■ =MEI THE OBSERVER is PUBLISHED E VERY County BATA:FR AY, AT ERIE, Etio , Pa. A. P. DUR I LIN &B. F. LOAN, Pn prielors and publishers. o,ylcE CORNEA OF STATE STNEET AND reumc 5 , 4%.*Ani 0, PONE*E 111 E EAGLE. HOTEL. Teirms OF THE I'AITR reb.cribrp (left by the currier) 111. ur al * the tilien , In nok mice, ;j - (f not paid in oilvance, or within three mosulis from the erne of subscribing. two dollars 0111 be charged. V .irr i att o fr, rn Owe terini. -- 1- ,'Psio paper duelsolumesi until all arrearages are 1181 d ev qt at the option of the publishers. I.eAll communications must be post' paid to secure lit leilllllll. TERMS OF ADVERTISING. ", 1 One square, one , ear, Itt 00 Three squmres, I menr, 610 do d ‘ six nowths, 500 'do do 8 mos. 8 'do do three du 300 do du 6 do • 6 'c rn ustent ;oh ertieinent% 0 C 1 lil• per squai e for the first III•erlin n mid :IL vellta for ttaeli solottplent twertion. ,--., Yearly nd,vrtihrorn hate the pm iledgeof clologieg . „ nt plea,nre, - hut nt no tone nre allowed to occup‘ 111010 than three squares. , 0,,1 to be boated to their int usrdiate A I id ibesS. • Advert weinents not d ne leg other iltreetione, will be in 'enrol till fernel, eti,et..wg, 1 .le, or.] io fordo, mot txcecillaitz 6 lines, intcried at $3 pp' ear. .0 , 1 - YriNct:4ol4NT ta# kao ndaira blaaLf• 'BENJAMIN F. DENISON, •ATTORNEY AT LAW,' Clevclntod. Ohio. eff.ce on Supozior se., in Atwater's Block. • ttEkßit TO -I.lll••fitl.tire• lIlKtll, Calsiltrlilge 1,3 w It o It ,1 tlt t, I'l.F - icor/I, 10 Sioto BoAtoo; non : 4 Ant hilt tr , s, 14:A W.Aout , I lob .!•11. 1 .1 ft! tr,iti. K131,,t1 L 1:99., t 3 Wall et., Now l ork ror 11.0 r MO:31113, I c:tr to ttii. thrice. 1.S() • 1.00A11.%, U.n,l.lProduce mid Clitinti:Sloit rp:6rs in SaItAOIIISC nod tint . ; 31-0, Cuat, Har.ter, &c . Puttite ride of We public In idgr, I t ic, Pa. e, w, IIII: ‘.ll COOK 1:1 lull aler in rhrap vi and .nnnt Locciic at No. i Bunnell 211...cii, lit. P.I. L. NVARREN I . o or Nlatotiactorer and Dealer in I.• of Slate t , lo.f.‘‘et'll 7111 um! • .11 -I-. no', Pa. 'l'. \V. :11(10111. P, rin .11", eti..4, t%'ines, Liquors, C.,11 , 11, , , t so: I, l'urryluc:l;, tilatc 1.11... 11.1 I.! SI LALL & LOCK WOOP, 1 , •1210. 1..1,%. Hllie up utairs 111 11iL1 Taw riv Halt oi I lie Piiittinuitiil's • . tfr - .I.\UKSON, Il•ilci in hy UUiuccru•v, Lime, N.tik Cc. \o. JOIIN 11. 11ILLAIL, Count v dna :7:lirvi.) or; utlice in Exchange Ito :s, Eieiß sr , Erie. 4 . co. • I,urrni.l), STOP AGE. FORWARDING AND PRO-, I) 'CE COMMISSI(JN MERCHANTS; NI) Dealer.,l w Lelli2.ll aid Erie Coal. ;Salt 21 and rrodoet• ”enei ally. 'Particular nut n t inn paid .o ilw sale ul ,Produce and purthase of •Mer liaddize. No. l & I Square, South Wharf. N. I.IIERT, U. 1/111504, - sdoll',llo N. V. 49 BENJA :111 Is: CHIANT I • Attorney and t•oulAsi.lll.lr at I,a w ; No. t: thf . 1 7 :1!ZII . lotcl. Erie. Pa._ GHAILVNI THOMPSON, i.:COLill , tlll , l , at Law, ()Wee on Frenth -u.•• i. mei S CO'A. Store, Erie NI. 11'21,1 4 17. 49 I. ROSENV.W EIG P..alor , ill, Vol t•t!zal atilt( Pome-tie I)iy Goods Beady \lade Clothinz, 800 s and :Thorp, fie Flemming Block, State Saco' I/: u•. Pa, G.\ Mitt A 111 IS & LANK, Attotne% , and Counsetfors at Law--01 Eve on q r h t, of the Public, I , :tre„ Erie, J j. tl.lllk alTii. W. C ‘x - 1 G. LOOMIS &. CO, heale•r4 in J er, German Sil err, I'l ced and rt Liannia Ware. Cutkry, :11 il -vary Awl Fano tjoodi , , N 0.7 Itceil WILLIAMS & WRIGHT Imle,alt• and 1:etall i)calors in I )rr (toot's, Ciro 11,iiilti CIOCI.erV, \VOIU, 114111, 10,,.1.1"1ti11er, ete.letci corner of State sirect aril the Public opposite the EaL:le T.ttr n, Ptte, IV ILLI RIBLET. ealwv I;phol,4ler and Undeitaker, S'Iro•c•„ Priv Pa S. DICKINSON, N. D. ian and Snrecon, office on Seventh Street, Grit ot the Methinffin Church, Erie, Pa. W A I,K ER k COOK, General Forwordin., Couuni:sion, and Produce \l. t, Red sVarc I louse, cast of the Pub n, 11 , id.ze, Erie. JOSENI KELSEY, ,NlA , llltal of Tin, Copper and sheet-Iron %inre cornet of French and Filth streets, Eric. L EST ER . SENN ET T &. CHESTER, lean Foninteo4. ttholeaale and retail dealers in sto‘cs, -waic State street, Erie, Pa BURTON PERKINS, and rewt I deafer: in Dru.s,7lledicincs ih,• `tort Groceries, &c. N 0.5, Reed Hotme I:nr,_Pa. Al. TIitiIAL I AS, rh ller ill Dry roods, Grocerice, No. 111, Irk Pa. • CA RTER & BROTIIER. ilell(n ; ir in Orn , ..:s Nledicines, Paints, Oils, bye, No. 6 Reed Ilouee, Erie- B. TUMLJNSON & Co, ;11(1111 2 and Commission NlercliantF; 100 N r,rh :'itrect, Erie, and at 6th Strict Canal Ba also dealers in Groceries and Provisions. HENRY GAMY ELL. . 1 1 , ..1.r in Hardware, Dry Goods, Gthceriep, e , :-u...itle of the Diamond, mid one door east of the E.1 , 1e Hotel, Erie, Pa. EAGLE noTEL,. Hiram L. Brou ti, corner of State street and the Public -.quart:, Erie, Pa. Eastern, Westet at, and Southern Stare office. 