. . i • . i -.- -'"- -. . , ...• ' ' t ' '-. ' 1 , I 4. •T . - . • • .... • •• . . . . • • . II - , •-, .. •• ;'•' . t.• 4 ...1 - I • f . . . , . " ••• • . , .. . . :1... .. . . . :• . : 4,..: . ' f•-. . . , .; . , . • 1 1 - 7 , 1 , - . , • 1. . I.p. ~ , ..,. ••• . • - . . • . 5; . . . • 'N . I ;."'.,,;" ii;,- • ''' , ',,, . .. -. . • • . ; ... • - - , Y I ~•.. . • • - , . • - . . • r. - •r ~ ....k . i.. ‘ , • • i . - ~ ~. . • , , • .. ...i." . • .. • Zi. P., I ' , I • . r ... . 1 . . = , ‘ „ . • . , . . . . ..,.. •• . . P . . • 1 .. • • . f • 1 P. • . . , .....- . . _ .•.. __ _ ""''' - ''' - '.7" , "'" - . -........--'. t 4 .., ....- 11 ' -..' VOI,JUME XVIII. OBSERVER HE •unrsimp EVERY SATURDAY, AT ERIE, Erio County. Pa. A L P. DUBLIN B. F. St: Pr• prietors and publiAe, ;COSNER OF STATE sTnnwr /OM TUOLIC SWAIM. OTTOSITE TILE EAGLE TERMS PAPER übreriberit (left by the carrito) 11, or at the ollic• edreere, If not paid in advancr, or nit bin ihrer mouth+ the Itme orsob.rribing. two dollar. will lie chargoJ. 4ationfr, in there terms. N., Inver di.culdlinted until all orrenrages are paid pt at the out , nu nllllO All communications tou.t bo post paid to secure TERMS oli' ADVERTISING. I ware, one year, S SOO Three &qu o ars, I year, $lO 3 . bix motile, 500 110 do 8 Inc', 8 do three too .3 00 do do 6 do 6 cent ail, ertigetnent. no c, lit , per snit lie Air the first , f tloil and :25 cent+ for e•ich nllll,l ytt..lll in-er i ion. ..,'lrpoly ails Cri mere hove the prisilellgeort•h...rinp , falarn, hilt at 34, woo ;ire alio. Pit to ..Cellllo.lll, n ,1„,, ,quares,a,d to be Wolfed to th-ir snanedicre fo. :1 rerti , etnento nut haVine other ihrerlions, win he in ,1 01l forbid, end ehorwed accord,,,gly, iCardt:rPot ClCeetiiiig 13- lines, in , erterl at to per - ,v MOORE er in Oroeerits. Provi•dutis, Candies, fruit . No. I. Perr) Mud:, Stale F !seer, Eric, MARSILALL & LOCIiWO()D, nicys 014 e lip stair' in the Tam ri) 11,drhuildin:z,noith ca the Prothunotart SIIIIII JACKSON. , er in Dry 41, oils, Groceries, thy ih% are, teens Ware, ,I Iron, Nails &c . No. 121, t apside, Elk Pti. 1()IIN 11. MIALAR, tv and ILtrowzli vvvq: ; ufficc in Exclian 11.1 ini!s. Frenvli is:. Pi, 111:1,111:111' Az RUFFA 1.0, N. Y. 1"„ ()RAGE, FOR A RDi NG AN PRO -I'('E COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Il I)eileis in 4nd 1•:r and Produce u,engn atty. Particular atUn p,ud to the of Piance I: nJize, • - 3 & 4 Coburn Square, South III:1.11E11.T, dilo N. V. B1iNJA:11IN (;RANT. r i pv and roinist ilor v ii't Law ; No. the fra l :lo I lwel. Uric. P... i GR.IILIJI ,ti TIMM MON, Cuuti•cliors at I.:11.1, Ujiil•l! 0111'1'116 re. t, (API- S Co'3. :Sicoc, Erie 1124, 44;47 ; 491 I. ROSENZWEIG Co. lerq iil Voleitfti and eJdv Nlacle Clothiir, lidos 1110 C,, Ft....te Si: CCI, Tie, Pa, GALBRAVITIS • et I ire-41111,re o•l ntrert, Nies‘. side of Public ziciudie, ;It Pa. - W. A. C.AI,IIIIAITII.w . I. G. IMOMIS Za CO. Icrs'in 'Watches, Jewelry, SII% Pr, orman mil Plated And Ilk Ltannia Wat e, C11;1,1 y, ary and F.,nry Goods, N 0.7 Reed l loos , Eri. I • WILLIAMS esr- WHIG-LIT oleqale , and Itetail-Dealers in; try ( ;071 , 1 , =, n _tic;, ILudtcate, Crocker-, art, line rtil Leather, uns, t4e A....rner ' , tale rect ,Ind the Public Sqtia, opposite the Ea a t, a‘ern, Erie. ra. WILLIAM . RIBLET. t Nlutscr, Upliok, .r and Undertake; au: Stn (r, it Pn S. MGM NSON, M. 1). and (111 .., 10 . 11111 Sire , rat of tile Nictlindi-t Fri”. 11tt~Llilat F. (1)( )li, • er.ilrorwartliwz, Ccittooi,hion, and Puelout lerchants; Itetr \\*are 11011,e, east of the JOSEPH E..ELS El, if Lturers of 'L'in, C'opiun ,and Slieet•lion to corner of French and Fill', streets, Erie. LESTER, SENNETT & LITEBTER, Founders, whole:laic anil reim I dea1..154 is. Flollow-tv.tre,ke. s'o Oroot. JOHN 11. Bett-ro:.; C Co. 'lole4ale and r.etai I d eatel i I tws, Groceki . N 0.5, Itved !own .iie, N. C. M. TIBBALS, ii', , r in Pry (Gods, Grocci tes, 4-iL No. 111, I ! ,, apfiidt., Erie Pa. COODW IN S. TRUESDAIL 4!er! in Dry Goods, thot:eries, &i:.., N. I, 13):o., II Bloji, State st.,Erie, Pa I --- .__. , • CARTER £r, BROTHER. , lerl in Druns, Meelicinus, Oils, Dye Glaes, &e., No. G need Itonee, Ette• IL TOMLINSON k co, •Nanlinz and Commi,ion. .11 el chant 109 I: TAncil Street, Erie, and ar G,ir Str, m Canil Ca ”a, de'alfli ur t rocerivs and Provisio.s. HEN CADW ELL. ilardwale„.Dry G rocerieA, east : side of the Dirlino - od, and wie door ca.t of the,E,Cule f lot el, Erie, Pa. ----- \ , k1 . ..1G1.1.; HOTEL; It iilm L. lirowh, orner of State street anti IhePublic:nuare, E le. I'a. Eastern, NVestern; nd :Southern Sti ,, e !lice. • LYTLE HAMILTON. %hionable Merchant Tailors, on the Public uire 'aro% doors %vest or ',State ttrevt, Eric, JOEL JOHNSO. ,• aln Theoluzical, Miscella N neous, Sunday and Classical School Book; Stro lunar'', etc. etc. 111 French Street, Erie, Pa. • - P. A. R. BRACE,. "noy and Cotinsellor atinw, u iric du Chien. , T. practices in thocounliem of Crawford, 9r 4 ntaud lowa, W. T,and in Clayton county, lowa Territofv. I. SI3 I:PPEES" series t•Lheol Books, I, ,/ 1,4 and 5. for adlo et No. 11 I, French St May 6, 1847. 