Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, April 01, 1848, Image 1

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The winter winds are loose again,
And, ehrinhing from the piercing air,
shudder at the thought of pain
That I have borne, and yet may bear;
BM, while the scenes return to view,
AYhich seemed to be my tart on earth,
Retains the heavenly picture too,
Of all thy love and all thy worth.
Thy matchless love, that bore then up
Through trials few Lap, heart to bravo,
That shrank not from the bitter cup
Of anguikb,which my anguish Face;
That, while thy noble-heat Walt wrung
With pity, tenderness; and grief,
Still, o'er lily couch of miff 'ring, hung,
To give tne comfort end relief.
A common love might weep and sigh—
To spate its grief, my presence shun,
Atid, in ita weakness, let me die,
Lamented much, but aided none;
Thy nobler nature rose above
Ali trials, so they gave one aid,
And on the altar or thy lute,
Thy heart, a sacrifice, was laid.
Thy aighs were bushed, thy tears supprest,
Lest I thy torruir @Weld divine;
Thy eyes refused their needful rest,
To watch the fitful sleep of mine;
No sharer in a tasks° dear
Led sacred, worrid thy love nllow; '
day and night, sal hovering near,
My ..ministering angel," thou!
Thou wart my rhigrert hope on earth,
Since first f met thy welcome sight—
Hut, never had I known thy worth,!
Ttil In affliction's darkest
111/: then thy peerless geo,lness Anne,
A Oar amid the Ones, profound.
Doper:cif thyfothis above tne thro4 a,
...itemd heat etily radanuee round..
The God of Mere) heard thy pray er.l
Whey hope tI.O If receded tAst,
A e to th.t num caned can c,
Ti,e Afi thnt •coned already past;
Tloil life l et e r itould employ
To lilt , s thee, a:11th) lose repry—
gyte tt:ee comfort, pence, find joy,
To be thy friend, thy shield and cloy.
1 WM no at the pmt repine,
'rho”Eli the remembrance wakes a FlOl--
tha s rib of. ? love like thine,
'Twere well to suffer', or to die;
Dot on! ni om 4 o its worth 'to know,
'And, to enjoy its tutors•, bre!
tiu greater favor liras co cat, show,
has oothiug more to give.
thkir dull, dim 1-atior, Mrs. Pargraye
and her daughter were seated; Caroline on a
hotst, of by her mother's _side. The house
nas in one of those grey-looking streets'
mlich abound in London, though many a
denizen of the metropolis little heeds their ex- 1
i,tence. Branching indirectly from, and
therefore parallel with; some great thorough- I
lac, - they arc thoroughfares themselves, but
threaded so little 4 ouch , that the fil l et is al
most forgotten, till the necessary (f)r
cessary) nuisance of a paving perple x ity '
breaks up the high road, Jams up the stream
of trvtlic, and sends its rushing tide of vehi:
eles fur days or weeks together clown the
"quiet street," waking its slumbering echoes
with a Ceaseless roar, breaking the nightly
repose of its inhabitants, and working a rev-
()Wiwi in its locql customs. But the street I
mean was distinguished by a further jsculi
arity from the•general class to which it he
longed. It was an artist-street, the sign
thereof being that here'and there a window,
:4 if regardless of the symetry Of outward
appearance, soared upwards, apparently am
bitious of communicating, with its neighbor
, And Mr. Hargrave was a painter;
One of a band ro numerous, that no one cau,
fencY in the description of him, that an indi
vidual is sketched, A man of ,talent, not ge
nius; with more aspiration than power; and
imbued with thaeselfish, self-willed egotism j
which, though it may sometimes overshadow'
:great mind, much oftenei• dwarfs, to still .
narrower dimensions, and shrivels up, a
I have said it was a dull, dim parlor, but
not a dirty or dingy one; fol. neat Less and
cleanliness were as apparent as the shabbiness
of the furniture. If curtains and chair cov
ers were faded, it was from washing as welt
astral )) wear. Poverty reigned there with
his iron sce ptre, and his boo; 1311 the -0" -
-en of life, but he wore a mask, half pride half
resignation, and his aspect was less repellant
than it often is, when his rule is far less prucl
and despotic. The first floor of the house was
occupied' by the artist as a studio. There
pictures were painted which did, or did not,
bring golden return; there patrons—the few
he had—were received; and there he indulged
his dreams of future fame and appreciation,
railing at the dulness of the multitude, be
cause it failed to call him great, andin one .
tense happily forliimself:—wrapping himself
to his self-consciousness 118 in a protecting
garment of egotism, which shut out an the
vulgar cares of life. Re little thought—and
could not b e ma d e to ,comprehend---that his
very selfishness was the barrier to, true great
nes3. I n tell ec t, knowledge, learning, a life
kng practice in the mechanism of his Art--
all thesethese ; he had; but he wanted the generous
Pulse of feeling which would have added a
Soul to the evidences of Mind and warmed
with the heart-fire of Genius his clever-cold
lie did not know—and he could not have I
been taught to comprehend—that the calm,
patient, care-worn wife, deputed to the igno
ble tasks of &Mead° drudgery ; to the inge
nious stratagems by which she strove. to
,make one sovereign Jill the legitimate ser
vices of two; and to the painful interviews
when pressing tradesmen begged the settle
ment of tong-standing accounts; had cried a
finer poem in her Sorty years of life, than his
brain had ever imagined, or his pencil execu
ted; I have said that she and her daughter
were seated in that dark parlor; but few
would have guessed how occupied. Theem,
Ployment will apperii profitablC, nny, *chaps
on the contrary, it may seem to belong to the
pumps and vanities of life. Briefly, then, by
• the mingled light of winter twilight t.nd
bright if not large fire, she avas plaiting tend
braiding herldaughter's rich dark hair. From.
