Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, March 18, 1848, Image 3

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    vogni ptis, Telegraphing and Newspapers.
We recollect seeing an aunecdote of an
Irishmen who had taken a contract for spri nk
-1114 the tweets in a country village; and just
is be got his preparation? . all made, and be-'
j eu business, there/Was an unusual shower
a ru i n . Poor Pat, in the agony cif• his soul
exclaimed, "And sure this is a queer c0un
,try....45 soon as a man gets into-a decent bu
siness, sure he is to have opposition." The
rule seems to hold good in the newly • discov
ered method of sending messages by Light
ning. It has been but a few weeks since the
T e legraph office was opened in this city, and
already the wires are upon a second line, and
e n Ace nearly ready for business. We are
a lso assured by J. J. Speed, Esq., who as
sumes to represent the Morse interest, that a
Telegraph will be built the coming season,
from New York City, en the route of the
New York tz. Erie Rail Road, to intersect
t he Lake line at Fredonia, and that the New
York wires will be extended up the lake ,to
Detroit and Chicago, giving the towns on the
ekes a direct communication with' the city
without rewriting. This will be a great ad-
Tentage, as it will prevent delays at 80 - tralo.
The Telegraph will be decidedly injuriots to
, etry papers, unless their subsbription lists
so be materially increased, as they will lime
o pay large sums for Telegraph reports: but
ha more-lines of Telegraph we have the!:iet
er, 53 opposition is the life of business.
In connection with this subject, we may
swell say, that we are making arrangements
o issue the Observer three limes a week from
nd after the first of May. The price of the
ri-weekly will be three dollar's per year in
advance. It will be issued on a medium
street and printed on entirely new brevier and
' nonpareil type. The weekly will be contin
ad as heretofore, and as this arrangement
's will enable us to give a larger amount of read
ying matter than previously, we confidently
rook for a large increase tocour weekly list.
_ -
Grit is poor encouragement to toil through
ife to amass a fortune to ruin your children.
!,'•a nine cases out of ten, a large fortune is
4,- he greatest curse which could be bequeathed
o the young and inexperienced. Editors
nd Editor's daddies are never guilty of such
'13 , 4 go
Gen Cass in Delaware
The resolution in favor of Cre'n. Cuss for the_
I residency, says the Delewire Gazette, .which
~ppears among the proceedings of the Conn-
r y Meeting of Saturday, was adopted itiruni
,, (may, a result, owing, as we believe, to the
nigh appreciation of the character of Mr. Cass
s a Statesman, a Democrat and a man, sup
%..rted by :the generally prevailing opinioit
hat his firm, constant and consistent support
the Administration and its measures, with
umerous other distinguished services reader
the country, has rendered him by far the
ea,available candidate yet named.
Nomination of Hon. Levi Woodbury.
At a meeting of the Democratic members
f the Massacluisetts Legislature, held at the
'late House, on the 7th inst., lion Tam
Vuonnu ar was unanimously recommended
$ a candidate for the Presidency in 1848, sub
lect to tho decision of the National Conven
ion in May nom.
Mel Sulu by Wholesale
. of thePhi'adelphia Saturday
ourier, has sued the editors of the Philadel
oh'a American, News, Bulletin, Saturday
us t, Scott's, Weekly, and the Lady's Book,
or libel, in publishing statements in relation
a his late controversy with Airs. Holden, the
.idow of his deceased partner. •
(I?'Mr. Clay, Mr. Van Buren, and Gen.
tainea, attended a grand ball at the Broad
ay Theatre, New York, on Thursday etl
Cut. R. M. Johnson is generally spo
en of as the democratic candidate for Goy
mor, in Kentucky. The choice of the
lemocratic party could not fall on a . better
(1:7"_ AIN Kendall, of the New Orleans
icayttne, is now io4a. York, on the Else of
.eparture for Europe, to bring out a book on
lexico, illustrited in Parisian style. So
ay our #lehanges.
o:?•Tiebitligto punish Seduction and Adul
, ery were respectitely rejected in the New
York House of Assembly a few, days ago—
the former by only one vote-37 members be
ing absent:
111 The Fredonia Censor says its cotem-
Pahry of, the Express compareS himself to a
row. Understood in the masculine gender,
A mere apt and truthful comparison could
not hare been made—his value only con-
Cats in his feathers. -
very extensive fire bccurred in Mil
witikia, nn the 4th instant. ,! Several build
ings and stores %ere consumed. Loss esti
mated at about $,OOO. Insurance will coy
eribout one half this amount.
07" The number of persona who have ar
rived iii`N,ew York from foreign port during
the months of .15rnuary and February of the
present year, was 10 ,890—being 3,103 more
than the number who arrived during the same
months in 1847.
ate the Poor Whig Abolitionists.
The Washington correspondent of -the
thin Statesman, under date of the 23d ultimo,
'as the following signficant paragraph. We
epy it for the benefit of our Wilmot-povi
an-Abolition-whig-Taylor cotemporary of the
Commercial If certainly a rich morsel.
"Ong item more for the benefit of the oho
lillen portion par excellenc e of the whig par
if! It s well known that General Taylor
its recently purchased a large plantation in
.e fertile cotton and sugar growing region
ef the ltio Grande. ' Major i Bliss, the well
known Aid-de-Camp and Sec retary of Gen.
Taylor, arrived in Washing. n to attend to
the political ; official and pee niary intersts of
Lis Chief , ou the 19th of January. The
1 ,
test morning the Washing on papers con
tained the following advertisement, inserted
in commit:pot/a places. This will show what
Mr. Atti:de-Camp Bliss is after:
,""•-• 11 1:AVES.%-rßoye end gide wield be pre.
( erred: bit to ave:d ‘tepaietio &mates twin be taken.-
trepueals are invited by letter, n,
schires.ed to A. 8.. Wreb
kglee City. postage instil, at say time between this sod,
tit. Ist of July.
LARS; just the amount of the saliry,• of a
Major General during the Mexieen 'war. The
Pertienhq attention of the anti-war, anti-ala
rery whih of Ohio is called to the abase
d ocument, since in a few months they will be
relied upon to cast their votes for the Neel
„deer). "Le the poor Indian:” Lo the : poor
° lreiCen! Lo the poor elate! to the poor
l belitinnistft! Low Boor witiory!".
Whig State Convention
We learn by telegraph that the Whig State
Convention met ar,liarrisburg on the 15til
3. B. Jpimsorr ) Esq.; of this county, Presi
dent. of Union, was
nominated for Canal Commissioner—W. F.
Sohnsorii-of Armstrong, and Samuel Bell,
Berks, were choEea Senatorial delegates to
the National Convention, and T. M. T.
' M'Kennaii, of Washington and, John P. San
deryan, of Lebanon, Senatorial Electors. •
We learn that a young man named Dewey,
of Wesleyville, in this county, accidently
shot himself with a rifle, on Wednesday-last.
He was leaning on the rifle at the time it
went off. The ball entered under the arm
and come out at the shoulder, shattering the
,shoulder joint and arm, in a most horrid,nutn
ner. It is very doubtful whether he recovers.
cf?' ll,wace, Mann, is the Whig candidate,
for Congress, in Masbachusetts, in place of
John Q. Adams, deceased.
(Cr The New Hampshire election, an far
as heard from, shows-a Democratic gain frc
last year, over the whips and their Hale al
lies. The Democratic candidate for Gover
nor, Williams, together with a Democratic
majority in the UTislature,, is undoubtedly
IT IS SINGULAR. --The Philadelphia corres•
pendent of the New York, Herald, says:—
There has been a curious coincidence in re
lation to U. Clay's tour, that cannot but
strike the observer of passing events. The
day after his triumphal entrance into our bor
ders, was marked by the rolemnities attend
ing thq funeral of Major Twiggy; and now
be leaves us just on the eve of another testi
monial to a departed 11, orthy. He is to en
ter New York to-morrow, and the next day
that city will be shrouded in mourning in re
spect to Mr. Adams.
Cimonoronm AGAIN.—The Cincinnati
Commercial pays, the recent accident there
has not entirely' shaken the public faith in the
use of chloroform, On Friday last, at the
Commercial Hospital, a very• delicate opera
tion was mnst successfully and safely per
formed. Chloroform was administered and
a child was taken from the side of a Itidy, she
exli43iting, no manifestation of pain. iier un-°
ntamical construction was such us to prevent
: Mr. Clay is to be kissai into the Presiden
cy, as Harrison was sung into it.—Boston
A %cry dangerous precedent. If this mode
of conducting a campaign becomes establish
ed, n great many men wilt start as candidates,
merely fort he fun of electioneering.—Er. Pa.
tty: ~;i xy y K.vv ~► x:a na Y.~: a. M: ~ xr~ x;iy x: ~ ya
7/7111ILJP.V.111 "wmasm.T )
WARE. &c. &c,
Flour, b l lil fci 'dui A pplee, dried el 00
Buttes, 1 " 4 12/ , Map). ' 1 0a12
Lard, ! .... E rg.. dos to, IV 51.71...ta.
