VOLUME ,18. Select tioettß nub illiscellaite. TUE DA.TIIPUING. = Mourner, bending o'er the total, Where' thy heart's dear treasure lies, — Dark and dreary is thy gloom, Iktep and burdened are thy sighs: From thy path the light, %hose rays Cheered and guided thee, is gone, And the future's desert waste Thou must sadly tread alone. . 0 " 'Neath the drooping willow's shade, Where the "drooping Cypress grows, The beloved and lost is laid In a quiet, calm repose. ' Filen! non• the voice whose tones Wakened rapture in thy breast— ' Dull the ear—thy anguished groans Break not on the sleeper's rest. Grace and loveliness are fled, Broken Is the "golden lowl," Locosi,d the "eih•er chord," v, hose thread Bound to th' Immortal EMIL Closed the eyes whose glance no dear Once love's language fund could speak And the worm, foul banqueter, Riots on that matchless cheek. And the night whole, an they SIN cep In their bolunn grandeur by, With a cadence wild and deep, Mounifiilly their requiem sigh. And each plant and leaf and Hower Bowe msponsive to the wail. Chanted at the midnight hour, 2 fly the epirits of the gal?. Truly has thy sun gone dots n In the deepest, darkest gloom, And the fondest Joys thou'st kilos it Purled are. within that tomb. Earth no solace e'er can bring To thy torn and I Iteding heart— Time nor art extract the sting Froht the conquerors poh-oped dart Rut. amid thy load of %so. Turn, thou stricken one, 11.tne e) es Upward, and behold that glow Spreading brightly o'er the shies: "1' is the day-star, beaming In the blue expans. , above; • look on high, antlbnow that there Dwells the object of thy lose. I.lfe's bright harp of thousand ' string..: Ity the spoilers bond tray rneu, But the realm wrat hoe titto Wlth the t ielor not, of !leaven. Over death trialal 4 lant --I Q I See thy eheriAted one api.ear: Mounter, dry thy tern, of Trust, knot., and meet lie there: (Graham's Ma THE YANKEE GI ~ ..A.s.skcicli of rAincrirtuf Cifc ill MRS. lI.titRIRT BERCIII.II Srow Every land has its own "beau ideal" of worn' .own ladies have been bepraised in certain good with which everybody the least read in polite Ii perfectly acquainted. Who has not heard of bearing, the beauty and doeicq:c virtue te't'it. England? Of the sprightline , s, grace and f a ,.. ( the ladies of France? I low have the light I Spain, the melting eye of Italy been said and nu to this flourist's feast of cations, may not the plain old far mer, of Nexi• England, come, spadeln hand, and Ming the flower of li i iTown land? Let the English lady bo ent hi on - 4 , d as the lily,—the Fre,nch, the_ever bright and caning tulip,—the [Spanish and Italian. the fill mo-s ro-e: the richest and 'rnost voluptuous of !lowers. The Yankee ti irl it the rose laurel, whose blo, , nin- no garden flower ever excelled in rosy delicacy and gricefidness of form, but whose root asks neither garden-bed nor gardner'N ear" , but will takelor itself strong hold where there is a handlullol earth in the deft of a rock, whose polished leaf shakes green and cheerful ol:cr,te snows of the keenest winter. In her you shall find the/ union of ivonumly delicacy and refinement with manly enoza and decision, womanly in gennityand versatility in contrivance, with manly prumtu- , ;114.4 and efficiency in executicm. Vanle some Indies found their-chtinis to interest on a delicate ignorance and inability as to all the practical parts -of life, the only fear of the New Ettglaoul girl is that there should be northing that waptau ever &r!, which she can mit do, and has: not done a little boltt.-=r than ever it was odone before. Born of frugal parents. who, with any other habits would be poor, she learns earls to make en ergy and ingenuity to supply the place of wealth. Born in a lotto where all are equal,- no princess eould surpass her in the feeling of self-respect. Born where tho nniver . sal impulse of all is to rise, there is nothing indite way of knowledge and accomplishment, which sift- does not hope some day to acquire; and even witheut any advantages of 'culture, womanly tact, quickness of mind, and lady-like .self-possession, - add.the charm of grace to her beauty.— ' Noll if you wish to find this lady of our fancy you must not loafer her in our cities, where all the young ladles speak French, play on the piano, and are taught to be as much like one another as their bonnets. wish to investi • gate the flowers of a country, t on do not look for them un oder the shade of a damask curtains, itt indows of alrawing rooms, but seek them, as they giow free and in-. dividual at the roots of old mossy trees, and in the chofts of overhanging ledges of rocks, or forming : eye-lashes to the, thousand bright eyes of merry brooks. So if you would see this Yankee girl as she is, take a flight with us, up— .tip---not to the skies, but to the north of New llampshire. Alight with us now in this cosy little Wook, whbre doe retir ing mountains have left space for cultivation, and hard hands have been found to improve it. There; on the •rerit breasted turf,-have been dropped some dozenor so of dwellings, a meeting horse, and a school house, all in arm- nondescript and unutterable styles of architectuo e.— There in that village which never was aroused by the rat dlo and tramp of the mail coach, whose only road has a green ribbond of turf in the middle, with a little turfy line on each side, you will ioerhaps find what I speak of. How mill and said:oath-like seems the place to day—does any live hero? There is nobodY to be seen in the streets —nothing Miring but the leaves of the dense heavy suga.l 'maples, that shade the old brown houses, and the blue flies r..