8:,11ANIILTON. r,hionable Mere:hant Tailora, 'on the Public , phrre,; a few doors ft E.:A of State atret t, E ie, P.I. JOEL JOHNSON: Dedler in Theolo.rical, Miscellaneous, Sentlay and Chqdical School Book; Stationary, etc.,etc N°., PrencliStreet, Erie, Pa. P. A. R. BRACE,' .. , Attorneyand Counsellor utluw,Pruirie du Chien, 11', 'l'. practices in the counties of Crawford, 1.1 rant and lowa, W. 1' and in Cluyton county, Im. a Tcrrieory. 1 1 / 1 ,( :' - 'itl,• - sf',$re.rair:.°: . 1.( 1- 17'1,BicoeknThi'4 2 t: • Erie, Alay 6, It , 17. • 51 - _ THEE be assortment of Band BoxPs in the , t Minty for :ale by .11. COOK. 1.1.,.,. 1. . ... . . ' 1 • -... Ai7:' , - . II : ' - "''' '-' ' -..j '''''.- • '.. -'*''';' -. ' l' -.. ' - ' - i . - j ', • -.' ^ ' -4 , 1, 4, 1- - .. ~ , , ~ , . ._ , . - '- 'k. ~ • . . . • , ' 1 I ' I . 1 .„ diii i _... ... , . I . .., . El 0 0-B Sr E. 13y ItALP I WALDO I ELIERSON (10013-PTE,pru d world'. I'm going home— Thou are isittly friend, and,l'm not thine, Long through by weary crouds Iroam; A riser-or s k o he ocean brine, Long Ito been trnoictljike the: driven foam; but now, proud world! I'm going home. $2 00 Good-Lyn to Flattery's fawning face; To Graudnaur with his wise grimace; To upbt.irtWealtleb averted eye; To supple iffier, low and high; To crowded halls, to court and Weal; To frozen atiartil and 'tabling feet; To those who go, and those who come— Good bye, proud world! I'm going borne I am' going to my own he arth•stone, Ito-owned in you green lolls alone— A semet pooh In a pl••ovintdom.l, Whose groves the Indic fairies planned; !Where niches green -the lavelong day, Echo the blackbird's ,roundelay, And I,ufg ar feet Ii re never trod A spot that as sacred to thought and God. Oh, wheu I am sure in my silvan home, I tread on the pride of Greece and Rome: And when I am stretched beneath the pines, Where the CV1:11111g star of, holy shines, I laugh at the lure awl th' pride of man, At the sophist school; fool the learned clan; For whet are they till in their high cone it, Wheu man 111 the hush with God may need A LOVE OF A SINGING-MASTER, The prettiest girl that attended our sing ing -meetings was Jane Gordon, the unly daughter of a .Scotclfman who had latell,l bought a farm in the neighborhood. She wars; a fair and gentle damsel, soft-spoken, ~andt down -looking, but not without a stout of her own, such as, they do say, your very soft-spoken people are npt to have. Indeed, we may argue that to he able at all times to command one's voice down to a given level, requires a pretty strong good will, and more self-possession than impetuous people can •Itave - : and it is well,known that blusterers are easier governed than anybody else. Jane Gordon had light hair, too, which hasty ob . serters are apt to consider a Sign of a mild and complying temper; but our dear Jane, though a good girl, end a dutiful daughter, had had a good deal of trouble with old Adam and given her sober parents a good deal too. So that, by and by, when it was whispered that Jane Gordon wits certainly in love with Mr. Fasole, and that Mr. Fasole was at least very attenti..e to, Jane Gordon, the old people felt a good dbai troubled. They were pru dent, however; and only watched and waited. though quite determined that an itinerant singing-master:bliould not carry oft' their treasure, t 4 be a mere foot-ball of Fortune, and have nor home, nor Int, 'Nor fire, nor cattle-light . APd at every singing-meeting the intimacy between Mr. Fasole and his fair pupil became more and more apparent, and the faces of the unappropriated damsels longer and longer.— The district schoolmaster, that winter, was a frightful old man, wtili a facel like a death's head, set off by a pair of hugd round-eyed, spectacles, suite was out of the question, even if he had not had a wife and family to share his . sixteen dollars a month. The store-keep er, Squire Ifoope'r's partner, had inthru4ntly gone aft° the next town for a., wife, hilt a few weeks before and a young lawyer iwho talked of settling, among us as soon as there was anything to do—the had an eye ou the set ting-back of the trill -pond, w:e suspect)--did nothing but smoke cigars and play checkers on the store-counter, and tell stories '_of the great doings at the place he had been haun ting before he eathe among us. So the drnrth of heaox was stringent, there farmer-boys be ing generally too sly to make anything of, until they hate bought land and stock, when they beginlto look around, with ti business eye, for soluebody to make butter and cheese. Mr, Fasole, with', his knowing air, and a plen tifi'il !dock of modest assurance, reigns;d par amount, "the cynosure of neighbolitrg eyes," lie lieut. a wide gwiali," the young men said, and it may b 3 supposed they owed him no good will. • How matters can remain for any length of, time in such an explosive state without an eruption, let philosophers tell. Twice a week for a whole, long, Western winter, - , did the singing-school meet regularly at the • school house, and practice the tunes which were to be sung on