51 ___—. :NEW ESTABLISHMENT , . ' Sr.ale :Street,'nearly opposite the Eagle hotel. moNiis 4• CO. are now receiviriz from 6 New York and open in_ at thotr new store 1 . ezt nsive assortment of Rich and Fa•hionable %.111-11 . 11 •Y, (embracing the latest style of work market.,) teaches, Clo cks, - Plated'and Brittania "r , Fiae Citittry Steel Trimmings, Camphene 1 Solar " 1 " LuokinT Glasses, Gold Peas, ;viler with a general %:triety of Useful and Or mental artielei. Call and see what yottwillsee. June 26,1817. 6 - - _ .Cash For - Flax Seed: ASEI will be paid 6)r one thousand bushels of Flax Seed by cut:TER.& ea.( Ea..- Aug. 27 lBl7. No. 6, Reed noose. I Cruahed, Pulverized, Clari fled, l'orto Rico, Havana.• New Orleans Su- Ir,for sal e at No. I Perry Bldck. Aug. 213 . I T. W. MOORE. 11 E1 61 . ALE on draught, and for talc at .'.ov o. 1, I.q_ Perry Block. by T. W. MOORE. , 17. 25 Written for the Erie Obeereer. . 'T:s autumn now. nod withered-Lewes Aro etrewn upon the b..cieo grnuod r round tlin Thu cold wind sweep 0.0 wolfing sound $2 00 150 No more licAperrien brrez:e null The in aer.,nee of the .umtuer flowers., That bloomed to beauty end once teethed, Withiu the tho rure.t'e nuulit boweis. No more the warbleea happy snag 114 heard ainuag the :dimly dells, fur do the things or raimater throng' Aruuud the heart a ith magic epe:lB They now nrP numnerell with the Past; To than our motuorie■ oftru turn. \VJcu 4.10. s u'er en,t's the cold. win 1 . 14 Fur Owe C 4 11 ICII can no more return. But all of lienuty is not gone The (orc•ts wear .1 liglµcr shads, A don die tuituataiti's crrst to .'rear, The golden buillight BOW•lb The running ntremnlet tinkle. still. The 8.11110 11. iu tit..ununer dap; And thoagh the ..1;111.4 are coil dud chill, lh ty luring with them tie aicaiy luxes. When sun het h sulk in ••s•tnrn sky And t.h.tdes of eve rue k ire!) birth, UndmnneJ thn I,lHr - A in heist/ea rime, 'And caet their wuuted light eler earth What sf the sound of wild bee, hum Math ca.w.ed withia the untullln v.ood, Sti I he•r we yet the pleutuut h it drites away its Aulittu'e, Oh give in me the autumn d iye, .Ir (bell% ening of the WI% WllOll 4t1111.111 heart their 31 titer praise, Far reiit and pl'elity blebs the ephere.‘ /loNE,D.tr.r: i Nov. 1:347, - - A SKETCH . FROM L FE. •'Tlirnw up the "l'is it morn for life In ire tno•1 rulitle litxttry, 'I he nir Ir 'lke ( a Itreatlitor front r ,rer Aml the ronth wiml to like a Retitle ft trod, Port log the it pi Lot iatfily m, tnv bro.+. Jt loo• OlOr or. r feri'elit, end flower• Th Li k.•eed it, ore betrayed; for us it parts, `iVitli tie tot peille fiagero, u,y hwl. hair, I know it h.t• tn•cu Pill 1 with the ro-o An I rtmir log to the t 01, 11 1. • There i- joy ror 4'16..1 L. cit.:mites itl it. The Wet Ir , .t•es A r.• -lii rung .L 1 Pe Week. ttiol bt it. ,ir•• sit ging A• if to loreaty wore mu c . jlnd the'graitt S. 11 I. Olt e filer' oil.. oit h'thr dew Like the eta tiLl,te. of 'humility," IMIGGS. )tj The delicious mo niiig which is glowing around me, and v. h ch has-recalled-The ex qui)-(tp:de,cription of oir gifted conntrymnn, briogs 'Oso to my mind the recollection of one as it'd beautiful, "in the-, days that are gone." I I cell remember how the sense of that nuirn's exceeding loveliness burildied my' heart with it sweet weight—and \ how atlast, !Tinging aside the dull book which I had been au( miting to study, I caught my light sun bonnet, and !monde I out of the house, which outward bloom and beauty had suddenly ren dered prison-like. I then. turned' my steps t wards a fine ()Id man-ion, she home of n very lovely gill, who had been 'eadeared to me by year- , or constant amt intimate intercoun-e. Of late there had been formed a new tic to hind our heart---he had become the betroth eJ of "one of ours," a fill,orite cutusin, and the engagement was a joyful event to all con cerned. Annie 'Moore, sect Annie Moore, how thou glideet before me, in thy soft,• etherial lotelinees, like a gentle spirit from n holier chine! With thy form uf lily-like grace, tall and fragile— I IVith a 7 illy young head'. shining bind., An I a•l,ts waving Lurk 01 - with thine eyes of softest vio'et, and thy cheek of delicdtest ruse•bloom. ono( at wne Oh gentlest! nc I linear then well and long. A pai', glad cre awe, with a hp of sone, An of radiant-is, tool at saw] of Flee S 1111; 111 g ens ret all3lC . lrd of mint" uwnrito ttple. Or wondering by my ,iolo beneath the eky or June: NVilliam Gordon, the lover of Annie MOore, was an exalted, yet a most loveable cluiracter —an einhodiment of intellect, manliness, faith ful affectimis and fervent piety. He was a young Student of Divinity—had bemself supported, almost self-educated, and at the time of the commencement of this sketch, was in the expectation of entering upon the mitt- , istry in Rule course of a year. And this man, poor, unknown, and devoted to a_holy calling, was the choice of Annie Moore, the wealthy, the beautiful, the luxu riously reared! ' ll "rwaS passing strange"— our 'wordly ones wondered nt, and our sewing circle gossipped about the matter, for a mouth or two, and then the ruffled tide of our village life flowed on as usual. But I was on my way to pay Annie a morning visit. William Gordon had called the night before, to bid us adieu, as he was to be absent furitia nymonths. aft I Lought his betrothed migtht need a lit tle che!ring 1 found tier sitting at het' work, as usual, a d but a slight tremulousness of the v , ,ice, a) la glistening of the long brown eye-lush, t dof the painful parting which had just ta r ken place. s 7 "When will William return?" I presently inquired. . "In May—little legs than a year.", - "And then?" "And then w•e Br i e to be married—so held yourself in reachnesS to be my bridesmaid." The summer passed—a season of earnest, untiring and prayerful toil, with the• young student, and of patient, hopeful, and sustain ing love, on the part of his betrothed. I Then came the chill autumn, followed by a winter' of uncommon severity. Our dear Annie, while on a night visit to a dying friend, was exposed to a sudden and tearful sturni—took cold—ah, does not soy render anticipate the mournful consequence? soother and' el der sister had died of consumption, and soon, very soon, the seal of death was on her blue veined brow, and the very voice of the grave sounding in the hollow cough which shook her fragile frame. We kneW that she must die, and she, unlike many consumptives, ktiew it also; yet she was strangely averse to ne- AUTUMN. lIY DYLACK. tvEsz BY GBACI: OItiIFINWOOD qusinting her absent lover with the fearful truth. 'She wrote to him that she _had Ora ill—was still suffering from debility; but that he must not be troubled about it, nor painful ly surprised by her changed appearance, when be should return in the spring. Nut one word Of the dread, last parting before them— of the grave, which might "Royal the bri.legroorn. avol mkt) frosnlik .1.10, To repo•" in kin lio.orn. his beautiful bride.' At length May came round again,and with it returned' William Gordon, the young cler gyman. He was bowed! to the earth by the great and tinlookedjor affliction which await ed him—yelt meekly'drank he the bitter . cup, fur his God had mingled it. Sweet Annie was passing rapidly from earth —growing more end more fragile in form, and angelic in spirit (lay by dhy, and poor Wil liam became intensely desious that their un ion might take place. Auntie's friends readi ly assented, but she, to our surprise, f . irmly refused to grant the mournful request of her broken-hearted lover. One evening he s was sitting alone by her side, as she was half reclining on a couch;— the hectic flush was more startingly brighter than usual on her cheek. for she had suffered much that day, and as he thought how very near g o Right be the dark.,wing; of God's dread ' 1 ang he took her wasted hand in his, and said— "Oh, my Annie, let me call you wife, be fore you leave me! You would not he so ut terly lost' to me th n, for I would ,know you bearing thatacred name in Heaven. Refuse me not, love." Oh, Williarn;William, urge me no longer," I she replied, "it must nut, cannot be. I am, the bri.le of Heaver', you must not be my hus band, and hear me, dearest, you must no Lon ger• bcncar me—your lore is precious, but it is earthly, and it comes as a cloud between me and the glories of that upper. world, to which I hasten. Your voice, -my own, is sweeter to me than the hymns of the angels, beard i• 1 my dreams of Heaven! !-We must piirt, now=for every hour renders you dearer, and how can I leave you at last!" ‘Vith heroic and martyr-like calmness spoke, the mistaken girl—mistaken, for a pure love, fur one worthy, is the holiest and sweetest preparation fur His presence who "is love." ; •William Gordon saw her firmness, and that she was weak and trembling from the excitement of the scene, and cios, , be up his pniii," resolved to yield instant nu! tin own pl ai ni rig obedience to her wishes. -[le ro-e up l y , l and l and imprinting on her forehead a kiss of mingled love and anguish, turned, and was gone! Annie berried her face in her thin, white hands, and remained l in an agony of prayer and grief. Then cattle vague regrets fir the coarse she had taken, and painful doubts of the necessity of the sacrifice: she I had made; Presently she heard a well- I known step 7 Wilhain hail retourted! liis calmness had forgakeii him, , and he murmur "ll-1 mu it leave you to die alone, Annie: let me fold ;you once inure to my heart, before 1 go—it wild give me strength." lle.kWelt on one krwe beside her, reached firth his arms, awl sobbing like a eta], she leaned upon his bosom. No word was 'spoken by that pair, lot iog and faithful unto death, while the flood of sor row swept over their hushed spirits, as the fOuntuins of the sours-great 'deeps tt ere bro ken up. Yes, silent, but not tearless, knelt William Gordon : with' his lips pressed against the dear head which lay upon his heart. At last he raised his eyes heavenward, and those lips moved in whispered prayer—he unwound his arms and would have risen, but Annie • movd not—she was clinging to his breast.'— A smile of joy irradiated his mournful fade, and his arms once again enfolded her. She looked ,tip and murmured. with something r of ner old playful tenderness, more touching than he wildest burst of grief. "Are you not stronger, dear William?" • ddAly I fear not, any love." . "This is strange, for when I felt the strength ebbing from my own heart, I thought it. had flowed into ytiurs." "Thank Gud fur the weakness which is lovelier than strength! I must never leave your Annie." ":fever!" The morning of the 'wedding day had come and I was arraying Annie in her bridal dress, a beautiful Muslin, guiltless of 'ribbons or lace. I wished to twine in her hair, a small string of pearls, which was once her moth er's,—but she gently put it from me. "What, no ornaments?" I inquired. None," she replied,—but yes,—if you will go into my garden, you will find a lovely white ruse tree, which WOW In phntea'wheo I first knew him, bring me one of its buds, and I will 'wear it in my hair," I have seen turides radiant in healthful bloom—glittering in jewels—Jazzling in sat ins, rich veils on.i costly wreaths, bult never have I beheld one so exquisitely, so wonder fully bedutiful,,as that dying girl, .with her dress of simple white, tier one floral orna rnent;the dewy lustre of her soft blue e 34., and the deepened hectic ofher cheek! Mr lut i n the ceremony was to be perfumed, she wis - ed to rise, Mid as she was too weak to stagalone, I stood by her side, and supported her. Shemiled sadly, as she whispered—"YOu remember, Grace, I promised you should 6e my bridesmaid." As the beautiful marriage ceremony (that of the EnglishChurcb,) proceeded, the flee of the bride be‘me e*ipressive alternately *of earthly and ofdtenvenly love, of softness and of sublimity, of the-woman and of the angel, till it g4rw absolutely adorable. At the last she received the tearful con . gratulatp - ns.of her friends, with a graeek manner, and with the moat cheerful smiles playing about her lips. It was morning--a morning, born of bloMn 4 `,TilE WORLD IS GOV'ER'NED TOO MU mBER, 25, 18 trinOßi3A.)r,l6llLE . S: and beauty—so soft,,so.g owing, it seemed , "t.ikA rainbow this sweet (krill. iicoveumittifiure." • Annie dordon was lying on her couch by "an open window, with tier ,fair 'head ',supported on the breast of her husband. And she,-a, father's . joy, \ a•biothees pride, the wife of two •short weeks, Was leaving us now. Every sunbeam which looked into her. eyes, saw their - violent hue grow paler, and every soft sir which, .kissed • iief faded lips,. - bore bac% a fainter breath units light pinion. Her doting father knelt in a ,Aeop trance Of grief ether sto.id holding one of her hands in mine, while at, het .Net sat her younger brother, Arthur Moore, weeping with all the uncontrolled passionateness of boyhood. Annie had lain for smite moments apparent ly insensible, but she looked up yet once more with her own sweet smile, and murmured, And William Gordon lifted his voice in a prayer, all saint-like submission and . child like love. ' He solemnly, andi tenderly com mitted the passing soul of the' wife, the daughter, the sister and the friend,' to her Savour and her God, and meekly implored fur the stricken mourners, the Ministrations of the blessed Spirit. Suddenly he paused— hcr heart tad ceased its beati ngs! His brow becam nvolsed and his voice was low and tremnlo s, as he added, "She has left us; oh! oUr Father, she is with Thee, now!" . Our Annie tad been gone frlm us a year, and ,the rose was in its first bloom; when Wil liam Gordon came to bid us a long, •it might be, a last adieu. He was going out as a missionary to India. On the last evening of his stay, I went with hint to the grave of our lost one. wi g emalued till the grass was glittering wit ew, an I stars were thick in heaven. Many times turned poor William to depart, an I returned again, We both had remarked a single rose-bud, very like the one Attie wore on her marriage day, an I at that secon I bridal, who s i te was:Nved led to the khim._and when at last William summoned • strength to go, he plucke and placed it in his bosom, with many tears. "Pray, once again, my Beloved—it will plume my spirit's wing fur its upward flight; but place your hand upon my heart, that you may know when I nm gone!" "Gine! our Annie dead!" exclainied poor little Arthur Moore, and springing forward and casting one look on that still face, he stretched his arms upward and cried—"Oh! sister, sister, come back to us, come back!" We arrayed her in her bridal dress; even to the white rose-bud,_ twined in her golden hair. We laid her to rest by her triatter's side, in a lovely rural grave-yard, and a few mouths after I took her fatirite rose-tree fro#l the gar en, and , planted it - over her breast. 1,1,, n 1yi n ot that in his distant home. that cdirkene.c Lin!, where he,i3 toiling for Christ's sake, tlni:t flower i. still a cherishe.l m i onento of his as Ily beaUtiful past, anl a t4niching re minder of a shore to winch he Imsteneth, an unfit:lily: clime, where ever livedh L ie rose love, in the bloom of immortality—!n the sunlight of Gods I, too, am far from her grave, but I know almost to a day, whdn that rose-tree is in bloom. Every morning, I say—another firmd is unfolling ov er her rest—!iaw it loads the air with perforn..., us it sways to the passing breeze:—and at , !vellitv4•, • how the starlight trem!tles arooll it, an l 11,w sweetly_sleeps• Ow coal Miw-drop in Its glowing . heart! Tim ST. Cll.taLlty HOTP.L AND THE DUTCH - MAN;—lesterday a rich Acene took plu iin front or the St. Charles. An Lorlest Dutch man, who had just. arrived from the Nl:aler t:tilde, came.ty St:Charles street, with his rife and daughter hanging on his crin.— In coining in front of the splended edifice al ready mentioned, he suddenly ha'ted, and, with his month - wide open, exclaimed to his "vrow:" "Mina Gott, Elizabet, what a Fplo'l4o church." "Hans," said, his wife; catching him by the arm, "does von tink dat it ish a htiteran or a; Cadolic church. It. doe,hent look much like de one, and den it looks a good 'deal like de toder, and then it dushent 104 much like de - neder." “Stop mine vrow,” said old liana , as he shook the ashes nut of his wry necked pipe, will going in and see what kinder a church it is!" The old man tvent in and saw 'a motley crowd at the bar, rows of brilliant decanters, tiled with the cltoicipt liquors, and every one apparently enjoying himself. He rushed out in perfect horror, and clutching his wife by arm, said in a trembling tone: "Elisabet! Elisabet! Mine Got! You hear how de Savior once drive demoney Inerchaitp out de temples, an' all dat. And now come, Elisabe r t lash go back to Yarmany, for here in New Orleans I finds that dey sell schnapps in church !" The worthy pair went away fully impress ed with the idea that the St. Charles %ins a place of other worship than that of Bacchus. —N. 0. Delta. 071011:4 VieRNON, one of 1115 Canadian patrints,'who was convicted of treason and sentenced to Von •Dieman's Land for life, in 1838 ; but ;Ito, wil6 others, were liberated some t vo years ago, passed thratigh Roches ter, on his ttiay Itlnne, on the 3d inst. At the time he Avas.pardened, being entirely destitute of means to - \ retern, he shipped on board an American whaling vessel, made voyage ;if airthe twenty month:, (irstly in - the Pacific ocean) around the cart , vim Cape Horn to- Nantucket.' • tlt is said i ogfass 6 d giu dissolved togeth er by .110 heat. makes a good cement fur glass. This k doubtlesi, true, because gin has been Iting cetebrat4as'a capital thing to mend 4 6 a pain in the stomach." H." 7. lilting far a WI ' WM. T. MO :OEI/3. jlt ABOUT a q New brans southern ban . 'tarter of a mile,helow the . I viclei in the bold p i recil . of the Raritan is a siognla e. The entrance, which mark, is small and narro , ndienlar rocks which, on I he hill, appear to have heti I by seine violent convnl if:resting cay at high wale the two perp side support ced assunde man re l . i l The cave tself has the appearance of ing been exc voted by human hands, tilt it is dotibtle9s the 'result of the Continin Lion of the water, The roof is for Med soft-red rock, through which the water i stantly perlolating; its 'dimensions a nearly as' I can recollect, about twelvi long by. five feet wide. , . Years ago, before the deposit of sand forms the floor had accumulated, the ri , high tide floived in, and filled the cave I depth of several feet, forming a snug hi place and a safe harbor; and, if tradition truly, the tiy bark of the dusky India' the light ca tie of the painted warner li ten sought its friendly shelter. ' Nor alone to the poor Indian has it of I • 1 a secure retreat, for at the period of w( - I write, altrough its existance was not g know, it,waS occupied upon various cm I by the persecuted patriots. .The bill above, wbich slopes grades the brink °tithe precipice, was covered still i-,) wi t h a dense growth of cedar, pine, and dogwood—and in many plitc surface, entirely free from underbrush carpeted with a deep green sward. t The fine iew afforded by the elevatil shady dens and deep defiles, combine.l the wildnes of scenery With which, has so lavishly elidowed it, rendered ib us, well us Many others in its immediat ity, beautiftl and strikingly romantic. puringAtie greater part of the Reve l this Section of the State, being near t board, was in possession of the British; al skirtnisq.s took place near the edg, wood, a sh l ort distance from the riji. Colonel Si acne received, a serious within a fe v rods of the bank. tattles of tWili'ght gathered rci-of the waters, a liglit.sk single paddle, silently appri a shore, a short distance Ltd cave. As t touched the honk, a tall, and [must» rely formed youth stepped nom the sl ore, 'and was