Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, February 05, 1848, Image 1

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Eri,ooosattr, Pa.
Preps and publishers.
isubscribers (left by the carrier) $2 CO
Dr mail. or at the ofller, he advance, 1 50
WI( not paid in Livelier, or within three months
! T ao the time of subscribing, two'dollars will be charged.
to dtriatian frr m them terms. ,
.• No pew discontinued until all arreareges ere paid
trreja s at the option of the publishers.
stW'All communications must be post paid to secure
ov.„squsre, one year, $8 00 Three 'Num.'s, I year, $lO
At, ida oil months, SOO do do_ 8 mos. 8
do do three do 300 do do 6 do 6
Irsetieit advertisements 0 erns. per square for the first
inoertion sod 25 cents for peed sub.equent it/OW . IIOII.
trot - Yearly ads ertiser• have thr pri , idedgeorchanuing
e pleasure, but at no time ere allowed to occupy more
thsnilare• equates, and to be finiited to that' immediate
Ad~ertirements not bating otheCdirertions, w ill be in•
WWI Jai forbid, end charged oreordiagly.
4 D , 4:arde, not a ceedingG Iltiee, inserted at $3: per
77 :74q telit iP lae i nINT
i • tie..
‘Volerale and Requil Dealer in cheap wct." . ", , 1l
Dry Florally Groceriee, at No. 6 Bunnell '
State St. Erie Po.
Si.h. Blind and Door Nlantnacturer and Dealer in
Glass, Is est side of State et, between 7th and
st., Erie, Pa.
Dealer in Gioceries. Provisions, Candies, Fruit
.N.e. No. 1. Perry Bloc', State street, Ei ie. Pa
Attorneys at Law, Office up ituirs in the Tam
many tlatZbuildin% , ,north o! the Prothonotan 's
Dealer in Dry Goodi, Groceries, Ilindware,
linens Ware, Lime, Iron, Nails &c. \o. 121,
Cin.apside, Erie, Pa.
_ _ .
Count% and Borough Surveyor; office in Exchange
,Baildingtv. French sr , Grip•.
it: N. nucnr.ow ac co.
A ND Dealers in Lehigh aid Erie Coal. Salt
11 and Prinked generally. Particular otten-
Lon paid nt, the oak of Produce and purchase of
N 0.3 f 4 Coburn Square, South Wharf.
1311 IL la. N. Y. 49
, torney and-Counsellor at bu w ; (` flue No. 2
Slate kt.opposint tha Fni!l.• I1"10. Pn.
tatrne)s-6... Counsellot satl ,a , l /tiles out French
etre, t. mei. S .laelssua .ti- Ca's. Stara; Elia
ItO:3ENZW.EIG Zs;, Co.
Prnleri , ifs Ft iciwi arid Duittcciie Dry Goods'.
neatly Mail • (I , atliii), 1;1,-) an 3 611cr.,
ke., No. state Siteet,
Erie. Pa,
tiorney% sod tintinsellois at Lim --Office on
h street, xx es. side of the Putilie Stiutire.,
Elle, Pa.
C. I I RR 4.1711
Dealer!, in Wuwhys, Jewelry, Siker,Gototauo Sil
ref., FUN! and Hi i.tunniu W are,
ii.oy and F.iney Goods, N 0.7 Reed Llotore„ Erie
Vholeqale and Retail Wafers in Hry
trrie, Hardware, Crockery, filus.ware, Iron
Nails, Leather, Oi ,'toe. "e..c..ruer o f sc u t,'
mreetAnd the Public Strati, opposite the Eagle
Tavern, Erie, Pill 4
Cabinet Maker, Upholster and Undertaker
State Street. laic 114
Physician and Surgeon, office on Severn?) Street
wept of the Methodist Church, Erie. Pa.
WAL • R fg.. COOK,
fle4rat Forwardintr, Commission, and Produce
Merchants; Red Ware House, cart orthe Pub•
he Midge, Erie,
Nlannfacturers of Tin, Coppei and Sheet-Iron
ware corner of French and Fifth streets, Erie.
Iron Founders, wholesale and retail dealers in
Stoves, Hollow-ware kc. State street. Erie. Pa
Wholes:Amid aqui I dpitler•in OriUß, Medicin^s
Dye Stuffs ,Groceries, &c. NO. 5, Reed House
rrie, 'Po.
. C. 111.. TIBBALS, '
Dealer in Dry Goods,'Groceries, No.ll
l'heapside, Erie Pa.
Dealers in Dry Goode, Groceries, er.e., No.
Bonnell Block, State bt.,Erie, Pa
Dealers in Druzs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dyc,
stuffs, Glaiis, No. 6_ Reed lltmeu, Erie-
FonrardinP. and Ceininis.tion Merchants; 109
French Street, Erie, and at 6th Str. et Canal Ba
son, also dealers in Groceries and Provisions.
Dealer in Dania are, Dry Goods,, Groceries, :Erre.
east Side of the Diamond, and one door east of
ill Eagle Elmel, Erie, Pa.
13 . r 'firm L. Brown, corner of State street and
abe Public square, Erie, Pa. Eristern, Western,
and Southern Stage office.
rtshinnable Merchant Tailors, on the Public
Sqtare a few doors west of State meet, Erie,
Diner in, Theolog L JOHNSON
ical, Miscellaneous, Sunday
&ad Classical School ijouk Stationary, etc. etc.
Ns. 1 - 11, FrenchStrect, Erie, Pa.
&::othey and Counsellor atlaw, Prdiric du Chien,
T. practides in the counties or Crawford.
Grant and lowa, W. T. and in Clayton county,
lowa Territory. „
ittiGUFFEES' series of School LeeiL. I, .2,
.01 3, 4 and 5, for solo at No. 111, French St.
I ' 4B . Niay 6, 1847. 51
~, ' , Ntw p3TABLISHMENT,
" Sidi 3lrtrt, nearly opposite the Engle Hotel.
GLOOMIS 4 . CO. are now receiving from
. Nw York
m and ening their w store
to etien , , e i ‘e assortent o o p f Rich at Fa i t
und Fiontiltrie
J EWELRY, (embracing the Inteat siyie nf work
le market,) watches, Clocks, Dialed and prittapia
Nee. Fine Cutlery, Steel Trimmings, Camphene
141 Saar Lamps, Looking Glasses, Gold Pens,
Loge:her with a general variety of Useful and Or
ramental articles. CaU and see that ,yeat wilt sec.
_June 2 6,1947 r 6
Cash Foe Flax Seed.
CASti will be paid for onto thoumnd busho7P of
Pict ficed by r; ARTRR. Si BROTHER..
Au!! 27, 1!17 Ne. 6, Reed How.
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It drifted o'er the introit sea
The sport Of wind and wave.
:0i frail and shattered thing was she,
The deep denied a grave.
:To footstep trod her briny deck,
No'stalwart form was there,-
s on she plunged, a lonely wreck
1 With broken nest and bare.
9 where ire they who mined the ship,
Iler brave and gallant craw,
3Vito ISM her toa a careering dip _
)onder depth of blue
Ask not of landsmen ,S.herc ascends
The curling smoke of boqv,
Or where like dimwit music blends
The city's busy hum.
Search not for them among the crowd
Wlto rove lib footetepe free, •
Nor seek the in the churchyard shroud—
But oak the of the sea—
The stormy sea with miverns dark
A thousand fathoms low,
There lie the men who manned the bark
. That foundered long ago.
They Alice') where countless wealth is strown
' For hands that toil no more,—
Where glittering treasures ell unknown
Adore the enrol floor,
flout on, foil on, 0 lonely x reek,
And•ial thy tale nt . woe.—
Where bleep am men trlip_trod.thy deck
!A thouetvid nithomslow.
The giant wovet.l“:".B aidelt• rung
, Theil futterh,!.kuell. -
But thou %nit •tornrr, ►Adder
Do.t 41111 the lidtup
IV.stern Lerivry AfesstOgh
Someo bat more than twenty yeare-ago, i
a fine old mansion on the St. Lawrence, nee
Montreal, lived General Paul Leroux, Omer
ly of the French army, and a devoted Bonn
partist. l On the final fall of Napoleon, h•
had e'migrated to Canada with his family, tin
a portiOit of his once princely fortune.
Geniral Leroux was a widower, with tw
twin lildren, Henri and Eugenie, at you
service tny reader.. These two, having Ins
m other in early childhood, had spent
some years with their relatives in Switzer
land. In that wildest country, in the midst
of a latige household, hetself - the special pet
of her grand-uncle, a veteran soldier. Euge
nie Leroux was allowed al) the wild an
healthful freedom of n Peasant girl. At th
age of sitteen, when \she eccornertn'e<d her
father and brother to 'Ole New World, alt
conkd boast but fey,. lady-like accomplishment
and aristocratic airs; but \slue was lovely
with the promise of extraordiitary beauty, he
witchingly ucive in manner, and \ as brave an
vigorous as a young Zingara. She was pa
sionate in spirit, impetuous and 'iwaywart
fiery and- fearles‘ in her .. resentmeMe. bt
quick and generous to forgive; argent std d
voted to the death in her loves and friendship
Henri Leroux was possessed of M fine inte
lect, butt was of a delicate physical 9rganiz
tion; gentle in spirit, sensitive,' studious a
religious, the fair beauty of his face,-the sit
illued time of his voice and his — qiiiet manne
all wert-to render him 'a most remarkab
contrast to his sister. But I will' not dwe'
further upor, his character, as his future lii
is to form the subject of a subsequent sketc
On reaching his Canadian hine,;Gener
Len ux procured a governess and masters f t
his slaughter. Mademoiselle Eugenie so
acquired a good knowledge of English, a
made rapid progress, for wlOch s
possessed remarkable talent; but she indi
nantly overturned her embroidery franici, to E
cd -her 'paint -brushes into the river, :and se
her Latin crammer after them. Her po'
governess soon resigned, in despair, all Ito
of making a fine lady out' of the wild girl,
the Alps, whom an indulgent father, -go
easy man, permitted to follow, in all thing
het: own untrammeled impulses.
Our heroine's .early residence in Switzeili
bad colored her entire after-life and charge'
andthe daughter of a seldir, she was, perh,
not unnaturally, soldier-like and somew
masculine in her tastes. She neither tre
bled, fainted, nor shrieked with exquisite s• n
sibility and delicate nervousness at the nu
of ordinance, the peal. of musketry, or
t.harp c,ack of the rifle. She Inved Wm
rather, and at the gleam of arms and the ex I
h,- ,
og swell of martial music, Ahere ever fla h
ed from her kindling eyes the'bold spirit . o a
Joan d' Arc. As a horsewoman, she was b
solutely unrivalled in all the Canadas a
least, so said her riding-master. She co h
row like Grace Darling, swim like a merm id
and then tier skating—" Her skating? Good
gracious?" cries my fair reat!er, in feminine i
consternation. Wait a bit, honey, and ciln
sider, • Skating is an ornament *Filch as
been too long monopolized by 'our natural 'n
emy,' as some lady-writer—Miss Martini , O,
Mips Hannah More, or Miss Robinson Cru N.
—calls the sterner sex. It is a gracefu , a
delightful, and most invigorating exeicise.—
I speak not unadvisedly, for in my early girl
hood, I too, acquired this singular accomplfsh
men!, and I now only blush for the false deli
cacy which has since prevented_me from keep-
ing myself in practice.
But Eugenie, fearless of the censures of'
over-refined, end scorning the itrepertinet
servatilme of the caniiilie, persued with
thusiasm the favorite pastime of her St
winter life; and no sooner did the ice of
St. Lawrence liecome of a reliable thickn
than, accompanied by her twin-brother, tr
might be seen periorminfi her graceful eit
tions thereon for hours tether. Her skill
swiftness became proverbial, and many w
the delighted witnesses of her varied and
traordinary feats. Out it is limo she was
troduced personally to my readers.- ,
On the afternoon of a keen but, sunny
in January, Eugenie and Henri Le
laughingly descended the bank of the
, s
Lawrence, and mingled with a smell Coin
ny of skaters. Mademoiselle Engeate, then
a strkingly beautiful brunette of eighteen wag
suitably, though someu hat coquettishly, at
tired in a short skirt and tightly-fitting jacket
of dark- blue cloth, richly trimmed with black
fur. Upon her head she wore a small fur cap:
her raven . hair was put 'plainly back; the rich
brown of her complexion was brilliant with a
.gloi; of pleasure, and her- large dark eyes
were flashing back the sunshine. •
After amusing herself as usual' foraWhile.
/ Eugenie ob`served ,st burly English corporal,
/ with whom she had a slight skating acgrain
, tance, progressing leisurely toward Iher.
drawing a miniature sleigh. This, he pres
ently saw, contained the first-born of the cor
poral's house, a stout, boy of abcMt half a year
old, well wrapped in furs ands flannels,' and
rosy-cheeked with the healthful Wintriair,—
Eugenie glided along by the Brie vehicle,
chatting pleasantly, and delighting the proud
father by her praises of his pretty child, till
suddenly a wild thought darted 'through her
brain, she caught the infant from the cushions
laid it on her head, after the 4 Swiss manner,
putting up one hand to'steady it, and was tiff
likeh hush! As for the corporal, "his sen
sations were more easily imagined than des
cribed," ti, use a novel expression. He stood
stupefied and transfixed for a moment, then
gave a cry between a groan and a yell, and
started in pursuit. He was n tolerable skater
but he knew not with whom he had to com
pete. Engenie ,vas now rods ahead of
looking back and laughing provokingly; now
grassing so near that he alniost grasped her
clree.r; circling abo:t him with fearful
rapidity, At last the pf. , !ir mail berVile furl
oils, swore roundly at the mischlevo;:q
and called for aid in 'rescuing his child.—
Three or four, Henri among the number,
imighing heartily, set out in eager- pursuit;
but -.Eugenie, after eluding them at every
poini, flew back to the little sleigh, lowered
'the child from her head, kissed him hastily,
laid him smiling and 'unharmed upon his pil
low, and was off again. •
Among the interested,ohough inactive,
spectators of this strange scene, Were two
British officers, then stationed 'at Montreal—
. Captain Hamilton and Lieu t enant Thurston.
The former was highly connecte d and the heir
to considerable wealth, had a soldierly appear.
ance, a symmetrical form, and a fine manly
face, happy, and withal„ innocent in its ex
Thursti'm was a Man of the world, will, a
peculiar English physiognomy; wasconsider
ed handsomer than his companion, to whom
he was an attached and devoted friend.
- (in leaving the river, after Engenie and
her brother had disappeared, Hamilton main
tained atholightfol silence until lie reached
his quarters, when he exclaimed—“Thorston,
we must make the acquaintance of General
Leroux, for, by the powers, I would give
, my
commission to know that girl! She is
rionscreattire—n glo-ri-ons creature!"
• "Fudge, Hamilton; she is a-merciless Hifie
savage—a very ogreeT, running nay with
babies, and frighteninglworthy fathers out of
'their wits."
\Our officers found little difficulty in gaining
au e ntree into the hospitable mansion of do;
11 ; colurteouts Gen.LermiX, and ere Tarty inuntclis
were past, they were On a footing of familial
int ercoure with his filthily. captain Harhil
ton s admiration for Eugenie deepened into
al love, and many things seemed tri augur favor
ably for the (maces* of his 'quit. The faille,
d and brother of the lady were both won over b . %
, •
e the many excelleacies of the young soldleer
character, his inteiletual qualifications and
I the charm of his ma" • but the heart of En.
7' ,
I genie herself was not so easily coirquered.—
I filer lover soon ascertainetk that many of her
feelings, tastes, and early in•tdices were op
posed to the interest which he \ sought to cra- -
I ate. First of all, her amor J'rice was far
stronger than that of most women she pas
' sionatelY toned la belle France. and as pas
sioitately hated her enemies. Thenshe cher
ished in the depths of her soul, that wild, en
thusiastic, adoring love for the memory tif\Na
poleon whilut none but a true Bonapartist Can
fully uuderstand.
When a mere child, she had seen the great
hero—she had a distinct recollection of his
, face, of his winning smile, as he addressed a
few playful words to her. Henri Leroux even
declared to Hamilton that her right cheek,
which had received the imperial salute, had
been tabooed from that time, no less august
_ lips having pressed the sacred spot. 1, Ti l t tier
4. father and brother Eugenie never spoke of the
glorious days of the empire but with mourn
ful enthusiaem . --of the emperor but with tears:
yet to Captain Hamilton she talked 'proudly'
Of the deeds and reign of thegreat king-maker
and entered into many an animated discus
sion of his merits as a ruler and a general.
Hamilton, like every' English soldier, was
a worshipper of Wellington, and, could never
be brought to admit that the geheralship of
the conquered surpassed that of the conqueror.
Such discussiona sometimes 'add a piquet,-
cy to friendship, but no degree of discord is
healthful for love—and our lovers had some
serious disagreements. But reconciliations'
always followed, Eugenie usually concluding,
in her calmer moments, that a live friend was
9 better than a dead'emperor, and frankly sene
ing to the aggrieved gentleman some pacif y
,- message.
is During the summer and fall, General- Le-
IC roux was absent on a tour through the States; ,
Es. and as Henri was much engrossed by studies,
to Captain Hathilton was left a fair field for his
1- wooing operations. He rode and walkedl
d sung and read English with' mademoiselles
and all would have gone on smoothly had be
not also talked. But the ghost of Bonaparte
Was never laid; and that unfortunate last bat
tle, wheir the "little corporal," was defeated
y by fate, n by Wellington, was futight over ,
c again, almost daily. •
t. I On the return 4,the general, Captain Hem
t. Mori thought bootie 'Fvtoult with him; hetore
, . • . „ , . --:—. , _ ,
making a formal proposal to &genie. To his
great joy, the kind father made no opposition
to his suit- 7 leaving the matter wholly in his
daughter's . hands. . But Eugenie. I tvai ;too
arch ,a coquette. to decide at once—again and•
again requested time for; consideration, until
weeks slipped by, and the merry skating days
had come round again. , i -- .
It Was a clear , lumin ous moonli g ht li g h t , ,
late in December, when Captain Hamilton
and Lieutenant Thurston met at the house, of
General Leroux. Thurston had but that day
returred front Quebec, where he bad been
spending acme months; and was, therefore,
not altogether as fait of the state of affairs
between his brotir,soldier and Mademoiselle
Eugenie. The !Rends, lhough they did not
come together, found they weie bound on the
self same errand—to solicit the honor t of at
lending upon mademoselle to a military ball
which was to be given on .1 1 1etv Year's eve.
As neither would resign' his' claims in favor
of the other, a playful altercation ensued—
Eugenie'decla ringherself unable to decide.--;-
At this point, Henri laughingly proposed that,
as the night was, magnificent, the important
question shotd- be 'decided by a skating •
match; or that .ngenie should play tiAtalanta
upon skates." ,
The genileme joyfully assented; Eugenie
clapped her ban a with childish glee, and re
turned to don he skating costume. This was
somewhat diffe nt - from' the one which she
had used the ye r before; the trimming being
of white fur, an fur the Sake of greater con
spicuousness on i s occasion, she had placed
in her cap a long . b ite ostrich plum. The
effect of this dress was to, render her more be
witchingly beau' i ful than ever, as she came
bo u nding into lim drawing room for her com
panions. General Lerottx, after gazittg on
her proudly for a moment, embraced her ton-,
derly, and decla i ring his intention of joining
the little party, to see that no harm befel her,
and that all went fair in the rice.
In their way 'to the river, Captain Hamil
ton. whose arm'Eugenie had taken, lookeduith
sodden seriousness into the roguish eyes of
his companion, and whispered— 11 •
' "May not a question of more moment than
that of escorting you to this ball, be also de
cided to-night"
"In the same manner, Monsieur?"
"Yes, and may the stiitteess of my heels
avail, Whew the eloquence of an adoring
heart has failed?" ' I
. .
. 4 /is replied,langliine
"Or eriuke me, and I surrender prisoner for
life; but fail, and it is the lost Wateiloo of
your wooing. , Rratt Ipkr !"_
The m u on was at its full, anthill, icebound
St. Lawrence lay lilts a broadsheet of glitter
.1' •
The facie was soon fairly begun. Thurs
ion at first seemed likeliest to win, but laying
nu, all his strength in. desperate efforts to
head Eugenie in her marVelotta evolutions, at
length sank dun, u tterly exhausted; and the
troy eking girl turned and flew past him, like
a wild bird. on then ing. The field was now
left to Hamilton; ho had infinitely more at'
stake, and he swore a.tniglity oath (to•}iim
-elf) ..ever to yield until the victory was his.
It wto a tcene of singular excitement.—
Hamilton, though an
.admirable 'skater, never,
-eemed to gain nuon Eugenie, except by her
own permission; for she would now and then
deg, as though about to pause, place her hand
on her side, and drop her head, ns from wea
riness. Hamilton woUld•redouble his efforts,
land the nest (moment she would be flying
about him in bewildering circled, nearer and
nearer, till the ritig of her skates, and her mer
ry laugh werein his , ear; nwtthen, away shot
her lithe limn with incredible swiftness,,
far a-down the river 'her long white plume
was tooting in the moonlight..
lAA:length, Eugenie ealledback—
am-getting tired ofibig, Captain Humil
en......-You can never overtake; bin atop where
, odare, and I will come to yon!"
Hamilton paused, and soon beheld his inam
orata swiftly approaching. As she drew near,
er, however, she glided along more liesurely
and coquettishly. Al), moment of thrill;ng
rapture to the lover, tthhn he watched that
7,nifieent creature coMing slowly.but stead.'
e l
ily\towards him, with her head archiyin lined
to (4-e side; her luxuriant hair loosed from
her co mid fulling over her shoulders; her arms
s pon her bosom : her lips apart, and
her eyes 'flashing gloriously, and not unlov•
\ : -
ingly, upon in! • N earer, nearer; 'he reach
ed forth his rtTut with a cry of joyful wel
come! Nearerearer; he could see her
breath, silvered into small clouds, by he rim%
a the st ill night!—whet' eliebowso et head,
and shut belie-tali his extended arm, like 'a
winged arrow!
The haled officer turlvipg quickly too
quickly, alas, for his feet slid from tiiider him,
and lie measured his length tines the ice !
tie suddenly recovered himself, to Minh! Eu
genie pausing at a-little distance, and resign
ing herself to extravagant . rnerrient; her
A ild laugh ringing out like a peal o
( 1 .
bells on
the clear frosiy air . Vexation and ortifica
thin gave our; hero-new strength, an he again
set out with all the energy of despe ation.—
This time he gained upon 'his
lady-love. Eugenie became really alarmed,
when, looking backward, she saw him dashing
on like an eagle in pursuit of a devoted wood
pigeon. She strove eagerly to reach the
bank, but in I vain. rantlit" saw with ex
ultation that
i the prize would soon be bia; he
already stretched out his arms, when...she was
gene, go e!. Ind at -his i feet - yawned a chasm
in the
-ice! Fearless of death end vile rhea
znatiittn, vhe gallant captain leaped 'to the res
cue; and, as heaven would have it, Eugenie
rose in the slime p see where she sank, end
was safely lifted from the wat, and borne to
the batik ltyl her alaruo:, lovet.. Irthe had
chanced upon 8 apt. btt l: Oily frozen over,
the thick ice having beguut aid removed on
1.184 very,4llll.
N to T 0 . 0' . MUCH.'
VE4I6RUAOY 5, Is4s:
• The pdor 'girl was chilled IMO Partial 'un
consciousness, acid Hamilton ' finch by, , her
side and tenderly strove .to revivedier. ' Her
father, Henri ant he Lieutenant had reached
the spot, but no one interfered withthe Office_
of her rescuer. lie seemed not to [notice the
presence of others, as he bent over the faint
ing girl and Chafed her bands and temples.—
[At last,' he pressed his lips to hers, and called
upon her name in an ag,ony'of love and ifear.
As though she had received a powerful ictivi
nic shook, Eugenie instantly sprung to her
feet, rejecting with indignatiOn and hauteur
the further assistance of her presuming lover.
Supported by her father and brother, she
proudly and' sileptly, walked htimeward, hurt,
and mortified Ify the tragical ' lt ermination of
the evening's amusement.
The adventurers reached the house, with
icicles depending from every point and edge
of their attire,,and found theMseives pretty
thoroughly chilled; but a change of clothing
and a' trifle of eau de vie, soul) set all right
Eugenie maintained her proud and silent re
servetintil, as Captain Hamilion was-about
leaving, General Leroux g•ras ing . his hand,
said in a tremulous voice:— - '
' "My dear young friend, you have saved the
life of my child; receives father a blessing!"
Eugenie's heart was touched; she sprang
forward - itareiliously, seized Hamilton's other
hand, and looking up with tearful eyes, said,.
in a tone to be heard by all prefent:—
"Let me also thank, you, my preserver; I
have been ungrateful, unwomanly.; forgive
me." I
. A short time subsequent to the little adven
ture which we have narrated, Captain Ham
ilton was ordered to another station, where he
remained during the winter; his of aire de
emir continuing in the mean time pretty much
in stoke quo. In the spring time he returned,
but only to bid his friends adieu, as his com
pany had been 'recalled to England.
Oh his announcing this to Engenhysho
threw aside her reserve at once, exclaiming_
"Holy mother, going! andl—how, am I to
endiire the parting?"
' "Great ieaven, Eugenie! is it possible that
you love eat last?"
"I do, tr dy, tenderly; len never love en
other—witnever wed anothe ! I tell you this
my friend, because I cannot wed with you."
"Say nut so, dearest; .be my wife! go with
me to England! I will make nnysnerifice for
your love. Say the word and! will leave the
army, that I may never be the active enemy
of your 'talk° country. Tell me, my love,
will you net be persuaded?" ,
"Oh! do not urge m 4 I entreat you! I can
listen to you—l mist not (cave mu fad-,
'er! A stranger in a.s range land, his coun
try, his . emperor, hie d
daughter—all lust to
him; would he not die of a broken heart?—
No, no; I, will not forsake him!" and the poor
child burst into tears.
Captain Ilatnilton strode up and down the
apurtment, pale and heart-wrung with con
tending emotions; but he was' too honorable,
too 'truly noble to hesitate, and respectfully
taking Eugenie's hand in his, he said— '
,"I tonnr you forloor decision; I love von
more tenderly for this beautiful exhibition of
filial piety. May God give us strength to en
tiure our common trial, and permit me to re
turn at no distant day to claim 1 his.hand."
Then, after folding her for the first time to
his breast, and kissing away the tears which
hung on her long, dark' eye-lashes, he turned
hastily and was vne. But he returned in a
moment—he had left a glove, and returned to
find tladernoiselle Eugenie pressing that same
&veto her lips and heart, in her passionate
sorrow.' he was overcome with confusion,,
and could scarcely raise her efes to her lov
er's, as he hurriedly requested her to inform
her father that he would wait upon hin‘in the
morning to make Ik adieux!
Enily the tie2tt. morning, Eugenie sought
her father in the library. and with as much
calmness as.ehe could cOmmald, related the
occurence of the preceding evening. •
The General, surprised :and agitated, ex
""Is it possible that you love this than uliom
you rejectedr
sincerely as my deputed' mother must
have loved you in your youth; but 'could not
make lonely the hearth of our home; I cou:d
not forsake you, my fatlier."
"You are an angel, Eugenie! The best
daughter that ever blessed a fsther's,heart.
Yet I cannot accept this sacrifice; I cannot
separate you front the man you line, and who
'is worthy of you—it wuuld'he selfish, sinful
to do this. Go with Hami'ton to Eitglang,
his happy wife! Go, and take wi;h yin u fe-,
ther's blessing! God forbid I should cloud
your young life with sorrow!"
'Tether, dear father, do not call ibis a sacri
fice! The spirit of my mother will aid mein
my (Mild! devotion to , you. Heaven w ill
smile upon me, and I shall be happy."
Genbral'Lermix sat in thoughtful silence for
a moment; then, bhishing tike a,very boy, ho
"Look here, my daughter!" abbe took from
his boom a miniature, set in brilliants—the
pOrtrait'of a young and handsome ‘lvom'an—
not the long dead mother of-Henri and Eu
“What does this mean, father?" said our
heroine, turning deeply pale..
means," ;tie replied, "that foreseeing
that I could not,' always retain you to preside
over my household, I Have provided a sub
'.Who and what is she'!" •
Halve patience, my twit', and I will tell you
olt. While on my, tour, through the . States,
last autumn, met with an old frind, and fel-,
low-soldier; an emigrant like, myself, and his
only child et' good'and beautiful girl it she,
Wholiad,promised to fill that void in my heart
left by,yotti mother, ,ho,aith
n to be left- br yott. .1 thought: to have
I . you this, long agu;l:mt it was_en . t4l:-
.d subject to broach;'s — ' nd the marriage has
-,*- • 1
• - n once postparetton account o f the dettli
relative of Marie's." ' • .
'And so. my rand sacrifice was miCalled
> '
said Engeriie, making en effort ttisMile.
,my love. r 4 shall grieve deeply to .
, t xvith , you:.but I shall not be comfortless.'
.w, I ant going ont: when Captain Hamil
calls, you must receivellimhere, and may
plait' to hiwthe change in your circums an
- as regards me. % 'Dort weep, m y chi d—.
nit, I pray! I will visit yon in England -it
-nri and—and my wife, in the courFe of the
mmer: and you will return to Canada, some .
/ne. God bless you, my darling"' and the
•emplarY fattier took himself off. ' " ,
i. ugenle had hardly time to dry her tears, •
mpose her fare, and smonth'her' ringlets,
kfure Beptain Hamilton walked into the li!
He waa some What surprised at meeting En
g nig again, and expressed much regret a
ni t being} able to see her father.. The poor
gi I was r sadly embarrasSed, 'and could otter
little more than brief replies to the questions
o her lover; After a few momenta of pain
fu constrained conversation: the ,Captain
ro e, ItissCd hastily the hand of his lady-love,
a d not trusting himself to look upon(her face,
le t her once again to her tears. She stood'
eali statue of grief, and listened to his every
sl pas he'descended to th'e hall below. Then,
Cc: rce consciouspf the net, she flew rather
then ran down the at'airs. Her Inver heard
her light, step, a;
grpcsped his arm,
ddr, and 'mormu ri
"If you must g
m not needed
'hin.was the irst time Eugenie had ever
ea led tier lover 4 Genrge'," Mx -gentleMal t , ,' ,
re, der will pleaFe? reeqll the feeling with wittpkt
he first heard his own :name, from the lips of
tht woman he loved.
Under such ;extraordinary ciretin Ftances,
Captain Hamilton FOOII obtained leave to de
lay for a 'short tine his departure for England;
and in the course of a wCek, his marriage with
Eugenie took place, with all the rites of the
English and Roman churches.
Of course, the bridegroom was T.ronnun7d
elegant in %%late gloreS and wuistonat.; and
the bride adorable in satin arid orange bins,
sums. The usual nOmber of jokes, at.d eharn
paligne bottles were crac!;cd, at the expense
of - the former; of glove l s and sashes soiled at
the expense of the latter'.
Then followed forced smiles, blessings,
tears, the parting ! -
That night, hour afier.hotir, in the lonely
room which had once been Eugenie's, over a
harp, whose strings the delicate fingers of the
most loved, might wake no more„ leaned a
.polo acid fair-haired )moth, weeping m ildly
and bitterly, with thefeeling that his twinno
• oT
heart had been torn asunder.
That nig i lthiski his owi't room at a tall and
handsome man, yet in the golden meridian 'of
life' gazing mournfully no the portrait of
beautiful girl, in- , 'a Eite!ing costume, which
hung against the - opposite wall. There own,:
a strange quivering in the lip of the soldier.
a stranger glistening in his eye. Then, 1w
dreg front his breast another picture, and he
gazed on that till the smile of the lover shone'
through the tear's of the father. -
It is evening—the first evening at sen, and
Captain Ilarnilton and his bride_are on deck
watching the last point of American land, as
It fades into the blue of the korizon.
'The niiid.b.otrA fair—theveprel reels
ho pte..ure of the brevzo!
And. ow tfteet ara thousonit
Silo Trap! to 0., carewrine 1"r
Eitgeniessweet eyes are 'flied with tears,
as, stretching helfitrms toward the dim shore,
s he murmurs—
“Adieu, dear adopted land! father, brother,
adieu, adieu!''
Her husband folds her in liis, bo:zom, and
whispers—." Yon have , , indeed resigned much
to follow me." '
"Yes, ail, home, fri:inde, and it may be, my
religion. And now, d'eur George," she adds,
smiling through her tears, you not ad
mit that Napolen was the greatest hero the
'world has ever icnowo?"
"Yes, yes, I yield:at lest: but in return for
this concession, I take the liberty, my little
Bonapartist wife, of kissing t r od on the Etn
peroes check:"—Godejs Lady's Book, for
Isumaut..—One cannot but feel an interest
in Ishmael—figuring him to be a noble of na
ture—one Of those heroes of the wilderness
who lived on the produce of his bow, and
whose spirit %VHS nursed and exercised among
the wild adventures of the life that he led.—
And it dues soften =our conceptions of
him whose hand was against every' mart and
every man's hand again . st him, when we read
of the influence of his mother over him, in the
deference of Ishmael to whom we read another
example of the respect yielded to female eve',
in that so-called barbaroutrperind of the world.
There was aciVization, the itnmetliate effeed
of Oligion, in tihese days, frimt which men
felloway la's the world
- -grew older.--Dr.
Chu Inlet et.
A L1T414 NEARRIV-A p“rishone: com
plained to the parson that his pew was too fur
from the pulpit, and that he Must purchase OIIP
. .
•'Whyl" asked the parson: "can't you
hear distinctly?"
0 0, yes,,l can hear well enough."
"Can't you Fee plainly 4"
Ui P PS, I can see perfectly."
then, what don be the trouble?"
4, Why; o there arci:Fo many in front of m e,
who catch what you ray fiat, that, by - the
time your words-reach my ewe, they •aro aq
fie? iii'dhiti-wateri4l ; ;
11 4 •.' Pi •.
'd turned -tnward her. She
caned her head on his she'll
, George, Idle me - with you!
ere; I '!.hall die if you ;earo
111E14 ;38.
ls,zratifying psee,contingalecidence
the progress of and politics; in Etirtinee,
The, demand for eform comes '1)1) fietn . tl
little I I. cal_Ommt nitres that, in - times pa.l
babe played so Co tspicuous n part in chili
tinny It is here hat the' people have-f
play,for - thCir act reaches the - rents7eT.
ciety. Let but t! e Wants 010 better firgitt
valor] befelt Cher —let. there be intel!ige
concerted action I yre:--4ed pothing -vi t t
-ist the pro:Tess f political ref9rm':::Th
iewarhi are sugg:Qted by reading. ' a let,
from Hungary th t cite ass'mbly iifthecnt
ty (4 . Pesth had i lstructed its nimbus in
mid the next gen.? rsl assembly the l
"l. The comp'
before the' law, 11
debates, and the
e'ec i tialky ill' bit c.itiz
pulliicity of the
I*fineut by jury all cr
cepting political crimes
on of a court of catietk:
inn! affairs, not e
1. The format
'0 that of Fran
3. The aboliti
impositions - 4 th:
of form' labor, and
like l naturei Id be r:qpia
by nbibPrical cm
4. The e6tabh
desi inc.] to assist
hment of tst ganeral by
commerce and imlustry.
each village vibe repres
•rs in the county as...fern
5. Tho right fu
red by two inemb
of which it fortn!t prirt."
The history of the ittnetican revoluti
when properly written, will be a noble w
of encouKagement to such commettities - as
county of Pre,th.' , , It was in our 'towns t
it may be truly F:;:d toJtave commencH:
in that formation of public sentiment, 1
concet !ration rif efilut, that Wile organi
(ion, effl , cteti by the clonitter‘i of corrasp.
dence. But it wa s not until the people w
thorooghlysittfortr i lmi as t l o their rights,
felt maintaitourrth , m, that the worlt
g l ee.'. The' The' commonities of Europe h ,
a him puthlbefore them, in their noble
'hand for. "equalitylof all citizens before
law"—"the abolition of force.' labor,"
Ile right for each village to be repre=ente
Tot.: DoOsv or ova Wonto.--=‘Ylint t
change is to bn, we' do no; evon co•ij,let
but tve see in the heaven: themselves ,omo
traces of destructive elements, and some indi
.eationi of their power.) The fra . :ments of
broken planets—thdtzeen: metoric stones
upon nor .globe—t be ttheelbng cumets.tvehl-.
ing their I,onsu .. tur.teriala at the solar mrrne,o
—the volcanic eruptions oti our (.;wn sattellite
—r.themppearanceof new stars, and disap
pearance of • others—are all I'o:shadows of
that impending,cauvalsion to which the sys-'
tem of the world is doomed. - Thus a Dead on ,
a planet. %% - 110 is to be barat .. under
heavens which are top.iss away; thus tread
ing, as it were, an the cemeteries,- and cltte,i l
hag on the r arieselenins of formor worlds- let
us learn the lesson of humility an 9 wisdden,,;
if we hove not_ah:ea ly boon taught it in tho
soh DM of reteluiien.—.l"erVi
WM . 'S TO BLAMR.—.A band of deprehtors
which had hitherto defied the police of Paid...
htwreeently been discovered and apprehend
ed. Liupn "to the orening, eNaminttion
their leader Thilbet, and sav where the
"Flow old are your' ""As fdr a+ I cau,
judgeatiout 44.". profesbio3?"
"That of a:t hief." "What w yoor father?'
"A thief Ititetike, rind died it roil the Fe l t; trc+l3."
"And your!tnot her?" "A thief also, and died
in the pris'on of Grenoble." _"Autli o
you o ere thus left aion". why ; sought yyu
not 16 learn nnothei. trader' "Because I was
was driven from door 'door, because no in
stitution is 'open, Cl!'!? r to those teho sin oe,
whose Pthers Imre ilice! hr orc them!"
CoNsumrrto..,- 7 Dickens gives the
ing daferiprion of this hich
constantly carrying sorrow and cd , t-tdat ion into
thou undo o families in many parts of the
"There i. a, drcal disease, which co•pre."
pares its vi.tims, as it were for death; which
so refines it Of its gro , i-er aspect, and,throws
around fami iair lool:s, unearthly to lications of
the coining hange—adraad_disease, in which
the struggl, between the son; and body is . - 0
gradual, cp'tiet and solemn, cod the result Li . ,
sure, that il l y by day, and grain by grain, the
mortal part wastesi awl withers away, so that i'
Ole spirit g l owa ;light. and san7nine with its
li g ht e ni n g ; tad; aid feeling immortality at*
bawl devinr ii.but a new term of mortal life
—a diseas, in which death and life are'
stran;;ely h ended, that death talies-the glow
and hue of life, acid life the gaunt Rio? grisly
fn-m of des h—a disease %Odell medicine ne
ver cured,-wealth t..ariled ofT, or poverty could
boast eiceMption from—which sometimes
ant strides, uni enineuntea at a
ish pace, but slow or quick, is ever
sure and ceHnin."
ar1,.8 rfal christimi, seldom Aces ft
ne.,zllbor. A pure" lake reflects
ky, the clouds, and the overbseg.
la when it is ii rd it reflects no.
pore. A bail man, a real sconil
-1 Fees ? geoi trzit in the cheroot?
bor. An irorerfect glass refec a
reclly,,but Shows its own deficien;
feet mirror reflects nothing b-t
A rod
defect in iri
ing trees:
thing that i
of hit; neigl
tinthink eti
cv. A pe
bright and
sure images.
!MID has a narrow escape 'fri:
from a co:iision.ofinediners on ti
' ion-the Gib mop% Thertlyaa
the_baiit, but Mr. Barniim pick!
inikin and bore him safe td t
• TOM Tf
drownl ng r
cotiftteitm it
up the ma
Itorre farti" inquired a man of
Orae, dealer. sq3eab , crealion,
!Oa's ail bottom,- Wla,
him - so fast in'one day, thatittoc
g ' et\ him back again!"
l'te ttoirei
two do) . 's t.t•
11Injelx, Qat* Yteturiti, expec
to be co r: