner of Eighth man:ice
lyrems. Philadelphma, and for care by respectable Druggiuds in !rear
st all the principal-owns in the United States.
Burton& Perkin , N0..5, and Critter & Brther, No. 0, Reed
i .s
Reed Agentouse, Age. thrit
FEVER AND,'I,GLIE finally conquered: This dewase has
11 7 at length met with an opponent, Leibre which it ban had
ni yield, in the page Cholagogne, prepared by Charles o,good, M.
D. This gentleman resi.lee Se% cral!.ea rs in an itift.cted -district
of Michigan, making Fever and Agner its name, enact, and Cure,
his study. and froni the knowledge thus acquired. he compounded
the anove named Medicine. which has never yet been kamen in fail,
Numerous certificates froom men of the higher! resrctability,
testifying to lime great eTicacy of his medicine, can be seen on ap
plication to the undersigned agent.
This excellent compound is for sale by the preprielor's
Agent's I.IIIRTON & PERKINS, No. 5, Need MASC. aihe
In IVashington County Wisconsin. on the Ilth of June last,
Mrs. Catharine W elder, consort of (eorgo Voehler, formerly of
OW place, in the filth 3 car of her age.
' OF pr ()NUM ENT AI, SC UtxTUR E,
By Dr Collver's European Troupe of Arit.ts This is no entirely
new exhibition MARBLE, of twelve perFons—repre
tenting the vtork of the great masters in Sculpture.
Re.erved seats fur Lntlies. Illuminated by ihe Drutninuini
Light. Ench grotip it ill ret ulve on Canova's
ADMISSION —5O cents.
St Itoward.
WS Lost last evening. on Seventh street, betoe
on French and
Holland. or in the vicinity, TAUVIII cal f4i in Wallet, contain
ing about filly do tarn in bills, tinny of it in Erie money. The
wallet contained .nine ',anent, of no value but to the owner.
The tinder will receive the above reward by leaving it at the
store of P. Metca f. . 1
Erie, July 21, 1 IS,
M OLASSES craper than ever.
Erie, July 21, 1119.
01„11 . 11R esrelle it, superior, Old 11)e :\ Timone:theta WhiskeY,
11warranted 2.S , - ears old, I) the bid. or gallon, at
19. 11 I'll/K , 14.
'be bi:A. V ine , nr I n Erie can Le lioeelo for IS: 1;i
Erie. July 21. I
V gallon. at
July 21, I.M S.
L%' Jtily2l
, . Strayed,
ASMALL Bet C ow; Iturns'Ftantl up well ; belly and the end of
her rail whi et with a rpot In her forehead, :Intl gives null;
from only three Wall. Whoever will return the sn id (ow ',hall
be amply reward •d. attwA Gl:ultra:llEBS.
Erie, July 11, IEI9. I ,
Banker and Exehange Broker. Dealer in Bilk of Pere - LT:Re,
Mane, certiricites of Depo-itc. Ciiht and gilver coint&n.,
°dice directly i oppoAte the Engle hotel, Erie, -Pa.
livovra., aNirrmtriory.
1.,,0, v „ be wv .1) nt the Amsricnti llotyl. in the foal] of a ran
il ck wll ch moulds the candle A at is burned, simply ItY
nutting the Lett( in , on lie nx is. Any person desirous or nutting
dune. into &Ha , n 0•1111 do well to salt and purchase the rillit a —
Call in, 20110141 U n and Ql.f• for ourselves; if not to prirslia.e, at
least to gratify 3 our curiosity. 1
Erie, July It). lk-le. .11.13
--- -
. VI
rrylloSr. wh•lntnrn !loose in gbod condition, in evert n.ay (Ju
-1 venient, atO located in the plewndt•st part of the city. %% onld
do n 01 to call soon.
Erie, Judy 19, 1t4,19•
.iillow Dayß Only.
ivR. RI:KW r toll,Daguerreotypitd, will remain at hi:, rooms
I Ot./21. the Erie Bank, for a few days more. for the purpom at
accominodating:thae who may wish to provire likene,wm llf tlli
hill 1. Til°he Wilo Wihh a perfect far-simile of th,aaelve.: 0
friend-. us nul ! iio is ell to call immediately'. Roinini second ,tory
directly or er Erie Wink.
" Ei in, July 17. It.V. eildl,3 2,
Legho lints and Bonnets alepairocl
and Olen - led.
T; A. FE1.1./"IANN. late 61)111 Ilainlairg, Germany, would rwi
.1:...o• pectfullyltiforin the public thatlin-bas located hinisell ii
Eric. and established a shop for the potpi=e of Brewing over,,ini
thoroughly cleaaing and bleaching Ladies and Gentlemetels bid
horn anti Straw flak. and Bonnets. and invitee nil to call mid ell
mmine SpCCIIIIC/ hof his viorkinaahim Being jut from Fran
he is enabled to do rip Ladle,' lints in the very latest rani. List;
ions. and in thelbea panible maner. Shop on French, helm., i
Third and Fourth streets. E. A. FELDTMAN N.
Erie, July It lE , l o .eodatf
JusT received and fig ralelow.,
asilhs. Horse Shoes;
' •
300 lbs. .. "' Nails, '
H store of
at the Ilartear ,
July 11. IEIB
Door's Hair.
A Bair just received and fbr sale low at the liar
oC 11. CAL/WELL.
6 1 TONS Deer
%%are Store'
July I I, Ibid.
141 , 1,X1 . 11.1 , 4: 4 .—Ju5t received a-good assortment of 1.a%%1,
I/ Bareges, fringes for Mantillas, Summer Shawls, Lades'
Ctavats. Ladle " and Childrvn's Walking Shuns, :iilk and Li e
Thread Gloves Ladles' Mitts. Ladies' dud Gents' cotton 110. .
&c., &c., to be sold cheap for cash,
Erie, July li, IN-18.
GyAOO mrAnE.
ctivered Sauce Bowls. on foot front 7 to 10 inches—
.o Ribbed and Plain Pitchers: Jelly Stand.; ; Sugars and
Pressed Saucer il and Nappies ; and Plain Tumblers ; Ho
and .1.101m.,et. enns ; Goblets, Lemonade and Wine Glabses ; 1.. -
terns, Law - " "Ist received a splendid arEanlinent
lie above,
per ya
rfilLT li Pt.
11 or gal
1 or Greenfic
bcriber, notice i
vier to eeid mita
elninis against
for settlement.
July 21,1818,
- Administrator's Notice.
if Administration on the lite of Sorrel Bisset. rt
leld township, dec'd, 'hiving been granted to the t.