„ \ 4 . md humble bees which are buzzing about, with great pro tension to business, in the clover fields. But stay! there , •are signs of life; else why the rows of shinning milk pans, —and hark: by the loud drawl front the open windows of yonder achooldiouse, you preceivo there is a rising gener •ntion in t h e land. Coino with us, where a large, mother ly, old-falibioned house. seems to have set down to cool itself on that velvet slope of turf, while the broad masses of the maples and the superb arches of the elms, form an array of foliage about it, truly regal That house is the palace royal of one of the sovereign-people of Islewpainl,- shire, to wit, Jonathan Parsons. Jonathan is a great man, and rich in the land, a wise num, and a man of valor moreover. lie is great, politically, fur he keeps the post office. lie is rich too, for be L the undisputed possessor .of all that he wants. lie is wise, for hue knows u little .more than anybody about and as to his valor, it is .sulf-evident from the Latina ho has been promoted with ` ll 'l'ualicil!;!, rapidity to be Captaiii, Colonel, and finally tiyneral Parsons. Accordingly he is commonly recog nised by his martial title , "the General." Ile is a hale, upwriOit, cheerful man of fifty or thereabouts, with a bkiil rusld.y face, and u voice as chi et nil and nuging us it , .., -,.. ‘l \ I s . , • , . . o 1 . . . . . :. ; . , a.a ....4 .4 ..., :-.:, '... . —.. e':•-• ~. ~ , ~ • 1 . --- 4 • l i 7•,%. .... ..., _ , V, • 1 i ',,, .... -1',,,, ',-•-• . , 1, - 1.• - , _ ct,,, i.:., „ •11 & ',.., ‘ I 1 . 1 IR L , 11, neul its et terms, teratur. the 'whit (1:101• - of illation of uoLstep of IHM ileigh•bell. He turns his hand tot ore kinds of business than any ono iie flue Nillagc, and, what is uncommon, • thrives in all. He keeps the post office, and therewith al so a small assortment of groceries, thread tape, darning needles, tin pans, and axe-heads, and the wanel miscella neous stock of a country store. Hellas a thriving farm, —possesses legal knowledge enough to draw aids and contracts, and conduct all the simple law businesS of his neighborhood, and besides this, ho attends, in a general way, not only to the government of the United States, but of all the countries in the World; for Jonathan takes a weekly newspaper from Boston, and makes up his mind once a week as to all the matters and things- of the world around, and his convictions, doubts and:opinions on thesi points, are.auly expotaided to his townsmen, while - ho is weighing out sugar or tea, or delivering letters in the course of the week. It is a pity that the President of the United States or the crowned heads of Europe never sent to Jonathan fur his opinion,—for they would always find it snugly made up and ready for instant delivery. We have only to say in addition, that besides the patriarchal wealth of flocks and herds, Jonathan had a patriarchal complement of sons-and daughters, among whonuvo shall only mention the eldest, whom we introduce by the over verdant name of Mary. The Village had called her moth er a beauty before her, and Mary has borne that name ov er since she shook the golden curls of careless childhood. Yet it is not the, impression of mere physical beauty that she produces upon you: there is both intelligence and en ergy in the deep violet of her eye, and decision as well as sweetness in the outline of her beatniful mouth. Her form, naturally slender, is developed bye onstant and healthful exercise, and displays in every motion the elas tic grace of her own mountain sweetbrier. And, more than all this, there' is a certain cool, easy, air, a freedom and nobility of mrunrr, a good taste in speaking and act ing, that give to ller,lhogli untaught in the wars of the world, that charm beyond beauty, which is woman's . most graceful gift. For this imtitective sense of what Yeally is due to one's self and others—this perception of dines, places and proprieties, which forms the highest attraction of the lady, though it may be wrought out by labarions drilling, and the tutelage of etiquette, is often the free gift of nature, poured on the fair head of some one who has m ver trod a carpet, steit ft piano, or takeii one step in the I - • labyrinth of arnticial life. Mary's amount of accomplishments, sp "called, was small—including not a word of French, and no more mu sic than was comprised in the sween.st of natural voices, taught in the common evening ringing school of the vil lage. But as a daughter and sister and -houseWitc, her accomplishments were innumerable. Enter the cool, quiet lqiase, not a room of which boasts a carptit, but whose snowy floors need no such concealment. The chief of all that is done in the house, in providing, making, mending, cleaning'and k keeping in order, is by the single hands df Mary and her mother. We know this may lead the mindS of some of our readers to very prosaic particulars. \Vo have heard a deal of heroines playing on the harp and so forth, but tele% ever heard of a luroine walhing onironing? The mont that has ever been nceolnplished in these re sp% cts, was by the lovely Charlotte of Goethe, whom he in troduces to us cutting bread and butter for her little broth els and sinters. We can assure all our fair renders who are inclined to he fastidims on the point, however, that had they lived , tinder the roof of Jonathan Parsons, they could sea% cely have been scandalized by any disagreeable particulars. E . 