Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, May 06, 1848, Image 2

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3,rst •
f =NI
pa -1 8 tivinr c, Ihr
4161.i"i11:t -I, It.
1 . 4 - t':l
I at TQland, from 'rani
arrivd or=thil 11,1)It.
r ,•.nrrol-pv.A..en-e
N.. c ,, :uth rr;%
tr"ro e::y Iroxw.l thf+l3tll
and fn ru Vt:r,: Crez to the aro:moot. of the IlithOhe
The to is ilopprtrint; 1)!It rn vonitn • un!i',
that NVOart e,;•11'0.:10.1 in rour6j., , li it to our reafktr!
in a Lirh ig.Aln at an ear-
lv It ,:r tI i iniirtiNor
licr proccodiog, i.f iho court of inquiry, vvii i ll other
c,rri.spottdclice, r.tid : , 11.411 al:o extratt.copi.ously
Iroin our 1;1(4%
It will I) , 1:y the lector of our correspondent,
(for which oulv v,e,cau liutl room in the regular
edition, au l whielme ppeitil,) that the court of in
quiryhai prol)ahly ailjourneil to the United r,tateS,
an I that rie may shortly epeet the arrival of its
mombers• and extratmlinary subjects in our city.
• [Spee:al, Corresrondedre qf
CITY oF M limo), April 13, 1813.
It is reported on the authority of the Progreso,
the "Port)" paper published at Queretaro, that Pena
y Pena has asked that 4 months be now allowed him
to obtain the ratification of the treaty. I can learn
of no other authority for the replort, and am disposed
to doubt its truth: for if Pena \ Pcna is desirous of
the• ratification of the treaty, his only prospect of
succeeding, is by pressing_the subject npon Congress
immediately. It is added, too, that the Mexians
have great Kopec of obtaining coneescions and Mod-
Pications of the treaty, - as approved by the terte
oldie United Scats's, born rour own conunission r (ir
commir,sioners; ati l if they were lo lie guided by i the
past, as I had oecre:ion to üb:zerve M a rorn,or letter,
they would pr.)cra,iinate nogotiation, or cohti nue
the war, in the c'lnviction that the more the one
was procrastinated or the longer the other was con-
finned, the greater would be th•2ir ultimate al van
taize. 1 have, howevt.r. strong hopes \t,hat DC her
tiovier nor Mr elitliwrd will permit any trillibg on tlie
part of the, Mexicans, but will tell them at once,
without parley, "Gentlemen, here are our terms—
accept them or reject them, as you thin!: proper.—
We are conperers, awl have awl will exercise the
right of conqueror, in dictating nor tertn.:„'!- Ty=
is all the n , gotiation that is _nercs‘i.try, anil all that
should have ever been used. Mr. Chtliird arrived
bore day before yesterday, ti Rh the seeretary`of the
comniksion, illr. Waltit, and %vas ve`ry handsainely
received—all the troops in the city having. hy order
of Gen. Butler, torlleft ollt to give him a reception.
We learn that Mr. Sevier Jett Vera Cruz for this
ray, on the 7th instant; and the commander-in-chief
has ordered similar honors to be paid to him. Cap
tains Fairchild and Kerr, itt command of two' com
panies of Ihe I,oifisiann mounted men, escorted Mr.
Clifford tin. They waremain here about a week:
and, together with Col. ifiscoe and Idents. K . :Toy
and Hunter, also of the Loui-dana battalion, will
then'rerurn to Vera Cruz. The prospect is still fa
vorable foe a speedy meeting of Congress at (Zuere
tnro; and for my part, not withctarntilig the- contra
dictory, rumors and reports on the subject, I -bell b e
disappointed if the treaty is not ratified v.ithin a
~or 'six weeks. In anticipation of favorable
action upon the troty, all the sick vim can bear
retnoval—ku altering about out; thousand—were
'yesterday t-ent lo Jalapa, with 11. an Ci- - Cort commanded
by Lieutenant Col. Preston, of the Ith Kentucky
tegimen'. .
On Sunday night last. between the hours of h
and 10, a patrol of ten ritlemer, commanded by a
ci r;rnal, VS:IS fired npou Irina the hitti'lin-t brawn is
the "bull pen," in the leporo quarter of the city.—
After sustaining the tire f r IM'int ten minute , , the
patrol_ was conti (tied ti: relit u. Iteinfor‘Fmnents,
consisting of one e,,lnpany °lithe rides, Under Lieut.
Russell. three companies of the dth Kentucky regi
inent, (the name of the commander of %%Waft have
been linable to learn,) and a company of inartuesmn-
Her Capt. Ilenderson. we - ire ordered nut. These
forces having, aniired on the ground, .10 or .10 armed
horsemen Isere met, who, secreting themseive": in
and about the "bull-lien, - kept up a tire upon our
troops for nearly all hour. Several shot, were also
tired from the tops of the nom-es in the vicmity, and
two riflemen were severely - reminded. Owing to
the darkness of the night, and the fear that mil
t mops might accidently shoot one another, their tire
was not utle.ctiee, and but two of the 'ilex:leans
were killed, . A few were taben prisoner:, and
hull:res in the mAglihorbood were searched, and the
arms found in tla m - captuied. Dating the latter
part of the fight a firing et as heard tioe ard - the .illa
arffilt, in the oppoi-ive varter of the city. and Lieut.
Russell started in the direction from which it teas
heard, bbt on tet.abi-g the spot no one Was to be
found. The horteuten that were : - con at the '.lmll
- ped - were reguiatly artod it gneri iliaQ or cavalry,
"with lances escopettes, and I'i-tots, and '.', 1- sal pos
ed the object ran to break the armi..tice, The
fir log at the •" 11 "`nolo' " '''..! it is "I'1" - cd: fur the
purpose id diae. ing tine:lion that wry, aril, by
weakening the forces at tie "bull-lon, - - ebtible the
Mexicans thero-to act with More boldness and etrect.
The parties accused o f f the murder of Manuel To
rilln, and of o the attempted burglary of the house in
which he was clerk. w ere arraigned yesterday be
fore a military commission. ofwv hicli 11,11. Burnham;
Of the New York volunteers, is pre.sidint: and, after
tire charges being read, at their levet* flat exami
dation, is as pii,LlMlled until tins rimming. to allow
them an oppoitunity to obtain counsel. Since I
last wrote you, Lieut. bltedison,.of the - 2 1 Penn;yl
- voltintcersond Seruvant tit nart:of the 7th in
fantry, base been arrested on the charge of being
concerned in the alliiir. Armstrong, who has tun
ed State's ex i knee, find is kept in coidinmient in
the palace, says, that since his imprisot the it helm ,
seen another officer is ho wss implicated in the foul
deed, but 'whose name he doe. 3 know, frequently pass
in and wit of the palace. Measures have ()cert.-ta
ken fur this officer's arrest, as soon as be is.. 7 ,t een by
Arnistroug again. There are now ten persons in
' confinement charged virli this crime, viz: Lients.
i Ilare,Dutton and Madison, of thH2 I, Pennsylvania
volunteers; Sergeants 11. P. Wragg and Stuart, of
the fah infantry; John !VA, private of company E,
ith infantry: les,: Armstrontr,m discharged team
ste ; John I) llollistftr, an Ain,erican eiti.....sw, rind
John Invert - •, a Cana‘lian Frenchman—not. an
American ci I first stated, Two•others—a
man mimed discharged teaneder; and a
Frenchman, e ;item-, it ho hat resid e d a long
lime in this r it charged ee WI 'being partici
pators in the are not,)et been arrested: and
the probability is, they have escaped into the inte
The twenty-tight deserters I E pl:o of in my lost
Idler, as being about Chaptiltepee, are still at large.
The party rent in search of them was unsuccessful,
and they are probably ere this in Queretaro. Tv()
' pirates of the 341 dragoons were caught in the net
of deserting 'night before last, with their horses,
urn s, and ,i. ipfipments, Second Lieut. Thomas 11.
Bassey, of the -111 t itifindq. Mir been found guilit
by a court martial i.f absenting liiinell without
lease from his command, of disubeilience of orders,
mid ofconduct unbecoming an officer and gentleman
-in charging in a pay account, evhich he sold, s:i10
for commanding a Collligtlly in his regiment, winit es
- as lie never commanded a company. The court ha
sentenced him to dismissal from the sort ice, and the
:entence has beat apploved by the commandtir-in
chief. .
We first braril of 'On' , late great revolotion in
France ou Sunday Iv, tith hist,: and fa day had
tint passed before meastnes were 1 al.en Ito a libril l ,the
AtnericaiNdierjan opportunity of manifesting their
joy at the glerious Tent, an.) of expre,sixf their
- ' sympathies with republican Prance. Aecordingly.
a preliminary meeting . was held, the procemlitp - rs of
it I :Tim you. A more enthusiastic meeting 1 have
never witnessed, and the detert4Liation 'O, finis ersal,
that, whatever deinonstration tri , committee i,ctir
, rangements may agree upon to celebrate the event,
it shall be one worthy of the occasion.
The court of inquiry, it is now confidently • said,
will ropj , ,urn about the millirs of text, is 1 - 1;.., and
will proceed immediately to the United Stares it
prosecute tno niec-liiraiiim, D. S.
?~\\',':; l _\Ul:'l.iYla.l.:\l)L)iii.:
Santa Anna's farewell address to the Mexican
people, on the eve of depart:ine from the cossspry, is
distinguished for a styli• of eloquence peculiarly hi , :
(mu. The elrect of is, howuter, will har.ily he fa •
tumble 10 she establistsient of peace between Mex
ico add the Visited State's—foil he denounces the
treaty nirl devotes- it to exerl . asloss. It is possible,
and indeed the sf vie of addres-s might warrant the
s-uppsdtioti, Anna intends to v.stit sus the
oant, of not tar cdr,iiutil Il 1111:11 de%.6-1,1:1 Or the
',-,,,-_ ii...::"c:
1 . •1 Jorl
We hnvo :.(Veral days fur-, .•
f.:onore:s at' gote-et aro is known—while 'in the
meantime the popular feelings are to he excited
Ti' special'artny cto-resnondent of the New Or
the treaty. The comdusion of the farewel;
manifesto is in the following'%%ords: ' lobos Picayune, has been twice favored. First with
"The condition to which things have arrived, has "al long tack", with illustrious Santa Anna himself,
tirade env rersoi: useless to the country. A hence--. null second with the privilege -of g B7 .ing, upon his
the memory of which will be execrated—has been yonthild %Vire, kvlifun he pronounces to lie the tonst
resulted upon, rind twoiltieds of the national tern- bTitiiiii "n iii n in Mexico '
tory have been sold to the invaders for a mess of ' Ilere is his (flattering) portrait of Santa Anna:
pottio , e. An armistice, shameful and absurd', has • must confess.mysell grntiv but, agreeably dis•
been sanctione.d,' in order to arrive at the end of the op Ranted in the personol appearance of Santa An
iniqnity. What course, then, remains, fellow-cit.'. na In every an hm he is the e•-sence of dignity
zoos, to him who roomed to his country only to and polreness—all that can he expected oft: perfect
sati: - Iy t`xe poldit. will, and to right in th e most noble go itleman, and the first impression to one whokneK
cause against foreignenemiesi What 'shall he do, no the liktory of the man, would be a favorable and
who is' assailed on both sides? Retire to foreign land laS itm one. A finer face I Helor saw, and his eve
—deplore the itelliellSe'mibrortlint . s of the Repot:lie, i si ~ k e en and exp r e ss i ve as ever mail ~,,,....esse d ,
in which ad passions aud miser i , ble interests have !IL - height is about (he feet eleven incite=, with a
obtained an ascendancy ov r thethely cause of, the we I proportioned holy and limbs, though it little in
t count ry. ell: ed to corpuloncy. His hair, originally jet black
"In the exile to which I ondemn myself, it will I s, ast torning gray, and, his countenance, altlitingh
be seine allmint ion of the thoughts which, embitter n c are worn expression is pf•rceptible t is a picture
my spirit, that I have preferrell my personal 'ruin, of heerfulness comhined with'resignation to misfur
t hat of y interests and of my power, rather than tunr Ile 'walked about the room without a cane,
range wself with the enemies of Mexico. to form a but still with some ilitlimilty, and whdn he seated
petice vide!: will cast to the earth the elements of lo n self it was not without some pain ii: his crippled
its r . lies and its nationality:- My garments cot by leg - , I most acknowledge that U visited the man
the ails of the enemythonsand ' s of Mexicans with stronglest prejudices agfiinst- hint, but at the
who ac e fallen in my presence and at my orders— same time could but feel an afmirationl for one who
the Ith od of the invader and the hillocks of his cor- had accomplished so much with so little foundation
- sea whi h will remain on, the fields of battles—will to go upon.
be so many additional titl4, to the glory of my I e possesses the reputation of a great General
country anti of my children: , wit tout having won victories. lie has raised ar
Mexicansl one of the le4ders of your
_it:deltoid- mica without mean., nod fed them without money;
enee—one most anxionsifOr your good name—one he Ins instilled into his countrymen an e)ftlinsinam
who has 'the glory of olihring the 'Republic tr)- and affection for him which no man never accom
pities snatched from the hands of foreign enemies— plis led before With so few resources; and the cause
049.,y110.has fought against them, conquering a of alis a mig,iity mind. On one who has ever tra
tejlPand ditlicolties—one whe has shed his blood in cod his career and read the masterly productions Of
Inniotenance of your rights—in tine, your most toy- his ten, wlto will jottge him inipartially, but wil:tie.
al frientPcommeods you to God." 1 , Itho l vledge him' to he really a great Man; yet his
' 'The whole discourse is in substance but ano ther faults have been so Many, his exees:es so mummer
repetition of a dis,cOurse he has fultninated again cuss and his outrages on the first principles of hon.
t aiul again—a boasting enumeration of his labors. or Sitl:ltirinf!, that no living bring can judge of his
and sacrifices—an apology fur his reiterated want (cedns without c , idemnation. i
o f ~,,,,, an outpouring or reproach again l
against the ': ow for, the lady: '
: •
malice of his enemies and the ing,ratitude of his I cannot describe her with any degree of justice.
countryman, a parting imalediction on the treaty, She is rather small, but by far the most beautiful
and finally a solemn declaration—made for the sixth and interesting; women I have seen in Mexico. her
or seventh time—that Ike quits Mexico and washes forn if perfect, her countenauceopen and intelligent
his hands of her forever. and in a word, she is just such a person as a t n ove l_
:t would select fur his heroine. I have hea.d many
JoXicans.say that Santa Annd does not possess her
eillt, but 'her long devotion to him and her part tei•
tatMn in his hardsuips and dangers has proved' mit
misc. to the world. She Is new, abort twenty,
'ea s of age. trot does not appear more than seven
en . Santa Anon is accompanied by his brot her
dirlNV and a (howl:ter by his first wife. about four
('' years old, who is the very rerere of her step
anher in beauty and io'every other respect. . A
The New York pa'perS, just received, contain the
Foreign News in detail. We hate only room for e '
the following, in regard to the meetiirg of the Char- v ,
tistit, from the Lonthin Morning Chronicle, of the , 44
10th of April: I it
' lids forenoon, at eleven o'clock, the chartiets
aseNubled according to arrangein on Kenning- it
ton common. There was an immense crowd 'of
per-m 4, amounting, to at least Fixty thousand, but
it fell inlioitely short olthecnontless multitudes an- pi
ticipateil by the' chahists. At half pa-,st eleven- o'- ,„
chick the van containing the convention delegates, ,„
and drawn by u nuniher of hones front Sid
arrived on the comnfon, Mr. Feargus O'Connor ap
pearing i n the front, :with Alessrs. Al'Grutlnfloyle,
Harney and Julies on either side.
The Convention was, londly cheered, 100 pros int- ,„
ed quite a picture of political 'fermentation. The del- hi
egates, as they Were drawn along, on the crazy plat-
form, being ItlMm.t to a jelly' by the j , dt
as much as by their fears; The number of ban- „,
uers z niottoes, way heyoo,l . 'Oll. In
On the (Tort' ge comina to n - ietand, a polite invita
thin was comeyed to Mr. Feargus O'Connor that it
Superintendent 111idalien, on Ole part of the Com
tra,sioners of the Police, wished to have a few min
ute.:! conversation « ith hint on the Kennington e l
road. ritoslle the common. - Mr. O'Connor i nm „idi. 1 , 4
ately descended Ir,u, The triuwid:al cur a n d oboyed
the summons 1110IIV. lle it as tench lith o - mad, iii sery
plain idogihdt, by Mr. Mal.ilien. that the procr s .don
%%mild not he aliott ea to return over any Of Ibe „
'bridges on any account or pdetence whate‘er.
'tlr. O'Connor thou Fuld that the petition should
be forwarded in cabs piecemeal to 'the I loose of
Commons, and that he would use his endeavors to
induce the multitude to disperse quietly on the
common. without any further ptoeegston.
O il this understanding Mr. O'Connor returned to
his compatriots, acid was addressing the moltdode
when our reporter left. A general disposition pie
vailed us to the itrivritity as well as the occessi:y
obeying the inju r netions of their leader. .
After Mr. O'Connor's address, eshorting the
meeting to disperse, the several flags and hauliers „
were ittimeilititely taken down or folded, and the
follower.. of each deployed in perfect oider. At tv.o I,
o'clock the numbers returning liy the Wpstmister
ri ~ Vl2ll. So great that, in of Jro to prevent a
!,1:0 alarm, or the chance of A thlwat,t rot •II
~:eurrice. in the ncicthborhood of the Ilon -e vt Par
liatnetit. a clever and it cnimys inanout‘ re tx a r
f„rared by !he police, by which t h e supply t • cm 1'
oil' at the 1 - torrey 101-t the bge. o
:treet,nit I Parliament; were glmetly cleaied Ly t. i t
holy of the horse.patrol.
A few :tones %%ere throw!) at tie opp,site
As:lvy's Theatre, and t-Pveral of the men were t•e
verily cut, which provoLe I a •dharp rally, in which t
the prree,sionisis %%ere completely routed, with only r
a few heads broken, and no injury d,aite to
any one. At the moment this report is written a 1
h ea vy s hower. i , Hmtteriou the remaining. portion It
of the Chartist forces in till directions, whilst Traf- lit
algar-peare nyitl the other tall:. log pot po;ttts are in tin ( dl
Band; of thtypolice; and perfectly lice I: oirdoungers
or disturber, of the I cace;Y • t,
FAcr.; r rit %Nom; T 170: ric"roS.—.l railer faA
onablc young man id aboth thirty, was noticed yes- 1 t
eraav alt.srmion. pint ena lain Qen tic Path 1
nd the Hospital • in liroadway.
somewhat aLtlor i fasltion and preFrilt"ilevhlMa mark , •
of the rein of dissipatipn. His dark hair was long a
and matted. and his toilet apparently hail not been
tided to for many days. At one of his tunny e
urns be met two ladies. Use was tall and etrik
lomicinr:.—At Reading, Ohio, a fuw days sin
i ng l y b an d-tt, tn e, nod dressed in deep mourning; the
Other was short and fair, an 1 bedecked i n light and liothflan - was, Inomiliy shot by lineCompbcll
„,, I. _
the sailer
and the said to be from New York, under very painful c r
e _
s !_ . T
t ` r ' i, c' ir : l 2 . o,7 " .. met,
the latter
‘cildir ciMistances. Campbell; it is said, had eloped free
I H,r ' ear l i r l e od, c a l u d
kivw:lit hate fameht rho INW t .w Void, with a femille eon)! anion, whom I I
ab r intioned soon after tinor arrival at Cincinnati. a i ir
hut fur the imrlsive elfort of the strat - ige looking
t i cceedeil in corrupting, tdmarried skier 01).14111'a
man to catch her in his artns—d‘Cood von., Ed-
w h om be tool to 1-diann. L --- u as into
ward,'? convulsively gasped the female, and 6.1.1tza, %t silt
my oWtt loted cane, - was hoarsely w id. ;;lert „ t i by the and he lonia It , was brought b some mont i li
at or it was di-covered that her criminal' intima;c
s ailor. lie bore the fainting form in hi , arms gen
tly into Mr. tor,p, here eery amnion w 11 ' 1 ' 71111) 1' 1 ' 1- ' 11 II" been tenewed. Harman set et;
to takt - ..i.tCaniphell's life,of ‘rbleb C am pb e ll wits p ,
was paid to her distressed situation.
Quite a gaping crowd was collected, deeply in- prized and %%loin they met Campbell tired first, u
filming a mortal wouod. Ile wits arrested but, i n .
terested by the scene. The lady is au actress of
grvat pr „,,d,..„, an d some E tim p ean f„„,,, , an d now el nrge.l alter nu investigation of the it p
peared that he took life in defence of tie
sojourning nt one of our fashionable She
will to have:appenrol at one of our Theatres in the It.
course of next week, !laving heard of t.le dent hnt
her husband, site left Etigland about two months i
pod. The history of heti early marriage was one
of woo alai zoLdortun , . husband %.a , - a irdd
shipmnn on board no war steamer. ‘N iik
inis-ed for druid:mu ces,„and joined a cruiser of ens
picionle character. In pne of,tliese tits of 'intoxien
lien this nom fill merboard in the Coll srroain in a
gale of wind. A spar was thrown Lee. 107 wh i ch
Ibe was miravnion , ly saved. Ile was Pea.'d up, by
one of t'ir pat; tits nut la tied at Peck slip, on sat-1
iirday morning. 11ilwardIT—n. l i- the bush lor
‘ vhose 'rumored death his young,- beautiful - and ac
.complished wife went into mourning: and thus,
we have described, did she insingillarimatine'r fall
in with her Ina one. I leaven pity the itilicted, tri
, al-stricken Wife, and restore the erring hmtband to
sucietv.—.V. Y. Sun.
l'Egeot, formerly Mini-ter of France at Washing
ton, o‘er his own signature in the National lnn
denier the newspaper statement that lie was
nut invited by M. liamartitio to remain at his po,t,
and publishes the letter of M. hateartine. as ‘s, ell
as his own reply, m.hiCh settles the point. Frota,cot's reply we extraot the folliming.
"Attached from feelitu , : - and convict ilia tothedy
narty ‘Nliich the free NVIJI Fraoc.c.‘ had called to the
thr oll e in /63 0 , and convinced that the happiness of
my country was cio-ety connected with its preser
vation, 1 could not coloSent to i - tpreeent the- P.swer
in wlioFe name you 1.1,1.1 m-sell me your 111:411Ci I.IIIS.
I shall deli%er over the al chives Of the utixiwl to
Surr.rtsTrrob:sp—loour girls were recently arrest
ed in the village of Udell, liekfordshire„Ewthintl.
fur stid;ing a cut full of plus and then tmiuing - 11(r
nlk e. The crud Ileewas.perforrned aP a charm,
to ascertain the'cuarriticy of a liner of one the
/..:.~nY...tiß2,b" uFI~'.YP. Z ae'^'l7Y4: TXiH/6
STILLNG V. STORY:—The LewistOwn [M.] ife
,Lqiican annontices the death "ot Mr. Norman Ihd
ti innicr very distressing circumstances. lie va.
a i ried on Thursday, of la4 . week, to Miss Fast
ivi ig sour few mile , : ahoye liverpool, on D
r e di, On the nirrlit after the wedding., they rode
own to L iverpool, to visit a friend and speud the
lig i t, 11,tttween 7 and S o'llocli at night, Mr. Be i
l i s t e ll the house . to go and visit a connection o
tis, Mr. lirn-h. a few rods distant. In approach,
ng tile lion , e, lie ob ,, ervedgorcv,on in female at
ire carrion two guns. The per,oti retired as Bo
iis tv:proTtelleil, and aithl f g li saluted urla or twilit(
y no on , :we'r win: returned.