Flom, 7 Maple 10
Shoulders . :at 6 Orleous, 1102/
Potaioel, 50 Lout, 12a13
Curu weal, lio4. 51.1'Poudered 15
I . - GIIA:N.LI,7MBER• -4
Wheat $141,13 Shingles fst 1542 25
Morn, i 411 Block Widow 10 , 111
. 1:3 c, 141 l'ilie,l.l quality 10410
Oals buish - t 5 llotaitick, M 5.00
Barley ' 117a40 Ist quality W. W. 040,00
-- rum. I ld do do 5,1 n
Hard wood, curd 81,50 Cherry ' 12.1 4.
Pori 1,25 White oak 7,51108
Bituminous Coal, touLEATHER.
3,30 1
Solo, lb • 15420
Anthracite, do 83 1 0 Uppqr heavy 3:1a171
Sperm candles. lb 44..:,01 do light • 371111
Tallow, do 1 4 Castings .l4 d,
StCanada, 1:51 l'h”ter too s7+lB
SEEDS. 'Solt fin e $1 7 i
Clover. Bush 2,00
Timothy $121 1 15 1 , .. ' co . or ' se,
• 541,501 i!... !mg 28 Ills 31
ri,, toit4a . tallow lb 10
Huy, ' te, on' Mutt.). do 8
lines was, `2;) 111ine, hash. 25
Beans 81 I C% . bite fish, bbl $750
Pork, (in hey) 1.141 :Coil fedi, lb 0
Been .' ' 3it9'11..r Iron, lus
Peaches dried, Ili 121 , N.dls, l.ljg.
Sways 's Compound ,Syrop of Wild C Reny, is
wild and pleasant to the taste, pet fe. tly.tirc and hinnies
in it• °per:Winne, and vet is one Of the mart powerful and
certain' remedies 14 Co euugdmu of tho Loot-, Coughs.
oh.tbmi. sioilior 01'111..4. Liter Complaint. Pains
in the Bide or lire la nod general debility of the Cousti•
tittfon, that ever was lose:Sett by the skill of man for the
relief t i ( the afflicted pnblte. Certificates and evidences
of to onderful curia. c powers are daily received from
all quarters. It is impossible to conceive the aggregate
of mar eine a n d mire. y. Ilia has been relieved or bantslied
by it; 'totem) we calculate the immense benefit that shall
rcerut from It llefellfter. All ages, sexes and, constit
on• are alike...fleeted bt it, and 111e.11,,t,e is eradicated'
front the system, the constitution repaired...and health re
stored 11) the .u•i• of Dr, 'So, at. !Wt. Compound Syrup of
tt'tld Cheri II ire. 111 tic %offerers do we it behold
n pproaching le All untimely grave, it rented, in the biome
'of omit from their re! .riven tad friend., tilibcted with
that fat it malady, Con•umption, tt bit.h Wrl-le% the miser
able, sutler •r iii he. is beyond the pottier of human chill.
If suelesufltrers fetid o .1v make trial or lit. EwnYtte's
C..mpouatl Syrup er IVtld Cite. iv.-they would frail them
selves sooner rennin,' than by e diving the various inef
fective remedies with which our notrapapers almond; this
'Vegetable Renteily' heals the id: aerated lungs stepping
protein night snouts, at the same time inducitig.l patina
and healthy en pel,torat ton. and the patient will soon find
himself in t h e enjoyment of corlicartaide health The
public should brat in mind that u r ,swvoo in a regular
practicing Mot has hail iN ears or experiince jn
lien tree 14010 bangs. Chet. Sr. The (original and only)
genuine article i• only prep tri'd by Pr. S‘vnyeo N. W.
mistier of 14mlith noel Race streets, Philadelphia.
Swaytio's Compound-Syrup:of Cherry Is put
no id Yip are bottles, enveloped ttjilt a 11311 , 1 , 501 1 M tteel
CllttfayOle, lie wing the signaturA of De. II Swayite, and
la told by arzents in all of the principal town• throughout
the United Stater.
Burt , a 14 . .. Perkins, Na. 5. and Carters. Brother. N 0.6
"toed House, Agents. 4ta37
keeping always on hand 'a huttlo of Merchant's
Celebrated Gargling Oil for Iforrino or Ouiversal Family
Fieuhr. cation. One cum; says while bdcing a pot of beans
from the 01 en for his 'better halfr the hot fat ran over
upon his linds, w ich caused a great alarm and Inuit calls
for tha [hireling Oil, (w hie h liy thei way was on hand) and
%%Ida was at once applied and tho t ands si on cured with
out suffering.
See advertisement in this paper. A pamphlet or des
cription may he had GRATZ. 00111 d pgenl.
Oi t a history of
1:1 one put
o l St r. ll:: sin gula n re „e7, l ll w tr o k f prem. char
acteristic of the American peopleAtio-a-licad a-th .
which has ever taken,place in thin country. A business
of one hundred thousand dollars per year built up from
nothing in the short space of four years We are told
that the EOM% of Vaughn* Vegatablo Lithontriptie Mix
ture, the Greut Am. rican Remedy lithe been brought to
their present emermons rates In (nor years only, So
famed is the article r.r its singular medic-al prepertier,
that it is used for all diseases ie till parts of the &world.—
Agents tell wonderfttl stories about it,•call on them, and
get • pamphlet. See advertisements in our columns.
DIED— On the Bth inst., Mr. John Reynolds,
of Witterforti township, aged about 46 years.
On th 19th ultimo., in Springfield. Mrs. Amy,
wife of atnes Gee, in the 51st year of her age.
Her death was caused by that loi'llwome disease
called the black•, which terminated her
earthly existents in a very short time.
On the 6th inst:,at the residence of her sen,Jacob
Metzler, in Millcreek, Mrs. Elizabeth Metzler,
aged 82]years 4 months and 4 days.
R. .t
IE Practical Ratter, —
WILL introduce the Spring Fashion for Hate
this dsy, and would most reispectfully so
licit hi 4 friends and customers to call and exam
ine t hia yeti, gentlemanly appendage.
Erie.l March To, ifilS. ' 44
' E to the subscriber in Harborcreek, on
refi 4th; a red Steer with some white 'on
f 'itrid flanks. Tits owner is requested
e 'profetry pay charges and 'take him
Leh ifl, 18113. ' 3t44
C A'
his boll
to pro'
• Mar.
- SUGAR CURED . ,' -
MS 4• SHOULDERS of the first quality ,
ir tie bott,^lit cheap at the store et
1-.• W. C. & R. P. • HULBERT.
pn 19. lff4B. . .44
--- _ .
, APPUBLICATIONS.Mo4azinen,Piano
usic, Lithographs, &c.; constantly
I atNo. 5. Donnell Block. ' ' • - ,
IATH.BRBAS my wife Jdne, and family left
my house on the 15th of February' last,
witheut any just cause or provocation, this is
therefore tolfurbid all persons from harboring or
trusting thchn on my account, as I shall pay no
debt" of their contracting after that date. - _
Erie, March 13, . ' *3t44
THE notes of tliiS bank will tic received in
par for roods; for a few &Lys, al the Store of
Erie, Mart% 11, 1915. 43
:Wines 'and Liquors..
JUST received at No. I. Perry Block, a good
assortment of Wines and Liquors, fur Medi -
cim , s; Sacramental, 'lechanicat and ALL of or
parposes;among which may be found the follow
Pale Brandy; .otard Brandy,
Cogniac no, : St. Croix Bum.
Jamaisa Rum, N. England du '
tiollantrGin; Pine Apple Gin;
Port Wine, , Mdderia Wine,
Scotch W lasi, cy llish Wl.iskey.
Mononzahela do COIIIII.OII i' U.
Drat. 1 1 T. W. monnr..
Teas! Teas'! Tens!!!
TEST received by Expres3 a fresh lot of the
J 'Xew York CA'TO' Tea-Company's superior
TEAS - i .-which will be sold at prices that cannot
fail to suit purchasers. Try this Tea_und you
w;11 buy no other: Forsale by
- T. W. 11100UE,
N0..1 1 Perry Block.