Caroline's early c hildhood it- had been the
, ..
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duLing intithot la'prido;• no other - bend had Jr;
er tenddd it,' from the . days' of :the golden
curls, through' all theirdeepening:shadee, till
now, ie l its rich profusion; it Was of a- dark
hue which looks black until sunlight Or fire
light brings out ita'grcater brillian'ce; . 'Help
, ful in most things beyond the average of her
age and condition, in one . respectLCaroline
1 Hargrave was helpless to the last , degree.--
Beyond gathering up her long hair with'-a
comb, or parting it in .thick locks when damp
from its frequent bath, the. maiden of • sixteen
I had not a notion of arranging her greatest
adornnie t. Deep and beat/6(01 , a5: was the
mutual a mamma' of the mother and her
only chi d, to toy mind there was something
touching in:the phase of it I pm describing.'
The - symetrical figure bursting into the .per
fectionof its rounded beauty, was little like
ly to !Uwe gayer apparel than:the home-made
cotton gown; -the little foot
~waa commonly
disguised i i cheap and ,clumsy shoes; the
small end i ? , ell-shaped hand had' never known
a Parisian glove, and her fair young face and
:vi'olet blue eyes had never been "set off" by
the witchery, of 1 a "darling': bonnet. , The
coarsest straw,' or dowdy combinations of
mysterious manufacture, were the only head
gear she ever possessed--but the beautiful
hair! that:at least the mother qould control,
and limb -wearied, or mind wearied, early " .. or
late, some hour of the day she' would surely,
find in which, with practiced hand and loving
gesture, to wreath its wavy masses, one day'
in one ifasttiou, the nest in some other, till
one might have thought variety ithelf ,was
exliatited. - :
ntotiv' said. Caroline, lollting up with
smilci, nod-an expremsiop of countenance
that schemed: a laughing contradiction to her
words, l "Maftituta, do you;ltnowl am very vain
of nty)lltairt'
"Nqt. vaii, my love, I am sure,". said Mrs.
Hargrave, 411upingls she spoke, a massive
plait,like a 'coronet, for the( young head' that
leaned upon, • her knee. "Not vain, I• am
sure, though of course you know it is bewai
' "Dear wznann! cannot you tell' what
inenn%." exclaimed Caroline, "that I must hnvo
been deaf or blind last night, not to discover
how be' autiiinily you had dressed it, Really,
I felt that lady Fitzroy said was quite true,
that nb lady's in the roam looked so well ne.
mitwil And I thought how' kind and how:
cleY'er my dear mamma was, and how much I
V, she'd she had been there to hear her taste
ful work And Caroline kissed the
hand that was conveniently near her lips.
"Alt,l have been so bu3y all the looming:,
that have not tot,' we half the particu
lars of the ball vet—your 'first ball . ; too.' bid
you really enjly it, my darling?" - --
yeS—was it not kind of Miss Gra
ham to invite mer
Now 'Miss Graham was what might be
called a young old maid, rich and generous,
good and clever, and handsome enough to
make 'n very handsome portrait, for which'
she had recently sat to Mr, Hargrave. The
painter despised with most supreme contempt
that branch of his art, by Which alone a
twenty pound note was likely to find its- way
into his house; and had he suspected that his
sitter really cared very little whether the pot:
trait was a likeness or not,:and merely thusefh
ployed him, as a delicate manner Of benefiting
his Wife and daughter, it is probable contempt
arid indignation would have prevented him Ml
dertriking the cod - mission. Yet such was the
truth; and when to this trait of her charac
ter is added the fact that a week before the
taill, [ she sent Caroline a quantity. of *lndia
mnslin, with the prettiest of notes, begging
her acceptance of the same, saying that 'she
had . eceived a present of several pieces from
n Cousin in the East, (so she had seven years
ago) and leaving her to suppose that this Was
one of them, though really purchased that
morning at Howell's—when this second trait
of character is perceived, and understood, the
discriminating- reader will be intimately_ ac
(painted with the shrewd, generous, rather
eccentric, but very high-hearted Emily Gra
"Tell me," continued Mrs. liargrave, ye
ealqng to her mind, as it were a picture, the
figure of her young daughter, as she appear
ed the night before in her flimsy, floating
muslin robe, and her rich 'dark hair, without
on either, the addition or adornusentof a gem
or a dower, "tell me," she continued, "did
yot.i,dance much, and who was, it that found
you partners,;' .
"Miss Graham herself," said Caroline; f/and
not only did she introduce meta partners, but
to several young ladies who were there, cal
ling me her 'young, friend. Was not this
kind and considerate?. And do you know I
like better to talk to them than to the strange
gentlemen. The latter asked me -about op,
erns, and theatres, and books had never
read, and I could only say don't :know' to
all that was said., ,And then I felt-, confused,
and that made me seen; sillier than ever."
"But the ladies,'.',said Mrs...Hargrave, With
a smile, "praised your hair, and sct You felt
at home in the discourse--was that it, Carp,
- .
"Dear mamma, can yon think me so foolish?
'Maladies told to, me .about • many things,
and when I seemed ignorant,enlightened me.