0rt 1 1 1,..• passed the linti , e, alld v. al.; noproAchipg tll-
tra l ngo pct-nn, wl , on he \%as :hot. d•ii,i. .No per
,) !I t ‘v,0.0 In Hrti-::'s I,oos- al.t u lio time, exeept Mrs
:rt, I . 2,1 , (1 a little bov, fo,il rit , ,y !ward some ore eX T -1
:hl , 11, "il' - 'l/lii i 4 Croup :lPA: . Croi wit, thoy lomifi tli(il
'CI, ,Ii in f lualt: :mire, Loidifig nt Inizzs houil in her
. -
n,t and remi , d , , , a I (.t. dying. The dn , nii,ed pp
,0 wa.: 15. , :, hernial] Norllirne, v ho had aeknow •,Ig.
3 lint h, had ,hot 11, Tr&, but declared that i Wfl
1 ccident, P.S . he did not know that the pliq wa,
loaded. A coroners verdict was to the same efrectV
Not !Imp gave himself tin, and after the 6;aminl
t lot , v.a‘,. held to hail in the sum of t-tl,OOO, to an
1-wisr the charLre of involuntary vaamdaughter. ht
appPareil nn the examination, that it 1,1. as intendell
to !relit rad the newly married couple. and tiny
N rthinp war to panicipate in it; that he had len t
.I,i•ernool and !DIU(' 1(1 . hit 1101 , 1 e a mile or two dil-
apt, alte'r thr arrit al of Bemis: that he took the
v.o ! tir-,i- 1 . , wit hether they were loatlell
ir oat, retorned to Liverroolliet;ire hi, associates
n the cherev,friorrivcd, ent•oh , -sly Fnnl>ued thegn
it and hillo.l R, wi . Northrnr, it llhu
tt Wil , when ho hat ti-tql it, hot , it hind h,_orp
, o rr,•,vol irturnol with the load , io, without hr
l'ivii;/. in 7,111\ li 0).---NVe etrnt.l Ili- foi!owinfr. r)r n
r. it , cera It INT Iron" Tootpico, ‘illich nll4lllOl in II t. ,
Nt. tv Orlt , :in , t'o nnm Times ) of tin , .2'ltli tilt .1—
't wiii i, r . ,ol'il that onr 0111,01:, In n 1 a itp,nr ed , po--
! to thotn-el‘c- to lit..cione rutdy in the prn
. .. . . .
N' , , , ,e dnels teal: i.1.1r0 in thi.: vic.ioitt , roc:e t -0 1 4 i
.li,l , hro. I n as to to emi Idouts. C.:amid:ell and Ledger,
II lit'.• L idn-idua velouteer.s; weapons mituskets, tli- , -
, I
tanee mrty p a tes; at the third tire ',tent. .101s.Ter
rel Lei red att mind in the thigh. This took place it
Al i tianird. The second duel took place Itetre n
Li vtt. '..-ievero. of cutnpany K. Louisiana volitntee .s
in I a young liklitttun named Laughlin, supp,dsed a
w an ollicer in the British army, tt eapons niti=ke s,
hatance tnenty paces: II e first lire I.,ietit...Se,•-
.n. rte 0i.,, , .; a severe wound in the right arm. slia't
.ering the hone Molly, hht it i. believed hi., It „„ w p,
at •• sated. 'll,l-1 ta,:k place, n tho morning of tto
~ I h, out the ommoite side of tho Paimett titer. 'l' :c
11l 'cony origioated rut of some remark., !made Ptv
,al'ugh ffi
lin al out an ocer of the regiment. Ho grlitt
tlsthe excitement on the occasion of this dnel, II at
Art , _lliiin received t W,ll challenges more, in lesi thin,
in Lonrlaftl'r this tillil:r witli Severe, and the Co o-1
ne commanding wag tinder the necessity of banisill
lig him and his friends from Tampico. l'
Tea TARIFF Or 184 . 2.-11 some legislative wTe.
re , wool flow to propose to enact for tile who!'
untry, tl e exploded Jilitelaws New l England, hi
uhl h'arilly he regarded with Inure contempt, tl at
ire thoki magicians Nsho announce to hi
wi)rld that the welfare of the country reiplires th,
icsurrection of the Turill'of 1812. The truth is
the humbugs of other nires, it has already take]
it i _t• place in the depository of the dead past, and 11(1•
etulism ti ill he twivgind to commit it to rerpetualiih
siiiirity. when its few and feeLle capacities are o is
inure exposed. The truth is, the charm that, in Or
nier days,rade this question a formidable delusi to
h i p,st away. Those who were deceived hty
at List eceu that it is not the idol that has cousin tee
11 sir firesents,.and exacteu from - them their
ti ms, but the Sleek iinpostors who concealed the ni•
s; Ives within jt, and grew fat upon the tribute of
t I cir dupes. \\Then Europe is trampling tinder Riot
tl 0 hollow baubles and painted gewgaws of royatv,
it is not, mei t that this great country should hcivin
I, rest tic the tel cif pro ilcge and power, wl iclt
t; ey I ;tie ju,t buried fathoms deep. Federal am
thi.sires to use the 'tat lir 0(181'2, for the purply,. 0 1
cg Ipir , itiop. While it i :think it ,
ttiglit, is dell evoke the ghosts 01 tho United Stt tP
Batik nd the standing army. and so complete
kitty a id the . lailure--Pennsyhatiiian.
ttory is told of a good tnere
tr iNlobile—we knew. Lim wen—which we hell
to be trite. Ile was deeply immereed in cotton sf
illation. At a meeting of his church, he was nil
piTtedV culled -upon to 111) the regillur tninist
place. I. 1;! gave nut the hymn—read it—and ‘‘'
repeat ng the page just before singing, ho
Hymn on 'lnge 36—Iong stnple. The etffigrcg,. ,
ti;/11 cc 111 not Knowing his ocenpa
Mid Lii unxi4y, not even the sacredness of the p a c
the long staple--4or long metro.—
% V hat a blunder! Forever atter the good manAgt
uittay,, called 'lung Vitt et
(:{11:;•1' ;=:1'(
Not•, - vii 112441111 in
of the 0.,.1 , 1ence , of
of sore i r-tiiious C I
quiros wlow tows
h00d,... t 0050,1 to 4
yowl] ought toer
'J'horr• has hceAl
vailintc nt, Hyde
oat LI a' ropierio
“real 111.1
try, have flocked
kited by the phet
Advertiser says
cont ❑ mina yen; ti
that beiglihorhonf ,
knocking, and hi'
variety of iinestii
severed by rape
named John i►. I'
ester, and himself
Cato in recur ; to
They scale tha'
the :30th of Illarcl
icy had retired to
that time to the
swers all (pestlet
age of each child
neighborhood, M.
ain't's 1 is altoge
"story of its wr it
It state,s the he
pedlar; that it we
ed allow four yen
horse, by having
that it left a lam
three daughters, 1
that its wile ()le i
anima of money
and pack o* goof
committed le in
well as a gir v, hi
-rm.; that it was I
(idea; that the
C., nod that of s,
give the entice Ii•
The manner lel
asked and answe
they wish to asee ,
tlittioner g,oes t
rig it letter kcal
wh , re its chillre.
list, tiylien the on
it manifests it 1.))
savers have bee
been as many as
time, and it is ;ma
noises. Some 11
over their own si
In the coorse
committed the m
ed who had occu
No knocking wn
was called, wilco
common, nod kit
done Wore.: ,
lt, mates that ti
enm.e there ‘ver,
sn immv are the
the iodit ijoal lute
t iticate of good
,by sonic forty or
t ' ty, tlin ins
.laintts lira; en VI
illm) entered Ali
Zink nailed for Fi
the same tinm dr ,
and 'held thont
ed the money oil
pttstition to tetur
back, and said Ili! ,
had always beeil
'9\ rti a mud I.e t
Idly rold him to
1.0 do with him, .
knork him thrxr
the latter walker
grit ont,ido of 1-11
his list, which
fell. • Zink ;lino
Makin!!! m n 69,91:
(,raven. I fit
veidS body, di et
hit; nits. Whit
drew a pistol fri
contents into th ,
ftrirth, ett*lrt•ly :
t-i Nth. It It) lt,re
Alter he
blows, f:n.ri '9l hot
litt's gut my hie,
11, 1 .0,1 f
whin') Coo:ti not
tout witiNtandint.
and ,\Vag.nttr wt
Minutes alter tl
died at half past
'same (inv. Cra
tMOilin:r hi 3 tri'
In rtTard
ca=t. gill undo i,vlo,
to give a sun!) c
A Com) ANs
gotitletwth just
(Icr flur city
happened In be ‘vitl
overheard one o
be "poorly edY
office," adding
not,exnetly iii
' demoevit it: iv',
I ,
- appeartincr
remn k,tilledi
Make ye ryl
wmilillakv the
61 /tor!). Adv.
ne rat lel en tulida
he enclitic-11ot
lie recently ,tol
zens, at which
and after hearil
6)1. Wheller t
in favor of sus
war with Ilex
which went up
response. Th
war, will say
Iv •
of singie on
1 , 1 I not vote, deck
s , oltl•ittati tree it
'I bur of his !milt
thelleNt elocti ,
epre. , ,tion—for t
e pc, eithe
lsoffrago for tl
i 3 n ',5114. ela,.y ill 0
Irchuill, becaup
i int I tlross t. r owu
I, ‘ lli ein. ugh
' 1 : . :.„ - ci,uli W.: illy
•X- • • A STill: sl;.`;
es • Journal of
en to the atnpunt
! the explotifkd and obso'etP idea
Ghosts and Goblins, there i$ much
edulity tsistant,.witich only re- 1
tal sciottls mut noises to brin , into
'e ittiveseett %%hole neighbor- -.
igh pitch ot xeitentent by thingi
.uto itotbing7
but a laugh is ith re-1 u'
re , Tntly a • , :rent e:•:citement pre
filk!, ill Wayne county, growing ,a:ntii;
as huoeking upon the door of a ii e
nhers If-on - call that region of c.onn-
o the enchanted spot to be aston-
nmenon . The Rochester Daily '3
at a pamphlet has been published, f:
aces from individuals residing in
, who have heard the mysterious d
ve propounded to Isis gliostsbit. •(
ths, all of which have' been ten -7 r
The loccupant of Ihit house is I
OX, who formerly residea in Rock:
and his wife both make a ccrtiti-
the mysterious thumping. Si
t they first heard this noise. about f
,in the evening, just after the film- I
, b
vs!, and that it has continued front si
,resent. The ghost not only an- in n
s put to it, but readily gives the
in the family, and of others in the in o
t the "spirits." history of its own ht
her i the most marvellous. The so ,
gs" runs somewhat thus: up
dy it once inhabited was that of a w ; 1,
s• 31 years of age, and was wader- en
's since by the then occupant of the in
its throat cut with a bitcher knife; -
ily of five children, two sans and
who are now living in Orleans Co.
.1 about two years since, that the I
aken was $5OO, besides a trunk or
s; that the wife of the man who
inter had gone away tha night, sa P(' i
worked tlTereolamed Lt cretin P i.: ''
ul- ''
mrdered rm Thursday tight at 12
its p •oplo and resources, becomes
first letter of itli' giyy 11 name 'wlil Herr al , lstre 101 is prohably liot
r-Minto was 8., 'Raja refused to state -Men oft! o rtv:al jkingllonn4 l ol
, ne, (a very cons,idegife ghost!) by 0 e will of ne mail, and he Mic
which these questions are said to ,into ig film, very little stati, , tiFi4_i
ed, is this: ' For instance, when 900 1, 1)11C(1. Alt 11 I ‘o J. 4, I
.10WCV1•1", beeli;ml
lain the first letter ()fits name, the •
irougli - l - R.. alphabet, and when the country
.at least, . I e s
that Russia is M
ed, it raps. So.also of the county in a military point of view of, any
i now reside. On callino; over the as regards omit and money thi s ' is f
... it wishes to designate is named, far fiat tir,t. element il k war rian i be :
rapping. In this way all the an- cut tr re, manufactures, &c..• an airpi;
i :given. Same times there has in w r, is not s i c, well ascertninec. •
2or 300 persons at the house at a ~
ydir pe this islan important Col si(
id that all kayo distinctly heard the
soloion doper'ds. we think, in : or
)or 20 of•them certify to the fact n 1 ) i , ''''
gnat tire. lem i vhether t le present efforts in
1' their questions, it was asked who partf the old world in faVor o fr
inter, and each individual was nuns- to a Move a bloodless vieMry o 1
,led the house from its erection.— pain a we find in the N. I'. ' ?cur :
hoard until the name a very re- npoi the subject, the facts awi l it
w l'eni.iing at' I , l 4' ) list WaY no Co.' worts, uhlished - in Berlin in theme
it made three knocks louder than 1 iteci , a ' , which he ,i)h,d tin' ..,At.
beadsted jarred more than it hail, • I•, 1,
i.„"aminen ill Otat;stics of • me 1
1:1 , 11 he chiefly compiled fr , ) l
Ht. e. of that work routes to 1.1)
e murderer cannot be punished be- wl
no ‘l,itne , p3 of his crime, and 3et wi
)=ltittl stories almut the matter, liat
. 1 , 11 constrained to promme a cer tli
le;racter and re-pectability, signed pr
illy Of Iris former ti,i;llibors.
-Iv; ilcianenbl la t..ontini!rce, ttn
- -
nth IN - So liTil i': ASTO ^; . —.On Mon - I
in 0 ' dittie's has not proihTvd !the
het t% een de% en 11144 IWO Ve o.Crillek I relit rid it.tent•of i tirtnitlailtire; th
I It ichard Zink, (both men of fain- 1 li on i s hi tor ,, nO•to thi• hand. of .he
p0i,,,,...'s Hotel tit I:,,intli Ilit4ton. I p l. 1 ) 1.-ii.; ' • 1.
4 a ,_ , it Vt':l•4 ~ , t a t o it i •,
inetititri-to l dritik at the bar, and at i ' '
iron Fairland dolt tliiit.,-scvt ii ;
qi. sever,' coins 4,rom his pocket ' , 4 r
xport., won.. wi
, in t hi s ci tat
).ely inlits hands; Crave n sttaiCh- I it.,, t i
of Zi l d,,',, ba t it'i 1 111 ,1 ~.11 0%, ,-e d 1 ,,, ( 1 1 „,_ I dyed and eitdnit -on,. parts. Ott a.
lit atterv, ards. lie finally gave it rieuhtiMl pro, ucts of lt.m••4bb 1 1 '11.2
t Zii,4 , , "ought not to get mad—they or e -port, are believed to have t l tiut
friends." Zink replied that if he it is that the Ports on thr BlacklS •
1, 011 1,1 behove like one, and .repeat-. nisl a yen - giant supply durlic,t th
fp, a way,—that he wanted nothing i ~ ,
t I lt Britaid tlit. laiit I ve.c. - . -in
tail that if he did' out, he would 1 ' r , (- ,f , ' l'' . ' ' ' '
r tg DV no 4-r,.!.ttlinpiolianen or
. Zink approached Craven, Wilt'll I '
out of the hack door. .1 mist as h i , I i ra - ba , (l by the ' L :overt-Moan l'or tilt. tit
e dour, Zink gave hitt, a blow v,ith 1 oat:' :Mout -100 annually, mind ei.,:rt. t
nulled hint, and he Origgered and I dollars cash. In flax there in . lir
d a ronond blow, but missed and 1 do, lion to the extent of 90 pur ,Ali
13, felt about tr, 1 •0 yards au ay
front 1 the .e M, been lan Mil,' cliany l • 4
lip however, nod j 'rimed upou Cra- 1 ,
I l'n limeed and hemp , e, 1./11
, pounded him about his head, with so '" '''
-t in this bemfing attitude, 0„.„,,,,, / ply 41 thr:ee fourth , of all that Herat ,
' l o fwool ha • nint:h lucre
on his pocket, and discharged its . g r owth .."
" clipit of Zink. The ball entered I
brialcs Melt. is hut a small i ,ter
I rmli end loth tits, shattering , the the only country 1 . 11r11i511111 . 4 tillt .
ti . l - .11:;i1lit; 4:10 :;!'h, and injuring the milli , : artial....
I under the skin of his back. over jr
rho 1 , place e.l,cre it had emereil.—
I slait, ?du% gave Craven raviral 1 f'
-d-m.,e , 1 a w ay, - aid: "1/et Inc , g,, i ft
i end I'.ll !nice iii,. - "nie wound pi
.nn ~ e, , ek in ih e cavity or the chest tv
L,. a r i ro,ted by any surgical means di
, Doctors :Slough, Stout, Abernethy 1 0 .
re upon the spot in less than ten i tr
wmi lid had hi'en received. He
eight Iticlock cm the evening of the tr
von has 'since been arrested amid is
tl. 'there are mangy' rumors afloat el
Onfort 'mate affair, lint at flue witole Ii
Ti a legal investigat en, we forbear Ii
making any commr nts, further than
Ind correct star meat of the facts.
11 )1t.
'nett i
•I,eetC, 4
le tie k
i r
. -
r tr
mal'y duties,"
. has:been related one I at abo4
:to yesterday. A is s ippo,ed tl
4 °ruble station nn- m i l ion o f ii ,
)ht, honorable man 700 ono. so ,
wn, , yhung gentleman
on pniund, Pr ],
n Erica :!ot • desigding to bo . , J
the two r" in:lrked that the dity must 'd thither.
or timber to elect - such at fellow to reign of Alex t
rindry other e., 1 / 4 pressions of contempt ry colonies et
inecirdance with the sentiments of liens:cuts act
lity. Agentlemqn whose person- „ um ]," i s ,
as tauntingly stale the subject of tains 50 siii i
ately an s wered. "A Mechanic MI I „ si bri,,,, am
per:aide .loopin g man of me; but it
showy,' i _ . , i
Illtiglitz to your defects!"— un `
for (To
e , -«I a
, titY ol I
the s l
)11t thi
fling I
on the Id
Jit %\lio a
I 'try. 1
thine wise:
~ 11iP-cent.
ng Ont.
1110 sam
'al frlen
1. \V h
it r(atit
ked (Aue,tion.
nit vot
on a( el
vide tin
eity, 1.1
in the
'mo r ,ll
, notwitl l
nervy iI
0 more
Idc.. i re
On the oven: ,
St. Lot!is, he
the Mayor of t
on his
perilous servir
he to meet/the
I desire
1-el iut n yion.
less it be such
Europe, re;rut
are tiol
sting 11
lit. 16
ATI:.--A paragraph in the New York ~,,
mercies, settles the nuttier inielation
A property left by Mr. 4.tor. Hero
nifosinn has existed in the estimates
the late John Jacob Akor, from the
ow hull' his property was included in
amount included in the Will did not
'OQ9; hut ho had conveyed by ,deed a
I. Tho whole value of his tn, , ,._tate was
0 I 7,00u,i a III." l —4'
it is:—Sontv c
of the of
fact that Its t
his . will. 'Mr.'
still largor but
:4 . i;l6,uott.ttut) or
rids gentleman, the Dem
•ernor, in Ohio, is routing
'nn war wherever he goes,
meeting of his fellew-eiti-
Fetle . ralist was present,
i eech, rose and requested
. question: "Von who are
et country in the present
I l
.Iye.", A tiliont like that
ights of Monterey, was the, f
1 1 then put the question in ti
m opptmed to sustnining this „
''ot 1! Ound Cm** the lip it
The old Federalist would t ,
"ivlien it comes to the tia- '
to vote on that side.", The s'
t. - . predicament n large tintn- ti
111 will find themselves i& at g
on it comes to the nallq Ii
try, or against it r -they will N ,
ig at till, or casting, their r i
title camdate AND the colln-
), ;Shield's late receptiot . ) at
loipient address in reply to t.
•ho had complimented him d
- )xican war. Said General
tm now about to go on a I
standini , it may not again i.
hattle,'l am a peace man.
•ali,s, unless necessary to re
-0 fight no more battles, un
w &halting down thrones in
• lions and elevating human
-1 would like to fight in I r
'osetat rto.ruggle these—but e
" lie imid especially-in old
ght the Germans could re
but he fetired the Irish would
en with bitch help us they
r :1 H 14 1 ' 0,B_;.
.r. -- re, — x
Yi Nloll.l` l ' 11
AM .
e have theldeasuf pr
iiilatrous this week in an enthe ne4
le foundry of N., Itttilhk•
ary for te , to say a Word in ir 'wait
I lemy spivi(. - sjo
may I'm ti tri exptv
one of the
o trust I
in exteoine: its eircti
rrcomplain of in this
of ,ttl,cr bars as any
nt it coitlil doubt.
ocracy of
so that has
it Ito stnid
important:e l /
niggles to ti
1114' TO.) N 1.14
tr.t.vling thi
01 -, 11 it
o‘‘ evor, W.
Zis, in irtr
rE anti aid lil
Inv nothing
arg a numb(
ve k re eonfid
eve 4iiip de•n
selv ,$. No o
El Id rest uni
gi ill be i
'rest the f,
71 -to fasten
people —and it hehou
Send ill Ithe names
, Hots ap 01(1 ineur•ttTes
'r true light. NVllat
t U 7 1 ,1 ink
Ms of th )
upon di
id doing.
lot fail to
in in the
1 110 pres
:d sqto of
h waver iu l thebat
tite:lsitre upon the
iss,ta-hi-eyery t4inf.;,
lit / miseffie
Ina 9 In agre'
oudition of tio, vnipirt , i, i'
, i- no popular cl Is-, no . ii
t lic 01(4 own ißdu-try, or
e011 , c , m1. - 111 . 1t oCi:•T von.
)1..i;11 pro4t2Cotw, 1111 , —N i 4
otncial, of all el -1,-( Toe sl
, o of liri
iu ths: (.n.4011111,
crc , cabr‘
I. But
many 4ther charge
-3, necessarily (-mi l
h 'Pitt whole
thereldro esti
a in El
al von din
al and trad
ry of
es, with a
onishing in
thrill; a
he territ
ia a
01 i-1111 11-1
0 rom Ow
and licen,l
at liugsia
•u; the nii
ielt a force
It is three ti:
Andcip. IS_
h tablislied 11
Ounce as rij
.tinialvd 7'
the hue, t:
5I) gun
)iro is on
lines °filll l
0 11; to ell
,lard. Ii
The fzol I I
MI , o much
go, 11 :kg a sir)
iui teri al •au,
alr qttly :gm
tIr«I mill l ion
at vorli tipoi
nti in this ais respd
g. The nittionakle
of dollars, hut there
its reductionl.
'rota this exhibit. of tho cord
.brit, her course in the pre , ent
io • ty the friends of freedom than
to little anxiety. Should shel n sta
lot monarehfes around her, fake
Liu y best m a y, all b e well!
self into the hrearb, and
lln it tottering throat s, the flute
gli ir; milliony of Europe is ye ,
little while and the great dr,itya
wi Ibe oineted. ;May tho (rod
Bcorr AND Mr r,.—We hay°
"act that some of our whip; frieHd
i,vtof Clay - and - Scott for tlto
o t't :-.oelll to go down very !Ivel l
ht y probably would Hite die 4in
Whig, of !Scott Mid
Botts. Now wo know sautes ar
not called u
tho,%vhigoi 11."
11al•ri , on and
not :..ound b idly ;
wt mean, of com,,c:. "Clay an ,
rd; though the hyllvtatiVeB Opp:
11 a long, - crooked, lie ivy
woo bt•autifol; but Spo
wlmt a card!
an '%% - t) aro, p
of rate ammo
MIR( 11 BI'IIN F. 0.- 1 .10111 410
010 111 , W Presbyterjan
ia~in that counts', wa, entire
• 11Nt week. It is haid to 111
ry[aF; them had been no, tiro in a
1.7' It k said that pnanterti•it
Clcant•tuipte l lnt% Bunk. aro
tt e It.:111t : Int in the 1v....
I.IY 6, 111,,i
1. \ kn• duly
er —ssu 11 ISO 111, IdthiPo.
to, the "Ghs-rrcr" to
dire. procured id.
N. Y. It h wine-
ise; for, as a wog ,aid
itgiqr: 7 One, thine,
'SI4 an opinion of, and
looitinjshcs•t•; iu
will Otto this. as
Ilion. Although VAS
cuticular, having as
f our cote mporaries,
4 / if our friend,—the
wOuld exert then-I
rk° does not take it.
ne. The rlpprouch
l'ederalisin is making
overnment from the
to county
t neighbor
in his na
heir obnoxious men-
Ives every man to be
I for the Obs , rrer—it
utliriticiples of Fed
. was ill '4l it will
tsJAN I' N
..uropc, wit , n peace
nce, not in fact df. -
will ofAinc man—the
regard to the country,
if peculiar interest.-- 7
lutown, even by the
Europe. LI, ovlclrned
• mart skillful monarch
neurmation hay been
Ido for ranted, jtt this
t ongest govetJmnent
it the rend. So far
nidoubtedly no. How
. ustainefl by her agri-
Ily ni•cd,sary element
n the I resent state of
,ration, and upon iti
at ine4ure the Koh
-lug in i almost every
?dont Iv! l be alltiwed
it. In egard to thij
it, sonic information
are g4iired lima a
r 1613, by Baron Von
ultural, Tradingl and
-sion Finpire," and
tlici il etttriei. The
mirht.ion, Ord the so
votabli• I to agriculture;
ofi freelno•il v.llO cat
e‘Atedi)y tIIP hope of
ex )
e 1....- . iv l ely hig - 11 . ..-
click ofrah:ing up a
I i•ai to far as they are
" . overitl i hent monopo
'eh ltd.—pi r( f(• pa
0 - :.. in l a thou .:01.1 c:
-i - , re Pp l lirp pup !Ain
! ,
p otoprci,op , . tup cpc a
ier forl eolp.imiphou
fly dee!ineti. Cpruiin
thilnoi Ste 11l to_fitr
durtelyitev of yorci in
rii , ! i nrriezit,s li there k
lc r. e...p. - 'Ulte hark,
'Vic ' I,
(h.• :witty, an
Icrea.-e of pro-
vf:lr;.; in !Rmp
.11111. poriml;
I -
lid Prty-- , ia
I cz:10. In
11110 d I
-( d .-41
, e, 0
f con,e(int nee
inur.rd upon
d to
Thc ex
i:rl 110 t
I n•tdves on con
sale and
dl rL , :e on tln‘ n9n-
L•nty iwr
us ono million
In co
t of elm
,o conta
of ahon
A 53 millions.—
on,, it wias but 14, toil
ho is made
t mer(lantile capital.
howks. It is reek
s, per aMmiti, only. It
day an army of one
rertainlY not less tha'n
ke a fearful onslaught
'ranee, if it was direct
r than it Was during the
force, there are milita
the empire, where the
Is and soldiers. Their
Russian navy con
lU 1:2 war steamers,
The' vess4ls aro tine anti
discililine and
...of (loth
ts at till
, ,
h vouni nc
e. largl
rou l _ s han
nri I
5 frigate.!
rota . ' r
board a 1
V i ant of
w prodio
w. aro 41
t too l *
is al,
iv a lar, l
eintr enormous-
,11.11 L (r t 1
T ative h ie of
toposited in the
(.‘srs of war are
~okit three limn
c3ro cinising fund
Ritssia befOre
, wilt he looked
Ito world, With
land let theirot-
lion of
Erhout t
I[l aloof I
k!arc 0
to throws hoz,
• forth hi
r arm to uphold.
prospect of the strug
-41" gloomy enough. A
the eighteenth cent' ry
of Lib'erty r.hield he
I -
already montioned die
are urging the 'lumina
'resitleney. Tito move
I with the Scott mon—
'illation of a writer ill tho
Botts, lioad-hint-or-diti
iutrin.sically 'nothing;
you to regulate matters
ho, rovld
i littrra for
r" lookl.d well on a ban
•,elattiatiott—the names
Frelingitysen" answer
red together liken short
tail to it. "I'u k, turd
t tout BOtt.s I rtitubit.;,
Batter Herald, we lettrn
,h, in North Butler town
k-roubititted by tiro one
lo,'work of au hwentli a
ic bitiding for sonic tune
two dollar bills nn 'the
n circulation. The cx
1N Slot, I.D 'I
~ • viiii•nt triiiit A'nii it
;In, 1.11011,A, tin!
put, a pap r, bin
V i i 'i 0 tiior i.hout Vellat
..IlilVt• a 4 little ',.. , :21, ----
i . Ci1111( rot ttn , it•r will; li
1 i
h l it i 4 itillioni,ier.d,
i t - r .
i.a or the 11111.1Ertd
!y „oe ever the titip',.. ;
.1,101 for print ilih.,, 1 ;1 4 1
ilr(fl till : IIISI - IvvS_GT 4 . .
lillyil be a good 641-
idiiion to tits' 1;0 1 ,4,
tiAirs 01 crane in
,:)t 'that three-folirtlhi
neti•ntiaries art men who, in an it
(V will - deny, tiwy
It, and hot ouh• du
111 0111.• p( r(olio 11101 I,
011 iit this (•reat worlil of our ,
%led*. of tho ::la, Of g.(11, i 1 1
. or tll -4 111.011 11,1114
iiittllor of _All
of Oregoti.i thd ,
(h•tuago;:ifts, nod
they can - iteith,r tinder( hal
ith((rs.- Stich'
el nl l no
tin v lit,
ntvire •
of €l‘2,il
a perp.un Pan
faci k the
!O doubt will ‘Si
lien ()fa
teimblir. or .
r, Nye Imve 1
)f the in
I iitio•r.
ititeS of our !
ullil•, nevi r
INS a DCW,r3P,,
%%host, nal
I of the worf
I vho are
hipt'on hook
rs try - ea 'lel
contain , hy tots—can, at
opinions of thii Editor's ahil
Teets in his innnagement.
Imrrotre, IVeli , t , • t• defines In
tgs to anothei• and applies i
have gives tln.i gainellefinin
1r part WO cannot acclaim!' a
eon the 111111 ; 1 . , 1143 purloins
:to purhin ,- the beef-steak
' llejtifortitAti l ott certain'••
I a respectable citizen than
• x e iN s of lhe•e ,en%knrrrl j.'
ile to take raper! The in,
coat 'night plead the Same
alas a simpleton. Too poci
veil! :11.1ay Who make this
sands—at stn - rate, the rxrt ,
mdred. I nif , , , fl, We have j l of
are lelst able to toles and pal
in the snb,e
roustayt rum
h e lliri
tit the dil
)ne W . llO I ;
\AI }or o
t nev
tit • on • NI
ri t. ar . '
I thl, • 1W
Er it I
lb q11,,t.'
11 •
I .11;r1
a eon r, Inc
[(left Ulm
I willi
4.;• i to do so. Others, agnii
ea that the paper they borrov
ther valid' reason, truly,
fir it the labor of oat,
Pre`4lllle, the Editnr':
plunder. The fact if
, they are woi ih ietyitifi fur; la
woo bat tho-e n ho,e
thiov. , of earthovi
Ith the
'ra! An
Itui nlO. in
flin , that
ainootr tli
f;‘ m iinn , N in a year for 1
llcr, ar• Diany,Ntlio take
1 , 1 be brow'!lit to realize Ehd
which thee, or their chillre
if th, N• co
\':111 I ;1;!I•ti
tre la
its roInT
horn 1(1,
the advent of :!rant and
pbtl ;don , in the mine ohi
content t'
ottil 1%; are
tpt.vtl, at.• ttrvattliti
tyratire ot the grt•at wonbl nl
ic. btt , ', lP-ts; 111111 a uric-pat i ter
t;t6lo )11U11Z12 . 11111( . 11i, is t,rwi!l
But to
It •tid, , L:
biro r ti
1111 , di
.1 ti
nt, of ;r.1,1•• at roil ts remote, I. tat it
'NT in 2. hn his num 93 .rutionF,
wolni is in the up of individual actions. and
of an) one se l i:tion are not without
ill , 11;1021140 i,it irtc,: of 'every other. .Liirge
con pn-es in tin• west, his impor
prca!lic• r and t otemotincrj, in the 31iddle and
be c r, d „th tcd of; l'ar'iltuttgli in the tat
rn a shell crop, and antq!ii :god high prices,
in the I,riner will out be lung in s!wreading itself
t the 1 )1.011 :hid of equalizing; The new,-
r iii:• i iiitorttnition,iwltother producer
ler, h,e, ;Lre:tt an advaittagelovel the man who
for a in.s laiper
their mT
t ith. r•
lit ••1111
II I It :
ur ( 0:),u
r •!ti-k I
ol k.r
tlirectl% t
lon Pvin
t% Inch ht
Itoisli t
the itlind: Out , he: intyTest and ',Toney&
1 1 it—the other is ever :Itunibllng in the dark, pr
at the , d,i,,t , of t 1, 0.t y ho la , ,e the advantage of
&fix e, hi coselt 1 . .., , t0 the Sit,Tl. sight d policy of
he rice ut a [, ear's suly-eription yo near tho'
he tr, ',Torus Ty,' l tit l ing Irma newspa
, ,„,' of the ti9..,e. I I%'e- Inure no doubt._,_
liter, in thiq e - oituy who have, wiiiiin -
.., I,_,' elioturh (HI l'i sale of "grain DlOlle.
newspaper as long: 1 4 thoclive.
nnIS should take dpi tilerby ul( mans.' '
,I t in schooling. NVo
north the blank paper •
niethiii , new to' thin
,iii learn much that
. 1 1audti be edut tiled fur
and where can'the,-
• dr. 11(
twr r •ad
her nrr
,t•te t
to hate
1. ma
It wor
do•Ct c
tr. i- if
roil , •1, it brin ,, ; p•O
11 . 4;111 , •
d ut con'
AVorld tht .o.t. mu., to oat
huowl.,,igt:taole. coniprel
coltnn, 01 a n,w-paper!,
11, and act ncl oltioigly.
r, iF -011 l i avti , ITOW:!g
• iita du ii to good.
o"ci is tj
thin cell
the Cum'
'the three vrettt State., Ne
hio, stood :1.4 Will/WI,: IN
Ink and
atria, 1,72013:3; Ohio, 3,:..
le very ;LI& Coninu-sioner
trith thcloilowingsta
anon of the same :States: Nen
ania, ttl5,000; Ohio. ),8501,
show that l'elinsirania has,
L'reaseil her poinilation7 much
It or Olito. This following c
Itfliese t4lltites in the last sere'
aced 35:2;(179; l'ennsylvania
Int ot t
ut pOpll
ti tact
ins Inc'
to. 3
about 4,
T‘xAt .-T
rropo,e incr tg oie,e of ex
1 increase oil the Mreadv en
ITlie still - 111°w levied upon
wither, more or less direct,fs .
01 this vast amount,
u sed by customs and excise du
b 0,000,000 is obtained by
form or
It r`g is r
I tuck, A.
liorough"rates, church r i
by the title rent charge., Inclw
a, poor
c l one of
he Church and Universitic
thb!. way it is calculated, the !government appro
m;-lifth part of ;he property of every indu , driona
he community—that is, every ind i vidual pays, in
support the txtravagance of thgovernment,
ollars out of every hundred which his labourpro
11No wonder an Engliaman's idea of the enaed
"a land ' frc frcen taxes." lre '
annual r Tort for 18-11 of the Pennsylvania
I for the Insane, representslthat since the date of
report, 2-11) Tatients have be ,n admitted, 213
n discharged or died, and ISB remain under the
Ithe inqitution. I The total number under i.aro
list was 401; the average 'timber 18.5; while as
201 were itt Mel Hospital at, one nine. Variou
ntani improvements have recently' been made to
tution. Of the patients discharged during
re 213: of whom 111 were cured, and 29 died .
1176 patients received into the hospital since its
Held, • nearly one third
,have been admitted
Itween 20 and 30 years of age: But one has been
takes to
States i
I I oTit4
flio In
la IVe he
caro of
and tint
etc 111 , 4
of the
When 11,
under 10; 1 only two betwen 1 . 0 and 15; 6? be
nd '2O, while between 120 and 30, 36.5 were re
alil in 10 years 306. Between 40 and 45 . the
:3; though ti - AhMed, was btill large, but after this
tiM.lnal rapidly. There were of the total, 93 far
-1 Merchants, 40 clerks', -19 physicians, 5 law) cry,
!yawn, 6 Lacers of the army andnavy,ll4saidents
ers, 10 Manufactures, 49 laborers. The married
wire 47 . 1, the unmarried 399.
W. eel' I
the% dit
Int N,
Li tt .1( 1
I KA r. 5.—..11r. Lf‘pap. ~,inta work on iseljnialo,
1 in he year 1758. ui yes the following th:ti‘..anun
'ord Analsapztr:: "Along tho wt ,, ,tertt coat, 1!re: 1 •.
:e sea, is a nation called the Attar', *kid'
near ti
mist etikrs. They are thus called 1.)2, the other
"","'".° th v Y hark'. the at.‘tetitaliki curttt - .itt
to are their ettetuies, or whom the hetteve to be
tribi:., 1
mon wl
_Vttr thattl,4 arts (ie to out eotempurarie.. n Iti:N
their load•ht.t.• :it reLfartl to our 11-1-)%,•tkk
iinegt in , n. in 1.4
have licv,,r
la ne w-imp f r, but
rht-y know (tier}
L! , ly iwint
3 :iliikunndw,ait'%;K,tir,•tf
icy an. horrwrers!
,er:4o ho
oit to the tt ord tlarf!
r&st sight of darer_
; 1 4 itiforinition, and
'eats or On• coat 119
maze neee„.,,;,. 4 ;
the cozit. The
their poverti--thij
ivieltial who
t !ti , e, hut lie irottha
.to take "a l 11,.1tfL
CXellme are• Worth
e is not valid ‘‘itl l l
en ob,erved thrt
for a paper are
thenh , Ovei,
• i•• 4 not qf thitr pot,-
hy they s•hottlil take
ns! Upon the
en-roth4 would
Id the Cfr-t ln
Z 1 V not rc( tzni=,
ink of troubling ha
Flitr -in (Jim°
nq - pnp , •r, I'm rcenhl
mans• intport•ua ad
t, iturtvo from
u— ood t•n-t
trieZral/hS, Ihct tuc
t•ateu track of iiictr
nat with ruL a td :cud
hb Inall,il : ith sight
letedve and. praeneal-
Let parents ponder
sitow him
cis iu 110, the tor - \
NA• I ork, rentis V 3,
w York, '2.,4•26,931;
-By the re
1.1 r 7,
atertt OluCe.
eli - ient of/the prOs-
I v York, 2,7t 4 0,090;
ILOOO. Thebe
in the last seven'
faster than eitier
Whits the increase'
yeais. New Yott
do. 400,067; Ohio
I )enditttrev, and of
nuous amount of
h, people, - in 01113
in round numbers
about. three-guar
ties, blab crown
local taxation,
xc., and •10,
fling tho whole rev
not derived from