IN hereby given, to all persons indebted in any m to
to. to make immediate payment, and thoi4e has ti
said estate will present ilwin duly "authentic: lc
Of Greenfield, Adtninistralo .
DLILICNHTICE is hereby given that npplicatinn will het e
to the next Legiskithre et l'enns)ivania, for the incorporn le
of n Bank, to I.e called "The Canal Bank of Erie, with n cal it:
of One Hundred Thousand : Dollars, with privilege of Melva le
It to Three Hundred Thousand Dollars, with all the usual B. ❑1
ing privileges, to he located in the Borough and county of J. ti
State of Pennaylvahla.
Erie, July - 13, 1E43.
James U. Marshall,
C. M. Tibhals,
BcnJ. Tomlinson,
Width Jackson
Thome H. tlill,
James Williams
Wm. Al Galbraith,
Chug. 11. Wright,
George Kellogg,
E subscribers are just receiving a very full stock of SPIT !N.
and SUMMER GOODS - consisting of nimosbevery variety (
Dry Goods, Groceries, Yard:irate and Ctrarkery, all of which Inv
been pnreliaso at unusual low rates and will be sold ns low Is
any other House in Erie. They invite their old customer?,
and Gentlemen, and the Public generally, to call and examine tiel
Lseorttnent befOre purchasing elsewhete J. HUGNF3ti &
I rie,June 10, 11.48.
North East Woolen Factory. . .
7000 3JAUDS of Cloths, Castaineres. Tweeds, Batt en
Blankets. Flannels. are now ready to beesettang d t
wool at the lowing rates: For plain full cloth , one yard , r
lb*. of wool; 'assinterea 2} His., to the yard. We wilt also nal
ufacture during the season, Black, Brown, fiteel.rni red cloth at'
eta. per yard; Cassimeres of the setae colorant 30 eta. and hi
flannel at 18 and !nets. per yard.
North East, June 10, 1818
ado D'loney Wanted.
}KEY received fit par for Goods, at the ;west r 4
nbe bought in the Borough for any other kind of ru
No. I, Reed no se.
they cal
Call at
July H. up.
'A good article In:^e.
J. J.
for cash at Buffalo prices. -
2 latest styles from Wets to ;21 Ere
ed Oil, raw and belled, by the ba
Jos. M. Sterrett.
P. Metcalf,
Samuel llays,
John C. Deebe,
Carbon Graham
John A Tracy,
William Kelley,
J. fl. Name,
S. Lane,
J. H. Fullerton.
STEVEiifii & JOINT. a
- - ....c.....4.4 - . 5...,
- I lllli is th e first atteapt I) combine tile EI.ECTR ILI or MAG-
I. N Vale MUIR with non erful vegetable Extracts in the form
al', it ointment —to be applied externally for the removal of difeape.
I'll . :host unlimited earcest. it has met n illi, stamps it at lance
he (I tt EATEsT DiSetiv FAY OF ['flit: AGE. 1 It is constantly
tili fang cure= of the minus' pliant:wee. The Most incredulous
tn.CON NC),lll.—the Moot taithleso ate compelled to believe in
it' power and virtue Of this grew. remedy.
I to universally adu l ated to Lei the .110`..4141VON'DEPFIM.
A m otNAT N e w
loN Koi •N to the( fur the I MMEI)I.ITU
It I LIEF of ilioeme atnt ram. 1 1 '
I never Mils white there remains safficient life to restore a tatti-,
'al and healthy action to the capillary ve,sels 01 the body. a ad to
rt,i Ono Mc c reulat:aa q the &load.) Ily: this means, a routroltiog
Is or is gained ore , the Ano4 matibuaid forms of DISLIAShIi that
:n , IC4 b.: oil:Ailed from nay other fetnedy. Such to the power of
tin conthination that it penetrates t. 3 every portion of the human
rr4 ~a; cc cry bone and muscle, vein, none and ligament is search.
DA am and larttle Seribillq: dt purifying and healing hilluetice.—
lit ice, it cut •s as readily with iqtr 4 .nal as external ilir.C4LeS.
.114tlerolle, )itrAances are cm [Cern t Where this remedy has rester.
vl (mint to ' , clients so ti ar the gra at that the 1110141/01% erful inter
la retnedtet lotted to ooduce any effect. ;Inch has nequently
he it the race in IN FLA, I M.VEION of the BOWEL: —tto patient .r [CIA the It oh tilts M aisie is fa*re the Magnetic Ointment call
!,e 'Mahan!. That dangerous col calm known as th e PL"PIIII)
El VSIPEL en ell can always be e ell by.tlals temetly.
j .
, or IN V LA,Mrd ATOI V lIIIEE.IdATIS]I, lino Ointment is the
iv .it complete remedy e Cr prepared.
ap9 c h-es oat ut it/'), it will Oiled entire reief to the norst Ca
w of NCR VOLIS !MAI/ACRE aul,thirty minuses,
, or Nervous dneases this reuleall is of inititenw value.
11l twits of the splint., Ithettinat stn. Lameness, Ulcerated Sore
T ro tt, Bronchitis, Pleurisy, Croup, Chills, Clmlera itlorbus, Ague
In the Mce or breast, lb ens, &alai (lead, Scrofula. Salt Menai,
E 5 eipelne, haunted Ly •s; Fever elOrext, dc., tt ill be emi t ethately
rt. trued by the use or tic 4 iculetly. 1 .
ii reply to yo , ir queries with retard to the results of the Ecper
li wilts 1 More Mlle WIIII your juntly celebrated Nlagnetie i mit
a, gut ; 1 can sac tt ith lll:Ms:ire, that I deem It one of the GREAT
k: •TviscovtaiEs Ot TILE AGE.
It Id how occur two years since 1 COIIIMCIICIA using it in my
ii active, and I hate tes ed it tit car. of Inilamili:stioll, both local
a M,gerimal, of Ilic , 1)10:1 1101111.1IIL kind, with 1111heiSal success ;
t en wherd all internal felfleatee. 'failed, prate succeeded it lib
tl i.. ' 1 1
I have treated eases ot Inflammation of the Brain, lailanimation
o the Lines, Nihau:unfit - Ai of the !Bowels, Intlaimumory Rhea
ii .lit in, anJ ' Child-lied 'ewers, V. ill perfect nieces', lilei , ) Casts •or
, mrlet Fever, Canker fast, and! Ulcerated Lungs and Throat
N MI like success. ,
It, file El Omit ic knom a as the Putrid Erysipelas, by which so
II any valuable lives we.,e punt, 1 to led it frequently, and it inver
t Ilml of shirting a • peedy and cei Mini cure. .
In ea.-Cd of Burns, SprainWlrubes, Frozen Limbs' &c., it acts
I lie a charm.
' No Plit sic lan or family will he a single day without this medi
c fie, alter becoming acquainted with its tmwer to cute:
f N. II I NGIIA,,I. Physician and Surgeon.
Utica, N. Y., Jan. lit, VV.
tr For further particular. , and testittiotrials,see pamphlet left
t ith each aaent. I:_r Icrice 21 and 371. cents' per bottle.
A GEN TSt— & Carter Brother, Wholes:M..lml retail, Erie ;1). N.
.1. 1,, wei,ipr, 4 . ollitr i alit, Ulll5l ; Riley l'oller, West Springfield:.
'. 11. Town,end, Sp:might-1J ; L. S. Julies & CO., Girard ; John
Tracy, Fair% iew. .
Erie, August -1 I, 1117. lylo
TM A. filitir E AIM TII A. EMU - ionic cit. 'FUN TEA COMPAN Y'S AGENCY,
No. 1, Perry Illock,State St., brio, Pa.
1.-5 : :::, - 7 - _- -, 1:--_: - _ - -' - -_.. - ,"'• r l * l 3 l
• 9 :.1L12 .. 161 -.-- '' f.
• , :i . ,1 -
'...%.,--.-- ~,- tail , "- . '; : - - ------ = - :' - ''j . • 1,...: , _ 4 . ',,,L' :
-,..:.------,,.---, A, .. : .„,7_ , ...--; ... ' .....;„
\,.. 1 ..' , / ' •••••• --- '9 ' r 4,,,,,,,, r , ..., ,-..,--„,-.„ 2 „ 1. .,, ~,,,,,,.,
ci r - •- ' t , - -5, --- ----;- --... -..:'"---.- -,
3 4 ----T i %4 • 4 61..
4( v ,e- 1 ,
- :. .. , i
_I.. .
Company's Superior
uppro‘ed Partieu,
Lrie, July 21, PA. I
w. moon.
fly in% L( Ike attcntio
his city awl vie hill
ca.,—subjerl in all Ca.,.
ars next weelc.
THE sulneriber nol
geaerally, that, he y
at the old viand on N
/i inforn
4 4trt et
here ill
• of the
hle fur grit
Iflll • fo•
%ant ir
(• tui
h.. 2.1
rEd r
large block, caii.btlii
ricloted marble, tiait,l
tclll tint it to their rif
ces. .1s I ton not to
thing iii tine, Iron
the iravelire4 agetilt,
__Erie, July 6, 1616.
siitywutin g tiu
and other 4 t ic
VA 1)1(
i 1.•
P.rie, July 14, 1.1 .4 .
y 'KING cf,AziS
.Nlnliogany Frain
to linprov, ILr Itoks,
of var
l Erie, July Il.lrllr.
fleT A C t
CUtCLKI.c I,sorll
lamed l'etifocal Silec
,01,1,1. 4 11%
cut ul ro'
acit, sal
July 11, 1619.
FR .11F
I.() Ifni)
r P1•11 , H
Or rat
4l) 111
/.1111.1) AND Sit.
Iln I
of the !Most
doli.,rent cankers, Sit‘l
111 %lion, the
:t4 it't, tot imeildell !(-)
MicriFopee, fur [nag
July 11, I.IQ.
_L chiding litrk'sP,
and giver ‘Vatenc.
from. for hale %cry to
July 11, ISIS.
(,„ %Rl*
5p0...0n , 24
' •
on hand or manufa
coin, and no charge
- July 11, Wit , . I
ccomeons. 1
and Filed. Guitar,
1,11e4, Bauer a
ran .:1 10 call , t , r.
it etigl%
(131111 TS—A lerg i
"iolin, and V iv!
July 11, IS-1S
(Jelree I I
r akes f r I ip at tli
,Isept col
tit of 11 1- ekiiK;;.ll .
1 . ) A1i:5. 1 725 z
luxctir by
, g,
kl corm% by
July 11, te.a.
r, Rr.sit consfiniul
I float..
July IL it4e, I
iountz y Morc't
C. Jowl c'S ', , ledle, in.
• lean ices, by the ag lle
• Plit;liti . ii and
C.,t‘e„ Lie stile cheap
----- of l lf. B. l. 1
rms Ple is of Erie C.
;icon to r tll concerned
4 Geor J. Alartin,
ri, Erie county, hire ,
t7onrr c,, Coternon Pl.
i I be alloweil by said
,I 11111.0 q cauee be e 4
A. I ! WIL
gogue :it ‘viiolet•
July 11,114..
r.rA 1)7,
vv uitiun Red
In the matter qf the
Term, ISI 4 , Oimm
Notice is hereby
E. U. Gunni-on
ion, late of Lockpor
trust account to the
and said account wi
day itt .August next,l
should not be allow
Eric, July 3, ISIO
Liniiror Wan \
fora 0,900 ',feet of H
Lyle. DMA will be
y of Popilltir. Cuml
common Piii
8. I,
1 I i \ILL paw CAS
I ea at my iloeli.ii
Algo for any (viand
Aini. Clierry,Cliest
Erie, April 22, 1'
Grain's gpiu~
.- I .Abdbmin;
1 i
'ar surpasslng [um
other 'similar lIIPITU
IteCIIF .41 - 04401kb ll
turfed. This, v. ill Lc
.iamb » niui compar
TI ey iire neat,
aptc(l o any 8u , 1! Of 1
. nienc by I , ersons I
nrdeooling orold•
forms, is ~.omiem PT
, VPI4 .nerd Weak»
' a. 7 o elerlyi - awl
10 »II yomx porsQ
to lea ,it iOciioe to
1 of II t. , grttatotser
ratty I nprOtithe pc
4 wlti It regult. in Iv 1
pecl.k ly kicked to c
VA, yEtt ac. BR
are IC scile af.,•eilb.
,a/ . 93X 4 1110
Ipelle r ' .. ( 13 " lir
'Alt N . . 1, per •
scut [rola of evil
Pbyeleiatuo arc
y of HI
r sale
7i ceived and 1.
Erie, May 12, 1
nst WO
of Fire Wor
, Blue Lights
Bina Crack
Jo' Block by
A. l el t s_ l l l l tt E ta n a m n r i
Craekere, Tor ' ped
and fgr sale at
ok for th
or Hifi in the
tits Citillip.l4
K i rcrel a ce n t d cht
Victoria, &c.
