Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, February 19, 1848, Image 2

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Feb , B.—The tie:tate! was 6,111011 to order
by On Pi.oNidont pro'too .. null proceeded to
tht tensifetation I - tlrt ripirning businss.
-- Th e j o j n i r ref . o lotion.i pai,tfil ye today by
the House" tendering a tote of thanks to
lienerals Scott and T,aylor, were recieved
and referred to the Military Cmninittee. Mr.l
a testilution calling 'upon j
ilk President for Ow lir-st jo oject for a treaty,
Submitted by the Mexican Comissionms - pri
or, to the counter projeCt refer;') to by Mr.
Trisi. Allop!ed
The•SCllatke then went hitt Cie consi lora- !
lion of the Ten It..gimeio, bill, awl Mr. Mil- \
let: kv : rig the (k)r, spoke at soot leittli"in
opp.isition to the bill,' contending that the
present force was"stnlicient fur the legitimate
purposes of the war, and the sanctioning of
anyeincrease in numbers would be sanction
ing a war prosecuted for porp.tie:i . of con
quest. Mr. Niles has the Boor to-morrow
op .n this subject, and, on his motion, the
etiate adjourned.
House.—Mr. Brodhead prozonted a re.Fo'n
lion riuthoriziiig the (Clerk of the II oi,e. to
filly the widow of OK; late Wyn. I Lmsbeck, the
usual :exoenfie3 sttooling riis fue"nd, the
sime as if his reartin< hrtd be.Pu Imried at.
Wastiintrtun. \I r. A thin:tuft typo:
reitto:ution, anti it tray reit?rrett to the
tnittre on Accetints.
'rho speaker announcel as the Ctrtttit tLiufr
in order the buittetFs open the tai ;e, tt,sl
ei titio.l the emonittees for itstpttrt„:.
When the ll•ttys - j gt•tt throti;,;tl wt,th rrt;-
ular rite-eing be-iitet-s, it v.tttit intlt
tCC of the whole, and took up
beim; the order or tho cloy.
!dr. Vinton too!. -List n
substitute, irunitott sixtt—tt - in:ty,
teen mi'dittit, at, tiH et tottn.,t_to
arguel tlr. kyhole tittes•iott, .:n'
mwe woold he nettdetl than
House after ri.on r, fratti t.
atljon foul wil!hut int it
.Feb. 9. Itt the 60:1•ite
dent made
'chamber to an I 1 1.1 w 1:
ut noun. pr •:-
sideraiiim 01 tie b
The bill Iron
boTi.lary b
was pissed. L Tile:4imate,tly
consid!ration .1 the ten .
Mr. Niles a :drct—...l the
nut for %%Mt...tray:l—z t
poscsimi of New , xica an Ii•
would ~to for tin f
snry fur that objurt .
Mr. Uttdmt 1 11%-;
subject forin.umrr.)w. lij 111.:;
House.—Tii•J c .1 .
Committee, f.
iq nrler.
Mr. -1.1ott.:::. f tb k
Military Afi.:us, 1. , ... 0rted
the filling o:
ties to th.)-c v,ht) cnli-t. a , ;':
tratiqpbru‘lirm cf • ;;fini
which IPai reLl is
Committee of Tht.
were al,o.r_ex..rtc..l r •
13111 way
York, spoke it. .4, 4 0* 1ij4447:4 in
from the war. ac 7fl
i t chnini,t ten .ifv ! to i l o“
try in fhliktiiti, , l lt . 41f i
tion. Mr. To of Ton:,
awl rea.l a -push, 11...1c1r.ht11:
tion. %Viten h. hal eoaclo I.
oho+ i.leJ the fl fir to-in in •.t
tn , gigqi t Corn ni iquO. ?.
F. b. 10—Li
$( 1 1)11. , 111 petlinoi i low 1!,.• con
iAf Mii•io ;ippr
Con.zre,. for Ci • inv,w,l,t• n•-•nt
leayellor, in, .1
Ipinn antborizolz au I ,
be;.ri‘e ndlc r-, no •,
grille:it crp:met,
filch wnt••. !cn•l an.]
)r. Ran. on lon
Winn onol :01 I op•ti lr
•,,‘ll,tdi tt a - r••:t•', te.;(•••
th e Uomlnit t.e!!
The St'll,o6 C••••):.•-••••.!• ! •
f th e ten ;:
the «ar in it, ,Irktli ;1,11
thOlight itS . Cl^ . 1
were the (pir 1, ,
Ile rair.loe I
be t«() htouil-1 1.1:!Ito.1
Ile tin-might:. Do hwt% for 'I
be ohtHino.l h .c.:l rt
be i:.te ulinhli Tine ho,t
\vas I.) retr:(4 , our .t..:
Ind nluitt f,r th-2 + , fo 1.•
oat o• th t,rrityry v,
pe.itiwi lu : u ':c• at?
00110111 the Iv..
bottt.7l to tak te,t t.•r hin
re-oluti t're
such terat , , as b,
thi motif. by Turt“.v, t!
In the ;1).1
r.1 ,, r,a111 , ,n1 10:y
. 1;n!•lan•I, r
for r vrre-tinoll.t ,
rufurie,l C j ' t
; I:nt u 0 tll-0'..0 . %!
,1 , •134t0, :Ir. 11. C
1..1,,p; Mr. Palley tilvect - tio i
rt.conily pant :h'.
itx n. a!ttreed
-ic.l .t t the tt• uf the .!%lexicati war, •in
•The llott-tt re , it'...od it-el; it itt i'tt
of thr , Nvird,,,,,„ the
,1,1:e of takes ground rigitio-t, his connity.
thc / and in klttictire of Mexicts. 'Pherelipott, 11.1r.t
.I%lr Mar-h Ita:, ttnt,te.:•: ei le as ir (1 1 '.1Y hound, etileghtes Mr. Gana
the war „,, t i r slit. tin ht.- production. Ile
;:. t ;,„ :„.„ r 0. „ '•1 litlo tlik• nionwitt per,died an Wide pitin-
Ilrt ron of Mr. Gallatin, in tthich,
othcr Ihtt•r ithiatne ; tind I.ll' `'` ' t "
N ‘llhollliajly concert between u 4, l hind Oita
the I "t '
he takes stnithir positions itilil'i•;(• %%'hiCh.l had
Fib. 11.—in the to lite
pre% io•ti:t.) , liefortifies "them by a
thins rc,citictl iAtn, enc. he - array of facts and po'worful argu-
Iron Hon. :ii:
1 " * .