I did not feel confused stall with; them, and
I can hardly tell how, it came about thet,iia
dy Fitzroy admirettny,hair, and called I :her
daughter to observe its arrangement, recent=
mending, her to describe the style• td her
French maid, Annette.'! ,
"Then I suppose we shrill halo the honor
of establishing a ft:Olio% my child!"
"I do not think - so," replied Caroline,
the, young lady shook her head, 00,04 -4 1 Mt .,
if her maid could dress , hair with half-Abe
simple grace that mine displayed,. she might
soon make her fortune ',at - no. other. employ
hire. Ilargrave was twining the last loose
tress round her lingers while Caroline Spoke,
;•fC4.`'.-H E W D Cri t :ip'ttN V EIJ :.,.T 0
en did , 'not itentarli thevsho
ntr dropping. lier howls t*
the young gitl's
completing her -setf-appoint!ed
r Stooped toliiss the - smooth
e her, end disthissed her eh hi
se 'fond wonit+ which. not e
oloving lips cad 'utter— I
• , ,
(e'en's key note..they rearhSS-
and the dangh
uied morn
that qnstant on
Th'eu 'quickly
,task nimbi
fair row liefori
with one of 04
snieetest tnnat4
tonal by one
other no leis Warm.
• ** *** ea* , 61114
The scene ,iS again the parlorOn the 'quiet
street4"but.three years have passed, and bu
sy as old Time must have, been shout l L- Iftere
imperfect mailers, he-. had ,condescen ed to
leave there agreeable. evidences .of hi pas- .
save. • The room Was no Jengerdim ar)d dull;
on the contrarp,•it wore a decided air of.sub
stantial comfort. Instead of worn and faded
Urtains of a plain and service
re. kept out the wintry air; -a
t soft to the feet; an eatly chair
s inviting arms on one 'Side of
on the other a comfOrtable
.d its. length. - Nor • was the•
chintz, thick 4
able manufaett
warm carpet fe
stretched out.) l
the,fire, whilst
couch extend:
n r ,orotnent. Opposite to the
room Av-iavant
the picture Eei
beautiful portr
truth one of b
end reflected therein; BO that',
rned always present, was if
of Caroline:Hargrave--$u
‘r father's most successful pro
)resenti'fig her simply attired in
d precisely her appearance an
!ht of her first ball; and at The
a reca
the eventful n
ch We ere speaking, the origi-
moment of y
nal was not b
to invite comparisons.
_Mrs. Hargrave 1V atcsented on a-cottO, anti
beside bet wg a . geollema», ayoung map of
three or four a itl twenty, Who, though deeply
4 1titerellteci itt t le couveriation which was go
ing ott, and lo 'kiln: withal retuarkably hap
py, yet raised his eyes every now and then,
either to Ilse rtrmit or its reflection, as if it
were the presi i tling deity of the place. :Al
though three ylears had passed, so far from
the lady. looking older, the ease was altsolute-.
ty the reverse a truth which' was. the more
apparent from the circumstance of her being
,much better_ tressedi than before; , weafing. on
this occasion p quiet and matronly dtess .of
Emir ) . Her .[ babityal,,expression, inlw was
one of contentment, but :at: this
moment it wa;s lighted by a , visible, lullf-tear-
Sul gladness, I;,rul yet ruffled by some feeling
that partook Of anxiety..( • •
"Why w ji1; ) ,„,,, ,, exci a ii , ned Wilton Broom=
ley, for wy take up theiti,discourse 'at the
minute when, AsmodeuS-like, we '{auk in,
"why will you, my dear lady, revert to what
!you are pleased to cull thei r inequality of .oat
outlet)? I will admit enlylte. the 41(.1 - lit -alit yof
forftufe; and I am so eepentric Ps to tynkthis
an,equality which'renderS Ifs - p,ectdiarly well
Zurta•fin isri4l -..,thc , r 2 .- nt,iirty a'q I milt Cilia=
line r , were I'penniless' it 'Would be ti SnrrY Stilt
ject to speak {of our marriage—and were she
rich, 1 r houldistrust the power of iny mod
erate'ineome--=, should feel there wat smile
thinm wrong in our relativepositionst-should
despair of ever knowing the exquisite sensa
tion, the thoUght,:that even in the mitstworld 7
ly;sense, en'tfin reference to Mere !material
cOmforts, he future lot prernisea to [l l e hri"ht
er'than her p st."l
Mrs. Hargrave pressed his hand, and said,
with creation, "Yonarc all that is g j oud and
"And . what tan really be a 066: ialieri?:
lance," the young man mintinued, "than
health, talert and beauty? ‘ 'gait nrtisthe 'tit
companion 'tyr our notice, surely his ilaughter
may mate lith a simple gentletnan.' - I
"A really great artiSt!" antrum mrMrs:
i .
]Hargrave, oa if half ashamed of tit insinea
ti'm the tt:ords cont'eyed, and yet determined
to'sreak thej truth.. . .
"I am on tenttoisseur," said Wiltjea, "nor
is this the tOe to discuss Mr.llarg tve's, tal
ents. If," Ite added wit) a smile, " do not
always award him the pinnacle h'
for himself, cannot deny him-very
ents; and even' by the vulgar and o'
measure of '
success he may be tr
hia Utt has Titovided 'honorable and
ble sustenance for his 1411)4, mid ha
a daughter to be the.paragon I thit
4 -Suppose helms not done this'!"Rdrgrave,
fiergrnee, looking dormpluyin
fringe of her apron.
"How!" returned Wilton, "then I
private fortune, which, for his 'sake ,
that atone, Irejoice to learn?"
Not so:' re it possible Miss Gr
never hinted tit a name's of Income
rent to the world in general'?" •
"Now you inention it, she once
some secret, •calling it a t►otd
speaking-in as mysterious a mantle i
were setting inn an enignia_to Mies ,
ing no talent fir any that• sort' of
passedirmn my my • tnitid, but now
-recall the circumstance, I do recolle
clearly intimated that it was santeth
tedoosided to your honor, onethOt
iscovered the feet I , should not ti
should deserve to lose Carolin'e,
would immediately endeavor to co
provide with a worthier lover:"
"Yes. nobleLhearted, "ri4lit-minded is
she," ,returned Wilton' Bromley; I, aritl' of this
am mire, that tilliateer she
,'approved must
have`bein noble 'and iitlit; 'wise t 'end pi&
dent, it is very likely,, in that sower senile of
WisdOm'and piudence to' which the greatest
wi not.of 'necessity Silted( '141141
Vrehatn!ii entinisi hied
,te the
Practieal'genius•Or (leis
tidy; tither 'giatify "the 'cariosity ha n V.e
piqued, or leave the riddle stilllitnin i lied; if 'in
it' p CO,EO you.
-" 4 hlg• heart allOwir me no choice foe h inean
deeeptioti', carefully nned; seeine t inVne tint
.thit i llliVVOreittwin'ola 'held falsehood.' INIOt.
that, thereis pain in telling vpu thtf
Vie aa 'to left 'my - htiehaitd." •
- 4ittinisterytO him;".lm3-.wonder by `won:.
der!" - • -• '' t - :••
a time van to hitt sint,l
77 T 7 - .'7 - 1: Tr:7 - 77f , i - irr l 7i.fiT; 7 - t - Tt - 7-77 - 7 - r - ,
, N o,ll. 4 k ett h A t e bistory•qtr4nrarried lite in: a
fewiseniencein ', 4 , mairkt riy i :' arith`but . a
mall fortune, besitleg the rThes- tirliop - iiiind
youth. We loced.eaciv.other, at k a ,,t . my
hnshaini Loved-'.4till - hiver,itte-:. , as *ell as a
valulnan and an'etvitfetris , apftble of loving.
liut.l 'sit* not hia fatiiiii the
~ anti bitter—bit
ter indeed was tho s lintmle9e of iliem when
it came.- Taking:his drew*, 'oe ratan and for
tune-for Solid expectatitins, 'saw ..tiny' little
properiy -consumed Withont much anxiety;
nor did t know• for Irking Vine hour much it
. ,
*as diniinished. , . ' , ' 3 - '
1 4 •Suddenig'ilic•bloWifelli three years after
tint- marriage,:and whett•Caraline Was an In
fant'in tiv.atme, I learned Chat we were pen ,
Micas. 'I do not believe iii: i
possible that they
'who have never known 'pci rty _can be •initde
to know What the struggl , f life really is—, l
forgive me, if I say-this e+sito,you;" and she
pressed Wilton Bromley's hand as she r spoke.
"If they could be taught this knowledge, it,
Would be, I think, the most: beneficial revela
tion the human race' could receive. The
cares which depress till they degrade; the
Mecessity 'of money-seekirig, until the jaun
diced eye sees even 'earth's' noblest things by
its otvn false medium; .the withering , of the
hearts's best qualities foi want of the, power•
of exercising them; the 'writhing under petty
obligations, writhing' because - they are so
gracelessly cunferred_nine times out of, ten;
the serfdom of the very soul, whose thoughts
even are it.)i, free." i • -7
'.Believeme, I can - realize all this," said
W ilton, milli much feeling,
"You think you can, as a thousand other
g,entrous natures have said and thought; but
t ten yon-,• tHcro't.r u new sense comes to us
with this sort of suffering, but a Sense that 1
vibrates only to its own agony. - The mich
may cotnprehentl the 'coaditian'af the helpless. I
ahjett poor, the niterly, destitute; but of the
3'et deeper'triels of the ettrog,glingohey know
but little moretthen eittLa blind tnan know of
sight,'mien by the most vi \id description, and
with the - strongest human sympathy.
"This•life of sufrering v: us mine," she con
tinued, tvhen•teu'th had relieved the bitterness
of her recollections , i "for years, twiny years;
mine, I say than ours, for, wrapp'ed in :his
own dreams, Mr. Hargrave ,scarcely shared
them. But amid all, I had one joy, my only
tny'Caroline. 'lt was, my aim to keep
her heart uncorroded by worldly cares, nod the
bitterness of poverty; Idid this, and, in 'the
very doing, my soul escaped at intervals frcin
its corruption, lit one respect, my husband's
abstraction and isolatioh'worlied well. I took
care Iluit'discOursesitmlienilmohey, - about pot:,
should nicet Itb‘t e etir. Ifittif the age
edu6l4lo.i. in - y141; 'for
air 50 ; trilliclimt;t r fret
though, when I attempted to make my poor
acquirements serviteacle as a daily teacher, I
found - younger and abler instructors, very
naturally preferred. Perhaps my mother's
love quicketied my abilities; at all events'
thus it was. At sixteen, Caroline went to her
first ball—you remember the night?"
"row well! Never has her image been
entirely driven frorn:my heart from that hour;
through for - a while, absence - and travel might
have weakened time impression. It was long
before I recognized the real natureof my feel
ings, but I now know that in that girlish grace
mamma! It is beaming tlywn upon ; us
pointei to the picture— , •und
almost childish simplicity; I met trmY destiny.
What a beautiful portrait it is. Her father'
has caught just the expression'she wore; too
innocent of evil to be frightened, too pure and
giaeettml tO'be gauche, her natural timidity
had a fascination about it beyond all Words to
describe I remember eotnparing her to a
white' dov', whose wings had strayed amo!ig,
the peacccks of •nn aviary; and then her
beautiful hair! oh, I had no comparison for
rent tal
en faleo
d, since
"You thought it beautifully dresses}?" said
Mrs. Ilarg:rave, - with a tearfut'smile.'
“1 don't know how it was dressed.” said
Wilton, adding, with the most charming ig
norance of the mysteries of the toilet, "it
did not; seem arranged at all; the beauty of it
was, it looked so naturai.....ns i t a h ca yi, d oes !"
,! , Yon know I alwtlys dress Caroline's
aid Mrs.
with the
e has a
but for
"Yes, I heard her say so. 'What is
to be done Whenil 'take _her away? I must
abaolutely'appreutice a maid to you, to he
instructed in We art." .
'ham has
lot tippa-
"I think you had, better; the idea, ;I assure
you, is not in the least absurd. I wotild take
her without a fee—that would be the only
point not quite en i e c v,4e. n •
"Good Ilearenal.what do-you - nim fi
n? No,
surely—alight is breaking on me'!" i * '
"I mean the admiration eoited oh the oc
casion you mention, first gave me the idea of
tinning my talent for hair Aressingito profit
able (=Mint., A, talent originating in a
mother'S'love and pridc-*--tliough per/laps, as
sisted by opportunities and accidents likely
enough to surround an artist's wife. 1 ,The tin
turalnesSyon observed, seenitia be he ricci-et
of my swecese, and the ilartienlar - by. which I
-am distinguished from the, licril of ) coricirrs.
A day or two after Carolines first bail, I cal
led on Miss Graham, mentiot MI the - idea which
had flastied•.upon niy mind, eceiimi licr sym
pathy find approbation—an more than this,
her introductions were the tepping-stones to
n 'irintiune:
'irCirttince!. - - • •
'; ?'Yes; l o'ittine; at letiil, in
our former poverty such as it
inted" at
ine, and
as if she
. ' Ilav
'that you
t that'stie
l ing which
f wh6n I
link io, I
I v hom- Ehe
sole, and
twenty guinea sr weck, itt ill
• . • . ••
9tkere t inere,}y to,,lik.a4oWe
9pet4led. And out of-tbni
petuitilY being sent for Ant.'
• welittidfor my time and tr,
the !'wive 'and meanie itybi
hiebentte debigrbave eurro,
ertt 'needful cornfoit; and ha
for till years, the benefit o
every brunch other .ell
Ifrosuley wilt Pot: despise l'
't t
i • .1 JO
comparison with
has lien to make
l e London season,
maids and
to look on while
season, am per
'the- pountry,,a nd
able:* are
•b-have paid - my
nded tts - with ev•-
e - givert Caroline
the best masters
Mation;', - Wilton
is tviref mother,
tr B:"
ng , practised so very humble. a branch
for fiat i
of Art.
"He !
viii !eye' and honor her the more,"
ltoti, 'presiing her in his arms, "that
1 then love and reverence from im be
: - No wonder with such a mother,
is peerless. But say _Opt did you
it being 'a trial, to tell your liiniba rsti'
ory, which to me seems beautiful?"
said W
is, it fui
mean b;
this Nisi
pas a different pride from -Ours."
,t now that the results are so fortunate
i entr Milted Bromley]
I subject is never mentioned between'
cqs as if the thing were not, Tint Jet
new, and send for Caroline--she has
4or daj , s.past that I should tell you the
Beret.—People's Journal. -
and mil
"Ttie g i ,
me rin
longed '
Great '
hi: — Walk — tin-ii , ic - -41 — Cter.
•ra,of the first steamboats is becom
(lated, and many who pass tip , i rtod
ten hours, are forgetting • the Leine
tey were 24 hours, and sometimes lon
he passage. The advent of the first
at at Albany was r a gala day; and for
ears thereafter, it was a customary
with those whose hosi n esi did not
them, to go down to ithe lauding. to
1 es the arrival and departure of those
tions in the over navigation. The ,
• sters owed %Item no g,oodwillnind not
t enily were the elisions which took
t i)
ltder circumstances which warrant-
Mid that( the skippers were the ug-
►no ant
down i
when t
ger on
Mee m6 '
tae.‘‘ it n
sloop n
nil freq
ed the
gre. sot
first masters appointed to these boats
",bear thpir fatotties meekly." - Itt.t
I ty their dintiactiost, assumed ei high
t lives above the sloop captain's us the
did not
-war's men claimed above the com
sof merchant vessels. In fact, from'
of the North River,; wlio'k first trip
ole without It heel-1;01).5es; when her!
.wheels and piston, and tier lowers of
.tiou against wind and tide, astonished
er ponulatio,l l , and bro4t,lit many to
Iclusion that she-could be nothing else,
a live :,,aw . "- - toill;" to the prostration
onopoly, the favored of the Pulton
Irrooated to themselves a despotic pow-!,
}heir respective cointrOls. Who that
Wete auditors of the tremendous jobti--
Which the' first'c'(onmOdore M•ed to in
ipon infractors cf the proscribed ti:les.
le threats of immediaie eviction for
app•ifent canze, but has gon iki,l fo r
f being himself, hag nod baggiq,re, land
patirlinee or Elehodactt; l and thus' insul
-3 compelled to aWait a downward 'vessel
er to complete his passage. - the
eers and firemen derived new impertanee
heir stations, and carried thernselvelte
glit And from the greateSt stoker to
Igo coult x ...all.snentod_to „glinsider
!elves Lords. Paramount of the
nd that they in their resilective spheres
be as insolent and'oPrbearing as the
ins themselves. Thus much by way of
and,:tiow to the point.
the da
the co'
than '
tit)! f,
filet 11
and II
fear D.
eti on
ted, h
In cm
frot 1
cc rch
11w .h
mgr ii
exc r
e firt-,t Steamboat on Lake Erie wnt the
n- t Water, built by Noah 13r6wn,
.ot York, for Gilbert Stewart and John
I ‘ ,,
lewart, ovi:many. While She was iti
ss of conArnetion, people came from
d near to witness the of the build-
of N
11. 8
far a
view the magnificent proportions of
stet; and when the time arrived n hen
•as, to use the standing. newppaper
e, to "glide into her destined elemetit,"
opulation of the whole coatttry,
the sttletnents of the Aborigines in • the
hot - hood, were congregated tolbeholdthe
After she Was launched, and lay
side the wharf at Black Rock, theinllux
miens vrs a,serious annoyance to the
' •
I 1 one occasion, after the priddle-wheels
fitted, and the !loose erected; inn Indian
, bout 12years old, was resolved to wit-
Ihe wonder of which so much had been
led Accordir,gly, in a rickety canoe. of
he addled down Buffillo creek, It and get
nto he current of the Niagara, he was
gratified with a view of the desired oh-
So great was his astonishment at the
of the wheels ?evolving wish the ', Or
that he lost. sight of the danger. of • his
ion, and the bow of the boat, corning in
ct with the buckets of the wheel, both
I nd canoe in rm instant disappeared.
!.. Drown, who 'was directing same ever-
I s on the upper works, fortunately wit:
were I
lid the accident, and divesting himself of
loots and coat, he sprung into gano:-
I.baft the wheel; for a second he paused,
r• looked over the gunwale, but finding
lathing but the wreck of the canoe critne
p surface, he plunged overboard and dis
hreil. More than a minute had elapEed
ne spectatori who cross ded to the 'gunwale
cat anxiety, almost an age,) and'serious
l eliensions were felt that, the intrepid
- n had paid the forfeit of 'ids life, v ith
ccontplishit,g his benevolent purpose;
some thirty yards astern, - he arose,
ing the lifeless body ,of the young Indian
s left hand; and taking a diagonal course
e shore, he oared himself through the ra
iment with his right hand until he land
safety with the body wl(tch he had so
ntry rescused.
Iter a ,little while, by judicious
the stomach of the drowned boy was
; tied, anil lie:showed symptoms of,
on, and,lby a continuance of t hese, he was
411 i —effectually restored. Mr. .Brown
I thus the heartfelt gratification of having
d the life M a human being. .11a h e - t% 4 lt t
us a valuable gold • watch, which
_was lost
he attempt, and which was not recovered
out great difficulty. , •
as /7
to tl
(to t
in gt
uhe l
a I
'he Walk-in-the-Water was in :train of
ipietion, and the necessity of fin lug a
er commander,. suggested itseil- to the
ers. To thiultof selectingiuty ,body for
:station - but One:uto the - manorbarn,"'witS
of the question. This was . before the
a of the 'Bunkers, the Sherunins, the 1:14-
and , Rartholornews. A master was re-
\ ,
,naireil to Micky something beyond navigation,
and !Mist be well versed in the )ore of-Pulto.
man, 'qlrama,zye," steam guages, safety val
ves, &c., or. the wheels would not
pass the centre: Commodore iArgswalt of the
Chancellor Livingston, Capt.. Roorback,
the Paragon, andothers,of high ;dignity on,
board those favored yessals, were not to be
Thought of; and the master
,of the - Ore-fly
(then or afterwards),..was to be the first com
mander of the well found,vessel, which was
first to frighten, the, piscatory population, of
Erie, by' the petting of tijs engine and the dash
ing of his water tvheelS.
An old sailor, n a medtDavis, who"had felt the
firece extremes of either zone," Who knew the
,of every gale, from ,a ,"typhoon" to a
"White squall,'", or- a "norther," :could
blindfold, tell by,tho taste of the water wheth
er he was in the middle of the Gulf Stream,
or bowling it in the 'lay of 'Biscay; at least
we are bemid to believe this upon his own
tldclaratien•---WaS• selected- us, pilot. Davis
was a
. thorough bred seaman, and a regular
forecastle, jplter. A humorist in a high degree,
and had spent his youth' as a mate of a.whal
er'on the Pacific, or ,a mariner in the Indian
eons. Ile was as-familiar with the Straits of
of Ilabelmundel and the Persian Gulf, as with
the Mozambique channel, Long Island Sound
or the Bay of Fundy', Of course he was much
amused by the tars of seamanship and lofty
pretensions of the captain,' who profess:ell to
know die art of "handling n vessol i and to
Ibe competent to stand by Neptune 'himself,
and "give directions" in any nautical enter-
gcncy. •
It wont(' do very . well to indulge him in
calm tittles and smooth water, when the pilot
seemed to pay profound deference to the cap
tain's superior judgement, And the first part
of the season the weather was unusually) Ilq-
Craiil , and serene. These were the hate: on
dais of the captain'S command; cud at every .
successful trip hi f s consequential airs 'and-self
sufficiency increased.
IL was in the early part of October I'B—,
that I had occasion to' IItIFS through the Labe,
and during' the passage the Captain wits tutu
wally importattu•tind.:l;elt.acting. ' This tried
e patience of both Davis and the c'tcw; and
ic , cif th e me ren,t heir 'arrival at Detrdit re
id to de duty. hi; ttmutiny' theca:iitt
cropted to rpteli I y t't he hniu all! a
I , J
M O ensued fin 11 euay, in a Wel t 'the! re.'
t,t,; '' - b'• ti- .' L i t' j I
tittE l
t c
fii,ry sviher. dreit'hantim vi erePtidd by
,) ,) I i
. ln-sitore 4" the city, end the oap
• t I
tail' was roogit idled. ity the glad tt to
, [ ,i i .. .
perinpur printer duct r of 1 Dui. is tto 'nteo
' 6 f 1 c , ti t ) re' 'told' I •an d 11 i
v.‘,.l)e .rit 11 !_ l irn .1), il h ern
-1 , l• [ , [
ell willing to forget th e di ffi culty, bailie 'cap
tain, who was still sulky, and - v:11 , 1 intimated
-to Davis. that Inc meant 'to' htive satisfaction
out nri he recusants on the passage doien.'
I Par several thiys heft re our return, the
clouds to the northward assumed a threaten
-1 ing - appearance. A storm was evidently
brewing, and Davis's experienced eye saw
that it would be one of fore than osual vi-)-
fence, and everythi4g tv_i- made sung for th e
occasion. 'As we left the mouth of the river
it began to puff heavily from the 'northwest,
and we hugged the Canada shore in order to
make the better weather, but the gale eontin
ed to - increase, and a sea was 'getting- pp,
which with the•threatening aspect of the ilty
were quite sufficient to 'excite , the aPprehbri
r sions of a landsman. The jerking and pitch
, ing of the vessel seemed to alarm the cantifin,
and it became plain that his Pngnatiotis pur
pose, like the enernee. If 'BO Acres in the
play, was fast "oozing'- nwati, and that he .
t •1
meant to postpone his vengeance tipon the
' tutuitieers to a more 'fitting itecashitf. His
' anxious countenance, and dtis frequent visit's
to,the wheel, to inquire at - Davis what he'
thought of the weather, put the old joker corn
pletely sg au fai,t," of what was passing in the
[ captain's mind; ' nod to all his queries, with a'
very solemn countenance,.and turning his
quid, hegave l amhiguous and perplexing
,an- i
'steers, intended to terrify", the captain, the re f
suit of which was very. visible. As I love to
seethe elements in commotion,' wrapped my-
'self in my cloak, and took my station near
the wheel, w hite Davis, with a, keen eye, a
little in advance, was looking to windward,
and giving the cue to the man at 'the helm.—
i & l.ri
othing was mare ftising than a colloquy
izitli the facetious p lot, and his queer emu
•i)arisonii and nautiebrsitiiiles, were in the
highest, degree en let tainieg. As. We were
thus engaged,- the captain approached,, and
instantly the Countenance of Davis was set
for' the occasion. After sonic fishing ques',
1 lions, to which with an'elongated visage, and
in a solemn tone, he received unsatisfactory
1 replies; the perturbed captain was compelled
to ask directly' whether the vessel was in
great danger:. "Why, sir; if nothing :hap
pens to the ettgine, l or the wheel.rope,Ye'may
Ivetither - the - stortn:' , but If either of these ac
cidents happen, and we broach-toe,° there is
no kuowing when we mny ge to the -bottom.
"tilteady, - Jack, steady! don't let her yaw a hair
the sea is getting up Mist. . You see, sir,"
kaki he, turtling to the captain, "that so long
as we can kedjicloe “i this shore, we .dial!
be comparatively - in smooth water; but as We
round Long Point mu course will be consid 7
crab)) , more easterly, 4t).1 the sea will be fur
more rough alid dangerous; and heaven send
tliat nothing gii - es way and ire may be Pre•
served frOni broaching-4m. • _
e were dashing thibugh waters nt "n great
rttir, and soon reached the irended.prinibsoln,
and the ,captuin, as' if 'anxious to litiaw the
worst, took his position beside us. The point
was passed, and asiliv is has predicted, the
view-of the sea tkeyan4.•was, la a !midi - moil's
eye, it least ‘
tatirMillir If thrAcsfiel had be
fore been' uneasy," tr,o •- r itoili n i rod jerking.
*l3roardling to, strlt.tly, spe.tkintr, Can only.
happen when a vesei is ionising beit . ne the wind;
but, if by any accident, VCAtel, her tacks
tibt'ond; should full 'off, 'and !Jet into the ttouz.h
of the sea; shotein the tireci;e , condition ors yes..
scl btoeshin ,, -too: Davie chose a terns wititth he
thcenzittlees imelligihie the C l Ttei rh —fu m ,
Moue, , -
NLT 3 ÜBE It -46:
was increase,d,four-fold, and the. accelerated
motion was any thing hurpleasant, either to,
the captain or myself. As thh 'face of our
cumpahlo'n %via turned_ thg other way; Diets
whispered in' My ear, ':Now for a little fun."
Our course was so us to bring tho wind arid
seas six points upon , the l stabboard bow; and,
although under the Vigileneo of the pilot,Aei
helm was managed with skill, not a fittle wa
ter came over the weather bulivarks. ,
tain," said Davis, "if we should broach-too it
May - be necessary to veer out something to
bring our head to the wind. I dare not leave
my station en instant. Steady there! steady,
I say! Will you be good enough sir, to step
forward, and give orders theta spar may be
made fast to the three:inch hawser, and all
'nee ready for a cler ion when the spar is
' .
"Certainly, [sir," said the Captain, and went
forward with g , reat, alacrity.
"isiow for ill 'said Davis, and :as he spoke,
a huge ace, a iftenth wave," came rushing en
ward: ,The' Captain had gotten, within six.
feet of the wittalass, when Davis, in an under 7
tone.igave the %lord, hitri:litly, Jack! Briskk! ,
threg,apolces to starboarli" • The order , wals
obeyed, the veering prow met thehugtlyod
unie in career, and it came ,souse : iipon,cteck,
• knocking our commander 'off his legs, and
Coating kilnthree fathoms' or more, bak,k.,
fie gat he e i 'd himself up with allexpedition,
and made hi 4 way aft. "Part your heml! port
I say! another spoke, and mind your eye; so
steady, steady," said Davis, in 'pretended
proof to the steersman. • ,
"Lend have'mercy upon us," said the cap
tain ns he came up.
"Ainrzli anion:" solemnly responded the pi-
“Was that broachi,ng toe,, Mr. Davis?” ho
' "0 no, sir," was the reply; ' 4 IIC/thing MM.
It; that was ni t orelyAipping a seat bid enough
in all conscience,. but broaching-too is quite
another matter: I tvisk.we' "had sled-room' to
F - c,tld in," he ) added.
"Can't we put before the Wind and reach
1 .
sane port on the other 'k4l shorer. as , the Cap.
t •
"11,1td love you, sir," was the atOctree, ott'e
have an ironkmnd coast under ourleaour
anchors tittild not hold, and .";rniittes at,
ter `
;we stitt4, we should he brokentnp like it
ha4 i tet of ch)ps. (10111.1,11llelli; g :it„
like the Mhuni, or San3usky Bay, even if . wo
wertta shore. we might lie like a setting hen
till tile wind felt! lint we have nothing foe
it row hut to drive her on, and pray ifeaverk
tiCti l.tlitonah-ioo!" t,
A heavy squat( now came on, and the !lark
scud driving over ns, scarcely - above' our
masthead irtve to the secne;a terrific appear,'
anat. '
"Mr. said the captain "you have
been a groat deal at sen, have
i you ()Act met
6tich weather." •
, "Why, Captain," replied the 44 1 have
been once through Magellan, and Ave times
round Cape Horn, and I have Pasted the Ata
biatt shore item Babel mantled to the the Bay
of Bengal, a duzen times; I've met typhoons
of Java Head, and in the straits'of Funds;
and many a tough gale.have j weathered about
the Cape of Good Hope; but I must say that
I never saw sns thme." -
then," said the Captain, “you think -
there is no hope
- for usi"
ridon't eXactly say so,asaid Davis; 4 1witile
two planks bold togothei thil6e is always hope
fur somebody; and many a good fellow has
been picked up on a hen-coop; days after the
foundering 'of his vessel. Lie must take
matters as they are, do every Ohing'we can,
and hope
, for the hest, and after all ouringine
.may fail us 4 and we shall have to put afore It,
and it is he i st tube provided in the last resort.
I wish, therefore, Captain, you would go for,-
ward again, and order the spar lashed to the
hawser, and see-an anchor got ready, and the
cable clear; that we may be able to let go
when the time comes,"
Away went the Captainlorwaid, and when
ire hadagain attained the right spot, "star
board:" wris the word; and, as before, the sea
Came on' board. - This was a much heavier
one, which gave the captain . a more savere
drenching . than at s first, and floated him abreast
of the wheel. He arose with a rueful coon
tenance, end in the greatest dismay-. The
man at the helm:turned aside to conceala grin;
and the muscles of niy month twitched horri
bly as I endeavored to forbear following his
example; hot the countenance of Davis was
fixed and yet to correspond' with the alarm
which he fnici excited. At length, he began
' to pity his victim.
" ' Captain," he sail, "1 see you are a little
iri ,, litened, and, indeed, this sea is enoughto
scare any body, lint it won't do to let the
tneti . see it, or they'll give out at once.' I
think you had better go - below, and I promise
you my word, we will do every thing we can
to save thc vessel; and you' sir," said he turn
ing to me,! "will be mere comfortable in the
We both took him at his word. The cap.
min repaired to his state room, and did not
again make his appearance. 'We made our
passage good, and arrived at Buffalo, after a
tolerable quick trip, the afternoon.. s
was important to me that I should spend
a - few hotirs in Batavia. Marking myself at
the stage; office fur Albany, to be taken ..up
there, I hired a conveyance, and proceeded to
that place. I bad time to transact my bust.
dee and to Breakfast before the stage arrived,
and woe standing ot the door ache h ote l w h et ,
it drove dp. The first person who alighted
was the riptain of the Walh-in.the.Water,
I hailed b with surprise.
"Whereaway. Captain?" I asked.
"Awayfor the North River," was the an—
swer, "atid if any body ever finds me sailing
in broader water, they 'will find a good fel.
low:' I
And in fact, the quondam captain of the f i r st
-boat On hike Erie, resumed the commantrof
the-Fire Fly. And, as if fearful of shipping
seas in the deep water, he confined his, voy
ages to a t of six mites in the narrow chan
nel betirckm Tro,.. un.l Albany,