Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, April 08, 1848, Image 3

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    &WAYNE IN THE SOUTIL , —The following
113' latter juet conic to hand, ind Will ho r end with
lateree fliepatientsufferedintolernbi',andcnnldfind
la relief until he tiged DR. MAYNE'S COMPOUND
syltil OF WILD CHERRY. Its certaluly The ,Irce,
w ,,,,,i,cfat Cure on eßcork R eeri It.
WII.MINGTWI, N. C., Jan Y 1 47.
qMrit• O—DCar In CU alinort lairaeit •
IA! cured by your ‘utuable lie inn, I think at not
I..„, e alasofccinntan gratatuale iu me to nott,e one addition
„O n e luanK last or c,cl,6c..te. which ? on but C FCCFITC,I or
re markable curio, by your medicine. During the two
~ars preceding last August. I was much distressed by a
1. 0% . at Coto und ItAestso Comm, and during the
Iritrr p or the tune, tt continued to grow worse, and
behrd In July atf I MENDS au OVER, having tried
.11 kinds of inctOCilles Said to be good foe such diseases,
without the least good effect. I I was reduett At.most - Ti
T CORF*I4, 910 hail scarcely 'my th 'upon
Onand fur u long time otter thought to rise from my
.poo• A fele.] one day asked me if I had teed Dr.
lied l4W.l) nes Compound By rap of Wild Cherry, anal advised
ins to do no at once as he heard that at had OTOACC.I 11
Treat many wonderful Cures. I took his- advice, and
After using up several bottle, of it I grew FO much better
thst I ails enabled to Inure Joy bad! an I :afterwards to
walk about the house, and go out auto the street. I was
recouraged by this, and continued the use or your meili• •
any, an dnow :by menus of its wonderful Carat" ,
po wers, lam perfectly Well, and enjoy the u-e of all
t oy facilities, just as mach' us if I land aelear !Won :alio ted
in the nay I nose dercrabed to you. I haste orittets this
not thinking it will at all Interest you, but humbly hoping
that it it all have ats mile of influence in a awing your
aslufbre. medicine to be spread among mankind; and an
,00tarig to ruin- you to that station n hicha ou richly de•
„e,rte, tor your persevering egbets for the public good.
Ittspectfully your friend nod adantrer,'
Vint. tag or IMPOSITION.—.IIOnapIn hair often been
m.e by unprineipled malt% bloats to impose UpOlitlfeeoiii
mouity a spurious article. Steeling I e only the 5 51 . 010 or
the name or toy p float Milan To fully gu tra agaiart
such base and pa'patle impunity'', the public should shun
lilt prepurntions purportnia to contain lVild Cherry, et
eeptlhat bearing the signature of Dr. Swayne on ouch
Bee are of the wor Wen Balsams," "ri , ters," .'S!trupt,"
as they euntan 110110 of the tirtuer of the op iginul
The (original and tint") ermine arthle is prepared by
DR. SWAYNE, corner of.Eightli and !tore +creep.
and for rate ruin 111 al parts of the United
311(1 kniilr 'path of Europe.
Burton k Perkins, No. 5, and Cater it Brother No. 6.
Reed Nouse, Agent, %o n;
MARRIED—On the 2ad of Fehuary, by
Wm. E. Afarvin,,Esq., Mr. Hiram Shiulduck,
to Miss Mary J. Birch, both of Greenfield.
On the t2Gth tilt:, by the Fame, Mr. Ntalmn
Nelson, of Erie County, Ohio, to Miss Loni
fl W. Fargo, of Greenfield.
DIED—On the 3d inst., Mr. Lemuel Stan
chit, of McKean township, aged 84 yedrs,
revolutionary soldier, and one of the earliesi
settlers of McKean township.
In Fairview, on the 2.6 th ult., Mr. Samuel
Weldon, aged about 53 years.
On the , 34 inst., after a protracted illness,
Mrs. Elizabeth McKee, consort of the late
Alexander McKee,' of Milicreek township, in
tlfe 33th year of her age.
In Girard, on the 31 ult., Mr. Smith Blair,
eged 63 years.
In the rame place, on the 2d inst., Mr. J.
Blair a revolutionary soldier, aged about 86
On the 4th inst., Lerintla lonzn, second
daughter of Russel and Anna R. Calhoun,
aged 3 years,
Sidi, Mind and Dour Mantintenirer and Dealer in
Gi a 4q, south CAA corner 01 B,h and :State s;reetet
Erie, Pa.
- - -
County and Derough Sun eyor; utiic e, No. 1, Per
ry Block, State stn. et, near 7th, Et is Pa.
TkIG Clear-Nlanur“wory or IL Sedanior — and
Tokneo Siorc ofl3. A. Crain, have be - en re•
wood to the Camida store, Reed House, one
di.rr cos' of the Pint (Mice, n here will he found
021 octal rwrortnivet ei.val , • ; lohneeo tin snuff,
"Whole ale and Retail, as s ( be.q,, if not (dumper,
than has beforc i teen our qv(' in the county.
Prir,.tprtlS ISIS. I IC A. CRAIN,
Early Arrival of Cheap Goods!
riltlE subscriber is not, it reiving his 11111 stock
1 of Spring (loot's, the first in math( t, consist•
nez in part 01 Dry-Goods, Gtrotiies, Hank% are,
it,, ot , and shoes, eimitcr, iiim sod nails, ,c.e.
lJt stuck is sullicienth large. tot the market, and
sclicted; as to pulling in the nen spapers of
vest quamitics of t4oCid.i, more than three times
die amount of a list they ri ally fiat c on hand, I
%till leave to newer and smaller stores. My :foods
are innoglit cheap and will be sold as cheap us
in be buntrbt in THIS CUT) AT 1 , LA ,, T., 11.1 intend
to .111 for ca,ll, and n ill make it an object to those
chat pay done for their gtuals in purchase from
roe. Cull and -cc firr our:, Ives, and I think you
%ill les ti Ted ith qu a lity and. prices.
Met, and blue black clo:lo'; Indigo Blue. brown
an Ladet mixed do ; blue, black, fancy striped
te-bnoes; a tine Pi each article do.; satinet's,
lw.teche Jeans, Pa. Jeans, blue drill, and any
40,0itity o! miininer t'or pdittaloons, coats,
N., , other %%WI many other at tides' to ntoner•
op , to opotio t.
Cadinicrcs. mmlin de laines, French, Ger
rani and Scotch Gingliarns, ea rlston do, mohair
and linen ;;in hams, a fashionable at tiele ;
ititd 1 ,11i1) for ItaN dieases; Al•
plea of solors and prices, striped and
lam. dre—sill, s, Sat i=s 11111-.1111.3, jachonet, earn
3;ir,barik!4 and dotted 11111Ains, and a lar:ze lan%
rlanner mess handkerchidfs, cravats K.c.,
isiliis kid ;slaves, 13Ia ek , white and colored, of the
ite.• qadity ; k, %hitt, and colored sillsgloves,
lisle ;bread and coputi do, bilk hose, - black
tail vilme union iln, gentlemen's hose and half
t11d , c,1,011% rt and mixed, gentlemen's black,
slide and (diced silk ,loves, black, white nod
kid do, ladies' slips and walking' shoes,
do; Linen cambric and linen handlser
el.e..: silk bandana, Spillifield du, Ging
:ails a im carton dq; diaper crash and towel
leiekabilek do, English and_ Amer' can Prints,
mt ipiantit:anil very cheap. Gingham,, ltmns,
1 11 , turati. C ICCtS , nice an I cheap. o -
rile, April 8, 1817
New Sprint' and Summer Goods
(Old Jew Store,)
Trio:mphllaiildint : s, French street, Erie, Pa.
f usES k now receiving his spring Goods,
111 and takes great pleasure in informing his
chtsiacrs and friends that he will be able to sell
about one fourth cheaper than he did twelve
month s ago, This tremendous redt.ction in the
Pre of Goods is caused by the excessive impor•
;nions, stinmlated by the Vari;lof IS lid, thus over
t Adult, the market, and compelling importers and
rtinuf:ettirept to dittpose of them at auction at
Eimer than cost et production. Unfortunate in-.'
deed lb( those pour fellows ; but it's an ill wind
bl "s"bo ly nod, and this time the people
n Erie county tome in for a bent fit. Therefore
rand the name and place. Call and you will be
Igti‘‘ , l oil!) ecods for a little money.
API' 7 Nl4 47
,?; cuTo rt s NOTICE.
E.TlEits testamentary having been granted
to the subscribers, eTecntors of the last Will
Telansent of the Rev. Enoch Burdick, late
North East Township, deceased; nutice is
I , h °"fote hereby given to all persons indebted to
1 . 714 id estate to shakeimmediate payment, and
`'Prrsons Navin_ claims or demands against the
1 4' d ' , tale pftlie said decedent, to make known
fram e a ithout aiclay, property authenticated
settlement, LUCY BURDICK,
of North East Township, Executrix.
Etie, Apr. 8, 1818. of Erie, Executor.
STRAY COW.—Came to the residence of the
subscriber, liein.. in North East township, on
2.8t1i ult. a Brindle line-back cow, about 6or 7
!tars old—no artificial marks discovered. The
t:ln er is reque‘ted to come prove property, pay
11.1',1e3 and take it away.
North East, April 6 1848 ZAMON AMES.
ETTERS of administration on the estate of
' l liato W it.on, late of Greenfield township
te c"'ed
" 3 icb nhereby .iven to all persons indebted in
'V manner to said estate to make immediate
t?'"ent and those - having claims against +said
'a'e Will
pre.eint them duly authenticated for
uttt, n i nt.
• of Greenfield, Administrator.
SHOULDERS of the first quality
can be bomflit cheap at the store of
- .W. C. R. P. I HULBERT.
Medi 19, 18N. • 44
„• nti-ed bushels pod White Beans, and
1 1, 0 Leslie's tood dried Apples tvauted, for
Will 111.1, V LAI
=I. .c1.11:0111 ER.
L IST of Letters remaining in the Fest Olfice,,
at. Eric, Pa., April Ist, HIS. Persons call= ing for, lett ers in this list will please say they are
advertised 1 Two cents (the coat of advertising)
ie.charged in addition to the regular postage.
Allman In C Look: Hivris
A v Lel Mindart V LooMis Frederick
AlmtanderlWatt 1 Lavery Peter
Arbuckle - Presley Linn Lewis
Andrew Philemon Laurie Miss Mary
AppletnanSimun 2 Leland
,IN •
Ames Sae!mon Langley James
Adon Dav i d J Lyn - MCorneliotts,
Aldriet TI omas B Lover Henry R.
. , ~. , r .,
Ad IDS versis E
t Leny John
An Jerson 'lltomas Lander' Amos C
Ad c Eplu ( tiin Liddle Capt It
Ad ms 1) l Litle Mrs Mary
Brown Flo ace D Lunson Fram e s S. llurtly
Brown Abram Lytle Samuel
Broun Peter Larwy John , lies Anna 'Leland Ansel
Bran Thognas Lee George ...,, .
Bralnan John Lanz John . 1
Brubaker NlissElizabethLitle Airs Deborah
lit odea M 'Ss Chris - ilia Lemon Joseph -
8ri ,, . , s OrMteis" McClure George , 1
Barton 1 McCann II I)
lidi,Cr :arc h A MeC:olly Samuel
Barr Julio . McCann John
Belcher John S Muelenalhin Miss Ann
Bean Jmmmnt 'Alm.; i eary Newton
Brackhalteo - Meerealy Dor S
Benadick Fried.e McCready - A
Baldtt in Mark Alt:Komi Patrick .
Barr Miss Mary - NleGttl Win H
Baiter Job; 'McClure Miss Margaret
Barton Win • Neelmky Bernard
Bennett Juln II ~,tiemchats Win
MrEliz Anne May John A
Barie Pcier i Milner John
Beadle Cliouticy Murtiiig John P
Bartlett Charles .Nutter John M
Baer Johan Miller Miss Nancy E
Bartholomew John Melick Henry -.-
Banister Joieph Miller Mrs,Jetninta
Bates iris W Mellto; n John
Beek n ith Harvey :\ les,iek Wm
Barton I Si. - L , Miller Archibald
Boyle John Miller Nancy J
Ummittott P A - Mahe r Phi hp
Bane Samuel A Mile.; Capt Wm
Bitter Dank Miller 1 /nooks
Boys Julio - NI ux ii ell z-lielitun 4
Ulmill Split 2 NI iller Joseph
Booth Ateplt Maskrey Alms Mary A
Roy I,J ul - in ' ..Matier Philip
Crusfsey Eliiit Alil'ssi [ma
Cliilii, t' Vil Me, i.ler Jacob .Tr
CI at k Andrew M M iteeliiian Al ally
Clark J A
(Aid: J D F
C 1).1 valier Btei
rd 2
Champion 'AI
Cia~h Con% e
Ca..s John
Carter NI r
Cullom' Chu,
Curtis F 1 Neu ma Al iehad
Cult Miss Ai minim :Nicholson Rubel I
endear Al i.s Entity J Ne,Lrus J Rea 2
Collins Janie, Noir:it - ISi P Ei
Co. nun Rev J . Orion IJ 2
Connell Willimit 0 Ciata Michael 2 • •
Curry Mary Orton Wm •
Colo E M. Ot,horne Robert,.
C'untur!dtain p.iptJohnSOwens Austin'
Coates llettjti Owt.ri Ed wa-dl2 _
Drake i... N 1 Pratt Mrs Laity
Darlint.t.WnlS Platt Othello U
- Ditipn Al i.s Susanna Pratt Nathaniel . '
Dealy Daniel , Penllidd Aurelia 2
Oat tb Holi.tbr 2 Peck Len is
Day ii ill CluliStor l'ersons Ca pit'A E 2
Rennin= 'Manilas Parsons Mr
Di l diton Deinna Al 'liny Capt -
Da, %, is MichU . Part isli Miss June
Davis Gil illi : 1 Pinney Horace L
Dunn JUIIICE n'tly Eduard
Dunn JUI11(14 Riblet Lcob
Dodd; Dariiis Richards William
Dunn W illi'ain 2 Raymond Johathan A.
Dunn [lnher i t Randall Cicort , c A
Dowdier!) , .;.iicliael Rhodes Miss Fanny E
Dorm). 'I holnas Ransom A P .
Dijon I i‘l, l 'l' Ragan - tier William II
Elehns Sidney Rchbarts Even
I:1 Iriellfe Aenry rtuirmiss S A
E 4 Icy John i It ussell Charles II
Emzlehart Chi is °tiller Robinson J
Eddy Chau I ..s Roads John
I'ddanaer J tech Hu:lsar Al iss Sahara
Fenno A
Fkk Jatneq
Pe%%tns Wi
'ham 2
h 2
er L.
el P 2
F'rnleK Jule
Fosket Pat!
Fulfer Paull
Foots Win
Moody Cna
Eoster Chu
F as crt A P
Fooleoch N
Finley John
Fo:te - r. John
Fisk Antirl
Miles A i rs
F4iiman rs
Fry Adam
irs J
Fink Alonzo Slocum LI ichtud
Graham Jam a C Sherman Thomas
Glen Walter .• Stark Dr 1111 4
Galt - may Charles Stillman A
Gordon Levi N 1 .B
Greenleaf lluSh Star Mary
Grezg Miss Mary 4 Starret James 2
Gitt . tm , Paul )., Stover Daniel
Gmbh Mrs Jane' Stand Joseph
Glass WiWain " Sto"Atm Duke
thcen Jo-eph Ste.caison A S
Graham l'hoinas - Sennett Frederick 11.
Graham Wm Souls Mrs Sally .
Gordon JUITICi \V 2 Southard Allen 2
Greer NI it , 4 Isabella Seymour Charles
Gunnison L 3 D 2 Sulivcn Noar
Gough Richard • ThorinLlton Mr
Gun a) John Thompson Mrs catha
Gilmore Alfred rine
Gilmore ThomaS Tyrell Manlius
Hill H S . Talton caw. Wm D 2
Hayes Myron . Tracy Alexander 2
1-lenry Widow Thomas F . /Willi/in 2
Helpher John, : Tibbits Seth 13 '
Harshy Noah 1 Taylor NlrsMary
Haskin J \V i Tuttle ) S
I ltiger Milo 'rift Dennis 2.
HnNkings Turner) C
Hull Lucius A Trude Solomon H 2
_ ..
Hill John! Thomas John 3
Hill William! Ilion - Wallis Nathan B
Hineebaugh C r C Taf M rs
Heillor Curtis Thurber C E 2
Harmon Rohl. Thomas Mrs Mary ,
Holbrook Doi ill Vansise Hiram
Hall Wnt A. ! . Vosburgh Charles
Hassler John Vedder Vanileck
llull Hiram • Van infte Francis
Hardy Thomas C Vandinc Henry
Harris Charles \Y Van Seiner Mrs Callcdo
Hune S 3 - _ nia J
Hume Peter 7 White Alfred Eor 2
Hurst Ellen E : John Clemens
Ilyi•on Win Wood Amos A
Holmes Eli E . . Wood Andrew
llu,st Ge org , , Wilcox Jeteiniill
Holms Ebenezer ' Wilcox Giles.
flublcy Mrs Mary Webster rapt John W
Henson Mrs Olive Wager John
Jackson Samuel Wavren William
Johnson M S Warren Alexander
Jones Bennet Willis Martha
Jonsten 'William ( 'Wallace W
Jones George • Wemplo J& A
Jueal Elias 2 Walker Peter
Jones Ellen Waterman William
Jackson Wm Webster Calitl)
Johnston Joseph Watterman Wm
Jones John Warren Michael A
Jones Wm Wagner John B
Jackson Sarah WilliameMiss Eliza L
Jackson Charles' Wilson G L
Kelly Capt \Vm - Wilcox Miss Hellen M
Keene Samuel B - Webster Mrs Elizabeth
Kihnea Ebenezer Wilcox Gilea
Kellogg Miss Welthla Warren L
Kilpatcrick John Williams Mrs Polly
Knoll Albert Walter 9 Sttrah Jane
Knapp Jared Walters. David
Kirkliaterick Join; Watson Rinaldo;
Kilboran John Wheelock Miss Ellen 3
Keendig Miss Susannah Walls Jesse
Kidder Samuel P Washburn Seymour
Lytle Samuel Wilk_iniJohn M
Lyon James S _ A Wagner Gl3
Lcu is Wm,-- ' Young Van Elps
Lover Georio
Ft ederiektonn Peter Lich
Elizabete Basch Anton Lehr
Peter 801 l Caspar(' Lutz
John Bernritter Gotleib Leopold 2
John Bader Pepe Mormon
Gotleid Botta Martin Metz '
Jo•eph !Benner Sebastian Mettler
Valentino Durki:l Ftedercick. dutaldcr
Mutison tilicplrcr 2
Morse Mrs ;tusan
Mori is Misses Elienor 2
Atm ..kto-es B
N 1 able' NI
Mooney Jaws
llohaW Jow l,
Manson Ira
Ross & I.llOper Nlessrs
Randall S•
Russel Clarsa E
11)pliva. K 3
Itobbiw, Miss D S
Royer Philip
Ru;lauer Jomph
Simile F S
Smith Miss \ tiliesa
Smith ;‘4 Mary S
Shear Joseph
Slater Josiah
tliurnin irimas
Snell John
Si. haat Mrs Marie Cat-
Shreve leral or Mips Mc
Mute •
Scott is; Krali Jane
;i•t eeney_ Mrs Betst•y
• --: . ~ )
GodfrOid Buhl John 11leesermidat
Vincent Babe Herman Miller'
Franz Jos. Brengartner 1- eno Mardteh
Christopli'Blocacr . Daniel Miller ( -
Joseph Dek, 2 WilhelniPal •""1
Christictu Dena Jacoh Prede'rich Bp
Ludwig Doernte 2 J dcor . geStitter
Frederick Damn _2 Frtdcrick Scheit 2
C Di irenbauGli Henrich":Fchrnit
Charles Desiduger Michael,Oterrei"
Jacob Fincklo Joseph St °lk er
C Fussier L F Scheid,
Jacob F.o3sler Cuthcrino Slaughde
Gatleib Freidman Francis Letts.
Maria Eva Frisch Cathai hie ..),tcorwald
Rosina G SOhran
George Grimmer J G Sclunnt .
John Uerbiach - -Christian Seichure
Joseph Grethler I JohnSenger
Piederiek Gloth - henry Seininnacher
John Gunshamer ' , Matthias tielleder
John Fellenberger \1 Niurga'reita Steige
F Gerlach , John Sterl
Wendel flesselciruer.z A Seiperi
George Hugel - hloryi Plion 2 '
Joseph Heison ' Kinder Uht.
Goileib Ganser 2 John IChris inn Veld
U Jacob Ilines Jut.qtres-W 1 filler
Theobo Id Il i 1 t Samuel Weitzel
Charles F Hardie
John l Wey
Joseph Kleiner 2 Jean WaisOn
Jacob Kline John ~, i tlattil'entzer
Martin Kleiser P Zetinrzer
John George Keiser 2 JMepil 'Zucker
Dann loch Wilhelm Lillienfein
D Leingang I
To the lianorahle, the Jud!4es (Willie court
Common Please outV hulding a Court MIA'
ter Ses.:4ions of the peace in tind fig the eon
of El ie.
- .
EIE petition of the sub,criber
JL township heron ith showeih, th
provided with house ro o m and 'odtel
Lions for entertaing At angers his
mile: west of the borott•rh of S 'rth .
therefore ask your honor.: to t t i llunt
to continue to keep the 8;.1)10.
iVe the tinclt rsioned, citizen. of the town's
of North East, do rut lily that Barnhart i
man of _mid reputation for honest" and tem
once, t 11.1( he is well pro% rty ne e ces
accommodations for etittirtaintnt! trxngers a,
travelers and that such Loose lei tritees.,try_.. to a
accommodate the trraveling
`tV. P. Band, AN'in. t.:ltstaid, John T.' Clo
Robert Johnston, 'Wm (.'111(1% l +r 11f Minot .lot
Mat. Greer, Francis Duns 'll l. hottatts
Thomas t coulter, 1..
Atwell 2 r
8. I 3,4(
l'o the Honorable Cowl. of (lila: t .r Sessions
. Erie county, M ay Tel i t ).
The' petition of W. Ta.tgAr't, of harborer
township, in said county, rt. speetlitlly repress
that he is tt ell provided with Hoyse room •
convedienet s Ibr the lod2in : , and alecummudal
of strangers anti travelers. I I. -
Ile tfici chile plays the honorablt court to gr.,
him a license for keeping a public inn or save
and he as in duty hound, tt ill pAy &c. •
1,1 AU LI A NI T AGG A fiT.
We, the Subscribers, citizen, of the towns!
01 IA arhut t reelt , do certify that 11Vartarn Tt
Batt, the atun e named applicant l , is a man
uood repute for honesty and teMpetanee,-am
well provided with house room ini g
ToniN hien
for the loduin and accruntnedatit nor sti .:
and travelers, and that such and i in or laver
tuxes - silty to ucconuncalate tht. public and en
lain stratigets anti travelers.
Zaltnon - E. Peck, Wm. H.
Sinks, '1 homas Caldwell, A Im6nd
in D. Dewey, W ikon Adams, fin
II i n ton, 'Thos Hinton, C. Hull, i
John J. Duncan, Marc
.To - the Honorable Court of (
sinus of ES if' eflifftty,
THE petition of R. S. Bran ley
of North East, in said cold
represents that he well Ikrovide.lw
for the conveniences of bulging.
dation of stran , ers anilAivelers ii
now occupies in said binough.
prays the Honorable Ceutt g u
tor keeping a public inn or tavern
duty bound n ill ever pray, Sze.
It. S.
We the subscribers, eilizensaif
North Eat, in %skids the aboVe
prayed to be licensed is poposed
certily that It. S. Usnwlcy, the
is well provided with house roo
iences for the lodging and ace
strangers and travelers, and shut
tavern is neees-ary to accounned
and entertain strangers 44.1 trove:
Jacob Knapp, B.C.
Reuben Bather, \Vin. E. Ward,
Benj. Histed, David Allison,
John Orecr, Earnest F. Hessler,
L. Smith; J. K. Boners, L. :2. A
North Fast (Annual', March 20,
To the Honorable the Judges o
Quarter Sessions of the Peace
of Erie.
THE petition of Andrew M.
fully shot eth. that your peti
a commodious hou-e tituate near
canal bridge in the west ward of
line, Lein , ' the large new and eon!
ing lately creeted by Manson"
uhieh i oCllcalculatedtura puti
termaininent of strangers and travt
is cell ptovidcd with stabling fu
conveniences necessary fur the
etrangers and travelers, he therele
prays to the Court to grant• him a
an inn or public house enters
and Your petitioner u ever pray!,
We the undersigned citizens .1
oldie boron2ll of Erie aforesaid, b
ly acquainted with Andrew M. TA
named petitioner, and also havin'
of the house fur which the license
certify that such house is neeessar
date the public and entertain tra
is a person of good repute for ho
pet once, that lie is well provided
and conveniences for the lodging!
dation of strangers and traveler
beg Itave to recommend him for
Oilyto his petition.
Carson Graham, Alfred
Geo. :f‘. Elliot, A. Hughes, MAU
lickey, A. P. Durlin, Charles
Gallag h er,' 0. M Wei, Wm. Done,
Eric, March '26, ISIS.
To ithe Ilonorablo Court,of qua'
Eric County, Pa.
THE petition of David Anise;
. of North East, in said Con
represents that he is .well provii
room and convenience for the I
cominotlation or§traileers and f:
North East House, the house he
said borough, He therefore pra
hie Court to ;runt Into a !kens'
. -
public inn or tavern, and he, us in duty holind,
will ever pray, &e. DAVI ALLISON,.
We, the subscribers, citizens of the borough
of Noith East, in which the alto 'e inn or tavern
prayed to be licensed, is propose to be kept, tln
eatify that David Allison, the bone 'applicant,
is of good repute for honesty and tentperano, -
and is well provided with house lroosn and conve
niences for the lodging; and accontinodation of
strangers and tratelere, and that such an inn or
tavern is necessary to accommodate the public,
and entertain strangers and traeelers.
1 . R. S. Frawley, Itobeit
John J. Town, William Jones
Town, Benjamin Histed, L. :Si
Ward, Lemuel Brown, S. N.1. / Fd
F. F. Chappell, John Greer/ J•
milder DilVill6oll.
North ETAI, March in, 'l'B4B
To the Honorable Court of (Au
Erie County, Pa.
THE petition of Lewis S. All
of North East, in said Cot ,
represents that he is well prey
room and conve4errecs-litralic
commodation of strangers and
house he now occupies in sat
therefore prays the Honorable C
a license for keeping a public i
he, as in duty bound, will ever 1
I co, of the bortwit
inty, respect idly
i l
tied with h use
j o t r d a g v i :l g er s a , n .
a d t th e e .
borough. jHe
ourt to grant him
On or tavern, and
pray, 4•c.: 1
L'.. S. ALLEN.
We, the subscribers, citizens of the borough
of North East, in which the above inn or- taern
prayed to he licensed, is proposed to he kept, do
certify. that L. S. Alton, the ehovo applicant is
of good repute for honesty and eutperance, and
is well provided with house to ` - and conv6i
1 -
ences for the accommodation strangers and
travelers, and that such an inn cir tavern is Inc
cessary to accommodate strangera and travelers.
It. S. Browley, Lemuel Browri, B. C. ToWn,
Tho. Van Schoter, J. Loomia, E H. Davidion,
John Bond, P. F. Chappell, Juo.IJ. Town. David
Allison, Benjn. fisted, S. S. If mmond, S.llll.
Force,'.. John 'Greer, Alex. Daidson, Itcbran
13arker, H. P. Flower, WT. Jo' es,
North East Borough, March 2 , 1818. 3110
Attention! Jews and Gentiles,
lekmaelitiej Hebrews and Egyp
tians, ,Sone of anti* and Daughtere qf
;Variant, receive instruction and be wise.—
Heat' and know Mat •
Has returned from the EAST, laden with ie - -1
euricest treasures MOat anelent region, and in-
vites your attention to the same at the genuine
OLD Jew Stork, the One diet has earned the repu
tation °redline gi.rotle lower than any other house
in Erie, and tqruby established a credit for Selve
ry that line iiiiiEleed othcre to cuter urider the came
name whereby they hope to reap a - profit which
justly belongs te bun. Now Moses wishes it to be
understood that lie is not a Wandering Jew, hero
this year and away the nest—a elasi that will sell
to one person at cost and to another at double price,
but that he is a regular descendant of Faithful
Abraham, and hae pitched his tent, in Erie with
the intention of ran ming in it, and intend s 1 , 0
do businees us her °fore in such a manner as to
give entire sat Isla ion to allreasonable persons
t h at favor him . with their custom, k.( ! on Ids old
friends and make new ones of all that clime pur-
chase goods front him. That the old Jew Stereo' .
Meses Koch does bell more Goods and ut lower
prices than any other store in Erie, is plain to be
seen by the course of others, who finding their cue-
terriers dull deserting thei, resort to misrepre
sentation and abuse of the JEW STORE, which
they well know has been the cause of their loss of
customers and against which they direct all their
forces, think Mg no doubt that it Mix store wee
out of the way:they, could get what they call the
good old prices,-1111y to ono hundred per cent -
such as they used to get befute this JEW NIGSES
Came amongst then,. Hence we see every thing
that cot raise a Dray load of Tape and dubbin
commences blowing himself into notice by letting
°int squib at the JEW STORE; but this only
serves to show that they are in great want of elle
tourers, and that they know W herethey have gone
Now the secret of Goods- beink: sold ed much
lower at this store than any other is simply this—
Moses goes right to the hurt! of the market, to the
Manteactorcrsiano importers and buys by the
CASE, BALI. or PACKAGE, I and pays the
CASH down, by which he males a double saving
and is enabled to sell gooriS in Erie at what some
miters pay for ' them in the city; and that" there
may be no mistake abokt this matter he invites all
who want any Ming in his line, and wish to pay
either cash or country produce, to call and exam
inn his stock and prices,
fully satisfied that they
will find the OLD JEW STORE the best place
EC get good Goods at ;he loWest prices.
Moses begs to be excused front giving a list of
the number of Pieces ofeloth and Calico, M 'ratline
.c . e., 4:c., as the mangler of Some is—being much
more preferably and pleasantly , employed in wait
ing on customers, be will leave this mode of puf
fins to some of the Neuf or older stores who have,
smaller sioas and fewer en . ..looters.
Cr of Irene i & Fifth 'streets.
(North ,
ut he is u
old .qatid
ras!, he w(
him :1 lice
near the P
00.22. 1817.
Something New.
Tnbserit er takes pleasure in annotM - eing
1. to the publ c the arrival from New York of
an extensive Assortment_ ofi Goods in their line,
Plated and Britannia, War, Girandoles, Solar
and Catnphene. Lamps, Lo king glasses, Boho
mien glassware, speetael,st, fancy goods and
thousands of usefid and ornamental articles for
the nolydays, which are offered at reduced priers.
Ha% in g , selected Watches with unusual care
hoot late importations, those wishing a gadfi
Time - piece fur little money vill do woll to buy.
Our thanks arc due our patrons for lavers con
fertegl in times past, especially for pan °nage re
ceived in our new store on Matestreet, and hope
by attention to , 'business. t retain our old and
make many I'm cu,touters,
N. B. Particular attention given to the repair
ing. of all kinds of Watches. Watt]] .work. re
writing Engines, which ge erally is done in the
larger cites, attended to on short notice.
iu Peek, W
roes Bum I.
h 30.-3146.
of the boron
y respeellia
tit house ro
ad eee01111)
I the house
Ile, there,'
him a lieen
and he as
Goeds received by Express every few days
(tom New Yolk during the w
G. LOOM IS 4- Co.
State street, nearly opposH Eagle Hotel and next
door to Spatruld't Boults6pre.
_ Nov. 20. 1847, -
_ •
the borottOi
on or tavern
to be kept, -
r bove applica
WHO are permanetidy located Erie,Penn.
where all Surgical and Metlbanica opera
tiomfin,t he science of Dentistry, will be done with
all that case, neatness and durability which long
expel ience and extt.nsive lopporttirsily, together
\\lib a thorough knoii ledge of all the late int.
Keventents Baltimore Detal College alouc
can Rive.
Drs. Elliott or Rose w II tisittlte following
named places once in six or eight weeks, viz.
Conneaut, Ohio, Springlietd, Girard, Lockport,
Fairview, Wateitind, Wlattsburgh and North
East, Erie county, Warren and Columbus, War
ren county, Pu. Ladies a d gentlemen living in
or - near either of the übov named places who
need the services of a Dent' t, can be waited upon
at their residence, by nth reeving us at Erie.
Particular attention will be paid to the health of
the Gmns, as well as to rest 'ride and preserving
the Teeth. Pivot Teeth will be inserted alter
the latest improvements; ale , Plate Teeth, from
one to an entire .et.
and cance l
•nch an inn
ale' the pub
iliiam Giinii
. llurrin2t4,
Jahn J. Ticw
F. ChappLl
' the (Joon
for the cum
'arbell respect
. tioner opettpi
the S,h she
*the borouL:h.
41notlious butic
Sherwood, Esc
lie house of en
Tiers. That h
horses and a
Ire revealed
license to he
lainnu.nt liter
f the west %%a
of3itti persona
irbell,llle abo%
a kaowledg
. . -
°Mee and reside:ice on ight street between
French and Stale s
'•N. B.—Teeth extracted u ;theta the least•pain
or inconvenience to the patient by the use of the.
Erie, !March 18,
Impdrtant Decision.
lIE conteAcd trial that has been existing T sn
many years has been finally . settled by a Jury
of Twelve Ladies) and their dectsiopis, That the
purest, best, most }'rya rant and cheapest Teas to
be had in this section of the country, are those
which c ome from the celebrated CANTON TEA
COMPANY. Tbesu Teas_can be had at ail
time, and tcarranted to give entire satisnietion or
the money will ho, refunded, of their agents who
ate receivintt fresh supplies weekly.
WILLI A MS 4• WIIIG I - IT, Neent e.
Directly opposite the Eagle Hotel.
is plUyed, o
y to Ut.1;01111111 •
I velers, 'hat I e
)esty and ter •
v i .11 house rou
we therero e
afire •-
Great Reduction of Prices.
ALLYN St COIT will•sell after this their 'en
tire btock of Dry Goods, at 25 per cent. less
than they are sold in Erie. Those purehasing
are invited to call and prove the truth of state
ment. The following are a few of their goods;
Fine Gingham, from. 12 to 20 cts.per yd.
Oregon Plaids, richest style 25 " "
M. De Leine, " 25 " "
Plaid Alpaccas,and Luster 25 ;•" "
Plain " " ,"
Calicos from 6 to 12 c:s per yd.
All Wool, Red, White, Yellow and . Green
Flannels, Linens, Tublings, knapkins, Crash,
Diapers; Brown and Bleacled Cottons very low,
and all o:her r oods utually - kept in well arranged
Stores at. very low prices to "astonish the natives"
Dee. IS.
?Allower, Port , r
'bliller, W. 19.
'3. U. Willi'anis
L ter ..9.,essionrid
in, of the borou"h
inte, respectfully
w.ith hquee
iod ,, in.• and a 4.
r 5
rarelers, at the
iow occupies in
.s the lionarti•
fur keeping a
HCOOK bcgslcave to cull the attention of
• the public to a large and well seleered
Enoch of
_ .
which have been purchaked for cash and wil
positively be sold lower than' articles of the same
quality can be purchased in town as ell can sat)
isry themselves by calling at No. 5 Donnell clock
State State Street.
Erie, Dec. 11, 1817. 30
j .HAVE Token into copartncrshi in the Mer
-1 candle business SIDNEY R. DEWEY,—
The business will hereafter be conducted under
the firm of Tinnst.s & Dewey, at 111,Cheapside.
Erie, March 27, 1818. C. M. TI.I3I3ALS.
E, kJ. David,
Alex. Pope, B
Allen, NVal l
,ree, ,J,611 B
:cob linuppx,
rter Sesion:
ALL persona Who have unsettled accounts with
sme must make immt diatc;settlement without
further notice. All No:es that have been due me
for more then Rix months must be PAID by the
15th of April, or cost will be made.
Minch 27, 1848.46
A STOUT - and temperate man who has served
some time at the Blacksmith trade - ; can find
permanent employ at the Eric Steam Foundry.
March 29. 18-18. 46
NL'ilt:r.;.—t have sold to Mr. - Francis Lam
min my entire stock of Goods, at McKean
Corners. I can with confidence recommend Mr.
Lamson as worthy of ihe patronage of any com
Ali persons knowin themselves indebted by
note or book account it the McKean stare, roust
make immediate payment or costs will be made
ludiscriminatels,• My brother will remain at
McKean until the first of April; et that till= the
Books and notes will be brought to Erie tor ' cot
leetion. ' ' C r , M, TIBBALs.
Ft io; March,'"
ruler's Hold Commerciut E.
• '23
t- ;1 57 ,'W 42 M 1 ‘..
• fIICEV / P
V (1 0L ", • •
WESTERN, A w roux
SO! Blair BLit V.
ble Lithro triptieVleiture
alms cel
It Imo now
is port:cubit
nil sieges of
ter of how I.
:braced remedy i couitardly 'Mar Calin# itl
she many cures i s. making
,a. oven 1 At WOULD.
recomo the only licibe;for family use and
ly rscutumended fit
Iris complaint imin tlintevy relieved, no me
ug stioidiiip. , AI , 7. titthl yr leatimuni y.
1011A1V 114
es pi' the orioury 0 traukt,lror these distressing
stands (dote; Hoot er Eakin eau telteve )0e;
ie teeti.yled to will ouvinee,the moot ekeitti•
Ala. Liter comet iut. hiliaus diseases,
. To the great West especiuny on& sr beret ter these mon.
plaiutspreitlil this eneilicion is tret,eil.
- ho 4rebt4 Huns comptimt fa a put t 1: ilb ultrtore, it cure. these
diseases with titrinitity end Cl teiity4ind dues nut leave
the syeteut torOid. See painpb et. •
pauxo. a ( . 61110.01111:001 1110 1
RIR Hiavritiar •
and a cure folltiers by a few do
far Wort:0110 ooer preparoti l?f,
or disease Wig ield ins from imp
! lorbllit)' of i
weak back. a•inktiessuf the ki
of ramp. it tinniettiolely relit red
dicinet Mid u trte teal waye a res
A C.rttaita
for Hull compfai Its. dud also f
undo frionc.l ,I
Ilsn'asslnorisisroq 0'
painful moult rusiune. No i ari
except this blob would lintel)
It inny'he re W 4,111101; 108 a sun
did You feel eiiiiiited 10110 .1/
A Thotsito ,
as proof Of cures on this illitl - e
See piimpf:l4o All hrotteimlo,
frulli 60 I.ll`Ct of mercury. iv it
this article to pet itheielhately
al uetitlieuted flout the systetn.
1 Fits nptive I
cal find the alternai ire prmier
1 ' Purify the
nail drive such diseases troth Il
for tmitlinttay of cures to all .1
alp advertisement 11 ill 001_ Ono
gents give Oleos auto ; p l oy C
cafes of high churactcr, nod n
A el trir of
rit ilia virt uer of a medicine, 11l
the itt.enlitirl features to 11:14 L
benefit in nu" ee•e,nupl if holm
11(1011 let the eletteLtled 01.11 - 111
aikt,l keep tak lug the medicine
proventelst.The plourivior xe
LIC eg:Liebt uumber of tatlelr
bend of
Saranpairil,na, lA, rope, itke.
as cures (01'11/ropey, Gravel, de. Th e o re ;pod for no In
i3O. and c 0 r eacted to Full the uilwar); TOIII2II THEM
NOT. 'rhea. lii% calor), art rr I
. amplit of elirteg *evil clis.
enter, till thbartiela-liall done t. A particular st eddy el
the petnylde,t I. curliest!). belie tell. Agents and all whe
bell the nit ke 10 are GLAD 'ft) A ucuLATE
and alldb , en
and the tUr
CAI; ate pion
Cut up in :30 on. bottler, ut 62; 12 4,2 at $1 each—tlis
lairs eat 1101111 V 6 tut 1,1000 01111 Iwo &Man both.,. ZOO'
ord and nut pet imposed upon. 1 sery bottle Ilan' Vaughn'.
Vegetable Lithrontriptie Mixtitrh,'' taloa It upon the Oars
the terittesi ai g hutitrp of G. C \ Anglin, lialffilo.stanspedo
the cork. Na ne other are cenui IC Prepared by Dr. (..0
Vauetos. anal mail at the 1'066 ;n1 Offies., 207 3luits strict
Made, at aholeratle and, Iraq Nil. Nu albs:Minn given I
letters toilers post' paid—oride a frontl eg 'thirty constitti
teal Agents earllpted; 110.1 11,111 tellers, or verbal CO/Dll3ll
el ieliVionB Policimit advice, loot ptly Attended to, gratin.
Office devistell 4xellisisely to the safe orals artiele.l3
Nassau stret, Note York city ! NI Rosen ,t. Salem, Mass
nod by the Fprincipal thoggis ss throughout the Unite
Stairs C a nasta, as Agents. For side by
Carter & Mrather and Burks & I erkits, Erie; C. W
Barton. M.nnts lie; 114.11 . 1 flake ,';parts; II CToa is &Ca
No th Earl; I. I...tostes. & Co t irorat; (I s Smith, It, litg
' i,.
Water; Il MI Coffin. Mercer; Its I & flash lai n , P a w. (;,,,,,y. , I
M %V ll , ollt".ssent Crave: 110).11 t. Vintt f W
lit, etterfertl. D
M Wllliansasail JD Sammerton Warren: Chase & Me
Dotson, Tit usville; Abrairtni 1 ,1 ..1dt:1101i Union; II It
T erry, Etienttnro; S. 11161,,, Jr.. Ct susevville; Lonelier
Wheeler, 11.4eltitort: John A. T 'ley. Cuirbletv. I y 3;
MAT:AI-7-A good a:ssol- ment of Inu.'!..), Lat 1
and ,door slats lor ea e cheap by
Dec. I I ' 11. COOK.
',scribers hai•e or
also a gaunt ity
MEW so
duced prie
I cs,•at their uurt 1
29. lit
inedintn of) oor % i i,
eititeng ollthie city mot
ing a large and well
Winer Dry Goods,
Horde; arej, which I am
in order to pay trunspoi
applied to kdttif liable pi
tieulars a , ply . at No. ,
1 .,
Erie, 0 .t. IG, :817.
11 h.: ft
L fly of
equalled CO
must trotiblel ,
4 rase i 4 at i I
remove it us t
of thu most rl
country, can
bottles lit In
coses and re
wind bun bet
'mice An!
compared tol
then, eon
an article.
0411, for 11 , 1'10611g - di
010 , ~ 6 tioute n.l I
II citrAtle, tel..e po
they err taken TI
rreperteltle 1/..r.oer
tebtify (nen •icittal
or, IC ell Stoll is ticer
pent c.trer: tool else
'II injured, net,n bolt
Al what is an cant
the 10111 of eon en
e hut, herrn entree
rice riO vrett.lper bn
eit 11.TEit& It
'lll. I'. 10'C NV .
S. sTEwAlrr
THE su 'scribers having rf-troorinssortinetit .1
New • nglancl marble on Fraud, front diir -
ent quarric i , calculated tor Head rind Foot table,
;NlontitnetiO, &e. wltitill they offer to sell to an •
r l i
one in Erie county, F l a: - not - living farther tba i
Erie, lettered in first rate sidle, and - delivered, i
the ollowing prices: StUall, for children, $1 5,1
pee 'Cot; Middle size, f . or aged people, $1 62 ptjr
foot; Larg,st size $1175 per foot. Wo thinklli
would be a object for some of the Erie count
people to forward us n ll: inscriptions as we have
recently be n informedb the Erie marble dealeits ,
in rather % raztlnu, Wn ,t hat they were stickip
it to the Er c and CratVl rd county people goo
They brag Try lustily athe' selling to th , Penn •
mites" at fr m $2-50 n
to 64 per foot. Should Mi l :
of the people of Lrie rfy be in want of any
thing in o 4 line, they can forward their inserii -
None, or come themselves, and they shall have a
first tats at
Me at the above prices
N.Y. Sept. 13, 18 , 15. I
CiI..OBS ; PERS, S'ardiTies, Tomat.,
LemomSyrup, Pepper Sauce, Salad
I d, Gmgubs Jelly, English :White Pc -
sale at No. 1, Perry Block, by'
Ik 7 catfictli i
"DYCit e L
Oil, Mesta
per. tite.,lb
Sept. S,
CLO'll'll—Black, Drab and Brown
Iforxeady pay at the !tore or
Vines and and Liquors.
civet! at No. I. N,l ry Block, a cod
cut of %Vines and Liquors, ibr Med -
mental,'Alechunico and ALL. oth r
nong which may be found the 10110% -
randy; '. Curd Brandy,
ic an, I Ft. Croix num. \
a Rum, 1 14. England do
Sefr. 24. -
TUST re /
4.1 assortn
eini s, Suer
purposes, a
Pule Bi
_ Cofrni
Ju maid
Dee. I I
'JGin; 1 .qine Apple Gin;
"ine, i hiddella Wine,
Whiskey Dish Wlisttey.
if:theta do Cinn.on (to.
,*. W. MOGRE...-,
- - -- - ---
r ,
'eas! Tcasq '!'et ..
rived by Exprno al fr. sh lot of t e
I lk CANTON TOO Ciin anrg pupczi r
ell will he sold at pr Ts that vamp. t
lurehusers. 'Try this Tea and pit
' other. Forsale by
_ No. 1, Perry 13t0vk..1
eh 4,184 S. 421
el New Y
fail to snit
will buy n.
Erie, Ma
o ”rante
Cflyin Hon:
ship, in the
debted-to sai
payment oh
same, are r e
,s of administration' having: been
4 to tho undersigned on , the estate of
tad, deceased, rate of LeSteull" town
county of Frio, Pa. All persona In
id estate aro hereby, requested to make
MI those halving claims against the
located to present them properly au
or settlement
l i
1848. 6t42* -, • Adm'x.
March 9
EBLE Farm containing about 180
.1 Land, mostly cleared, and has a
bard and other improvements, .aitua
ute and one-half miles from Girard
ug part of the farm ol the late Thera
aid farm will be sold very /pow and a
Irt will be given. I nquire of
1 GEO. H. CUTLER, Agent..
leb. 26, ,1818. tf 41
valuable err.,
ted about oi
village, bell .
05 Miles
liberal mill
, *and bushels orCORN wooled, (tor
Iwo will pay cash. '
QQA' tho
!klatch 2
painful charactcr
I , s u,, or, dais at tide; it is
rthis dfsenor. or nth ouy tills
re blood. Heoltinyblet.
0 Ogyotout.
!, e. or inflammation
ya fee Jays use qf This rho-
11l id its u,o. IL nt.intls as
deraageincato of i Go Ce-
l i p pi im!riono.•
ku.. wer WWII °Were , /
liin klntl of gleningeilipitt,
4tllll ctleetire remedy, uud
mid give I
d Nninta
D. if ..6111110..
11011 thw hruciur pone, of
end the rehimmuls
les or 'llk orildo
ho 1.3,411111. 5t4111 , 111113111P1
Et• WWI, o Hell
it to tic mato,' here, A
lamo pageet of cortiti•
OPC 011
l r i t le Ilea it never Nil. to
luted leertle ere left to build
7 ger leg nit etid HOVE ON,
lue long ne there it nit tie:
eibIeAUTIoN THE l'Uts.
I s which come out u n der the
' Laud ecat se and fin ,
, 1
Cod- nt re
'ou,e Wise duck, I,
Allow nu: through tb.
'le paper, to•inlbrm Ili ,
olly,ttluit I am receiv,
t.:d stock of Fall an,
'mice, Crockery an , .
`gat Great Bargainl
n, the balance will b
-es. For further par
/pelican Block Siat
4 clec
r I s—l-leaves.
I .covererf, by trio ingen •
can't,. from llort , eA, tits
wrEns, in curing ilia
Innlerom.coaldabst. , ll
•slef es u 111) . 1,14 US sure'
lb. of no fiction, as num
In fliflcrent parts of th
ial One, Iwo or thro
fo.nry to cure the Ivor:.
ru cough nod where thlt
e utll be found of great
of two or Osten bottles,
ordinary horse? 'Pry
,alt rim the waist or Hie
tile. ror sale by
HO., Eric.
ENT & CO , Wnterfor
&, CO., North E..t,
4; CO., Conetint.
:More Proof's.
VERY mail brings tidings let their suecSss,
from east to the remotest !west—tionn Cana.
ma on'the north and Mexico and the West Indies
mil the south—all are unanimous in their ,proitte.
sett medicine so universilly.known and esteem.
ardly neeessory to * peak in deosil. At no peri
-1 of its history, has the repute:lon of the tnedi
ine stood higher; and we mpy say that no repu
tation is likely to be more enduring. Adapted
to all constitutions, to every form of disease, and
to all climates, Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills
arc above every other medicine, fitted for the use
of man under whatever eircumetunees he may be
placed. At sea or on land, ut home, or abroad, in
summer's heat and winter's cold,-with a common
rr!rard to the conditions of health, and with
%In ight's Indian Vegetable Pilliat hand, there is
no excuse for being sick, unless the constitution
be utterly . Iqm:ham - able.
(Extract of a Lefler from Thritando, Mos.)
To Dr. , W. 'Wright. Your pills have given uni
versol satisfaction, and jitAtly very popular. I can
sell from 30 to 4ti dozen annually; if I could be
supplied. Yours.
(Extract of a Left r front Jcrory Shore, Pnin.J
"Wright's India Vcgetablel'ills excel every
thing of the kind e‘er offer& to the public in this
see:ion of the count y, notwithstanding the com
bined eff o rts et a re% . unpriti - eipled memento icy to
pot them dotvn. S WINCIILSTER & SON."
.. - .. .
' [Fiona e - ;Wart n trill r, raj
"I have used Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills
itf my family, and I found them to be the best
medicine I have ever twed. I wish to become an
argent for the sale of them in tide place.
[From ,Ortemsboro*, lo.]
"Some time since, thy 'agent left ith me six
deice Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills to - sell. 2—
They were soon all j gone, and more wanting.
Ibere, much fur lthint: * * ',believe
the, ire very 4 good.
I From anion do, Ohio.)
"A pprehending flint I shall I be out of your val.
mablevirudian Vegetable Pills before your agent
ill go:tbrough this region to supply Inc. I beg
you to fotwurd me u tit:meaty, in some - way or
• The pills are doing 'here admirably well in
spite'ofala opposition or s,me, would be doctors
who have exerted all their influence to prevent
people from buying tlam; and if have contin
ued supply I shall be able to sell many of them.
Yours, JOHN
_ll Fat NDERALIN."
[From Sea View, 1 7 4.]
''l have neatly got Through with the pills you
left and gent me, and 1 think l could, in a-short
time, 6-01 aic or eight dozen more. The (packer
get than, the mote I iliirll scll,usthesickly sea
son is raging hero considerably, and your pills
are liked and app oved of generally more than
any medicine we have had among its in some
time. In fact, Ido not A »ow of a single instance
whire they hare been tried and disappeared of.—
Some of the physicians don't like them, but 1
reckon they have never Wed them, and self inter.
est will generally he emiSulted.
Yours, S-c., LtryikEtt NorrrNatiAll."
Earle are u few of the- sta: emi me voluntarily
made by men of the first' reTectal•ili ty--men who
are known an I whose apporumities for obselva
tiiOn are not excell«l by any in the-land.
0. D. SP "Toni), Erio.
\9..L• r-Jod..on fi Co.. Waterford.
John M. (lure. See. Gourd
Abruhum 'roundlet, Veio n.
W. If .*rown.efol, Sprisigfiol.l
B. C. t own St Co., Wattyburg
. -
•• •• North Eaet
John Clement. Fairview.
WITU ♦YEN ON - THE Tor LABEL 01. IC k( it BOX, None oilier
yen ill es, and 6, e outer/sit this' is I or GhltY.
IDneee• deto d oxtitnovely to the MOO or Irrights Indian
leg 4 ta!le Pi , wholnsulo and mail, 161 'taco Ftrert,
Plaslade4, ,el9BGrenowinti Street, New York; and 198
Tremont Street, Ho•ton.
E,ie, January :19, tBl2.
tr_l9.l is stitm. , 2ly recommentird that purchas
ers go to the tegglar a”ett.s. if they uish to pro
cure thegeotiioenuticle. Counterfeits are abroad
in various .baps;, some having a coating of sugar
to make !hem ijo down! Be sure alto to ask for
W RIG LIT'S 114 1 / I AN VECETAULE PILLS, fur there
aro not wuntin4 , ;..these uho are unprincipled
enough to cull any miserable - trash "Indian," foe
the sake of gain
New Fall and Winter Goods.
THE subscribers are now receiving their stock
of Pall and Winter Goods consisting of
IRON, NAILS, kc. kc.
Also a• large assortment' of Paper Hanging and
Window Paper.'
All of which were, purchased in New York at
the lowest market price. They do . not twist of
having the largest stock of goods ever brought to
ihia place, but will'say they have as good an as
soitnumt, and will be sold as cheap as the cheap
est, and invite • the public to call an examine
goods and prices. G. SEMEN tr. SON.
Oct. 93. 1847.
HAIR brushes of all varieties and priers, teeth
do , paint and 'Varnish do., flesh clothes, bat
shavinz, comb, Fcrillihinz, blatkinfx, window'
hearth, counter and bottle brushes for sale by
44 MILS. Dye WoOds, •
50U lbs. ropperns,
800 " Alum. 600 madder,
800 " I3luc Vitrol, 200 ex. Loo-wood,
700 ". can - mood, 200 oil t itriol, _
, 100 " Muratie Acid.
30 ' Bengal and Carareas,,
530 " solution tin, 10 coebeneal,
40 " Annetto,
For sole low
. Ity
CARTER 4.,,Barerrigi:
Nov. 27, 1917. 29
ure ss of ToWnserl's sarsaparilla ju.t re•
ccived, by private "express," in quail bottles at
ono dollar tacit. Six boafes for five dollars.
Fehrnn•y ID. 1548. , Sub Agents
Money Redeemed!
- pi-1E Rank notes of 'the banks that have re
cent)), failed, are,redeemed with Goods at the
store of H. Cadwell. for their value. "
Great Induc ements,
The subscriber. WiSkillg to make maim fm aft
entire new stock of Dry Godos in the spring will
dispose of his presrnt choice stock of. Fall' and
whiter Goods at a very small advance from New
York coati comprisinz Muslin de Lains, Ging
hams, Oregon and California Plaids, Cashmeres,
Alpaceas, t and in short, everything, in
the Dry Good line.
Persons having cash to pay far Goods; will find
it greatly to their advantage to call, as I feel eon
fident you can save 25 or 30per dent by purchasin,7
of me, as I am bound to sell Goods, for cash,
cheaper than any other man in the western coon.
try. Cull and see, at the old Hardware Store,
one door east of the Eagle.
Erie, January IS, ISIS.
JUST received per schooner Aurora Borealis, a
fill caruo of Gitlin! Plaster. For sale at :66
ware house - , public.' dock, by • -r
January 29. • KELSO & LOOMIS.
,-- - -
TBE subscriber would respectfully inform his
. friend 4 and the public generally, that lic has
purchased the Shoo Stock and rented the stand
of Samuel Hays, on the cast aide of the Diamond,
second door from the corner ofSixth street, which
ho intends taking possession of on the lot of
March next, and - he will be happy to see and no.
commodate his old Nandi and customers, and
t c
the public at large. He fratteli himself that h'
will be able to make BOOTS, SH ti
OeS ttet' a I
articles in his li7 of ibusiness, :to order 4 wit
neckties% durobili 5 , and dispatch ,nod atlnoile -
ate rates . Ile 'hop ato receive, ashe wilt encleai
or to'deserve, a liberal patronage. '
He will constantly keepten hand en assortmt at
of well made Boots and Shoes, which he will
sell as cheap, if not cheaper; than can be had
elsewhere. A. GABEL..
Fob. 29, 18 IS.. 30t42
CHEM? PUBLIC ATIONS, htla gazinea, Piano
VV Music. Lithographs, &c., 4.c., constantly
on band at No. .5. Lloancli Block.
Match 19 1 1298. 94
lop ROOMS, good attic e, way be bad for )2
LI cants of H, COOK.
• Match 4, 4548, 4.
THE MIST no aim niuniviniE ltd
AN invaluable remedy for Horses, Cattle an
ocher domestic ani als, in the cute of U
following diseases: .
Petah Wottads4 I;' , .c oda, &Vogl; '
Galls of all'Adada, Strains, Lameness;
Sprains, Enlist s, Senn erect 8,
Cracked //rile" , &lade rtd li. t,
Ringtone, tritidgalis, Scrnleht .9. vr Grtase,
Poll Evil, Callus, ..11onge,
Sparins, Sweeney, Vora Di 814 nip r.
tt is atm) a Universal 'Family Eitibieculion for
discuses of Hainan Flesh, set h
lattunatism, _ Pufaa• s,
Bites of iaiinals l Painful .Nlrrous
Frost Bike, lions,
Corns, l rli iticu•a,
Burns anti Seal !s,
Cramps, Chopped Thint's,"
Contracts of the .Ifoscles, SieeVings, IVolitifs,
IVeakneis of the Joints, linked Breasts.
- - MERCHANT'S, C....M t LING oitLy o
special remark, that besides the great and ,
ordinary powers the fore of diseases of the
horse in which its virtues first au:acted the atten
tion,of the farrirr anti famer, and the ,ss ender of
the public generally. it has Bern stir eessfully em
ployed in a g r' l eat variety of the matudieski biers
affect the human race; and it haa"-prbeed by the
wonderful eines it has petformeit on the loner an
imals, that it is endowed curative properties
not Intind in other horse oils. Which has establish.
°tilts cluisns to general eoutfidenee.
Beware, of the counterfeit aiticle, and be Fare
the name Or the sOl;F:rnorniET-08. G. W. Mer
chant, Lncktirt, is hints n in the bottle.
It.:_rFor teed mon lair, sy 'lapis of (1 isea'ses, - anct
mods of treatment, see pamphlet' o Welt accompa
nies each hot !e.
Sold by J. 11. Burton & Co., Clic ; S. P. 4. U.
Fassett...tishialea, Onin; anil: P. N. Wdisior,
Conneaut, Ohio; Lcunsbory & .Whetter, L 4it k
port I . ,
urityv Tiro,un 'scoop!
For Removing Diseases of the Wood,
riling from au abuse qf Mu , b.mex and .
CI g, , Few R.res.oNtinate vh: sc rea
Chronic and constdulio, alDis ojnll hinds
cues such as Socrld bead. Batt 13,nm,
Sant/ilia or lanes F:rd &can Wo in a d ether hipeas
dary renesdal, es artri.g ANn an iinpUt
Meng/ion and Curivaii , na r sle,feWthr mood ; (v.".
the Throat. Nose, Cheeis ifiabaualCestirettess.
Lips, Ears, and (Wier pat is Chronic affrthents ti the Livery
of the body. I Langsalcicheo,
wpm cr pustukA on the fare .Stomach and sides,.
Mealy patches, and vfhtr n Yinla
uptions of o w gin. It is lilt!! n+u4 MO= wen,
,Srut rep, and‘ther Sea, &I as a Cl. (*int/ Sprit ?
ear& affections, Are(' if ate, a n Lan gine' a de -
While liaellings. Pains in the,
This remedy is prepared from the eholerst se.
lected materials, the active properties ot*ltieh tun
extracted by an improved process, a it , ltput heats.
on account of %Odell it is preferred by Physician*
as being more uniform than arty Whet,
now before the public.
A full aceount of the remarkable etileeei - of this
remedy, in a variety of cases of the rtes, akgra
vale& nature, may be seen by calling on the pia.
prietor or his agents. •
As most good medicines are counterfeit« l , be-
SURE and call' for "Merchant's Sam pat ilia." and
see that these vi ords are blown on the glass. "From
the Laboratory of Gee. W.. Merchant., Chemist,
,Leek port, N. Y.
VrAlmost every pedlar in the country is now
putting up and imposine ten the public„ an article
they, call sa rba pa ri Ila. Tbctcfirre, 1:1 , it A la!!
Sold by J. 11. Burton & co_Erie; S. - S. 4- Ti.
Fassett, Ashtabula, Ohio; D. N. Webster, Con
neaut, Ohio. ly5D
DISEASES of the Urinary Organs cured by
the arrnaer OF Itt7Citt:, tV A tf Rst,k- and en.
seas. such as chronic and acme diseases of the
Blot:1hr, . also, chronic
Prostrat; Glom!, Meets, Whites,.
Kidnqs, and t Strictures,
Loins, I DiaSttrs,
This rateable medicine is prepared only by ,
Geo. W. Merchant, Operative chemist &e.
port, N. Y.
Yon and ample instructions, testimonials, Sze.
accompany tech bottle.
Solo by J. tH. Burton Se eo. Erie; S. S. St H.
Fassett, Ashtabula, Ohio; D. N. Webste-, Con
neaut, Ohio. I v5O
rri YItIA N HAM DYE, a warranted article for
cotorinc the hair a beatitirul brown or j-t
black, it will not wear oft, soil the linen, or cotot
the skin, as hundreds can testify.
It has also been used successfully in coloring
Beware of the counterf; it, and be sure you get
the genuine, pr. pared wily 4 Geo. 'W. Mtrehant,
chemist, Lockport, N. Y. samples of Flair may
he seen at the storeof the proprietor or his agents..
Price 50 cents.
- Sold by J. H. Burion & co, - Erie; S. S. St B.
Fassett, Ashtabula, Oho; and D. N. Webster,
Conneaut, Ohio. l yso
New Goods and Good, Newsi
Now is the Time to Buy Cheap!
THS subscriber having been but a short time
in business has not before !build It conveni
ent Lto introduce into the Opera a general adver
tisement. 1-Ic has, however juet reiurned frc in.
the eastern cities with a splendid usiortment of
Fresh and Cheap Oroeerit s. ,
In his stock may be found the clice - st Teas yet
offered for sale, from 4 to S shillings per pound;
Rio, Java, Cuba, Laguira and tit. Domingo, Cof
fee, clicarr than the tiberipesi; Havana, Porto
Rico; Orleans, Leaf Lump, Clarified, Pulverised
and Maple Sugars, cheaper than ever; Porto Rico
Syrup, Sagarhouse auVrleans Molasses; alspice,
pepper, g . inger; einnanTon, mace, outme.r.s, pearl
barley, Mtronr, prunes, cocoa nets, almond , -,,ma
delta,, Brasil, and pea nuts; Ilavana,,principe,
Spanish; cinnamon, and conncaut Cigars; caveri
dish, ladies to ist, and german Tobacco; olivo.
rose, nut, castor, and hair Oil; all of which are o 1
the very best quality, and will be sold cheap, at
No. lAerican Block, State street.
3011iS PEFFER.
Nov. , 1847.
- 25
riiHE tindersigned would respectfully inform
-IL the gentlemen of Erie and vicinity that ho
has opened a TAILORING SHOP oti the south
side of the Public Square, a few doors Cast of the
Erie Bank, where he will be at all times ready
atid happy t 4 wait upon those who may favor him,
pith l tell in t :this litre of business.- From long
met. enee to some of the pr incipal shops of Lon
dem and other' Eurokan eitles, and by strict no'
tention to all business a hich may now be entrus
ted to him. he confidently hopes that he shall b s
always deemed worthy to tredve a share of Pub,•
lie patronage. His Work shall he executed in
such o manner as will bear's close and impartial
examination, and always_ill accordance with.ll4
prevailing, fashions.
N. Ba , Cutting done on the shortest notice.
Erie, Ma rah 45. 3mll
B. 0 . uvir TE R, practical Hauer,
IXTILL introduce the:4ring lesehloa for Haar
V this dsy, and would most respectful:y
h his friends arid customers to call anti cum
in') grislier) ientterourilx tirrpcodagc.
Ede, • 44..