UNION COT FON WORIO. FebrlClfy IU, IrilN. wING to alterations and improvements ina- Uking at thl Union Colton Mill, some very rood BEI El. WOW., gearing and SIIAFTING, 'c o o., and other second hand Machinery, all earthy' or attention, are allured for 'ale. Address the proprietors 3rlo MOORIIEAD, COPELAND & Co. II _ Money Redecin6d! w ing. Kant. no.es of the banks that have re -1 Lentlv faded, are redeeineil'with Goads at the flare 01 11, Cade ell, fur their t Ethic. I eFbreary 19. I -4N. rr iOWNSEND:s SA RSA gross of Townsen,l's `- , arsapaiillit just re ceived, by private "express," in (lait bottles at oait dollar ca(2ll. Six bottles fur five dtiParz. 131111 rux Pl:iltb:l2k;ri, Fauna v 19. ISIS. 1-111. A .rf•lti A -- YElita" JillEttlt I'EQ,I'UItAL.-- medicine tor coughs, cold , l. and consumption is one of the moat beautiful and sdiemilic prepar ations estant. It has gained an Znvialtle ri puta hon, without the aid q t puffs and newspaper ad ‘erti.enumis. The proprietor has form-hid the pinsioiallsl of this place, with the. toi mula ind manner of fts preparation, and it has gained from 'them as melt us the faculty of ocher plaCes, their universal elminemdation, consequently those who talc it may ttnow, not. only its composition. but that it is inquired by the hand of scie.ice. Fm talc - by 131:1C10:\ 1 3 1',11K INS, • Feltruary 19, 161 S. No 5, Iteed House. Me L.NNE'S VElt receire4 by st,pzr. by roN A LM AN ACS Full 1,000 .I...ricultural 11. arid Faindy .11m .• yet.' at PEPtl\. 1 lie Last Call TIIE „,,,,,„,,b,.,?,.,.: eartly,,ly tie - 4: e- all per :•ons imlfAtetrto hiin, either by no.e - or. Iwo , : account, to call ss illurr• delay-mid mal.e payment Ili 4 connection v%,itli the tann,n , • InNines- 6-e; ..liscentinruAl bou‘e'ruoli le , sines, and he is ab utt 'lasing the Coot and :,I,ce ho-itieNe; com,:equent lv a ipeLdy settled:lent:of all account. emmeLted Cliere‘‘ ill, ristm ho had •eomt. 11%. ,t)(1M11. , co-ts hill Ice 1;15 ed. A V. a: dru ,11. , cs s- , .. i ,tulleicus. :-. 1 \l:;El. 11AVS, Eric, February if), 1 z •,.. ti . lo _ _ ,To. Contractors cr. \ 1'rev0 , .;.1.3 01 he ri teix ed i.y the )..3Y.tilithn2 C. inn i t ter LI or ,••••L hoot 1)11.1.4'0.r. of the el,tj jet t•ch tti , to •h • 1.-O .I.ly e j March ne.v., tor 1 , 11 , oddia••• w two School 1 1 .0gto r o Se‘ .• ont• Ito tio tot too',Ot,•L: , . ,•. , c !Pt I I ivt::• ,o look!. Plot , •-poo•:' • , lioo t I 32C11 at di • (.41i•••• fj! ILA) I tiru‘ • - l • }',b 11, 1 \nnual .;t:itenseflh nt ('o;n:ni - riourf•r of . County . /or _ yr r 17 In en•r, !:, • • ‘...•it ;;,•• I ',no•n:-:if•:•••rs oriln. • ••••• C I n I` : .I .ll4itt Lit id ;0 , ..'AI <3lil tiq:‘ C•••• ). 0 - A If. I 17, , ••.; tr“, 1,1 1 . 41.1•r1V .1 1 1 1 1 I,IV •- %WI i( 1 ( 1(• . 11 ,,,1 0 ,. 111),(• 1 11 11 1 ,1 , h ' (:.• a t( I:t11 1/1 ,1 11 1 101 , -.11(i -- 11— , a.l •..• ,•! t; •• 'll • I , ldl •••• I; ••• • r .%1•,•!,..0. • ••= i:,1•••1; I!, 1"1'.7;, \ r, , ~‘ gi i.i' .1, 11••: • ., t• t2o •`- :27,11; t;') Aumir . .; • \ r 1. 2 317.2 t; 'l%l ME 61.1 1 • Atm (In' f;,r ;., A ri, I ;1 Artwl,kt fcr , 1 j•t Th.)•, v, , r ! i , i A n•nu;t NI \V I'.n••,! Am4,llnt - f:,, ME 1101..0 : 11. Ft Amonnt rt 1 0 .1 1..11., on ci Am, nut ro•v( dit j I I ' .Ohl Iteut 0110, tor N3(1.) mount Ire,•kol , O • .\ 111 H). , ein,g 5 pm ( , 'it. oo all% ame.l, '1 , 4a1 Ilect is 'tiJi Stale tax • Expenditures. mu:\ w A I :I'll ).;I'S Arfinirlt I)ep•lty y o rral, by l; of I 1 11 sum: awl in tt •• In 'onini,.:l wealth c,t,, P\V. Atnornt end the Triennt.tl the ye ,r 1' '7. to vi c, A, 'lVardsßoi•lizh J C Sriteer, a,. is •;u,:, Witi William. .11 ,, Wvst NVard A..Tra , . V, E 11 Matte-0 NltU( . l l 3, Andwts 1010 l; II lVaLrnor, Art,l,.‘N 1,. ❑~..:0r Er, 1 1 I :Ay, , inshn. n , -e-sor 11 r:, • 11, 41) ~_?117.111, :i`~l "'ll' ,01), ac ., i , vant (i.) 1 rlKor zjst ntit, 50 do do I no a- -Nt Y:s.l Nord' m Z T'ar's, Win CI:111 tor 1 7 .a , t tp. Ja("1)1111—,ri-‘ - nei . ; 21 \V 1 1 1.ttne,...-- I,ittt , _ll , , 31111.,n( Samqol Lilo j a , 4= Vs; ta l,rr, J \'V a, John .Y 0.• I \V Pot! , r 4 r (, s .lohri It 5t , 11411, Li I )4.n. or°, \Vol I 11, Rif o , r %IC:, \N" ;11.1, E I r. 4 1 (1 ; A r iiin , r 4 , 1,1 S art 1:0:(1 t 15419 i• 'unt 11 , ) 2 0,1 I ' o ^ Oil h;rocoll.1d, is 00 , t-tant. d.t .2 (111 do do 2 no-. Ver.rot.o, 20 t--1-'4l,t 4101 do 4 tio .1 po)--.. -.hot hl 1 ILI do do I hid o r 15 PI a -I.•ant d - 1 Ito I Oa V. ,1% :Ir.. (I 1 i 5 101 -01 f all' d do t I , '- a It gil 1 0 vi, d i ,.:, F wa w,,,,„,, , a , Ju'in \Vond, a...0.5t.rn., tiro Kiiii.,..m, do di, il 00 —5O 0) 14 , ,,i '-.l,triner, n•e'r NVivei tool rp. 35 0.) :"•,111111121 Jew re,t, Jr. nee't do 7 no Atei.l IVooduketh, do do 7 04-4 J 00 \\•m Prm.on, 11•M't Wlt'elf.)l.l b:11". 1300 Simeon Hunt, do do. 100 Samu .1 111,1%111w., do I 00--23 00 Wmlirallam, as.res•or Greene, 37 00 E 0 Pinney. 0.,..1 , ant d o 600 Jas I Ininil.on, di, . do ' 53) 13 s') Snarly Steliqd, ~, , er NI,R, (0. 3 6 n o 11°10 'C.Srerreti, u. , .1•1.int do 7 011 l'hos Darin, Ja, do do o , 700 —3O 00 Pots ii 1 llorave Po ere, rr.-:'r Wil-long n, .17 00 ' P llntrlim , lnin, aseietant do 7 00 1 110,401 Stillwell, do lit) •• 5 011--19 01 l'. \\: Tniteliell, as'r Edinboro, 12 04 Ii It Ti rryi assistant do 2 00 l'riali Hankins, do do 2 00--16 03 Orin G. \Vood, assessor•Franklio, 17 09 Let I Silverthorit, as:kant do ''2 01 Stephen Francis, do . (10 2 09--21 00 :‘1 J Randall, arse.-sor Elkereck, 26 00 r Lade, Sherman, asei-tam do 6 13 Perry Kid,dt,,-; do 00 • 6 00-38 13 , . Jnritei ,Marcy, neseneur Conneaut, .10 00 Henry Huntley, assistant do 4 00 Ralph 1.0% man. do do 4 00--15 00 'it!../ P Luther, assessor Fairvien, 313 (.0 Nitmi,.l C Sturgeon, as,ist,int do 7 00.... %ainin 1 13reria, do do 7 00— , Ivp 11 , dltd iy, 0 •-'l. =prin..:ll"l,l, 3 1 1 00 1.).1`,11 , fr ) Abraham Eat;ly , assistant do _ 1 7 00 Joseph Ware, do do 6 00—t9 00 Wm It Millet...assessor Girard, 50 00 Junes McClelland, assistant do 9 00, ' John Hay, do .do 9 00-63 00 Amount paid for Nolices and Precepts, 20 00 Total amt for p ossessina for 1317, $1,103 78, Atrtnont"pa id- the severtl Apsessors for tat:ilia the Asse3:=essment or the County for tho year 180, to wit. James M Sterrett,' assessor East Ward Borough Erie William I losltimmn, assessor West Ward lloromzli Erie,.,3o 00 Wm Crosier, assessor Nillereek, 45 00 ;".alvin Lee. do Vlarborereelc, 30 75 Russell A White, do North East. tp. 26 00 Ale Davidson, do North East bor. 900 Jeremiah Jones, do Greenfield 19 00 Jno Meenlion2ll, do Venatigo, 2l 25 P G Finn, do NVattsbur , • r „ 7 00 Arno. Itrtlihnn, do Amity, 15 00 'lemon Ahhey, do Wayne, 23 00 Nathaniel Ames, do ('oneord. ' 91 00 • C F-I Kennedy, do U n i on , 17 00 II C Mallory. do Leßotieff, 31 50 ; 131 . 11) Avery, Jr. do Waterford tp. 27 00 James flays, do do • bor. * - 11 00 Z I_, - Welt ter, do Gree • 25 00 Joseph Weldon, do Nleli; n, . 35 00 i Alfred Greene, do Wash iLtton, 24 39 .1 J Culharson, do Erlioh ria, ' , S5l l G r i n C W o n& do Pranhlin, 11 90 1 John \V Pettis, do E.iLeivm4 20 00 1 John S'p oddinq, do Conneaut, 28 13 NI \l Kelso. do Fairviow, 20 00 1 Al.. ‘ T af qaq, do Gitard tp. 21 50 1 fop. Sou h, - do Girard hr. .. 950 1 1111 , 11 \ i.n 4, 11, do 'zprin2ft •Id, 27 85 Amount. paid :or'prinliiig P ecep 5, 5 50 —U.e fro,- II Amount pai+l for rvit 0 air, on .1.. slsr t i s I do do d., rou, t 1i0n..., 3.; 9TS l' do do du otilue..3l , :stoves, .10 (10 Amount paid'fnt• Coal and NVory,l (• mut t,:tt•c, and Commis4ion er'.3 0111,x. -1 3 111S(1N I?\PEN 4E 1 3 E 1;ulton -fur buaidtng Pt i,n;lrl Ainotiiil paid sundry poisons for el0;11- inv.: and bedilinz for t`risoner- - , Amount paid Or A Podiee one yral's sal iiv as Nit 6ir paid irottiii4z IN' ll)dIN !tpe). pei 4onq tor candle , , y o , tit-ii denial; a..a.s-Inent , , and C , t C. 'ID TA _Ammo , 'eh4 ded to Fondly pet s , elq for 1.116,14 !mull ~1, 1 el', Sides ti lorli of le t e_tirned, and sold in CliOr„ mmrnt p l i pel)ll , liie• , Nliml 3l •'• 4l a'o weer, ilif p. Odalti.ll ion or it•Tici Ekt.ll'i,.\ dye', tell! , and i' . 411111,, $l)2 43 (24 )I'N.I'V ;ES. Amount 1.1.1 1.:.(1,,f0r In. ort.(.;urvily Urid•re ill Lc. 1; , 1014IT lot re ii.hk:•• H 1 Vali 11111111. 11.141 IA 4.11111,111 c 1•:,11., ;or re 1.a ., ink •nt %Vett -liere . ,, 17 9') \ tioyulc pll,l lui 11.1tiz .5 31 )(":: .Imoilot paid I Weks er, • day. vico 111111 4 .10rIer, 111, 1.1,i111! (1.1 . j -11011HW_ appeal., in the , e\ (~ , , . 