The i reatestDiseavery of the ate! Li OB t 311AGY writ; 11110 is the first attempt to emahme t I'ItIC ur MAO" r.c FLU 0 with Fuwei fat V.-ip tit) e 11%-, trscts iD the Form of an paint:et —.te lie applied rctc ad• ly fur the cealatial of dismiss. 'rue ahead ttit ita.te t 41e teas it bits met *ll4 stamps it at nem, 11m I; Mr. A bItIC tVRILYOF Pll AGE. It 1 , MI.:, tug stirs& of thew' the ut 11111 l titepartative. The aitt.t•l 1111 re to Moos are C(). II FINCED—the most I:tattle's mit re malted turbellesent the power an t ° .0.0 .ily. It is usliveroAlly admitted mho PIW AlO4 1:11. IFUIr ri. iN KNOWN in, tie %Vtittl.„o far the , umimemATH RELIEF It nelfee fa Is while tiler,. rem,toi, life to retire . a natured muffle ditty action to the' yv,•-•e bpsiy. kid egu stirs thr &col the No ol Ity t .Ii• o eontrelling power is g..lo.olocer the in $ 1 , 0 0hy in st forms 0/ VISEAsSt: watch catinut D • olitaioo I CI MIR .o ly taller tidy. duel) is the poeiec of this co 0h10.,ti0., ,t grates to every portion ord.:Jima ill ;••tery t, ',,0 ....1 volute, vela. nerve and ligdmeot •• • tccded oni 0 11 % In 110 aeustbte of purifying aisit -a tog and tome 1100 Ce it Coßell as readily is ill, I it...rout,' xtyrn d ithe tser, Numerous i *Linens are no r vor.l w iefe this rem,. ly 'WU tailored health to patients .0 li3f et. 2 rot. e WOW* powerful internal reit:n.l.l, l ' ail-dlittirai love say er• fact. SUell , regoun:,yho .is toe c .•e ie I s r'i. 11,1 MN of he ROW p meat ever ~, ;, I ill •it ith this ultimate where the Afagnetic thataimit c w 4.• ~•oi nom I That•dittsyieroto ittioiva a • t•te fat() Ell lIIPELAS Call 3 1 0 00.110 ettr...l 1, ilti- rem v. For INFir, tIIIAPFOIt Y It it EU ‘t.t oiamo .1 Is ihe most eOillpirte reul,l). em'i'r In 09 rases out of lUO i, ;rut <UT,' esstis e in ilia worst ca.°. of tiElt you; lIl:tD tclIE lo hsirly asioules For Nervous D,an.urr Ott. ii• 0 y it, AtreitiellSofthe .1 dine I hru it. Broachitm. visa, CllOl,l. C.llll, eh' , ego MOrlito. Ague hi the I' tee or Itie.vo for S aIJ Ilea, Scrotal., Salt Khettin, a.fla u it reset Sul ss, See will Ali ly mull •o‘.ll t m 11.0 of title lento ly. fIINGIT,tIt'S GEE nric t In reply to your quells, with rmrat I to athe Experiments I bane ma le will, ....or jit tly el. lo 'am I Nagne,te (lontinent: Cllll4 ty WI I• Ili, in .1 1 'tea it one of the antivru:s 1)1 , COV: 1 - 1111:•Ali It is (lOW Deafly Iwo ‘li.e.• I . e.t.a ..e...1 1.•100 it in ray practice, tied h Wit ft. 0 . ( 01 1 0 0 01 0 , lion. both Meal and riter it, of the moo m •glige 1 , 1 1,10.1 with Ullireffol swears,; . ore 0 here till Palle', I have .tierveded n ith I hove tre.lo4l of till tin ttion of Vie Fir 'MI, motion ofthe L00t4,1.111 orth.eit gin I. e. tory Me= ill.m, awe Filit I h ..1 F t. • ~ p v reel 'tweet ' s; alto cases of Fry..., (fluke , hu•h. and VlCeldtel/ /11f0.2f naill.toig.Wllli like .titei .•st 1 01 0 EPOllffille oWri ni E. lt•ipil Whitill .0 many valinittl.. live. 0, rr io.t, 1 it•de I it fer• gu11:103..40 it never failea of etre, Mil: a ititeeil,t 114 eer• laid cure. In 'ea.., of iturns, S m tr tins. ft , uiz•s. l'otzrn lc h lau likc arh trm. • No Pie in or ir.n i ly will h• , n ty wit'enot *hi. Mo.licion, tolrrn.q vitnroil wit , i it power to care. N. IV - sr:lt ttl. Pay and rzn•von. Uti , a. N. r..r.rn. 19 13 in. • r-V • ryss fort , tPr Votti ot US roll testi:1101111ft, t•ce p yhlot kfij with .2,•111 Pee. and 5 / cnor• pnr AoF:vrB.cut-r A.; It -nrh..r. nolol".11^ r...r Erie; D Y. & J L () It it,v Potter. Woo Sprinelo.q.i. %V. v„"„ L. S. J0n,.5 Co. 11, Ia; .1.1 , 1 n 'rr .ry, rein. Aogo tl4 Ni' •I 0U It FLAG IS Tll 11 ! ito Po ARE HERE! VICTORYA VICIcO RV!! IWRItA! HURIZ A!! IlUltItA!!! The'ncw Jaw store again \ head! JusT reeetved at the .N 1 •m Jeo :tore, No I, s , re -1, a nett uml Fp'ro .flid assortment. of FALL 4 WIN l'Eit, Cio00:0. consisine in part of • 1311.0 A DC LO I' I I S. French, F..m:zlia'u miff Amer , jean black, bloc., nono , t; .1,1 it , .. c taut .11,X 11 Broadelo4ths, c!tettp us the v't u p,.., E Aiio..—Ua.siotcr s awl Ve.+ iligi to ma cit, litelt as to color quality and prie .. GILOGERIE.:S.—A ” a.ts rtinr•nt or (Optic(' Groceric . iilttelt n ill It • s ti I itt;,.. 1.1.• n ) I Iwo CI OCLEILY.—A be.ottirtil a.,sor munt of ett.ek - cry st prices t hat ea , tion tat! o 1M ,14e. 117 )N AND Slit.)E 4, -Without !),.I.4ting. R‘c earOstrly sav we have the ett-ap.•:: .1...1 h.-1 IN SOrtitOrit Of 1.3 , 14. g, ,in I :.•11.1 ,, K, itc•111 , 1.i. ,, L 1,111.4, Ge 'amen and Hoy 4 eve- It,tot 2 It in t .i. etly. CAP .—Men and 1,10v4, that. c.t mot e. 1% to it, oth the plum: and head - e.... w :.•,.(1 Iy. LADIES DR.E . iir Ut ittl):. 4 . Hein we sye at hotno. We. ! rave caihninies:de hw+ ‘i Ilion! • nuiuber and aiiii 'at utilloit wire ; 13 i nu h.iint and A Ipaceas, Cidiru,nia p: kid, and -zo itis in I T a d, ton Miisiiiis ; %% ilk, 2104, unit lion, - Ned; dress but•ons, cords coil (~..ets; I 'm ~ l i ., i e dr , usa of °mune' ado. , -we 11.1%e ever V ,hang to malts the haottzume nior:: divine end' .tie iidy " enchanting. SlLKS—Striped and Plaid Paul; de Soi , t, White gro de :•:tivies. Black watered 4• satin a tripe pm:, de sni, Back and Mae liatik, gru de .X.ipit.s, ill.ick ;Inn tie Rh' SILA,WLS—Of • pikes, te-ride.: and crib v. ea, ,r front the L ea Cotton up .n the ti lest etla and Cash , ,re. GLOVES-011111 It iiri;. crilnr= and aia•s Iloidery,Sospooders. i'ri;it•i, Ticks. Drdl4. Foe tonics, in short every ihiag suited to the seaiwn and market. Ready Made Clothing. Om. stock of randy t0.t411 , ..•tito , 147a..!.estri I ap►eudtd, and F..l.l . eheip We do ”o! 114.'1 to how, Imit we think ne•eal emiv i 'co ..ily mte calth4, that wt eell •2•0 ior .1 A:11.111ler man than and tatter er.talitt4 viteht in ow , ‘. A any rate. 4 •the -print or ,he I•ll.l,lth t t i• 11,1 the ea:• ing," th tefore Tit Y • 51.J'Ati nit the name.,er. • ,IS t. A(; 12.051..:NYA X EIG & CO. _ Erie, ftep:. 21, 1917. 19 "Not fora Pit PH - an 'now."' OrANTOX.'4I , .X.r".IO; %t. a Kttr.itY.C. - HUNT'S LINIME NT, JJAS,now' given ahtttet.tol ev Pie tt:e!o. tti he3i• ins p.mers, an , Liq..ved i oelt the to sr ex 1.1. ordinary and woodelfol mu.hcine ixt. the itoi I - In the short space of two ye 11 4 ‘ it 1142 ,, , arq ti ea reputation for curin2 wool rclr.tvi , p kill far greater than any inedivine eve, ,itavotere.l Its wonderful cores have. Le Vle.he.,t Faculty; who now uttivros thy welt valtto. They speata ()fit to the lag to t a :errata until commend its n..-a 3. It is condemned by non.l. On the contrary it. praise is, l'he c isen ett.ty• are no , i , l littloll 4 '4ll it I.otev.-In‘n .4 to ITi . ."lln 1114.1» ...;... an d It i g a fixed fuel, end i 4 disput,•,t, that as a pain it hat no (Val. F'' OM in toy astonishin.. core?, see the pttivitlet ••o he ha I of eich open?, If yon tut l'er the sexes for •Which it is retrial r nended, -or et • nee to he tlAtl and but cored. For the following rlis gates it-is aninialhbte rein , tly: • Spinal A(T.:etiota, rth eit mati,em, Pantlyellit aryl all nor vous nII etions, Sul% Itheo , ll. , Or •up or 111iires; A2llO In the Iht•ttst nod Pace:olo.lA.. 'nes* of the j lints, colds, tinirh ae!te, sore 011 4.;)t an.l, Quinsy, uleera•tut sores, ititlttlen. itleeto.l.7trne _ frosted feet, vorti , ,lrtlytils, fresh wounds "tturellin.s and litni‘o iernfu. , /01.33 -ififeerinno, inns fin im hi es .ind Ir-7-This Liniment is noltl by all the rl9pieta ble Mereirants and Dm vrist4 - throrwient tote country, and ,by the i'mprietnro nt Sint! Sine, fr:.t) l sT Fur goo by I: It. Marino & Co. Cri., ri. C. Town Noith Ett.t, J. Clemriatir . P..irviow; S. J•wo ar; C.) • Oct. 9. Ida. t.n3t Cash for flax rWILL pay thelu . tiftegt prim in ei•li for any quantity of-Flax heed. - C. 'AI. '1'11313 %LS Atte: 27., 1817. DYE sTuFFs.-ra Idd. r, L l ttr Wool, Fit:Cie, ,Nic.,Woud. Cam %Wood, Alum, Conjoin._ glue Vitrickciedin 'eurtar, Indigo, &v., fur ; tile .cheap for the ready, bit , - .June 46. t.%);• F, RINCIERNRCI IT, 111A0CH4 'St, k kV tA — - S5 In ' 2 .20, chip. .1.3 . 416..N1 Del tin;do , if.fiti•reni Ai?, et 0,- , (lc et . tali; for tale at the clamp Lore of ' • 1.4ep..t. 23. •S. JACKSON. Altentio.44iews ankCentiles, fermlitre, Mnotelite 4 Helavica a nd Biro ,, thins, Bons of Aaron and Daugyeral of Miriam, receive instruction and be trier.— ilea r and know that . MOSES, .IHE JEV lias r . 'anneil Irotn . the EAST. laden - With the m choicest ire:ires ii: ' that anvil it ret , ioo, an I in vite/ your at ten ion to the ' same ai the ',idite ‘, 11-1) Jew t 4 0,..e, the one di a has earned the mat 14 I 011 1/I . sellid;zsiiiti4 tow r than any other house in Elkin i ' t tiretetiv V•ttlittlished it credit Or Jewe• ry isidstee I "theta to eo.k . r.under the tie tne twin,. whereby :Iv hope to reap a profit which j rally lielonvi to idol. Now Nloses wishes it 14 he it i 'ers a d that hp i/ not a ,NVtinde. 1 Jew,, here away year and any the nest — a thiSil t at hill sell witi • 0 one person at cost and itpant.thei at di 'dile price. lot that he a , a regular descendant of Paithissl ‘inahain, 11111.1 has pitched his ten; in Erie oith ihe intention or remaining in it, bind intend. 4 to do hiisint sa as Iteretohtre in 111 4 1 ter as to , , us ye em ire satisract ion, in all eatannahle pet a , nl 4 1 ` ill-a .4 vor lititi ii lilt their to ern. It.'ep all Isis old rs tends and in lhtl 1161' 011eS or all that comp pnr ehas • g•koslairson hien. • 1 hat. the old J to . : • itn.e tir %I • sea K 00111 4... S sill snore Good/ `a , ,d in lower pt ices dial j elly o her a sire 16 Ele, 5e plain to tie seen ht - ilt. - course orn Inns, WS) flildillt.t 101 l r ens touters shii , y desertin_ them, tessurt tsettlierepre ...esit.,t ton toil ithitge orthe J e: W sTi mt.:. witie't . th e y hell losaw 1111.4 hettit I 1' esswe of 'heir Issga or i 11-10wer< and twain:4 which slosy dile. t all their llsreess, 'hint hist no dote": that it !hit a ore nits nor ut the nay, they 'annul gist us hat they call the guild old in lees. - lily to one hsi per evrit -- :itt li a 4 OS y need to got Indure t sis .1 it7.W 'lll Slt ' s'N ' come among •1 t ten'. 1 tehtee we se eves V thin!! slici c n raise a Ijtav lottl or l ' a •ind Rolls.' commences Moo in , liiiiptelt into muter hi Jo t ivif .1 1:1 scptile a the : .ll . :W :-.. l ' OitE; hut this only .eiv s 0 show iltii t they are ill _rest runt oressn son - rt., and that thu j" tow it hero 'her have gone I Now the secret of Goods heinu sold •io Match lower at his Sloth [hill any es her is simply this— \ Ist., suns's ristitt to she tro t or'dte In irk w. Ito the Mane .ociitrer4 and hap trier:. lsin I Itti).a hy the t;.‘Stl .' ., Ii t L l 7. 4/1* PV.IICAGE, and pays t'se (7, A .1 I down, li t .o Wel' he wakes a &antic savitts , alerts enabled to sill t...11/'s hi. Eric al what some ii her. %my i;tr tiwin in the 0 ty; /11111 011 1 iher.. ~, i y li e to mistake ;thole this 'natter he invites all iris %Valli any thilltt 111 111+ line, and wish to pay eii • o• c. 1.11 or c iiiitiy plodnee in i . .. 11 and exam tto to., smelt amt prides, folly a...i.tiesl that they will tin I that 1 11.1 iJ V, Vtsr - I ' S )RE the hest plact , , 111 i_n t sushi 1 - 30011.1 - St he 101V1.5.1 priers - , ‘l„.. z " i., h.. ex ,, 1 4,.. I Irons eivio n lie' ni' Cie nomber /nTi . rt noll/'idle". %ins/ ling C• 1 :. 4.1! ,a. OW m twire of some IN - twiny nant: 4 l more pinfi ally and Oen. /Illy anuiplosrdi•l nil c.p.n.nnar, 1).• gill tv.,ve ,f hi,. randy ~I In nr pl 'ee +l,.rem who hate a•/t r sluda and frwir cus'ont•rs, Ali 41.5; 1“ - 8;11, C,,Tllt`f of Prr/wh ‘;./..; ; VAllh Ar. eta. ' nnnr 1:.1; inol's, Fluff 1 (.://18/11ervinl Ex. 0,1 1. 18 , 7 - PEKIN, CANTON, ICirozir-si Kialw-zzi iv , fou, dll'anw• 0 9 c, .n .. &fang-full, II tu -q wag, Chia ag-tong, tke. A ,:.1,...,..i , e, .1 , i 1t , ....8 I I •;1 I i.N. .: Ihe coil I ty WIWI,. t it: 1 , Orelt•.. lily e hrtttlti tarns a sil 4 , iss. I sso:ts , Intl, eves, I 11l • feet, ass I plump iiisy ,sleet. ”.11.,:ie tmilwrnr Atli.l4lititt•ii•lithic him I ei M thit : , nn, vend hio eibtritry (:E1.1:.'"; IA ‘l.: ri, 1.,, I ha ir ,vo bir,ll in 1 'oaf a: us. , an I W ', sat' is of 1110. e 0 es-e , t , l•• ict; I. ',.. I.:Wiwi , ' li • o is which we ob Ilia th..l steittt 1 1111 11,ver s.; . s. v.ilksl i ' l ; : \. so hi L,;lily v slue I by 1 ows ka I 1_,,01ie., 01 all rank. , and VW, lil i otts, 11:14 aholllL ....hit, there has heels s s onsc I +•thi a sti 'N , ri co ssi ' ll. s.i sons.: peussoss v,sy modestly v1.011111)2 , to his the only on 8 ili.ti es , II a per,- , If illt, ,it boa tr priers: MI w , • pre smile vi•iy ti•%y liCl . ittll9 Win httllt . Vo Ili.• tthliiiy sir kes sty as pi OUttitt ;111 I sill ti. i• ii ) ' l ' E 1 - i is c o n 11 .o.d 0,..1u-ively so itro istssyses in New York, and q ts t. ..II ushers in this line, sell lot interior Tsai! jeS awl th,ii too - at s.virhitaitt lit ice. , anti that. !h.., Is• n• voles) pc - sous ate 1 . 0 ,ten with alias e.s. sun profit,, bin sitcrely to Isavt: the sI i.l.scsio I of pro resin:: ilte,dear p opt. , Iron brie_ 111111111),1•Zled. Vor our past we shush tutees- I. &ones hilly, In .re Clan In al stissler lt, sib. •I'lli—dildiy M P.m v'ss,t , s, 7 . •:fnic •05ig . .944111 • lone:, 11. %go I and P. k 0,., x. phi.. Savor leat ' ssts I • ;sot len u top'! ,Ii It t'w iselisrsts t hes ill st it i 4 p - 1 spin ri1ii..... , :. „.,„ 1 , 1 „„..,,,, 4 .0,„.,.,„.. Is 11., 5 1 ,,i 01. ...oeo,ar , ...,..„, „La, hers.! h•., p.• ph., Por ststr• 55.1 , 1.. e •e•st II metes! my - solve , Ist( sisn i sly a 8,15 hit! 11'140 th 11 , .0 Wail 1. 1 1 TV. 1::i ,t In' we are pr 1 scvsl us „tr., ow,. , fil ~,,,,,,,..„,r,, . -ow I .. it/it . 9 I ill Is sic 131.1y.1i usand cirri'scirri'ss ' e.s•A, kit lilt! fo . .11)N1•1. ) ,. S: ;15 , 11y ~ NAI'4, 5, sod si , is - er lb. . 1 .1 I.' 'At' kl, 7 an 18 s silting-, O =i 8 Themi were pnin ct.e•l trnm in •11 of lbe e.; 0 tot j:l4 h. rift' tv h t reli .1 on 4.4 ul , (ri d the :oar% et at Pilllll r• p ie:r• i'bey wOl h , • pit up to the ••.•.F3 obl fu.: 'ova V .."111t I I "1.• to Phi p , mit riy he.ithue hyleglyp:ec4 w gita the ua•u+• t ti Ait '4, Lem', Lump brown tL•n•I 11.11111 Puri° itien Nn • :r4. 111 I Lt 1.11.i1a it to .vid Cub ;. (Thntun.4 u. I:nenit, 1.4n4. 0, ,00l to sl.ort ' urll yen vers c , enpte r n,:•ninien or-Tanuly liroreile-4, to 10,licla inyi II rn, .4U:1401414 1,l uur friende, nt No. 1, It cud I louse. . ILTEIL & BROTIICIL Octeher 22. IA:7. . 21 Charity covers a multitude ofiris A N.. I P.. 4110 ••• •i KUC,I 11.4 C te.p LA. )rnisgi :4 ( G. I e.l 4. t vei.31.1 s. V.tels, Ve•eg. Ilratver.t,.'tir.. lt.)+,t,it., ee11.,14 and evety ur tele in die I.l.tllling 11 , 11.. 44(t. it t.e .i l i e 1.5 .or 50 per cent. &wain; in the • `LI) I E 'Ai 'l[ I E. 111 in al 4411%* dither .9311111 Ifl earn i t Erie; al I "te wits et 1- j pe ht., 11th. ~,,,,, buy. ell hi.. I:in 114. Ca4-mser...lnd Fliquels be .11r lide imul pi4.o!. , (111,11 I. IC ‘14114.11 . 4e1 i ttre.4 44 and letiPtr e.l. an I th It for i• to t, onil then lie en* piny. inn rat .• 1 . .1111 . 1i Mlll 1114 el.• 111 ei ide.ity nn ,ii .•,v,, 1,11441440 s mid 11 04.1 hip. illyt.e. I.l'l -n 04.11 It. I- alw 5t4 .14 43 44fillstill 41 a 44 ./..(1 41f i4:l 4 ' it Linn proinB les.% thin i tip , , , • I syli.) plrt,li 1 , 0 thud, MU/ • ti 'lld'i n i. s ' , Phi 14 , 6'10)11i ;IQ I Stt , V V't.k. ill id , ' .err rill,' e v i.,feri , .r in Iteri.ol la is :. l il•'it e , ) -414 :41114,11 Ili I,ller 154141 e .1144.4• -s, jOij 1, 2ln par 1.":1•1-1. 41. y erliele tit' e Val 1;12 prirvi tin (1.10. n I \ ; p m “litailn , ll ;if tin; 11.--t - mated ii tutu ti 'lrk , II meiiit wet all., d , ilirr Ole ;poi• i!;;II t'ley emi in ~, \ •,, •, Inn way or tint dither in Erie lie I 1 ,; 4 , 11 ,,,. h h„ , 1,1 r,4 - .:1,, r ,. o r ‘I I ISIZ.4S. KI )(I I, Ext•ltatge. Fiench 81 Oil 11 1417. ".11orp of the EtreOA." S 1111. C.) , .,E • I-cr;;; are receivioa lour, Goo !p, n'hicit are a V little. i'''eilf.. r t ,an ver and hdib hiiii•t tilarlit ill plain. !ital.!, p.tripini and ft 'anal 'dean., I •ashmer , , llei mu, 1)e L,iAle and I.ynn4 "I ..114 ul the. P Step . ) 150 iiiiraslit pa eras Im I sly!o:: o f qh inf. az ail tlis log+, w'deli m u vi tll sell as chs•ap as Ilia time Car Her tip is'l'e the Elurle in el 'I. tvir.Lt %A..; .4 : W Important Decision. rp 1 1!:: co l t. -ti d 144 twit haw n n. tnv vears bee., settle Iby 4. 1 0 y of I' wcive Lin lief! aid Cols 4..ei5,0 , i is, l hat the 1.1111. A., inirrt ir aid cher pest Teas to tie had iii thir RI.1 . 111)11 111 . the c upn, v, ire die-e wine limn die tele!). a eil TE.‘, %i P V. liad at all and to irryitsi in. t!ive en ire s. ic:,iirii or Ihe ntnvnv Will he reiiruled, or their agars t%lte reeeieinv i t II supplies %%tielrly. tVILLI lls IG rr, A c ento.• I/Viet:ov opposi athe Eliolo I fotel. Few. 1% 1917.U. 1 • WZSTE:(Ii HO'T'EL,, a; r- '-:), I N tilt AllA kl, Pt uprietpr. The I , c ;; ; .11 Attbscribar tilitild .respecting% inatrin , tit !tisurie.tils ;Ind the traveiini , public eel) v.,1,%, .1 he has leuvred ror it term %or yeare till rew an I comm sllinivt Hons.. ' - si named- at- the Ei Lf ht % Street etheali Ila, in. 7riii, 1,. limn ren dela the e ' W. .'S I:lz.ltN ", tee eminent'y the 'Owl entivenient and dtedrable Pepping' place fir all either ri2ing Int.iness or travelin4 oh the t'anal. I,ltera 3„k,'111.01. httnelted. to this exiahli , hrnent a I i,,, and creicenirm. Stahl:. for the use of Root t ten and n hers ha tin tf hor.eß. Nisi/oil/IP or expense has he-n spared in fitting op this boos • for the 01111,01 th nee. coint'ret and pleettore of toe's . s. tied the Proprietor tuffs tit by m k t alteetiol to heftiness to merit and reueive st •thtro•or pol.lie p.stroettge. • :.1 r ie, sturd 1.1 IS17„ . - 49• /11.•4 1 , 1 iW. , Sardineti,._ I omaty, Cn qn L onn , a) Syrup. Pilippr Sauer, Salad Nln+tarkflalillia ,FlnuliAll White rep ke. car va let al Nil. t, Perry iihrelt.'by r+' • 'V tr, P , - Y vol lire • •1 e ,,,, 4fv liime earth-am Nevi YAKti• PT l ' ce. • j Ipt freckle.' nfm. for 11111.• bs - • • - ' O. D. SPAFFORO. ' 4d4 Edo Augi v it 21, iS,I7 MARDLE FACTORY. TI sultseribers havite , a ~ n o I :14,44111 WWI' 0! New En2land marble en. hared, from difrer l!Ili rptarrie., calCulatetl fig +lend:and rem tables Set which - they 'efrer"to sell to any one in courni, `Pa: not th.szt Ft le, lettered in. first rate At4e; MA delivered. it: the followin. , prices: Smiall, $1 5n tier tiny; Middle' size, l'or 10./0 people, 81 G 2 per Goo ; Largest size 31 7:i per font.We think• it n 0011 be an object f.rr same of the rrie court-, pe..mle to figwort' a few inscriptions as we have recently - been informed by ihe Erie mail& dealers in rather d; wa"y.tha they were a ieltiw_ in to the Erie and Crawford Comity people - zooid, They brae very lu, rIIy of telliuvt! to the "Penne , mites" at from 82 50 to 31 per thin.. Sluittld any of the' people or Erie county be in want 611111 V thing in our line, they can ineward heir inset ip tinne, 'er.ctane themselves: and they shall have a first rate article at the above. pi ices. int ANI \ SIKES'S:. CO. ' Westfield, N. Y. Sept. 1:1, Is tp. 171 - - - LACK SALTS.—I p ill it. t y g oo i h e ItiOtest price ror a Iy qtcrit ity of 111.1 . elt.Sultr. tleliv• red at WKean, or at my sinre • fi1, , ,.1wr 11. IR 'G. r• t ••1•1111A I,Q U I%!i 1../F AN V.:(.11,14:. by L.. IV, +.s;lier, % beino nn ace. , unr of !he aillll4lt E 0 tine inept lit V al neano ms Land, j tat received and for sale at Sp , frird.'s, Bookstore. ks , ,v 4. 10'7 51 ASIIES! ASHES!! , IwILL pay S crilis per Inv lel Cor untul field ashes, 011,1 12 1 2 c 1..1 Per Inpewl r howe ash es. deliveled at my nstwry or earner:. rrio ".• 1011 r ‘l. '1•11111A1.. 149 s Is 0 : a few Jima !26 AV. F. 'lt I N DEIZ:NECIIT. PENTS.j-I.evi Brown's Gold Pens. the kirmn t celebrated maker of h.' sr: iele, a gon 89 4 0'111CM hill CORSI wally o i hand; also Thu dif ferent kinds ul cheap (deal en) Pen,. at G. L..(10 -= S a t, at,, neatly opposite Eagle Hotel. July ID, 1 917. NEW AND FRESH GROCERIES, Jlt Yo. 6 Poor Peoples Rua,. lAT F. ttl Siii•ANl.;r:i I I' this yip! ndeivt tl s V V • hirlze ;via it ell m I acted ttie,•ll of Wet thy and Fancily nee, les; DyC'thlis Nails a. 41 whieh h., iv i lle'teap'er tor eashtha.. her eszablis'aarat in !own. Ple,ew call and s..e. Jane 11, IS ,7: T u., it F(:v.0:m) eth.r. St. 'no Ittinu., and Jay.' l'olT•o, illie tor north •.f tin 131;7 Btate 1111 or, by w. ILINIIF.RNECIIT. F.'l7 .1 Q4ll ; , 1111,1 `lone are, lior e:t:e colic dour .he' .1.$11.• 1.6 V V !II NII O . 0:1;:r:111% 4.1,00 K HERE, WILL YOU?" r yon *4l4'. 10 hay y .11 n i '1 p:.•,5,• 1: .11 111 IN1)1..:1LN:•;(!,1 1 . '74 .‘0.6, Vow 1')...p1 1:1141., here yaa ern li rl .(. :mit I,s 4% hiell are wailer' (al 2 roml: tr•e, r uenl, I lee, 0, 14 l'ole a j : 0 .1: all k int" P. Spice; omoond Nolun..e.. :in let 'line. 1, 1 1,.. ‘111,.nr.1 ht' iroold or 130‘. INT, 14 "tailee Lent .11 )'rtm, I liver I 111 Lalllll 1 V:ev hirer *.lay:ter •.1: is Ile XOlll or all kinds :•dle , !Jr*. l'oWd .r. L.l-141, and I:an le \VIII(. rwme. ‘faieltes. "'love 11l iv'. sli•m Ilruelhes 00•1 Ito.' I, xl:lea'a)y an 1 Scolc!, 1411,411' . 11 1 pqrl". I 3 roll.l‘l ie. F.p3muo s Cilmther S;dis Ile 1 Co (1.4. llmm, and Chalk Line., I kdin: , , Pe en. PA.:. Tab., NVwroms, Niro Sives,, Almonds. 11Iad. Nen., I.'ll'o•r1+, Parry 1.;•••, 1 1,4 e, n.l 1 !ors', C a rd:, Cra..1 1 ,.., and p-:er, Daily .111 in 1).1T , ), Ilrnoms rai W 1 11 • 1.., and 11/14 1 H,, Broom., Wliiienmdt Ilriedies, and n her articles 10' nu•nerntt• to mentioe. I'lea.e 0,111 and see lt,r yoli.lll.lVoll e, Erie, June 19. IS IT, t Yon c:111 fin.l a• No IM Pon. I C enple'l4 Ito v Ssiliana pi tt a, Prwirs Ili % and it' I , l' C w.tpl;l7 ,In•tr Vt. rl X NOY INII It ININ-ctly 'he Pox or polite! t;ir sale at No. I. Per.ry Bhp k. fir , e 41 . •I , ‘Ar NtilA .; .it N 1mp..." 13,19) Vit)l, V 'Ohl find . 1144. fly G. 1.. U 1• S'afe i! f: .ole 11.1.1. TtlfV '7 14 .7 J i. CrIV 1.1 (Ile New Nl.ire r. v, r.l Met •re :"Ir iN% :Irrie_ a yet V 111.1 RINE - Arrival of New Fall and Winter IMMO .1\11..4,1 t,s3 wi t H-vr. . %an NG .1 loge' six s in flirtnit. New York a 0 1 Phirolelphia, to Cie selee , inn and piire e VX 01• i Ir .. I . V.NI V 11,w1C, which eV are .10ve operila.z. le•t! live to jaf.wee their ens10111••rs and lie einiiitry a hutre. that they ate tom prepate.t to off a trend, of alined evety dtt nonn i 4.11 Atli 4z5 per C .0* the ip thah ry cr. Ve fled h, 'hue to the 4, as tile, tilt kiAsh, Old t' mike: , a %IA (111 ret.a•, hr. refie e We UM a pladoat otactela sto well ac law n• i.ny•lionse —(that pAys for their ...mils) this -ids of Nvw itelt or lio , ton, and for On. ab We aq , lrarler we invite tho:c that. :tic purchas ilia Any y ;nods, Ilindwate, , ;rnyyr ie. , , to _ire u 4 v and we will ..haw vim as !fall I 0.1 aNatrted, , estsiv • and cheap stock of :xi 1• as tan h • tinvid in thi• market, Fur tivt'tet liAttietttare plynse will lit the Mick tstrat.r, apia,si a the - it:o2le Ito 0.111 . 11 r the court • Pep% ;Vt. tit% , N'''.„ eve, v di.perip inn 4 Lily ar limn Nrw Yitik anti Do ton, at th. Aety • Stah , ,Cliearstetet. Nal/ lit A LLYN cniT. Q rs. %L.1..A NI) Si:: .—Pripa.atory to makin" rrte2. Ilif , lll. I , lr _.nisi 1 ,1 5t!, , ,1 Volk lot .mr V.ll .otti A toter v.tocAL of Gn-1,1 0 , We %OH gel. all kinds ot'S'pr• _ mod - , ,,otimi!.c qoo Is at cost, to make noon 6,t the ro-t st•ork. -r , .r..lis. 'IA" .. 17. II :11‘1,'N h \IT:A liTEft. — 4 _!-- ,-" -- -, -• C I. OCK S. iqt Fr I) y - awl 40 hour Uiriiic, 0. 0. G. 1.7.4 'Not rin 3 , 1 , 1 rern.noa, L i ly the single o. 4.:lip,%cryt.:ll'eap far ready pa ‘: G. 1.,-)0N1IS Sr. Co. • _ _ f.t., nearly oppo•ke Eug!e :Inly UT. 11;117 JUUA jn=t icct.Re and t,II,JU i.,r elwai) nF he caeapebt, 01111 dour nnr filch Big ‘V in low, by luny Ifi W. P. lilN:r)Tz.nNEcili`„ I ; %RS Prineipe.Trutmea,:- wit! nll o her k bide. inly 17: T. 'V Nlnnil P IN Floor, Pork, 1141113. pro, ied d. Corn ‘ll.lll 'cnifiel, %whin t 1 l'inntnen and PV • vllnivy in the Priori Aim; Littu , coruitanti) on tulle! arid hir td)e by - JainT 26. W. F. RINWIENrcryr. Nv.SP.:4 at p• r cent 1e!. , 15 than .nr) • hard nt a iv iirier Kum la Erie, and or equal tin rlr y, nuw u fere 1 by And 47. • 11 , ,r1 VN &NIIcARTV.R. ;fit If k New Pekeriz • ed, nril•eled a nd 114.e.orttlo :• 4 11‘ , :er. e'lerip for cavil, ono door north of RINISERNECIIT. , Jti.o. 12, 1117 FOWLER'S WORK. 11 suli-erther is tie istithoriz d Anent Ihr the ' I eidu n, roWt..F.It'S PIIBANOI.OACAI. WORE'S, y. Hn Niii dispose M them at New Yolk wtites. tleie aka Agent lair (!amhe's Piennlouleal inamal. Call and exam hie th Ite vulunhio pithlicationo at hie Buok Stoic, on State ot;oet, Bait; E' - 07/ 5 1817. O. D. SPANN - RD. , T • (JOKING Illaa.ea and Im)kin. , gbtas 'plate. j... 4 A lar t ni assortment dale abnve ar ivies fin• 'sale vet y hy • 0, to 10 MIS St Co., din e st., n arty opposite Eatle lintel. • inly 17. 1817. jrAUNi. Panhle Harrell. single, gin., Fowhil l f Pieee , ;, 11. , vo4vii.e six izipswers, with ti gimp• eral aseortht4ht of ChM • Lo m & 'Jnly 17, 1817 WOOL! „WOOL!! gri tt NS E prep ono lV i ittktrlyun hand ut the.grie.loo.ll.4l Fay ft ry plainatid .. Punpy eas",,lgaeres anti Tweils, of sAolll.Csolir A anti qifilifjeA n loch they fx ..h anl i e for w0,11,4?4 dOiesy, ll aecustunnduOg terms. Thiy also pay ; cash 'for wool. - Erie Woollat Tictory, Tuna IC, 1841/.! 6 , ; -: Pekin 'ren t Co nn any's. Agoncy. , • • N0;11,5i . REED DOUSE: Ir tucan be nu 0.3110411 that ilie.e.o.ohli-h• ,ent or the aV.V; in Erie. has enabled ituyer• to, oh , ttbrit a' front } tn env rivc, :0 thirty .hicc 004 a dd tt per tArt les. than .I;tratt•rly. and ha 4 cons tit'lnottf tedue. id,the run 4 01 the old derthit A -4140 no oilder 111.11 that they wince under it. 'and by r lasi'' Ihe erY of• kart• hale' entleay..r tiriojure the (1.0,10 orrheoa Tens. l but they eau% do it. , ..Spi on your verton on: lll .l.i..ured NI hitticistros, Le,, taiteu hey 010 rtteet ly Itattnle•ii, a d'a.e. pie piddle I. nOi . mitt, ell toe in , ives primiptiii,4 y.,,,,. '1 here tl'er , do arid well sell 1'01009141n ho. , ,,hei r)iim they are 5 thr and chrap-r than C:III be had o,,evehete. mid !ll' Call.e Oit•V are f ,et and pa. up ..0 fill, 11111 lc .p i'reah any 1."111h0r ilia., Ere' y p , itit`42:e. i. War ranted f,ll rerigra ext.:ol3hr to' .he p.ii, ti a ill roil, them• rt,o theta and on -Itzent.iug.," as MI %elm lyre tried the tette know! art 1 those ,h•rt h Ivh Flit mac. Bayetti will ' , lease 1,01 c0nt,,,,,111 1 1 .,,Ue5. l'he ,I, I I F place in Erie whi-re, this Prhiit I .:.ttillialtY'o lea call be had, .ft at Nn .i. Itee.l I loosc- 'II . . BUIL I'IJN & Pe.:lt 10 NS. . Erie. nee. 4, 1817, - - 29 • WINDOW GLASS. 4339 tr 134,, it Thy 9 201;v 3) i tilt' (", ui II'S:, w.O not va u -up•-ri.•r til .vs to oi • :a ellt oxt r.l VI/ Plisly 111W.S. WI nee ! t. r) 14 , 7 ti .1 i.Li 0111 e. 11; 'l O •JPIJ I bleuen'il `..n ;re I 11 " 1 "e' Awns Dec. 3. 'I ILe & rs , ./.ND )LfsJ.:3. h rtnivica. Nsliitt., China I\' hi ~illt:r Jo , .11.4 WI minim Rhine-e. do French Li Ai slit (10, A ist‘‘ err, ll , ' - It nyal N,tipleA vt.11.4. t Bitter. Ivoty Ville rfri \ iu-teek N'ar' 1\ tit wt.! PorprOil. ISIAb£I tintllAl Pallet e 110.irtli, I% laVeA, l'ai=el,l, 1 :mm04,1 , P:11 ined Bll.lsSllE• 4 .—Siiiile, Pig (lair, Fiat ir sin, (Penile- , do, 1 Gnilllers lirniele , Crayons mi.4l 1)14 tv.n 4 , Peneil4 , '‘t l'aver, 1 'tt hi 0 nip: tin oil !Iris ii li.t.tril An I iii shat we have u pre y cunt! Incas (4 . ar ii.:l , A in this line, ant i t! lieepile unit .inlqiyint! . very ~elide I 41 , alleii t'.r 01 the sten est. led kit. Ihe t I.:A 1i.,1 . 1.1. ti (VIP l'i I i. I 11: : beauti or liisils arol 1-'l••wvis. Also Vo•tv , &me by On.l, s, Vie tell ' , 13:4 , e \ it l' ER A(..: t V.1T1 , 111.1, ~1110,4 At• 1 . `„,4 In ,•,11, .n, Ito Be.% n co, e, tud. Whi.'e .itiger, (;:tyesii.e Pepper, Clan pilot), 4 - I. , re.aivi Nit 11$0:2s• No l'E I Plain, (Jilt edge I; and li'mlxiitetl cal I I N -.- 1130, tie I, Carmine, !ruling, c.c. by 11..4. 4. C• 111 PEI! 4. TVl l frill 6- . 1 1 MEDICAL BOOKS. I i , NurED Di•peus.itury, ,AVood U Barb. • Family PhyAit.i.ln, by Pact. Beat:II I . New ileme.lies, by D. Curd. by S. . Fiteb. Fur Pale by, BUII I'ON a t*:lON.3. N4,v.-27. • UPEit FIN It ice 'parkageo roe family itse, lui File by N.v. n 0 7 711:111:11 Sz 1 . 1 "It sr IN 1 iNDL -,-Trim sperm Pine 4 perin•Oil lor r, 'le al NOV.IO. IB' PCIN I4:IIIc.IZISS% ,• New Firm and New Good 4. Jv,11.;.; Isgi. it:, Wlll - 11.1 inith nil hit; stonier tins (Heads and via miters tit it he halt as sJUla It tt.E.NI with i ill the tn.t+ niesrifili('cialit firm 40 Jame. thigh 'S ire vi.,ted teribeirnote ;date tb.o tip y have to NC ttlttt as.ortnient o' 1).) c;oods. 6.lleVi lioti 11411.% a ro, 9,oyea.ovaro Ne. - . all ol w:dch a ill ho (11,4,u5, d id' a s , be iirld:111. d drew li t r oi er h po, c 010.01 do p te'sitrzep ii•e+, or iii 0 tier 0 or I F . a the priers pad by j 111 NeWr Y..f IL, Ili CM lilt I. °id I'm in el •.,•0 Ilie public y. nrr.tlly ate inv.t •11 to c.. 11 end a. 111 , 11, I 'hey liiiv 'j Is, received a la rz.• citt tin i y orFal w ieh nrty he lid at the hweo , tit u,k , t pr.ce Nor. -27 J,, I lIIUi & ALT YN .k ColT ------------,_ '44 1 • THOMSONIAN. BOTANIC AND lIY, -DROPATHIC PHYSICIAN. fr - j^, et, 1 Dl. P. off-. 1% 10 411 Irge %stio pre ; ler the heal r 1 Oho ve t ! .. le kingdom, as lie .diseaill,:lll poioolor or what, ever deserip inn, an I U1 1 1:"1 . 01/1Y such elliedl 1:3 rIS act in U 11 1 .4011 W 1 h 'he Lava • e use such Balms u.littv:• li , strife , W i h nodule or the I:“V r g o \V ith au our llds , never gus in, Nor pokor inell. to ea St heir rill. - N. 13. floc ulic NI dietal 13.i0ks kept 00 hand. Nov 4 7 1 4 117_ J 1.1 4 4 t Our Customers ARE inform, it 11:11. m ;111.11 1,111 ii Our presPil t.tock al '.;La , ri is .',,,, v1::5 I IN, is err ~ ill ho reco!iyind by 1 7 .xpre.$ .11t , ia ,, j the Fall 3111'1 1 1 Wittier ruck'2 . .414 la mit - If le as ..,lit iiw a II nd 111 V mrplire It i 4 Oat* ly ha Kt I V.ill ti y m 111 ,- ( 1 ) port one revllitr .‘lere'lun Tailor; shop that • cartivd tat by nit:at:mica. '. 1 ' ' ' ti.R.4- 1: I!. KEENE.,. number 29. 1 817.1 - If • I ia:.—l hit sloe% of Ila rilw re eon H prises a item %;ii ieiy , of %levlt.i•iitial hap! . meals orsap:r or qu ti•ty. Noe I as f• inner I :hi •St:l trollarP, ;lane irteis. TIMAI (MR P ea) • III!! ( I ‘ , '%a S t ) tn ' t.,) itiavett ikoil lilts yeti t i•• ' •tes. Divitteta. iiiikboreis, Idap •. mill ui ctn.:. tau Pa%, ft, hand mai 'hack ••• s , WS it 1 frat T wi, to2t•thor with a etaieral itiptortineat naildin2 matelials. L. , 00.. I landll g• e Bulbs Bo to and seretve, books nail hi 1121.8. Ll4:s.rEtt, sENNEI. r e tro , rEit. Nnv 1= 1417. - t .16:3 110.-3 r o•ived nt Om .‘i.w D n !wee supply of Boa Tivltinrx4, bLeaclu iii noblecuewd siovetin to .10 Stir in;is, Co oil lacciccelg, Crerli. I iieliait'll , l(. Apron cheek. sti , sal Shistiswss, en:ssmil HI/00111. .teens, U. icze %hos. evivtql btn++n ind bleisc' sal Lin •t rattle. cur kro, Ntipkins c Towel's. fir stile vri V low "I New Goods at Nol. St;ite . Ntree : vE are now 0 p e ,,j4 441 a Doe v 44 i iriy or I (It Y N G )01)4, soil. dto the season, which w'll he sat las crimp tt the ettrap Sr A its• , 11. in 13road• Clutli. and Ca4flainrvF .1 v ;rim.. line.: nil (pulnies; ',l,l l l.nnis Plant and Mini 4.'nliariti , 1310114 n eB,. \lviji m a, BgtiIiII'IZIIIIPS,'HIM Silk a ld Phi" il'i'limliin. 1.1•11•11.: Lille!: ‘ . 111,111) in I lilll.l ke l elliWA front 12 1 , to 75 ee 4'; Prints t' , 011) I' o } 25 ce..l l s; 1)e L ta , s C 3 .; it Coen 18 .1 coati 44( a;. 4 (.40i 14(41 in urea' vane , v, Thiln.t. I: Wee' el r3rlt10111: tit) Ltilitl, Siratlill3 and O. her I'velinnl:'v •4§'ll i ml4. nal other Goo , ls in too t z 'eat variety to %Over ise. The en 10114 are ittvt ed to I xantine them cod nurehule itithey art: 04i:tiled u i It or ds and priefss.. i , I • ' ti ~_ " t 1.1-;$71:11, SENN,ETT c 4, lo 11 FIST Er. Om 16 18'7. , 1 22 1 New Fall anti ‘Vintef,Goadsl I Avl stow te•tovtts ,,, from New York u gri Variely of rMh and clesitoble good for Full Winter undo. Among other riesiruktles n,ow petting are. fuperior Thibet clntlig, drab n1.0 . ,61'1104 Frctici t tlTli ' Ip eee lo s i lilatlt, prrAted - Csepseres, tc...ata:iful patcros taltd vpi. i iirilb. mode, pliiin ind ttrii i ei Al, atcra , p, sir: third cheaper Shan t•v,r hell,' , 0 6. „" 41.-' 'SCllit , NS lo . 2.; Ws• cen • per yard. ,Il 1 ' attl, 4 . ii.'atebt" itaii•iii of nary le yleA; Prii?tir 6 ir, 4 - 113 1l 1- ni, M.' 'du'duLidos, nn:!Lt i - , , tier now 01 3 11. "C "r"' tifinds in :lily cpcfntit;es. t% clay tick I - p .r cent. cili;aper than ever before oibied in this • city. respectfully inViteillto • ' 'AI ofwhicli my eiritomer• and the puhtit: Ste -'. '' •i-i "- -C. M. TignALS ...._...—'..._ - 10.111 examine. • __. ills kN- 1.1 15`4. I 'or Y 0; 2; kt , ,i4 31 / cent ii r you! at Ow Now Store, Gingham& selling proportionally low. • Oet. '33 ALLYN COIT. TO THE FASIIIONAII PDPUL 311. 4 T RECEI V El. SIVE AS-. !„-kIPIES in,_ I,sJ,vittced Cu :dialer/ pored 73 dot Froicii,:".t; I'3o- •I Alpacc4s, 2d do Culiloimsl -10 'du Druqs i)roved i 20 do Stv isd 1(.4 20 du 1. Ica anti •5) do Jactmei 3j du Frio. 15 11., \I- . 1.1e 8 211 gr4J+.s Mem+ Mali ttil) piece+ \Fnit ISJ of 8811 ~ , 00 pair ,14 liw nn 200 du Ladies', lOU do black a o Ft Y.; G I,.ths.drvery .It I. Ves titz4 of 411 13,4 r . aAnneri., l'A 01,1: tnni e Inn. In 1,',1 rd he Wirt Markel t; A —ZOO st SLIt iES.— 5011 paiii . ..lip+ and tAulkit ' 11011:A111110 U ,iit . :E Git.ii E lIES.—A rcrip.i ii nigh, Sit...LF Tt•n lil •n•ttud doll Icing in lii lute —.II il I.:omit! il iwioers, Cotop vi 4. Szoiltile:a will Slave/ orted eui's t-tiel.lll.!y f Itirchy: Link. •urn r A xle Allllq, p•IP ill 10A O. br.i:r. aid pin rinniws, ::t.I 1 )..x - 1 ,nn... nwl th,,in in W.,15"1 W.\ II.: ru4ininern will (i ../1 .It lot :p . (l R 1.11 1 ,1, 't vil iissinieill it ): vs? in the mar.i.t. 1 . EY :4 '—'l•it s .,ll,,t on i. Ow, n.h.til why 1.!,.i1f , otti cannot be s.l I n'• I. -‘.. as in 11nfr.1... \V ...y ~ Itit 11 , 1 . , h i r ; s l _,, e l ; ell ii e %%It.: hun Ll 'it ii •in i liTr ii. l!: , tiri( 4 111 the..;iii e tu.: n awl gall ii ice... 'lll.ll ',inn • tin' e I ir. , ..s li n.t!: , in Iluird.. 1.9.1::11 'I . and n 4. p1..11 ,, , ~nr wit il I:IIII our . 10 .1..11ric.. ia„lii .1: list ,L., at lia,1„„. any 1 .1.1.••• wpm isl it lot c.vs'i. II If.N It V V.\ I) .V ELL. , 17. - ' ID t=ll :1,1 ,t may I), pain ms vary floe. I CI %VA_ rr Fept 25 . I num!. Di. P. Ilial.'s - . - lleilictly .Ia ~if.. ~peer y I t :col e oer.iu al cure for Cougt a, Cut $ lla rt.., r . 3 . ero.l)Yilltd iVidt/top 111. , COlrt.; to. 4 1 * 1.14 n e l ica ri 11 1 ;i4 111 011 wed by toraolreals to rarfaille ‘‘l,ll al 11:1111j 1 12' succes4 iii cat. log the allot,: rititert-ca, wit r all ti r o.e'paiurill an I orproyint- pot • molter,. scnipto.ite produced by total. In .1:•th oil and nrialchila. it ft.te provc , rt to be ItLizilly o'ee f r o and ii 4 tim e ly re a ces air: remedy: ' In ; ill zafr cti.eas ol the and lottgrs it is an jai:Wilt hale iiiedieitte, IN.ltialy east of rih-tirtate ertottha 4,1• I imirserte-9 have been Iperfec ly cured in. 4S hour e. and in 14 evrkal instriiirrili troublesome nod illtrittr , rooa cintrths r r futon fre to tell yea re stand inzleave been coin detely c 'real itr to o treelt..— In Croup 'lnd Witotii , illt; Caale"i its it •tr. Iris been equal v enectitieful Schen tieed more freely. TH. it emely is 11 certain preceative of Cnissitinpi.oa itn.l several n_liere Ot the most fetal disea.res i n northern dim , ' es'. I , .1 . 111 -4 lE il , :tN r CAN RE oir \ ' NED IN Eltl N: ( N I .Y of P. 11 11 .L, at i 1.4114. Star, An; I. Mg,. ir p,o,i• i,,, fp'. tor.. V of Sr tie on 1 13.. v. eat!: Str....ral and hIS ogeletS 1 Ii.Mil!lollil 111, 11 , n1 . 1- iy , \ G,..kits —A. It lyiinldsi, 155 .lain 41, 10; 80%11, Vittern St r0..1. ‘Vatiofor.l; ,Io oi '‘. rritty bl,Faii vir w: J:l4 -14: 4 "a.iiithell, Kiloavoro. B. 0. Town ts: C0.,1 North Pp-II owl Witlialnt W. Fl. Tor. nsend, r: pi in..: fwlil; L. S Jones & Co., (lir:Tr/IC 1 . Pr re 311 cents to 81 per 113oIrr. BT.:W.111 1.: OF 4 1 1111.,Vre.:11 P.M'S Jo ( HAS '.: 1M1T.1,110.V.5. V. t very 1,, lle)t 14 ho wor 14 - 1)r. It i 1101 ri , :iiii.ol f(i tiwily" filo i ii iiri oil he 211 , 5. n od Ini, w. i fro ..,14,1,1 lot: oil iho n raplit• r arid (I. rt.c. ion.. N , .11.• otti.•r or.. o /MM.!. I.III'OI(7W.NT re:STI 1W W.—Till.' is 1 , , rertily Oar wo, , et , II lii oto.owil. hail.. Till Dr P. I lull's 1 'w12!) It rowdy no! h lite than id i in every iol.tniri• an eilicreimm mu-dn.:int?, nod trusty will tilt 114 ipeontin., l •ll , la toti4. John 0;111o:din, ) J . ; P. l ' i nal; Thowinn Iliim'ipa. .1411 in 1 .V.. I laN4, Wil:•nti K in v,, Th Mum Itrad. j .lii, I). Dukilaper.lolll i ill'ilei, .1: ,R..Coolonn, - l'holoaS \ l'lCee,(_,)zo 1.3 0" 1 " , elindul Cole, Rut' id Baldwin, I. Goodwin, F. J. (Aver, , Join M. Warren. , Oct 9. 1817. ' - 21 rrAINSES.-- , A L Ntargles, Tim art's rtiskei as' .T.llv t 7 ICI (7. 11 it r.WOL. rise, Li every -I. qhenteriJe, ! Alt... 17. ntIOWN & Mer"VITElt sal; tin I tilit..ll / 1 b,ittrr an I Ilk 1:10 fur stOu by St On .Tev 17.1.517. t•. itA S 1 FaMaims, mid is , !liiir II VI'S in ibe f quality I kin ca j, Maid) 16, 19141 , t . t the 1112X1 L.. the I . IIOIIIIOIM 10'1 VAnNtr.ttl and 1.11 ~lon.. &go of koreagi thou; 111111 thitrat county-Brie. gra.i Etie 4.. luily 77, 11. (7. 1 .1%..71, J. 11. William.. J 11. Follyrio.i. W •iter C Smith J ono, C. M IS H. thccoot. S II 1,. 111,10111, 7 * A imet.l.l. T E 11,111( 7 :7 7 1ar 111111 , 1111 1 1 11111•1171 pule of ht Public Nrie vt here , Irappy wai• npol n eril in lit% tine 17 1 7 71111110 E 011 1111 o r 1:.71/01)11711 1/ 7111 tooiie.:er he co.ltill,n ty hop etl worthy to reel Elio %rip k io heir n clo4e •ntwii,a in uecord int.* Erie, Rept, 4; N. B vit - , N ,,,,h l\°l , r l i t i l :rti:li t tli . n c — :l l: f irliiiii i iv:t l it : i v iin:e:." , P ( lli: l i e lrl y a . hne t d ,h t" . e nh r ri e r . ei . el le l o rtT n n: slant. supply of a l l arlt lei ma nttfaettired by liiin will he kept Mr.rile at wl l lesale and retail. Old Cop.per and illraria Ware' take:, in payment (et Tin Ware. - ,I JOSEPH KELSEY, Jr„ (7.40. Ittiv A. IFt I 1 7 WARREN, _ ITAS, retnovtall his east], Itlin i 4ml floor Shop to State, betsveen t hand 8111,streets. where he will loop constantly OA hnaii or make to order all articles in hie lino on the shortest wait*. 'lllO.l. wishinty. • to oht•nin first ra o work at I , tw prices .wonirl do well to vivo. hilts a call hethre purchas• io d elsewhere. 013zing•iono at all dints. Glass anti Putty kept constantly on , band. May 10, 1946. 51 DOD. 4 EU MOST' riVISNT OF A ESS GOODS! thi4 in an.l Lains.l, as I c.i a id G'e man Gingham:l, cull• de •ti,.tiou, la', ,t 4)1 Lie later. and 111014 ion- Ilya term+, tna lAS and Tar- l amhrice a•al hr'd 11rd!ins, C.., 11.4 1 / 1 tell I.:. du. a, i):4 awl t ;imp cord-, ma, : Id ru. do and• UFl•rlie, I , N. P Cliell imperial eil L tii.upL, qt.: , yial; in price tidal 1 15. .u. 'llama's's French Kid ~., 0.0 ell oiler., ..enfleil 1.11 . :4 a .11 c'tilllren'o .'•ru, ),"•4)1 - st d 4, Lisld thread EMI BEE LEM MEM white 'lli .N 11.1.:ME. q do e eepri-iez Sirc, lasgei IleA, .Ic. (IL. A le, wad( even dr 01,),•% u,r rich , 1 , [ 1111114 his 'lever It, it, OA Ci I Boy' , eap4 fr all I i? - 1,1 e,•l' Hg -15.11.14 200 retitle , it .1 isk,..3` It 'ether "verve,,,, , o. duzul, Umbrellas for-wet general variety of every ci tittlYW A it E vomit; every Huns° ;mil I ur tilloelll'l li l'l P, Cab Demi iicer., oftvervdcrcription lire, a lurue ull 01111111112. all Is inik. • stiti;lis• 111.4 le.l.•Vrl. Spatl.•s„ cut, anti pit coitiplet- Haftrirtilient. ' ) % 1 0nr.11.16,1.4 w .f. Iv :1111 . 1) , /r 411 - ..0 /111 . 1,..11-1 %%i h 111) . t ri o '`, s eel anti IYttl4 - the v:ivap ' IMPORTANT. Celubratet,l CouTh eoort ilosrotou4it or !Nips, Thompsoies nod [lingo for sok low by CA11:111:11. 15/. twortin. ,il.ur4 • :.t4sun r.• 1/1 lain WI rip.., quality iffit.l price, at Nu I. —Silver table, h a, iul .paoaa, lan. , A. Lanes hulks. Ives, euhstuativ ,u ha Ai awl a. Li) iNIB t.; vo., appaNi to Ea : 4 19 . Hotel, SNIVI'I I esT itEcEivrr: A 1 r Pontr“v's Ext•• e-s. tot: Sprint; ready to VACCIII.• oilohdcis :Ltest Vitstoit, and of a hem r liareliti:,ed here of eise‘t lie Aotice. ' • iil.ll. applicai' wit: hen ade PewssylVa l flin, rtit itt . a Bank to he e.died `• HE ,CUANI(.7.4' BANK, " wiili a Cali l'lll.ifis,knd d .11. tr.. unit the pi iv ng the same to IWO 111111 !Mt Said haw: to he located in Elle, c of Pennsylvania. El C. N. Til•h do, faalituellla% J h . ite 'I hop. P . slerrett. e11 , .011 fir .luun. " • am., Guy I fumy. - • Alfl.•d 11411 g, _ - M. W Cann ny, Jamey Guy: A CAItD must umatid respectfully infotin b or Eric arid vitormi y that be !L( Ili I ',"•4• i til le ll' oil Emu smut' tzqiiimre. n few don's east el ;he bu will bent all Imes ieady and thwn! tvhn in my favor him a lib ?num-bless, F rom " inns ,,p,,ri to pi incipal shop, of LCltilim and /hies, add by strict attention •0 h may miw bw entrui4 ed in hiin, /1'11ha; he shall' be n ways deem. a of public pa monauu. useell'ed in-such a iiiimairer as , u 1 irumia,tinf ex itnini Lin, mind ['aura with the p.evailiiiir lash. JOtIN GOLDEN. 1917. *lone nn the phnrtno not ie... A:l4 I. GOODS. W. C. ati R. 1`..11111,011111T ARE , iikAV adoril•it UPen- Wen• F." l . 111 . f. •;illier 43u 'is, u 1th:117141,; heett -41ected a hit gee tt'v.tre. It ia to ter ntin to merit t to reputation of presentittlf to ptirclizt-e.S d i .pi r thl, 6 y1,. 6 , 11 ,4 cheapest (]null. atty ,e.‘tatatitettnent int to p131...e. telivett`a - y't i,ll.thig.r the v o ,thli e : tli cut{ Mill ()Camille their stock; intiOntr, which icsAy fort al the moat beautifid ussOittiteitt of F each and -*tit:hail tt ft:sS- G. lllDS,.ttver b utt iltt 10 thiS •tri trket ; cutti,tritd•stt.extra twit iiuh.tir I.ll l strea. and V.:alita, lila l'hitk Satin .Airiped Afttata:+t, 'attitinete-; plain and rep+. %I de L.tities; llotithazin retie t, glisb trtd (Jim; 1.1u4, ; Alan a nut lo: of , Sll,l - Dtin.talt Sirt, Enthroidereti 7•hili4; Ttiihene; Pointed .:zisimieie. NI. 11.. Latue., Wfittleti, (laid .atul an alias...! entilt.99 %%tarty Iff.tther 91)lea. They >rilt Leonid nstotais'tinuly cheap.l CL , 1 ‘KI —A beau' Wit Int of Gula,P Thibt-t 1:1.4. Is an I Iral.:15 ; AWI a ire It pri4. . ty T. 0,1 111 I .!5, C.)llll.rlsing . A 1461111.1, ;10;lk and Ilretx Priti2e4. 1-iiandtt, ;fill: and A l luttair L.tetta, ise. tire. ALS !-I*tilde and S and co‘ters, Fruit Napkitea, White Dam tait. I).tylies, timatty I itslue.. Witafttte and 0. till Paper; low's and ur ligit . :1111. id 5; 0,.015, Abit.l -14 VW( ! u hieh art' etninnott (70ne il . 'l (1 , 0 VIII 1111.11, Grue (It. 11$1i ;Ili ' lt lIX I:I-11 I...piX ;11., Var)th:: Ili pi ice truth sr. et tat to •i> 'l'llo lIELAWAItE NIUTUAI, SAFE;I'Y , . iliNtv. ance Company', v (or PM LADELPIIIA.) tP, rr: finiv .i.,iwz wi, , iii.,.. ~, I u.• 11/11 il./I 1 hill t giN 1 , 12 O W 1173-tn iil n vaitivit•uliill in het 1 .r.,11 4 .it rt,. 1.111111/41y, u, illi,,ti liduili y 11ey , ,,a1 L i t t pi. Illi R aid. I I , : 1.00. Illioil k I ! I t! h airs unit Canal incur don t'l/' 111 ...1 tuvititilili'tt YrIIIII. LIII , tII tI. %% Milt: Idler ~/113. a •II pr...up 11 4 niTi....! . 1-1 e114 . 4.1111111,11.11,111,11Z0,1111i11iin'. ;rid 1111111 property, in il.)»41 or entail ry, for u 1 'ed turin'iii --., pi•rsti,titit Iv. ~ DIRECTORS. 1 Joseph 11.1Pe t il, ,It .4 I . .1 rb.mi. v,,, 11111 l 111 %.,:-.iiiddr, •I'fie..r ( iilii. I an din..., John G. D.;vi.„, I I. Jones lir.,l)'se, • :id. rt Pip trill; Joint......iir.-1.•, . i s ) irr`tri Il l'in•o•qt, iiit..,t f 'rai •, :-::.,Pm.-1 I. tlwarets, GOl.rue•Si , ftel. I lemyl.a‘t rent n • , I'11'1•11.11. !..em- y, ..• , ',1,..,, 1 11 D.,,lintftop i, , C1f.4,1,4 K.II y, H 'ay It. On% is. .J..: J..1ii. ,, ,ni, ‘N'ttli Ini 1.*" . ..v. li, %Vtilinir I itt.f. .1 , 611 !•4. Nett lin. Tlr. .•-:. I lutili Iq, t , r. It. \I. I I 11.“'Ill• JI/'l.l Stol, r, Jr, ' ' I- 1 ,,•.i i ur 70(-11% utile ' .1 tult.i..l ..".. Ni %4 11.3 1: :. 1 1. y \*, in . .‘lartin, Prt s't • 5 7.• _ft .Ipp)p: lion rn I be ma& td, '' * IK' LILLUCA - 1, .12.t:nt E.tir. F.rie, Ait...tst 7, Id 7. ' Ili •! 1 ' • PROTECTION; ~ . rip 11 Eri c (2,, illy 1011,,N1 10-0 001 .0.1- 0 in-nri• ••., mill i.v fit, „: all .Ir.rriL.ion+. 'ffiro 0 • 111,0 ell of t;. ,re, 1.11 6 It 7. h • t t eel s. DIILECTORS. v, J. I I. J. t!. Nprnr r, _c:i•orue. 1.1,11, 1... %Vali ;, Smiol 1 c 0... ri)o, C. I iiil),llA, • W. El, Towii-enil. n4ltlYstll, 11,•n: vra GlLTs.‘ . .\:roo, 0, President. J. "P EN C Tr..:lQurer. nerov,. Szt,lslon, f4erreta i ty. Jun.. 3, Hl7 1 vl WANTED! IN exel,nnize for auy pf Cnoci L : FEN. E /A HOS, t,S(II . , and 12 inelle4 wide, 1-1 and 16 tept.lnw,. I ot-01 , .. I I 4.19, and 2 1,26 c 11; 15. 16, 19 and 20 rue! low.. I lE‘ll.9Gli S l'I11IDING:2 by 5 rvtri 3 by 4; 10 II anti' 16 feet top , . fur %rine', t`le •t ben ad, when 1h hi- Luna., "vatisl jit Llia tvot nl Frei). h S!ret.l. W l'lt 1iE,..:1),% 1 14.'17 % •• atiti,c•ttion, ;pry (1.1.0.t0y s L,l ihr ebrap •tore• Spiv , 111'1 ?I. I 4 trii.lnv. vvr Frain, s, :to ux ensrve ap , s , n , int•lat ,fit Co. -.. c.1.v0 owl , 'o vev. Ake. ilit• c.-1 lwra.r.l rwrit: t ,I' and !Let obolic Z.' re:adcs, ,niee, in- :o ..nt in 11 ,1 : i Sate se., nearly opposito Euule lio.el,' 17, 1817. r , . trGi till I I -114 --- :n11 101.44 clispa pitrst.. soli:. Puri -1;1w,, av i w 14.1)1114,10m; icozeilier at h all endltes varie y splendid Ili.ocy a, ik.lve, G. 1. 0 "‘IIS R r: Slate St, nearly opp,,sitell.)l2le Jalv 17, 117. r--An • ex. ellviti Groceries can at WI tiiii s hu 1. and a' \o. 4 elicateddc. N Ault. 17, Poll NOS L i: aid Colcef.ronedollar.aiul railer diings LI proportion at Nu. I .Perry block. .111'r 17, 15 1 7 Public 'Notice r I) EREBy Vi,N ?boa the Stock/mid fof Ivor Bank, in the c/olnly of Eric. intern nnllce iipplivit ;t .011 c 1 .1 . r II rr ocwal of he c' ;trier, by Vie o.rille ti d a•yle ol :he B ink. in ilar cowry of rile. to rem 01. 1 , 4 Ica In ihel.l..r.w..'t of I: in. in it.. COW, % and ill iviletTe t rnm By 01.1cr nfthe ens I‘AilttES, Ca.filer ; ljentistry. - BY DOCTS. ELLIOTT" & W, lie. Pen , . wiivie 11 Sin \ 1 erl'aide.ll tiiiii-rut lie lee nr I e ill lie Onne rk 1:11 1111111 a: ea+e, nee nee. :ie.l dnralnli y -which Inn , exnei ienee ii;nl exi t hsie.• y, wt Ii 11 1' 1 1 111011..111k . 4 . 1.t . 01%111 11.•• l a te i m iiroeeinenlF. of tin: kial'invire i College alone eau, e• 1 , t''lnße gill '.ei4.11 tetee'd ' o ll,ll l t $7.; hi'', (iii \\'a;spui Nnr Ii t.:141; Erie entrity, Warren and star ten calt y, Pa. Ladiev /ill 1 !j.n 11/'ink iii 1r near ei lier vie sib .sit multi d Waces ei tie .1 I'le 1 1 101%:1111 ,111 1 . 11 rhqii lie, Call be 11,.111 /1 11 . 1.41 at 11161( nee, bq .n 1 ii- ParCieid ir aiitetrinti n ill he paid In health in t h e we I .1.141 11 1111! and .1 ft•spi% 1:1p Pien• he inverted al IT the It uIA 111.4 O„ [ ' late Ft:4:dt fume one in an vis:tte ()Ince ..041 icsidt.oe on r.i ; street bet‘veen rte .i.. 1 um! =. fete $ r-t r ts. . :Sep . 6, 1817. ~... _ _. . ________ - - New Goods! New Goods! 2 %‘1". Vi 7 plate in, extent, side and ‘Va 14rtudiir In ruitimente s nod uhne of the spirit or the In •lira & J en). and pre6.en Lit if we trees In w: t ritiew lit ill piece: splendid silks, 10.000 pieces A Iliettes, 100 Cara't lunch Nleriuo4, rich etollutei „„. t i„ Lus ies — Otiettittl, Callt;Wia Monteuty and th-e ! !filt I I;idt, Re &c. nit, tilt& ~'null out titer by ha iticrea - oil in it 1.4 , 1,100 and corniutt•ti.`y, INX • hay , ottly I A ; Fty t•t; ,his point th it we have n e.nnplete 101 n 1 wen c h 2n0,10 in our hrit!ich of the t t rte he tont ic..l regotre.-, liOci o ree, them u on !‘)/1 in;,to seq at the el:silt - al 1 . 4 et. IteS cut It l' 'n in the Isnou . gh fur elsh, Pleto.e cell and let us tall( over this matte) t Si he el "TCALI."S, Nu. I, 'teed House. S pt. 93 1547. .10 FIGC/N few pieces of the ithiweiie'iar ielo on hlinit nn' cilrap 'at tint new a ore. • IM,LYN COI r. ('c[. I = Cu for TFIE . Woretto4e I. IV Street Citrini4LtNi.v i. Invl r .y c.olt fir 15,000, 13fttlev. ' Erie, Rf; rt. STP.V.L AND N men? o f swerte3 Imo a' as can be weld by WIC,L, (art.2o Stant,l:tr(l Pamily Nledicin ; es, fire 141,, v or at 11 IR It IV 11': 11111.,:b‘ 81 1 AV: high Yol 0:111U111" or rs tor-to •rd u um l hr , " sc-Sly I'o l' , ^: Isr etlit,,t.'t Is, Ittro.4 re-pee'l',lo . 0,41 r t 'ate or rite ai prorP,:s.ll ye. •II f re‘ t , 't ttert Itroi•lt c,,tole. ..r lice Gotoper •ts '.• "r SP I/. OW no. tor. performc 1 Iry th....c re. , efia. Atte r cI Ire o tarot or the .1 ....tilt; .11 I 01 014. I. ol • tried . 0 5, 1 , 1 DR. DERRICK'S VEGF.T.AIII.I'.. SVG A?. COATEDI'ILE.S. • M or ritathe.l tAle. e- , Sr 1 1. 1 rwr :mut e " well. :too o•loor rpm nod du/ der. of 14 1,1 r .1/ tic 5,r .1,0 kits .1. IX freers o flim of r t. ..3 .1 1. I h Ih,pn c ii. , b.+ errvirs•”CA• rirol mil" ' 5 ". 'Or SY at Is 5i,,.! bond- tire 'rr 1.0 , 1 w tots AIIIM TS•-501 Mr.. ra pea ..ort rof .11,r,..•. Pro 11 hoc r111'• •, 1 ot o ,, er net's lr ."I itkctott. 9 ...•v hj our lIERR CK'S ,SCIATIC INF'AI.I.IIII.F. REMEDY „1r.,. it , M 110.111 Colk rreo.j.. " 4 , .11 tilf. hr..r t,nl•r r .I ', .4111. Is,• r . 1.1,1.11 .. . 11 ex t, ro ...a 1.5 0 Is. \\ i) %vim Kl‘(i II I.l' I \ I a llsa ••1..•%. • i•e• AVO . 'S:I) AV') I/1111: % I 1.1 the .tg 111 iv .1 tilt ' lls I. rtl . OW Ist I• •fi Ole Ifn h 141 , III , • • • • V - •' • III• °Li Iliac li . lll. it Ili 0, /7 1 4.111‘.1 rd 11, s n t ..fir s 111. e mi.!. 151101 w ill r,4.7 ., I'l. Ise • •••• 1.. urn , l I. hi% I.sol ohm •• OE • s Ir. 111 . 111 11,1 Of th,• I 1.1 i ., 1, ..‘“, Cie heft 1.11 . 0.11 c -, %Ito .. WU. .• /./) II /.•• I •t I I '. 15 • f • lIIIi..RICR'S F,G ET A lIL E TONIC U •in bol'sr• nr.omp•ob.:ll • Iflor s ts • .111. I: si I (ula l •r '-1 1 ' • , If sills., 1.. hlt sy,s. S I • ••11VII., ("WO,. A••II•in.. Ski rte-10, flo-1 IVi ... 1 ,,„, rff mho, 011 ; I d les ... t 1•1•• 'if ..o.b:mpl rp..• DR. lIERRICI(‘S NIP.DICATED coeca LOZENGES.* 1., co 9.5 . t., T ,••••• e •r I rn rr. tr. n e.n I e. II: 11'311' r , of h I..tro j t, z I. z,•,•• ••••I osSistl i ssissit 4.1 • ',rm. fn. * . t ...1...111•11 • -seas, IA is. II them „.. ren Met- •I•••• •• •• p'r• o. it 10 We (1 , ...... ' .1.1 t (Ti' 1 is a ,r6.r• n. 11) , 0111•11 %, AO Vs, • his, • nfr is SS • slt.i • s 1.1.1••• i • • .•••••• ItI'•• ... t .. I I 11 •., • r 11/At RICli'S G.\ I,PANI'T STRENGQ. EKING PLASTER. .1 1. , ••• .'r. .111 .ar from nee .. It . i'ro • .1.41, r... 1. 1 .0 .. 1 " id. :dr too , .. 0,04 1•11. ,••• ••• '11:e 111:3, (11 MILS %' 1 . 1 lull)W IN So mnti•kt ~r 1%,,,r ..vtt 1-11%, 11..,, e 1., I. 1. , 1e• o. u.. ( . rt I itid .01 m•r‘,ll•.^: I pair , I ror -r•J, 11,. 11$.'••• "F 1.. r t; ••,,,, ••I'st• •• ari. rltrel 11,4', el .eAl e. eatl.•• , U 1. C. Ito I!.I - to r s, vs • f 1111•10/.1 112 . t I ,••r, 1., • I , . 11 IL; ,theropitm n I ai Wa-I,t,ztou ngp l I Ur, ot I: ,••ti .1 4., I' S ll' ••(..t co. e .1 m. 111,dwii 1 14 U..; O. I —l)t., .ir y...-_! . ,. - 1 3,- 1. f the rih tut.tir, _li tll Iri l'. P 1" , . li. .1.. , ' r .0 , velr - .a1i0.% .1.• , 1., n t l e•tttuc ll • I ..... t, L . ,. I •.I I, a pal v.. 0. li .Ith Vilfr '.i ll •t• ...h.,. , Mr Ihill.l M. 1 . • I ord ix ~ c., . 11.,.e It C4til 1.41.11 I'll% ~tfi4 c. hi • le,'n 1 lii II t % tiur, 11 II It It IfeSl) BUR XE 1 , I c . VI.:. I itlrhlet- ..:0, i.. a a It." e r...a•r.fl ..c• , r.,1,111 ,1., 1 ~11 , 1 „.....„,, y t,- t.,.., or atta t I the *vitt-- I'. ttli• pal Dept., 5 - IsZt It. , btrt et, Albany, tot here .:l ~ I ,` .t• 1 he I 1.1.,-,..1 I AO.N. 1'...4 —1 11.110 v•lt ...k. c.v. Jo',,. Comp.., lad l' i .. : G 0 .1r.,,, & Es la.. (1 1•..... , 1• ”11.1 J. II Iqpie., Nell 1-:-.. I Irett 6 IP4, l —. r ts. 1 NEW G®•4! IPS. Full of IS 171 BY [fall ofi:q7. Rail _ 1-111 A Road!. • , Ea+ gm'w r, et-tv. (1 -his FALL , ;ou t NIN n 1 Dry r;ordf, r, les I tara art., B .11 ~.I#l, l cr.H kert 7 17:11t 4 , s.c. Sc_ of I% I,ich die till!ultihi C/;71. pri:t• , ;if . - 1 . A111:111 . 111`115. 1"lent111. 1 3). 4 114411 and AmPlic2 k itt him'. black) own, Vet 1111X1'41. 4 1.-4-11111.41 I.l.ttn. plal - iuld, II; 211 I w i ii; 4 F.,111111/ if!!, hue% 'am. b, t . 1.11 , 4 -.1•1.. •1,,V1 t; , 4 . 111% 1 1 1Q141 II anti 11i .1k hfillm ut con and din!) moiv. and inbb) q .,d.. • d, air vm•tio2. s hick mut c. , .1. , t0 4 Y1 r., Imicchnia, ivoiwet. and 11.14 liao.(l , .cti hi •t ca,hsilero, l3 , 11.)11 tilmcs of all ,vvi in'lts, %%lusted., Ftlk, p;cilic and. coitorOnti 1111'114 erc'or lailie- .% a• • lace vi ile, Garr :2'. 5 = r p... 1 and pl.tisi rat Mon and slViS'in,Zl - nod clidoolt I4't. 01110. 40 I( 4,1'144. Si I jilt tl . fi • nrctl, I.m.k unit cop I null Flinch crapk. l,l * apd tih 1:0 'Ml, londin ,, s ( 1 011 i y, tape, hnhh n_ andcold laci ;s. huh mil.. net- I 'nit! 11.0 1 am rri•relor ,, in glo• pi .oz;rof one. :0 - H1 1 now thatl :no bt• yn rern..ld ht' ~ii v000•r or old, for rra. 1 ) " . • 41 nl - e hit t'w ,liov. ore 1,108.110, 4.111 thet•P•Alit.., o he. cyr lilt a b • IT , II. • - • , l•pe 2a 1417. j• Ara Ticirr;ilor AIR. ;I,:\ ti I E.VVI I'ONDIT 1V ,..:,,. .111. ire.. um- cu,...tuumf 'Tli Ur( N TIC;117 COOKING STOVE ‘v lie!! ti try I. titotte. , It. el...nottn.:(l hi • , r.ry to y ttr eety , to - .te„ it convt y ant h air y. I, will he sttl at a :.n.on print., and aatnulind - ra seit._even :I i. peers,. e all lilt 111,..y" 1111:1tiliPg LEST :R, SENNETT. CIIF-STER E•tc. Rip,. 3 1.., - _ - The Questiol Settledl inns bs%e lot ill)..11111.41 the public mind in rePnlo h. 110- c. 11151• or ,11 murk .'ink yea In r • i!il43,f h 1-11 ih•E Veit rl hat i i. the a if; et or .ttcl 11111111 n.4/4 1.114 111 , 44 . 1• (on ri ,, p,r) a,-413‘e been I. hy 16.• pooh, of ttl" Ilse 11l urn of n Ito „ 1 - our ntrtcoary 40111 N v w ~,k. MI and rililalll , ll.lll l . B e. p ytTic h.. the C.;se, and-ktoint tha t'll !cut of our %. mild 1114. i lik r ly pr ,4,juce tat 41.4 It In l • vs• &left. d an . " 3 ti. r o' i sit Wt. %% (mid ask Inc :ze ,•i ; z . m ,a iti le .in I Vi e . ni v• to hour ah,i 411-a be! jairialed ‘,1.3 by ur 0 N. %c . 0., •ris and ennfole tlct s F. 11.. c - . , f , yint: tar 1. , rivals parrekt'..e. Ic. the (1 0 Isness !. , _ - Come• ihen. and avnil vnurscivt of-thee pm. win v. ilnis 0 'es. (I oft within.VOu and rc' :he ennumini v. - • " - EMI hit, and 1(..11.,w FlannrlN, ALL9 , 4: llt U ti R 111. haul Wn;sl vtl Shretirge , and `lid inv, I 'tain•r., recci‘i.d; 2 1 1 Cloak l Lidis, Nielino3 anal Tilihe.a a t the n sliuu ALLY & COIL . ()et. IG L - ' 'To Blacksmiths. nr.t.Lnwg-, Amos, Vice.= and ITtidl Ste el. ( :a , zl (NI.. ngli.h. Blister A tutricun ire]; 81-o. Nail Rods, Band.l3ar Hoop lion, ',Attie!, can-he had n terms to Fitt our old corner the Engle. Out. ILL) A NIS & WRIGiIT. 11 ATI lEl2: 500 sides besitastern Leapt L J .,-, r ceireil limn the manufacturers. ( 'el. :1 NV 11.1.3 A %1•.: .i. AV RIGII I. _ _ ......--,--, WANTED '- IN 1 - 4:s.ell..nim for Goods—.2C pieces Demos f.'l3l , tnel; 5 0 0 prO. 1 1 onlen Sock,:; Pe 115 Wooten VATIC. Ny. C. Sr. 'R. P. IitI.I3EXT . il Pe.. 9. 1817. v t ....,. i i Cr... ! 4..; ,t t . !! o.iel!, tult-tikzeil-and Z4lB I'ilps s z• (,t1 i.ise•or ment. • 4- fiV. l'c' 30 Ida. - GE:4I. SE:LDP.:A; *S-• • . i • _ larley reined he eornamdi• A rlmet,le, FR9 -at the rl'teive htnhebt nt ennil dean - ALFItED 1 I\r4. 42011 r .. 11 PI F.CF.S Paper lun2ing,s, 1.0! "wand W inflow Paper amone w limb 0, be found FBnic cf the and Beady .orf, 'l.lll-• A A full osqnr!- (IF.nittern Nnil cheap A NIS NV.II (1 1 41 T. NONE 'CAN I}E LIKE THEM: .011. ka RRICK'S 'I" 41411'111.: 11. V 111, .11 (s. VIII I)le it -wt.!' :111'41e1.11m) o.l t . 6 1 11 4 01 2 ut ..;11,6te1;, n a‘taLClo6o...o NI Wt . :111(1 rl-..1). a ion% b 4 cl will -Wu Leta. c"'or, /1 i;otb ;1111 , 1 <h , • , lin_s and S:ilf ::c'.n,_ (.11: icil. itii,i i• =ll3lllll=ll .. dit t_. Imols. and, paFte ImMtl arta Aittentt• al a. -q •r tilviit of bouts and -Ime ,, ,,lHkluarr. enmii.•.y, inm, nails. z. v., all nt rite abikt eu.l i m 5..111 as c'ia.ip us any tiviv or Jt 'ii z•tixcia eii- 1., ,y. 1 )%c''N ,sc r 11PCARIEL F Vetrb,r 9. - IA ' r
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers