Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, April 01, 1848, Image 3

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    iistorical fact, that the 200,000 electors
ie i, 3o t pay taxes for over 54,00%000 francs,
a a bout the twentieth part of the whole
se , - eon s collected. Most of these 200,000
electors are office-holders, drawing large sal
.ra,frotp the government. Notwithstanding
rd ,a revenue derivdd from such enor
caos and unequal taxation, the expenditures
ceerfed the revenue, and ie annual increase
lathe public debt was very larg e. The re
cent loan' made to the deposed government
shows how rapidly the burdens of the people
or e increasing, which, with the restrictions
u pon their rights and privileges, were more
t han they could bear up under. The Itoths.
d ai s prefered investing money in the secu
rity offered by a government holding its pow
er by such slight tenure,
the securi
ties of a government plat of the United
suites. They %Vill 'payear for their mispla
ced confidence, and have' lost the opportunity
o fsecuring the most favorable loans in the
world. The debts of the nations of Europe
stoount to about $12,000,000,000, a large por
tion of which is in danger of utter extinction.
The first movement of a revolutionary power
it to wipe out everything in the shape of tex
ts; and, in the formation of a new govern
ment, no provisions are made fur the protec
tion of claims created for the purpose of sup
porting the extravagance of a king hurled
hole his throne.
report of the able.Cornmissioner of Patents,
shows, that we can sufficiently compete with
European corn markets in ordinary years of
production and consumption though the mean
price that wheat can be brcarght from Orleans,
(Southern Rnssia,) to London, includin. ,
freight and charges, does not Eexceed $1 09
per bushel. The surplus production in Eu
rope, which is ready for exportation, does not
exceed 20,000,000 of bushels per annum:
while the surplus production of wheat in the
!jolted States alone, that is, the quantity ;da
b; f e exportation over and above our home
~,,•. ;on, is 35,000,000 bushels or nearly
-double dial 0 . int. As to the stylus pro
' duction of, cof.Z. !I
o i s ma t o rt o t truly 0
f s i n )t r i p sl r l i e s t i s ng a , fte i r t
whito men, ne-
Wants to some 1717,
t he mum us consumpti.o by
/toes and hogs.—Phil. Tinto. - •
MORE TARIFF "Rm."—The "Loh Sl y ? Car
pet Company" having just completed - It iilv
mill,last Monday evening a pic-nic was gi Vett
by the overseers to the operatives, nan a large
flintier of invited guests. The ball, Willa
is nearly square, covers an area of about sev
en•eights of an acre, and being neatlt•' and
handsomely decorated by the operatives with
the carpets and rugs manufactured by them
selves, presented a beautiful appearince. Itt
the packing ram adjoined the hall tables were
laid out to aecommo !ate thirteen hundred per
none, an d a bountiful collation was furnished.
A band of music was in attendance, and nt ten
o'clock dancing commnnced. It Was a sight
that can hardly he imagined by those not pres
ent on the occasion. Not dess than four
thosand persons Were there, and ail seemed to
enjoy themselves. • Rich and poor, old nod
young, joined in the celebration: and at half
past one o'clock the compony seperated, all
perfectly satisfied with the arrangements, and
(ding, that it was ilone:tof the, times" in which
they never should have a chance to partici
pate again.
A LtiSATIC ' S ACT.—Recently, at the
hge of Aberdeen, Ohio, the daughter cif Mr.
Videos Evens, an infant of three years, Wll9
deliberately butchered by ai lunatic . Mrs. E.
having occasion to 'visit a noigithor, left her.
child asleepitt the cradle, and a boarder in the
Struther B. Reed, sitting by the fire.
reading the Bible. She had been gone but a
few minutes, when Reed went into the yard
and procured a - board, which he laid on the
floor, and stepping to the cradle, jerked front
it the little innocent with such violence, as to
force the arm from its socket, and laying her
head on the board, deliberately chopped it
with a brood-ore in five tlifferent places.—
After the deed was done, Reed walked io the
kitchen an d called the attention of the servant
woman to, the horrid spectacle, who instantly
ran to the neighbors and gave the ',alarm .
When the house was reached, Reed was
again seated by the tire intently reading his
Bible. tie was subsequently sent to the Lu
vatic Asylum.
KNOCERD IT OUT OF IL".--The gallant
Morgan, of Ohio, in a speech at. Mnnstield
related an anecdote to show the effect Feder
al treason and opposition to the war has upon
Whig soldiers who volunteered to fight the
battles of thei r - country. Ile sn id he met upon
his return, in the streets of Ci• ciunnti, a young
Ohioan, who had volunteered in Illinois, and
was severely wounded nt the battle of Buena
Vista. He was declaiming against the trai
lers at home and knowing, him to have been a
Whig at home, accosted him thus: "My
good fellow, how conies thi.,?—you were a
Whig before you went to Mexico." "I was,"
Raid he, ~b at I got an ounce and n half ball
through the calf of my leg in Mexico, which
took all the w higgery out of me."
NIAIDP:IIS rx TIMNI , .!3SER.—..We copy the
following two paragraphs from the Pulaski,
(Tenn.,) Whig , Courier, of * the I Ott; lust :
On Saturday last, Mr. Edward Dolan had
his throat cut by Win. Estee, in this county,
and gun - iced, but a short time. No cause
his been wisigned, except that Dolan had
sited'iltes, and ligtior did pie rest. Estes
Was apprehended, and is now lying in jail at
(late place. -1
On Monday last, Mrs. Jane Wiliford was
shot by Albert 11. Bratton, in this county, and
died almost immediately. Bratton had a dif
-sculty with his brother-in-laW, in which Mr.
Milford became implicated, and in - attemp
ling to shoot bin, killed his wife. Bratton
to yet at large.
The trod'e to Santa Fe, is every year becom
ing more important to St. Louis, and this
year, we believe, traders have by inspection
ascertained, that they
,can supply themselves
there with more advantage than in the east.
Through the app!ication of Mr. Benton a com
pany which was to start lately, have been
permitted to take a howitzer with them from
the fort, to protect them from the'marauding
gangs of Indians and Mexicans now infesting
the neighborhood of the route to Santa Fe. •
- -
Judge A. (. Sutton of Norfalk Ohio, writes an.
dre dace of November N. tr It, that "Vntiglan's
Lithoutr iptle i.ilhonitipuc Itllstuiskje iug i
t "adpi. in All kinds acomplaints. People iiis e)s. I w thf
f .,, pristiey little abort of the magical. In Peter rout Agile
dist:art, ensue-, in c.vel, in fern Meal
t..tir it lieu..., AC., for why
4,, a1d we go ol er the w into Clitiiinglio it takes all these
` ni sure, end m beueli,iat rireet is app In Ctriy
4 ' .1.4 .. but toµ lint must sae attribute its tutees.; there
"Cliop, !belts hole emir. a of Ito Ilan Puzzled
wr du lint under-MIA It. 141,11re:11 men step cut of their
Pith to crush b, they put their heel upon it it escapes
t,‘"ll tiny lock blunt' little and th
nd if ey are unobserved,
throw orr that dignity and pomposity of - Manner
0 1 , ch it half their capital in trade, mid fall to, tooth and
call, to put it hut of el istnnce, but the hitrtier they fight
%estranger grows ,hi' or .tlrunt, and the we ther their
ewe practice. and due .mfitted, they resume with the air
ern broken due II tinily his once iluthionable but our:
towed cloak their dignity tont d and torn by the fray, anti
•alk off with tos:str ot'
of the Agent or sour victility, theneader get a pamphlet
advertisement is in our
NUMLIP, nailer iliert 'thirtieth Remedy.
From the w... 4 Frrr Preas.—Counnunicnicil.
5 i,11 01 . 11,A, and all ntlisi ilitcarct of Ilia blood.—
Th-o•rt.le ofSarwp.,rills prepircil by no Improved pro.
rro, bis I. en more •nrcestrut iu curing case. than tiny
" 11, er article of the klod now before the: public. It is
lens that ~s,:
tiatss rIOIII 14 11 1 1111reet iho
l:e4l,ltorl.coil of Orange strict, New 'Yr", has, nut
Z. 4. ?lest out before 1.1,1. public to astou6h and b wil
"" — Y , t the numerous pr it ate approbatory teettiufinials
°flu ill
..— "cY bat been oullielCut to catatilish its elinrae.
4"; and .Ito long minding as to giro *baiter preparation
the name of humbug, imitation, &c.
This article stands upon liftlWit ii die fie Ibel cure or
'wne enmplaiots for which Sarsaparilla, iu its most aim.
BPis Rau l is peculiar adapted; and a trill of Merchant's
~tiparilla has always resulted In a preference being
is si before any other preparations:
810 adrerilsement in this paper. A pamphlet of des
clipbuu msy tic had GRATIS of the ogeut.
1:1D11. SWAYNE IN E following
letter just came to Stool, and will Ito m In S
read U
1 "" *.f. The patient sufhtreA ittiolorobly, anti tt So,'
„"ia until he uh. 0,1 NWAYNE'S COMPOUND
' i pll}. OF WILD effErtit'V e , ft cot Thc JAW
1, 101,4/ C4re 111 eltcord:— t •
WiLmisq7o....,N. IFS 7.
YA :),r —Hat acts
• ,
lously eared by your valuable medicine, I think it no
more than common, gratitude in me to mike one addition
to the long list of certificates which you hare received of
remarkable cures by your medicine, During the (two
years preceding last August. l was much distressed lay a
ERY PAD COLD end RAMIRO) Cooon, and durlrilk the
later part of the time, it Continued to grow worse , and
indeed ill July MY TIMED! 0.111?; Ma OM, having tried
all kinds' of medicines said to he good for such diaeases,
without the leant good °fleet. I was reduced A taiost Sdr
ft rearm r Coarse, and bad scarcely Buy gest) upon my
body, and fora lung time neVer thought to use from my
lied again. A friend one day asked me if I had tried Dr.
Swayno's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, and advised
ma to do so at once {as he heard that it had worked a
groat ninny wonderful Cures. I took his advice, and
utter uning-up several bottles of it, I grew no much better
that I was enabled th leave tiny bath and afterwaids to
' walk aboat . thc house, acid go out into the ;direct. I was
encouraged by thin, and continued the use of your mcdi- ;
cmc, and now by meatie of its wonderilil curative;
powers, lam perfectly Well, and enjoy the nee of all
my faculties, just av much 'an if I had never Gen afflicted
in the say I data Bribed to yon. I have written this
not thinking it will at all interest you, but humbly hoping
that it with hone its mite of influence la eauving your
vuluuble modicitio to be apread among mankind, and in
a•sistin,r to ridn you to that station which:you richly de•
*armlet your persevering, elicits for the public good.
Respectfully your friend andadmirer,
- -
prorAlen or brroslTtorr.—Attempts hare °Mu been
made by unprincipled individuals to Impure upouthecom.
munity a spurious article. Stealing wady the whole of
the name of my p epara . To fully guard egalubt
such Lase unit palpable imposition, the public should shun
311 pr.-psrotious purporting to contain Wild Cherry, ex
eppith,,t h. , e'rhag the signature of Dr. Ssvayue ou each
[lnn aro or ' t he teor hies 4 '11617mm-I' f " " Pi(tom" ...15Frars,"
S.c., at they cOntaiu noun of the virtues of ttto orlgtuUl
prrpar Woo.
'lte ioinal and only) v.lllllllO arlielo la prepared Itv
Dll.. MAYNE, corner of nod Mare street., Phif
utle'phia, and fur Pale by i2opts in nit ports of tho puked
States, and 60111 , 1 part of ruropo.
Burton S.:. Perhino, Nu. 5, and Carter Brother No. 0,
lteed 110t.,e, Agent.. .2tnl6.
MARRIED—On Tuesday evening, by the
Itev. Gee. A. Lyon, Mr. WiLutor 0. BLACK,
of Union, and Miss ELIZAIIRTH R., daughter
of Joseph M. Sterrett of this city.
DIED.—On the 93d ult., ,in North East,
Rev. Etnnti of the first metiers
in this county, in the 74th year of his age.
New Goods by I? ailroad and
. Steamboat!
THE subscriber has returned from New York
and expec , s Lis s:ccli of Dry Goods on this
illy, which i hri has purchased at the present low
prices, and it lath will be sold at a very small ad
vance front co,t. for cash. I wish to make a
ready pay bu,iness in Imurc, and will sell ut such
prices a, cannot fail to please. Particulars next
week. 1 S. JACKSON.
Apiil 1, 18 16. 46
kVE taken into conarinerelno in the Mer
-1 c:t att;_, buFinetrs SID.NEY IL DEWEY,-
1 he hnfiae!...= will hereafter-be condbeted under
tht tit of Tian: , DEAN' ES. at II 1, Cheapside.
Erie, March 27, 1319. C. M. TIUDALS.
A LL fier,,ons who have unlieilled :tiro:mu! with
11hne,i111.14 . Maki: illlffiCtliaw eettionent without
tut Ao•ice. All Notes that have been due me
ler more t h an SIN moutha inuat be PAID by the
15th of April, or co:nt will be made.
C. M. Timms.
Mareli i!.7, 18 !IFI. 46
B h:S
AsT( nit ~nd Pemperate man who has sower i l
some time at the Blacksmith trade, can find
put manem. employ at the Erin Steam Foundry.
r%'arch 29, 1818.
wAhE at \\ holesule and Retail by
March 23. 1818. 46
To the Honorable Court of Quarter Ses
sions ofEt le County, Pa.
T HE potiti.m.of Brawley the borough
ofNorili East, in said county respeetfully
wpm-:ms that he well provided with house room
lor the'conveniences of lodging ail accommo
dation *:t ran ••ers and travelers at the house he
'now occupies in said borough. He, therefore
pray: , the Honorable Qom t to grant him a license
for Leeviug a public inn or tavern, and he as in
duty tuJund „ill ever pray,2Ste.
We' the subscribers, citizens of the borough of
North' Ea-t, in it hich the above-inn or tavern is
prayed to he licensed is proposed taliti kept, da
certify that It. S. 13rawley, the above applicant
is well provid,d tvirit house room and conven
iences for the lodging add accommodation of
strangers and travelers, and that stick an inn or
tavern is neees , ary to accommodate', the public
and entertain i rangers and travelers.:
Jacob li 'rapt), 13. C. T&vn, William Griffith;
Reuben Darker, Wm. E. Ward, A. Harrington,
Bunj. [listed, David Al t icon, J3lin J. Town
John Greer, Earnest E. He 'der, F. F. Chappell,
L. Smith, J. It. !lowers. . :-:•. Allen
North East bototigh, Match 20,.1848.
I e the Hieterehh: the Juticres of the Court of
Quartcr Sessions df the; Peace for , tbe county
of Ede.
TflE petition of Andreity M. Tarbe/1 respect
fullyl shol,veth. that your petitioner occupies
a commottion. hews titoatc near the Bth sheet
canal bridge id the west ward of the borough of
Eric, bent. , the large new and commodious build
ing Niel) , erectlll by
. Alunson Sherwood, Esq.,
which is well calculated fore public house of en•
terainment of -grangers and travelers. That he
is well provided with stabling for horses and all
conveniences necessary for the' entertainment of
Ftranrers anti tiro elms, he therefore retpectfully
prays to the Court to grunt him a license to keep
an inn or public house of-entertainment there,
arA yourpetitioner will ever pray, ..k."
We the undersigned citizens'of the west word
of the Itoronoli of Erie aforesaid, being personal
ly acquaint , d with Andrew M. Turbcll, the above
named pcdtioncr, and also having a knowledge
onl; house for which the licence is preyed, do
c&ttly that Fitch house is necessary to accommo
date the public and entertain travelers, that Ito
is a person ofgood repute for honesty and tern
pet ance, that he is well provided with house room
and conveniences for the Imigin,g and accommo
dation of strangers and travelers; we therefore
beg leave to recommend him for u license agree
ably to his petition. •
Carson Graham, Alfred King, P, H. Oliver,
Geo. A. Elliot, A. Hughes ' D. M'Allas:er, Porter
Kelsey, A. P. Malin, Charles Miller, W. M.
Gallagher, O. Miller, Wm. Bone, J. U. Williams
Erie, March 26, !MS.
ro the Honorable Cart of Quarter Selisiona of
Erie County, I'n.
TIIE petition - of David A llison, ofthe borough
of North East, in said County, respectfully
represents that he is well provided with house
room and convenience for the lodging and ac
commodation of strangers and travelers, at the
North East: House, thu house he now occupies in
said borough. Ile therefore prays the Honora
ble Court to grant him a license for keeping a
public inn ur tavern, and he, as in duty bound,
will ever pray, &c. (DAVID ALLISON.
We, the subscribers, (citizens of the borough
of North East, in which the above inn or tavern
prayed to be licensed. is proposed to be kept, do
certify that David Allison, the above applicant,
dt, of g.pod reputv for honesty and 'temperance,
an is wel/provided with house room and conve
niences for thelisdging and accommodation of
mongers and 'lra% elers, and that such an inn or
tavern is necessary to accommodate the public,
and entertain strangers and travelers.
R. S. Brawley, Robert Wells, E. 11. Davidson
John J. Town,4s illiatn JOllOB, Ales. Pope, B. C.
Town, Benjamin listed, L. S. Allen, Win. E.
Ward, Lemuel Brown, S. M, Force,John Bond,
F. F. Chappell, John Greer, Jacob Knapp, Al
exa.tder Davidson.
North East, March 22, ISIS. 3t46
To t h e Honorable Court of Quarter Sessions
i„l?..rie County, Pa.
TE petition of Lewis S. Allen, ofthe borough
of North East, in said County, respeetiblly
represents that he is well provided with house
room and conveniences for the lodging and 'etc
coremtxit ion of strangers and travelers; at the
house he now occupies in said berough. ' He
therefoie prays the Honorable Courtito grant him
a license for keeping a public inn or tavern, and
he, as in duty bound, wilt ever pray, 4c.
We, the subscribers, citizens of tho borough
of North Mug, in which the above inn or tavern
pr.iyed to be licensed, le proposed to be - kept, - do
certify that L. S. Allen, the abovo applicant is
of good repute for honesty and t.empemnco, and
is well provided with house room and converti•
encre for the accommodation of strangers and
travelers, and .that such an ipn or tavern is ne
ceessry to acc ommodate strangers and travelers.
Brawley, Lemuel Brown. B. Q. Town,
Tlio. Van Schoter, J. Loomis, E. H: Davidson,
John Bord, P. F. Chappell, Jn0..1. Town. David
Allison, Beojn. Hinted, S. S. Hammond, S. M.
Force, John %Greer, Alex.
_Davidson,. Rebuen
Barker, FT. P. Flower, Writ. Jones,
North East Borough, March 20, 104$.
To tins niurfOrablei thei t' •of the ~coots' of
CommOn Please now' botanin Court of CLuar
ter Sessions Of the pea.° in and or the -county
of Erie. • .
T" pakten of the,subseriber orNorth East
township iterewitti'shevictli, gist' be is Well
provided . with house room and•other accommods
uons for entertaing strangers at his, old stand two
miles a e-st tif the borough of North East, he woud
therefore ask your honors to gran hint a license
to continue to keep the same. . ..
i ' TI - 108.13A NIA ART,
. -
We the uadersigned,citizens of the township
of North.gast, do certify that Thos.! Barnhart is a
man of good reputation for honesty and teniper
ance, that be is well provided with !the necessary
accommodations fsir entertaining !strangers and
travelers and that/such house is necessary to ac•
accommodate the trmveling public.
WV. P. Baird, Wm. Custard, J hn T. Clerk,
Robert Johnston, Win 31 Caldwell, M inor Jones,
Mat. Greer,- Francis BraWley, Ilitomas Teed,
Thomas Mellen, Joseph Scouller, .. 'Willman.
March 28. 3t-1G
To the Honorable Court of Quarter Sessions of
Eria . connty, May TerM.
The petition of W. Togged, of Elashorcreek
township, in said county, respbelfUlly represmus
that he is well 'provided with Hotre room - and
conveniences for the lodging and atcontintidatiun
of stran2ers and travelers. I
He therefore prays the honoratito conte co arum
him a license tot keeping a public inn or tavern,
and he as in duty bound, will pray. Eat.
AitHit TA.CI.9AitT.
We, the F Astir ibers, citizens of the township
of Harborereek, do certify that Warlium Tag
vart, the above named applicant, is a man of
:; , 00d repute for honesty and temperance, and is
well provided with house room and conveniences
for the loilgin,7 and accommodation of strangers
and travelers, and that such an inn or tavern is
necessary to accommodate the public and enter
tain strangers and travelers.
Zalmon -
E. Peck, AVIn. Ft. -Middansh,
Thomas Caldwell, Almond Fnlh r, Loren •
zo D. Dewey, Wilson Adams, Orrin Peck, Wm.
Hinton, 'Fhos Hinton, C. Hull, James Brawley,
John J. Duncan, llareh 30.-306.
riAME to the subscriber in rlnrherereelt, on
V March -111,; a red Steer with some white on
his betty and flanks. Tne owner is 11 guested
to ',prove property pny charges and Inke him
M arch IS, 1848. Sul
ILTAMS SHOULDEWi of tho first quality
1.11 can be bought cheap at the store of
W. C. & It. P. IIULIIEI&T.
Music, Litliovaptts, Cc., .el; constantly
on hand at No. 5. Domicil Block.
_ -
1)11.003Uf, a &Toed ankle, may lie had for' 12
Lit cents ot EL COt IK.
March 4, 1818. j -13
which we will pny cash. •
KE intricked buslieliF ,r 4.1 White Beano, and
kJ 100 bushels good dried Apple wanted , riff
whip ll we will pa; ca•h.
March 24. CA turgit S . 13ROTTIP.R.
17:tvo sold to Mr. Francis Lam
.l.ll son my entire stock of Goods, at McNeon
Cornrrs. I can with confidence recotnmend Mr.
Lamson as worthy of the patronage of any t om•
All persona knowiag themscirea indtbied by
note or book account at the McKean Fiore, trust
matte immediate payment or costs will be made
indiscriminately. My lumber wilt remain at
McKean until the first of April; at that time the
Books and notes will be brought to Erie tor rel.
lec:ion. • ' C. M. TIBBALS.
m FIE undersigned would respectfUlly inform
.1 the gentlemen of Erie and vicinity that he
has opened a TAILORING SHOP on the sou; h
side of the Public Square, a few doOrs cast of the
Erie Bank, where he will be at all times ready
and happy to wait upon those who may favor him
with a tall in this line of business. From long
experience in some of the principal shops of Lon
don and other European cities, and by strict at
tention to all business which may now be entrus
ted to him. he confidAntly hopes that he shall be
always deemed worthy to receive a share of pob•
lie patfonage. His work shall be executed in
such a manner as will hear a close and impartial
examination, and always in accordance st ith the
prevrtilini, fashions.
N. B. Lotting done on the shortest notice.
U. S. 11111UNTEIR, Practical 11rotor.
WiLL•introdilec the Spring Fatidou for Hats
this day, and would most respeciful:y so
licit Id, friends and Lammers to call and exam
ine this very Zentlernanly appendage.
Erie. March IP, 1818. 44
UTUEREAS my ,wife Jane, and family left
V V my house on i the 15th of February 'last.
'without any just cadge or provocation, this is
therefore to forbid alt prisons from harhotjng or
trusting, them on my account, as 1 shall pay no
debts of their contract in. , : after that date.
Erie. March 13, ISIS. • *3144
TE notes of this bank - will be received a
• par for goods, for a few days, at 41.0 Stole of
Erie-Month 11, ISIS. 43
Mints and Liquors.
J tiST received at No. 1. Perry Week, a good
assortment of Wines and Liquors, for Medi•
Once, Sacramental, Mechanical and ALL other
purposes, among which may be found the follow
Pare Brandy;
Cogniar: an,
JUST received by Expresi a fresh lot of the
New York CANTON Tea Conyzny's superior
TEAS, which will be sold ut prices !hitt cannot
fail to suit pinchosers. Try this Tea and you
will buy no other. Forsale by I
T. W. 11,40011 E.
No.l, Perry Block.
T ETTERS of. administratiOn having been
Li granted to the undersigned on the estate of
,Olvin - Howard, deceased, late of I...elkeulT own-
Ship, in the county of Frie, Pa. All perswts in
debted to said estate aro hereby requested w i l t - mite
payment and those having claims. against the
same, aro rtqueatcd to present them properly au
thenticated for settlement ' I
TtiE subscriber would resp
friends and the public ge
purchased the Shoo Stock and'
of Samuel Hays, on the cast Bit
Second door from the corner of '
he intends talaog possessioli
March next, nn&-be will be ha
commodato his old friends am
the public at large. He flatted
will be able, to make BOOTS ,1
articles in his line of busine
neatness, durability and diva
acetates. hopes to receive,
or to deserve, a liberal patron
Ho will constantly keep on
of -well made Boots and Shoe'„
sal as cheap, if not cheaper,
Feb. 25,• 1848. •
A VALUEBLE Farm containing about ISO
it -acres of Land, mostly (Abated, and has a
valuable orchard and other imProvements, sltua
ted about one and bee-half Miles from Girard
village, ben part of the farm of the late Thom.
as Miles. Said farm will be sold Very low and a
liberal credit will be given.. Friquire of
GEO. U. CUTLER, Agent.
Girard, Feb. 26, ISA tf 41
...• , • ,
, _
.... c &
By Express. ~.
A LLYN COLT balmiest i.eceivedi as above,
several cases new and rich Prints, with acme
other fine and nice goods, which the ladies'are in
%Red •to call and'sco at the , Ne Store, cheapsitle.
• .
111 arch IS, IE4B
'March 1, 1818
Erie, Morel) 25 1819
Jamaica Rum, N. Eneland do
' Holland Gin; Pine Apple Gin;
Port Wine, Mdderia Wine,
Scotch Whiskey Irish W hiskey. _
Monongahela do Common do. .
Dee. 11 T. W. MOORE.
Teas! Teas!! Teas!!!
Erie, March 4, 1848
1 1 / 4 1 - nr . ch 4. 1848. 6142*
Attention! Jews. and Gentiles
Israelites, Ishmpetites, #eltrtnos and E g yp.
tione, Sons of , Aaron 'stud ,Aavghters of
Mariam, -receive instruction and Ire
E E-w
xt He o ar
s and E kt s ao:o At
Has returned from the EAST, laden with the'
emit:est treasures of that ancient re g i on , an d i n•
viler, your attention to the same at the zennine
01.4 D Jew Store, the one' that has turned the repu
tation of selling goods toter than any other house
in Eric, and thereby established,a credit for Jewe
ry that has induced mheie Welder under the tame
name whereby they hope to reap a profit which
justly belongs to him. Now Moses wild:colt to be
understood that he is not a Wat)derin„o Jew, hero
this year and away the next—a class that will sell
to one person at cost and to another at double price,
but That he is a regular descOdant of Paithful
Abraham, and 1111 A latched his tent in Erie with
the intention of remaining in an d intends to
do business us heretofore in sucft a manner as to
give entire satisfaction to all reasonutele perione
that favoi him with their costes', ht eft all his old
friends and make new totes of all that iliwe pa l l.
chase goodi from him. That trio .1111 JIM Store of
Mrscs Koch does sr II more Goods and at loner
, prices than any o her store in Erie, is ploio to b e
seen by the course olothers, who finding their cus
tamer.' dairy deser,ing, theti ri
l, resort tetisrepre-
Il e te n y l". t l x i :e ° l l l a lt r n id m u v li l l t i r:s e (I)sie. tbe
It i c E e l ts V o s S e T o( ( t l l i t t e s i I n v ' P h s o
ich r
customers and agitiritt which they dirett all their
force,, thirst ill_ no douht tllat it this store was
out of the way, they could get what they cull the
good old prices,— fifty to one kindred per cent -
s'utt as they nsed to get before this JEW MOSES
came arnongQl them. I,lOWe we see every thing
that can raise
load of 'rape and ikhbitt
commences blots Ina hint:tell into notice by let t
oil squib at the. .1 E't' S'i'OßE; butt this only
serves to'show that They are in 'great wart orei s s
touters, and that tires know,whtre they rave gone
Now the secret of Clood 3 Beier_ sold Si) much
lower at this store than any miser is simply this—
Moses goes light to the /vll7lOl ti r e mar k er , to dio
MattulacTorers anti Importers and boys by the
BALE or PACKAGE, an d p a p,
CASH clown, by t' high he makes a double saving
and is enabled to sell _noels in Erie at what some
o t hers pay fur Ibu'llt in the e.ty; and that there
may be rte WlMake about this matter he invites all
who want any thim: In Ili; line, and wish to pay
either cash or eutanfry Pt educe, to call and exam.
ins Ins t•tocit and prices, folly satisfied that they
will find the 01,11 JEW 5 . 1. ORE the best place
to get good Goods nt :Ire lowest prices.
Moses begg to be exense.l from giving a list of
Ilse number of Pieces of Cloth and Calico, tliusehio a
4.e. r es the manner of some is— beim , notch
more proti;ably and pleasantly employed in wait•
in , on enstoofert, Ile will 10:11:0 this
~ wink . of Ont .
Tin_ , to sense of the Alto or el.fer .tores who have
smalla• stocks andf tot r ruslarnrrs.
Corner of Ft. Fifth Flo . < ts,
near the Fartner'b Hotel, Commurtittl Ex.
1817. 23
Soniething New.
MBE Filliscriber takes ',league in rinuouncing
1 to the 'Mb{le tilt` arrival i'ruin New Yotk
an exu.nAive a,giettinctit el' Goon:: In their ii„o,
el - Wear ink
wanted, — fOr
Plated .and Britannia, Ware, 01nm:toles, Solar
and Campliene 'Lamps, L oo k ituhe.
inian glasswate, speetacteA, fancy good., and
thousand,: of useful and ornament:if articles for
the 1101) days, %%hick are offered at reduced prices.
selected Wicei,es with unusual care
final life^ importaticns. those wishin_ a good
Time p i ece li tie money t' ill do iv , II to buy.
Our thanks are due our p,:troni for luvors con
ferred in times past, eveetully for ratrOnnze re•
ceivcd in our new stole on State street, and . bom•
by attention to business to retain our old awl
make many new cuAtimers.
N. 13. Particular attention given to the repair
in of all kinds of Watches. Watt h work, re .
quiring Engines, nhich'generolly is done in the
larger cites, attended to on short
Goods received by Evpress over} few days
from New York during the winter.
Slate street, nearly opposite Foote [Mel and next
floor to: pa ins !s Bookstore
Nov. 20. 1817.
yA7 Ho are permanently located in Erie, Penn.
Vl, where nil Surgical and Mechanical opera
tiontlin the I.eiente of Dent iAry, will be done wilt
Wi tiny. ease, neatness and durability which ion ! ,
experience and extensive opportunity, together
with a thorough n owledge _of all the late itn
iirovements orthe Baltimore Deal College alone
can give.
Drs. Elliott or Rose will visit the followins.
named plugs once in six or eight weelss
Conneaut, Ohio, :.'prio tt ibid, Girard,
Fairview, Waoet find, Wattslmrgh and North
East, Erie county, Warren and• Columbus, NVar
ten county, Pa. Ladies and ,gentlemen living in
or near either of the above named places who
need the services of a Dentist, can be waitedmon
at their residmee; by addres,ing us nt
Particular attention will be paid to the health of
the Gums, as well as to restoring and preserving
th e Teeth. Pivot Teeth will be inserted after
the latest improvements; also, Plate Teeth, from
one to an mite set. -
Office end residence nn Eight street between
French and Stale erects.
N. B.—Teeth extracted without the least pain
or inconvenience to thc patient by the use of the
Eric, March 18, ISIS. 410
.Important Decision.
TE eonte,ted trial that has been existing so
1 many years has been finally settled by a Jury
of Twelve Ladies, and their decision is, That the
purest, best, met Cr , grant and cheapest Teas to
he had in this section of the country, are thoso
which rome from the celelnated CANTON TEA
COIIPANY. These Teas can be had at all
times and warranta to give entire satisfletion or
the money will be refunded, of their agents who
ate receiving. Ire: 11 eupplies weekly. -
Directly opposite the Eagle Hotel.
Sept. 13, 1977. IS
Oiard Brandy,
Crnix Itinn
ALLYN C COrr' , Will .SCH eller this their 'en
tire t,tocli. of Dry Goode, at 25 per cent. less
than they are sold in Erie. Those purehasinu
and invited to call and prove the truth of this +state
ment. The following arc a few of their goods;
Fine Ginv,hams, from'l2 to 20 ets. per yd.
°realm-Plaids, tiebest style'2s " " .
M. Do Leine, " 25 it
Plaid Alpaecas and Luster 25 " "
Plain " it 50 " "
Calicos from G 'to 12 cts per 741.
All Wool, Rcd , White, I chow and Grcen
Flannels, Linens, Tablings, Itnuplcins, Crush,
Diapers; BrolAn and Bleached Cottons very low,
and ull oAter goods kept in well art anged
Stoles at very low prices . ..o"ustonish the natives"
Des. IS,-
BROADCLOTHS and fiassamis of almost
every color, stripe, quality and price, at No•
4. Clicapvide,
Hcot:. bc, lcat•c to eon the attention of
• the
_public to a large and seleered
Keck of
which Italic 'Wen pnrelmed for cash and wil
positively be sold lower than article:, of the same
finality can be putt:based in town as all can Ea tl
isfy thena•elves by calling at No. 5 Donnell Block
State Stant Street.
Erie, Dec. 180. 30
ectfitlly imbrm his
malty, that he has
rented the stand
le of the Diamond,
Sixth street, which
of on the Ist. of
ppy to see and tie
d customers, and
is himself that lie
,ISI.IOf.S and all
, s. to order, with
ch, and at metier
ash° will endeav-
I ge.
and an assortnunt
I s, which lie. will
than can be had
Charity co•ers a multitude ofsins
AND so'docOloses Koch at his cheap and
fashionahliy CLOTHING STORE.
. .
.• Coats, Overedats, Pants,lVests, Drawers, shirts
hosomi, collars,lnnd every artiele in the clothing
line,. aro to be had 25 or 50 per cent. cheaper at
the OLD JEW STO:I.E, than at any other cstab:
lishmont in Erie; and the reason is just this, Mo
ses buys all liisjelothe, Cassimers and Flannels;
by the bale and piece, -the MaUufacturers
and Importers n tat that for , l eash, and 'then It em
ploys first rate Talton= andlias them made up on
his own premises and ander his - inspetition'ea
that lie is always sure of having a good articla'at
two profits less then thesolwho purchase Reedy
.clothing in Philadelphia and'NeW Yerk.
made generally ofinferior material in a slight un
substantial manner. Now ;those wishing to pur
chase apyatticie of wearing apparel can depend
upon obtaining i,of the best material and work
manship, and altogether cheaper than they can in
any other way, or any other place in Erie. Re
member the Old Jew Store of MOSES KOCH,
• No. 4 C o mmercial khan go, French at.'
Oct. 29,1847 * 24
(10AC El an di
Noy. 20.
Great Reduction of Prices
IFurniture Yarnisb , and Varnish
stile by 1 , .
OPIITON & Ptltri.l.lslS.
, , ty ....
is particularly recommended fur - •
1 1 .1112110PINVI
all atofes ofthis complaial immediately relieved, no ma
ter of how ILig standing , . Bea pankplUttfor testimony.
o f,
and tilliiiio a fp of tko urinary argent ,
; for theeedi.ttessing,
ccuupleinte Nadia:um no other article ctilliellese)ott;
and the cur/ s testityed to will convince the nowt skepti
cal;, sit , in:uOld. Liver complaint, bilious disea s es,
To the F ri it Wend cipecially,nnil wherries . there gout
prnints pre I ntl thia medicinal. offered. ,
no debt. Hoo compuad Ls a part lythis mirtave, it curea these
diseases wi t h leertaittly cud celerity, cud does out leave
the spice' torpid. Bee pamphlet.
VILER.. romp:literati most ortiorulebernetor iii2.3l
. . ni bevrilLir ittcluevivo.
e ,.
soul a mire linos by o few days ult. of this article; it is
Ai r tatiors a? gi :her pr4nroli,n for this &tore, or far any oil'.
erducste Olgineline (ruin impuril blend. See pamphlet.
i ll)tbllity of the System.
week back wenhuess of the kidneys. 3.. e:drinllommot inn
ascent,. isinkwiliately rellered Ly a few dart elle if fhb me
dieine,und a ra A is c ni e w s a l y n s
j e t r ii es o u t l e t in of t i ,d ls y two s it atsuds its
fur such co f luhits, unit oleo fur dera4unients of the fe
male from ,
ili , r , antnritirs,Pcupprcoolotto k
paieful oleic orations. Nolurticlit has fiver been effnrod
exi en( thl V. pa th would touch thick mil 06 fee.ono.nw at,i
It may ha r died upon as n mire and etreetive ?chanty, null:
did w a feel in nnliteil to do 60 enidd pro
A Tboonnud Nonni" -
reit in this distressing class of remplai nta.—,
All broken ()Oa thtichillthled t. ouptitntimis
q of tnercury, will find the bracing power of
[act itmeediately, mud the c oibennus wine,: ••
ft OM (lie .) stem.
V rupeAvo Einittosopg
lte rout ire properties of tlits etticlo
• Purify tbe flood, ,
diseusesirein the system. See pomphiet
f of cures in all diseases, n bleb the limits el
;mot n ill lint permit 10 be 'mined beer, A
rut navy; they contain tili insets of eertifi
character, null n ,-trooper
Army of 1!,roof
of n medicine, :Inver appeared. It is one of
lent tire, of this drtiele that it nesi fed. to
trot', awl if hone ,und Mlil•et1111TC left teltuild
etnaciated and Itegering tat ttlid 21t1'E ON,
Ong , the medicine, les long no 'here 6 nn im-
Theprepriefer would ICAUTItiN TII I: Pl.l it
number of articles which ..ome out under the
ns proof o et'
See immithle
from also 4*
thin tinkle,' t 4
nl erodientinl
gill Gad the
mid drive 'U
fur trwlituot4
an ndvertke
cwes of high
nl Ilao virtue
tile preulir
!week in in ,
upon Cll t lel
and keepllll
proeition .
I,IC again (
f l 1
SprenpariU m fk
ng,'Syreo, e. ~.
pri propq, (i ri rid, rk e. TAB;; or, fjc.,l folV itb 7i
loneotded to gnil thin tillWrir); CC' Till',:li
I tit inventor'. never thought of ,11rIlle rueh ii 0-
Ili tlf tick Mit' done it. A partir.uliir studily or
tile in carnally ~ C licitaL Al.ent4 anti '4lll Who
ti le ore GLAD iro.CIIICULATE r...itritourly,
n : 0 oz. Lanier, i t $9( 19 u'. at ti s ,,l each—thin
Id(sig 6 mr; more limn two finiell tiettlr4-. Leak
f ort ittipflfd upon. „Etc, y bottle linr . . Vn tie hii,'e
I. Or 1111 l rii k till !Ili:till! C," Ilk, il upon tit, gth.s.
r griature of G. C. Vaughn, ButLilii.strliejkd on
'ono ',flier are goon:tie. rreparod Ii Dr. G.C.
tltold at the Vrinripal Office, 20 Main rtreet,
rtioterrtr nod! retail. No attention 0 , ..,, I.
1e , , , t.o.t. Paid 7 7-01 driZ r•. 41 regularly emi.tit ih
If es - copied; port paid letters, or re, too corning
tdisins add er, p'oniptly i.tleioled to, gratf,
et tai ezelurively to the rale of thir article, tl9
reo, Near York cii; 295 Ernie 'tt.Fnlcie. Mirk , .
in priee'rpal druggistr throughout the Uoitott
1 Douala, us Agents. For ralo I,y
& Brother nod iturion & I erkitoi. Erie; C• AY'..-..:
lorurville; Dr. C.llither, Sparta; It( 7 Thin in .. CV
n 1, I. iontob & Co liirnirth I) s ;loath, 1111.1
mofi .,
•oaio. Verer r; 'HA Dir
& •hiar, P, tiro,io '
n, Sneer (h..% r;' it, yd & Viormit, %Voter ford
ins nail J I) Somme ton. AVorreir, Cli ire & 111 , •
ituhrille; Aliridorin Toortollidt 11 : 11 1
_an On; .._ _.
. ...... . ...
i Hfi. and
NOT. 'f
enm•r till
pl mik
111 thu u I
Put up
lorfest L.
me/ and ut
the Kt Wet
the rotd.
Letters 11
(NI Ageu
bica iOll5,
ud I.y
t t
Cacu r
No 01 11
A Merl 13
M m
31 Willi e
T. , rry,
AVIo !Pr
..1 , Jr., Chuo , ,volle; I.o‘oher &
oh A. Tracy , VahAtelv. 13 . 33
il 0 0 D s':
817.) ' BY [Fail of 1847.
1(;.1).Z.,t)1N4 Lasi now ft.mirml hiP FAL"
d \VINTELt stock of Dry Good Gro
Flordsi-are, Bootsand o:oev , , Cr(.t lcdry,iroh
M 1 . 111111r0; S. 11.,
.I•OCkport; Johl
Fall o
la, 4-e. &e. o which the following . com
'knits, Frew:ll, Etiklish and American,
dyed e, bl ek, brown, gold and cadet
black, bi- '
and na
p_rise a I
13road I
__...., Cassimcres' black, blue, plain,'
and striped; S.atin ts, blue, , black, cadet and
steel mixed; conva s, padding, buckram, f,,bur
laps, crash, wiggin , brown and black holland,
cotton diaper. linen and cotton table cloths, lin
en cibric, linen cambric handkerchietS, fur
nitu sand cambric dimity, drab, n bite, black
and late Relicia, black and colored cambric,
brown and bleached shectings and shirting',
bed picking, apron t check, red, while and green
woo cn flannels, plaid linscys, crimson, scarlet
Vet` and drab martens, silk and tabby velvet,
black and colored, silk and worsted serge, satin
vestings, italian cravats, black and colors, chop
'pars bandana, burcelona, pongee and spittle.
!field tt handkerchiefs; silk, cashmere, worsted and
ir» hosiery, all colors, glor es• of till kinds,
rittit, worsted, silk, picnic: and cotton dress
handkerchiefs, Wk.s, cravats, lace vt ils, barra
ges, 'striped and plaid earlston and Miss gingl) ;
ams tilid chambray's, suiss, plait), dotted,'phiid,
scrip t ed, figured, book muslins, silk braids, hat
and ;tip ribbons, Italian and French crape, sew.
in ilk, purse twist, ' , kola,. !mitt ing and tidy
colt n, suspenders, bindings, quality, ,tapc,,
lia ing and cord, lacets, combs;. liiilmns. nee
' tiles books and eyes, paste board and a genet
al a :torment of boats antrehoes, h irdwate,
eroc (cry, iron, nails, &c., all of the above w ill
be sold as cheap- as any new or Jcw store in
this 'city.
It w 11 be observalthat I am the oldest merchant
in thelace except one, and I now say that I will
i i
not be undersold by any, young. or old, Ihr ready
paw. t all and ace that the above ate facts,nt my
ola st nd on eheapsidc, heiti things for sale cant
a l
be beat.
Erie, Sept. 25, 1917-. _
MA-TS—A gued7.ll:ssurtineut ui boggy, sate
find door Alois fur sale cheup by
iNte I. 11. COOK.
. Salt. salt. . •
anbscribets have on hand course and fine
all; also a quantity or coat for sale at re
prices, at their warehouse, toillic cock, by
illy 29. KELS6 $‘ LOOMIS.
.tediuenoryour valuable paper, to infirm the
eitizet s s 4S ot i 7hi - s E e D it l y T a (i n i d t l — it i tl i ty l° ,:tl n a ' t e l th a r t: l r ig et i • i t:i h v e
4 1 ,, a lore° and well selected stock of Fall and
Win: r Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery and
Elarslt 'are, , which tam selling at Great-Bargains,
in order to 'pay transportation, the balanee will be
applied tocharitable purposes. Fur further pat
ticulats" apply at No. 2 American Bleck_State
&reel. f.
Oct. IG, 1847
Il eaves—Heaves—Heaves. •
Tilh r itt: never was a remedy discovered, by the Wyn,.
ity or ninii, for removing nOM 1101,04, that
eqUnlird: COLEMAN'S /I,EAVr: I 00, mow,. in coring that
meet t -oiddeimise, obstitiato anddiingerour rror plaint II
a en.o ir:at all ctiratile, there lion ilets wilt jurt ar snarly
removo it an they are taken This is no fiction. iir many
of the, most reritcetuble yerrons in dill:wino ports of the
cnugtr, , can testify front actual trial Oite,lttii or throo
bottle at MOIL, is all that is ticeerrary to 11 . 1111 the worst
Citgi, , 1.1 recent e,..xes; and alrn In cough and a here Ilie
wind has been Injured, osaz bottle will be fort,) of ereat
service And-uliat---is_ the curt of to oor Ouse. battles
o n mptrod to the loos of cron an ordinary horref l'i:y it
there, 'on Om have burros suffering for the wont of much
on art cle. Price ;in cents per bottle. ror tutu by
CAILTEIt & 111:0. Erin,
13t)Y(1. VINCEN'e' & CO , trarrrford,
111 11. C. TOWN &. CO., NIO IL En t,
S. STE:IVA Irer &. CO., f'ouenril.
TI E subset iberh having a good a..<sortment - of
'ew Encland marble on 'bawl, from differ
ent q arries, calculated for 1-leatil and. Foot tables,
i ments, &c; - 'whiell they offer to sell to any
i Erie county, Pa, not living iltrther than
, lettered in first rate stafe, and delivered, at
' llowin<7 prices: Small, for children, $1 50
• ot; Middltf size, for used people, 61 G 2 per
Largest size SI 75.Pcr foot. We think it
E be an object for some of the Erie county
i o to forward use few inscriptions as we have
t tly been informed by the Erie marble dealers
her ‘ bragging way, that they were sticking
ho Erie and Crawford county people good.
brag very lustily of selling to the "Penns
"at from $2 50 to S 4 per foot. SlMuld any
people of Erie county
,be in want of any
in our line, they can forward their inscrip 7
. or come theme Ives, end they shall have a
sto - articia at dui above prices. ' •
lot; 13, 1845,. ' 17t
'eatfield, N. Y
fKLED LOASTERS,: Sardines, Tomato,
Catsup, Lemon ',Syrup, Pepper. Sauce,-Salad
!custard, Guguba Jel i l i p Boxiish While Pep
cte., foi sale at No. 1 erry Block, bv- •
Pt. S, ; T. W. MOORE.
IBET‘CLOTII—BIack, Drab and Drown
cheap for ready pay at the store of
It. .4. J.WKSON.
- - . . .
• . Moro . Proofs.
~ , . .
47ru "oItYIS ont. tuey COME."_
rIV It'Y' malt britigs tidings of Asir success,
.I.l<fr invest to-the remotest- vrestr-from Cana
da on a north . and Mexico and the West Indies
on the iouth—all- are unanimous in their. praise.
Ofa diedicine so universally known and mom•
ell is WRIGIII'IIiNPIAN , Vltcr.TAatt.e PILLS, It IS
hardly necessary to *peak in detail. At no peri
od of it,/ history, has the repute:ion of the mcdi•
nine stood lii,,ener,. and we may say that no repu
tation is likely to be mere enduring., Adapted 1
to all constitutions, to every form or disease, and
to all climates, Wrigh t's I diem Vegetable Pills
are above everyother %plc ne, fi lled 'for 14 ;lie
i l
of man under whateve vire motanceelhe may ,Ite
placed. At Sea or on and, at home, or abroad, in
summer's heat and winter's cold, with a common
rr,gard to the conditions of health, nod with
Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills at hand, there i s
no excuse for being. sick, unless the constitution
be utterly irreclaim able. .
, (Extract of a Lethr from Ifrrnoneo,.4l:ss.)
To Dr.-W. Wright. Your pills have given cni-
I versa! satisiaction; and justly very popular. I Cal
I sell loin 'lO to . 40 dozen annually, if I could be_
aupplied. Yours,
- - ' h WM HENRY JOHNSON, Agent.
[Extract of a Leiter. front Jersey S4ote, Anal :
"Wriulit:a Indian VeLretnble Pills excel every
thing of the kind .ever'oilitrial to the public in this
sea ton of the ccuntry, notwithstandin g the coin.
billed efforts °ln 6tw unprincipled inercenalies to
put them down. S WINC II ESTER Si. SON."
[Font Alle allealin seine, Va.] •
"I belie, Used Wright's Indian .Vegtrable Pill
in my, family; and I found hem to be the best
medicate I have ever used. wish to becume no
agent fur ill° salu ef thenrin t hieplace.
[From Grtinaboio% la.] .
"Some time since, thy agent kit with me aix
dozen 1V right's Indian Vegetable Pills to 1441.
They were soon all gone, and more ,tinting.
'flier.: is much cull lin them. * .* 4 I lavlieve
the pills.ate very good. •
"A pprchenditt.r that I u!,ull 1 he out of your val.
ualtle Indian Vv ,, etuble Pills b your ngtut
uillw through this region to eupply M.:. I beg
you fo forwuld quantity, In sumo +f•ay orj
uno her.
Tho pills nre doing here admirably well iW
Rpite or LI e opposition al to wool(' be doctors:
wile have exemil nil their influence to present
people from buyino for In; 1;11(1 i }Ali): a cis - milli- J r
tied supply I shall ht• able to :ell twiny of 111411.
Yours, Jul-IN II
[Pi OM St a Vir la, Va
"I have neatly g:irt. :through, with the, pills volt
left and sent me, and I think I could, in a short
time, sell six or cut dozen more. The 'picker
I :gen them, the mete I sh..lli,ell. as the sieldy sea.
son is raging horn consitl , Frably, and ytmr pills
are 111 and app ()Veit of Ste ma ally mote than
any medicine we have laud atnottz 11l in 511/1 ,
tiine. ' in fact, leo not I . n lo of a sin. le instanot.
i .
toht-rtt tiny hare true fried ;Ind d w.itprovott of.--
Some of the physicians t ~n't lilac them, lint I
reek on they : have never tritil them, and self inter
est will generally be cotimilted.
Yottrts .s•e, I:UT IlEit IsorriNGil A 'NI."
Such ate a few of the :',la.:enis int, coleataril h ,
made . by men of the fit...l respce:abili:%—mn n n he
are known nil I whose .appolitutities for observa•
ti ion are not excelled by arr. in tie Licit:
AG EN' S I V :.; EIL 1: t. G:::, V.
0. 11. Al' s ITOII I), j:ri,.,
W. t I' J.i , l“)n Si C 1... l‘'Jterfur(l.
Jnliti Manure. See.
Allr.diutp Toonelief, Union,
Atil4 , 3 C V%Att.r, West S pritkgfi,lS
%V. 11. ToWti , cml. ••
ft C. !cwn & Ce., ‘1 nu•Lurg
Nurth Ent t
J 4,7111 Cllntlent. 17.1Irview.
Tru: oNutr tnifn:Noo. sr:p GENTY , Nt. tr:DTAN Pr.G' T
P11.L3 THE sins.vrt9i: or WM. Wltts:eVr
APVIII • 11/13/ TUF. T'lr L•n}_LOYV If 80. X, 1"
ul. P, e
gen , ii lie, am/ fi• c unietftii th to i$ 10 Gil 1:1f.
(11111;i a drt iitoS ti
Fry. to bie Pitt . a Lolr..dr lei
Ti emoilt tree!,
11.001 i. CUT FOR IL
IL:PE I, Sl.l 011 U :y r e cwi
LtP.Z.TO to the II ngin
tvitt the. genuine
111 i.afjOilS !....1141p1..e, $Olllll
to tlion duo II!
W it la LYI"S Isn).4r;
are not wanting thoFe
eni:trf , li . to call any tni•zera
tIII of: gain
Fall and
nrilll3 subscribers are n
of Fall and Winter
Dar Goons,
Also a lame assortment
W I ndow Taper.
All of which were purchased in Ncw'York at
the lowest market lake, They do not boast of
having the largest stock Of:Moths ever brotedtt to
this place, but Atilt say they have as good an as
seruntait, and %%ill be sul,l as cheap as the chcap.
est, aad invite the public to,eall and examine
goods gild priers._ G. SELDEN tr. SON.
I net. 63. 1847. 23
'LT AIR brushes clan varieties and prices, teeth
il, ditpaint...nil Varnish dn., flesh eintites,'llat
ii.iiiivina: eiiiiiir,l Fertibbing, binelsintr, , ii inilow,
fteriO,llmttntei .nkl bprile brushes lor Fair by
' 1 Nriv. l lo. LIJRTON if- i 3 Eit b: i 'NS.
35C0 1175. Whi
1500 " 'WM
:.500 . 4 Fren
100 " Chit
Indian 14(4'
Drnp Black, V.
Spirits Turpei
for t+nler by
Nov. •?0
800 "
800 "
701) "
30 '
20 "
For tato
Nov. 27,,1^
gross 01
etived, by p
one dollar co
Februa , y
'r11113„ lta
1.„ tently 111
store of
The suhse l
entire oew et
clisimee of II
Winer Gooril
York coo;
hanp, Oreg. /
the Dry Goo/
Persons h
it greatly to
(idyll( you co
of me ; as I
thruper that
try. Call rt' i
one door cos,
Erie, Jnni
is one of the
nlioos exton
physicians if! th
manner of h,pry
them as wel ell!
universal Co .910
take it may kntu
that it is pl psi
sale by ' , :
February 1D;1
...—__ •
20E 3 1 !
market pri
Hotel. -
J1:187r ree, l
' fulteer , l
ware house
Fro% .llnqit du, 0.110.1
th,Fai, or in
ti rei:111, Id'. Rime atrei.i.
trutt, Set% Volk; :anti Itt
d that pt1H;;:::::
it J,(l - wis!l to pro.
.. - inv:vile'its arc atioad
in.; a Co tt:n..; of sto r :ar
sutc rile° to ask for
:TABLE Yil,i s, fur there
lho are unprinciplel
trash "Indian," fur
I. i
'Tnter Goods.
‘‘• rceeivio2 their o:ock
oods enniistinz of I
Paper Hanzing and
to and Rei Lead and Liiliarg('•
300 Ilia., Venitian lied,
ch fellow, 130 " Paris Green,
iin's Yellow, Green Vermillion.
Utica Marino Moe, Prin.-shut Blue
is, Lampblack, ete„ G bbl=,
nine, Lin=ro Oil, Varttiq, etc.,
Old firm at d. 11. liio ion & Ce.
Dyo Wnoclu, -
copperas, • •
Alum, GOO madder,
Moo Vitro% 2014 Lorwood,
eamwood, '2OO oil
Isduratic Acid.
Beugal and Ca rnroas,
solution tin, 10 cot:henna',
low by
117. 28
Townseini's c'arapatilla jut te
irate "exprcs4," in trait blinks at
h.Six ho:ttes for fivo klotrar... ,
t618.' • Sub Agents
loney Redeemed!
k "totes of the banks that have re
led' are redeemed with Goode at the
Ids 'ell, For their value.
t Inducements
ibey, n isldna to matte runin fat an
vitor 17.1 Godos in the shrine, tt ill
is prey. tfi vhuteo s:ncli ; ot Fall and
• :Ala very wnnil ndvanee from Ne%,
•nin'prisin.!: Muslin de Lains, G
tn mitl•California euslinien - F,
• : and in short, everything in
e. cash to pay for Goods, IA ill find
advatuat:e to call, as I feel coit•
e 25 or al per cent by pareitasin 4
bound to sell Goods, for cash,
other man in the oes;crn r.outt •
ec, at the old Ilattitrare Store,
the Eagle. f!,---1'
15, 18 1,.L. ' •
r ormol., coldi, and consumption
t beuutithl and scientific prepar•
t has uained an enviable repot
aid of puft rind newspaper ad.
' he proprietor has furnished the
is place, with the formn!n tnd
eparatinn.and it bus gaived from
irtho frouity, of other places, their
Cndation, eonsequently those who
iN, not only its eomposition. but
red by rim hand of science. For .
_____ -No 5. Read Hoe .
Clover Seed.
- 11 els just waived front the Fai'rners
lie county, and for'sak at the lowest
e, at our store onposito the Logic
1 7 _ 44 _1 •••
peT schooner Aurora Borealis, a,
0o Girard Plaster,' For sale ,0 :he!
po lie dock, by
, ,
sir-rionne !vistan7
l i Tint Wu LO„
• • •
(noble remedy fur Horpei, Cattle and
doinestie animals, in thq •ure of thy;
F.4tirla, &graf t -- •
I I i g t . t i tls, Strain', Lamitess, ,
t4IBEI, Sofa Cract-.7,1..
e/s,l lauudirid-Rei,
Findgalls, • Scratch:co' Grtate,
'olluT; . 1 1Ittrf. , , ,e; ' 1
entry, Ho it inwonpic
linivereul Family Etnlnocation . for
rises 01 tititilan Flesh . , such as -
Ext.rnat Poi.ions, ' :
raMisi ,IVlrrints .4,11.4 c;•
Corals, Ty ha 2 ,,,,,,,
chlibmins. 1
Copped jhailli,
(he ,Masrles, Szeritiol.73,, Wounds,
of the Joints, Kishett Isr(rrsi L s.
.NT's G...I;GLING elf.,-4 f 6 tvortl,y o
lark, that besides the great tinil extra
lowers in the cure of diseases ache
Lich Its vir:ues first attract'ed the atten
farrier and f arina: and.thci wonder.of
gene irony. it lies been Ell( 6. Y , Sfully cm
a great ratiety of the maladies width,
human 'see; and it hap preyed - by the.
cures it has iicrforard ou theloweratt-•
it is endowed with cormie properties
o other bore oily, whielctias establish
nA to !letici:ll 43)014016.. •
of the counterfeit snit:V*llnd b Euro
.f the 'siii.p VitoPRIETOR, G. W. 1 • -
.I:port, is blown mute beetle.
r testimonials., synopsis or diseases, and
eatment, see Iratitilltlet ULlC.lltiettlftpa
bot::r. :
Galls of ale
Poll Era,
Spoiins S
IL is also
Wu ninatis
Bare ofail
Frost Ilk •
Burns and,
COll tracts
special rei
ordinary j
horse in w
tion, of ;h
the public
ployed in
alTect the
not found
ed its ciai
the name
chant, Lo ,
mode of
nice calk
J. U. Burton St C,o..' , Fric S. S. 4111.
sl,tahtia. (shim, ;Ind D. IVcbster,
LuuntAwry C INV better, Loa.- I
port ra
I ,
It I 3 , ' V V 0 ILT It I; 3. 00 03 '
Deolovi fig Disetises of the Eked, . 9.
oan abuse.; .. , .f,r- & he.. • and .n, intr.
rerer Sore, cl etirrate old ecru
Clown; an i l en irslitraii• alter, of all lintle.i
• user sill as - Budd tread, WI EArVA).
,Sr} IVlda Ur A'i,g's &if Seean Li r rg Wry sw a ~c t Wl,', ilfjeal,
deep Slli'N'Ll r• eerrernil. 'es iv isieg _reran an (input el
Cleeraii•na 'alid Coere.iram ,/, Order?, the Blood; also.
Ore ihro t. Sole. (Ands Ilabiluat Cr slitenem, pit&
I.4's. Ea a, mid other par I Clrr wile olir,eord of ti I.(rcr,.
el (',e CA el. i I unNwrri ('test.
mph - ,r i• rn.ditles on thr fa-e J'al', i, tfie.`itonraels and Jidet r
!'{."cola pa actg, and other tr•rip , l .`, reale, de. de.
6 ar
10 s o' llal silo. -11 br lgtrndrdrdielr tfrommen-
Bles„r;on re", and other E.;o-, (7 , d a. a ctansixa Sprlng
- ebutieatk,el,,,,, - I -Vat ir I ve, I lid* grail a de-
Whit B'ir 'ilftl,. Pains in the. liii'p. . -: '
This remedy is prepared Item the, chpierst ro t .
let tcd materials, theact ice propel 1 ics orwhich aro ,
c%..rat lc( by an improved process, tr itlmut heat;
'o4 occoli .1 of which it is prefcricd by pt +
hy6k c inn
1 ..
as being rnore unitin ni and active ilia many othel
nom befure.the public. -.,...
A full in:count Of the remarkable efficacy . of this
remedy, in a variety of Ca*CS or Ow Toot argra 7
waled nal i tire, may be seen by culling on tbu rep-
primor or his agents. ~
As most !rood medicines are. connterki;cd, bu
SUP-F. and call for "Merchant's Sarsaparilla," *NI
see 'that these words are blown on the glarsp,"Fron't i
the - Laboratiny of Geo. W. Merchant, chemist,
Lockport, N. Y. , _ .
- '3•Altriost every pedlar in the .
country is now.
putting. .41 and imposinc on the public, an artiClo
they call : sarsaparilla. Therefore, nnwAnEff
Sold by .7. (13. Burton & co. Erie; S. S. 4- If t :
Fassett, ;Ashtabula, Olio; D. N. Webster, Con-,
imam, Ohio: y 113 Se
n ISEASE'S of the Urinary Organs cured t)3,
..11.." the OATIIACT OF 1111COU, OVA URSI, and C 0...
IWO% SIMil as chronic. and acute.diseases of tkp
Illaddrr, s ,Ilao, clironidP -
tin th ra, Gonorrhca,
Prost ral ; Gland, \-_fleets, Whiles,
Kidnos, and , Strictures,
Loins, , 1_ Dialw tea, 4-c,
Tkie valuable medicine is preps ed . only by
Geo. IV, Merchant; Operative chciniv Iko. Lock
port, N.Y,
Full and ample iostrucions, testimonials, &c.
accompany etch bottle.
Sold by J. H. Burton & co. EriOv S. S. & H.
Asatabula, Ohio; D. N. Wckrte - , Con
neant,lOhio. 1‘.50
MYRIA.N DAIR Ull:,n warrantCd articlefoik
cotorini; the hair a beaatiial brown or jet
black, it wilt not wear ell, soil the linen, 'or colot
the shin ; as htuulre.h4 1 4 1r1 i IY.
it bas also been used ;sl;LeeSSfilliy in ranking
Beware of the counted it, and he sure yon get
the genuine,, pr pared only by Geo. W. Merchant,
chemist, Lockport, IV. Y. t'S a ill p Ica of Hair may
lie icon at the store of the proprietor or his agents.
Price 50 cents.
Sold by J. 13. Button & co, Ede; S. S. & U.
Fapecti, Ashtabula, Choi and p. WctiFter. ,
Conneaut, Ohio, 450
New Goods and Good News!
60 1 ; 0 - 4 0,_7 7. ,. 4
New is lire Time to Buy Cheap!
THE subscriber kw/int! been but a short time,
in bii-iness has tint hero're found it conveni
ent jto introduce lino the parets a ;general adver
tisement. 11e has, lumeyer ja•t. returned front
t'ie eastern cities a ith a spkitdid aseortnient oC
Preidi and- Cheap Cii (Tel ifs.
In his stock may be lotted the choicest Teas yet
offered for,sale, Ciotti 4 to S shillings per Found,
Java, Cuba, Liatritira and St. Domingo, 'Cid
tee, cheaprr than the cheaptal;. lirtvana, Porto
Ricci, °deltas, L.i,f 1 tunp, Clarified, Pieverisrd
and Maple Sugnra cheaprr than ever; Portp Itice
Syrup, Sugatheuse anti (Means Alotakscs; elapice,
pepper, ginger, cinnamon, mace, nutmegs , pearl
arley, citrons, proms, cocoa nuts, almonds, ma
kite, Iltsril, and pea mils; ' , Havana, prineipe,
Spanish, einnamon, and conneaut Cigars; coven
dish, ladies it, ist, and germnn. Tobacco; olive,
rose, nut, castor, and hair Oil; all of which are of
the vet v beat finality, anal u be sold cheap, at
Na. 3 American State street.
011 N rttpEn.
N0v.13,1847. . , 25
Ts—Young hyt:on, old hysan, limn skin,
gunpowder and poweltona , or black tea,
cheaper lbw) Canton iea company dare to sell s at
No 6 Bonuett Block. U. COOK,
L -1 1-411/ft,' shorts and Bran, constantly kept on
band at • I I PEPPER'S,
- * Nov I I, At No 3, American 13lock:
Fresh Groceries...
received h late*Cartival, at dui old rtond
jof llhdwock zimmerly, wilt ectetted
s:ock of FRESH OrROC,EME.S, of every. des.
crimitm for family! two, such as Tens, Sugars.
Coffee, Rico, Pepper,, AlAdiee s Cinnumon,
Nutmegs. Ginger,lltiolav,es, Oils, Fish, Flout.
Cheese, Tobacco, Fruit, Nuts, Re., which are oti-:
feted on terms that cannot fail to suit otti,custos
mere. Maim „live us a cull; -
N. 11.—All hindis oftountry produce token in
enthangi for groceries.
c, A 7 'LE elm 4* Of different sizeP, cuitaj l ie fßir .
drat4Ot uhailfA or saw mils, and ‘viVgis cut
to Itiv tchtilll;(:) . iitit put teasers. i
o - v . c. . GEO. SEL,DEN t. 40.1, .
E 3