'vern at the wash-bench, our heroine, in her neat. dome fitting calico. never looked so little like a lady as some r.at ones we have seen in curl papers and merit ing gowns, before they were made up for company; and moreover, inuelt that seems so laborious would he over with and out of sight, long before the'y are in the habit of having- their eyeS kpen in the morning,. Many, days they would tind our herniae in possession of leisure to draw, read, write, sew or work muslin, quite equal to their own. They would ace that by ingenuity and that quick observa tion in which pretty women are seldom, lacking, she could fashion her attire so as tint to be far from the rules of good usage; and hat, though her knowledge from books Was limited, her %%hid was active and full of thought, 'and and us ready Al at the entrance of knots ledge, as a diamond itt t r entrance of light. You are not to suppose that a lady of such acomplish inhnt;, natural and acqu'red, a lady of rank and station, moreover, passed to her seventeenth year unwooed. So far fromit,there was scarcely a personable article in the way of a beau, who had not first or last turned a hand in Chit, matter. There were two'dilapidated old bachelors, one disconsolate Uidower„ - little a dozemichoOlmasters, ono doctor and one lawyer, already numbered among the kill ed and wounded, and still Miss Mary carried her head with that civil, modest "what-do-I-care-for-you" air, that indicated that her heart remained entirely untonched —and'aii the n ouder was, whom should she marry. It came to pass, one bright summer afternoon, that as two young gentlemen, strangers in the village, wore riding by the house of Jonathan Parsons, "the sudden -explo sion of a gun caused the horse of one .of their to start, and throw his rider, who falling against a post in in the front of the door, was very seriously injured. Tho con sequence of all this was, that the two very good looking gent amen wore detained at the house for some two or thrc • weeks. They were from Canada, and had come down into Hew Hampshire on a shooting and exploring expedition. The younger of them was the young Earl of Ileresford, and the gentleman with him, a Mr. Vin cent, his - 'traveling companion, to n hem happened the unlucky accident. Ile was so seriously hurt as to be con fined entirely to his bed, and my young lord being thus suddenly thrown out of linsine,t, and into a dismally calm, roomy, clean, uninteresting old house, with no amuse ment but to tend a sick friend, and no reading but Scott's Family Paper and Ike Almanac, thought himself in very deplorable circumstanetss, until he caughta glimpse of the elegant form and face of Mary, which suddenly roused him from his apathy. Now when one :s treading, carpeted , floors, lounging on damask sofas, and smelling cologne water, a pretty girl is very much a matter of course, un less her beauty be of a peculiarly ram and striking char acter. But where there ate no curtains, no pictures, no carpets, antk nothing more luxurious than a very high hacked, perfiendiettlar rocking ehitir, a - pretty girl becomes an angel forthwith, and such was the case at present.— The young earl really thought, all things considered, that' he would do our fair young Yankee the honor to institute aflirtation with her—so at 1e0.:4 said his Manner; When he made his first advanct,s. Ile was repulsed, however, with a cool and determined indiarence, which seemed to him- quite unaccountable. We- could have told the young gentleman the reason. It was not that Mary had not a womtm's love of admiration, when honestly and sincerely offered, but there was something in the gallan try of Bercsford altogether too taking-for-granted and condescending. She could perceive from his traveling eqnipments, his generol air and hianner, that he had alighted among them front quite another.orb of society than any of which she had over conceived;and there was a something indefinite even in his polltenesS, - that told hor he looked down both on her and her Varela:4'as beings of a vastly inferior order—and the thought ron: ; ed all Om wo man's pride within her. No princess of the blood could have been more stately, self-possessed and politely deter mined to keep one at a distance, titan our village beauty. The Eartof Beresford was a mere man of fa ion, with no mon; than a barely'comfortable degree of reflection and, feelitig. Entirely incapable of estimating.the real worth of Mary's character, and valuing her merely by the rules of conventional life, he was still struck by the quiet deter mination of her manner, into something like -respect.— i , - . Our gentleman, how. tamed to have ltis,owt persons, the thing ho a sovereign value. H tieulrly on his Emcees, ed to field his laurels it sequdnily, the more A advanced,—the less sh tentiOns, the more obs. my yOung lord grows. magnanimous expedie and Molting love in !r. game, "Vincent!"—said afttir walking up and d ing his collar and bets that is getting ready to "Well, Beresford, o "Vincent - I have co "I should think you ing, "We have been • "Nay, but without j "Well, without joki "I have determined i•For the two hundr cent. •Vincent, do ho serif "Serious! have I no I came head first into t er, Will, proceed to p than no news." "Well, then, Vince lovelyllittlo hostess of ti "NOt old Mrs. PA . laughing, "there wouli her." Ber i esford grew an, I laugh,! was at last oblit t grace. "Now Vincent," hi your ‘iit and your wis terable- 1 you know, o [ , !•Psbaw!" said Yin' "Now; Beresford, is n aro here, in a stupid Must yi;ti set yourself t less country "Ashamed: too bad tell you that I am goin "Anil do I not knon plied Vincent,—"did of honorable principle; vow of marrying?" '•nut Vineent—" "But, Beresford," know well enough, t wear ordy till you get then comes the old st - - neeess i t i v must provei girl Wi; has been the speeehes, is fo'rgottet this as well as I do." "Butl Vincent, yet "So you have told you have been in the be adviikd, and r let tl the abiatrdity of the tl have picked up, like,. body knows - when or to that," r Quebec'and put her i Sho he.: moot( sB, now—and t mance as to her pares only terms on a hielt ME "And you Ittrve gai rents, to this wise NO "Her consent?" gn i ' consent, though I has SR "And pray how do "how do I know! pleal t tbe cause ofli creme to the elite of even• (14y,—,.she mus '6.1Q1" replied Vi sure, but frOut the sob, seem to l characterise you will not succeed • "That's past prayit may judge from certa . and Ilie44.ord turned of/tho room, with a y ance. Hiticonfident expo fact thatlour heroine, ancesbip and natural much More approach past, a More marked Mary luid become a more thOn usually ex, eye was restless, and ner, entirely di&rent exhibited. The truth ed by certain little po' but, as Boresford hue himself i n very mini-' cause of her altered Accordingly, at the ry's mother and sister donly upon her, as s curtained by green vi by a series of complin cd, comfortable way, inexperienced and seems to say. "I un ago you to admiratio scions of her own ina practised and ready "Mr. Beresford," "I preset e that all t 011 will not waste it vation to appreciate L. , Beresford protest° that_he was entirely and Toutly serionsk in every w rd. 1 "I am very sorry r'it, if you are," said Mary s' niling. Beredford proceed d to reveal his real name a' d title, and to make an offer n regular form. With some surpris , but with great simplicitym d deci sion, Our heroine dec hied his proposal. Beresford pleaded le advantage - of stationto llini to of fer, his own disinterestedness, and so forth. "Indeed, Mr. Bert si4d," replied Mary, "I do net know enough-about these things to feel in the least hotibred or tempted-by them. It may, very possibly, seem to_yon that you do lido a great honor by this proposal, but I lave no such feeling. You are accustomed ta such different kind of society, such a different manner of estimatingi things, from any thing I have ever known, that I cannot vkry . well understand your feelings. If I ever marry, it will be-one who can fully appreciate the tdrection I give, for lits own sake, and not ono who will always look upon mo as a sort of ornamental appendage to his station, mud SO, forth." ' • "Some Yankee piper, or tinker, perhaps," roptiedßcr ., Word, angrily. 1 . "Very possible,"; replied Mary, calmly, "and yet he may bo More truly noble, than the only Earl I eves' had the honor of knowing,"—cold our heroine l e ft the Toon)._ "Handsomely dote, Mat:" haid the earl, walking up I_l7&N WARD SATURDAY MORNING, !ver, had been thoroughly accus way, and as is usual with such °aid not attain assumed in his eyes moreover, piqued himself par : with women, and was not dispos ian obscure country village. Con my receded, the more eagerly ho seemed disposed to value his at . -- . qmons they became, till at length excited, that ho determined on the lit of declaring his name and rank I . gular form, rather than lose the ieresford to his friend, ono evening /Wil the room several times, adjust hing up his_whiskers, like a man say something. nit with it," said Vincent. ° no to a very serious determination I Might have," said Vincent, laugh in serious circumstances lately," • 'ng, then." to be married." d and fortieth time," roped Vin EMI boon dolefully serious, over siuco lis philosophic retc6at?—llowev rticulars, for any news is better. .t, I am determined to 1 laze." 'ens, I presume," said I be little eclat in an elope but as Vincent 'still con l ed to join, though with a o resumed "you may sp n dom, for my determination course, I mean the lovely eat, growing serious in hi: ot this just like you? I Bee' , `lace, and in want of am , ruin the peace of an ho too had,—Pm ashaMed o 1 what - do you meat? D to marry her?" I you will do no such thin' -ott ever see a handsome 2that , n you have not had a si. Interrupted Vincent, "do at all your vows and prom: o Quebvc—and after. the I rv.—tmavoidablo alteration t, and so forth,—and so t dupo of your good kioks i Now, Beresford, you ki do not understand the case.' 1 le regularly in every ilirtati! onntry. Come, now Will; I is alfair tilone. Besides, 1 !ing, introducing a wife whj partridge, on a . ..._,oting to partridge, • ivhere.", 1 piled notesford. "I can tak e Ito a convent, to acquire an nir and manner wortk. ten ono cluitnalte up someklo ro tage—at all events, marria _. is the he can be gained, so marrt her I led her consent, and that of er 'me?" id lloresfortl,—"of course, Oho will lo not yet opened the subje h with ou know that?" - I vliv I shall tell her who I a I I dally, you see,—and with his regionotuch offers do no nee this, of course." cent"l have seen little of he jety of mind and good sen.' iho . family_l have some hop; g for. I fear," said Beresfon', "if I n little indications, and so f his heel and whistled himi.elf out ,cry contented and assured appear- Unions had arisen simply from tho rom the joint influouc if acquaint good humor, had gro en, of late, tile; besides which, fo u l hang° of manner had sejif, occasionally mel t itable—her color was En few days upervened. neholv and f Yi . ar ng, her rnor of man ever before .11y engross of her own; o formed for ry, as to the there was a nervous tr from anything she hat was, that she was wh ilexitics and sorrows v nothing of the kind, 1 1 and satisfactory the, tanner. I close bf a still afternoon, when ; Ma were absent, Beresford stole *no lo was sitting by an open wiMlow nes. He commenced his enterprise watery remarks, in just that assmn that islnexpressiblyvexatio+ to an :ensitivo woman—a mannet that erstand all about you, and can man t."‘ Mary felt annoyed, y t coat fifty to meet, on his own grot ud, the Itar. of the world, who addres ed her. Ole said at length, after some Hence, is is very fine in its way, but I beg mon realy have itot th i e culti- MAY, 6, and - down hay excel gry with ht aho had c 4 troubled hi his mind li than threifil Me room-4"pon m 1 Med the thing Lotto i ter, for, after.alf, it v insented,"—and th Mnself five minute o pass off the whop weeks from this captivating little love with And yet have eaugl stood ben t with ono f i this time of mcwilling l 4 of passion? • on the' evening cii ;ht glimpses of the i eatth . :the old vine at tither. Wetting to f tine might perhaps_ ear, while a manly mate 'feeling are pour I go, Mary, brighte in and face, such a a Le that dared hope ••tothing." __ • o you think that II nothing?" said Ma 1 ut there is so long ila be done singlo-b )ceed—not a soul- "1 mu such a to mend in o I to oiror-1 "And ours for . "Yes In so. muck tl I shall au) "Yes; know whi' "Indpei xeorgo, you 'know i t I say is worth mo 11 I do—indeed I &I long ago, my life, sure I am an angel love li very word I ime, you will com ilvarts, an& everybo i }a nds." in despni "To be' of you, be from this 1 I , arn - this George shaking h incent, ent with Tory!" 