Tli2 0 nito.' Discovery ofthe 14 4 1 t t - •••i -3 • .. ift ,•;.-pi _ zt on, TR-1111KM MAGNIVItiC OiIAITIVIIE Y MIAS is the first attempt to combine the MAIL: ritte A. or 111AGNE1'.0 FLU. Li with Powerful Vegetable Ex tructa in the form of au dutimmt—lite be applied extol nal ly far the removal of diseases The almost unlimited suc cess Mins met with stamps it at once the GREATES DISCOVERY OF"IIIE AGE. It is constantly effecting cures el the of this utmost importance. The mo-t invve , lu lous are CONVINCED—the most faithless are compelled la believe iu the power amrvirtue of thi. great reinedY. It is universally admitted to be Tilt; ALOS I* li:ttett rut. comnirctrios OINO(VN to the WORLD ter the immeDlATe RELIEF of ilisea e and pain. hoover fails while there remains sufficient life to restore. A natural and healthy action to the capillary vessels of the body, and quail:el/1g circuleim Jlhetlood By VIII means cunfraing power is gained vett' the lass: niatignas t Arno, ut InSNitShl which cannot be obtained from any other rem edy. Such is the power of this condonation that it mine • trawl Li:revery portion orate human frame; every tioneAMl Muscle, vein, nerve and lig.imuut is saarefoulbuiatid made sensible of purifying and Ilea dog influence. fleece it toes es readily with Citernul as ex:clout illscati:s. Nuinerous i ,stances are on r:cord where this remedy has restored health to patients cc near no grave that the Most powerful internal remedies failed to produce any feet. Such ha. trepieutty been the case in lAil•LA3lit TION of ha tIOIVELS--in, patient ever need din with this ' disease where the 51 ignetie Ointment can he &omitted That dangerous Epcleinie Known a- the PUTRID ERY SIPELAS can always be cured by this remedy. For INFL AMATORY Ulf EUMATIS3f, this Ointment is ihe must coMplete,reMedy err prepared. :In lit cassis cut of 100 it will a f ford en," e retki to the worst cases of NEIL VOl3-I 11EAD5 io 'thirty For Nervous Unease*. thi• re 1111,4 in ofunnieusc V*l 00. AlreCtiOn3Orthe Spilie !thrum slim, Lanseuess. Ulcer ated Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Pleurisy, Crimp, Chills, •Cbolera Ague in the Face or .1111,24. Itorns.S ald Head, Scrotal i, Salt Rheum, Erysipells, inflamed Eyes, Fever Sores, &c will be Immediately relieved by the use .of this remedy. IEtINOMOTS CERTIFICATE. in reply to your queries with regard to the results nithei r Experiments I ,baue ma le with your justly celebrated _Magne t ic Ointment: I Can Any in 101 plenty re flint I deem it -Quo of the OREA'TES I' DISCOVERIES Arm It is now nearly two years since I COMillettePtl u•ing it blow practice, nod I hive tested it 111 'eases of Inflamma tion. hot!, local end geOeral, of the maid in iglignan: kohl with universal Aileen.; even where all internal remedies failed, 1 have succeeded with tills. fi have Muted c ions Of inltifilutiOn of the Brain, Inas 'motion °tam Lungs, Inflain igloo of the Hooch.. Nikolais ,tury Rheum:distil. and Cbilil Yett, 4, with perfect success: also eases of Scarlet Fever, Canker Cash, and Ulcerated I hroat and Lungs with like 4necess, lo the Epedemlc kirown its the. Putrid Erysipelas, by which so many valuable lives wee lost. I to-tell it fro. opiently, cud it never of clleZting a apccil) end cer tain cure. In cases of tiaras, Sprains, Itruizes, Frozen Limbs, &c It acts like a charm. . . No Physician or Family will hit a single day without Alia Medicine, after Ihecinuoie neipiainted with it pewee 'to cure. N. 111X1.111AM, Physician and Surgeon. V. Y. Jan. 19. !Std. Ilar'For further particulars and testimonials, Fee pion phlet left with each agent Price 25 and 51/cents per battle. AGENTS.-Carter & Brother. wholes la and retail, Erie; A. N. & J L. Webster, Conneaut, Ohio; Riley Potter, West Sprinallield; W. 'Pew ....tpriuttfield; G. S. Jones' & Co. (Biwa; Jahn A. Tracy, Fsirtiew. 'Erie, August It, 1817.-Iyl2. OUR FLAG IS THERE! Ili It 0 xx-Ki; VAT ! •er - . . ,e4--_. 0 4.6 0 . , , 411 f:a 1 W ARE HERE! VICTORY VICTORY! IIIIRRA! HURRAH HURBA !!! The new Jew Store again Ahead! JUST received at the New Jew Store, No. 1, Fleming 8100, Stale street, a new and splen did assortment of FALL S. WINTER GOODS! consisting in part of BROADCLO 1' US.— French, English and A mer- Jean black; blue, brown, gold ann cadet mixed Broadcloaths, cheap us the clempest. ALSO—Cassimeres and Vestings to match, both as Ao color quality and price. OItOCERIES.—A general assortment of choice Groceries, which will be sold extreemly, CROCLERY.—A be.tutifol aqsoitment of crock• ery at prices that cannot tail to please. EOO FS AND SHOE•I.--Withnut boasting we can truly say we have the cheapest and bear as. eortmont of Boots and Shoes, includint , Ladies, Gentlemen end Boy's, eve,- brought. to this •:ity. CAPS.—Men and Boy. , caps, that cannot fail to 6t bet)) the purse and head—come and try. LADIES DRESS GOODS.—here we are it home. We have cashmeres, de lanes Wilmot number and altnest uithout price; Ginahatns and Alpaccas, California plaitht and Su iss and ' Tarkton Muslins; wide gimp and eitno cord; dreasbuttons; cords and t.tssels; but a ha , is the use of •enumelaiing —no have every ihing• to make the handsome inure divine and the ugly enchanting. BlLKS—Striped and Plaid Poult do Sols, Whito grade 5151.33, Black watered 4-Satin stripe poult de soi, Blatkand blue back, fro de Naplts, Blacß — gro de Rhine. • SHAWLS—OraI! prices, shades and quality from the cheap cotton up to the finest silk and Cushmdre, GLOVES —olalikinds, colors and sizes. Hosiery, Suspenders, Prints, Ticks. Drills, Fac tories, in abort every thiogt suited to the season and market. Ready Made Clothing. Our mock of ready made clothin_ w large and splendid, and willbe sold cheap. WP do not a ish to boast, but wo think we can convince any one by calling that we sell a amid article for a smaller sum than any, other establishment -in town. At any rate "the proof of the pudding is in the eat ing," therefore Tny US! _ 11:j'1.1ind the - name and number. ISAAC ROSENZWEIG & CO. Erie, Sept. 21, 18.17. N 19 "Not for a Day but for rill 'rime." STANTON'S EXTERNAL R EIIKOT, CALLED HUNT'S LINIMENT, lIAS now given abundant evidence, of its heal ing powers, and proved itself the nittst extra ordinary and wonderful medicine in the world.— Itfthe thott space of two years, it has acquired a reputation for curing disease and vele:whiz pain far greater than any medicine ever dieeuvercd.— Its wonderful cures have astonished the Medical Faculty., who now universally concede its great value. They speak out in the high6st terms and commend its use. It is condemned by none. On .the contrary, its praise is universal. t'he ,Telies of care; arc so nn memos that it would take vdtintes to recount them —and it is a fixed fact, and is not disputed, that as a pain extractor it has no equal, For the many astonishing cure;, sco the pamphlet to be had of each agent . . If pou ender with either . of the dis eases for which it is recofnmended, resort at force to its use and be cured. For the following dis'- eases it is an:intallible remedy: Spinal Affections, Rheu matism, Paralysis and all ner vous Directions, Salt Rheum, Croup or Hives, Azzue in the Breast and Face, Weak ness of the joints, colds, tooth ache, sore throat and Quinsy, ulcerated sores, indolent ulcer:Owns „ frosted feet, thorns, buttyous, fresh wounds swellings and bruises, scrofu lous affections, mos quito bites and Poisons. IrJ 4 This Liniment is sold by all the respacta ble Merchants and DrugMsts throughout the country, and by the Proprietors nt Sing Sing, N. Y. OEO. E. Si' ANTONI For mate by J. H. Horton & Co. Eri'e. B. C. Town North rut, J. Clements Fairview; S. L. Jones Jt.. Co. Girnr.l. Het. 9. Hat 30121 CARS.