Sunday; and every Sundays' did one or two break-downs attest that improve ment in music could not have been the sole object of such persevering industry. So.ne times a bold bass would be found finishing off, fora bar or two, in happy unconscious ness that its harmonious coppers bad ceased to vibrate. Then again, owing to the failure through- timidity or obliviousness, of some Blain stty, the whole volume of sound would quilver away, trembling into silence or worse, while the minister would shut his eyes,' with a look of meek endurance, and wait until Mr. Fasole, frowning, and putting on something of the air with tN itich we jerk up the head of a stumbling horse, could get his unbroken team in order again. Jane Gordon was not very bright at singing, perhaps because she I was suffering under that _sort of fascination I Which is apt to make people stupid; 41 she was often the 'broken twilit and foot ,out of ! -joint''i at whose door these unlucky accidents Iwere laid by the choir. Fasole always took Iher part, however, and told the accuser to "look at home,' or hinted ut some by-gene blunder of the whole class, or declared that I Miss Jane evidently had ,a bad cold—not the first time that a bad cold has served as an apology for singing out of tune. .-- - The period for a spr4pg quarterly . tzeting of one of the loading denominations now drew nigh, and a great tattering was expect ed. }Ministers from far and near, and a nu merous baptism in the pond, were looked for, Preparations of all kind.lwere seton foot, and among the rest, music Othe "OceaSion."— t°The choice of "set N. pieca" and anthems;and new tunes; gave quite a new 'directiOn and BY 31118. M. KIRKLAND. spur to the musical interest; but Mr. Fasole and Jane Gordon were not forgotten. There was time lo watch them, and sing too. Thro' the whole winter the singing master, though his way lay in quite an opposite direction, had thought proper, to See Miss Gordon home, except when it was very cold or storm}, when he modestly withdrew, with an air which said 'he did not wish his attentions to 6eem, partic ular. It had beonte quite a trick with the young men to listen by the road-side, in order to Vecertain whether he did not pop tl e ques tion somewhere between the s9hoolho i se and Mr. Gordon's; but the' conclusion wa s, that eitherjle. was too discreet to do it, or too cun ning to let it be heard, for nothing could ever be distin g uished but the most ordinaky talk. '- Nothiug could be more obvious, liwever, - than that, whatever were Mr. Fasole' inten tent ions, poor Jane was very touch in earnest. She lost all her interest in the village circle, and, toe honest and sincere: for'concealment, only found her spirits when the fascinating 1 school-master appeared. He had the mg- 1 netizer's power over the whole being of his The parents obser greatest uneasiness, her on the improdenc vain. :They reminded anything about the si he very probably had tit least one wife, else where, although it was past the art of man to betiay him into any such acknowledgement of such incumbrance; but. Jane was 'deaf to all caution, and evidently only waited for the vo tury of music to make up his mind to ask, be fore she should courtesy and say yes. The 'quarterly irreetingcomeoMand Squire Ileoper's big burn was tilled to dvertlowing. A long platform had been erected for the min isters, and rough seats in abundance fur the congregation; but every beani bin, "coin of vantage" wa hung with human life, in some shape of nth r. uch t a gathering had not been see in a long while. In front was pla ced Mr. resole, with Jane Gordon on his left hantland his forces ranged its due order on each hand. White was his bosom,-(outside,) and fiery i\ed his hair apd face, as he wrought vehemently in beating time, while he sent out volumes, not to say w hole editions, or sound. One could not, but conclude that every emo tion of his -soul must find utterance in the course of the morning's lrrformance, if Jane Gordowonly listened aright, which V..he seem ed very well disposed to do. But the conclu ding hymn was to be the crowning effort.— Iyabodnded in fugures—those favorites of country choirs, and had also several solos, whieh Mr. Fast& had assigned todJane Gor dun, in spite of the angry inuetidoes of othr dieptetendetes., had drilled her most pers - vercinglyVtind, though itch wtthout t;bmb mis givings, had succeeded in perspading himself as well as his pupil, that she would gpt thin' these "tight places" very well with a little help from him. When, the whole immense assembly rose to listen while the choir performeethis "set piece," it was with a sound like the tiushing , of many waters, and poorJane,nothwithstan-1 ding the whispered assurante of the master,' began to feel her courage oozing out, as wo man's•courage is apt _to do just whets kjp most wanted. She got through her poridoil of the harmony with tolerable credit; but when it came to the first solo, it was as if one did-take her by the throat, and the sounds died away upon her lips. Dread silence ensued, but in a moment, from the other side of the barn, seemingly 'from a far distant loft, a fe male voice, clear, distinct, and well . trtiined, took up the, recreant strain, and carried it through triumphantly. Then the chorus rose and, encouraged by the opportune aid, per formed their part tie admiration—so well; in deed, and with so much enthusiasm, that they did not at first miss the leading of Mr. resole. When the next solo's turn came, they had time to look mind; and while the distant voice once more sent its clear - tones meandering Hamong the rafters and thro gh the mows and out of the wide doors, all th class turned to look at the master., There he stood—agape =astareL—Pale—spiritless---astonished—pet - rifled; his jaws fallen, his nose pinched in, his eyes sunken and hollow;and fixed in wild gaze on the dim distance whence issued the putout sound, while poor Jane's fascinated op tics gazed nowhere but on him. But before note could be taken of their condition, the chorus must once more join in the last tri umphant burst, for the new auxiliary had in spired them like's heavenly visitant, and they could not attend to sublunary things. They finished in a . perfect blaze of glory, the un known voice sounding far alMve all others, and carrying its part as independently as Mr. Fasole himself could have done. "What is the matter with the singing-ems ter?" "llas he got a flint "Is he dying'!" was whispered through the crowd as soon as the meeting was disinissed. '"Bring water —whiskey—a lan—oh goodness! what is to he done?" '.. "Let me come to him," said a, powerful voice just at handv and, as the crowd opened, a tall, Masculine woman, of no 'very prepos sessing exterior; made her way to the fainting -Orpheus. (t.fedediali!" she exclaimed, giving a stout lift to the drooping head; “Jededialil don't you known your own Polly Ann?" , It waslgrs.Fa'soke—ti veryprotnising schcki ar whom the unhappy teacherhad'inarried at the scene of former labors, somewhere in the ihteriur of Illinois, hoping to find her a true ['elf:l . -Meek in - the profession al line. But, dis covering to his cosithat,she understood only ono kind of haimOny, and that net-of the des cription mast valuable in privite,:he had run alyiyfrom 2 : big biOthers, and heped,:iti the deep seelOsion 'of stilt newer re= eon; to,eleripe lierfor, ever,luid iiesefur that popular "peison, an agreeatile'bicifel Whether he was tenni villain enough to have intended to marry pool& Jane tee, we eunnot "TII , E WORLD IS GOVtIINED TOO SATURDAY, 11.R(4-1 .18; !8/18. know, but we will cheerfully: hope not; though we are not sure that wantonly to trifle with an innocent girl's affections for the grat ification of his vanity, was many shades loss culpable. The world. judges differently, we know, since it makes one. offence punishable by law, while the other , in considered, in cer tain circles, rather a gem)" joke thad bther wise. But the singing -master and his Tear ful spouse disappeared, and those who hat; not joined the class exulted; I while, as far as public demonstration went; we could not see but the singing at meeting, fell back to 'very nearly the old mark, under the auspl l ces of old deacon Ingalls,- who has for many years been troubled with . a polypus in his nUso, Jane Gordon a Much more sensible girl than she was two years ago,. and looks with noclittle complacency ,upon , .locob Still, a neighbor's son, who boasts that he can turn a furrow much better than he can 'a tune.— Union Nagyzine. The report of Major Coo e, who i)asSed over from. the Rio Grande to ,CalifOrnia, with a wagon train forming part' of Gen. Kearney's expedition, describes route practicable in all parts, and likely to . become one of great im portance hereafter.; The report of . Major Cooke relates to the rente explored by him af ter he-parted from Gen. Kearney, who, reach, ed California by a more northern coorso. The point of . deviation was-in the valley of theltio Grande. Major Cooke says:— It the rEI but i❑ know id that f'lmmediately below the point of dev —on the Riu Grande—the'country hoed the river became sensibly flatter and les ken. I left the river when in view of a marked on the common maps as 'San D and the distant view toward 'EI l'asso' the country to be unbroken and compai ly level. -From the high valley of the I ascended to the table-fund of Mexico, almost insensible slope over Smodth prai' For 150 miles on this smouthlevel table which is studded witkisolated bills or, tains—l journeyed without any difficulty„ ing over but three hills—in two cases I I in . the third I believe unntccessurily. unexpectedly and suddenNyrived at a break oft to a lower level of country, ti scent to which . was over broken and mountains for 5 miles. I found ho% that I had at that moment fallen into f wagon trail, which led, I was told, 11'4, nos. 1 was able to get my wagons thr following a stream all the way, and asce in the 15 Miles possibly a thousand f This was the head of the lluaqui river, empties into the California Gulf. I we i that this was called the pass of Guadalul I then passed an unbroken country ab mites, wnen roll dYVu Om Pan 'Pedro which empties into the Gila. I decend without difficulty of ground about 80 In turning off, there is an aScent to II level country of perhaps above an hu feet but it could be made very gradual. then about 48 miles -to Fe usun, tot about 500 inhabitants with'a - fort and son. Thia distance is over much s ground, maintaining the same general /Pen Son is in a rich and well cultivated v I Where there is also a denie forest of Mr timber. From Feuson it is some 75 In: the Gila; , it is a level plain, generally of where my wagons and footmen—water very scarce—passed at the rate of abc miles a day. "On the map which I made, and'wl in your bureau, k marked a route cons' bly to the north of Guadalupe pass, some of my guides believed wont(' avoit broken descent, and be found to be'near el throughout, to the San Pedro at the where I turned off front that beautiful river. The most sensible and experie those men, Derough, who lives in Taos Mexico,—and who had trapped on th. and passed, in a different direction, ov, country, was decidedly of this'opinior his knowledge on the other hand, was dient to forbid the attempt to explore it, situation, on account of scarcity of We "The 'Rio Grande bottoms, for a Ii miles above, and at the point where I are well timbered; there , is none .On the land, save Upon the small mountains are every where to be seen; this is cedl pine, but of small growth; rock i every to be had; secondary rocks of almost kind. But by this wonderfully, level to, continentimay be passed with scarcely of granite, As faros Feuson the gams is abundant;- it will fatten cattle •whilst ing.in w inter; and the route from Feuso es through u 'country obotuuling in excel ly rich gold mines. , I "This route connecting' California a d Pacific with the Vallsy of thel2;io Grande ,the Gulf, constitutes the third of the gr routes by which the mountains are passed i The first runs along the Valley'of the Cott bi'a, and crossing the mountains at the Ne Pass, communicates with the head water the Missouri and its branches, thus cow)! ing Oregon with the great Valley of the tMis sissippi. The second route is by Fremoit's Pass, from which point connection may be had with Oregon on the North, awl with iali fonds on the South,and thence Eastwar4 by the Missouri and Mississippi rivers. - ''his will probably be the Great Central Route, 'W ith its two-fold termination on the Pacific, one ~ branch communicating with the Mouth o le Columbia, the other wih the Hay of San Fro& - 1 cisno," 1 - The third route is the one described above by Major Cooke; it is the Southmost -route, and will comm u nicate with the harbour of San Diego on the loticitiic. .ofall' the routes it is the shortest by far—taking New Orleans as the commercial point from which to clom pute distances. if, the Rio , Grande could be made navigable for iteetnhaats asitigh on as :&I Passe, the .land transit across to-the Gulf of Ca/ire/pia; would be-very short indeed, Com-, paratively speaking. • • 'lt is not to be suppesed, however, that this can be done, The.reed la, therefore Inbe regarded. as antifraud:re 'te. ROIITE TO CALIFORNIA MEEI NIARCII. BY WILLIAM C. BRYANT. 1 The storniy, March h come at hut, :With wind and cloud and changing i skies; hear the Rushing' of thq blast That through the snowy Talley flies, 11, passing/ow - are they who speak. Wild, Stormy Matadi: in praise of thee: Yet. though thy tt tufts are loud and bleak, Thou art a welt.omo mouth to me, , , For thoulo northern Nude aguln . 1, The glud and glorious mull doet La IT; t , tiol thou hest-J.4 . 11ml thn'gentio tral , And rdear'st the gentle name of Sp' nz, And in thy reign of blast and storm,, Sinila, in any ailing, bright sunny When the changed winds are soft snit a irm. And, neuven !nab on - the blue of 31 sy, ry lien slug glom' the gushing rills, And the full springs from frost set ,free, rebut brightly limping down the hill Are just set out to meet the ...ea. The year's &Timing beauty hides Of wintry storms the sullen Wiest,' put in thy sternest frown abides A look of kindly proniise yet. Thou Wiriest the hopo of those calin,st.ies, And that soft limo of sunny showers. When the wide bloom on earth thatlioe poems of a blighter troth, than ours. - - - , 7 lhe Skipper's Jack-at-a-Pinch. [Flom the Homo Journal. .This is a fact and no poetic fable."--/Synia, AysOur t%%0 o'clock of the afternoon of the day of May, 1807, four persons n•ere 1 ation sembled in the parlor of a house on the stage-:' road, ten or i fifteen miles below Tarrytown.— A gentleman of middle age, the master of the house,' with his wife and a beautiful daughter, were in collupty with an individual of a. dig-, nified air and singularly handsome counte nance, about thirty years of age, who, with his valise izi hand, anil his cloak on his arm, appeared accoutred for traveling. "I ,'1 m truly sorry, Judge," said the host. that we cannot detain yod longer." "We cer ainly expected you to remain lanother1 an other eight with us," said the wife. • "At least; said the daughter, with an en gnging smile, you will wait until the stage passes to-morrow Incour , i ering 1. bro- I point i lego, !roved BEM am iy an ie.- 1 and- MEI Ipae.s- now, then greav e tle loogh "Ii is difficult, my kind friends," replied the stranger, "to resist in4itations so pres singly offered; and," said he, turning 'to the daughter, "if any thing could induce me to forego my resolution', my dear young lady, it would be your solicitation; bal . have ,been I i long itbsentl from home. The .circuit has , een prolon g edog far beyond my ex - peetations; and ihdisp4nsable engagements hurry me away -If I recollect right," continued he, tltrnit g to the host, "there is a fishing hut .. on the riveriaide, somewhere opposite us; and titer° was Once a pa th ' witch tod 'd...:... tho Mountain to the spot: be good enough, to put me intlie way toitind it, and I will make for the station." "kits pas back,l' said tiownli'n the i n the wood path; la nd, tl astray:' 1 After many friendly greetings on all sides, , i the strang e made his bow and departed. The path was f und; and, trudging onward, he soon emerg d from the ravine above the bench, where a gr up of fishermen were awaiting the proper irate of tide, to resume their la bors:'- A 'couple of skiffs were drawn up .on the Shore, mar which the congregation was assembled. "W hose n old Ya .ugh, ding et.— :sable only on foot, or on .horse ,the host, "or I would take you{, carriage: but there is au opening , just yonder, vt hich leads to the lot once gained, you cannot go nrn looth eve,. = ' g goit Iles to clay, eing ut 30 ich it. dera- vh!ch that • ley- skiffs are these?" asked the new want to be put on hoard one of :ls in sight.'' , » , las a light wind blow l ing from' the and the white sails of, the HI/ 1 seen far shine and beliite,---sui l i jff e - ! , .site and sot far distant.. ,l' e," responded a fisherman, "is e can't t spare time to put you tin t will soon be time fur a haul. The I fi gs to thol person now coining up." finger inquired, as the other came b, whether he_ would accommodate passage on board. .cir, comer. ' those vess poipt : little i ced of I "New There tt north-wes craft were nearly opp I Gila, 1r that but "This o! mine; but board, for other do MO The str I= i, him with t you have the skiff" he answered; obliged to go up the road. --Here, re a couple of idlers, who will un low you off, .and bring back the “I can "but I am however, j gestion was adopted.; the wherry Ired, and:the oarsmen engaged for .The Bug' i was than , the ivoyag gr, ss work p,ss- • di 1g- e men were getting the boat ii r, a woman maile her appearance, a linsey-woolsey gown—not of !eriture, or of the newest fashion, I rthe'cleanest, withal. The face While ,proper or ,'dressed i the tnest and nono . 1 of this per 'mould, wi operator 1 . . 'her as II s the pietur ri 'vinegar that she h Approach' to shove o ' , You tt yon, Jake he inul eat son was cast in trurkantippian h eyes so horribly riske.ty, that an I .r strabismus would • have zoveted bject for his skill; and, to ofOWII I , the visage of the lady was of such aspeet; as to warrant- the belief d fed on crab-apples for a fortnight, ng the men, who werenearly ready , she accosted theca thus: going.ofito them sloops, are tet don't care if I go along." rs,. Nor!" said the oarsman.— twOOlards' , to that bargain,- ' pointing. the stran g er, who down,, "has hired:the, skiff; "I d0 , ,1 1 There Hit 'That man Was cow is 1 'if he doe' de,' you, w 1 but made "You're like your ugly mug,bauer than I aTkei . a passage, this time." an,Seowled iµ a"tearful' manner, reply. . goipt,". stiid-'she 'addressing the tabcrarifof. them i•essets, 1 'want •rk; and i 0111).46 'on. board with s ainotri stranger, toga to Y 1 • at • you,ju! • «4tep -447 oaitirnirti tyjrosni Ao;'_inadarn," 8414, Oa It:is:Ter). had but' three meets—mtwe:for the is the kern sheetS;iiiii sufficient ,. ~ , isi[pAwe.perseils Wryes., Th stranger with , his valise on his knee, took one side, and the Woman with her bundle on her lap, the other; and off shot the wherry into the stream, toward the nearest vessel . . The stranger waved a pocket handkerchief as a signal; and the skipper, puttilig his helm down, and hauling aft his main sheet, bore up for the skiff. But as soon us they got near enough for a fair scrutiny, he exclaimed: 4 f i jp helm, 'Joe! Square away! Them's no customers for me!" w ;: o `fir iu i d oi r l e y b , ii l ire h d ot l ig i h rs t . so N !" ox std m t r lLe o E ar r s e t b n l t a: s r: 'she might have been bettor named—as _she cast a midnight glance at the offender, A second vessel was tried with no better effect third with like succes:. at length