Erie, Alhreh 4, 1g49. • 42
T E'll'EltS of administration having been
granted to the undersigned on the estate of
Olnin Howard, deceased, late of Leßtrufr town
ship, in the coumy of Fr ie, Pa. All perso is in
debted to said estate are hereby requested to make
aynient and those basing claims against the
same, are n (vented to present them pooperly au
thenticated for settlement
• Nlarelo 4, ISIS. Gt4l. Adin's.
TI -It subscriber . would respectfully inform his
1 friend, and the pnblic generally, that he has
purchased the Shoe Stock and rented the stand
of Samuel Flays, on the east side of the Diamond,
second door from the corner ofSixth street, which
he intends taking pos'sessiou of on the Ist _of
March nest, and he %till be happy to see . and
comroodwe his old Mends and Ell4OlllelS, and
the public at large. Ile fritters him.elf that he
will be able to make BOOTS, SIAOE3 and all
giticies in his line ' of business, to order, with
m2atness, durability and dispatch, and at moder
ate rates. lie hopes to receive, as he will endeav
or_to deserve, u liberal parsonage.
lle will constantly keep on hand an assortm nt
of well monde Bun: a and Shoes, n hich ho trill
ell as cheap; if not cheaper, than can tin had
elsewhere. z A. G A LEL •
Feb 2S. IS'S. 3i-1112
WIIO are permanently located in Erie,
%%here all Surgical and Mechanical opera•
tiomtin the science or Dentistry. will be done le ith
all Chat ease, neatness and durability which lung
experience anti extensive opportunity, togethjr
with a thorough knowledge of all the into im
provements of the Baltimore Decal College alone
can give.
Drs. Elliott or Rose will visit the following
named places mice in six or eight weeks, viz.
Conneaut, Ohio, 1-:pringfit Id, Girard, Lock pot t,
Fairview, Watertbrd, Wamburgh and North
East, Erie county, Warren and Columbus, War
ren-eounty,-Pa. Ladies and gentlemen living in
or near either of the above named places who
need the services ora Pentist, can be waited upon
at their residence, by addievsing us at Erie.
Particular attention will be paid to the health of
the Gums, as meg as in restoring and preserving
the Teeth. Pivot Teeth gill be inserted after
the latest improvements; also, Plate Teeth, from
one to an entice set.
01 ice and residence on Eight street beim eon
French and State s recta.
N. B Teeth extracted without the least pain
or inconvenience to the patient by the use of the
Clilorulikin. •
Erie,Alaych , 18, 1818. Iyl9
T.HE subscribers.oarphr sale a valuable farm.
eini,t&edin Wane I:ownehip,,in thiti coun
ty, - contsininilai- acres of lank 80 acres of
which,are cleared and under the best possible
s ate•of c'ultiVation—the remainder is timbered
land, a part of which is pine. The farm is well
fenced, has a good orchard or choice and select
ed unit, and has erected thereon an excellent and
convenient farm house, two good barns with
sheds, It has two never failing w.lls of ex
cellent water, and offer's a lino actuation for a
public. house. It is' elso handy to schools and
churches. '!'hey will sell with it , if desired, the
farming utensils on the plats: wagon, buggy.
sleighs, &c., with the teams, stock. sheep, tic.—
Inquire — of JO. 4 EPH P. GRANT, Wayno.
blare, 4, 19-18., I 3112
3 Pieces or English. Scotch end American
fast colored Gingheme, (choice poems.)
Imiether With a few pieces of English Ps kits,
(cashmere pain- NO can be bought cheap enniikh
at. WILLI/11\1S ..S... 7 .WRIGHT'S.
Feb. 26, 1948. 41
A VALUEBLE Form containing about 180
23.. acres of Land, cleared, and has a
valuable orchard and other improvements, situa
ted about one and one half miles from Girard
village, being. putt of the furm of the late Thom
as Miles: Said farm will be sold very low and a
liberal credit will be given. nquire of
GEO. H. CUTLER., Agent.
Girard, Fob: 26, 1848. if 41
C51:11tON, English Currants, Mace, Cloves,
Cinnathon, e:c, etc. at I-I. COOK'S.
March 4, 1346. 42
"DOW DER.— Kentucky !title Gunpowder, a
I very superior article, at H. COOK'S.
March 4, IslB. 42
BROOMS, a good unit:lei-may be had for 12
cents of H. COOK.
March 441845. _ 42
jj COOK begs leave to call the attention of
• the public to a large and well seleered
stock of
which have been- purchased for cash and w•il.
positively be sold lower than articles of, the same,
quality can be purchased in town as all can sail
isfy themselves by calling at No. s.Bonncll Block
State State Street.
Erie, Dec. 11, 1817. , • 30
. Clover Seed..
2fin Bushels just received from the Farmers
LILY of Erie county, and for sale at the lowest
market price, at our mot.° opposite the Eagle
February 3. -
. ,
rptiE subscriber most earnestly desires all per;
sons indebted to him, either by note or book
account, to call without delay and make payment.
His connection with the 'tanning business was
discontinued some months since, and he is about
closing the Boot tlnd Shoe business; consequent
ly a speedy seulehiant of all accounts connected
therewith must LIP hnd scion. By so doing costs
will bo saved. A word to ihe wise is sufficient.
Erie, February j9,IS4S. • trio
medicine for coughs, and consumption
is one of tho most beautiftil and scientific prepar
ations extant. It has gained an enviable repute.
non, without the aid of puffs and newspaper ad
vertisements. The proprietor 'has furnished the
physicians of this place, with the formula rnd
manner of its preparation' and it Nis i :rained from
themes well us the faculiy of other places, their
universal commendation, conseqUently those who
take it may know, not miry its composition. but
that it is prepared b 0 the howl of science. *For
safe ' :)3URTON & PERKINS,
'February 18,1849. . • N r o ReedHouse.
it fie LANE'S VERMIFU9E—Onp gros s just
receiyota by stqae. b,y
Feb y . 10 1818: BURTON & PtRICINS.
O L. 0.0 B S
EIGHT DAY arid 81 h our Gothic, 0.-0. G.
Pillar, Alarm and ccimmqn,l3P the "Ingle of
cue, spry cheap for ready pa y:. r. • , •
• 1. -1 O. LOCIMIB &
State st.marlybpporitnEaffle . Flnttic'
July 17, 1817. ' • 1, • ' •
ti. COOK,
'the lAA Call.
Attention!' Jews and. Gentiles,' • I
bra' eliieo, lihnzaelites, Hebrews 'and Egp
tiano, Sono of Atroo and -Doug-Atari of
Mariam, rice re instruction and be nisi.—
Hear and know that •
Has returned from the EAST, laderp 'with the I.
choictst treasures et' that -ancient region,' and in-
vites you!' attention to the same at the genuine 1
OLD Jew Store, the one that has turned the repu
tation eroding goods tower than any other house
in Et ie, aud thereby established a credit for Jewe- I
ry' that has induced Others to enter tinder thestune
name whereby they hope to reap a profit 'which
justly belongs to hint. Note Mol-es c ishes it to be
undeisioed that he k not u Wandering Jew; here
this year and away the next—a class that at ill sell
to one' person at cost and to :mother ut double price,
but that I he is a regular descendant of Faithful
Ahruhani, and has !Amin d his tent in Erie tt ith
the intention of remaining iii it, and intend.: to
do business as heretofore in such u manner as to
give entire satisfactioo to all reasonable:persons
that favor him with their custom, keep
liiends and make new ones of all that once pur
chase goods from him. That, the 'ld Jew Stole of
Mtsse; Koch tines et More Goodo and at tom or
prices than any usher store in Erie, is plain to he
seen by the course ofothers, who finding their'-ens
tourers dahy deserting them, resort to tnisrepre2
sentation and abuse ()Rho JEW STORE, which
they well know has been thd cause of their loss of
customers and against which they (Brea alt their
forces, thin! ing no doubt it this Store was
out of the way, they could get what they call:the
wed old prices,-,- 61ty to one hundred percent--
such as they used to get before this JEW MOSES
came amongst them. Hence we see every thing
that can raise a Dray load of Tape lint- Bobbin
commences blowing hints( it into notice bt letting
tufa squitrat the JEW STOP.F; but this only
serves to show that they . Arc in great as ant of cint
touters, and that they know where they have ;;one
Now the secret of Goods being sold so much
letter at this store than any other to ohnply this—
Moses goes tight to the !seta of the 111,11 It el, to the
Nlanulieturero rum Impinters - and buys by the
CASE, BALE or PACKAGE, and pays the
CASH dow n , by 'which he makes a double savin ,,
and is enabled to sell goods inEtie at xi hat some
others pay for them in the city; and that there
may be no mistake about this matter he invites all
who want any thing in his Him,' and wish to pay
either cash or country produce; to cull and exam
ine his stock and prices, fully satisfied that they
will find the OLD JEW S'i'Olth: the best place
.tc, get good Goods ut he lowest prices.
