VOIIUME XVIII. THE OBSERVER IS PURI.ISIERE EVERY. SATURDAY, AT ERIE, Erio Ootuaty, A. P. DURLIN 81, B. F. SLOAN, Pnvietara and pittrisbehr OFFICE COMER OF STATE STREKT'AND PUBLIC SQUARE 0411'091TE 711 E EAGI-t HOTEL • TERMS OF TIIE PAPER. City rubreribers (left by the carrier) g 2 60 By mall, or at the aim, in Joh:ince, 150 if not paid in whither, or a ithin three months from I lhe'time ofaubacri b tng, two dollars will be charged. thlriatiun fr, rn them ter ma. • .*NO paper dtscoutluoed until all arrearagea arc paid except of the option of the publishers. Albconnnunications must be' post paid to secure attentson. I TERMS OF ADVERTISING. On. square, one 3 oar, is 00 ' T.,. e ty r o., i y ea r, eon do d. , nix months, 5 du n 1100,/5. do dothreo du :1 P. - 110 6 Jo -- 6 TranOcrit adi,ertistinel.o- • , .0 11.111 for the fleet inEertion and crate r.., 1, • I,ll.rir, rl i sl Yearly ads Cr) tel 1 .. t eI he ihris e1K!•011 [inuring 3t eartire, but at Ito 111110 .re idierv,rii to than three equarem, al,cl hmiled to Ihrir mentrdiate !atnria. Advrirementa not honing othid• direction,. will be in orrtell 11l forbid, and eh.,ra,d accordingly. Ire ands, not exceeding 6 lines, Inserted of $3 per 14 7 . - 1 12 dlimiTaZg\Tai " Va i i i iL I V C C I L N OI N Z - - BENJAMIN F. DENISON, • ATTORNEY AT LAW, Cleveland. Ohio. Office on Superior et., In Atwaterli Block. REFER TO Chief initica PARKE/LC.lllOOldgC Life Seho01; 11.01. R. co tit!" FLKTCHEn, 10 Slate at., 110.00 u; lion. 01.5m1 k.r. 11, PER6/19, 111.3 'Walnut at., l'hila .Rt , ~ RD /1. (131.10. L, I:aq., 33 Wall at., New York' For rEsTimurct., s, reler to thi., 011 ire. :6 if - IVELSO gz. LOOMIS, ClenerAl For al din t", Produce and Commission Merchants. llc4rs in Salt, i coatge and line; aka,' Coal, Host l er: Shinales, . Public • Pecti, a est side of\ the public Erie, Pa. Fin IN J. lit I,•ci, W. \V. Loomis. 1111tAX COOK. WoleFiilcand Retail IYalcr in cheap wet and Pry Plaintly Giocctice, at No. 5 Donnell Block, tat,' st. rrie Pa. • L. WARREN. St4h. Mind and Dnor 11.tamdbetoreAtnr1 Dealer in G1a4..;, west side of State st, between 7th and Sth Erie, Pa. 'l'. W. 0 °lt E - Dealer if) GIOCelleS, PrOVleiollq, Wines, Ligunrs, r a ntlit.9, Fink. &c. No. 1,. Perry nil's, State cr,rt„ , I MARSHALL. & LOCKWOOD, Attorneys at Law. Office up stairs in the Tam many Hall building,not th of the Prothonotary's 0 lice: SAII'IIII JACliti6N. Dealcr ,in Dry Gi)0(1 , ., TTarrh% art., I..tatoti,s Wan., Litnt‘, Icon, Nails &c. No. 121, Pik., Pa. • JOHN 11. MILLAR. and suit cut,;0111CU111 EX 1 111111 . 1 1 2: 4 2 11 , 111 1 .111, Vtle, Pt. az . CO nui LO, N. Y. STORAGE, FORWARDING AND PRO DE C.ECOMMUSSION 'MERCHANTS, A NO:Dualei.. , to Leht.2ll and Eric Coal, Salt .'Pant` Produce ..zeoet.itty. Pal tieuhr ware. Iwo raid to the sale of Paufloce tool purl base of ,Nlof f haffflize. l N 0.3 E.:4 Coburn Square, South Wha,f. E. N. intrxt:RT, U. URIGGS. road°. N. V. 1•:9 BENJA.MIiN, GRANT, ___ _ Attoiney and CoooFellor I Law ; (like No. :; Slate ;.t., opposite the V; Oe lintel. ) rio. Pa. 4- GRAHAM Sz. THOAIPSON, Averneyii & Counsellor., iv .I.,rm, Office on Fren c h litre et, over S Jachson i.V Co's. Store, Erie April 21, 1817. 