Greatest Discovpry of ‘ t1”) Age. ob., __ Torhi _ -rag etterapt to combine the'ELECTRIC MAYINL ' r FLUID with Pow erftll4sgetable Ex:- tracts in the Om on us atintlititt--to be imp! edeeternal. ly far the removal ofdoMearh The almost unlimited me cgs,' it has altetwith Nampa it at once the GREATEST Drscovettvorrue, AGE. '[ Is eonitintly &Meting cures ol the °fiber utmost importance. The Mom iuered u • loos aro CONVINCED—the most faithless .10 compelled [obi:therein the power sod virtue of this greit remedy. It is universally admitted lobe TIIEIIO3II WONDER FUL COMBINA fION KNOWN' to the WORLD for the IMMEDIATE and pain.j It never fails while there remains iuMelent life to restore a a staid and healthy &came to the capillary 4eesele of the body. and equadirehle drettlation of the blood. y this mesa. Al ccuUrclliv polleris pike, 1 our the most nialiggiaxt forms of DISEASE which cannot be obtained from any ether rem 'ad,. Bach is the power of this combination that it peas to every portion ofthe beman frame* every boae and muscle, vein, sad ligament is searched . :atand made sensible of purifying and beating influence Hence it so es as readily with in:mud as emerald di um lumemear,stances are on emord where this remedy bee restored health to patients so nearthe grave that the most powerfhl internal remedies failed to prOduce any et facY Beck has fre4nently been the case hi INfLA NA TION of he BOWELS—no petient ever need die with this disease where the Magnetic Ointment can he obtained.— That dangerous Epidemic 11110WO to the PUTRID ;ERY SIPELAS can always be cured by this ram y. For INFLAINATORY RHEUMATISM , h is Ointment is the most complete remedy ever prepared. la b 9 eases out of 100 It mill efferd aft relief to the worst came of NERVOUS II EA DA CIIIE in bey =igen. For Nervous Disease. this remedy is oflm u peare re ne. [ Atectloasof the Spine, Rheurpatism, La ;mess, Ulcer ated Sore Throat, Brosichitis. Pleurisy. Crone, Chills. Choler' Merlins, Ague in the Face or &east. Bures.s aid Head. Berpfid e, Balt Rheum, Erysipelas, I named Eyes, Fever Bores, te will be Immediately retie ell by the use • ankh remedy. . DR. BINGHAM% CERTIFICATE. In reply to year pommies with regard lathe results of the Experiments I bane made with your justly celebrated Illagen,it Ointaientt I eve soy with pleasure:that I deem it tti. alb* GREATEST DISCOVERIES 1 IrrliE AGE. Ii N. new nearly two years Mona' I commenced [mine it In my practice, and I have tented it to esses:of Infismara- Non, both local and primeval, of the' ost maglignant hied with universal success* even where all internal remedies failed; I hare eacceeded with Ibis. [ 1 I hare treated cases of intlasalion of the Brain, Ind[i. sestina ofthe Lenge, Intleenation f the Bowed., Indemene- tory ltheumethent. and Chill -be revers, t With perfect [ success; also eases of Scarlet Fever, Canker limb, and Ulcerated I broil and Lan/smith like success. la the Eiledtunks[l , owe as the Putrid Erysipelas,-by which so many valuable litres were lost. I tested it Ire. quectly, and it never foiled of crectieg a speedy and cm tale cure. la came of . taros , Sprains, Bruises, Frozen Limbs, &c. it acts like a charm. No Physician' or Family will bee single day without this Medicine, Iler becomes' acquainted I with It power to cure. . 01 Vail AM, Physician had Surgeon. e'll.1; 11. Y.,1 19, 1846. For thrift particulars anal testimonials, ace pam phis left with each agent. Price 23 and Sti cents per bottle. AGENTS.—Carter & Brother. wholesale and retail. Erie; D. N. A J L. Webster, Conneaut. Ohio; Riley Potter. West Sprinsaield; W. H. Townsend. Springfield; L. B. Jones A Co. Girird* John A. Veen , Fairview. Erie, August 11 , " "" OUR F Cr .Ut i'll i lP is 1:1 ARE HERE! VICTORY! VICTORY!! HURRA! HURRA!! HURRAH! , The new Jew Store again Ahead! TUST received at the Xrto letv Store, No. I, el Fleming Block. State street, a new and-splen did assortment of FALL & WINTER GOODS! consisting in part of BIWA DQLO Cl:VS.