Moses begs to be excused f giving n list of
the number ',Mimes olCfoth and Calico. Mtiselins
4-1.4, as the manner of some is—being much
inure pat ably and pleasantly employed in wait•
ina on customers, lie will leave this mode of Mir
fine to some of the or older stares who have
smiler stocks and fettir c
Corner of French F.; EMI) streets.
near the Fat tner:b hotel,Ceonaerehil Ex.
ect.2l,. Ih 17 -23
Something New.
Tvulmiihor takes' pleasure in announcing
1 to the public the unival run» New Yoik. of
an exiengive ussoitinent of Clouds in theirline,
Platt d and Britannia, Ware, Girandoles, Solar
and Camphent: Lamps, Looking glasees,
mien glassware, spectacle., fancy goods and
thousands of useful and ornametcal articles for,
the Holydays, which ['reoffered at reduced prkcs.
[laving selected Watches witli unusual care
flow late importations. those wishing a good
Time piece for little money e ill do well to buy.
Our thanks are due our patrons for layers con. I
ferred in times past, especially fur patioaage re
ceived in our new store on State 'Meet, and hope
by attention to business to retain our old and
'make many new customers.
N. B. Particular intention given to the repair•
ing of all kinds of Watches. Watt It went., .ae•
quiring Engines, which generally is done in the
larger cites, attended to-On short notice.
Goods received by Expiess every few doss
from New York during the winter.
Slate street, nearly opposite Eagle Hotel and 11C:it
door toSpuffoid's Bookstore
Charity covers a multitOdelfsins
ANI) so does Moses Kouh at his eh air land
fashionable CLOTIkING,SI;ORE.
Coate, IDverconts, Punt Vests, Drawe shirts
bosoms, collars, and, everyontiale in the defiling
line, are, to. bebad 25 or 50 , Ecr cent, el) mwr
the OLDIEW S'T ' O'l'C, Ilion at any oth .r t stub '
lishrnent ht Erie- '
end rite roison is just I is, Mo
ses buys all his Cloths, Cassinter4 and I , loupe's,
by ihe . bale and piece, from the N tut turers
and I mportei s and that for cash; rind the ho em=
ploys first rate ail has them mai a up on
his eIVII premises 'and finder Ilk ei kin in
that lie is al‘va3s ease ofhaving a good • ;tide at
two profits less than those. who purals Iteady
made clothing in Philadelphia and Ne v
made generally of inferior indtelial in n r ight !In
substantial manner. Noy thou %% ishin rto pur
chase any artlele of wearing ..ppurel ea i depend
upon nbtaining oldie hest material an I work
manship, and altogether cheaper thifn th•y can in'
any odic; way or any other place in Erie. Re
member the Old Jew Store of MOSES KOMI,
No. 2 Comlncreitd Exeli+nge,F s!.
Oct. 29 t 1817. 114
Important Decision,
THE contested trial that has been c:
rti . a,ny years has been finally settled
of Twelve Ladies, and Cleir decision is,
purest, best, most fr , ut ant and cheapest
be had in this section of the country,'
which tomb from the celtdnated (..7ANT!I
COMPANY. These Teas can be
times and warra»ted to wive entire satis.
the money will be retiMded, of their a 4
ate receitinu fresh supplies wriehly.
opposite the Pate
Sept. 19. 1917.
Great: Reduction of Prices.
A LLYS & ..'OIT will .sell after this their 'en
/A. tire qoelt of Dry Gooth , „ of 25 per cent.- lei 4
thun they are sold in F:ie. Those piiriMasintf
are invited to cal Land prove the truths ot this Plate—
went. The folig wing are a lew of their gouds;
Fine C:ir.,ghams, from 12 to 20 ets. per yd.
pretTon Plaids, richest style 25 " "
M. De Leine, " 14 1.
. Plaid Alpaccas and Luster ? 5 ". • 4,
Plain " -- " 0 " ". •
Calicos iron 6 - to 12 tits per - yd.
All \Voul, ed, White, Yellow and Green
Flannels, Linens, 'Pappas, knapkins, Crash,
Diapers; Brown and Bleached Cottons very low.
and all other goods usually kept in well ail anged
Stores at very low prices to "astonish the natives"
Dec. 18, . .
JtsT received per schooner Aurora Borealis, a
fall cargo of Giiard Bluster. For sale at • Ile
ware house; public dock' by
January 29. iCASO Sr. LOO,MIS.
COACH and Furnitora Varnish, and Varnish
Brushes, for sale by
• • ...
By Expr e ss.'
ALLYN & CeIT have Just received, as above,
several cases new and rich Prints, with acm
other line and nice goods. which the ladies - are in "
vitcd to call and lied at the New Store, tdieapside.
Jan 20, 1849. ' 40
To the Honorable Corot of Quarter Seasbies 'of
Erie county,. It lay Term.
The petition of Bed. F. Norris, of Greene
township, in raid comity, rispectfully represenie
that he is well provided with Houso .room aria!
conveniences for the lodging and accommodation
of strangers and travelers, at the iatiee'On Norris'
Hill. which he now occupies in said townehip.—
He therefore prays the Honorable court tit 'Ount
him a license for keeping a public inn or tat.ern,
and he as in duty bound, will pray. &c.
We, the subscribers, citizens of the township
of Greene. in which the above inn or tavern pray,
ed to be licensed is p!oppnetl to be kept, tip certi
fy that Reid. F. norms, the shove applicant, is of
good repute for honesty and temperance; and is
well provided with house remnant} conveniences
for the lodging and accotrimodalion of 'strangers
ond travelers, and that 'such' an' inn or tavern is
necessary to aceotninedate the publie ond enter,
tain strangers rind travelers., • ~
[Signed) PateiS. %Voolley. , James ,Johnston,
sr. Rowland,Niebols, James Jackson,. John- , C.
Or:thorn; Robert -Tate, Archabuld Alexander,
John Johnston, Lucius A. Rom ? ' roe, John 4tin t jr
James '
.March 11, 1818. • • • - , • •
.A 44
ROADOLOTHS and Cava . itri:;ra .of , Aklatioit
ever' co lor, 1 00tes.14 1 91itY an,4:PriF9ol - . l ll'
."Cheapope, by • • • .. •! 4 ' ' ~..-'-
) 3
• l u g . 1.7., . • intowl & AlozrAitirrAi:
1 ', • , -., -- - - 1
t , -7-- ---5 : - -i - y ,- -- i ..- 7. -.7-•
• :...- - ..-; - ,1 ,- ;e•-,-1.v i = , ...Z . C. ...
• z ._ . ..... , ' , -7 - -',....
l," K.; c.; c "t'vx.7...7÷-.::::- - _-,
i 4 "
.. t . : , ,--5 ... .. 71
' ' =' ,7 T-- - -=:- -- ="r t • A it .
~ 7,... -7 :11÷ -7 ' . 1 7.41.'r
~.......,....'''. , • -, ''', 4.f. 1 -27-'- 4 ' 1
' t' - -4 . 7 Z. ..5 . -', ": 1 1' ~ ••• ' ' 4 ' l . - ' 7. ----.. - ft----. •-:-..: .- 1
0 \ ~....• ...,.. .-,...:, '
.- - 1: - 11- . 1 . ..: fr,416.7 ' 1 - .-'•':i-- -- -T.'-7 - 7 - 2f-' - ±
, - -7 - - - - -- -7:-s:' 1.... r. -•' - --=--.
• • 1 2., - - 1 , 7_;•-
••- ';:•'-':-4. - --17... L. •
.“.• -...• • •*, ‘ V = - .. . 4 , ,,..,_ 1,.-.:.
: - 7. . . .- - .1 -, ..---:.
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-- ":" - -. F • t- -7 -z -7• '—'40!--; - ,-";.- - Z-7-Z.,,- --
Coincidence of the crlpturelludcor Cut lug
AND TILItIN Tar. 'lid: Or
itirrALsaratirc , 111.1...DIEJILL1NG
ONE of the Most interettine fact., recorded i title Itible,
I. that which relates to the treatment o the , ick .tud
thocure ofdiseturee. Most persons, perhaps, may not be
nware that the Bible, from Inginttiog to end, makes men
tion of hut ode method or healing the siek,lind that is by
external application - . It may at faA appear stratqn that
a work no comprehensive, taking ;to date fro.» the foun•
dation of the world. embotl3, leg ICI.I tin ; . 1311.11Illt of useful
end praette II information, and extending of er hi-tery,
exprrience mid inviiitiob , f so !natty e (+aerations of emu,
as the Bible, Ouneld teach hut ono mode. and ant er hint
at any other, of betilliti Ithe maladies of men In all the
passing ageS of the world. Is It tint, therefore, a 'Utica
caritas In rempare the oi with but effectual molted of cu.
Hug the :kit recorded :i the B..rionte., and the emziph
cnted,qt-ec..rwlunwl one i tlnnernus pr.... , t,ttee of the pre
sent day? - ' .
When :11..:0% was a law giver in i:ratl, whet. IleteLitili
swayed bi 9 onld seerre'oter Judah, as.:l when the Sav
ior Kiva:fred for the redemption Grillo world, 4,Nhlyeard
from "the emu inn, the eater, ideutteui, thop/e, hut wh.c
practice ever I:retailed, and was a :opted by each in Cicir
turn. This rule W4l , laid d -we by thoSuprome Got moor
of the Universe io the ijurisprudence of Iprarl, it was
precut ed In their nation xithout change till the ruining
of the Savior, by whom and the (Thurch it was rem:nett:r.
et! and stamped with th : laver w Inch bath, reason:ex
perience mot high outhu ity could give it. Es:or:wrap-
Oh:mien teat the runt: o I 0. olutrubut was the nitait., or
Particular Instruction. mid great arm:, were laid upon
the purification of the ht dy —to wash the surface, then to
melte a liplivaiion of 61 demo, w hilt wus the only end
direct means of re.torin.. the skin tot A natural and heal.
thyutttuu, mid thus limn heck the full and free discharge
of the Insensible rem 'ration. It is worthy of itotivs,
that while this method of miring diseases prevailed among
the people God, it having been taught theruityclirei t rev
elation from on high; the Heathen, the (Irceks, andy.t.
mans, held to and practice d in the manner of ills present
day, viz by giving lute nal remedies. While one mode
vi 4: that of external applictitton. canto from Ilenv en, the
ether, that u• internal application. WV' the oaf-price of
heatheu ignorance. inexperience and M thology. The
ono emanated from thatTlivine Mind by the Power of
w hove ward man bccurne, living void the other, the
fruits of cruel experiment, unu.ttural device and ungodly
superstitio• .
'Jim nisi case on rteisid is that of the lepetla Lev. viii,
2 — 6 .Whoit a man shall hat e in the shin of his 11,1 i, a ri
sing scab. or a trio lit spot," /ke...lie shall be li;hutilit to
Aaron, thu priest, mid he, shall pronotinee Win t neimin,"
'kiwis folio% a the s ore in tin nest dial ter, 7th vor•e
..11e !hall sprinkle upou t hini, 0:104 to be elean‘ed seven
times," and in verse 15; "inid the priest shall lithe suttee
of the tog of oil and pout it Into the palm 'Aida loft haul
nod verse 18, `;and the remnant of the oil th t is in the
priers a hand lie shall pour upon the head of him that it
to bo cleansed,' It is evident enough that the purifies
of the surfico, the restoration of the re:110101lb Urn. ,
skin, oars to be the first removal of the disease. Al
though the infect ion lay, on the blood and showed itself
in the eruplien of the skin, Yet no intern it rein, sly I. meis
floated But should a epor appear- slow, what do you
think, reader, wound be he perscriptionl lostet.d of ins-
I t
taring the Ain, bysopeti lig the pores for the discharge
of the waste and poisonous limners of the body and the
impurities of the blood, the pelmet we uld he req mired to
go though a long course IS inward medicine; meet Veil"'
oily physic, pills of coirosive power, In, 2.0 or i! on cuing
to but, and this to be repealed, ad atfinittaa, The .st,sur•
do. a t (hi• wit:ties is 11,0 gs,lsatit to be to:crated by all
v041141.1...1 people.
The neat vase ul lepriosy was that of Nuinn to, tie As•
sy riots, ti heathen, who wee required to wash In Jordon
seven limos. tut lie, a' many do outs, looked fur some
• grew things," nod win
surface by wunhiug, tbe J
Greet Bout the pract
wholly upon lotcrual re'
null exatimed, "ore t
DJavi,cuo,,bet ter than
,found • ihut the Iprincipl
people o(6i/d, n:in by 1 4,
mid relaxing it,iia thut
impure punk:len of liar
bode. He man thbrefin
on ifolu.! Which bp' noun
Tilt. blckiiiint'aud red
timuce of the, corruboru i
upirlteutioo. lie wart. , t
praised for hie Into the I,
shout* be unitie toot 1)4
exteroellY. How sitsgul
Mies were given direct'
fiord to outi oiettr, viz.
Pan spit-Minn, by prope
But lest oei Olin Pkll
lons co faceted With ici l i
in tlionetkat sire Out.
and einpltutic buigmige.
call upon the elders of t
Win, unwinding bun in i
pingo in browland cn
tinily Ina nick, no matter
.it lt, thett.iilrt . , let line
tlr bat are Oft ;henries r
le , s ;Ito wahl'l.liourlio .1)
practice as lucre lain du
and identical dirk tint
nowt-1 twilit-Oil fpr tlolf.
turul and t gwouli tine 't
evactuatiou tluatjgli ite
tioin owl thin; it stem
In the Sinipturcn i
No othor method is i
in the n [tole history of
tiny One Wall:Wee *, lint ,
. . ... ..
000. u 0 arc forced to
ble'otutrncut; or atltor
aulvent, In t.ho proper
W hove time et utc
t it, to the at emu of diso
sou, so swas too other
.cting sn
y aJu ry
tate. of piulosuphy
the compouudilig oribi
W1N.10114 10 special rev ,!
peculiar providence
Both, when brought ,
!less the balite VI: Wes, !
'hat the
Tcas to
lore those
d It all
i;action or
o.itts 11 ho
ty lathe skin, bath
I ilk snd , ‘ Pe
if the pato tory srelll
neverthele.s one and tl
virtue, their coed:intone
irresistable power in't
the sante.
Those common ertic
charred with them, - es
only upon the *wince
llon' unlike the R.ble
meet, which fe.tens Op:
whole length, Muting ti
stomach and bruin, thu.
work of our being, an
internal viscera ma roe
People of tho State
ilea mar inculcated in
All Healing Ointment,
the heathen alone disc.
Of the present tiny?
greatly counterfeited,
public, Unit 'no Ointm
Cu Obtel
of Janine McAlister or , 1
-IMO a pan upon avcry
wog. with the figure°
two. Now wo beret,
Dollars to be Wald on
collrls or the U. $...,0f
or Olultaeot. ' •
rrf For !Ma by B
le - Brotber,N. G, R.
. •
Heaves _ HeavesT—H eaves.
Til ERE never was i s remedy diseoser- d, by the ingenu
ity or mon, for r Mioriug
_discusesfont Iforsed, glint
equalled 'Col.guisprl !NAVE f6wrce , in curing that
most troublertnap. 01, Mate and.dangeros romplaint. If
ketum is at all curabl , these powders p ill just OB surely
remove it as they are taken This is na fiction, as many
of the most retpecto la persona in diffirn parts in the
country, can testify fr ni amend trial pee , two or three
bottles at :must. id a ll that' is necessary u cure the worst_
cases and recent CABO ; and also in cough and where tine'
wind has been, inky , O:3C bottle will be found of greet
terVICO And what i the cost of twd or throe bottles
compared to the lets f arms an ordina • bblael 'Pry it
then, yob who have horses tottering for the want of such
11l article. Price 50 gents par bottle. „ r silts by'
cAitTBn & 0110., Eite,
. , InfrD. VINCENT &I co .w.teipra.
• • , u: !.'TOWN & co.,lristtli Ea t.
31 , S. TEWART & CO.' Concord.
subteribe, a having a goo( assortment of
TNew Ens, , lan marble hall t free' darer.
ant tra i rries, t cultuu ated for 'Head a ,d Fpot tables,
Monunients, &c. Melt they °Wel to sell to tiny
one in Trio cognti, Pa. not living farther than
Cae, lettered in „Apt. rate stale, atiti delivered, at
Vie follbwin_ prie s: §tnall, 'fOf children, 81 60
per fo'oi;'llliddle a ze, ( 'pr aged p,eotle; 81 62 per
f ,5 per Largest sii 81 I'i foot. :Wia Abitilt it
would,be,an.objec _for some of th Byie - eoulity forward so few ineetiptione es we hive
recently been informed by the Friit'aitabloaealbra
i n cat* s bragging way, that they were sticking
-it to Ike Eris ami pravtlord l Fotm.yipeople p
tilt' pd.
They brag very to J of selling:
. -che diP e n na .
mitee'at-from 62 tp $4 per foot!: Bhpßici any
of the people of f rig • county ' be' hi Went of any
thing in epr litte, thity can forward)beii• inaprip•
licinic, inlcanr lb maplveiketd 04.11pil!: bavp'a
Brat pdp actiF,lo 41 (l t w
paborp'prioe. '
Htakm snip -
s & do.
~Westaeld,N: .'Bpp . t. 13 043.1 '- - ' . .17t
5 ICW.PD e STlaft i k. Saiii6w4; Tomv a,
Cgtbup, 4VrtiP. PAW'S §aueet
Olt; MilkiaM, bq Whiter Pc
pelt: 44Tiirlaia a a. 1 ; Pall,' 1 Blioal4 kr_ •
pep4: : B; .• ,T.,4.1400kE.
rti a wait earrti.,,Bisek ti r s ,
.:4. 4 oreatforTea r drtliy in, twit,
!iN. .
o he wee requited to poi if, the
luau was eotitounded• . It wes,dsf- I
lee of the Arityrinia, who relied I
1 ,
undies, that lie becsmo enraged.
t Ahana and Pharpar, rite s of.
11 lie sealers Of Ikratlr . ' Hut lie
JO of &tiring discusesanintig ' the
on the tkirJ by
t would r.loikioato iv. or,, ouluo.l
blood uod general juices of the
re compelled to adopt this tourto
ediritely tecutereJ, -
verfor Itezeleuh he tougher itt
ion 91 the mulcttie o. exterow ,
ck,,ingh unto cleaL. and r.'a n he
ord directed thati a pre!' eretion
iced UllOlllB .tettuao) 01111 appled
lar.the fact, that a hest ally Oolruu
I front the Lord, thhy were nil can
' (110 febtollalOU'ol no Imo Usiblo
Upplicauulllllll, the shut. -
lld think Aiwa eaia were more or
qacalcul itultci, 4 e,,W,llreldr them
n JUnica t, 14, is this relit lr l 1
•1r arty ejch %fill: you?, let loin
l MC11411:11, and 101 Mein Pray (der
tto Haute of the L rd.' 'l'lll. lait2
preltensh 0. It l'acludes all who
' what the'complal it, To cure the
be , nonooreic.. Now I tal e not
1. r teachings of the schools, touch
a the quack.. but 'I contend that the
1 n in the New leetomted, is one
a the utm of toy. II Healing ()ant
.1 - 1 . cult by tr.. 11 It m lie Atli, the nu
Y4l lie I . lllelieliv., 110 full hoe' I ra n
` , urea of the Inf c .1.31.1 e rrrepo,y
to tne, it the in it , f.lpb, j401e,,L,.!
aloud out, and , o other ittnetice
thn Sc' ;Nth et..l ifwe c,fuldthid
physte or drugsikoroconnettaetl
2i. it, luug an there IS flolle-rllO, not
!inns that the use of slime versta
external prepuriitioa;ucting as
intedote to clisra o.
the coincident o t fthe flible proo
se, cud diet to Op , use of I s icAlis
cut. If ono nu/ founded Itt reit
; if one wan ageorclug to the dnl.
etheether; if the lupe tient, tool
• olio carte pointiul out by Juliana,
lotion, the ottiellonlydiffere in the
! kit kd nie to tioildbf.overy.
u boar upon di4eho, crew to po
, at upon the smith principle, ht Ilie
f, by relaxing and impart tug t I tali
iereede the detig4ous use ,rdrtf g .
' admit, to the Teach. - - I
1 to be diflilent, niagredlenh. ore
a &IMO. In 411 heir nearer lbetr
n, their univeroljopplicutiot , their
~ i noving disease ithey o. end
jre MA
es of thcielayns t! Ives are not to bee
hey are Mere s atiatives, otid iii_t
idiom any pow rof peuetration.
eintsiont, Or the 411 Illeeding Oli.t.
.1) every heron ' telling alone: the
low way to die t earl, liver, lung-,
. striking thron - i the entire frame
holding in jest Aimee ilio whole
11 equilibrium tie th the shin.
of l'a.! will yrid adopt tho prac..
he Haile, In the luso of McAllen* es
or will you eh cite that mode which
. cored, and is tho general ptaFitco
the An Healing Ointment lins been
.o base given ibis' mullion to the
nt will be genuitip unless thermic%
All/CCIMCMIStet# Co. are smitten
label.' The lab'e:l is n steel cugra
• Insensible POspiratlon ' oh the
offer a reward , ',pf Five' fluudreq
' ontletton luSatis , of the conetitieted
F. uy porton criunitrfeit Mg our tutu d
• . kloAl3 TER et. CO.
1G South Stkeet. Now York.
Ilan 4:. Perkins No. 5, and Curter
d posse." 'l . - ' "38
t 1
' ,
slilkd B". 10•1
, col. , -,
..I.J.V.;ff t tioN,.
, , '
5 ~ ,~
II re . rroom
. "-THE CRY L Wrlll..Li 'IU(V CiOME. , i
'VERY mail rings iidings of their strecess,
from east to I to remotest west—flout Cana ,
da on tlitTnortii an Mexico end ilia West Indies
on the 'sonth—all re urianimpus in their piltitel
or a medicine sot niversally hnown and es: s eetn•
oti as IVIIIGIIT'S 1,4314 i'I , OI , :TABLE. PILLS, IL is
hardly necessary t *peak in detail. -At no peri•
od of its history h s
repnta:ion of the medi
cine stood higher, and wit may say that no repu
•ation is likely to' a more endurinz. Adapted
to all cdnEtitution , to every form of disease, and
wall climates, 'Wright's Indian Vcittiablo Pijis
are ziliuyt..• every other medicine, 'fitted for the use
of man under 11 ha ever circunmances be may be
placed. At ,e'a o on land, at home, or abroad, in
eutirner's heat' n n winter': cold, c ith a common
rt . trard to the i cb idltions of !lath, and %%Oh
Might's Indian
:,..\ coTtable Pills at hand, thole is
lo ccuse for belt 2 . sick, unless the constitution
elttr from Ihrnantro,
lit. Your Onshore given uni
nuJ jnstly eery popular. I can
dozen annually, it I could be
,'Nr.,Y JOHNSON, it .renh
hr from Jersfy 8. 1 :ore, Pt tt.l
it 'Ye:wattle Pills excel every
'.vcr o'e'reil to the publk in this
itry, notwithstanding! the coin
,w unprincipled mereena I ie. to
its .4/er/hes/fine, Vt.]
right's Indian Vege able P ills
I found their to be the best
•er urea. • I tt ibh to become an
t . them in 1 1 / 1 4 piaLs.
cc, thy,agent belt n it% tip six
',Non Vt...c,altir. Pin., to :cll.--
ell and more waning.
I 161 - tlum. I b.liet e
leo utterly
To Dr.:NV: tVri
vernal Patkaction,
Eelt front 10 to 40
pupplied. Yours.,
Isll II
jErtract ef
thing unlic kind
metuiun or the c.O
hifiLd ts old I,
put t.:lein
Fs 0 elf
".1 have used 1:11
in tny uu,
netlicia,e I have e:
agout fur the
"Fume time ;
dozen NViigic.'s I
They Were scum
The•ie ie. much c•
the arc very
.a .latattia. (itio. I
hat , I si t u II I he ottt of yitur v4l
- fills I), I;tic :t "or tv,tat
.is rag ion f-111)1,1) me, I be,t , ,
e a qaal.Lit-y, iu ~ulne way ur
uaLlu ludiaa Ye
will tliionc , ll
you to forwutd
uno tier.
ioinn. here: admirably AI CP. I:1
Avetihi bedoutora
all their influence to puncht
them; t.rl it I have a coutin
br to -ell many of them.
