Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, March 25, 1848, Image 3

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one W o rid-ls-Ootterned too Much."
/Inturdny ➢loraing. March 23, lI.SIS.
&Tiros. H. Et.msoN is a duly authorized
,ent to p r ocure - subscribers for this paper.
it - L pTo enable us to lay befor4our readers
oi an d authentic particulars of the Revolu
„nil] France, we have dispensed with our
seal editorial natiety.
Telegraphicl he dispatches iti'to-clay's
,per were received by the Michigan and Eric
me which has just been finished to this city.
he office le i in Williams'Block, corner of State
treet and tine Public Square, where the public
ill find in 'the person of the operator, kr.
ianham, one of the most gentlemanly and ac
tomodating fellows this ! side of sundown.
Eale Bank Irterfoits. 1
The Harrisburg Argus tells the public: •to
ok out fur counterfeit one dollar notes of the
rie Bank, just put in circulatisn there.—
hey are not imitations of the relief issue,
t pretend to be the real genuine bank notes.
.ids from the "relief'' issue, the Erie Bank
;er issued any one dollar notes.
(The lost Commercial has au editorial
attaining more truths in the same space
Lan we ever saw tiefore in a IA hig paper.—
Ve shall lay it by among our other curiosi
ies, as well as for future refefence.
ccit.. , A subscriber" must send us his name,
7 fore we can spend, what he pleases to style,
i,ur "valuable time" in reading his communi
alien. NV e never tend anonymous articles.
('The prospec s fur our Tri-weekly are
i.sttering. In the city every b,dy is subscri
ansg, Whigs, Democrats, Liberty men, and
II The siilages round about us we calcu
:irte will furnish a goodly . nmbeTiof names,
%bile' to the towns south of us,especially along
the Canal, it is just the thing. A friend wri
ting from Mercer,:says: "Send me a pros
pectus for your Tri-weekly—it will take
lirst rate. I base already six subsciihers and
elm get more." Good for hint—the more the
Nels Hampshire! She has
repudiated llaleihm, Provisoism soil Federal
ism combined, to the Lune of about 3000 ma
ority" of the popular vote, and from thirty to
forty majority in the legislature, thus securing
the election of a Democratic
.United States
enator. Such is the report of the first-gun
of the curipaign of 1343! how do you like
H. gentlemen whigs!
(rliYe are gratified to learn that the ever
nue Democracy of Greene township elected
kheir entire ticket for town officers at the re
ent election. This result is the more grati
fying!from the fact that their opponents had,
a few weeks ago, secretly procured the pas
sage of an act by the legislature removing the
polls to another part Of the town for the very,
purpose of electing their officers. It did nut
avail them, however—the Democracy of
Greene are invincible. The uhigs may pro
cure the passage of as many acts as they
please-they may carry the ballot-box five
miles further into a heinlorkswamp, or fail
ing in finding a place stillicliently out of-the
way for the r purpose in their own town, may
penetrate e •en into. the centre of Franklin
township, ‘ here the sunshine of Democracy
but faintly limmers, and the Republican free
men of (re ne will be foUnd on hand. They
cant be'bey by either foul means or fair.
•Tire Glorious Uncertainty of the Law."
We lave heard much of the glorious un
certainty of tie last's delay, but the particu
lars of a recent case in Wyoming \county,
N. Y., exhibits its glorious uncertaik , and
cost in anelli2ertual manner. The disc had
bren threi times before the court, and at
each time the jury had disagreed. At this
hearing the jury agreed sin a verdict for the
full amount claimed by the appellee, $28,08
—the principle and interest of. the balance of
a note given far the purchase money of a
horse. This suit has been so long pending,
and has been tried so many times, that the
costs have accumulated to a very large
amount, estimated at $BOO or Ecinoo. Tine
payment of the paltry sum of .C.2.,07 would
have saved all this litigation and its attend
ant costs.
LF'Some of the "Proviso" organs in New•
York have u good deal to say about the "tri
mph of Mr. Wilmot" in our Slate-Conven
tion. His "triumph" on' that occasion se
minds one forcibly of Santa Anna's at Buena
Vibta, in . carrying off a couple of small cau
tion in his retreat. His, anti the proviso's can
didate, got jive votes, all told; and if that's •
"triumph, the friends of the other zandi
dates must have had quite a number of "tri
11 . e have observed, among our OX -
changes, a statement of the LI-lon. John
Wentworth, in regard to the different Demo
cratic aspirants to the Presidency, in which
that gentleman very unceremoniously classes
New ifampshi'rettpong the i doubtful States.
We . think the result of the ecent,contest in
that state will satisfy even tim, that she is
notdoubtftil. It also shoWslhow much reli
ance-may be placed on his calculations gen
0:1Ve understand that, et the request of
a number of our citizens who did not have the
pleasure of bearing him on Sunday last, Rev.
Dr. Flint will repeat hisdiscourse of that day
on the life and character of the late Ex-Pres
ident Ansus, on to-morrow (Sunday)evening.
117, '.The Address and Resolutions of the
Fourth of March Convention will be found in
this paper. Wo have no room for comment
—read them for yourselves.
The weather' is beautiful, the roads
passable, and the mails so far behind that if
they don't hurry up they won't be in time for
the milleniun.
And BIM Oar clorns.
Gen. Taylor has written another letter de
fining hia position. In it he says, he is a
Whig; and more; he has no desire to conceal
the fact from nny portion of the people of the
United States. We presume his politics are
plain enough now, though why he should have
conceal e d th em so long is past our comprot
Diapatche■ for the Observer by the Michigan Sr rail,
. Line, office in Williams' Block.
?JEW Wax, March 20-3 P. M.
Mr. Clifford, the Attorny General, being
confirmed by the Senate as Commissioner to
Mexico, left Washington on Saturday morn
ing, with J. Walsh as Secretary. Mr. Se
vier's-bealth, is improving, and . he will follow
oh Monday or Tuesday.
The Steamer Raritan, belonging to the
'Camden and Amboy Railroad Co., was des
troyed by fire this morning. She Was run
ashore on Gibbet Island. Crew:and passen
gers saved. Cnrgo, consisting of grain and
other produce, was lost, as were nine horses.
Some cattle were thrown overboard and swam
nshore. The boat is a total loss.
BuerAto, March 22-9 A.M.
Vega York; dilariqe 2134 P. .111.—A terrl:
ble accident took place on the Railroad 'at
Newark this morning. As the passenger
cars from New York to Philadelphia came
up, the draw bridge was raised ; but the usual,
Signal was not displayed. The locomotive,
tender, baggage and second class ears ran
oil; 'I he 'latter broke in too—only partly
submerged in n ater. Two firemen and one,
passenger were carried under. The En;
gineer escaped by seizing hold of thd frame
of the-bridge just as the loComotive plunged
A terrible accident-took place at Philadel. 2
phia yesterday, The boiler of a tobacco fac-1
tory, in Duane street, exploded and blew of!'
the head of a boy, killed ,a woman washing
in the vicinity, and scalded 'three persons
though not dangerously.
It is told on good authority that it is th
intention of the government to. appoint Gen
Shields ambassador to Rome, if the Huns
bill now Win.° the Senate making provisio
for its creation should pass.•
The Pennsylvania Senate has passed the
bill to protect the rights of married women.
Only one person was killed by the accident
at Newark. -
Charles Sanderson was the name •of the
hwrincer of the Raritan, which was burnt
yeierday, and escaped only to die, to-day.
', he Steamboat Paul Jones, bound to New
Orleans, run on a sung in the Mississippi
river near the Grand Chainand went down in
deep water, lloat and card°• a total loser.
theformer goiUg to pieces The Palma ulsn
E. truck 'a snag dear New Madrid and Sunk.—
No loss of life in either case.
Ati immense rteeting of the friends of Gen.
Taylor was held last evening at.the Rotunda
at the Exchange Ball. At least 5,000 persons
were in attendance and lintalreds went away
unable to obtain an entrance into the build
big. Daniel Wnrfield was elected President
amidst seutorian shot,ts for Taylor. The
cheering for Clay was also vociferous..
Great preparations have been made atPitts
burg to Clay a cordial reception. Ile
%%us excepted this afternoon.
New Orleans papers of the 17th state that
Gen. Wool has ordered a detachment of the
2d dragoons under Capt: Hunter to Monclo
ia to take post there for the purpose of cal
-1 lecting revenue. The detachment was to
leave Monterey for its destination on the 21st
The sloop Dulpian which sailed from the
Rio Grande for Vera Cruz on the 15th Dec.
js gi%en up for lost. She had 17 persons on
WA , nisr. TON, Nlarch 21
In the- Senate yeeleidav Mr. Hale presented
the petition-of sundry inhabitants of Pcnnsy
null for a dissolution of the. Union,. which was
laid on the table.
Mr. Dix peesemed a met of ial of the New Yell:
line of mail steamers from. New York to Mar
suil s. to the c n Lnittee on Post offices
ur.d post roads.
Mr. Badger moved to srrike out of the trfielen.
try bull the appropriation tor the charge to Rome,
Lost, and the bill read a third time and pMsed.
In the house the Loan, bill; which had been li
made :he special °Ater oldie day, was taken up,
when Mr. Clin?tuan moved to reconsider the
tqte for prin:ing the message and correspondence
of lie g,ovoinment with Cleft. Scott and Mr. Trist
--it was !! at bled and he wanted the whole or none.
Mr 3. Thompson defended the administration
the correspondence was not public—only some
rssages were omitted, the publication of which
%. as unadvisable in view of the Court of Inquiry at
Perote. Some further discussion was had, but
Nr.w Yoxu, March 22.
Mr. Clay was received in Pittsburgh yesterday
by great popular demonstrations .without distinc
tion of party He was addressed by Q. W. Loom
is in behalf of the:city, and replied w ith great
eloquence and feliCity.
IlderAt.o,'March 23d-5 P. M.
About ball pact seven this mot nin , a the Wg.4
discovered in lire •Ith story of the building oven
pied by Robinson & Co. nearly opposi , e - "the
Commi , reial Advcriser office. It appeared hat
alitnney to• k e. and in an opening where
a al ve pipe_had been lastly inserted, and over
which thete was no thimble, thus exposing• the
_kill, the flames rushed through setting the build•
ng on fire. It was soon eroinguisbCd with but
ink injury to thd manna. "
BUFFALO MA - RKET—_larch 23.
no vote tahen
There is nitwit difficulty experienced at the
present time in se ding forward Flour by Rail
road, wring to thy limited number aft - eh:lu cars
now at this end o" the route. . Owing to ihiseir•
emostnnee buyers are prevented from operating
extensively, altho tidt it is but lair to state that
from 6 to 10 cts p i r bbl. still continues to be the
ditierence in the iews of, buyers and sellers—
holders asking 531 1- , 1 a 557 1.2 for mixed
Michigan, while Purchasers evince no inclina-
don to pay over $5 22. There is not much en
quiry either for la heat or corn, and no variation
can be the asking rates. $1 05 to I 15
a 1 IS is about tho range 13r Chicago prime sam
ples of the formet. and 49 a 60 et:vier the latter.'
No New York !market reports thin; Ullernoon—
the line is out of order.. '
Ilvss.q.o, March 24, 8 o'clock A. M.
Washington March 23d—Mr. Commissioner
Sevier leavoi td-day in the Southern boat for
Mexico. Mr. Gillett is acting Attorney Gen
eral in.tha absence of Mr 'Clifford.
LOCAL News.—The coroner held an inquest
yesterday on the body of Patritit Regan, who fell
into the creek a the - foot of Main street on the
first day of January last, and was found yester
I day. I Verdiet accordingly. ;
Brady, the Murderer of the pugilist O'Rouke,
died a few days l since in Canada. He confessed
on hiaeakli bed that ha had murdered O'Rouke
and another min. He had been tried for the
murder of O'Relikeland acquitted on the strong
est evidence of guilt.
Mr. Hindi:meeker vender of ilenumpathy med
icines, 4th Suitt Philadelphia, was, found this
morning in his bed room Webbed and cut in 20
places, and nearly dead; and his wife hacked to
death. There is no knowledge ae to the perpe
trator of this foal deed., Some drape of blood were
foetid on the I nee of the back 'yard.. hire. We:,
night dress wa. found in the street.
MAItKET.•-•No change from our quota
tient, test week. Tablet crowded out.
'We aro Octaly inieretied." said a well kthswa
ir! Rev, seutleinatt who reaidee in the waste - tit tisk
of the State or New York. °•ln an Incident which kink
place while upon n voyage over Lake Erie, least summer.
We Cow two young ladies carefully perusing a paper
which we happened (0 he a cortespatukttt to, nod hat foe
been abseet some time, and not 'seeing seen a copy fur
a tamith, we borrowed it:—theyonag ladies, to us
that it was no doubt and old paper as they had obtained
it around two bottles of :hey had°purchased at
flufiblo. and producing one of the bottles I saw the well
known Dr. V att gfin's Litlinattiptie. I asked the Sown to ,
dies whest they were gotug which required so greet a
precaution as regarded health, a tuna:Mien 2r•t2Chchar
titter as this - well brown remedy, they state dto me with
considerable feeling that they had left their home in the
centre of Newlark state, and owe to resid; with a Mos.
tied sister in Michigan, their Mother on ay d lady, too
aged to tinsel, feared the fatal Pewee and Ague would
fa•ten itself upon her children now leaving. t nacclimated
es they were; and begged them to carry into that sickly
count ry.ennipie e antidote. as the old I iily belleecl, to
ell disease, for she had been cured of dropsy by its use.—
With a bottle In caab kned they bid adieu to their kind
01,1 parsed who [itted with them happy, believing now
that titer were safe. Such (understand to be the faith
Mt A,t Cr the country in thi• singular Pelmet; ," See our
columns for rult s ei ti•entent. Call upon the gent and get
o pamphlet.
From the Detroit Free Preca —Commu Mated
OF Si'IIOPULA, .tid all tithe' diseatet of the blood.—
TM, artichcof Serial...wilts. prepared by au I o proved Pro.
ces-, has beet) more successful in curing cases thin any
other art ide,of the kind now before the Public. It is
true Vitit - cerlificites ofcure from Ottani., rho Infect thin
neighborhood of Orange street, New Vo It, heir not
been spread out before the public to nstimish stud heisil •
der—yet the numerous private tipprobatery testimonials
of its efficacy hate been sufficient to eitahlih its Aherne
ter; and or to long standing as to Wean:tile preparation
the n-ame' of humbug, imitmlon, &c. - I I
Thin article *tend • upon its own merits foe the cure of
those complai. is for which Sarsaparilla. id its most Om
vie form is peculiar adapted; and a trill Or Merchant's
Sarimpurilln h a s etwaxr resulted in a preference being
shown it before any other preparitioun! I
See eilieriiiMnent in this. paper. A pamphlet of des.
1 ciiption cony be had GRATIS of the agent. I
M A RADED.—On Tuesday last, by 11ev. S. 'M.
Eaton, Roy. .1 K. Cornvn and ,Mies Eliza J.,
daughter of Benj. Fross, all of Girard.
On the 15th lost, by Rev. D. li. Jack, Mr. lay.
Cr. - I-field and Miss Celia Walker, alt of Water
ford township.
On the 16th in-t. by Mr. J. Vance. Mr. Atyin
Lawrence and Miss Esther M. Seeley, both of
On the 17th in t. by Rev. T. Stubbs, Mr. A nt.
Weaver and Miss Rebecca Dunlap, all of his
city. •I
DIED.—On the 7:h inst. in Waterford, 11Ira
Barbara Boyd, consort of John Boyd, Eq. used
74 years.
NE thousand bushels of CORN wan'
kieli we will payclaElt,
Mardi 2 t. C A lell?.1.1. S. BROTI
ONE Intaad:ed bushels 4rod White Bea
100 bushels good dried Apples wane
we will pay eat-h.
March '24. ER 4. Bito7l
have sold to Mr. Franc.
son my entire stock of Goods, at NJ
Cormrs. I can with confidence recommt..
Loutsen as worthy of the patronage ofany il [ om•
MI ptasops knowiats thems..iyes indebted' by
note or book account at the McKean stem, Must
make immediate payment or costs will ho Made
indiscriminately. My brother will remain at
McKean until the first of April; at that time the
Books, and notes will be brought to Eric tor;
Erie. March .1.0, ISIS.
A• C A It D
rpHE undersigned Would respectfully inform
the'lzentlemen of Erie and vicinity that l he
has opened a TAILORING SHOP on the south
sidd of the Public Square, n few doors east of the
Erie Bank, where he will be at all times ready
and happy to wait upon those who may favor him
with ;3 all in this lino of business. From lung
experience in some of the principal shops of Lou
den and other European cities, :MO by strict 4t
tentioti to all business whiclemay now be entrus
ted to him, he conflthmay hopes that he shall be
always deemed worthy to receive a share of !Mb
lie patronage. Ills work shall be executed
such .• manner as will hear a close and impartial
exmaination, and always in accordance aim the
prevailinz, fashions.
N. B. Cutting done on the shortest notice.
- Erie, Morel: 9.5. 18 IS. 3m15
frarrilrElls Practical litturr,
WH.L, introduce the Spring Fabhion for Hats
this doy, and would most respectfully ea,
licit his friends and CUSlalletS to call and exam
ine this very gentlemanly' appendage. '
Erie, March IQ, ISIS. 4
WFIER EAS my ivire Jane, and family left
rt? . .y house on 'the 1511 i of Fetuary last,
without any just cause or provocation, this is
thercloro to Imbid all persons from harborini_2 or
tru.ting them on my accout,t, as I shall pay no
debts of their contractim , after that date.
Erie, :11arelt 13, 1518. ' *3lll
MTh E notes of this .bank will be received a t
J.. par fur goods, for a fnw dap, at the store of
• WILLIAMS 4- NV It 1G wr.
Erie, March 11, ISIS. i 43
'Wines and.Lignors,
UST received at No. - 1; Perry Block, a nod
a) assoriment of W ines and Liquors, for
'6acraincntal, Mechanicat and ALL other
purposes, among which may be found'the foltow
Pale Brandy;
Jamaica Rom,
Holland Gin;
port \Vine, Nhoicria %Vine,
Scotch Whiskey Irish Wl - iskey.
Nlonnngnhela do Coinonon do.
Dec. 11 T. W. MOORE
Teas! Teas!! Teas!!!
TITST received by Ekpres3 a fresh lot of the
.1. New York CANTON 'Pea.CompanY's superior
TEAS, which will be sold at prices that cannot
fail to suit purchasers. Try this Tea und you
will buy no other. For sale by
No. I, Perry Block.
Erie, March 4, 1898,
LE'TERS of administration; having been
granted to the undersigned 6n the estade of
Okla Howard, deceased, late of Lr;llcrisfr town
ship, in the county of Frie, Pa, All r persous in
debted to said estate aro hereby requeteti to make
payment and those having .claitns against the
seine, are requeated to present them moperly au
thenticated ler settlement I.
March 1548.• GOP - Adm'x.
TBE subscriber would respectfully inform his
friends and the public generally, that he has
purchased the Shoe Stock and rented the stand
of Samuel '
,Hays, on the cast side of the Diamond,
secuad doge flora the corner ofSixthstrcct, which
he intends, taking possession of on the Ist of
March next, and he will be happylei, seel and ac
commodate his old friends and customers, and
the public at large. He Mums hinriself I that he
will be able to make BOOTS, SHOES jand all
ankles in his line of business, to order, with
neatness, durability and dispatch, aid at moder
ate rates. f lie hopes to receive, ache i will endeav
or to deserve, a liberal patronage.,
He will constantly keep cm hand an assortrnsnt
of well made Boots. and Shoes, which lie will
sell as cheap, if not cheaper, than de an' be had
elsewhere. , A. GABEL.
F.eb, 2S, iB4B
30 Piecea of English. Scotch' and American
fast -eillored Gingham's, (Choice poterns.)
together with a few pieces ot EM.lish. Prints,
(cashmere patterns ) can be bought cheap enough
Feb. Ye, 1948. 41
AVALUEBLE Farm containing about 180
acme of Land, moaily eleare I, and has a
valuable orehord and other inriprov ments, skull.
led atiout one and one-half mile from Girard
villa"o, being part of the arm of the tate Thom
as Nfiles., Said farm will be,sold very low and a
liboral.creilit will be given. !slgan . ° of
_GEO." H. CUTLOR, Agent'.
Girard, Feb. 48, 1848. ' - 1 if 41
CITRON, English Currants,
Cinnamon, cc. etc. at'
Mush 4, 1946.
PoWDER.—.Kentueky - aide
very superior article, at
Mareh 4, 1848.•
it 4C LANE'S VERNIIEUOE I L One groesjust
received by ttime. by
Feb'. 11, 1841 e, SURTO 14 rEitimq, -
Attention! Jews and Gentiles,
Israelites, Monte/Um Hebrews and' Egyp
tians; Sons of Aaron and Daughters of
Mariam, receive instruction rind be wise,—
Hear and know that
Has returned from the 'EAST, laden with a m
choicest treasures of that ancient region, and in
vites your attention to the same at the oentsiti
OLD Jew Store, the one that has earned the repu- ,
tntion of telling goods toterr than any other ho us e
in Eric, and thereby established a. credit for Jew°.
ry that lies i netteed others to enter under-the same
name whereby they hope to rehti.a profit winch
justly belongs to him. Now Moses wishes it to be
un.ferstoed that he is not a Wandering Jew, here
this year and away the next—a class that nil] sell
tonne person at cost a n d to another at double mite,
but that he is a steatite &attendant of Faithful
Abraham, and has pitched his tent in Erie with
the intention of remairtin* in it, so d i nten d, t
do business as heretofore in such a manner as t
give entire satisfaction to all reasonable person.
that favor him with their custom, keep all his of
friends and snake new ones of all that once par
chase goods from him. That the old Jew Store o
Muses Koch does st II more Goods and ut
prices than any o.her store in Etie, is plain to he
seen by tin; course ofothers,.who finding ateir eus•
tourers duity deserting them, resort to misrepre
sentation and abtise of the JEW STORE, which
they well know has been !because-of their loss or
customers and against which they direct all their
force., thin) ing no doubt that if this store was
nut or the way, they could get what they call the
good old prices,—fifty to one Imadrt d per cent -
such as they ;wed to get before this JEW MOSES
came atnonitst them., Ilenv&we see every thing
that e.tti raise a Ow load of Tape and Bobbin
commences blowing himselt into notice by lettinng
tufa squib nt the JEW STORE; but this only
serves to show that they nre ip great nom vices
comers, and that that know nbere they have
s wine
Now the secret of Goods being sold so much
lower at this store than any other is simply this—
Moses goes right to The /we/ of the marker, to the
Manufacturers aim Importers and buys by the
BALE or PACKAGE, and plays - the
CASH down, by which he makes a,double saving
and is enabled to sell goods in Erie at what some
others pay for them in the city; and that there
may be no mistake about this matter he invites all
who Want any thing in his line, and wish to pay
either cash or country produce, to call rind exam
ins his stock and prices, fully satisfied that they
will find the OLD JEW STORE the' best place
to - jet good Goods ut be lowest prices.
Moses begs to be excused front akin.' a list of
the number of Pieces ofClotlr and Calicr;, Musclins
tVe., as the manner of some is— being much
more profitably . and pleasaitly employed in wait
ing tin customers, he will leave this mode of poi
flog to souls of the New or ,otter stores who have
manrr stocks and costoinrrs.
Corner of French S.: Fifth sir eets,
near the Farmer's Hotel, Commercial Es.
Ott.V, 1817. 'l3
lIE Fubscri her takes pleasure in annenneing
to the public Ihe art teal from New Yolk of
an` extensive at4ttortotent of Goods in their Uric,
Plated and Britannia, Ware, Girandoles, Solar
and Campbene Lumps, Lookinu glas , es, Rohe
mian glassware, spectacles, fancy ttnods and
thousands of useful and ornanten'al articles Mr
the Holyduys,m.hiefl are offered at reduced prices.
selected aitlt mitiotal (lire
from late importations. those wi'shing a good.
•I'imntr piece for money e, ill do w 11 to buy,
Our thanks are due our patron: fur tarot., con
feria,/ in times past, espelially for r a t i nr,e l e re•
eeived in onr new store on State s , lcet. and hope
by attention to hth-incos to retain our old and
make ninny eew ete.temers.
N. IS. Particular - attention given to the repair
ing of all kinds of ‘Vat c h ce . h work, re•
qttiring Engines, which generally is dune in the
larger cites, 011entled to on short notice.
Goods received by Eipress every ft w days
from New York during-the winter.
State stied', nearly opposite Eagle Hotel and next
dour to.`'puo••nd's Bookstore.
N0v.20. 1947.
WHO aro permanently located in Erie.
m here all Surgical and Meelltnical opera
tion4in the science oi'DentOry, will be done with
all that care, newness and dulabili , y which
. loror
experience and vottudve opportunity, togetln4
with a thorouol nowleth??e of e;I the l u t e
provemente or..the Bal , imoie petal atone
can aive.
Drs. Elliott or Rnse will visit the Moo ino
named places once in six or 'e;.2ht net k ,
Conneaut, -Chin, Springth Id, Girard, Locisport,
Fairview, Wattn ford, Watt , butult and North
East, Eric county, Warren and Columbus, War
ren county, Pa. Ladies and gentlemen livin_ in
or near either of the above named p'aces IA lin
need the services of a Dentist, can he waited upon
at their. residence, by riddresNing us at Erie.
Pariienihr attention will be paid to the health of
the Ginty., n% weil•ns to res , coina and rreservin. ,
the Teeth. Pivot Teeth will ht inserted alter
the latest improvements; also, Plate Teeth, from
one to an entire Oct.
Office and residence on Eight street between
Ft eneb and State s reets.
N. B —Teeth extracted without. the least pain
or inconvenience to the patient by the use of the ;
Erie. March IS, ISIS,
•Oluird B i rondy,
St. Croix Rum.
N. Enaltmd
Pine Apple Gin;
Important Decision.
TILL conte:•ted I that has been exit Ling sn
many — years has een fi nally settled be 'a July
of Twelve Lad l e., nd /kir act ision in, That the
purest, beswmost fragrant nod cheapest Tens to
be had in this section of the country, are'lli , e
which t ome from the celebrated cANT(IN TEA
COMPANY. These Teas ein ha had nt all
time. and tvarranta to tZive entire satisfaction or
the money will be refit tided, of-their agents who
etc receiving treeh supplies ueekly.
'WILLIAMS ,c. \yr:Tani". A i2ent4,
Directly opposite the Eag le Hotel.
Sept. 18, 1917. " • IS
Great Reduction of Prit
A LLYN & C'OIT will.sell aft'cr this t:
ti tire btock of Dry Goods, at 25 per c
than they are sold in Erie. 'Thos( pu
are invited - to call and prove the troth ow
The following are at few of their •i
Fine Gingham% r. on) 12 to 20 ctb per
Oret , on Plaids, tichcst stile 25 "
M. De Lathe, " '25 "
Plaid Alp:let:as and' 2.1 "
. Plain, 50 "
Calicos front 6 to 12 e's per y.f.
All Woe!, Red, White,' Yellow nu
Flannels, Lin ,, ns, I:napkins
Diapers; Brown and Bleached Coanns v ,
and all other goods, Itt.nally kept in welt
Stoics at very low prices to "astonish the
Dee. I.
I'o the lloriolublei Court et Quarter Sessions of
Erie county, V uy Tern.
The petition of llenj. P.. Norris, of Greene
township, in Said coultty, respeciliilly represents
that he is well provided with House room and
conveniences for the lodgine•and accommodation
of straw:era and travelers, at the house on Norris'
Hill. which he now occupies in Said
He therefore prays the Honorable court to grant
him a license for keeping a public inn or tavern,
.and he as in duty bound, will pi4y. &c.
We, the subscribers, citizens iof the township
of Greene. in which the above inn or tavern pray'
ed to be licensed is proposed to ,o kept, do certi
fy that Benj. P. Norris, the above appliCant, is of
good repute for honesty and temperance, and is
web provided with house room and conveniences
for the lodging and accommodation of Strangers
and travelers, and that such ani inn or tavern is
necessary to accommodate the public and enter
tain strangers and travelers. -
jSignedj Peter S. Woolley. James Johnston,
sr., Rowland Nichols, James Jackson, 'John C.
Graham,. Robert Tate, Archibald Alexander,
John Johnston, Lucius A. Root, Jos. Johnston, jr
James Hamilmn. Amos Church.
,March 11, ISIS. 313
11131 P
and Cossimors of almost
IJ every color, etripeoquality and price, at No
4. Cheapai de, by
Autl. 17. 1111014 N. & M'CATITER.,
HCOOK begs leave to call the attention of
. the public to a large and - . well selected
stock of
lace, Cloves;
which have been purchased' for cash and wil
positively be sold lowerthan articles of the eeme
quality can be purchased in town as ell can sat)
ley themselves by calling at. No. s.Bennell flock
State State Street.
Dec. 11 4 -
Gunpowder, a
.92 92
Something New
. • I
, . ....
.; -- Ir-.-_ - „74 y- -
is --- .. -- ifir
r_r . -_,;--. ( r.. I I'. • 1 ~t• -E7,21-7E....
- ---
i•-', ~..4._-_=.•
• ..t.-z. -..,,,.... F . . ,• i
_r_ _
- . 7- -- -- - :, f 47, ••••• T
, =i .....
t ,
1: - 1,4-
„ ,, ,,..-,--,-.. ; ,..-.7-_7 ;
` -7.5 r - '-I rsiti'a.,-,...,,.. -----.,:,',-\ ."-,,..7. : ` - 7 •
'.--- .WT::: - - - - - i-fr1... - _--.'22:•:;T,:lil, f ii :
.---„,,triw-, ~`----' - . •
toot the !Scripture Mode oCCa r lag
, Diocti se s,
ISM& IPS A 11.1.-111 ir.A1,1,42
a mast iutereatthr facts recorded untie Bible.
I whick relates 1 r thin trcretnicid o the akk nod
Itbeasts. -Most peisano, perhaps, may nut be
o Hibbs, from ierinning to end, mukos men
nue method of I eating the sick, tool that ii by
dictitiou.' It Inity at *lrk uppcsir strange Iltat
natprolienstve, linking its dote from the rout,
work. embodying such on .-mobil, of ti-acul
11 information , and exteloltog over history,
mid invention ifr so ninny gecerutions amen.
, eltoold teach but ono mode, cud water !nut
, of heating the maladies of men in till tho
: of tho ikortitt. l Is it not. therefore, a lulls
vinare the simple but • !formal m.••' -:u
-:k recordi•sl lin tho S mamas, 0
• two unit often i,iingetottit praci
. , f , was a tan' r iver in I-rarl,
mad ace turn Wier Judah, and
d ;or tho reeonintion of the world, 4,1100 yearn
to Winn, it 0 sti ir, iitenticitt, .linple, but is I.c
.r prey nil .11, at it woo a 'mood by cacti iii their
rill. was laid il• Wit by hip Supremo Gas orlon
tree in bbd j irisnrodellee ofl. aill, it was
a th eir Int Unit 4 Whitt” ehullgef 111 the I owing
.r, by Wilt man I the Church it w a resailciton
tped will the Invor stuck trit li, rcu-on ex
it high atithori y could ilia it. External at,
.an the rule. oil o: ointment was the tn. aux on
///''' NE oft
the cure or
aware that
tion of but
•zraruui tip !
a Itork so i
and 1, rat: t i
tbo nibl
at auy othe l
paeeiug age
ling the 1)
Beni day?
Ile;1 't.
dyed. Itia
of the Cu
practfte I
of the Slit
rd null nut
plicution vc
Partieubleitv-trnetiouv And great ,tret.s were laid noon
the purifie: (ion ul the bali'v—to,woult the surf:tee, thrp to
make appl cation of Oin t ment, whi•li was tin only tont
direct Inch to of re-taring the skin to i n natiooil and hettl•
thy union, moil Otis bring hock the full and free dl•chitree
of the lilt Clio,'bill l'erspitotiou. It is %%tinily of notice,
that uhile tile method of cluing 41 , ,,at0, prevoiled-among
Gin people God, It hat lug Peen tattcht theta bydirect rev.
elation from cat hurls; the Illuitheil, the Grit k., slid Ro
mano, held to and proctictid Its the manner of the present
day, viz • hy giving inter of relllellire. WWI.. one nics , ln
liz. that ot eitterosl uppl eetion. ratio front II estValt, the
ether, that o internal ii i plication, was the off.prioa of
lieutikitit tg notation. inextierience nod My tholocy. The
one Cltiail.t.),l frontth,altii%iim Mind by tile l'Olver Or
wtwho-e t t l Huth kelil+lo $ living soul the other, the fiat
fruits of t r "I I•xpetititelli,llllll, , litrati des Ku and ungodly
super.titt :
rite tits cane en reeert ii, that or the leper iit Lev- viii.
2 -.Whet 11 , 111Nii shall It Vi. ill (lit skill of his flesh , n ri
• ing scab. or it bright sprit," 6.e. -lie 1 , 11.111 he liratkiht to
Aaron, tiro priest, and lie shall proututatio lino titit ti
'l'h, u (.11 use the cure in the neat chapter, 'lilt ver,:::
.'lle shall prllll.lo upon him, dint is to 10. cleniy.til NeVNI ,
glutei., " aull'lty ter., IS, }'and the orient t.hell tat, Mollie
Of Ike lug oh out null poor it intollin point of his left hand,"
Mill Verse Id, "awl the remnant lit the oil th t to ill Ilium
pries a hand lie shill pour open the lirlul of Illni Iliad t.
to be clot used," It is evident enough that dm plirlfieu
tiou,or th 3 surlier, (Ito rtittorutiou of the Live - Goon of the
skit}, were to be Oa fir:dt retold, at of the dittiose. Al
though ill.: illreCtioll 1.13; 111 1111. Idol .111,1 ,how-,1 it,lf
in the eruption of the Akio, yet oo intern it cruelly I. 111Pul
llellilld Pall filiould a leper• appear 110 W, o hat du you
,r, ..outitt he Ito ',crew' iptioo t .
loste.ol or res•
Ain, by orlon ig the pore* 61r the thirharge
au .111 d 11,12 , 1111.1. MIMI., of the holly the) the
id the ht,..i, ti.e ',alien' haled I t. leg ore.) to tea
toting tit‘
or One tea
v. lung tour', I, I in. and Ito.; tooKt
,ptile of corr•A,i‘e punt r, 10;•-10 or 30 011 uotog
to L o rl'lHlted, ad wfiathaa, Tla• alplar•
go C•ottg
I.lls Ittt)•
to lied,
duty or il, n pra t Lb.,. is tt g e 11 to aut tolerated by aw
enr hum. d 1 1 1 ,0 1 ,/, i
. '11(111C 6t tO•C - CO leprosy was that of-Nauman, the As
syrian:a !teethe/I, olio Was rettui.l {in--OJAI 111 Jorth.i,.
SCVITI. 1.111 CD. Blithe, Us, runny do linw, looked for 1011110
pasta tit rigs; tool when he was requital ho purify the
surface by washing, thellan was contoutoled• It out Ott
ferent e the practi .e of Dia A•sy lion, who relied
1 .
wholly onto In rei letilt.s. that he became ear tug. it,
end oscl timed, ••art• I o, Shane and Pharp a r, r t .e,s of f
1).mooc, i, betar thus ell the waters or I, rad?" Itut lie
found ant the principle of curing diseases want.; the
'people II . (30.1,, was by ~.t ing 011 the Ate, I,)' elcansiti.,..
and reli> log it, no that It woold elintinat,; to w turn °et and
_ll,lllUre parthitelt Of 1111 , blond and general platen of Ike
body , le ways therefore compelled to adopt Ole wens.
011 Ilfliil • which tic 111111O11110Cly ICI ttnered.
'l've silken,. and reaovery or Mack i tit in another in-.
is Mee ()lOC corroboratton of ale iITIIICIIIIO or e:SterllQ
epithet° lot.' Ile wan silk, high onto death. and all in he
played fyir his life the
D are directed that a preyarailmt
should bri omits k not pered into via stomach) and appLed
extcraally. Dow singularthc fact, that when en) instrint•
lions we' e go,. ii directly from Die,d,they wore all con
I (t oe d to one t riode, viz: ill.. restortainti of the lice naible
P. 01,1141111,11, 1/), propeqopplientions upon the ..kin.
Ent i t •t any nine should think :Ilene cants were more or
hen co' bevel with traraculcur power, we. will rti.fer them
to Stone that ere out. IliJutues v. 14, is this remarkable
and rani, hatic language., •Is any pick among you? levities
call upon the elder. of the Church, and let them pray over
him, attitoniting him in illie name. ofthe Lords' chis tat°
gime° in (nonenod entaprehensi.e. It inclu.lea all who
way be I .heir, no mattea what the romplaint. To cure ilia
sink, thOrefare, let him be annointea, Now I cane tint
what tire the th( l .ll . les 111t.....1111111[1S of Vie Killed., much
Ices die a ltd sagarles of the lIILIChP.I,III ' , Conf.:lld thal th e
I prancer as bete tale dna'. 111 the ?stn T0 , 4 , 11110111,t$ unit
nod identical with that Itt the use of my MI Healing Oatit
tnettt—contend for iliC healtily stair- of he .kin, the int.
tend at d v corous nse of itn functiors, the full and free
eyueu. mina Illrellgil lls pore!, of the 'OP.'S:Ohl° PO,Pplr.t•
tint,; al d tint!, it seem i to me, in the pt teciplemiculcatell
in the I..cuiptto e... I •
No oilier Ilielbod is (•tinted Olt, I , lul no Smarr practice
in the Whole history 01 the SLIIi/It1(1,11. It we could thud
any ono i11:54,11N, O tier physic or do age were euoUllelufej
We ti hi be •11e111; iilt to !Ong a• there is tione—no, hot
wone. C are toe. 01 in hliter o that the one of smith s t•geta.
T .
ale tintlal•llt, or other oxtertial preparation, acting as a
sots en l , in the proper lllltellOtl 1., .11/.........
We have thus stated the colot•lden, e adoiden, llitite paw.
I las. in 'the n nu I. to dino.l.e, and that,
.. in the use nf I.lcAlis
teen Al D
I ealing Ointalent. If one, Us rounded in rea
-1•011 was according to the dic
tates or pl°lo...phy so is the other; if the itegradientnatal
the compbtattimg of 114. clue wane retitled out by Intioire
Wi•dote in Special re. elation, the 011oW Only Clittlll, as the
let ulttir pro, olettee Is 111,11 'tills.' to C. 1.111,01,0%
Both, „lira hlt,ligLiii, 111'..c 1111011 tll-.2.1P0, ACOIII to Inns
}Cf.. tab saute VII ttlo.oll . tlll/0!1 the 5,1111 , prillelpte, in the
lIIGIOLPRO.I Perspiration. by relaxing and impartmg math
ty to tie akin both toi'ser-ede the tinunzei MIS leo, Oral IlEp.
I IN a 111 other vile fey alients tit the stoatacit.
If th • I eternity ....cols to he tiilrerettt,the ingredients err
nriert 'He, one lillki Ole strut, In ail their at. lief the°
virtue then contitioation, their o.olver: it applieutiot., thew
irrests able pow in
. rio removing disease, they ere eta. and
;the same. . —...
. 'r. comment article• of the Jas. , , salves are MO II•11.1.
class., with them, an 101 , Y lire mil. paliative•, and 111-I
only ri the sae lace 55 idiom any paw or of pele•trall011.
HOW nlittn the 11.1.1 e ointment, or the All Dealing Otet•
'no m, t , Mich f,1.e., tirpll Beeryneed. folletlla• along hue
wholeilenutlt; fhalieg their way to (lie heart, liver, ttlllltP,
6t0011t911 had lanai, tha, sit iltnag. through the cutler- rrUITle
work °Char being, end hobbit; in jest till:thee the whole
intei dal vi•cera in appal equilibrium uith the•kiti. -
Pet+le ening State' of Cu.' will y oil adopt the pine.
tice us bleulented in !be Bible, is the one of McAlister's
All II:Oleg Olittineet tor will yon oh ...t. Cott nook oleteil
Cie Its al)
then alone <libe, erect, uod is the (.:1111•11 . .li practiceof the Present day?
' & ."p CAUTION.—A. the All Dealing Ointment has keel,
groat! • COIIIItCfreItCILIWC bane g Wel. MI. Clllllioll 10 Olt'
piitiliq, thin .iin mem° tit w Dille genuine utiles. the names
of Jauge• McAlister orlJamc. M.-Mater 8•. Co. are smiled
with a peat neon every I dol.' Tile label in st steel etit%ra-
I pi t , 'W g, Ifji the figure al' • Inseam!. e Perspiration ' inn the
1 for.;.. Now• we iii rebY offar a row are of 1 , 15 a Ifitadred
Della a to be paid on ...eviction to Any (lithe Colo4llllted
court of the U. S., of.any vernal counterfeiting our lam n
or Oultmetit. .
, .., kle.‘l.l•Srrrt & co.
1 - Ins simo Street New I'm 1..
For sale Inc Burton & Perkins No. fi, and Cutter
aher,No. 6 1 11011 Ifullse. 39
i 1 Green
r Crash,
nv low,
art atpred
-leaves- Ileaves—Heaves,
TIII.RE never wean remedy discovered, by the ingenu
ity of man. for tenant:lg tinwares flout 110 e , c .„ tilt
equalled Col.En stswllEityr: l'owcrits, on corm: that
Inost trouble -tune, rbettcaffr and datlorertni• 4 iittm pial at. It
a ca‘e is at all curable, these Ponders a ill just nr sturdy
remoSe it as they are token his is no fiction, as g out y
of the must respectable itemis in different parts of the
cooni 'ry s can testify from acute trial One, iwo or three
butt! tit most, is all that is otertsnry to Cilia the worst
roses and recoil ettone and also in cough sad there the
wind hes hero iajar.l, oha_loiltla will Ito found of treat
sent:ll And what in the rust of too or three botilen
cowl arid to the lots of stmt nit ordinary horse! Try it
then you who have burros suffering roe the meet or rads
en aiticle. irriee 50 Cents per bottle. Fur tale by
1 CARTER & Illto., Erie,
1710 YD. VINCENT & CO., Waterford,
It. I'. TOWN & CO., Saila lia I
. .
fr' s. s.v.wmur & CO., Concord.
111 E subscribers hhvina a trood nssortinent of
New 13.mcland marble on hand, from differ
ttarries, calculated for Head and Pool tables,
uments, &c. Which they offer to sell to tiny
In Erie county, Pa. not living farther than
lettered in first rate Ptak. , and delivered, at
...._ _
Mo ,
the following prices' Small, for children, $1 50
per Foot; Middle size, for need people, $1 02 per
foot; Largest ,size SI 75 per foot: We think it
wot Id be un object for some of the Erie county
peo leAo forward us a few inscriptions as we have
roe ntly been informed by the Erie marble dealers
in r titer % braezing way, that they were sticking
it t the Erie 44 Crawford county people good.
Thy brat: very lustily of selling to the "Penna
mites" at from ila 50 to $A per foot. Should any
of the people of Erie county - he in
_want of any
thili4 in our line, they can forward their inscrip
liOls, or come themselves, and they shall 'have a
first rate article at the above prices.
'flestfield, N. Y. Sept. 1.3, 180. ' 17t
ICKLED LOBSTERS, Sardines, Tomato,
Catsup, Lemon Syrup,-Pcpper Sauce, Salad
, Mustard, Gugnha Jelly, English White Pep,
¢c., for elite at No. I, Petry Block, by
apt. 8, ' T. %V. MOORE%
111H1BET CLOTH—Black, Drab end Brown
cheap for ready pay at the store of •
.inept. v. q. MditiON.
ge tidings of their susses,
remotest west—limn Cana-1
exico and the West Indies
. unanimous in their praise.
versally known and ereeem•
peak in detail. At no peri
the reptitti.ion of the tuedi
-4 we may say that no term
• more enduring.. Adapted
to every form of disease, and
I;ht`s Indian Veoetuble Pills
• r medicine, fitted for the use
eer eircumsiancee he ittly be
/ .n land, at home, or uhroad, in
vinter's cold, with a common
!Nulls of 'health, rind pith
getable Pills at hand s there is
sick, unless the constitution
"THE c i
libm e
da on the n
1 on the soul
Or a medic
ed SIR warn
hardly neck
od or its ttt
tine stood
lotion is li
to all cnnsti
to all el ma
% 1
are abo c
01 man tin
placed. •1 A
summer's h
r 4 god to
WI - tight% It
nri exeuie '
be 'melt)?
To Dr.
versa! sati:
sell from 1
I,r from I,brizando, , ICss.l
u. Your pills have _icon
justly very popular. I can
oxen annually, if I could be I
tv from Jers• y P, 4 f
t Ve•setahle Pills eseel evely•
•er °trete.' to thb public its this.l
try, not with.tAncli n, the eotn••1
w imprint i pled inert:emit ie, to
WI Nt.; I iEsTER. SON."
.11,rt:a self/ , 1;1.1
it ht a Indian Vet.;e aide Pik:-
I I fotuni. then) to be the he-t .
er !wed. 1 wish to become an
f then' in this place.
.1.:1% ES
Pam Greensboro', 1(11 -
time Ell cc, the nttent left a ithane aia
lilb to --ell.— ;
Ft soon Sill Lone, and more wantin2.
,nnels eat! V,r them. * tr-lieve
e very good,.
Fro)/1.1m4), 0 'ilo.l
Isenditt. , that sl And,' I he out of putt eai-
Yetfetable Pills b fore your Ite - rot
!rough this re ,, ioo to •mpply toe, I he ! ,
ward roe a quantity, its some way or
thing ufti
sec-ion a
Word al
put t'lein
,oily, unit
have eel
he sale t,
"I !lave
in my fit
u.Oll fur
" Ftnne
them W
They %% er
the vills a,
" A ppr
Liable In
%ATI eo if
pot to fo
ano her.
. .
lls are doing here ,admirahly well .in l
I e opunsition of a , me would he d tut ors
i exeried all their influence: to pi ev , ol
tat buying than; and ill have a cord in- I
y 1 slitill be able to sell rwmy of them.
. (From 8.1! 11,1 r, 1'17.1
neatly got through with thy pill; you
ient me, and 1. thin% -I could, in a skor:
six or eight dozen more. The gitielker
n, the mot e-I shall Nell, as the siokly sea-
eina here tioni,idetably, and-yam pills
and , a pp• °veil of ,zenerally mimic than 1
ieine we have hail anion. , n, in som- I
n i'act, I i'a not Loom of a sin• Ir instant. I
:y have lath lard owl d svprurod rf.-- 1
the ' physicians (I,,n't liVe them,,butl
ley have never tried them, and self inter
Ltiglel ally bit er,:lsolto !.
Sc, ;.let I I Ell NOTTING 11:01."
ire a few of the :,ta . enwn:s %elm:tardy
' men of the first reipeetabiliy---nicn is ho
. n an I nlnizo.i appot tudittes for olKie: Vll
not ernielled by any in the lamb
Au - . N's Fog cu.'.}.. (.. ever Y.
l'FOltD, tri, ' , ,
aiboa .s.. Cu., Waiiirtunt.
lord. Sen. Gt.ur,t.
Teatrtelle .
t, 1_,.1114.11. d '
•otter, Wes .itpritt. field.
o,euti, "
ornse n d, Sp , lorlioia. ' ,
1 a 34 Ca., '1 : 11 1.4 Ul^.
. North Er,t.
nont, rain, arty.
'FIN 011301N• 1 . AND 0FX1 , 11 , 3: iNntAzt VEH' Tint it
O .:N ON THE Tol* 1..0 , EL 0. 1.." 11130 X, -Vt.', . tie,
,nd I - r loile , left ihi , C. t o cyle.
, 1
, ilvvottoi 0 welt-is . I%' to the: , ilea Weighl'.6 lad/.7.>
Pill Sile . hales. Ana I. taut , tit i it Ace :1,11.
1 Itta...2eiilireett,‘lelt Street, New Yu:it, and 1: t 1
Street, ita•taa.
ranters :19, 11i1 , . :17
.pite or
tti ho !Inv
people fr
tied supp
"I hay
left and
time, sel
I get the
suit is r,
are lime
any mt
tinge. I
WI re
Snipe ul
reelcnn t
est will
wade by
are kno%
tison are.
O. n. '
'W. P
Jolip N,( l
.11,1..11 out
ttle &
W 11. PC
. It. T.
C 10,
John vie
Tun o.
\V MI A r
//11i/le, b
rhi1ille1; 11
RUT FOR couNT,Yrnrcurs
,1 ,1 5!19:1 ,1 v reeounnend , ll that pmelta:
M i the regular a gen•s. if they ss ish to pro
eemtio'r lull, le. Conn cricitq are abroad
..bap , , Row. has in:: a ennthtg- sqrat•
• !hem down! Fn, +• :11 , 0 to a :1; I.ll'
UT'S I t N DI 1,4 VE(.l,l' (Mr PILLS, rOl there
,wanttog those is ho me unprincipled
enonA to eall . , any miserable trash f‘lndian," for
the sale of go tn
New Fall and Winter Goo( s.
11E suh4t hers are nosy receiving . their •oek
of Fall RM . ; Winter Goods consisting f
Gnommtps, CRocKmtr,
litoN, nuts,
Alm a large dssoitmcnt of raper Flanging and
Window Papd - r.
I All of whif•it acre rwella 9vd in New York at
the lowest ma l t price. They do not boast of
has ine the mu if.3st s.uel, of goods ever brou: , lit to
place, but sriil vay they has e as good an as
.?•ortment, and :y. ill 1n...01(1,as cheap as tls.e eheap•
tat, nod invite the public to and examtn, - .'
~.zood:= and I,ri,Pp. SC.LDIIN St SUN.
11 , 17.
1 BM;
IT AIR broltes of all s and purrs, teeth
•, paint ,tnd Varnish rlr, , flesh clothes, hat
shavinz, eonib, serobbiou„ . 4.hackinu, 01rtdow,
hem th, thennter MAI bottle brushes'bfrsal ,- ; by
Nov. ill. nut:To:O. PER KlN'''.
• PAINTS. ' 7 \
.350(i 111 q. White and Red Lead andTitharze.
1500 " NV bikin.i.t 300 MR., \'Cl itiatt Red,
L 5 u 0 YrliMe, 150 `,` Puri. Green,
100 " Chrones 1 - cdiosv, 4 :4' , 4.q1 Ve
finnan !tech Utica Mario.: Elne, Prmzsidn nine
'Drop 131 nett, Virdia, is, Lampblack, etc. 1 . 1\661=.
Spirits Tut pentinc, 1.1 ncred Qt 1 , Vartti h,
(or sole by - BURTON a PERK INS‘'
Nov. 20. Old fh•tn ord. 11. Bunton &
AAi PAILS. Dye Woods,
, -14• 4 --b 500 lbs. coppt•ra.,
R.OO " Alum. 6no madder,
1100 " Blue Vitrol, 'Vat C.c. LoL - is dud,
7041 " calms ood, Wootl siitiuh
Intl " Altteatie Avid
v.oo l
111 vlfit'
In inn!,
arc re.
:) ' Indiyu , Renal and C'arm:c3^,
If) " solution tin y 10 coulactleal x i
" .A noetto,
[or ,ale low .hv
CAIITEII 1 11011117.11
1 23
41 , 16. Or . I . okln , t2:ffi's ' 4 arFaisadila jorit ri•-
ceireo, b)' private "exi,re.9. - 4," in 1111:111 boulea RI
Wle &liar each. SIN bo;t!el coe flee dollar,
&.,PER lc
run , V ID, ISIS. • Sub A'r,en:g
Runk noes of the banks that Lax e re•
, ntly faded, arc redeemed with Goods at the
4 11, Cathi 01, for their I An-%
tire4t Inducements
•1 I
en• ir
% int
I or
e subscriber. %visiting' to make room int an
• new stock of I)ry Go(las in the sptin ,, , will
se of his pres , ni choico Flock of hell I,}nd
•r Goods nt n very small nOvance from N'inw
cost; comprising Nlitslin do Lnins, Ging-
Oren and Calirurnia rlaids, Cashmeres.
izeaq Sce. &4!. : and in short, everythTng
600 d line.
Mons having elsli to pay for Goods, n ill find
•ally to their advantu2c to call, as . j feel con
your can save 25 Or 30pnr cent by pnrchasi
it ar
. . s
am•bovati to sell Goods, for cosh,
any other man in the western cone.
nd see, al the old Llardw_are Store,
of mc. as l
cheaper tlin
try. CaII
et the . Engle.
iao r ea
f4ie, Jan
iao cofth
ratio s exit'
tton, withot
e for coughs, colds. and consmnpi ion
most beautiful and scientific- prepar
t. It has gained an enviable reputa
• the aid of puffs and newspaper WI-
The proprietor has Inrnished the
physicians id* this place, with the formula cod
manner of its preparation, and it has mined frOm
theirras we 1 as the faculty or other places, their
universal commendation, consequently those who
take it may know, not only its composition. but
that it is prepared by the hand of science. For
sale by 'BURTON & PERKINS.
February 10,1818 No 5, Reed House.
I Clov er'• Seed.
200 Beshels just received Ircifn the Farmers'
of Erie county, and for sale at the lowest
market pluo, at our store oPPooite the Eagle
Februar,. 3. , •
4 Plaster. •
TUST r calve per schooner Aurora Borealis, a
1 Plaster.
al full ca go of clitard Plaster. For sale at the
ware hem . public docltdty
Janus 2'. FE1,40 t k LOOME3.
► 11
AN invaltlatt!e reme l
other domestiv a
rOiluttinZ (ikeaS-or;
git Tround•r(
2Gails of all kin.: s,
Crorkei Hefts, t
Poll Er.!, 'untrN,
•pucins, Serrro fy,
It is al3O a UniverFstl
1 1( 1/1Thili;S:;1,
Con Ira, Is of the ..11nselt
11 - caLnl AS of tht .Jjiitts
M Eat A N G AM; I
AIM' ha ECnnntl:
ordinnty powctii in
ho:se in uhkh its r•ir
:inn of the farrier and
he public generally.
ployei in a 2rcat yar
eftct the Imam' rac•c,
wonderful cures i ,
thii it is andott
not fo , lllli in other tor
ed its claim.: to 2encr
Beware of the cot
the Minn. of the ror.r:
tha•d. 1.04 kprt, is Ii
T -- -Tor tem imnni
made or trent ment, sc
nies each hot•le.
Sold by 5. H. Pai s
Fassett. As'lt atm' t,
Conneaut, Ohio; Lc
port Ta
It 1 F
( a). IV. bl Elt(
l'or !?coloring Discuses ofillie Blood,
.11,31aq/torn an alai,: of hr- b ,nes and joints.
call', ' recta. &nes .4.ainote old s 4 res
ClVOlele and roe:lite:in aMs .er all lines
oars stela at &old head, Salt el'Aelenr,
So , fele ~r- .1C i og'x Era S. eon Riog WO al a d other iliaTri.
der ir ,vp'phi , rs r ee,erit I, es aritinU :Irmo an impure
~ alien Atha Cuarart a ,f 1 as.te of the Mood; also. ..
the Throat.. .Vtle. Cheelt , Habitual Ccatirenese, Piles.
Lips, LAWS, et..ti other pails (74.1%,ac °panne of the Aher,
~.t - the food!,' I 1 Lee hos and Chest ,
topha r r in.,t oleo en - the, fare Poi , r.. the Stomach and N . isi,.
Pt:reale ratel,...: and uther er , -Vtitht ,1 rata, Ar. Se.
Irpti .ea et - the 4kill. 1 It Is Marisa' maeA 1 ecorn Mell-
Fitiii. :Ont . try. and-, then ts co• dud as a ETeasuina Spring.
I hetirer . fiv., err
• .1 Medwine, e nd in genera de-
Mak Sa,hiry, Pains t r t the. I ilit!r. -
Tins reini dy is prepared !rum the choicest se
lected materiakthektetive properties of which are
ev rack(' by an improved piccess, without heat;
,oti aectitint of ii hich l iz is pr , .:l:er:«l by Physicians
as being mole uniftirm and active than 'any tithes
now hi-lore the public.
A full-111-fount of the remarlsable efficacy of this
remedy, in a variety of ease. or the mos: iir.gra.
vntedimture, may he seen by calling on thr.vre
pric:or or his a2em... r- '
Lis most cood medicines are counterfeiter.% be
, cac and Coll fur "Merl hant's Sarmtparilla,".and
see that these words are blown on the glass. "Frost
41. e Laboratory of Cleo. W. Muchunt,, Chemist,
,Lockport, N. Y.
Cir4-Atinost every pedlar in - lhc country it new
putting up and imposinE on the public, an article
1 they call sarsaparilla. Therefore,.BEw....r,En
ultl by J., 11. Dorton Cc co. Erie; S . S. 4. A.
Eassett, .Asiltabur.a, Ohio; P. N. WebFter, ('on
newiti Obi°. 1)401
DI ..41.32151ES OF 'pH E
DISF.ASES-pi the ri
the ENTI:ACT or tri
131-:!1 , , Filth as chronic ae
• 1:1-(0,r 7,
l'rostrat . :
K E., and
'Phi= valuable meilivine is, prepared _0 n 1 y ty
Geo. W. I\l,,rchant, Operative chemist St e. Lock
port. N. V.
Pull and atnoht instructions, testimonial!, Ste.
Sold by 11. lior:on Len. Eris; S. S. &H.
A,ataholo, Ohio; U. N. 'Webste-, Con -
noaot, Ohio. . -
MY': lAN II Al lt DYE, a AI arranted article fo'r
retorintz the hair a beautiful btown or jet
black: it will not Wear 1; soil the !hien, or color
tit?. ashomire 1s ein testify,'
It has also been used successfully in coloring
FUI a. •
Beware of ihe cotteteif it, and he sure you s,rt
the genuine, pr. pared only by Geo. W. Merchant,
chemist, Lod:port, N. Y. Samples of noir mny
im seen at the t.torevialte'proprietor or his agents.
Price Lel cents.
Sold by J. co, Erir; S. S. Sr 11.
F'assett. "Ashtabu!u, Oho; and D. N. Webster,
Conneaut, Ohio. 450
New•- Goods arid Goo
' Now is the Time to Roy Cheap!
rJIUE subscriber Navin, been but a short time
in business has not before fonnd it conveni
ent `to introduce info the papers n general ndver,
tkernent. Ile Iraq, however jog retnrned
tlie_eartern cities u ith a spit:l:did assortment of
Fre:4ll4lnd Cheap Creccrics•
'ln his stock may be found the choicest Teas yet
offered for sale, from
. 2 1 to S shillings per pound,
Rio, Java, Cuba, Lagaira and St. Tsomingo ' Cof
tee, cheaper than the cheapest; Havana, Perm
Rico, Oilcans, Liar Lump, Clarified, Pulverised
and ante Sugars, cheaper than ever; Porto Rico
Syrup, Stigarhouse and Orleans Motasses;.aispice,
pepper, ginger, cmnamon, mace, nutmeg's, pearl
harley, , citrons, primes, cocoa nuts, almonds, ma
deira, Braail , Anil pea nuts; Havana, principe,
Spanish, cinnamon,-and conneaut Cigars; coven
dish, ladies. Inlet, and german Tobacco ; olive,
rose,rnot, castor, and hair Oil; all of which are of
,the vt , ry best quality, and trill be sold cheap;; at
No. 3 American Muck, State Street.
Nov. G, 1847,
rrEAS: — Youne hyson, old hyson, hy;on skin,
1. gunpowder and powchong or Black
cheaper ihnn Cnktort tea company dare to sell, at
No 6 Bonuell Block. H. COOK.
FO l l Oita and Bran, comdattily kept on
hand ot PEFFER'S,
Nov 13, - At No 3, itcatticon Block.
JUST received by lateet arrival, at the old stand
of Hitchcock Zimmerly, a well selected
stock of FRESH GROCERIES, of every des
cription for family oac, tomb as Teas, Sugars.
Coffee. R ice. Pepper, Alsdice,Cinnatuon,
Nutmegs. Ginner, Molatres, Oils, Fish, Floor,
Cheese, Tobacco, Fruit, Nuts, &c.,•which are of
fered on terms that cannot tail to snit our custo
mers Please Ore us a call,
N. n .—AII hinds of rummy produce token in
ezehange for groceries.
Dec. 11. - A. IL HITCHCOCK;
CA"LE Chains ofdifferent shoe, imitable for
draught chaino . or Pnw mil.,. end will be cut
to any len t :th to suit pnitilipore.
tor. 6. GBO, SELDEN & EON.
;C OIL .
tv for rwises, Cattle lind
lititti 4 , lit ttliq of the
F.4tola, Safest,
Serails, LeititCllC Si,
S Mu CrtiC LS,-
FO'lllihrtd Fret,
cratchis ur Urfa's,- -
Man g'e,
Mom I);steirper. ,
Family Embrocation foe
'min I.lcsh, t..tich as
E.;:, set al Poison*,
l'ai , ..fd .Vervous *Vic;
f ki.V.,
Cori. 8, -- 11 . hillint 8 i
('holl.a,. v.
Chopprd ,I fond*,
-, Sirritiors, il'uttoidif t
K..1;•,1 13 rra as.
lin hi t..-1t Li worthy e
eside. the ereat and exits
he cure of diseases of the
re s file; attracted the atten•
f :ent , r, and the wonder ot
t tint• been successfully em
ety at the atatairms which
,t 1 it has 1 rov64 by the
pe; formed, on the Li-merry:L
ed wi,h‘ntrittive properiiekt
i. bit., ‘‘liich Las establish , .
,I cottfidence. -
merfeit ertielt.,amt be sore
sorntr.rna, - G. W. Mer
own in the bottle.
ksy oppis a d iFell !CR, and
num dilct %%Melt accompa
n S:. .0., Erie; S.'s. 4. FT
'bin; nd D. ' N. - 'Webster,
in.,liery .1-...Wheeter, Lock-
I ! • 1)50
OUR 814450 n:
flimsy Organs cured by
'CM?, VIA URSI, and co
nd acne diseases of the
.itso, chronic
- Goat errhtta„
Chefs, if hifts;
I ~ Strictures,
I - 'Dia;,tits, ie..
Fresh Groceries.