VOLUME 19. portrD nub illisrelianv. BIIVEIttEIR IfIIIBIO. WC EDWARD O. AMIOTT. Through the open window, .A.o a ‘selcome coiner. Breathes upon my forehead ' The warn breath of summer The 014 fore's , t4 murmur - in the fragrant air; Leafy elveg are telling Their gwert love-tales there! And the riculers ramble Through the meadow gra,e, To the bathing tlov.ern Singing as they pa..! lii thr thiry emirert, With sweets howl and high, Geitthy birds are. thrilling Music hi the shy: 'llrongh Ow opening furrows Gleams the rushing 'share While the plough-boy To the listening air! 111 i. lo‘c and labor, All I. merry .otig-,-' May the daps that follow tiwell the chorus long! Faroan:ham, Mass., May JO, 11,19. The Changed and Unehaliged. E= "Rep t says that my queenly cousin is to lay aside her absolute sceptre, and submit to a lord and mas ter," saiifGeorge Mason, to his cousin, Emily Earl, as she took his arm for an evening walk. “If you mean that 1 am to be married, that is a re port which truth does not require me to contradict;' void the young lady; in a tone adapted to repress the farnillar manner of her companion. He had just re } turned from a long absence in a foreign land. His early ymith had been passed in his uncic'e Ile left his cousin a beautiful girl, Ile found her on his return a still more beautiful woman. • "I am said he, with a slight change Of manner,"t3 see the man who has drawn so splen did a prize. Is he like the picture you 'drew of the -Tian you would marry, as we sat by the willow brook from.the rising of the moon to its meridian? You remember that most beautiful night?" sqt is not desirable to remember all 'Oa follies of childhood," said Emily, coldly. Mason was silent. It was plain that they were' no longer what they had been, brother and sister: After walking for some distance in silence, Emily remarked, in a tone inviting conversation, "You must have seen a great deal of the world." _ "I have had some means of observation," he re plied, "but I Kaye seen nothing to wean me from this spot, and from my friends here." "Your friends are obliged to you forrhi — : compli ment." 44 did not intend the remark as a compliment:' Again there was an interval of jHence. -"I have' been absent four years," said Mason, as though speaking to himself, "and I am not conscious of any change, so far as my feelings are concerned. The same persons and things which I then loved, I love now. The same views uilife which I then cherish - ed I cherish now." "Experience and knowledge of the world, said Emily, "ought to give wisdom." "I win so perverse as to regard it as wisdom to holdon to the dreams of our early days:" "Our views ought, it seems to me, to change as we grow older." "1 am not sure that We ought to 'grow old, so far nu our feelings are concerne4." "You would engage in the vain'effort. to retain the dews and freshness of morning, after e the sun has f one. Joy se from Au intellige red, and parlors o Eliza's he your be cloud 1 to be k before out the instead in.the morning, before the news had reach- AIL and Mrs. Bonfield set out upon their tour. Emily learned her consin e emfirriage ( a some paper which informed the public n. , Early ed them weddin from th of her o [ (loath all Ho do- cummica George Mason had no time for a iveddinglour: He removed his wife and hor aunt immediatly to the • City, and at once resumed the labors of his calling. Emily did not beCoMe acquainted with Mrs. Me son, until Mr. Bonfield had failed in buienesa, and was enabled to commence again, with cdpittil fur niihed by her cousin, who had become the leading member of his firm.—Graham's Maurine. ebitorial, Bettis Zunis, &7r. GEN. IVOIITIPS POLITICS We find in the Washington Union, of the Idth, thiee letters from this distingnished soldier in reply to commu nications from friends who were anxious to ascertain his political sentiments. They are eminently characteristic of a brave soldier 40 1 nn' honest Mini.' and unlike those that have been so Plentifully given tolito world by anoth er General, frankly ittiavVer the ivariclus questions pro pounded. Gen. Worth is a Democrat, and avows his opinions with the frankness and candor of one, and altho' whigery has claimed hint fOr more than a yens past; as indeed it had every officer'who has at all distinguished himself in the prest war With Mexico, we think:that party will now be satisfied it was on the track of the wrong coon. In these letters the General says he is opposed to a United, States Bank, in favor of the Indfpenclent Treasury irys: tern, regards 'the Veto Power Issentially dhuocratic, popular and eonservativc;," thinks that "the right of the 'people of the different sections of our Union toearry their property (orwhatever kind or complexion) to, and parti cipate in, the territory about to be acquired from Mexico, (or acquired from any other power on this continent) can not lie seriously questioned. ,When the acquired territo ry shall be admitted into the sisterhood of states;" contin ues th . i General, "it will be for the admitted states to de termine all things relating to their own social condition?" Ilti believes there never has been a "war in our history', (always excepting that for independence, which stand's out, and will through all time, a case by itself,) nor in that of any other people,commenced under greater provocation,, or waged with higher humanity," than the Mexican war. He says the scheme for the distribution of the proceeds of the public lands, however honestly designed is "fraught with great evil;" and is a most "ingeniously devised to, orrnpt individuals and musses, States i and Congress." tariff o ; In regard to the f '46 he'says abse ee since its pas.; sage has deprived him of the opportunity of informing himself, by observation, or comunion with others, as to its practical operation. ' As a general principle of political economy, applicable to our institution and eircusmtances,l he hopes to see a tariff for revenue, critically adjusted to the various interests and rights of every part of the country, includingt,every proper and constitutional internal hp provement--protection regarded as purely incidental-.., trusting, nevertheless, tasee the day,.and that not remote, • %Own trade will be free and Unfettered when no interest of our country will need, or desire, aught of protection against foreign competition. In regard td the graduation and reduction of the price of the public lands, he says, "I would vote any reduction necessary to place farms within the reach of industrious bong fide sclrs or emigrants, regarding the early occu pation and cultivation of the public domain as the richest public treasure; hoping still to see an annual surplus over and above expenses of administration—as surveys, sales.. &e.—carried to the public treasury, -to be appropriated among other national objects, to the improvement of our grentl akes and rivers, to the extent of constitutional per mission. It is my settled conviction, that within twenty years the commerce of the great lakes and western rivers will reach a magnitude fur exceeding, and ever thereafter taking the lead of, that flowing to and from the . Attantier_ and when our lines of communication with the points now attained on the'Pacific are ut cmee established and opened to the enterprise of our people, there will hardly be found a term of comparison. We shall exhibit the ordinary spec tacle; under our free and glorious institutions, of clutch ing and controlling the commerce of Europe with ono hand, and the riches of China with the other, I speak of riches; but the fulfihnent of our high political :and social destiny is the prominent and grand consideration." We might contrast the above plain answers to the quei tions prOpounded, with tips°. of 'Gen. Taylor. 'who pro claims himself a "Ilenry•Clay whig," buf we forbear.— The people cannot fail to kee thetlitrerence. and will re: • member it, "OUR BONDS OF UNION.‘, Under this head a recent New York True Sun has sottio very excellent remarks in regard to the many channels of internal communication which aro daily he= ing opened between the Atlantic and the ,"greitt west." If says; in speaking of the opening of the Michigan and ; Illinois canal, New York has now an internal water way to New Or ears. , It might have said more more—that canal hi not the II st or only one that unites the five great em poriums of ' the United States. There is , a canal from Toledo to Cincinnati, from Cleveland to Portsmouth, and , from this to Beaver, all preferable. so far as the New I York trade is concerned; to the new channel alluded to, from Chico o to the Illinois river. But the Sun say* and argues truly that the imagination can hardly portion the ultnrnani effect these, together with the rail roads now building, will have upon the population, wealth and re , sources of the Lake country and the Ststo of New York, Tho Western Lakes will some have a larger marine than the Mediterranean, and bo surrounded by a denser porn , lation than is to . bo found even in the countries which bor i der that great sea. These strides to commercial great , peas are but the steps of liberty, education and religion, securely and prosperously advancing to the consumma tion of human happiness, so far as it may be attained on. earth. While the old World goes sluggishly 'along, dis turbed only by the convulsive throes of oppressive hu manity, as yet not succeeded by tranquillity and security. The new is rapidly fulfilling its great destiny and inviting the unhappy of all nations to share its blessings and its triumphs. Uwe are true to ourselves and to heaven, noth ing can interrupt our progress. The Western as well as the Southern States aro now more nearly allied to us than ever. They are not separated from tis any longerpoliti cally or 'geographically. We have dailylntereourse with them by the new invention of the magnetic wire, and ev ery expression of our thoughts reaches them with the sped of lightning. We pass to the farthcrest of their boundaries in a few hours' journey, and find ourselves at home, Who can tell what this state of things will bring about. We are as near to Cincinnati in point of time as our New York *esters once were to Boston. , And with the diminntioncl' distance we have apparently a geomet rical ratio of it creased business. Who' is them that fears to enlarge he boundaries of the republic when there is an' accempan)fing consolidation and a neW and stronger affinity? What othernations might dread, wo gladly wet come, and our s fety lies in tlie creation of new tics, not , 1. , endangered by the imospition of new shackles, How much have we t be thankfurfor„ in this state of things? We should not frget our responsibilities in our prosperity, nor cease to bo igilant because we aro powerful. In this view, it is of the highest importance that wo should irisad here toot o our c 'titntional organization, and frown down the tilt nttemp to invade its provisions. We must suf fer no questions in the abstract, or impracticable feforms to be ade, the °less issues of the , day, The Constitu tion, with its patentees and compromises, must be the "corner stond , ' l of our political creed, and the controlling power of our po itical action. We must stand by this char ter of our incloi cadence with firmness and devotion, and maintain its integrity against all interpolations. In this way we may hail with pleasure every new dbyclopeiheni of power, Industrial and commercial, and instead of fear ing the increase of oiir numbers, may regard it with sat:. isfaction. To our brethren in the West, tvq - can say wit h . fraternal feeling, We are bone of your bonot and flesh of your flesh. Let us join hadds tts melt ns hearts, in this march of greatness, and be forever one and ifidiiisible. VALVE NritSrirrlS:—Tfie Detroit Free Press very justly observes that if there ever was a time when news; . papers were of great value, it is the present. Every week we have netts from the old world, *here revolution suci. coeds revoltition with shell rapidity as to excite the most intense anxiety for the future. No one, with feelings and sympathies in common - v.lth the rest of mankind, ,can avoid( being deeply interested in scenes that affect the interests of so many millions of his fellow creatures, or de'sirotis of learning the triumphs demOcracy is making .Ovei.desksin. In our owe country, questions of great magnitude are now occupying public attention. A crisis, not of less consequence to us than the news from abroad, is fast approaching. Congress lain session; and the pri. mazy steps for another Presidential campaign are being taken: In vie* of all this, who can lay claim to ordinary intelligence and not be a readerof a well conducted news paper. Surely such amen, if ono can be found, posaes i3CB but fr4'of the characteristics of a patriot or philan- I threPist Worths. the privileges of the best government in the y World. The election for President of the United States, takes place in every State in the Union on one and the same day, tltt ith of November; so that through the tele. graph communications, we shall have the result of the elections a few hold-0 after the polls dose: THE BM:Ell-PLACE OF GREAT Mcs.--There appears to be a singular coincidence in the birth-place of the can. didates of the two parties for the Presidency, Theer were born in Noir - Hampshire. to wit: Cass, Woodburn, and Webster, and three in Virginia. to wit: Clay, Taylor and Scott. They were all too, in both States, born with in a circle of less than a hundred miles. Webster was born in Concord, Cass in Exeter and Woodbury in' Fran'. cistown. In Virginia, Clay was born in Hanover.- Tay. for In Orange. about fifty miles from Clay's birth-place, and Scott in Dinwiddie, about the same distance from Hanover. - It is an interesting fact, which is not gener ally knoWn, that three of the Presidents of United States were born in one county, ('Vestmore,) Virginia, and one of the poorest counties in the State. Now Hampshire is not far behind Virginia in hi .r contributors to the galav of our distinguished men. There are no less than seven members of the present Senate who', were born, in-)that State. Capt. p. Orrtsimit, of the Revenue service, arrived here on Friday - evening, havinghtn deputed btj, the rn Govement to dismantle the the stea ter Dallas and I talto her to the ocean. She will be passed through the Wel land Canal, down the St. Lawrence, and from thence to her place of destination. The British Government very readily acquiesced in the wishes of our own, to allow-the vessel to pass through her waters, and directed that no toll on her be ukkett The-Dallas designed for the coli4 survey. PnErry GOOD.—The Editor of the Detroit Free Fres, says that within a few days he has conversed with a num ber of Whigs from Wisconsin, who generally deny; that there has been any election, , Poor fellows, after net fill there will not be enough of them left to hold a corotter's inquest over the defunct Whig party, Wisconsin is OW ID" The Georgia Whig Convention named Gen. Tay lor as their first choice' for the Presidency, and reCont mended him to the Whig National Convention for nomi nftm. They have agreed to send delegates, al will stfport the nominee of the Convention, provided I e. be sound on the question involving Southern rights. .QUITE A DIFFERENCE —Siz years ago, says the Ban. gor Courier,-Potatoes were selling at twenty -bye cents per bushel, and it took six bushels at that price to pay for a bushel of corn. Now a bushel of corn will not pay for a bushel of I . )otatoes. Mime th i an that in - "these Biggins." Ono_ bush potatoes wit/ buy nearly two bushels of corm .1! must try agbin 11 Jlf. 11 Chartl Tolei; senior:editor of the Rich died tin Monday last, in the forty-ninth y Phis age. RELIEF volt YUCATAN.—CoI. J. Anthony King notice through the columns of the 1%7, Y. True Sn ho intends offering his services to thetnited State: erument to' assist in saving the whites from being minated by the savageli who now threaten them, for purpose he wishes to raise u force of :2000 ,to, 3000 C o L Ki ng , as we are informed, has long resided i South American States; and can doubtless give deal of valuable information in regard to the charact condition of the country, its government, Si.c. Gov. Suess.—The Washington Union Tory nently remarks that soave of the Whig papers seer anxious that this worthy Idemocrat should die pet% constitutional term of office expires, and therefo nuently report him an dangerously ill: when, in f learn from the very besi of authority that ho nev i been dangerously ill, and at the present time is good health—eats heartily, sleep; soundly, attends donco of its prOsPerity. We are glad to perceive that extensive coal field been discovered in the Republic of Chili, for,a climate will naturally find them serviceable. An cxchange ittfortna us that a num in the De wishes he had the small pox, so that he could Gr ra It is saidi..—by some Yankee, of course—to be a lent plan always to .2ncasuro a man's length be kick him, for it is better to bear an i l usult than to m unsuccessful attempt at thrashing la fellow, and eye teeth knocked out. There is living in Moscow, Russia, a vencra who is ohly 16 years of age. Sho has had five hi' and the gay old belle married the last one in he l year. "Bow !finch to publish this death?" said a CUB the office of aN. York paper. "Four shillings.' I paid but two shillings this last time I publishe . 1 "That was a common death, but this is 'sin , . gretcd.' " "I tell von what," said the customs ing down the four shillings, "your executors i be put to that expense. :.--T1,.. A WORD TO POETSir NeW Prleans 'Cre that it's very easy for afe low, seated in his co study, with the assurance iif a nice income eve write those poems about ' 'AO'S for the best." a a good heart. whatever betide you;" 4c. But ti comes to him who hasn't to dollar on earth, no meat, and is gnawed by an ambitious vulture in h. A FEMALE PATRltEr.—Among tho loading in at Milan, was a young woman, a dress mzik wrested a carbine; frtim a dragoon, and took the cl of the defenders of abarricadc which was assails Croats, several of whom Oro said to hayo boon s by this Amazon. A young Eilesliman was arrested a few day. Oswego. for smuggling Mailable matter from C , the American steamer. He managed, however his escape front his capters. kaXIMP MEI EEO !nand Jar of BiE ', that !Gov xter- vhich I=E2 the great .r and Iperli very o his fro. ~t, we r hoe very 'to hie have hil-ly oit jail out. excel- re you .ko an t your 3E9 Abands k 121st mer at *.Why no."— ly ro, throw. MEM !nt says fortable vur.-to "Keep pinch reploy- s htiart urgent"' r, who mmand by the of dead glace at oda • for to make