a Tar; rytowner answered the signal, and took them on board. By this time it was near sundown; and as they got upon the deck. the skipper addressed the stranger thus: "I don't know how I'm to, accommodate you and your woman with berths audbedding: and I'm 'afrad you won't faro very ‘ well far supper, for my etolt got on a spride :tithore, and v r v , e Vvkn. uh 0 liged to loava ' him.' ,wei.t. 1 e',the mate and ,! Mio ) , C all handa I now-, 0;01 'cook, Uli fail ething or other." ( i The . stranger had walked aft, and the wo man was sitting near the hatchway, when the captain addressed her in an undertone, which yet was heard on the quarter-deck: "That'ere's . your manil take it?" said he painting over his shiudder... '•I1e uint no such thing!" said the woman, bridling up:l"my :nun ji a rather guess ,sort of a fellow from him. I only got that ere chap to put me on hoard," ' The captain now accosted his other pas- ~e nger: "This aitit yGur woutan, I find?" 0 0, no!" ,' was the reply, .4unly a chance passenger." '•I thought you wei.T queerly yoked, when I first saw you," said the captain. '•l'm think ing I shall give .ttan the old sail, which is the only thing to sleep on, on beard, and let her have the soft side of the plank I waf; going to give ; you ." "By no means! Give the poor woman the best enewutiodalons you eau. As fur Me, I shah do lye!! enough." " The Wind Was falling, the tide turned, and the sloop vas Vought to tot anchor—the jib hauled down and the mainsail left stand ing, skipper fashion—ft hen the captain and his adjunct began preparations for refection. "I say, neum," said the captain, 'Tye a notion that -you could lend us a lift with this supper? , ' ; - -"1 shark do no such a thing," was tbe re ply. lexpect to pay my passage; and if you've E r' ~,,y . , coppoe get, you may get, ht Yourself, ' The captain did not out do the Niblos and Delttioni l i cos of the time; and his beef-steak, fried in÷the Lord knoi's what 7 —fell fur short of those . of old Baker, bf the City Tatern in Wall-street, in tenderness. Nor wasthehy son of the first quality, or the sugar the test; and, nhhough the Judy grumbled, the stranger took everything Lintih', When it was time to retire, the lady took ' possession of the best berth, and the'old while the strapger, I wrapped in his cloak, turned in, the bile pis-caller that remained. It was past midnight. w i lion, from a horrid drenin hr +Ails undergoing the pane forte, el (so indurate was even the soft side o f the plank the captain sr oke of,) that function ;try Shook him rudely by the shoulder, .and att ke him from his slumber. ° ~ E.ny Al inter; ain't }..on n doctor?" * ' ft negati6 ‘v l tts returned. 1 (. 'II . to sort y ,fti il,''' 'continued he. 4 11 . ere'.z: mate hi s 40 the 11%N: f ullest ottinistili-ache r..inan' had., I tra's in hopes you WA some in th m' adille- bags ,whie4 might •do some cod. I Du .s a le if ytiti r can't , help • r r :1 i ii },brinl 'lle passenger arose: and assuring, therti was nothing Medicinal in his ;rat- Italia, went over to ,tho mate, who was hing,in great agony, - and groaning heivily, Haw) you gin'.und peppermint on hoard? „ eked, Yes," responded the captain. , anti it don't help him." lave you any pearl-ashes, then'!" he in- - ed, 0, yes!" answered OIC Capt4ill; lit always p that. Witlritarti-aigey, hi a morning, a capital drink." • I Well, then," said the stranger, "bring 'it, get some bat --wat . pr,_ as quick as Sub The lrettle must have boiled b;; this time," I the captain; "foe I put it on some time is" And going forward to t h e caboose, he wiled with the r ecessary ingredients ii:ar a rich. Putting the proper quantity of alk into a a pint mug, and pouring the water m it—leaving sufficient 'sky-light' fur the ision of due measure of right scheirirmi ling the dose, and qualifying it with tint—pie stranger administered the o hls patient, which in a short' time. Ily relieved Itini; and dose number f an hour dfterward, hating , been the sufferer, who was entirely pros r• pain, fell into .a quiet slumber. tranger now again turned in; but hod gotten into a dream, as uneasy es before the captain was again at his dre l ali up 'per iou Pe ' pot ess, ttv I ter," said he, "the tide is now high d there is a smart breeze getting up, o get under weigh; and Higgins, here, ak tO,help. Noiv, just get up,and thelack.while'l rouse up the' anchor fiat's a good fellow:" A al 'ant ME I he passenger wps not obdurate; and, attar per alii)licatioe, and the usual "Yu! heave !at : the windlass, the ring of .the anchor hove chock-to the hause.ho►es,- the jib lioiaiekrind the sloop was tearing down pr( WA 111 CA NUMBER 44, The passenger again resumed his .berth, where he ranained until the day had bro)ien t when the captain once more wade his appear- : once. "1 say, Mister," said he, "tha wind ,has chopped about: I want 'a hand to" tend, jib ahects.,.