—French, English and Amer ican black, bine, brown, gold and cadet mixed Broadeloaths, cheap us the cheapest. ALSO.—Cassimeres and Vest i ngs to match, both as to color quality and price. 0 ROC EltlE.—K general assortment of choice Groceries, which will he sold extreetnly low. CEOCLERY.—A beautiful assortment of crock.- cry at prices that cannot fail to please. BOOTS AND SHOE.3.—Without boasting we can truly say we have the cheapest and best as. tortmont of Boots and Shoes, including Ladies, Gentlemen and Hogs, ever to this city. CAPS.—Men and Boys caps, tha l cannot fail to Alt both the purse and head—come and try. LAMBS DRESS GOODS.—Here we are at • home. We have cashmeres, de , lanes without number and almost without price; Gingham! and Alpaccas, California plaids and Swiss and ri Tart , ton Musli s; wide gimp and gimp cord; dress buttons , c rds and tassels; but what is the --.'use of enumera ing'- we have every thing to ,make the handsome more divide and the ugly enchanting. • SlLKS—Striped.and Plaid Poult de Sobs, • White grade Swiss, - . , Black watered 4. Satin stripe poult de sot, Black and blue b'acki gro de Naples, Black gro I:1e Rhine. • SHAWLS—Of all prices, shades and quality from the cheap cotton up, to the /West silk • . and Cashmere, t 1 GLOVES—Of all kinds, colors and sizes. Hosiery, Suspenders, Prints, Tick ' s, Drills, Fite lodes, in short every thing suited o the season and market. , _ Ready Made Clothing. Our stock of ready made clothing is large and splendid, and will be sold cheap. Ilya do not wish to boast, but we think we can convince any one i by calling that we sell'a good article for a smaller sum than any other establishment in town. At any rate "the :proof of dre pudding is in the eat ing," thrrefore city 1.1 S! 0-71dind the emceed nemher. ISAAC ROSPZIWEIO & CO. Erie, Sept. x5,.1847. - 19 New Fall and Winter Goods. AM miarriceiiin g from New York a g reat Tarim ) , of rich and de s irable g oods for Fall and Winter trade. Amo ng other - desirables now o penin g aro I Eurottior Thibet cloths; drab and black; French printed Cashmeres, bcau:iful patterns and very cheap. 100 p i eces black, drab. mode, plain and striped Alpaccas, one third cheaper than ever before caered—some as low as ix cents Per yard. Shawls, a great variety of new ,etyies; Prints, Ginghams, M. Lain*, and other new styles Of Dress Goods In 'any quantities, twenty-dv• per cent.7cheaper than ever before oTered in this city. 'MI of which my customers an the public aro reipectfully invited to examine. . C. MMM. TiI3BALS. October 9 . 1 e.f 1 7. 2 cIOFFI34 Tea. Sugar; together with a general assortment of Cs merles. for isle by Nov. 6. GEO. SELDEN .1 SON. MitEtKING INK.—David'a, - Payeon's and Ede's lade:table Inks, for working linen, for aale by. Nov. W. BURTON 4. PERKINS. LUMBER WANTED. , • AOmntityef 3-8, 3 4 and I inch Whiol wood 136arda—also, Choir and Bellows_ Planks, for which the highest market price will be paid Dee. 11. CIF.O. SELDEN & AA 0, 1 0 and cotton warp, froni two -li to - eigitt .shillings per yard, Black, Brown, drab, 'plaid;'plairiand satin striped, for sale by seat- • . (2.1 3 11 PS AND FRINQt§, In great vailety. for •JI sabi by LzsTr t et, S CNN CT-1" Clictirtst ~N0r.13, 1847. • . ' 26 • ARPETING..-10Cal wards pallor; halt and C eareetin cr. 'lit pritea earyinn , front 2 and &pence shillinee Per yard.. Also, Floor Oil, cle4tl,. at the areal low men • •, • . • MOSESNOCH.' No. 2 Conneetelal Exehe • ger, French at. - , • S1 -10T by the b a q . Or ih. and 'heartier, to send It iiray, At No 3, • median Mock. 110, AI§INS-- . Pro, ifoultiv . t i'y y elkm.or single .Llt; Iti.; al No. !., Miguel] Bloc , otatiboreet. Mtn. 1.. - . , H. COOK L 111311E=1;1 , .. Greatest Methethe _of t e , Age. STANTON'S EXTERNAL It DIEDY.. TIUNTip LINIMENT .- Has eeeived the 11 above title from thousands kh¢ hare bane-, fitted by-its use. •Ili operalion isonderful.— Never failing ro give immediate rel ief; and per manently cattle , . the diseases fur whtch it is te commende& for the last year I hale placid be fore the public testimony of undoutn i d character from many persons well known- tit oughout the tounly of Westchester, w here the ate t teputstion of this Medicine was Bret establish d. Durinc the past year I have received from a I parte of tbe country a mass of evidence of the great value o'" this celebrated remedy Sufficient to fill volumes, of which I have selected a few certifica es. For the following diseases Hunt's Liniment is a certain, safe and speedy cure. . Rheumatism, Spinal affection, cahnoss and pains in the back and chest„contractions of the muscles, sore throat, quiney, tissues, ulcers, ague in the brest and face, tooth ache; sprains, bruises, milt Rheum, burns 'erouptilosted ftet, bunions. corns, and all diseased of the Nerves. As a strengtbner of the Nervous' Systein f t exceeds all the placers and medicines in theorld. It is 1,4. only neccessary to try it to be con ,inced that it will do all that the proprietor prolesiep. Its rep utation it constantly intreasing, and Lin every in stance where it has been used it le al rays kept as a necessary 'Family Medicine. It ed the evi dence from abroad: , Geo. E. Stanton.—Dear air: I consider hmy duty to express my sentiments in behalf of your invaluable medicine, Hunt's Linint t. 1 have for some time past used the Liniment in my practice, for various diseases, and feel satis fied, from the, success attending ire application, that it merits all that can be said In its behalf.-- I consider it one of the best extrrnat remedies I have ever used in cantor Triter. Ringworm, salt rheum, pains, bruises, cute, swellings, Ste.—The cheap rate at which the article is to be had, pieces within the reach of all. It.ehould from the prin cipal external remedy of every family. [tenet. Batten, M. D. This Liniment is sold by all the respeemble Merchants and Druggists throughout the country, and by the Proprietor at Sing Sing. N. Y. . GEORGE E. STANTON. Forst& by J. H. Borton &Co, Erie, B. C. Town North East. J. Clemens Fairview; S. L. Jones & Co. Girard. Jan. 4.8. - 184 S. - - - • 3m 37 - S. SMYTH 11111 HAS. JUST RECEIVED IL from New York, per Fomroy's Exr•ess, the Spring Fashions, and is now ready to eAectite all orders for HATS in the latest Fasion, and of a better quality than can be purchased here or elsewhere. March 16, 1946. 5 ILVEIt W AttE.—Silver table, dessert, tea, .salt and mustard spoons, tongs. ladles kilts. butter and fruit knives, constantly on hand and for sale by G, LOOMIS & co., State st.. nearly opposite Eagle Hotel. July 17. 1847. ' Pekin Tea Company's Agency. NO. 5, REED HOUSE. TT can be no longer doubted that the establish ]. ment of the above agency in Erie. has enabled buyers to obtain tea from twenty.] tim to thirty three and a ,third per cent less thee formerly, and has consequently reduced somewhat the profits of the old dealers—lt's no wonder then that they wince under it, and by raising the cry of gitun. bug" endeavor to injure the credit -- of these Tens, but they can't de it. Spit out your venom and ill natured whitticisms, gentlemen. they are perfect ly harmless, a discerning public know full well the motives prompting you. These teas do and will sell, notwithstandinz,bet ause they arc !later and cheaper than can be had elsewhere, and be Cause they are fr rah and put up ao they will keg, fresh any len:lth of time. Every package ia war ranted full weight exclusive of the paper and foil; these aro facts and no "humbug," as all w ho have tried the teas know! and those that have not may. Buyers wilt Ilease not confound names. The only place in Erie where the Pekin Company's tea can be had; is at No S. Reed Douse. of BURTON 5, PERKINS. Erie: Dec. 4, 1817. 29 ERE! 0 o o gli a 15 PIECES Paper !longings, Borderi-g and IN indow Pend among which will be found some of the "Rough and Ready sort; Oct. 30 GEO. SELDEN & SON. TRUSSES. -A good assortment Marsh's, Tietnan's, Thompson'd and hi ne• hart's Tram asnried sizes lire sole low by CARTER & BROTHER. Ladies Dress Goods. OREGON Plaids, cashmeres, Alouselen do k../Lanes, Plaid, Satin stripe. back and blue black Alpaca, French, Scotch and American GI inghams, French, English and American calico, a laic as sortment open and for sale cheap by. Erie Oct. 30. GEO. SELDEN 4. SON. DETROIT ALE On draught and for sale at No. 1, Perry Block. by T. W. MOORE. Nov. 5. 1817. 25 3339 LBS. Ela:vanti, New Orleans, Loaf e-F Lump, Pulverized, clarified and Ma ple Sugar, selling veris cheap nt PEFFER'S. Nov. 13. 1847.. E ; No 3, American mock. LIVE OIL—A superior artioluTur Ihmily.ude O fer rale very low by Fl. COOK. SUGAR.L-Pulvtu ized,,, Crushed, Muscovado, Ptilto Rico and N. O. Sugars loner than ev er at No. 5 Boum!! Biocit.. Dec. 11. H. COOK. SUGARS.—Loaf, crushed, Pulverized, Clari fied, Porto Rico, Havana. New Orleans Su gar for sale at No. I, Perry Block. Aug. 28. T. W. MOORE. _ _ ALIEN & COITI, have on hand a large stock of Broad cloth s pilot and beaver do. ceps'- mere., satinnete, vesting., and other goods for gentlemen. which they are selling very low for cash at tile New Store. Dec. 18. HA RDWA R.E.—A general assortment of Shelf Hardware. together with, a largo as• sot tment of carpenters's and joiner's Tool.. Nov. 6. • GEO. SE:LIMN SON. CAVE YOUR ASHEES-,-I will receive good home and field ashes at my Aehery near the new furnace. I S. JACKSON. Jan. 1. 1849. I2BOXES Fresh Raiei ris %reale cheaper Man can be bad t Isewhere, Nov. 6, , No. 3 American Block. • • 29g0 LBS. Rio, Java, Cuba, Levin* and qwW St. Domingo Coffee, selling at emboli advance shove cost. I i Nov 13 At No. American Block. HAVANA, Principe, Spanish end Clonneuirif vigil!, At No 3, Ameriveri Block. , 673 Gallons Ohio Slone Ware, selling a small advance above cost ; Nov 13. At No 3 American Block: MEDICAL 'BOOK . z UKITED States Dispensatory, by Wood & - Rath. Family Physician, by Doct.Beaeb. New Remedies. by R.Thingbison. M. D. Consumption Cured, by S.S. Fitch, D For sale by BURTON & PERKINS. Nov. 47. T HE PICTURES.—Some beautiful painting of Birds and Flowers. Also some 'very tine Views done by the brat French Masters. • Dec 4. • - CARER. 1 4. BROTHER.— WANTED,—The subscriber will pay }l►o highest price for all kinds of Lu►nt•cr de livered at his store in Eric. ' M. MAYER. Jan. I 1818. r 433 Mass, FEET Window ass, from 7by9 to ‘F 20 by 30 inches, from the eastern fac tories, warranted a super/Oa - nick. Glass cut to any size or shape without oxtro charge. Putty alitays on hand. Dec 4. - CARTER. 4. BROTHER.' ' Td Tf=iE TASHION,ABLg. - LIXTRAtT Vine vonella Bean, Bider Al- EA -mond, Ex. •Lenimon. Rose, Watei,-: Mucci Must ard,'W him o anger , Pure Oil ve Olt, Cayenne Pepper; Cinnamon, Cloves and Nutmoes. , Dee 4, CARTER' St. BROTHER. -MOTE. PAPER.-'" II Plain. Gilt edged and Embossed Visiting Cards. . _ INKS.—BI6O, Bracti„Retf i Vertiiiee.lbidelible, fndian. etc. etc. by ` • ' . Dec. 4..• • CARTER 4. BTIOT A Ea. - • - - , '.on-ilan4 .• .. ._ , . _ . - A: good supply of slac i .Ptest - er; MMus 'Fish, ri. Lime sod Solo sod •Uppetistather e for:ealo Is cheoPos the ohe_spest by ‘t ,' -,• .. ra; l 1 ' ' MILLIAML es WRIGHT CERTIFICATE. =MM WINDOW GLASS. CLICK NER'S. SUG • ILCOATED VEGETABIA PURGA- ' . , TIME PILLS, Aiille'ticaversally emitted to operate; not only O 4 an effectual preventative. but Its never failing remedy, in all