Tile pills aro
Epitc of tl c opt' ,
who Intve.exer,,e
people Iroin hot i
ued supply I slut
Yours,, 1
./01.1ti 11 FANIV:II.NI.‘::."
0211 SNI V1:117, r a 1
got throu 4 t ) nits the pill; -ion .
and I thiiik I could, in short
lett' dozen more. The iiideker,
cue i shall bell. as the sickly sea-'
re considerably, aid your pills
proved of uencrally tautreuban
a have lied among. u, w SJIIIC
110 not Lnow of o iitstance
"I have nee; fy
IcR and sent ine
time, sell six or
1 get them, thief,'
son is•
are liked anti al
any tneditine
Little. 111 1.1(1/,
Otere t 5 y hay,
S'attle of the id,
reckon they har t
eat will general
Yout, ,S-e ,
Suchime'a Iy
made by men et
arc knoisri all I
Won art not ex
0. P. s two!: t
P Jutbou &
Jo'in 31...Chiee. se
AlerAsans Tpurtell
Riley & PoPer,l
W. 11. TowtDend,
W. H. Townoentl,
0. C. I Orli & Co.
•, I • No'
.1.1111 Clqment.
Wall .1 En UN TM
tern [tied rad d sq.prc,ped
doial :ilt rt , lilt I
never u and tEeta, und iliter
be coristilte,,.
of the tilt eaten! s voluotu 61)
the fir,t, teepee übi iso
IA hose tippet tiptities for ob3Ql ra
elled by any in tho knit.
roa EWE ( CrN'i
Co.. Wutorrord
. lit ant.
I. Union.
re s
%I. o CeNtitNl: ntAN VEnvr,ni.v.
!ickArvity: of Wm. Wltlrna WIt.TTI , I%
IL' Top Z./OF:LW , VA( H nox, Note tr(hee
I !cries( (Idris to OFILV.
el) to the.mle of Irr .1.1
!liolelt..le . el ail. If, I 11;iee Street.
:ireeitnich Strict, New york; and Ite
iJ 181 d. :37
genuine. and
()111. i 7
_l.l, soled
Pl l /
1314,‘:.K. ,
Erie, Jou,pur3,
11.zly 'Tectonic:lth d thot purchtts
12ttior ti!zen's. II - they , xvisit to pro
lc o i l i c ie. Odin' crlei. s .re uhrotql
Foote boving a tOnii4v2: oJsu,cr
u down! By stpe al,o to ask Ix
cf.r.TAus.r. Pim s, for there
na those 1,1110 ate tiliptirldpkti
ny miserable, trash "Indian," fur
Si' It is st
ere 0.0 to the r
cure the tzenui
iu various :Anti
to make their.
are net want
enoutth to that
the Fake of ga
I and Winter Goods.
hers, ore non• receivina their stock
u Winter Goods eonAisiiii ,
New Fa
mrir subscr
1. of Fall a
111.0 x, N
AI,o al latrie
yVindow l'apr
All or %yore pmehuscii in New York at
the inu.i.dt ma 'het price. They do not boast of
1 1^ . mg the lin.;:st s (wit of goods er bron•rlit to
his place, but veil ray they luivo c. gond an es
sm talent, and nil! he q,,1 as chelo rr the cheap
cat, and invite the - public to eall and examint.
!.:o.ods and priers. G. SELDEN & SON.
- Oct. 18:7. ' '
—__ •
1 -
kibrtisliel - U l r I.ljt'ariili II ' eJ and P6l
du , paint awl VurPhe.l do., flesh ( doil i es, h a t
!dial:lna, comb, F.,•rolib;nit, }% imb?w,
hearth, collator and bottle brlilu:Ft her sal& 1.4;
Nov.lo. rtTnN Pi.lll I;
i lsaortniela or ropet Tlanainu and
3500 11)4.- White and Red Lead and Litliartm.
1500 300 Venitiun Red,
8,10 " each Yellott 130 n Park Green,
100 " Chrom's Vel!ow, Green Vermillion.
Indian Red, Utica Marine Blue, Prussian [line
Drop Black, Virdigi is, Latimblack. etc. p
Spit its Tut pentine, Lirkeed Oil, Vaud li, eic.,
fur halo by Witz.rciN & PERKINS,
Nov. Vt. Old firm pt 7. H. Bit. ton St Co.
/I [IBIS. Dye Woods,
.4, ;,LO !bs. coppme, 1
Ft . ,o " Alum, 600 ma(1.7,,r, •
• F•111:1 " Blue Vitro], '2ol] ex. Loawcod, ,•
;00 " cyriwood, 200 ell tiltriol,
IC 0 " Alurtie Acid. . . '
• ' - 311 ' Indie.o, Bengal and Caray t :a.,
211 " volution tin, 10 voi,neneal, •
2;1 " Annetto,
For solo lqw by • •
c A ItTna ks• BITOTIIEa
Nc,l, - ,. .17, IS-17. . ,
cos of Townsend's ` , areaparilla just
ceited, by private "express," in quart bottles w
one_ dollar each. Six bottles for five dollar..
litritTON & PERKINS;
Febina'y 19. 151.5. - 'Sub A4ents.
Money Redeemed!'
CHE Ranh notes of ;he banks that hare re.
eently , are redeemed with goods,at the
store of M. Cadtvell, for their value:
Great Inducements
-The subscriber. make room for an
entire new stock of Dry Godos in the spring ' will
dispose or his preen - lit choice rock of Full'and
winter Goods at a very small advance from New
York cost;•coMprising Muslin do Loins, Ging,
harks, Oregon add California Plaids, Cashmeres,
Alpaccas, Am. &c : and in short, everything in
the Dry Good line.
Persons having cash to Few for Goods, will find
it greatly to their advantage to call, as I.feel con•
fidentyou can save 25 or 30per cent by purchasing
of me„ as I am bound to ft.!! Goods, for" i ash,
cheaper than any ether man in tho western coin.
try. Call and see, at the old Ilisrdware'Smic,
one door east of Om - Eagle.
HENRI( V.tDWll.t..
P.rie, January 15, ISIS.
Attention Pipe-SmokerE.
A"tiood f articie Of Fine cut Smokin'g Tobdeeo
for Ale as above mentioned at the Cigar
:Manufactory three doors caner 119) . EN4e HMO'
and at No. 117 Freud' sneet,
', Feb.. • . .39
. - eigar4-=eigarr3.
Am Wholesale ;Ina Rptail..-A choice •asisort
-4k swat - eon at all Owe 'he taRl at the mono
l'actoiry;44 door past of tip Eagle Hotel,' Erie, Pa.
-.lgrioary 29.1818. 9m37
rtir Sons lei Bonnet Ribborte.—A few pirfet,
I'4 j~i4t teceiyed by entrees, (26(11 errivql we
belieye,l'at the Jew *tore of • •
i:riel l irntie s r i t li.s % l4C°4"l " ) C‘l4an g .
0, matis -and - Il .A . inploitliFul
Prof. Cartia' sc ience. Curtin' Ot t -
Stotric!i, Prod Vi v oirthjil Practice, *Thomson's,
Malaria - 140iCa and •Anarcny,—.T. 3.. Btlerry , t4,
.neW.Matileal..amrlke (tether with Kent? Family
MetliAqo forartia al timAlotanic.otfice,dih
• 1.:V.0 • Dr. W;PlilLo.
TlJ$ -01111111 T 5191/
A N invaluable remedy for hoisea, Cattle and
1 - 1 other domestic anituals, in the cure of the
, - ... _ .
following diliCascs: :
Fresh Woudds,l ' P,stata, Silica,
Ciails of all khids, Efrain', Lotnen: ss,
Sprains, lit'n : V i rg, ' firma eraek.o
Cracked lietls,.l reteiti!, red Act,
Ring-bone, ll'inilgalls, SCrafsfee eor Greats .
Pall Evil, Callus , Mange, ' -
SpatistS: Stet al l ey, Irrent Distemper.
It is laza a Knit ersal Family Embrocation (in.
diseases of Human Flesh, such es „.
Wit tornifispil, 1 Ext : rant Poison 9, -
Biles ofillilitaalS, l i s,viapf ;.'Areous ;l ift e
r .
Frost /fife", iitetis,
Pails, . : (Wats, If Whirrs; •
Burns and 2:alds, - Chink :ins:
Cramps, 1 -
.Chapprd Nail to 8,
Coate-seas/ theXaseles.,, Swellings, Weenda,
If of Mi./obi/se, !Caked Breasts.
Mencersnr's Gattotm Oir..--It h worthy
, o,
special reniatlf; that besides the' great end estia
ordinary ponces in the • cum of e.iseinses ollthc
horse in which tts virtues first attracted the mien
_lion of the ferei r r and f ercnr,tnel the wonder of
ilic public generally, it has bet n - sneer ssfully,etn
played in a great variety el the maladies which
atEtct the human race; and it has proved by the
wonderful Cures it has performed on the lon er'an
imals, that it la,indowcd with curative propeitice
not found in other-two air,., which hits estoblisri
cd its claim+ to general confidence. '
Beware of the counterfeit allele, and be siko.
the name of the, sot.E Pi oenir.:Tor; G. W. Mer
-1 chaht, Lockport, is blown in the bottle. ' •
lt — F'Foi teptimoßinle, synnpeis ilfdisenves, and
tnode of treut went, see pamphlet tOlicli acComp't
ilies catia bot, k. .
_ - s,.td by J. tt. nucton Er. Co.. Friei
_S. S. 4 - U.
F t :esntt. A shtulne i, undo; and D. N. :Webster;
Con:lcat4; Ohipi Lcup:bury . Si...Whetler, t.. 0-
I port ra. . '
I • • 1 3 .51) -
runirw worn isLoon!
l'or Resnoring Diseases of the Blood,
. .
.111.4 , 1f/A Oh an abuze of 11,r- 2, ;nes laid jcials,,
caul, F.fer Cs otilipate e,reo .
Chronic and en uslit uti Jr al DU . Pr Oft .1 in do.
as ouch as I Scat( head,...Fa't Rheum,
SerVula &eon m a (1 aber [gods.
syphi is rltenerial. eJ arisi , gfrimtan .
Ulceration aid Pwrusi no • state of the Blood; byn
the Throat. Nose. Cheels Ilabitual alikeness. Piles.
Lips, Ears, and other parts Chronic offer-tons n/ the ',Orr,
the &alp. - ILungsand Chest.
n.ples cr pr , stniee tisefiveijoi , i.r iJo. •ingth asiddida,
PiScafg pcdcha. and alter ex; I:7ight Swan, etc. de.: %
sci - fi-as of the akin. It U7a,e.eise ma:7i recpmtnen-
Saw Scarreg, ald‘therSc o . drdes"-a CicaPsia? J.Sprinti,
Glair affeeionn • • Medi ine, granu
IVhoc Sirellings. Pains in the. (ilOO.
This remedy is prepared from the etioleelf - se,
lected materials. the active properties of whIO6 ank
ex4rhettd byan iniprmed process, uithout beat; •
on-a - tenant of it is preferred by PhytiiFidnie
ft ,s b o il,g. wore uniform and active than any othei
, tte,
now berore the, pbo
A fell accou nt or tile remarlit!bie t fliesey ostiiist
icinedy, in a variety of cases o t tbe most aggro
voted nature, may be seen by calling on, the
primer or his aflents.
As most good medicines are countetfeited., I?fr
scr.c and call for "Merchant's Sarsaparilla," an 4
sec that these words are blown on the stlasp."Frovr
the Laboratory al Geo, W. NerchApt, Chemist,
Lockport, N. Y.
CWAlmost every pedlar in tfla country is nprf
putting up and iluP9sing on the pttblie, an 11;1449,
ritcv t ail sarsnporilla. Therefore, Dr.wstrx:!
Sold by J. Fl. Burton l co. Eric; S. S. 4.
Fassett, Ashtabula, Ohio; D. N. Webster, Con:
neat', Ohio. 450'
DISEASES of the •li rinary. Mrcans.cured by
l~j the IiNTIIACT or neette, et bust, and CC
sue - us ehronie and acme diseases ?idle
• 81,04(.7 .1140, ehroa4„
Uret , • Gen ordicen,
Proarati; Glas,4 Oats,
Kilnevs, aA4 Strictures,:
Loma, Diatutes,4m: . •
TbiS valteable medicine is, prepared only by
1 C:eo, W. Merchant,' Operative ehentist.,le.C.;..ock.
'port, N. - 11. I
•rull and ample instruclons, tptimonialf, &e.
et.edmpany houle,
Sold by J. 1. Putrton & co. Erie; F.Z. S. &H.
Fassett, Asatabula, °big,' D. N. Weboe - ; Oon
nennt, Ohio.
rrIYEGAN DAM. DYE, a wail-a - MO : article for
~...' *Coloring the hair a beautiful . hro.Wn or iet
black, it will not Wear oil, soil the itticii,
,9f 01 , 1 1 1
01:: Ok in, ns hundre,ls ean tes - ify.
!elms also been used [niece:T.6-11111Y in coloring
Furo. ' . I - . ,
Ecware of the connterfi it, and lie sure_Antt get
the genuine, Pit pared pnly hy Geo. W. Merchant,
ehemisi, Lockport, N. Y. SaMples'of [lair may
he seen et the atelier:lc the proprietor.% his ugentk , .
. .
Price 50 cents:. . -
Sold by J.,11. Buri& co, Eric; S. S. & B.
Fassett; AsittibUla, Otto; - and D. N. Webster;
COnneuut, (AM. . lyso
"New Go ods-o • 4nd Vpiad News!
• Note -4, chf(if, 7
Fynle. sj. . ~., (teen but n short time
iI I in bilsinesi has'itet Cerore fot!tid it' ,conveni
ent ito introduce into, the papers a-gengra,a4vei;-
tisement.' II?, Iras, hoiveyer ,li.tjetiirnt:4 fir ni
tete eastern
_cities with - n, splemy tiintikqultni. -of
Fresh and C eavart.cerirt. _ ~-. , ,
In Ills etoc maybe fo,utiir clip l•liplsti4l Tc 04 l iet
1 1
offered for si 6, front{ tl to t shillings . eer itoOniit
Rio', Java„Pnba, I..agilliti Ind,S.t, Domingo, Cu
tee, cheaper !than the; Fhentri•sti Itaviiini t ,- PRTio
Rico, Orle.anti, of Ltnp; Clarifiers, PPlyerief4
ailjll,llnple'Sugqrs,.#heapertbap eygri POto ?Igo,
Syrup, Sugarbove 114 Orleang Mob saes ; aYspigg,
pepper, ginger, cinnamon, mace, pultugg.% pearl
barley,citrons, prunes, cocoa Tip, _alelfan4s r maq
deira, Prq?ll,- and pea ritits;-'l-IPVITIVIt Ptingipv.,
Spanish, cinnamon, and conneaut Cirgarsq - .fvelo
dish, ladies inlet, and german Toloneco,• oliTO,
rose, ;mt. cantor, and hair-Oil; all ofswilieh aro pl
the very best jqu a I ity, and will ii,e'ljl# ?ttilt,, al`
No. 3 Ameri]a 7 n . 81e , v.k,.....134ite street. ''-` , - t
. . ..
Nov. G, 4817. • ' -- - 45
7 i o i 1 ---- 7
ir E. A 1.5.:-;-1 'ln a vson, ofd hysun, hyson s kin,
g4npcnyoer and powchone or blac , it tea,
lchenper ikon pnntop to, compqns cis re ta OA, at
tNo 6 Bonuelt Block: -• ' H. CO OK.
t -
Land at
.-- . .
nn • . Eras)) . i . .0 ) - ,t ie ,
•I'VST Teesieed by I . ;l:est tit, pit At ,tie 610. atu,l
4 or Htteheoek. il Sti.iAltii'ity. .1 .40, !WI, cicd
week of FR Sit ei RO CER I ES, i.t. te.erx. da
eription far. fa4iiiy iike,' stioli. ini Teai, Sit,,irs.
Cof&li. ft lee.lPskier, MsdiiiNetnnainson, ='l.w, s.
Nutolega, fi . i in4er,•Mulartrii; Oili, , Fisb, Flour,
Cler, l'Onfeeci„ Frtfit,. Not% ace.:,willeb ere 01-
.oer tertns , iihnt tuniot Nil to suit ?nr custo
iilens • neve giviruis 4 tali, ' " 1
N. B.—Ali kind . of outstry kirecro tskel
exchange Th groceries. ' -
...-Dee, If. 1 ' .111. LI tlttletie'
in anv rettlEt
X• IS. •
Shorts pnd ..0.4n, con rsEta ntl kilt: oq
rgatt rt ,„%•,_
At N) 3; ts Mar con !uck.
a ins of di ; 54 - st-40N - ;
,hvitpok 9 ye WS*, and wit! k
ifat tuitnit
• 4E9: secnrA &
1 ,