Greatest, Disco •ery of the Age. O 2C I f4.IIAGi"! lINTIII,III /11111118 is 'he Ora attempt to Combine tho ELECTRIC Or MAONL .1' FI.U.D with Powerful Vegetable Ex tracts in the form 0, Muintinent=to be applied external ly file the removal of disease. The almost oulimited suc cotash has met with stamps it at,.ouce the REATEsT DISCOVERY OF THE AGE. - It Is constantly effecting cures Of the °ltem utmost importance. The must incredu - loos are CON VINUED—the 11101. t faittitass are compelled to bollevein the power and virtue of this greet remedy. ~ It isuniversally admitted to be THE MOST WONDER FUL COMBINATION KNOWN to the WORLD for the 13111IEDIATE RELIEF erdise.s. , e and polo. It never fails while there remains sufficient life to restore a aatureland healthy action to the capillary vmsels of the body, and equalize The eirculati Ns of Me blood. By tbisaneans a contrelling power is guinedorrer the most malignant forms of DISEASE er . blch cannot ha °Wattled from any other rem. cdy. Such as the power of this combination that it pens o every portion ofthe human frame; every bone and muscle, vein, nerve and ligament is searched outand made sensible of purifying and healing influence. Hence it - copes es readily with infernal as external diseases. Numinous instances aro on rzeord whore this remedy has restored health to patients so near the grave that the ' most powerful internal remedies failed to produce any ef fect, Such has frequently been the case lit INFLAMA• TION of.he BOIVELS—no patient ever nemd die with this disease where thh Magnetic Ointment ran he obtaiund.— That dangerous Epidemic Known at...the-PUTRID ERY SIPELAS con always be cured by this remedy. For INFLAIRATORY RIIEUhIATISM, this Ointment is the most complete remedy over prepared. In t 9 cases out of 100 it will afford ?Afire relief to the wont cases of NERVOUS HEADACHE in ittlii.l4inules. For fictive, Diseases this remedy is of im ien.e!ra'tte. Affections of the Spine Rheumatism, Lanienessi Ulcer ated Sore Throat, Bronchitis. Pleurisy, Coup, Chills. Cholera Morbus, Ague in the Face or Incest. Bures.S aid Head, Scroful 1, Salt II helm', Erysipelas, It llama, Eyes, Fever Sores, &c will be Immediately retie 'ed by the use of this remedy. DR. BINGUAWS CERTIFICATE . . • . , .. . In your querlifswittyregard to the results of the Experiments I haue node with your justly celebrated alagne.ic Ointment: I can SOY with pleasure that I ()coin it one of the GREATES I' Oz.:Cc/VI:RIES 4 'TIiE•AGO. It is now nearly tvto years since 1 eommee need using it in roy practiee, and I have tested it In cases'of Inllurnina -1100. both local and general, of the most insklignani kind withuniversal success; es 6n Where ull internal remedies felled, I haresuceeeded with thir. , I have treated cases of intlamation of th Brain, loll !nation ofthe Lungs,liitlaination of the Bowl Is. liiilainiir -imagism. and IChild 1.. l Fevers, With perfec t.{ Bowl Is. Rho-imagism. success: also cases f Scarlet Fryer. Cank r Belli, and Ulcerated I hroat a d Lungs with like Race ' ss. In the Epedetnlc nowt' as the Putrid rysipelae, by which so many valuable live. were lost. I este.] it fre quently, and it never failed of effecting a st tied) nod cer tain cure. In cases of Burns, Sprains, Itruines, Froz • n Limbs, le. it actelikc a charm. No Physician or Family will hen sing! day without this Medicine, after becoming aequainted Ith it power to curo. N. HINGHAM, Pb) Indult and Surgeon LW, a. N. P. Jan. 19. 1818. i-V'For further particulars And teatime: phlct left with each agent. Price 95 and 59 cents O'er bottle. AGENTS.—Carter dc, Brother. wholes. Erie; D. N. & J 1.. Wolister, Conneaut. Potter. West Sprinsfilehl; IV.ll.Townsen L. H. Jones & Co. Gira-d; John A. Tracy, 1 Eric. August 14. 1847.-Iyl3. U R L A G TITIERE! IEI i2l ARE HERE. -"VICTORY! t' icTORY" 1 lIURRA! Ili.' :I ti A . tIURIIA!!! The new Jew Store again Ahead! JUST received at the Nato :Jew, Store, No. I, Fleming Block, State street, tirieW ,, and splen did assortment of FALL & WINTE t GOODS! consisting in part of BROADCLOTHS.— French, Englisi and Amer ican black, blue, brown ) gold Imo cadet mixed Broadcloaths, cheap us the cheapest. ALSO.—Cassimeres and Ve.stings tdmatch, both as to color quality and price, GROCERIES.—A general assortinek of choice GrOoeries, which will be sold extteemly low. CROCLEItY.—A be•tuliful assortment of crock ery at prices that cannot fail to please. S JOTS AND SHOEi.—Without boasting we can truly say ;ye have the cheapest rand best as sortment of Boots and Shoes, i neltnlin4 Ladies, _ - Gentlemen and Boys, ever bronghtito this city. CAP.S,.--;;Men and Dove cap:, that cannot fail to fit both the purse and hea l (' come and try. _ LADLES DRESS GOUDS.—ltere l we are at home. We have cashmeres, de lanes without number and almost without price Ginghams and Alpaccas, California plaids roll Su iss and Tarltton Nlttslins; wide gimp and gimp cord; dress buttons, cords and tassels; hut what is the use of enumet ming --tt e-, have every thing to make the handsome more divine end the ugly enchanting. .. 1 SlLKS—Striped and Plaid Poult de;Sois, . White gro de SwiSN I Black watered 4' Sat in stripe pouf( da soi, ' . Black and Mtn black, gro de -Napls, Black ,gro de Rhine. 1 lIA WLS —Of all prices, shades and quality .4 44 , front the cheap cotton up to the finest silk and Cashmere, I GLOVES—Of all hinds, colors and Sizes. 1 Hosiery, Suspenders, Prints, Ticks. Drills, Fac tories, in short every thing suited Id the season and market. I , - Ready Made Clothing. Our stock of ready made clethinii lar2e and splendid, and will be sold cheap. - We do not wish to boast, but we think we can convince any one by calling that we sell a ;loud article for a smatter sum than any other establishment in town. At any rate "the proof of the pudding Is in the eat ing," therefore FRY US! If...7"Mind the name and number. ISAAC ROSENZWEIG & CO. !rie, Sept. 21, 1817. 19 New Fall and Winter Goods T AM now receiving from New York n urea 1 variety of rich and desirable goods for Fall am Winter trade. Among otter deiirribles now o pening are f Fuperior Thibet cloths, drab and blitelt;! French printed Cashmeres, beautiful patterns and very cheap. 100 pieces black, drab, mode, plain , and striped Alpaceas, one third cheaper than ever before oared—some as low as 22 cents per yard. Shawls, a great variety of now styles; Prints, Ginghams, M. do Vaino, and other new styles olDress Goods in any quantities, twenty.five per cont.:cheaper than ever before oTered in this city. All or which my customers and the public are respectfully invited to examine. C. Al. TII3BALS. October 9, 1817. 2. COFF Tea, Sugar , together with a general assortment of G rocerietx, for sale by N 0v..8. EO. SELDEN 4. SON. "%NARKING INK.:—David's, Poison's ri n d Indeliable Inks, for marking linen, 4.e N ., for sale by, ov. 20. LUMBER, WANTED. AQuantity ot 5.8, 3 4 arid 1-inpli 'Mild woad Boards—also, Chair and Reilowe Planks, for which the highest market price will be paid Dec. 11. *. GEO. SELDEN & SON. A.,LAPACA—SiIk and cotton warp, from two to eight shillings per yaid, Black, Brown, drub, plaid, plain um) satin striped, for sale by se t a. 25. 