—Ptterto Principerlrubut:a, Spanish "and ail other kinds. July' 17. T. 117. MOORE. ATV I'ES OF AN EXILE, by L. W, being an account of the authors cooline, meat at Van fleamatte Land, je,4 l e an i ve d an d for sale at Sparfardtes Bookstore, Erie, May 9, {8 - 5 ASHE t "ISM'S!! j WILL pay 9 ce ta pe toile! for Loud field 1. ashes, and 12 1. cm per Iu house ash es delivered at my shery or Ai'lican corners. Eric, Qct. Yl r 101 ' • C. M. TIBBALS. • Attention! Jews and Gentiles, Israelites, Ishmitelitee, Hebrews and Egyp tians, Sons of dlaron and Daughters of 11w irrrn, receive instruction and be Hear and know that • MOB E 8, THE 3 . - EW ) Ha! remmed titan the EAST, laden with the , dioicest treasures in that ancient reoion, and io• rites your attewipit to the same at the ~ enable OLD Jew Store, the one that has earned the repu tation of sellin4 goods lower than any other house in Et ie, au& thereby established a credit fur Jewe ry that has induced others to enter under the same name whereby 'they hope to reap a profit which justly belongs to him. Now Muses wishes it to be Im•lers:otal that he is not a Wendel ing Jew, here: his year and away the neat—a class that will sell i to one person ut cost and to another at double price, but that he 3--a regular descendant of Faithful Abraham, and has pitched his, tent in Erie with the intention of remainiii* in it, and intends to do business as-heretofore in such a manner as to wive entire szitisthetion to all reasonable persons .that favor hiwi with their custom, keep all his old Mends and make new ones olial that once per. chase goods from him. That the old Jew Store of Moses Keel does sell more Goods and° at lower prices than any o:her store in Erie, is plain to be seen by the course olothers, .wlo finding their eas terners dai.y deserting them, resort to misrepre. sentation and abuse of tbe JE V STORE, which 1 they well'know has been the c lase of their less of customers and against which t:hey direct all their force,, think inof no doubt that it this store was out of the way, they could get what they call the good old prices,— fifty to one undred per c,ent - such as they rifled to get before his JEW :MOSES. came amongst thorn. Henceve see every thing that cin raise a Dray load of Tape and Bobbin commenees blowing himsell in o notice by lotting 1 : W sTo 1E; but this ni squib at the only j 'serves to show that they are i great want oleos i touters, and that the', know wOere they have gone Now the secret of Goodsf;,eiry , sold so much lower at this store than any miler is simply this— Moses goes right to_tbelle.ct of the market, to the Manufacturers Imo ImOrtersi and buys by the CASE, BALE'PACKAGE, and pays the C.A.,:li down, by Which he mares a double saving and is enabled to sell goods in' Erie at what some others pay for them in the ci y; and that there may be no' mistake about this o after he invites ell who want any thing in his lie, and wish to pay either cash or country produc, t o call and exam• t oe ins stook and prices, thlly satisfied that they li will find the OLD JEW ST(... RE the best place to get good Goods at -he love t prices. M o ses begs to be excused fr m giving a list of the trutntivr of Pieces ofCloth a d Calico, Muscling ..i.c., 4.c., as fhoCtnarmer of some is—being much more profhably and pleasant) Y employed in Wait in, on customer:, he will leav this mode of puf fing to some of the New or obit,. stores who have matt'. stocks and facie' custo 'zero. • MO' Coiner of French near the Partner's Hotel, net. V. 1817. Charity covers a mul i ude ofsius AND so does Moses Koch at his cheap and fashionable cLoTtiok; STORE. Coats, Overcoats, Pants, Vc ts-,--Drawers, shirts bosoms, collars, and every art cle,in the clothing line, arc to be had 25 or 50 p r cent. cheaper at the OLD TEW Fro tE, than t any other estab lishment in Erie; and the teas n is just this, Mo ses buys ail his Cloths, Cassi era and Flannels, by the bale and piece, front tle Alanufacturers and Importers.and that for cash, and then he em ploys first rate Tailors and has them made up on his own premises and under his inspection so that he is always sure of havin , a good article at two proftts less titan those wh purthase Ready made clothing in Philadelphi and NeNett/York. made generally of inferior mateial in a slight un substantial manner: — Now 1110 e It halting to pm , cha4e any article of wearing .. parel 'can depend upon obtaining of the best to terial - and , work manship, and altogether cheap r than they can in any other way or any other p it ce in Erie. Re member the Cdti Jew Store of A OSES KOCH, No. 2 Commercial Exchange, French st. Oct 23:1817. 24 "More of the I fleets." STILL THEY C i NATE are receiving more Gel V little cheaper than ever. complete assoi talent of plain. fiolired Mohair, Orleans, Cash Lisle and Lyons Cloths of the ALSO-150 different prate Shaw lA, embracing all the new t) we will sell as cheap as the the ner opposite the Gavle Hotel: On t. in. ‘VILLIA NIS Important Dec , TtlE contented trial that ha, many years has been final!' of Twelve Ladies, and glair do purest, best, most fragrant and be had in this section of the which t nine from the celebrated Ct I\l P SY, These Teas.- e• times end warranreq to give ent the money will he refunded, of •• 1 . ate receivihtt trod supplies , see WILLI I NIS 40 Will, Directly oppo.4it , Sep , . IS, 1917. I WESTERN Hl' JOHN GRAIIANI, imit • snip:crater would re. ,`flm his tripods and the tray erany, that he has leased for a t, new and commodious House, I Eighth 'Street Canal Basin, T dots the " 'WESTERN " convenient and desirable sh.pp either duin. , i businesA or travelit l There' is, 3tlsn, attached to thi. large and convenient Stable for men and o;hers Navin, horses. I No paint or evpense has tern up this housn fur the convenie pleasure of guests, anti the Plf) strict attention io business to me share of public: patronatfv. W.rie, A pril t 3. NVESTFIELD MARDLE I TI IE subscribers having a g 4 New England marble en h; 'en! quarries, calculated for Head Monuments, &c. which they o one in Elie county, Pa. not. liv Erie, lettered in first rate stale, the following prices: Small, ford per foot; Middle size, for aged p! loot; LargOst size Si 75 per ron would he an object for some of pe.tple to illtWUrd UP a few inseri recently been informed by the Er inlrather bragging way, that th it:to the Eric and Crawford con They brag very lustily of sollin mjtes",at font 50 to $1 ,per f. of people of Erie county thing in our line, they , can forw Lions, or come themselves, and t first rate article at the above price HIR A M Westfield, N. Y. Sept. 13, 184 C kLL AND Si .—Preparm - arrangement for going, tol our Fail and Winter stock of Go,c all kinds of Spring and Summer make room for die new stock. P•ove ns. Ann. \ BROWN & M'C A WEIL CLOCKS: • IGHT D 'I.Y \ and 30 hour Gothic, Cl. 0. G, J Pillar, Alar and common, by the single of 1 case, I cry cheap l' r ready pay: G. LOOMIS Sr. Co. Stotet.:•t., nearly oppwito Eagle Hotel. July 17, 1817: ‘ 50n GAL. MOLASSES, justjust received and ky for rale cheap as the cheapeA, one door north attic. Big Window, by June 16... W. F. BINPERNECHT. • FOWLR'S WORK. T HE snh•criberia the authorized Agent for the sale of FOWLER'S PIIRE'NOLOGICAL WORKS, in Erie Upunty. He will dispose of them at New York prices. He is al4o Agent . for Comhe's Pienolorzieal Journal. Call and exam ine these - valuaidelpublicationli at his Book Store, ;on Suite streetl, Erie; Pa." Aug. 5 1817. 0. I). SPA FFORD. ,-- 114 ?" S. SMYTH -. HAS JUST RECEIVED A t rol New York per Polarity's Eicia,tnt. spring Fashions, and is now ready to oiecaiii — all orders for HATS in the latest Fusion, and of a hettca quality than can be purchased here or elsewhere. - March 16, 1946. ' I 5 gILVER. WAR. E.—Silver liable, dessert, tea, salt and mustard spoons; tongs, ladles forks.. butter and fruit knives, constantly on hand and for side by r , LOOMIS & co., Auto st.. nearly opposite Eagle Hotel. July 17, 1847. SUGAR.-COATED, V L'GP,T ABLE PURGA - l•I i IVE PILLS, lir= universally unnottod to Op (Fr:111:, not only ns on C effectual proyentititic. but n. never tadmg reined tit all dlie.ties which can effect thi: human frame. WA te It. Inithostion, Rhettinetism. Piles $ urn y, Drept,y, jmail Putt, Cholera.morhus, %Vends, Whoopiag.cough onitunpitutt Jaundice, Quinhy Scarlatina, Isit'er, eon, lamt. Apoplexy , . Came's, 1 1 ,10.i•lcs, fit/ it• heun, rut.. II eartba, u. Ere•ipelar, I teat iier•r. Itching. of rite shin, ,{aids, gout. gravel, giddiness, pains in the back, town,' weakness, palpitation of the heart, risings in the throat, Asthma, fevers of sill kinds, female 'Complaints, stitches hi the side, opining of blood, - sore eyes. scorfula, fit, unifies_ ey's tire, lowness of spirits, flooding, au. allots or it bites, gripes king's evil, lockjaw. hysteria, tole an thelstomach. and all bilious affections, pleurisy, croup, swelled feet aftJ legs, swine pox, whit° swellin.f. tremors, tumors, ul , vomiting, nod n host o others have sttece.t fully aod repeatedly been vanquished by their powerful arm. They have been known to effect perm meet CUteil wlien all other remedies had proved I.IIIIIVM tog, tool in the last t,titges of dieenhe,, They have in many easels superceded the prescriptive skill of the most emineot rhysiel.ths, nod received besides their unqualified commendation. , They have been repeatedly recommended by men of the float distinguished characters, throughout the laud, sod been sanctioned in Eirope by Noblemen and Princes of loyal Idood: They have beeni introduced tub the Ilmmitals of Edin burgh, Nile, nod Vinniln. and through • the disinterested 6xertiont.of our Fo(Cign Ambassadors. they have received ,the favorable commiendution of the Emperor of hoists, !and tun Celeetiellll.l.krity or, the Chinese 1 tapir,. (ricrS.carcely it Packet reseed of any reputation sails Gout the port of Newlfork. without on ebuniLint supply lor the SICK MAN'S NEVER PALLING FRIEND.— IrrAgencies have been e.Liblielied in all the principal intiesot the Union. and iipplicanoirit are constantly reach. ling us from. almost numberless villeges in Avery section of the country. 'Testimonials of their marvellous effects err pouring in from all quarters—and in such numbers that we have not tune? to mitt Onfl.halfor them %Phut ' , trouser or morn cutiniusive evidence thrui these Important facts can the loose skeptitil do,irel is it pneeible that the many thoneands who liaVo tried CLICKNER'S PILLS can he deceived in their results? If usi;) impoiation or (puckery esieted, would it nut long tem hive been held up ne it should he. to the score and derision of a justly effeniled community, Itemendier Dr. C. V. Clickner is the original inventor of Sugar Coated Lille, end that nothing of the sort was eicr heard of. until hin', introduced them in Jon. N 43. Purelusers shlsuh.l, therefore, Inouye ask for Click. ncr's Sugar l'onted L'egkrible Pills. nod take r o other; or they n ill he made the victims if ~ rimed. pulpy. .25 CENTS Plitt BOX. Dr, Cliekner's principal office for the sale of Pills, Is GG lAresev :greet. New York. WNI. JACKSON, kJ Liberty street, head of Wood et. Pittsburgh Pa., general Agent for Western Penaisyliania, Northern Ohio. and the river. counties of Virginia. Sold by the following duly appointed Agents* J. D. Spofford Erie; Win. Judson Jr Co. W terford: lto.. A: Morgan, Cambridge: J, A. Tracy,Fairview; John Mc- Clure, Girard; V. pringfiela. Likeivitm , 0141 ity tim mama aaeutm, tho GREAT REM .F.DY OF NATURE, A %I ICAN OIL.- . Procured from a well hi Kentucky, I&' foet below the bur face of the /will, a certain and 'annuli! cure fur Intlam atury RheumAim'', Sp.t+ing. Colic. Sprain.. ut%. Bruis,s, Se.4ldr, BUtur, Tette!, Eu ••upelrio.,..Sc.ild Bend, Crimp. Influinutory core thim.its, Sore Eyes, Deafuess, Strut Disease, df.c. &c. • PRICE 50 CENTS PER BOTTLE. CAUTION—to order to be sure of obtaing the genuine. ptirchaim only of the go leral l ngoit for Wester • P 43111150 rani+, Northern Ohio. and tliC river counties of Virginia. Win: Jackson. No 89 liberty street, Pittiliprgh, or tltro' sub Agents appointed by luau for its sale, Mach of whom will have u straw bill, nod "general direciudie itt pamphlet form. continuing the names and •iddtoss of jhe Proprietor un General Agent. us follows D. llud &Co proprietors.ilientuckv, 1 Win. Jackson, General Agent, No. b 9 Liberty street, Pitt-burgh, to whom ill :Mara , mast he addressed. 08:41.:It F:—Each bottle Is euclosed in our: of the above ' r oamed Pamphlets and the name of Wm. Jackson, the fPL'II. c•cul and only wholmoile agent for Western Penusylvailia. F ,Vortherit Ohin, and the river counties of Virginia, priled on the (onside label. TAKE No•rtcti.- 0: D. Spofford is appointed general r eil Aupplyiug Anent for the Dale of the American Oil nod nat. Coated Pills 11 , . Elle N tiltlitty Pa. Sub agents siip ibcd by him at the whoiesule,priees. ES *OCIL Filth streets. Cotntnescial Ex. 23 GER, Tat: WORK 01".11IE DrzINIIOYEIL HA* lIEEN BEGUN, HE COUGH Or CONSIIMPIION ttATit IN it • SOUND OF DEA•ra. A RE YOU AMO rilEto Your &Wing child, your hint nod earthly joy, is now perhaps confined to her chamber by a daugeroua cold —,her pwte cheeks. tier %lint tihrunken finger.. toll the held di.euse has already gain ed upop ber—the bound of her sepulchral cough tderCen j our #OIIL. YOUNG MAN, when just about to emir life, disco's," sheds a hearterushmg blight over the fair prospoms'of the future your hectic cough and feeble liinb• tell ofyohr loss of hope, but you need not dehpair, There is a hobo Which will heal the wounded lunge. it ih' §IIER AIAN'S ALL-HEALING BALSAI. Mrs. AT TREE, the wife of Win. It. Attreci, Esq. is given up by Dr.Sowall of %I'ushiugton, Dec. Ito , unit 51 . 1.30/4til of Phisallelphiq, Dt. Roe and Or. Mont of N. Yank. tiertierfiieudo all thought she moot die. She had every ap peal mice of being in concumption, and wad to pronounc ed by her phyhiciaus—Sherinati's Balsam was give cud it cured her. f lilts. GARRABRANTZ, of Bull's Ferry, was a o curt" of cousuitiption by this Italsuin when nit tithe cumdi failed to gate rclict—chic was reduced to a cliele on. Dr. A. C. t aetle, Dentist, '2Bl Broadway, has *Buechel' its facts in sevcral cases 111010 110 other medicine bfforatitl 'relief—but the Balsam operated lake, charm. Or. C. M ho witnessed its a ouderful effects in curing Asthma, whlli it uevcr lulls of dosog. Spitting Blood, alarming us at may be, is effectually eur...l by this Manion. It heals the ruil nred'or wounded blood VCialels and makes the luug' s manid sham. Bei". HENRY JONES, 108 Eighth avenue, was cured - . . migh arid viva..,. MEE oils, which are a and have on hand . plaid, striped and mere, Merino, De Niches styles. MI and atylei of oductions; which iapeet, at the cor• & WRIGIIT mon. - been exieting so seltletl•by a Jury !Won is, That the cheapest Teas to •ountry, are those CANTON TEA n be had at all Ire malefaction or their agents who r ly. _ uf.otigh and catarrhal affection ill' .10 yearn ntailding.-- The hr t gave In more relief thau all the other nied mine lie had ever. t .ken. 14,16. J. Peale gate it to a bid ler-in-law who way.lithuring uudet Coti,toortion. tool to another nurely Ahmed with the Asthma, 111 both .cuses itn limns odor immediate. 'soon restoring them to com fortable health , Dfr., LUCRETIA wcu,s, 1,15 Chrinfic ntreel sulTerell from Asthma s earn. Shermaii',l Italeam relieved her II once, and the is comprratively being. enuble.l eteltic every attack by a one of title Thin indeed I. the great remedy fctr Conghe, Colds, Spiting }flood, Liver Complainte,nful all the affectiona of Cm throat, tied even -thma and Con•iimpbon. Price Z. cent,. atid $1 per hutale. r Dr. rtherMaten Mike Is ut 106 Na...sau vtrect. N.Y. HT, Agents. the Engle tiotel ME 'roprietnr. The , I .pectfullv inform ' ling public gen rn of years this situated at the as location ren• ineptly the most place for all g an the Canal. establishment a !the use Of Boat- Sol , by the following sbily qpimintrd Auoult; 0. D. Spa ,- Airti, :nn; Wm. Judson & Co. Waterford; Roos & Idol . ; gin C unhrtdre; 3. Tracy,rtiri,letv; John 31 . Clure, Gii r.irtt; V. IL Townseud, a l ts glield. ' I !talc 'wise, Dr. Sherman's MedreateLl Lounger, Tooth Ph,tll 11111 Poor M on's Plaster. • . . liC UGH LOZE ES NC.—Theso Loz 'ups are a safe ru •t sure and effectual remedy for coughs, cud colds' ti•littiess of the lungs or chest. &c. 'WORM LOZENGES.—Those worm Lozenges hay been proved in more than I,4oo,oofrases to be the Intuit il lade; the only cerium woem estro)ing medicine ever ilist ecivered. It was reserved for Dr Sherman to invent a urcineto destroy worms thin children would take.--1. C thlren will take these Lozenges ..nd cry for more. t:1011'110k LOZENGE:4, celebrated for giving elmos innuiediate relent to nervous and nick headache,- pulpits ti is of the he irt, lowee.e of vim,. &c , DIL. SIIERMAN :I TOOTH PASTE.—A premium Den tr five, the best article known for cleaning mil whitettio the temk, strengtheiting Ain! gUlliK. RWCotell int time breath ' , 4111,831,1N'4 POOH MAN'S PLASTEILi—The bes stFengthening phi- ter in the world; a sovereign remed for limns or wealtee4l to the back, berni,sides, breast, & Ohn million a year will tint supply the demand. Warren tell the best mid cheapest. One that will wove the fact{ Allis :above Loienges. Tooth Paste and Plainer, , old bY, thrd abate agent. for Dr. Sherman's Alkllealing Salaam. 1 !Erie Nos. 20, 1847. ging7 I epared in fitting ce, comfort end prietor trims by rit and receive a 'FACTORY. od assortment 0 and, from differ ! and Foot tables, Ter to sell to any 62 further than and deliveT, at (children, $ I 5n co*, 31 O per .t., - We think it the Erie county ,lions as we have le marble dealers toy were sticking ty people good. , to the "Penna ot. Should any in want of any tlrd their inserip ley shall have a '3... . 1K ES Sr. CO. ,i lit . i LAQIC SALTS.-1 will_ pay Cash, nod dui hip price for any quantity of Black Salt d livered at M'Elean, or at my stare in Erie. l October 21, ISM. ' C. M. TIRBALR 498 1...t.1-1., first rate Co:111411; also, a rani Ws NI ackerel, for salt. by Jo l t - ye 2.6. W. p. HA N DERNEC lIT. - r - ?OLD PENS. —Levi ißrowten-Gold Pens, tit mo , t celebrated maker of the. article, a goo a sortinent kept constantly on hand; also the dif' le ent kinds of cheap (deMe4t) Pen% at G. LOOMIS 4. Co's, ' Slave at., nearlropposito Eagle Hotel. ,July 10, 1947. tory to making !New .York for soda, wo will sell Goods at tost, to NEW AND FRESH GROCERIES, i .al Aro. 6 Pobr Peoples [Row. i 1 .F. lIINDEItNECHT has Just redeived • large and well selected a.ol uncut of Well l y dr and Painily Groceries; Dye Stars, Nails ai.d G ass, which he will sell cheaper for cash than any tv ter establishment in town.. Please call and see. [ June F 2, 1817. 'UST RECEIVE) 25 baits Rio, Cuba, St. Po: minana and Java Coffee ' one door north of thd Window, State affect, by W. F. RINDERNPCIIT. 4 lEMEM SGALS., Ohio Stone Wok. for sale one ; 4 door, north of the iltr, dow. ;Tune 26. V. F. RINqsaNECHT. PIE CES Paper li a n ; i i . I t... ,ll U'undWindow Paper aitorm, ' which will be found some of the' "Rough and 'llCady sort: Oct. 30 • GEO. SELDEN Sr. SON. TRUSSES.—A good assortment or Hull's, Marsh's, Tiernan's, Thompson'stmd Rhine. hart's Trusses, : ssorted sizes for sale low by • CARTER Sr. BROTHER. July 17. 1817. 1 BROADCLOTHS and i Cassuners of almost every color, stripe, quality and price, at No 4.'eheap.i de, by A And.l7. BROWN tt. M'CARTER. P . ICKLED 'LOBSTERS, Sardines, Tomato, Catsup, Lemon Syrup; Pepper Sauce, Salad Oil, Mustard, Guguba Jelly,' English White Pep per, 4-e.,lbr sale at No. Perry Block, by Sept. S, ; T. W. MOORE. PROVERBIAL PIIILOSOPY, and other Po ems by Tuper, a few copies at New . York pri ces, just received anti for sale hy. . 0. D. SPAPFOR.D. Et ic August 21, 18i7. • - , 4t14 CLICKNEWS 5 I L El, NC ~ ,,AT DREADFUL I COuGIU I 'EDE 1 LUNGS ARE IN DAN. Pekin .:,Tea Company's Agency, NO. 5, REED HOUSE• IT can be no longer doubted that 'the estehii.ll- - 1 merit of she above aoency in Eric. as enabled hover , to obtain felt from twVity-five to thirjy tht ee and' a Mild percent less than formerly, Mid has consequently seduced somewhat the moll a of Ole 411(1 dealers—it's no wonder then that they wince undel- it. and by ralsinif the cry 4* hum: bug" endeavor to injure the credit of these Teta, but they can't do it. Spit out your venom and ill natured teldttieivms, gentlemen, they are perleet ly harmle-s, a disccrning public know lull well the motives prompting you. These' teas do and will sell, notwitbstandinse,ber ause they are Inver and cheaper. than can ,be had elsewhere, and no cause they are fresh and put up so they will krrp fresh any lon4thof time, Every package is war ranted fiat weight exclusive of the paper Iliad foil; these aro facts and no "hronbug,"as all who have tried the teas know! and those that have not may. Boyers will please not _conrotind names. The only place in Erie where the Pekin Company's tealcaa belied, is at No 5, Reed House. of BURTON Br, PERKINS. prie. -29 "LOOK mkt, WILL YOU!" y , you wish to buy ely . p, you will please call at I..RINDER.NECUT'S '43.6, Poor People's Row, wkere_ yotLcatt find the following articles', which arO warrented good: —Coffee, Sugar, Ten, Moles- Tobaco of all kinds, Rice, Peper, Spice; Ci n namond, Cloves, Nutme.s, in oer, Starch, Choc° , C late,oeoa, Mustard by thepound or boa, Pepper Sauce, Lemon Syrup, Oliver Oil, Lamp Oil Vine gar, Fire Crack ers,Castile Soap of all kinds; Sha- Yin?, Brushes, Powder, Shot, Lead, Percussion Cups and Pills, Candle Wick, Twine, Matches, Stove Black ing, shoe Brushes and Black Ma. Chalk Tar and Rosin, \lacohoy and Scotch snuff, sul pher, Brimstone, Epsom Salts Glauber Salm Sub crams, Bed Cords, Rop6; Fish and Chalk Lines, Herring,, Patent Pails, Tubs, Willow Wagons, Wash Boards, Wits Sives, Almonds, Madeira Ntits, Filberts, Curry Combs and Horse Cards, Horse Brushes and Combs, Saltpeter, Dairy' ,tilt in f bigs, Brooms. Corn Whirl's and Hearth Brooms, Whitewash Brushes, and other articles too numerous to mention. Please call and see for yourselves Erie, June ID. 1917. WINDOW GLASS. 4339 - OEF, .vVindow glass, from 7by9 ;o 20 by 30 inches, from ,tho eastern fac- tories, warranted a superior article.- Glass cut to any size or shape without extra charge. Putty always on hand. Dee 4. CARTER 4- BROTHER; 36,7 GALLONS *runner's uil; 80 gallon. i bleu:led whale oil, at. No 6 Reed House. Dec. 3. CARTER & BROT DEJA, A.turisTs , TOOLS AND COLORS.— Kretnnetz white, Flake do. China NVliite, Silver,do Carmie, Lake, Vermilion Chinese; do French, do _• ' Indian Red, Prus,dan Blue, Chinese do Ultramarie do, Antwerp do Royal purple, Naples yellow. 'lister, Ivory Black, Vino do Vandyke Brown. Masteek Varnish, Nut and Poppy Oil, Gltuis Slabhs and Niullers, Pallette Boards, do Knives, Easels, Canvass prepared. I Il B USHES.—SabIe, Pig [lair, Flat and Bound in tin, Blenders do, Guilders Brushes, Crayons assorted col's. Drawmg Pencils, do Paper, White and tinted Bristo' Board; nd in short we have a pretty cOmpjete as,ort. me , fit of articles in this line, and intend always ke ping and supplying every article that may be called fur on the shortest notice. ' Dec 4. CARTER & Mt THE PICTUItES.—"Some beautifu of Birds and Flowers. Also soar,. Views done by the best French Masten Dec 1; CARTER. 4. BROTHER TO THE I`ASHION•ABLE EXTILACT Vanella, Vanella Bean, Bitter Al mond, Ex. Lemmon, Rose Witte:, Mace, Mustard, White Ginger, Pule Olive Oil, Cayenne 'Pepper, Cinnamon, Cloves and Nutmen's. Dec 4, CARTE)IC BROTHF.It ' MOTE. PAPER.— , - 1.1 Plain, Gilt edged, antl , Embossatl Visitin Cards INKS.—Blue, Black, Red, Carmine, Indsliblo Indian, etc. etc. by Dec. 4. CARTER. 4- DROTIIER-. MEDICAL . BOOKS TT NITED States Dispensatory, by Wood, & ‘...) Bach. Family Physician, by - Doet. Beach. New Itetnetlieg, by R. Dinighison,!M. D. Consumption Cured, by S. 'B. Fitch, M. I) • For sale by . BURTON & PERKINS. Nov. 27. SUPERFINE Rice Flour in pound packages for family use, for F ale by Nov. 27 • BURTO:siI PERKINS. NOTICE.—The Tin, Copper and :3-lieet Iron Mantifacti.ring, business will be carried Off at thetltt stand of Ashley & Kelsey, where a con stant supply of all articles manufactured by him will be kept for sale at wbelesale.and retail. Old Copper and Brass Ware taken in payment for Tin Ware. JOSEPH KELSEY, Jr. Eric, July'B, 1814. 7 , Dr. Philo, AIOMSONIAN, BOTANIC AND If Y DROPATHIC PHYSICIAN. ir - roflice on Sixth Street, Erie, R. P. offers, his services to all those who pre ferr the health restoring agents of the vegeta ble kingdom.. as he djscards all poisors.of what. ever description, and uses only such remedies as act in unison with the laws of life. "We use such' Balms as have no strife, With nature or the laws of fife, With blood olfr luinds We never stain, Nor poison men, to ease their pain.", N. B. Botanic Medical Books kept tan hand. Nov, 27, 1837.3m29 • AR DWARE.--Our stock of Hardware coin. H prises a great variety of Mechanical Imple ment of superior quality, such as Firmer Chissels, gOtt'ges, plane irons, auger bits, cast steal augers (long shank,) braces and bits, real Scotch plated Compasses, Dividers, tap boilers, tenon, mill and cross cut saws, hand and back saws, saws and frames, together ,with a general nNsortment . of nuilrling materials, Locke, Handles, Knolters l3ults Bmts and screws, hooks and hinges, &e, , 'LESTER, SENNETT &CHESTER. Nov r 3, 1817. 426 D 4 ).'ICS l'lC.—Just received at the New Store a large supply or Bed 'Pickings, bleached and unblt:littheirShectin. , o and Shirtings ' Cotton Flannels, Cresh, Iluckabuck, Apron check , strip. ed Shirtings, colored Casnbries., Jeans, Sze. Sze. Also, -just received, brown and bleached Linen Table Covers, Tablin.s, Doylies, Nipk ins and Towels, for,Sale very row at Oet 23 ALLYN COLT. New Goods tit-N0.7, State Street. ia,!ls are now opening's grew variety of DRY Vl', GOODS, Suited to the season, which ee ill be sold as cheap as the cheninst. Amongst them are Broad Cloths and Cassie - mm.s avarior,s hues and tiralities- $ Alpacas., Plaid and Plain Coburgs, Brillian es , Merinos, Bombazines, Raw Silk and Plaid Brittania, Linens, Linen Cambric 1-innu• Wereltiers from 12 1-2 to 75 coo ts ; Prints from 4 to 25 cents; De Lanes from IS 3 4 cents upwards; Gingh ms in great variety, Thibet, Cashmere, Brodie, de Lane, Stradilla and other fashionable Shawls, and other Goods in too great variety to advertise. The curious are invited to examine thou land purchase if they are satisfied with goods and vices. • LESTER, SENNETT & CHESTER. Cre,, 16, 1817. , 22 New . Fall and Winter Goods. IA i 'ti now receiving from New York a areatl va4ety of rich and desirables hoods for Fall and 1 Winter trade. Among other desirables now o pelting are 1 i , i l Puperior Thibet cloths, dray and black;. French printed Cashmeres, beautiful patterns and very cheap. • lOU pieces black, drab, made, plain and striped Alpaccas,,one third cheaper than ever before oliired-liome as low as 22 cams per yard. , 1 ShaWls, a great variety of new' styles; Prints, Ginghains, M. de Lains, and other new styled ' of Dress Goods in any quantities, twenty-five I per cent.!cheaper than ever before o:fored in this' city. , All, of which my customers and the public are respectfully invited to examine. I ' • C. AI. T108A1,...5. October 9,1847. • , 21 Ric USLEGON.PLAILIS selling for 20, 25 nd 31 1.4 cents per yard at therNow Store. Grn,;(latns selling proportionally low. Oct/. 23 ALLYN 4. cOIT. POP JUST RECE EVER. offer part-- 1.5 U inuces 'i;'" do Fren 30 do Alva, 25 di) Calif 40 do. Dres 20 do SWIB 30 do Lace 50 do Jaco 50 do Silk 45 do %yid,. 20 .rOAs Nee 200 ilieues Bilk 150 shatvl6, of 200 pair - la , icy 200 do- adi _ C. 100 do black FOR GENTLEMEN. - . Cloths °revery. l ] had and quality, Cassitnerel, I do do Ves.ings of all kinds, compriting Silk, Satin, Buff, Casio° e, Marseilles, etc. etc. STAPLE. GOO )5..- - --.A large stock of every de scription. Itshort, our stock for richness, cheapness an , t duribility has never been equal ed in this market. 7 CAPS.—zOO Men an I soy's caps of all kinds. SHOES.— 500 pairs ladies and i',, , hildrens' Gaiters Slips' and walking Shoes, 200 pairs L,,entle men's, ladies and Misses' Rubber overshoes. LLMBRELLAS.—Six dozen Umbrellas for wet weather. 1 GItOCERIES,+-A general variety of every de - s) — ription. i SHELF HARDWA It E.' Ten thott‘and l dollars' %nick, cumin ising every thing in the , line Joiners, House mid Slop Car r:was, Coopers. Shoemakers, Cabinetmakers, Saddlers arid Smiths' Tools, of every description. Saddlery Hardware, a laroe assortment of all kinds. Carriage trimmings of all kinds. Axle Arms, sPrings, anvils, vices, smiths' bel lows, brass and prat-chart kettles, shovels. spade , „ crowbars, grd boxes, mill Xeut.4:lrcular and pit saws, and 4.ltaini l of all sizes. . GLASS NVA 11.11—A complete assortment. Customers will find our 4.1(1 store safely anchor• ed at the old stand, in good ballast, with 10010119 well assorted lItON, steel and nails—the elrap- i in the market. P. S.—The tinestion is often asked tviiy"4notla cannot be sold ast low as in [hallo. We itly ploy can. Our stock entire was bought of iMporting houses at the same time arid same 'pi ices that some of the largest houses in Buffalo Margin at, •and we pledge our word that, - our goods shall be sold as low as, att. ,Illsirdo or any' Place westbf it for cosh. HENRY k.:ADWELL. Erie,, Sept 25,11817. 