-Hie'girs can't. do.it; so, just:beer hand nod help me, and a few stretches will bring us up with the (Ida:: I Up got the passenger, and took the station assigned him, performing his - duty with great alacrity: receiving the orders, ,"haul "be spry!"—"pul I:a wa y !** 7 - , •another pall and belay!"—at every tack; end by tiint' , eif - hard labor on his part, and good steerage on the Part of i the captain, they got into the slip, and let run the halyards.- "Now heave lent n rope!" shouted the cap tein. "Bear a hand!—bear a hand!—now haul in!,--littul in!" Those orders were promptly obeyed; and the sloop was safe at the dock. While the ea pta Was rwing, the Sails, the stianffer went below, nd soon returned in his cloak— . lice iii hand. . captain, 4 he asked, '!what's to 6 4 ) 4 1 " said the skipper; "if there's any thing.• to pay, rin the clap that's got to it. —so, Mister, just tell us what's the damage, and rl'll shell out directly rr and thank you, into the bargain. I never want 'a bkter Jack at-a-pinch, than you are. Just say how much, and Lew it is." 4 4).10,1)0h! sail the passenger, "you are velcometO all j have done; but I must pay for i my passage. Is this enough?" bantlipg him a bank-note. - "Whv, this here," said the captain,looking at the mite, "is lite times as much as I should have charged you, if nothing had happenc,d; but if you : ,. .4y1440 it, I will. and thank you kindly. And now, Mister, I should' like to know where you live, and what your trade is, if it ajnt ftslting too much?" iI harC been a la!wyer and liye lipreakion4," said the stranger, - • fAVell, one thing more, and I hope you wont think mg to 9 sa§sy: (10 tell Pie YPP nainel7 Tompkins," was the reply, "Where front - "Westchester." "No relation to 'S,quire Caleb Topipkins l up here?" • P' ."Yes . ," s• ; :ks. the .a 11.5W.0 r. E t‘Not Nery neai, &take if . ," sahl thepaptai.p . . "OnlF, kis hrother," was the respe,n-se;'• firother!,,Calep Tompli.l9e' br,otkerF" said the (.captain, agha't-t. you'pjf7- -tte Daniel D.?" . "The cry ,eucne,e said the stranger; e‘Plienev!" here ,t e,captaitt.gaYe„ap jept tonal -wthstie; ' e 'ere s a itwt,:y up,avie f .,;• By all the piper •. the new Gover„no,i l l'' tbey tell cite," said the Governor. -- ‘% ,- hat an infernal impudeut . you will; tliinlc me! Here l'ye been getting You to physic my mate, .arid set ~eon ,to work ing my (31d sloop; and I've been ordering you about, just as if I'd hired you at xight dollars a niothli; never foirgiye me, I know, Sur ,all Lean dq„ is to ask your 'par don!" "Nonsense!" said the Gorernor;•"come. shake ,titncl.s, fur I unist be off," and he held t3ut his hand. The calptai n, somewhat limiitaticgly, seized the Vrciffilred band in both his. and squeezed it tiu.ite,hard enough fur the comfortrof the ip.;•ner “Well,” saidlie, "I've got nne consolation, rittyhow I've Always voted for you, whenev er you have been up; and, !last April, I, and Mice brothers, gave you a plumper fur Dover nor; and if any ,one of my kith or kin ever votes for anybody else, as long as you are go lug to et nd, call me-a flunky! that's all." There is no doubt that the skipper kept his •word, and,voted ever after for "The Farmer's I Boy.;"4 id there are fewitti ever held such .pluse cod munition with Daniel D. Tompkins, that ev r bolted at an "election when was a mid liter WHAT 111 AVE SEEN AND HEARD, I have l seen a-lady_adortieilV.ith costly ap parel, clothed in silk and velvi , t,, with her 'ornamented by-rings, and her wrists by jewelled braCelets; and that lady's seamstress, who wqs entirely dependent tfpOn her daily earnings, has remained unpaid for months. I have soon a young 'girl expend dollars upon a useless trinket, who 4 half an hour before had refused a shilling to a needy beg-a , rar. I hate 4een a mother -cheerfully- lavish money to phrchase her daughter's expensive and sup l erltnouS dresses; and t have herd the same [1 1 )01er grumble that she had to pay servants such enormous wages. , I ha‘i F e heard a wifewhose apartments were furnished in the most rich and elegant tnanner, and who spared neither pains nor expense in procuri l mr fashionable articles, either for her rooms or her wardrobe, complain bitterly that • her husband took so many newspapers. I hat'e seen a man spout money profugely for the l SuPply of his personal wants, whie at the Fame time he would not give the least pittance for any charitable objeot, - SIT -1111. TO Vora OWN BC3INEss.,-Ifet spec. ttlaters l make their thou-ands irt a year iar a reind your Own regultii trade, never turnin4 from it, to the right band nor to rho left. If you are a merchant, 11 yatt 41 4 laborers a profet-siotial man or 'a' mechanic, never Ifily lots nor stocks, unless you have ettrplul moncy . which you Wish to invest.— Your own business you understand as well asotber men'f but other people's business yell do net ,understatid. _Let your business be Soroe'ivliich is useful to the community,. All occmpatotts - possess the elements of pro,qA thenisekes; while mere speculations has nq such element, -