Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, January 15, 1848, Image 1

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• Eris County. Ps.
A. P. DURLIN &,' B. F. SLOAN , -
Pr prktora and pubibthers.
City subscribers (left by the carnet) $.2•00
By mail, or at the office , in advsuce. I a
wit not paid lit advance, or A 4 'fhb, three months
from the time of auhs . cribing. two dollars will he charged.
o deviation from these terms.
• .•Nollepor discontinued until all arrearages are paid
except at the option of thu publishers.
conimunications inti. 4 be post paid to secure
one square, ono year, $8 00 There srrfreg, I year, $lO
do d $ .is months, 500 du do - 8 mot. 8
do do three Jo 300 do du 6 Ju 6
Fransient advertisementri 0 Cent, per equare for thP6rat
Insertion and :5 clunk , fur each subtrquunt insertion.
r*: - 'lfeerly adtertiseta hove the priviledenofehanging
at picatare, but at no time ore allowed to oemiev more
than three squares, and to be limiter, to their honieitiet'e
\ battens. '
Advertitemonts not baring drier dircollods, a,ill be in
serted till forbid, and cnor,ird Sccordingly.
j..,,V - Carde, not exceeding 6 lines inscriell at-63 per
• 'gear.
10i2N - 1 - ai - 111721 --1 10 - 1 - 6L - ki`t .
Wolerale and . Retail Dealer in cheap wet arid
Dry Framily'Grocerie?, at No: 5 Bunnell Block,
• State St. Erie Pi.
.1.011. Blind and Dodr Maninbcturer andtfeafertn
WCAL Bile, of State,st, between and
81h atg, Erie, Pa.
- T. W. MOORE. •
Dealer in Grocerice. Provkions, Candies, Emit
&e. No. 1, l'erry Block , State fttrect, Erie, Pa
Attorneys at Law. Wino up stairs in the Tom
many Hall building,north °film Prothonotary's
Office. 9
Dealer in Dry Goods, Cirocries, Hardware,
Queena Ware, Liine, !rim, Nails No. 121,
Cheapside, File, Pa.
Counts , and Borough .s.. , "urveybr; office in Exchange
Buildings. French at , Erie.
AND Dealers in Lehigh ur,d Erie Coal. Salt
and Produce generally. • Particular atten
tion paid to the sale of Produce and purchase of
N 0.3 & 4 Auburn Square, South Wharf.
Bunt:lt, V. 49
Attorney anil Counsellor at Law; Offire No. 2
.Stale st., opposite the bioule litre!, Erio, Pa.
Attorneys & 'Counsellors at Law, Ottlee on French l
etreet, oier S Jackson 4• co's. Store, Erie.
- April 24, 1 9 47. 49
Dealers in Foreiun and Dontextfe Dry Goode,
Reach. Marie elothin ,, , 800 s trod Shoes, &e.
Ice., Net. I, Flemming 131 not, State Street,
Erie, Pa, 1
Attorneys and Counsellors at Law-- Qfl ce oh
Shi:h stredt, o est side or the Publi Square„
Erie, Pa. 1 1
a. f %LIM AIT!I
IV • A. cAtnnArrit. %V. S. LACE
Dealer% in Wweln.s, Jewell v, S ilt£r, erman ail
%Tr, Plaied and itriounniii Cnilery, I\lo
Parand Fancy Goode, No. Reed Erin
Wholesale :and Retail Dealers in I)ry Goods,Gra
resits, Hardware, Crockery, Glus,ware, Iron,
Nails, Leather, Oils, etc. etc: -corner of State
street and the Public Situa, opposite the Eagle
Tavern, Erie, Pa. ,
Cabinet Maker, Uptiolszer and Undertaker,
State Street, Erie Pa
Physician and Surgeon, o'iliec on Seventh Street,
urn of the Ntethotii-I Chtreh. Pair. Pa.
General Forw•ardinz, Conuniggion, will Produce
Merchnnts; Red Ware I lonee, east of the Pub
lic Br icl ,, e. Erie.
Manufacturers of Tin, Copper null Shot-lion
corner of French and Fifth streets, Erie.
Iron Eounacro, L•hoicriale and retail dealers in
Stoves, I know-ware ke. Sta , e street, Erie. Pa
Wholeqaleand retaildenicrin Drucs, Medicines
Dye Stun ,G rocerics, &c. No. 3, Reed lluuse
Erie, Pa.
DeAT in Dry Goods, Groceries, No. 111,
Uheapsitle, Eric I'a.
Deilets in Dry Gouda, Gin:erica, ke., No. 1,
Bondi Block, State st.,Erie, Pt
flealPra in Drilus Paints, Oils, Dye,
No. 6 !tool House, Elie
'orwardine. and Commission Merchante; 109
French Stribet, Erie., and at Gth Strcei Canal Ba
eon, also dialers in Groceries and Provisions.
Beakr in Hardware, Dry Goods, Grticoriett, Cr.
east side of the Diamond, and o:ie door cast of
the Eagle Hotel, Erie, Pa.
Ay Hiram L. Brown, corner or State street and
the Public square, Erje, Pa. Edltern, Western,
and Southern Slav office. I
i!hiobable Merchant Tailors, on the Public
&Rare,: a few doors west of State itieet, Erie,
eatt't Theolo , 7ical, -M iscellaneous, Sunday
and elassical School Boots; Stationary, etc. etc.
Na, II I, French Street, Efte,Pa.
P. A.qt... BRACE,
{t, P.
and Counsellor at law, Prairie du Chien,
W.l'. practices in' the counties of Crawford.
Grant and lowa, W. T.und in Milton county,
loaa Territory.
i ., GUFfitEES' series of School Books, I, 2,
1, 4 and 5, for sulemt 111,/ French St.
Erie, slay 6, 1847. 51
Slate Steve, nearly opposite Vie Eakte Hotel.
I .'OOlllS 4. Co. ure now receiving from
• New York and opening at their new store
n er,ensive a , mrtment of Rich and Fashionable
"VE LItY, (embracing the latest style of work
Fttarket,) icutchts, Clocks, Plated and Brip'eala
Fine Cohn ) , Siert Ti . inrillings, Camphene
11'83 rar L 'mpg, I , votia.7 Glasses. Gold Pens,
age Mm with a general variety of I;afeful and
qmerval artielei. • Cal am/ see what you will see.
Jun e , 2, IS 17.
- Casll For Flax Seed.
i 1 '; 11 a ill 6~ paid for one t!too.and hos!lelA of .
Flu Seed by C RTEIt lilt. MIER.
-;'1? . N.,. I;,
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Another Arriva' .of Groceries
At No. 1, Perry Block I
TW. hloollEis now receiving his Fall
. and Winter stock of Groceries which will
be sold a little cheaper for mull than at any other
establishment in the city. Among his stock may
be found:
hiperiti4 Gunpowder, and Young Kroft
Teas; Java, Rio, Laguira and St. Domin
igp Coffees; Loaf, Pulverised, Porto Rico,
ftn . dN. 0. Sugars; Pepper, • Spice, Gin
ger, Clamart; Nutmegs .Iface, Cloves, Rice,
Pearled barley, Candies, Pecan, , 'Brazil,
Aufeira and Pea nuts; 'Almonds, Filberts,
etc.; Fruits-4pples, Raisigs, English Cur
rants, and Figs; Sperm and Tallow candles;
Summer and Winter, strained Lamp Oil, a
superior article, Salad oil; Fancy Shaving,
Variegated . and Bus soap. Dairy - salt,
lYhite Fish, Mackerel, ~Mackinac Trout,
Codfish and Herring.
pall and exurnine Goods and prices at No. 1,
Perry Block.
TErle, Nov. 6, 1617. 25
New Fall and Winter Gooils.
HE subseriberiere now receiving their a:ock
of Fall anu Winter Goods consisting of
Gnocitnt Es, CROCKERY,
Also a large assortment of -1 - " aper Hanging and
Window Paper.
' MI of which were putthased iu New York at
the lowest tnprket , price. They do not boast of
liitrin , " the largest stock of goods ever brought to
this pLice, but will say they have as good an ai•
sortment; and will be sold as cheap as the chettp•
eat, and invite the public to call and' examine
goods and prices., G. SELDEN lk SON.
Oct. 93.1817. 23
HAVE•arrived, and in all thutaste of Oriental
Costume are locottated at the store ofthe.ille.
kin comphtty's Agency,' to hold up a paper of, tea
and in all their silent magnificence to act as' tsn
ding witnesses' to the fact of exclusive superiori.
ty, in the Humbug } hey are designed to nod into
name,' The credulous fnay he taken in by such
fancy image., but intelligent psrsons'will be quite
us well satisfied by DRAWING 'home of 'our fresh
Teas and imbibing the delicious beverage as they
would be with any notions' of 'Yankee' invention
to decoy then 't amongst the various traps which
are put in requisition to gull the unsugpecting
victim of Patent Medicines or China Illusions,
JUST received at the New Store a fine assort
ment of Ladies cloak and dress goods, such as
all wool French green. black, blue, crimson, and
drab thibeta .plain and embroidered; rich dre.ds
and peli:.se_sillts; black visite do., cashmeres plaid
alpaccas andJustres . , plain do.; children's polka
coats and hoods, lames woolen boas, childrens do
black laco demi veils, rich Tartar long shawls ;
cravats, ribbons, crowds, hosiery, gloves, and
other rich goods too numerous to mention--which
the ladies (who are the only judges of rich goods)
arc invited to call and see at
Dec. 18. ALLYN & COIT'S.
ALLYN C CUIT will ..sell after this 'their
tiro stock of Dry Goods, PA 25 per cent. less
than they are sold in Erie. These pirchasin2
are invited to call and prove the truth adds Atatti•
ment. The followino• area few of their goods;
Pine Ginultams,frOm 12 to 20 cts. pei yd.
Oregon Plaids, richest style 25, " "
M. Dc Lain°, - " 25 4(
_Plaid Alpaceas and. Luster 25
' Plain ," 50 " " ;a , l
Calico front 6 to 12 (I's per yd.
All• Wool, Red, White, Yellow and Green
Flannels, Limns, T.dalings, knaplt.ins, Crash,
Diapers; Brown. and Bleached Cottons very low,
and all other goods usually kept in well artantled
Stores at very low prices 1,0 "astonish the natives"
Due. IS,
THE c l-partnership here:Mitre existing he
tweenn the subscribers, tinder the name of J.