i terimitiv 1\ , . ; .ctttt,ittit. In his nidniatitt: of Mr. Gldtalin, Mr. Clay
• i (111 subjects. IS
ro.r. 1) , i.t thiS Altivrt
the p—ntlenian to t•tylittiin 1
a I»
;n H.; 1-, c ,r:`: 1..'•1 0;1' 1:: I
tiv..iy !..11.. - (• 1,, f ¶r .1,1 3 ,
repo,tn I hoot
two fr"":1 •-• . •r: ;
ert.l, 'IL.) n i , •11
iripte 1 &t,i"...?:; , .10. , ;• -
to n vttzrole. , •:,• v
oppn-PJ 11'' n
in "itch r.ti
. 1 1-t U I 1, , r , % 0,1
ft•iiiitl the :1i r.
con-idored Mr.
I'' /.. , r
- 111 - r. 113'. ri. ••• '.l 1 -1 , v. 1t r.--
‘va 1,.. '11;1 , 1 1 1Qil
oitnel 1111 , ecs„,l ~:iv r
1 :;!;.` 'l'm!:
Tenn-4,ee, a
blll, ttLrn Mr. Cie--e ot.t;Cti,4,l the Sloor, ar.3
.the Senate adj,otrily,l M0i., 1
tne--nge ‘‘;l- ot'Cllve.l from tne
Prt.,!:!ero of Ow Ow
Or bit; 0;1 ale t.." - ctetaty,
43. that no f rouiev v t , x „..„
Lad bef-a rocei yeti 1 , ,t - once. exo ,, i,t:by tho
rrecitv:,, nt 4•1 . 1 - , FA ut
fii“ , r of Ow 1401, • 4 . 1 raid itre , wa, thou ta
ken up t.:10 di
A Coot , Ufs;:•—•—.A:i Ii who ‘isitt_4,l
:lie tt !or the t'it gond time, in
384.1. lit uwat ilf e.:111 tilmot 31r.
Clay its exit • d t•it t•ir Ilse I re-itlt•nrvt plo
putiisied ti e to itta itt, t - ,i,t•-t ton to a gentle-,
m „„ " lio 41-• in ettmers !ion: 1 Cit:N. Won•rn.—A Washington corrospon
"l- Ow , ll 1) , ) I- Dow rtt , iting, a I dent of the Courier r3Enquirer says: ,
Fon of Ilio orad \vim o r olier “General ‘Vorth's letter in favor of annex
%Own 1 v. - , I t t I be \\.een ! aeon, and avowing strong Demnaestic princi
twewv ao I tlurt , . \pity- irony h•, t•' tvill soon be published. it is stitlicieht
-1,-st‘ %%itil ht• the son of Erin ;ly I s trfriatisfy any reasonable expectation
not cot I tie of thii.pllrtV. On the i•ubject of atmexatiun
-/ I. itei'l . ' tit in this 1;o: , !" . pith /C.
The Richmond Republican has received a
letter from a friend at Buena , Vista, dated
January lith, stating that BUSTAMENTH is at
cluantlinanto, at the head of 6,000 troops;
that there are 1,500 at San Luis; 3,000 'at
Durango under and that the state of
Zacetecas has - raised 10.000, maki r og 21,000
to 22,000 in alli The letter also states that
SANTA ANNA had landed at San Vas, with
probably the purpose of joining the forces
tid.a . .FIusTAmENTE. The letter add:
‘Colonel Hamtramck has, under his com
mand:46oo men—the 16th regiment at Mon
tt:lCY cam . roon gthrown up here—and the
dragocas and Braggs' battery will number
ogether constituting a ft•rce of 4,-
000 to the field. We would'have 5 batteries
of light artillery in perfect order, 4 regiments
of infantry, 10 companies dragoons, end 4 of
eat alrY. :The dragoon and artillery horses
are in I'.;e order; in February last they 'were and broken down. The four regiments
are uell drilled and tinder tine diseiplineel
We'i - vo :Id have Gen. Wool fur our corn
inau.:er, and you need not fear tiro result.
We can beat the best twenty thouandtrimps
.Ic.-:.ico,ean_produce; and hating Buena Vis
ta to view, no force Santa Auras can bring
Call (I NV(' us from the glorious tield.'?
part of the stone letteit the wri
sAy, : hale this moment :Teeire. th , in
fem .Con that LTrrea has ioarclied front Du-
I.::: Jo with 2,0011 eat airy aHzl 2,000 ferii, to
I'ne.ohi ban ho has 2,600 nen ei and Olen
tit .
10 :yell yal,L.t tint forces at the eac,,o, which
lie,i e‘r( then• way frpin
T`' .- •
1 the '
he been f i orwarde Ito (;en.
el. I. and expec,..l
'3' wits be ordered, with •wa regiments
ittrlttar.•, 1t...0 batteries 11 , 11 t. artillery, mil
:Gine to move and fall Lirrea .,
tear. and clo-e nn Inm about the time he
r,‘ , letio-; tilat \NC. will have Ur
red Loweell tv:o forces." I
'rte. c01d, 1 4 theze rti
•:- a:, :-.lys the department reco;t:,l,
‘1,..;.•1te1:e- on tIl . r•nhject. e titer,
reirviil;s that he 4. k lemll not be stir
pri-e 11, ai the liexicaii3 hepr 01
v. hlt %- i 1 Conu!estz. t:nl the t lolent
I) 1..01 ra till' are
Iu LL‘ 14 of ten rt , giutents to rein'', ree
;Aid to prosecute the war, t lie ettt•tby
,11.).1t , 1 It:11y thritt force:, ulrl o i like hoot het'
ctiac.; epon a dotatchtnent til ceur trout's or
! ;,,,t,„•1 1 , , I po,t. l 4 dit'lt a blew, if it
I 10•)•:.‘ 1 a
:itt .. ail
1 , ,_, : .
107C0 .1j1.+71 1.;'0
t. , 11 41(1:1 . -
I'l , IPA 1 . -!itn'Nit, lilt aid animating
01 di:.
