Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, May 27, 1848, Image 3

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    A Bon DAY.—The daln which the next Presidential
election will take place, th 7tit of November, will be a
busy one. Two millions of 'eters over the country record
their suffrages for a National ruler, and as the Telegraph
N o mmunications will extend by that time over nearly the
whole countr, enough returns of the election may be
known and telegraphed by the nest morning to indicate
with tolerable certainty whom the nation has chosen.—
This will be the greatest business ever done in one,day in
the United States, and the newspapers, as usual, will have
a considerable share in it. -I'
CONGRESS or N t t tuns.—_\ congress of nations will as
semble this summer at, Lilll3, in South America. It will
be composed of representatives frptn the Republics of
Chili, Bolivia, Pent, Ecuador, and New Granada. Why
States be represented?
Vaal TRUE.—The Gazette say.; ••it can answer no
good purpose to claborate hr farther explanation and de
fence" of its views in rcgarrd - to individual liability, A
very sage conclusion, and one which if sooner arrived at,
would have served it from its present ridienlomi
lU . There were two heavy frosts last week in Clarion
county, which probahh destroyed all the fruit. So tia) s
the Democrat
It - Some cross-grained, crabbed old bachelor says the
Romans used to paint their female corpses, but imw-a
days, many females render this unnecessary, if it were
the custom, as they die readrpainted.
tOliesterd ay was a lovely day. the air mild and pure,
the sun shinning out warm and pleasant. Such weather,
after the delightful showers wiltave had of late, must pro.
duce the most beneficial efrect4. The grass and shrub.
bery looks fresh and beautiful, the b:rds sing sweeter, and
,nll nature seems to under the benign influence of
such lovely days. The county never looked fine, or pre.
settled better prospects 'at this season of the ear than it
does at present.
A 1)}:( !DEL) Ilt .—A valier maker in New York, has
just sent a present. a traveling trunk, to each of the crown
ed heads on the continent.
ir'The Stgatner Rochester which AV Zll4 bought by the
Runnbrs to into opposition, was laid up at the expense
of the Combination, ut about $5,000. Good strike for the
Cr. mvol tscE 4,ND FLoUlt.—The correspondent of the
("hronot.)py sas that some parties in New York went in
to o flour speculation on. the strength of the foresight and
predictions of A. J. Davis, the clairvoyant. The predic
tions turned out failacionq, and the credulotts parties hist
the thin) thousand they had ventured.
A NI w Fr t•rt itr.—Lt the S. Imui;: criminal court au
individual u`a, put on trial for murder. The plea of in
panio wam entered he the defence. The question of in
aanitt wa , separated from the main charge. and after due
invesnannon Iu wzoc pronounced sonc The trial on the
charge then commenced.
lilLient, I law. of the •2nd Regiment PMin. Vol s., has
been convicted of loirglar and murder, by a Militar)
Court, in the city of MeNICO.
[Er Ive are pletoool to Irani from the, 11- 7 1tricti rowdy
'Standard, that the Post Office Department has let otrt a.
contract for a lri-weep' hut of stages front .Wottsburg
to Warren, via Columbns. It will he of great benefit to
the Conlit through which it and odd materially
to the revenues of tho Depornnt nt.
tri There are now r.Vo dail lines of packets running
lletween Chicago and Peru, 11141101, The fare through ix
four dollars, includinganeals, and the tune of fnaking the
trip is !II hour:,
TT We leant front the Butler I I erald that on Finlay hod,
German pedler, on hi, wti. Ikon' Mil'endow n to the
Great We,terst, wa , hooch,' down, eery much alm , ed;
and robbed of Idiom tilt) itt is li. bt three men,
whit it i , said had taken dinnertt ith hint at \Lddle , tott n.
It ih said the) were ctrang. t, and put boon n inrlie neigh
borhood. ' .
LTA. itilt of till , eti gave !drib a few days since, to
twins—a buy and i a gill. A. the little girl was the first to
snake her app,anine in tll., bursting world, the mother
upon consultation ' e auh her triond, has come to the con
flo4ion to mime her T, leoraph, on the ground , that she
a as in ad% once of the nu:! .—N. D.Pil.
ILTAn extenqi% e mantnaettning e , talnisinnent for cot
ton goods i.. about starting in South Carolina, and a su
gar refinery in Lotti-i ma. •.The country is ruined:"
. .
phael's Prophetic :tlestefiger for 1..'11, a prediction
124 put forth that a revolution c void take place in
February in one of the cont mem ia I coma i i • , resul
ting in the overthrow of. a royal family. At the
same time, the title-page has an engra'% in repre
senting an attack on the Tuilleries. The 1 gular
passage alluded to is:—"Jii;,iter holds in this celes•
tial career through Cancer. it if to ponder upon im
pending \%nes. These highly fraught Configura
tions are token-4 of the %acation of a throne, and, it
may be, the annihilation of sovereign power in a
family." Some interesting foreshado%% logs of the
evctits that have jest occurred appear also in the re
marls on the scheme ul Louis Philippe's nathity in
the same nork.
ulate our readers op o u the certainty of the speedy
construction of this great line of telegraph, adding
one more link to the great, chain, connecting the
East %%it!' the mighty West. The most of the vil
lageson the line west of ihis place,; tie understand
have done their duty in the way of subscribing to
the stock: and li during the past week $6,000, was
raised in this village. We know of nu more safe or
useful investment of money.
This line is to be built more firm and substantial
than anyline in this country, with 40 posts to the
mile, the cord to be of No. 6, iron wire, insulated
on the plain adopted by Mr. Cornell. Mr. Cornell,
plan of insulating is the only 'one yet invented,
with Which a line of telegraph can be worked at all
times during rainy Went her.—lthaci, Chronicle.
RAILROAD DECISION.-It has been decided by
Chief Justice Beardsley, in the case of the Tona
wanda Rail Road Company vs. Henry Munger, that
ratl•road cquipaniee cannot be to pay for
cattle killed - by being run over by the cars. The
opinion of Judge Beardsley. which is very elaborate
and said to g$ DICE! more than ordinary research' was
given in a cate containing the following facts:—A
farmer in Gates, Moore, county, had a yoke of oxen
killed by a train of the Tonawainla Rail Road Com
The oxen broke out of the enclosure of the far : .
met into the highway, and from the highway stray
ed upon the track of the rail-road, and in tho, night
were killed hy a passing train. The farmer sued
the railroad company before the Monroe Common
Pleas for the value of the oxen that were killed,
and recovered. From this Judgment a' writ of error
was brought into the supreme court of this state,
which reversed the judgment of the court below.—
Buff. dldv. •
A ROOVE WAT . CII.-A new kind of machine cal
led an “idelator," is used in Leicester jail, Eng., for
the employment of rogues and vagabonds, committed
to hard labor; and it is said to be much dreaded by
them, as it accurately registers the amount of labor
performed, and is susceptible of exact adaptation to
the bodily strength of these who work it.
most pleasant abd effectual
Arrt.litttiots and Spring medicine Is Dr. 0. Benjamix
Smith's Sugar Coated Indian rills. This matchless remedy is re
commended by the Matron c.dtlie Naval Hospital, N. Y. and thou•
sands of Families. No pills. have gtvcn so general satisfaction.
r' - 'lle . siire anger t the Genuine with my nnnie written with a
trs on the bottom the box, C. DENT. SMITH.
Vatter do Brother and Burton & Perkins are Agents, and sold in
(Ivry tcmn in the country. t„4yo
On t'ie tat inst., at St. Luke's Church in Wis
consin, by Rev. S. Marks, C. S. CHASE, Esq., and
Miss MARY S„ eldest daughter of M. B. Butterfield,
Esq. all of 'that place. '1
We congratulate our friend Chase on the happy con.
Fun% mation (Allis last summer's jaunt to the upper Lakes.
We thought when we accompanied him front Chicago to
Racine, the Maglwie atfrartiotts of that beautiful village
would be too powerful to allow him to return alone.
. ,
Cth 6111 DIED
In CfCtli townglip, MRS. Er ri m s
, of Gvnr., Res iteldm, yeuts.
By Magnetic Telegraph.
Dispatchee for the Tri•Weekly Observer.
Arrival ;of`the
Otte Week Later from Europe.
The Caledonia arrived ollToston on Saturday evening,
at 10 o'clock, and entered. A thick fog coming up next
morning the news come over the wires with much inter
ruption on account of atmospheric electricity,
London money irnarket opened with appearance of much
business. but owing to apprehensions of French interfer
ence against the Army of Austria now in Italy it closed et
a decline of 1. per cent.
Consuls 831,
Two failures of considerable amount—Messrs. Lay's,
Mason & Co., flax-spinners, Alexander Haddam & Sons,
woolen -spinners. Tho mills of both houses aro at Ab
The unsettled state of Continental trade is 'assigned as
the immediate cause of the disasters. Wilmer & Smith's
:nines says, the French elections are now complete and
notwithstadding the utmost exertions of ultra Republican , '
and Commimists to effect other purpose, the list exhibits
triumphauftestimony to the popularity of: the principles
propounded and acted upon by Lamartinp and the mod
erate party. So clearly and prominentlyiragthis expres
sion of popilar feeling been manifested that some fears
are expressed of the Ignority resorting to ulterior meas
ures pt order to.render part of their proceedings nugatory.
Best Western Floor ‘2os 6d, (if) `iris 6.1. IVlitiat, white and mimed
is thl (iis, Ss. Red, 5s 5d ais 6d. Indian Corn (a) 2Ss. Meal
lls Oil(ii) Pls. Corn market dect.hie ln.t Nveek with inactive trade.
A cones's - An:eta delire,nal tuukphice in London. •
l.iterpodl market yesterday ch.ned sli ggishly. The thief alter.
ation was in imitd. The demand tor 1.4. eat proved extremely dull.
-There was a marked improt einent in tt • Cotton Market. The
, improveinent heing inlow and niddling quantities.—
31.inufacturers arid sts•culators have slams a an increased activity.
A ;sell sustaaned :advance of I per cent. per 11,., has taken place.—
Prime mess Purl, (ri) 92s 6.1. Ordinary, 73 0 Eds. Old, 60
hi , 0-s. Mess, per Mal. 5J teD 515., ordinary and old, 36 465.
Pork, dm} free. Prime MesQ, nen ,35 'rim 70s; old, 45 (Si) 565. Mess
41 (a , 59 s. Primate, 33 (Si 15s. Bacon, duty free. Dried, old per
c wt. IS a 30s. Long and short middle., free from hone and salt,
511 (a) 545. 'Western, IS a) 52s alml. Smoked, or dried Hams. in
cans ass, Per cm t., duty paid, 20 0: slls—in casks, tio marked
change—duty free, 23 (Si Lard, ditty ‘free„line leaf in kegs, 4d
a 15s—in Mal, 119 a 125., ordinal') to Middling Sal a inferior nod
greae.e 30 a 3.55. Pane Cheese, dux; paid; 19 a 2s—middling. 43 a
46.—ordinary 30 a 42. Mauer—U. S., ml'. anal Canada, not quo
ted. Ashes.—Montreal pots, 20 a 3l—Pearls a 30. U.S. Pots a
!Ai—Pearls 36 a Ifs. •
ITtats ot• NEws.—The alarm of fire, ea Saturday, P.
M., was occasioned by the explosion of a gas pipe at St.
John's Church, by which lire communicated - to the gas.
It was, however, extinguished before much damage was
done to the premises.
.1 am indebted to the kindness of Mr. Whitcomb, Esq.,
for the following: Dr Salisbury, of Jamestown, who
was convicted last week of manufacturing bogus money
in Chatitauque county, was sentenced on Saturday last
by Judge Conklin; to seven lears incpri , : oninent77it Au
burn. Jelruirds, all accomplice, plead guilty— l sentonci3d
one dear. Two others turned states cvidemie L and were
LTI3tOR E, May 22r
The Contention met at the Universalist Church at 2
o'uloA, and was organized by the appointment of Judge
Ilree, of Louisiana, as President pro-tem,. and Samtiel
Treat, of Missouri, Secretary. After a few remarks from
the President, Mr. Wheeler, of North Carolina, submitted
a resolution to the of that a cominittee of one from
each State, be appointed by the delegations from the sev
eral States, to report upon Mil credentials of delegates.—
Much confusion ensiled, both delegations from New York
prefering their claims' Mr. Combs, of Georgia offered
as a substitute a set of resolutions, providing for the ap
pointment of a committee.of two from each State, by their
respective delegations (New York excepted) to exatnine
into and report upon the number of delegates entitled to
seats, and to the validity of their credentials. Much dis
cussion ensued, when Mr. Combs' resolution was ad4ted.
The Convention after appointing the' Committee, ad
journed to meet at 5 P. M.
The evening session of the Conventioh was rather
boisterous. A committee was appointed to report perma
nent officers of the Convention, whii subsequently re
commended Andrew Stevenson. of Virginia, for President
with a vice President from each Stine, except New York,
aid SeereMries. The report was adopted. While the
committee were out the Convention was addressed by
Senators fj,annegan, Ilneston, Mr. Yancey and Judge
fin ce.
11.1.Tistaftr, May 23-6 b P. M
Th'e Convention re-opened about 9 o'clock to-day the
orgati l izing, committee appointed yesterday to wait upon
Mr. Lltevenson, and inform him of his election, reported
that they had performed that duty, and he had accepted.
Mr. Stevenson was then conducted to the chair, and ad
dressd the convention at considerable length; he return
ed thAnks for the honor conferred upon him. .He advo
cated the necessity of harmony, and ueged perfect union.
After concluding, Dalununer made an eloquent prayer.
A resolution of thanka to Judge Bryce were adopted.
Mr. Moreton moved that the rules of the Convention of
'll be adopted, excepting the 2-ad rule. This was warm
ly discussed by many. Mr. Yaticey spoke in favor, and
said the democracy cotild do without New York, (Great
applause.) Morse, of Louisiana, spoke whist the 2-3 d
rule of '44—this rule desappointed the Democracy. Now
if adopted 'it might spring upon the people. This pro
duced some excitement. Mr. Moreton explained that ho
did not intend any slur on Mr. Polk. Further discussion
was had by several - inemb?rs. The Hunkers were ad
mitted. Other delegates would not pledge themselves to
suppoit the Nominees. The vote in committee stands 16
to 8. The committee had not yet reported M the Conven
tion. 1' 1
A terrific scene' occurred in the convention al 12b
o'clock this day, while the discussion was progressing rel
ative to the 2-3 d rule, nn alarm was given that the gallery
1 •
was givimigay. pillars sinking &c. This can d a ter
rible ti'ar"Wiill parts of the house. None what
was really 'the matter, all was consternation. undreds
jumping out of the windows, and others from the gallery
to the doorand then rushed out of doors. Many were
hurt—some badly, but it is believed none fatally. There
were a t l least 3.000 persons in the convention at the time.
Aftiir much confusion and consternation inside and out,
the President announced that the alarm had been produc
ed by he cracking ot a bench. Order was again restored
and the Convention is now proceeding with business.
Tho two-third rule was adopted by yeas 115 to nays 78.
Mr. Commander was allowed line to cast his whole nine
votes for South Carolina, being the only delegate from that
=3 The report for credentials was received and laid
on' the table. Resolution was offered allowing two mem
bers /*each contesting parties,of New York, to address the
Convention to-morrow. Before the final decission and
pending diecuseio i r on this question, the convention ad
joined till 9 o'clock to-morrow morning. During the
forenoon great crowds wore gathering outside the church
and suidry stump l speeeltes 'Were made.
bers oil
be ad
mit bo
convention convened et 9 o'clock. After some
:ion about the admission of the democratic mom-
Congress to seats, Cameron of Pennsylvaida,
ed that all revolutionary .soldiers in the city should
itted to scats on the floor, which was carried.—
of North Carolina, introduced a resolution to ad
ih barn burners and hunkers. No action has yet
I ken on the subject. It is thought by many that
rock is declining and Barn Burner is advancing.
.BUFV.i!.O, May 25-51/ I P. M.
The Democraticconvention devoted most of the day to
a discussion of the Hunker and ilarnburner contest main
ly by the contestants themielves. Messrs. Dickinion and
Foster for the Hunkers, and .1. C. Smith, Preston. King,
and C.I C. Camberling for the Barnburers. Theiv wan
'anemie excitement and much uproar during the discus-
sion. The previous question was' called and su
Mt° 51. ThO question was then taken on an u
ment to the committee's report, proposing to mint
delegations and allowing them 36 votes. The et
ment was carried 126 to 125. This vote is not
The question now ponds ou the resolutio •
The result was announced amid a stet.:
cheers. The convention then adieu , 9
this morning. A dispatch arrived this morning ea
Contested case had been taken up and in favor of
ing both setts of deltiatt-133 to 115. ' The I'r;
then announced that both were admitted.
Mr. Hannegan, under instructions of the 1 1 1
State Convention, offered a resolution that the
wore entitled to reprepresent New York in the N.
The convention assembled at the usual hour thi:
ing. The President stated that the pending questi,
the ttmendment adoptea last night. Mr. Houstin . 1
as, asked leave for explanation, which the enliven
fused to hear. A vote was then takeit by States. ,
amendment of M. 'Valley, of Ala., as amended 1
Bartlett. of Ohio, providing those delegates be a '
with polder final!): to cast the vote of the State
232 to 120, The question then recurred on the
ment, as the original proposition, which ;was ca
the affirmative ,by a vote of 133 to 118. 'rho P
announced both delegations were received into th
erbood of the convention.
Mr. Ilannegan, of la„ submitted the followin
Resolred, That tho New York Delegation kn
the Syracuse or Dunker delegation, are rightfully
to cast the vote of the said State in Convention.
After a protest against the,resolution by Mr. Mei'
Mr. Turley, of Tenn., moveffito lay the resole
Hannegan on the table, but he gave way to Di
who concluded the reading of the protest against
lion of. the convention in admitting both delegati
unjust and calculated to satisfy neither party, but'
contrarywould produce much mischief. The moti
Ws resolution on the table, was decided in the affi l
--ayes 157, nays 93,
Mr. Sanderson moved that the convention pro
nominate a candidate for President of the United
and Called for the previous question. ,
Mr. Cambelipg, of N. Y., barnburner, asked li.
that delegation M retire;';, which ivas granted, a
Mr. Ramsey of Tenn., then obtained leave to
communication from President Polk, in which it
that he has been led to suppose from speculation.]
public press,- and the enquiries of delegates of ti
milieu, that some of his friends may be induced
sent his name as a candidate for the Presidency,
must decline being considered as among those fret
the candidates arc to be chosen. A motion to go
lot for a candidate was then adopted b a large.
Mr. McCitndles , , of Pa., anifinated James liu
of Pa., Judge Ellis, of Mo., nominated Gencr,
Hamlin, of Maine, nominated Judge" Woodbury.
now twelve o'clock, and several committees re
consult relative to balloting, which soon conclud'
the following result,
First ballot I'2s—Cass, Woodbury 53, Melia
Dallas 3, Calhoub 9, Worth 6.
Second ballot—Cass 153, Woodbury 56, Buck:
Dallas 3, Worth 5.
Third bAlot—Cass 156, Woodbury 31, Iluchat i
Fourth ballot—Cass 179, Woodbury 38, Buck.
Worth 3.
Gen. Butler received 1 vote on this ballot. G
wm, declared nominated on this ballot.
Theßarnbunil having through Mr. Smith
i rH
ted a protest against the action of the convention,
cutting to take sends with the Hunkers, on the
that they alo n e were entitled to the seats, Dicki
the intrt of the IlUnkers,' made a speech, in w
said his friends co u ld not vote in the convention c
ly, with dignity add propriety. Sonic parts of It .
were very imllamlnatory, anti some of the New
delegates took olliince, and threate n ed to leave
coition if his rem l arks were continued. , Ile co
extending to the convention the right hand o
ship. His only W i imh being to place New York ri!
The convention then proceeded to the 110111 i
a candidate for rice President, with the followini i
Gen. Win. O. Butler,
Gen. John A. Quitman,
John Y. Mason,
James J. Arrliray,
• Jefferson DAis,
. I
No choice, but on a second ballot, Gen. %MB
BUTLER, of Keiittiekv, received :255 .votes—a l
New:York whichidid;not vote all.
The courentimi then adjourned until to-mom
a final adjournment will take place.
MAniEv.—Th market WWI very dull rest
There was a Sale of one brand Illinois flour on a
35 days at $4 87h, Michigan at same, and somt
not in good ordor at $4 56. Corn was taken fo i
at 34. Oats (1113- and buyers oilbr 36ets.
NEW YORK, Ml—inierior parcels western
5 IS A. Fair brands Oswego, Michigan, Blac
Rochester, &c„ at $5 fKi, and good pure Gen f
$5 376%5 59. Rye flour is 3 62i a 3 69 for g i
eels. Sales of l ineal at 2 4-1 a 2 50 for Jcrs
wheat there was some enquiry. Canada at 12.
Corn is heavy, excepting round yellow, for whic
small shipping enquiry, and ,Northern and .lerse,
Southern flat at 54c. Rye is dull. Sales at 50 .
livered. Oats rather scarce and improving.
47 a 48cts.
A large failure vai reported hero to-day, but
denies ho has failed.l The report was started
Street Bank.
To Dr. Vaughn:-1j feel it a duty I one to you to make
meat, thinking other i txdson, afflicted may reasd, and
through the smile source. In April last I was attacked
=dory rheumatism, So that I was perfectly helpless.
three physicians, and after remaining under their can
six weeks, and till the time growing norm., they decided
afflicted n ith the dropsy'on the chest, and after trying e
riment, and exhausting every means in their power, ill
my case incstroble, and tdatep that I could lice but a err ',
r t most. About that Rine my friends saw your Wpm!,
triptic Mixture, advertised in the papers, they procunl
which seemed to relieve me. I hale since taken the
now my'health is reared, and I enjoy excellent health.
What more evidence do you want that this great Link
dccede everything in its way. Call upon Agents in thi.
der the Great American Romedy. Get a book.
- To the Met and Afflicted.
CHERRY.-L, We can consistently state that Dr Sway ne's
Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry has been extensively sed in the
United States for morc than .ten years; that its betted hat eil vie
have been tested by thonsmids; that it invariably remoc s a reread
cough, and that Itundthrs of individuals, gradually sin lug under
that insidiotei attack:or death's fell enunissary, ham , arg Cos
gumption, have been restored to health, happiness and mud-. by
Its use, and arc now L aing ttittiesbes of the curative po 'et of this
A Xdrlielt aTsTort r D TO ISEALTu.—nead Sae m
able nem . ever recGrdc4.—Dear Sir:-1 feel called by ase
I owe to sutTering humanity, to acknowledge my grad
for the wonderful circlets of your Compound Syrup of V.
ry on tap, after sufferibg mouth after Mcnith with the tnos
of all diseases, Conslimptlon. The first symptoms vrere
heavy cold, which settled on my lungs, and gradually gr
with profuse night sweats, a hacking cough, and spilt
with great debility. My constitution seemed broken 5
nervous system much impaired. I went to Pitiladch
treated there by Physicians oldie highest' stauding,hut
benefit whatever titan them, but gradually grew worse,
physicians as well as myself, gave up all hopes of recur
felt like one who is about to pass through the valley of
ow of Death. At Uri "awed juncture" 1 heard of your
Syrup of Wild Cherry, of which 1 purchased six bottles
am happy to say, entirely cured Inc. and I am now enjo
health than I ever have before in my 111 b. Physicians
nessed my case arc highly recommending it in similar
wish you to make this public, so that all may know wh=
cure a remedy at once which will reach their disease
peril% with the many,"quack nostrums" with which
by flooded. My residence is 13. Ann street, where 1 sho
py to have the above substantiated by a aersOnai intervi
ccr Ile not deceived by the many spurious and worth)
ations of Wild Cherry, ushered into notice by ignore
era, but see that the signature of Dr. Swayne is on
which is the-billy guarantee against imposition.
Prepared only by 14. Swayne, N. W. corner of Eigh
streets, Philadelphia. and for sale by respectable Drugg
ly all theprincipal towns in the United States.
Burton &Perkins:No.3, and Caner k Brother, N.
House, Agents.
MAT 24
' - ' 414prentleo Wanted.
♦ BOY about 10 years of age. Of bteady and ndudtrioi
AL wanted to learn the Cabinet Making bushiest). 01
eonatry would be preferred. Also* - good journeyman
ehe shore hominess. rot patient= enquire at this ottil
&ie. Ma& 22,
NEw YORK, May 15-7
Bhle. nui aid Rectified Whiakey for aide t •
Cash. hy MAY' 1. n
Beady Wade Clothing a
THE subscriber has now
INC STORE, a very viler
1 1 ).
CI. THING, made up in i
man er, which he is &tern
25 leer of
tha any other establishint
Clot tang comprises every in
and to one who patroni/es
follow Mg.
api, kited in regard to goal
_ Sup fine anti Fine !Tenth Nark Dress Coats;
English Tweed and Mohair Sack Coats;{
Bind, Summer Cloth Coins of every Cat;
- Blind- and Fancy eassinlere Pants; .
Saar , Silk, Merin9 andpisstnwre Vests;
Lila? and Cotton Clothii a of crery kind;
UrFor tea lers and Canullers, 01 .-CLOTII ci,ollitNG AND
Aix", Finand common Shirrs..
do. Cravats. 'chars, Stocks, Rosom
Ile line et rMneed and f a shions
cut and trim in the bent manner an
order, whirl will In, n arrant'! to a
The puldi are invited to call an.
and cheap c.tablishment in the Coil
opposite the Banner Hotel.
May 111,1,1 4 .
S-11A Y1
ton nshi
old, vv ith a),
nail a white 1
prove props. I
lifetime, 4
t both
•s the
i) WON
f Tex
on ro-
r -j_ls - 01A.
,1 / 4 31 - dez4crii
Cloak,. Tar
cling bag+,
French btrel
, ied in
April 13,
01'1 RON
MRS. is
Sprinv. and
Of Straw
WII us
don of
lie no-
IN( : Is in I.;
not to ray 0
1": l irti
011 the
m ati vc
rri II lS tin
ran till
SimilPA,. e
ri!)(.., chant!
twd ,,1
11101.1 i I
l avo f or
.0 the%
liTrl I \
-11111. .
it;;• ; ir t 4
heal I tr:11:-)
•+ states
in the
to pr
but he
Ari LI
CI 6.1 P,
N._ • (It,'
(11)(11% , ,
tit,• fat,lt
I Co.,
It tra,
tired to
•d with
1 -1 1,11•, A
II) r..,
%%11)11 hr It
\nti prrui
:lan a 5,
!alit 5 9,
n, or .1
1J 11 , X.
Gt.( votield
, all Ow
111” ore, latt,
12,e, all t
iui 111(1 la
.001 alloo
tt It —111 . 1!1'
torch. , to
511 Lteho
o ltog, roots
land it oh
re , t r% nig I
WM aro; t
•tnall °tell
Terms o
-motto!, In
nu 1 otortg
and dc
'son, on
;ich he
le eon
iation of,
lAII 0.
1 exet•pt
irciat .
credit of
5,.3 06 a
oil par
,v. For
in bond
there is
!onts. de
!Sales i at
ilia faller
lip• a Wall
(Ilk Mie
n lid relief
applied to
for about
tlant 1 tt no
'Cr) ( XI •••
I few day a
c Melon.
id a bottle
, 'tiles and
NI thinks
h lid Cher
st afflicting
r of a) very
.w worse,
ug blood,
you I), and
Iphla, nas
.cei‘ed no
, until my
ry, and 1
the had
which, 1
1 . i" i cs e 9 f l
d o 4 2crt: b e tt er
u a t, hl l l'u r t rd. t
wepar d
and Race
ta in near-
0, Reed
11 habits In
e l from the
work at
liwl w2t4
'ry low for
to the fi l
), about the lint of .
vhite enca on each eht
!spot on the !etch. T h e
ty, hay charget , and to
k ay 15, Ir4S.
,AR'S Patent Met:the F
011 C011.1g1r11111•11:
lb. Air Beds, Air
Icheo, Fisliina Boots.
'aatilins, Elastics, Son' I
rip racs, etc., etc., at t
EtigliOleatrailtP, Ma
illinory and
)01) %%mild inform her
nd vicinity generally
'winner PArillluNS
AlsaVa good n.soronor
Leghorn. China I
try Bonnets, qf ra
cut (a watch of Freo
cry. which canna.'
1;1%1m; had vm, e .
ypart ic r
:it :thy work CIIIINI..1(.41
Inr M11..1111011 %s 1;1 tg` I .
11, /14'.
'opening. :1 areal Varjel
fn+hionnblc Silk and P
renadlows, , Irndwl
cable Putt de l'heuo,
dtwits, togotber with a
and Cin•banl. all
l'elleapeed, at it* 'gore,
Erie, Ap
New Goo3s
Chnik. &e.
/in the plarr, either hal
rrie an .
Le reccii el at plr in t i
svicrrt TI - 2!
:HO rr lin% return/. I lid
Anti. lin ',aril Ins um
Wd VI the Sp rim! tr.uu
pile,. and positii
r oppointo•
11'29, 1,1..4.
Strayed o l
:1) oR ;;To1.1:N fr.mi
" (men Cu. Pa, 1)II Nnlit,
i t
,1t . ... old. Said II
It. plii ) e on oily of to.
II ;:titig t.lurillation %%I
Ifof the Orphan'' , tour
etion or 1, i. 0.10 4 ., 00 1
on ?tund,q • 00 Nth I
right, 1011 . 1,1, I.olpCrl
of Said tot, OSIIii , 01 Ii
le rotten mg '1t...r0!,41
tit( salmi(' in till' ion ti..
' Penn.% It atria, 4911111 i
inning at tie• 00rthen , t I
11..4; thence n est :J3l.
tun p.n.L• 1111 . 11 C i. IW-1:
1111114 0 ll' 1111111111`11 and
the alluwanre. I e the
St 0 rmh, %glut re for a la
n *aid land there l". all
iril 31111 a genii frallll. b•
• Std.•, one tomtit tit
. ylllCllt. S i , nit inten.,t t
Isla. sy.
ED nt par far n t• ort t
'nlr of goods wrnarked
ity i ttl.
),Ikti, of ilta-e tl lend)
joles left, at _(too)
tbcerikers havon: enter
trlng Inn.ine..., are a ,,,,
lii.e To%t n 'Mill., on the
1, 1 , Black, Bra, n, and 1.-
4 i1 , ! , t4, Satinlettn :Fica•
~ed Flannel oral Illtittl,
laCture an the ' , hares, , :
1q1(11 Ibr 1(0111 15 to Irl
tat c al-0 a goantlq at 1
5%1 , 4110 .•\ C1111111!.t . for
sled into roll-, a , 11-11ai,
r caah. and no irrumblue
icle of pony. %% twit ‘s,c
rat can roa.e.
fl all ki
s .
ja ',tact
It the Val
Hirt l-nut
2lte L.. Prol
also maum
s%. into
it v. 111 . 1.1
cull Ile cal
cp- are tilt
C. liCiat art
thing 'I
3101 rrl
irk, 31ly 627. Ir'l.--4311
tit rter.orimrlit of Gm.
Port, 31rideira & M
Mn) 19.
New Store-
rout: shle•cribers have retwitel
a intrati,ele, one door SIIU,
where they are now receiving a g i l
hardware. Crockery, Grocerie.. I
purchased lately at reduced iirsc , l
Goods we're purellawil cheap Wel d
ill Vile the r old etNtujitt.r. -tut tin
ty awl pri - 171
TM: tirtitirietors 01 this et•tabl,
nbld adtlition to their ittaeht
1.. t kintOniel ha, ine e‘perietire
braqrlies.4lltheir Int t-t, , , are re:
or ittatturaettire'for tiny. lA* the )n
have on Ilind a large quantity of (!
hlankilt, bawls, casitriers, and
vt ear of different hodie4 and goal
give one ) J ardiof cloth for 2 t Iron
‘t ill itink/.1
Cardl and Cletti-Eresztingilti
All kiln s of prolatce takendbr j
P r_r—We are preparing to wni•
, rerrek. May IP lk
- -
LW4. or Wool
ti May IL
dy's Confoctio
unin. would res.pec
Iken the well know st
lied by M. W. Keith.
btantly on hand, a la
CI )1.4 FECT
tittitracture, and bob
'liede En., Cold Fowl ,
Soda IA tiler, ice Cren .
t the bese and 'nob( 1!
e es-ortnient of Ttil",,
: as titled up a room, of
Ladies A% /10 Mali WI. i
:a be surpassed by to •
'I will endeavor to a
hope that the triune
..rpredecebbor will bel
,• 111, ntit4.
MRS. i 1
leo, t.
eently weir
keedang c? I
of her own
Butter l'o't
Ilot 03144.4,
ter% ed up ,1
cei‘ed n to
mined !sol i I
an ,
indulges th
tended to
Eric, M I
Fairview •• p
9 - 111 E on i d.critere have procure
of 51;tehinery orate moat am
pared to na:inufaetare Wool o. ah
1'a.4.4 . ‘1, aid! on the tun.' ilee(1111
Cloth Inretivittur, null Spinning, pr,
from the)1111(1one° of their mar
Yarn wi thout interfering with th
A large quantity of Cloth on
kinds of country produce and E
on debt. due ue.
Our etulonters and the puhlic
call, and lye aEsure them all the
Mg determined to keep pace With
hope to be'studained in our effort.
Fairvie May ID. IW.
Erie Woo lt
19000 IteßeDxscitriit;'ll
their usual rates of etchange.
fancy stripes of the latest eastern
boy's Clothes; also a good variety
wear. W will also manufactur
lowing prices in earth. viz: For I
cts lid yard; cassimere of Mk
23 cts, anti pressed Flannel at le
Erie, May 11, 1618.
59 DD . White Fish add 11 4
th Steamer Louriona.
Erie, Moy 12, ISM.
t3SRICO sioNrrr WAr
Eli AT NO. '2. NE
T lIAV just retch's'', and will
1 Mum large and general as'
welts, Urtpettsgs, Dams &no Unto
cssuar, which 1 will sell at the la
Bills, at ttieThee. Dollar for Do 11
kind of to on baud, will do e
and prices; which I think cannot I
- Also, cli kinds of Produes taken
market rates.
Do notlrget to call at No. 2, Its
Erie, M yI. WV. _ 1
i Ur
I (
ivra. WHFSTENFELD, formerly Gardener of the Duke of
In Hesse CUM, tenders his service to the citizens of Erie ht
that capacity. He has bronchi with him some 1390 different kinds
of Feethi of Flowers, Plants, Shrubs, &c. which he will be happy
to lutroduee Into the gardens of the citizens of this place. -
Oarror flintier intbrmation apply togas office, or to Dr. C. Man
del', Eighth street. between Holland:nod French. -
Erie, - ally 13, lett , .
the Clothing fitore,
tt hand at his NEW cLoni.
' sive assattutt‘nt of that sate
he latest styl. and in Ow best
int.d to tell tot CANIS
•nt. Lower
ut in this place. Ilia stock of
ude, from superior to cocunon,
tht establishment shall be ills
ty, out or price. Notice Vie
ilk nhlrl nct l drawetw, Merino
, stocks, e•iiiiendepi, ace. Oct.,
le Cutters employed and v. ill
I make all kinds of clothing to
lee Hati,fnetinti.
inglicct the clothing itithe new
thclittnge t French et.
run of the suil,,criber in Greene
lay, a red Bull, two year: ,
eoun' whin , on titti,rtiy,
uw•ner reque,ted to come,
it :May.
abler nibrice, of OW f4,llowing
: Ch II orFe '0 VMS,
e. Air I 'll,lljonS. 3Vnter Palk,
I.ridioii Apron , . pA,
Mcii's Cloth ilia. Tray
31. KOl7ll.
Clove•, Cinnamon, rte. al
.11.33 L
Kress Plaiting
uld cio , toinere and the Lola.. of
Imi o. Hon rocoivooz her
1' )111.1,iNERY AND
!:t of 1:01111: 4 , coti , i+(ing in pats
lead, Golmre', liter, Gimp
on.- prices; ,Also, an as-
Pt and m rien flow
full (o lire tar.
WIWI' ill`e,l'ir ill 111;1: 4 S M.%1: -
that a:1,1 lie:itat. , ,,
,o licr care to ill be executed xx ith
1d to LlCaChiliV eIf:VW ISIAMPL,
, 115-51
es r.',OODS. -
r ,11)„„c,..1.,c,,,m,r,-11,i , in
Inert Te.otre, m Cott et Go % Ilia 11.
race,. Gobs tle Came . Sk% i„ l'rertelt Jart awn I.l.titts. r t,, 1.,
,I nine-wit enrint3 or elten t • fait
of which I r in an %% ill sell ;et
uNnetite the Engle lintel.
‘pre , ..4 sonli•
orb ‘‘e oirrr at I.N
Ii• HIP! I: am
is' w br un ler..uild I m. v.--
:HIE NIIINI:)", Prod.:re or the
1S.( • , K It. 111'1,111:R T.
rttrar_q; fr, Gr ni!. if drli+rrz•d
{N.C.& R. I'. 1111.1111 RT,
ti Iht. 1 . 41' tern r If le., 11118%
tial 4,4)111110M nn , l marir•n o f
,n hn•h has 1 , 1 , 11 purr Ithced al
aret/rdiltgl? the
thr sulorriher Iv lug iu
ulat OW 1i.2.111 Bay
,1",• I- a s• p art :Intl hail
fon, loot, IP; prtitivill inurh,.—
tr.• he tan% I o• bmud istll 111 . 1111-
:\ L \ ILI. .thill:11 . 11.
11% 11%112
I.Y put,-
II! iii the
n of 411141•' ortl, tit .2 o'ilo.7k. I'.
• ciao., 4411111,-
1•1•111iI.I1I. al the 11111 e Of 111.-
p,Cre, tiart Loot -
ot Eri.•
.sl.l do-erilied a. toll'oN .. to
Jrtior at 'hood , . tomtit 51
'idol, to a pint: (how, mirth
lierelie. to the piaci , of I,e2i
tlirei• more mitt 1112 i , orclie. of
olio :mire or il' , •--4.‘ct•pting,:tn.i
%nig ground ‘rliort• tlio grat e.
it :M acre, motor 11111. N% I.IIIC/It,
halancr in hint' eijua
be welired Ily
J.\ Ml'.
-11• .it iny Slow ill rxrlliil(;1• for
fleeS. 11. CADWELL.
nliroultlers awl
1:1 !OR'Z.4.
tbil int° p.trtilf•rtitip in HIP ninn
y to Hilo cloth
• 1.)11°a WNW', rtir
I. Flannel, Insist the 10U111,
et. , n 1 et.. per %aril. We will
\Vt. rl II card and spin
is twr IN,uud, arfOrditig
I 'halls and Saninete4 on hand
• 00l on re, honahle \N . OOI
for 3el- per Ilh The alawe pri-
We al.o keep on hand an ex
n will iqeliatige for %Nool or any
N. 1111.1„
GI:1 1111 A.,
rp ki•eperi 111 el way:. lied the
true:), tikkey,
theza Wee,, &c., in (MN 11, at
11. (a ti
ow Goods.
II their of Cods to No 5,
t' Timwat. 1),,.% I.Y.
moral iet.otlitiont of Dry G 0 0 , 1 4,
Ikon, &r.. II loch have 141'11
I, iu OW lia.i r i Olio, The
I t% ill 1wm.,11 cheap, and IA odd
p ill' to coll.:aid otamitie (la:A
-IM:O. el:1,1)EN IS: SON.
Woollen ractory. •
shineni. bat nig 'mute ronsidta
nory tt bull all now awl of the
1 workmen in all the Ilitlhront
(I) Ul exelritue elothl for wool,
rd, on rii,0 , 1711/If• (Mil,. They
aerent kinp or chilli. flannels.
[heed.. ns %% ell as light sminnerj
Ins., to ev . h.n.L.Telor? wool. IVe
els of Wool. ;1.4 pod as the 15111.1
lee as
a liberal discount fur
Brontle Toth.
Purawiry Thurtiton & Co
Hied :It the tor of
ary, No. 9, Z%oed Nouso
flly inform the public that ahe
110 in Ilic Reed IIUIIcC Row, re
here,hv has non• and purpo•ca
lie vnliety of
whole,ale and retail, with dtr
such ns cows, uren,innd
Booed limo, Pork and Hein.,
a, &e.. &e., all of m Welt will be
' t.tyle. She has ja,t re.,
, to which she int ite4
expre,l) tor the acconi-
Ito eat Ice ereatn. She 6 deter
!t, 'tar 1.1;11,11,11111(.1n wer.t. of
I . onl twit ersal sati+faction. She
iheral patietirerr• which was ex-
I °inhaled to her.
• lon X'actory.
1 front tho'East an entire HMV 11
roved pant rne, and are note prep
nealne,s and (11,•patell un,tl4.
innlatinu. terms. IVool Carding,
:nutty done, they being enable,l
decry to Card colt-, and 'Spin
•ir nintm6eniring.
'land to exchange few Wool. All
is Money received for ivork and
, I
enernily are invited to give us n
handy ec titalit , is onward—lie
improvements of the age, and
J. &M.W. CA CGil & CO.
, 3ml
•n factory.
Is and Cabkinieres are now ready
or Wool by the subscribers, atl,
toy have 0 variety of plaid midi
patterns, 'Tor Gent's. pants and'
of all wool Tweeds fur summer
. the present season. at the fel , -
lack. brown, and steel-miv cloth.
no milord tkl eta; white Manuel
l'entsper yard.
'ackinac Trout. Pet received by
or eale at No. 1. Perry Block. by
7'. W. iwtooßa
• rO,ll
en liougH.
couttmie to' have on hand at all
• .runent of liar Goon*, lOM
awl all kinds of rAmtt.v'Gan:.
Dreg: Cask prices for Erie'llawk
lur. Thom who may have that
cell to call and examine illy slack
fail - to give general satirthr-tion.,
t in ere hangedbr goods at the best
i ced Houve, andeznmio e for tour-
Dealers in We •• and Domestic Go •
Llsm of names and ft tar, Of persons engaged in the Eel
tending of Cuuds, ares, Merchandise, Connnodi
frets of whatsoever kind I nature, resident and doll
ithin the county of Er l , Pennsylvania. olas`ified. anti
acconliiiii to law, by the ndemignedappnliser of Amman
es in the county of Erie r the year
E • East Ward.
Vincent Himrod & ^
Lester, Sennett OIL C
C M Tihbals
II Caldwell
J C Beebe
J H Fullerton & co
P Metcalf .
Moses Koch —goods
Smith Jackson
BroWn & McCarter
All y n & Cott
AI Spencer
Rolibrt 'l' Sterrett—li
1) S Clark ---
W C&R P Hulbert
George Salon & Sop
Burton, Perkins &ci
Carter & Brother
S Smith
Tilos. Evens
Joel Johnson
B Tomlinson & co
C Seigle—liquors
C Alayberry—litmors
Knowlton & Son
Isaac llasenzweig &
!Bram Cook—liquors
Moses Koch—clothing
W Moore - -
George C Witter
C Kusmatil—liquor
IL Cook--on dock
Lyman llobbins—liquor.
Ur 1] 3
J C Miller—liquor
Sherman Rice—lignors
.1 It Duman; -
Itubt & Kelsey
James. Hughes'
, G,Looinis & co.
O) Spallbrd
iA,P Hitchcock, liquors
Wilcox. Sr:hill - riff& co. (liquors
\Veinier, Mayor & co. liquors
Jolut l'etcer. liquors
John Cnlnwi ta& co.
I' Hall
It Baldwin & ion
0 A Landon
Fred Slioalf, liquors
NV illiam ,Nluun
1) Knotno
Michael Littin--diquors
Henry Knotilo
George 11 lyincr—liquo
, 1)1'11114;er
B Toinlin.on & co
; Dein% &
M( COMM' S. Walter
LS Jones k co
Olin & Cleinens
J McChkre Jr—lignorm
1.0 Fisti—koori
J S Po,ter-Lliquors
,C ,oriort!
4 ,
Peremiall liavis
William 11' . ler
.1 Leach—liquor
W C Warier—liquor.
A W Anderson, liquor ... i , _
I 'clump Townshiy.
I. I) 'GeorL—Liquors 1-
llrat!Sh trgh Borough
Norton & Noble
11 C Town & Co—Liqnors
i N
epl W Hoskin
IfTmiin Janes &:
C 1
1 : 1 ? 7::::.
won & Colegrove
rter, Brother & Co
Union Toiroshsp
in Truesdail • I
A Tutirtellott—.-Liquors 1
iiirrirec l'ozenship.
r I
John A Traev't2d
uthek 4 1 Liquors
James J -Warner—Liquors
George Shoalf—Liquors
Bean & Webster
North East Borough.
B C Town &Co—Lituorti
11 Haynes
Harper, * Blain, Could & Co
Hynes &;.Jonett
E N Fuller
Stevens & Kellogg
North Eat Township
J. II Haynes—Liquors
Elk ('reek Township.
'Loinedterry & Wheeler. Liquors,
William P. Smalluge, Liquors,
C. F. Norton,
Squire Hall, Liquors,
Conneaut Township.
& P Clark jr
William Warner, Liquors
A King kV Son, Liquor,
IV El Townsend
Samuel J Ilopkins •
Riley Potter
Waterford .11 orofigh
Wm. P Judson & Cu -
Boyd Vincent &CO
A J& FFFarrar& C o
llatehhas & Son
John Marvin, Liquors
• Edenboro,
Jackson & Campbell, Liquors
McClaughr & Campbell
Gerrish & Saley
II It Terry
Me Kean Township.
Lompson, Goff & Co. -
T. D. Otellis
Green Township
YoNt Kuhl, Liquors,
Notire is hereby given to the above named dealer, II
dersigned .tt ill meet with the A.soeime Judge-, at the Co'
ere '
Office, is Erie. on Friday. the 80th day of June flea
...lock. A. M., for the mirpose of hearing the apis.alv of
feel theniselies agrimed by the ahave
Appraiser of Mercantile
Erie, May 18, 1818. •
frlministrator's Salo.
lorder of the Orphan's Court, will he exposed to Sao
lie auction or venolue on the premises in Girard too
the ltali day- of 'next, at 10 o'clock, A. 'I. all the to'
est., property claim, and demand of Joseph Wells, late
olereased, of the following lands, to wit: A eeria %illy
ate tai the It idge Road in the borough of Girard. boom&
the" hint'-nay, east moil south by lauds of 3l'l'onnell
and containing eighty percher of land. Also ' (me olio
land. situate in Cirarol ton tiship, described andhoundeol.
Beginning at the south-east corner of lands of Eprai
thence north twenty-six degrees. west one hundred a u
es to a 1,0,4,1 thence north sixty four degrees. east twel%
to a post, thimce south twenty-sic degrees, ea.+t one hoo
sic perdu, to a pv-t, thence south sittplooor degrees, w
rods to the place of beginning. containing seven ogres a
perches or land, being part of a larger tract. N0...295.
other lot In the borough of Girard and numbered in the .
said-borough with the number fr 7. Also, l'ISC(11:113 pieco
dying north of the canal ill said Forough and township
north lov the lib , „11-way, east by lands of David Olin ,
lands eclat' Picket, containing eighteen acre and m 1 oil
and forty-three perches. Abu the unolivided half of fort
land situate in Girard township aforesaid, bounded nortl
of -, east by lands of J. (lark, south by lands of --
111111 nest by lands of David Olin, toeing part of tract '29 , .
certain %Map lot in the borough of Girard on the west s
chanic street, containing about one fourth of an acre, Ili
the 31' lionechit. lot.
7'ernasof Sale.—Una fourth ott confirmation of .4ale, tt
in thrtv equal annualjabtalments, to be Pecun•d by pulp
and mortgage.: N All.llll sMiTii,
New Cabinet Waro Room.
JA. MAY would' r4pOOtfully inforin the 'cilizens of Erie 'and
• vicinity, that be has taken the stand on theBouth Enticorner
State and Eighth streets, (a part of which is occupied by L. War
ren, min sash, door and blind Factory.) where be intends to keep
on haul a general nt•ortment of Cabinet Ware. which he will he
happy to exhibit to all who may wain articles in that line. Ills
arrangements are such that be will always haveen hand the best
of seasoned Lumber of the drat qi'ality, from which he will man
wheture i n the hest style any attic c in Ills line of business' Being
a mechanic himself and thorough y acquainted with the business
of Cabinet making In all its vario s branches. he intends to do Ids
work In the beat and fay.t style, a 4 by so de ughe intends to be
cure 4 lilt:Bl3May prdrepag.e. Cal and lantine qualiiy; un‘f
price* be re isucluts it eliewhe
N. . Cottlus mad odder on vice :
Erie, April 21, IBIS
e/ : 1 , 1 1
) tr
t Ilk
F;; P. CI.AIIIER, would riepec
I null vicinity that he ha. ta
land is now ready to execute all c
'Glazing which his old euldotners
'tohaa. Canal Sonta,"hnithed UI
give nha a ealt. Shop at his dco
EOM. Atlfilik% le4K
• OWDEII.-4Ceutucky Rifle G'
at (M
ping and
of et
Po. Tax-'
1 14
14 ' 7
West Ward
l 4
d ./P)rough
10 50
the 1111-
111111 , iOll
• al 111 who
y pub-
I lay
tzt. it it r
(it! Gintril.
C lllt sit z
bounde I
Id Vl e, t by
i. hundred
t i..
v acres of
by laud
Greg ,r,
fist', a
lo of:lle
'lßA% li .1b
e Inlnmee
via, lowl
Or 01
? I
dilly inform the citizens of Eric
a taken to the pot rind hroph,
.rdera in the tine of 1, mating and
nd pleads may see fit to entrust
1 .11 l o n n ,
the *oere b n no r ti t c h e e
I. f, buoy, gate and door mats for
y P.) H. COOK.
npowder, a very superior article
@-) COOK.-
et the Erie Steam Foundry.
rrinv 0ra1:1442
k. 7 io CO., are now rmeiving tt
nig Block. u new and t•plenditt a.r.l
VER 11) /I.'l liuutni, IttiApy N.,
which will tu, itold a little cheat l •
er et,usblitlitneal 11)ie Hide ut mat (1.
gold nod awlet
Aliso, Dress and Frock t'oan4 f
rahilitt• cud tilniAi can't t e It!a
American CatOuteres—baaut
loons and vesds attic sante.
SU3INIER WARE.—An excel!
'Filch cannot Nil to plea Ne.
CALICuIIS.---zittpet ior Calteoe
and fel' thrill,
1....41nEs DitEr4:4 COCtilit.—Cn!
to adorn the tonal,. dant do. I,'
banns, Baragr., Clot Cu., R11,1,0'
&c., &r.
sreat carr.[ a
we e•liall unn,uially luw fur
Erie, April 21.. It 1..
usT r . ereivetrat No, 1 11
Prune,,l . I
ta ban, ()ranges it
cheap fur eaoi.
nte,...Ma) 12.
NOtiCe to the Moira and
to take tt,tittiony 111 relation t.
the .-Ot.l and J. 11. r I
With un 1110 011110 . 1111 T ,
I.) the rail ting p.trty, In the
Intere-I'al are hereto; 11(1
1110 la0"11 . 01 . oat I cwitnirt tl ill
101101111 Ow itounnth or
meriLthe hour , ut 1 I u'el.,ck,l.
31ereer. Mar 13, 1 , - ••'. :
I,,IMPI.OVNIENT 'Oll 111 /I ' ,
I[llllll. 1:141, C:1111111111 . 1111 0 , 1 0
May li,
01 1 11. ENG r 4,111.17
R. S. II I ' NT l'
JR. Srtillt!, 1 . ;:: 4 111 , 1 . 1
re-1 . ..111111 . 1. ' , then I
:11:arh I". 1-I^. -
Llf 1 1 ,-;•'( )11.1'1.1 o.rl-1'
4 - 3 '%1•1)1,,) 11,1%11%111:v1, u! , ‘ mtv
III. 141• al
Ati,y G. 1,1:-. 1...11411-
EA.C:IIZI vroor,rxr r
Arr. u. 111.1 in1..1111
- I,c 111 4 1 t f• 11.14, 4 1•141.4 44 ,
br k 11.11% II a' 31, - ( *rear, 'l . ll‘ nn
ni a'•r)
7111111%e ari , n ac prci,irl-d U. Ina
. 1 . %t evol. r-Ick‘, 1-11iankl
1..i‘.• bale ril 1•114' 4 1f 4 4 4, 1 4 . 4 ,•)1 44 .4 4 ,.
41114/ n e 1./I1
4,1 OW 1 4 111,11•. rce• 11:111,
iarll , ll kh 410 may 1d1411 4
1 41 1.44)111 1 • .lr41.11_!,: 44 ,411141111,4, ai
Grain rt , ltor3 , 11111)!Ii•-,
'lceeptal , le fig gf , otlb
1 ) 11
rat: 11 I.
7 00
7 Oil
• 7 (10
111011. r. ZIEW
tol :NI. 11... r I. t
I'Lnart• I 1.1v.,1-,1 -t
Ur Iti:lT
A, 0. 11,11‘1• ft•Ci q,/,:111.11,`• I
t!it dt't ttrt,,;i
11, a- 1,17,
\le aro 1.1.,1.2.. I 1 ,, 1,11, OW I its
N. 11. Erie
Erri , ,itstd .ldun•lrlrtl r,
.14 Lite Ilk 1're11.1.1‘..11,11i1
111)1tin rah-rnl.•r, , I , hert.l, l
any manuer bitt
li,t% tug
cal 1.4r,•tt1 , 4:11.11t.
April '29,
10 50
T 1:1"11:R, tip AI, miNis
1J ~111110 -111.• J
11•111 p. 6n, ing 14..11 0551110.1
015 1 , p, 1005. , 1,1 :0
11151511.0 yin• p.r :w ;11. .111 , 1 tln
II dI 1550:5•01
Fpring.l.l I, 11 is I, 1-1—
allllll.l , a
at.. , 1! I 11111 e,
ur• Farm of the Lite
utrar,, 1.1-;—till
7 00
H) 50
10 51
/0 50
7 00
Ad Millinery ant
A irits,. VV.\ itl) %%Quid inf ,, r7
ill. I hat .44.• ha, rento%t. , l
111.. If faffi,fl.l, f flu, .1...,r, f...,... ! r,
plat teof owl! moll .N 5.1.1 Yr:H..l{
6.• n veil; 5515 , 1 , , .4 , 1, ,, t 111.• 1 s ,
iIiNS 111 1'I\1: :%111.1N1:11 - 1
ilie kite-4 .. .4,k 41)4)1, :', o, l o ' '1
in part a larL..f. :,.vet meta of
burm./.ran, onnii and I 01,11
:11.1 Cial..: iti,III,I , .11 11:111t1 ,I ( I
lan:f. :.;liztf,,f..ll 4.4 ',fix I(.\
am! I'l: EN( 'II !nth! 71C1.(11,,1 .I ,
White lill)11.110• Cr,11.1• 1.1,1% Cl '
l'rapo.,Polrlie , , 121. , 1,0ri IVir,
•Ctithrolib•rea Caro, (%) . . -;
1.:0‘11-.irert ,, raio1 r,spe.r. %ft 1
al,o -1.1t , 1 , (bill -lie It, I 11:p1,,.. -I
andillig'll , l , lll,ll WS 1..1111 , •-)1.111 ,
18. 75
10 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
10 50
7 110
10 .50
7 00
Pan 1,.,,11,r atteolion N% ill
Idl\ \1 , 1% , and :dl t% orb. untri
ne.attif. , , allot ,i 1.1,11,11
10 on
10 50
7 1.10
10 50
J. I CuuntnlliHin: , and 1
G0r,14 and ehei l i,
Erie, A kilt!".
131- ,in tin 11rdl . r of tlu
A . evrt,im 1 , “ rr
,hip. part of a IrI1 . 41•1 . true,. tI
Prum•,Manta p''l'lliatl4 , lC'. IP:
lulu 10 ‘IIII. Itt . 211111111!! a , I: I
!Ise tm,l the.-11.filii,
I • r.,llP , Viiiv t., 1:11 , 111,00: Dl 11'
:111111111i,-( , 1111,, air a pi'reil
Freal . rlfiCtVallll . r. Wall] ',ter
a the %l 111' i.el
1101111 111:11A
V) the p art• n1111: '
lilt,' the pr:/:/1•11:1 ut \ "t 1‘
In 00
10 00
10 00
10 00
1 00
15 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
Tenor ot ,31.; order,,l be
p .1 I on sOtitirlll.til.
attooal in•taltouts
1115111 IN ati.l inortgago.
NIA * 102
V. 70.. 11
CORCII SEI.DEN & : 4( ).'
)11 - le, om• rah
ha% t• a •;wilor.ll a ,crtit.t.tit Cl I;
.tor_ tt n I .c% dac
N 211 1 27 GOODE!
, J ar
tirtilar , ltivreAter. lit
24nre, Reol
Erie. Ipril *29, 1 . .--i.
-f -
1 1k Pli
tio l N .. I t:f ' ,i ' l ' i l li l y n l l ll l :\ 1 11:' :1 iVI ' )
in 1114; bfq.glgii of Erie, all ht. , ti
Lal.llafp of ,andl,ou.: l l deoo 'I
-,,01,1,,11f0ra pill 11111 lot in
lots Nos!. 12-.7 anti 1.1-1. inaru
e‘u-iditinz law:. n1 , n.5.11,11) li,
1-111411'0, I/ a ilo ulher lini,n.,,
',Venn< of •-ale, ow , tint 1 ii
annual inaallnenn.nlili mien'
- Ind too tgazo.
Ma:, l i 2, 1-1". \
ItTe . r ti ' l l . il .l l ) ' " l' i' ; "\ J:l;;; ' c i,r' F
2 ~ ,,1.,),.- ‘t'azotr, a mill
IMay 11 1 , 1 , -1".
; 1 1:/.1.`711 laLtoons and liranl..a i
Is, May 10. '
I norh by
%%el -ter,
•r piece ni
n Martin.
ie iareh•
idrr• 7 and
tn el% e
111 rt ghq•
Ilan, on . e
plan of
of land
IMITATION: , ptaIa Cauca
11` , INS —lte•t Imlay by
i ILIV I: OIL.— 1 superior ar
v -"' l'Y 1 (Ma)l
J 1. 1 : 4 1' 1 It Et:Ill \ ED—rhililn !
Now n I
i Wtiew
Wanted 1.,
r hal:ince on aWnotes a!
thr•lnte;llrin of Elillehartl
sate eo,A. Iy calliuq and adjl.l
next. 3lay J. cod
ILI It 1E Bank Toth taken at ti
Li in the Telegraph Building'
*ay 11. 101.4.
rl N4l. 1117111P3.—thirk
tertB, by May 12.
5000 rFEET of AlcCut
from P by 10 to /
the box or light, cheaper than
at the sash shop or W.VILII
Eighth vireos, Erie.
pemons Inflebted to ti
either by Note or Book ni
t eb PaYmetli 11111111` mune.
Books:Ind note' are now in
%11l attend to settlements 0111 i
left for colleetion„
13.1 sl-:1<;s1(1)1. & en. are .
• on film] q onernl aeon.
:of 0111kItid* and priee,+, which'
liWe rhiaper than the cheat
Alay 3, le4e.
100 El.Ollll BARIUII—
Erie, May 5, Ib - 4.
TWILL pay CANI for stin,
e 4 at my dock ii Erie. ItIM
Alto for any quantity of Popui
Arh, CherTy..(Megotit and col
Erie, April 22, 1,918.
;GUT a
Ucd to evuttillV,
"ct[•1•) j:g
w New Jew Btote, No. I, richt
DE CLOTA Mt:. &c. &e.. atc..
1 than can be bought nt any nth
.nu. AMOK Anti stock way be
isb mid American black, blue
aulclutl4. cheap as.the cheapen.
e name matt poi %$ pith for du
.—Pinn Primal). English acrd
I ‘cbtlug., ood bopprior
nesartment of Summer with),
iota 6 to 1. CV. per
, Gtpg-
I kinds,
R•d 1901
I=mo k. iirt.t.• genetey or Figto.
Lemon,, t~ loch.will he .6ld
Legal Representativeq
to of Erie, Deceased.
ii ha, I ecn appomil.ALy the train
rt tontiti, l'ean's. a Coniniit,ion
i, a CI. rLa i it (Nail rac t inane betneell
H ( I , low wo• pan; nail a certain
tin. n, -ale of a lot in Clarkin'ili.,
1 ,1 IV I n. liiels-tn. Theletbre l , all
iced that u,1in..1,v iti relation to
taken la.i - on. Ow stito.e itl.t.r mini
on l'inir-il. y, Joun lith lelw,iit
-31., and 6 CriLek. I'. M. on said
.131C111. lii 71.1 4 '11:11i. I
.it id Couniii•sioner. ,
- 7 'Et‘rt 'r threr,teatly inthatt
meta at the .Erie Foundry. I
•SI.N.!s In"I' S r•IIES'I'I:Ft.
()Ns rola 1818.
mr—o. w ill introduce
mi• o n . dnt. tin I would lali.nd
I rieu,d. nod ciibtomer4 to call and
I.l' 1.1,111,1 to o'..n.oce a nen yl in
, flit' C1',.113 nl ••cro-,-plob,
lilt. Erie ',WM.
N1 . 1"1 . Xt. l'11)1t.11 1 R.
C,Torer, rAinvizaw
.44411 cloth 11 , 84111,'''
VII, .1 hereafter 10
;:i C IVe hare One 0141110
• C.III he procur ed 111 the rwurtly r
l'II:X111re or et.cliflnuo cloths ins=
And -l'huinel, for uool. Wu
.4. 4.11 branch,. business,.
, • h.lre ot put he confidence awl
I.r to 4.4 1 1' general edits
v.. 1 1 .111cu-it,lo.
elj, cheap and
II) M.-cr.!] \111",
\UN 11) \TES, ,
nl, JAMEY,
f StOt r k
z,z, , 1 cLeap,
awl ....triped 'and
le. I ~, , I:l,lbruidered awl
,•-. ‘Ve tako
hr, iiiitive• grla II! a few day*
,•„ 1,• 11 ,tripil • and rattey, and
.t, I iv], v noald -ay our as.
• 1- Leo 1 , , this ii1;:ov, and jitiCeS
-t, o‘cv'i4ilit! .01,-e that pia
L.ll' , (a 1 AI at par at
ite of Cunneen.
deeed-rd, hay ing bren granted to
Lilt et' ei all per-, ni• indebted in
iiiiniedinto payment. and 1119S1:1
00111 prei-eid the, dui%
ITION, it lilt OW l% 11l aune•.ed,t
d~•rr.-r• Lgerl Springfield
it...hey I.; hereby
10,L1111.7 I Matt• to make
11, tin.: again-t Said estate
C. fil - lll)..l.lminbtrafor,
. .,Tor Salo.
.:ii,iwg al.aii 1-9 aver= of Lana.
;dua ca.-{
l ‘ chard : ldother imptoNs
from .ir.irtf , illtwi., I,Ling part of
111,.. ':,1,1 l'arii, 1% ill Lcold very
11:01.: re et
11. Agent
0 7.1 B
d Dress 5; 1
.0 Erie and yieinity
n 0.-tahliOnavill to the South side of
Er;.' Batik, and thnt she has
l'hiladriphia. IN lucre she has ht
.:4 mo-t I.II'I2()VED F.U 4 11-
-.• cumpribing
I r rn, China, Pearl, en.
el., in nil - trent. , to Sll. Silk
id nettle 11/ order at all tune-%- A.
CIZS. iroal 6 to 7:3 rents,
F. 2. .11, tie" Ed.zong.., Illackand
Tatleto,,, IlLtiel Crape. corr.)
-e X I
Dry-, Ilut , otat, Oil Silk,
r IVortle.l, &e. 31r,, IV. would
I di, e‘perleneed
q.,11:in..1 n, 1 , 11 - jj .. 4..-
rtl,l to Ler eare, a dl be done with
makers ‘1 ill lie itiritii , lietl with
can he iitirclia•ed
-- -
rotor's Sale.
• t tride.ta'- 'unit of Erie county. I
....miz.o...;aat Thair-ata, • the 15th day
ur pa reel JI tail an llll:creek ton it
. an a eoneral plan of the
tit, n. \o. 101, and hounded Eu4llll-
,1:1! the -otatlewtriter of lands
. thence by the t.atatiMlN)rtheeventy
.l 111,1 111 the road lead nag from
e nevi neat Mviity - three perches .
: corner: thonne by land owned lay
en pt.:chi." attaAtwo-tenths 10
ltract No. WI: thence by the rattle.
atoo -three p. rches and three-tenths
amine u acreb more Or ICES,
"10. 'odrt---..110-third of the purchnoLe
of the• •alc, and the liallance In
thereafter, to be t•ecnred by judg-
.Vloir. of All ert Wainer.
p ir A Ie ~
I - fm l• 1,1110 ed their Fiore to No. 3,
~t •I ott .11.. 8:. Dm e2.':. •tore. They
.d-, al. I %% 111 be receiving a new
1 Erie. May 12. le•it4.
~ •
SMENT - G 1 17trami. —
at prices far, eery
iler(l to raw before. Further par
ph...p.e call at the corner
Court Salo.
6 , m or t;t•athi• oil Mouthy the 12th
~, •,I, , ck .11., at the market honor..
tdht tlitgar. , t and claim uf3largaret,
at it,' IMO' of her decease, tho
!I b,. cash of Erie. ettlliPor•ed of inn
no ,te -trket thrty one fret anti(
a Vt. oa t there are suture limo
4 . 111 , ;111..
hill I. the balance in term equal
il,.iu he reciartNll* pufgrocie, howl
1,1"11.1:, Ailminit•ltntor
ol.11.111c;.11t1:1' 1..11R11.
aaalore Laurel Wa,
(May M.) It. COOK..
for article at
if . COOK
jltat received at
11. COOK'S.
all ilic go, fur ingrA ptr lb. at
boy or Wolk;le lb. at No. 5 Bonnet
(ray. t+.) 11. COOK.
ice for family u:e for emle very kiw
et the Sea• Forest,
wi I.IIC/1,
unediatelyl _
aCc,,unt, due the subscriber. nusi
l& Mayer. Persons interested will
Om: the same ',fore thc-tirst of Juno
ar, at the Jett• store of blosert
Ull rreild I btrtetl r"" P°4o.
lass, auitnblc for Lamps and Lan.
ry's Ibet4 withlow glass. of all sizes
1 .,
by 39, Jim iv
receed and for sale by
nu he bought Own here in this city.
. 'N, boutleedA corner of State an 4, IStS.-48.
ficT T ELL r a umr 0 'E.',
he I.,te firm of J. ZimmerlY & Co,.
comit. - are liereby notified that tin.
co-ts will be made, Tt*
le Minds of A. 11. Ifitelieoek. who
the 1:ItIt Of May—they will that be
Miwifactiiring awl Wive conitantb.
neat of Cigars, rot. and Smur.•
i'tlwy will sell tit Wholtaate or Retail
at No, 3, Rood House.
ust !mt and fbr Ealc low Ibt Cash.
lin reel of Hemlock Lumber, deliver,
Min will he given for the find wanted
Mr, Cucumber, White Oak, White
inuoa l'iue Lirmber,
Ertabll4tanutt. a rani assortment
tlei.lls. IR. %%Well ;he ladies are in.
May It V. 1.3,•