I ol the Tea-drinking
to Ott Canton Tea
to Le retturovrl if not
lip Li. old
tu ;•.;try u;
rs mut the public
the Mar! le (111K1111.,14
II band :I1 time. , , it
Mies of n Inw and t a
ket nt sockets
14 purcatiaso
:mune stuck hell Nn-
Ina} -ell to lutniih any
than It can he had of
, Leh% ~...1, Si,
1 c will keep
ilThrelit viii
ItV1!-Mows, (1
. 3,7 'llansi;
, l o call and vi
'H. I 1.14,14 e
er cu:a 1,,
i , u,torlo`a,
15 9
J, IC Curl:R.lN.
r , C.11:11111i'ilr 'lila Lard
doh,. Mired, Branch,
LOUMIS tz Cob,
rIN1S11(` tint 1:114qe.
`Mar 1 ,lil ~
~wp+, Ciouu
ir,ito:titi tut of Gift and
11,price , . 01l
G. I,OOM is & Co.,
Slaw ELlt'et. .
utiS nizes
Silve F r ines. no
Also, the ecle-
•r, nutit (Zen!
dcave ari.l et!
lerior to any 11
Ifl 11,1'.
. 1.4i0311.$
:41:11C sireot.
t. ,
pCI.I,IS.—. n exton,ive Variety of
, aa ang4, Lucke( , t:hilav, rencilb &e.,
?naotta and Idler Gold i..,,,v of the
~., Ittooella.,land Ilead t trnattacia:s.
int. thin;:* th L an the tell y/r,
thy ~ .to, k i tiii t‘ a, waaahl:all I 11,11.
?tt ti( object,. CAII Incibund :t usual
i t;. 1,, /0311 S & ro.',a, -- -
State W., nea rly op:await& 1-gle Hotel.
or different kinds, Ul
a% ration. A6o,- Gold
vet n good lime-kceper
1.0 OM I S & Co.'e,
State eateet.
:T .—Clock
ick, a late
runent to N.
11a, Salt and llltibtara
ni Fruit Kitivys always
et warranty, equal to
s ly opnosite the Eagle.
assortment of GniMrs,
lets, Clarionets, Drums
..,itrings, Pegs, &C.
Slate street.
e 1 on t
C. U. ‘VitIMIT.
i ts jam. rece
manufacturer's prices,
C. 11. ‘VR111:11T.
ktautly on bond on the
C. 11. Wright.
:be agency, No. S, Reed
s aoLl the India Chola
Red teal, Litharge. Ve-
ICranelon, .No. Id 7, Feb.
iu said con.irounent. that
signets of D. K. (Pans.,
exhilited and filed their
as of said county of Erie,
Court, on the first Mon
n why said account
'ON KING, Proth'y.
:(id. •
Amiock Lumber, deliver
,,;iveti for the find wanted
ther, White Oak, White
tinge, Fitch's and any and
omits in affording relief in
cy are designed aud teem
acknowledged by au ex
ott of them with the oat
light and elastic, can he
nape, worn without incom
It any condition. male or
IN FIM air ItILOCKI EN in all
ea, Lir 111 COM PLAPIT. DIN.
'FFP, debility and nervous
achool teachers, studenta.
a who either naturally or
loop or hend, these in, ttll..
! ice. They not only beim.
'sOlvtl appearance and Me.
unable mahulllN.
111 and eve:nine them.
NOO Reed florae
appointed Ify the Patentee
rr. -
1o) soda null. juld. re
- llloek by
T. W. 11190 RE.
i s, consisting of Sky Rock
! Pin Wheels, Serpents, Fire
s &c. &c.. just received
I -
.alacc, consisting of ifistor
cholus, Lepol.l, Isabella Ft
J. H. WiLLIAMS, dealer in Foreign and Domestic Dills of ezcla ige,
Certidcates of depc.cilte, Gold aud.Fliver coin. will buy and sell
current and uneurrent money, "negotiate time and sight drafts,
make collmtions on; all the Eastern cities, and Make remittan•
eta at the lowest Bahking rates.
Money received oii beposite and taitern drafts constantly on
hand at the lowest rates of premium.
Ohio, Indiana, lientocky. Vir inia. and Pennsylvania Dank
notes, and these of most other Stake , bought and sold on the most
reasonalde terms. '1
(dice directly appetite the Eagle llotel, 1 doors front the corner.
Erie. J aly I. IP-Is.
I Z. X 8 '.
It sons nailing fir k
lined. Two cents (its
to the regular mange.
Antiehon Elisaketh [1 Hannah' Miss S E • Oweno:o
Anderson George 2 ' f itn,keil James Oakley kldward : P
Arriald George 1 Hall James Osburn Jeremiah
Achison Samuel. Heise Rev Levi 'Velum Halsey
Armstrong Andrew. Haggerty Oaken 2 Peck Tracy H 1
Adbon Patnuelll' - ;llielis Ca p t 'Porter U. %%'
!frown Cliorlott I Harmon H retelen. CaPi C
- ... ...
he Perst office at Erie Pa.. July I. IStk a - Per'
letters in this list will please say they. are ad
le cost of advertising) Is Charged In addiilon
II ildwin It Ar. :ion I iiart George I. Pinney GeOrge W
Itremoce Miss Sara Ilan Anti Mary I'eroto Felix
Itrage I.:reline Iletiton Anti Maria l'alteroon 31argann
Ilrace Stephen Gr. )11e , s Coml."- , rOwer James M
Nathaniel Olanery George' Quinn Vrancis
ltrukaker Itettjantin ' 1 Gall William liti , liartls Frank
81011111, itIIIIY3 , I'llannott li 11 R:oltards F 8 2
Biown Iht, i.l W 2 ; 41;111 Cam it Ray Mrs Aatinb M
Brow a Robert ',Haskins Itenaltlo Riley Jacob
It rag.g I:thrin i'littrny John Kandla I George A
Itunough Stephen C ; Iht)es W. . I, ' Itantla 1 Tn. It i I
Make Ittnes 1 Ilmibutit Remy ; 12 Htiock MiEs raliq,ll
Blake 1:16lia ' 2 ',, Ilolmed 013' I I ~' it letrir Is Th etas l
Bryant Melaurthon , Rule John Rogers Zerrts • '
ackwool JIIIIIC3 1, llt IV
itIIIIIII Dr 7attiO'n,je—
kv% ell p ,h,
B w li
ron nitsom , tiouwet .t tt, Rot,crts t.:
Braclitock Itraisointr; Horton Orvill H :: Robison lictecem
Berg.,lllll 1) ,'; Ilof.4es .tntlrejlr Win 1.
Rabbit Mrs 11:671eL,; Iltill Milton Roberson John
Sint 111 r. 'hinter Peter ' R011316s SaiiinntlinA
Dail George ft , ,? Joskin Fretlerirk A need 31n , sJulla A
Bizineinni Louis A II Jones Henry izinith S 31 4
Barton Gera W Jones Win II ' Snow Cnpt I F
Barber rapt Truman Jones A W Smith Isaac II
Bell Charles It i Jutkon .1P Venni., Rubett CI
Ilarl;er Daniel I Jenkins Isaac S.; Spencer Rev't 1. L
Batton IMetoti - 3011C2 C 11 ' Shaddlitek John
Ihirton William Jaelu z on S : Smith Je..see
Bllings Mrb t 4 :tiitl; I,aric 13
!told ors Igaae. Jones elle.ter Vloantu
Johnson Mitiv Jlnria Shryock Jamecl
Budlung Isnac Ktio%%le,z .ilettzn t. 4 stlitli Stephen T
Bonnell Mrg 1' Kidder Samuel r Elanti , b,,ll imucx
Putter Daniel Kerr Miss Emily Sewsllle Nelson
Donnell Jai n & C Kingslanil Jlatikllllcliael
Clark Miss Jane Kersey 'R A ticott John
Chapin .1 C Kilburn Jo..ialr, Sten art Mrs Mary
Moo- Pierce Kellogg Philawler etetlrnan Henry
Church Set lea Kirkpatrick John jr Stanley Horatio
Crandall James KellogdJ IV ' t•ltu)t, east Christian
.. .
Crandall C) II 1 Kenn my Patrick Stairord Cyrus
Carpel IV Kelso Albert 1 4 :U11111V Peter II 4
C4...sitt 11 D La Hopp Naile - SearlsL P .2
Cahiva Mrs . Kloster James M 1 Searls Luther P. 2
Care latcy gnat Lille) Ii P, - Summon "Photims J
Camp Will7tin Lo 0 Mks:iamb J Vandera I lezekiali
Cummings Geo Logan Juice Ann' Ilarket W LI
Corium' Mr.,. John E Lo:,,ser Geo Sutler John R
Cochrane Rodney Lowry Samuel SattildersThinehas or
Ca.perJ I. d Lefever Edmond Isaac C
Cutmtock Mus Aludraleavenworth Chas Tracy Mrs Emily 11 .
Collatrti G C Logan Cristo 'Pownsend Doc. S P
Connor Miss Swart Lavery Joseph Thompson John
Cult Henry Langley 111111e41 T 1 iii Josiah $ -
Coqlk , . W 111 1 41116 li Otitloti Henry Thottias Bloistian
Cook lire lee I.:salmi' N K Thurber Edward
Curry IV C Laweon Win . Taal/amyl
Oorellyr <lto:Mani Lord 1111/C3 T:41111141' ilenry 0
Carries CI tars J Labatt I,ac Tracy Alexander
Dal cell .. , k. %Vilna Loveles I ore 2 Tuna Fernando F
Downes William J Learork high Twitching
Dunn limey Mr Nair Harkey Van Vrntikell latnesll.
Poll Coto td McCrilliti 31r , ..1 1) Vo.tirgh Mss C
Drown It I. Mcetallen Willi int Villtimer Mr
Dunn Rol ertl ' Mc Pare n t Misty S A Van Born ?lira C
Dunlap Joseph IticEetvre J W ' Wright limn 11 l
- Dotty Parker McClelland Thomas Wheaton John
Dorm) I) , ,McCarthy Caarles Mr Dealer in Burr
Edwards W C Miller Jo.cillt 31/11 Stones _
Ellia Salem Marsh Wili.on 'Webster T IV
Einitierson N Manly Mn Susan It ilcox Solomon
hurtle Samuel Marslt Julot Writer John
Pryer Bridget f Mallory William 11 3 Williams Mrs S 11
Fo,ter John II ' Mattel Sirs Margaret Weller Ruben
Fleming S Ann Mason John Slant rman SolomottS
Fn.) , hale Martin Rul.ert Wadha Ern
Fitz , ' wrraltl Michal Metier 31p, Cattjltry Webrter Z L
Fisk David' Martin Mrs EtheratittWilliants 3 C
Folwel) Iltilday Miller 1! 1' I Warren Alexander
Ford Daniel I) . Mason .Nees re.cis B Ward Samuel 11
Filcher Daniel May 3Wilson Miss Sally
Flitch J II , Mooney 3riturs. Webster John
Fore:der 111111 . 4 MOTH: Grouter 3 IVelnaer Lt John A
Prink Alutwo Mantulra William l\''cox Marelis
(la irtithe George Myers Eltia A tin Ward James
Porn ard Henry Mort ii , ll :Mix, I. 'l' Wii,e John
' Puskett Porker Moore Aliss Mary L Williams Mr
Trey :11artha Morgan Willi on IVilliam NV
Mrs W i ti
C; Milt, Inetella Nichols S. Wel
It Ward Dos A
Gallaher Jclan 'Niles Mathias IV ih.cti Josiolt P
Goodtain William North iIV IV illiams Rolston
Crecy CEI NorcroaS Andre,w Wood Or \V Al 2
Gillett Cliegter Negres .1 Rea Wolf IJ‘cob
Grant MnSarah ' illsburit St; Woof Win A
11ren Union Doan I , J Wec.ody.ortli Fredgc
Haines 1 , 1.11 ()Mien John Wood Thomax,3 -
11.:iale Guru F coo Vaientine Zack John
Ilarey Daniel Ogden 31ra PlineareA
tiLIDIAS I rrru,o6
R A rianirm Mr Lielilenlaub -- Seltuel.churger
Sohn Blocher Catharine Kral' Nicholab Sritsinger 2
.Inoine liar:el or Alain:ins //ailleb Michnel liege:
John Pct,iet 'l'ol,ias Kramer 2 P 1/ Set:ln:it
Chri•tian Bruns Jneeob Kerner R Slylter
Berultart Baker Charli, hilleille . H Se-esflOWAki
1..,.1. 1L.,.,. -- 1141re•W //onus Anglo Schafer
linter !101l I (net 414eitiVolt:r harl'Halli
nn . : lirt,trh 3,—epli Li •t , A!ichael rimier
John Gi•orge Itrann .1:!au: Llowth Mr Hu moll
Gotten, Pridninit John //curer John Aliolial iitrabie
Franz Minima John Porch Sebastian Ilinthle
Philip Toehly John, /:"otiliard 1.1 Shwa: by //cilinan
Jacob Edinger Peter liar 1: = Christian Sixaur
Lonna Deitrich. 2 hillian (It er Caper Sainit
l'o,t Clot , Cetrge tsialighileeker Jan /.;:try•
,:eurne.Gatimer Jacob S dm. C.-orceSeinnat
A tiable 4.. Co Mary Trion 2 Almantler 'Weber
John Merit eir John lioseme.reig Peter Veit
Erie, July 1, .. _ 1c , ..11, , . 3t7
V/ looth-otote demroyer of the IMillaa eozlhtintl ion in inmost
invariably Beat i• by the ineVre Chqhly/wile or R Ttr
u:r 11 au/v. They du not tell, ai 110.1. More than one Oic in
meaty. And Hatter one honk ha. 1 veil 11-ed ami the Chills ship
ped (wtoch In at ways ilielnase) the. Nttoat would o , tifine the n. 4 e
of the medicine in son% da,es, once or twice a day, fur a few
%seeks. pay a proper attention to (lair dirt. and avoid needless ex
po.nre, hardship awl faI.WIP. tiny R until al wayo obtain a perfect
Cure, avoid a long run of tin; wont tedibter , and dbitrera-ine com
plaint, as vk ell nu save 4 long Doctor's. Gill. These medicines to
be had rt-all flume. genuine. ako other preparatium 4 , such as r-
Treg. etc., with all the necessary direct loin ad% iee at No. 6,
Reed //bow, of CARTER l BROTHER.
July 7, 9
zvmvzuAb WORQB.
c ......
-__ -\---- pkg g , JUN P reeeived from the publishers, Lea & Wan
t,. -,- . 1 1 chard. Philadelphia. a large m•sortinent of Med
, 1 ls •
~4 trot Work... e. !twat will be sold at the pobludiene
priNN.: among tt hick IN ill he fOl/1111:
II irtlelt on re% er), - Build I,ti Lit it,
Ila) le's 'llateria Me lica and Therapeutic , .
Churchill's 311,1wifery, Churchill on Females,
A -livt en on Females, CUuper 011 [krill I, •
eollAit. on Children, Joni- Ott the E e,
1 , ,,. .... .., ari. ,, , irer„is. . • Den ee on Children,
thitigleroiet+ tan iz.wittftiwc initegmo..... , • •••,••—•
I,i,ion & Mutter's Surgery, Miller's Prii.c. wit,
Miller 4 Practice. Phillips on Scrofula.
Promo!' the tkoinach, 'Pa% lor's Med. JUrisprildence,
Wil , oit on thei Skin.'s Di•sector.
C. clopecha of Medicine. Willmina , respiratory organs,
Y') pat on the Horse. Clater, Farrier,&c., &c.
The Qui;scriber le c.,..eent for Lea & Blanchard, and n ill order any
Medical, Litefary or MkeellarieMli works desired, and famish them
here at Publisher's priet , t. Physicians, students altd others arc re
quehted In call and evamine his catalogue
Erie, June In. I tN. 0. C.:PAFFORD.
I....ehAv noons.
TusT received from the 'l'. & J. I,V. Jolam
delphia. the follim jug haw 11w:id, which will Ile sold at the
Publishers Print:a:
- Eitarkiri on Evidence, Russell on Crimes,
Roi;toe's E% idellte, American heading Caws,
Dimlop's Laws ul' reinisyhaula. Law RePorts,
Smith's Leading Cak,l4. 'Addiscu'on Contracts,
Harr's Pefffea. Reoi,rre, vol. 5. Hilliard on Real Property,
Ea,t'e nc•.c VOrS. Anwrican Military Law,
IVlicaton'e Eli:mech. of international Law. &c.
The nulweriber is agent Or T. & .1. IV. Johnson, Law-Booksel
lers. Publi,hers and itut4ntere, Philadelphia, nail will furn'ish any
Lail* Books 011 )short putice, anti at the Publishers prices. Call anti
exahlitie catalogue. 0. I). SraFFOlll).
Kno, Jnni• 19, ISIB
J. M. JUSTICE hap just opened nt No. 0, BONNEI.
BLOCK, State street, a large and extensh a assortment of
. Fashionable 1 !
which owing to the tbelitness of the money market in tile r !
he has purchase,' Dom the Importers and Manufacturers
' 4 ' "ivaich enables him to offer the hest bargains ever heibre I
Among him ?flock may be luund tine French English and American
Cloth , and ens.imeres, which n Le made up to order and war
ranted. Also, Ready Made Dress and Frock Coate of the same
inateri.d, together With a large mo4ortnieut to lit the
Ve,titp; and Vebt. , „ of all KII3 , ICR, colors and complexion, quality
nod price ; Summer Wear, calculated for every meridian, from the
Equator to the Poles ; Shirts. Drawers, lindesshirts, Ar.c. &c., and
in fact every thing appertaining to GENTLE :AWNS' WARD-
Li — Custom work and Cutting done tooeder on reasonable terms.
TY So charges for nhowing gondx. Gentlemen, are invited to
call and examine quality and prices. Doh't forget the place—
No. 0, Bound Block. r:tie. Alayt
rinlf subscribers having etitered into partnership in the -man
ia ufacturing business, are ready to manufacture wool into cloth
at the Yankee Town Mills, on the following terms, viz: For-cash,
steel-mixed, Slack, Brow n. and Snuff colors for •21?cts. per yard.
Cassimeres 3.2ct5., Sattinetts 35ets., White Flannel, from thelomfb
!Nets, Pressed Flannel and Illanketi 85 rte. per yard. We will
also manufacture on the shares, as usual. We wilt card and spin
1%001 into Yarn lot from 15 to !Slew per pound, according to qual
ity. We have also a quantity of Cloths and Sautuvrts on hand
which we wish to exchange for Wool on re:mumble terms. Wool
will be carded into rhlls, us usual, har scts per lb. The above mi•
cos are for each, and no grumbling. We Mkt keep on hand an ex
cellent article of pumps which we will exchange for wool or any
thing a farm can raise: . 11. N. 1111..1.,
MU Creek, May 21; GEORGE LOLL.
Varbercreek Woollort ractory.
T"r•proprietors of this establishment. having made considur
able addition to their machinery which is all neWand of the
hest hind, and having experienced workmen in tin the different
branches of their buisness. ate ready to exchange cloth for w 001,.,
or manufacture for pay. by the yard, on reasonable Marts. Thef
have on hand a large quantity of different kinds of cloth, flannels,
blankets, shawls. casthnerce, and tweeds, as well as liht sumuter
wear of difiCrent bodies and qualites, to exchange tbr wool. We
give one yardof cloth f o r 21 pounds of wool, as goodas the wool
will make.
Carding and Cloth-Dressing done as usual.
All kinds of probuce taken for pay. and a liberal' discount .
p are preparing to make Broadcloth. 6Atis
Formelry Thornton & Co
larborereek, May 1848
ILLY": Aoperior ortiele for fatally tlfft for ofvery ow
bY (Kay P.) H. COOK.
