Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, December 25, 1847, Image 4
The gruaiest Discovery of the lac! ""•#: • t. OP. OR. TB tag MAGNETIC oz:vr.ranvr. T ait@ is the first attempt so esnisbule tlos LI,r;C: FSLIC or MAWS k: rx ,FLU kis with rowel lal regeltaWe •:. 1 1- tft.t:tll in the form of nu , Anti:lent—to he kipplked et tot ltV - ly fir the removal of disease. Thu .sinikist toinoote I ~01: csu it hairnet with stomps it at unne the G( : tTEST RY DISCOVE OY THE AGE, It Is co•nd ellok3kkig 1• 4 cures of theof the utmost imperiante. The In - int rein lOUS are CONVINCED—Cho inkiet foithle,,, arc roninelled to bellevein the power tool virtue of tilt,. great remedy. It I•uoiv , nwliy admitted to be l'll I; Ylos I' WON t•Cit - ELM CO.IIIIINATIoN KNOWN in t' , o Woltl.D , ror t h e IMMEDIATE ItELIEF ord. b e ,11.11 pain.' hawser fails while there remoin3Stidickent bine re-torn • natural and healthy action in the eatiillai y Ven.el,s el . On body, and equidizr the circedal ea of t.'.e. !do .el By tutr. iksValsi a contro ll ing power i4gdine,lwer At 'a Vi Multy •a d , i ,.,.,.. , HL/EASE which cannot be obi:rice.' ft net any other r,ti edy. Such is the power of do. combloattott that It pro Crates to very portion orate human trame; cu m.>. lame tad muscle. Jett), nerve and ligament ~ , :arched out and 111.1111: sensible of purifying anti hen hog influence. Mare it topes as readily nit!! filer/tut as exteroul di.easos, , Nutoorotis i..stancea ere ol r ettrill, witerejlth reme ly ha. restored health to patient, .t.,,.. ur pie. grin c that the Mast pOwerful intermit reined., In ied to prodnee any ,q -, foci. Stoll has frequently baun Tie c i•e in 11t• I. 1.11.1 TION of ho LOVVEI.S-1, p neat over need di , u ill, 0., disease where the ~.3lfgnittle Oudot •itt can he itltt titled That dattgarou• Erni-I,lle know' n • the PUrnib EitY- Stri:FAS esti nitsnrS lie cured by Chi; remedy. For IN Fi.A IVIATOIt 'I 1 1,1 1!;;C1!ATI531. this Ointment hi the moot Complete rein edy es el' j.rl`, / r , it. In; 9 cases out, of 100 it ere I , 5,q ,, , , / eilh/ e re',.:( I , , lm IM Oriitea . exOrNEtt.Voll, It V'. •,, I , 'it'll , i' Pk re fi ts' iiki. rats. Pqr Nertou• Diseases Ii i eni"dr diunio ll' (- v , II". Affection/of the Spine Ithearn.. •. , t, I r . tin , ae , ... Ulcer ated Soto Throat, Itriinc'otn, I'l itii eloa , ,i, (:bibs, Cholera Morhus, Ague in the Fact , l),:..11..:1&t. (Sures. h a'd Head, Seruful 1, Salt !threat, Trt offtel tt., illn.Vll al C., e•, reverSoree &erwill• be fintnedt itely :het la 11) t to use of thin remedy. , • bit. 81NG11.1.11 - : (71:1:TII'll:TT17. In reply to your giterie.willi regard to I', r Cott. of The ,Experiments I bane wale with roar justly tel.-1, tel ) I'llf"tic thottneat: I can ...ty nit:, litea.ii re rill I deem it one ESOP Glt EATES I' DISCOV!.1111:S CS' l'T II E AG f . „ It is now neerey two year Is lance I Lotemenced ...leg It - Ili my practice, tool I have tested it la ea, es 01 Intl iniMa• tion. bulb local and general, of the lona In , 1.L.,4-0 . , , 1 . Lind with universal etiere S.; ..% en where i.ll 'eternal remedit, bile . rl k , I have succeeded with lid , . I hate treated 'euttee of facto.; ttion of the Crain, intl ',- Malian ofthe Lungs, Indonsiiinik or the Coast'., lad unto n. tory Illieninithut: and kk:likij lk -,1 1 - ,•v-.1., wall p•I foci ruccora; alto cairn of Scarlet rev ~, (7 totter Ittizh, and IVlCeritted .11. mat end Longa with I,he ...,,,,,,,, 1 ' In the Eprelemle hewn as the Plitt IA lirpfinel it, by which .o many valuable hie; ts , re lost, I teat,, 1 it Fre quently, anti it never foiled of elha tai; a *peed . , and cer tain cure. . • • In eves or /Jur it, Sprtins Bruit 4, rroz^n Limb , . I.e. i It nets like a rh wan. No Physician or r.noi v will 1,3 ~ ~.,21,) ,1., ) , , ~o,out I this modici., Rrtor t.,,, ~,o, „.",„„,,., 1 ~,,i, , 1 v „,.. e to enre. N. 131\611.131, Yllyzie:an and Surgeon. CU , a. N. /"..7,74. 19. IS W. / r_TirFor further partieulirs Arai tiiti.noarils, ace pon ! Ithiet left with each anent 1 Pr.c.e4s and fin cents per brittle. AGEN'I'S. -Carter & itinihrr, cr'inie...i.. a . 1,1 r rot iii. i i Eria; IL N. & „I 1, IVeb-fer, C.,,,,,,, t . o',io; It:Inv! rotter. West Sprinaflichil %V. 11. To t iiscirl. t ' r ni.4t.eltii I L. 8, Jour, R. Co. G:ra d; .I.i`an .5. Trues, Fain ie.. tnt E e. Aus/. 14. 1.:.Q17 —I r l'i. 0 R, FLAG Is THERE! •U l &l as, weste ANO fl:1 ARP, 1 - 11 E R -t -4.11 VICTORY! VICTORY" HURItAI. I1UItRA!! Ill;RBA!!! The new Jew Store again Ahead! JUST received at the New Jew store, \n. Fleming, Block, State street, a new and did assor.ment of FALL IV I N Elt GU° 1..):-! consisting' in part of LMOADCLO rHS.—Fre eh, En 4lish end nOr c jean black, blue, brown, an ,1 cadet flux. d Broadeloatlis, e:ie,tp ;is the ell •npeet. ALSO.—Cassirner..s iutd Vus.iugs Loma Oa, loth as to color cinali;y aro a accertiES.=A et ntfral rd , nent of cli•dve Groceries. IA ltich tvdtfio syl,t eNt.. cin t I .w. CIIOULKRY.-i-A lie -Iloilo! ery,at prices 11)4 cannat mil a plraSe. 800 AND SUUE ithMit e can tr u lr i , av we have the cht•apes aortmont of Boots au i Iti4oi Lf L ohe., Gentlemen anti litiyi• eve. loon...tin to t. tit. etly. CAPS.—Men and Bove cap 4, ihat ta.mot. I .11 to fit both the parse .tad head - t,ot• a,ot . 1 I LA JLES DRESS G001)S.--Ilere s nil at home. We have cashmeres, de I um. , w'tlioot number and ahno3t khont and Alpaceas Califirfina und,Sit i. 4 an I Tnrkton A ;1 instins• Wide 1111 1 1 111111 cord, dress buttons, cor ds and us-els, hot . use of canine! ats lirt; — . 2y: ha% e eVe.y thin, to make the hand3unie mire ii ylll,l and die tigly enchanting.,4 SlLKS—Striped and Plaid Pooh de SOl9, White oro de Swis3, Bktelt watered ,t i r Satin atipe pcmit lie SIA, liMatzki and Idue back, gro do Maples, Black ~r ode Rhine. SHAWLS—Of all' price 3, s l iadex (plairr Isi the ehea;) et./110 , 1 up Lu the 111C:.q. and Cashmere, at.ovEi—LOf all kinds, colors nod sizes. Hosiery,Suspeadet 8, Pri , lbl,TlCllu, lillll4, Fac terlee, in short every thing culled to the tnedSoll and market. Ready Made Clothin,q.,. one mock of ready made elothin2 , itir.le and splendid, and will be sold cheap. We do not w to boast, but we 'think we can einwinee any one by calling that we sell a .szo:sl artiete ter a sinallet sum than any otheriestahli:onnent in town. _ At any rate "the proof of the pudding is in Ur; eat ing," th-refore TRY US! jf.J'Alind the name and nurri!iCr. , ISAAC ROSEN% W EIC; fz. CO. 1. al, 1817. la OM "Not fora Day hot for alll'ime." StANTO vs Kt rats: At. TAX° • ITUNT'S LINIMENT, HAS now given abundant cvide,,ce of (t heal ing powers, and proved i self Cie to , st tot i '- ordinary and Wonderful - medicine in the wo:h1 -- In the short space of two yoarg, it has acquired a reputation for'eurin disease and releavnaz pin far greater than any medicine ever discovered.— Its wonderful cures 114ve the Aledical Faculty, who now univeisally concede its value. They speak of it in the higotest tet ins and commend its use. It is condemned by Lne. On the contrary, its praise is universal. •fhe ease 3 of cute, ate so no merous that iF would take voltnnes•to recount them' —and it is ti-fisid feet, and is not disputed, that as a pain extractbr it has no equal. For the many astonishing cures, see the p implilet. tote ha I of etch agent. If vou surfer with either of the eases for which it is recommended, tenor' at mn to its use and be cured. -For the Iv:lowing dis eases it is aninhillible remedy : Spinal Affections, Ithett., • widens, Paralysis and all ner- • vous affections, SaltAtheum, CrouP or Hives Amre in the Breast and race, tVcak ntes of the joints, colds, tooth ache, sore throat an. Quinsy, ulecra•cd sores, indolent itleers.imins frosted ferfl, tiormi,bituyons, fresh u•ounds aweilinrrs and bruise's, serail lons affections, muss cptitotbes and Poisons. it.7"Thin Liniment i;nnbl by all thn renpacta blet Mcrchants and Drungis4 thron.butti the country, and by %Ito Proprietnno at Sin,: Sing, N. Y. Gr.() ST' A N i'tt'. Par rale by J. R. Burton &en. n . t • Tow., North East. J. Clements Fiiirvinw; S. & Oct. O. 1817. Cash for Flax T 'WILL puy thti Iniuhe.t price in c 1• for :Illy J quantity or Flax Seed. C. A1.'11611 tLS Atig."27 b 1847. YE STUFFS.— Nladdrr, Lo t! , Wo o Fi t D Nic \Vood, Cam Wood, .1 Juni, Comtera. Blue Vitriol, Cream Tartar, Indigo, &e., for vale cheap for the ready, by June 25, W• P. RINDERNrctir. BROCHA SH A %VLF, —F'rom . S 5 to 9 0, crape do. M Delaine do. of diff•reot sizes and col ors, for ;tee at the cheap s:ore of • Sept.. -2. r. Attynii6lo. 'Jeer, ani Gentiles,, brovlites, fshntaetitee, 'Hebrews and E.g,wp• So us - af Aaron l and Daughters of Mariam, rreit,e instruCtiun and - belvise.— ilear and kuow that All) 8 F 8, E- J r.,,,,ned limn the E,IS C, Wen with the choicest; reasmc,4 n' s that enci,•lit region, un I in your e•ten ion to the, B,loe at the ...canine IA.1) JvW O. it, Me one that has earned the repu• ta Itirtuf bac,: J than any other It s' ouse in i.i i ,f , mad thereby estallitibed a eri!dit fur Juive ty that has i educe 1 fithet ' imo elder under the Fatale mime whereby they hal r u t to reap a •pt j 14 1-1 y helom l s mot. Now wisheVit to lie " 'erS d tfdt not - a Watidtning Jew, here 'Ms year and an ay the next — a class that nil! sell mune Pelson at cost and to another at double price. ' but that he is di .regalar descendant of Faitlital ilhraltatn, aMr has pitched I)is te l mt in Erie with Om intention or rcniaininz in it, ' and intends to do business as heretofore in such u manner us to ;five- entire satisfaction to all reasonable persons that favor him with their custom, keep all his old hiendS and make new ones of all that once pur ' roods from -him. • I ' hat the old Jew Sto,e of •Nl , ..stni, Koch does Se II more Goods and at !ewer pt incsthan any 0 her store in Nile, is plain to be *nen hi the course tiro bets, who fintiim_ their litiB to inietepte• .ttottation and abuse of the JEW *TORE, whielt they well !thou - Anis helm t',e catt-te of their loss of rtc-tower , and o ,, ainst which they (li4ecl'ull their Mit es, thini in!! no Minh, that it Mrs a tillt oiot (nit in di , Way, tact could gct, what they call the _nod old pi fy to one hundred per cent - such es they heed to .2et before JEW Nit ).: 4 1t: •4 canie ainotm -t virtu: I knee we see evetsthin. , diet e, n take a Fit i v luall of ' rape :nn: Bibbiti I co timencos blowing hintsa It into notice ht le ti ; .g: b :•••', ti ltl ; Inn ihts only eq.! v..* o 1-how that. dal tire In gt eat. ri - atit,rureitii toneri, and Mat' th ,f ) no - .t n here thee - N 04,, the sew, et uf lloudv bring t&litil sv much I t tt of at 'his store th to soy 0 her is simply this— ! s fi,fht to rhr. /pa I et ' the in trket, to the la;.(1 ac , utt.n.; un t fmpottcra and buys by the flf •,,,f2; ! : or pArAc..I(.3E, sod cw U.\ -.11 do a n, by which be inal - rve cr;t ~ dile rend a and Is emddeti to scit zoofdt Ni io what o ht . r. , pay her in the c ty; and that lime bo no inisinke about thinllittler lie Invites all ti Ito Want any tiff az, ill hi , bite; and %%LAI in pay or vomit iy educe, to call end exam ine .lockand pc., tliat they tia I the JE \V 8 . l'131: thc best pace c. Lee :veal (jowls ftt he Imitst prices, MoseA beg , to be CXeln.e Hi - 0111 shirt_ a list of el:' number nt . Pin ces ufelothatfd Oativo, \lustAin. the Ot . some 15 • -- tieinz much moteofi and plea , .ntly cniployed in it nit 11111 00 eaciontor, fie will leave this mode 01 pul awl Ic or Of leer s:uc.i:s and ,iteer ctishcmrs. LMI . • C9ritex oinctlch sirret4. n^ar ttio F.tnnctb Hold, Calomel Li) net •i?.. PEI( IN, CA N'ION, fon, N'ano.. - b ckt,,, g fon ; ileu -qua n,r,, Cho long, 6•c. A ILLf! IMlV.rme; oil too its itt ..!14 1,N.1: The ennuis y why' e tan oiner. have hrttad laves hod shot t nose<, littlo eyes, little feet, and plump rosy lips, it (tore emperoi styles In molt thifttrots! er of thc snit, aryl h.s ttonntry?l ' .i . :l.l : 2STl l ' h • la t 1 ;hatLt!tt: I.lrth to Contlic its, and what isol inure I:wise:pollee ;0 its, the land fro it whielt v, .th• ;tin ihAt (1. 1 I..thitil beret - 4.e. vaned 'l ' • Iti;rhly v • 1 ltNtitit; i..att Ladies rant.. and (.01.tilloit,s, and ahottt. t i tetn it is been 50 itioult said ;yid vat 'ell of IS t' pel slut!, t'ly unadeiity thinii:l.• to be the ordy Nlll a pure ar c icle at ho.l s! priers. Hu' we pre sume rely lety - petunia %toll b.dit to the ability or, itt pi (tutu e and 1.101 )1. ) TEA.> is con fi ted es.eltt . ti‘ely to 100 New York, atiti that .tll olbers in this line„sell lin iltleriur (plait • ties and that too at 'exorbitant pi ices—and that th; lotnevolety p roils sin en non. with altittt: tiosKrilt - ; but merely to 4otve the sa ist.tetiou of pea the d,;tep opht from 4eituz Iturnblizrzetl. Cot our patt «c„ think there is startettnitt , m ere' shag nn al under „Ite tub. This P.m elitnil Sone ;sm.!, and I ihnitt . , .1 It %%op.( and Pit - kW', 1111.1.1. Sliver tool ( .101 leg e'ittp . .! tt t It 41ot t tun Ih it it ii pa tip in TH kV A , : • ppoi :se 4 2 e. tI quite unnecessary anion , plain hone.t people: For oar part o tt; shall ehotent otirselt es by simply a-sitrinz those that cla• 'ttc are pr p tied to ofr-r them an a...or:men: 0. the "e 1 101C.•51 and . t..tireen - reas, at the folloOtine rates: 13 1. K 3 4 aid 5s pet I Ys't 1%; AT' 4. it. mid tis por lb. I dl' 11l A.C. 7 and ri These it t;if. jilt e 11l • ut i'll• iii Ile e I,ty and may b • reli t ly #lll in 1119 mattet lit fill% pi: tip in the tforld 01 uood , n,l "iv to plaio,p it ;toy heatlitot Ity roL , ly phi cs to gtt I MEE iArl'4.rrlll;'l.'.E,Sa..-I,ear, II Tort° Rico ~a it io t3ll tub (Mora \iol 1-?r+, 1111 d itl MlOrt Wu! b l iVe n ,CCTV as :#311111e11! or 01'01;e1 ICS, to, caich we invi e theattuuiun 01 our friende, nl Nu. 6, iteil.l [louse. Octo!) , 21 49, ISI7 Charity covers a multitude sins ANII .0 (10-, \ lint•ii a: liks r e'letip and las'ii 'gable CLOTII NG S WU E. 1..'0.1 zi, Ore: co.: •s, Prints:, iire.t.i, Drit teers, shirts b ".11-, colt I, -,. awl every an clef in I.lle elnillill!! line. ark. 10 I•t• 11.1(1 '',s in 50 per cent. clieape. ai ph,. c , L,117.1E - 0. - ST( I (E (II in ill luny other estal.) . 11,Innen: in Erie; an I .10: reaN iii i', l j tat :id., Alit se..3 1):0,1 all !lI (in li:: Ca:einter:Rwl Flannels., by ;lie bdu and piece, I I : onl en! Alallllrn:ltinet a ail faipor:eo .11, I th it. lbr, .toil then be inn ploys fit et rice r .00: r and his °Will 1110 y tip on i,il cw:l premiqes .tail tinder hi= iii , itc, inn ,i) 11. at Ile i, alit t,s -aye :1111i:tin'. a "oral ankle a: Ina 0 pinfli q 10.4, 0,1 i th.V., o la) 11 irdll,o Ii ead V !:1411V vi .C. 11 1 ,2 ,in rililadelp'lla• :Ind 'Non: Folk. i t a t rio eel). r A ny nfloferior ill Ile] hi la a si r i , vtit nn +.11,,V.111113 in inavr. Now din ,t: iiis`iiii : l:l.o par (11:1-1.: any ii-licle of it eat i lig iirirel can depen I , op,on olnaiiiiii:i in Lice be , t niateriol anti w o rk 1 ittansinp, .1 1 1 1411 alloy il.Sei cheaper ih in they c.tri in „ me oti j o: w a y or nov other plat, in Erin. Re ohintwr 11t4 I 1,1 .fi•iv Stoic:of; Ml IS ES KO(lII, No. 3 - •,,,i).imi Exchanlze. Pi (Itch hr. I nor 0) lail_ I 'lf ..,.',•More of the Effects." - w r , : i i n t r . . i r t n I 1 1 %; ; I ) I t i ,e ch oni a h r n a d :rcontplerc a.sq t mem of plain. plaid, Ft riped and 11 , nred \ I nliair, Calltmerf , , Me! 'no, 1)e Lirlro :10(11S0119 1 . ):11,1 .kf the rich,, , ditY•rent pa terns, awl style 4 of 11,,,% etn t, ; ; l e i a t! all the now itt:thltmt t0:1.5.; w e mil Feil as cheap as the (heapest, at the cor ner • - titp.efi e the Ea , zte I :o el. Ow W11.1.1A ‘IS Fr lV111(7.111'. Important Decision. ryol7. cnutv,t,d iti,d tout has ,hven eci?tinz thAny vents has. heen fioally settled by a .111 , y of l'weive LI lica, and Coir derision is, That the parrs, .v:ratii and cheapest Teas to he ha ,1 4:n this seeqion or the c•aiotty, are 'hose ‘,lhich tome. From the eel elo wed t N' nN TEA' CJI\WAN V. ills., TC•LS can h, had at all l u te, and ti,:iieranfr•l to dive en. ire sat ista eti on or the moose will be refloolvd, of their agents who ate reeeivin.l tresh supplies weekly.. ILL! .11AIS 4. kV RIG I IT, A ~ents. I)irectly opposi,e the Eagle Hotel. Sep% 13, tiik7. 1 \ IS . WES'filitN , IioTEL, r.,, 1 Ti 3 lIN GtAilA .\ d„ Proptietor. The `4lTh J sub,criller would', a:spur:tinily inform Au) his hie ids end the traveling public lien- " et ..tiy, that he has leased fir ' a taint of years this 'row awl emnniv.iliells 110u4e., si.tiatetl at the Ei. , 110 Street Ciinal Bain. i This location ran (leis the " WEs I'ERN ,' pre eminently the most convenient and de-irable st,pping place rr till either doing Int!ittes4 or_ Ira Veli IV. on the Canal. There i+. A-0, mulched to ',this a lar , re and stable for the use of Beat men and u hers having lonises. No pains or'expense has Lem spared in (Win! , up this lions.. ror the convenience. comfort :mil Pleasure or gitezcs, and' the Ptriprieter trusts by etiict attention, ro hnsiness to merit and receive a share of pnitlittpatronage, Erie, April -21. ISI7. , et 1 )tk.:K.17.1.;.) Lill'lCEitS, Sardines, foin,on r - Ca sap. Lemon Syrup, Pepper Sauce, Salad id, NI ta , tard, Ci . u..alia Jelly, F.n2lisli Whitg Pep per, ,for sale et No. I, Perry.BloelA, by itr„ %if aillFl p, uuier ro einA by Ttiper. a few coils at Now York pri• ces, just it ono for Buie by 0. D. SPAFFORD. 40 [Eli Auguet 2.1, IPI7 R. DICICS'ON: ,he on 414 lII p ico4: I ';per, with• the mien:, 'rnp, brown JdVl.Li Coa, CARTER 4 BROTHER ,NVESTFIELD AINRDLE FACTORY rt r tile. snibseriblnti haVin)/ a•imait assortment of New Emilatitt initt s blat 011 11 ', 1 .1 0/, I . l'ool dal et I plorries, calculated eon ilettif alitl,Poitt tables Monuments, ts:c. a filch they orro to Fell to any on tt i - in Erie, conntv. Pa. not lividg farther than Vale, lettered in that rate stale, and delivered, at the follmvinti prices) Small, for children, :$1 50 per five.; NI oldie size. for aaeil people, '6l Yr/ pet foot; Lori/est size-$I 73 per foot. ‘Ve thick it would he an object ihr some of the Erie. corinn . people to fora toil 118 a few huge, ipt ions as we have recently been informed by the Erie marbltr;dealeiv in rather sl bro:/!/ine way, that they wet e : slicit in t.t ilia) the Erie and trawfig)l ereggy people _aid They brit_ very Itist * ily of seiliii , to tht:"l'.•nicit , fililes" at ftoin ) 1 Z 50 In z 3.1 per loot. i Silottlil airy of the people of,Erie 'comity 'be in want of am thing in Our line, t'aey can Coro oral their imc,ip thins, or come themselves, lard they sit 11 bare a rate ar,icii) at the above. pi iCe9- 11111'._\ NI S'lli..ES &CO. Westfield, 'N. Y. Sept. 13, IS IS. I , 17t 7a LACK sAi,-rs.—l will pay ( 7 a.311, an .1 lllc 11JJ hl !u mire for Ittly (filatlClty UI 'Mark i^.llhs delivered at .'11 1 1( elm, or at lily elore in 16 ie. Oinoller - (7. M. 'llllllAt.`=l i k. ( l'Es OF AN by W, beill as itre ,, .tiat or the. fiw,hois co flue ment. at. Vail 1),-tat.t:,.? Land, ttxtrt - ttatt tin salt, at Spafin (14's Bouhstoitt. ASHES! AfillES!!, v:11,1_. pay y c,lll , 1 ,1 bu,:t.l ior ;plod rif.!, fislie4 2 1 2 per r es cloliveted ni v or van co:,, ra. 10'0' Ir! T1130A1,,:. ..u: co iii.l) ; also, a It,v Coy p::t • h.; HEM uNDEItNE:nri C 1( ,I) (.;01 , 1 P 11.4 ti otc, I, Iprtt• 01•11;,'t , A ., 110 :it a IP" hs-zori leW CO!),111titly f•i 11 100; :d 4, ) !hi', fetent - iads e-:)1 ) ,-n,.itt. G. )( ).511:-.: .5. I :.04, n',.. at. vteally optit,:lit VAigle 1109.1 July 10, 1817. NEW AND rizEntglocloaEs, .vo. 6 Poor — teop;es V i T P. hde just redeired a T • hrue WU! IA ot wet dry and Paluily 11,neeiie-; d which will sell e'leaper va,lt tha,. whey e , t...tblist.tueqt in tvteit. Pleas , e e4ll and :tee. :Time 12, 7. b. 1 ,7; T mint') tvid Jar:, Coff , e, one d, or oottli ()Ida, Big Wiadow, Sinte :-”ruer, by W. P. Jtvw I '.', I . -174 . (.1,, , t I-S , ( thio ••:t.,.m..! ' 0 ..:tr , ,% lor sate ()tie I 4 - 101 or nem lb of thr• Pi , _: , VIT 1 1111.1‘ . 6.1,0pii. 11E11E, 11111,1, Your . Tr volt ‘,i:4•l to buy chrn,p, y.nt i;I nl I'd IN 1)Elt NEI 'll i*:-; o. Pon; Iv he re )net can ( . 14 ! I the t0110=, , ,, hp' nitii it •e vv!uv4e are ivn • e d st,,:ar. re., met, Tehae.,..ail i rut , , 1: Pr Spice; ch. Chaco fate,Cocoa, Ity pont,(l nt lix. Pop, ci Lo w ( Lally I ) 1 1 V,ttt avir, Fite CI C Brf i c't c 4. 1,(11(1, t/ts(ttll 111111 I'llls, (*AC IC Wit,kt ine, -hoe it-11 ,, ,t a 'h Tar nil 1 Ito-in, •\l•len'my ant S‘•oii Wier, 1 7 111. 141 I`,ll rll,llllitll tl's. l Co Rope, 111 0 11,1.1111%f, Pa en , Pill:, Ttll) , , \\, It .1 , 1 , , \Vire ;\ 1.14. 11.1 1 \llll, PIIItCI I S , 'wry ( llorso l'nnt•hv, and Combs. S:4l pn:pr. I /ally , 1111. in . 1):1!: , t, Brooms, Coln Whi"j e: and 11ea...1, Bro,,mq, 1/,:1P., 111111 o her 4111( les Ui ) C111,10,(0 11S to tn , mtitia. Please c.lll and see pint:elves it!, Julie 19. ISI7. ruci r.—You r.t, find a' No G. Pori • l'col.h•••+ Ito v Solfloa L .In 3, 1 . 3.1\• tin=]'aunts andCat . 2.ll, far t.a,h 1; Jtvo• P. _ • . •• • • kNDY AND It 1NI\: It 111, lox potoill !‘,llO at No. I, Pert v 11fo Jolv IV. NI( y A, Cl.( ilt1)1.•:, '? 4, will) tits Imp, n% .•d v. i b,,, i!..., v,ol,violin and (~ tiit, it string., for 5 a I 1.. byG..,,, p_n ) k I i s; ;s.. cn., Sinte st., nearly nppoqi:e. El!t!zle 1.1. jltiv 1 7 H'7. - tut:ell:A a the New t oo; Ca.'entere 61a.v.%14, Vi•l e 11.0. pi il:t•R Ovt Ili I,f 1. Arrival of New Fall and Winter • GO()DISs \VILLA A I.•3(WIU dIIT, 'it cc tit l arts nod Phil idrlpltia, to t'u• selt•oti;r, and w itch:l,e or iwir Exi l'ENzi .K, tthiclt t !t• t • Ant open; beg leave. to to their customer, nod the country tit 141 111.11 they are nor prepmeil to terrei: ailofl, Ifillll,lr hui.ot at lent•.s I , l'r c elle en, - We find devoi hit! little to hit eoods., as tits t (Or c,ish, it it 1. I n d o .: 't v.tstdll I; reaco, thrt l•rat e u•I•i oitr=v_ly sto as low as I louse— (that it,tv, hit tic in 'Jowls) -this Ni ,le Or New i r,t k or and Int ilit• above itg.tlratlC(' lie invite thn.rthata.c piirritas iny arty kilo! food's. I laid %vale, I:i.wer iv., to ,tri‘e nil oppo: tititi•y tool tie ill -how yoit as good art as-piled, and elicit'. m oc k tit coods as van It,• ford in this nun het. - Par wither particulars ple,o , te c•ill of the [hie:, cal tier, opposi.e the Cale f fo el. near the clout N(1000 . 5 evviy tli ip iun daily lit .1.1 1 1 I vine-lrolo Now Y and Do•ton, of Ih , New Store, elinapside. Nov. -20. NUYS COrr. Cll.l. AND sr, .--Pitpamiol - y lc) .inan!. , , , enarmt Inc ¢nin¢ io Vo) • 191 mtt .crud 04 i'nlPc sloc,t; 4t G0.1:14, WP. \\“11 alt Fi 11115111 . :' ' ilrill" and : - 'elidnler “nn , l. at Cost, to wake rnoin fur the Hew P I , rtt .Nua. 17. nit( ) \\IN: Sz. ' CI.()C K S. 17 4 . 11(ITIT I - ) ky and 30 hoar I ;titbit:, Ct . . ti . 0. i-I Pillar, Alai in mill commit), by the E . lll , de tii ease, toy cheap fin . 'only rii: ! i .G. I . ; h:)\lIS. Sz. Co. 'Spite st., tinily ryi.o• iOl F.41... , !e i i014:1. :fily IT I'' l7 . I 50 ri .t) .\ll )1. jo-t ! , Yrylverl mid tot cheap aft the eniapuz,i, Uot..: dour rior:it of thußig Win l o , v. by Joao N. W. l•`. CUNDI.:IISEr r :III'. Princ;pe,'Crabuca,:-:paoidl G tool all oiler Lititt,Y. July 17. T. \V. :1100.13.F.. t'orlt, tiaras, Sitntittl r pple4, third Pent.hos. Corn Nlital Vrrhite Fish, Nlaelte,A, Potatoes and c‘. el% thin!: in the Provision Lino, constantly' on hand and hir Fain by June :IG, W. F. IRII.7):IENEC r-rc. mIL 1 R.i at six prrxessi less Van curl be had nt /via , tet stare in Erie. and -or , grat quali y, now oß•red by Ann' 27. BROWN NO.CARTEFI. filAft im.s. New Orleans, L 0,4 Po, e. iz e) !L Flg e d, a c i d cheap liar cash, one door north of hr. Ili !! Window, • 11INIDERNEC BT. June 12,1917, 4 FOIVLER'S WORK Till: sul, , criherk rie outhoriz d .A fr. ent for the sale of FOWL1 7 ,11'S PH lI.F:Nr/Lrr•III AL I,VORKS, its F.rie coe r i T y, lie : Lvill rli.p o . e gol them at New York pritel. (lei:L.o4l A uelit. thr i Comhe'm Plenoli)eleal Jr araal. Call and wornm inc ,these vabilble pill I.ea;lons At his 1.3p01t Store, on Stale street, r., e i Pa. A tv.r. 5 1817; , , 1 0. D. SPA VPORD. ciot(iNG and took inz "iagS I A lure nsgertment or the above . ani,•lc for sale very law by . G LOC1 1 .118 & Co., Ste e at., nrmrly oppwi te 'Eagle Hotel. July 17: 18 . 17. GUNS.—Double Barrel!, t'-';ii t dri do. ;Fowling Piecea, Stmoteis t with a.-gen eral assertniont of Gun fisini!s. G. T.,OOMIS tr. Co. July 17,1817. WOOL! WOOL'! MElittEPlOr 4- BRE viTB I El kerii cnn. standy on hand at. tho El is WOrdlert Facto. rv. Plain (Moho, Plain and Fancy entiNi metes and Twe&, of various colotp and ie. ohich they exchanee for wool on delivery ; on customary and aecoinmndating terms. They also pay cash for woe,. Erie Woolleat tetory, June IC, 19 t7. 6 • Pekin . Tea .Company's Agency. NO. 5, ItE,kill itotiFiE. y r ea ! , ,Lii, nu lort:zer doubted that 'the e4taliiiii I mcia ld the thin, tt.iittey in i t li ie. rids vii-11 , '!'d Indyers to oh aiti'lett lima tt% enty live 'to 11111 ty• Ott ee •11 lid a 'Mid tfer_entil tesi limit tin intA t lv, and hit , COM,e cretitly the j)Li,tl :4 .ic ale out &ult.:a -1 ‘ ti no wooder then thlit \ l! 1 .1 I win, awider it, and by rais'o,r the et r iii' Irk! ,, • Inv , " codvavOr to it,ime. th e ( r,;;lii of the , e -MO, but tiny Call'ilill it. Spit 1111 ‘,.ti .r venom awl-ill , flaunt:4l iihiclicia,,, geri,lealc - a ihi-y the it-i ceet • 1Y h , tltok-t.', It diEvetning ),LhliC i:110V, i‘xti %%Ili tie 111 I lye: ptilUl 11 I I II" , -. OIL ' I III:-t: 1e.8 4 110 4001 Will ~ e ll. 11.4WiiicSt.1 II lin ! bet an,: tho's,y rye i - , ' it ,r --,11111 ch i sapPr [kill C:I 11 b e h l d e ds..tvhe,e, a-iii tirl .iii4e liwy an' J . . , s', anti ini , ep •Ig 111,.y Will it $p I rail ;tut' in-L2til of tiaL, Linty p ii..:k,we it it 111' l'ahli'dif il - tt•hdfl'll exeltdiye id the putt a iii tint, I be:i.- tut: C.ll'iS ~ nil no "homtsttg," a , all sib. , 11 , 1 , 1 e !lied th'e it!:l3 !inter! and LllO 9e 'hit h, tve , nett may. d: ll y eis t \ , tt 111 id...tse not reit;oned I(.leitel. The telly ',ldea iii l in whi.4-e the PO; i I,ewhputl's tea can be It-ad o - la at No 5, Reed Ito e...e. ot 1315 It'FON IMIZEJ • 1.'4 4, IS W. WINDOW 4,1 , t ti inibtty 7 by 9 ;() '2-% hit:hurt, 111.1•13 ttlika‘tern tae ics, 1.0 1 et! a • tgoAtinirl I 188 c rt to toy or 8 la r f wi h Olt CXlr4 th ti!zo. , Potty ukva.B bawl. i,o ' ' ‘'t n't ()NT, II; / bit ut•:i'd %I II alt! uil Iv No tint t•tt I litte. 3 C llt rEtt I;a° vii Lit. A icris - rs , r( • ND ('OLD:I.S.— _ti. t retnuerz Maw. Ha!: t! (Cl. Cense \‘'hi -nit et no I - - VUIM)1{011 ehlilll , C, do Vrenth, \ leshast ltd. Liz'at da srs - iss• hie Blste, (.7;sintse j 1.)1 sasnarse do, see ell, do 1(oyal pet plc, Noples vclloly Moor, Ivo, y Bleck, Vlee,(lo \rand . % h'o }he wn , `,:e•teelt - Nes an .repl,s Cna-s Flabby and .`,lsdleio, , Pallet e 13ssaido, du I .I,CIS prep 4red Pux [Jae-, Flat s a d Round in, 131 t• ele•s (lenders Brushy-, Crayons assorted col's. D, Pencif:, 't o [' over , \l'hi e ase: insect 1 - 31isei' Board; An I in WI. II•AVII It pith; y et/141.10e a.5 - ier,- ste lit in icks 1.1 , 160.1 f and Keisiss!ying every us side that may tn. ash's; ;or csa tl'es sihorest notice. - I c 1. C,lll 13110 T -I lEft. lA:MD . IIId Ori3;l/13 anti 1 .- 1 0, Wt•1.. souk very Vb•w r : <tom; by OK, b 4 \l.l.le.rd. 11\1: MI: 0110) rIIER. TO TILE IFASIIION ABLE. X:1 ,k(.; Al• _4 ti»lid, Ex. I„ettititott, 110:u tt`ii et, Met', ‘Vhi., ()live( (,:ayenne Uhstillll , 4ll, 1110 :s. :C/VilErt. - - - - - - NPlaM,titited:ze-1, owl Embossed Vibiting OEM I:l3cl:,Cat mine, Indelible, 1 ?. by c n rol cry it Eit. 11i EDIC A L BOOK 8.1 . • J J NITED ; t tutes D:Tent-atory, by Wood, Vainilv 16y i i.ut, I , vPoct.l3..ach: _ ftern , ;dies, by 11. con -ulnpi 1.,3! by 1 1 . For sole by I it Tux & PEalil Nov. 27. 7 Li itl.'l,N I.: LI lee Flow in pound initictigcs tJ lof 1:tOlily Use, tot'F•llC by Nov. '2.7 11 1 .71:TUN 1 .7 I Ni 4. CNNOL;- r4perili Sperm ( ror %, Ile al A • , N“v 27. , It', :At VON :rely hrill,Ltri(ll\Tew,G'oods. TA'1,1:•; , •; IItJI.4IIE,S tsoula ) fi,'w winier• f i jemt e r t i m j ,00,4 th rt In 3 has . ;I'3' s ;cm ctl \VNI: C. it I,N ;Ili him in the .1111.'11‘ . 1>5. Jame, ISn,lt S ('n le xuuhl flu thermic(' state that they hare j i - erel col a I .rtfe aiitl troll select ol as.ortineut ul Llt Goo+?, let.. I L Id,t are, itiie e ii.o N.c.. all DI u ill lib tli, ;bey ru elsewliew. Il:,t'ni, brim ebiel lv , puic ., ,l•ol at II o bur it 'the icrice.s p j : bb t 10 New , Ihey , n be ,0'..1 Act' buy 111 c , Lathes and' the public goicr..lly,- ale iov.ted U c,ll and ultie Ili, it u, ordinen 1 itvy hov• j revci‘cd a Lir:z.-qa y (WS:al v.. it 1, 1 in Ix 1)t: in I , St 0' prim. NOA • , J. 11136 HES t& (o. E=EI TIIO . MSONIAN, BOTANIC AND 111 DROPATIIIC;PHYSICIAN. flir'ullice - 611 SIXIII Slilet, Li WO. P. arms lii , Eei Vier , to all ihn=e %k I pre .l- the kcal the've t !ela le It in. , (hon, ..f! discar . il-zill of I ,ip nful oulv such retiiethezi aet 1(1• 11 v., 01 11:e. ' ''") , V(' me. Si(). I a. lure. r,nstrtli•, NN, i 101.11'6 e or ille/11 , ., or . ith-hforwl onr hands e never ztain, ' \or poi -91 num. to enst. till." 1. IL \I, diva' I:nolo kept on hand. Nov -27, 1317. 4.1)`?.4 • ()dr C.,'ustomprs ikUf inlbi u.d that in mi l d t 101 l our present ,trul; I. and N'F.,-; NtiA err Will be ro , •eivin , by Expres , s rittrio, , ..r the Fun inlor such unods in our 1010 AA the d •10.10dilutv o quite It i> cinrin ly huprd Nir 4i y + , lll sup port 000 ro2 . ubcr Nlvie'4lot 9•10 p that 1. e3riietl nu by werhauics. ,s. I. El. KEENE. Frio. nutohor 20, 1517. _ o'2l 1111) , 1 A I'lE.-4 hie stoe% of !lard war,' don H pri=es a' .21 v.i Mochanical toiP l e • nc ,119 nt'suiter:or qtt dity. -itch as Pi I 4 :11i , flAs, L! . 9 II 4ZeF, planet 11q119. antic, e,151 Weal a:1111(,05 (long sivtill.,) braces and , !Cal Scotch pdard comp Divide.FF, tap I).,rerS, ion° mill and crn , s tint 9,1119, ha ml and bank saw., Sawa and Imine4, 10;4,4 hvr with .a ucnc.ral n s s oru n e , , , t o f ow i , materials, 1,( , c1,:‘, I lantllrs, Kilo!. cis llottb Blots and el rmiF, Itodiss and hinges; tae, , SEN f T CAI E , vrEtt. Nov la, 15i7. '26 D ' JAIL , tcued at the New Sto r e n la ge supply of fled bleached and unbleached :-,lieetino's ;o l d Shir;in"s, Co 7 lon I'lannela, CI e-h, Hueltalmelt, Apron dwelt, mitr ed Shirtings, colored 'anthl Jeanc, Alto.-just eeeived. blown and blenelaal Until Table Um' rs, Dal hen, Nipkins and Towels, I:wink vet y low at net 23 ALLYN ,t• revrr. N ew Goods at N 0.7, State Street. E are note opening, a ttretil variety 011)111' v G% )003, suited to the seasen, which will be sol.l as chap as the cheep st Anitill2st them mi . ; Broad Cloth. and Ca , stineres eivlrious Imes and finalities ' - Alpacas. Plaid and Plain Cobol - us; Nllll3ll Nierino4,, Bombazines! 11,1 W Sillt and 131 ittani;i, Linen's, LijOen d'ambric Hann I,etelde..s t'toin 12 1 2 to 71 cent-; Pt inlsr.olll4 to 25 cents; De L ines inn lt3 3 1 cents Opwattls; it high ills in treat varie.y, e.:Ointere, Pooch:I, de Lane, Sir dills and crher lasl4frnable Shawls, and oilier Goods in ten a, cal variety to adverise, cut ions or invited to examine them and purchase if they are satisfied nithgoods and pricers. T I...nstsn, izENN I:TT St C Oct. 1(1, 16 1 7. 22 • NOW and Winter Goods. T A‘t nok teectw ni, c ro p.; New York n L"re3l variety Of :telt :11111 dusii able goods tar Fall and \V inter trade, Among other - desjrables now o pening are Fuperior:rinhet o°ol4, din') and trirodr; French printed Cashmeres, heaukifurpatterns and very cheap. 100 pieces Wail:, drab, 'mode; plain. and striped • Alpaceas, One third cheaper than ever befirre oTered —some, as low a s 22 eerve per yard. Slinns. a great vari•qy ref' now slyit•='; rritat'. Gii zharns, • Nt. de Loins, and othernew styles of Dress Goods in aryl r quantities, twenty five per cent: cheaper 11141) evi!r befirre o bred in this city. „i Ail of which my etrunmera and Me public are respectfully invited to examine. C. Al. TIBRALS. ' o.mber(9, IR 17. 21 RICH, OREGON PLAIDS selling fur 20, 2 5 and 31 I ethts per yard ot the New Store. OiroghornA selling proportionally low. Oct. In ALLYN 4. COIT. , . POPULA :1. GOOD . I.lti VV . YA1.,14 6001)s., JUST RE(TrvEn T 1 LI MOST EXTD.:- l A rt E nl/w Ill o i rc. l ' IL 'I; f a rt: .1 P ;;If il, . 1 4 1111 : .1 1 1)L r rt rg, :l ll :lt :19%0rl S.- 'SIVE ASSORTMENT OF , _ j mew ot Fall and 0/ ifiterAiu ,1, 7 %% hid, have ' LA I )IES I)itKSS “OODS! 1 beenreiecleil atli erect t..,re. _lt i i s Ili v or t:,•ter Eolrered tills ILA par , I SU pieer4s Cashmeres nn• sowed color. 73 do French, scotch 3U ,10 Alllacc U., uC t V ail CitillOitei.t VI • i \ 4O do Dress r.)ilks of n proved pa.t 20 do SWIS6 add 20 do .I...tee and embr I • le Ong, '5) 41.) jac4.lllll.Catobi .50 do Silk Flinges, .15 d I I )'ids It 20 Bies,4 Buttons, .200 pieces 'Alan & ISO bilAvtlg, of all styles to 3i5, 200 p.rit ladies' and ie _ • Clove., as -200 d,) Ladies', emu! Cashmere, 100 do bl.u.k and wtri FOR. Gi;.N Clntbs pw every shadehuv i i do 11 V. - of all Icind - 4. 4 - BAIT' 4...a-tonere, Alarstr ST. )05,....—A , Sci iv ion. In short, ellemmes,,r and dui Mill e d lu dm., market. r. CAPS. —.400 \ len an r 3 Slit ;ES.— :AM pairs • 1 . :11ps and walking Indies and .vtis, Ii,E.IIE3.—A gcn veiipt iUll SU i LH` 1-I : Ten thou-and dullats' Attelt, comnrising. every thin , ' in tip. line—Joine s, [louse and Ship Car yetititra, Conyers, Shot makers, Cabinetmakers, Saddiets and Smiths' . 1 .uls, of every description. ;:z;:tddlety Hardware, Isrl , e assortment of all I.los. i;orria. , e. trimminv (Wall kinds. xld ,A ms, t.prings, VitiC9, smiths' bel lows', brass and proeelain ItettleS, shovels, spades, crowbars, mint boxes. its II ` O 4, cut, tit:Attar and pit fIiAVA, and Lain of all izes. e i ti, I . Nti:-; \V A 11.V.,--7 copplete a ss•nrt ment. Cit.( LIMN 3 will find o ) r (Ad store tutfcly anchor . rd 'at the o!d stAnd, in ,tzpote.b.dlotet, with 100 tons it ell assorted I Ito N, st i l cci and nail,' the cheap ,St to the, ittat' I P. he question is often asked why e s onds eannot he 4 low ioy they cart. Our stook coatc peas tomozht nl ituportinz houses at the -,true ti, rte and same pricer th at soul • ol the I•tr2est hotises in 'Buffalo booollt Anil Ovil , re nUr %VW I that our ~O OdS shall lie soltl aR low as ut Baird° or toy place nest of It fin r 111EINRY C. , ADWELL. 1.: 1 1,. Sept 25, 1917. • ID HIGHLY Dr. P. Hall's • Re' Nam speedy Mit Colis,lloarstacss,Cl This tredivine has people with tt.ll:kiitipz s •a-PS, 11101 all 111Q•C 1111)111H) e , %11) / /1(1:11S pi() un i I Nita, it hi ita timely ti3o, °idle throat bin laity I iintits, and in si.verai in have treni r. rnplet lii - Croup mind tViiniipi, etuttifly m mn resalul wit Itemeolv tm it certain and ee‘ .. eral (oilers tit a 'northern e 4. 'CHI"; A1E.)14 IN El: IF: ir‘ LA' ..v o I, 1/,, 22 , , i , a' Buttiiii taili Sired?. and his in AoF.I - 1-4 —A. It-y In; - rtorv,!, Virievn rrney !211-, rail %/IOW; ii tl.l t: Op CO 1. 1 117'.11'10 l'Aer p, :own ,•un and , iema I cc: Non. , ot tit r Li/Polll.l.‘ii . W.'. the t P. Milli; 0 0 , 1:1:1 Heal etOly it,-Lowe eine woi th l it.: I ecornmond .10 1 1 n Calalliraiin, J F. I I a.v., Wil- 1 J;,-. Dunlap, Jolua \ 1).0, id Baldwin, T. F. J. Owen, Joan - , Oct 9. IS 17. rl - 10.1!ssE-L—, A Lf icntai hari's Trtis•cs, . ) 1 1.1 J ,, lv 17, 1417 It ;lig) ti• color, etttp 1 Chearo le, by Ano 17 cf i1,v,,1: V Alt 11 4 ralt and mug lid boiler an i II tn. i.niccf for i.ale by ;iota Nt. Tilly 17. 1317 . Se ".. Mfr I HAS JU ti fin'Nvt% Yolk per 1 3 Fashions, and is 1101% lin 11 Al'S in the late quality than can be p' A larch 16, Nl6. Publi lit-reby 47.iyen io the oext Ilse him paimion of PArt%tEni and NI ven. l t,il °font, 11111.4i:A tL liege of increasing ttioa , and dollarst 6s i county ) Erie, •Stitio ofi Erie, Jtiiy 17, 18 H tkowtt) P. Ai btwli /TIRE undeisigmedl 1 the genilenv 0 01 has °prod a TAIL t•id.t he Public Sq Elie Bank, n hereho hippy to wail 'won if a call in his' line of h once ill or the in oil er European tidy all busine..fs which' he confided:ly hopes ed worthy to receive H %yolk shall be to bear a close and elwuys in accorden ions. Eric, Sept, 4, 181 N. B Cutlin ,, do NOTICE.,—The .I. l l,Manntiteturin at th;l3 old stand of A,l stunt supply of all of will be kept fot sale Copper and Brass Tin ‘Varo. Pr;o July 4, 181 ' UM' removed hi. 11State, between will keep constant! articles in his line mishing tp aftlin would do i well to hia elsewhere. , GI and Puny kepteono May 10, 1846. C OAC,F L I and Fa IBruanea, lul bil l Nov. 20. thy, convinisinu, in Muslin de Laing, as id Germ:m6l'loms, ly du-viii liuti, is 1313291 and most Mg. ideted and Tar ice crld bed Nineline, 40i led 42.10,4, iJ Gimp culd4, coidA and chub linperial.cd2irius, varying in price ilocn demon's French Kid r:cd wen's and children's Vurst: d Lisle thread e Will; mins FLEMEN. Silk, Satin, ti tize moult of cry do , - )ter stock lot riche eq, qty has never been equal .W.l cap% of DA inds ins and chit Ireris` - (3 oilers firs. 200 Nits 12entlu ie.4' Huhber overshoes, rrzeit Umbrellas for wet rul variety of every dc- RDWA.II E. I PORTA NT clebrated . . Cough medy etfectu It cure for Coughs, ''oup and IVhoop'ar, Coukti. icen u.ed• by hundreds ui ittetiiing the uhnve pAinfni and annnyittrptd. loved by cold. In ,1:41)- provcii - to be 1 , 121/1y use eer.aio remedy. In 'all Find it iv an re. i. , eg of oh-ti nate Volt. t3en pence ly cured in 4ti °stances tionidevoitie and fun five to ten yea is Stand (4y cured in 1..*1 Ciill , ll its II •C been it , ed inure Creel. iceventive of consumption e most blial diseases iu A N 'CPT A IN ED II XI al bla Starr fonirr Of S(af,. aft r 1.111.24 611t!illli 1114: Cidl , l. .1111;4, 155 doh 64. UAL. W;ite t 6.r• , ; .10 . 11) A. -; I. In $1 per ISottle. =MEMO ti;:sri.,;:c r•P:irs .•:( I, u..zs ~, b • Ile It 1- , he xi orin . -- Or. .rnly" 1)10,i II client tit l e .rld , s, are on Ihe m rapper and (li ly. ? fill 11 1 10 f ,VT. —Thi 4 -is fp A , lr !, have , tt , , , tl Ili .41y, aft , l haVe { 'will i in : ic . intis medicine, and tritely P i acv, Tho 1111,144‘., m 1 ICine, 1 h jr 1 1 1 1 11tthe4.- .1: R. riot:lmin, trim Chlile, etile i Nl -- . %Val refi., I ml aaoinnent I Inlv., Thomp•on's and Mono Ion•, by WcElt FLIER. ulll , l l• ()I i.1111.,,1 4., quality ai price, at No. lOWN Sr. M'CA TTEIL Silver table, dessert, tea. porous, tongs, ladles folks. , conq tin tly on tiaoil nog G, co., ly opposite Eaglti ;IVI VT 1 I T It EC T EIV D hdr( , v's Exe , e , :;.titt. spring ready to eAcentu all oideis ,st Fasioni and of a bettur kill:based here or else.nhere.l c Notice. an applieat idn,w ill bo made aline of Pennsylyania,, for Bank to be called "Tut , . rtes' BANa," with a Capi tuAand dollars, and the pr iv• the same to two hundred id bank to h located in Erie, Pennsyh:an a. C. M. 'ribbon. Samuel Huy,, John C. Iteebn. nos W. Sterrett, Carson Graham, .lam, s Guy I.oomis, Alfred Klak, l M. W Cliug\ey, I , Jame* Hughes. 'CARD S i ^— •wcitild respectfully inform k Erie and vicinity ; that he RING SHOP on the south flare, a few doors east cf the will he at all times ready and ' c oo who may favor him wifrh asiness. From long capers- • t incipal shops of London and ts, and by-strict attention to ty now be entrusted to him, (but he shall be always deem a.Nhure of public patronage. eeuted in such a manner as Impattial•examina ion, and e with the prevailing faslt- I JOHN GOLDEN. 0 nn the ehnrtest notic' Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron busineNs will be carried on Jelllcy WKelsey, where a con iLtielea manufactured by him • t whelcsale and retail. Old liWare take.) in payment for JOSEPH KELSEY, Jr. ARREN, sash, blind and door Shop to 't hand Bth streets, where he on hand or make to -- order all irt the shortest notice. Thorp first - rate work at tow prices ve•him a call hefore pinches -1 zinedone at all times. Glass minify on hand 'Miura Varnish, and Vuraiah eby ' • illiaTON & pm KENS, minoAtut to will the reputation i t tr,,,p l e r iimiimz to ptireluvets the riche 7 t, yle,4 cheapest Cloud. of any establishment in L IP place, They ~until re,pectfolly i•oviin the imIllo; t. , ,t call. and examine their. .stnek; among which may be Intrul thn must beantilid usoriatient of I..tne:i I GUODS, ever havaaltt to this m irked; coin;.ri-hig extra ricif %lulu It tiregon and Cahn. nia Plaid.; Silk Satin siriped Alpaca--; t •tislintete-; !Jilin • anid rep. \I-deLenties; rent:), Eu , , email alto setne'l ViingSatin•, Se. , 'is.ct Also u of Si IA %NILS— BlUldlit ' .I)arod.k. Silk, Embroidered Tuthtin, Printed Caslatiete, - Nloliair. 111. do Latinos, tVonloti, I'laid. and an Lamma endless variety oirther st) res. Ttiey will be mild astonishinuly cheap. _ CLOAKINCtp . .-^A lteattliful lot 'or Gala Plaids, Thibei Cloths mid Alpacas; A 1,0 a _•n-at ratir ty of Trinutiinos, complisint: Ali/walla, Cloak and Dress Frinoe4, Ui np,, Silk and Mohair Laces; &e. 4.c. 111,S1 I—Table and S and Coors, rink Naldonsa White Dam Doylies, I,rapory Muslims. Window and tr all Poper ; boys and urns Cap, urul Bums, Si it/l+, &e. Also ,pieo dill itt -i l wen t of FUR !--Aniontt, olliadi are entail - m C o ney Manch do Put lint d, Gene: do. Imitaii , .o Lust!' d Lynx. ftral Lynx du., luryio. o in puce from 50 (79: each to :312. (be : 9. 1617. TIIE DELAWARE, MUTUAL sipl..,-1 insurance (Onii)any, _ (or rulLAm:frall 7 ) ' I Ai nit t;al gi% as-and a l.attkiuotitf'in proti s (tithe company, uittcnr. bey ond . the premium paid. Risks mum the lakes and Canal in , nt d on tie mo-t IttvolabL., teens. Li,suso ill be ltbet ally anti !nut t y:Ey aejusted. Fire risks on Inert I: and i 2", Intildinlz, Ny..l taker property, in town or comnry, for limited tents or _ • DIRECTORS. Jo.eph,ll. Seal, .11 t Ines C. Ti and, Edmond A. Sander, , Tscophilm: l'ail'ilinr;, John C. Davis, 1.1. Jones lirtrulNe, Robert Parton, John Carrett, . John la Pin oce, 11a , rh Crai .., - Smonel Fdwards2 cicorge Serrell, - Denly Lawrence, David B. Si-mr-y, I'd ward Darlington, . Charles Keil, y, „ Isaac 11. Davia, ': 3. 11. John-on, William Vidwell, , 'William I lay, - ‘. John S. Nee.lin, - ' Dr. S. "I'llo;11 t q, Dr. R. M. II usinn, ,Jo'pr fierier, Jr. Stms:cc Nlcllvaine ' -- II ichard S. Newbold, See•y. IsVm.Nlartin, l'lctel i'-.7'4..pplic.itipn ta't he mark to J. K ELLWIICI, Aleut. Eric. . - Erie, A timtist 7, 1817. . lilt T - • PROECTION. , MEI Eiie Co ,oiy 111-o.anetlr7oropan• tonti;4ll9, to its , ore7l'_".lil)Al !O=A and d lA' fire, -01) uooOs all flencriloirmm. ( Wive on Ow Public. :Square, between t Ii attd 7111-tryi.“: putt:E.-Tons. Wrq„. rutty,, • J. WiiliamF, • J. CV Spencer, Gcor ,, e Wen, Thoma 9 \\'llli4, J. I is -on Sanfiti4, 11,j 4 , 1 C. M.l ltdrel9 , Jolla A. Tracy, \V. 11. 'Townsend. 1 1 101 t n ktusst Henry l'adtt ell. G f l.lii S PO it. P. President, . .T. s.4rr, Nr . Trr.a.ilrer. Gr•nr~h• olden, S,rr'tary. :111nP. 3, lBfi. 1 vl N‘' ANTED! , N exchan;ze for ti rany'rinolif V of Good T 111.:‘11_.(0:1( FEN(i ROA and 12 hick,: %%ide, 11 and 16 1641 low , . fI ‘H.I 1 21 i JuIGE, l 1.2 - by I'.l,lltld 41-thy 11% 15, 16,18 :Intl 21) fey , lIE LI1C1( S )111)6r1. ti by 5 and Sby 4 ; IC' 11 and 16 6,1, ill! I 11146 lee 11 1% 11l ed at hi d u 1 the 10,,t nl lien-'re, I. \VM• 1 . 11U1.:-;(3.\ IL. 11,rr% 11 1A !7 SO tY L7!) — Wookn widinttoo, i"..r i.f the t i /ea p • r ?). 11 4 1 . . r Si!g g ..l] L! , ‘i•r all eg( NI• 1;1;101, itg I'o • I.IA Pr. g . og , ). t•X. A Isio. tlii•ci•li 1,14.1'l prl it: rind pat .101 :4; &11% 111 11•,. (1. 1,1 /I \ 11, Cr, I Stale Eri.2,112 3tlir 17 I_B 179 04 fill I c 4,1 •111, Old 1 , ,t41 SO•ll I,LISIN Ili ; 11,111 S. endli Ss %alit` 3 slit, Tido! ur icici, at , I , G. 1,( 1 "; \ll _ Stith , pit., Di:ails rilitmi-tlti 110i-ei .Tuiy 17, 1,-17. rneerteri can ate I tun he I. 11 , 1,1 tt. , No. N Alt An_. 17. t?,-; );. ICo lee !..r o th4l,lr. and other things ii loi)ortiou al .\ . 9. 1 i'ti y T .I.llv 17. It 17 Public Notice HEREBY (;I that the holders of 'the Erie Batik, in the county of to make appliva.iiin to rite itc:i Leziviattile for a se lie charter, by the name awl iet le of the Die Bank. ti n ' eminly ;( ue.,iu Inca tell ui the Peiroo2lt ie, in the cuilti:e of Elie. with the same capital aoilTri et [li t res a. if now Ira& By.orileri - ifthelliard ilriec.ol's C\Al'• 1' Cashier Flit , Rink. JIIIV ti _ _ Dentistry. BY DOCTS. ELL101"1` Sz. ROSE VV - 110 are pertuttnentli lot:tat...l in Elie, Penn. ° , where :Al Stireierd arid Alr•el arrival opera-II tionAin diet:choice rd . Deuti -try, will he done %vv. all that ease, nea:ness and duralniry which experience and , exttitsive opportunity, tolfetlit•r”: Wiih a thoroa2li frnolrlerl,t,..e of ail the late int provetnent2 of the L'al.imore Petal Collel:e alone can _ire. DN. Elliott or Ileac will visit The natned'placeq once in sit or weeks, viz. Conneaut', Ohio, Sprinrlield, Girard, Loelspott, Faiiviety, NVlver ford, - %Van...bur: 4 h and North East, Erie county, Warren rind Cultruilms, War ren &unity, Pa. Ladies and zentletnen livinz in or near either of the abeve named tt hit need the services ore Dentist, it an be waited uprin at 'heir red ‘nce, by addressing. tia at Erie. Particular atteutiono flf be paid , to the health of the Gums, 34 well its to res•o,itt2 and preservine. the. Teeth. Pivot Teeth will hi. inserted after the latest intprovementN, also, Plate T eeth, tram one to an emit e -get. Office and residence on EiOtt. -strcet between Fro ieh and State a recut. . Sept. IQ, ISI7. ly 1.9 New Goods! 11 w Goods! w areE w i r , e F er z i s a l n o I I our t: , t . t s t , ; , l li o , t , ' .e .l 7 l , , tl l ' i t e. ,,\N , :D i l . ,vid with any in the place in extent, style and qualify, We forbear to enumerate styles and qualities havinz none of the ~, p irit of the bra dodo, and prismne that if we were to advert ice 1000 piece , . splendid silks, 10,0110 piecesAlpaccas, 100 cas.; French ‘lerino4, rich cashmeres, Para metla cloth, Mohair Loq les, Orienal, Callbenia. Montero) , and Otezoo Plaids, : , ;:e. &c. our trade would not thereby be inereas , ed in a rain is and intellizebt community. 'l% - c haventtlY to say nn this point that we have a full and complete a , so t• meet of such goods in our bralch of the trade as' e market requires. and ,we o'fer them with our stet if. ing pledp to sell at the cheapest' rates they can .ho hought in the borough for cash. plea-e call and let U 4 tallt over this mater a lisle ti-t' NI':.TCALM No. 1 ; 1 . 1.7,cd I..lou=e. Serit. 23, 1817. i 10 O REGON PLAITS.---A . few pieces of the above rich article on hand, and sellina cheep at the new ett,te. ALLY N.t. COIT. Oct. i G. 01 Cash for Barley. TriE•rubrmriber having rented the einem-Ai ous wareho u se of P. Arlmekle, li:sq. at the Bth Street Cunul Brain, is now ready to receive and pay calif. for '15,000 bushels at- maid clean Barley. ALFRED ' KING. Trip, Sept. FA, 1817. t IRON STEEL AND NAILS.— A tall essay:- anent ni' Swedes Iron ansl Ras 4711 Nails, cheap as can be sold by WILL LCMS & WRIGHT. flat. 20 NONE CAN BE LIKE THF3 . I DRAFRRICK'S Standnrd ledicines!! r EAV4)itI'I9EIItiENIEDY 411? ' 'a••••AV. The btg lt rudonsinin• or Mitre ellly Where be.b.“ nd tll , Oll these iirocr‘c,lly popular in”dn.„,. I. rfer 4 .,,,,, -r I&I,PC 1 11,11.1Y. UM) of the 1111 r heal prof,ninn in esery ttc tinn of t..e tibted n, y 1 nutitin• 11,n. to ill, a ka of Inn Corrtnertnra Dio.a4e. A tnal* of A inenrati an d Ca , “ tboti,t..xqm..tky In to 111 e Doctor"' 1.'71 to e.S by Ilun.n pt n1.1 7 )111,41( renttnites er U,r cnrethra, ca, trom mcnt niche ftcultc, and thr mall popular' r - ennnlir• pi Il,r dnie bad be. .tr lea to tom. . DR. HERRICK'S VEGETABLE SUGAR COATED . PILLS. 31. it. be 11.. ed a ilh Marked suer c-s in every arr -ft. -.I cootie aiid lio-ittte fintgeThe, hey taro with aidorii•triag giro Lire, pittrie arid of a,. head. panw Soil we or the hrs. nut, all !trail. of ferers 1141 an 'thin or the ihlrereni 1 , 411111.1.311 lunly. relll tnlieUe 1,11101410,d. mid in e.i.e. Inhere 11 , 11, uonl board., ere to riled With /rumors. which are to pro dritrite or iti.e h box eon( iiiiP lIIY I I 1., sir wee. r illeier„o.ltll 1111 rel,,re, nod tell for 25 centre— 't .vii rod war% 0f... M=M=lW33=l INFALLIBLE RFZIEDY For rou-nin It IPA!, Sprain., Ito itio.ea. emit, erred Sore 'Florio:0. QatiozY Stiff Jima+. Shrunk Sta. A ; :ose n, the 1 , 6 e, I and 141.1•,T111,a1:11•11e rtnieti Feet, thesolif the Spine. Peri•heil 11.1 nob•. and where‘rr at oklerit applie •tion to uuhratr 1. l'he rapidity *nu is hire t:t ‘VONDI:It. MEDICINE Currptbs •f I`S i 111. ~ b ove di-rases Ile! attracted Tilt NVO \ too AND ADMIIt kTioN of the world' That ati „, . 4 ,1' the ire of thim ii e•sin if to humat .ty, the Doctor Iles put lII , ' price at '25 retitle. Each tie ha. the Poet iinine in the gl.a•F, and envelop: eil nen rut of II oo mo o ed Spine, areninrensied with full dl. rretion.. Pe'er nerd debility. attended with pul l. and a e4knesa in the atm-nut:li and bowl*, extendiw to the "1""•1", of "I , P"ti ,, . trembling of the limb.. paltta: minim or_ eke hrai t. fa:Oil:coo, A¢uo a r.d Fever, and all Bd. ,111110 lII.e 11 , er are owetolio Hired De the WI. rIT VEGETABLE TONIC BITTERS. hottt ., in t•cii” nernott,in•••t x ith directions, anrhzell toy .2:0 ti I. 04 h I••x hdlCa gallon. in the t ath, 0111‘1111, ran - Cent ha, Cohtt• Af.thsits. nytre...inh of the rhe•t. Whooping t'nun h Crnnp, Lntlatnat•nn of the Lun t nod recent ea,- of the Lettetnitytton he greatly helped :nt gni, hit cnieol by DR. lIERRICK , S MEDICATED COUGH LOZENGES Pr:ce '25 rt.. Too of these 10/rocon are o potitite c:ontte.• TilE Tt iilmtp;ANT succrss nttirh *very Is hero .tlt od. ItW of Hen Dcltroyirl Lozeoro , t.: ibe 4:to :lon nod expteodott of worm* !rota vio hum ? t, ha. placed them first on the cltatorloo id re, ((las r TOrnr f• pie oc,tit to take. ChildreO lone Ow.; :totl thrtt a. to . o.tolainh the beholder. V/ it I' 25 fu:l time lams , Tinfee Aufferiott from p elll4 .kIIILNIe,IIOII`.I the lice t.t, tildes and Irtntkotho !I 1,1114 'Co etc. oil 'lna it to thew.° o f 11Eit1{ICK'S 6ALBANUAI STRENGTI-1- ENING PLASTER. Sprend on rni , le 111,:r, v,lll Nsrnr from, one to tit :1101111-: Pr II I' 1111:h I nre t &tog the ptoco o f Cil ter•. awl arc r`rat.aderNl the DESI AND II t ,5f lit NOW IN I : TO 11111 E PILTIMILIFIN So nno•lt'h , .l.K . 1, , ,,, ~,,,t 1,,, ~, ne Neo Yort taller, - that ili. v`ulo,o• '...•1 ',/ I: itr.repve In ell t!, Nal te. ,: a t•tt lila ('0•tt. , 41 I t I.:tool ot,t , hien tiretcroluiz nut tt , herttzing ihat Io• 1.n..‘ patent fur ,o 411 g. 10,11.‘ ef the I ort,, ti. bring 'hi. pr "-11, I• of elerel , tiot, It, tore t. le tinhlle.tumilril rti cur he 11l ' ge• in II , C C,,....0 I% ~e llp r a i - ,,,1..a, am,.. knit 602(4 1,,,,,,er to v 01 . ,. Pt. horn, II 1, ~ vrr,lrri, 1,, 347 11 , r ho, ti,e , t • ontuto•swny of Palrot - at Wa l shttig ton, afloat r l I. ts •r is, all,aer irigl,i il 1 Blow ~ I. S S. ,11-1 , 1 OtTi. a .L.n. IG, IS , IG, r. 11l rn, 1, —I), tr - Str - Your Ir tier of the :;,11,1,,,,,i,t; /welt Cu ( 0111.1.. to' er It, sour "''Torre *lt • 'het it, p ,1r,1.• 1,, If•t, tral..o u ,l for n 611 • ~70t d s.llll aticut.l I. ill.- to ikft.. - 111 i ma iluit no r, rued ~leech a rump call LP r ,, a ,,, 1 ii , 0 ,, ~ir,"ii. ' I Iterprelli,ll, veir•. S.DMI ' SIIIII.I it ti 1: .!!'7 -,,- 5 1 .1.1 , 10 , 1 , ti. Ic r: a more pester,/ "dr...0101W, if the MC NI in, - II:, 10 , 1.51 of ant ..t the Agetit+. Pt sot .1,1 Depot 51State htrect, Albany, 'it, here all or tier- non-I h,•., 101ei,,,,11. AG IA I'S —3 11. Elm ton & Cummine Cm, 1:i & nn.l J. II Er .Tiirs, - a rt h .•t rel. -k4i. NE W G . . 1817.] 04) s BY S . ~ a .„ c,r Rail.F.! 7 F - Pg -1.*7----17‘• RE7 cis _l - 7, Road! _CI 3,1( h . s.. kis now r. CVIVed hi! , F. and %VI N 4,1 Dry (..3o: I , , fa•viri!'ocs, rror 1..0 mi:k, the I . OIIUWI td 77i• .1 t :tr . It. nntl Amedr n, ghtd • hit, k. h.uleh, ‘ , 01(1 and ' 111 W d t,n 1110.1, hltie, plain, plaid and foe s, il'up, Mack, cudt-t end 1.111,.1,44 tllll,, ti sh , 111 nod hi ick cut 111 , & 1111 ?WC , ' and Cl/114,11 ratite rloths, lin- -en e, ~I. 1,11,•, li. i. ii t.1,1:10 le I andketchicrs, fur , i uro :end c,irl',,s t : (li,iii y, /1.a11,-n Lite. h'lik a. d -Lon. ~ I'd la, 1.:.2. I, nod co'orcd cambric, h ~ ,,, n an I Meat hod sh,•thms and sbn , intn, h d ,“•'. in. , .11 , 11 a) clan L, led, xi 'ii a and grcca %,,,,d,,, , i1,, n ta I: plarld' 1111-,.t: • I rnis.on,, ,LadeL ..'re-n in'nl ,11-ah mnrecn:..ilk and tabby rebel, Wad!, .odl old.( il, .111:!ardl n n r .: ill ~,,z e; sa t in u••' inz , I 01.01 f • T.sli.lai. Wat Is and color., chlqs p,d.., 11. no , od.-hanelona. roi L ree and spitqs- 11” Id Il.ral'.<l Chi. la Jill:. tashnicre, wiirsted and" c,.ti.i In -i •iy, all color., _lures of all kinds, - in tt., n., 11.,1, Fill:, picnic and cotton dri.b3 lidmlld rt:dc.., 'Ail--•...lace Irt its, barra• , •i s- • d and plaid call-ton and swi.- IT; am , and (-hand): ays, sw i5 ,, 5, plain do ted. ,laid, st. ' ti'.ittred, hook silk b ra ids, Lat and cap th,xom , Italia:l and Frem h rr. pr , sew-? lon -e t‘t ist, skeurt, !mi11i... , and tidy ; eo .on, slipetirlers; ,quail y, tapes, 1) , ,1.b,n , and c ord. tombs ; but ons, nee.! dl. s, hooks arid eyes, paste NI ril and a tfnert al n 55 ,r ihent al hoots and shoes, h ird.wore, c10d...1y, iron. nitils. :NC:, all of the abote wul be sold as - unto .p as any nett . ; or Jew btote:2— CI; el y. lr will elpterveti , hat am mereiiat.t plaeerale anti I now s.iyt that will tint be ureic by any, yowl!! or old, ror read! pay. ( Jallaad s.!e Ir it Cie above are ihete, , at my itld , aanti up apeapside, here fur sale trial be beat. Frit.. Sept 23, 1817, Ain Twin% nor AIR. AND STEAM CONDUCTOR. \ ATE ate now able to itrec our euElomers titit V , tiz. , Jo , FULTUN AIR TICUIT.COOKING STOVt bid] o.dy 1,-iittires to be examined to t onvince fet•ry bet'y of ilc c'ennotny, u ility, cornea:et - AP, dut.tbili•y I ttvi b , anty. 5t..1.1 at a uni• forin price. and wafranteti to suit even ~a maiden lady, as nstlesQini all the altnyl gnalitiesl - LESTER, SENNETT, cii,LstEn. Erie. 25 18,17. The Question Settled ! YV time absorbed the Lp: 1 11 4 .1 1 i Colt'fls t hate en „f. lb r77i' nl On to the i; use of oo much" dark weather, it 1t Ttr evntly beendi-enve'terl that it is the effect of tau% in piles or (itoda oh paper) as h a ve butt htsrahlertforth by all the public: newspapets of the place, since' the return of a few of our merchants Worn New York, Boston and Philadelphia. Be lieving this to be the vase, and know int , that the notice of otti. Stock would most likely ploduce to tal darkness, we have until now, deterred any no tice atiti in &lin!! so we would ask the gcrd eitivms of tolbc or with us 4 it an.olterdt.t.t or su n 's h 6, intruded Upon hy our pile': of Stiw Gof.ds. and) console diem-, :wives while-cartyina oirthe precious pareels f ihat. as the vile arOw a hiss the darkness gradual]) re. cedes'' Come on then, and avail yourselves of 'the or portunity thus olered of enriching you and retro ing light to the community. BROWN & M'CARTER. 1847, !I; Frie:Octnbrr 9, D En White and Bleached Diaper,, To cloak Plaids, isrler store 4f Oct. rG Yellow Flannelq, all qualitic. , , Vrosied Slieetines - and Shirt reelliwzg, jest reikircd; 1 nos and Thibe-4, at 60 new AIiLYN S COIT. . . . -To Blacksmiths. BEi-LOWS, A ivils, Vices and liammerh S . Pring Steel. Cast ao., 1..n. , 1t•-•h, Blister m nd; ~ Aerican' mtecl; al,o, Nail Boas, Band. Bar 0 6 -Hoop II oil, wi - uth 61) be had . n trims to eut. 1 -I ' our old corn. 0f.p4 , i:0 rho Eaele. • j 0ct....0. WILLIAMS & WRIGHT. . - - LE ATI! EIL --'5OO skies best Eastern Leatbcr, just received 'from the ommaltm•mert4. Ot t. q 1 ' WI LLIA 1/..: 4% , WRIGHT __—______—:-..—• ----Y------t---J • VA NTED IN F.xehanze for: Cooas—.2.o pieces Domestic Flaunt I; 500 IS. ‘VOOII . II Sock 1' 145 ' i Woolen Yarn. W. C. & It. P. HULBERT. .1/ - Ow.. 9. 1817. A Ftl Cloth, tilazed am' he'eti (~,arg. a tr• od rssor ment. Oct. 30 %S 17. G_ Eh. :sELDP:N SSO l'apar lino - 1 5 ‘ilFand indoor Paper umon . :Which "' he found aornf of I)the 4 'llo»gh and Ready Fort: . net: G. grinr N k - 111113