Z n,orly 4. Co ,is :his day dissolved by mutual
cotts(ttt. All the books, accounts and papers are
in the!Ands of A. H. Hitchcock, at :he old stand
where all those interested are ,eritiested to cull and
settle. • J. ZIM ERLY
The Celestials
Nov. 13, 1817. 26
Great Reduction of Prices
Erie, Nov. 2, 1817. A. 11. HITCHCOCK
AH. HITCHCOCK would say to his old
. friends and customers and the putile, that
he ill he happy to wait on them at the old stand,
and sell diem Ureeeriei, as coed and cheap as
or tare quantities No I extra white lead, red
led, Veni•ian red, chrome yellow,• lithraize oils
aad turpentine, and wiser:ell sized gross , bonaht
ut the lowest prices, and fur sale oceordintOy by
vrOet '2 9 , 'Bl7. 21
COFPEE—Lavira, Java and Rio Coir,e, at
very reduced prices, at No. 5 Hormel! litetk.
Dee. H. H. COCK.
jkl i tga Dairy Salt for sale by
e. COCiK.
AN_ LAS Oil and Lampblack for sale bq
Nov. 20.
WHITEFISH, Mackinac Trout. Iris!) Her.
Nog. I and 2 Mackerel. Codft,h, Sure
aide , - id Haddock, just received and for sal
rry Block by -T. W. MOORE.
.. 6, 1317. 25
PFAIN Company outdone! We can alum
and sell as fine fresh Tea and at as low pri•
c.c.s al any one who claims any connection with
ale Pekin Company.
Letecn, Sesxesi 4 CHESTER.
Oct. 16. 22
CARPETING.—IOOO yards parlor, ball and
stair carperinv., at prices varyinz from 2 and
6 penco to B shillings per yard. Also, F oor Oil
cloths, at the usual low rates of
No. 2 Commercial Excharige, French st
0ct.19, 181'
CA'lLEChiins different size's, suitable for
draught chains or saw miles; and will be cut
to any length to suit purchasers.
cable article is offered fur sale at the low
price of ottc dollar, by -
Oct. 16 22
FRENCH MERINO—BIack and Mono color
of the hen auality, for sale cheap by
• sept. as. s. JACKSON.
WINTER 4.:perro Oil, a pure article, for sale
at No. 1, Perry BRA by
T. W. MOOitE.
Eric Nov 6 , 1847. , 25
ALAPAr e 'A—Silk and cotton warp, from twO
to eight shillingi 4 per yard, Black, Brown,
ptiitt, plain and satin striped, for sale bV •
IM PS ANDFRINGES, in great yariety, for
:.ale by Learea, SENNETT & etw.grr.n.
Nov. 13, 047. 26
1 - 4 1 011. SA L E.-100 Tattz Planter, 200 614. Salt
1 cheap at.
Dec. 18. CADIV ELL'S
IRON, NAILS, STEEL, & c.Swedes
and American Iron, am, square and eound, 0.
S. Nrtil Rode; round and squar:3 rods, Band Iron,.
Cast! English, American 'and Spring Steel, N4iis
Anvils, Vices, &c.,&c.
Nov. 6 ' GEO. SELDEN St SON.
OF,FEE, Tea, sugar, together with a general
aisorinient of G roceries, for sale b W. y
or' 'Ours .o
Who, looking botkoild frona, kit manhood's
Sipes not the spl-eito'of his inisspnot limo; „
And through the shade
Of (Orientl cypie;ls,"plant . t4l thiCk
Hear, no topre4ehrui Wbiiper on the who] '
From his loved aloiol " .
Who beers no trace of Pardon's evil forte l
Whosibuns thy sting, oh, terrihis Remots.l•
Who would not cast , -
lialtothis Future from him, toit to Win
Weighs% oblivion tor the wrong sod sin "
oilho sealed ,Past . •
Alas the evil whlnis we faint would shun, '
We d ;and leave tha wished. for good undcas;
Our strength to•tlay ,
Is Int to-npwrow's weakness, tiniest to fall;
Poor, blind, unprofitable sery mkt* all,
- Are we always.
Vet wbo, thus looking backward o'er bin rearm,
Feely not bin eyelids wet with grateful team
Jr be bath been ,
.Permitted, weak and sinful its be was,
To <beer and aid, in same en nobliug cause,
His fellow. mon 7
If be bath hidden the outcast, or let lu
A ray of sunshine to the cell of sin;
' slf ha bath lent
Strength to the weak - . and, le an hour of need,
dyer the suffering. in Wks* ends creed
Or hue; bath bent
He him tot tired in vain; and, while he gives - _
The pratinto thins in whom ho moves and livea.
With thaithful heart.
He `saes backward, and with hope before,
Knowing thee from his workabe never more
Can henceforth part.
4he lived in a miserable court running out
Tottenham Court Road; and as l' went up the
dark and close-smelling staircase to her second
floor, I trembled at finding myself in such a
place. l'qen I entered the teem, I don't
know which struck me most—the wretched
ness or the cleanliness of the apartment. In
one corner stood alwdstead,and from the thin
fold 'of the' sheet, which was turned down over
the patch-work counterpane, I knew directly
that there was not a blanket upon it. In an
other corner,her little invalid son lay stretched
upon a mattress on the floor, with an old flan
nel petticoat wrapped ruurid his limbs , to keep
him warm. • Acr4ss the room on a string sus
pended from wall to wall, hung - a few stock
ings, and other articles of wearing apparel,
to diy. There were but two wooden chairs;
one of them,' with its broken back roughly
mended with strings, was by the sick boy's
side, with a cup on it, while . seated on the
other, by a deal table, and close to the small
shovelful of fire in the grate was the semp
stress herself. As she turned her head round
to see who entered, I perceived that one of
her eyes had been bruised since she was with
me, and 'no sooner did she see me atthe door,
than starting up, she raised her handkerchief
to her face; and observing that the disfigure
ment attracted my notice, she told me—with
such hesitation, that I knew it was an un
truth—that she had an accident, and knocked
her eye . against the door.
"You have come fur the work you gave
me," she said; "yes, I know I have been
very remisk I ought to havebrought it home
'before, but—the fact is—a—a—" •
"You have had an illness in the house," I
added, endeavoring to help her.
"No-4t was not that—but—" and she
burst into tears. •
"Come,. come, my good lady," I continued,
"do not vex yourself; 1 atn not in a hurry for
it, and next week, or even the week after that
Neill be time enough for me„ Now, come;
be candid with me—you ere in distress.—
Tell me, can, I be of any assistance to you."
44 ,1%10, thank you," she:replied, with a qui.
ver of the lip; I con assure you we are not in
distress, however much appearances—a—a
-, and we do require assistance yet." .
ales; hut I know you do," I added;
di though you eannot,bring yourself to confess
it. 7
Madam, I do not require assistance," she
replied, rising; "and surely I am not sunk so
low that my word cannot be recelveV
My woman's curiosity was so piqued to
learn who she possibly could have been, that
I sat there talking about the illness of the
child, and twisting the conversation into a
hundred different channels, in the hope she
Would let drop something that would give me
a clue to her histokrlss,...At last, just as I was
about to take my leave in despair, her hus
band staggered into the apartment. He was
a man whose coarseness and grossness of fea
ture contrasted wonderfully with hers; and
yet; notwithstanding his high cheek bones and
unshorn chin, and sodden complexion, there
was something in the expression of his eyes
and manly figure, that made me fancy that at
one time he must have been almost handsome.
" Now, Georgians,' ho said, in a husky
thick voice, "have you got any tin 7 cos, if
you has, hand it over."
"DOn't you, see there is a stranger pre
sent !" she answered, biting
. her lips at the
Idea of my being a witness to the scene.
"Strangers be hanged !" he replied, look 2
ing first at me, and then at his wife; "I want
some money, I tell you; those cursed skittles
hits regularly cleaned me out. So, 'come ;
hand us over a bob, and take that handkercher
from that black 'eye I guy you for yostin
giness last Tuesday. 'Where's the odds of
her knowinton it ? She's got tt. father and
mother, I. dare say, and understands these
matters. There ! your need'nt look so plaguy
prondtbough yep are the Honorable 'Uri.
Duggan.' Come, era you going to give me
Ova money, or am Ito make you ?"
'U have none," she returned with a shud
der. •
None of Your lies ! " he answered brute
ly ; "but hand the nioneyoverthis minute, or
else, s'help me, and he stinelt his
burly fist in her qem4ling fees, in continua
tion of the sentence. , -
, . , ,
! my good man I almost
shieked out with affright, a heie is some Mo
ney; it is all I have got. hut 41;;go—Olm ! do."
i'WE fir V N.E D TOO' MUCH."
.OtUII,P"IANUARY _l5, 1848. ,
"Well, now I've - got all rcome or, I don't
mind if rdoei," he replied, looking at me.—
You see, missOt'it my turn at the ad and
Homes to have 'a quartern 'in ; ae I can't
abear,' when 1 'been drinking all thE(morning
it 'other gentlitien"it . expenee,, , not; in do the
thing what's right, and be my eluire towntds
keeping up the spree.", - ,
t , '1 •
"Yes, of_course.-4 now," I answered; "but
do please to leavtputi alone here together."
ig Tfith i t miOngli liaise l'm o-p-b," he said.
"So geod - day'to,yen. plias, and good day to
you, the 'Honor:able kis. Duggan "—and Out
he reeled:again. _'
• reOultrne help noticing the 't.truggle that
was going on in his poor wife's breastduring
all thls 'ftightful scene., And directly her hus
band, . left -the - room; despite all exertions'
the tears hooded her eyes. I rose to console
her; and ori,gping up to her, she fell upon my
boson), and wept like It child.
,she. raised
,her head, saying,
,',"There] that has done the good; tell.' the now
can you guesswho I am?",
"I indw enough,' my -poor one," I replied,
"to know that you l are aufFering from some
imprudent alliance. ",
' "Iniprudent! it was a mad—downright mad
dne!" she exclaimed, with T
bitterness. '"o
think that I, the d ughter of an earl, should
have united mysel to. my father's gardener's
Boni But deeper tely—idolatrously.l loved
him; and for him I braved the fearful rage of
father—mother—a I: And what was my re
ward? Why, when my husband found every
one of' my many at pplications for forgiveness
spored by my hatighty parents and
, even the
door of my former hems shut for ever against
me, then he.--aceing . :how lie,hati been foiled
in the ambitious ga)ne hePad played, and that
instead of the rich teiress ho pad expected,
he had only an eipmsive pauper for his wife
—then he, I say, reeked his vengeance on
me, and then began the long series of such
sufferings and privations, as even 1 who have
suffered them cannot so much 'as shadow out
:to you."
"But wouldn't his father do something fur
yourl naked.
"What could ho do?" she replied. "Dis
missed from his situation—ruined through my
marriage with his :son (for my father, of
course, suspected he had connived at it,) how
could .we expect support from him? And
yet we might have been far beyond want had
my) husband only permitted mei° exercise the
accomplishments that he'd been heaped (Toil me,
at home. But to drown the vexation he felt
at the fearful mistake he had.madel he flew
to drink, ind soon lost iii the bottle, all
er of exertion. When he had drunk up all
the trinkets I had cerried with me in my
night, he began taking , my drestieu from me
one by . on'e,`'atid conver ting ihetii into more
money for mere li4uor; until, at last I was
forced, from the very want of proper clotlfing,
to discontinue giiing the lessons which were
our only means of subsistence."
"But if he has treated. you thus badly," I
replied, "why not have left him?"
"I could not-4 would not leave me;'',. she
answered; "that was all I wanted—all I ask
ed of him. But no, he knew he was entitled
to all learned, and that I must work if it was
only for my child; so as he was too idle to
keep himself, he was but too glad to be kept
by me. And let; notwithstanding all thio, I
could haveloved him—:aye, and did luVe him
like a .dog,even though he beat me like a dog.
But when, in the wantonness of his dissiOtion
he dared to bring his degraded companions .to
my home, my -whole woman's ;mute rose up
and rebelled against it, and I hated him as
intensely—madly as I once had hived him.—
And now, you may fancy how gladly I would
leave him if I could. But oh. Heavens, I
cannot! Often and often have I fled with my
child in the night to save myself from further
I wrong, and my poor boy from-the pollution of
his father's example; but the bound has track
ed me out' so soon, that I now see how fool
t is to hope ever in this life to be rid- of.
"Poor, poor lady," 1 half said to myself.
"Ah, you know, not how sweet it is to find
one consoling voice," she continued calmly,
as the tears flowed anew,—"friends all, have
turned from me, and yours are the first kind
tones I have heard for years. Indeed, indeed
you cannot tell what I have auffored from
that man! ' The very work you gave me,
took by force from m drawer, and pawned to
get more gin. You may look little ady, but
the worst is yet untold., The dri dt your
work procured hint only mode him •mad for
more—ay, and he would have _ it—though I
told him he had swallowed every rag thht
was of any valve in the place. Suddenly the
wedding.:ring on my finger: caught his eye,
and even that Ire wanted to take from' me=
that, the only outward sign I had to stin
guish me from his wretched female c4pan
lona- I told him I would not let him•have it.
He threatened blows. Still I • , told him he
should not have it. He sought to force it
from me. I struggled with him, and , the
coward finding how tightly I grasped the. sole
remaining token of my honor, struck me in
the face—with what force the bruise still re •
maining there will tell you—and as I lay
senseless on the ground, he robbed me of my
• I was so moved by the wretched history I
had heard, that I couldn't help weeping with
her. And I would not leave her, until 't 4ot
her to promise that she would henceforth look
upon link little service I might.have it. in my!
power to render her, nut in the light of char
ity, but of friendship.. '
l' .
Eirly on the marrow I went again: to , see
hereto consult with her as Ito howl could
best befriend her; but to my great sorrow. I
found that she had left shortly after daybreak;
but whether to avoid, her husband's, ill treat.:
ment, or my assistance, always remained a
mystery tome, - thaegh iroji . (l,ot tiree forward
I neverlorgot hit fearful hlstory 'Of the 'um;
qual marrielre.
A evrallow in the spring
Came In our granary. nod .noath t
Essayed to make a ant, and thorn
Wot earth and straw an
'Any after day ike
With patient nal, but ere her work
Seesaw! =tamp the tinny fabric
And dashed it to the gro i
Sho found thn ruin Wren
Yet not cast down, forth (Vora her p
And with her mate, fresh earth and
And built her neat anew.
But scarcely' had she Phi.
Tho fast soft feather on its ample ft
When wicked baud, or chance, ago
And wrought th,. uin
But still hot. !inert rho Yet'
And toiled again; end, Inn night, h •'
llotlked,end to! three little ow:4o*
Within the, earth•made
What truth is here, O. in
Huth !ape horn smitten hi its early
Have clouds o'eresse thy purpose,
Have r.tvirtf, and struggl
' - From the Tomei City
In 1756-Ltwenty years be'
era which shines like -a rich
of the world s history—a
Beverly Robinso occupied
ate in New Yei which, a
-considered a mod e
of eleget
although, according to the pt.?
the present dry, it was riots. 11
It was standing, very little
original condition, six-years
of the Hudson River, with!
miles of West Point. Mr. I
all the luxuries known- to
some, beside, which, the oil
not know—fur instance,, a d
silver tea urn, ..said, by th
scennants, to be the first ar
and for a long time the only
country. In this dwelling, si
the apace between the floors
exceedingly low, and in ma
(set oft; about the fire-plu g
tiles,) the rafters were rpassi
and all things else in the str
ceedingly primitive. In this
or reared a brood of tit/. -'
inveterate foes o the I
can Revolution, and ,th,
gle, that history mentior
of the Robinson family 1
lice in the armies of th
fought determinedly a
W l ell, in this w ich n
attached itself to tli'e ' ipitere
er, the only victory - th•t w
over George Washingto 1, we
In 1,766; Colonel George
Virginia—a large ? stal4art, \
ed gentleman of the limit fini s
and careful exterior, a itaildsr
ceremonious and grive pa
tirm'and much esteetriet]
inson, and announce d hil l ,
in,g his guest fur many i
negro attendant, i called ;
bring in his.-inaster's pci,
fuel was cast into the hi
place, 'an extra bottle (I
was placed upon the tal
seemed almost to ei:prin
nal size' at the prospect!
cial hilarity, and Cul. V,
installed as a choice clai!
and unrestrained hospiti
Seated with Mr. rind
wheltned with attention
eteri ; comfort, the visits I
dissatisfaction. Every
or closing door aroused I
shied he relapsed who p
that no one was about tt
His uneasiness was so •I
at last endeavored} to ra
effect. Mrs. Robinson
cue, and addresied the c,
"Pil,ay, friend Washin:
acquainted with tho calt
'Acre is some reason
lies with us. Tell it."
In vain the Colonel argued i hat_nothing had
<veered to vex ltitn:--th.tit he tVII not in want
tvny further induceni4t - to present or (inure
hapiness; his eptertaimirs would not regard
his words, hut confinerd their pertinnejotts
endeavors to solve hid, tnyAtery, At lengtb,
wearied by importunity, Washington, then
twenty years beforedds greatness, letined over
the table, played with his glass, attempted to
look unconcerned. and ‘Oispered to Mr. Rob
inson the single word—"Masjy."
"Ye. 43" responded/Mr. R. interrogatively,
as if unable to comprehend IVashingtou's
• •
"Is she well? Does She stillimbide, with
I}o. .
"She does," replied the lady oft lie mansion.
Washington again became apathetic and
contemplative, while several sighificant glan
ces passed beween the gentleman. and his
wife. Some live minutes were spent in per
fect silence, which wtis only interrupted by
ttie exit of Mrs. It: Irma the apartment. She
speedily returned, accompanied by . a beautiful
young lady, whom Washington, with a cowl
tenancoteaming joyfully, arose to greet with .
becoming respect - . ; •
The young lady was ' 14iary Philipse, sister
of Mrs. Robinson, and daughter of the - owner
of the' Phihose estate..
It was perhaps singular; but the time of
her appearance:and the period of the return of
Washington's cordiality; was ideotical.—
Strange as it was, too, midnight found this
young lady and the Virginia colonel alone, and
in deep conversation. The conjugal, twain
who / ,Who bad kept, them company in the early
I part of the evening had retired to:. their bed
chamber. More remarkatilethanall, daylight
ifoustdpls couple still together.. The candles
had burned downsto the soekets , of the sticks,
an d the fireplace, i instead ofeshibiting gt.cheer-
ftti blaz•
ashes a
have pr.
love; for
diste nce,
teur that
49 elv.p.
did bring
panion il l
must. be
ture's rar
he Bow,
sei brought,
ncr heart, in
made his confe
the dawn of tn.
in the east. I
measured terms'
passion, and av
hope would be t
her hand. Th
modesty of the
her lips with th
her heart's deli
spected, atthott.
locutor, and she
tu.,biut the true
candoi triumph
formed Washin
the billiant
loved ' another!
greatest o l i f,modi
by a wom4n;
Tremblong,, with compressed lips and a
I •
countenance ashy-pale, ho crept from the
place just as the old negess of the household
entered to maitel preparations for, the break-
in the !cages
F i man named
dwelling (situ
that time, was
ce and comfort,
waiting ta s te s o f
ling f the kind.
ittaltered from its
AO t On this side
. i .
in two or three
,obinsoln enjoyed
he 'colony. and
er colonists did
A ' •
tel and massive
• i
genleman's de.;
isle i l of the kind
, ,
me, used in this
.. much admired,
and l ceilinT was
fast. He snug! t his room, threw_himseif up
on his conch, d ssed as he was, and lapsed
into a troubled Itlep. The only victory ever'
won at his exp - nie penetrated him to the
soul. Ile was unhappy—supremely wretch
ed! The fptur conqueror
_oEtlifiusands of
brave men suffered becanie be had been re•
jected by a Imitate. This was:his tirst,s but
not his last wooing.
Years rolled on upon the mighty tide of i
time. George IVashingtoos Was the Com-
tnander-in-chief of the American forces op.
posed to the royal government. The friend
of his early 'manhood,Beverely Robinson, was
the Colonel of the Loyal American regiment
raised in this state,' and his son was the
bieutenant Colonel, The house we. have
spoken of was in possession of the l thePrebels,'
and was occupied by Arnold, the traitor. It
was afterwards the temporary 'residence of ;
Washington. At the same time, the husband
of Mks Mary-Philipse, Roger Morris', was a
prominent torY,-and a member of the' leper - mill
of-the colony. Few of pile parties were oc- i
cupied by any reflections of an amorous pa- II
tore. Tillie, in its progress, had worked mu- I
'igloos which had severed the closest. ties both
of friendship and coasanguinity. Those who
were most intimate previous -to the com
mencement orthe 'war,' 'were now studied
strangers, with drawn swords at eadh othees /
breaits. Even sons and fathers wereestrang
ed and arrayed' in opposite ranks—even the
child of that illustrious statesman, Dr. Friink-
lin, was a bitter and uncompromising tory.— I
It must not be supposed that, the loyalist
friends of the Colonel, (George Washington, I
shared any better fate, so far as the acquaint
anceship of the Father of his Country ,was-I
concerned, than others. His old Hudson riv- I
er friends he had not seen for years. The
husband of Mary Philipse was pel•sonally un-!
known to hitn--41everlY Robinsoiwgrown grey4
ow, would scarcely have been re- .1
co d
ni d. ll , I I
\1 ndre was Wier and ,condeta' ned to fleath,
.ne WII •le Ittoer d General Wimdholl',sl Oa 4r., e, f
, i
was visited by Mr. Robin Son in the capacity
of 'species of a cummissioner which protected 1
his person. ‘Vhat was - the surprise of Wash=!
ington, a few dared hefUte the time of the ex-!
ecilOort, to receive a letter.from his old friend ;
and entertainer, referring tc , past events, and ;
claiming on a score of reminiscence a secret or;
private inerview. The claim was acknowl- I
edged, an , late at night, Mr. Robinson,ac
copanie I b , a `figure closely muffled in PI
ni i i
cl o ak, w s a tpio,ed to the Gemini's apart:-
Merit. for t ii .*lit these two tnen— , their I
positions Fn yidefr different—g,aed at each
other in . silet ch. Recollections of days' gone
by—of happ , days uneorroded by crinlering
care—prevai ed, and they abruptly embraced.
Washitigtol was the tirst i to recover his self
possession. Suddenly disengaging himself,
hp stood erect and' clothed in that unequalled
dignity which was his at tribute,_and said—., I
"INI•w, sir, your bosiness."
"Is," replied. Robinson, in a choking voice,'
"to plead for An-Ire.' 1 i
ly of , the rooms
Eby polished
e and ueovered,
mture were 'ex-
lonic w•cre born
prominent and
s of the Anteri
't of that strug,-
wo generations
ins and beldof
lisli King, and
our sires and
I o re
I C En
:ill already have
t of the read-
I s ever gained
VaSlthigton, of
ted deportment
me, imposing,
ge—visited his
~Beverly Rob ;
Coon of remit in
; :.00 A grinning
was ordered to
eau, additional
td cheerful tire
le ma Madeira
nose griffin feet
increase of so-
, erson
y frier)
road a i
th tw
of an
"ashington was duly ,
if! iant of old fashiono
M rs: 13obii4n over-,;
aid in poss.essiOn of
evinced unquiet and
Isound of an opening
Iliiinfrom apathy, into
n it was ascePtaineci
r ,enter the apartment'.
ppurent that:ins host
ly !dm, but witlgMt
i knallycarne to the re:l
- indirect terms.
i"gton, may we be made .
se 0 1 your duluess?—
or it, and that.reason
"You have alteady Wein advised of my final
detertnination," replied Washington;sternly.
6 , Will nothing avail !" asked ItoNugOn, in
smothered accents. .
, harbored only a gigantic heap of
d u few dying embers. What could
longed that interview? Npt Mutual,
the parties preserved a ceremonious
and the young lady evinced ''a haul
could, he matched only
h y her corn
after years. And vet ;the tittlit
(There witslove On \One shlc:
01, smitten by the grads 'end. rare
aliments of a lady as beauiiful as na
est works, was endeavoring to win
exchange for his Own. He
tsion just as the cold grey' "of ,
ruing broke up the dark clotMs,
e,confessed, in cautious and'
, it. is true, the extent of his
)wed what - it was :his earnest
be result:Aat was the gain of
lady hesi!ated. Was it, the
maiden who dares not trust
confession of affection it is
e to make? No! .'41.3e re.
h she did not love her inter
felt diffident in making known
tate of her feelings. At last
d over delicacy, and she in
;ton, in set terms, that she
She refusal him! The
:sit men was vanquished, and
ie was speechless and power-
“ Nothing ! Were he my own son, 116
should pay the penalty due to his uffenoe. 1,
know all that yothwiltsny; you willspea of
his virtues—his sirs—his rank, and of ex
tenuating circumstances; perlicps endeavoy to
convince me of his innocent:4.” .
ItobiiAon struggled tv;itli his emotions a few
seconds, but, unable to repress his feelings, be
spoke but a single word;' , with such a thrilling
accent; that he started at thesound of his,own
voice. That word was George: -•_
" Oeneral l asiiingion, Colimelßo inson,"
responded the rent pat ri t, laying g s r t stress
on each mint ry title,
, -•..
. k(Enotigh," said the Cher. "1 have one
more arginne t—if Om i t
l ads me, I have done.
Behold my fti nd !"'
"Your frie d : Who i' he? What is. bit - s
name?" ' . I '
Ono other ingle word was spoken as. the
heavy cloak i which the mysterious frietid
was clothed, Hto the floor and exposed the
mature figure of Mrs. MorrlsZand that word
uttered with a. start l \Vashingtops was
May! -The uspense waipainfuli but brief.
1 "Sir,''' said ',Washingcon, instantly recoir
eriiig;"this trifling is' beneath your station
and opidignity. ,', I regret thatyou must ge
back to Sir Henry Clinton with the WA.
Bence thot'your best int,erees inn
See that these persons are'co tin
the !Inds in safety,'-'continue ,h
open the door of the apartment, a
ing, aide. ‘,:
Abashed and mortified, Mr. lii
his sister-in- i law tank Weir leaye,
man \had gained a conquest once,
condassault vas aimed 'at a brea.
' Tia'r wgrasr. tir ibis w•tato —which was
°pil 0...41 the Aineriesw. t Ito, I, le,
the twin a , t. a nd A groat portion of the firop;
titC•ltcd, Tlifl rtoror•imooy iiitere.t was .
ao•seser, awl in 11 , L 19, Joan Jacob Astor
4100J•09. For this Mr- Astor fere teed rfil
y ears ulle.r, the sra ill ril. - ot ,E,Ryor"
Some years ago, the expressiOn
was in common %ogne, particularly
"Whoys'" of that day. A Frenc
lately come into the city, 'and spealti
intelligible English, related to nnj
his sufferings about "in a horn ' 1
"TIM firatilay 1 wive ii your var
I see one small ions culottes,
leetle boy wis papers in his hands.
"Leetle garcon, Where:lll)mA It'
de Hotel City r'
"Ile say to me, 'Dam who yol
on? You find de Park, in !elm
"I tank What yin a horn' rnpap imt . l4o,
ifind him out my brain in. So l i g4leetle
and I speak to one man, in del74 Vll4,
go thump, thump. a, big-lbaton yowl!,
him one paver. I say— '
"'Sore, can you. tell Imo
street be, for I loss my way V
‘, H e say, 4 Xou, Die aAs.japk„ . yo
dis be Broadway, in a horn.'
"I link and tink, but Inn comer:
it mean. What can him be
mutt be some great man, or- 6.ntie
in de city; so I stop and tisk, one t
and I say to
"'What mean dis a horn I',
"He. look at me, he put one
notEe, and he pay= ••
You one dam ole fool, in mite
, "Den" I get mad-1 find Ini#
go quick to my room, and, I tnlie rt'
tionaire, and I look for • thorns.'
find hini belong tonne cow, one gi'
recollect I was one dam quii, a'
down de dictionaire, I jurn?•on,shit
"Yon go to one devil, in a horn'
- HINTS TO YouNo WoNEN.--=-34
—I speak not of boys of eighteen t l c
twenty, during their age of detestilii
who are worth the trouble of filing
and the fuss and inconvenience of
ried to 1% how one might,
liets, and a , _couraei
elf•liontiliatinti, sub*
are fxacted the alter.-such me ,
dolls for their companions; and sviiiirten whoi
would suit such men are, just as eapable of lam
vine fervently, deeply,, as the Rip' letliatault
of song' and sentiment—who CLUJ 101.W ' aik
cannot ripe iii' the morning—can ut tie:lloD
bonnet strings faints c if she has o lace- heri•
boots—neer in her life brushes on lte!-beau;
tifol hair—would not, for the worl•
delicate finger With plain sewing A who,
can`work harder than a Factory, ,apart s
lamb's wool. shoplierdess,--danre-t.!;efa ddid ;
vise at Almacles—ridellike a fox Moiler---.t4
‘sbilbt 'every brCath.' - o
ii".l4er gli)owy
cannot Oink lam. lamp!!
mite, .she can go oza. to
broitrk wit!
half a quarterlut boddic
Was preparing the case
hatrexamined. about . 1%
somebody culled to see
denim) sent % - vora that
could not be interrupts
"But the man wit
i.s!er." ,
'Call hint tip,`• said lttase+,
NVell, Sir, , wintt c,an ynu' testify
4 1 have seen a vi:sion:•twp• untie
geared tome and told Inc that:l3ro
L is innoceut----!
`L. et tlieni be summoned,' gaily
re.sumcd his work.—Chronolyp4,
There are three sorts of fOikl i
---yea, tor :, Those that know of
tilos thatknow eVerything,—those
noth ng4atidthOse that glory in i .
are -t is hObby-riders—the one"-ids
second life 'the (knacks ;„ the third
iievers ini the second; and the fa
alloyed Pols, twenty-two dorms :
A' Georgia negro 4 Was riding a
and came to a bridge,when the it i
,' I'll bet you a quarter,'Faid .faC
you go 'ober dis bridge,' and wiil
struck the table over the cars, w
him nod his head suddenly. ' 'IN
bet, den,' said the negro, and coati
the stubborn, mute over the.biOge
dat quarter, any how,' said .I.aelc.
will you get your Toney 'l l said i
hod been dose by, utmereeived,
rows said .)rielr,, I Maio glborne a d
corn s and 1 takes de quarter nut,
To Ittracov'E TUB BJlE:ATl*'.=;.Taik
ces of fresh prepared water, add o
of Peruvian bark, and wash the •:ti
water in the inorning and evenin
breakfast and after supper, It will'
ly destroy the. tartl i r an tho teeth, at
thee offensiie smell arising from thp
d'eca}•ed. ' •
Upwards of five .tniltiona oFacres et' &Nib
lands in Wisconsin, 1; lurida ', kc, entbiacint
every Xeciaty cc soil s ,.
°inflate, ifze••aFe Ad;r,'-
tise.4 to be sold by ( i4l , Qo , ol-oxaetn , jaJAlWAW
and, Ft bnary.
Wo k !ea rn—frpin the CailMlic Reg
1848 i tbut the Catholic population
country is estimated at 1,190,701v'
- ,
I '
V( A, 111911,N01
rived vowsi . v 0.4 k
I air give
ountry hot
can endu
an /filch a
of K .
Th •
s, •
d tddrest-
, bioso4
bed;but se
it ii! net-.
.1 to the ni•
onskt Watt
in . olopts".`
g not voi7
e. fiPP-cith
I fitiY;4.
calf• goo.
7 -
Ole iriZt.
Heod Whisl
gor:4 kit*
I -
- 'w<.:l
r y >,33
Diizi 1
d:I brow
, atiant'ariar:
9 I ....AI,
n-q i6 Ff l /0
'O4 Patf:i
afker: 'TPA
• apical;
oVe 'Olaf
! her'ct4dl
l aih. and she:
& this 'ell-
lei ill Feb-.
sleeve and
very, .and
leg ken . - 1
•VWd out
s ha ve
flier AvOl
faEati 41141
e thing- r
that knob
The first
ce •
th OttluOir
lute along
ye stoOped.
' inaka,
rt. that .be
hick Mad°
u take de.
yid t:t; , get
- .q W.cikt
4 1tut bow
matt , u;boi,
4 .l%Linde,
.11ar to get
c drp_cim
• Oil ‘ith
elTes.iiiiii l ,
d Klonosie,
ii kit irv,
stet hp
in Abjob