They following are a fow among the toani ,, Testitnonialit of the
%.11./1" of the Cholagagae. Their 4.11.4" CG ie 1111C11 as 1% ,at
least. entitle the tnedie hie to a trial. ' ",
I.l' Front Hon. E. Farnsworth Chancellor of the State of Mich
igen, to the agent at Detroit
• DETROIT, March 23, telt.
have made use of Dr. Osgood's India Cholagogue, and
base had oplumunnics of w itnesaing Its salutary ellbcts when us
ed by others. I txt It% cit a most valuable medicine for the care Of
O'er and Ague; and also. that Its proper me will prove a most
cicrhthr rai.vs:vrtvr: against its recurrence, Wm Inch moons who'
have been milieus! with it are liable Very respectfully
From Hon. Z. riwrir,' Attorney General of the 'dude of
Michigan, LI) thd Agen at, LI molt:
t ,
DETeor i r, 3larch 18,12.
experience:l the good effects of Dr. Os
mew,ln<soclolitgo,,,ie., I most cheerfully comply with your re
, uest by presenting 174 4 testimony 'in its fits or. In toy own case,
as well as in many others which have conic under my observation,
this medicine has effected a speedy and permanent cure; and I
has e the fullea confidence in it as a yrceentice against, and an ef
fectual remedy for firer and ague. It is said to be equally belie- -
richt in bilious discmes generally, but tug knowledge of it is con
fined to cures officer and ague, and as a remedy fur such, I cor
dially recommend it. 1 um, Sir, %cry respectfully,
3:7 From Rev. Charles Relghley, Chaplain of the U. H. Army,
to the Agent at Dctrult._ .
. FORT ORATIOT. Mich., Oei. V, tail.
:11y Dear sir tett not the slightest hentaney in saying,_th_at,t
cow.; Kr the India Chalagogric an invaluable medicine in bilious
rilrectium, .111) , reason is imply this; II hate used it. On my re
commendation, Innny,ottiees have used it, and I have yet to :tarn
eke instance in match il has failcil to cbel n cwt..
Your,. very resp&rfullv. CHARLES AMBLE . Y.
De particular and inquire for Dr, o.ooS's India Chola : 7qm.,
and take no other. Fut sale by
At the Watch;Cloch, a d Jewelry Store of
HAY N( Imade large additions to our former nook by recent
nniclia , e, in New Yosh, mid ettended our business for the
manufacture and Sale of work in our line, we shall in a few days
le• prepared to accommodate the public. with a good assortniein
w Inch, b.r quantity ~Nality and cheapnr, has never been tx
celled, it equalled. In thin
Tie stock cum prises clocks, watches. Jewelry. lamps, giratt
to, looking plated and britatinta ware, Bohemian ware,
mi:eat instsuments, , eohi pen., Tine colliery, Steel Work, together
tt ith numerous fashionable articles, suitable fur the Summer and
Fall trade. Particulars hereafter, t‘ !tea ut lean a iota will be
eApected 41 the goats.
N. 13. All hinds of cloelis, watehrs and Jewelry repaired in
the best manna by ex{ ern:Wed Workmen. Also, beal and 'other
engra v iug die on s_liOrt nonce. •
sow nearb opixisite the Eagle Hotel, and one door below
Spa tiUrd's Book , Tore.• Erie, July I, 449.
111,ACK, Blue and Btonn Itread:loth.4, Cattiiineree, Tweeds and
1) Kentucky Jean., 6,ale as cheap a- , the Cheapest,
61:011(11: SELDEN &
N 0.5, Chedpside.
June 10, IttlA
Nov, Storo—New Goods.
sulp:,cribers have remoned their stock of Goods to No. 5,
Cheapside, one door tiouth of Messrs.' Tibbals pr Dewey,
where they are now re.!eiving a general assortment CA Dry Goods,
Hardware, Crockery, Groceries, Iron, Nails, &c.. which have been
parchw.ed lately at reduced prices. in the Eastern Cities. The
Goods were purchabed cheap and will be sold cheap, and would
irn ite their old customers end the public to call a ”.1 1.k:111111W (mal
ty and prices. (flay:37) GP), SELDEN & SON. f
HOUNLI TRIMMINGS--A good absormient of.all hinds o
Locks, and Houce Trimmings to Le had unusually cheap.
June 10, C. li. %WRIGHT
rr HUI day opening, a great vartely ofDrett. Goods, comprisinn in
part the fashionable Silk and Linen, and Goat's Hair
Shane:. s, Greitatleties, i'llieled Mirages. Kobe de Cause,
°hes. changeable Clievcr , , French .laconett Sn iss
and dotted Lawns. topstier with an unusual variety of cheap fast
'colored Lanna and Clint:hams all of which I can an gill sell as,
cheap an the !pest, at tar store, oppo.tte the Eagle Bute).
Erie. April 9.9, . 5(1
Valuablo 'Farm for Eiale.
IlllF., offers for sale the improved farm on which lie
nowt rebitles, in Greene tolvneitin, in the betttement kuoanae
“Yankee Own." The fano contains about Inn acre,. illof %%Welt
are under cultivation. The illipTOSTillelliM C 011,1•1 of ti two.etory -.
linie dm, clinic, o frame barns, and sheds, pa:ether nH other
out Thew'. is al , o Minot: WO anpletrees,
(fol, t•ear, an! uearhe. in abunelnnet. The land lc nOl
- and timbered, and situated in tin eXCliiiClitneighl,orhond.
and ...nivenient to 'wicket, it belwr only the miles frout Erin. For
further particulars enquire of the auhseriber on the
Atu wurrnEß.
Greene, June 17. I" t.
Administrator's Notice.
lETTILCS of Atimintetration on the estate of Joseph E. Lee.
AI late of North East town.ilisp, dee'il., having liven granted the
Hubseribera, is hereby given to all persona indebted to maid
estate to make Immediate payment, and those hat ing claims
nentinit tiaid estate to pre,,ent them properly tor xt
tiemeitt. ALEN., E u.SCL4N,A 111 ,rd
June 17. ISIO
I. 0
.INNEThi. 'BoNNETS!--Cing , . Lacrr, ifievon and Leghorn
t.. 1 Bonnets for wo.nva and children, at the cgd Jew Awe. French
thrte,t. I • M. KOCH.
April 13,1R1P
/rI3VT c,:oorfsi -To-DAY.
t: vt.pltd invite the attention of the! patties to our block of
V Ihr. , s t;00.1s, w hieli we think twautif.ti and cheap. COnSiSi•
ing in part oh Silk:+. :!!attilF!, Lustres. Plain and saitin striped and
Mu LI Mohair ln - tree, l'uti di Choy:v. Poniard., Effil,reidered and
Figured La WIN of the I.tite,t uriei, Alin, Are. We would take
I.II6GCCTI , iOII to .ay. that oince the limr notice no gave a few day
tie hate tvc,..tve 1 quatititiel of New tGod-, ample and Pawl., :tad
without ;di ine in dot and ; , ti wild nay our as
89n !nein t, tindoubtoliy ns I trge as i; kept in the pinee. and prices
tr,t7f` pleJgell :okmkt• the loo,e-st. e±VCl2Olllg 11 , 04. e that pull
the L,wic~t. N: it. Erie Hann Not•= taken at par at
Erie, )I,ly 11, 111rrcALrs.
LAMES' pro:. I; ,vf Linnen
4 and Cottou Ginghalu6, Calico &c., Just opened at No. S.
Cheapside, by GEO. OELPEZi & 130 N.
Juno 10, 1F , 1;7 , . • 4
Executor's Sa!e.
N pursuance of an order of the tkplian's Court or Erie county,
tt ill be sold at Public Voluble at the Court House in the borough
:loriday the 71h day - of August, A. 11. 1814, at I o'clock
P. 11., the ihnowing deseritted hit or piece of land, sttuate in the
Townson) of Franklin, in the county of!Erle and boutided as fol
low)), viz: Beginning at a Hemlock, thesouth east corner of land
.contracted for by 11. 0. Hulbert, thence by said land North two
hundred and metre perches Pi a Maple on the Crainesville
thtMce along the said Road east forty one perches to a Post, thence
pooch too !sashed and tis els e perches to' a pout, and thence by the
residue of the tract West fatty-one ',MOWS to the place of begin
ning: containing titty four acres and fifty-two perches of land,
strict measure; said land being •.a. 'part, of he real estate of Thom
""t{:viikY: -
in three equal annual ti;idlrfttic'inu"iVlfVrt}t4fße,?C.iklt — A'el.iMe
judgment, bond and mortgage on the premises.
GEoRGE 1.i,0W BUR.
Junr, 21, 1E.,1R
Steam rassines and Boilers.
VVTr. are now prepared to make to order High Pressu re Engines
foldable for Mills or other Machinery, and turuich Boilers•
of rite most approved /rinds, on !lion nOifre and at the very lowest
ESTER, SENNE:I"I.' & C111:15TE.11.: -
3tay I. 1Plt?. - L
300 pinCES Pkviled and Plain Green Window nett Walt
Paper, at the old Jew store of M. KOCH.
April 31, WV.
Now liiran, Now tic ode and N e w Prices.
rtrellr.s.ll,ficritets hat log associated themselves together io the
, rnerchrntile lor ii o under the thin of Lounsterry & Wheeler.
are preplrell to MAI GCKLIN not low as they ran be bought \Vet of the
City. We would therelbresay - to the Inhabitaids of Cranes% file
and surrounding country, bring on your Butter, Clitese, eggs, grain.
Lumber., Shingles, and a sprinkling of Cash, and examine the
, quality and prices of our Goods before purehaAng elsewhere, as
we intend to make it au object for tito,e uhu %etch to make
ready pay for thuds, to buy theta of Call and examine our
stock—we make no charge for shun lug Goods.
Cranesville, Julie 3,14 P. ff a
p ;4.41
IHAVE just revered a large rind well selected assortment Of
Family Gto , eriN., to which I invite the attention of the Palle,
and which It ill he void ns cheap as any in Market. Among my_
stock may be PAM.' Collie, Teas, Citoculate, Susa', Molasses,
Spices of all kinds, Fruits, n great variety; Nuts, Pickles, Tobacco,
Suitor, ‘Vonlen Ware, etc., etc.
I hatcmta will constantly keep on hand, Flour. Meal. llama,
Pork, Fish, Frequ Mutter, Eggs, &c.. Give nic a call at No. 3,
.American !Neck, /OLIN PEFFER:
Erie, June 10, Itz4B. 4
KW and Seal Slippers attil Walking Shoes, Men's Gaiwrs tvd
Slippers at the old Jew store, French bum. M. KOCH.
April 13, IP IS.
11:011.11: Bank Note taken at par, at tlie Jew Store of Mows Koch,
JJ in the 'l'l2:egra ph lluping on French street, for goods.
May 11. 154.4.
OA= 1 1 03 a. WOOL.
WOOL: WOOL!!—Cash paid for Wool on the tomer opposite
the Court Itethe, by C. B. WEIGHT.
Erie, June 10, I£4S.
Crape Oha!arkt. .
JUST received, a bernitifill selection' of Canton and Preneb
Crape Shan is, including the embroidered damasked, plaid and
figured, various colors and patterns. together with an unusital va
riety of other Slums and Scarf , td L. had very eheap.'on the cor
ner near the Court House. C. B. WRIUIIT.
June I.
Moro Drew? t nods.
THAVE now a coniplete assortment of Ladles' Ilres. Goals.
which I am prepared to oiler cheaper than ever. Ahm, a nice
lot of Crockery awl Glatswate, I C. 0, WRIGIIVS.
June 1, IE-le. a
EcEIVED morning by trtprets come beautiful et le..
Lt. Dres.4 Goods, Shawls. &c. winch we offer at unusually low
rates. We wcraldlmpeetfully invite purchasers wean and EXAM.
ine our stock as we are determined not to be undersold by any es
tablishment in the place, either foe ERIEMOSI:Y, Produce or the
hartbett_sh. - May 1 7. 1 W.C. &R. P. stuLBEE.P.
EN„S Summer Goods, a largo assortment fur o.llr cheap by
10] 1 GEO. BELDEN :icy::
fairvietv Woolen factory.
T ILE subscribers have procured fr6in the k:attt an entire new
of Machinery of the 11)1)1.1 approved patterns, and are now pre
paredto manufacture IVooi with n neatness and diSeetch unser-
Passed, and on the most necounnotlating terms. Wool Carding,
Cloth Dressing, and 6 - pinning promptly done,• they being enabled
from the abundance of their machinery to Card rolls, and Spin
Yarn without interfering with their manufacturing.
A large quantity of Cloth on hand to exchange for Wool. All
kinds of country produce and Erie Money received thr Work and
on debts due us.
Our customers and the public generally are 'lnvited to give 111 , a
call, and we assure Cheat all the changes we make is onward—be
ing determined to keep Pace with the lyeprovemeneicif the age, and
hope to be sustained in our efforts. ;
• 3.lit -
Fairview May 111,
1.11:ItTON &
Agcnis lot Eric and vicinity.