1!t,• ten
len (,3u. r.nd carry nil a
fun , . e Can. Scortt'A
N\ recure tau L•ns
in Ihat direction. 1., theiefore,
r by the dial t,l
S • 3:IL
i r of principle:,
l; :• - i.:cr.wy (.1; 11)3 -eons.;
,:1 11 :1 1 ..-.•.) 1, 1 1:1.11 1.)
1.f., r- rit , ro
litt vanity—=)r XVII° e.)1}13
111•;rt. 111,1!0 ul - mil_(tint-elf the 0n.11.1-
I' " ,' , thr. Ilis
ca1:,..11,0* Fla!". fvl'a'rist. the
'' t,- , iir,••itHli 4 01 t!n
iii ill t.t . )ntempl.; , to
o•••• t v.zith tit
H o
r 0 ; • !: an]
•I' . • c .11 tut th no
his b rinl oneurn
on the IA ar havo
.ti) , 11 ,1.• ;i; . : i„) the pe•iple, iihrt
kir if:. - it • lie GI Ow
fit. e` •iii lac a .1f
t ' j . 1 1. D't Vas, tile hero of the Tart.):
of li . ilrf..r_l , ,e es Letris Cuss fertile- Prei,i
-d ' 1 j ,
ull dencv.—./. , try_werefion •
'et • _
c Coy and Well3lo:in Livadco.
• :.:1•1 acconn army corres
,iva New Orkaii,aDelta, thus hits
eentitnents of these two
. ..I Whig champions:—
; a:IL--; of Mr. eilly an.l Mr.
r received here. If these gen-
P. , aid and assist the enemy, why
tLi r`O into -thrir rdaks nt oiler? II
a..t 'y Ia I :,1•• u, nri-ket-1 an their . sh•whiers,
Ow: no id assist the .11ericans us nwrii,
„ f w d. ,A, 1 .1 I or do us ha/ in, as they bare dune by
c „.„ r?c , r;ies. In the nit of God, will the
„ of; cuivitry never! gnu
r ii:e Pro,i:lency upon _thr blood of
e own? Our arm; drools not (tail
; r, lior u.t iliev ferr to dw in their
c . bet 'h !in .o be sacrificed
ilmbition of as:;iring
an I pi' ••ival l's - there no way by
friends at home can put a stop to
c - nochg.. of politicians. who
.•)•,' •t trice the whole army in order to
I -on : tile tie t Presidential election ?
ai, io 2:oe, Tii,. , Pi; (-d-irt n.ndtialit die batik.;
a •o f 11 1 0 ' , laic, ih'on lot ilwir fritoi Is at home
111V..1 tiom arising- from
us. ther,-, eci the con,inct of
l , l
j . 1,
C. L . It`
1). i'.
•,. J,i_t.t•
,\ 1,-0
I.) •
I :•I
, 11
I , 111, 1;117
i "
hough" our a resident td
Iris collo rt ,-Icts eofectine, no attaihments,
a .ry...?inal:le... no principles, in common with
one pe..i , le. r City years - afro Peonsylva
nit. to ,1t h: ,n to her b,, -ant, and vt motet!, and
cleo i-1..• '., tto.l l:otooed- him: tt: i how'doe- ire
,„,,„11 - ,•..1 hi, 4r:,linvkl i By. aiming a beet
bl•cty at a ~ )--ttoin endet;red to her by a thor
pie, e rtnvicti.tu th 3 E, it is indispensable to her
i h t. ..;:z ‘,. Ile has fillet at home and abroad
soue - t of :Ito higheitt mEces tinier this g u ern
men!, dui int! thii I Y 3 ears: and he is still at
heart an: olicn. The authority Fof his name
Ir .: l'• en ire Act', and the labors of his pen, in
;e-frtrut of a memorial to Congress, have been
.e.,l to overthrow the American system,
„„1 I , , o ; ) ,lttitet he foreign. Go home to vont.
;i 7dire Purapc., ti d there inculcate upon her
,t-o rt i , ,os, tour Utopian doctrines of free
trad , 24 ant; when y
,u have preYailed upon them
to their pbris, and freely admit the
rrt d :cc of Penaulvania and other States,
Co-:,e bacl;, and Ve shall he prepared to be
come eons pas, and to adopt your faith."
"Still at heart an ulienr said Mr. Clay in
ISt.2, viten Mr. Gallatin was endeavoring. to
toishachle commerce. But what shall be snid
note; vt hen our country is engaged in war,pnd
Mr, Gallatin uses all the powers of mind
which God has given him to show that our
country is in the wrong, and the enemy right?
"Tho World t. Goveirned tod Mtn."
Niiitirday 111drtlina, IrebranrT 19, 1149
QNe are requested to say that the De
mocrmic electors of reene_ will meet i tit
Jackson's School House, - tm Saturday nest,
~• -
fur the purpose of nomlnating candidates to
be supported at the calm ng township election.
l? We are indebte
gentlernikuly stsperinten l i
is Station in this city,
Legls ativo.
The Only legislati g items of interest We
have this week, is th: passage in the Senate
of the bill to elect,the judges by the people;
and the reporting of a bill by the committee
on corporations to incorporate thelErie and
Ohiu State Line Rail]Roac.l company.
07—Crawford co4ttty, we learn ! , has in
btrocted her delegates to thl fourth f of March
Con'volition, for lion) :st VAx!lluttnx.
So much for one of the Peni e candi
I date's,imv . ing a set of indiscreet and unpin)
Mar frten.h, in Crawford. Ile may well ex
1 claim, save tne from Itherh l ! _
tit Aaron-V. Brown, the recent
talented Covert;M. of Tennessee, i s talked
at the :1011th for the Vico Presidency . 1 -
Give us Gen. Cass for Prcsi kot, and Brotkn,
Quitman, or Buller, for Vice Pre:sident, nod
tee can defeat the Edcral candidate,let him be
%vim he muv.
qt-? - "Wt. learn that Jame; C. Reri,F.,:q.
thi-; city, will (I. , liver an alln. , ss Tbeforo
.I.:3sociation, at Grubb's
Sc;p)o) 'on Monday evoning next.
(T= - The(iazette says the electibit of Mr.
'oule, to tho Senate of the United States,'hy
the le2d:datur.2 of Louisiana, was ()treated by
1)1 and that n . Mr. Myles,.an absent inem- -
hor, "declared Ora he had been otibred four
ne:!roos if 110 1 wnitH stay away and not v01i.),"
an d h e did so. Whigery is ceitninly getting
to be dog cheap. Four live negroes for iino.
vote. Surprddiez. It used to be a common
query in 1811 "what:s the prife of wool
That i:; noo; solved—it's one vote,
and "nothin' :honer."
Tint &tint - terrain members of tip) Legisla
tnre of this t:itate held a caitens wetd; in
II irri,burfr, and nominated hon. JAM iIS
raPCNANj far the Pre-id.tncy. l'hn address
ad9pted on the occasion is well, and ably
vrit ten, and u r•es. the claims otTeidisyl vnnia
to the nomination %vitt) ability.
f.:5 - '• eJitor-of the Gmiin, , reial claims
tl;“tth..; tthig metqing• ;a:.4 tveelt endorsed its
lately expret-,ed, in regard to the var.
It i 9 fortunate thit editor Iris informed tis of
dint fact, f.)r toe are sit re tioliolv else 11.4)tdd
ever have arrived at exith a CJIICInAIutI from
sea 1 e.g tle resolutions C -, ‘ .1. hearing the s.peedies
T:to Mhz:iv Jownal lAs the F erret of the
whig opno,ition to the Ten 'Regiment Bill now
befune the tiemitroint in the following man
ner: "4 the Presi,ient," it says, "would '
t appointing power with a decent re
gard to the rights of wings, one strong objec
tion to the ten regiment proposition would be
reinoveA." Ilere is patriotism i for yon. Be-
cause the Pre,ident a ill nit appoint all whits
to the•ba created by the" bilh,that ,
Nit) , in Coogress will vote egainst the mea
sure. Because they cannot monopolirm all
the l o ves end fishes our army iq Mexico ftlinst
be sacrificed! And this is the love of country
so touch prated about by these hypocrites.--.
Thi„ the great principle of right and jus
tice e.,hich they will nut sacrifice by voting
Inure 'nen and money for the further prosecu
tion of Uhis -unjust war!" Herein rest's its
unconstitutionality, and the source of all those
et - Leo itle tears they have she 1 over its hor
rors. Let the people recollect this, and if our
gallant' army in Mexico should suffer fur
Lick of reinforcenients, they will know the
motives that influenced the whigs in refining
to vote - for tho bill,
Songs for the Peop!e.
The February number, the second issue, is
upon our table, ein)ctilishe 1 with fourteen
pieces of Music and twenty-eight pictorial
flustrations, among which are portraits of
Generals Scott and Worth, nud . Francis pop
kimsM, of whom? a short biographical sketch
is also given. (This work is got up in a
beautiful and Crnrunient form. and deserves
to be encouragefl..,:tTerins: mm4-five I cents
per nuniher. Zieber & Co., Philadelphia,
(CT—The Democratic Convention, and
.E.',Tislattiro of / Michigan, have imanitnowily
nominated Gam] Licwis CASS, for President.—
The old Genera's name is a tower of strength
in the wet whyre he id known and apprecia
ted. Ilis chit ces' for the nomination are
growing bright, l er every day
cf:The Frc
ting that the
it hie extent" in
case in the
one, the cock
Mil: a to the
There hove be
Chicken Pox,
bone, ‘vhieh 11
snys there wn
a report in NVashi . ngtor that
it, answer to Some interrogatories pro posod
to him by Jefferson Davis. Gen. T, linslnvow
ed his preference for the Tariff of 1846 and
the independent treasury. This then, is
probably what the General meant wlien he
said he was a "full blooded Whig and one
quarter over."
The Observer's notice of the addres
ses delivered before the lute Vhig [comity
meeting is perfectly characterstic, nerd
turpriso would have been excited had it been
couched in more chaste and respectfuh terms'.
As is the fountain so must the stream neces
sarily he.—Gozeitc. _
, As we took our first lessons, in "chaste and
respectful" language in the office of the Ga
zette, we cannot answer the above better than
by adopting the language of Horace: ; "Quo
semel est imbutet recens;servabit odoript Tes
ta diu," which in plain English means; "The
cask will long retain the flavor of that which
it was first filled."
cl'The National Inteligencer says': "Gen
eral Taylor'is every inch a Whig." It qnce
Enid the same of John Tyler.
r. Parsons, the
writ oldie Telegraph
for the ,dispatches in
Tho So•zret Out
:donia Censor is wrong in sta
'tall Pox "prevails to consider
this place. There is i ttot n
, and we believe'liaq noi been
I nd boll stto ins of gbssiping old
contrary not w ithst a
,a i - nw cases of Varoiliiid, and
ut nothing more
i rri , spondent tlf the N. y.
taws Gen. Ta)•ier and 'glory,
WED SATISFIED. nevitintisfledi Place him in tot=
ever position you mayi and still the yearning
nfter what he has not—i , the wish for some fu
n, good ho fondly' hopes the . unwound
web of time has in store for him, will haunt
his waking and sleeping moments. Time
passes on, and tile wish,'the longing aspera
tion, which at first was undefined, without
shape, assumes a tangible form,' and, in imag
ination, assumes a living reality. All his ef
forts are directed to _ the accomplishment, to
the realization, of this his darling objet. it
seems to him that if he could but accomplish
the tad he has in view, he would be supreme
happy. And wo be to those who stand in
his road—all the hate which the evil passions.,
of his nature are capable of engendering, is
invoked to his aid, and he at last begins to
look upon the innocent and honest opposers
dins ambition as his cot Mies, and himself as
. a much wronged and perSecuted man. Utile
object he seeks to accomplish is political
preferment, - and he is possessed of command
hug eloquence and talent, lt9 soon assembles
around him those who, either dazzled by his
genious or attracted by the hope of tqlvance
ingot themselves, do not fail to flatter hisivan
ity, pamper his rbition, and stimulate his
hatred akainst all %t Ipt tkmure to ids advance
ment .
Upon this hypet6es is and these deductions
we can alone account fer a spjctar le exhibited'
by the world at' the present moment.'
Many years ago there appeared-neon the po
lilical boards a young orator and statesman, ,
talented, gifted and eloquent, and although
hasty and rash, he soon surrounded himself
with admirers and flatterers, intent upon
using hi talent as the sloping stone for their
own ambition.. Young, ardent and ambitiens,
they had little ditliculty in persuadihg,
that the Chief Magistacy of the nation should ;
alone be the goal ;Of his ambition—the future
station to which all his effirts o ught to he di;;
rected. Like a sweet morsel he fur years
rolled tins delusion under his tongue. Tittle I
passed on—step by step he ascended the po- ;
lit 'cal ladder, and at tit euzli at every round he
receited the plaudits of admiring tlions3»ds,
heard his prais es rehearsed,and Ids eloquence I
extolled, still he :vas unsatisfied. In the on
woof of the future he thought he saw
himself seated in the .chair once filled by a
Wasliington. Nettling short of this would sat
his ambition, or allay the burning thirst
which the unsatisfied desire of years had en
gendered. On the floor of the Legislature of ;
his adopted t3titte, as her representative in the ;
Congress of the nation, as his country's Min- ;
inter iii a foreign land, the Presidency v.aiiithe
beacon light toward which he steered his',
barque. At 13.,t the statesmen of the old
reg , cnie had been gathered to their fathers or
retired to the quiet of private life, feil'of hon
or and blessed with a nations gratitude. 'The
field %Nag at last open fur younger aspirants ; , Ez.
he kvith three others, entered upon the race.%lle people canvassed their clainis, but failed
l ixpress a preference for either in the mariner
Prescribed by the constitution. The Pores
tio-r had be decided by the two houses of
Congress. And here the natural rashrieSs
and want of judgment of the min, which
years had failed to cure,
,was first exhibited
to the multitude, altfinugh' many there' were
who had lung'seen thiss - ti7-fect - in his charac
aid mourned the meteor like brilliancy of
his , !popularity. &Aisne.) that he had, no
chalice of success, he, entered into an infa-
Mous bargain and sale with one of the candi 7
dates, and in consideration of being made
Sedretary of State, placed him in the Presi
dential chair against the will of ..the people.'
The' fiat went furth=--the confidence the
people had reposed in him had been shameful
ly abused, and the star-of his popularity which
had shone ft rth lith meteor brilliancy, palled
benrath the scorn 10.44, injured constituency.
The cfriphatic condemnation %%Veit they pro
noulnced upon his conduct at the succeeding
Presidential election, would have satisfied any
oiler less infatuated that the goal of his am
bition could never be reached; but lie, true
to nature When unrestrained by patriotism
arc virtue, Was U satisfied still. Since then,
like n droWning man, he has been struggling
against adverse tides, and buffeting the waves
of ill-furtime, in the vain hope of ultimate
succeeS. The result of 1841 ' would deter
any, other man but HENnY ;CLAY from again
asking the suffrages of the - people for an of
fice lie is nev cr destined to fill, but the coun
try now exhib its the humiliating, sight of ans
otfier effort to attain his object. He has
again tore himself from his home,' and al
though seventy winters have, whitened his
locks, and ought to have given him wisdom,
he is again at the seat of government gam
bling with his followers for another nomina
tion. 'He is not . yet satisfied! That nomi
nation he will obtain, and with it another de
feat.' Will IM then be satisfied? No, as long
Tis life lasts, the Presidency will be the ideal
something necessary' to render him contented.
G teat Saving
Inn pamphlet issued by thedircctnrs of tho
New York and Erie Railroad Company, it 'is
stated that the' estimated annual tunourirof
tonnage that will pass over their road, in live
to ten years from its completion, ‘t ill reach
500,000 tons; but should it not exceed 40p,-
ON tons, 'the saving to the Company, in cost
of transportation, by adopting the Pennsylva
nia route, via the Delliware, instead of the
Non hero route through Sullivan and Broome
counties., New York, will be $353,000 annu
ally, being the interest of o'er $3,009,000
antrthat without ma teti illy, irat all, increas
ing the cost of construction of said road.
(17='The people of Fredonia N. Y. are la
boring under a very queer hallucination at
the present moment. They hitve taken it
into their heads that they are the Congress of
trio nation; and therefore assemble weekly in
grave conclave and discuss the various ques
tions, growing out of the, war with Mexico..
We learn from the Censor that on Saturday
last "Mr. I. H. Case made a strong argument
against the resolution for indemnity in territo
ry." Come'home, come home, ye gave Sen
ators and representatives, the:country i i has no
more need of your services. A
CC.'The Whigs in the loweHouse of Re ~
resentatives, havin i a majority of one, itdo
ding a Pussom who votes with them, df elino
going into joint ballot again for the c oice of
U. S. Senators and the con.cquence is, that
lowa will not be: represented in the'Senate at
the present session. Such a , / least, is the
strong probability. On joint allot the Detn
'ocratchave a majority. / ,
Tho boat :oho edit, Soason
Strange as may be the appeal of
for Whigs to the Democrats, to vo
eral Taylori who has not yet form:
tical opinion 4 we have seen In Batt
more Oxtravagrant movement.
of the friends of Henry Clay:decl
state pithe country demands the s'
a statesman of the highest order,
whose civil achievements fur tr
deeds of the mightieht mirror, an
is the illustrious statesman of
Henry Clay. They then call upo
fit/0 forget pa i rtydisti?ctions, and
the movententsi of pot tical"dr'
in a common and- patriotic tau!
Mr. Clay to the Presidency."'
"earnestly recpiest" Mr. Clay, '
the necessitieli of the nation, of
allow his name to be used as a
the Presiden4. 4 The word °•II
named once;'but'llenryClay is
as a "no-paity" man! Can ribs!
Cher? Have not politicartricke
ing "party schemes" note react
of perfection? how these."no'J
insult the intelligence of the y
ears to cram such heteregerie ,
down their throats!
Adopted Citizens
Colonel lyyrikoop has addre.sed a letter to
one oil his friends in Pottsville in which he
pays t!helfollyWing just tribute to our,adoptet
citizens. I.efore this galliant gentleman_ I -ft
for the wa 4. he Was an ardel 111
l t)o" 4 N j atil,le,' us
he bad tymig,h most ()fill:slip been:: '7; hi( .
The course, of the Ptateraiilt l s o r war I RS`
led him to repudiate them, and we see tint
his experience has taught hind that Nativism
is no less. unworthy. The following is a
frank' and; beautiful acknowledgement of hi ,
crier, and a no less appropriate tribute to our
adopted fellow citizens.
The Irishman and German: I have seen
ninny of them in one rank—l have been will)
' them in battle—have seen them wounded and
tlyingrilmlve trodden over their deg I bodies
on the field—have tvitneseed b y . proof strong
er than re%elation, their utre.ction for the land
of their adoption; and I trust in God that the
thno_may come when I shall be enabled, in
Soule degree, by future conduct, to-repair the
wrong honeslly done towards these people, by
iny;:e'll during OW Kt y hOneStiy, he
etin,e as a politician I was hOnest in opinions
and I belie,e, umilesitating in my expressions.
'rime, however, has corrected the error, and
in a school too, not ea-il) to be forgotten. ,
The Censor is u.g, like tie 0:i error, afraid
;,) —spei l ik out in meeting.'' Whetiwr any
other Whil; press or any Whig leader declares
in favor of a Direct Tax to support the War,
or nut, we hold that such a c.,mrse is just and
expedient,and we shall not abandon the
tion we lire assumed .—Fredoni i Cruiser.
There is.spunk fur you, of the "horn gun
Hint" kind. "The Censor is not Afraid to
'speak (9; in meeting,'" not a bit—not by
any manner of Means, oh, no! How many
times, by- the by, has it been straddle of 11,6
fence, in regard -to the mimi l uation of Gen.
Ta) ler—sometimes whistling one tune, an'd
sometimes another? IloW Imany times in I
favor of Clay, and his anti-war doctrine? It
howeter, is'ut "afraid to speak out in meet
ing.'! now did it point last fall when the
regular whig candidate fur the-legislature
was defeated by a volunteer? It Was'nt
"afraid to speak out in meeting," but it spoke
in whiQpers, and at opposite corue of it.
mouth at that—probably in obedience to the
scriptural injunction not to let the right
hand know what the left hand deed]. But
"whether any other Whig pressor whig, /end
er" is in favor of a direct tax to stipport the
war, the Censor is. Prodigious! •
re'The notes between Reverdy Johnson
and It. 'J. Brent, the 'two Baltimore lawyers,
who did'nt i fight a duel, are advertised in the
Rapers. Shey begin "Sir," and end "Dear
Sir." It seems these gentlernev might have
gone to the field of honor, and (hot each oth
er fur a word, Which, when explained, means
nothing. Touchstone says you may avoid
six degrees of the lie, all "but the lie direct;
and you may avid that too with an if. Your
if is the only peace-maker."
(L T -The Gazette says it is "dften shocked
at -the doctrines proclaimed by the leaders of
tlic dominant party." We have though for
some time our neighbor was a little cracked.
The Clitrion Democrat says that bar
ring!) was visited, on the 14th inst. by a '"thun
der snow storm," and thinks such nn occur
rence a strange affair. During any other
winter than-the present, it would be, but this
has been a very - strange winter, take it at the
le.jarti from DarriAiurg'thalt tl4
health of Gov. Shunk, which,hits been poor
fur some time past, has improved and he is
now convale-zcent.
irrThe Governor of Georgia has.a'ppointl
ed 11. 13. Johnson, Esq., a ti.m, able, and elo
quent republican, to fill the Vacancy in the
United States Senate, in the place of Mr. Col
quitt resigned.
The "Cliambersburg ‘Vltig," n very
able Federal paper, heretofore for Taylor, has
li:titled down the flaw of the hero of Buena
ohedieWce to the will of the "whips'
of that (Franklin) county. • Wonder if 9
Conintercial will show its loyalty to whit/
by following suit.
Labor Lost.
The Ciazette has an article this
the prospect of the different Dein r
ditlatei fur the Presidency. La r
tlemen, w•e shall settle that in t
selves, and then beat whoa'? r
into the field.
(I Here is the las
nail's transit from 9!
dry land is•nt a cir iimstanco:
Some traveller n lowa has discovered a
7 /
new species of ti i called the inculator, which
catches flies apd insects by throwing water
from its month. Ii is said that it SWUM
mis'es its aim at a distince 'of 5 or 6 feet,
bringing pwn a fly by a single drop.
Q :P / En connection with Gem Taylor's name
for Pies.ident, the Harrisburg Intelligencer
ha' hoisted' lion. Andrew Stewart's for Vice
Prestdent.—GaL % rite.
/The party having been so successful with
'Thud cider', in 1340, it now wants to see
what virtue there is in Monongahela Whis
key, we presume.
0:7" The Boston Chronotype says that
WEnsnnt is "an English noblennahborn in
this country by mistalte."--
('_The population of Syracuse, New,
York, now reaches 13,741—an i k, ease of
eventet , n poi - cent. in three years.
The whig majority of the present Ho se of
Representatives, ty a vote of 85 to 81; have
declared that the !existing war with Mexico
is,,a war " unneee;sary and anconstitutioin ally
begun by the Pre4ideat of thht United &tqtes."
It is a strong (declaration. It is made prides '
the solemnit y of an officia4oath. It Willi( be
heard in Mexico and to the ends of the iarth.
It is calculated fo produce upon
. our enemies i
a strong citect i fof: good or for evil; becaluse it I'
chtirges upon tliat department of our *ern- li
meat to which the constitutioh has confided l
our whole intercourse ?,vi s th foreign plowers l
the most atrocious crime; known to the action
of nations. If itibe true, 'then l our enemic3
are called upon, by all that can 4ppeal to the,
highest instinct's of hu l man nature, tolrefue
peace upon any Iterms of ours, to 114. very
last, and Rm.:vet: l . - If it be true, then are the
whips bound to , substantiate, its, truth by an,
inipeaehme"t of I.IIA President. If it be not
true, then have he whir's who have so voted
made themselr a liable to the . gravest and
ardstl crushing, accusation , %%nch
l etti , be
br4mght agains any party in a free govern-
Mem—that ' of I awing cau.selessly. and from ,
partisan Yage, al:en sides with_ the enemies of
(heir country.
it•is II 'Moe: toils qtiestiott for the cuntrv,
Tote of
thereft'ale, to consider whatlltis ,, whiYfote of
85 t 0, 9 11 is ut;:t(Hly worth at' this time. To
settle tilt question, we
_us tgo back ‘lltetithe
m u
war comenl tn d, and see what the wh g gen
lemet tlq.M dalthei Idinse, arttlih i en, 1
cting upon the reC:pct isibilit‘: Of their
It . I 1:1. I .
aths, tleilar j ed byLthetr,ireejoirli,n.4l% a I.
, ation to this matter: L ...(11 Lte'd 3:h o
1846, a bill wit; passed in theldou,e
e fur Gen
more stilt
re that the'
'aervi4s of
such a tuatt
the people
o ,lisr4gard
a and !unite
to elevate
hey finally.
'in view- of
co agiiin to
iirulidute for
Vllie' is not
lPut forward
urtlity go far
eil i the --acme
Ipar y" whip
ople In their
us cornpuund.i.
resentatives, 41
"by the apt of
Republic alai
in favor 0; th
1816, ire ma
We now find
tion of too 3d
did it9t eeist
• -
by the Pots',
NVllich ill!
Jima int thz;
141 UICs'F•C.,
On the 13
181&, t It e
gentlemen,, )
nal of the
Repre,eniat ,
record as to
war bill,
clartinz that
ACT ot."1111:
ue )11:XWO
Tr.!) STATI:•!"
• Gl) f .\ TRI , V,
J w ID ws •p oN, •
. 1 w Ho p : ,
T,II KING, ' 1 'l' B KING
j A Rift:KAl - ELL, J.l ROCI ,
TB,E AI AN smurn TRUMA:\
for is
ly dc:•Ltru
war exit
second in l stance, that it was ••unto,
ally tuel inuteeesslrily )gun by ,
dent of the United State, - Oa
declarati)n, they voted for the it
Mexico, and placed at the dispo:
Presider t,eni the same war Lull, On
I militia of the United S
'sand volunteers, and ten t
inv . !, an
fifty 11fo
d Afar,
SiOn "Li
find the
not exi
gun wl
coast it
each n
:e 1 bs
'week on
or lost, den-
ter among our-
, r you .nay bring
fish , story out—Jo
e ‘Vhale's belly on to
•claring, in its pre;:unl
ilexico, tear crests beta
he UOited States. — RI
declaration on the )3
o r the s a,,ne twit
ecorded iu faeur of the
tif January, 1618, thal
hy the ;tat b
natty and l nanesea4all
(lent of Olt 'United St
it declarntion-,—bon a,
;are weim behave? -Her I
(1. • 1 •_,•;.-Iq.
ti of `tnC.i On the 3d
follim lag' 18 18, these !••
the j ,er-,tletneu are 0;
It ul mi the j , ‘urna
ves, are nasame 'louse
lug furtlt clarihg• that
leutnly de-..e. "liNcuN'•'t
WAR EN- r 0
l Er,:v 11111' UNITED ST'AT
t all the,e gentlemen th
1 in the first in,tance,
d by the act of•1lesico;"
r=ules, to prosecute this wi
a speedy and isneeessful
They thus c nninitted
rnj irrevocably to the just-i
of a war- of invasion; in
same names attached to a
must carry the shame . ofo
r it finds credence) thatthi
t by the act of Mexico, bu
bout nece,sity, and in viol
,ition, by the President of
1 rut ?: I
i vo poll
.i s (tints
I , ~,) l wr I n
lii %•ould I n
/ 7
lON Immo,
i ation which he
.t rry
~ Pe and
4 rengt IL of it i Or
all love. of countr2,l
a , 3 lof .ianoary, IS 11
for p Irt y ple , ppes town:
. chick he knew to be unlre
utmost to encourage and m
', and to proclaim foul crime:
in his own country and thror
I t is the meanin7, of this,
names stand fur two 7 1'
me rather stand fur t
Ithese two p)litidia
ach of these pain ,
d iniquitons't i l ha
May, IStti,'sr
es, to a clecly .
, and Ara ,
°irate s,
o lost
on tly
1314 0
,1L 'a is
do hi
leave th'e whio - -; to a patty
alternw we.— Wash. Union.
the request' of the corporate
uhscrthers have this day model
into the truth of a report p
ealth of our town, induced
supposed, by a - communica
Eric Gazette, setting forth th
alence of the Small Pox.
1 inquiring of every practigin,
in the limits of the borough,
slugle case of small poX, - un ,
r:oloul, and these all convales
iittee are fully satisfied ther
itest cause of alarm, or any
ld interrupt the ordinary int,'
n the cittzrns, er between tow
. BEEBE,• M. . M. Goo
no'S G. COLT, ( ' SAMUEL
rie, Feb. i l l, 184§. . '
, 1
'lvownn , ItAtTOR.-4 , A tyllig.
v Bedford Mertury, Itered ti (
hful sentiment at_th comm
, w , tear; , -
A citizen who in war ti e seeiy
tki:pint. of hiScotintymet, atoll
I a helping hand to his, count
thei Government has done wroni
d ,
opynot ? , l itt l e ie better than ati avo,
lir - An exchange says: The
pn ers have a great deal to say
CI y being "first in the hearts ofl
rrin." if this is so it is somew
that he has never been "first in
By Magnetic T
NEw Yon
The steamer Hibernia:ll'
oth and arrived this inn
Liverpool Mallet-101.11r, Western
8s Up a 295; Bichniond .nd lexandria,';7;
in a -7,85; Philadelphia a d Baltimore 275)
'28 3 .; New Orleans 27s Gp . 1 28: , .; Ohi o ;?
)7s; Canadian 22. s a 24s or 1151. IntliancP)
35s fur 480 lbs. Beef , prime mess
84s; _ordinary 67. a 755; t ae„l4o s pert:.
Pork, 'prime mess, 48 a 49,s per bith`priale'.;;
a 40s; fancy west 48 a - 5361. 13aCQD,
and smoked, 3.5 a 40s.
Great distress prevait'r anion; the pact
and about London; mtilltudes are destuate-)
food. Thd riot and rilnrder , trials in Irrle:
I . were progressing, and partial order hri
restored. Pau ptirism increasing, tot;
alarming extent, and daces of death ifY
vatidn were reported.
FR:\ Ner..—The King of the French
not completely recovered itis health, spi
abdication as talked Of,t,,Ttitougl.t thtte:
nothing authentic on the, subject.
A usa ntA.l—The infilien-see of Prince
terrich is declining it Emr.ire.
Tber i s Mbe u r )enJit,i bridge tree:.
across the Etna. at Cc , logtk. The Ma;
Bavaria has ordered tl e Jecult refugees
i s
Switzerland to Liverv.A.
s row,
. 1
' NEW . Yo4_ '.01Z..K 1:T. 1
1\;I:w Yolui, eb. 17, 3. p. 131..
FLour..—The marliets hare not - tee]
fected by the Foreign news; dernand is r ;
crate.,•: - ,.;;;,12, for gt odlhrandis. Se es ,.
bbls. Corn dull. ,S.lale i s 8009 I pii.i,cli
GO cis. fa ; old minede l ls' h l ew. \Vl,e ats \,
but inactive. ;:!,,me eil l inaiid . for \ ( 4:A.!
other grades .: itl,',itil: l;lia'rige. LardLaS
upward ten.leney 7 the riew< bein'g fa l r :: \
Cotton steady, htiCas lye( but little ilii.:..
Ashes firm. Pearls .sildet::;' ; ; ; So,' i
wiluia I
: ,n re : ,
llg, that
' l een that
I, corded
h May
I •,% hi eh
ut was
litAiiikLo, Feb. IT, P.
The Ilibernia's advice) n.vere raicive3
ultitoui2, 4 .l exeinc.9
hollers refu , i,eil to sell goo Ohio P..
(c, of
re the
:t . :41,75; at this quotation tic° bb:.were taken morning i'ortliv Eaqt
and Corn is without inquirie,. lie=a P,
sells moderately at F:716. P
the'same_; smoked do s6iling frt(•:y t.t7t . •;
Seeds It itt l iotii 'clitinfve r i t:'
moderately' at :20c.t.s. \
of Jun
r, co- I,
of the
as ci
11. xtar
A Li rt.r. •.;ur AND
CO)I3IEIICIAL.The l'ort-trp,ll; l ,. ' I
por, l a htrmig Whig raper, 1;..
flwitt-1 the (ituiend
now it dim
----- 14rot:tni ! Heath' to
cau=e. Hoar v.hat
—We. can ;il; a (IZu.ite answer a
hauled down the name, of TZIVIur
• didote I•,r the Prehilo,
inn • a-, our t cht:ice fer
- cl',t‘e d,d so bucat. ,, ,.V.o
and !me:,
' munhcr in which hi name
sm rcir I,,un
tied 'that we were, in-p 17.1 m.•
'3' for':../
the inii.l
ml Met:• ,
...c of fin. 3,
be nominated by the approachingStt,'
National Whig Conventions, fur (L:r
l'reiddent or Vice President, tic ho d Nip.
iilwared front all cb?igation to sui , ,:.-1 E
nrrninct r: and we recommend to ;: , ,i 'air:
of peace, and of the national honor 0 j3s'
everywhete to take this stilnd, at.i,ll.t,r
the State and country from-the list , Qv;
tary ambition, --, . .
yes elch
()- tio.:‘,.
le so reek
j% on the
or party!
:new to be!
word into
was the
that he
The correspondent of the ,
writing from the City of Washim i rt , a
Ist inst., says, t i hat "the disposi,.4
House is to refuse the it'ariiinistr4tl , :n
thing, men, money and offieers;V;,al.
"Gen. Scott will not he tried dt
asserted in some papers; he will mere'y
the court as a tritmess. you may do:
it the hero of Cerro Gordo has himself r
ted to be recalled, arid the admMistrat:
gratified him."
set - his
°titer (lee
and thus
phold the
llgliotit the
f i rludostry,is the great ticket uri .
the young manshould go to the ‘vor ,- ,
feast; and if he has it, he vi ill
the board to be his.
Um toa•u Or Palen:ft), to the ,
tri by oho n i.t•o 4 '
knot, al nua Otchl. sn,pr•, tv.l
inuit trdnor ' s thttmitter in the mouth of
utt. t,butt u tth riropn at d n rut throu.P•
careful in.
ejudical to
iou in the
• alarming
of di :se ate: vt,IS et Lt- S t gitettett
mod“ nl Weil of the s telo.ts, it this
"." 3 ""r• '• heard or ) our Lathontraptac— ,4
a•te !or a 11• ge hot th•---11,- took It ala
~ It der 4 all'orej .1111 i Ott t!,{s date.' v Irth
d lan. too -4 and free from that 4/F
.1 4 , <4 , tt/I 1111111.111 Jivear,2 Co „a± 501:11 a' Me?.
Tin Ante 144 I orroct rr2a•dinz my case. I
hey report
d Dtit thrca
'era. The
is not the
tiling that
course be
-1 and coml.
n. ald I w! II - 3tAit'i AN GAIGIV.
It 0-!!Ivr at our rohonn•, sile Great An00...1
,I . ! —Dr. G. r. V.togi.n'd Llthoutrktic—cull i
tool 6o-I -I pamplll...t.
SALT RIIEUM.--iieNaral ['RFC% CS' 1
‘ll RIPS of ttbirsaparilbt have to in:.
A iii•nllmv of Mr J. %I' at•olt of Sentra, had I '-'
hutted v. ith an i%IPI ernte
rritteiihr, bt vao4 but after using I t , I:
W. Miycliat•t's t•Cointionint Flutd
la." hr 1. greatly laoiaitted,lll;lll by prc , e
expel Is to be is holly- - frred flout Ow
I. gratest ntl,llllllge 1111 111/11bt, l•
It Ileum and Other cuittnrou.. t o o _
been ti used In 111U111, l'l-Vs of ch in it' I.
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Si, lilt orlu•emont in this p.p.,. A 0 "
eruption in iN he lad of toe t •,
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pnlier the
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incement pC
MARRIED—In North East 0. 11'
the 10th inst., by the Rev. A. L. L.?'
Mr. Elijah C. H.7iith and Ries :::11Sail
of the-above place.
DIED—On the 9th inst., Rev.
WonA r.LO, (lithe Methodist Episeopalf .-
Milcreelt Mission, in the -17th year of
,s to depress
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try because
g, in our
bred traitor.
In `This plac;e, on the f3th inst., 31"
garet Leacock, in her :2•2t1 year.
On_the 10th:inA., Min Quincy A
eon of Alex. McClelland, of Mrllcro
the Sth year of his age.
In this borough. on the I tth
itn CBltt.r, ag , tl 7 . 1 rtiri.
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