1.111.1), - , an l bol 'hs 891 5) A p 'id m, . vl ft, Et, , 1,7 - 16 day , he,t(l. = N... HI:, MIME ci 1 by I '..t.) •- 1,11 , 1 i.v i HO 1) ::,,, co ME ,81.99:1 ct 11: r r.p. AND :rip STAVES. II 0 t 1) kr, '0 00 IGO 52 !:3 2 on do 6 ill do 6 Uti EMU 10 0) 111 00 10 00 =EI cirri 110 1 ) 10 0i) ISIM SEM 3= 4 f - 1) 0,) 5 co 5 011— DIE MEM -2.2. a) >,11;3 NEB MEE BEI 6 fq e, ni 37 (II t.t) 59: :;3 On if; (r) -52 00 rt - w: NT v BulLniNG's • I ;111:v•ak, Anv 'lin paid Y,' m. ''q., lily 5.2 a, do iNdkidici4•2 days 1131 - Am,owtt. i,atd Ilinn•,.i( A. ! d:r 2 a a.; do. J ).1.7, A II1011:1* T 1 J , 110,3 in G,Annion ISIS 7S in ilnar. S.oseinn,, 9I•! JG Grand •' •• •IliB •1I 1)::1(1 I:. 11. 1.)11e, Crier, " " Ilry.i:it, Tip '..4;ave, " " David Bian, do, Ir_;!)NS 111 7 ,T1311NS A ino.:itt paid cmistables lor rr ttU nt: to coml.' of !An t.•r S,ssioas and , attend.inr,• on (Aram! Jury, • 176 41 STA )N :\\l) 13 , )01i:S., Inu tint p ai d O. 4). Splclotd and otheiti !or )(Ake! , kir l'foliionulary's and Reg-- isier apd 11 crollit ciflico-, ALIA for pa / pc:, ink an I (punt !or Coinwis.ionee:i o!lico an ! cow!: 11111 E coin',9 ted A Wt.,. lerk, 510 00 l'tolhonutary's and Recorder's fee. A motint 1, Lid , Pro loe. notary and tleik of Tile sevei cou 111:4 It•e• , to; JlllOl.- and tot' , L Lk L ILty, cowl fines and Jury and for l'uttuding Eluc Ilun ruitirus, Amount {told F. :\ lowly:id, Jr. Lsq , rue:3 (or r.:cording . Truasuret's borp:b, &C. CORONER. 11 bunt p.llll Thos. Dillon, F.sq., cononer ior hl kiln?. po,t inoltPin 111 08 Cu ‘I‘IISs,IONEII. I B Arnohnt J. Barnett Johnson, Esq , 1 Vu.', ,t 1 try. `l.‘‘. WNSI 11 ELECTIONS., Ainco nt paid co.i.dithies for Itilvetti:inl't (.1‘ 6 ion :Ind nutifyin.: ollrhu , rs elected,: 102 80 Atwount p lid Ihr. •e. vcral vire: B .:1 Idi f or holden_ I otrni j lp E 1.4 311113, Nlatelt 19, Is 17, indu tennis and adenda.lee GEN .:11.AL A111 , ;1111' pain --(•=s - or , I;.• po,plia op Hs s of tar ,t,1,.s and a; k•oilance at ele , lipn, 33 00 Ain't of hal. p tid do. hr Ir3lq, 14 51) Ain' paid llo! ‘evvrat EleetiOn Boards for holding urneral 'Acta ion'o 4 3 Ihu 2d Ti.,(l,ty to Ortobcr; .1:11 . 1 iht:lai,cc du. tut- 1616, .I A PSr .Imlint paid 11. Mattes for conncoc(l (haft. he I(Ali I)ona.itin District and la , lt's south or tii.tril!le line 'in Erie coun:V, si.:ALS AND PRESSES. nail 11. S I . Drake Ir Scal prc,,1...3 t u r Roliiolit.tUrYS Itegi-ter arid Ile c.):(lrr's and Coovoi7“ , ioner s offices, MIIIIMIZEMM 14r C.111% . '•V1 IP , COll% :CiS Ur pcoacno.try, paid do. for sulionooiog juror:‘, " J. 11. Scot , E•o. , fi l l. sheriff (.I'.lllo2llcor c•.uoly, for conveying io bowl . to Erie comity for ttjul, 43 Otl. POW: 11(117S1 Ain't paid 010 direit:iirs in 11111 of their regkii,i , ion l'or t.lle yi.ar }Bl7, "31%10N tI.IIC 1.1: 4 7NSTL%ANIA p.inl (3. I leek, eos , s in suits vrridelsGf furvi2n ‘tn't p.li:l J. S. Brown. rsq. his expenses In ca:r)'itig• state! fluids Pittbnrg AUDITORS. t.s3l 19 Ain't paid .1. C.\llrilall, Iraq. Auditor f,r 41 day:: andil u aecouo!4 of Pro• thonot•try and Re. , itour and Recorder, 9 00 Awl paid Iliainas Pierce, Esq. II days auditing tin accooop, or do: voooly CollllllkNiollPr,,, comity treasurer, di- rector:. o poor and Ire isorer3 or the Erie and Watcr6.rd Academies. IG 30 Ain't paid J. H. Campbell, 8 days do. 11. Ott, " J. Chambers, 9 days do. 13 50 TREASURER. - Ain't of commission cilowed John S. Ittoco, conmy treasincr, by cornillissioneN, will the approval of th comity Audi Ars, 4 I per cent. on 510,829 15, amount of county warrants rrolvemed.by hito and cancelled by the Auditors, - STATr. FUNC Amt paid to the . Cornmonwenicti, be in; the state proportion ofeasli receiv ed for laves for 1847, on county rates , and levies, in,ffull for said year, e,x-, eepting state tax on unseated lands, 9,159 28 1 --- Total amount **disbursements, ineled• • jag amountiof state tai collected and paid commonwealth, , Ain't of cash in tho treasury, / -- . • .., $ 0,142 75 Deduct for warrants in circulation; 563 761 k \ e• 9.573 99 ' Dore..—The fees and allowances to mllectors, for lost t Xek. on their duplicates, settl , d during t the year are not embraced in the toreling state ment; inasmuch as they were neither i ecei red in or paid out of the treasury, but are as !nifty. s; Fees allowed cols. for yr jai:l, state mi l d co. '"..6 82 u St ‘, IC 15 . 16, county, I IF. " " ' 1817, st. and- o. 1,100 ..?e, 1313. sate, 10 87 (.. 1817, state ant co. 193 21 Esonerations allowed M. W. Catmite ~ slieri.r, fines and teee uneollcciable, 351 00 Bullanee due from Wm. StanclilT, col- lector ni ‘Vashins!ton township for the year 1839 on suspended list 331 00 Lositaxes, t 4 or the sever.ll balances ontstandinz, January Ist. ISIS, as per Auflieme Report. Balance untstandinz o t Unbsa;erl Lands Gar the yelir 1316, Co. 111943, SG 33 It " " I SIG, Co. k State, 1297 61 It " do. , I I 77 Dalslices dire from - Asa Pratt, NVit.tsburzli, 1.613. Counl, 619 02 John Dunn, NI illereek 1516, " 42 33 ha Shatluelt, Greenfield, 1816,. " 22 90 Janie: , Irmil on, Ilreeno, 1116, " *4.2 31 David WC:vary, \ 1 ilivrovk 06‘1,1, " 30 15 John H. Bennet!, Vanant.to, IS 17, " 31 61 Daniel Shepard, Amity, 1617, " 61 75 I letnan Heath, Concord, 1617„ 578 W. Vito:rut, Waterlog - 0 lux 1817, " 61, 41 John Johnson, Greene, 1317, " ' , 69 55 Isaac. Girard, ISl'. "- 120 03 ,I'.2T/ 7:IX O.\' P EIISON.IL, Xt9ll( COVXTY 1.V.V1)3 *in. Vincent Watertbrti bur. 1617 62.:') 50 • iller, G hard LS 17 21 00 tr:6ls QC E 4 2CO 06 SIG' 13 FRox vanyrnu.ms. Mil title !root A Scot t,littes jodgt 171 03 " 0.1 . W. m. mine, do. " " " NPNatir. do. " 303 1 77 " Cattoltey, fitteß L fees 2.23 00 " " Jae. 11. Sterrett, inlet e.d on A.. Millet's old account, iG S 5G EEO EOM nut , •audint:, includiw: State t•ix, :31 is !7.2 (;,)11 , 9ei0.s !narked thus ' , mre paid up in Bill •iiiice se dement. '2 50 S l~tl L`3 N0Tt.,— . 