Gieitest Discovery, of the ge. T.. 1111 is the first attempt to combine the ELECTRIC or nAcilver.orLu.o with Powerful Vegetable Ex tracts lathe force aim iintinent—tti be applied external. sr far the removal of disease. The almost unlimited suc cess it has met With stamps it at once the GREATEST in2covEity or THE AGE. It Is constantly effecting ...ire. of timer the utmost importance. The Mott tuicredu Inn. are CONVINCED—the most faithless ere compelled tb benerein the power and Virtue of Otte greet icthedy. his universally admitted to be THE MOO I' WONIIER FM. COMBINATION KNOWN to the WORLD for the /lIINEIHATE RELlEF'ofdis'eam and pale. leftover fails while there resdaine 'sufficient life to restore a natant and healthy action in the capillary vowels orate body, ind egealirethe eirculetim of the blood. Ily thi • me,lns a eon:rating paver is gainedover the tonal malignant /wine of DISEASE which caunut be obtained from any other rem oily: dech is the power of tlits combination that it penn• 000000 twittery portion °Atm human fremeievery Into and muscle, vein, nerve and ligament is searched out and made sensible of purifying man beating influence. - Hence it tepee to readily with internal as exteroal diseases. - Mealtimes I..stanccsare on r :curd where this remedy hairestored health to admits en near tle grave that the meet powerful familial craellies failed to produce any ef ii. foci: Ouch his frequently been the case in 'NFL.% MA• TION e( he BOWEI.S—no patient ever need die withtlus di where the Magnetic Ointment cull lin obtained.— That dangerous Epidemic Known is , the PUTRIDiERY BIPELAS can always be cured by this remedy. • For INFLANIATORY RIIECHATISM, this Ointment lathe wort Complete remedy eyrie prepared. lull cases out of 100 it trill afford entire retief to the worst cases of NERVOUsIIEAMOIE in thirty :nitwits. For Nervous Di his remedy kept immuti.e Ira tie. AffloCllollo ohtla Spine Rheitmstistn, Latueuets, Ulcer ated Nom Throat, Bronchitis, Pleurisy. Croup, Chills, Cholera glortts. Ague in the Face or thew. Burns.S aid Head, Scrotal i. Salt Rheum, Erytipchs. Inflained Eye., FaverSurer, &c will be Immediately relieved by the use et Ole remedy. .., • DR. BINGHAM'S CERTIFICATE. In reply to your queries with regard to the reunite oft'm Experiments I haue made with your Justly celebrated Magnede Ointment: I can say with pleasure that I deem it sae °fibs GREATESC DISCOVERIES t , V THE AGE. It is now nearly two years since I commenced using it In my practice, end I bare tented ii let eases of innaturea lion. both local and general, of the moat m iglignant kind with universal suceres.. even where all iuternal remedies failed, I have succeede d with this. I have treated cases of fullemation of rho Brain, Inds malion orate Lungs, Inflemation of the Bowels, Inflamina l"rr Rheum Meat. and Child •b^d Fevers, with perfect success; also CAMS of Scarlet Fever, Canker Raab, and Ukerated threat and Lunge with like iluccess. In the Epedemle lt , .coWn as the Putrid Erysipelas,by which 110 many valuable llama were lost. I tested it fre quently, and it never failed of effecting a speed) and cer *sincere. In eases of Runts, Sprains, Bruising, Frozen Limbs, &c. it acts like • charm. No Physician or Family will be c finch. day without this A/Indictee, •Rer Levantine aequainted with it power to cure. N. RI XG11:1.11. Pisysiciau and surgeon. Übe,. N. F../en. 19. NM. IM'For further particulars and testimonials, see pure ph of left with each agent. Pride 2.5 and 50 cents per lint Ito. AGENTS.—Carter & heather. whetesele nd retail, Erin, D. N. &J L. Webster, Cnnornut. O lin; Riley Putter. %Vest Sprinittlield: W. 11. Townsend. Springfield; L. S. Jon*. & Co. Corn it; John A. Tracy, Fairview. Erie. Aontt.t 11. 1847.-103. OUR FLAG IS THERE! ARE HERE! VICTORY! VICTORY! HURRA! HURR A !! HURRA!!! The new Jew Store again Ahead , JUST received at the Arm Jew StorO, No'. 1, :Fleming Block; State Atre-tt, a new and splen did assortment of FALL & WINTER GOODS! remsistint in part of DEIO ADL*LO r HS.— French, Eng lean black, blue, brown, gold ani Brea&!oaths, cheap us the eheapc ALSO.—Cassimeres and Veetingal ' as to color quality and pric.... GROCERIES.—A: general aFsortii Groceries. which will tin sold ext.' CROCLE'It Y.—A beautiful asrroro cry at priCea that canno4 tai I , to phase. BooTs AND SHOE-3.—Without boasting we i can truly say we have the cheape t and best as. aortmont or Boots and Shoes, ineludi rig Ladies, Gen;lcmcn andVoys, ever brought to this city. CAPS.—Men and vs caps, that itannot fail to fit both the purse and head —oorndond iry. LADIES DRESS G,DODS.-here we are at home. We lrave cashmeres, de lanes w'thotit number and almost uitlrnut price; '(;inshains and Alpaccas, California plaids and Sir rig and T l arl.tor. Niuslins: wide viol-read _imp cord; dress buttons, cords and tassels; lint what is the 115 C of enurnciatins —rrc pare every thins to make the handsonie, more divine and the ugly enchanting. .1 SlLKS—Striped 'and Plaid Poult White gro de Swear:, . • Black watered 4- - Satin stripe pouli 41e soi, Black and blue h'ack, gro de Naples, Black gro de Rhine. stitovLs—or nil prices, s'iatlcs rind quality from the cheap cotton up to the finest silk and Cashmere, °LOVES. —Of all kinds, color's and sizes. Hosiery, Suspenders, Pri ota, Ticks. Drills, Fee: eerie,. 11111110 fl every thin suited to tho season and market. Ready Made Clothing. - Our stock of reaLrly madri clothing ix large :Irvd splendid, and willbe 4 sold cheap. We do not n isli to boast, but we think we can convince any one by calling that we sell a good article for a smaller awn than any other establishment in town. At any rate "the proof of the pudding is in the eat• ins," thrrefore Tay - usl it*.7"Mind the name and number. ISAAC RCiSENZ WEIG & CO., Erie, Sept. 21, 1817. 19 New Fall and Winter Goods; T AM now receiving from New York a great varioty of rich and desirable grinds for Fall and Winter trade. Among other desirables now o Inning are EuperiorThibet cloths, drab and black; French prlntedCashmeres, beautiful patterris and very cheap. 100 piece black, drab, mode, plain, and striped Alpaceaa, one third cheaper than ever before offered- T ome as low as 92 cents per yard. Shawls, • great variety of new. styles; Prints, Gingham.; M. de Lainm, and eryier new styles of Dress Goods In any quantities, twenty-live • p.r cent.'sheaper than ever before offered in this 411 y. ..11.11 id' which my custonuira and the public are rsvivccUillly invited to examine. C. M. TIBBALS. October 9, 1817. 2 DOMESTIC.—Just received at the New Store a large supply of Bed Ticking., bleached and unbleached Shcetinza and Shirting*, Cotton Flannels, Cresh, Fluelyabuck, Apron check, strip od Signings, colored Cambric.; leans, Ste. &c. Also,just received, brown and bleached Linen 'Thble Covers, Tabling., Doylies, Nipkins and Towels, for sale very low at 0ct.,23 ALLYN 3- COM. CGARS.—Puerto Principe, Trabucs, Spanish end all other kinds. July h 7. Ik - rams OF AN EXILB, by L. W, Miller, 1,11 being an account of the authors confine inent ai. Van Deamane Land, just received and for sale at SpetTords's Bookstore. Brie:May 9. 1817. 51- ASIIES! ASHES!! , ~. Imu, pay S rents per bushel for good field "sties, and 12 1-2 els per bushel for house ash .. 4qliyered at my ashy:, or M'Kenn corners. E,. Oct 21 1016. C. M. TIBBALS. " 8111i7.41..0 ROBES.—A fow bales of No,' 1, OM open 41 WIILLIAMS 4. WRIGHT'S. Nov. 13, ISM 26 ATR —A. good assortment of buggy, gate and does Matsfor sale cheap by Dec. 11. H. COOK., O NE tea Codthub, Int pale cheap,l ' At I'Zo 1, American Block. Attention! Jew•-a*d Geatlleiw Israelites, lohntaolite4 Hi ouno and 'AM' limier, Sons of 4aroa and I)ssughters of Mariam, receive isitraction 00.66 Hear and knot that . . MOSES;' THE.J EW, Has repined from the -EAST,-laden with the choicest treasures ofithae ancient region, and in vites yourattention to the same at Oil tienuine OLD Jew Store, the one that bluetit:Ad the repu tation of selling goods lower.thap ;fly other house in Erie, and thereby ilieteblished a credit. for Jewe ry that has Wooed °theta to'entet Under the same name whereby they 'hetes to 'reap a profit which justly belongs to him. Now Moses wishes it to be untiermood that he is not a Wandering Jew, here this year and away the next—a class that will sell to one person at cost and to another at double price, but that. he is a regular descendant of Faithful Abraham, and has pitched his tent in Erie with the intention of remaining in it, and intends to du business as heretofore in such a manner as to I give entire satisfaction to all reasonable persons That favor him with their custoni. keep all his old friends and mike new ones of alls that once pur chase goods from hint That the old Jew Store of Meees - Kocli does sell more Goods and at lower prices than any feller store in Erie, is plain to be seen by the course ofothers, who finding their cus tomers dai.y deserting, them, resort to misrepre sentation and abuse of the JEW STORE, which they well know has been the Cause of their loss of customers and against which they direct all their forces, thinking no doubt that if this• store was nut of the way, they could get what they call the good old prices,—fitly Id one hundred per cent such as they need to get before this JEW MOSES came amongst them. Hence we see every thine that cin raise a Dray load of Tape and Bobbin commences blowinf , himself into notice by fatties , cite squib at the JEW STORE; but this only serves to show that they are inlreat want °fens tomers, and that they know where they have gone ?low the secret of Goa' beino sold so much lofver at this store than any other is simply this— Moses goes right to the head of the market, to the Manuracturcrs anal Importers and buys-by the CASE, BALE or PACKAGE, and pays the' CASH doe u, by which ho makes a double saving and is enabled to sell goods in Erie at what some others pay for them in the city; and that there may be no mistake about this matter he invites all who want any thhig In his line, and wish to pay either cash or country produce, to call and exam inn his stock and prices, fully satisfied that they will find the OLD JEW S 7 ORE the best place to set goal Goods at the lowest prices. Moses begs to be excused from giving a list of the number of Pieces ofCloth and Calico; Muselins 4.c., 4.c., as the manner of some is—being much more profitably and pleasantly employed in wait in. on customers, he will leave this mode of WI ling to some of the Atli," or Wee stores who hate smaller stocks and fewer customers. MOSES KOCH; Corner of French Sc Fifth streets, near the Fartner's Hotel, Commercial Ex. Oct. 22. 1817: 23 Charity covers a multitude of sins AND PO does Moses Keith at, him cheap and fashionable CLOTHING STORE. %Goa rffl, Overcoats, Pants, Vests, Drawers, shirts bosoms, collars, and every article in the clothing line, are to be had 25 of 50 Per cent. cheaper at the OLD JEW STO tE, than'at any other estab lishmentin Erie; and the reason is just this, Mo. see buys all his Cloths, Cassimers and Flannels, by the bale and piece, from the Manufacturers and Importers and that for cash, and then ho em ploys first. rate Tailor/ and hs them made up on his riv'n premises and 'under his inspection so that hells always, - sure of having a good article at two Fir fits less than those wko purchase Ready made'' lothing in Philadelphia and New York. made generally of inferior material in a slight un substantial manner; Now those oisliiml to pur chase any article of wearing ripparel. can depend upon obtaining of the best material and work manship, arid altogether cheaper than they can in any other way or any other piece in Erie. Re member the Old Jew Store of MO - SESROCH, N 0.2 Commercial Exchange, French st. Oct. 29. 1817. 24 o o = i co "More of the Effects." STILL THEY COME. WE are receiving more Goode, which are a little cheaper than ever. and have on hand a complete arra, tment of plain. plaid, striped and fi , oired Mohair. Orleami, Cashmere; Merino, De Liate and Lyona Cloths of the richer etylcit. ALSO-150 different pattern, and atylee of Shawl., embracing all thenew produCtiona; which we will sell as cheap as the cheapett,at the car• nor opposite the'Eaule Hotel. Oct. 23. WILLIAMS sh and Amer cadet mixed st. o match, both Important milE contested trial that has been gaining an manYyears has been finally settled by a jury of Twelve Ladies, and their decision it, That the purest, hest, most fragrant and cheapest Teas to he had in this section of the country, arc those which come from the celebiated CANTON TEA COMPANY. Theo Vas can be had at all times and warranted to give entire satist:mtion or the money will be refunded, of their agents who ate receiving fresh supplies weekly. WILLIAMS ¢ W RIGHT, Agents. • Directly opposite the Eagle Hotel. Sept. la, ISM • IS T rot of choice p i cemly low. dent of crock WESTERN HOTEL, WIITOI IN GRAHAM, Proprietor. The . ;;; J subscriber would respectfully inform ; erally, that lie hoe leased for a term of years 'his rew and commodious House, slimmed at the •Eiohth Street Canal Bain. This keation rim dei's the " WESTERN " pre•eminently the 171121E,1 convenient and desirahle stopping' place for all either doing business or traveling on the Canal. There is, also, attached to this establishment a large and convenient Stable for the use of Boat men and others having horses. No pains or expense has been spared in (loin,/ up this house for the convenience. comfort and pleasure of guests, and the Proprietor trusts by strict attention to business to merit and receive a share of public patronage. Erie. April 24. ISI7. WESTFIELD MARDLE FACTORY. HE subscribers having a good assortment of T New England marble on hand, from differ ent quarries, calculated for Head and Foot tables, Ntonementri, &c. which they offer to sell to any one in Erie county, Pa. not living Gather than Erie, lettered in first rate stale, and delivered, at the following. pricer: Small, for children, 81 50 per foot; Middle size, for aged people; 81.62 per foot; Largest size $1 75 per foot. We think it would bo an object for some of the Erie county people to forward us a few inscriptions as we have recently been informed by the Erie Marble dealers in rather t bragging way, that they were sticking it to the Erie and Crawford county people good. They brag very lustily of selling toi the "Penna. mites" at from $2 50 to $4 per foot. , Sbould any of the . people of Erie county be in want of any thing in our line, they can forward their inscrip tions, or come themselves, and they shall have a first rate article at th e labove prices. HIRAM SIKES 84 CO. Westfield, N. Y. Sept: 13, 1815. 171 ALL AND SE 7 ..—Preparatory to making C arrangement for, going New York for our Fall and Winter stock of Goods, we will sell all kinds of Spring and Summer Good' at coat, to mike room for the new stock. P.ove us. Aug. 17. • DROWN & WC A RTER. CLOCKS. EIGHT DAY ahci 30 hour Gothic, 0. 0. G. Pillar, Alarm and common, by the single o: cue, %ery cheap Tor ready pay: G. LOOMIS & Co. State at., nearly opposite Eagle Hotel. July 17, 1017. 50,, GAL. MGLA • 9, just received and for sale chitin the cheapest, one door north of the Big Wilt o, by • June 16. • F. RINDERNECHT. • • HE subscriber iS.theingtherized Agent for the sale of FOWL,ER'S PHRENOLOGICAL ORKS, in Eric County. He will dispose of them at New York prices. He is also Agent for Cemba'a Prebologicat Journal. Call and'azam lite ',these valuable Publications, at his - Botik Store, on State street, - Erie. Pal Aug. 51847. 0: D. SPA FPORD. T. W. MOORE . . . . ii S.. SMYTH: • ~ • a .„. HAS JUST lECEEVED jic-lb iroin New York.per Pommy!. Earnuts,tnt. Spring Fashions, and is now ready to execute all orders for HATS in the latest. , Polon, and of a bows quality than can be purchuell bete or elsewhtere. March 16, INA : SILVER WARE.--43ilver table, desieri. tea, salt and mustard spoons. tongs, ladles forks. butter and fruit knives, constao_tly-,on ban d and for mils by - G, LOOM I B - SE cini": • State sr , fleetly opposite Ego, mite, July 17, 1847. FOW R's WORK; . . CLICK NEWS SIIGAR-COATEDNEGt TABLE PURGA TINWPILLS, • Aigisanivertelly admitted to operntemit only asap effectual preventative, but or never fbiling, , rernody, in all discus , * which can efect the human frame; Deut sch, Indigestion, Rheumatism, Scurvy. Dropsy; Small Pox, Cholera-martins, Worms,Whooping•Cougb, Consumption. Jaundice, Quinty, eicartailan. Liver com plaint. Apoplexy, Cancers; Measles. Balt-libeum„Pits. Heartburn. Ere-ipeles, Deafness, itching. of the skin, colds, gout, grovel, giddiness, pains in the brMit, inward sreagne ee , palpitating of the heart, risings 10he throat, asthma, fevers of ail kinds, female complaints,' ‘ stitehes in the side; spitting of blood, t o re ryes. scrirfuln,st. with°. ny's lire, lowness of spirits, Hooding, fluor albite or whites, gripes king's evil. lockjaw. hysteria, bile on Mir stomtsch. and nil bilious affections pleuri.y, croup, swell e d feet 'en.) Inge. twins pox, white swrlliuq , tremors, tumors, ul rem vomiting, nod a boat c 1 others hate successfully and lie their powerful arm. Phil , have been Loewe to effect perm.ifieut cures when nil other remedies bad roved 111111VIll'ing, sod iu the last steles' of aflame, • They tint it in many arts supereedeil the preseriptfre skill of the most eminent Phr.i..intis, and received to s ides their nimuuliGed They hive been repentedly recommended by men °fete hint di% characters, througho u t the heed, a nd been ronctirined in Europe by :Noblemen mid Princesid Roved I loud. They hate been introduced WO the llnspitals of Mile. burgh, Peril.. end V tratutt.•antal throuph the - disinterested ' exertions of our Foreign Ambussodots. they have, recoiled the favorable commendation of the ympi.rog of and hts Celestial Majesty of the Chi:sere t topic°. ...,,Seareely If Packet vessel or any reputation sails from the port of New York. n ithotal au abundant supply orthe SICK 3IAN'S ?ONES. PA/LING FitlENo. reAgettries have been equidished to all the principal antes of the UlllOll, anti upplacalsons are'eottstently remelt ing us from almost numberless villages ut rsory section alit° country. Testimonials of their marvellotta elf,ets ere pouring in from all 4mm - tern—end in such numbers that we have not time to road one Is tif of them What stronger or more conclusive evidence than there important NCI, eau the most skeptie .1 desire) It it ottssibin that the in my thousands who have tried CLICKNER'S PILLS can he ticeni%ed in their resulted If any imposition or quackery ealsted, would it not long nett, have been held up en it should he, to the scortkand derision of u Justl,ft offended community, It ententlier Dr. C. V. Clickster ic-the original Inventorof fingsr Coated Pills. and that nothin g of the tor t was flier heard of. until lie intrOtittred them in ]one IS 43 Put-clutters stmuld, 'beryline. nits out ask for Clicks ores Suirar Coated 'Vega tble Pills and take ro other; or they will be made the touting f frau. PRICE fri CENTS PER OX. • Dr, Cliekner's principal office for the ale of Pill . • • Negev street. Now 'bark. ln 66 W3l. JACKSON. B.ll,dierty rtrrrt , hood of Wood rt. Pilbdiurgh ,goncral Agent for IVmdein Ponmylrania, 7.. then . Ohio. nod Om river rountirr OrVirginia• • Sold by Ilio followthr duly niiimint..d A genie' J. D. Smdrord Eric: Wm. Judroi, & Co. ,W terror& Rurn• & Enron. Combridgm J, A. Triter. Faim low; Julio Me- Clure,UirarJ; 11. yonrumud, Spring ' Likewise *obi by the mile agents; the GitrAT REM. EDY OF NATURE:. Oli • PIOEIII4I from at well in Kenttark.•,lF,s feet below th e cur. flee of the earth, at corium anal a n care for Intlam story SpiOMP, Colic. 'Sprains. Strraine, Cute, Itralhaee, Sealalo, Verity, Total.. Et V3Pilf•lnlo l (lead, Croup. Influnautory core thro ate, Sure 11) es, Detainees, Spatial Diatenee. tee. &c. PRICE rio CrNTS PER BOTTLE. CAUTION—In order to be 611r0 or obtaing the grnuinc. purchase only of the It ederal azeut for Wester • Penottyl rani", Northern Ohio, and the rtrer room, of Virgita. Win? Jacks... No 89 Liberty