Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, January 22, 1848, Image 1

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Erii , County, 'fa.
. Pr prittors publaer a.
in, subseribere flat by the idrrinr) , $2 00
t,y moil. or at the otlic , i in advance. 1 50
a_Wlf not &aid in advance, or within threc month*
frner the time 111.1bAef it/ frig, two dollars will bo charged.
le drrinfienfrren these Fermi.
• • •tio paper discontinued until all arrearagcs are paid
tsrept at the option of the publisher,.
communications must , be post paid to secure
, o r square, one year, $ 00 Three squares, I year, $lO
do d s pie months, 500 do do mos. 8
do do three do , 3-00 do de 0 0
do 6
"salient eslvertisementsso cents per vinare for the Ord
Jasertion end '25 cents for earls nule.s.swnt inrertion.
prYearly advertiseri have the prlviledgeorchanelne
t pleasure, hut at tto time ore ellorresl 'to occupy more
ion three squares, and to be limit ed to their immediate
."errs. , .
Adverlit.ern."ntr , not having other direelions, will be in
ned ill forbid, and charred accordingly.
EVearrls, not esceedleig 6 Iluea, inserted at $3 per
_ _ _ _
ViES'ILTZ Z22lz'Ct,*l'o2,lV,
Ie and Retail Dealer in elienp wet anti
Drysramiljerroceries, at NO. 5 Bonnell Block, St. P.rie Pa.
i.h. Blind and Door-Alnnulacturer p.nd Dealer in
west side of Suite et , bcovectt 7th cind
st+, Ede, N. ,
1-T. W. i1100h1;.
baler in droarieß, Candies, Fruit
Ese. No. I. Perry 131.n.14, State 'tree), Eric. Pa
tivnuys L:p.y. Office up stairs in the Tam
may flail building,north oft Le Prollionotan
Office. 9
eater in Dry "Olootls, Groceries, frardAyarc,
()Amens Ware. Lime, lio», Nails S:e.ri#Al2l,
Ciicaps:!/e, Erie, _ Pa, ,,
oust V and Borough Sto.:eyor; Milne in Cut:ban:lC
11,a , liciF.s. Pi etieli in, . Erie:- '
E. N. 111.71.UP.W1,dc •_
NI) Dealer!' in Lehigh ai.d Erie Coal. Suit
and Produce generally. Particular atten
raid to the tale o 1 Produce and purelitmo of
\n.3 & 4 Coburn Equal . ; Sou Ll.
F. N. nutitr.RT, DRIOes.
11,,111.1.). N. Y.
I.llrney and Coonmeliar at Law; Olive No. 2
Swe appo.ite the Eaole 1-in:el. Erie. Pn.
ttorneva 5:. Caunellora at Law , °MCI! oil French
Atre..l . , 014 S Jackson .S• Ctii. Store, Eric
Arril l 2l,lSl7.4D
J. it-OSENZWEIG /,::. (70.
e4lerit Vorcien an!l Pornezdie Dry Goods,
Ileatly Made Clothin Boos and Sl,oes, ke.
Cc., N.. I, Flt.rmnin ,, I:lord:, Slate Sucet,
'Erie, P 2,
Mrtl . rtig and Critin , ellors at La w--011ICe on
Vatreet, wee: aide 'or the Pul.l Square„
Erie, Pa.
aleis in Wmcin s, er,Germin ' 4 O
%yr, Plated and Uri no ';it
Vary &Lod Fancy Uuods, N 0.7 Reed LI ons - e, Erie
W11,1,1:1:118 k RIGHT. j
flolc.alc and Ilethi I Dealris Ihy rt to
-1.1.11PA , Hardware, Crockery, ft In. , wn re`.. Iron.
I.entlier, etc. rte. Sttoc
oppoA;le the En&c
Tav , rn,Frie, Pa.-
1 4+1M &;pliolszer aid Undertaker
State Prie Pa
t . t simian anti tittetzeon, Olive on Seventh Si t vet,
nest of the Methrli.t rlttirt !1., Erie. l'n,
•nornl Fnrwardintr, CommigAion, and Produre
Mer(•hantF; Red t - Vare House, cast ortlx
Ridge, Erie.
anufartnrers of Ti,,, Copper and Sheet-Iron
y,are corner of French and Fifth Enreet.F, Erie. -
1 . 4)11 ofrrik, whole:+ale and road dealeis in
&c. State strert. Erie. I'..
JOHN 11. BURTON tz. Co.
.11‘olesaleand retail detilerei n Druga. Medicines
Dye StutTa,l;roceriei, &c. No. S, Reed I I uoee
Erie, Pa.
(...I!er in Dry Goats, tiroueric:4, .5-11. No. 1 11,
heapside, Erie Pa. -
Wets in Dry. Goode, Groceries, &c., No. 1,
flouatllllioeit, State st.,Erie, Pa
.eaters in Diu Nlt3(icines, Paints, Oils, Dye,
No. 6 Reed Moore, Et iv-
B. - TOMUNIiON & Co.
orwardincr and •Commi,.ion Merchants; 109
y Frencli S.:trect, Erie, and al 6th Street Canal Pa
son, also dealers in Groceries and Provisions.
Wet in hardware, Dry Goods, Groceries, Sc.
east Fide of the Diamond, and one door as of
the Earle Hotel Rile, Pa .
Hiram L. Brown, corner of State sCren and
the Public square,•Erie, Pa. Eastern, Western,
and , ‘intithern :-taze office.
..!ionlble Merchant fitilorsi, on the Public
doors west of State street, Erie;
10. , ical, Alircellaneoue, Sunday
School Book; Stationary, etc. etc.
.:hStrect, Erie, Po.
A. R. BRACE, -
unsellor tatty', Pruirie du Chien,
es in' the counties of Crawford,
'a, W. T. Mid in ClaytOn county,
A' series of School Books, I, 2,
, for aslo at No. 411, French St.
1947. , '5l
nearly opposite the Eagle hotel.
1 4-. CO. are now receiving from
irk and opening at their new,store
sortment of ftlei and Fashionable
lrnbracing the latest style of work
:hes, Clocks, Plated and Brittania
!cry, Sleet Trimmings, Caniphrne
s, Looking Glasses. Cold Pena,
general variety of eerut and Or'
Ceti and see what you will see.
For Flax_ Seed.
e paid for one thousand bushels of
7. . No. 6, Reed/tiouse.
. . . . ~ I 4 ~ .• • ..•
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"THE , I W 0 R LID ~.11 S 4 4::) •V Ell •N E D `TOO I ' .24 U 6 ti :I” . ‘ -
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'-' TURDAY; '..iTANUAR 22, IL•
Another Arrival of Groceries .
At No. 1; Perry Block !
TW. -I%l°OlM is "pow receiving his Fall
. and Winter stock of Groceries which will
be sbld a hula chearier , for cash than at any-other
establishment in the city.. Among his stock may
be loond:
Imperial, Gunpowder, and Young Hyson
.Teas; Java, Rio, Laguira and St.. Dontin
go Coffees. ' Loaf, Pulvifised, Porto Rico,
and N. 0. Sugars; Pepper, Spite, Gin
ger, Cinamon,'Xutmegs Mace Cloves, Rice,
Pearled Itarleg, 'Ca tulles, Pecan, Brazil,
Madeira and Pea' nuts; Almotafs, Filberts,
etc.bpuits—Apples, Raisins, English Cur
rants; and Figs; Sperm and Tallow candles;
Summer and Winter strained Lam? Oil, a
superior article, Salad oil,; Fancy P s having,
Variegated aid Bar soap. Dairy salt,
White Fish, ; Afackerel, illackittac Trout,
Cm(ftsh and herring. ,
Call and examine Lioods,and prices at No. 1,
Perry Block.
Erie, Nov. 6, 1617. a , 25
Tew Fall and Winter Goods , :
Tuhscr i bent are now receiving their stock
1 of Fall anu Winter. Goods consistiug. of
' IRON, Netas, tx.c. &C.
Also a large assortment of Paper Hanging and
Window Paper.
All of which were purc h ased in New York at
the lowest market price. They do not boast of
having the largest Kock of goods ever brought to
this pit4c,,hitt a ill say they 'have as good an as
sortment. and will be sold as cheap as the cheap
est, and invite the public to call and examine
goods and prices. G. SkLUEN S. SON.
Oct. 93. 1317. 23
HAVE arrived: and in all ilia taste of Oriental
CoFlume are Ideocated at the store ol:t he 'Pe
kin company's .e.,ney,rto hold up a paper of tea
stud in all their silent Intrznifiermee to net as' tan•
ding witnesses to the fact of exclusive supra iori
ty in the Humbug they are designed to nod into
notice. The credulous may be'taken in by such
(due), imate..., but in elli_ent persons will he quite
as well satisfied by DIIAWINS some or our ticsh
Teas and i mbibinz the delicnots heverage as•ther
Would be with any notion= 'X'anktf.. inven , ion
to decoy them amonzst the various traps which
ale put in requi -itio t to E tth the tinqn4pectin
victim of Patent Mcdieines or Chino Illorions.
Nov. 13, 1817. 26
TUS r received at the New Store a fine - asseri,
tricot of Ladies cloak and dress goods such to
all woe' Vretteli green, black, hltnst. et inason, and
drab thibea plain and emliroldeted; rig h dre
and pelir-se silks; blank visite dv., casennete. Plaid
a ; paccar; nod lustier, plain do; Children's polka
ena:s and fi t ,.‘nds, facies wonlitti boa., childrens do
black lace -demi veils. rich Taratl' long Fhawl.;
cravat.. ribbons, crewck ho-iery, 4.=.l , wca, and
a her rich tr tw i ls 1 00 ntm,•rens to mention--which
the ladies (who are the enlyjldges of rich Goods)
are invi - ed to call and sue at
Ike. 18. ALLYN & af;IT'S.
Great Reduction of Prices.
A 1,1.yN C c,oi, v ,in.Fell &ler this their -cu
rl tire , toel; or Dry 4`; node at 25 per cent. lee. ,
ban they are sold in Erie. -Those puichaeintr
are invitrul weall and prove !he Mill) of this state
ment. The cullowin , r are n few of their t!oucist
Fine Ginchatri., from 12 in 20 ets per yd. .
Orer , on rieheg style 25 " "
NI. De I,n 25 SI
. Mild Alpaceus and Lus cr 23 " "
nniii " " X5O
it gg
Colivos. from 6 to • 13. e.... per yd. ..
All Wcvd, Itrol, White, yellow and Grevu
Flannel 4, I.irt us, 'l' blmoq, ttnnoltin., Crash.
rm‘p.,ls ; Pao% n nod Blear:lvnl (Viols very low
and all olivr monis o-ually kept in well no an , red
:4; 01 VS JI '. ery low pri;a2s to • us'..ollislt the 114' IV. :4"
D.'e lc,.
ILL f c -p.i.tnets`iin h.rru4xc b,,
t the soliqo ibenl, tinder the, naTikof J.
Zirnmerly 4. Co., ts this day di-F,Aved by in•A ual
roment.. MI Ow (111)nt.: 4 and papers ate
in rite ImodA of A. 11. I nt the old Ft , and
ivlierf all tho:+e intereiyql ,11,....0.1e , ted local( and
\ I I.lltl X,
A 11. tivrcidcocK. would say to hie • uld
Girnd. and cugtomet ft and the pubic, that
he n ill lb- happy to wail on tdb , mat the bdil vend,
and sell tlient GrocerieP, as Loud and cheap as
D AIN'ES, 011.F4 AND 1if'..1"*3.--11y.the
ortar..e quantitica N.i I extra white lend, red
Veniiian red,; ghnane yellow,• lithraitn. nil
flu turpentine, and aFsored sizt d glass, bottr , ht
at the lowest prices, tend for salt. accordingly by
r-Oct t, '.917. 21
CIOPVIZE— Laccira, .I,va Itio Come, o r
very reduced prices, at Nu. 5 Bonne!! Block.
Dee. I I . H. COOK.
6 ,
R BQrs Dairy Salt rue sale by
A ee. I I. COOK.
TANNEILS 011 and I,ll'9ol:ink far Flak by
[AT Allocldnac 'Front Irish Tler
Vv ri11... Nog. I and'_ Maclo4el, Codli•h, Sure
dine?, and Iladdock, just received and for sal
he Na. 1, Perry Block by 'l. WI. moon.:.
Erin, Nov. 6, 1817.
pEtitNbcompßoy outdone; - We can show
and e'en as fine fresh Tea and •at as low pri
cos as any one who chints any connection with
the Pekin Company
Oct. IG. 22
fING.-1000 yards parlor, hall and
stair carpetiii , r, at prices varlitig from 2 and
6 pence, to 4 3 shilli nos per yard. Also, Floor Oil
cloths, at the usual low rate. of
No. 2 Corocaercial Exchange, French at.
Oct. 29, 181" 21
CA E flirting or di ff erent t lies, suitable for
drati ,, ht chalni , or gaw miCiz, and will be cut
to any length to soil purchaPeri..
cable no tide irr oGred 'for ;sale at the low
price of one dollar, by
FRENCEI MERINO— BIack and einne color
of the best quality, for . sale cheap by
fi"St. 25. S. .lArKSON.
WINTER sperm Oil, a pure article, fun sale
at No. I , Perry Block by -
ALAPACA—SiIk and cotton warp, from two
to eight shillirive per yard, Black, Blown,
drab, plaid, plain and satin strip d, for Pale by
Sept. 25. S. ACKSON.
GIMPS AND FRINGES, in great variety, for
NOV. 13,1817. 26
VOlt SALE.-100 Tons rfarter, 200 bblo. Suli
r cheap at
Dec. 113.
lON, NAILS, STEEL, &c. —Bussia, Swedes
P and American Iron, fiat, square and round, O.
S. Nail Ruda, round and square rods, Band Iron,i
act. English, American and Spring Steel. Nails
Anvils, Vices, &c.,&c.
COFFEE, Tea, Sugar, together with a general
assortment of G roceriep. for sale by
Nov. 6. GEO. SELDEN 4• SON.
The Celestials
Erie,. Nov. 2, ISI7. A. ii. I lITCIICOCK
1\ or on
FISH ! EISII !!,F1811!!!
Oct. 16
Erie, Noy, 8, 1847
From the Weriern Litertiry Mereenger. t,
Priests' of Keienee i Truth diviners,
Youth only not such gifts Implore
We are miners, humble minors, .1
Dehlug tit the reins °More.
Mightiest mind■ of , ages olden •
Here hare long end tireless wrought,
Costing jewels; bright and golden,
In thy furnace, hunting Thought.
Here too, men of moderate nem -
Who yvould wield the wand orpowar,
Staterinen, home., bards and sages, '
• Secktheiropirit-gilding dower.'
Wealth like this—oft meanly rated,
.Yields of joy a houuleTetore,
And the mad that here i reighted,
Holds ita treasures evermore,
Wr, will then be thorough miners
Working every Ann ortruth;
Sold* that hero are pent' . enshriners.
Heaven will clothe in endless youth
• fauna at the lute Anoitermy of the Wilson (Ni
Co.) Collegiate butitute.
Though years have passed,•till la this breast
The image of thy form lives true,
And thoughts of thee that cannot rest
Recall the past to me anew.
Like vernal flower as lido thou bloomed,.
Theo parsed many Cdreviir mnro— • -
The heavenly 'Orli fought and doomed
Thee ton brighter, happier Anre.
Remembrance of thy life is sweet,
So bright mid beautiful wert thou; i •
For love and truth were wont to meet, I
Andirrenthe their festoons for thy brow:
-So transient wag thine earthly stay.
And raft the inliurnee of thy lose,
Oft in my mind the thought hash sway
Thou wart on angel from above.
Oli!'ir it true that snub, e'er meet -
In yonder skies no more to part?
Then eeismi now that fond regret,
- And dies the anguish of my heart. ,
Honesdale, Pa.. 1847. Dollar Newspaper
It Was a mild autumnal evening in 1814.—,
'rhe sun had just gone down, and his linger
ing beams, like dallying levers, still kissed
the blushing foliage of a forest, in what ;was
then called the "Far West." Jock Frost,
that inimitable 'painter, had already decked
each tree and shrub with a thousand hues,
from the rich, deep, golden tint, to the modest
quaker drab. ' All nature, indeed, seemed to
have put °tithe "coat of many. colors," as if
determined to have at least one grand display
before old winter should throw over its face
the white veil of unwilling seclusion.
The venerable for'est of a thousand years,
ec'emeil to forget its age, as its tree tolpsomil
ed in the departing light of the sun, while the
nest ing birds from its embowered recesses' ca
rolled forth their simple Vespers. The blue,
smoke, too; curling frnm the rude chimney of
a small "clearing," in the midst of the wood,
seemed to rise joyfully into the clear atmos
phere, as if It were the evening sacrifice of
the tenement's,humble inmates.
Thesewere, a hardy New England Pioneer,
his wife, tWo sons, and an infant daughter.-4
The sons, William and J antes, were old
er,gh to assist their father at "clearing,
breaking., and cropping.' The members of
his humble family were amongst the first
settlers in that part of the West, and of course
endured many liardships, while they were de
prived of the luxuries of an Eastern residence;
yet they were cheerful and contented; and
had it not been for the difficulty of paying for
die lands they had purchased, their happiness
would have been complete.
The difficulties which frowned upon them
from the future and • the spirit with which
they met them. will appear from what follows.
Upon the evening in questiOn, they were
partaking of their frugal supper, when a knock
from without, interrupted their meal, and
conversation. Lee, the head of the family,
ansWering the summons at the door, was sa
luted by a well-dressed stranger, on horse
back, who requested "accommodation" for
himself and his tired animal until morning.—
lie was immediately welcomed by the sturdy
pioneer, and giving his horseln charge of one
the boy., soon found himself comfortably seat
ed by,the fireside of ' his host. A plain 'but
substantial supper was quickly prepared, af
ter partaking of which, the stranger, by the
unaffected cordiality of his entertainer, forgot
all reserve, and in the course of the converse
tin which ensued, communicated to him his ,
na e and history.
he guest, Henry Florence, was a native
and a inerchant of one of our Eastern cities.
He was wealthy, and fond of adventure, and
having vested a few hundreds in Western
lands, he resolved to gratify A l ts desire of see
ing the vast forestsohe rolling prairies, ,and
the noble lakes and rivers of the great West.
Upon a visit of adventure as well as profit,
he had accidently become the guest of the
"You must endure many pr4vations, in this
wild, unsettled country," said Florence, in
the course of the,evenlng's conVersation.
"Yes; but the "East" aint the place for
poor men; now me and , mine are as good as
anybody, and I like to be, where I can live
like other folks. The West's a growin' coun
try, and I've a notion I can grow with It, and
when I die, leave something handsome foi my
"How long have you been here?" -
"Three years last - March." -
"How have you prospiired during that
timer" '
"0! first rate, so far, but the. drought' has
almost ruined the crops this year, and I'm
hard pressed to raie the Money to make my
last paynient on my land. The "shiners,"
pre mighty scarce in these parts, and I'm
Bleared sometimes, I'll have to give np the
land, and . aVve earned these kit two years,
and paid towards it. But never mind, we
, ,
ay M. svllc2cLity;
BY R. D. C.
must have tron4es or else.vvelt:auldn't
what we could do if we tried."l -
These last words ere spoken a
of resolution, though hls ,v , yiee
slightly, as he bent down told istih@ littl
len in his lap. The child hided up hit.
face, smiled:sweetly iu respetiab to Itiat i
and then nestled closer upon hialU3Sent'. - 1
"Do yOu not get discouragett tit.tiniest '
ed Florence. • „
"Well Ido once in a while t some'
like it; bat then, it'll eonii h rist rig
that's my' motto. • We have g9o9 l he a
earlier end later at the businert.f pup;
continued, turning towards hiitinins, "AT
got to woik harder! I tell' yOui it We
well get 'no fuddelliir
~• ,
reckon we_ eon, do - our.share,'.! ream
replied tbe, youngest; his words met
[sponse i the determined look of , h!s
[ brother, nd in the approving` smile
father. ll.[
Henry Florence remained several day
the settler, whose unremitting exertio
make him comfortable were botheffectut
L i ed. l'
)Me eompensum,•for the, trout),
dfhis protrdtted Etai,' . l3llt reci
to entreaties; the blue
accept e
in answe
aint the price of holm Lee
lnys after the aeparttii : O‘of the
A few
ife and children of the settler]
ger, the
at the l'o,
q tr
of their htimble cabin, awaiting
from the country town, whither he
half-despaiiing, to arrange for;the
of the land Which had 'cost him so
the of toil. The countenances of
were Sorrowful, sei r e that of the .
i n, who, like the rose, blushing• be
April cloud, innocently smiled, un
of impending misforttine. Twi
tered slowly, and;ats if
' imbued With
of the qiiiet hour, they • were silent
bile they watched for•the return of
his retur
hod gone
many ma i
the grnu I
little Elk
neath th•
light gat
the spirit
and sad,
ed from t
the "deo l
ly urger
the top o
Sid not wait long. lie soon e
e words upon the - opposite si t
ing," nisi as he saw them, he
is horse towards them, shout
his voles., '
"Hum)), 'wife!, Jimmy! Bill!: Pet! oil of
you, bur oh. The hind's all paid for? Mr;
Florence did it! He. got the receipts mode
out hefor% he left, two days agn, and gaye
them to 'Squire Benson at the Land Office,
to r keep, t II I came to town! He's gott back
o the East but never mind, Plbittive a chance
pay, him, some day."
"God bless him,"
,ejacabriedilOy ire,' while,
-n lac her eh'eek:
Para ran Idown
"God glees hiM,"Ehouted the boys as they
brew their ragged fiats into the air.
s even t e e n years have elapsed, end time has
brought changes., The forest has gradually 1 ,
fallen before the axes of the settlers; the lit
le-cattle path, winding through, the woods
rom house to house, has been superceded, by I
he well raised turnpike and county road; the
ittle"clenr,ing," has expanded into the welt-. ,1
mproved farm; and the flourishing tillage
marks the spot, where bit a few years ago,
stood the humble "rublic" of some settler,
Here ambitious that, his neighbors.
How cheerfully the smoke Curls up from
the midst of yon beautiful-grove of forest
trees, surrounding that fine comfortable farm
house! Look, too, at that bursting - barn,
hack of with the glistening,ice-icleS, hang
ing from its projecting ea‘es;--for it is win
.ter;—and at the sleek, well-fed cattle, stand
ing upon the wan south side, leisurely
"chewing their quid,"- undisturbed .by the
cackling, of the poultry, and the uproar of the
greedy swine, contending over. their evening
potations of sour milk and corn. But let us
look arottnd. How straight the fences are!—
and how,thrifti appears yon large orkliard, -
although winter has hung ice-Idles. where
summer,would have had leaves and (nail—
how beautifully 'the star-light shires upon
the frozen surfeee of that, little stream, us it
first emerges fq.rn the upland wood, and thert
stretches its bright course , across the 611QW
covered meadoW! But:Come! 'tis'Christmas
'time, and we will find good cheer at the farm
house. J will introduce yon to its inmates.
Ali! ti gathering! , We'have happened in
at the right time! These twenty or thirty
young people, are guests;—this is a merry
making, l and truly they seem determined - upon
making i merry. Now supper is'ready, and in
are leaving the - sitting-room for the spacious
kitchen where n tempting display of chickens,
turkeys, and meats of every kind await them,
while portly pieS, cakes, "dough-nuts," 'sauce,
honey, and hoinemade preserves fill up the
intervening spices.' ' And now, while they
are enjoying themielves around the long ta
ble, let tis tale a more deliberate look at them.
That hal . old man, wi ill the few gray,
hairs, at, the. head of the table, is our old
acfluaintance,Lee7-14quiro Lee—so pay him
proper respect. That neat, tidy lady, pour
ing out the coffee, , and doing the Lenore, is
his worthy wife; anktbat beautiful girl, with
the black eyes, dike long dark tressesifreo
ly hanging doe upon her round whitesihoul
ders, while i 3 he v toes the cups, ii her only
daughter, the lovel Ellen, who when we last
knew her, was - only a prattling infant.. Those
two handsome; manly fellows, are her broth
ers, William the eldest, and James.=-the little
JiMmy 4 seventeen years ago. • ' "
But while.we 'are looking, they hive finish
ed their repast and are returning to the sitting
room. • .
"Now 'lir the good old pawed' blind man
buff,"—they were unanimous . andsoQll inyol the "chapter of accidents,"—such as
making the "blind-man" fall over a chair, by
way orprelude, then laughter is a chorus; Of
perhaps . sonie blooming lass, having teken re
fuge in a corner, finds herself' caught the
I bled
e El-
" he
5 to
st to
t rp-
I de of
ng at
ontsittetabdarmil of the stumbling felloW, in
attempting to,es s ctlpe. All is () n ow in good
part, tho . ugh the complimentary swains do
venture to object to 'leaving her bright eyes
concealed beneath the bandage.
.. .
At length, lanie . .Terry, 'the' village fiddler is
ushered into the roam, and as lie hobbles
waida. , his elevated . seat by the fireside? e
good humniedly giiis the order to "form .co
tillin-n;" iegardienf, , nll the time cf the conln
lien into which his command has thrUwn,Some
Of ,the more bashhil young melt; as in obedi
•erice. they sidle it , with half averted face,
tliumbin, r coats at the'eXPense of their
button boles; enehlo his appropriate ",',!
askiilg her to_becoute,his "pardner," the next
dance.- ,
— iv, I
• 'Jerry looks down from his seat with a com,
plseent ' idile, as the' cOuplea'ariange thettf,
selves; then, with .o._ mysterioje- flourish o
the bow, and a 'few .prenonitory scrapes, b:
Avity 'Of incantation, he launcbed forth upon the
undulating waves oit a rOgular dancing melO
dy. , All is ,mirth. and, gaiety, as the dance
proceeds; and some of the rustic 'beaux, for,
getting, as they became excited, their former
baslifuinese, r venture occasionally to give an
"ext t ii` flourish," or a mole complicated
ifuringPt ' I •
Thus passed the evening. The gutsts had
done full justice to themselves and thiir en
tertainers, and now it was time to depart for
their several homes. This ceremony.was at
length. accomplished, and after some aiffichlty
in finding the bonnets, shawls and cloaks of
the girls - , and after considerable, trepidation
on the'part of the bashful beaux. It was at
length over, and the arm house was again
quiet. The company however bad scarcely
left, and the retreatit g, sounds of lauO ter
chiiiiing in with the merry, sleigh bells, had
just died away, when the family of Newton
were disturbed by the cries from without,
proceeding from Jaines, who had just return
ed, after gallunting home, the mistress of his
heart, who lived at a small distance from the
farm house. Rosati rig. to ascertain the cause,
they found :pm, leaning against no or the
pillars of the rustic sloop, supporting the bo
dy of a young man' from : whoa° stifrand fro:
zen limbs the life seemed to have departed.
After a few hurried enquiries. 6 which James
could only reply that on his return he had
found the senseless form of the stranger laying
the snow-path at the foot of the steps,
they carried him into the house, whew, by ap
plying the usual restoratives, they at length
succeeded in" bringing the stranger to a ma
mentary consciousness. Being too muchex
hausted, however, to say tnore than'tci mereiy
thank the kind people who .had rescued him
from death, he' wos removed to.a warm corn
forti.ble-bcd,. where he seemed to reptile.
During the whole night Isaac Leekind_his
wife watched by, ihis bedside, for' his sleep
was restless and a violent fever heated his
brow. Thus they
, sat, when the gray iiglit
of breaking - dawn; stealing through the half
opened window e!urtnins, diffused a, sombre
hue over the objebs in the room, chile the
sickly fatale of tll , dying candle fit . ully flared
in its socket. Th I countenance of th 4 sleeper
seemed still more iwan and Dale in the oblique
rays, while his quick, nervous scathing.
broke fearfully upon the stillness, nd his eye
gleamed 'with unnatural brig,htne s through
the half openedlids; yet he moved not. '
Lee gently laid bnck, the long Melt hair
from the heated temples of the sic. man, and
after applying a • ogling lotion to 14s throb
bing brow, gazed intently into his faPe, as if
striving to acco nt for the , sera g.1..' rp,,em
blance, %hid h fancied' he the e I FLI W, to
some long abgettt friend.. As he ! n e ed upon
that pale face, m miry teemed to , wake from
the slumber of y o rs to the cense ousness of
the path. The st anger seemed to for i nt a link
in - Othe_chain %%hie i bound him to 8 tlik.r days,
yet Newton cool not solve the my tery. As
he stood thus, the invalid suddenly assumed ti
sitting posture, I rowing his arti a f,nto the
air; and wildly ga ing on Vacancy. The next
moment he was c lm; but again, n
to embrace , some phantom of hi'
imagination, he tretched forth h,
,seechingly. and s ricked—
"Oh ! hope, 11,
money and friend'
fight, which shat
H© fell back Re
paroxysm !arouse
" "Pis hitter, bi
this clean, white
death=bed!—and t
world's charity fe
icy embrace."
lie paused a moment, gasping ro i r breath,
then less wildly, and in a more melancholy
tone ho continued:
"Houseless, moneylesi, friendless;—bas
Edward Florence come to this?—Eas—
"Geffious Providence !" exclaimed the as
tonished couple, as the strange likeness was
explained; 'teen this be true?—the son of our
berefactor thus deserted?'' i
"My father ! mother! but I -forgot you
aro dead, so you can't help me' no, no,—l'll
die here by the road-side,"
Again he fell back exhausted and speech
less. The two' sadly gazed upon the . sort of
Min who had been their best Men]. '
' "Thank God lie has been directed to opr
: T
oo „," 'lat length, fervently ejaculated the wife.
aa "has found a refuge prepare by,thele.
nqiilence of his :ileparteil father,.and friends .
whose love shall be constant 'as their grat
itude !
"May heayen. restore him!" said the htia
band. 41 Amen!" sobbed the wife. I
ThP angel of love bore that heart felt prayer
to heaven, and breathedli in the ear of mer
cy. A eahn slumber descended upon the siek
man, sad his respiration became more regu-.
ler. Fo. hours, he lay thus, ;and when he
awoke, the fever find left him. • Intelligence
if seeking
s arm be•
,ope,--money on
s—money and
Id death! ha! 11,
have me ! but
finds and
601 }•uu
nth dial]
mporno l
linusted, but •
him from hie
ter cold! well,
snow bank ni
ieii, that good
a bed-fellow,
la' ha! ha!
k g s a fine
I have this
I feel its
sat once' ittre upop his countenance, and mild
gratitude beamed front his aye. : The danftr , !
Was past, '3tMi
lvt-his excessive debility indica
that weeks weuld*elapse, before hii strong*
wouldentirely rotten; ' ,
The kind family did all to assuage his suf.t.
feringObat 'affectionate isolicitudec l otr/d do.
Constantly, day and night, some one Watched
- by his bed=side; and when duringzhie eonf -
leienee, the t hotrs tented
. to hang 's earl y
11 i
upon him, lir, gent o Ellen,l with a stnir;
Webld'Win him irdin his ritelancholy, l or're
from some book to beguile the tedium of tget
o ,leaden-footed"" moments. What wonder
then, if love reared an altar,iri each of their
hearts ; whereon burned the - pure flame, kin
lleld bvgratitude in the one, and by compas
in the other. , T
i _ .
Edward Fhirence indeed !Oka growing af-
fection for herwwlin to him appeared more
than tin angel; for in his loneliness and deso•
lotion symPathY and love were doubly valua
ble. But !a year before, death had/ robbed
him of his parents. Reverses in business.
prior to tide, hid made I his father almokt a
bankrupt;'ind I dle young man, bereaved by
the loss dell be' loved, and chilled by the
prOspect before him, had sought in the West,
'the few acres ef land, lef,lllM, which offered
the only hope Of support. He soon exhaust
ed his littlestobk of money; sickness came
upon him;, and on .the veriB of despair and
death, ho Was r scued by the son of him, whom
his father 1 in b tterdays, had saved from ruin,
here we wt uld drop the curtain, but -we,
can not f rhea r a single glance more.
Florae efrsdlone no longer. He has al
most forg ttcn the &roof the past in the
joyfnlnes. of the present.:A. year 'elapsed,
and it fi n, s him in posaession of a fl ourishing
farm. T i e weeds, l itre cleared away; the
fences su r ound the fields of waving grain; a
catty built, smiled from the, midst
l e grove, just back :from the h i gh
l—shall we look in? TheT4illage
as he joins the' hands- -- iii"' Ellen
:dward Florence, ititokes the Choi&
tgs of heaven upon
,them, and
. 0-
ferventlr spoken words of the-old .
'Remember that a good action never
warded.' . 1 •
Ali NOT BB RICH.—A Polish woman, -
who has
t / R
stall - in the Franklin market, found
herself, hoot five years ago, a widow with
four you g•children, and an estate of just one
dollar an fifty cents in money. She did not,
however, turn her steps towards the• Alm
shouse, or, pend her time in begging from-door
to door. Though embarrassed by a very pher
knowled Qof our laitguage, she immediately
infested her capital' in some artieles• which
she coul d sen t and Commenced operations, em- .
ployhig t me children akshe condd for her es-'
sistance. For a year or two past she hasliad
the market stall- A few- months ago, she
learned blot the,owner of a good farm - of srv
enty-f.yeacres, in one of the fentral C otriiis
of the State r wai very de4ironif to sell li s i A nit'
for money. Site examined the farm, loom] n'
-good lion i se, barn, cm.. and fifty acres under
cultivation. 11 . er twelve shilingslhad grown
to twelve hundred dollars, all safe in the Sa
vings Ba l nk, and she offered it for the farm,
and it wms accepted,—for it wirs all in cash.
1 The Polish uidow now has her country
estate, i
vhere she has -seen spending smne
months: though unwilling to retire as yet, she
has returned and resumed her stall. ' What a
fine proCision for herself and family has she
eecured by five years of determined effort !--=
What !roof has she rtJe, that this is the
land wiMre all may be iieif - Who hate health,
and whilre they only nho,linvli it not are Pro
per ohjeCts of charity. We only hope that
this • honorable Polish widow • will not 'be
'tempted to throwlmrself and her farm away
upon some lazy loafer.—.V. F. Journiii of
cottage, 11
of the lilt
, I
Lee and }.
est ble*si
Peals the
goes unr
SELITHNESS.—SeI fisliness has no soul.—
It ie a heart of stone encased in iron., Sel
fishness cannot see the miseries of the world
—it cannot feel the pangs of thirst and hun
ger. -It robs its own grave—.sells its own
[ bones In ' the doctor, and its soul to the devil.
Who will fight manfully against a selfish dis
positionl It grows gradually, and when mu
tual increases rapidly'd4 by day. Prosperi
ty and Food luck feed the , passion, silver and
gold ninke it laugh outright. Who has not
seen the . eyes of the selfish water at a good
trade? whohas not' seen him leap for joy at
the rise l of flour, While the poor were starving ,
about him? Selfishness is a passion of hell,and
good mimshould labor to keep it there: An
anecdote is told of old Barthe, a French au
thor, miiich may serve to illustrate this pas
siod. lie called uponla dyinknan, to obtain
his opiHoo on a new *comedy, and insisted
that he [should hear him read it. "Consider,"
said the dying man, "I have not more than an
hour to live." "Aye!" replied the selfish man,
[...but it gilt occupy but half the time."—Poit
land Tribune.
an eminent - composer in her obituary of her
departed husband, abed this language:
"He has left this life and gone tn that hies,
sed place where only his harmony can be ex
The ti dow of an eminent pyrotechnist,
pleased atith the idea,' adopted it on a similar
oreasiot,•willt a slight variation, and remark
ed of her war-lord that—
"He has gale to.that blessed piece where
only hisfire-to rks could be exceeded."
NOVEL WAY Or CEIELYINCL:—...irV6 cut the
following from an exchange paper:
"Sarah, dear," said a waggish husband to
his wife, "if I were in your place, rwouhrnt
keep that, babe so full of butter as you dn."
"Butter, my dear: I never give it any lint
POu i red abo4 a quari , isf rilk
down it this Oftsrn4rii and then trotied' it l i on
your Ineo for nearly two hours. Hit duereut
contain a quantity of butter by this time, it
isn't, for want of churning.''., '
• Calk' to add
s •1
„... .—..------ ' 4 , 1 ,%., ' ..i.
Those who tiCke, ticr:pirt in palitics,c;rivhn
look 013. the tweoppoSintiartiei aioiltpotitwe
sides Of ay ra mid—linireethig ',pack other”)
jeaningA, 'tf boiling _ the otreogth -01,t1MH
country r(etween .m *them—are still interested
"sometimes to knowT•trie .
shape in which" the •
c ewe r stones are heWn s the grainawl_ mark
'frmtiVititilit With; which eminent men arts via=
' ible 'to tlithr feWitia. The two great siooth - -
lirii Demo l oraiiicalheun and ' Bent% p irkur,- . .
in , r in strong rellekAn the Setitt,t' - 6,,_ Wherein .ire. 'record .tigir.4,*
ehanee approach of ours tiate personal - Oak'
if-a star, we—pit ink on the iinprestionir-At
received of the*two, in a. wernrs'obscrelK4
lion, and herewith' ‘ke• preFeut them to' our
readers—adding oijiy the conjunctions and
' pretiosit ions, left nut, so universally, iii tlilnOs
written to be read when one is
spontibilities of gramma - I': ' • , .
, . -
Buserom is a caricature likenessof Lktullt
Phill(ppe.rthe same - rotundity, the same pear
shape head, and about the same stature.
The physical expression of his face predenit?`:,
nat en -His'lower features are drilled intpini.
pertiiibable:sativity, while the eye s that un
drillable tale teller, twinkles of inward ply-
ness as a burning lamp-wick does of
is a laberibus builder-upithimselfactini
by syllogistic foiecast, never by
Ho is 'pompously polite,. and never -abroad! .
without vExectiti.te" manners. Ile has inado
up his Mind that oratory,if not a nitiortid
weakness, is an ynpresidentiul accomplish=
ment, and' he delivers himself in the Senitte
W ith sitbdued voice, like a judge deciding upon
a cause which the other senators had only tar- .
gued. He wears an ample Wile cloak, and 1 . )..
broad-brimmed hat; with a high crown, and
liVes; mid moves, and.has his being, in a faith
ltd himself which wits remove mountains -of
eredulitW _Though representing a state t.wei
rbobsand'miles Off; he resides, regnlarlY.,4
Washinit'on; paying rare. and hriekvisits,,to
liisurtatituertcy, whose voteashe has retained
for more than twenty yeare—an unaccothita=
ble exseptitin to the anti-conservative' rotatiort
. .
of the country's gifts of office,
Mr. Camthols lives in his mind, and puts a
sort of bathing dress valuat i on his b0dy"."....::.
There is a temporary-lookingtuck away of his'
beard and hair,,as if then would presently
better combed in another place—..mouth apd;-
eyes kept clear only for a brief life-switniin:
the ocean of politics. lfe is tall, hollow-chestz?
'ed.--and emaciated, and both face anl figiiist ;
are concave, with the student's bend forwitid.,
He smiles easily when spoken to—indeed with,
rather a simplefacility—though,' in longer -
ConversittlOn t he gives his eye to the speaker,
beiirly In'lleCAgrilifotVof an idea—with - a timid
' '!reo.bunt sap" withdrawal from talkativeness.
When speaking in the Senate he i:s a very
startling looking man. His skin lies sallow
anillonse on the bald frame of his fite,r-his,
itlir :Triads .
over from rather a low
'fnite.lfad 'nit!, the semi-circular radiation of
the amolie from a whee-l' of fire-worksijust
conie to a stand still—the profuse masses of -
whito beard on his throat catch the eye like
ills sjnnol ter of a fire v a rierhis'ellin—and his
eyes 'urigitt as coals. move n ith jumps, as if
he 'lieu& in electric !caps, from one idea to
anotlier. dresos carelessly, walks the
streets absent 2 mindocil!b, and is treated with
the most marked personal respect and invol
untary deference, by his brother Senators and
the• diplomatists of Washinglon. Hole
great man—probably 'tt n _ambitions one-but
indignantly denies he charge of "making -
tracts" fur the Presideney.—lletne Journal.
Ani - ANTAarsor young man who
studied_law in Connecticut-, became acquaint
ed with the following facts, which are very
remarkable, though not ro very singular: A.
farmer cut down a tree'which stood so near
-the boundary line •of his farm, that it was
doubtful ‘‘hetlier it belonged to him o r his
neighbor. The' neighbor, however claimed
the tipe, ani prosSeuted the man who cut it
fur damage. The!case was committed,rom
court to court. Time was wasted, teitiper
soured, and temper lost; but the case was fi
nally gained by the prosecutor. The 1141;my
friend knew of the transaction was, th - elman
who ''gained the cause" came to the lawyer's
°ince to execute a deed of his 'whole farm,
which he had been compelled to sell i to pay
his costs! Then houseless, and homeless, he
could thrust - his hand into litvocket andi.rl
timphantly exclaim—!‘rve beat him!"
AN-rtocrn To Porsot%s.—Auimal charcoal
(freshly prepared ivory black) is an antidote
to poisons, especially those belonging' to the
vegetable kingdom. Thus strychnia and nux
vomica, and other poisons of this class, when
taken mixed with charcoal are perfectly harm
hiss,. provided the charcoal is administered in
doses proportioned to the quantity of the
poison. Three or four grains of strycllnie
are neutralized by 1 1-,2 or 2 ounces of char-'
'coal. Even the effects of arsenic, are greatly
diMinislied by a speedy administration of
charcoal. Corrosive sublimate is more surely
rendered inert by the white of eggs. Dogs,
that have been poisoned by nu' yeMicti; may
possibly be' cured by charcoal, ;though it is
quite important Omit shotild be i'dministeretY
early, and in_large doses, not less 1 1-2 or 2
ounce,s.- In the absence of ariimol charcoal,
administer freely fine fresh charcoal from the
fire place.—X. Y. Farmer.
. .
n,Jw•aysthink they can live on tviopenceaday,.
and bake their husband's bread, or mendibeir
husband's coat, by way of economy. How.
err much desired a state of society may be,
in which their devotion might be gratified and
repnid, and the twopence "a day be
-found suf.
ficient, it is, nevertheless; (at the present,)
sn impossibiliity. Those who marry open
incerne inadequate to thei - habitual wants, us
teneralli reproached for t foolishness of the
'step! they have taken by e very 'man _-roe
whom a I this economical d comfort wed in..
curred; and those who do n t marry In that
%ay a • usually upbraided fo refusing,- '