'said tho yo after his face chant II •Ali . mediate!) ful cloud gain seemed to set with an expressio '' 'imod to cry poor and apok never he ro sooli "Mar: I fear I have done my unce4ainties—to make y dependent on my doubtful 5111 I ought n4t,leuvo you bound during t 4 se future years, yet rinunelliate offer of heart and I and ybil tt ro both is unal- Mar." turn.— I use you • sement, h est, urt -3 ou." d I not link that if it were i r take him, of coi ~mber it . Oh, ?co ouding, when you ten years hence, a give then—why at was said aftl tl .yy, to explain ttio 411 "I am will rem ways den me five o the kind But wl Iliii2 roman, 6 `IN celui' in our at C 323 , There dwelt in the yilkige, ing widow, whose husband ing suddenly killed by a fall treasure I hen a Email house vlgorous l a shoot of boyhood flourishhi g by an old, decayi . a manly, daring resolute M) with a:ruction and protectin a While 11 1 3 hood in-the garde! helped hi various matters i propriety fiat causna him to neighbor mood. But when th be put to somaefFectiye way ens wise hdviscrs of his moth for with deal of general ail voir not 'hes will . ie,.t ball --cruel e poor lid fair Low all EMI= Or Once link of 1 1n von rekorte. flecom-. ,I ‘ l, of n. ,elective ,flinitY for anything qhcra t iwas a go"ottnatured' ly to teach him the myste'rie. looked neon it as a provident persnall to essay upon the "rhea nathan Parsons h i man, thought he knew what fered to tithe him on his far , him; aud, so George wielded very crghtide young farmer a while h i e declared off from t ed in the eyes of many to be very incl. nchollv class of iu in cetera n phrase, .'don'.seil I n, and I 11 dor ' ; occur But tl a :gossips of the Iten, l forte ore u-as that which all. Ho had hi his being tl other, w ich leads one to fee , to be thato s that George had corn made fo of books history, travels, WI tvaketted in his- mind a burni thing in t i lie World-B°month so ho determined he would L 'sighing and wondering there ann.wha ltalking and amaze thies. Jonathan Parsonsga and, fathorly lecture, from th • the subje l ct of tempting Pro topics, et forcing his remarks of Jack impion, a poor non reported o have loft his wits in as a lost forciblo Must Gorge h d but one friend to oppositio t, and that was our IMary, le had become acq liitay at h .r father's, and she his plan , and encouraged 1 cottfiden , tittdotibting enthtt til the ev l expegtuti, r ingluterview wo ons for tho future, ject to ho nunttiono it down for a clear aryl and of smell not a c isttl, wont so, part of 111 gondola Wo w mado by the ragy in. . . 'lll r n i o i t Wi ll i p o t ftl t t b e e l rod Latin Gramm lihearth -41w Euclid 1 g night, while ho' rig farmer. Suffic ho had now conga i • to fit him for coil 1 tock of money. - VI i s 'hex and the nCelf dieu to Nary, and ; tion tif all his eurnii 1 termination never my ho appointed for oars from this tune, e three-and-twenty, bt d accomplished; for 4vantages of culture to attain. George r admitted lawyer, wi tensive businesi in ho village altered th nother la hed and In her so ~I:Land said l' tali oit in him, tli lered how they had p lark.able man. : Asj. ilth ii, him in extra sty t any time, and even ensures of Congre i Jr.yet made up his rgo and Miss Ali yes in the little front gay a. wedding as e erriment; nail thou I George Evarts bog , I . cading Young man mother' of tho lo neighbo nslimted, lICCOSBII a small a podlar bidding her a po with ad tho dcst CM man of cated an for her .1 of mans a newly lIIM body in His old monied did see tomom ho a rot C5311E 800 him or two had not Mr. Ge thomsel time as with tn anioNtrl = ;848, y word, a duchess could not I was a fool for being an °old have boen awkward if e Earl, who never in his life about any thing, made up as a good joke; and in less me, he was desperately in era dancer at Quebec. , f that very day, you might bite dress of Mary, as she I ..ur, in the garden,. alone e 'oft told tale again, But ee that she listens with no . and clasps hors, and words 'd forth. :t, dearest, loveliest,—with Ed, what Night you not de• for you, and I have nothing lount a heart and soul like • [ n mice ainty before me— nded, d not - a soul thinks I, of evenl r my owu' mother." Ido," said Mary, nand you e than all put together." I •r I should have given up ny angel." " said - Mary, "and so I beg a y—that six or seven yeare back here the great Mr. • y will beMaking bows and - i ag man, `smiling—and it led; an anxious and thought ! o upon it—he took her hand sorrow, such as she had ou wrong. to involve you in fir happiness in any respect cess in'a long hard struggle. to ino by any promise. If, see ono who makes you an I mini—...one worthy of you— ot for inn—" • I' •e," said Mari'. - "Well; I I go, this is just like you—al hope most. Conic back to id if you have any advice of 'll think of it.'" I is isro will only pause a little who and what" of the last a poor, pato sickly, despond - - , ad been ,a carpenter, but be had left to his wife no other Ind garden rindas bright and is ever grew up, fair and g stock. Little George was -, with a heart running over zeal for his mother, and for , drove the cow, milked and -doom, with an energy and o held up as a Pattern in the 1 , days drew on that ho should .f making a living, the vari- I r began to shake their hands, ility he seemed tolave no in particular., !shoemaker, Who otFerod of the craft, and his mother 'al opening, and George was apstone; but it would not do. dng a neighborly advb;ing