19 I. .ROSENZWEIG 2.4.. Co. Dpalers in Porei2n and Dunne.ziie Dry Good, Ready Made Clothin ,, , Bows and No. I," Flernining Bloch, State Street, Idle Pit, GALBRAITES R , r, LANE, Attorney. and Coun4ellorig at Law--Office on Skill street, west side of the Public t.iquare n Erie, Pa. G 1.0 It AI T V. A. GALTITIAITII G. I A )OMIS tq, CO Dealers in Watches, Jewelry, Silver, German SO ver, Plated and Britannia IVare,lery, il itary and F.incy Goods, N 0.7 Reed !louse, Erie WILLIAMS & WRIGHT Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Dry Goods, Cro erries, thrtlwate, Crockery, GlasQware, Iron, Nails, Leather, ' etc. etc. corner of State k.r'eet and the Public Spin, o Tosite the Eagle 'Tavern, Erie, Pa. WILLIAM ; 11113 ET. - 4 . thinet Maher, Upholster and Undertaker, ` Stile ree: l , Isrit Pa S. I)R.$lS:_z()N, M. 1). rt)piciari and Sin !!jol, %..)k/I) St i ,rect v.P.t it.. WALK i;I: COOK, FClrWilflllll 4 2 1 1 101111 CC • . ..i; t; I lowe r caa of the Pub lic C. Erie. JOSEPH KELSE4 - -- !anoractorers of Tin Coppei d Sheet-lion Aare corner of Erench and Fifth streets, Erie. - LISTER, SENNETT R.r., CHESTER, rol l ! Founders, wholczqde and retail dealers in Kinves„klullow-ware Fie. State street, Erie, P.a BUR TON & PERKINS, hole4.tle and reta Ideate r i n Drug.s,Medicincs I !,•t? tuffs, Groceries, &:c. N 0.5, Reed House Err, . U. M. TIBBALS, lo a ‘p i iu Dry roods, Groceries, 4.e. No. HI, 2Litsaioid e , Erie Pa. CARTER bt BROTHER. IPal,rqiu Alcilicinrs, Points, Oils, Dyr, 6,:e., No. ti Reed Hutif..l, Erie- 11. TOMLINSON & Co. 'r4, and C(1111111iSS{011' NlerchantF; 1(19 ;Id' Street, Erie, and at Gth Stn et Canal Ba also dealers in Groceries and Prot isions. lIENRY CADWELLI in llardwaro, I)ry Goods, Groceries, &c. side of the (Diamond, and ono door cast of hotel, Erie, Pa. EAGLE HOTEL, ram L. Brm%ru, corner of State street and Public srmare, Erie. Pa. Ells ern, Western, Southern Stage office. LYTLE & HAAHLT( N. 1 ... liableb :Nlerehant Tailors, o i the Public reA a few doors west of Stat • Etre,t, Erie, JOEL JOHNSON. rin Theological, AJiscollaneous, Sunday Clay i , •nl School Book; Stationary, etc. etc. II 1 , FtenChStrect - Erie Pa , • Pi.BRACE, ::tey and , Conn A fellor atlaw, Prairie du Chien, •T. praLlices iQ thecountics, of Crawford, ant and lowa W. T, arid in Clayton county, Territor'y. 9 tiITFEES' series ol St.huul !looks, 1, 2; 3, 4 and 5,. for sale at No. 111, French St. Nlay 6, 1847. - 51 I{SoNS iu %%ant of stir style of Dry Goode will find it very mue,h :for their interest ho AUra lictipsido Jan 22. ....•• i , ' • -•: l i T.,.. ' .". 1 .. ... . 4. -,-. l i.'" ' " 1.• c , .... I , , . .-:,,,,:-., - -•-•-t -3`i \ • .$.... Mt t A. V, . . , ... . . Lf • -*P.,' i ' ..' ',.* . 4 ' '7. ; .. -4, , ' .4 ' .',.