1'• JAC , G IMPS AND FRINGES, in great variety, for sale by LEavext, SENNirr & CUESTER. N0y.13; 1817. • S.'6 yards parlor, ball cod stair carpeting, at prices varying fforn 2 and 6 pence to 8 shillings' per yard. Also, Floor Oil cloths, at the low rates of MOSES KOCH, No. 2 COnntiercial Exchange,. French sr. 0ct.29, 18r- _ 9.1 S HOT by the bag or lb. and the article to send it away, At No 3, American Block. R AISINS—Beet finality by !lig B o; or giggle lb., ol No. 5, Runnel) GiockMoate street. .T.,11 I. COOK als, a ee punt o and retail, Ohlio; R iIPV Spring tic hi; airvionr. 0 0 =id w BURTON ¢ PERKINS Greatest X.Odiciro 'of" the r Ag STANTONeI:I — EXTERNAL REMEDY,: 'HUNT'S LINIMENT.—HaII received -11 YO above tide from thousands who have bent*! fitted by its use. • Its operation is wonderful.-± Never failingro give immediate relief, and pet manently curing - the discern for which it is hi eommended. For the last )car 1 have placed tu- 7 fore the public testimony of undoubted character from manyipersons well known throughout the county of Westchester, where the great reputation of this Medicine was firet established. During the past year I have received from all parts of the country a. drags of evidence of the great value. or this celebeitied remedy sufficient to fill volumes, of which I him 'Selected a few certificater. For ;he followingidireases Hunt's Liniment is a certain, sSfe and - Speedy cure. • • Rheumatism, Spinal affection, Weakness and pains in the buck and, chest, contractions of the muscles, sore throat, quincy, issues, ulcers, ague in the [Kest and face, tooth ache, sprains, bruiser salt Rheum, burns croup, frosted feet, bunions corns, and all diseased of ,the Nerves. As a, strengthner of the Nervous Systein it exceeds all, the plas.erer and Medicines in the uorld. It is' only neccessury to try,At to be convinced that it will do all that the proprietor professes. Its rep utation is constantly increasing, and in stance where ithae been used it is always} kept as a necessary Family Medicine. Read tbo evi dence front abroad: CERTIFICATE East-Berlin Px„ May 23, 1717. • Geo. E. Sianton.—zDear sir: I consider it my duty to express my sentiments in behalf of sour invaluable medicine, Hunt's-Liniment. •• 1 have for some rime past used the Liniment in my practice, for various diseases, and feel satis fied, from th e success attending its application, that it met its all that can be said in its behalf.-- I considerhi one of the best exhrnal reinedies I have ever used in caseof Tette!, Ringwor:in, Salt rheum, pains, bruises, cuts, swellincs, &e.—The cheap rate at which the urticle is to be had, places within the reach of all. It shoutil from the prin cipal external remedy, of every family. DANIEL BAKER, M. D. • This Liniment is sold by all the rertpeciable Merchants and Driigeiste throughout the country, and by the Proprietor at Sine Sine. N. Y. GEOIIGE'E. STANTON. Forsale by J.ll. Berton &Co, Erie, U. C. Town North East, J. Clemens Fairview; S. L. Jones & CO. Girard. Jan. 29. 1848. I 3m 37 .• S. SMYTH HAS JUST RECEIYED from New V'ork.per Poinroy's Expr_ess, tat. Spring Fashions, and is now• ready to eAcente alloiders for HATS in the latest Fasion, and or bettea _quality than can be purchased here or elsewhere. March 16, 1316. - ARE.—Silver table, dessert, tea, salt and mustard spoons, ionize, ladles folks. butter and fruit knives, cousitintlj on hand and for aa!e by G, LOONHS & co., State st.. nearly opposite Eagle note! Jolt/ 17. 1547. • Pekin Ten Company's Agency. NO. 5, REED HOUSE. • y'rcan be no longer doubted that the establiEdt ment of the above agency in Etin, has enabled buyers to obtain tea from tmentyave to thirty three and a third per cent less than fOrmeily, and has consequently reduced somewhat the profits of the old dealms-10,s no wonder then that, they winceunderit, and by raising the et v of' hum bug." mideavor to injure the credit of these Tres, but they can't do it. Spit out ) our venom and ill natured N., hittic is nis, gentlemen, they eperfect ly h art r o t e cl., a ,&liscerning puldic know full nen the motives prompting you. These teas do and will sell, notwithstanding,bet rime they are baler and cheap. r than can be had t lee hot e, and be cause they are f eel and put tip so the) it ,be fresh any len.2th of time. Every package is war ranted fall weight exclusive of the paper and foil; these ate facts and no "hmbug," uh aft it ho het c tried the tens know! and those tharhave not may. Buyers is ill please not enflamed names. The only place in Erie where the Pain Company's tea can be had, is at No 5, Reed lionse. of BURTON & PERKINS. Erie. Dec. 4, 1817. '29 a re tr PIECES Paper Hanllings, Roulet ir 1 OULY an d NV huh* Fa p!.:r 111-1101iV: which m ill be found some of the' and Ready sort: Oct. 30 GEO. SELDEN & SON. good asserment of Hall's, 14Iarsh's; Tiernan's, Thoini.on's and Rhine• hart's Trusses, ssorled sizes for sale low by CARTER & BROTHER. Ladies Dress Goods. OREGON Plaids, cashmeres, .IN,lonselen de Lancs,Plaid,;''atin stripe. bad: unit Mlle black Alpaca, French, Scotch and Ann•rican Ginghams, French, and Amcrican calico, a Inge us sortment open and for sale cheap by. Edo Oct. 30. GEO. SELDIN 4. SON. n ETR.OII' ALE on draught.. null ror 9 ule at II Nu. 1, Peri) Bloa. by T. W. MOORE. ,Vov. 5, 13.17 4...yri0 LBS. Havana, New Orleans, Loaf 4.3`319 LBS. Pulverized, clarified and Ma ple Sugar, selling very cheap at PEFFER'S. Noe. 13. 1817. No 3, American Block. ['ALIVE OIL—A superior articlu for fantily , use ll ter t.ole very low by IL COO K. UGAR.—Pulvei ized, Crushed, Muscovado 1,3 Porto Bic.) and N. 0. Sugare Jou er rhan ev er ut No. 5 Bouthll Block. Dee..ll. F!. COOK. C 1 UGARS.—Loaf, Crushed, Pulverized, Cluj -17 fled, Porto Rico, Havana. Now Orleans Su gar fur sale at No. 1, Perry BlOelc. Aug. 28. T. W. MOORE. A LLEN & CUT have on hand a large stock Zia Broad cloth. s, pilot and beaver de. cassi mares, Satinncts, vesting's, and other goods for gcntleinens which they are selling very low for cash at the New Store. "Dec. 18." T_T ARDWAR E. —A general assortment of IJ. Shelf Hardware, together with a large us• sottment of carpenters's and joiner's Tools. Nov. 6. • • GEO. SELDEN 4- SON. SAVE YOUR ASHEF.S-1 will receive good house and field ashes at. my Ashery pear the pew furnace• S. JACKSON. Jan. I. ISI9. —__ 114 BOXES Fresh Raisins f or salo cheaper than AAO can be had t Isewhere, at Nov. 6, ! No. 3 American Flock. 2, 69 LBS. Rio, Java, Cuba, Laguira and 01./s , St. Domin. , o Coffee selling at a small advance above cost. Nov 13 At No. 3, American Block. HAVANA, Principe, Spanish and Cnnneatti cig.nre, At No 3, American Block. , 673 Gallons Ohio Stone Ware, belling ut n small advance above cost Nov 13. At No 3, American Block. MEDICAL BOOKS. UNITE D States Divensatory, by Wood & U Bach. Family Physician, by Dont. Beach. New Remedies, by It. Dunghison M. D. Consumption Cuted, by S. S. Fitch. - For sale by BURTON S , PERKINS. N0v.27. - THE PICTURI?.B.—Sotne beautiful paintinirs of Birds and Flowers. Also some very fine Views clone by the brat French Masters. Dec 4. CARTER. BROTtICa. WANTED.—The subs.crlber will pay die highest price for ali kinds of Eumher de livered at his store in Elie. M. Ai AYER. ' Jon. I 1818. WRIDOW G — ASS. 4330 FEET Window glass, from 7 by 9 to 20 by 30 inches, from the (astern fac tories, warranted a superior article. Glass cut to any size or shape without extra charge. Putty always on hand. Dec 1. CARTER 4. !MOTHER. TO 'THE FASHIONABLE. 15 4 I; TRAC'T Vanella, Vnnelln neon, Bitter Al l'," rriond, Ex, Leunnoti, Pose %Valet, Alec; Mustard, While Gintzer, Pule (Mille Oil, Cayenne Pepper, Cinnamon, Cloves inid Nuttneas. 'Dee 4, CARTER. & BROTHER. N• - OTE PAPER.— • Plain, Gilt edged, and Entboascd r Visiting Cards. , Black, Red,'Carsnine, Indelible, Indian, etc, etc. by . Dec. 4. - CARTER 4. BR °THEP.. On Hand*. A good supply of Selt, Master,White Fish, XI. Limp and Bole ;la Upper Leather, for sale as cheap as the chnipcst by ' rCr, lI'WILLIANIL $z WRIGHT CLICK NEWS :, '. '• SUGAR- GATED- VEGETABLE YMCA- . . •• •I'IVE PILLS, - -•, --„. A mg universally antitltted to operate' not only es an io all diseases which elffeffect the human frame, Pima OreetUni prey - entrain., btit is never failing relnedv , acb, Indigestion, Sheamittlsof; Tiles, 'ailttvy4CrttroPsY, Smell Pox,. Cholcra-morbus, Warms.Whoopiartntigh, Coagulant ion. Jamsliee,Quinsy. • Elearlatinit, , Idsge'com. plaint. Apoplexy, Cancers, Itlentler.fialt.liliction, Fits., Heartburn. Eresipclos", !korner*, Itehinas -ttf the skiii, colds, gout. grovel. giddiness, pains to the-,b4h, inward wealtnese, palpitation of the heart, risings iu the throat, asthma, fevers of all kinds, female complaints, stitches iu the aide, spilling tit blood, *ore eyes, tcurfula, st. nettle ny's Gee, lowness ofspiritr,floodiug, fleorttlbus or o kites, grilse king's evil. lockjaw. byinerta, tole oti the *lours's, and all' bilious affection's, pleurisy, croon, swelled feet and lefts. /.wilt/ pox, white swelling. tremors, 11:1111014, ul cers. vomiting, and a , 1101.1. 0 - others have *access:fully end repeatedly trectivanquithed by their powerful to-n. TheY have been ',mown' to effect permanent mires when all other remedies had pioved nonvoting, nod to the last stages of aware, •' They have in many eases auperceded the ptescrlpti -o *kill °Me inorteminent Physicians, and receivedbrsldes their unqualdied commendation. " They have limn repeatedly recommended by men of the molt distinguished• characters, throughout the loud, and been annctioned In Euro e by Noblemen and Prince, of Royal blood. They have been introit teed into the Horpitals of Edin burgh, Paris, and Vienini. 01111 I.lllDugh the disinter, sled exertions of our Foreign Amhara:Mora. they lime recert ed the favorable comnimitlatime of the Emperor of It Iltibili, and Ina Celestial klojesty;or the Chinese I nipire. f.Vsllcureely a Packet vessel of any reputation rails from the port of New Vo It, without no abundant supply of'tho SICK MAN'S rj,k:vrit FAILING FRIEND.- I . 7•Agencies have beenlc-tablished .in all the - principal citiesofthe U 111011.11111.1 applicattons are constantly reach ing us from almost oumberless t Stages in every section of the country. Testing, dais of their marvellous effects are pouring in from all liniment—and in such umbers that we been not time to read one.lialf of them What stronger or more coneutrive evidence than these important facts ell/ the most rkepliall desire? Is it pourable that the many thousands who her tried CLICKN ER'S PILLS tan he deceived hi theit 4 resulted If any imposition or quackery existed, would it not long ego hese been held up as it 511001,1 be, to th ttotu and deriaion of a justly offended Comm 'y, • It emetither Dr. C. V. dialler is the original inventor of Sugar Coated rills, and that nothing of t h e tort mac ever heard of, until he intiodured 111e111 10 done 18 93. Poreleiserr slisuld. therefore, UN it s nett for Click. nor's Sugar Cunted Vette Ado Fills. and take to other; or they hill but made she %lithe& of a fraud. 'MICE 23 'ENTS PPM BOX, Dr. CM knees, principal office for the sale of Pills, Is 66 Vest? street. New York! W\l. JACKSON, S 9 lAberty street, head or Wood at, Pillahurgh Po., general Agent for %Vo•tet n Penurylt main, Northern Ohio, nod the river,. °notice erVirgia.a• Sold by ilm followilm.' duly uppoluted Acetoo. J. D. Spofford Erie: Wm. Judion A. Co. `IV terford: Bore Morgan, Cumbridge: J, A. Tuley, Fail iew; John Mc- Clure, Girard; W. D. TUun-end, Springfield. Likem isr robl by the mite agents, theT GREAT Rritl- EDY OF NATIO:Ii, Alt Ell CAN OIL. Procured from a well in ientucky i IES feet below the our. face or the earth, a cernfiti unit infalhilik cure far Intlam atury Rheumatism, :Spiolins. Colic, Sprains. Strains, cuts, Bruises, Scolds, Runts, t ettsr, Et vsipelas, Neal!! [lead, Croup. Inflanintory so e throats, .ore En e.., Deafness, Spinet I laPalti, A.. 1:.• &C.l I PRICE 50 crs . rs PER 1101 Tf.E. , , CAUTIONIIII or d er t, on Sul eof olita'alke genuinel purchase only of the go Tral agent for %%est , i. Pinnisyi , Voliii4, IVOltlirra 0100, ityl Ike ricer entimins of Virginia. %Von Jackson. Ni, )9 1.1 iert a Intl Plit•liurgh, or tiro' huh Agnate 1111110i1111•11 in lion for iii site, ear ', o f ~ h om will have n slims bill, null 'general .lireril.ll. ill 11111ilithil i 'fora), containing the Iloilli. *Mil •idllia-.s of the Pioprietnr 'au' General A gent..ll follon s I). Hail ,t Cu propririors. 'Rollo ky. Wm. .1 leksim, Genera I Agent. a. :.-9 Liberty street, i l , Pitt•linigli, to whom nil der, nova re addressed. OISSER 1 E—Each trot Iris elicit,/ /1111 flan ..r air iiiioCii named Pamphlets tool the,......, "I' n in. J. ,00 . 0 ) , hin'ges oral mod oaky whids•me.: genii for Wesii rii Prongs Igania, N..r1i , ...".. 01;in. and the a :ger comities of Virgin:a, printed on the liiiiiide ,I .1,0. TAKE NOTICE.— O. r. spefTurti if liiPfililii'll 1: enter nl nod soppli hug .Icenefor the •iile of the A mericao Oil and Hagar Coated PIM i, Cp... (HMIS Pd. lit.,b agents inp• plied liy.lilin la the a lioleNilie prise.. •IF,I NC E , ~,, , , ...,, wri. , =:11:T., - ma: IN !JINN- I\ Mc 1! . . OF 1 lir, - - lIIAS III:::N lA:GUN. %.-1 All'l WS IlA'fll IN If A )01 , DENTII. c? Yount,. ithp ;110,1,3 our idol 1.1),,c i et imps COl filled to her enter- her pale chit eke her that hold I libe.,te ha , I.lreatly .plin e be; oeptl; hurt eviti; It pi r 1:. ISIL LUNGS CI:It , TII I: • DEN I' IRON I:It 'HIE CDt..tall Or (AB t:DITSI A BE yOt/ A MOTH E .1.1 and 1..111.613 joy, i elianthei aa , it alatigr reit, .bruithei. fingera, tell th, eil upon her—the sound your souk YOIllq: 21,t , , lieu [just shout to enter lire, ll6elise shells a Irc.alticiti•liiiiii blight astir the rim' los o‘i.e. in of the future your hectic unite LI anti feeble lied, tell of our lose of hope, but 3 nit ~err ant Ilopaur. There is tt helm whiell wall heal the n one l 'ded, boys, it :1 SIIERMAYS ALI.-11BALINCI BALSAM. Mrs. ATTRI:C. the nife 01 . ‘l'm• 11. Attlee, l':+ll• ghee up by Pr.r:tiwall of %Viishiailitnii, DI,. BOP laid MC- Clulluls of Phaiteleliilita, Dr in ...lid Dr. Mott of N. York. Her fileilds all thought the inn , ' die. She had i eery up peer:lnce of bring in CoontittiOicap, nod 1.:,e no pranoUbc eil by her 1 li,lbiti.lll:—.:i.kellll,llt:t. nal.z , tu ants given uud at cured her. 1 11, DARIIABB %WIZ' of Bair.. Fern y; was ul o caned I Orcotif..atapt too by till. I ale: an rhea ..n Wi: Whet' temdieh failed to gun e relief—eke au. reduced to a theleton. Dr. A. C. Cantle, Deutiet, 2611 Broadway. Inns %%1111eseed its ef fects in be% erul rates n here no other medicine :buried relief—but the Bula.on in iere frit like e a heron. Dr. C. al so tritilektell its wonderful el 'eel • in cut lug A•llitaa,Whidi it arbor fails of doing Spit tog plooll, - abo mon nail laity be, in Effretwath a nri il by this Wardle II heals the .rup tired or t% o:lnch..El ti:ood I bite in, Laud makes the lungs !send fig/(11,. I Rev. it I:NitY JOSEet',. 1( "et ottg It tool rl.t.ulhnl ;:cliet The liret lute t4.vb c him s out ieiale he hail yet t hee. D i lor-in•ltv ahoi tta• 1,1601 - 111 L! :Luotlicr torcly oh! o tc.i N it , 4 ID CIS Wer4 , 11111:lediate. fort:Ade heattli lre, LeCit Ell 1 ‘V1:1.1.' 4 , f'". Chro.lie .treet .tiffeted from .Artlona 472 y Dare. Slim roma'. Itairam relieved her at mien, and chic D comp iratively a ell, being enabled to cuMlue, every atiatl, by a timelj , um, or thi• medicine.— . .11as indeed to the pram remdtly rot Cough*, ColdaMpiting Blood, Liv Cr , Complatut., a ..1 all the • alrectiona of the threat, and'eyen A •tltma un. roistnniamn. Prim, 25 cPiil4 null $1 per toll le. Dr. Sherman'. (Mee ;a nt C 6 Nnva•iu *tree!, N. Y, Sold by the following duly premed Anent.; O.D. Spat, ford, Erin; Wm. .1tni.0a...1 Ito. 'Waterford; Div. , ' & 1i1,,r -gun CH101)61101 3. Trm v, I airy leer; John Si'durc, Gi rard; W. H. 'roalibead, Sill tigfleld. 1 Likewife Do. Sherman's Paste told l'uor 411,. Platt COUGH LOZENCES.- 2 moot rare WU/ Cffectuul ren tightness of the lungs or ehe WORM LOZENGES. —T been prnved in more thou hble; the only certain nom: covered. It naf referred f metlieMeto de•truy worms Children will take there Loz CAMPHOR. LOZENGES immediate teleof in nervuu, Von of the henrt, lotruefs DR. SHERMAN'S TOOT traftee,thei best article know the teeth. strengthening she SIIEILMAN'S POOR, M ttrengtheinng plater in th: for pain, or trenkiletat IWO One million a year vi ill not # led the beet nod cheapest. The above Lozenges. To the Mime scents for Dr. Eh Eric Not. fin, 1847. BLACK SALTS:— hiah„. price for at &lie( r - ed at Nl',o October '2l. 1816. . OLD PENS.—Levi Brown's Li'old Pens, the Vijjlort celebrated tnaltetor the article, a good assn anent kept eonstantly on hand ; also the dif fered kinds of cheap (dettre=t) Pens, at LOOM - 18 A. Co's, opposite Engle hotel. st., nearly July 10, 1947. - - -- NEW' AND FR AtNo.aPrir WF. lIINDERNE • furze and well dry and, Family Ginned' Mel) lie willsei other establisiniienc in TUST RECEIVED 2. roirvro and Java Co Big Wlndutv, State str .Im4 1?47 • 459 t7o ' o ‘ r iuS no " it O li h o ." 1.. ? Jnnr i 26. W. To Ea BELLOWS, Anvils! Spring Steel; Ca iincrican S.teel; also, t Ilpop Web can our old coiner opposito Oct. 40. 1 WIL, A CCORDEONS, wi Bass Viol, Violin by State Ft, nearl July 17, 1947. 'IICON, NAILS, sTE , and American Iron, S. Nnil Hods, round on Cast. Englicli,Ametic• Anvils, Vices, ecc., Nov. G . Gh _ Cash! WE wish to purcha for which thd hi. be paid: 80 tons Pork • 20 do Tallow•, deli Factory. W. C. Dec. I Eighth Pnur. nns cared ion It:ll6'lkm all theollter wed,' . 1.. J. goie it to a xi uudrt Coututoptioo, •ind to tbe dsthnta. 1n both cat ce 1,011 re toting (Lout to cont• Indicated Lozenger, Tooth r. narF are a safti ody for oughs, and colds, hobo worn Lorta,v.en havil 100 000 cuocs (111.1 s the info)• ei)st medicine ever dis• 1r Dr Sll'ertuatt to invent u hat children could fake.— r anges nod ry for inore. celebrated for Ravine almost and nick headache, palpitg- Welts, Sc I PASTE.—A premium Den. n for cleaning and a late:ling rum,. sweetening the breath. N's PLASTER.—The beet . amid; it sovereign -remedy ! back, loins, satlev, breast; &e apply the demand. Warren- Oen that will petite the (act. ,111 Paste and Plaster, told by ' ravines All-llcaliug Balsam. CM - n ill pay Caoh, anti The, y plant it.y of Black Sake at my shire in Erie. t. M:TIIMAT,S SH GROCERIES, Peoplvo Row. 1:31T late j , .st redeived elected - tient of wet. !e s; Dye Stuff's, Nails ai d leheeperforcashthar.any tow% Please call and June 12, 1517. _ bogy itio , Cuba ; St. Do ee, one door not th of the lef, by • F. N EC HT. 'tone 'IV a re, 'for sale one • Ilia W intl"w: F. ItINDERNECHT• ksmiths. . Vices nod I-Jammers, do., 1.:mu11...11, glister and ail gods, Dand,r_lar and I t hod to lertns to euit ut ;he Eyrie. I JAMS & WRIGUT. h the improved valves, Ind Guitar strings, tbr sale , G. LOONIIS & Co., ;• opposite Eligle Etottl, 1„ R ussia, Swedes siluaro and round, 0.- 1 squaw rods, Dand Iron, Ji and Sp ing Steel. Nails BELDEN & SONc Cfish!! ' e the followina/articlei heel market plc. will tool of Lard, - cred at of - . store or Oa CIULBERT. ► It3rOWNSENIVSSARSAP HD_ ,OST EXTiiMMDINAR 'ME IN'THEVORID. This Eatiact fa pitt,"olt to quart :bot ix times cheaper plenianter s 'and Wa otiy goo. it tures: l iimiase molting,purgi n 4, pickccolog or Orbili iaticnt.' - '• ZIREAT FALTAVD "iN rrr M 1 7 he great heiWity snit tiuperioti;y of S,apari Ilk over medicine fs,,wli ie:tier:discuses, lliiivigorateS the body. attic very best:Pill and Winter Medi known; it not mill; pinnies the 'tvltle strengthens ttiier•son, r hut it 'Creates and rich blood; a power ,poSsessed medfcliVeY. And hi' this' liesthe gran its wondetful specess. - .lt has pil - i•for the past two years, more thin 35,000 c Vero cases of diseases; at !east, 20,00 were considered Mai - sable: • More than 3,000 cases of Chronic Rh 2,000 cases of Dyspepsia; 9,000 eases of General Debility au Energy; l',ooo cases of the different Female C 2,000 cases of idyi•olbla; 1,5,00 cases of, Disease of the 'Xi Dropsy; " 5.01.0 cases of Consumption; And thousands of cases of diseases of viz; Ulcers, Erysipelas, Salt It hem; r the Face, tze.,_ together with numerm Sick Headache, Pain in the Side and I' nul A ffecticins, &e., &c. This, we are aware, must appear but we haye .letteis from Physician Agents from all parts of the United forming us of extraordinary cures., It kirk, Esn.. one of the most respectable in Newlin:, N. 3., informs us that lieu wort than 150 cases in that place aim are .housands of cases in the City of N which we will refer to with pleasure at of characttr. It is the best medicine f venti‘ cof disease known. It undoub the lives of more than 5,000 - CH I nitEN Ttl E PAST S As it removed the cause or disease, an them for the Summer season. It has known to injure id the least the me, child. MBEREM This Sarsaparilla is used wilt the , c success in Rheumatic. complaints, h vere or chronic. Tile as:onishina e perfot tried tire indeed wonderful. .oth somflimes g it e temporary relief, this c dicates it from the system, even whet and hones ate dreadflilly F wollen. 1 , 1.7' Hear Mr. Seth Terry, one o :111( 1 most respectable lawyers in Harr he followit.g i.s an ethaet of a lotto lit nt hint: I Dr. Twlise_nd,-1 have used one boi i'-aistiparillit, and End it is excellent it upon a Cluotti'e Rheumatic Phin to 1 ettlipet, lion) tin I vinry occasiondscr ago, in a public s; age. Please s 'nth [let, to Ow care or Dr. Sey moor. Iha et;!ti Rh tu o of our principal physicial 'co - antrum' your ti.ttresparilla. —7Hail rui d i March 12,. Wiz:. 4.4r.-ri CONSUMPTION CURET' Cleanse and Strit , then. Consumm cured. Bronchitis, Consumption, plaint, Colds, Calanth, Coughs, As 1412 of Blood, I.l.,:meness in the CM iiu h, Night sweats, Dinh alt or prod toratinn; Puiliin the Side, e., hat) can he cured. Dr. Townsend—Dent Sir: Nearly t ago I volt a violent cold,, nLieh :Ltd luu s, ar.d erel!; Wee bieunte a capstan!. 'Whig cough, but late es to pt et cot me bolo attending nos. the last few ye..ts it if pie 2 - , At butt 1 become breathed n ii 6 ditlieuity, and raiset, eonf2h mina' bad matte:, end for qt 11WW-lis pier cuts to using yf ar Stria re!!111.11 uigLi Em it s; IldVed, 41% 'den, t lit-fippoied that v.ould die kith iii lion; have the happiness to infer to my surprise, after using tines hot 11 Sat sapari Ila, 1 find my health restored, Ld toe :zit:dually, and 1 am now enio iwiter ilhat I have before in 2 d almost entitely lost my appetitel :lige ueCurned. You are at liberty to tv u 6 my mune, in the papei's, ilyou cl l`dy little girl, who is three years very bad cough the whole of last Nina', using the in-divine, I gave hey some soon &Anil t ft. cd'her, as ttellas she is tt cltsfo r w, anti hearty as any et saw. She was also full of little blotel them awui? and her skin is smooth an' and I am satisfied she teeovored her ,! usuing youts.uellent medicine. GIRL READ ,Viai who have pale complexions blotches on the lime. rough skin, ate ", its," moo. bottle in two of the Dr. Sarsaparilla. It will eleam4e your ble the fieekles and blotches, and give y Lion, sparkling eyes, fine spirits, ani complexion Fall of which are of him to unmarried ladies. TO MOTHERS & MARRIED ' This Ex rail ofSarsaparilla has bell ly prepared; in reference to female coi l No female Who has reason to suppose proaching that critical period. "the t I should neglect to take it, us It is a c, ventative fhr any of the numerous an diseases to which ninides arc subject antis. This period may, be delay! years by using this medicine. No valuable for those, aporoaching %vomai i 4 calculated to assist nature, by quic blood and invigerating the system. , 11; -medicine is iiivaluable for all the women alp subje c t. It braces the whole system, renews Iv the natural energies— by removing 1 ties of the body--not so far stimulant tern as to prodtwo.a subsequent relax. is the case of most medicines taken weakness and disease. SCROFULA CURED. This certificate conclusively prove Sarsaparilla has perfect control over tl stinato diseases of tlie blood. Thr cured in one house is unpreeedented.l THREE CHILDREN. Dr. Townsend—Dear Sir: I have the pleasure to inform you thitt three of inY children have been cured of the Scrofula by the use of yotir excel lent medicine. They were afflicted vdry severe ly with - bad sores, have laken only fonrbottles; it took them away, for which 1 feel myself wider deep obligation. I Yoore, rePpeelfully, ISAAC W. CRAIN, 106 W New York, March 1, 1847. CAUTION Owing to the great Ellice:3r and inn of Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla. a nut oho were Ibrinerly our Agents. have e making Sarsaparilla, Elixirs, 'litmus, They genet ally put it up in the brine Iles, claiming thatjheirs is far superi times stronger than Dr. Tnwm.r thereby to deceive the cubhc. Some pi incipled men publish counterfeit others have induced their Mothers and terested permits to allow the use of the to n hich they put Eiquire, to give thei ability. One mane sa medicine, anti re.speetable names procured by using send's Seesaw:trine, publidies.them a his,eluir. He also publishes the ccrti person who styles himself an NI. hoes, digs Wells, and doctors horses - by livelihood. They also publishe,deiri ed by fieticious trams stating/limy, he Ton nsetici's Sarsaparilla, arid that it in. &c. These and a great / variety of M are performed by these men, to sell tltk T " - P al ic eimul 4 the / on their guaid, all ftir,eonntetfeits. / l y .7vltifee.—Aftcr / the let of January, will Ito genuine'unless they are put magnifiCent 'topper plate label, coot far, simile of Dr. To wniend's name, tl TOWNSEND. Pt it - wipe! ollice, 126 Fulton street , s. eaing a Co., 8 state str't 11:North 2d street, P S. Iliac; Dr ~gist, Baltimore leii. , Chlitlesion right & Co., 141 - New Orleans-105 'south Pearl street, arid; by all rho principal Druggists and generally throughriuttbe United State dy c s A a ß nd r t e k rt e sat ea u na n d o ss T .. 11F11, , hind. 511 PF.R.KIN§, -Wholesale , and Retail brio Caaaty . , , 41, ; Hopkins ,fti l field. S UPER FINE Rico Flour, in pound for family use, for rale by . Nov, 27 . ; BURTON 0001) liit LA irnti JUST RE , CEIN EtP TH E. ORT , EXTE • • 'NVE ASSORTENT " , Dot,S,GOODSf vER offered-in -this city, .comprising, E - -3 - • 150 pieces Cashinetesand,Muslin de Loins,. , 1...••. 1 •.- sorted colors,- - .• - 11 75 do French, Scotch and Gertnan Gingha 30t 'cit Alpliccas, o: every description, 213- Culifornia• Plaids, 40 do -Dress Silks of the latest slid:most proved patterns, ~ • - 'r2o do, Swiss add-Torleton Muslins, 20 -do Luce and embroidered Swiss and - letona, • • - • 50 do Jaconet.Cambrice and bediVitudin -50 'do Silk Fringes, assotted colots, .45 -do hide Gimps and Gimp cords; • 1 20 gross•Diess. Buttons, and cords and tasseliS 2uo pieces Silk Mull & French imperial \ edgin 150 shawls, of all styles, varying in price fill 3s to 815, 200 rife lathes and, gentlemen's French "I , Glover, assorted colois, 200 do Ladies', -gentlemen's childre Cashmere, IVorsted-4. Lisle thy' Gloves, - 100 do black and white silk mitts. i le0; it• is nut", Ell • jAVtitlfllt sting, the Ihis ar• telt wilt. It is one Ines ever 'stein and new, pure no other repret• or etr itl»n of thete ' !=23 Want of , mplaints; ncys and the blood, r imples on e canes of riteotti.Spi- FOR 1 - •,'NTI,EMEN. Cloths of every shade and quality, Casbimeres, du do - Veslings of all kinds, comprising Silk, Satin, Buff, Cashmere; Marseilles, etc. etc. STABLE,GOODS.—A largo pica of every de scription. In short, our stock for richness, cheapness and . duribility has never been equal ed In this market. CAPS.-200 Men an 1 Boy's caps of all kinds. SHOES.— 500 pairs ladies and childrens' Gaiters Slips and %talking Shoes. 200 pairs gentle men's, ladies and i lissea Rubber overshoes. UMBBELLAS'.—Sig dozen Umbrellas for wet neiedihle, and our itales, in Van flus• Druggists an rt•Yer to e. There Jew York, end to uten. Car the pN: d? • te saved weather. GROCEIIIES.---A general variety of every de ecription. maa prL " •purc d ritver been :t delicate • SHELF HARDWARE. ti , Ten thot , and btoelt, evcs, titinOn tin. line—Joiners, flou.i , e rind Skip; Cat peoders, Coopet.s, Shournalters, Cabinetmakers, Saddlers and Sinitlis"r mils, of every description. Saddlery Hardware, a lure as.soriment of all kinds. Col riaire trimininge of all kinds. ost perfect tt ever Pe r( s it has r rt medics it irely cra the Axle Arms, sPrittO, anvils, vices ' smiths' bel lows, brass and proeclain kettles, shovels, spade:, 4:towbars, Ertl boxes, mill 4 cut, circular and pit Fin% S, and ;.114in of all sizes. GLASS I'v Aft 11—A complete assortment. the itliket l ord, Cone. r received dc of ynnr itg en'eeng !dun I am cut yeals, tivp het Oqirej s 5, and they 'r ER ItY. P. S.—The question is often asked why !roods cannot be salt as lowas in Bufildo. Wel nay th can. Our stock entire was botight import at the same time and same pt ices t Fome of tie largest houses in Llttillfe bought usul w pledgo our word that cur goods Alai sold OF low as at Buffalo or any place west c for cash. EIENRY . I'ADWELL Erie, Sept 25, 1.6.17 ion cnn !o. iver Corn ,Int)a, Spit st, hectic UPC Expec been and HIGHLY I.PORTAISIT. Dx. P. Hall's Celebrated Cop .11- Remedy 1 , IS a safe, speedy and edectual ettre for Con, h, Colds; Hoarseness, Croup and .11-:hocpl/I.P. CLI gh. This rtedicino bas been used by hundred • ti' people 1,{i. 1 .t ttordi:ing success in min!r the ab ve di.soa , _es, ~ .., i th all those painful and annoying. I el l menary symptoms produced by cold. hi A. th ma and I.: ionehita- it ha. prory! to be highly t se ful. and its timely use a certain icmedy. In all affections of the thioat and 11:112,43 it ik an invalta ble medicine. IVlany casts of ob•tinate cottOts .and ho.trsene:s have been perfectly cared inn-1S limes, and in &is end ini,tano , s timilde.soniet nd tin ng,ermt. coughs of from livelo ten ycers stand iil‘r have l.ien completely tined in too oeelt4.— InTioup and Whooping Coni , :h it it , e Inis 4en lenually successltd when used more freely.' This Remedy is a certain Preventive of Consumption and several others of the most fatal diseass in northern climates. enty year: td on my I. finally it mit 'o olny crva,ed on reduced-1 I Mill my rlagt. nine 'atilla had Is and toy. conmunp n you that, ez4 00 - our It iclrcv •intT much yeare. i; mbli-fi this oose. Id• had- a r. While .t it. ' and it nyeell, and dd ever es; it took , fair now, lealtit from S. W. CO ANT. ..I . 1 .s..way, ,dull Eyes, off.-.l)ir ownsend's d, remove beautiful ,ceise value I ADI F.S. '1 ex press , .he is op 'irn of life," nail pre d horrible t this time d. several is .it less hood, as it citing the indeed this . iseuses to ermanent ho iinpuri g the tr. lion which lot female that this e most oh co persons , New Firm and New-2, od. , JAMES HUGHES would inform his nuiner one friends and customers tart Ito has as sociated 1V1t1.,,C.,..W.Et RREN ith him in the business, under the firm of lambs Hughes 4- Co. He would fbrthermore state / that they have just received a large brrd well selected assortmen of Dry Goods, Groceries, - )ldrilware, Queens are, &e., all of which ) will be disposed of as low as hey can be procured Isr4h . ere. Having been chief ly purchased at ackage prices, or in other wbrds at the prices psi by jobbers in New York, they can be sold at,tt usually low rates. Ladies and gentleinenothd Ito public 'generally, aro invited to calf and/examine their assortment. . They have jMit received a largo quantity of Salt w::ich‘iMay be had at the lowerti mill k et price. NOS. 27 I J. HUGHES & Co. ._- ;Slew Goods at N 0.7, State Street. w, (3 are now l, opening a great variety of DRY GODS; suited to the season, which will ho sold as chop as the cheapest. Arucingst them are Broad Cloths and Cassimeres of various Mrs and qualities; Alpacas, Plaid and Plain Coburrts, Brilliantes, lerinos, Bombazines, Raw Silk and Plaid Brittania, , Lim* Linen Cambric Hanti• kerchiefs from 12 1.2 to 75 cents; Prints from 4 to 25 centsr-Do Lanes from 1$ 3.4 cents upi'nrds; Gingh ins in great variety, Thlbet, Cashme - e, Brpcha, de Lane, Stradilla and Eller fashionable Shawls, and other Goods in too t.reat variety to advertise. 'Tito (anions are- in hello° examine twin and urclinse if they arc-sat sfied w itlrgocids and erices. -- -- , -1-, & CI IESTEn. . , LESTER, SENNET Oct. 16, IW, . • L..' .. • 22 _Oct. halo snd Elephant oil,sil—pe -13 rior to Latd oil for w inter nse, for sale •by Nov. 30 __BURTON__ .S. PP.RKINS. eILASS AND PUTTY.-36 . 00 fret whitlow kg( Glass of various sizes and manttfuetbre. , ' Nov. 20. - BURTON & PERKINS: • , oster•st. tmenac sale ober of men lornmenced .S.e. &e.— i •. hnpcd Got t and four ..c..'hoping nfthe.e no. certificates; otheres in / irk mms, qn re:rpcet. Mrs it 'with Drt 4 row n. lured by i lento of a 'ho mends, turns for a catca shrzn i, L,l, aed Dr. time them idler tricks iDir t ash.-- l i , !,ncl look out 648,, none Ivith a tuning the thua- r S. P. Sun Build -661, Bost on iiludelphin P. M. Co. holies at, 'Albany— Merchants ~ West In-. genii; for r Spring• , 1y32 packages MEE Cm-demos v. in - find our old stoic safely anchor ed at the o!d t•taud; in good ballast, with lOU tons n ell n:;sorted IRON, s:celoand nails—the cheap est in the market. ills MF.OICINE . CAN PE OBTAIN .1N ERIE ONLY M . P. HALL, nChis Drug ,S 4 8' Buildings, corner of Slate and SS traliSireets, ',and his agents ihrouOtout the co ly, AGENTS—A. Reynolds,_ 155 Main st, Bu I lo; Boyd, Vincent & CO., Waterford; John Tracy, 2di Fairview: Jas 11. Campbell, Edinhol 13. C. Tetu n S Co.; North Fast! and Wattsbu IV. U. Tot nsend,Springfield; L. S. Jones `O., Girard: Price at! cootie to $1 por Pottle. • BEIVaRE OF COUJVTER FM'S and BA MOM I?.very bottle has the words " P. hall's Cough Remedy" Woe n upon the- gh lnd his wt itten .irmathre on the wrapper and reel ions. None other aro genuine. /.11P011 711. A TB STLMONY.—This is certify that we, the Anidersigned, have used I P. Hall's Cough Remedy, and have found ill every instance an efficacious medicine, end Ire. worth . % l its ectunmendat ions. .Telin Galbraith, J. F. Tracy, Thomas Huai John W. Hays, Wilson King, Th. Moorhen Jas. D. Dunlap, John Hughes, J: R. Cochrai Thomas APKee, Otis Ldpham, Charles Cole, David Baldwin, 111. - Goedwin, F. J. Owen, John M. Warren. Oct. 9, 1917. . Anival of New Fall and Wint GOODS. WILLIAMS S WRIGHT, HAVING tit toted six weeks in Boston, New York anti Philadelphia, tothe selection and purchase of their EXTENSIVE STOCK, which they are now op ming, beg leave to inform their customers and the country at large, _that they ate now prepared tot offer goods of elmost every de nomination; at Ic i est '25 per cent. °keeper than ev er. We find hyldevoting time to the purchasing of goods, as also for cash, that it makes a vast dif ference, therefore we can pledge ourselves to sell as low as any Buse—(that pays for their goods) —this side, of Nee, York or Boston, and - for the above assurance we invite those that ate purchas ing any kind 'of ry Goods, Hardware, Grocer ies, to give us an opportunity and wo will show you as good an assorted, extepsite and eheop, stock of woods as can be found in this market . .V For further particulars 'please call at the Rik corner, opposit the Eagle Hotel, bear' the,crotrt house.l ' Erie, Sept. 300817. , --- , . . • ' 'DYE STUFFS. • , GROUND, °pi:pod, rustic, crunwood and Brazil wo d, copporaa, madder • extract kip,. Wood;'selpbcri acid, cocbirreal f incibio; . cudbear, tin water; wholesale and retail. by . N ov , 2,3. BURTON Or PERKINS f H — OE'S oral Saws; at back; compapi Nov 13, 184; .'steel and Wm. Rowland's Mill I :o/Englisherosseiii, band, pannel webb and wood SAWS, fir Sate. • •' G. SELDEN .Se SON: . • (yip Lon Coillish; for rale Obeap,i I • ' At No 3, American Block. , E _F 14 W.' V: lir H. P. IS AA RE now ieeeivinia larg 2 Merit of - Fall'and,Winle! been-selected with 'great car' minatlon toluerit the repuitt furchaScrs the rthhest, Most cheapest Goods of any estop! They liould respectfully iair and examine ' their stock; la found the most beautiful I • . and EnS DRESS DS, ever brot comprisi g extra rich itio and California Plaids; Sil Satin airiped Alpacas; C reps. M de Laines; Dom glish SA Scotch Gingha most superb lot of SIIAWLS-13focha, Dania • Thibet, Turhon, Prime. 111. de Laines, Woolen, endless variety-0 . 41er sty' astonishingly cheap.. CLOAKINGS.—A.heauti Thibet Cloths and Alpaca! ty of Trimmings, compri and Press Fringes, Gi Laces, &c. ALSO—Table, and S:and White Damask, Day i liel WidoW and Wall Paper I and Flats; Boots, Shoes, did assortment of FUR_ :—Among which Mufls, French do Fur line Lustred Lynx, Real Lyn.. from 50 Cm each to Oct: 9, 1247. THE LELA V% I l ) Insurance G i (OF POMADE ARE now doing litieines• giving the ussitred profits of the company, will) the premium paid. °Risks upon the Laket nd Canal insured on the most favorable terms; Losses will be liber ally and promptly adjusted. , if ire risks on merehandip, buildings and' other p pperty, in, town or-country, for a limited term or ' p .rmanently. ~ l lil , I i - I DIRECT RS. Joseph H. Seal, Ja les C. Hand, • Edmond A. Souder Th , ophilus Paulding, John C. Davis, 13. Jones Brook Robert Burton, Jo n Garrett, - -John-B. Pinto - so, ' High Craiz, , , Samuel-Edwards. de:rze Serrell, Henry Lawrence, Da -id B. Stacey, Filward Darlington, Ch rtes Kelley-, !Farm IL Davis, J. 4. John-on, William Folwell, William Hay, John S. Newlin, Dr S. Thomas, Dr. R. i'il. 'Huston, • John Seller, Jr. Spencer Mc Ivaine, It ichard S. Neu hold, Fee'y. Win. Martin l i tZT Application eau be nade to , J. li ELLOG 0, I A ;sm.' Erie, August 7„18 t 7 __— hal at, he I . it PROTECTION. THE Erie County Alutual InsuranccC continises'to againet icr” , and by fire, on buildings, goods and mcreh4 all description:. 'thrice on the e a st :id Public Squat e, betwaP . ,l Glitmd 7th Llzect (,1 OHS 'Wm. Beatty, . J. 11. Willi: J. C. Srci:clir,. I Ccor.ce Scle. 'rlionms _ Smith Jacks Cites Sai'lord, I Elijah Babbil C. NI. Tibbale, John A. Trai W. 11:Town , entl, i 3:::nlin nu: I It iiry Cadiz J. r. Z7:I'I:NL Ti casurer. Georg.o Fefden, 0111 v. .Tune ISI7. 'WANTED! ec change fu Goods, vey t;teintity t [DENII.O . OK - FENCE BOARDS, 6,8, 12 niches wide, I 1 and 16 fcci DEME9I; Ic JOIC E, 1 1-2 by I'.) and 1506, 16 and 1:0 feet 'lam:. HE\ILPCE STU :":1 by 5 and 10 -14 and 16 rctt lone, 'for whic;) the rata' 't Niue will be paid; %Olen delivere( Lured.. yaid at the lota pl -French street, W 2.- TRUES Erie, March 4, ISI7, HAW LS—Woolen and cotton;: zny for eale at the cheep store of kzepteinksr 1F47. QPECTACLII:S of gold, silver and geit 1.3 ver Frames, au , emensive asset-!,nm. cave and Convex. Also, the celebrated ti and parobolic Spectacles, superior to any LOOMS 1 - 16 State st., nearly opposite! Ettale July 17, 1847. LADIES Ivull find steel, :ilk and bevt steel clasps and beads, put:e sills, Piais fiitis, new ,tole bloodies, bracelets, pencil., l loo.- ers, together o ith an endless variety of splendid I;tncy Ul Ale.; ut \ G. LO 'MIS & Cols. State st., needy opposite Eagle I - o:Ll. July 17, 1E47. GIitICEMES. An excellent tissoun emit of Groceries can rat all times bo fcnd atj Sp: 4 Chealiside. BROW ti N & M'CAR7II. Aug. 17. 12POUNDS of good Coffee for one doll'w, and other thintv.,s in proportion at Nri. 1 Perry Block. . _ , r ,/ • • ' July 17. 1817. • r NOW Good s ! i,Neli7 -4- "Goo,ds' I WC are reeeivine oUty.dock of FALL AND WIN.FER GOODS', which we belicke will ,vie with any inmthe Pla'ee i in 'extent, style and quality. We forbeay/to enumerate styles and qualities having none of, the spirit of l the' braga docia, and prestime that'll we were to advertise 1000 pieces splendid silks, 10,000 - pieces Alliaccas, 160 cases French Merinos,,rieh cashmeres' Para metta cloth ' , Mohair Lustres, Oriental, Calfornia, Monterawand Oregon Plaids,c. See. our trade would ni3t thereby bo increased in a rational and intel9gent community. We h ve only to say on this,point that we have atilt] an complete assort ment ofsuch goods in our brtOch of,the trade as the market requires, and wefer them with on(stend ing pledge tp sell at Ow t c vest rates' they'can be bought in the borough fo, cash.. please call um) It'us talk pvcr this matt'co a littic'pe; ' I i METCALF'S . , No: 1, Reed II& Sept. 23, IS 17. —__ ._ . TI Question ieSettled WIIILE various speculations . hate fin time absorbed the public mind in r't to the cause of so much' dark weather, it I centry been dheovered that it is the effect t itnmense piles of GcOdsi (on paper) as hay heralded forth by antic public newspapef place sincethe return of a few of our met.i from ' New York, Roston and Philadelphia. licving this to be the case, and k non ing ti, notice of our.Stoek would most-likely prody tel darkness, we have until now, deferred ai tier of it, and in doing so we would ask thi , 'Citizens of Eric and Vicinity to beer with another digit of the Sun's disc he intrude hy our-piles of New Goods, and console selves nhiltrcarrying °Mile precious parer as the"pilo grows less the darkness gradual cedes! Come on then, and avail yourselvcs of t, Poi t Unity ihtts otfert.d (trent telling you and, big light to ;ho community. BROWN Sr. 'ArCART Frio, October 9, 1817., IDRUVEILBIAL .1. 3 1.11L450PY and otb E ems by Tuper, a few eqpies at I New Yo, ees, just tebeived anti for sale by 0. D. --SPAETO Erie August 21, 1847 Attention Pipe-Smokers. TOBACCO FOR 12 4 -ctO. PER POE A Good article of Flub cut Smoking T. for sale as above Mentioned at the Nlanufactory three d oors,least or the En to and at No. 117 French street. Feb. S. 4 ,, Cigars—Cigars. AT .111tolesale and Retail.—A choice meta cad at all tinies be had at they factory, 3d door east of the Eagle Hotel, Er R. SEIPNt 3mg January 29,1818 NT ENV Scatlet Bonnet Ribbons.—Atfewl 1.11 'just received by express, (26th arr 6 believe,l nt the Jew Store of • mos mit KOMI, Noi I,Commorcial Erie, January 15, 1845. SMITHS liorner's Atuatonticali Atlas, Prof Curtis' Medical science, Curtis' Ob stetrics, Prof. Worthy's 'Practice, ThOmson's Materia Medico. and Anatomy, J. J. ...perry's now Medical works together with lCotts' amity Medicine for bale at the Botanieollicc,6tl at.. by Feb. H. Pr. \V. I'll LO. - THE -- OBSER, IS I ,rjuiLISIID EpEHY BATVRD E • °panty, Pa. 7- A. P. DURLIN BL. B. F. § Ps PriliOrt arid railisker G 0 DS ILTLEBT • end elegant assort- Good; which have . It is their deter. ion of presenting to desirable styles and shment in the place. to the public to call none which may be • esurtntent of French ICE CORNEA Or STATE sTnr.lir.l" Axri l 4., - 1 rosiT4 TitE EA LE 110 i ' TERMS OF THE I'ATE City 1.0/Peralerb (left by the carrier) fly mail, or 01 the oilier, in advent°, j; re-tr nut paid in udifarice, or will from the time orsubsCritting, two dollati Nrideriationfri m These win,. 11 I. 'No paper direouthtned until all ari except at the option of Ain publisher.. !I comniunications meet be port raid attention. ,ht to this market; air.Lustres, Oregon Plaids; Plain and sinereb; plain and azines; French, En s, 4-c., &c. Also a Ohe square, one year, ei3 00 Three sq do ill six months, 500 do" do tro three do 300 do Transientinthertisetneuts 0 es Clif per itiertien and 05 cents for each . subirO Int - Yearly adi.ertisers have the 1,61' at pleasure, but at no tires are allowed than three vinare!, and to be 'united' basinets. , 11 lAdvertieemente not haring other dire serted till forbid, and charred acehrdiee i r?=Cards, not exceedin" G lines, 1,7 year. .k Silk, Embroidered Cashmere, Mohair, laid and an almost e•. They will be sold I lot of Gala Plaititt, Also a great varid illa Mantilla, Cloak ps, Silk and Mohair ,vers, Fiuit Napkins, Drapery Muslins, boys and menu Caps c. Also—a splen- 21 . r"4" - BENJAMIN F. DEN! ATTORNEY ATI Cleveland. 011ie. .1 Office on Superior 111., Jn Anri R FVZ ro— ChiorJustice Partizan, Cambridge lion.lticnaen FLETCHER. 1 0 lion. SAMUEL 11, Peakconi, 14111 1 dalplsia; RICH•RD Ir. KisseAct. Fur TEST.EIONIALS, refer to this re common Coney , , Genet do, Imitation do., varying in price t 4- --1-I*-S AFLTY : mpany, FHIA,) ou the mutual plan, participation in the out liability beyond KELSO & LOOMIS, General Forwarding, Produce and errni I Niercbaws. Dealers in Solt; coarse al,o, Coal, Plaster,Shingld i s, &c, Docit, west side of t he public bridge E l i EDWIN d. KEL!..O, 11'• W. HIRAM COOK. Wolendc and Retail Dealer in !chrap a , Dry rim - oily Groceries, at io. slkuaeU tats St. Eric Pa. ' L. WARREN. • Mind and Door Manuractnrer and Dri tt : Glasit, ve t Fide of State at, ietween 7 Bth Ft , , Eric, Pa. „ ------ NAR;•:.11/1.1.,L &..• LOC:WOOD, , 1 , . ttornc)s at Lit% °like up . tutri. in the Tit many I.l.llll.mliitiinlt,norili,oft leProtliontir, Ottice. 1 '• ': ... _ ME 1 , . tilil.. rnpank al ge idi- of of o.c 1; L'IF.II.O, N. j'f'. STORAGE, FORW.ARDING AND PRr. DUCE GOITNIISSION A ND Dealer:in Loirirdi ari 1 0 Erie CotO and 11-oitoro generrrilv. IPartiurlar ri n tire safe of Produce and purchziei ktorchrimilie, ' Cl{ ed, oi 0 E. N.,wr, Eng' 1 , ^. V . MEI - BENJAMIN CatrANT, ilitorn and Counsellor rd Ltliv ; C'liice So I Sure st., opposite the Fazle Putt ME 10, and , / GRAHAM & Tifo r AIPSON, - A-t-torne , ,s & C , unqellnr- Enf,L,a”, OtEee on FP!' :In , t. u, vr F jaeksou 4. Cu Store, Ent - .-\ ;‘ , l l - 2 1 ,1.917. L - --- 43 1. ROSENZWEIP & Co. Drairrs ii) Poi ei.un and Doniestie Dry Grki lleadv A 4. ade Clothintr, Do+. and Shoes,Lt Sc., Nd. 1, Flenitnin ,, Bleed:, State S.a 1,1, ie,.l'a. - 1 ----- . GAL UR A iTiiS & LANE, Attorbep. and Counsellot at Inw--Ofliee ' • Sixth Ntrept, ‘rei.v. side of the Public Squi , Eric, Pai i- - ,-', 1 1 jllft J. Al. %. ITII. 1. A. CALTII7, A 77 . U'. S i 1 d OM r by 4; hit:he t at hi= 111- MEI 1 1.111.5 H COll - 11,C. G. Wows & 'co. Dcialers in Watches, Jewelry,SiSer,Gernian4' Cer, Plated end firittannia Ware, Cutlery, Al. ita ry and 1 7 .tricy Goods, N 0.7 Reed Hotiise,E [ Pa. \VILLIAMS w4iGivr. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Dry Goodg,c cellos, I I ardwure, Glassu are, 19 Nails, Leather, Oils, etc. etc. corner oiSt street and t)ip Public Squa, opposite the PAW /Tavern. Erie, Pa. W I LLI AAI RI BLET. Cabinet Maker , Upholster hand Undcrtak Stale Si Erie Pa S. DiCKINSON, I IIII. D. Physician ilral Surgeon, office on Seventh St west oft to Methodist Church, Erie, Pa. - 7 , i WALKER 'RI OP K, I 0 eriern I F rwardinf., Commission, and Prod : 11l cram ts; Red Ware house, east of the I' lie B; idt e, Eric. ' Manufacturers of ,Tin, Copper and SheeNt. ware corner of French and Fifth streets, Esi LESTER, SrtNNETT & CHESTER!' Iron Founders, wholende and retail Stavea, Hollow-ware &c. State strcet,Erieji BUTTON Sr. PERKINS, Wholesaleandrkaildeatmin Drus4sl,Mtdkil l ' Dye Sin Ws, Groceries, E:e. N 4.5, ReedHeot Erie. Pa. C. M. TII3BALS . , Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries„s-c. No.l Cheapside, ErielPa. ' CARTER &BROTHER. Dealers in 'Druzs, Niedieines, PuintS, Oils, t * l toll's, Glass, &e., No: 6 Reed ilinaej, 'use. 19 B. TO LINSON tz. Co. Forn‘nrdin.u l and CommissiOn Merchants: li 3 French Street, Erie, and atl6th Street cik ß son, also dealers in Groceries and Priiim% MOM elution ilas re DI nta c been oi thet .ebints I. Bo hai the nee W itty no lb good ILus, if ti upon them thut. re- HENRY CADWELL. Dealer in Hardware', Dry Gneds,trpecrie' , ' cast side of the Diamond, 'anti one dQer egsf the Eagle Hotel, Erie, Pal . EAGLE HOTEL, By Iliram L. Brown, corner of State street fP the Public square, Eric, Pa. - Eastern, \Veit and Southern Stage office. LYTLE & HAMILTON. Fashionable Merchant Tailors -- ; on the Square,', a fen• doors west of State ttrect, he op resto- JOEi JOHNSON. Dealer in Theological, NI iscetlaneona, Si and Claszdcal School Book; Stationary, etc. Nn. ill, French Street, Erie, Pa. P. A. R. BRACE, Attorney and Counsellor atlaw,Prairie duel4el , W. T: practices in the counties of Cras Gram and lowa, W. T. and in Clayton cot* • lowa Teri; itory. er Po k pri- D. 4L41 1%4914UF 1.V.1, 3, 4 al Eric, Ma, ND. .bacco Cigar llotel bes assortment of Band BoxeB in 1. I. _county for sale by H. COO Jan. 1. Fall Fashions for 1847. TLIE subscriber is now prepared to furnish la rriends and Customers with HATS of a el: perinr quality; also p general assortment of CAPS, MUFFS, BUFFALO ROBES, ~:c• which will be sold as cheap as ale cheapest • q r. sons wishing to purchase will please tall ado. amine quality and prices for themse:ces. R. S. H LINTER, Practicbl flatter 'et. of State and Fifth stc Ls Oct. ASlOrt it.tultnti 'el Pa. I I piece:4 'cal we angi 35 oh A L is--sue mi and a' dress and very cheap. Ede, Jan. 1, ISIS, TERMS OF A VERT T. AV. :MOOR ealer in Groceries, ProliWions, Candies, Fruit. No. 1, P rtree , , Elie, Pa. 1 1 SMITII J ACK SyN. ealer, in Dry Goods, G roctlieF, Bardw v , Lluechs Ware, Lime, Iron, ,ails &c.. 50.1: Cio a ()side, Erie, Pa. ' 1 ---- - .- --: JOHN 11. MILLAR, ount - , and PorLough Surveyor; O'tlicc in Each:l...! Dniirtinz , -. Fronchst , Erie. uut.nEwrit co nrn Square, 1 JOSEPH KELSEY, EL'S' series of School Beaks,• Id 5, for sale at No. 111, French Sl' 6, 1847. have on hand several. ti.l cs 11 3 xis for Dalt and Party Dr'ir plaid dress silks, light 1 0. i t " Inca and alapacos, -plaid )idered otustins, while f Pi I 3 itc hid gloves, veij . plc - 1 CM prILIC a. St. n'" 1111 three will be ! SINO . 1.1.111911 yet, I do e do luare fou iqpnl uhe ilodgeot to o te , to ad, Ctiolll. • I Y^ erjcd at SON, L A wi GEO i Low g e l ictt to ll_ Bur, Yakut 'all .t., X, ftlce. %Vines Lirm rr? Block, SS ulh IV hart G.