19 HIGH Dr. P. Ilall's Celebrated Cough • Remedy TS a safe, speedy anthedectual cure for Cough's, 1 Colds, lloarsenois, Croup and Whooping Cough. This rrcificine has been used by hundreds of people with unfailing, success in curing the above diseases, with all 'those painful anl annoying monary svmptotnit produced by cold. In Asth , ma and Bronehitas it has proven to be highly use ful, and its tinily use a certain remedy. In all affections Of the throat and lungs it is an invalna- Gle medicine. Many cases of ob , tinate coughs and hoarseness have been pertecdy cored in IS hours, and in several instanc , -s tionblesome and dangerous coughs of from five to ten ycers stand ing have been co mpletely curedin two weeks.— In Croup and Whooping Cough its ti.e IrtS been equally successful when used more freely. 'this Remedy is a certain preventive or Consumption and several otherskil the most fatul diseases in northern climates, rr 'PIUS MEDICINr' CAN BE OBTAINIM IN EMI?, ONLY of P. GALL, at his Drug Store Xo. I, Huilies' corn.). of State au./ Sir : - enth Steals, and his agents thron"hout the coun ty;+ AGENTS-A. Reynolds, 1 , 55 Main sr, Baia , B.syd, Vincetit & Co., Witerford; Jo'in lA. TrifAy. 2d, Pairvieiv: Jas 1 Lean:Oen. Edinboro. B. C. Town & Co.', North East and Watt Shi n ,; W. IL Tov.nsendi Springfield; L. S. Jones Sr. Co., Girard: - Price 371 cents to SI per Bottle. • :VIER paintine.4 very tine BE.W.1101: OF couNA:nFEIT'S ILISE I.IIIIIITIO.VS. Every bottle has the words "Dr. P. Hall's Cough Remedy" blown upon the glass, and his whiten 'signature on the n rapper and di rest ions None other are i nc, 1.11P011711.1'T TE,S7I,IIO.VY .—This is to certify that we, the undersigned, have used Pr. P. Cough ItCmeily, and hlive I tied it in every instance an efficacious medicine, and tritely worth) its recommendatiops. - John Galbraith, J.l F. Trlicy, Ilhomas Hughes, John W. Hays, Wilson Ting, Th. Moorhead,' jr D. Dunlap, John - Hit Ofes;-,J; R. cochian, ThomaS Nice, (?iis Lap mip,i , tc'larlCS David Baldwin, M. Gem L 1 win, 1; I P. J. Owen, John AI. urreh. Oct. 9, 1817. 2I Arrial of NOw Fall and Winter ILLI ANIS L WRIGHT, HAVING devoted six weeks in Boston, New York and Philadelphia, to the selection and )dirc aof their EXTENSIVE STOCK,lndpich they a now opening, beg leave to infirm their caste', era end the country at large, that they are now prepared to °Weir goods of almost every de nomimition, at least r.'3 per cent. cheaper than ev er. W &woe find by nn , " time to the purchasing ofgoods, as also for cash, that it makes a vast (11l ference, therefore we can pledge'nurselves cri sell as low as any House— , -(that pays for their -goods) -- , this side of New ;Voie or Boston, and for the above assnrance we invite those that ate purchas ing any kind of Dry Goods, Hardware, Grocer ies, to cite us an opportunity and, we will show you as good an assorted. extensive and cheap stack of gods as can be found ip this market.— For further particulars please call at the Brick corner, opposite the;Eagle Hotel. near the court house, Erie, Sept. 30, IS 1,7, ,Public Notice. 1 Ts hereby( given that an application %%Lill be made 1 to the next Legislature , of Pennsylv'anin, tot; the incorporation of it Bank to, be callea "T ‘ tse PARSIEns and NI ECtIANICS' BANK ' '' . {Vail a Cripil tal °font, hundred thousand dollars, aria the priv• liege of increasing the same - to two litindred thou4and dollars. Said bank to be located in Erie, county'Erie, State of Pennsylvania. Erie, July 17, 1817. ,_ H. Cad tenni .1 :C. M. Tiblialti, . J. H. WiljtaMs,' ' - Samuel Hays, J. 11, Fullerton, 1 John C. Iteelie, Wolter Chester, 1 , Thos W. Sterrett. Oluith Jackson,l Carson (Ira bon, James C. Marshall, 1 Jame*. William+, H. 11. Vincent, - I Guy I oillllll, WIII. S. LElne. - Alfred fk,gtg, IL 1.. Drown, M. IF Caugney, F. At buckle. '' James Hughes. • THE undersiuned Would. respectfully inform the aentleniim of Erie and vicinity, that he has open(' a TAILORING, SHOP on the south sideof the Pithlie Square, it few doors east et the Erie Bank, where ho will he at all times ready and happy to wait 'upon thois who May fin-or hint with a call in his line of business. From long experi ence in some or the principal shops of LoUdou and otl er Enropeanl cities,mnd by strict attention to all business-which may now be entrusted to him, he confidently hopes that he shall lie always deem ed worthy to receive a .hare of public patronatm. His work skull be executed in such a manner as to\ bear a close and inpartial: examina ion, and always in accor ance the itievailim: fash ions. JOHN GOLDEN. Erie, Sept, 4, N. B entiintr, ; New Firin and New Goods. e) TAMES HUGHES iYould inform' his 'nutner \ - e) Otis friends and 'customers that, lie has ( Is: d seated YiTNI. C. \VI It ItEN with' in t business, under the firm of James, Hug les 4- He would furthermore 'state that 'they *Lye irt received a Isrge and well selected assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, Ste— all of, which will be disposed erns low l as they can be procured elsewhere. Having been chief ly purchaQed at package prices, or in other words at the prices paid by jabbers in New York, they Can be sold at unnsttallY low • rates. Ladies and gentlethen; and the ruiblie generally, aro invited to call and examine their assortment. They have just received a law quantity of Salt which maybe had at the lowest market price. NO. 27 J. HUGHES St Co. LA ER GOODS VED THE MOST EXTEN SSORTMENT OF r DRESS GOODS! iu this city, comprising., in neves and Alostierde Lains, as rd colors, Scotch and German Gingbarns, t 1.148, o: .'very description, ' nia I'l., ids, Silks of the latest and most .itn , ved patterns, ndd 'reliev) Nlnslins, rid embroidered Swiss and Tar coris, 'pt Cambrics and bed Muslins, IL ringes r ussorted colors, Gimps and 9iinp cordlq, Buttons, and cords and ta4F.clls, lull lx. French ,Imperial cdOnl:s, all styles, varying in price from to 815, • and gentlemen's French ' Kid ove,, assorted colors, •s', gentlemen's and children's shiners, Worste - d 4- Lisle tl , :read over, . land white silk mitts. IMPORTANT• GOODS. A CARD. 84., dono n the she;teet nott cp. .04. E W• FAI44, GOODS. w.c.&n. stir tasEirr A RE now lar2e and elegant assoll, nient of hail and Winter Goods, which h a ve Itedti s, lected with gre t - ears. It is their deter iod to merit the reputation or pre3cnling to pep:ha-els the delis-I. most desirable slles and cheapen tined , of any eslabluiPment in the place. They a ould respectfully invite the public to call and examine their stork; among which may be the most beautiful assortment of French and English DRESS - GOODS, ever brought to this market; comprising extra' Nlohair Lustros - Oregon and Callilinnia Plaids; Silk Plaids; Plain and Satin siriped Alpacas; Cashmere:;/plain an d reps. Al de Laincs; Bombazines;' French; En glish and Scotch Gingluns, 4.c., 'Ere. Also a most superb lot of Sl] A WLS— Mocha, Damask Silk,, Embroidered Turlson, Printed Cashmere, Mohair; M. de Laines, Woolen, Plaid and an almost' endless variety of other styles. "They will be molt astonishingly cheap. „. C.LOAKINGS.—A beautiful lot of Gala Plaids, Thibet Cloths and Alpacas; Also a _scat varie ty orPriannitwa, comprising. Mantilla, Cloak and Dress Fringes, Gimp , , Silk and Mohair Laces, &c. . . ALSO—Tattle and S and Covers, Fruit Nattk ins, White Damask. Daylies, Drapery Mullins, Window and Wall Paper; boys and.mens Cups and liats;-Boots, Shoes, &c. Also—a tplen did ass'Ji uncut of FUI- !--Amon, which are rommon Coney Mulls, French dol."01. lined, Genet do, Imitation Lustred Lynx, Real Lynx do.,' varying' in price from 51) c.s. each to 312. ' Cfc': 9. Isl 7. • - '2l THE DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY Insurance Company, , (OF PIIILADELPIIIA,}- . An...: r„ „ now doing busoness an the mutual plan, git int% the as.ttred a participation in the prolLs of the company, without handily beyond the premium paid., . . It is run the Lakes and Canal incur d on the most layohible terms. Losses will he libel.- ' ally and promptly adjusted. I:ite risks on nietchantlize, buildings and other property. in` town or coutnryer a 1 ini ted term or perinfnettily. .DIRECTORS. J os eph 11. Seal, James C. [land, , Edmond A. Sonder,, Theophiiiis Paulding ; - John C. Davis, H. Jones Brooke, Robert Burton, ' John Garrett, John 13. Pinto -4f, , Hugh Crs.i,, t , Samuel Edwards. George Serrell , . . Henry Lawrence, , • David B. Stacey, Edward Parlmuton, ' ! ' Charles KelleY, 14411 C R. Davis, 1 '1 IJ. o. , Johoso, William Eolwell,i ' I I Williarn 1 1i13,, John S. Sealiri t '!'l i AN; Si. 'Thomas', Dr. 11. S. Huston, 1 John il.-;: f ittler, Jr. I I , , Spencer INlellvatnn: \ i 11 ich•trd S. Newbold,S,fe'y.l Win. Martin, Pres!! ;L.:FA pidication 'call' be ilia lcl tO l i . 1.1. 1( 1 1 1 ,.LLO 1, lit,genc Erie. Erie, Autztist 71 ,il3 i 7. 1. I 1, . ' lb ILIP ' ' i PRoTi THE Erie Counts Mutual Insurance Company continuo. to in-urebltminst loss and damm , e by fire, on tzonds and merchandise all dc•cript ions. (Mice on the ea-t side of the Public Square, between 7th-treas. DIRECTORS. Wm. Wm. Beatty, - r H. Williams J: C. Spencer, - Geor.m Selden, ,l _ Thomas Willi 4, Smith ',1.1e1tr , 06, Giles :Sanford, Elijah Babbitt, C. M. l'itihats, - John A. 'Tracy, W. H. Ton usend, Hamlin Russell, Henry GILES SANFORD,Preeident. J. Semtcrm, Treasurer. Genr.llo Seldon, Secretary. June 3, 1817. \ b , lv WANTED! e‘cli'antre for Good., any (itianiily or Good L 11V. \II.IICK FEN E BOARDS, 6,5, 10, and incur. wide, I-1:110 16 reet. loom. tlf:\tLty 1. 301(;11,1 1-2 by 1), and '2 1-2 by H; 15, 16, IS and 20 tVet Inn.% 13E\I1.00K sTuDDINCI, 2 by Sand 3 by 4 ; 10 I 1 and 16 feet Iona: for )rhieit the hi:Zhe-1 't ice n ill he paid, ashen delivtredatt i+ Loon, void at the loot of Front h_s;Ywel Erie, \ tare!) 1, 1!! , -17, 42 1 . AWH LS-- Wooten and cotton, any guar tity fir sale at the eheap store of seprrethor Yl, 1. , 47. , $ 4. .3ACKSCN. Q PEG I'AIL:L.C.S te,Ati, raver and a ermur O LD ver Frames, an extensive assortment of eon ( cave and Convey. Also, the celebrated pef ifoeal and pa:ubolie ..•::.pectacles,, , iperior to ant i I. use. G. L0.1%11S & 0- ' E'Ntwe'st., neatly opposite Eaoe 11,0101. July 17, 18 . 17. lAotv.s arilfind s t e t . silk and bead iii.i..s _4 steel clasps anti beads,, parse' silk, Parie , fatt, new ,tyle brooches, bracelets, pencils, leek cis, tour:flier nith an endless variety of splendid iiiiiry articles, at G. LOnMIS Sz. Co's.' State M.; pc:111 . '1 opposite Eagle Hotel. July 17, 15 17. wisortmetit. of Groctirice eitn;r t t' lal. No. 4 Cheopsid.z. \'l' C C IRI Lit.- Aug. 17.- 1 4 P, Te NDS Of good Coflee for one dollar, and I, ^...' other thin ,, s in proportion al No. 1 Perry Block. • 1 , 'July 17. 1917. NotiCe LAEI . IEBY VEN dint . the Nockholders of Ithe Late Bank, in the county intend to mate application to the next Legislature for a re nen al of he ' charter, by the nainea and style ot the Eric Bonk, in the county at Etie, to remain Inca- t ted in the Bermuzh of Et ic, in tht county of Eric., ith the same capital and privileues as-it now has. By order orate Board <kV/Hectors. C.-AP PARREN, Cashier. 'Brie Bank; July 23, 1317. DentistrLy. . BY DOM'S. ELLIOTT r Bz; ROSE). \ NT t) - are permanentle located in Et le, (Penn. ‘t bete ~i 1 Stu-oh:al. and Mt•cl4nical opera tioUstin the seiclnee ofpenti-tly, will be don'e with all that ease, neatness and durability tvhicl# lout! experience and extensive opportunity, to,l,iet her with a thorough •I• non ledge ot*l'll the late provemente the Bal,imore Det 1 Colletze alone can . Dist. Elliott or Rose will viSit the 1011, wing, named place• once in six or eizlit Conneaut, Ohio, Springfield, Girard, Loc Fa iry Water fbtd, Wattsburgh arid East, Erie county, Warren and COlumbus, ren comity, Pa. Ladies and gentlemen liv or near either, of the itho've named place. !need the services ofa.Dentist, i can be wailer at their re,ithoice, by addre,ing us at Particular attention wilt be paid 'to the bet the Giulus; a, well as to restot inztand presd the Teeth! Pit ot Te l eth will be insertedh the latest improvements; also, Flate Teeth, one to an cubic set. '• ; Mice and residente on EigliOttreet be! F t eac h a nd State s rem. Sept.,'G, 1817. New Goods!' NewrGoods! AT E are receiving our stockio . • ALL lA.ND WIN FEB: GOODS, w'hich it; be • will ,vie with any in the place in es ent, styl and quality. N. forbear to 'enumerate - style and qualities having none of the sperit of the rat:a• docia,i and presume that if we iere to ad .ertise 1000 pieces splendid silks, I o,ooo:pieces Alpaccas, 100 car's French ;Merinos, rich dashineres, Para metta 'cloth, Mohair Luslres, Oriental, ,Calfornia, Monterey and Otegon Plaids, &C. &c.; our trade wouldmot thereby be increased in a rational and intelligent community. We haVe only to say on this point !kit we have a full and complete assort ment of such goods in our bralch Ofthe Irade as the market 'requires, and we &Fel- therO with our stand ing pie t'o sell at the cheapest totes they can be , ) ieugli in the borough tor cash. Please cull' and Pet us talk over this matte, a little at NI ) .TCALPS, No. I;'Rk,ed House. 13,11 547. 19_ t'iII•EGON PLAIDS.—A. few . piecert. of the Above Iriclj article on hnnd, end selling cheap at thk new store.COlT, Out. 116. I „ T 4! e i 27 ! . [ ,l Cl a shf BarNyi.. TUE subscriber ital.qh r :r commo'rli warehouse of P.\ Arbuchley Esq. at the Sth Street Canal Basin, Is now' ready twreeeive anti pay cash fur 15,01)0 buslutla of good clean Barley. AL4'RED-RING. Erie, Sept. O. 18)7. 20t1 IRO` STEP. num; of Sw as can be gokl b Oct. 20 L itsND :NAILS.— A lull asi4nil (ldes kiln and Raster"-, Nails, cheap y IATILLIANIS & WRIOHT. \VM• TRU ESDAIL Ml= OE NONE CAN BE LIKE-THU: DR: IILaiIICK'S Standard Family Aledicir • VIE FAVORITE ItIOSEOI DAY.—The high encomiums of p - ; here brsroo erl upon these iteiericilky 'citizens 'late ht.itiest reepectiiiitity,; t4 Z l the. medical proressinn in every itches da l ties anti British Piesrer•ions, ruhtlys there tp the Cougurrers of Dieease. A mil,. of amp anuThin testimony is In the Diietnr Homed by these preeminent reihe4l,l art.!.is, treatment of the mystical f3C.11‘4,U0) the rp`i r npAes nftbr (lay bell bren tried in ram. R. HERRICK'S VEGETABLE COATED PILLS. e ay be Used IA ith markr:d 611Cers JO every d' r tiring 9 gentle and Itoritive tintrattr,.. Th ith astnn Wittig 'quick neva limns and d izz , n , 4.1, patiodand ireak net, of tile h r . ~,.,i des am. 1 lamb. orferers. inflamation of ie different or 4 / l lonian, billto. c human body. foul breath, c'., ,(el habitual r'ontiiencritt. and in I rates 0,,,, th, •It and bowel, nre loaded with honors, wi m l, it , !ell no of dif.C.lse. Each box s mi., , , h, 'wed under oath purely vegetable, nod Wife , and 3 lining art ortlittavv tin:c.' ANn. lERRICK'S- SCIATIC LINIMENT, INFALLIBLE RENIF,DY or Men:aerie:a. Sprains, Preites, Centrairted 'Ore, Quiozy, Croup. sot Joiete. •win Agile 111 tseeases of the Spine.. Perithe,al Limb.. and 1.6., [tern it applic won . 11 indicated. The Mani churn this - WONDER WORKING MEDI'CINEI ors) tan's of the abore doe:lees ha, IMIALI WONDER AND ADMIRATION of the world. nay u.,tii 11y-2111,1v s of the use of Ihro. I, using ty, the Doetor has ptit the (crier at 23 cents, Ir Inn. POCeg, nonce httl,Vll in Of: gkas., anal d in a cut of ailtleaeeit Spine, accomp tided rill ectiitio. Liken i.e general debility, attended . 1 toil nu yob nap, in the cleaned] and boirelt, extendaty Wee, I n s, of appetite, trembling of the !trae, , m wit of the heart, faulidice, Ague, a lid Feder, seal ail, nun al ore-a , . are quick Iv 1 . 11,51 by the use of ' L'RRICK'S r VEGETABLE TONIC BITTRS. Put up in bnce,. aerompanied with direction., We', ds Rada box n ill make half a gallon. In the e . manner Coda eppre4.inli Chest, Whooping Cud In Croup, I nll,l matins of NI, and reeeet care , of the I onsuinptien lie greatly 63 and Will kIY a meal Inc I DR. lIEURICIOS MEDICATED COCCI LOZENGES. Pr - e , eta. Ton of thee. , Loirn;rr pre a ports' ell. Le. TIIE Ti 11;11PHANT SEE(*(;,zs whicher wshere attend, the nt.t. or Herrick'' , Werra Dettreti r Lozenge• in diode/4111,1t0n anti eapultion of animal* the !waist' ttpttern. has {traced them tint ha the atiak r i of remedies. The y are . plea,tist to kite. (Millirem' them, and thoor , Ireet 15 noel. as to amonith the belt; Prier (rict directions Those Eyfirriti, I's"aa end v.raline.N s i t the breact, nudes and ba c k . 7: heunmh•ni. Lun t iolio. etc. null find a friend in thew,, lIERRICK'fri GA lA3AIcIT3I STRENGS INING PLASTER. spread on rioo tiid le•ither, sill I%car front One months. Pr.. only IF} tin , and are taking the pith all 1414 pl and are considered the DES r CIIEAPLST PLASTER. NOW IN USE. TO THE PUBLIC , . So much baying be. , 14 sand by Haile NP. York ing . that the) ;Ilene had the privilege to make :ld tend a iti gar enatcti. 1' ill, anti one even pretend m e and adiertialni that Ii ha, a patent for :o doing, indurrs the 11,a, tr bring al" practice of deception before tlm public. andlel ti eat he jii,ige• in the care. whether a i.):tent orthis Intl' ought battier to 4.31.1. Pr. Remick 1111, SITIITED to I, • Berke, the Comm siiotte r of l'ateuls at Wishttigtonothir , It tier ill answer in pier] below. 15. s Piitent (Mire. lam If], Isii, Dr. lierricli—Dear Sir—Your letter of the tab inake ice], rtreivrtl. in :maw , I . 1,/ )our inquiry whether 0r , ,, p IMO 41.14 hero granted for a pill coated witb,tatu,l -.;,... ) e 1, to , intAzyl ou that no record of filch a patent cunt found in thin ounce. i Ite.spectflitly your.; :41 , EDMUND BURKE :; - ,' , 1 17:7;el'It.tinpliletn unArg a more general descriptaui :;` 4 ', the Medulla • may be had of'airy of the Agent,. ' i Priacilial Depot 17,3 State atreet r , Albarty, where'll! It. de, nai•t be ri , ll.lresm d. 1 : •1 At:I.:N . I,I—J It. Milton & Co. John Cunieuine&ca. Erie. Guilford $.;. La any, Girard; and J. II Ifnenei,'N.r,A --: Eakt a Feb. .0. 1847. 7 4-141. 1 ?.: ~ N E. W 4 G® o ls . roll of 18471 ;! BY W I all of T. ...,, , , Rail ...,....- ..„ . .&2_,- ..141hti• R,,,, , 1 ,. ' ."'"--"-- . "• 1 Utl t t .4 , llll • • JACIi;SON has, now received his FA , 2 Sa arid W1l\;TE11. _stock of Dry Goods, • ' emit's, IlardWare, Boots and shoes, crockeryliron ' and nails, %c. &c. l of which the following eilla• prise a parr. : Broad Clothe, French, Englishiand American, wont 113 cd blue, black, brovvn,! rro'd and cadet mixed, Casimeres. black, blue, plain, plata and soiled; Satinets, blue, blietz, cadetiand steel mixed; canemss, padding, bitekram,ibur laps; crirsh, is icgins, brown and black holland, cot on diaper. linen and cotton table clothi,ltn. en cambric ; linen cambric handkerchief:, far. - ,,i Air , a rid,rirobi le dimity,idrab, al bite, blitel and slate seltera;i black and colored cambric, brow a and bleached sheetincs and slitchtep, bed tiel,int , , nom.) check, red, white and green woolen flannels, plaid linseYs, crimson, scarlet creen and drab rithreens. silk and tabby tbleet,. black and colored, , ,slllt and worsted serce,sitin vest incs, italian cravats, black and colors, chop pers, bandana, b'areelorta, polig,ee and sp-ttle field hanaerchial:l, silk, cashmere, worster and cotton Mu-44y, all colors, cloves of all k i nds,mitts, worsted, silk, picniC acid cotton dress handkerchiefs, ladle. cravats; lace veils, torn ces, s•riptal and plaid ea rlstOn and swiss ail' 0 arms andrhambrajs,swiss, chambrays, swiss plain, dotted,Plaid; striped, fi '..2tired, 'Mirk m siihs, silk braids, hat and cap ribbons, Italian a d Frenchlcrapc, sew s Inc silk, purse tv ist, sh ini,kniftidg and tidy t rl rotten, suspender=, binclincs, "iptali,tyr tapes, • bobbing, and cord, ilacots,:c i ombs ; bttons, nee dies?, books and e -es, past board and a conce al assortment of boots: ar d shoes, h irdware, fie., iron, na ls, croile., II of the above will p I , be sold as cheap , s any t ew or Jew store in thßeity. It %till he observed in the place except o not be undersold by pat." Call and see ti old stand on clicapsi be heat. F ele Sept. 2 ? • • .571 S i ' that I am the oldest merchant and-I non• say that I will 'ny, young or old, for ready 'at the above are lacts, at my e, 1% hero things for sale cot .Thd Qui varixr.s V time absor sed i to Ole exttse Of so to i eeinly been diseowere immense piles of .l G heralded 'forth by all ; place, since the mow' front New York,. B hewing this to be tl. notice of our Stock t tat dark nes , , we havi rice 01 it , and in dol l eiIiTYCIS of Elie and' another of the by our piles ,or Ne so ves whileearrwin as the pile grow;lles cedes! Come on then, tiru i porronity ihos ott4t et inc light to tile cbm I stion Settled ! Ispeculatiens harx.--for some the public mind in relation • i luch dark weather, it has re ,il that it is the erect of such a ds -(on paper) as have been 4 public 'newspapers of toe of a few of our merchants , Eton and Philadclphii. 8e...' case, and knowing that the 'I mild most likely produce to y until nOw, deterred any no-f ico we would ask the good Vicinit:ii to bear with us, if ,§un's disc-be intruded upon 1 Goods, and console them `S' the preciougrpas arce dually tt t the darkness ° 1 . avail yourselves of the op or enriching you and,resto auniiy. ,ROWN & 17. 21 Mg M I_ nn II Bleached MI( inns, Diapers, T. Cloak' Plaids, Mc stole of Oct. IG Flannels, all qualittea, 'nt stud Shootings and Shirt,- tYllinzs, just received; also; ds and Thihets uti the new 11 ALLYN & COIT. 22 , To Black smiths. BELL° ws, - Any) ts, Vices and hammers, Spring Steel, Crik I3lWer and American ,:• 4 tecl;, 44.14 Nail Rods, Band, Bar and Hoot; Ironr, which caii be , had cn terms to suit at our old corner oppo•Op the Eagle. 1 Oct. -20. WILLIAMS Et-WRIGHT. T E A 'l' E just received Oct. 20 50sittes best Eastern Leather frt . !'m the manufacturers. Vv ILL:IA . 111S; 4.IVRIGHT - WANTED N Exchanze for G6ods---2C pieces Domeetic I Flannel; 500 prsil Woolen Socks 100 lbs. Woolen Yarn. NNI. I C. &IL P. HU LBERT. Oct. 9, 1847. d 24 1l';,! PL , !!—F C 1 I Caps, a .7 , 430. asst Oct. 30 1847. q r, Cloth, Glazed and Selet t trnent. i - • „ :a SELDEN 4• SON. FFRESHFrturr.-i ,'"ou can find at No 6. Poor People's Row •ranges, Sultana_ Raisins, blnons, Figs, Prune Box Raisins, Currants and Citrons, cheap fori ash by June 26. W F. aIINDER.SECUIT. CANDY' AND RA, SINS by the Box or pouud for.sele at No. 1;' erry Block. Tuly T. W. MOORE-L. ACCORDEONS, v'th tho improved valves. Bass Viol, Violin und Guitar strinzs. for sale by G. 1,4001111 S & Co., Siam neni y opposite E.11:41e Hotel. , July 17, 1917.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers