Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, April 08, 1848, Image 2

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    E 3
her she had taken care to provide for• her fu
ture life, Many years passed over. Always
in motion, they made many acquaintances,
but no immanent friends. , Suddenly, the old
lady died, and without having time to do any
thino. for Res?. This was in a foreign cap:-
ital-Vin Germany. Ruse, who had become
quite a woman of business, wound up the old
lady's affairi; and, after paying herself the
balance of her salary, caused the produce of
the lady's effects to be remitted to the bankers
in London. All they knew of the lady was,
• that she had left with them a power of attor
ney to receive her dividends, and pay them to
her order. The cause of the lady's eccen
tricky had been some family affairs; and she
had never given Rose the slightest clue to
her relations. Therefore Rose determined,
when she returned to England, to -apply to
Mr. Faber. lie-was gone abroad. But, in
the meanwhile, - her funds were being ex
hausted; and she sought employment, an 4
found it in the way I have described. Posi•
tively she had no other means of identifying
herself than by giving my name and address.
Observe, good reader, if I were afraid of that
bugbear of the super-wise,
"improbability," I
should not dare to record the fact of that sin
gular "coincidence," which brought Rose face
in face ‘vitli her seducer, the very night when
the by-fluty and the virtue, the character and
property of Eliza were alike to be sacrificed
to his cupidity. "Probability" would not
have made Rose mention' my name; and we
should not have been brought, in contact till
• after the marriage ceremony, when the dis
covery would only have aggravated the suf.-
In a few days after Mr. Faber and his fam
ily returned, when all Rose's story was con
firmed. Ire put her in a way of discharging
her lust duties to her eccentric friend. She
was at once engaged at a handsome salary by
wWI whom she departed for the
place of the latter in —shire.
As fur Eliza', her pride supported her. Hail
she loved Crayford more, she would have
suffered more. She has found a more worthy
partner. Mary has long been mine.
The Belfast (Maine,) Journal, in noticing
the hostility of federal leaders, to the prebent
war with Mexico, brings up some reminiscen
ces of the same party, during the war of 1 . 812,
which we should think far from agreeable.—
They consist of two toasts drank in that town
at a federal celebratipn, with approbation.—
To show fhe sameness of federalism a third
of a,cetitev since, and now, we givo those
'specimens of fe 'eral patriotism. One toast
reads thus:
"The Donoct'als—Their hats off and thor
kends in Mein."
• The second toast was against the soldiers,
and breathed a similar thought. It' reads
"The &Idler's Bounty Land—Let it be six
feel by Iwo."
The men now living who drank and cheer
ed these infamous toasts are still federalists—
are changed only in name. In tb war of 18-
l 2 they called themselves federalists, 'now.
they call themselves Wags.
,Belfast Journal, in connection with
these events, gives the following from a re
cent number of the Lynn Pioneer, a bitter
Whig sheet, which, in speaking of the brave
'man volunteering to fight the battles of their
countri, exultingly says:
"Many of the boys were induced to enlist
in the Mexican war by promise of land; and
it is no more than just to our government to
say that some 20,000 have already had their
portion (six feel by two!) alloted them, and
are ROW in inalienable possession of it."
In commenting upon those facts, the Trum
bull Democrat, says:
"We need not go out of this town for men
who have expressed themselves in similar
terms rela•ive to our brave army. Frequent
ly have they expressed the wish that every
man who went to fight in this 'unjust and
murderous' war as they term it 'would leave
their buries to bleach on the burning sands of
Mexico'—not even being willing: he should
have his bounty land, 'two by six.' Mark
the'se toriesnd record' their words, for the day
is coming t hen they will deny their treason
able opposition to this war, the same as do
those nho pposed the last war."
Cinxns3 NEws.—The Cunse of the Lute
Trouble beheeen.the British and the Chinese..
The New York Sun has received files of the
Hong Kong Regalia, which exhibit the origin
.of the diiieulties between_ the British and the
Chinese, which at our last udvices had MIS
.el the warier of six Flnglislitnen and the exe
,coti of four Chinese:
“it seems the Chinese authorities granted
to the British Agent,, Sir John Davis, a piece
of land at Homan, to be a foothold for the
English. The Chinese people, jealous of this
movement, showed so lunch opposition that
Sir John Davis consented to take another piece
of ground in lieu of the first, butt the owners
of the land would not give it an unless they,
received .t.:580 an acre for it. This being an
exorbitant sum, and the natives having lone
el bands to resist any settlement by the Eng,•
lush, it had to be abandoned. 11l will arose,
al Englishman dared not trust himself at
distance from the lactoriis, and at last six ven
turesome ones were supposed by the Chinese
to be swing out to possess the land, and, as
might be expected, killed. Several Chinese
were beheaded on suspicion of having cam
milted this.aarocity, but the native organiza
tions still continue, and are determined to pre•
vent British aggression. A great disturbance'
has broken out at Tseun-chow in Kwang-se.
Upwards of 50,000 of the people have risen in
arms against the authorities, the District Mag
istrate of Tseun-chow has been killed, and his
YIIMIIII been taken possession of, with all the
kulney in the Treasury. The rebels are tons
"ters of Tseun-chow, nnd , tt is said, they are
meditating an attempt to take possessi o n of
the two neighboring Prefectures., 'lag-!o and
Ere rs OY SEs RBITY.—The
from a-late uttniber of the Troy (N. Y.) Post,
is mi . awful result of a resort to bride force,
on the part of a parent. Many of our legis
lators recognize children as ,the property of
the State; and We agree with them Pt senti
ment. What do they say should be •done.
with any parent, as a guardian of this
propply, who shows that he can forget his
obligations? There are many, in every com
munity, no more considerate shout their duty
to children than this man has proved himself.