about to seci l 1 , little craft to a project ing.root, when I proaching ramp of horses was heard 11 diiianc,e; I nickly he sprung hack into i gild b a rqu , MO guiding it, with all ti] terity and Bent caution old) Indian, 111 his course 'marl the cave. In a few l I utes he - had reached the entrance, and a •vith its living freight-was soon hid le t iew. At the Otue moment a. compa British dmgoons rode up to the hank' and dismoinited, they Occluded tlieir I threw their arms noon the grass, an menced tliir preparati• ns fur a - bivouac ter blinding a lire, and taking a carel Vey of th ' groom', they opened their sacks and commenced their evening Forsiime time the silence was only bri an occasioupl and unimportant ream their hunger was appeased, the canteeit i„ put in requisition, and growing by their potn lions, the became quite. boisterous ill their mirth; one boasted of his inawexplc4ts and hairbredth escapes,' another related legends of .:. n soldier' • love, n third, with bold; martial song, w., waked the : slumbering echoes,. and frightened the night birds fromtheiryiereli. As the al placiJ boscl pelled by a the souther,' th wearied by their hilarious efferts, canteens nearly emptied, their Con turned upon the business of th'e fol y. Among other things th officer krty ( a vulgar lOoking hem. nem, ) his comrades thkt-tn one of iis late ,• had fallen in with a country lass. I urines had made sad havoc Witk, his that all his compliments, and ardent ns of admiration , had been received 1 emptuous scorn; and that, when tak cave, he had attempted to snatch a her rosy lips, she had delt hint such lox upon the ear, that his head Nirly it. He had resolved to litonble the uty, and to accomprish that lend he to his troop, that they shout , as:sist ! 1 ring her from her home—, I EMAREST," said he, "is rich, lan his well stockedwith rare old wittes;'his ' miney a d his wine shall be your share of the booty; I will content myself with the e.litirtns of his pr . tty daughter. - What say ion,. my lads) . lon take the gold, and, ransack the cellar, a d I'll bear away the haughty 11lin1." Elate by the prospect of filling their Pock ets with the 'root of all evil,' and 'replenish ing thei exhausted canteens with goo d liquor, the solders insisted upon making the at lack that ye y night; and after draining thellast drop to the success of their expedititin, they laid down upon the grass to rest until mid-. , night. c Scare ly had they composed thei l n4lv es to, sleep, w ten Jorim VAN Crdirrovh), seated in i his ski • with his head without:the c 'tt , t. had 1 overhea d the whole conversation, flo tedsi lently d wn with the tide, and keeping close in the eel). shadow of the hak, la i uded a il, short di trine() below the soldiers l He w s, when his progress was interrupted by the approach of the dragoons,l on his way At len and their veNaiiol lowing d , of the p informed forays, I) whose CI heurt, bu oXpre:ssi with con ing his M i ss iron a hearty rang nga, proud be I proposed him in CMS celier is he house , of Mr. CORN:ELMS pi , «11A11- Se daughter, 'Mary, had promised to pia bride es soon as the war shontdbd to visit Esr, %WI become ended; He d primiii! of the • t i iayed Ink a moment t o xamini of his rifle, and- to form- n esti umber of the troom- and then, 1 wings of anxious I ve, hi he. country and soon reached the horse Cher-in-l e w-elect, which t waii shout Ides from Brunswick, a l ett distance I '. upon 11 across 1 1 of his fa three 1111001111 froin' '44 adOrisol i t r. at''' 114tv e unfolded the whole plot, and old Dernarest, a true pa triot, armed himself, his twosons, and three negro men, and resolved to: defend'his family, altar to the last; and Van Chef swore to live or die with his betrothed. , ity of Mont. ly in• i s juAt 9 anti neither n,i for ,tun of They.had scarcely.tinee to take the necea sary_ precaut ions and make the proper prepar ations of defenceswhen the party arrived and demanded instant admittance, and a shelter for the night; which was flatly refoied.— The dethand was repeated, accompanied by a l threat of violence if their request were not instantly acceded to. Their answer was shout ofdefiance, from those within and a warning to retire or Burro: the c nsequer) i ces of an attack. f hay loug`li ed ac of the s con- The soldiers laughed at - the ‘ arning and one of them who attempted to force the door, was shot through the beatl i by ope of the 'ne grecs. ti -- 1 , This somewhat dampened the ardor of the soldiers, who had expected to Meet with no k l: r istance; but as the plunder was too value b to be abandoned without an effort, they - , began their assault in earnest; T and after los ing two more of their number, succeeded in forcing the door of the kitchen and effecting an entrance; but the , family hid retreated? to ; an'initer mom and hinving strongly trriCaded } the door, all their, citrons to force it were fruit less. . e, as, • fool ITEN EIZEI IMIMI iding 'spa n, and Ina of ch we I, erally . I ,1191011.4 After deliberating a few mutants, two • of the soldiers went out and returned -with a fence rail, with . which they soon battered down the door, receiving, as it fell, the fire of the party within, which did conch execu tion. ally t ( as I Mg TM IRE A desperate•hand to hand encounter ensu ed, in which ono of the negroes was killed outright, and all of the heroic defenders wofindetrmore or less severely, except one of the brothers. 2E3 EMI MEM s spot, vicinr- . The soldiers fought furiously. fired by the hope of booty and burning to avenge their comrades, their attack was most impetuous: and the besiegd family, battling for their lives, their property, and those who were dearer far than life or property, met their foes ith unflinching bravery- V an Cleef, although bleeding profusely from a sabre cut across his forehead, wield ed his weapon with almost supurhuman" en ergy, dealite; deadly blows at every sweep and contesting every inch of space with= the maddened assailants. ' l lntioe, -e OCEI serc7 of the r. F etid lEEM ME ir pro mach ME The tide wee turning in far* of the dra- EONIS;- when the officer sprinoing forward to seize the girl, who had. swnned from fright, allowed himself to be thrown nil' his guard, and received a tremendous blow froth Van Clef s.rifle butt, wh i ch crushed his'skull and dashed him to theAloor, a lifeless and bloody corpse. stos t ire hi he o in t ti. MEI ie (lex . mewed Dismayed by the death of t}ieir leader, the dragoons fled, leaving nine of their number denii *upon the snot. 1 - All of the Demnrest family recovered from their wound=, and Van Cleef. as ft ()nuns petoce was declared, was rewarded ,with the 14nd he sn nobly defended: and judging from The numerical force olthe Van Cleef family in Newlersy, has fulfilled to the letter, the scripture, injunction;-..Hincrease and muti . ply." • 1 mi r le skiff' in fnim ny of aboTe, iorse~, cl Com ' . AC- I :4S 1156 - hover eal:— keplby WOMAN'S INkLUENCE. ES 133333 1 We slate a few days since a young man who had been indulging freely in the intoxi cating cup, and whose 'extreibelY respectable dress „attracted tip to him, as he staggered along the street. lie had not gone a block, 'before he was met by a young and exquisite ly beaptifttl woman, o perhaus twenty ears of 1 ng4., 1 Whose co l Out ounce the mantel t irr l eyes fell upon the inebriate, indicated hoih pleasure and pnin....pleasure at meeting again her husband, (for vich he was) whose nbsence from her s a whole I night had filled her with the most intense solicitude for his safety—pain that he should per:sent such a sp:ctacle to the world. SmilinNln his face, he -took his : arm, and by her r skillful direetio of his steps, over the pavements, none but II e most criti cal observer would have noticed his intoxica tion. . • . We have taken the trouble-t inquire into the hi-tory of this couple, and we find the wife is all that man can ask: hat she loves devotedly her husband, and it is only now and then, when adlicted with a hereditary lowness of spirits, that he kisses the burning bowl.— 'tight that such a wife would pu . abandoned heart,)tu say nothing of one so slightly tainted as that of her hus band; while we have long known, that there are women who appear well in the world, yet who, when joined to a man,,no mater how naturally correct and exemplary, often drive him to disgrace himself. Woman is all-pow erful with man for good Or evil. She•can make him an angel or a devil. We would choose nu better advocate before a tyrant's throne s , titan_ the persuasive eloquence of a woman's lips. There is a deference and a re spect which our nature compels us to pay to the soft pleadings of a lovely female, which gain her half the victory. The tone of the voice, the eloquence of the eyes, the expres sion of countenance, and that amiable sense of helplessness whieh looks to us for protec tion, are appeals too powerful ko be resisted: frequently reason and justlice ••ter before these batteries, and beauty gains whatrheto ric would have.lost.—Etie. JIMMIES OPINION OF YANKRB ESTI-MM. —lt is said that the great British reviewe r, )effries, once remarked, that i'lt was his firm belief that if a•premium of a thousand,dollan offered for the bed translation of the dt Bibley it would be, taken by a Yankee, till the offer was made, had never seen Ird of Greek- in•ltis life. He would cam- ice learning the language immediately, to (vilify himself for the undertaking, and would finish the work quicker than any other person, and , bear off the premium." 1...-1_ , ; ; = - INUIIIBEtt 34';''_- IIUMIGITY AND PEASErVERANCEt Yrom the side of a mountain there fitivied firth' a !title rivolet-+—its voice was gcarcety 1. • heard amid the rustling of the.leavei and grass around, and its shallow and narrow stream might be overlooked by the traveller. This brook, although so small, was inspired witha proud spirit and murmured against thedecrea of Vravidcnce, which had. cast its i l ot so lowly. "I wish I were a cloud, to roll all day thro' the heavens, painted as those Lovely stapes are, and never descending again in showers; or, at least, I wish I were a: broad river, per forming some useful duty in the world. Shame on my weak waves and unregarde) bAblin,g". I might as well have never been, as' to be thus poi y, insignificant and useless." When the book had thus complained, a beautiful tall doiver, that bent over its bosom . , replied, ' "Thou art in , error, brook. i',utiy end in.. significant thou mayest , be; Useless thou art not; for I owe half my beauty, perhaps my life, to thy refreshing waters. The plants I adjacent to thee are greener and richer than the' others. The Creator has given thee a I dutk, which, though humble, thou must not neglect. I Beside, _who - knows what/ may be thy future destiny? Flow on, I beseech thee." The brook heard the rebuke, mid danced ' along its way more cheerfully. On and on it ' went, growing broader and broader. By and , by, other rivulets poured .their erystarwaters . into it, and swelled fits deepening bosom, in which already begat 'to appear the fairy crea tures of the vi'ave, rtiug about joyfully, and glistening in . the sy it. As its chanhel grew wirier and . wider; end yet other branches carne gliding itti.o it, tile stream began to assume the impor[ance' , \ tif a river, and boats were launched crn it, and it tolled'on in e meander , ing course thrmigh a teeming country, fresh ening whatever' it touched, and giving the whole scene a new characteref beauty. As it moved on now in majesty and pride, the sound of its gently-heaving billows form. ed itself into.the . following word's: • ."At the outset of life, however humble we !pay seem, fate may have in store forns great and unexpected opportunities . of_lshing good and of being great. In the hope of these we should ever pass on, without despair or doubt, trusting that perieierance will bring in its own reward. How little I drearnel when I -first sprang on rny. l eourse "what ptirposes I vas destined to fulfil! What happy beings were to owe their bliss to me! What lofty trees, what velvet meadows, What golden har vests wereito hail my career! Let not the meek and lowly t'espair: heaveiL,.will supply them with inducements to_yirtue:7f Peter Davidson was the ti 4 nliest martin the Shropshire. Once nt a pub'i c ball n beauti- - ful woman, who had been s everal times_pres- Fed to dance, and had refused, intimated that- - she should like to dance,with him., Peter be-, lieted she had fallen in love tvith him, and in 'a very earnest way asked why she had selec ted liiinfrom the rest of the company?—"Be- cause, sir," she said, "my husband desired me to select a partner who could net possibly make him jealous." SKILL IN FAllsmic.--Shill adds more to the profitso farming than hard work. In the tide of litateri fur instance, the same outlay is required, or nearly the same, to make a hundred pounds of poor, boiter, as would be re.' quired to make a hundred pounds of that which is good. But when the two articles ar mar. keted there may he Ave or six dollars of clear extra profit in the pocket of the skillful dairy man. The importance of, scientific . farming is realized bithuse Who have _found such ben efit as is noted aboee in nearly every depart= 'tent of their labor-. There is a place, we believe, in New Hamp shire, where they.never have any old maids. When a girl reaches twenty-nine,, and is stilt on the ladder of expectation, the yoting fel lows club togetl44 and draw lots for her.-- Those who ese4e pay a bonus to WO" fellow who...gels her. = }there's gallantry for you, Two THINGS Oxm3.- - "1 say Paddy," said a pbilosopher r -"can you do two things at the same iirner . '"Cun't I?" nnawered Paddy,' vril be&lfni that anyday r , i "Howl" inquired the philomphei. "Why," replied. Paddy, "11l be sleepirt Lod dreaming at the same time, don't fort see? So noir oryour gammon fora spoooy7 There lei a mau in Worcester, Mafia. Wrio has lived so long on corn bread . that his hnitr has turned to silk, like that which grows otY the grain, and his tore are Bolan of corns thit he expecte WI see them covered with:husist next spring. ' A young lady said qq. her gallant, "Pril rasp ,my cloak. "Certainly," eaid be, put ting hie arms'arormd her, “and the contents also." ) George Iff i r !peaking to Archbishop Sutton of his large family, used the exrestion, "I believe your Grade iras betterthan a dozea." "No sire," replied the Archbishop, "only elev. , err." "Well,"-replied the Kingt"is not that, Utter than a dozen?" 'Tummy° ins Fevruna.fv., Fletchet Webvier, in his speech at Faneuil Hall, pre vious to the election, said, "it most sense less clamor bad been raised, by foals& individuals about the subject of withhording supplies,"- An eccentric fellow, who was retetray at ,gi tea-table; where there . wereieveral fine girls, sipping their twenllay, was 'shed Whet he' thought of a certain• lady who.was then ab sent. “Oh," 'replied he, llshe is the Airiest woman I ever saw; In my fife—ths pres etnnpotty riceptreV" ' A FABLE