was best for the l boy, and of n and make something of !lie spade, hoe and axe, and a Ihe promised to be; hut after Ids also. In short, ho seem n danger of falling into that !alters of clover people, wh. 1m to stick to anything." ine° were for lone& mista-. Geaorgo did stick to, after at instinctive something or after and find what ho is across various odd volumes graphy,—and these had a ig desire to do or be some g, ho scarce !Mew what, and o to college. And what a was : from his old mother; nent among the vilago wor o the young man a faithful top of a codfish barral, on ldence, and other kindred I by alluding to the example 1 lescript, who was gtmerally n {ho attempt to study Ltd t ion of his argument. Poor ; encourage him amid all this warm-hearted and trusting painted with her during his t c , ha entered warmly . into all hi scheme with all a girl's ias 1. They had never, un-' related, settled any definite for both 'knew that it was I to Jonathan Parsons,' who indication of lunacy on the ing worse upon thitt .of the ar long (aorta that had ate of his last interview—of studied by firelight at his poured over during the hours was tending saw-mill for a! it to say,that alone and oa red the preparatory studies .go, and had earned besides, is, his little all, he laid out in ssary outfit for it, and after remising his mother to send Ls, he loft bisThativoivillage ito return, till ho had fufilled iimself. , , d Mary wit; a beautiful wo t not only beautiful, but edu or aivn °darts had leocurod superior to what iris the lot turned to his native village, h the offer of it partnership in ,}1 Boston. Of courqe, every , it minds about him directly. lmost blushed whOn fcmtpli .itsomehowGeorge always id his neighbors, ono and all, i ophosied that George would Jonathan pargons, ho shook le, invited him to drop in and 'squired his opinion as to. one , about which he professed ho int]: nod Mary—ah, %6a;_ ~, had A deal of busingss by room, from which coma hi veg made an old house ring 'my took a house in Boston, 1 to make a figure in the pa the political world, which made Jonathan Parsons a Moro zealous reader of them than over; for, as he often took il,eation to remark, "ho felt, thathe had some hand in forming that young man's , Many years after this, the Earl of Beresferd and our heroine again mot at a court drawing room in his, own land, aud to her, as the Wife of the American Minister, his lordship was formally -presented. Ho was now a regular minced mad, somewhatgenty, and exceedingly fastidious in the matter of -women, as his long experience on these subjects had entitled him to' Ha was struck, however, with the noble simplicity orMary's manners, and with a beauty which, though altered in style, timb had done little to efface; nor did ho know, till the evening was over, thatte he had been in close attendance on the little village beauty of New Hampshire, and the wife of a Yankee Pedlar. Obitorial, Ncuio Jtcmp, A WORD TO THE PUBLIC. From our Tri-Ircekty of illondcli, We have the pleatiure i t to-day. of laying,' before the public the fistnambararthe "Erie Tri-ltreckly Obser ver," and the occasion seems appropriate to offer a few words to those upon whose patronage we shall 'rely to sus tain us in our enterprise. , _ Erie is no longer the "sleepy borough," of fortner years, the bye-word and reproach of the lakes, She is rapidly taking her positiou among the most enterprising and growing cities in the country. Her Commerce and IManufactures are keeping• pace with the growth and wants of the emintry = while now avenues of trade and Sources of wealth aro daily developing themselves. - No place along the whole chain of Lakes has Maintained so steady and solid a growth, for the - past feW years, as this. Her increase of population: and busine;s has not been produced by speculation or fictitions'eaoseS. Build ings by hundreds, chiefly dwellings. have beat erected, but unlike those of '36 and 37, they have found occu pants; and now we doubt whether there is one without a tenant.-- And while our city is' thus prosperous, our county and those adjacent, can boast of as large an in crease of population and wealth many in the State. Under these circumstances, and with the facilities of fered by the ;Magnetic Telegraph fur the early reception of news, we have deemed, that the business community demanded and would sustain a tri-weekly, if not a daily, paper devoted to their interest and that of the place and adjoining country. The first - number of a paper of this character is now before the public. Will it be st4ined? This problem we arc determined to solve. We MVO: em barked in the enterprise after duo reflection, and we very much mistake the business men of this c:ty, if we ar cal lowed to fail. • In these days of Telegraph and Steam, it is of the ut most importance to business men to receive the earliest advices in regard to markets, especially those of our East ern cities. All such information has it direct bearing upon their own operations—in fact no man can do Inbusi ness unless ho is put hi posses ion of such atliices. It will be the aim of the Tri- Weekly Obscrrcr to famish such information, so far as it can be obtained by Tele graph and otherwise. Self-interest, therefore, would seem to dictate to our business, uteri to sustain us in our enterprise, not only with their subscriptions, but that moi.t important of all newspaper slipport—ADvnArtsisg: 7 — Towns are judged, in a measure by their newspapers.= If May exhibit a large advertising patronage, it is taken 'abroad as good evidence that the town is in a ProsperouS condition, and others are induced to seek in it for a location —thus enhancing the price of real estate and croating Market for all kinds of goods, manufactures and produce. With tliese brief remarks we launch our bank upon the waters of public favor, determined to hitched, and with the full belief that there is it such word as FAIL: Penick toff of Tilt: Crakcard Democrat, in remarking upim the many conflicting statements in regaid to jhe passage of the law abolishing Militiatrain ings, sayti: "We know not whether the bill has become a law. Aboht the fourth of July next the pamphlet Lave will arrive here, t/ben we expect to know all about the matter. If n laSv existed requiring the publication of all laws of general interest in "each county of the State, iat tnediatcly after their passage, the people, would be made an/initiated at an early day with their provisiond and govern themselves accordingly. Leftbe people take this subject in hand, and let the press eeltOltiir feelings, until n law of th;v kind is seevred.• ' Such an ono now ex ists in the State of New York and iv deservedly popular with the people." We reload to the suggestion, heartily. • , Er A band of vocalists cal l ed the "/KoLtAss," have Lon drawing crowded lionses Buffalo for a week past. "'they are residents of, Buffalo, and contemplate making a tour west., Perhaps they will give us a call. II r The Buffalo Herald s ecs it is understood that the ar rangements far a Steatnboat A4oiation on the Lakes, arc nearly completed. It is probalde they will be perfected Sore• to hear 't fpP 0 no of our exchanges sags, since Gen. Wool took command of Gen. Taylor's art y, all the guertillas-hnve been dispersed—not one is to b seen. The ft 1 elitig that at present exists in that part of 11Iexico is very .teautifully oxpresse'd in the words of 'one the Alead , s to 'en. Wool. "Others," said he, "have cinuMered our purse is, but you have conquered our heartk." EUThe Darnocrats in Predrickstown, M convention on the 15th, declared Gen. CA534 choice for the Presidency; "ands approved Mr. tiro policy. WRECK OF THE SCHOONER Detr the ‘24th says, the - Schooner Eagle has been noar Sheboygan. She is a pery,t wreck, an posed that all on board have Perished. 'Pi I Princeton. which canto down to-day, took off supposed to be Jacob Lawson. PUE VIAN CEO NEWS AND WEEKLY ADVERTIFI. I tle of a new paper, the tirst number of which i I ble, just commenced at Allegheny City. 'l' is Whig in politics, and deals out its blows m mocmcy in true Federal style. Wo trust the will add more dollars to their pockets, than their principle's. in - 71m German Revolutionary Committ York, have purchased a thousand stand of arm by emigrant volunteers wbo have been enrollt lions, and will shortly leaVe this finAntry for the war in their native land. - • Taw: TO 'ME LavrrEß.,,---The'benintrestles of who have suffered in common with that class operatives, from the pitiful wages to wide!) been compelled to submit, pitssed the followin. at a recent meeting in,that city: Reanzred, That modern Charity eitryitt.t a littat heat sighted—kcealy tierceptive of atisttryailtr till; but ut ecru It taw hong,' BJ'The Cleveland Herald (whig) says Cl: gin to carry Ohio Clay sayti ho is told ho c 'knows beet? IP" . l3p44lteltyhas tyvo dpiky papersrs l and 'l'col sur:ily)Nhoy arc supported, trio (ktiOt lea. a "tri- - tio,4lkly. , ' I D" T h e President Inui re-noininated Col Piollot to the Senate, for the 0460 of Pap Army. - THE NEUTRAL PRESS AND PARTIES. It has become very fashionable of late, among a certain class of Editors, NV lien they can find nothing else whereon to employ their pens. to launch their anathemas %Tait@ the politicalparticsof the country, accusing them of blind adherence to the behests br their leadO'N, and a slavish bowing of the knee to every measure broached. These Editors profess a groat deal of indopendenco--patriotism —wisdom—and, in short, claim for 11mm : selves, all the cEidinel virtnes said to be' possessed and practiced alone, by saints. In private life, however, every one of them will be :aunties bittern partizan as any political Editor in the country. Their nee t spapor profession on this sub.; ject,• then, is all gammon—sheer hypocraey—intended catch the support of the uninitiated, and in too many cases to subserve the cause of atm° of these parties they so zeal: • -1 ouslv condemn. A paper before us—the Buffalo Morning lierahl=of the character described above, under the head of, "Reedit: aces," says it "hopes creJong to see a revolutiort-,-.bloodt• less indeed but effective," "to free us from the chains! and fetters of a tyranny almost as bindinvas any expert: °need iii the old" world; ,"the tyrannical chains of party,” After malting this assertion, which no man in his souse Senses will pretend contains as 'much truth as a grain of mustard seed, the writer gravely goes on to say that '!our whole country, with its boasted institutions of freedom; !al becoming corrupted by this seririlessubmission MAW man dates of party." A well turned and prettily - Oxpressed sentence, truly—but is it true? We shall not say that it is not, but we question whether its author can giyo pis any evidence that it is. Moreover, we doubt whether there is One M a thousand of the people, who in fact cotunitute dip' parties of the country, ana who, of elf others, should know I whethec'their "servile submission to the mandates qf par: I ty" is working such incalculable evils M the coqutry, will I ficknowledge his statements correct in fact, or probable in I action. We agree with him, however, in one particular, and even go beyond; for we say that `A:very ntm who isj a I patriot," or who is not—"who loves his country whh, thp pm e devotion which a patriot should feel," or who sees in her institutions, political and social, J.o, qrauny almost as binding as any experienced in the old" oinutry, ':should know why he adheres lo such and such principles; should be thoroughly convide% that thoSe priaciples'rire the ones most applicable to the good of the whole country, and should be able to give his reasons why he helps 19 sgsMin and promulgate Them, and then by his suffrage and his,int Ilia-ace, should support that cudidate for political prefer: ment whose princiPlcli , most k early ,harmenire with his x own. Let this be done, and" we shall hays few, very few, neutral preachers, for they will find no hearers, • It is idle to inveigh against political parties in a govern: meat like OLIN. They are as necessary to its purity, in fact to its 'exintenee, as light to the world, or the descending 1 rains and deys, to the growth of vewtatiem- • I riTo the kind ;me: are uuteln•d for the fb Tele:row?? amt furniri ii.)ll WI OW n1111j1•ct We clip the above from the Meadrille Jour i ttal., .11t is but one out of many similar notices we have receive 4 since the extension of the Telegraph to this city, and show.; how dm effortS to keep up with the spirit of the age in furnishing late news, is appreciated abroad. Giro us support enough to sustain our prestnit "enterprise, and we pledge ourselves to redotibled exertions in behalf of the public in this particular: Meadville has already fur,. nished us with a fair lot of- subscribers-,-tot, how'ev'er a quarter what She can, and what wo trust she' will do Every business man should take t tho TrOyeekly,becaasu he will find in it tho latest market reports. Politicians ;of all parties should furnish themselves with rt.copy,-_-Jho Democrats, because it Will .ho adVancing the great co,tise Of popular rights for which they are contending! thq Whigs and Abolitionists, because they shoultrbe well ina formed of the deligns and principles of our party, and thereby he enabled to counteract with more certaintytim influonce we might otkerwise exert:, ° '1 r-fititd We ti something to say launch our bark qf Mn grateful odors, wt that sort of snif£ j light to'do up in 11 of help—disappw wink at 4ese, writ to the end of the one that would be could be so )with` ItuNots Fon lion of Illinois ha Convention, and President. The! Pam:Ross OF 1 has introduced a silver coin worth I I as another step d days juveniles of dy, but now nothf l do them. Dr. N . efaotors of our ra [D'The OzuccgoUilditi'm in noticing C, M. Clay's letter tolleUryClay o quote Cassius' assertion that "Hen ry Clay canineveir be Presidetit of these United States," and'adds "We think ft;w will ilitfer with him in that opin ion." What does the Palle l uhum mean? It is well known that the division in the rank - sic& the Democracy in New York, which the Paltadiurit is weekly adding fuel to. is boastingly held lilt) as evidoime, by Mr. Clay and his friends, of the certainty of hisi election this fall. If Henry Clay is elected, i will be bFtlio vote of New York, when the Palladinnica t falicitatO itself upon the fact that it con. trilmted to prove !assius Uliar. We wish the Palladitim joY in its commit V. trylatul, in their tint Polk's en- it paper of discovered 1 it is sup le Propellor no body— LTGraham's Gen. Worth, a ft pfebs is of tho hi , her is fully equal MEM ' on our ta "News" lon tho De- trs 'he fruit 011613 Revolittion,alratul) gin tosshow itsel in France by rapid increase of newspapers. In Paris; u l in - only has the circulation of all; the old establish y d journtils onormonsly increased;.thatof La Presse alone !laving rien from 36,000 to nearly 80,000. 1 lint a swarm of smaller joitraals have come into existence:, A sort of, penny race of newspapers, distributed blchooviss i j ems in all quarters of Pari?,. and usually sold for ono soup the profits being two-lifdy of a son, has begun. These are distribuld in all dm public promenades bi thousands, free fronnhel control of any police, on thq public watts the venders !Tread them out on the trottoirs; stick them on the lknds their hats, and hang them round titer persons, and by way of provoking- the 'appetite of pu Itasca: they szaneti Me, shoat out their leading lines of remarkable news, just enough to tantalize the buyer and extraet the sou. 111 (it : hit:llly, too, since the ion hand Of, governmental espionage Ints.lteetumumfed„ new journals. h ave sprung into existence. This is but :a natural con sequenee 7 for newspapers are the lehritintate 0,11 libt•rtv.: proprietors culverts to -o of New to be used id in Nitta!- : theatre of • Ilaitlmpro f deservinti the) hnve resolution , mid is far able y can't ho-1 ,11. IL" lite , Type upon which this paper is printed,ll front. the , ot 1,16- 'tf N. I. l p r As, Buffalo. 1 I 1 , 1 - ----ti 'lt/ ' te CroulmiliDenturiwt, $lOll.- 0., now rost - pffico. has he it estaldMied in Bloomfield tp., on pus State road, called Rieevilln, abd B, B. ennimings, t sq., appointe, i d i l'o , t Vl.t...ttr. - • • - letio; one—, t ti) supper! Victor E. ~ter in the NUMBER 51. :Ilion or the Editors or the Erie Observer stip ,llowina Forehrn News, received by them by lied It- in an Extra, tinder date of l die, Avg four hours in advance of ally ct:ier ininrup.; le for sentitnentalistn we 'night ha'o in regard to the auspicious dui 4 , 1, upon tittl troubled sea of popular favOr, i , the Moth of returning flowers, of It the sturshine, delicious breezes, and all 'Melt pott i ts and mon-struck youths de finder Thvnte—but we haven't. Short nted in I.onie our calculations—had to ' o edito4l, run on: errands, and so ou hapter of Editorial annoyTyes. Any • Isentimel l u al under such circtimstances thotisonti Comanches at hisheals. , [ Democratic State Conven appointed delegates to the BaMinor° nstructed them for Gen. Lewis Cass fop UNB stock is evidently on the kise4 1 E AGF ' •-•SCIIIrltOr Niles. of Connecticut. 1 • 1 ill abolishing cents, and S l ubstituting a, gnarter dime. 'rids may he recorded ) e 1 this ago of progr ss. In our boyish I ro content with a ent stick of &I:w -ig shorrof twa,, r an .a.halfers will .itill l es is entitled to a 'Axe among gip lien e: for May contains n portrait of• ato, and a fancy sketch. The rof excellence, anp the num. its predecessors. • ECM l ilno . n pl !hest uril 1 0 an) ofl 1, , A %.‘,, t ~‘ EM =I