1111.! reported doe from Jollll - ar d David ;\ l'Crearv; Collet:101s of \llll - Is towns tip for the yeari3 1816 and IS 17, alr ido op of ':ototty and State tits-: on a pot tine of tho cadelllV land silitalod lin that township, some of the Tenotttos in pos.;,•init te 7 isting the p tvitio.ot of taxes 011 Said 1.11111, 1 t1111 . thr.i11:4 Academy llitet is not stthj , k!! to iI , ,IeASIII , III. (11 1:1X , , , b) law, all Ito Li t that tpit:,i,tion, a suit HMV penditp , in till Court °Ct.:0.11:1101 PI •os 01 l i:tie oitosetpleto ly the a'oro4litil Colleet 01 s cloriot clo-t1 then Dutilic,i:e until that quc,,ion Is , $3l 23 02 STATEMET. of die amount or public.' t:• , :ot Coluiy, Poor and Stale faxes levied 04 eavh of th rtspeeiiie Town-hiira and Doi titiiih.4 in the ()minty of P. ht:iniz thirty five cent; (.7ontity and l'no , . and thitty vents Sta. e tax on every c o t mndred &A lms 8f the valuation or the year IS 7. t'i.; 00 EMU 'l'o and Collectors . 4 11 . V11 .1 11 Olt p . tl)11, . 1 1 . 4111103 at. ' n .:111, t nr 1' I:1: In un:tr, East \V. Et in. \V. lli.nrod ;32.GJ 35:5190 tri West \V. Erlo. P. E. Burton. 221; 11 111 55 3.lillereek, D.C.\ PCreU,y. 2.7 n 13 100 Hui Ineereek, Calvin Leet. 121' 4 1 -1 75 Nord] E.tst if), IV. A.ll - olnnson 117 55 "5 2. "North 1-'ll.-t In) J. \l. Conrad.l 271 51 •5 25 Greentleil, Jeremiah Jones. . 2.:, 61 73 Vanano.), 1. 11. Bunn , tr. 177 01 \Vult,lnn ,, ll, Allen Heed. 5I ..-.0 `3 00 Amily, Ditniel :- . llelitnil. - 250 22. \Vuyne,l%nry Hasse t. 1 .Ily 01 Concoul, Uvular' I 'call. .351 10 ' 4 119 10 10U 50 EMI 21 03 Union, Wm. Po :355 , 75 I.c C• Mallory, 5.h.1 19 70: Waterlord tp, L. Setiz Nick. - \Vaterlivd ho. Win. Vincent. 393 76 21 00 Grovne, John John-on. 85-. 17 • ;kneed'', Asa M. Vorze, 1090 :11 Waqhinuton, James Port, 810 73 •: , • 2 .;1I 00 Pdinlwro, Henry U. Tel ry 102 63 1'73 Franklin, .1. P Silverthotn. 215 11 r Ikercek, L 1. Mtlth% 631 41 71. 00 U$ 00 Conneaut, FL ( 2. Ilecidert. 862 93 _ 75 Vail %low, Juhez Luther. 1367 39 .1 2.5 Girard, I...nac Miller. 1165 55 22 85 Springihdd, Amos - Smith. - 1355 IS 16 00 MEI SISI 23 323.321 -35 8137 ,s 8 Amount oreounty tax including all the lees lbr collection, lu-_s ta': and un seated lands - *9,261 81 Amount or ['nor tax Levied upon requisi- Hon of Di rectors of the Poor - Amount of State tux hen e, the undersigned, Auditors of the County of Erie daily elected and sworn to Audit and Set tle the public accounts of said Comity, havin_ ne•t at the Unice o f die County Commissumers, and harlot , carefully examined and comparad the accounts and vouchers.of the (..:ommiSsioneri and Treasurer of the aliirpsaid County fn the year A. D. 18 17, do report that we find them cc:oleo, end that we flail a balance outslanditio• due the Coital from the several sources mentioned, of Four Thousand One Hundred and Eittlity six Dollars and Ninety two ctibts,lwhit e amount in cludes State tax tin unseated lands for years IE -16 7,) and a balance of cash in the Treasmy of County Funds of Eii:ht [Thousand Seven 11 un dreit and Sixty•seveli Dollars and Ninety four cants, and of Road Funds Thirty five Dollars Folly cents, and School ,Funds Twelve Dollars and.Tweniy four