-of A g i r l by the name orMary Donohugh, about
12 or 13 years of age, who had had been liv
- tug out at service, was sent home, being 15116-
',octed of dishonesty, some things that she
• bad take» being found at home, where she
told they were presents. Her father took a
' and gave her a terrible and inhuman
beating, of the effects of which she died oil
„Mondav last, one week after the punishment
was inflicted; she was buried yesterday.-
- The father who Is an industrious and trust
worthy (flan, is almost e.rezy at the sad result
of his ill juiged treatment of his only duigh
AssisaniATioN.—They do this very coolly
in Arkansas. The Eldorado Union of that
, state gives an illustration. One Romulus
Casey had announced his attention of taking
the life of William J. Pate. The latter met
the former with a rifle on his shoulder, guess
ed at his purpose, retreated, borrowed a gun,
followed him to a store where he was making
purchases, ordered the store keeper to mathl
aside, deliberately shot him, the discharge ta
king effect in the thigh; and Casey ran to the
back door, fired the second barrel and killed
- NOT GOMM...Dr. LBW'S ALLIN, who has
been on trial in Bunlo fur committing a rape
on a young girl in that city in June last, was,
on Thus Jay 14st. deflersj by the Jury "not
gulliy," •
"The World le Governed too Mach."
E R 1 E, P A
FOR CANAL commis9io:4Eft,
(I7*Ttios. 11. tmason is a duly authorized
agent to procure . subscribers fur this paper.
Our thanks are duo to those of our
cotemporaries who have so Rh-41y noticed our
forth• Coming Tri-weekly. We will take the
earliest opportunity to repay the obligation.
Marshal for the Western District
- - •
We learn that the President has appointed
JOWY KRATLY, Esq., of Clarion county,
Marshal of the Western district of Pennsyl
vania, vice Hon. Arnold Plumer, resigned.—
This is an excellent appointment. Mr. K.
is a gentleman of ability, and - a democrat of
the right sort. Besides the excellence oitho
appointment, it is a flattering
,tribute to the
indomitable democracy of Clarion county.
• i
Ex-President Van Buren arrived in
Philadelphia the latter part of last week, and
was the guest of Henry D.Uilpin, with whom
lie • tended to 'remain a few days. A public
dinne vas tendered him by his democratic
friends, w ith he declined.
Gone BaCk.
Col. Richardson, a protninent supporter of
c ii
Gen. Taylor'in Louisiun T has gone liank to
the democratic ranks, ecause he * believed
Gen. Taylor to ben whi .
_ 'l,
Odd Follows. -
An exchange papersaY there are in the
United, State more than ,000 Lodger, with
100,Q0Ci members, who pay for the relief of
destitute families and sicli i brothers ii" 52.00,000
a yeari By the by, we had forgot to notice
the institution of a new LOge ,of this older
in thin place, week beforellasi, by D. IX G.
M., 0. D. Spofford, called the Philallelia
Lodge,',No. 299. This ii the fourth lodge
in the 'county, and the sec
I nd one instituted
since tile establishment of a paper here in
opposiion to the order. 17w rate of increase
of membership has been it about the same
proportion—or about 'ten for every article
wrote against them.
Oar Trl,•Weekly and tho Gazette
. The editors of the Gazette intimate a de
termination to commence the publication of a
tri-vieekly, paper, provided Congress removes
the postage on Newspapers'. under thirty .
miles. We hardly know what to think of
This move—we would fain believe the an
nouncement is, made honestly- 1 m appearan
ces certainly indicate it to be a mere foil to
prevent some of its friends from placing their
names on otn books. When they proposed
to issue a daily, we stood aloof, knowing .% ell
that two coal not succeed. When they
gave uplhat enterprise, we were urged by
many to undertake the publication of a Tri
'weekly. We issued a prospectus, and our
liberal minded business cotemporaries, say to
their friends, in so many - words, don't put
your names down fur this "Iticofoco" Observer
—wait a while, and maybe, if we can make
any thing by it, we'll publish -the Gazette
tri-weekly. We say this appears to be the
whole drift of their announcement. If some
such motive as this had no influence, why an
nounce their determination with a "proviso,"
which "proviso" there has been no movement
yet in Congress to remove? "Live and let.
live," is our motto, I nd although politically
opposed to the props tors of the Gazette, we
I nd although
at their pros city, and will certainly
never throw a straw in the way of their suc
cess is business. The Tri-weekly Observer,
however, is bound to succeed-without a "pro
viso" or an "if" or an "and"—all the dogs
in the manger in christendom, who will
neither eat themselves or let any one else eat,
can't prevent it. 111 , ark it!
Whatever concerns the - "green isle of the
ocean" and its inbabitants;exciies a warm in
terest in the breast of every true son of Amer
ce. She hati.puured thousands and thousands
of her warm-hearted and hardy eons upon our
shores, until from the Lakes to the Gulf and
from Ocean to Ocean, their • influence is felt
And seen. Nl.Thene‘:er we have had battles to
fight, canals to dig, rail roads to build, their
ready hands have been the first to be offered
and employed. In our war of Independence,
in our last collison with (heat Britain, in•our
difficulties with the Indian tribes, and in the
present war with Mexico, the sons of Erin
have been the•first to advance end the last to
retreat. Brave to a fault., and regardless of
personal danger, wherever On officer has been
found ready to lead, they have willingly and
cheerfully followed. From beneath the walls
of'Quebec to the gates of Mexico, every bat
tle field has drank the‘bloodof Ireland's sons.
What wonder, then, that when the death knell
of monarchy came booming and distinct across
the waters from the shores of Republican
France, all eyes turned instinctively to Ire
land—dawn .tiredden, oppressed and starving
Knowing, as we did, that her cup of bitter
ness was full to overflowing, and that the
love of liberty was strong within her breast,
we expected that the torch of Revolution, so
unexpectedly lit in France; would kindle a
fire across the channel that would make Eng
land:tremble. In this we have thus far been
mistaken—the guant farm of famine holds his
septro with too steady a hand. Hunger,
want and pestilence are the daily and nightly
companions of the entire Irishpeople. They.go
forth with them in the morning, and - come in
at noon-day. They hover about their heads
at the twilight hour, end beneath the' silent
watches of the niglit, breath their poisonous
breath upon the face of the bleeper. The
very air seems !aden with disease and death.
Food that others would turn from with loath
ing and t disgust, has been sought for with
eagerness and devoured with avidity.
even the generous assistance furnished, so
plentifully and so promtly by the people of
the Union, or the partial measures of relief,
restored to by the British government, have
had the effect of checking or relieving the
want and dest4tion of the Irish people.
And thus stands Ireland now—the failure
of crops for the last few years, andtheopp_res
sion of the Britiskpovernment, have reduced
her to the lastextremity. That government
has done its worst, and should the fires of rev
olution once break forth, and war and blood
shed run riot through the land, we
.do no, see
how it could•add to
as well die with arm z;
for freedom, as by et ,
people thus situated
fear. If they remain
out a sickly existene ,
want knawing , at th
forward they have ev •
revolution in France
by imaginary lines— ,
Europe already begin.
and ere another twel I
pect to see its fires b
top, even to the don
will be the time fur I
with a determination
hateful alliance. De
the blow, while ma.
ay will add vigor to h
oppressors, and she w
In the mean ti e,
starving4—her best ' m.
way-side, to die! r"I
says a cotompary, "it
that rn appeal to 'the
half of suffering
vain. I Heretofore to
ceive, and while o
into one country,
the awful glory o
fed the starving a
bounty, Can we
graneries less Alen
hearts less aensiti
tyl ,When our p
higher prices the
for cavity's sake.
another appeal to
fivitless. There•
son for the exercis
formerly. The rej
utterly exhausted,
among them. Th
eminent has- been
has dune all that
hearts aro not pal
the call for relief
!antic, by a kindre,
We do not doub
in the United Slat
sympathies of our
or Ireland will be
War hangs like a
We knew not the
may shake the Far
the nations.
the continent end
ered up, and appli
fearful struggle tha
then will attempt
vation from !relit'',
of the battle field?
not the people
America is now
that hope, we are
We have been furnished with a pamphlet
copy of the speech
s of General Casey delivered
in the Senate on the 17th, during the discus=
sion of the Ten Regiment bill. It is a mss
terly effort, and a triumphant vindication of
the war policy of the admiaistratiorr and of
the ptsition of the D nincratic party. Nobl
has the General disc arged the duty MO
appeared to devolve u L n lain as Chairman o
the Military Commits i e, to repel the assaults
cif the opposition upon the administration, of
Vhich . the discussiii i in
Made the occasion ! •
will prevent our pub
;When the campaign
be on acceptable trea
The position of Gel
the committee of mi
very 'delicate and ar l
throughout the ses:i. l
attack; hut lie has b.
and equipped in , dere
its honor. A spirit
arrays mnrked his c;
lic stations which 11>
been mani l
versies in the Senate
honor and character
account particularly I
held him in such hi
him with so many
A most flattering an
patriotic services is
ing letter from the of
sands of his life wer' fast,runiiing out. A
man who can boast of such a tribute need not
fear the assaults' of factious politicians.
tiIiRMITAGH, July, 1843.
My DE:AR Sm: 1 have the pleasure to ac
knowledge your ve y friendly letter of the
25th of May last. It cached we in due course
of mail; but such we e my debility and afflic
tions, that I have be n prevented from reply
ing to it until k now; and even now it is with
great difficulty that I write. In return for
your kind expression ] ,
have to remark, th',
my dear General, wi
retationa, both privat,
shoed between us, d
my Administration..
in your abilities and
invited you to my
forget with what di
met those great and
were brought before
aver the Departmen
you to my thanks, a
ed with the most livi
by mr.
But what has en
American, was then,
as our . minister at Pa
treaty, and which,
and fearless resp Ons•
cation by France—al
Britian , to change ou
her mistress pi the s
tionul independerice,
but of all Enropei e
the tyrant on every
coin obtained the sa
treaty, (WITH THH
TY OF W AsnirioTox
national character an
safety,) then indeed
harps upon the willo'
tional independence
repeat, to your tales
responsibility, w•e ar
thrown over us fro
which the ratificatio
by France would hay,
this act, the thanks
and the applause of
yottis; and for this n
I admired the co
Senate in urging his
his energy will carr
session of Congress
England a language
stand—that WH w►L
Receive assurance
teem. A
To the lion, Lim
suffering. ' idea may
in their hands, fighting
Irvatlon and disease. A
have Jnothing more to
quiet, they but linger
to ultimately die with
1. it viols. If they go
ry thing to hope. The
swill not be bound. by
iho whOle of continental
1. to 'feel its influence,
o month, we may c.c
azing from every hill
I nes of Russia. Then
eland to strike—strike
o free herself from her
pair will lend energy to
dened by hunger, fren
er efforts, to cast la the
ill succeed—she will be
however, her people are
!it laying down by the
this state 'of things,"
is'impossible, we think,
American people, in be
nd, could be made in
/ .ek of us haadoeen to re-
I: rmies carried victory
lering our nation . with
, we at the same time
Ins of Ireland with our
do so again? Are our
Illy supplied? Are our
the claims of humani
, etacommanded much
(present, we gave them
le cannot believe that
i benevolence would be
lye fear, even more rea
this charity now, than
i rces of Ireland are more
even hope itself is dead
I tervention of the Gov- -
vain. Private charity
.uld do—but American
they will respond to
d to them over the At
li.' suffering people.
t the friends of Ireland .
*ill again appeal to the
plei They must do it—
a howling wilderness.
cloud over Europe.—
out when the thunder
, nd the lightning blast
ears and energies of
England, will be gath
is preparations, for the
ems impending. Who
vent the horrorsot etar
- ore awrul than those
Who can, who will, if
f the United States?—
re and's only hope—and
=ore, will not prove fruit-
I .f the bill referrekto was
'he length of the speech
fishing it at . present.—
. .tidy commences it will
to our readers.
. Cass as chairman of
litary affairs, has been
°nous, and he has been
n a tominent i object of
!en found always armed
'lce of the country and
exulted patriotism has
'rear in the elevated pub
has, filled, and this has
est in the late . contrc -
involving so nearly the
If our country. On this
vas it that Gen. Jackson
h esteem, and brinered
rks of his confidetice.—
touching tribute to his
ontuined in the follow-
hero, written when the
. with regard to myself,
t I shall ever recollect,
h grert satisfaction, the
• andiofficial, Which sub-
rig the greater part of
Having full confidence
republican principles, I
labinet; and I can never
cretion and talents you
delicate question which
you whilst you presided
of War, which entitled
d will be ever recollect
ly feelings of frietdship
] tired you to every true
ble stand which you took,
is, against the quintuple
y your talenti, energy,
bility, defeated its ran&
treaty intended by Great
internationa laws, make
.eas, and destroy The na
not only of our .n country,
id enable her to become
ocean. Had Great Bri-
I cam' of France to this
-so disreputable to our
;injurious to our national.
ye might have hung our
ye, and resigned our na
o Great Britian. But, I
ts, energy, and fearless
indebted for the shield
thelimpending danger
I of the quintuple treaty
: brought upon us. For
of every true American
:very true republican are
/ ble act I tender you my-
I rse , of Pr. Linn in the
Oregon bill; and I hope
it into a law at the next
They will speak, to
which she will undef-
lof my friendepih end es
Prom Mexico;
FbrsegtonekncePie Erie •
Februa'y 25
'MESSRS. EDITOIIB..--"In these ‘, l
times of peace" one grasps wit
grip, at the very shadow of news
in fact, to vary the form of th , ,
nothing more; 'Tie so With us,
suppose you and yoursubscribers
-removed from - the frailties com
ask'not to say aye, aye, to the i
Under this impression I have c,
bore you with an account- of the
and (so far as it has proceeded)
Signor Don :thardname) Gonzale
of Guerrillas.
.About six days a,gothe comma
of the district despatched an of e:
men of the 33 Dragoons, to.the
irera, about thirty miles distant,
"Dan." The command made th. ,
before daylight in the morning
were placed all aboufit, and when
was in order, the gent was woke
. formed that he was a prisoner.
course raised what might, in chart -
be called a pow wow among th
who through the "padre" or priest
his release. Bu it was • , no!go l
brought to Mier nd placed in do .
meut. _
I"council of war' I
Murges read to the
ould appear that II
re taken ('
. prison('
n the sp . ring of !,
is word of honor
r again to raise al
ly exchanged, or
Yesterday the
vened and the el
From these it
Texan rangers I
was paroled on
peaceful life, ni
hand unti t lega
Madge, it is affirm
and in one or two
st "Los Yankees"
ules of honorable
• m s wherein:he
ke con cr, and a,
false wilt', sees" I
cc. 'ln doing thi
or all the time th
.cepted the parol
8t and September
• uld for these, onl,
his period he w i at:
ho shall surpass IM
.oransweri: "I wt
iles at the time
t he is so designs
) and during thi
t head-quarters set
Moreover the pr
' This sacred
wards violated,
bore arms:agai
all established
denies all the pr
with unsoldierl
"by competen
min his innoc•
ges to account
ed since he a.
months of Aug
I suppose he w
torious that at
nailes. But s
nine The Sig
ter under Caul
capture, (in fa.
months I was
pay accounts."
to it.
stature, slight,
igent eye and e
Our witnes•
Mexicans will
cleared "by II
ly scared to c
la glory.
There is bu
sued toward if
infraction yo
1. man about forty
'y silvered with gra
countenance, and
,es are good, but I think the
out-steenr us, and tie Don be of his teeth,7 sufficient
re him of all taste or Guerril-
t one line of conduc to be pur
ese gentlemen. F• l r the first
must "reasoq with tcm," (that
lem,fifty lashes) and the second
ust "adjudicate upon," (under
understand, hang th m by the
:s them.) They don appreciate
1 yankee lenity is to them but so
es of fear and cowardice on our
e it be. "OMEGO." •
means give t)
offence you n
this term we I
neck, God ble
our character
many eviden
part. So mo
leat Iron Master's _Convention
ff at Harrisburg lately, appears
hatically "went into, labor and
!a more." Its sayings and do
!reate a,iiple in the stream of
certainly did not ralsel a storm on
ocean. These conventions to
te interest are arrant humbugs
( theyt never result in:any good—
has awakened even less interest
s predecessors. The correspond
' iladelphia Bulletin, in speaking,
ir'The g'
which came I,
to have em
brought fort!
ings hardly.
time—as it .
the political
forward priv
at the best
and this one
than any of i
ant Of the P
of it, eayg:
, r o; resolutions have been passed,
es delivered, and a great number
' other edibles devoured. It was
tion to'roast Congress for rein
!' of '42, and fricasse Mr. Polk
ruble obstinacy in these matters;
the greatest amount ,of damage
I have said, insridding our land
,. In . the resolutions adopted,
a of ill-humor are obieivable, but
a very serious character. A
will sweep away the remem
• doings, and the world will move
"A numbs
short address
lof fowls and
in contempt, l
ting the:tari,
for his unalt'
but I believe
done, was, a.
lord's table
Sparse grain:
'nothing of
week's time
bronco of its
on as forme
Charac te riot°
The National Intelligencer shows it's sym
pathy with the French peOple, in their_ endea
vors to establish a Republic, after the follow
ing Federal fashion: '
The government may have been imprudent
but surely not guilty, as it could have had no
ether intention than to present tumult. The
sympathies of disinterested auditors of the
news will, we should think, would be with
the government, which has becoMe obnox
'ous to the revolutionary party chiefly from its
successful exertions to keep France out of
war, and to maiiitain, undisturbed the peace
of England.
TEEN Vi ADS Aoo.—Mr. John Cook, Sr., of
WineLender', was arrested on the 13th, on to
%varrar from Justice Phillips, of Fitchburg,
chrirgiiii him — with the murder of his wife, in
1844, by administc4ing arsenic. The friends
of the deceased had) , oine siispicionof poison-,
kg at the time of he death, and some recent:
developments have g eativ increased the sus
picions. The body %as kept in a tomb, and
has continued in a remarkable state of pres
ervation. 'The remains of the stomach and
bowels were brought to this city,_a few weeks
bince, by Dr. Alfred Hitchcock, of Ashby,
and a chemical analysis was made by Pro
fessor Webster, ut the Medical College, who
obtained four or five grains af arsenic, as tes
tified before the magistrate. The testimony
of thetturse of Mrs. Cook, the sexton, and
some eight or ten medical gentlemen, show
ed a strong prima facie case against the pHs=
oner. who was committed by the Justice to
the ‘Vorcester jail, -to take his trial fur mur
der at the next term of the Supreme Court.—
Boston uCorier.
—Justice Drinker, days the New York Her
ald, of the 28th ult., received yesterday, from
the French vice-counsul of this city, a_requis-
Won for the arrest of several French sailors,
deserters from the French bark Agile,on which
Wee a einnPed eal--"Republique frattenstre
This, it is said p is the first requesition issued
under the new republic in that city. '
INTEMP4RANCR A CRID111.•--A committee,
has been appointed by the Canadian Legisla
ture with instruction to inquire whether
drunkenness should.not be made punishable,
oirindictment, as a crime
' '
• . For the Erte Obitiver.
Tothe'reit Payers of the I:7olftionweatth of Penn- -
zl i v i ar, and those of Allegheny . County in Igo
The.undersigned was not a little surprised
to see an article in the Pittsburgh Gazette of
March 30, over the signature of T. J.
ham, Esq., addressed "to the tax payers of
Allegheny county," in relation to the pro
ceedings of the late board of Reveniur Com
eak piping
n rri
ennui, if
nd I do not
re so much
Though it is with great reluctance, yet I
feel. constrained to reply to Mr. B's commu
nication, that some of the many errors into
which he has fallen may be corrected, and
their mischievous tendency arrested. •
Indeed when we see a publication tending
to excite the worst passions of 'the human
bosom—to enkindle the spirit of rebellion and
provoke resistance to the execution of our
tax laws—to jeopardize the collection of the
Revenue so indispensable to sustain the cred
it of our great commonwealth—it would be
difficult to refrain from lifting a voice of re
monstrance under most any circumstances,
and particularly so when we know there are
no just gro . und for such alarm • , It is plain
that our beloved Commonwea lth is in al fair
way to retrieve her tarnished character, ' and
take her place among the most honored and
prosperou s—provided the people aro permit
ted to exercise their cool and deliberate pdg
ment(in the matter, uninfluenced by the blind
and corroding fassion of jealousy, and what
ever might tend to array-one portion of the
people againsi another. - This of course
would cripple her resources, beggar her
treasury, and finally, drive her citizens to
desperation, if not repudiation. lam induced,
therefore, to offer a few things in defence of
the action of the late board of Revenue Corn-
on to men,
I• Wye pre-
ncluded to
e 'trial or
a captain
ding officer
4. and 30
wn of Gu-
I. take the
town just
up and in-
This of
, besought
" he w
• e confin
e and some
s by some
•7, that he,
o return to
e war con-
missioners, in relation to" Allegheny county.
• Mr. B. says, "The abet of this decision
(of the Board of Revenue Commissioners)
will be to make our (Allegheny) co l l unty pay
aU increased S'tate Tax, of $8,572 01, per
annum, or during the next three years, while
this is to rematn unchanged, we will have
trj pay $25,715 03, beyond the amount of
p seem assessments." This statement is
most egregiously exaggerated. In. truth the
Revenue board only added to the assessments
of Allegheny county, for the year .184'7, (the
County Commissioners neglecting to furnish
the Board with the assessments for 1848) a
sum sufficient to produce an additional tax of
.$1,980, per annum, instead of. Mr. B's $B,-'
572,01, a small mistake, Mr. - 8., of only $6,-
593 01 per annum. This I wißdemonstrate.
The following are the'assessments for 1847,
as returned by the Connty Commissioners to
the Revenue Board, viz:
he ,after-
ontrary to
arfare. He
is charged
pirrris that,
I, l e will main-
he thana-
has elaps-
eave the
! 1847, and
it is no-
with Ca-
swan cun-
s pny-mas
-4 my first
ted in the
Hug up my
;est swears
Valuation of property subjnet to 3 [Amt, oftax
mill tux •16,322,51?, $31,94 53
Valuation of
per cent. tax, 1,52.4:262, 15,235 62
Valuation of ,!
of middle
, an Intel
2 pet cent. tax, I • • - 6,950,
Aggregate (nut of tax as assessments retuned 870.402 17
As adjusted by the Board of Revenue Coin
(Amt. of tax,
Subject to the 3 mill tax, $22,155,5311 $G6,4G7 56
" 1 per cent tax, ,529,562 5495 G 2
•' " '2 per cent, tux t 305 1 .5 U 619 10
Aggregate of cox,
Which will be koduccd from the valuation
as fixed by the Board, producing an increase
of tax only of $1,980 per annum; uo calcula
tion founded on the facts can' produce a differ
ent result.-
Now for the authority of the Board for
putting thaVamount on Allegheny Cunty:
The duty of the Board was to equali e the
valuation of property subject to a State tax
among the several counties of the State. To
perform that delicate duty with as much ! ac-
curacy as possible, the 37th section of the i
act of the 291.11 of April, 1 1 844, , requires the
County Commissioners of the several Coun
ties, at least ten days before the meeting of
the Revenue Commissioners, to furnish the '
State Treasurer, for the use of the Board,
with a statement under oath,' of the return
made by the assessors &c.; and the same sec
requires the County Commissioners to
answer under oath, l such interrogatiries or in
quiries as may be addressed to them: or any
of them, by the board of Revenue Commis
sioners.. The late, board, immediately on its
organization, prepared and forwarded to the
County Commissioners in the several coun
ties, a set of interrogatories, requesting an
to be returned as soon as conver.:ent.-r
From some cause unknown to the Board, the
commissioners of Allegheny Cemity wholly
neglected the provisions of -said 37th section.
They did not return to the State Treasurer b
statement under oath,, of the return made by
the iisse6sors, at any time before the meeting
of the Beard; nor lid the Board receive such
return until its session was about half through;
nor did they return answers! as required by
tile . act! to the interrogatories forwarded to
them for their ans r ers under oath. Soon
after the Revenue iboard convened one of the
County Commissi o ners of Allegheny couinty,
appeared before t ie - Board and testified—
which was before he official returns of the
assessment's of said county, were received by
the Board. It w supposed at the time by
all the members oilthe Board- with whom I
afterward - s--convereed that said Commissioner
1 i
was at Harrisburg on business unconnected
with oui. board; and consequently was unpre
pared to - answer the most material- interroga
tories, for w a nt-oflthe County records before
him, and the official - assessments
. not being
before the Beard, consequently he was - not
closely nterrogated, supposing in the proper
time an veers - would be received from the
other t‘ to Commissioners , which would be
more a curate I l lian could be expected
ed from one accidently called in to testify be
fore the Board. Some time after this Com
missioner testified ? the official return for the
year 1 - 8,7 was received from Allegheny coun
ty. Same witnesses afterward, who werecall
ed before the Board testified that the asses
fer 1848, were taken in the latter part
of the year 1847, bud completed early in Jaw
Miry, Itl.lB. - The assessment for 1848 Was
not furnished the board and no explanation
whatever given by the County Commission
ers why it was withheld. In the other Coun
ties the assessmeits for 1848, of personal
property were the basis of our action.
!Allegheny occupied this position; she sent
one of her County Commissioners [as was af.
teiwards sadj to testify before the Board
without books or issessments, i and , befors the
official returns yore, made to the Board . said '
comatissoiner, nt4 disclosing that he had come
purposely to testiy; and after that refused to
furnish the hoard
,Iwith . other evidences; : ad
ale neglected, to i produce the assessment. - ,
1.88, r- which from evidence it' appeared were
completed early in - January, 1848. With
but few exceptions the • assessments in the
other counties for 1848, had increased con
siderably over 1547. In all prosperouS coun
ties like that of Allegheny the natural in
crease for the last year was considerible.4
Again, when the legal and beat evidence is
witheld by a party the presumption is against
such party,. Howevet, the board in adjudi
cating upon Allegheny county preferred err
ing in her favor rather than against•
Upon a full and fair comparison of her Oft
segments with those of the other counties,
Considering her growihg wealth and prosperl
ity, that it would be doing injustice to other
counties and a disregard of the duty iniposeJ
upon the Board by lay, not to raise the as
sessments on the property : subject to the 3 mill
tax five hundred thousand dollars, which
would be much less than her natural growth
for one year compared with the natural in
crease fur the last three years--increasing the
tax but fi(teen hundred dollars per annum on
the great and prosperous county of Alleghe
ny. .1 believed at the time the Board adjudi- ,
cated upon Allegheny„county, if an error was
committed at all it was infuser of the y coun
ty,' and 1 have had no reason in the slightest
degree to change that opinion.
The Board increased the assessments sub - -
ject to a tax of 2 -per cent., Pc34,000: That
wastattended with much less difficulty than the
other, because there were official documents
before the Behrd showing that there we c re,in
Allegheny county three Law Judges eachire
ceiving a salary of 82,000—Prothontaries
and Clerks of courts'returning to the Auditor
Gei.eral considerable 'amounts over fifteen
hundred dollars annually received by t
Register and dlecorder.lhe officers con
witliiour large barikg, corporation offic
ceiving s aries antl•emol omen's of ME
s2oo—s heriff, one collector of Can
&c.&, showing most conclusively t
excess over $2OO of,salaries and nmolt
of office in Allegheny county must
from thirty to forty thousand dollars, th
misiionera returned the paltry sum of
not much if , any exceeding one flit
amount officially betore the Board f r o
other source. What would be the he,
ference as to the balance of the asEefs
Apply the maxim of the law, falsus lino
in umnibus—and Allegheny' county
have fared much worse than she did
The inquiry may be proPerly made
tax is increased only eI9SO by the ac
the Board how does it happen the lag.;
valuation is so much increased? It is aCcaunt
ed for in this way. The County Commis
sioners retied subject to a tax of one per
cent., $1,529,562. The Board struck off one
million from that sum and added its -eguiva
lent to the 3 mill item, making 8?, 3 4 3 , 311 2
,consequently increased the aggregate . veins-
I tion $2,333,333, without adding one farthing
Ito the amount of tax. By making: that cor
rection it placed 'Allegheny in her t:rty
139 00
- tion in the public eye—had not the
made the correction the wrsuld have be
ing more tax into' he Treaury in pro
to her aggregate valuation than other
ties. By
. mnking this correction she
the suspicion which has been so prey
some portions of the State, that she cv,
paying her quota of tax—of course ti
no ground fur complaint in that matt.
Asian humble member of the late Bard of
Reeitue Commissioners, and a member of
the special committee, to whom the matter of
Allegiteny county was referred, I hay(
sideredit my duty to give the foregoi
planation in relation to the action
Board on Allegheny County. I wo
conclu - sfon remark—if the gentle tan%%
taken so tri r uch interest in the Wear,
dear people of Allegheny county, w
been in so Much haste to sound' 'lie al
opposition, (before tho return of he C, l .
sioner fur that distric6 and warn the County
Commissioners, not to' pay over the tax to the
State Treasurer, and called to the remember
ance of the people the hostility of our Revolu
tionary ancestors, against being taxed by Par
liament tic., had have shown his patrictism in
a way that perhaps, might have been useful
to the people, I would view his course with
more charity. I should judge, frcut the
prompt publication (this advice to the 'county
Commissioners, on the receipt of the action of
the Board, not waiting any explanation, he
has the special charge of the finances of Al
legheny county. If that be the case, why did
not he direct his guardian care over the ac
tion of the county Commissioners, aid see
that they performed their duty according to
law? If they had complied with the plain
letter of the law, perhaPs there would have
been no necessity for the pathetic address
"to the tax payers of Allegheny county."
Mr. B.'s allus ion to the amou nt of tax paid
into the State Treasnry, from Allegheny
county from license to merchants, autioneers,
brokers, inn keepers, Sz.c., has nothing to do
with the matter.' If she paid ten times as
much of that kind of tax, it would not be the
slightest reason why other prdperty in the
county subject to a Stat tax should be exempt.
Why, allusion is made to "the amount of tax
raised from that source. I am unable to cum- 1
prehencl. It is only calculated to .excite the
tax payer, and make him think he is paying
more than his just proportion of tax, Without
exen a iltadow of fact. It would have, been
Much more useful and satisfactory, to. those
whocomposed the Revenue Board at! least,
had Mr. B. spent his - figures and time in ex
plaining why $6,950, subject to a State tax,
of 2 per cent, was returned to the Board when
in fact the public documents show over thirty
thousand dollars, of that description of prop
erty—end why the assessments of 1848 were
withheld front gm Board, These are matters
which require explanation, while the others
do not.
One thing more Mr. B. says that requires
notice. He' says "about 151,500,000 worth
of real estate in the 'burnt district' is exempt
ed frOtn State taxes Until the close of this
year." Does Mr. B. intend to be understood,
that one million five hundred thousand &Tars,
the valuation of the real estate in the burnt
-district, is not included in the aggregate val
uation of the real estate of Allegheny county?
If he does he is in error—if he does not, why
allude to it in the way he heal The fact is,
the real estate in the; burnt district is assess
ed as other property in the county, and forms
a partnf tbe aggregate valuatienibtit exon
erated from the payment of the State tax for
the year to come.
TRurs ET &idyls that which is fair without
striving inappear bO.
Dispatches for the Observer hy the Egy k k
Line, office to Vilitiisms' Blatt —RI
BUFFAto, April 4 - ,
4 o'clock 45 ill.
Btirrato LOCAL NEWS......TWO Colored,
named Nathan Porter and Owen Ba l ic
committed yesterday for passing a elo
terfeit bill of the Cheshire Bank, Ke ecett,
ty, N. Hampshire, at a Aliliners Asp
city. Mr. Ira Osborne has succeed e d k
Coulon as landlord of the Western
this city. There has seldom beeal •
General interest pervading our eiry,
reference - to the meeting assembjeLlest
ing to express the sentiments of otir c.
upon the recent netts from France, hut,
ficult to give with any approach to sce z ,,,
the numbers of those present; but ifs ! :
elude the dense mass of spectators Khoo
Main street from Genes=ce Square ta
the liberty pole at the time the prc
passed, 12,000 would not be too
ITEms OF Nnws—James A. Black,
of Congress from S. Carolina, died i:
ington last night. The steamship
bound for Southampton, put in to th ,
the 28th ult.,lhaving experienced hev
on the 2,5 th; during which her er,g;L.
considerably.damaged, her i . 1 )!ott ,
&c. The Tribune has news from
cut sufficient to.s i how the Whi g $ :Et ,
ficers are all re-elected oser the D em ,
and Abolitionists. So far Whig
are pretty certainly chosen in sir c
.ern, a
ern re-
counties. Whig Senators are ebot tt
bout fifteen of the:twenty-one districtf.
House as far as heard from btantis
Democcats7s. Abent.:lWent y tot%
choose., These will doubtless iueretfi
Whig majority as they hate nearly
Whig pluralities. The broLrig 11'11
pe over
I tons
hat the
lin4 l ent:,
e cum
th the
have refused to buy the bills of the Bart
Grace, Bunk to
ITESIS OE NEW;.7-11orace .Manzi
chosen a I nembpr of Congress from the:
trict lately represented by John Q. Ae
A despatch from :Augustaa,nnnuncesazr
val at New Orleans ss ith date's - to the 9S
ult.' Later accounts hate been receiree.s
the City of Mexico. The Teleg,rafb
renewal of the difficulties between Qenrr
Scott and Worth had taken place.' Mr T
had been retained at the Capitulas a wilt
against Gen. Scott, but he Hill leave fur
United'States when the Court of 'tpir!.
journs. Gen 'Twigs and a number oft'.
officers had arrived at l's Orleans. f
Henry Nilson has succeeded Gen.Tcs.
as Gu..ernor of ;Vera Cruz. No 111011:
plies than are
,necessary are to be :ma
interior in view of the immediate oithln
of the troops.
in an
'at in-
I fulsits
lif the
reg ate
Po s t -
BUFFALO. April 6.-Si P.l
n pay
Prrms or LOCAL News:—Martin
wortlymate-of the schooner Eudora, Iris;
the creel; near the foot of Commercials!.:
- from the jib-boom of the vessel,) esteray
ternoon at o'clock, and was drowned.. T
flags of all the )•essels in the harbor weal
ing at half-mast during the afternoon
token of respect to the deceased.
NEW YORK, April 5-7 P.
lent in
s not
A Telegraphic dispatch from Washic,
states that the funeral of Mr. Thick was.
in the House of Representatives to-day. ;
members of both Houses, and the Pre,i:
and Cabinet, were present. lie. Mr. C.
ley. chaplain of the House, preached an
propriate sermon on tile occasion, from':
chapter and '?3d verse of the Gospel of S
John. A large procession uttenled the .
mains to the Congressional Burying Gm.
An arrival from Tampico brings Inte .
gence of an attack, which was made open::
town of Oseulauma by a considerable forte:
Indians, but w hich was repulsed by thetas
itants with considerable gallantry. The
tack was inade on the 11th ult., by a part!
revolted Indians, numbering 330 men,ofsl.
180 were armed with guns, f and the bey
with bows and arrows and small arms, T.
commenced the attack at 3 o'clock in
morning, and fought till ti o'clock when tie ,
Ned in dismay, leaving one dead ; and tit
wounded on the field—their exact loss, hs
ever, cannot be ascertained, but from APP"
ances it must have beeti heavy.. The tut
was defended by only 43 men.
I(' the
II I in
hu has
1 u has
• run of
-The remains of Gen. Hopping have arfm
from New Orleans in the packet shipQuthec
A telegraphic dispatch from Hartgord,tV
they have certain inforMatiorf of the eleol
of 114 whigs to the House and 13 to
NEW YORK MARKCTS 7 -1 4 1011r sold
50a6,60, fur Brooklyn, Michigan and
tern York, and $6,513a6,626 for good saro
of Genes Fee.
Meal is heavy and quiet, and sells at V.°
for Jersey, Rye flour $3,62a3,75.
Corn 50a52 for Virginia and Delaware.
Rye 74a75, and dm. .Oats 43a-16 for Rive
NEW YORK, April 6-7, I'. 31.
M&RKET.—The market for flour Ner
dull and prices heavy. Pure .GCDCSSee brief
$6 56a'6 624 and common brands, wastr
New. I t ,ork and Michigan at $6 50, and
wego and Troy $6 44 a 6 50. Meal is e!..
44 a :3 '5O.
Grain Market not active to-day. Inn'
could be bought father cheaper, but theist"
no buykrs at market rates. Corn was e
very plenty and the market was rather fire.'
Yellow Jersey 55 56. White SoutlO
prime, 56. Rye 75, delivered, which isk:
ter. Oats are steady at 45 a 46, for tie
47 a 48, fur canal.
has farther Mexican intelligence. N let
from Quartereo, states that a quorum of
members of Vozg,ress would assemble byt:i
last of AI ~A rch,and concludes as follows:
rashly, I must say,in my opinion, the trotta
peace will be approved. There may he°,
slight alterations, but in the end all will
concluded, as sensible men desire, %TIP tt.
pine only to a tranquil life. i ,
BUFFALO, April 7-8 o'clock, 5 0 zni,
'Manxttr--There was a sale on Weclew;
of 610 bbls., three good brands Michiply
Flour for arrival by the 25th at VIOL' .
There are other lots ha the market at thew"
price. Holders are askini; $5,/ 21 5521
Mess pork sells at retail at $lO and in . 9 l3w
lilies at $9,'75. Butter at 16a18.
ITEMS or NEws.—The contractors and
perinten dents on the New York Canal are!!
strneted to complete their work by the
inst., if the weather proves favorable.
can be thine and the canal opened iTniedow
ly afterward.